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15312303 No.15312303 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>15266208

Game links:
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Millennium War Aigis:
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Osawari Island:
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Girl's Kingdom:
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Kanpani Girls:
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Sengoku Providence:

>> No.15312378

It's upsetting that a shitty thread like this actually has 108 previous generals

>> No.15312407

Not as upsetting as when I fap to anime girls.

>> No.15312489

I´m more upset on all these gacha hentai games consist mostly of non-games. No wonder Aigis is popular, is the only one with semblance of gameplay, there was the other one Hitsuji Chronicle? Too bad transition and battle flow is annoying and slow as hell.

>> No.15312756



>> No.15312810

You know, a few years ago I would have found that surprising. Now /ksg/ is just something I'm used to seeing while checking the catalog.

>> No.15313430

There's actually some others on DMM with a semblance of gameplay but a lot of them are all-ages only and don't have mobile versions.

>> No.15313461

We should find out who keeps making it and get him banned.

>> No.15314637
File: 303 KB, 960x640, 8CsnW2w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuchsia is a gold and quite possibly drawn by Shuz.

What a time to be alive.

>> No.15314667

A loli by shuz?

>> No.15314679
File: 175 KB, 320x460, lantana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprisingly, this isn't the first loli he drew for FKG.

>> No.15314682

Haven't been in this general since february.
As I see it's still Aigis general with a bits of FKG here and there(Where did Kanpani discussion go though?). Anyway I guess there weren't any /jp/-approved games on DMM for the last few months.

>> No.15314695

Is the Amon challenge thing worth doing? What are the rewards for what levels?

>> No.15314709

Yes, if you can.

1-4, 6-9 Platinum Armor
5, 10 Black Armor
11-15 Rainbow Fairy

Kanpani shows up once in a while, mostly ass world boss complaints.

Kamihime is the only recent DMM game that gained some traction.

>> No.15314712

>~50 runs later
>first Khuri finally drops

Jesus, I thought she was a myth at this point.

As for Waltz... 25 combines later and I'm still trying to get the last CR. She's 7/10 skill, at least...

>> No.15314717

If you can handle it, yes. 1-4 and 6-9 give platinum armors, 5 and 10 give black armors, 11-15 give rainbow fairies. They also have the best exp/cha ratio in the game if you can clear them reliably but lol

>> No.15314724

Nutaku Kanpani is basically dead, not kidding.
Pretty much Aigis + FKG general, yes.

>> No.15314826
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, Grko0Va.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuchsia is the event girl, other girls are Habranthus (rainbow), Oxalis (gold) and Hornbeam (gold).

I guess Katabami will have to be called something else now, since we have a girl who is explicitly called Oxalis.

>> No.15314894

>Maintenance Details
>Limited Time Event
>- The Urgent Mission "Dance of Shadows" ends

>Other Changes
>- Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon

As expected.

>> No.15314897

X-overd had a good reception, though there's rarely any discussion about it.

Kanpani is still alive over at DMM, but either some of the recent events have just been kind of boring (though the academy one was interesting, time limited zones aside) or I'm just getting tired of it. The raid bosses are a chore but I don't want to miss out on that sweet equipment.

>> No.15314907

Dat rabbit bootie, damn.

>> No.15314948

Dog, actually. There was talk of another animal-eared girl for a long while, since both Lycoris and Setaria were incredibly popular. Expectations were towards イヌサフラン but we ended up getting イヌタデ.

Who is evidently a knotweed and not the Asian hornbeam/イヌシデ.

>> No.15314955

I don't know why I'm still bothering with the nutaku version. My dmm account has a ton of blacks and good stuff, while nutaku one has nothing but Clissa and a few event units

>> No.15315001
File: 310 KB, 960x640, 9b1da28c369129f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooo, anyone else just hear a loud DOMO in their heads when they see this guy?

>> No.15315014

Millennium breaks Aigis

>> No.15315165
File: 142 KB, 890x182, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this asking?

>> No.15315177

>Spica at level 66.
>Get platinum armor.
>No fairies.

Fuck's sake.

Also, do you guys just stop leveling through units past a certain point and use only armors once they get to high levels or what? Because I spent all my gold leveling her and took way longer than pre-50CC50.

>> No.15315193

Depends on money and how willing you are to spend it, if you have lots of money/don't care about spending then you can use fodder units to level up after cc 50 and you'll get them done eventually, but it will cost a lot. If you want to save money and be more efficient then use armors but will take longer since it takes armor/fairies.

Basically it's between spending gold or spending time.

>> No.15315225

It's asking if you want to open another scratch card sheet. You can still go back to old ones you haven't finished after opening new ones.

>> No.15315237

Personally, I stopped leveling my Awakened units at around 60. Merely because I've run out of EXP cans. And since they added X and G, I can't help but notice the drop rate became lower. That or my luck is as terrible as ever.

>> No.15315243

They probably fucked up something on nutaku, not even surprised.

>> No.15315253

My X luck is fine. Can't really speak for H these days.

>> No.15315257

Ah, I see. Thanks.

>> No.15315305

Okizaris is very cute.

>> No.15315589

The only thing I can think of referring to DOMO (other than the little brown guy) is this:

>> No.15315631



>> No.15315658

I was talking about Ninja Slayer. I would post a video on youtube of his presentation, but wierdly enough there isn't a single one.

>> No.15315779

How do you remove decorations from your flower garden?

>> No.15315813

I can't find a Japanese one, either, but fortunately Funi kept the dub just as parody weeb as the series itself.


Probably only viewable in Murrica, though, like most/all Funi videos.

>> No.15315853

>Girl to the bottom left only wearing pantyhose
What the fuck? I hated that look in MGS.

>> No.15316039
File: 1.09 MB, 963x642, 1feanjfjneawk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open the decorations tab and drag your active ones to the box in the top right.

>> No.15316364

Ahh didn't notice box, thanks.

>> No.15317355

So they did add the blood huh.

>> No.15317393

did they? i need to see for myself

>> No.15317398

Confirmed, mine has the blood.

>> No.15317408

same here

>> No.15317428

Yup. Mine does.

>> No.15317452

That's great, then.

Also, they seem to be heading towards the EN Kanpani route, with 6* girls being much more available than they are on JP FKG. This isn't such a bad decision, since Kanpani died because of the lack of events rather than the chance-up system. They're keeping a constant stream of events on FKG, so they may be able to succeed this time.

>> No.15317516

WHAT? Gods, why now of all times! I only have for one pull.

>> No.15317541

Well, you'll probably get a lot of other opportunities later, so just collect these flower stones until that happens.

Let's see if they do hit the jackpot this time, I'm actually hopeful now.

>> No.15317571

What do you mean ? 6* are still at 0.5%

>> No.15317597

Accolyte said that for this gacha 6* have higher than 5* (10?) and 5* have (30). I used my stones and the gold from one contest I got and pulled 5 3*. Fuck it.

