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File: 882 KB, 800x1200, abb8394b34f4f8c5d4ffb508b1f3cf16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15238668 No.15238668 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>15229011

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EN: http://en.kancollewiki.net
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

Recent Updates:

KanColle STAFF Twitter:

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air Superiority Calculator: http://aircalc.net

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs:

Equipment upgrade values:

Useful Akashi upgrades table:

Voices, Sprites, Furniture Preview: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 1): https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 2): https://github.com/gakada/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/FreyYa/KanColleViewer

PS Vita game has officially released: http://kancolle-vita.com
KanColle Arcade has officially released: http://kancolle-a.sega.jp/
Official arcade gameplay demonstration: https://youtu.be/GAjOfoutg5s, https://youtu.be/IPfFSo-hiWI and https://youtu.be/LYlzkMGYtEA

KanColle Movie trailer: https://youtu.be/Puj4vB_Kh2E

-Spring 2016 Event has started and will end on May 31. It is a 7 map event split into 3 parts: Initial, Expansion and Final Operations.
-Debuff nodes for E-6 confirmed to be L/A/G and node I on E-5.
-Unintended stats gains on new ships and Pola not being able to equip seaplane fighters have been fixed. Oyashio also has an increased drop rate.
-Land based planes not doing their correct damage and enemy raids not happening have been fixed.
-Players who reached E-6 before the emergency patch will get an exclusive apology furniture and an early event reward for their troubles after the event.
-Kamikaze class DDs Kamikaze and Harukaze, Oyashio, Pola and Iowa are available in this event.
-New equipment such as the Catalina, interceptor fighters and Iowa's OS2U stock equipment can be earned this event.
-Land-based aircraft and their famed pilots have been added. They can be used with the new land-based aerial support mechanic which can also accommodate naval aircraft. Land-based air squadrons will be able to aid your fleet at up to 2 specific nodes.
-The first part consists of 4 maps. E3 rewards Kamikaze along with the ability to use the new aerial support mechanic.
-The second part consists of 1 map, which rewards Pola and is optional.
-The third part consists of 2 maps, which rewards Iowa for the final map.
-The max slot counts have been increased to 290/1260 for ships/equipment respectively.
-An Asashio class DD will get her Kai 2 this spring.
-Android lottery results are out, the 250k winners must wait until the end of the event to gain access.
-E-6 Zuiun Exploit is now online. Set-up can be found here: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28789122

>> No.15238723

H-hello? Anons?

>> No.15238728

RNG has got them! Now only you can save them!

>> No.15238732

RNG has all of us man, there's no escape from that.

>> No.15238733
File: 578 KB, 1384x348, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will this work for easy modo? don't bully.

>> No.15238741

Easy mode what, you retard.

>> No.15238742

I hope I can clear E-5 by the end of this event.
But my equipment is probably too shit.

>> No.15238744

What is the best Yuu-farming setup for hard mode?

>> No.15238749

E-7 I presume?
Remove Kiso and put in a CA or something, CLTs have no place in this event.
Fusous not at Kai Ni? Use Ise/Hyuuga instead.

>> No.15238756
File: 127 KB, 786x444, ss+(2016-05-15+at+05.52.04).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I can't do it.

>> No.15238760

>CA on slots 3 and 4
Go figure

>> No.15238764

What do you guys think a theoretical Houshou Kai Ni would be like?

>> No.15238767

I think I'm gonna build a T2 seaplane fighter.

>> No.15238769

Is it possible to get more ducks form E-2 if you already have them all?

>> No.15238782
File: 83 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160515-18401589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just farm easy

>> No.15238793

I got three Teruzukis while I was farming for Kashima.

>> No.15238799


>> No.15238817

I don't have any other pressing upgrades and a lot of downtime.

>> No.15238818

I don't have ise or hyuga. is torpedo really not useful for getting to the boss node?

>> No.15238846

My bucket streak of 10 buckets has ended.

>> No.15238849

Ise class drop like candy, and they remodel at lvl 10. Just get them.

>> No.15238859

Is it ever worth to rank in event time in terms of rewards they give?

>> No.15238868

I don't think I can make E5. Already dropped to medium, I still can't sink Lycoris after chipping half the bar. The two Rus always stay alive and kill one of the CAVs and the last two runs taihad out. It's going to have to be kuso mode for me.

>> No.15238874

No one gives a fuck

>> No.15238879

>I don't think I can make E5. Already dropped to medium, I still can't sink Lycoris after chipping half the bar
You could always try 2BB route. Or what I did for the final kill, 2DD, 2BB, CAV, CV. It goes north, but has a reasonable chance of reaching the boss and you can get AS with the right planes and decent landbase support.

>> No.15238885

You can get into top500 just buy finishing your EO
It is a free month to rank.

>> No.15238888
File: 595 KB, 800x480, Red T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The double CVHime at node L is fucking bullshit. Day FP cap during red T

>> No.15238895

Cool bullshit. It's only half of the month and EOs already aren't enough.

>> No.15238899

EOs alone haven't been enough for a while now.

>> No.15238909

Yeah, I just got another Akizuki.

This game is being way too good to me this event.

>> No.15238917

Throw me some of your luck whenever you stop needing it.

>> No.15238922
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>> No.15238931

You can have all you want, I really just need to farm a couple of (Yuu)s now since all my other farming is done.

>> No.15238936

fuckin' juicy

>> No.15238944

but they are potato so I can't use them. is 1 more plane in a slot even a big difference?

>> No.15238949

Are all American ships going to be spazztic cowtits?

>> No.15238950

>1 more plane in a slot
At least read the wiki you autist.

>> No.15238954

Gimme your luck, I'm stuck on Yuu farming.

>> No.15238958

What server are you on?
You only need 830 for top500 for my server currently. I have 653 right now with 1-6, 4-5 and 5-5 still to go.

>> No.15238962

On what difficulty are you guys farming Yuu?

>> No.15238963

Why did you list 1-6 there?

>> No.15238969
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>> No.15238977

EOs give 780 points.
Current requirement is completely worthless. At the end of month it will be double of that or more and it is the only moment which matters.

>> No.15238978


>> No.15238984


>> No.15238992

Last month cutoff is like 1600. It is going to be even less this month.

>> No.15239007
File: 1.17 MB, 4000x2502, bb068477e5fc1b8c33557f55bd876d5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti installation cut-in when?

>> No.15239011

just give your CA's 3 red and a sanshiki

>> No.15239014

Gun cut-in + WG or Sanshiki.

>> No.15239025

it's 11/11/11/14 instead of 10/10/10/10

are you being stupid on purpose again?

>> No.15239035

14-10 is 4 and not 1 you fucking retard.

>> No.15239036
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>> No.15239042

It was >1900 here last month.

>> No.15239043

I think you're the one being stupid on purpose here.

>> No.15239049

Why were people upset about E5?

With range 6 greens you can completely stop the boss from launching planes. It's just sparkle and pray to get to the boss, where your shipgirls will have a decent chance to S rank.

Is the Last Dance significantly harder?

>> No.15239054

3 out of 4 slots only have 1 more plane, and 14 doesn't even seem that significant compared to 23 on upgraded kuso.

>> No.15239055

Worst Unryuu

>> No.15239058

It's the exact same. You don't even have to disable her, she rarely hits. Getting to boss node and the Rus are problems.

Only a cretin like you would intentionally choose smaller slot for comparison.

>> No.15239060

>decent chance to S rank
There are still 2 Rus double attacking twice, that is 8 deadly attacks and the boss is not always disabled either.

>> No.15239061

Maybe I just got extremely lucky then. But I also sparkled everyone.

>> No.15239063

I don't know man. I just need to know what to do on boss support. Should I use dive bombers or torpedo bombers for my carrier support? I have been trying shelling but it doesn't work enough.

>> No.15239064

I'm going to start right when I finish sparkling my support fleets. I'm convinced it's just Idlecolle fags who are having trouble.

>> No.15239068

Is luck modernization obsolete now?
Who should I feed my Maruyus to?

>> No.15239072

Yes, there will nevere ever be a non-installation boss. Feed them to Akashi because she'll get branching next event.

>> No.15239082
File: 2 KB, 368x47, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just perfect.

>> No.15239083

I compared the most common one. it's like if I said, "3 out of 4 /jp/ users are shitposters" and you fired back with "nuh uh, 1 out of 4 only shitposts on thursday and friday."

>> No.15239084

>I compared the most common one.
Just another proof you're clinically retarded.

>> No.15239089

Please step on me.

>> No.15239102
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>> No.15239103

Fuck off and never come back, your stupidity is off the charts.

>> No.15239104

I love you guys.

>> No.15239110

You do realize it's a scratch?

>> No.15239122

Give it to kasumin

>> No.15239125

Why are retards like him allowed to live and spam the threads?

>> No.15239130
File: 582 KB, 1140x106, 1450362523052.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it keeps happening

>> No.15239141

Well, WG increases chance of targeting the installation, that's one of the good things about it.

>> No.15239156
File: 2 KB, 102x136, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oyashio farming is starting off great.

>> No.15239157

Because people like you reply to him.

>> No.15239161

Literally the worst webm cropping I've ever seen.

>> No.15239182

Really? That's pretty neat.

>> No.15239191

is it worth bringing a boat to e7 or am I better off with a searchlight or something? I only have 2 wg.

>> No.15239192

I've been playing for a while and the guides don't mention anything about it

what's with the people in pvp who have high level rare ships and low hq levels
is it really that common for people to surpress their hq level so that they can win pvp?
do they just get insanely lucky on drops?

>> No.15239199

Good thing you can farm Yuu at E3 right now and is the easiest she's ever been available to farm, ever.

>> No.15239200

pvp is based on rank, not hq level. if they have rare ships they're just luckers like that guy who got zuikaku as his first carrier.

>> No.15239202

Just equip your LBAS perfectly and you don't need to worry about anything except getting to the boss. Even on Hard.

>> No.15239208

damn, and there's a dude right now on my pvp who's level 13 and has a zuikaku and multiple good battleships
I guess it's good that pvp gives basically nothing but quests then

>> No.15239210

Not even figuratively. Literally. It's that bad!

>> No.15239216
File: 210 KB, 672x339, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the best I can do with my planes, so I don't know how well it will work even on easy. I don't even have enough carriers right now for boss support. I'm going to have to convert chitose and hope I can get kamo later so I'll still have enough seaplane tenders for expedition 36.

>> No.15239228

I guess I will farm for Yuu until I get 6 WG42.
Not going to pass E5 otherwise.
Maybe I should just farm the first 4 maps.
And after the event is over get Akashi to upgrade.

>> No.15239233

how stupid are you fucks, I can beat E5 on hard with 0 wg

>> No.15239242

All my upgraded equipment is poor after all.
I guess I'm just an unlucky son of a bitch.

>> No.15239245

>unupgraded equipment
I meant I have no upgraded equipment. Gosh I am tired.

>> No.15239246

Even no potato anon can get Iowa. How embarrassingly bad can the rest of the userbase be looking at all the hilarious rage quit posted throughout the last few threads?

