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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 532 KB, 1495x1291, 393b643ba06592759b440aad75981393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15245173 No.15245173 [Reply] [Original]

Post and discuss Vocaloid related songs, albums, producers, pictures, videos, etc.

Previous thread reached reply limit: >>15225946

General info, essentials and download links in the Miku Monday copypasta:

Crossfades google drive:

If you're looking for a specific song or album, try searching on vocadb.net (for reference) or mikudb.moe (for downloads)

>> No.15245193
File: 195 KB, 1040x869, Screen Shot 2016-05-17 at 12.57.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toronto just sold out but one anon >>15245174 said it might be due to scalpers.

>> No.15245227


Toronto meetup sheet. Last time I'm going to post it, since no one is using it. Well, not entirely true, eight people signed up but no one has made any plans of any kind.

I'm not mad, just disappointed. Sasuga /jp/ I suppose.

>> No.15245282

Anything selling out could be due to scalpers.

Whether or not the venue fills up, Miguexpo still made the money on sales, so that's what counts in my book.

>> No.15245293
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First timer questions:

'Center stage' is more important than 'distance from stage', right? Is there a point where that is no longer true, and you would rather be closer to the stage than centered?

How early should I get there? The theater in New York doesn't have seat numbers associated with your ticket, so it's first come first serve.

>> No.15245294

Agreed. Mexico and Toronto can look forward to stops on the 2018 expo.

>> No.15245298

I would say that centre is more important than closeness until the point where you can't make out the faces of the band.

If you're GA in new York, you're already fucked. I was the third guy in line for the 8pm show there, at 11am, and still got kind of a shitty spot thanks to VIP.

>> No.15245299

Something like this for New York might be cool. What does a typical meetup entail? Is it just getting together to smoke weed before the show, or is it jerking each other off during/after the show?

>> No.15245322
File: 1.13 MB, 1400x933, Hammerstein_Ballroom-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's unfortunate. How far back were you forced due to your general admission ticket? Is the VIP section sectioned off or something?

>> No.15245324

The new York one is being run by one of /jp/s most insufferable tripfags so I wouldn't suggest it.

But in theory, it's some people to eat, drink, line up with, then maybe eat and drink again with afterwards.

>> No.15245332

The VIP isn't cordoned off, but they get early access.

There's a guy near the centre of your image wearing a yellow shirt. I was somewhat to the right of him for the expo.

>> No.15245369

All thise phones

>> No.15245668

I can't found this anywhere in the internet, am I not searching hard enough?


>> No.15245669

I wonder why sexualization is always portrayed as bad thing only when it comes to Anime.
I never see anyone in main stream complaining "It’s hard to separate the sex from pop music these days."

>> No.15245702

Never heard of it, but it looks good enough, if you manage to find it drop some links. I'll take a look on AB and jpop

>> No.15245783

Anyone know the official name of the song with AnaXMiku during the encore? The Miku song?

>> No.15245901

Pretty sure it's just "Miku"?

>> No.15246196

T-this is correct.

ねむとろニカEP by イナバの楽団 and The magic arts & 割烹着ガール by ヤヅキ.

Don't go buying them or anything, anon. They'll get out eventually. As an example, a few days ago 光と空想の3原色 by monaca:factory got leaked (that I know of) although it was released in 2010. I can wait.

>> No.15246210

Holy fug , you mind linking that monaca factory album? I love that artist

>> No.15246226

Sure anon, it's just right there : http://mikudb.moe/album/3-primary-colours-light-fantasy/

Now hoping for that one http://vocadb.net/Al/341 to also show up sometime in the future.

>> No.15246235

Speaking of monaca, anyone has the album he made with whoo?
hymenoptera it's called http://vocadb.net/Al/6624

>> No.15246288
File: 290 KB, 850x1205, sample-61d62f16529f28e651664efce2e7f1d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At first I reluctantly set one up back in late March upon another anon's suggestion since I created an extensive list of places to meet up and things to do. I closed up due to 3 reasons:

1. I explicitly told people to give me their itinerary NO LATER than the end of April/beginning of May - I only got 2 people joining, one of which is Derp Commander.

2. Reason #2 is Derp Commander himself. He ANNOYED the ever-loving piss outta me. He wanted to play backseat driver and bitched and moaned that he wasn't going to any after parties cause of his situation, looked like he wanted to shape the who meet up around him. Honestly at that point if I had met him in public I would be tempted to drown him in a Penn Station toilet after knocking him around. Honestly does this guy knows what's coming out of his mouth or is he that aspie that he doesn't?! So then when I resigned he then not ask or said please but just told me to hand over the email account I made so he can take over. I didn't reply and held onto the account outta spite.

3. Change of plans. Since I only had two people and one of which being the charming DC I decided to cancel out when they announced the pre party in Brooklyn with Hachiouji P. I said fuck it, closed up shop and rented a hostel for 2 nights.

So that's about it, I HAD set one up but due to the reasons I mentioned I cancelled it. Now I gotta get my ass to work.

>> No.15246373

Bei~kon wrapped hottodoggu

>> No.15246386

/jp/ is exceedingly bad at actually meeting up, relative to their ability to say "we should totally meet up"

>> No.15246398

"Miku" by Anamanaguchi feat. 初音ミク. You can find it on the Miku Expo 2016 EP.

>> No.15246418

>The /jp/ fellow Vocanons* are exceedingly bad at actually meeting up


>> No.15246524
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I hope that hotdog is bacon wrapped.

>> No.15246527
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>Bei~kon wrapped hottodoggu

Right here baby.

>> No.15246699

Well played.

>> No.15246708
File: 611 KB, 846x1200, 52282954_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tripfag btfo

>> No.15246717

>tfw I will see Magnet performed live

And they say dreams don't come true.

>> No.15246801

I hope it's just as gay live

>> No.15246841
File: 1.88 MB, 1600x1131, 21762339_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Negitoro live is probably the only thing that has a chance at getting me to act like a jack ass in public.

>> No.15246913

From my experience at the Ballroom in 2014, the distance isn't a problem. I did VIP standing for the first show and top balcony for the second. If you're short, I recommend getting there a few hours early.

