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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1522822 No.1522822 [Reply] [Original]

SEOUL (AFP)--Angry South Koreans cut the heads off live pheasants, Japan's national bird, on Thursday in a bloody protest sparked by Tokyo's claim to a group of islands controlled by Seoul.

About 40 military veterans wearing army uniforms beheaded nine pheasants and dripped blood on Japanese flags and on pictures of Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda and former Japanese leaders, witnesses said.

Some battered the birds to death with hammers in the protest outside Tokyo's embassy. They also cut open the bellies of two birds and ate the livers, shouting: "Dokdo (island) is our territory!" After the gory ceremony, they tried to push their way into the embassy and scuffled with riot police.


>> No.1522828

Those barbarians...

>> No.1522833

Gee, never had this kind of thread before.

>> No.1522838

The birds originally migrated from Korea anyway so it's fine.

>> No.1522839

Those Hungarians...

>> No.1522870

ITT samefag

This shit is OLD


>> No.1522873

This is like deja vu all over again. Do the Coreans do this once a week or what?

>> No.1522880

I'm gonna lynch some coreans now.

>> No.1522883

What's Korea's national bird? I'll breed it wit a pheasant, and then have sex with it.

>> No.1522889

>Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda


>> No.1522892

Damn, I should've caught that.

>> No.1523063


>> No.1523071

Dirty coreans always have been and always will be nothing more than stupid monkeys. Should have nuked them long ago. Not even the chinesu like them.

>> No.1523079

delicious bird, delicious japanese tears, I must eat them all

>> No.1523089

Didn't it turn out to be that Japan's national bird is a specific type of pheasant, and the Koreans were killing the wrong type?

>> No.1523146

it is korean's national sports

>> No.1523378

I feel sorry for those poor birds. ='((


>> No.1523422

Looks like the Japs have to put another smackdown on the uppity Koreans again.

Should just Pearl Harbor them while the boys are putting on their makeup or at their plastic surgeons.

>> No.1523433

Coreans again prove how barbaric and unsophisticated they are

>> No.1523434

Did anyone bring a fucking barbeque? What a goddamn waste of birds

>> No.1523449

So, in those Corean barabarians' protest, should they include killing dogs and eat them afterwards?

>> No.1523451

I wonder how they'd feel if i cut off some zergling's head?

>> No.1523462

Those barbaric Coreans did really kill a wrong animal.

They should have killed dogs and eaten them afterwards instead of those poor pheasants.

>> No.1523466


>> No.1523470

This shit is old. Let's face it though, this is why none of the other countries like Korea.

>> No.1523477

Korea sucks. I want to kick them all out of my country.

>> No.1523717
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>> No.1523579


all koreans are insane

>> No.1523608

Wait, what?

>> No.1523642

where's the PETA?

>> No.1523662

Koreans can't be that bad. They have Starcraft tournaments and Jaedong.

>> No.1523704

If not for Japan, Korea would still be a backwards Chinese client state. Why are they so bitter?

>> No.1523724


Why are they so uncivilized to vent their anger on a bird that has no blame

>> No.1523746

Jaedong is crap now
Stork for OSL!! :D

>> No.1523795


>> No.1523868

hi /n/

>> No.1523874

All that over a shitty rock island.

>> No.1523877

Japan should not help South Korea economy.

>> No.1524037

seriously, japfag, don't you get tired of this?
oh wait, you don't. because us dumb americans EAT IT UP ALL THE TIME.

>> No.1524119

Gee, and now Korea's asking Japan for help with the economy thing.

>> No.1525400


Jeesus what is Korea's obsession with killing innocent animals in their protesta !! You can still express your point without killing something that has nothing to do with what you are protesting about

>> No.1525420

>pictures of Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda

>> No.1525573

Tell me about it. UNICEF are so anal about Japan and loli, but what are international groups doing about Koleans' animal abuse? Nothing!

>> No.1526206
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So true.

>> No.1526164

Then Japan will hurt itself, dumbfuck.

>> No.1526761

DOG EATING Shithole know has Korea

>> No.1527110
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all americans want to kill niggers, picture provided

>> No.1527402
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All muslims want to kill westerners, picture provided.

>> No.1527101


Yeah, 40 bitter MILITARY veterans killed a few birds. Wow, that sure is representative of the entire country's population and beliefs.

>> No.1527120


I wonder why everyone here attributes dog-eating to Corea. The Chinese and Japanese eat dogs and cats too.

Oh wait, right, /jp/. Fuck Corea and shit.

>> No.1527333

>The Japanese eat dogs and cats too
No they don't. They eat frog and bracken and moldy soy beans, but not cats and dogs.

>> No.1527454

Even people in Vietnam and the Philippines, eat "sweet" meat too.

Eating dog meat is not only exclusive to the superior nation of Corea.

>> No.1527510

I put a Korean flag in my toilet so I can shit on it.

Fuck the Koren nation and the subhuman Korean scumb.

Pull US troops out now. Fuck Korea. Fuck Koreans.

>> No.1527849

Ah Korea. Asia's answer to Israel

>> No.1527874


nida detected

>> No.1527896

Korean is lower than dog.