>> No.15239251

People raged quit?

>> No.15239254

just do it on easy. don't let bullies stop you from clearing the event.

>> No.15239256
File: 37 KB, 482x581, ss+(2016-05-16+at+09.32.48).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at 2chan looking at 4chan

>> No.15239258

>And after the event is over get Akashi to upgrade.
Just wait for next event, she will surely drop there at a non retarded node :^)

>> No.15239259

Isn't that /jp/ screencap at least 4 months old? I recognize that post.

>> No.15239260

I was told that E-7 CTF routing will destroy your planes if you are not prepared, what is the best plane comp for the CVs then?

>> No.15239263

I switched to easy. Even with 80 or more evasion my DDs still get hit even with sparkling. My resources are low now.

>> No.15239266

There was one streamer who deleted everything and stuff

In spite of still having 2 weeks to do E-7 Hard, what a madman

>> No.15239267

I really doubt that.

>> No.15239268

enough Fighters for AS+ and one Saiun

>> No.15239274

Actually no, it is about the same, it is just that you will bring more planes compare to the south route thus burning more baux. As long as you meet the boss (with diamond formation) your planes will be destroyed.

>> No.15239284

I-i was in that thread

>> No.15239286

I sometimes wonder if they feel weird about foreigners playing Kancolle.

>> No.15239306

just get lucky. use route support and put one air strike on L. if you can get to night battle at the boss with only one ru left and your cruisers still alive you have a good chance of winning.

>> No.15239323

Maybe in a few days after I recover some resources. But for a boss installation when I use carrier expedition support should I be using dive bombers or torpedo bombers?

>> No.15239345

For Tanaka's sakes, why the fuck do the twin CVHime have so goddamn much accuracy? They always hit, and always taiha your ships, even in red T.

>> No.15239350

They are also 75% immune to ducky AACI. Every time AACI procs, it only shoots down 45 planes out of 150+

>> No.15239351
File: 315 KB, 522x648, MVP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she's better than you.

>> No.15239353

Kasumi why

>> No.15239363

Don't you dare show up in my events again. And take the other christmas cake with you

>> No.15239368

Just bring 4CV escorted by a ducky and maya.
Forget the BB, they are a waste of slots and resources and with them in your fleet, CVhime get to shell twice.

>> No.15239369

I do and I have. I got 2 S-Ranks at the boss before but now my I can't do anything.
I guess I should have leveled my girls more.

>> No.15239378

High luck, 4 equips that give accuracy, Hime ships feel like they have more accuracy than normal enemies.

>> No.15239382 [SPOILER] 
File: 548 KB, 1199x648, 1463365339952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worry not, she won't appear again until summer.

>> No.15239410

We're going to get even more CV himes on preboss nodes to make up for having land base now.

>> No.15239415

Can't wait for the inevitable Re-elite or Ancient Destroyer Oni preboss

>> No.15239417

When will Tanaka give us a CL like Abukuma kai ni but without a genocide-inducing voice?

>> No.15239421

Holy shit, 250 E-3 runs and not an extra Yuu. I have the odd feeling they're counting the extras as how many Shioi + Yuu that you've got stored up.

>> No.15239426

When Nagara's remodel happens.

>> No.15239431
File: 90 KB, 800x480, 1463333848007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight from the nips.

>> No.15239441

Even your hated artist can do it. Stay mad fuckers. https://twitter.com/kujouitiso/status/731468958138662912

>> No.15239451

How do I go from F to I on E7 again? What's the point of kamo if I get sent to H most of the time. I already removed any BBs from my first fleet.

>> No.15239453

Am I a bad person for not watching my shipgirls fight and just alt tabbing?

>> No.15239458

Try the suijou meme

>> No.15239459


>> No.15239461

Looks like I'm just unlucky then.

>> No.15239464

I don't bother watching either because Civilization is more involved and also because watching makes me nervous

>> No.15239469


Do STF regardless, it's way easier

>> No.15239507

Don't know about anyone else but I like that guy.
I am just not a good admiral.

>> No.15239521

How many WG will be practically enough? Is there any equivalent of WG in USN?

>> No.15239537
File: 804 KB, 800x478, yuu too.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really glad I got my first yuu ever.

I've also slightly modified the image for /jp/ consumption

>> No.15239550

Just for one event, which means more time to luck mod your ships.

>> No.15239551

fewer stars on her face than usual, thanks for cleaning it up

>> No.15239553

Stars are disgusting.

>> No.15239556

Why does this game feel like a job?

>> No.15239559

Are you saying you hate the American flag?

>> No.15239561

Not really, it's just that they obscure the ship drop screenshot.

>> No.15239563

>How many WG will be practically enough? Is there any equivalent of WG in USN?
If you want to look at USN ships that used rockets look for USS LSM(R) series.

>> No.15239566

I would scrap iowa if all my other battleships weren't level 99

>> No.15239567

Edgy kid.

>> No.15239574

With 70 luck and those equips, it roughly translates to +35% accuracy. Good luck dodging that.

>> No.15239583

5, anything more and it is approaching very specific equipment setups.

>> No.15239585

Not him but what? There's no reason for me to like it.

>> No.15239597

I want kinu kai2

>> No.15239605

But is there a reason for you to hate it? Or have any other strong feelings towards the American flag?

>> No.15239612

Unless it is the final run, no. Seeing them getting their shit slapped around with me having no control makes me feel mad.

>> No.15239644
File: 120 KB, 775x956, USS_LSM(R)-188_rocket_launchers-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The USN had a shitload of them. They also apparently also had the equivalent of the V-1 rockets that could be shot from CVEs planned for Operation Downfall.

>> No.15239649

goddammit, I spend an hour relevelling my planes and sparkling my ships, only to realize I forgot to set my air bases on sortie.

>> No.15239651

Does DF Yuu farming need morale much?

>> No.15239652
File: 10 KB, 153x39, Fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, my resources are beyond fucked and I haven't started E5 yet. Do you think I have a chance of finishing E5 and 6 hard mode if I take a week to run expeditions and scrounge up resources?

>> No.15239654

No and no. I'm just saying it's irrelevant, as any non-american would think.
You are retarded if you think everyone should like your country's flag just because you are american and you like it.

>> No.15239655

Don't post your resources, post your fleet instead, dumbass.

>> No.15239659

No for easy, definitely for hard. I swear those late model DDs are worse than pre-patch PT Imps with 0 morale.

>> No.15239677

We might have one of them for Panama event, right?

>> No.15239683
File: 23 KB, 216x59, A-rank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15239693

There's no debuff mechanic for E7 right?

>> No.15239695

No you are getting a Sub for Canal hime. Or a carrier.

>> No.15239696

Anyone else with luck abysmal enough to still be farming Harukaze

>> No.15239700
File: 104 KB, 1000x600, 1458901566804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this bitch.

>> No.15239714

I just crafted my 9th(maybe?) akitsumaru (no taihou still), and that reminded me of one time here on /jp/, someone told me to farm カ号/三式. What's the point though. I've never used them, zuiun is good enough for 1-5, now i have two of each sitting there doing nothing

>> No.15239715

USS Barb was fitted with rocket artillery during the last few months of WW2 and successfully bombed a few towns in Japan. So, maybe a US sub might carry them like Yu.

>> No.15239728

Very interesting. I learned something new today.

>> No.15239738


>> No.15239751
File: 655 KB, 800x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if I'm kuso, iowa is almost within reach. I just need to get this to happen 6 more times.

>> No.15239755

Would rather have the escorts wiped instead desu

>> No.15239756
File: 366 KB, 800x800, admirals kantai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abyssal Admirals

>> No.15239760

She will call you a casual with her broken English.

>> No.15239761
File: 288 KB, 800x800, admirals kantai 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15239763
File: 83 KB, 676x323, E6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My potentialE6 fleet. My Zuiuns are equipped on ships in dock right now. Yamashiro will be K2 in a day or two when I get a fourth medal from 2-5.

>> No.15239765

No potato anon still doesn't have zuikaku?

>> No.15239768

>Yuubari outside of flagship
Crazy TTK.

>> No.15239770

Are 2 WG42 enough? I'm farming Yuu and I have about 100k of fuel, ammo and steel, and about 43k bauxite.

>> No.15239774

I used zero in E6 and 3 in E7.
If you are doing kuso mode, you don't need any of them in either of the maps.

>> No.15239775

Whats the good plane loadout for E-7 anyway, both for land and for your CVs?

I know that I need enough airpower to get AS+ on boss, but what about the rest of the slots? Dive Bombers?

>> No.15239777

Fucking Wo flag kai always ruining my day in the shelling phase.

Haven't even reached E6 boss node for a while now.

>> No.15239780

isn't it better for her to be further down so she has higher chance to target the boss?

I finally got a second carrier for 5-2 so I can just get her from 5-4 next month. I'll try to get amagi too after I get iowa.

>> No.15239795

Yuubari has terrible armor, HP and evasion while going against heavy hitting Abyssals. It's a miracle she wasn't touched.

>> No.15239798

It is kuso mode bruh.
You would be getting consecutive perfect S rank if you send in a proper fleet. They made Iowa a freebie.

>> No.15239827

No I'm the true Kuso who will never get past E5.

>> No.15239848

how come I was able to completely knock out armored carrier princess's bombers so she could only attack with her gun, but wo still had planes left every time? according to the wiki armored carrier princess has 96 bombers, while gold wo only has 64 on easy mode.

>> No.15239849
File: 823 KB, 1843x1095, 攻略編成_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably no if you are farming on kuso.
I locked myself out from that so I am only doing it twice before resting them while doing ex2.
You could probably wiped everything out just by using seaplane bombers in kuso mode.

>> No.15239878

>reach boss node in E-7 for the first time
>Do chipping and stuff
>Resupply CVs, sees 700 bauxite disappear

I think I know what am I in for

>> No.15239904

I'm down 50k baux so far. I just reached last dance on E-7H

>> No.15239985
File: 880 KB, 2988x3840, a36b5d50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miki best boat

>> No.15240001

When will Yoshinori learn to draw an open mouth?

>> No.15240002

>using <500 bauxite per E6 run
>fuel is my bottleneck
Well fuck.

>> No.15240017


Considering he hasn't learned yet, probably never.

>> No.15240022

I'm at 9k bauxite and just reach E-7. So, maybe I should go easy this time.

>> No.15240030

Doing it on easy is effortless. Boss is almost guaranteed to sink via land base.

>> No.15240034
File: 132 KB, 672x401, MCIqiZd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to avoid the double CV Hime node, it should be no BBs and only 2 CV?

>> No.15240052

You have 2 weeks

>> No.15240053
File: 46 KB, 952x461, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything I can do to improve my fleet for E-5 Last Dance (easy)?

I can do 4DD 1CA 1CAV by swapping Fusou/Yamashiro out for Suzuya and Kasumi Kai, but this is honestly the best I've got.

130 runs and I've basically wasted my entire event resources on this one fucking map.

