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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 806 KB, 1280x720, Game Center CX - SP08 - Game Center CX in Vietnam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15278000 No.15278000 [Reply] [Original]

~Everything I Know About Game Center CX I Learned From The Link Below~


-Latest Fansubs & Raws-


>> No.15278668

Is it me or is the SA group the only one doing the translations anymore? It also seems like they've slowed down a lot.

>> No.15279145

Got into this series recently. It's pretty good. Them trying to beat Adventure Island was a treat.

>> No.15279504
File: 54 KB, 387x320, 1411606387743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We /jp/ now?

>> No.15279507

Since we're free of the shackles of /vr/ and the Specter of grudge-filled anal retention, be sure to check out the actual listing of new raws on NYAA rather than the Pastebin's filtered one.


Rygar raw is up also. Links to Mega directory found in these torrent listings.

Unfiltered translations here


>> No.15279575

I hope not.

>> No.15279698

I don't browse /jp/ normally, but I wouldn't really mind if we stay here.

I mean this board can't be THAT bad, right? I'm just wondering how often we'll get shitposters telling us to fuck off to another board.

>> No.15279749
File: 105 KB, 640x426, 1445370774615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like you guys could be any worse than the shitty /v/ threads the mods keep moving here.

We already have generals like Idols or Eternal Onahole are effectively self-contained subcultures that don't interact with the rest of the board. You guys should be fine.

>> No.15279772

I thought the recent episodes were good, although not understanding what he is talking about does take a little enjoyment out of it.

Also, I'm kind of hoping they would make Game Center DX a thing, maybe with Hamaguchi playing games from sixth gen and above.

>> No.15279811

Generals on /jp/ are fine and you don't really involve with the rest of the board.

>> No.15279849

How are /jp/'s janitors? These threads have had the same shitposter pop in and out for nearly three years now and on /vr/ they were slow but always managed to clean his shit up.

>> No.15279878

At worst he'll take half a day to delete stuff and isn't afraid to ban people, even if it's only for a day, though usually it's much faster than that.

>> No.15279960

The mods pretty much gave up on the last /vr/ thread halfway through. It seems like they wanted it to burn itself out. They deleted the next thread pretty quick. The flame war guy already followed us here. I don't know how this will turn out.

>> No.15279973

I've interacted with a lot of people on other boards over the years who have admitted to shitposting / "making fun of Arino" in the /vr/ general. Their motivation is almost always because of the strict and often unfair moderation—not the other way around.

Then there are those who seek to cause "drama" by accusing content creators of themselves causing drama, or simply shitting on them hoping for a response (and therefore the drama they claim to abhor). When there are no subs for months at a time, people look for other ways to entertain themselves.

>> No.15280057

I think it was OPs image with 'WiiU' in the filename that did it.

>> No.15280279

I think that /vr/ has a new janitor who doesn't like threads like these as the YouTube reviewer general was also removed. Fair enough, I guess. I had a feeling something like that would happen sooner or later.

>Specter of grudge-filled anal retention

To be honest, I'm personally really tired of all this drama that's been going on in these generals for years now. That's why I've decided to include links your encodes in the paste with the latest releases. Check the second Pastebin link if you don't believe me.

>> No.15280313

Don't give in to him, he doesn't deserve it and not everyone agrees with forgiving him.

>> No.15280333

Truly we have ascended to a higher level.

You can take the "trusted only" filter off the raw download link to NYAA on the other one and put the blogspot link where appropriate.

There are some upgraded versions of SA translations that were previously only available as low-definition that could be squeezed in as well.

>tfw the name JD was meant to draw misogynistic hatred away from Nina rather than risk loss of continued translation. Inri indeed.

>> No.15280344

Why are they patebin ones filtered?

>> No.15280349

0 means no filter. In the Pastebin the link is to filter=2 to show only the "green" releases, which omits a number of raws ranging from .TS streams to low quality mp4s to high quality/bitrate 60fps MKVs.

>> No.15280362

>To be honest, I'm personally really tired of all this drama that's been going on in these generals for years now.
Specter, the last thread was full of that encoder's own drama. It was one of the worst I've seen on /vr/. He's already posted revisionist lies and bullshit three times in this thread. He'll turn on you again the moment he thinks you looked at him crosseyed.

>> No.15280373

I think I didn't answer the question of why the Pastebin link was filtered. One reason I can see is that the previous moderator/janitor at /vr/ would flip out at the release group name. It's just a prank, bro.

>> No.15280403

Links to raws and straight answers to disingenuous questions are drama? What's your post?

>> No.15280406

>3 years of harassment
>just a prank

>> No.15280408

That guy uploads things under the name 'vrisfags' to troll the general. Check the /vr/ archive on desustorage for things like 'JD', 'Kakaricho', and 'vr-gccx' for more info if you want to know what this is all about.

>> No.15280429

Then again, his encodes are too good to ignore. I'm willing to give him the benefit of doubt. For now, let's focus on the show instead of him.

I'm not the Pastebin Anon.

>> No.15280482

For what it's worth VRiSFAGS has also released several thousand hours of classic Doctor Who DVD9 rips at 540p/50fps, including all subtitles and bonus features.

Look for 60fps Reno 911 in the future.

>> No.15280494

I know it's not GCCX, but is Tokyo Encounter any good? I've seen screencaps of it around and it seems fun

>> No.15280510
File: 86 KB, 268x309, 1461405967922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for KACHO ON

>> No.15280541

One good thing about moving Arino generals here is that we are now free to discuss his Yoiko work, or any Game Center CX-like shows that weren't exactly /vr/ friendly like Tokyo Downtown or From Start till Clear.

>> No.15280557

>I'm willing to give him the benefit of doubt.
I don't think that will end well.

>> No.15280558

I'm okay with having Arino threads here, but can you please not make it a general? Just make a thread when a new subbed episode comes out.

I like Arino but here on /jp/ we have a trouble with too many generals cluttering the board and I at least would not want another one.

>> No.15280570

Pretty glad for the change.

>> No.15280576

We were kicked off of /vr/ and have no home. With all other alternatives like /v/ and /vg/ being too fast and/or shit, and with the slow rate of releases, we're forced to be here.

>> No.15280584

Exactly my point, with the slow rate of releases, is it really necessary to have a thread 24/7?

>> No.15280591

There's a new episode every two weeks and the thread will probably still be going then.

>> No.15280792

This thread was moved to >>>/vr/3238222