>> No.15247050

I didn't email you before you cancelled but if you still want to hang out with anons I could message you before the show.

good thing I used my throwaway meetup for the doc I guess

>> No.15247053

I never liked magnet originally but the band did a killer job so it ended up sounding really good.
I chuckled during the performance since they reminded me of those inflatable tube things at a car dealership but in a much slower pace. But hey, maybe it will look sexy to you who knows.

>> No.15247161
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I love how you're trying to blame me for your inability to organize anything worth a damn. I'm not the only one who's said they have to be out of there in time to catch the train.

And no, I wasn't complaining, if anything I was trying to come to an agreement that would work for all of us. Then you said you had to bail because something else came up. I suspect that's the real reason, and your post is just an attempt to undermine my attempt to pick up the ball that you dropped, like a spoiled child who hides his toys so no one else can play with them.

Look, I get it, you couldn't make it. Happens all the time. But seriously, don't start trying to fuck the experience up for the rest of us.

Anyway, once again, sign up for the NYC mailing list at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/miku-exponyc2016/join

>> No.15247170


Look you were being a prick, the other person thought you're a prick, everyone here knows you're a prick. Get a clue you jack ass.

>> No.15247173
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>nobody likes me
>it must be everyone else!

>> No.15247194

I'm literally not the one who shut down a mailing list just to spite some guy on the internet in an e-pissing match.

>> No.15247219


Reading comprehension time, YOU were just ONE of the reasons. Seriously I'm ending this stupid bullshit now. I'm not replying to anymore of your messages.

>> No.15247259

Anyone going to the Houston one tonight want to meet up?

>> No.15247303

Added some ideas for food to the list and suggested some places to meet up. I would personally rather meet after three to check into the hotel and figure out what to do with my bags. Standing in line for hours for a seated show seems silly.

That said, does anyone know about a baggage policy in the theatre?

>> No.15247342

I read your post, and I completely understand it. I'm just telling you I think it's absolutely bullshit.

>> No.15247365

Most theatres don't allow baggage, or they have a baggage holding area for a fee.

>> No.15247644

I'm there right now

>> No.15247690

why so early?

>> No.15247713

Why not? I got to the Dallas show at 10am.

>> No.15247731

Ok you got Line?

>> No.15247750

Yeah.I was like, tenth there

>> No.15247759

Lol no I meant LINE.

>> No.15247796

I mean, I got in line, I don't know what getting line is.

>> No.15247825

Its a japanese messaging app. So we can coordinate the meetup but looks like I'll just use a trip code because I won't be there till around 6.

>> No.15247831

Oh, no I don't have that thing

>> No.15247834
File: 630 KB, 1400x1638, 24783699_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Houston's cab service isn't nearly as bad as the reviews make it sound (it probably is) since it's most likely going to be my only way of getting around. I doubt there'd be an anon around George Bush International somewhere between 4:45 and 5:00 that'd be able to help, right?

>> No.15247854

I could pick you up on my way down I-45. That or you could just get an UBER.

>> No.15248011

I'm about to depart from LR right now. Flight should arrive at 4:31 if you'really interested in helping am anon out.

>> No.15248056

Well I won't be heading to the concert till around 5:30/6:00 could you wait at the airport till then?

>> No.15248057

Already 2:30 and Houston still hasn't set up the lines or parking lot yet. There's not even that many people here yet. Dallas was much more organized and there were over a hundred people lined up by this time

>> No.15248066

Houston got announced so late that I bet most people ended up going to Dallas.

>> No.15248079

And it's a weekday, it'd be crazy if the whole crowd was like 500 people

>> No.15248227


>> No.15248236

They really fuckerd that one up didn't they? I guess it was just to fill up some time honestly.

>> No.15248248

>nobody rides for free.

>> No.15248257

So what started your downward spiral into vocaloid music? How did you discover miku?

>> No.15248264

Well I happen to be a "nice guy".

>> No.15248271

Some fat Mexican just let her little kid piss all over the side of the building. Fucking Houston.

>> No.15248272

Dank reaction images on the internet duh

>> No.15248274
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Why do people dislike you?

>> No.15248289
File: 624 KB, 800x1150, 52592184_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot believe MikuExpo NY is gonna be next weekend. I'm so nervous, yet so excited.It's gonna be my first time!
The only thing that's not clear if when they'll be selling merch. I'll be arriving there Friday morning, so I really hope it's not before that.

I hope I am able to make some new friends. And I hope the meetup is nice and isn't full of drama. I mean I get the mentality that tripfags tend to be obnoxious in every board, but I don't fully grasp the drama or DC's reputation in the situation here. It should just stay between you two, and not make it uncomfy for everyone else.

>> No.15248300

The world is mine hologram video.

>> No.15248315
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Here's the Lin version.

>> No.15248318

when I bought Project Mirai DX based on high review scores, and the puyo mini game.

September 11th, never forget.

>> No.15248389

I want one in BC. I guess I could get my shit together and try to make it to Seattle next year.

>> No.15248391

People you meet one time aren't friends.

People you can call at 2am and ask them to bring a carpet and a shovel are friends.

>> No.15248395
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I wish I lived in toronto and was going.

>> No.15248401
File: 104 KB, 600x600, pepelen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I can name the amount of /real friends/ on one hand
I just hope to meet cool peeps.

>> No.15248408
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>> No.15248419

This picture would be much funnier with a brazzers logo in it.

>> No.15248422

Sakura no Ame in middle school. I just graduated university and listened to it again for nostalgia's sake. Time really does fly.

>> No.15248433

Well new York sounds like a shitshow. When I went last time, the coolest person I met was some guy who was way too into monster hunter.

It was such a cessation of humanity that the Japanese camera crew had a permanent look of disgust. I had a picture of the sound guys face, but can't find it anymore. Go tell your dad that you identify as a transgendered otherkin and you should see something similar though.

>> No.15248449

Is it just the east coast that deals with degeneracy like this?

>> No.15248458

No. But I don't speak Spanish so I don't know how The L.A. show was.

>> No.15248481

That'she a long time to wait. I'm gonna go ahead and check into my hotel which is nearby.

>> No.15248491

Am I the only person that keeps confusing Wowaka with wakoda and vice versa?

>> No.15248507
File: 237 KB, 1600x1071, 1411702479648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in 2010 I think I had heard the term VOCALOID lots on /a/ and thought it was an anime.

I was looking for a ED song from Sora no Otoshimono and actually though Miku was Nymph.