>> No.15240057

What do you need that searchlight for? Are you going to flash Lycoris with it or something?

>> No.15240061


I assume it's there to hopefully draw enemy attacks away from his sanshiki ships at night, friendo.

>> No.15240069

I have been trying to do 2CAV and 4DDs
No luck though.

>> No.15240070

I want to flash Lycoris.

>> No.15240074

I'll be straight up honest with you guys, I saw someone else's fleet had it and figured anything I changed could be better than the constant taiha pre-boss I was getting.

Nothing has changed.

>> No.15240079

I'm not getting taiha but I can't finish the boss.

>> No.15240086

I haven't done the event yet because I don't have enough ship slots.

Should I give DMM money and rush the easy route because half the time is gone?

>> No.15240102

Just buy more slots you filthy jew.

>> No.15240103

It does nothing but placebo. It's better to use WG to one of your DDs.

>> No.15240104

You have too many DDs.

>> No.15240129

sparkled Yamatos and Cranes for boss support. Pray they hit those BBs and transport.
2x green guns to Poi for extra AA. Larger guns to the Fusous if you have them upgraded.

>> No.15240131


I have all of the ones required for my current/future quests that need to be completed and some rares.

Been hovering at the limit for an event and then Bisko decided to finally show up.

>> No.15240134

>LSC right before event

>> No.15240138

I beat it with 4 destroyers and suzukuma. I had 2 wg and a landing boat, but every time it was kumano who killed the boss so you can probably do without them. use route support and put all your air strikes on the boss. if you keep getting sent home before the boss you can put one air strike there instead. you have to count on boss support to kill at least one ru.

>> No.15240143

I did kuso modo with 4DD 1CA (Zara) 1CAV, land base to preboss once and boss thrice, and no other forms of support
It's pretty much all luck, keep trying

>> No.15240144
File: 340 KB, 1000x1106, 55455721_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Scrap Bisko for space, she's old and busted.

>> No.15240153

Can somebody remind me if the flagship of the escort fleet is sinkable or not

>> No.15240155
File: 185 KB, 799x473, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got bored with the game and left it like that for a few months since the last event.

Which is why I'm hesitant to spend money because odds are I'm going to put it back into the corner after the event.

>> No.15240156

2 weeks, I can make at most 50k.
And this guy, >>15239904 just reached last dance with that number.

>> No.15240165

It's impossible for escort flagship to sink since the game is programmed to never have the flagship sink.

>> No.15240166
File: 15 KB, 141x139, E7Start+End.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cute. I spent 50k for the whole event and I farmed E3. This is E7

>> No.15240177

Ah blast, I could have chipped the boss in E-7 some more then

But I didnt out of fear

>> No.15240185
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>> No.15240190

I have done that shit, with the exception of not using a landing craft. My girls have decided I am a kuso.

>> No.15240192
File: 413 KB, 1152x2048, 1462593259975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He fucks up that a lot, but I think Amatsukaze's and Yukikaze's here look kinda good.

>> No.15240196

Kamo neck

>> No.15240198
File: 1.58 MB, 975x1142, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know then. is boss support not killing ru for you? if you can get to the boss with little damage and support clears out at least one ru you should have a pretty good chance.

>> No.15240200

If your FS of your escort fleet has a damecon, will it ever proc?

>> No.15240203

I think it does, so make sure it's not equipped.

>> No.15240209

I have tried both carrier and shelling. I don't know whether to use torpedo bombers or dive bombers.
I was able to S-rank the boss twice and apparently used up all my luck then. Because now the game has decided to tell me to fuck off from E5 after 100 runs.

>> No.15240229

>12.7 cm +max

>> No.15240233

Shimakaze actually looks like a smart girl and not like a huge slut.

>> No.15240235

she looks like a fuckin nerd

>> No.15240237

Agano class bullying continues.

>> No.15240240

Man, which character wont look like a nerd even with glasses

>> No.15240241

E-7 is not bauxite heavy unless you are speed farming for Oyashio or Harukaze. Fuel is the limiter.

>> No.15240242

What? Agano-class is drawn by Conishi.

>> No.15240243


>> No.15240249
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>> No.15240250

Disregard my post I suck dicks

>> No.15240254

What is the current best Maya AACI setup?

>> No.15240257

Did you already post your fleet and land base compo here? I will try digging them if you posted it already.

>> No.15240263
File: 163 KB, 800x480, 2016-05-16 02-45-37 61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finally done this cocksucking event.

>> No.15240266

What do you mean not speed farming? Can we minimize the cost?

>> No.15240267
File: 92 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-12401674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are never done until you get all the (Yuu)

>> No.15240270

She's never a slut. She's just a speedslut.

>> No.15240271

use shelling support

>> No.15240274
File: 733 KB, 2000x1600, SuperSpoonfeeding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll need more green planes for non-final for both land base and your CV

Saiun > Green
Land base 2/2/1 Greens or 3/1/1 pending if you can hit the range requirement of 7

You can swap fastsuck for another CAV with sanshiki + WG42 if you want, but I'm clearing my equipment space

>> No.15240280

>this average range again
So the average range is more important than individual range, is it a concencus about this?

>> No.15240282

You go through two slow as fuck sub node and multiple node of battleshit vs battleshit node instead of carpet bombing and quick win.

>> No.15240286

E-5 last dance, all girls full health, think I stand a chance?

>> No.15240287

There is always a chance.

>> No.15240288

Just retreat.

>> No.15240293


>> No.15240296

Failure yet again.

This is probably as far as I'm getting this event.

>> No.15240297

Thanks anon, I will try farming first and possibly do hard.

>> No.15240317

E-7 J or K, which will let me pass?

>> No.15240320


Harukaze is an angel

>> No.15240322

K is more likely, but prepare anal lube anyway.

>> No.15240324

I went with J and I got no damage. Then I got destroyed on M thanks to support not showing up.

>> No.15240327

Yeah, this last dance is giving me a fucking ulcer.

>> No.15240331

I haven't even reached the boss yet since I retreat on A 75% of the time and on another node the other 25%, mostly thanks to support just not showing up.

>> No.15240332


To whoever posted this in the previous thread under "stuff I listen to while farming", what kind of hell have (Yuu) consigned me to. Why is this so catchy.

And to answer your question, I was trapped in a vicious cycle of Initial D eurobeats and 1980s/90s American rock from E-1 till now.

>> No.15240334

Sparkle that shit.

>> No.15240335
File: 2.22 MB, 470x252, d6a8927e3a4e206c64b1013e7c4cc7f7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15240338

The more pertinent question is, Chihaya bote when?

>> No.15240341

>making yourself suffer and spend huge amounts of resources and buckets to change the little 5 on your memedal into a 6


>> No.15240342

Ofcourse they are fully sparkled. I fully sparkled them 2 times since starting E-7 and still haven't reached the boss once.

>> No.15240346

I'm doing it to change my 4 to a 5 though. I joined after the first meme medal event.

>> No.15240348

It's only my second one.

>> No.15240356

It only took me 3tries m8.
I spent more time at E6 and E5 to be honest.

>> No.15240357

for carrier fleet on e7 is it better to use your best planes on your main fleet or your boss support?

>> No.15240358
File: 37 KB, 500x500, KCBait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low quality meme for low quality bait.

>> No.15240360

She sunk on the 3rd episode

>> No.15240368

No bully. Kisaragi is a good girl.

>> No.15240369

How can I bet set up my support fleet to down a Ru on E-5 boss?

>> No.15240371

Priority should go air base > fleet > support fleet
Save Ryuusei (601) for your landbase. I had 6land based bombers so I needed 1more Ryuusei to fill up my bomber quota. Put the rest of your best plane on your carriers.

>> No.15240374


Please, Chihaya isn't nearly as sultry.

>> No.15240381

t. casual shitter who achieved nothing of value

>> No.15240385


>nothing of value

You're talking about the increased "reward" that hard mode gives over kuso E-7, right?

>> No.15240389

Chihaya isn't nearly as curvy.

>> No.15240394


>> No.15240418

Anyone doing 6-4 now?
Now that it is possible to get AS at boss node, how are you guys equipping your CAV using the kamo route? Double attack with sanshiki or wg42?

>> No.15240425

Use land based bombers to clear out the trash or use them to attack the boss, which one is preferred on E-7?

>> No.15240434

How many Yuu are you farming? Is 4 acceptable?

>> No.15240436
File: 371 KB, 1281x728, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the result of CV hime dying to the second wave of planes.

>> No.15240442


>> No.15240446


All I see is ching chong ding dong.

>> No.15240451

Keep 1 Ro and Yuu each.
Why do you need 4?

>> No.15240456

Because memes.

>> No.15240468

Just post a video of you sinking Iowa if you want to collect Yuu.

>> No.15240479

Today we're all gonna clear E7, guys!

>> No.15240481

I think he wants to collect a different kind of Yuu's. The cute kind.

>> No.15240490
File: 136 KB, 578x460, melonchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15240500

how do people get so much damage from their land bases? I couldn't even kill the destroyer cunt after all 8 attacks. is it because my planes are shit?

>> No.15240510

How does everything else in this game work?
That's right, luck.

>> No.15240511

After I'm done with the event. Which will be on May 31st. I'd love to do it right now in several different ways but I have to start E7 and golden opportunity such as E3 won't be available anytime soon.

>> No.15240513

>craftable WD40 introduced after event

>> No.15240514

Doesn't matter, I want the FaT for my cute Ro-chan and her useless escorts.

>> No.15240520

>have to sparkle 4 fleets and restore proficiency of all land base planes for every E-7 attempt
This is going to take a while. This game desperately needs a skip battle button so non-NEETs can play it too.

>> No.15240522

Devs should start handing out memedals as top 5 ranking rewards.

>> No.15240526

Never ever
>sparkling rengou kantai

>> No.15240527

Enjoy wasting your time.

>> No.15240529

Will BB hime always be in the second node on E-7 for last dance?

>> No.15240530

I'll give Ro-chan a FaT one if you know what I mean.

>> No.15240537

It's either that or dealing the scratchiest of scratch damage. Especially the land based plane part.

>> No.15240542

how do land based planes get shot down? I was expecting to have to pay a ton to fix all mine but I only had 4 planes missing from 2 slots after one run of e7. on the other hand one of my carrier squads got completely wiped out.

>> No.15240547

Diamond formation

>> No.15240562


Don't even bother sending them to diamond nodes.

>> No.15240564

Why is Sakawa so ugly?

>> No.15240566

It is likely the only reason why taiteis are allowable in land bases with 20 range

There is no map in the game that would likely force you through that many nodes, same for catalina at 10

Thus it's hypothesized that the range works on an average basis among all 4 in a singular base

>> No.15240573
File: 37 KB, 599x514, 1398946386589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misspelled cute. It happens.

>> No.15240578

Short hair, annoying voice and flat.
Thank god her sisters didn't get ruined like that.

>> No.15240580

Kill yourself, pleb.

>> No.15240584

I thought that was because of history, not necessarily a crutch.

>> No.15240588


Congrats anon, you like denpa music. Here, have some more.