>> No.15317605

Probably because they can't or didn't change the rate banners in-game.

They supposedly said that they actually increased percentage changes for rainbows, golds and silvers, and anecdotal evidence seems to support that.

>> No.15317622

Time to comeback to Nutaku again.

>> No.15317629

Damn I wonder if I should roll in that case... I was saving my gems for Anemone tomorrow... Hmmm tough choice.

>> No.15317639

I'd roll now and start saving up for a piercing-type chance up campaign afterwards.

Trying for a rainbow is an exercise in futility under ordinary conditions, but things may change if this continues.

>> No.15317643

Damn, wanted to buy some stones to support it and I don't seem to be able to do it anymore? No option for Visa. Was It the culprit all along?

>> No.15317692
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>> No.15317722

I can buy with Visa without any problems, maybe it's your country fault?

>> No.15317766

Holy shit, how could I draw 5 3*... my well is not deep enough.

>> No.15317772

Damn, is it actually worth rolling on FKG right now?

>> No.15317781

Hold on. Are you guys saying Nut´s FKG have 10% for rainbow now and what the hell is this?:

>> No.15317805


Yeah. But it's temporary and for slashing-type girls only, and nobody knows how frequent these events will be.

>> No.15317830

Fuck, and I only have 5 stones left. I mean, I rolled a while back and got Cymbidium, but still.

>> No.15317849

Seems Paypal is having "technical difficulties". It might be that.

>> No.15317879

In-game drop sheet have the same low rate.

>> No.15318105
File: 1.19 MB, 956x636, Increasedratesmyass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I don't believe the rates are really increased as much as these guys are saying.

>> No.15318248

I only pulled 7, but 6 bronze and 1 dupe silver. Garbage rate, they should have 10+1 guaranteed one gold.

>> No.15318524
File: 1.22 MB, 962x635, Gacha 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got excited when I saw there was a gold but I should've known with my luck it would be another Toad Lily duplicate.

>> No.15318637

I think I'm suffering stockholm syndrome

>> No.15318987

What's this special DMM point only pull on FKG?

>> No.15318992

Whoah, for next event we get 2 event plats at once at DMM Aigis. Archer and Soldier class, the two cuties.

>> No.15319010

This better be an april fool's joke.

>> No.15319040

Why there would be april fool joke on may 31?
There's nothing wrong with some boypussy from time to time, plat guys are underrepresented.

>> No.15319055

Are you insecure beta who can't hand a bit of NTR or brotherhood?

>> No.15319098

And what if I am? What are you going to do about it fuccboi?

>> No.15319115

Stick my dick in your ass and cum inside, obvious

>> No.15319127

The comments are way more positive than I expected.

>> No.15319186

>Kanpani died
its not popular on DMM anymore? whats its rank?

>> No.15319277
File: 231 KB, 957x633, waltzmincost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking shit should not have taken ~30 SCs to mincost.

I haven't had luck this bad since Charlotte.

>> No.15319386

I've done 30 combines and I'm at -3 CR and 6/10.

I hate my life.

>> No.15319426

It's still decently popular on DMM. It's just that it's also dead as a doornail on Nutaku.

They better become cute girls somehow.

Maybe you'll use Oscar, Jake and a time fairy to get a loli platinum archer that has somewhat low attack but gives you +15 unit points.

>> No.15319552

I spent 2 SCs and like 7 Waltz just for the 4th cost reduce, couldn't get the last one unfortunately.

-4CR and 6/10

I think Charlotte is also the only other drop event unit I wasn't able to min cost. There's Ada but I didn't really try for her. I wonder if certain units have fucked up rates seeing how Charlotte was one of the units everyone seemed to have problems with as well.

>> No.15319574
File: 273 KB, 960x640, 2016-05-31_02-43-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't spend a single SC, hit +4/-4 on my frist set of 4 and mincosted on dupe #6. If only I had this luck on a unit I cared about

>> No.15319608

I don't know about that soldier, but the archer seems pretty cool and i let him fuck some of these bitches no problem.

>> No.15319613

Literally who gives a fuck. Unless they're adding them for fujos or something, in which case I don't know what made them think fujos play Aigis.

>> No.15319617

You've never seen people do those all-male clears of god-tier maps?

>> No.15319627

Its funny how jp twitters and jp dmm community are welcoming the change and only filthy EOPs are spreading homophobic butthurt messages around.

>> No.15319633

>not want to foursome with Jerome and Gellius or fuck fuccboi Stray with Conrad.
Are you gay?

>> No.15319639

It wasn't homophobic, I'm questioning the logic behind adding male appeal in a game where only the females have scenes.

>> No.15319646

Stray is a pure boy who is saving himself for marriage, please do not slander him.

>> No.15319647

Because people doesn't playing for ugly H-scene like you pleb

>> No.15319655

>in a game where only the females have scenes
Do you even know that Aigis has several all-ages versions?
Its iOS + All-ages population is much higher than 18+.

>> No.15319658

Lately i'm enjoying the All-ages version more, the dialogues with the girls are way more enjoyable and the Prince is not trash.

>> No.15319663
File: 497 KB, 472x357, aniki awakens.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you even know that Aigis has several all-ages versions?
I actually always forget about it.

>> No.15319720


Discord has had multiple people pull double rainbows yesterday.

>> No.15319898
File: 916 KB, 902x604, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (86).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolled twice current event gacha, got both Inutade and Okizaris. Nice.

>> No.15320063

At what level it makes sense to feed a black armor? To raise an awakened black from 87-88 to 99?

>> No.15320095
File: 1001 KB, 959x636, 20160530_1948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont like Inutade evolved art so rolled for Ringo instead, went better than expected.
>87-88 to 99

>> No.15320108

Sigh, everyone's getting rainbows and I can't even get a gold with a 30% rate.Curse my luck.

>> No.15320123

Don't worry, I don't even have enough gems to try.

>> No.15320171


3 10+1 rolls so far and my count is 7 silver 26 Bronze

One day.

>> No.15320189

I'm skeptical of the increased rates as well, but I pulled Chocolate Cosmos from a x11 roll (though she was my only gold in that roll), so I'm already done with this rotation.

>> No.15320200

The increased rates are only for the player choice gacha.

>> No.15320396
File: 1.24 MB, 963x643, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first gacha gold, even. Figures.

>> No.15320401

You are guys are getting duped about the "increased" rainbow gacha on EN FKG. Is just another priority gacha for slash girls. Look at gacha content tabs. Same % as ever. How many people did Nutaku fool now?

>> No.15320415

The anon that pulled three Oncidiums or whoever the fuck pulled two rainbows probably aren't feeling too foolish.

Yeah, but my single pulls yesterday got me nothing. Not even slash types, just a bunch of dupe silver starters and endless bronze.