All theses years and I still love this version of the song and listen to it on the same PSP at night.

I figured out some more about volcaloids and downloaded about 10 songs. Liked world is mine and Meltdown.

Then one day I decided to download Project Diva 2nd ISO. Next day went out and bought PDf.

No I have thousands of songs. More vocaloid than anything else.

Anybody else know or like these lesser known songs? Are any of them more popular then I think. They came from one of the first big folders I download many years ago:





>> No.15248524

Was is really that bad? I was hoping it would not be like that.

>> No.15248525

Alright just let me know the address of the hotel if you still want to be picked up.

>> No.15248527

The camera crew wasn't hot enough shit from what I experienced for them to be triggered like you described. They came to me in line at the Hammerstein because I was in formal dress and asked where I was from because I look like one of them but they turned away when I replied "Texas" in a clear American accent.

I met the cross country dudes from Japan who watched the LA show and drove to New York for that one, but they found me out when my limited Nihongo broke like uncooked spaghetti in front of their very eyes. Luckily a gaijin I befriended in the line for the concert happened to speak Japanese decently to translate.

tl;dr New York was fun.

>> No.15248545

It's the Townplace Suites at 4015 Interwood N. Parkway

>> No.15248556

I bet you know this, but "Kingdom Hearts Insider" (it's just a soundtrack site, not limited to KH, thank goodness) has many of the complete Miku soundtracks! To be found here: http://downloads.khinsider.com/?u=906139

>> No.15248557

>formal dress for an electronic rave

I really don't understand this.

>> No.15248571

Alright I'll just walk into lobby when we get there or what ever I'll have a sign.

>> No.15248616

Which show are you going to?

>> No.15248671
File: 120 KB, 700x494, 51780333_p10_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8pm show!

>> No.15248692

Me too, it's also going to be my first vocaloid concert.

>> No.15248703
File: 199 KB, 600x600, 040030346667-1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon. I'm a cool person and I think I have ok friends.

>> No.15248706

I'll start hanging out in the lobby at 5:30.

>> No.15248718
File: 482 KB, 960x540, 48356576_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you have loads of fun anon!

>> No.15248752

Go ahead and come down at 6:00 we are about to leave and it's going to take a solid 30 min to get there.

>> No.15248782

I went to my local Dallas show, but couldn't make it to Houston. I need more Miku. Should I buy an overpriced resale ticket and travel to Chicongo?

>> No.15248812

Who /in line and dying in the sun/ here?

>> No.15248842


>> No.15248850

Sweet I can actually eat something.

>> No.15248868

Not vip, but at least that line actually goes somewhere.

>> No.15248891
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>> No.15248912

Noise is really good, I've never heard it before so thanks for posting!

>> No.15248931

It's special snowflake circle jerking. I do it to fit in.

>> No.15248950
File: 164 KB, 640x853, 1401412351918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NP, I am glad you liked it too.

here is another version of Bungaku Shounen No Yuuutsu with eng. This song makes me choke up, just a little. I feel that I can relate.


>> No.15248954

Be there in 15min

>> No.15248979

It was nice when we got to sit in the shade. I'd've died if I hadn't brought my umbrella

>> No.15248995

Im just glad that it actually turned out to be the front of line

>> No.15249002

Are you general admission?

>> No.15249016

Yeah. Got here at 2 hours ago.

>> No.15249028


Thoughts on their thoughts?

>> No.15249093
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> I didn't email you before you cancelled but if you still want to hang out with anons I could message you before the show.

I honestly don't know if I can clutch a decent meet up on such short notice since I'll have to coordinate the afternoon crowd as well. It would be nice to find someone to talk to other than myself while on line, I'm a night show VIP BTW.

I'm going to go out for a run, maybe I can think about it but I wouldn't hold your breath. I'm talking to a cool guy about meeting up AFTER the concert for drinks and we would like more /jp/ers to join so trying to work that out.

>> No.15249170

Fuck, tickets aren't available online for the Houston show anymore...
I can still get a ticket at the door right?

This is my first Vocaloid concert so I'm not really sure what to expect.

I'll be wearing a black Miku shirt if anyone wants to possibly find me there later.

>> No.15249186

Haku is my spirit animal and Waifu

>> No.15249211

durr hurr shock jocks

>> No.15249221
File: 115 KB, 768x1024, 1407093380550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are making me so jealous.

I can die happy if I go see this once:


>> No.15249222
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, rps20160517_185356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Front row, whoo. It was worth standing in the sun for 7 hours.

>> No.15249249

Enjoy your sunburn (unless you had the foresight to wear sunblock). I know I got one in Dallas. I knew it was coming, but it snuck up on me all the same, because the weather was surprisingly pleasant.

>> No.15249253

Hope you brought ear plugs, or you're going to sound like Marlee Marlin afterwards.

>> No.15249260


>> No.15249307

this song visually was the best performance, at least in seattle. There were parts of the performance where the blondies looked like real physical objects.

why no expo, too far? Save up for next time.

>> No.15249365

No money, didn't even really know about it, live no where close to real civilization. 6 hour drive to Seattle if I had a car.

If I survive this year, I will try to go next year.

>> No.15249369

agreed best song to wave glow sticks to

>> No.15249382

where you from? i use to live in Yakima a few years back

>> No.15249396

Vernon, BC, Canada.

Going to homeless in less than 2 weeks, so who knows after that. Maybe I will try to sneak into the states and look for my long lost oneesan, she has been living illegally in Arizona for over three years. Is there Miku in Arizona or anywhere close. I don't know shit about USA. I have also been bleeding from my ass for over 3 months and losing weight every day, so I may just die soon.

>> No.15249410

Got room for two fellow anons up there?

>> No.15249456

Arizona's pretty far from BC. Pretty hot as fugg too. The heat might dehydrate your withering body even further.


>> No.15249471
File: 60 KB, 720x480, 1423095708341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a nice place to die. I hate being cold. Maybe I can make it. My sister took a bus. I dropped her off in Nov 2012 and gave her some money and my DSi XL, always thought I would see her again. If a bus crosses the border, will everyone be searcher for drugs? I want to bring my suicide kit.

>> No.15249484
File: 730 KB, 391x400, 1461318706669.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she has been living illegally in Arizona for over three years


>> No.15249503

Well seeing as you're coming from Canada and not Mexico, I think you can just walk on over and nobody gives a shit. There's a part of the midwest where the canada/US boarder is literally a two lane road with no fencing whatsoever.