You can also visit the denpa music thread in this board too.

>> No.15240590
File: 529 KB, 800x480, 2016-5-16T1.25.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T advantage makes such a huge difference. Just gotta pray for it. First try last kill.

>> No.15240603

>E-7 last dance
Literally pray for bombers.

>> No.15240605
File: 75 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-16394028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First base, 3+4+3+20 = 30 Range

Goes to all nodes

>> No.15240610
File: 76 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-16402368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3+2+3+4 = 12 Range

Furthest possible nodes are 4 nodes away from start

>> No.15240612

It uses the plane with the highest range and not average range. You can use 1+1+1+7 and it would be able to go to all nodes which is why I think that only the the plane with 7range would effective.

>> No.15240615
File: 76 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-16405508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I guess this means it's not average, but highest range in the base dictates how far a squadron goes

6+6+9+9 = 30 goes everywhere too

Yep, you're right

>> No.15240618

Highest range is only counted mate. Whether shot range planes are effective or not when following the longest range plane is what people want to know.

>> No.15240621
File: 74 KB, 450x1200, CiRSXRIVEAAaai8 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a little tougher to test for me, I'm locked on hard for everything

Maybe someone else doing easy E7 could contribute

>> No.15240624

>annoying voice
You sure it's not Agano?

>> No.15240627

Agano is great, Sakawa a shit.

>> No.15240629

Both of them have annoying voices. Noshiro has some weird tones at times, Yahagi managed to have no problems.

>> No.15240631

I'm throwing this ATM to E-7 hard last kill. Is there anything I should improve on except plane ranks? My opening strikes and aerial support aren't dealing enough damage to all those himes for my main fleet to clean up and finish the job.

>> No.15240633
File: 537 KB, 1336x1496, E-7 Last kill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot pic

>> No.15240634

But, Sakawa loves you, m8.
Agano will only ask you to buy her food.

>> No.15240638

Sakawa is perfect for enkou

>> No.15240642

That's more likely to be Agano, m8.

Sakawa is just easy to be kidnapped and raped.

>> No.15240643

If your battleshits arent doing damage to the DDhime, use hayasuck or swap over to 4CV fleet.
As long as your planes from the airbase aren't getting shot down, you should be good. You can check when you resupply them.
I am not sure how effective your T52 is since they are short by 1 range when you go suijou.

>> No.15240646

That's the worst part. You're not attracted to her and you don't like her yet she clings to you. She's like that creepy ugly girl in high school that's in to you, and you wish you could receive those feelings from another, better girl.

>> No.15240647

Last slot on boss support should be hybrids, you don't need fcf for the final kill swap it for the AP shell

With this BB heavy comp you'd be better off swapping one CVL for akitsushima and just going STF instead

Upgrade your guns to +1 at the very least

>> No.15240651

The land bombers have 9 range to make up for it, it should be fine

>> No.15240661

But, she's cute, m8.
Now the problem is your definition of "better", m8. What is "better"

>> No.15240664

Her sisters.

>> No.15240665


Don't have her, that's my problem.

>4CV fleet
Is it really that effective? I mean, I need a fuckton of air power to get AS+ which would leave me with just one attack plane per CV. Unless I go AS which would suck away my bauxite and will have me fighting 2 CV himes.



As in, fighter-bombers? By the moment my LBAS have done their bombing my CVLs allways grab AS+ despite the CV Hime so I don't see why I need fighter bombers there?

>don't need fcf

Oh I tried, 8 runs, all finished before the boss thanks to my God dammed RNG. The moment I slapped it in Italia I've had to use it only once on my last 5 runs.


Sadly my Akitsu is only lvl 8 but I don't see why I need her when I'm grabbing AS+ all the way to the boss with my CVLs.


What was this again?

>> No.15240675

Holy shit it's my post!

>> No.15240677

Yeah, her sisters are more attractive than her, that's a fact.
Still, I like Sakawa, because she's cute and Operation Crossroads ;_;

>> No.15240680

>Is it really that effective?
Beat it with kamo as my flagship and 10boats.
What do you think? The CV opening airstrike hit harder than any of your 4BB unless you can bring hayasuck.

>> No.15240684


Well, I guess I can try without AS+ all the way to the boss.

>> No.15240687

I want to quit this fucking 'game'.
I'm fine if the game is hard WHILE I ACTUALLY PLAY it, but oh no, fucking RNG.
This game waste a lot of my time, come on, why the fuck E5 is that hard. And I'm playing on easy.
Man, Kancolle arcade port when?

>> No.15240688

What is Shioi good for?

>> No.15240689

E-5 is easy even on hard.

>> No.15240692

So scrap your girls. You will never be able to return again.

>> No.15240694

If I go to the resource node in 1-6, will it count towards the 24 bosses in Bw1?

>> No.15240697

Can be summarized with a "I dont know how to use support" the post. Why are all the Kusofag is so embarrassingly bad?

>> No.15240698
File: 507 KB, 1840x1575, 1463061843476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're out of luck without akitsushima and fastsuck

Here's a really easy chip comp. Final kill should still be STF with hayasui-BBs for the highest killrate

>> No.15240701

Post fleet so we can laugh at you.

>small c

>> No.15240703

How do you even get from F to I with BBs?

>> No.15240705
File: 55 KB, 354x302, 1435346873543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You are out of luck...
>Proceeds to show me a comp with Akitsushima and Hayasui

>> No.15240707
File: 641 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-11240039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to sparkling!

>> No.15240708

Do chevrons affect aerial support exped?

>> No.15240710


This is why I hate statfags. "Muh skillz" when they can't even think outside of their "optimal" comps.

>> No.15240713
File: 99 KB, 400x400, 1463248538673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15240716

Man it really fucking sucks I don't have any WG42's for E2H.

Closest I've gotten to sinking her was 25HP and I haven't even gotten close ever since, fuck might have to drop down to Kuso.

>> No.15240717

has anyone tested it? it should be pretty easy to put some 4 range bombers with taitei and send them to e5 preboss or something and see if they show up or not. I woul do it myself but I'm still trying to clear the event.

>> No.15240718

That's pretty unlucky, being the first node and all

>> No.15240720

This happens every single time. Echelon = at least 1 guaranteed chuuha.

>> No.15240722

>when they can't even think outside of their "optimal" comps.
I can. I just haven't even cleared E6 so I'm in no position to suggest anything.

>> No.15240723

You need Akitsushima to avoid shit ass 2 CV Hime route.

You need Hayasuck because without ammo replenishment your BBs and CVs are doing like 20 damage on average.

>> No.15240724

>when they can't
That's a lot of implying.

>> No.15240727
File: 76 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160514-13400695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use this. About 500FP should be enough to get AS on the 2heavy AA node and AS+ on the rest.
Kamo is wildcard, use whoever you like and you can use the spare DD like a flashlight decoy like what I did. I don't have enough WG42, only 3. The opening airstrike is key, they must disable DDhime so that they can't use torpedo so that they can't molest your escort girls.

>> No.15240729

Does the BB hime appear on the next node every time on last dance?

>> No.15240730

Yes. Always echelon sub node, always BB hime.

>> No.15240731
File: 559 KB, 800x480, 2016spring_e7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E7 kuso mode before shelling even began. If you don't have garbage planes you can win simply by getting to the node.

>> No.15240733

How do you even go from F to I with this fleet? Whenever I do it, it always go to H.

>> No.15240734

Not for me, honestly

I got through the STF route pretty painlessly even without sparkles for chipping. It's the first node, full fuel and there's a higher chance it hits harmless targets like the flag or your BB

>> No.15240735

how do you get 500 air power? I barely make 250 using 6 slots. do you have to give up that many bombers?

>> No.15240738

>for chipping

This is last dance.

>> No.15240741

> If you don't have garbage planes
how unfortunate

>> No.15240743

>How do you even go from F to I with this fleet?
Huh, I always went through 2CVhime. What is the big deal? Is that not the reason why you bring FCF?

>> No.15240745

Why don't you use kidou for E7? Try going A-C-F-I-K-M-N and see how it goes. You shouldn't need much fighter power for that route. Go for AS on A and AS+ on the rest.

>> No.15240746

It should still be fine. The first wo node on CTF probably does the same or worse in terms of sending people home

>> No.15240749

It's not fine. It never is fine.
The BB hime has only taiha'd a ship once, the sub node has done it probably 10 times now.

>> No.15240752

How the hell? Reppuu on 9 slot gives 55 air power. 250 air power is three or four fighters, not six.

>> No.15240755

7green plane, 1saiun and ro44/nishiki from kamo.
You will still have 8bombers on each of the carriers 2 biggest slots.

>> No.15240756
File: 256 KB, 572x800, 1463306569994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My condolences. Have a busty Mutsuki

>> No.15240765

How much does Hayasui help in E-7?

By boss node you only have 20% remaining ammo right? Meaning you're only doing a shitty 20% damage? With Hayasui your ships will be doing 40% damage?

>> No.15240766

I use support, smartass. I use support for boss and pre-boss. Don't just jump to conclusion, asshole.
What I hate is why I keep playing this 'game' for so long.

It took me nearly a year to find that this 'game' is not really 'fun', only the shipgirls, music, and historical background that are good about Kancolle.

>> No.15240767

Disgusting. Delete this.

>> No.15240771


How does one ensure F-I wiithout Akitsushima?

>> No.15240772

>By boss node you only have 20% remaining ammo right? Meaning you're only doing a shitty 20% damage?
Please read the wiki.

>> No.15240774
File: 593 KB, 600x900, 1463299152874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sub node = 0, BB + CVL node = 2+2 bars off, Air node takes off another bar, CA node takes 2 bars.

You're left with 3 bars


>> No.15240778

Don't use torpedo support then. Go for shelling.

>> No.15240781

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't F-I determined by the number of BBs in your fleet?

>> No.15240784

For easy?

>> No.15240787

No, how outdated are you?
2CV is the max so that you can still go F->I. People dont use BB so that they can avoid the CVhime 2nd shelling phase.

>> No.15240789

What are you using? Serious question.

>It took me nearly a year to find that this 'game' is not really 'fun'
People just have different tastes. I do find it fun.

>> No.15240790

Just walk away then. If you want a farewell party you'd best look elsewhere.

>> No.15240791

Right. 2 CV 2 CVL should work then.

>> No.15240795

>still cant beat E5 kuso mode
>no potato anon already got Iowa in the bag while being a newfag and gimping himself from not using potato boats
Embarrassing. I bet even shitanon got his Iowa already.

>> No.15240797

I use shelling support, m8.
All my planes at the base target the boss.
I equip WG on Hamakaze, T3 Shell on Ise & Hyuuga.

Perhaps I'm just tired to 'play' Kancolle. I don't want to waste a lot of my time on this 'gambling' anymore.