>> No.15320419

Worth rolling for Aisha without Skill Awakening, or should I save my hoarded SC for a Sybilla or Jerome spotlight? I lack a princess aside from Karma, or a soldier above Katie.

>> No.15320422

How about you tell me about the guy that pulled two rainbows at the start of the game? RNG is RNG, I´m telling you that the rate is the same going by the what the bar says. Is still 0.5% and 6%. Are you telling me they forgot to update that?

>> No.15320424
File: 744 KB, 780x780, 57158531_p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

translate it weebs

>> No.15320433

"The pleasure of being cummed inside"

>> No.15320435

The percentages listed are the same, but I think someone said Acolyte confirmed increased rates himself or something.

I don't have enough gems to roll either way.

>> No.15320440

I just have hard time taking their word for it when they are being so vague and inconsistent with their statements. Rate up on drawing gold and rainbow? Fucking show me the numbers with an official announcement in the game or on your damn facebook.

>> No.15320595

Are any of these events in FKG every going to have straightforward maps or is it always going to be shit like speed manipulating tiles and teleport mazes? Cause that shit is getting annoying.

>> No.15320624
File: 397 KB, 439x599, newASorig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Angelic Saga got another Nutaku original.


It's a fair stance to take. Nutaku is shit at discerning how ambiguous their statements are.


You mean Nutaku's FKG? It was the same on DMM in the first few months. Wait it out until they switch to the modern event philosophy.

>> No.15320670

>another Nutaku original
Why can't they hire someone who can actually draw? Even mid-tier devtards draw better.

>> No.15320690

Really? Aside from the bangs and maybe her left eye, it looks fine to me
No tumblr nose, no overly detailed mouth, cute outfit

>> No.15320691

Cost and nepotism probably, like almost everything in business.

>> No.15320693

I am tired of you people shitting on Nutaku. They are trying their best to please you, and you throw their generosity back at their face. How about thinking that this is true and goodwill instead of some crazy agenda for emptying your flower gems reserves that you got for free anyway.

>> No.15320704

Looks like trash reject from art class 101.
Entire face is unredeemable.

>> No.15320720

>I am tired of you people shitting on Nutaku.
Then fuck off from jp.

>> No.15320723

She's actually pretty cute. There's far worse ni these games.

>> No.15320751

This 4th Moonvine map is pure evil. If there's an efficient way to do it, I have no idea what the fuck it is. The fact that one enemy requires three RNG checks to get to again doesn't help.

>> No.15320768
File: 15 KB, 684x79, rates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15320803

Remember when Acolyte claimed that blood is absolutely illegal and adding it would make nutaku close? Turned out to be lies as usual, a little bit of pressure and they added it back.

>> No.15320834

The difference is we knew that was a lie from the start because of other games.

>> No.15320949

>The guy that has been caught spouting falsehood and nonsense before
The game states otherwise. A liar or straight up facts? Hard choice.

>> No.15320950

I think it's pretty cute also, by "Nutaku Original", they probably means cards not originally on DMM, being AS dead for quite some time on DMM we will see more of them.

>> No.15320954

And we know is a lie since the gacha rate is unchanged when you check the tab.

>> No.15320956
File: 1 KB, 185x186, 1442402053447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does a +2 Hellhound Mage weapon have shittier damage than a +0? I don't understand the idea behind a lot of their weapons including the Hellhound bow's entire skillset being garbage.

>> No.15320967

Draw results challenge the listed rates, though.

>> No.15321019

If you don't believe all the screenshots of people getting 2 or 3 rainbows in a single draw, it's your loss I guess.

>> No.15321056

I remember a long time ago one anon posted a template for a message to annoy nutaku agis dev tea via ticket support, but I can't find it, anyone of you good anons have it? I want to bother them with some words and that template seemed good enough.

>> No.15321057

Sauce, thread is giving me mixed messages.

>> No.15321064

Discord chat.

>> No.15321068

As funny as +1 hellhound daggers being better than +3.
Sometime they just do this as a joke or something, like this whole event with the armor recipes, a huge clusterfuck.

>> No.15321088

I can't complain about the event armor too much, at least they're handing out +140 int/str armor for free for my bread machines. There's definitely way too much patterns though.

>> No.15321131

Some of the armors have really weird gimmicky effects, I just hope they don't try to balance the new raid bosses around these armors. The current raid boss is fucking awful with its random attack patterns which require people to have specific characters with their +3 CW to tank.

>> No.15321134
File: 1.18 MB, 967x650, 1234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15321238

Wondering about this myself, from what I understand, all her value comes from her SAW.

>> No.15321318

The Nutaku FKG event RNG is brutal, i've still to get 3* on the third and fourth mission.
Tryied 2 1 2 on the third and 0 3 2 0 0 on the fourth but the RNG just tells me to fuck myself every single time.
About these male units on DMM Aigis: are the people talking about ignoring the event and crying about them serious?
I know that someone got some doubt about their sexuality but this is ridicolous.

>> No.15321425

Demon's Kitchen will be online tomorrow. You still have less than four hours to pre-register and get quite a lot of goodies.

>> No.15321450

>B-but muh increased rate
Every time Nut.

>> No.15321498
File: 1.20 MB, 961x642, fhieawf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did 1 more and pulled a gold. Still sucks, though.

>> No.15321607

Reminds me of when I pulled 25 times just to get a damn Lilac. Ended up cashing again and got her on the 26th roll. Roll 27 was Toad Lily.

>> No.15321634

I managed with the default setup on my 4/5th attempt on the map. Was nice watching my second team just head straight for the rng guarded mob like they were on a mission.

>> No.15321847
File: 900 KB, 960x640, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to say, i'm not a fan of the whole assassination factor that some units have, but oh man i love the effect
And once i know i can reliably 3* a map i actually like to drop some insta-kill skills just for the lols

>> No.15322029

All her offensive value comes from SAW, but she's worth having just for her 14% hp boost.

>> No.15322085
File: 137 KB, 957x636, KJLdaSI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lies. Sweet, beautiful lies.

>> No.15322150

It does increse chance of slice type units, but no rarities drop rate as we have been saying. Nutaku staff is incompetent as always and misunderstood what really is going on.

>> No.15322162

4/11 is hardly an increase in slice type drops anyway.

Either way I'm 0/4 on getting at least a gold out of the gacha now. Where's that dude with the well? I might need to make a reservation.

>> No.15322181

It doesn't even do that.

You sure are picky about your anecdotal evidence. You'll dismiss the screenshots of people getting three Oncidiums or two rainbows, but you'll jump all over the guy who gets one slash-type silver as undeniable proof.

>> No.15322190

Let us make this clear before more retarded Nutaku shills are spreading more misinformation.

Is still the same shit rate as before. It still as hard getting gold as before, same for rainbow.