Though from BC you might need the ferry?

>> No.15249528

We are all on our way out, only a matter of time.

Please don't buy into some attention whore's rhetoric only spouted to get more votes. You know you are smarter than that.


>> No.15249555
File: 28 KB, 600x301, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, the shirt I ordered from amiko is still in New Jersey and I need it by Wednesday.
Please SAL don't fail me.

>> No.15249574


Enjoy your shirt 5 days after the concert

>> No.15249584
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>> No.15249624
File: 107 KB, 800x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one should I wear if it doesn't get here in time?

>> No.15249630

Just wear a regular shirt. There's no need to make yourself stand out as a weeblord.

>> No.15249631

Neither of those. Poor taste.

>> No.15249633

If you trully want one of those, the IM@S one.

>> No.15249639

>implying even standing by the venue during one of these shows doesn't make you one already by proxy

>> No.15249896

If I ever got to do, it would be the one day everyone would knew my powerlevel.

>> No.15250225

Yeah, found it on my way to work today. Thanks though. How'd you like the EP?

>> No.15250420

My arms are so done. Houston had a small crowd, but it was still pretty fun. If there's a next year I'll go to Dallas for sure.

>> No.15250422
File: 455 KB, 1098x735, 1417761712029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember World is Mine and there were plushes and posters being sold at Suncoast. I didn't give a shit about Ryo and the early stuff so it flew over my head. I tried out PDF because of the great console rhythm game drought after the falling out of Guitar Hero and Rockband. The divers genres in the demo caught my attention so I went and pirated PD on PSP. Now I'm here.

>> No.15250438
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Good pic, almost true.

God I love Miku.

>> No.15250447

I just have to get through tomorrow and Thursday and then it's miku time.

I can do this.

>> No.15250479

Ten Thousand Stars is GOAT English Miku. Miku is okay, don't care for the rest honestly.

>> No.15250508

Oh fuck I think this is me. I always knew about Miku but I played Project Mirai and now I spend hundreds of dollars a month on fucking figures

>> No.15250700
File: 1.27 MB, 1600x2073, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably the tripcode. I'd have probably stopped using it long ago, if I didn't get a kick out of how much it triggered some people.

Regardless of what people think of me online, I'm a nice guy in person. Or so everyone tells me.

I swear, you guys kill me with this stuff.

>> No.15250950

I love the woo-ing Meiko gets when she does that "bring it around town" move.

>> No.15250974

How was Houston? Dallas was amazing, I do wish there was a bit more wota than given. I feel like people were doing it but the acoustics weren't right. Bomb Factory had an interesting setup. I do hope you all had a blast however, I wish my arms stayed sore and my glow sticks I kept stay dim but slightly active forever. Great experience.

>> No.15251004

Following the @mikuexpo twitter is such suffering. The awful western fan shit they retweet makes me want to vomit.

>> No.15251054

Houston had much better acoustics (but I don't think it was ad loud) and the crowd was smaller. However, the venue was fucking garbage and the staff were all uncoordinated idiots. Also, I felt like since the crowd was so much smaller, the band wasn't as into it as they were in Dallas. In Dallas, MEG.ME especially seemed like she was having a blast on stage and loving the energy, but the crowd in Houston wasn't as hype. A group of guys front and center seemed to be more concerned about their glow stick coordination than the actual show.

>> No.15251070

How many people attended? Dallas was a solid 4.5k. And yes! They all were into it a great deal. The band introduction was killer in itself. MEG.ME on those keys was amazing. And I've never seen a line as long as Dallas as anything in my life.

>> No.15251086

Obviously I don't know how many people actually attended, but I'd be surprised if there was more than 2000, I guess, assuming Dallas was actually 4300 like they said. Maybe not even 1500. At 6pm, there were as many people in line for Houston as Dallas had at 1pm.

>> No.15251356

I felt like the right half of the crowd was participating quite a bit more than the left side. I saw more phones out on the left. I was sick and feeling pretty trashed but I was still at least trying to participate.

Also I learned that long arms are a liability in regards to glowstick waving.

>> No.15251535

Houston was pretty sweet. Was my first Vocaloid concert. It was way better than I was expecting. Smallish crowd, I got there kind of late, I missed Anamanaguchi and Miku's first one or two songs.
Some good cosplays too.

I was also rolling my balls off.

>> No.15251826


Anyone have this album in FLAC? Its one of my all time favorite vocaloid trance/dance/electronic albums

Sounds very similar to Camellias earlier vocaloid works

>> No.15251883

>I intentionally provoke people online for no reason
>everyone says I'm a really nice guy

>> No.15251884


stop responding to tripfags
stop responding to tripfags
stop responding to tripfags

>> No.15251924
File: 728 KB, 960x776, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said in person. Here I'm a bit of a troll, but then again, this is 4chan. Trolling is practically our business.

>> No.15251954

No one else here seems to be shitting up the thread.

>> No.15251958


stop responding to tripfags
stop responding to tripfags
stop responding to tripfagsstop responding to tripfags
stop responding to tripfags
stop responding to tripfagsstop responding to tripfags
stop responding to tripfags
stop responding to tripfags

>> No.15251967

Why do the vocaloids use mics even when they already have head worn mics on during some songs?

>> No.15251972

It's not like they use the mics in the first place

>> No.15251975


>> No.15252271
File: 161 KB, 650x750, 1444215560581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your favorite Miku outfit /jp/?

>> No.15252281

Default or those slutty variants used in MMD videos.

>> No.15252295 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15252302
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This one at the concert looked really good fully rendered.

>> No.15252307


>> No.15252398
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>> No.15252498
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mirakuru peinto

>> No.15252537
File: 389 KB, 450x937, 02 by cocorip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's something about that female magician outfit that makes me pop a tent like DC Comic's Zatanna. Also here's a pic perfect for your phone.

>> No.15252572

Append, definitely. Great design, looks so sleek and futuristic. Rin Len append are my favorite outfits for them as well, same reason.

>> No.15252669
File: 873 KB, 1035x1100, 1393877129140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was getting into anime, my friend showed me Hatsune Miku no Gekishou and explained who is Miku.
It didn't even took me a year to have room with posters and figures of Miku and sleep together every night. She became my first and only waifu.