>> No.15240798

No no that won't work. 1BB + 2 Cranes worked for me 5/5. 2BB + 2 Cranes worked once for me then bounced me north, so limit the first fleet to 1BB+2CV

CVLs count as carriers too so don't get any funny ideas, you're going to get bounced north

>> No.15240801
File: 261 KB, 800x222, KanColle-160516-16071873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translate it weebs

>> No.15240802


>> No.15240803

Kamo and army dog should work.
You will have about 250 FP from them, just tack on another ~200 on your main carrier so that you can get AS on the first node.

>> No.15240805

Perhaps I'm tired of being deceived by RNG, man.

>> No.15240806

Then you should've said CV(L) the first time, and not just CV.

Does he have Akitsu Maru?

>> No.15240807

No wonder you're failing. And use some actual destroyers.

>> No.15240810
File: 71 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160513-07311885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stick to 1 BB 2 CV max. Kamo won't save you from the CV node if you stack too much BBs

>> No.15240813

>2 BBV

Also farm some WG42s at E3 then report back.

>> No.15240816


As someone who is still farming E3, Yuu farming is killing my soul (And my resources).

>> No.15240818

>2CV is the max so that you can still go F->I
I tried 4CV, kamo and maya, 2 out of 9 runs went F -> I.
2CV, kamo, army dog + 2CA, 1 out of 2 runs went F -> I

>> No.15240822

>I tried 4CV, kamo and maya, 2 out of 9 runs went F -> I.
Cool, I didnt know you can still get directed to I with 4CV. I finished the map 3/3 through the CVhime node so I thought it was 100%.

>> No.15240827

What comp do you suggest for farming Harukaze?

>> No.15240828



>> No.15240829

How's the bauxite cost?

>> No.15240831

Depends on your loadout. I don't know, haven't farmed. Ask people that did ez.

>> No.15240832

What map is Abukuma supposed to be used for? warosu is down, so I can't check the last thread I was looking at as well as whatever was archived after it.

I know there was other things that the last few maintenances addressed but I'm not sure what they were either; a friend told me something about Zuiun magic, fixed drops for Shioi and Yuu, the fixed landbased bombers (this is probably what I'm most confused by, since there's some distance-limitation for different planes?), and some other things too.

>> No.15240833


>> No.15240834

Well, that's what I'm doing.

>> No.15240837

Should I bother trying to farm Harukaze when I beat E-7 on Hard? Or wait until next event?

I really want the cutie. I would gladly trade my Kamikaze and Oyashio for her.

>> No.15240843

It says you shouldn't have scrapped Fubuki that one time, and that Tanaka is coming for you.

>> No.15240846

Is there any other map she would be used for? Forgot to state that I was done with E3.

>> No.15240848


>> No.15240849

Use her to farm WG42s there. That's it.

>> No.15240853
File: 7 KB, 402x468, sadstannis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Winter 2016 music back. The carnival dayo music in this event was so awful.

>> No.15240858

I listened to the dark souls 3 ost instead

Pretty good for workouts too

>> No.15240859

E6.5 and E8

>> No.15240864

Strike group has suffered heavy damage
Strike group has lost a number of planes

>> No.15240873
File: 95 KB, 463x150, 2016-05-16_19-13-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one enemy left after day battle
>Yuu manages to kill her in yasen
>still fails to get MVP
>loses to fucking Imuya
I can't wait until she becomes Ro.

>> No.15240876

>gangraping pure German waifu in to a cum guzzling slut

>> No.15240877

So you don't need her to have a tank equipped for anything after E3? Sorry, just want to clarify since I don't have another BP yet to k2 a second one. If not, cheers.


That's for debuffing? Is there actually debuffing then? Is the wiki actually correct now? I just remember hyuu trying to debuff but it didn't work.

>> No.15240880


I actually found the music fitting, given that my E-4 escort fleet consisted of a pirate, a bear, a cyborg, a narcoleptic, a marching band leader and a Mikazuki impersonator.

>> No.15240881

More like turning insecure little shit to actually happy girl.

>> No.15240883

You're limited to one CL in combined fleet and two WG42 on Yodo/Melon are stronger than single tank on Abukuma.

>> No.15240889

Do you guys think I should bother farming WG42s? I mean I already have special daihatsu and 2 tanks, would I really need more WG42s from default 3 already?

>> No.15240894

No 6.5 is for oyashio and harukaze before you officially start E7

>> No.15240903
File: 132 KB, 690x453, Screenshot 2016-05-16 00.28.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ganbatte, anon

>> No.15240906

3 is enough for this event, but more would likely be useful in future events (not to mention 6-4).

>> No.15240908

63 planes lost on D medium?

>> No.15240912

Yes. That map is a bitch.

>> No.15240919

What's the current Yuu drop rate on E-3 Hard? Should I even bother?

>> No.15240920

Jesus. Did you use LBAS as well?

>> No.15240924

Does KC3 take that in the plane lost count?

>> No.15240930

Two hits with fighters on A and four hits on D or am I too paranoid?

>> No.15240931

A little over 1% on D, a little under 1% on F.
I think she was worth the trouble, but it depends on how many WG42 you have.

>> No.15240932
File: 860 KB, 1843x1095, Oyashio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this OK for Oyashio farming in Normal?
Or do I have to use more hard hitter like Cranes?

>> No.15240934
File: 211 KB, 558x654, yamashiro_trulyfukou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah, I see. Thanks again.

>> No.15240936

3 fighters 1 torp stacked on A
3 fighters 1 land based + 1 fighter 3 land based stacked on D.

>> No.15240937
File: 24 KB, 393x176, U511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good. I already got 1 in about 20runs.
Oyashio and Harukaze steadily leveling up while fishing for Yuu.

>> No.15240938

I have three. I don't feel like I necessarily need them, the one thing I'm afraid of is locking in tank ships during Summer 2016 frontlining and having to rely on WG42s on a cancerous map.

Or just a map with ridiculous amounts of installations.

>> No.15240941

OK, thanks a lot!

>> No.15240946
File: 345 KB, 374x406, e6 clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E6 clear, one last map to go. Going to plan out everything and ask for advice before proceeding since I don't have much resources left for experimenting.

Oyashio Farm - Medium mode:
4CV fleet
4x green to A
8x green to D

Harukaze Farm - Easy mode:
2x green 2x ryuusei
1x green 3x land planes
1x green 3x land planes

Clear run - Hard mode:
Same as Harukaze farm

Are there anything else that needs amending?

>> No.15240951

You need more green planes for hard non-final. There's a comp that has way more AS than usual

>> No.15240952

My personal opinion is that Tanaka is going to see people having too much fun with WG42s and that they will be nerfed or will mysteriously be ineffective where it really matters in the next event. The Yuu drop fiasco has likely brought it to the attention of the devs that people really want WG42 because everything else is relatively useless.

Of course thanks to the desire radar if you plan like WG42s are likely to be nerfed, they won't do it.
I do think summer 2016 is going to be even more ridiculous with installations, so grabbing a couple after you finish the event may be a good idea. The drop rate and difficulty differences between easy and hard are fairly favorable to hard moders, so you can just go ahead and complete the map and come back to farm later.

>> No.15240953

Use torpedo sluts genius.

This should be 12reppuu so there is minimal baux lost, maybe about 50. You would have AS+ on both node with about 4xx FP.

>> No.15240954

Pekeko E-7 Last Dance.

>> No.15240956

>The drop rate and difficulty differences between easy and hard are fairly favorable to hard moder
Greatest lie I ever heard, go away Wo. Hard drop rates have never been worth it.

>> No.15240963
File: 31 KB, 334x98, Screenshot 2016-05-16 12.52.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs 3 more torp sluts.
This was my setup.
I know, image for ants.

>> No.15240964

That's some pretty sad bombing

>> No.15240978

So add 1 more Akitsumaru? Or more CVs and risk getting sent north?

>> No.15240979

What's about your Fighter Power?
Mine is 476-497.

>> No.15240982

It is almost guarantee that the next event will have airbase again. They already said that they will give out the summer reward plane as a token of apology and the jets would probably be exclusive to the airbase since our carriers can't carry jets.
Kusofags would only fall further behind since they lost out on multiple land based planes by going kuso mode.

>> No.15240987

No i mean for the land base. Try 3/1/1 or 3/2/1 to be safe

>> No.15240990
File: 144 KB, 1068x1620, E-7 Last kill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically, from what I've gathered in this thread, is this a good aproach to E-7 north route? I don't have Akitsushima or Hayasui so I must go through the double CV hime gauntlet.

>> No.15241003

Give maya a FCF and bring another duck instead of kinugasa.
Replace 1DD with a sanshiki BB. If you dont have another WG42 for your CAV, use a 2gun/1torp cutin CA with sanshiki. Put as flag for cut-in bonus. Put DD outside of flag so that they can use FCF.

>> No.15241006
File: 248 KB, 700x1050, 56643623_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to be very painful

Put in a bisko in the 2nd fleet instead of a DD

>> No.15241011

Anon's a big TTK.

>> No.15241015
File: 15 KB, 202x243, 1408979838422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every run of e7 costs 1k bauxite
>have 8k left

>> No.15241017


No seriously though I've been farming for like 5 days straight and have only gotten one Yuu.

Fuck RNG.

>> No.15241018

She needs to level her land base at E5

The land bombings are pathetic

>> No.15241022

Thanks anon.

>> No.15241024
File: 76 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-19175921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't working.

>> No.15241027

You're going 4CVs and akitsushima, why. Swap her out for Maya if you're going this route

>> No.15241030

Are you doing this on kuso mode?

>> No.15241033

And what difference would Maya make?

>> No.15241035

I am

>> No.15241036


>> No.15241041

If that was a Chikuma instead of Maya, she can sniped the boss the easy.

>> No.15241043
File: 322 KB, 591x716, 1410095451479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15241048

You get an extra CAV or hayasui in the second fleet

>> No.15241049

>fell for Akitsushima meme

>> No.15241054

They're doing in wrong, it's not a meme. What kind of braindead person would go Akitsushima on a route that doesn't even hit node J ever

>> No.15241056

How do I stop E-7-A from raping my girls?

>> No.15241059

This >>15241024 went FIJM.

>> No.15241065

That's definitely at a super low rate. 4CV2CA goes FI at a low rate too

>> No.15241068

>Final kill should still be STF with hayasui-BBs for the highest killrate
Is it pointless for me to try this when I have no skilled 21s, right?

>> No.15241073

If you put a land-bomber on each land base it should work due to their higher range

>> No.15241075

I know they'll get there, but will the fighters actually do their thing?

>> No.15241076

Do I need to save Akitsumaru for E6 or can I use her in E5?

>> No.15241077

Keep her, she helps a lot.

>> No.15241080

Likely so. I've seen multiple nip clears on 2chan without those skilled 21/52s

>> No.15241082
File: 587 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-13382087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can they do it lads

>> No.15241083

There's nothing for them to shoot at, so no.

>> No.15241085

Okay, but what's the advantage of STF exactly? You just get to bring less planes to boss.

>> No.15241089

I would guess clearing up the trash so your escorts can focus on the boss in night battle.

>> No.15241090


>> No.15241091

>F -> H 3/5 times with only one FBB in escort fleet
I thought this shit wasn't supposed to happen often.