If, IF, you pull a gold, big chance you will get a slash type, same with rainbow.


>> No.15322197

Explain >>15317692 then.

>> No.15322198

The boost is not making the guy having three gold. The boost made that guy get three Onic. If not for the boost, he would have gotten different gold flowers.

>> No.15322202

A lot of trash pulls in this thread by the way.

>> No.15322214

what about the guys who posted their double rainbow rolls on discord ? There was even a guy who got 3 baccara and 2 alpinia. He probably spent money but still

>> No.15322217

You called? 4 10+1 pulls and 6 pulls for this supposed chance-up gacha without gold. Those are the entry requirements. Plenty of room, going deeper and deeper, I'm almost at the core.

I should see the light at the other side someday right...?

>> No.15322254

Except he got four golds in that picture, if you missed the Toad Lily.

And what >>15322214 said. You're literally picking and choosing your "evidence" here. If it was only the one anon here that had good luck, fine, but it's all over on Discord too.

>> No.15322270

Probability to these guys is "using the examples that support my argument and ignoring all evidence to the contrary, and anyone who says otherwise is a Nutaku shill."

Par for the course for this thread.

>> No.15322309

I have to say, if the rainbow rate is so good, then why hasn't anyone in this thread drawn one, or at least posted any proof?

I did 2 10+1s as well, and got one gold.

>> No.15322310

Nutaku failing to update the chance display (and/or to notice that there was a chance display to begin with) is a more likely explanation than them deliberately lying about the changes, especially since multiple people have gotten rainbows in quick succession and Nutaku is on record for following a similar strategy (of handing out incredibly rare characters on a regular basis) with Kanpani.

That said, I'm getting a bit fed up with this "everybody is a Nutaku shill" nonsense, and I don't think I'm alone here. It's true that Nutaku makes awful decisions on a regular basis, and I have given them a lot of shit for that. But it should also be given credit when it gets things right, and it's great that they have responded promptly to pretty much any issue raised about FKG so far.

As for this whole chance-up debacle, it can be ended quickly by asking Acolyte for clarification when he gets back on, and possibly also asking for the corrected rates to be displayed on the banner.

>> No.15322327

>more likely explanation than them deliberately lying about the changes
this goes against profiting on multiple levels

>> No.15322349

Honestly, I got some gold and did 3x10+1 and got one gold. So right now I can understand why people are in a sour mode. Maybe the guys licking Nutakus feet are having a good pull day? I would be worshiping them too if they gave me a rainbow or at least three golds.

>> No.15322354

Only if your lie is exposed. Players do more pulls when they have less rare units. Why would anyone be compelled to spend anything if they have everything they want?

Lower rates, more spending, this is ideal.

>> No.15322365
File: 139 KB, 962x637, hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15322384
File: 62 KB, 448x336, RNG will never kill the smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15322401

This is bs. I bet you pulled before the boost and took a old ss. Rates are so high right now you can get triple rainbows.

>> No.15322406

But the pool keeps expanding, so it's impossible for anyone to get everything they want. Unless they're satisfied with the first 20 golds/rainbows they get or something.

Either way, the "lying to get people to spend more" idea doesn't make sense on paper.

>> No.15322428

You mean, lying to get people to spend more makes sense on paper, but in reality it comes and bite your fucking hand off?

>> No.15322438

>This back and forth
Let me put this new gacha on test. Got 35 gems. Posting results in a min or so.

>> No.15322459

I suppose I should've added the caveat that the very real possibility of a lie getting caught, or at least enough people calling bullshit on it that it would seriously hurt Nutaku's reputation further, if not outright punish them by law, isn't worth the risk of getting a few more whales.

But yes.

>> No.15322465

7 bronze. Fuck this.

>> No.15322474
File: 213 KB, 818x624, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Four 10+1 pulls later
0 golds, but I got the ugliest cowtits.
The rates are garbage. I only wanted one Camellia.

>> No.15322513

Hating Rainbow anon here. Why are rainbow scenes so shit? One handjob for a suppose to be ultimate rare flower girl. I hate her, and would have sold her if not for her stats.

>> No.15322525

Well, if you guys think the rates aren't really higher or at least not as high as Acolyte said against the usual banner rates complain with a ticket or on Discord. Who knows, if you make enough noise you might get the stones back. In the end it may be misinformation after all.

>> No.15322536

FKG's H scenes lack variety in general, it's always vanilla sex / blowjob / handjob. I gets pretty boring after a while.

>> No.15322537

Majority of complainers here also play on DMM, they just like to make the comparison on how shit Nutaku is (Nutaku only player here, and I agree). No one is going to waste effort and time to tell them to do a better job. Not like anyone is giving them any money.

>> No.15322548

A rate increase would be a point for Nutaku above DMM. Might be why people are so adamantly trying to prove Nutaku is lying about the rates.

Though if DMM ends up increasing the rates as well, we'll go right back to the status quo of "DMM is better" again.

>> No.15322632

Man, do you know what is 10% chance? Every fucking pull would have at least one rainbow on average. See this very thread yourself, that's not the case. 3-4 people ever pulling rainbow out of hundreds trying is solid evidence that whole "10% rate" is complete bullshit.
On DMM I pull 1 gold for every 10+1 pull, with boost as high as Acolyte claimed I'd pull 1 rainbow + several golds every pull, yet I got no golds or rainbows at all in several pulls.

>> No.15322656

Nutaku can just show the boosted rate in-game...oh wait a minute. Weird how they can´t do such a simple thing.

>> No.15322681

Or even, you know, announce it on fb/twitter/in-game announcements. Because what's the point of running a campaign with such boosted rates as they claim if nobody knows about it?

>> No.15322693

>Still no mention of the rates even on their fb
Yeah, priority is what the boost is, means you are more likely to pull slash than anything else.
Slash bronze is still bronze, useless.

>> No.15322700

Somebody should shitpost about them again on that reddit gamergate thing again.

>> No.15322738

What we probably got was the original shitty rates and they finally got around to fixing it.

>> No.15322830

A select few = Rainbow gets = Would suck Nutaku´s cock/10

The majority = zero gold = Fucking Nutaku go bankrupt = Nutaku are liars = No rarity rate up

I go with the latter.

>> No.15322847
File: 1.20 MB, 960x640, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was taking a look at some of my allies' gardens and I found this. How mean.

>> No.15322876

I forgot about the garden things. Never touch it lol

>> No.15323076

I've never played Go Go Osawari Island and I didn't intend to pick it up but there's advertising with a girl in a wedding dress and I'm a sucker for wedding dresses. What's that about, may I ask?

>> No.15323239

Pokemon with girls. Too bad UI is sluggish and battle transitions are taking forever.
Also Nutaku´s famous brand of censoring.