V3. It looks cute and beautiful but also professional and perfect.
Append looks way too slutty and others don't feel like real Miku.

>> No.15252715

>Append looks too slutty

Me and you, outside, right now.

>> No.15252818

>practically nonexistent skirt
>everything is tight and fitting
>cutout on crotch that nearly shows vulva
>cutout showing sides of breast
>every part looks like you could peel it off
You can't deny it's slutty as fuck.

>> No.15252837

Hear hear

This anon speaks the truth

>>15252715 Sorry mate, but append is DESIGNED to be slutty

>> No.15252882
File: 525 KB, 599x710, 1377081217187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy they went back to original when designed V3.
Lewdness should always stay only in fanworks, Miku should always stay young, pure and innocent when shown by Crypton/Sega.

>> No.15252912


>> No.15253436

grand dad?

>> No.15253485
File: 132 KB, 670x581, 1460384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just be human?
No real reason to follow the family business.

>> No.15253498
File: 643 KB, 1695x953, miku flower in mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Knew the character because she was more or less an instant hit from her birth
>IE: tons of fanart, tons of references, etc. all over the net, had a basic understanding of Miku and Vocaloids
>Listen to a few songs here and there but not much
>Try out PDF1, terrible at it so I put it down
>Months later get an itch to try again
>Holy shit, this is a blast and the music is wonderful
>Coincided with an overall budding interest in rhythm games and my full-blown collapse into total weebness
>Spent the entirety of last summer getting into Vocaloids and the interest has only gotten stronger.
>Still trying to make it through a mountain of music of hers.

As a budding buyfag since last summer too, I'm troubled by my lack of Miku figs and Nendos - there are so many to choose from. I need to get a plush and some nice prints for my room too. Plus, I need Project Mirai DX soon too.

I'm going to the concert in NYC and the timing couldn't be better for me in this stage of my Vocaloid interest.

>> No.15253515

Go home, Joel.

>> No.15253518

There's a nice 1/12 swimsuit figure coming out this month, about 25-30 dollars depending on currency. Theres a Luka one, but it doesn't look as good as mikus.

>> No.15253539

Is there any software that can convertvocal sound files in to phonemes / Vocaloid sequences?

>> No.15253540

Thanks anon. I don't know if I want a lewd figure to be my first Miku - and as a Lukafag I'd probably want hers as well to complete the collection.

That said, I might get this Luka

>> No.15253542

Did I say this month? I meant next month.

Delayed. Again.

>> No.15253561

Swimsuits aren't inherently lewd anon.

>> No.15253583

Fair enough, but there are so many qt Miku figs out there that it feels almost weak to get a swimsuit version as my first.

>> No.15253592
File: 128 KB, 800x750, FIGURE-015962_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15253593

No. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no.

>> No.15253607

in my defense, these posts are mine


this one is not

>> No.15253668

These figures are practically made for hot gluing.

>> No.15253782

They're pretty good quality at the price point, in my opinion.

>> No.15253846


Luka's taa taas needs to be bigger.

>> No.15253902

I was thinking the same thing

mikus flat chest is nice and perfect

luka definitely has bigger boobies

>> No.15253919

Anyone know if the merch booth in Toronto is going to accept cards?
Wondering if it'll be worth the time to convert some superior USD over before getting there.

>> No.15253950

Honestly they should have just done it in Montreal. Toronto is a liberal shithole, MTL is much better for events and partying

>> No.15254003

Filthy yank get out reeeeeee

Unless you're voting trump. Anyone I see wearing maga gear is getting a drink bought for them.

>> No.15254041

Well last night in Houston they were doing cash only, and the lines for merch were still enormous even for the smaller Houston show. I think they have to do cash only to keep the line moving as quick as possible.

>> No.15254081

I wouldn't use Houston as the standard. Dallas had credit cards. The Houston venue was fucking awful and the staff were all retarded. I would assume they take cards at the other shows, except maybe in Mexico.

>> No.15254136

I always wanted to make a serious try at getting into vocaloid music but where do I start? I've listened to only a few Miku songs and generally I find them too high-pitched to be enjoyable. Googling 'vocaloids for beginners' tends to get me pages about making music, not listening to it, and bigger lists tend to be filled with moonspeak.

>> No.15254140
File: 1.91 MB, 1080x1920, miku 56260940_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It defeats the purpose of being a vocalist independent software though. I guess the upside is that if this was more readily available, it could make entry into vocaloid music production easier for beginners while still letting expert tuners to find their own style.

>> No.15254169

I went to the Houston show last night and I was so disappointed that I wasn't able to get any merch. It was getting late and I had a long drive ahead of me and I waited for a few minutes to see how fast the lines were moving.

I ended up leaving after 10 minutes. I really really wish I could have gotten some shirts and posters and shit.

>> No.15254179

Honestly I think one of the games are a good starting point. They usually have a wide genre of music, plus it is a little entertaining and occupying when you're pressing buttons to the beat.

They have lots of costumes too, so you get a really good introduction to the whole Vocaloid world.

Also don't feel bad if you don't like all of the music. I don't like that many Vocaloid songs, but it was a totally different experience in concert, I loved it all

>> No.15254189

Ayyy do some vaporware

>> No.15254191

I would second the games but add you can download just the dreamy theatre or whatever it's called, they're like little music videos. I never cared for the games but I have all or at least most of the little movies.

>> No.15254200

The high pitch can take some getting used to. Try starting off with lower pitched vocaloid songs using Miku Dark/Solid, Gumi, Luka, IA, Len, other male vocaloids, etc. Also, finding out producers you like in the genres you enjoy is important since there's vocaloid music of all genres out there. Try these maybe:


>> No.15254228

Anyone else struggling to reintegrate into a post Miku Expo world? I just keep listening to "Disappearance of Hatsune Miku" on repeat and crying. If she doesn't come back to NA next year, I don't know how I'll cope

>> No.15254237

I was worried I was going to miss out on merch since I had to get a ride from a friendly anon and his friend and I didn't want to be rude and keep them waiting. I went for merch after the end of the show and managed to cheat a little by getting into the middle clump at the left table and cutting in when it started to merge. I wish the online store still offered some of the goods though. I forgot to buy something for a friend and I wish I could fix that.