>> No.1527900

there will never be an answer to Israel. Israel will forever reign supreme among the greatest of world powers.

>> No.1527902

Delicious weeaboo tears. Stop supporting the political decision of a country you aren't even part of.

>> No.1527906


>> No.1527918


I think he meant in bitchy whinyness terms

>> No.1527920


Weeaboo detected. As though Japan whining around for two rocks in the middle of the sea they never had any jurisdiction over isn't as pathetic.

>> No.1527969

Fuck Korea. This has nothing to do with Japan. Boycott Korean products. Koreans are assholes from a shithole racist country who deserve to be raped by China.

>> No.1528024

What's the problem with eating cats and dogs? Seriously, I don't get it. Cows are saint animals for the Indians and we eat them too.

>> No.1528122

Dogs eat their own shit, Anymore questions?

>> No.1528128


so do koreans

>> No.1528132

So do pigs, faggit

>> No.1528141

Carnivores kill your stomach and taste like shit curry.

>> No.1528237
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It's Takeshima, not Dokdo.

>> No.1528162

Small islands, Serious Business

>> No.1528180

Not even proper islands.
Just some big rocks.

>> No.1528206

Korean is dirty

>> No.1528441
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>> No.1528501
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>> No.1528408

Dokdo is a Korean territory

>> No.1528420

Korea keeps alienating its allies, lol. It didn't even have any problems with China, in fact, the relations were doing quite well, until the lolcoreans started claiming ancient Chinese history, Confucius, the Hanzi and Paektusan mountains as being Korean. Not to mention their claims that Sumerians and all other ancient civilizations were Korean. HAHAH.

Poor privileged people with their false pride. If they keep this boisterous attitude up, they might soon end up just as impoverished and acultured as their brothers in the North. Oh wait, they already are acultured. LOL.

>> No.1528449

that's because they are brainwashed at birth to support their country... or korea would have fallen a long time ago they alienate the rest of the world so their people won't know what shitty lives they have

>> No.1528489

not dokdo


Find me a NON KOREAN document that states it as dokdo.
good luck failing.

>> No.1528665
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>> No.1528544

Because eating cats and dogs, which are emotional and friendly to man, is like eating your closest friend or even your goddamn hot waifu.

>> No.1528555

>like eating your goddamn hot waifu.
This is now my fetish.

>> No.1528564

So I heard 2D waifus can be eaten.

>> No.1528749
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Australian aborigine = with an average IQ of around 60, the dumbest people on the planet

>> No.1528760
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>> No.1528769
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>> No.1528689

I see tits. Reported.

>> No.1528712

Oh yes. Killing and beating pheasants is more barbaric than what the Japanese government did to Korean and Chinese people during WW2.

>> No.1528717

Koreans are like niggers, only with the world's smallest penises.

>> No.1528722

That's because koreans are niggers
and china are mexicans

>> No.1528725



Japan = White people

China = Jews

Korea = Slavs

South East Asia = Black

>> No.1528729

No one likes korean and chinese

>> No.1528731

>Japan = White people
>China = Jews
>Korea = NIGGERS
>South East Asia = Mexicans

Fixed for you.

>> No.1528733


NO GOD DAMN IT. KOREANS ARE NOT BLACK. You don't give them enough credit.

>> No.1528739


Keep on sucking Japan's dick.

>> No.1528742

In my home country, this is Nara of japan, corean student
1.stealing stuff everything
2.lyingto policeman
3.spit to face when talking, mouth is bad smell
4.dont having money, many corean student, hole in cloths and dirty pants, old shoes
5.raping jap gal because jap gal say corean boy no thanks, very ugly and fat
6.very smell of food eating by corean
7.very smell body, no bath long time, sometime 10 days?
corean=zerg same same

>> No.1528747


They're asian niggers, so they're a bit higher up in the curve and are actually productive economically, technologically, etc. (Ironically, at the expense of America's protection, which they paradoxically reject). Their nigger-like qualities can be attributed to their degenerate culture, loudness, vanity, egoism, superficiality, etc.

>> No.1528756

Doesn't this describe hikkimoris?

>> No.1528763

Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.1528773

Korea's economy is getting raped bad right now.

>> No.1528774

Why cause I spelled it wrong? Grow some balls.

>> No.1528780


>> No.1528785

1.hikkis don't steal because hikkis don't go outside
2.hikkis wouldn't dare lye to a policeman
3.hikkis don't talk
4.true, hikkis have no money or clean clothes
5.hikkis don't have sex
6.again true, hikkis have shit hygiene
7.also true

>> No.1528795

nida detected

>> No.1528798


>> No.1528805

Why do Japanese and Chinese things read from right to left, but Koreans sold out to the West and made theirs left to right?

Come on Korea. Stop screwing around and hop on the winning team.

>> No.1528835


>> No.1528880


LOL. That's real funny. Let's forget the fact that Japan was a warmongering country before America kicked its ass and forbade it from starting wars.

>> No.1528891

LOL video of this?

>> No.1529360

because koreans developed this awesome non picture based phonetic language called hangul back in like ad 5 and other ling lings need to learn to write in it

>> No.1529376

nida detected