>> No.15241093
File: 566 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-13384009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost choke on my drink when Chikuma's double attack did 5 damage total, but then Tone cleaned up after her.
Time for E8

>> No.15241095

Easier route

Carriers don't do the damage you expect in E6, only land bombers do. Stacking too many of those instead of AP shell BBs isn't really optimal

>> No.15241096

If only it was so pathetically easy on hard.

>> No.15241101

>Tsu at A node activate AACl all the time
Maybe it's not the time to sail.

>> No.15241102

It is kuso mode m8 what were you expecting? You just need to send out your bomber to the boss node 6times to collect Iowa.

>> No.15241110

I cleared E5 in less than 10 sorties. Are people here just bad at the game or something?

>> No.15241111

>RNG favoured me, so everyone must've had an easy time.

>> No.15241112

Please tell me what you ran with, because I'm on almost 170 runs and I still can't fucking win this on Easy mode

>> No.15241113

It's a brick wall for newfags.

>> No.15241115

Newfags cant into support.

>> No.15241116

I feel you mate. I was so scared I would miss an S rank while doing Orel five minutes ago but Goya hit that Wo.

>> No.15241118

I had a very rough time recently, so I blew through my stockpile and took a week-long break from the game. Can I still clear the event on Hard considering that I'm halfway through E6 gauge? I have like 5k bauxite to my name right now.

>> No.15241120

I needed twelve runs because of fucked up RNG. Still disappointed with A rank on last dance. At least E6 was a beautiful S.

>> No.15241125

>Easier route
Is taking a BB Hime to the face that much better than two Wo kai? Guess I can try it.

>> No.15241131

Powerfarm for a week. If your equipment and ships are good enough for 5 medals you'll get the 6th

It's random unless it's the last kill. Even then it's pretty harmless most of the time to be honest. She doesn't have the CV hime aimbot

>> No.15241133

No bully!

>> No.15241134

I was talking about last kill of course. CV hime can be avoided with kamo but Wo Kai on node A are a pain.

>> No.15241139

This was going to be my first memedal. I guess if I can't clear E6 by Friday I'll switch to Easy.

>> No.15241140

You have route support and 4 BBs in the main fleet going first. She'll usually be orange or red by the end of the first round

Her accuracy is really bad, just take my word for it. There's posts above that can corroborate. More people have issues with the first sub node for some reason

>> No.15241145

Diamond formation really is merciless. RIP fairies, back to E-5 to rank up planes again.

>> No.15241148

Subs are cheaters so I can totally see that.

(I assume you go to J, not K at the choice node?)

>> No.15241150

Why is it always this siscon cunt cancer fucking shit boat Yamashiro that gets fucked on easy retard nodes?

>> No.15241151

By the way, is using Yamatos really worth it? I'm low on fuel.

>> No.15241153

No, only for the final kill and even then it's just a luxury I like to indulge in

90+ Nagamons do the same thing unless you get unlucky and roll hankousen since you're popping hayasui anyway

>> No.15241157

Yes, J is a giveaway node. If you've noticed from the event the air raid nodes are complete jokes this time around

Akitsushima gives you the J>M so you skip a potentially tough sub-hime node(even though she doesn't even do an opening torp). You still take the air-node just because of how harmless it is

>> No.15241164

Got it, thank you.

So I assume something like this >>15240274
works for last kill?

>> No.15241168
File: 164 KB, 900x1080, 47db7c864582c4504fd21fbea2f91310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yahagi is cute

>> No.15241174

Yes, that's my picture.

You can try
for chipping too if you want to try your luck with A node. F node is pretty easy and a weaker 5-4 pre-boss and IJM remains the same. You'll have issues dealing damage to the boss with 2 CAs however

>> No.15241179

No. Don't bother with useless hotels. They are really useless this time. They can't break any of the meatshield armor unless they roll a very high APCI crit.

>> No.15241215

It depends, I doubt we will have another map that is so easy to get WG42. There is also a risk of the devs adding them into the crafting pool.

In theory if you are doing 6-4 with the kamo route, the ideal number of WG42 that you want is 6. 2xWG42 + tank on both the DD. Double attack 2xWG42 on the CAV. Hotel and the token CA can use sanshiki with double attack.
So far it seems like 2xWG42+tank on DD is stronger than tank+boat+wg42 combo.

>> No.15241217

Sanshiki+WG42 is fine, and may even be better due to the composition

>> No.15241224

Sanshiki + WG42 on CAV is more reliable than 2x WG42.

>> No.15241225

Is going F -> H really linked to just battleships? I feel like I'm going there way too often (75%).

>> No.15241226

1BB2CV gives you FI

>> No.15241232

I have 2CV in main and 1 FBB in my escort fleet and I get that routing to FH, so that's not true.

>> No.15241238

Look at the unexplored map

>> No.15241239

Or one could go for Ooyodo with two WG42, 3DDs with 1-2 WG each, fBB and CAV having WG + Sanshiki (much better setup than 2 WG) meaning 6 WG and possibly up to 9.

>> No.15241244

So the point is you HAVE to use a BB in your MAIN fleet together with 2 CV? That's the only explanation I could think of. Either that or the guy that made the image got really lucky.

>> No.15241246

I can confirm that the route works 5/5 of my chipping runs

Odds are if he could get bounced to H he would've, as it's pretty obvious that the odds of F-H are way higher than F-I normally. Close to 4:1 or 5:1

>> No.15241249

Not him, but see my post >>15240818
The chance is still there anyway.

>> No.15241251

I am using army dog instead of a BB in my main fleet as well. I'm thinking that might be the reason I'm getting routed to H so often.

>> No.15241253

The only 2 explanations I have is either Italians/Crane routing or 2CV1BB magically performs better than 2CVAkitsumaru because I've had perfect success with the above composition

>> No.15241254

E-6 set-up please.
I have army dog and akitsushima.
And also, what time debuffs resets?
Now I'm currently preparing my BBs and CVs in 1-1.

>> No.15241258

Debuff doesn't reset.

>> No.15241262

So I can now debuff in kuso mode and reset it for clearing?
That's the good thing I hear today.

>> No.15241264

I don't know about that. I just know it doesn't reset if you don't change difficulty.

>> No.15241265

So where do you think the clear rate for this event will end up? Everyone on /jp/'s already cleared as well, right?

During the first few days of the event, things looked bleak, but now that everything's been patched, and the E-6 debuff's out of the bag, it seems like this event's pretty well within reach of most players.

>> No.15241271

I'm mostly worried about my resources for E-7. Chipping has been going very slowly and I still have half a bar to go with 60k fuel and ammo.

>> No.15241272
File: 53 KB, 600x496, 7c4a4cee203546c08f31ddbc3818bdc9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wiith the guys in charge of writing the lines for the new Kanmusu? They are fucking long and overlap each other all the time.

>> No.15241274

I'm still trying to perform cunnilingus by land plane on the central hime on 甲. I'm seriously worried.

>> No.15241276

I still can't get myself to farming E7, not to mention clearing it. I'm just training up Yuus.

>> No.15241279

60k should get you through so long as your setup's not fucked up.

I hope you got your farming out of the way, cause that might give you some problems with those resources.

>> No.15241280

Blame Tanaka.

>> No.15241286

Just reached E-7 final form. Resources are still around 200k each so everything is under control.

>> No.15241289

You're safe with 50k as a safety buffer unless you're doing things recklessly

Take your time an remember to level your land bombers on E5's sub node

>> No.15241291

E-7 is a cakewalk in kuso mode. Iowa is a freebie give away. Just look at the newfag anti-potato anon that started like 1 or 2months earlier beating E-7 already in this thread earlier.

>> No.15241293

Did you do it in hard mode?
How "hard" is hard mode anyway in e-6?
How many runs did you clear it?

>> No.15241297

Checked leddit and wikia yesterday, seems many retards stuck at E2 and E5

>> No.15241300

Just tried with a BB instead of army dog, and I did go to I. Going to run some more after resparkling expeditions to see if it holds up.

>> No.15241301

Yes, I did.
It took me seriously like 60 runs because of targeting unluck on last dance only. Chipping is e-z going from south with Akitsumaru.

>> No.15241302

Army dog + 2CV(B) for south route chipping runs. In my experience this gives you better access to the boss because the alternative is a temperamental compass up north.

Also debuff doesn't reset with difficulty change. Feel free to do it on easy before diving in.

>> No.15241304

It's about the same difficuly as E-5, except that E-6 needs more resources to burn.

>> No.15241305

Not him but it took me 9 runs and 80 buckets to beat E6. Debuffed earlier.

>> No.15241310

huh so you can route to H without drums, i wonder what the rate is.

>> No.15241312
File: 42 KB, 600x600, CiBJHQyUUAELSnc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reppuuken > BB. Makes sense

>> No.15241315


I'm NEETing my resource hoarding since I've ran of resources with E-6 last kill but now I'm on E-7 last kill so I hope I get that kill within these last 2 weeks.

>> No.15241316

Not if I keep getting routed wrong. At least for chipping.

>> No.15241318
File: 571 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-23165953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuso fleet finally does it, boss had about 290 and Kumano managed to wipe that out with a DA.

How much harder is E-6 in comparison to E-5, or is it easier?

My resources have fucking tanked after these almost-if-not 200 runs.

>> No.15241319

What's your comp again?

>> No.15241320

>a cyborg, a narcoleptic, a marching band leader and a Mikazuki impersonator.


>> No.15241323

>Also debuff doesn't reset with difficulty change. Feel free to do it on easy before diving in.
Thanks anon.
How many S ranks will I do in debuffing? I plan my debuffing runs to all debuffing nodes in E-6.

>> No.15241324
File: 697 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-23194519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive me if I'm completely wrong here, but I thought it was impossible to have two Akashi's?

>> No.15241326

Chipping was manageable enough since you don't retreat as much as on E5 chipping runs. The final kill on the other hand took me a full day of running my fleet repeatedly into the wall because the Zuiun meme refused to activate.

>> No.15241328

Kamo 2CV 2CA 1FBB (was army dog)

>> No.15241331

You can only get an Akashi on 2-5 only if you don't have an Akashi. Other maps have no restriction.

>> No.15241336


Since when? it's Akashi dropping at 2-5 and the ocasional times devs put her at 1-5 that come with the limited nummber rule.

>> No.15241338

The only difference in difficulty I noticed is routing - E-5 has fixed, but harder route while E-6 has easy route, but random misdirection.

>> No.15241340

E-6 is lots easier because of debuffs and placebomemes.

>> No.15241341

>Zuiun meme
Is that all slots of BBVs equip with zuiuns?

>> No.15241343

Fucking epic, Tanaka, giving landbase not only chevrons but also fatigue. Fuck you, you ching chong fucking faggot.

>> No.15241344

Well, guess I'm lucky to have pulled a second Akashi, now I don't need to worry about discarding my first one to pull a second.

Oh good, I'm going to go read up on it then and see if I can get these debuffs in place.