>> No.15254249

I think I know what you mean. Was my first Vocaloid concert and I haven't stopped thinking about it since I left last night. It was fucking magical, blew my expectations out of the water.

I've felt a minor urge to cry, but I think that's due to Molly still.

I thought about catching a flight to NYC so I could see her again, but it's a lot of money for a flight.

How was the anon carpool? Also I'm glad you were able to get some stuff. I feel really badly about cutting in line and I like to wait until everyone else has had their fill. And fuck me, there's an online store?

>> No.15254290
File: 73 KB, 500x400, kawaiine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find miku's levan polka when looking for leekspin vids in middle school
>look her up and fall in love with the concept and design
>discover "the disappearance of hatsune miku" and "love is war"
It's all history from there, friends.

>> No.15254301

>Anyone else struggling to reintegrate into a post Miku Expo world?

It hit me pretty hard when I was trying to sleep after the Houston show that this was probably the most fun I had in a long time and I was going to go back to my mundane 8-5 on Thurs. I'm honestly considering trying to go to both of the NY shows even though it'd be kind of costly at this point.

The carpool was only three people including myself. While I enjoyed myself I kind of found it sad that two random people I never met before were easier to talk to about my interests than just about every real life friend I had. There was an online store during the fundraising part of the expo, but it was closed down once the shows started. http://mikuexpo.com/na2016/goods

>> No.15254318

I feel you, I had so much more fun than I thought I was going to have, and I'm the awkward guy on the floor that just kinda shuffles around. I realized half way through just how much I was laughing and smiling. Fuck, my eyes are watering...

I wish I could talk with strangers easily, but I was just so excited I could barely form coherent sentences. One guy came up to me after the show since he also had a Miku plush on his waist and I can't even remember what I said exactly, I was just grinning like an idiot the whole time. Same for when I asked for pics from a few of the cosplayers. "oh my god can i take a photo i love your cosplay this is great thank you"

And yeah, I saw that store page, but every link is just a larger photo, fuck... I knew I should have bought everything online months ago ;__;

>> No.15254331

Going to New York would be really costly at this point, especially considering you'd have to get there a day early and get a hotel and plane tickets and shit.

>> No.15254344

Speaking of which, different anon here, wondering if anyone had any suggestions for hotels near the NYC venue. Everything I've been looking at is really expensive.

>> No.15254346
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Yeah, the main cost to me was plane tickets, at around $1,000 round trip it's just way too much. My sister and her husband live in NYC so I could stay with them, or a friend up there who I've actually been hoping to meet.
I'm sorry Miku, I will never be late or miss another concert of yours if it's close enough...

>> No.15254399
File: 334 KB, 526x743, ZOLA.PROJECT.full.1638737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: Miku, IA, Gumi, Rin, and Len tend to be high pitched as fuck in a lot of songs, it's sometimes unbearable. But there are some examples where they are not.
Listen to some VOCAJAZZ, Vocaloid Rnb, some Vocahouse etc. and avoid denpa, j-core akibapop and a lot of Jpop as high pitched is usually dragged to hell and back.
I think the project diva series is full of high pitched stuff, so approach with caution.
Also, male vocaloids, they exist! Especially ones that aren't crypton!

Here are some recommendations:

>> No.15254445

Man $1000 is a lot. I was thinking I could possibly land in NY the 27th, hit the concert, then fly out the night of the 28th, but I don't know how much plane tickets are. I could do it if it was like, $500 I guess, but hotels in NYC are probably ridiculous.

>> No.15254451
File: 826 KB, 744x1392, CdBniVkUkAEGyvV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agitation. Because nagimiso's art style is my aesthetic

>> No.15254457
File: 102 KB, 800x982, CiqrkYuVEAEgnao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do airbnb, found a place close to manhattan that is $50 per night.

>> No.15254467

I'm at 6.4k various vocaloid/doujin albums

all with cover art

I might hit 7.5k by the end of the year

>> No.15254502
File: 2.92 MB, 849x1200, 3fd9fe6d0410e2c4d6abb87b45485f09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Should've booked sooner but I heard there are some website where you can try to get a last minute bargain. I managed to score a hostel for $65 a night and it's 4 blocks away from the Hammerstein Ballroom / Manhattan Center. Take a look at Airbnb too. Good luck!

>> No.15254513

Jesus how many TB is that? Did you listen to all of them?

>> No.15254528

Well, I would honestly say I've "properly" listened to about 83% of it. Meaning more than once of course. Just accumulated quickly over the years lack of better hobbies, friendships or romance.

Only have 14% in lossless, because most of it is lossy vocaloid, random doujin, or other.

It's surprisingly only 732GB.

>> No.15254574

I'll have to Google that. I'm not much of a traveler.

>> No.15254724

What are some good engrish miku songs?

>> No.15254726
File: 431 KB, 1280x720, HATSUNE MIKU EXPOライブ会場_movie_YY_201604091000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly thought the concert was going to be mediocre because of the youtube videos. And now here I am dropping another $200 on random Vocaloid merchandise because I want Miku back in California asap.

Speaking of which, do you think CFM checks pre-orders and sales of overseas countries to determine where to host a show? I know they used Mikubook before they shut it down.

>> No.15254809


>> No.15254834

>I honestly thought the concert was going to be mediocre because of the youtube videos.

I can't even watch the youtube videos anymore after seeing it live. It's just not the same. Ten Thousand Stars for example was so thunderous live and that kind of thing just can't be captured on video.

>> No.15254847

Would it be better to try to go to New York for the morning show or the night?

>> No.15254876
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>> No.15254900

Anyone have advice for a trip to Chicago?

>> No.15254901

39 is also just on an entirely different level live.

>> No.15254922

When i was in line for merch they allowed for credit cards. I went after the show so maybe before was different

>> No.15254986

To be honest I don't know what was going on. I was waiting in line at the left merchant table after the show ended and all of a sudden one of the women working the table just announced cash only. Maybe she meant for the middle lines or the whole thing. NRG Arena staff seemed kind of in disarray throughout the event. I read there was some kind of fuck up involving the VIPs and early access ticket holders and there was some staffer crying out front near the GA lines. The show itself was great in the end and that's all that matters though.

The fact I actually enjoyed Sharing the World and didn't suffer PTSD from the Letterman Show truly displays the power of Miku live.