>> No.15323247

The gacha is hilariously awful. Don't do it, look for CGs online.

It's a shame since I am also a wedding dress enthusiast and Ichigo is one of the cuter mobage mascots, at least.

>> No.15323769

Not sure if anyone here is keeping up with how Nutaku is running Osawari but they are doing a revival event during a normal event and a collab event all at the same time.

>> No.15323784

Literally the only thing /jp/ cares about is "Is Goma fixed yet?"

>> No.15323809

Good for them, but I wouldn't touch that game with a fifty foot pole.

Even on DMM, it was notorious as a shameless cash grab.

>> No.15323984

>revival during normal event

Hopefully Aigis can get something some in the future

>> No.15324061
File: 147 KB, 652x372, Kitakubu1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1,5 years and Nutaku players are still waiting for first revival event.
Man, seem like Nutaku Aigis takes forever to start improve.

>> No.15324553

I would rather get St. Paulia than the Toad Lily dupe I got.

>> No.15324657

Go spam the regular gacha then. I think that's how I got mine.

>> No.15325107

hey, i just got ラキュア、she any good?

>> No.15325141

Link her page.

>> No.15325161


says she stuns people?

>> No.15325224

Yes, she can paralyzes enemy after 6 hits.
She's good but need some tricky because vampire cant be healed, but she can resurrect after death. Very good with slow hitter enemies likes golem

>> No.15325284

She's good only after Awakening.

On Awakening, she gets a Demon God class specialty as her passive (immortal, can be placed again after death), and gains life steal whenever she attacks. She gets neither of those before Awakening.

>> No.15325310

Not quite, she auto revives in the same place after a few seconds iirc.

>> No.15325323

i think the wiki said 約60秒

>> No.15325330

Oh, yeah. To be more specific, demon gods can be replaced again and again, while vampire lords are static.

Just get Rakyua awakened as soon as possible if you want to use her. She's a pretty solid character.

>> No.15325398

I'd call her Racua. Since it's Dracula minus a little.

>> No.15325432

Funny enough I spammed regular gacha to use up my seeds and I got her XD

>> No.15325854
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>> No.15325959

Still no 3* on that mission, i miss a bug all the time.
Stupid rng

>> No.15325973

4th map *** one try default team
3rd map *** ~30 tries

So is rng

>> No.15326008

Honestly I didn't even bother trying to figure it out, I just evened out everyone's speeds and left them at their default positions and mashed the button.

Luckily the end boss was able to take down two teams and still survive so the others had some extra time to hit the bugs, ended up only taking 3 tries.

>> No.15326082

There's a small DMM point event going on, but I don't want to comment daily in some community for いいね.

>> No.15326365

What's about these new Campaigns on Nutaku FKG?
As far as i know the only codes around for now are these for Violetta, did i missed something?

>> No.15326495

>Get good unit.
>It's of a class I already have good units for.
>Meanwhile, still using Leanne and Calliope.

And then I remember I restarted my account way back because I 30CC'd Kerry and Katie before I understood how CC works and I had Berenice and Belinda in that one.

Is this punishment from the demoness.

>> No.15326633

Mincosted Rita, but Flan and Eida are at CR-2 because they refuse to drop. Should I spend some SCs to try mincost them in remaining time or just wait for better rates revival? I have mincost Rumaria, so Flan isn't as essential now.

>> No.15327344

I haven't got any mincosted including Kanon. Eida's at -3 CR and the others are at -2 CR

>> No.15327352
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Do I start leveling her normally, or wait for a Happy?

>> No.15327360

What does your dick tell you?

>> No.15327372

My dick longs to be lodged between those breasts

>> No.15327491

Your dick is wise.

>> No.15327505
File: 584 KB, 950x590, 2016-06-01_10-03-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fluke, snagged this QT with level 15 PR and some random level 30 units.

>> No.15327531
File: 379 KB, 1206x805, nice600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can use the black arrmors you get from this event to boost her after plats to 60-70 without too many issues.

I finally figured out the right placement to 600 this subjugation. I had a really hard time with my only awakened melee that has ranged attacks being Dina and every video using magic swordsmen and Rika.

Turns out the key was using a vampire to paralyze the black armor under Metus with her skill, then dropping a skeleton to eat his attack after the vampire dies and any tanky unit to hold him until Metus finishes him.

feels pretty good.

>> No.15327717

New serial code campaign for Nutaku FKG. Be on the lookout for codes for Di Yu, Lilac, Saffron Tulip, Snowflake, and Cepha.

>> No.15327789

>no English videos for today's G missions

that bad huh?

>> No.15328096

Finally 3* the forth map. That took much more than needed. Back to raising the 3* and 2* since the gacha wont give me new units.

>> No.15328281

0 0 5 0 0 ?

>> No.15328324

More or less. I left a unit top with just the exact power to reach the boss and die to soften the enemy up just in case things got weird and the bees had a party. I had to gimp my units hard but it was that bug behind 3 checks that simply didn't want to comply.

>> No.15329084
File: 230 KB, 960x642, 22 bowls of ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After having prioritized the drop units this lady has been my first pick. If not for that hideous cost I would actually field her, same with Sakuya. For those fortunate enough to have both Uzume and Matsuri in DMM, how does she fare against Matsuri? Do you use both, not bother with Uzume?

>> No.15329744

When will Aigis die on DMM?

>> No.15329966

Its top 3 most popular game, so nutaku version will die sooner than DMM.

>> No.15330003

Not in the foreseeable future.

>> No.15330021

After Nutaku

>> No.15330121

What game is number two then?

>> No.15330132
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>> No.15330146

It's so popular and yet the devs are still so fucking stingy.

>> No.15330161

Only Nutaku get fucked. They're pretty decent on DMM

>> No.15330164

Its so mysterious to me how taimanin asagi keeps so high in ratings. I've tried it once, there's no gameplay (usual LoV-tier crap with auto-walking though stages and triggering raid bosses), arena is absolutely impenetrable for newbies and p2w, and even events are paywalled and ranked, with only certain top participants getting good stuff.
Sure, h-scenes there are top tier with Kagami art and very nice and long text, but when you can't get SR+ cards in the first place, it should not matter anyway.

>> No.15330197

This should just be Nutaku's slogan at this point.

>> No.15330237
File: 292 KB, 951x638, Wtfisshitthesilversaretheexactsame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy from >>15318105 here.
Did another 50 gem roll. Literally no way the rates can be as high as they insist they are.

>> No.15330241

Nutaku said they want to give people free SCs but they need to paid the devs for this so that's why you only had tiny SCs for six weeks fucked up while DMM players have 60 SCs for apology. Fucking kek

>> No.15330250

I rolled two x11 and got nothing but silvers as well. A single roll gave me a dupe Toad Lily though (she really is popping up a lot in this rotation).