>> No.15241346

Please let us know after multiple runs what your success rate is with the composition because it looks very promising

>> No.15241350

Well if you need the air power, you can always use the BB to carry 4seaplanes fighter. I wonder if CAV also fall into this restriction or not and if you can replace the 2CA with them?

>> No.15241353

S rank nodes A, G, and L once, plus node I in E5.

In case you are unclear about how node I works, you just go there and take no damage to achieve an S rank.

>> No.15241361

Is the previous S ranks while clearing e-5 counts?

>> No.15241364

They do.

>> No.15241365

Why would it not count?

>> No.15241366

I don't think that's necessary. Red gun, red gun, AP shell, Zuiun did the trick for me. Works best with kai ni'd Fusous because of that 23 plane slot.

Before I used my Fusous I was running Hyuuga and Ise with Zuiuns on all slots and that did jack shit. Once I switched to Fusous I memed that map in one attempt.

>> No.15241380

So basically there's no reason to go there again.
But if the the boss in e-6 doesn't say "masaka" then I have no choice but to go there and rank s it.

>> No.15241392

I have only Fusou k2 and Hyuga.
I plan to equip hyuga with 2 red guns and 2 zuiuins in her 2 largest slots while Fusou will bring sanshiki. Your thoughts?

>> No.15241396

If you've S ranked node I at any point in time in the past then no you don't have to see that godforsaken map again.

I hope your masaka activates because I would never wish E5 upon anyone again, not even my worst enemies.

>> No.15241398

Hyuuga's slots are too small, enemy will rip your Zuiuns to shreds.

>> No.15241399

The "masaka" part is very quiet, turn up your volume to make sure.

>> No.15241408

So equipping it with zuins only will do the work?

>> No.15241411

Where to get easily Ooyodo?

>> No.15241412

Visit your quest page.

>> No.15241417

You're exaggerating, going there for 1 S rank on node I isn't that bad. You can even send both squadrons of fighters there.

>> No.15241422

Why would you do something so stupid?

You don't even need route support to S rank I node.

>> No.15241425

Where did you come from?

>> No.15241426

I don't think so. Her slots are simply too small, your planes won't survive there. Especially due to the fact that there's no such thing as "safe slot size" on E-6, even Kaga's #3 isn't safe.

>> No.15241427

I'd recommend AP shell over Sanshiki. Sanshiki feels practically useless on the main fleet and is only good against the boss, whereas AP shells do damage against everything. And like >>15241398 said, Hyuuga will lose her planes before the boss. Personal experience tells me this is true.

>> No.15241428

Well I want to try the zuiun meme.
And I think Hyuga is irrelevant to e-6. I just want her to bring zuiuns and make this meme real.

>> No.15241435

Oh wow E5 is all a traumatic blur of memories to me now. You guys are right though reaching I node isn't even a problem on hard. I'm just not thinking this straight.

>> No.15241440

E5 was traumatic for me too but I remember node I was a therapeutic node for me except when Shimakaze hit a crit for that one time.

>> No.15241441

I only now finished E-5, and fuck me did it tear me apart.

I'm considering taking a break for a couple of days to restock my resources, but I won't just for the sake of seeing how far my tiny remainder will get me through E-6. (17700/49000/50000/23500/76)

Playing easy like the Kuso I am

>> No.15241450


>> No.15241452

Iowa takes priority over epeen medal. Don't listen to /jp/.

>> No.15241458

Thanks anon. AP seems nice over sanshiki because escort fleet are really matters in e-6.

Also what equipment will hyuga can bring? I only have two BBV, her and fusou k2.

>> No.15241459

Confirmed for not having a lazy ass fuck of a friend who lacks half the necessary equipment and yet still does everything on hard because "YOLO". On top of that he relies entirely on me for fleet and equipment setups. And if that wasn't enough there's a bunch of players with even worse equipment and ships than he has and I have to help them out at times too.

When you know guys like these, statfagging with shoddy ships and equipment becomes second nature to you.

>> No.15241460

You understand me anon, thank you

>> No.15241461

I'm playing kuso mode too, there is no need to be a shame.

>> No.15241464

Iowa only takes priority if you didn't already have 5 memedals before this event.

>> No.15241469

If you've already got 5 medals you may as well be going for your sixth, so what you say is completely incorrect, teitoku.

>> No.15241470

Go back to redit then, it's full of memes.

>> No.15241471
File: 350 KB, 490x490, 1463303906590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still going to make fun of you every chance I get if you let me know

>> No.15241472

>If you've already got 5 medals you may as well be going for your sixth
That's exactly what I meant m8.

>> No.15241473

This is considered an easy event to get another memedal though. Probably 3rd on third on the list what with all the easy farming nodes.

>> No.15241475

Isn't that what he was saying?

>> No.15241476

The amount of medals you had before is irrelevant. You should always go for highest possible difficulty.
The whole concept of doing hard FOR medals is fucking retarded.

>> No.15241477

Disregard what I said, I'm fucking retarded, E-5 is still weighing heavily on my mind.

>> No.15241478

I should admit that occasionally, Hyuuga or Ise won't lose ALL their planes by the opening airstrike at the boss. You can always try replicating Fusou's setup on Hyuuga. It doesn't completely eliminate the chance for those Zuiuns to activate but it does make it slimmer.

>> No.15241479

E-5 isn't really that difficult. 6-4 is even harder m8.

>> No.15241483

When you're kuso you've got to dramatise everything otherwise people won't spoon feed you.

It's a harsh reality on both the kuso end and the fact that people still spoon feed the kuso like myself.

>> No.15241484

That isn't saying anything, 6-4 is the hardest map in the game. E5 is nowhere close.

>> No.15241486

>you have to play the game like I want you to do!

>> No.15241490

Exactly, I dare say that 6-4 is even harder than E7.
After I saved Iowa and got the memedal, I went to try 6-4 with the seaplane buff. Safe to say it was a total failure and now I am farming for Yuu for more WG42 while the boss still have full HP. You can't even clear it reliably with 2tank, you can't chip and you need outright kill to even decrease the HP bar.

>> No.15241494

I'm not the one you should be saying this to, retard.

>> No.15241498

My point is that saying 6-4 is harder than E5 doesn't really say anything about E5's difficulty.

>> No.15241499

I farmed harukaze with suijou. Full 6 range base could not target boss node.

On first chipping run with suijou again, first base has 3 type 21 skilled (7 range) and 1 ryuusei 601 (6 range). Not only does it target boss node, I saw the single hit from the ryuusei on both waves.

>> No.15241500

My Amagi did 1100~ damage to BB Hime on her own during opening airstrike. I thought this magic was restricted to red planes and installations

>> No.15241503

It works on everyone in E7 boss node for some arbitrary reason.

>> No.15241505

This was on E4 J while trying to farm Unryuu. I did send land bombers to that node though but they never hit BB Hime

>> No.15241508

Best landbase setup for E-7? I don't trust the wikia guys

>> No.15241510
File: 631 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-23133099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how often are you supposed to reach the boss on E-7, nevermind damage her?

>> No.15241515

Never ever on both accounts, I believe.

>> No.15241519

Oh. Something's strange with this event. Normally it should be impossible to do such damage, even with Murata's, crits, chevrons, high modifier and contact.

>> No.15241520

I guess they buff the carriers to do additional crit daamge. Probably the patch that they did on the first day itself. They made all six of the ships at E7 with more than 150armor so shelling phase will do jack shit unless you AP crit. It is all about your carriers and bombers.

>> No.15241522

Nearing 500 S ranks in E3 D/F.

I hate this.

>> No.15241523


What kind of hell comp is that?

>> No.15241526

So what happens if i sortie with my landbase planes at orange? Do they still gain ranks?

>> No.15241527

Is there something that isn't strange with this event?

>> No.15241529

Not with that setup and that route, you won't.

>> No.15241530

3>2>1 fighter
Filled the rest of bombers.

Final kill 3>1>1 or 2>1>1 is enough. If you get yellow text, then add more fighter.

>> No.15241534

Range to boss is 5 or 6?

>> No.15241538

kidou = 6
suijou = 7

Nobody know the effectiveness of bringing a short range plane or if their performance drop, just bring >=6 to be on the safe side.

>> No.15241541

I'm starting to physically feel bad because of E7 last dance. This is insane.

>> No.15241550

Take a rest and do it tomorrow with a fresh fleet, fully sparkled

>> No.15241553

I only have one suck drum and 28k fuel left. I'm open to any suggestions at this point. Chevroning my planes, sparkling my fleet, I even crafted some seaplane fighters to put on kamo and everything.

>> No.15241555

Land base set up for e-6 please.

>> No.15241556

>not having 8 Skilled Zeros in stock
>not ranking to have at least 1 extra land bomber

>> No.15241558

Just wait after event, we can use land base for 6-4

>> No.15241559


>> No.15241561


>> No.15241564

Thank (You).

>> No.15241565

You can't use land base on E-6.

>> No.15241568

I hope 6-5 is a map that is extremely hard to clear, makes stockpiling impossible and it gives memedals instead of the usual medals. That way we'd finally be able to put that retarded memedal thing behind us.

>> No.15241570

Can I get a (Yuu) too please?

>> No.15241571

>2stars trash reward they said
I wonder who is laughing now. I bet they are still struggling while I beat it with ease.

>> No.15241573

You should definitely have max chevrons on all your planes in the first place

Sparkling your carriers levels normal planes. E5 sparkles your landbase planes

>> No.15241574
File: 313 KB, 1920x1080, SweetRefuelingDamage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that hayasui doesn't do shit for STF.

>> No.15241576

I'm already doing that.

>> No.15241578


>> No.15241583

>fully sparkling combined fleet
Maybe if you're diagnosed with severe autism. Sparkle is diminished so hard on combined fleet that you're better of spending that resource/time on on extra attempt.

>> No.15241585

The first run I ever did with Hayasui left the boss with 74hp at the end. I felt optimistic that I'd get it soon, but that was the best run I've had so far.

>> No.15241586

>counting on shelling damage against meatshields with 167armor and 160armor
Put your useless hotel through a damage calculator and count how often you will kill them. Carriers or bust m8. There is no need to waste your limited quantity memefuel on this map. I am still saving 14 of my green barrel for a tougher map.

>> No.15241590


>> No.15241593

>Carriers or bust
I don't think "carriers or bust" is a viable strategy on hard.

>> No.15241595
File: 549 KB, 800x480, You had one job.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had one job, Choukai. One job. just one fucking job.

>> No.15241597

My ass. Just buy some Mamiyas if you don't like sparkling, it will help.
t. Tanaka

>> No.15241598
File: 861 KB, 799x481, based jp magic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers mate

>> No.15241603
File: 67 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160514-13403491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See bottom left. Escort fleet is unmolested because DDhime went red at the start, so no Kitakami tier opening torpedo from them.

>> No.15241606

Congratulations anon.

>> No.15241608
File: 240 KB, 1152x932, laughing shoukaku katsuragi rj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using CAV with WG42+sanshiki as finisher
>using chokekai

>> No.15241615

What the hell did you put on your first fleet?