>> No.15255003

Letterman was fun watching with anons, though.
Fuckin' Willie Nelson's tour bus

>> No.15255010

No, it was horrible.

>> No.15255040

Use tripadvisor to be careful. I'm glad someone told me about the website before I reserved a hotel room for one because I almost wound up in a "hostel" that's more or less a bunch of storage closets with beds and another that's directly above a gay nightclub with three roommates.

>> No.15255046

I enjoyed watching confused anons on the /a/ thread.
They did make fun of Miku but hey, it's their loss not mine.
You have to grow a backbone and not get easily offended by what other people/anons say.

>> No.15255072

Sounds perfect for /jp/

>> No.15255130

Would you have booked a different song for Miku at Letterman /jp/?

>> No.15255134

The song choice was bad, the venue was bad, everything was bad.

If they had just done something fun like kocchi muite baby, or something like it, and done it on Conan instead of letterman, it would have been viewed much more positively.

>> No.15255149

Again, who cares what normies think?

Putting her on Letterman, a show that has an older audience, having her sing in English, (granted it was not understandable at all, so the old folks probably thought it was Japanese anyways), brought news coverage to Miku. More coverage, more people learning about Miku, slowly bringing in more casual fans.

Any exposure whether it's good or bad is a basic marketing move almost every celebrity uses. People comment, bring more views, the cycle goes on and on.

>> No.15255150

Yeah no clue why they picked Letterman, but the song made sense because the whole NA tour is kind of pushing these English songs to appease the gaijin. Blue Star probably would have been better

>> No.15255154

>who cares what Normies think

Then why do letterman?

There's dozens of better options for getting more applicable exposure.

>> No.15255158

Need a light rock/jazz song that's in English and doesn't get too sharp/shrill so I don't know if there's any way to win. Story Rider was played live right? Maybe it could have worked.

>> No.15255232

You don't "pick" Letterman. The Late Show picks you.

>> No.15255301

Also if you want to think of something crazy think about the fact that Miku made her live American TV debut in the same location the Beatles made their US debut.

>> No.15255346

Thanks again to the anon who shared Noise by Mijipin. Listening to Artemis and having a very chill evening.

>> No.15255473

Finally some anons get it.

>> No.15255497
File: 90 KB, 1200x675, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am human. If what you're really asking is, "why not be normal", then I'd like to remind you that you're talking with a bunch of people who are hyped to see a concert "performed" by a digital, holographic 16-year-old Japanese girl.

Normal is boring. Fuck normal.

>> No.15255523

I'm sorry, but I think what he was getting at was "if you're so likeable irl, why try to be such a shitfaggot online?"

>> No.15255536

You do know that avatar-fagging is against the rules, right?

>> No.15256061

anyone know if they'll let you take glowsticks on a plane?

>> No.15256161
File: 23 KB, 755x371, purchase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anon from M3 thread here? I caved in and ordered it, hopefully there won't be issues with shipping.

haha yurop postal system

>> No.15256578

Like the electric ones or the free concert ones?

I'd imagine they could go in your checked luggage just fine, probably not carryon.

>> No.15256588

I just had a dream I was at the concert and left before getting my VIP package. After running back into the venue to pick it up Anamanaguchi was only just starting to perform and almost no one was left to watch them.

>> No.15256604

Almost all songs of Vocaloid are mediocre, if not just plain bad.

>> No.15256643

If there was listed times when anamanaguchi was playing, so that I could miss them and not miku, I would.

>> No.15256687


>> No.15256793
File: 41 KB, 500x293, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how long it took you to think about voicing your irrelevant opinion on this thread.

>> No.15257002

>Almost all songs of Vocaloid are mediocre, if not just plain bad.
>all songs of Vocaloid are mediocre
>songs of Vocaloid

>> No.15257156

Since when is posting a single picture of an anime character who shares my weltanschauung "avatarfagging"?

>> No.15257163

Anamanaguchi opener was about 30 minutes for the SF show. Just do what I did and buy merch during that time.

>> No.15257217

Sounds like a plan.

>> No.15257401

Unless you've got a venue with assigned seating, going in after the opening act means you'd be at the very, very back.

>> No.15257414

Toronto is seating, obviously at standing venues it would be suicide.

>> No.15257444

I feel like, and I mean if it's your only option then you don't have a choice, sitting down at a vocaloid concert would kind of hinder the experience.

>> No.15257484

If everyone else stands, I will stand as well, but if everyone is seated, then so will I.

It's not my first Vocaloid concert, and I don't get a sexual thrill out of glowstick waggling, so I'm fine either way.

>> No.15257503

I've always thought glowsticks were stupid but some of those songs you just can't help but jump around, jump up, jump up and get down.

>> No.15257518

Yeah, not in GA standing. I'm 6'2" and an amateur strongman, were I to begin jumping around, a lot of manlets and fatsune mikus would be destroyed.

Couldn't even swing my glowstick in new York last time without almost concussing three people.

>> No.15257691
File: 421 KB, 2048x2048, 13217502_10157039782335637_4063516452925909706_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toronto's poster is announced.

I'd say it's top three, but Seattle is still the clear leader.

>> No.15257754

Seattle is the clear leader because all the other posters look like they were commissioned from Deviantart.

>> No.15257772

For me it's a dislike of Western artstyle on a Japanese subject, but Toronto skirts the issue somewhat at least.

It's the same reason I didn't buy anything from the fundraiser, and why I'm not interested in 80% of the merch. If I wanted looney tunes, I can buy looney tunes.

>> No.15257786
File: 95 KB, 960x544, 1394663685293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is so not kawaii.

>> No.15257850
File: 123 KB, 834x834, 13254567_10157028787430637_4978939443079352113_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seattle > Houston >>>>>> Everything else by a mile.

>> No.15257941

I know tfw fellow Miku lifter. Nothing like vocaloid jams at the end of a workout.

>Select all the food

>> No.15258059

I see your posts in /a/ always accompanied with a haruhi pic. you're breaking rules by doing that.

>> No.15258441

Looks like a fucking tranny. Honestly it's insulting that they have hired literal deviant art shitters who plagiarize.

>> No.15258443

Did the artist for this take a picture of themselves in Miku cosplay and use edgy filters from Photoshop to make this poster design?

Proof? Look around her chin, "she" suddenly has blue stubble.

This is just awful.