But more people on ULMF/HB/Discord are saying they got multiple rainbows, so it's really hard to say.

>> No.15330251

I think that was about free nutaku gold actually. Who knows though Nutaku is fucking retarded if thats how they set the payment system to be like though.

>> No.15330260

Those people are either nutaku employees or shills that get boosted gacha rates for making the game look better.

>> No.15330277

If my gacha luck reflected my shilling, I should have a full rainbow team at this point. I've yet to get a single rainbow.

I've also dumped more shekels than most of you have at this point.

>> No.15330287

Ah, yeah, anonymous-san, you are not shilling.

>> No.15330312

>shills that get boosted gacha rates for making the game look better.
Where do I sign up for this?

>> No.15330337
File: 505 KB, 684x624, IHaveNoIdeaWhatImDoing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I'm trying Aigis after getting sick of FKG's (lack of) gameplay. And it's kicking my ass. I can 3-star some of the maps, but most of them result in me getting overwhelmed and someone slips through, or an archer gets killed by ranged attacks.

How do I protect my archers/mages against the rare ranged attack enemy? Is the solution to just put a melee unit in front and a healer as far behind them as possible? I think it'd be safer, but then they wouldn't have as much support.

What about heavily armored enemies, especially the red wyverns? The obvious solution is to use mages, but I only have 3, 2 of which are extremely expensive.

And for Deep Forest Road specifically, do I just need archers with longer range? There's at least one gargoyle that goes right down the middle and I don't think he's in range of the archers on either side

>> No.15330371

All ranged enemies have the same targeting priority: last unit placed (in range), unless they are being blocked directly. This isn't too much of a problem with archers and mages and the like, but later on you'll face lichs that have a large range, so you'll need to have specific placements to set your ranged units before your melee units so your ranged support doesn't get wiped. This frequently entails looking up guide videos until your units are good enough for you to improvise on the spot.

Individual armored enemies are best dealt with using witches. Strong archers can sometimes do the job as well.

Deep Forest Road basically requires a CC'd archer to 3-star, yes. CC'd archers get increased range.

>> No.15330379

Drop a melee nearby. Ranged units are fragile, so melee units have to take the hits for them.

One thing to keep in mind is that enemy ranged units attack in reverse placement order - that is, the last unit you put down is the first one they'll target (within their range, of course). This is especially important when you'll eventually deal with high range enemies like Liches.

Against armor, you want magic damage. The basic sources are witches and mages. Mages are largely the most expensive units to deploy, unfortunately. Make good use of your Katie and Julian's skills to get that UP.

Ignore that mission for now, it needs a CCed archer (which gains 60 range).

Try reading through this:

>> No.15330383

Also, in case you didn't read around for beginner mistakes, never CC at level 30 unless you plan on feeding the CC'd unit to something else, and don't waste any of your early silvers unless you intend on cashing.

>> No.15330392

Damn, Waltz's second scene is lewd as fuck. I think only Daniela shows that much thirstiness in her scenes.

>> No.15330439

>All ranged enemies have the same targeting priority: last unit placed (in range)
That seems silly. So I can prevent ranged damage to my archers by dropping a Heavy after placing the archers?

> but later on you'll face lichs that have a large range
yeah I just ran into one on the event map. I was already fucked, but that one unit wiped out what was rest of my troops.

> Against armor, you want magic damage.
How about to protect against damage? I think it's defending the gate; near the end is a giant knight that crushed my troops, despite everything else being a relative breeze. I can't remember if Leeanne fought him or not, but I wouldn't be surprised if she got fucked too. Is the solution to just hold on to my magic users until the end and drop them far away from the action to soften him up first?

>> No.15330471

>That seems silly. So I can prevent ranged damage to my archers by dropping a Heavy after placing the archers?
As long as the Heavy Armor is closer to the enemies than the Archers, other wise the enemy ranged units with fire at the Archers until they enter range of the Heavy Armor.

>How about to protect against damage? I think it's defending the gate; near the end is a giant knight that crushed my troops, despite everything else being a relative breeze. I can't remember if Leeanne fought him or not, but I wouldn't be surprised if she got fucked too. Is the solution to just hold on to my magic users until the end and drop them far away from the action to soften him up first?
I made a video for that map not long after the game launched on Nutaku since a lot of people were having trouble with it.

As for defending, against physical enemies you put them up against something with a ton of Defense. Generally Heavy Armors, though there are other units that you use depending on the situation, and more possibilities open up when you get and level up units of other classes.
Against Magical enemies, you use units with either high Magic Resistance (MR), or units with high HP. So early on, that means Valkyries/Bandits usually.

>> No.15330483

>So I can prevent ranged damage to my archers by dropping a Heavy after placing the archers?
Yes, but there are exceptions. Some enemies deal area damage, for example, so the archer could still get hit if both units are close. The demon god in the recent DMM Gold Rush also targets every unit in his range, even when blocked.

>How about to protect against damage?
These armors will become tankable once you gain some levels, but for now, just throwing a lot of magical damage on their way is probably the optimal solution. Witches are especially useful for their solid single-target magical damage and slowing effect.

>> No.15330640

Not bother with Uzume.

>> No.15331006

> 6月2日(木)のメンテナンス後より、 プレミアム召喚にレアリティプラチナのセーラー 『航海士アメリ』が登場します。
So much for that event sailor.

>> No.15331115

is osawari island ded?

>> No.15331158

Uzume is way better though. I bring her in every team and I have tons of awoken blacks.

>> No.15331321

It looks like you combined your silvers for cost reduction. This is going to cause you quite a bit of annoyance once you need to CC.

>> No.15331395
File: 359 KB, 960x640, aigis-uhoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this event about protecting the Prince's anal viriginity

>> No.15331426

t-translate it weebs

(i just realized i forgot to read the translation of the last event)

>> No.15331669

inb4 first yaoi scene ever

>> No.15331675

4th map onwards seems to be women units only.

>> No.15331711

Im really fucking salty over FKG supposed to be upped rarity rate. Opened the wallet to do 2 of the 10+1 pulls. And not even one fucking gold, one fucking gold is all I want. First and last time I give money to fucking Nutaku and their shit lies. I should have checked the rates before I pulled. Surprise, same rates.

>> No.15331717

As a newb in Aigis Nutaku, what should I get from the trade post? Any priority list?

>> No.15331726


>> No.15331729

Spica is pretty much obligatory. Cyrus is decent for his "cheap" prize. Saki is also pretty good, if situational. I wouldn't grab Akane, at least not before the others.

>> No.15331731

> Aigis Nutaku
> Any priority list?
Trade Post on Nutaku didn't change for more than year and most likely will never change, so its not like you have choices.

