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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1526749 No.1526749 [Reply] [Original]

Who else is not buying anything from Japan for a while due to the horrible exchange rate? It's especially bad for us Canadians. I've had to cancel some orders/preorders on some stuff I wanted this year.

>> No.1526773
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>> No.1526794
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>> No.1526825
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That's like an $18 price increase holy shit.

>> No.1526847
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>> No.1526889
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If America is where the crisis started, then why has the doll0r gone up relative to everything except the yen?

>> No.1526755

But you have Canadiyen!

>> No.1526758

I'm not going to buy anything from Japan for a while too. The Australian dollar is looking pretty bad too.

>> No.1526763

>The Australian dollar is looking pretty bad too.
It sure is, and a friend of mine is going to Japan for a few weeks soon. Needless to say he's pretty pissed.

>> No.1526770

You should have pretended your friend was a girl. You would have scored MAJOR points.

>> No.1526777

The stuff I usually order is already way overpriced, so a few extra bucks doesn't bother me at all.

>> No.1526779

I didn't get it until you posted this. Thanks faggot.

>> No.1526781

He'd make a good trap. People have said how girly he looks and we give him shit about it all the time.

>> No.1526784

No problem! you seem to think that Arc is a faggot, I'm with you there, let's be friends!

>> No.1526791

can i be your friend too? im lonely.

>> No.1526798

Anyone that thinks that Arc is a faggot is welcome to be my friend.

>> No.1526989
File: 184 KB, 1024x1024, Awesome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 to 5 jobs?

>> No.1526805


A friend of mine is travelling to america (from australia) and had the mind to buy all of his currency back in july. Needless to say he's very proud fo himself,

>> No.1526807

Fuck me I know.

I'm moving to Japan in a few months, and will still be paid in US dollars. I'm gonna be fucked.

At least we'll have two incomes, mine and my wife's. And she knows how to live cheaply in Japan.

>> No.1526809

I would suck his dick and some more for American currency.

>> No.1526811


I have $400 worth of purchases coming out in december, it better improve before then

>> No.1526818

Ausfag here
'1 Australian dollar = 63.7795276 Japanese yen'

>> No.1526832

I was happy when it was around 80-90 cents for 100yen.

>> No.1526839

I was happy when it was 1AUD= 80-90Yen. ;__;

>> No.1526853

Shouldn't you Australians be at your 9 to 5 jobs?

>> No.1526968

I'm Canadian and i just ordered the klein fig ~

>> No.1527077

yeah the AUD sucks, i had to stop my orders from HLJ.

but I'm living in japan, and i've been sending money home like crazy!!

sad thing is, my contract and visa are up, so ill have to go back home to australia...


>> No.1527108


Uhm...Not me.. Within the last two weeks I spent a thousand dollars on hlj and play-asia. Perhaps I should slow the fuck down.

>> No.1527752
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Because American treasury bonds are seen as the FINAL FORM of secure investments, but in order to buy them, you have to buy U.S. dollars first. This raises the dollar's value relative to other currencies (supply and demand).

Japan is a special case. In the 1990s, Japan was your one-stop-shop for cheap loans, so lots of companies went there for that purpose. However, now that the credit crisis makes everyone risk-averse, businesses are trying to pay off their Japanese loans. Therein lies the problem: in order to do that, they need to buy Japanese yen first, hence the rise in the value of the yen.

tl;dr people are buying the yen.


>> No.1527796


Listen to this man.

Currencies aren't tied to share indexes, like anything that can be traded they're tied to if people are buying them or not.

Since the demand of the sorts of raw materials that australia sells (coal, iron, wtc.) took a massive hit when this crisis hit china not many people have a reason to buy AU dollars. Also note that the AU was already slumping before the shit hit the fan, this was mainly due to reports of massive stockpiles of unused iron at chinese ports and general reportings of growth slowing over there.

The good news is that it's likely to bounce back because it's unlikely people will stop demanding coal and iron and other basic resources in developing countries. The bad news is that this demostrates just how dependant we are on the chinese boom in our own economic success.

>> No.1527802


Listen to this man.

Currencies aren't tied to share indexes, like anything that can be traded they're tied to if people are buying them or not.

Since the demand of the sorts of raw materials that australia sells (coal, iron, etc.) took a massive hit when this crisis hit china not many people have a reason to buy AU dollars. Also note that the AU was already slumping before the shit hit the fan, this was mainly due to reports of massive stockpiles of unused iron at chinese ports and general reportings of growth slowing over there.

The good news is that it's likely to bounce back because it's unlikely people will stop demanding coal and iron and other basic resources in developing countries. The bad news is that this demostrates just how dependant we are on the chinese boom in our own economic success.

>> No.1527848

One more thing I should add: there is a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Right now, the yen is massively overvalued if you look at the relative strength of Japan's economy on a global scale. Japan's economy is very export-driven, especially for high-end luxury-type items, which means it will be hit especially hard. If it weren't for all the people paying back loans, the yen would be mugged in a ditch somewhere.

So it probably won't be long before it slumps again (like, six months to a year).

>> No.1527867


It is sounding frighteningly like the conditions before the "lost decade" and I'm certain that many japanese investors are nervous as all hell right now.

>> No.1527872

The only thing I'm still buying is the Shimada Fumikane art book, since that's just a basic.

>> No.1527877

In a way, it is. But the "Lost Decade" didn't have to be lost - it ended up that way because cultural factors made the Japanese ignore the problems until they'd gotten really bad, then react too conservatively, exacerbating the issue.

It's just that this time, the problem is global in origin (well, American in origin), and the Japanese have much less control over it.

>> No.1527891

The problem is STUPID in origin not American. Investing in debt instruments you don't understand and not doing due diligence is not the USA's fault it's investor ignorance. Expecting the Housing market in the USA to go up forever was stupidity as well.

>> No.1527892