>> No.15258479

As much as I don't like the art, those are obviously highlights, same as the ones on her hands and eyes.

>> No.15258590

How does /jp/ feel about the hat? I thought it was fine, but I had to bend the brim. You can see the western influence in the Miku, for sure, but it's not as bad as the posters or the bag.

>> No.15258741

The artist for that hat is from piapro. (Aka not some white girl from USA) I got the hat since I think it's the right balance of style.

>> No.15258823

Does anyone know if they will sell merch after the tour ends? I wanted to get some, but having the show in the middle of the week and having work the next morning, I didn't want to want in line for an hour.

I may just book a fucking flight and go see both NYC shows. I'm really thinking about it. I want to see Miku again.

>> No.15258907

Going to NY this late will really cost you, though. I was trying to plan it out last night and was looking at at least $600 for the trip. I decided I'll save up and when the 2017 Expo gets announced, I'll try to hit every city. I'm sure next year will be even better.

>> No.15258952

Yeah, I know. I went on a whim to the Houston show not really expecting much, but wow. I guess I'm a convert now.
I've been checking ticket prices (airfare) and I got it down to about $700. But then I need to buy the actual tickets to the show and a fuck ton of merch, so that will probably add up to like another $400...

I'm still contemplating on pulling the trigger and seeing her twice in NYC.
Miku has been the only thing on my mind since Tuesday night.

>> No.15258974


does anyone know if they are selling the omocat shirt?

if someone could buy it for me i would pay a finders fee

>> No.15258991

I wish I knew, it's hard to get a straight answer if they will sell merch online after the tour ends.
The Houston merch boothes were a shitshow, so I really don't know.

>> No.15259015

Oh, you were in Houston, too? You say you went on a whim but then want to spend $700 to go to NYC, that's a pretty big leap. It'd be worth it, though, if you could get up close. I'd imagine the NY show would be the best on the tour.

>> No.15259047
File: 291 KB, 839x567, b0cdc7dc542ba97bfc5bf6bf27224966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm still contemplating on pulling the trigger and seeing her twice in NYC.


>> No.15259091

I think the Omocat shirt was pledgemusic exclusive, sorry anon.

>> No.15259122

You clearly have a very short memory. I've been posting in a lot of Haruhi threads lately, because that's the show I've been watching. If you comb through the archive, you'll see I've posted a lot of different images.

>> No.15259150
File: 326 KB, 647x906, 2012833_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also decided to go to Houston late and am now stuck with the decision of whether or not to go to NY to hit up both shows. I just don't like large crowds, large cities, and spending large sums of money all at once so it's hard. I regret not going to Dallas when I had the chance to buy a ticket. Could have done both Dallas and Houston which would have been easier than flying out to NY.

>> No.15259219

your name stinks or newfaggotry and retardism, while your tripcode is flat out gay

>> No.15259241



>> No.15259273

Anon, why don't you use 4chanx to make tripfags anonymous?

>> No.15259274

i dont like diluting my drink

>> No.15259281

Well said, anon.

>> No.15259388

What about Chicago? People are talking about Toronto and New York, but not that one. Because it's a week-night concert? I've got time off, so I'm going.

>> No.15259404

Thank goodness I got my Miku Omocat shirt, but I'm still upset I couldn't afford the glowstick at that time and that they're not gonna sell anymore...I guess no wota moves from me.

I also think it's too early to assume there will be yet /another/ U.S. tour next year or the year after. Crypton has yet to seal the deal with Europe among other places. Even 1st place is doing a far better job of bringing IA to other countries other than the U.S., and are even working on Latin America.

Still looking for any German anons that will attend the AHS soft Vocaloid concert in Germany.

>> No.15259424
File: 2.03 MB, 2549x3583, 40210853_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has two shows on the same day and the Digital Stars and Let's Draw events with Hachioji the day before on the 27th. That and people expect the NY shows to be the biggest and best of the bunch.

>> No.15259435

It's probably because it's chicongo.

>> No.15259453

I skipped it because there's no floor.

>> No.15259459

Well I definitely expect the Digital Stars event to be of good quality since HachioujiP will be there, and CircusP will play Vocaloid songs. I am not sure about the other two performers, but I also hope they play Vocaloid songs. I heard that in past Digital Stars events, there were some performers that barely played any Vocaloid songs, which is a shame. Also, autographs! I hope Hachiouji will sell some of his recent CDs.

Now about Hammerstein Ballroom, I have heard of some complaints here and there

>> No.15259465

Hammerstein always feels oversold.

>> No.15259560

Good luck seeing shit in Hammerstein if you're in the center of the floor.

>> No.15259573

>I also think it's too early to assume there will be yet /another/ U.S. tour next year or the year after.

It'd be kind of silly to not try it. They managed to sell out shows in the US, Mexico, and Canada this year. All the while Miku benefits from good press and increased fan interest. Skipping a year might not be an option anymore.

>> No.15259619
File: 114 KB, 1200x800, miku120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope LA, Lots of nips in LA Thats the best show

>> No.15259627

True, but the Chicago Theatre looks like a nice venue and the downtown area certainly has touristy attractions for people making the trip.

Anyone know if riding the light rail in Chicago is O.K? It's relatively cheap, so I'd prefer to use it unless that means being shut up in a rolling zoo exhibit with a bunch of Chicongo's finest.

>> No.15259655
File: 1.81 MB, 1800x1350, P1010256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2014 at the Hammerstein Ballroom was such an interesting year.

>> No.15259660

I wish I could do that to my NA

>> No.15259668


You can do it if you believe.

>> No.15259685
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, P1010211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also pic of whatever the fuck's going on during the 2014 Miku Expo in the Hammerstein Ballroom / Manhattan Center in the middle of General Admission ... IN MANLET VISION *echo* VISION sion sion.... on... on...

>> No.15259714

Thread limit reached.

New thread here: >>15259711

>> No.15259899

Fellow anon who I assume is also in Texas, I feel you. That's why I really want to go now. I missed a big chunk of the show and the chance to get any of the stuff afterwards.

It's the strangest feeling, I've been to lots of concerts of artists whom I really love to listen to all the time and am super hyped about for months before going.
Then I go see Miku and it was just completely bizarre yet natural feeling, and everything just felt so surreal and happy. I think I'm hooked on these shows now. There's just nothing else like it.