>> No.15331736

>Aigis Nutaku
Definitely Spica. Spica+Bashira will fill all your archer needs.
Saki is a nice unit to have but situational, you might be tempted by the black though.
Akane is a samurai which are extremely niche and not really worth it atm.
You can make do with Valerie instead of Cyrus until you get something better than that.
Don't bother with the spirits, except the awakening one, and you shouldn't bother with that yet.
TLDR: Get Spica ASAP.

>> No.15331742

>Spica+Bashira will fill all your archer needs.
>tfw have Spica, Bashira AND Victoria
>And that's without counting Shao

Aigis pls give me something different, I'm good enough on archers. I mean I won't refuse a Nanaly, but I would prefer something else.

>> No.15331747

Well, I can relate. I have them ALL. Meanwhile I still use the gold healers and soldiers.

>> No.15331750

At least I got Zenobia out of last event gacha, but I think I was good enough with Aria and Katie. Also worst part is that having that many archers means you're starved as fuck for silver archers for CC and Awakening.

>> No.15331751

Because the japs simple love the artist, they play mostly because of that than for the gameplay.

>> No.15331755

I know this is beating a dead horse by now but... I don`t get it. I'm with >>15331711 , Hell, I would have dropped some shekels if Paypal didn't stop me for some reason. And all I got from the 35 stones I had were 5 bronze and 2 silvers.
Yet I also can understand those that defend better rates because everywhere I look people are getting even dupe rainbows in the same roll.
Has anyone asked for confirmation again from acolyte?

>> No.15331765

>but I would prefer something else
Here's your Conrad and some Elaines.

>> No.15331816

The hell ant queen has a pheremone that dominates men, she lays more eggs the more powerful men she can eat so she uses her loyal slaves to hunt the strongest man, the prince.

>> No.15331881

Uh, what did Nutaku Aigis change overnight?

The banner removed Aisha, but the notes say she's still a spotlight unit. So... what's the point of removing her from said banner?

>> No.15331899

Evil Agents of Reptiloids are monitoring their banners! or censorship department forgot to take their pills.

>> No.15331910
File: 55 KB, 761x720, This bait is strange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They used Aisha as bait too! We riot! Send angry tickets everyone.... zzzzzzz

>> No.15331919
File: 136 KB, 373x242, salt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a waste

why are people that are getting rainbows the ones quitting?

>> No.15331927

Doesn't make sense, they used Aisha banner last time. Still mad that I got a third Nanaly instead.

>> No.15331929

Nothing ever makes sense with Nutaku, its just how they roll.

>> No.15331952

Fug, shouldn't have rolled the gacha, I got another Elizabeth. At least I can use her for fodder for my first Elizabeth, though.

>> No.15331959
File: 1.23 MB, 959x641, rolls3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try the increased Slice rate gatcha
>get new Pierce girls instead

Okay Nutaku whatever

>> No.15331961

I wish I had Elizabeth...

>> No.15332188

Does the seed gacha work the same way on DMM? Are silvers added often to still make it appealing? If we get all those code silvers I'm sure many of us will have all the silvers by now with many dupes to boot.

>> No.15332225
File: 304 KB, 318x389, originaltomatopastedonotsteal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy it sure must be awful to get units other than Kerry from gacha.

>> No.15332247

Fuck this gay ass event. One more and I'm OUT.

>> No.15332331

I'm honestly not worried about that, considering how much trouble I'm having already.

>> No.15332355

I recall smooth sailing until I reached citadel battle. That warranted some grinding since I was riding on lvl 5 units with irons here and there.

>> No.15332407

>Does the seed gacha work the same way on DMM?

>Are silvers added often to still make it appealing?
Yes and no. They haven't added any silvers for a long time, but they recently started including a new silver every two events. But the normal gacha isn't very appealing even with the new silvers (which are available in the event itself as well) and the "draw 100" function, since it serves no real purpose after you have a decent team going.

This is possibly about to change with the new affection system they're implementing next week, which may require you to have mountains of bronze and silver fodder.

>> No.15332416

another affection system other than the existing gifts one?

...does it at least mean more h-scenes?

>> No.15332422

>But the normal gacha isn't very appealing
More money is always nice.

>> No.15332425

>...does it at least mean more h-scenes?
Yes, second scene and further stat bonuses.

>> No.15332442
File: 315 KB, 600x358, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (88).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make it appealing?

>> No.15332445

Ouch. This is what I feared.

>> No.15332453

It's worth it for Forget-me-Not.

Too bad I've gotten six of her from the flower stone gacha.

>> No.15332454

And forgot to say that the free daily pull is also a big joke. That one could have at least an infinitesimal chance of gold or rainbow at least.

>> No.15332495

I do rather like Forget-Me-Not.

>> No.15332512

In my case, getting a rainbow, is what makes me go on even more.

>> No.15332566

Why will it never change?

>> No.15332588

Nutaku doesn't have access to the code and the JP devs don't give a fuck about EN players.

>> No.15332605

Supposedly Nutaku, which may be fed-up about hearing complaints and not being able to do shit, was negotiating changing their contract to gain control and the code. Whatever this may bring we don't know, but I personally would welcome it. At least they said breaks would be no more and even with hiccups FKG has been solid.

So it's that or wait until next collection event is over, since that's when they seem to use the extra time to implement maps and changes.

This is a very hopeful post from a hopeless optimist.

>> No.15332627

>Supposedly Nutaku, which may be fed-up about hearing complaints and not being able to do shit, was negotiating changing their contract to gain control and the code.
They keep telling this shit for long time and nothing change. You're just stupid if you believe their words
Better start on DMM before too late

>> No.15332655

Oh look who's back. You were not missed.

>> No.15332739

These male units seem extremely underwhelming, neither really have a great skill except for maybe the soldier in some really niche situations. I guess this finally gives me a chance to catch up on affection.

>> No.15332754

The soldier's skill generates 20 UP each time in addition to making him a significantly better tank able to block 4 units for 20 seconds.

Niche use on the defensive part, sure, but I'd hardly call him an underwhelming unit.

>> No.15333155

Sorry, DMM is paying me more than Nutaku to shill for them on jaypee.
You should to work for them too.

>> No.15333168

I can't say I agree with you. Oscar's skill is sexy as fuck compared to Victoria, Bashira, and Spica.

If his stats are good, I'll probably end up using him as my main archer.

>> No.15333442

that dude does what?

>> No.15333577

Stronger/faster shots on skill/SAW. AW passive is +5% defense and +5 MR to all male units.

>> No.15333592

These male units look like faggots.

>> No.15333595

that's because they are

>> No.15333604

They have no interest in women if that's what you mean.

>> No.15333658

Sometimes I suspect the Prince employs dudes only when he knows they're gay. You know, just in case they get any ideas.

>> No.15333892


Goddammit, Nordland.

>> No.15333956

kinda funny that Aisha did no such vanishing act when she was introduced

>> No.15334017

They're skill up fodder for better units.

>> No.15334034

Now that Oscar exists, Julius can reach 10(ability)+5(Liz)+5(Oscar)+10(Grace)×3(skill aw)=90 magic resist. Assuming his skill AW stacks with these, which I'll go test now.

>> No.15334055
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Yep, it stacks.

>> No.15334261

Awful maintenance timing.

>> No.15334305

EN FKG the third event stage. What´s the key to it? At first I thought dumping all the girls into mid would work, but 15x, nothing. I don´t get it. Help.

>> No.15334339

I don't think I had much trouble with it. What exactly is the problem? What bug avoids you?, Do you get to the finish before having the chance to complete it? I don't think I swapped units but I might have gimped my teams just in case they reached the last boss too soon.

>> No.15334359

huh there was something to else to do on third map than button smashing sec you could?

>> No.15334433

Same here, I tried everything but can't 3* the third map. I guess I just need luck.

>> No.15334452

Some helpful info on this wiki. Might be info that you already know but it might help you tune the speed and power needed. I don't think I did though.

>> No.15334461

Damn. It's all the heat's fault I swear.

>> No.15334464

I got it on the first try, but was indeed just luck because I thought I would not get one mob (can't member which one) but they kept going all over and not getting to exit and managed to take it out. May the RNG gods show you the way.

>> No.15334785

I finally got it by gimping the topmost team so they'd die to the boss. They kept taking the branch towards the boss instead of the teleporter.

It was still pure luck, of course, but doing that definitely helped. You could maybe go further and only have 1 or 2 teams strong enough to take out the boss.

>> No.15334806

Well done anon. Unless you are really lucky, you might need to gimp your teams for the next one as well. At least I really had to.

>> No.15334938

Considering this and fact that they made censored images for FKG but didn't use them in game, I'm fairly convinced that they are lying to their partners about content of their games, showing them censored version instead of what they actually run.
Some nutaku hater could easily deal them death blow by contacting payment processors and porn hub network and informing about all pedo shit they secretly smuggled in, with all these nutaku staff posts about hiding this stuff from authorities and partners.

>> No.15334972

I'll do it. Everyone should be on dmm with me.

>> No.15334985
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I don't get it...

>> No.15335018

Some fine ladies must be kept on the down-low, it seems...

>> No.15335087
File: 342 KB, 905x623, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my Gretel.
Not sure what to make of it, 20 MR is nice, but I have tons of angels. Cost is fucking insane for seemingly low stats and lack of any worthy gimmick.
Gimmicks: retreats on death, bonus attack against angels. Personal gimmick: bonus MR.
Skill: HP and attack boost.

>> No.15335102
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>> No.15335500

They are only hiding aisha because her title is hidden genius, duh.

>> No.15335524

I will try this and see how much payment processors give a shit about Nutaku

>> No.15335559

You should go post on that kotaku in action thing on reddit, they are good at spamming emails to companies.

>> No.15335645

>they are good at spamming emails to companies.
SJWs are tenacious like that.

>> No.15335678

Ideally, that spam would be better for telling off companies to not treat lolis as fictional child porn, tentacles as bestiality, et cetera, etc., but I'm sure your intention is probably to sabotage whatever the fuck it is Nutaku is doing instead of actually trying to improve the situation somehow.

>> No.15335814

So has anybody gotten any of the new serial codes in FKG or are those still not being given out yet?

>> No.15335879

DMM or Nutaku?
DMM said they are still working on art for new girl.

>> No.15335927

I assume they mean all of the new Nutaku codes that haven't popped up yet.

I looked around for videos and haven't seen anything new pop up. They could be anywhere, though. Kanpani had one show up on some MMO site requiring registration to get a code.

>> No.15336120

New class syndrome. Wait until they make a non-promotional darkstalker and then give her class awakening.

>> No.15336294

Nah, as long as Nutaku doesn't fuck up again, there's no sin in playing both. Nutaku FKG vs. DMM FKG might be something like Nutaku Kanpani vs. DMM Kanpani, you play the former to get a ton of rainbows and the latter for new event girls and mechanics.

Trying to fuck with Nutaku just after they seem to have gotten things right is nothing short of retarded.

>> No.15336633
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What a cutie.

>> No.15336650

She's Rei clone after all

>> No.15336915

Having the same hair length doesn't make her a clone.

>> No.15337081

Is anybody else having issues with DMM Kanpani? Every single time my Warrior's turn comes up she runs in place and the game just stops working.

>> No.15337103
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Switched units around and it seems to just happen on the final character's turn.

>> No.15337350

>tfw still can't get a rainbow on the limited 2 gacha

True suffering.

Whatever the odds are, I feel like someone dropped the ball on the golds. Oncidium and Toad Lily are common rolls from what I've seen, even though Toad Lily is obviously pierce and not slash. Haven't seen too many Camellias, and other golds are practically non-existent.

>> No.15337875

tell me your secrets (how did you do it?)

>> No.15337892

Try rolling 00500, pray rng.

>> No.15337946

so just default deployment?

>> No.15338028

No, like i've said, 0 0 5 0 0, place all your teams on the middle.

>> No.15338090

ah, thanks for the clarification

>> No.15338319

What type of event is next for Nutaku by past schedule? Was it a star trial or another farm? Anna's would be pretty nice as well.

>> No.15338372

Anna. They did skip Fran's farm event, so I'm kinda hoping that it's next instead.

>> No.15338379

How useful is Anna as a unit? As far as I understand, she's there to buff the Prince.

>> No.15338448

is Nutaku doing its maintenance now? Can't log in, so slow

>> No.15338638

just wait until Anna gets time fairied

>> No.15340146
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alright so ive been playing Girls Kingdom on my android, and aside from it crashing whenever i try to select a certain unit to begin production ive been digging it

i just beat the witch, stage 5 i believe, but there was no ending sex scene for her which goes against the previous missions...did i get unlucky and experience another glitch or do i need to 3 star her map

>> No.15340235
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also, in Dragon Providence, what does the "quest rating" bar above each chapter pertain to?

are there only 9 chapters? do i need to clear each more than once to get more story scenes for the related monster girl boss?

>> No.15340276

Yes you need 3* to unlock her full scene. 2* gives you half a scene I believe.

>> No.15340318
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thanks anon

guess she's a difficulty spike/skill check for my current unit because i got by with one star and havent even been able to beat her again ever since

>> No.15340622

Did that Liru game ever get finished? heh
Kinda forgot about it.

>> No.15340667

It's in the stages of slowly rendering on a single computer powered by an eel floating in a metal tube.
And crab friend passed away.

>> No.15341045

Quest rating is just how many parts you are into the stage each stage has 9 areas or whatever.

>> No.15341065

It's a lot easier to go back once you've unlocked later units.

I forget the order, but the first story knight makes a huge difference.

>> No.15341924

new thread