>> No.15241624
File: 624 KB, 800x479, I love my girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck to be you.

>> No.15241641

Is farming E5 kuso with 3 land base easier than normal?

>> No.15241655
File: 73 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-09515445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorteing my girls on chuuha while farming Yuus to save buckets
>this happens

>> No.15241656

Why can't I get pass E5?
I am not that moron no potato anon so why?

>> No.15241664
File: 177 KB, 449x357, 1462814425007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For E5's LBAS setup, running all fighters to try to disable the boss sounds tempting but I've picked up more compositions like this one in these threads. Is that about the consensus here or did most people just spam fighters

>> No.15241667

What's the optimal amount of WGs to have? I still only 2 Yuus after 300 S ranks.

>> No.15241669


>> No.15241672

Neither of those matter, all you need is LBAS memestrikes.

>> No.15241677


>> No.15241679

2 is enough, sanshiki on 2 CA(V) is enough for E5 hard, E6 and 7 doesnt need any WG.

>> No.15241693

They do matter you stupid redditor. LBAS won't oneshot the boss in every run.

>> No.15241695

6.7k bauxite here, Ooyashio farming hurts, if I don't want to give up on harukaze, where should I draw the line for going full easy, considering that I rely in regen and GS exp.6?

>> No.15241704

You only need it to work once, genius.

>> No.15241725

7kills at easy
Lets assume 500baux/run, just bank 3500 on the last day. Kuso mode is really 7/7, very low chance to fail and there is no need to run any support what so ever. Just send in your planes, click the boss 6times and run it for 7times to get Iowa.

>> No.15241749

150sorties to get 2Yuu. That is pretty good, what are you complaining about?

>> No.15241767

You have to chip whole bar and then kill the boss. And waiting for lucky roll might take time, retard.

>> No.15241782

Chipping was FAR easier than the last dance. Come on now.

>> No.15241785

That's irrelevant. There's no reason to intentionally gimp yourself just because there's a chance of other method working.
The main point of KanColle is maximizing your chances.

>> No.15241797

The main point of KANcOLLE is to use your favorites.

>> No.15241802

Running D and F in kuso mode gave me 3 Yuu and 3 Shiois in only 105 sorties, but after that 0 and it's 330th sortie now.
Did my luck really vanish or is there a limit?
I only kept 1 Yuu, but all Shiois to farm Seirans.

>> No.15241810

There's no limit

>> No.15241811

Majority of the time the air strike would take her below 50% HP. You just need a lucky snipe at night to 1shot her. Why would you purposely lower your chance to win?

>> No.15241815

That's what I said.
When you're using your favorites you're more motivated to play and therefore your overall chance of success rises, even if stats of your Pokemon aren't top-tier.

>> No.15241822

I did some more runs with the kamo 2CV 1FBB 2CA fleet, and all those runs I went to I instead of H. So either a FBB is mandatory or Akitsumaru makes the routing random somehow.

>> No.15241823

How to farm Yuu

>> No.15241826

>your Pokemon
Your boatwives, you mean.

>> No.15241835

And lose? Fuck you.

>> No.15241839
File: 82 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-23342083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same thing you did at E6. Zuiun spam duh

>> No.15241841

Thanks. Let's put some buffer for that runs, maybe 4 days for recovery and sortie. So I have around 10 days for farming and do chipping in hard (if I can get those 2 fast enough). I heard bauxite usage for Hard is some where between 10k-20k, that's means if I want to challenge hard I'd better start in next 3 day (3k recovery from exp.6 and regen).

>> No.15241845
File: 315 KB, 450x281, KanColle-160516-17341311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this last dance?

>> No.15241847

That's nice to hear. Used the same fleet and experienced similar results. I guess that's the easymode chip comp

>> No.15241850

Use the MapHP plugin to find out.

>> No.15241854
File: 126 KB, 799x479, rasuto ki-ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I just learned (on my final kill to boot), Harukaze apparently drops on A-ranks as well, even in kuso mode.

Guess now I'll go fishing for Oyashio, and then for more Yuus.

>> No.15241859


nope, probably 1100-1300 damage left in the bar

>> No.15241860

Can you replace 2CA with CAV?

>> No.15241873

What for? It's better to use CAV in escort fleet.

>> No.15241881

Then please spoon feed me a little luck to get one last Yuu.

>> No.15241896

There is no lock in E7 and 1 >> seaplane fighter gives +22 after the buff.

>> No.15241917

Does Akitsushima do her job in e7 if placed as escort flagship?

>> No.15241918

Ah, this. Most players don't have ten seaplane fighters though. But yeah, it sounds like a good idea for someone buying screws.

I think it was +22 buff to the initial +3 meaning they behave like normal fighters.

>> No.15241920

Am I supposed to go full bombers on E7 last dance? I feel like I'm not doing as much damage as I should with 1 wave of fighter + 2 waves of bombers and I haven't been able to kill the boss once (hard modo)

>> No.15241928

Don't fighters add like +25 though?

>> No.15241933

So what's the ultimate installation killer loadout on DD? 2WG + tank?

>> No.15241942

How many sets of torp sluts is enough? 2?
I leveled a few for quints and have an excess of them.

>> No.15241953

2 pairs is enough. Then you can reserve one pair for E2 farming.

>> No.15241956


Even that feels like too much sometimes.

>> No.15241970

The gamble is too big, a simple 2 gun 1 tank all upgraded should be enough.

>> No.15241980

Why does ancient DD hime have so much fucking armor, she has more than BB hime for christs sake

>> No.15241982

Powercreep. Just look at the poor oni, all of them sucks nowadays.

>> No.15241983

Yes. 3+22=25.

>> No.15241986
File: 718 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-18011374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I dreaming?

>> No.15241990

Abyssal power creep.

>> No.15241992

It's just fanta-sea.

>> No.15241993

Oh, that's what you meant.

>> No.15241996

She drops like candy

>> No.15242010

She is candy, peropero.

>> No.15242013
File: 190 KB, 800x480, bps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What now?

>> No.15242017

Is someone here farming for Roma? How many sortie to get her?

>> No.15242036

Read the wiki to see where an actually good carrier like Kaga drops.

>> No.15242044

Yamashiro > Ooshio > Unryuu > Roma > Choukai > Amagi

>> No.15242052
File: 144 KB, 800x480, ThankYouJP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15242057

Nice one, kirito.

>> No.15242061

It came from way before that.
I have no idea why I decided to use that old name.

>> No.15242066
File: 21 KB, 346x114, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I got her now.

>> No.15242082

You better hope your account doesn't get hacked.

>> No.15242083


Legit or it was just lucky snipe?

>> No.15242086

This is the least rage inducing event in a long long time. Both Harukaze and Oyashio are easy to farm compare to shit like Graf, Okinami, Kazagumo and Umikaze.

>> No.15242096

>8 may

>> No.15242124

Which fleet compositon should I use to farm ducks?

>> No.15242133

1 SS and Prinz taiha'd

>> No.15242137

Does anyone happen to have the pictures of those E-6/E-7 fleet comps a japanese player had put up like a week ago? I need a quick reference for fleet/loadout comp.

Trying to blitz through E-4, and E-5 before maybe kuso moding E-6 and E-7.

>> No.15242141

Only on easy. Meanwhile the maps this time suck and require double support. Fall E4 was so nice.

>> No.15242162

Summer's going to be a relaxing event right guys

>> No.15242163

I go this to select C->D manually to go into F. A node also prevents Pre-F node taiha and easy win.
You can either go
CL + 3 DD + CA/V + CVL
CL + 3 DD + 2 CA/V
but I prefer the CVL one because it is less bucket costly from preventing red T and Air Denial/Air Damage.
Obviously Keep ABKM as FS and rotate your DDs and CVL. Got my Teruzuki in 30 runs.

>> No.15242168

Hey, good to know. I guess I'll try again after my fuel cache recovered. Thanks.

>> No.15242170

50k will be enough.

>> No.15242177

So, /jp/, which one is the best for the last kill in E-7H?

1) north (CTF without kamo)
2) center (CTF with kamo)
3) south (STF, with kamo of course)

>> No.15242178

Oh and obviously make sure the CVLs are fast speed, so Jun'You and Hi'You are a no-go

>> No.15242186

Yea, summer is going to be easy this time to cater to the androidfags. 50k would be more than enough.

>> No.15242193

What does kamo do on south?

>> No.15242194

Thanks for the advice, I'll see what I can rack up with the shiplock in place.

>> No.15242195

J > M routing.

>> No.15242204

No, final map will have Panama-chan with an even more bullshit gimmick.

>> No.15242207

How many seaplanes fighters are enough to keep? I was leveling Zara to upgrade a Ro. 43, but I don't know if it's ok anymore since Pola gives you a free Ro. 44.

>> No.15242209

As much as possible.

>> No.15242214

1 CL 2 DD 2 CLT 1 fast CVL

>> No.15242217

Panama-chan will get taken down by subs.

>> No.15242232

Is there any point in giving Hayasui 2 green drums?

>> No.15242234

If you play the game, you know only one does not cut it.

>> No.15242238

I don't even have any seaplane fighters.

>> No.15242243

The latest magazine interview says it's only going to get harder.

>> No.15242244

How many aviation ships can you take to 6-4? Whatever the number is should be your minimum goal.

>> No.15242245

Ooyashio Drop/50%Sortie/80%Sortie
Hard: 5%/14/30
Normal: 3.8%/18/40
Easy: 1.8%/40/85
M-Maybe next time? When was Arashi reappear for the first time? Is it this event?

>> No.15242249

Those drop rates are very high, you likely won't get a better deal.

>> No.15242270

But my bauxite will dried out, so, give up on memedals?

>> No.15242272

How much do you have?

>> No.15242275

6.8k right now.

>> No.15242279

And so will I if we get another Harukaze.

>> No.15242293

>getting hard over Katori 2.0

>> No.15242295

Doesn't look too good but if you run ex6 with daihatsu, hopefully sparkled, you could be getting >4k a day.

>> No.15242308

And Ooyashio farming in normal cost around 600/sortie 40*600=24k/4k~around 6days.

>> No.15242316

Do you need a full set of six ships sparkled or is the minimum comp all sparkled enough?

>> No.15242323

That's too much.

4 are enough, 5 give better GS rate. 6 aren't worth it.

>> No.15242328

Would you mind sharing the composition for farming?

>> No.15242332

There was nothing in the interview about summer.

>> No.15242345

Isn't there any cheapskate setup for reliably farming E-7D in kuso mode?

>> No.15242349

2 BB 2 CA 2CV and bring 3 CLT

Just go all greens on CV

>> No.15242353

I just got Akitsu Maru. Is there a point in levelling her for E6 (Last Dance)?

>> No.15242354

>all greens on CV
Does it mean one can use CVL?

>> No.15242355

Oh, If it is kuso mode, I heard there is some compo that barely use bauxite.

>> No.15242358


>> No.15242364

Interesting. I will try that since I also have to farm Harukaze in easy. Do I need to send full reppuu base?

>> No.15242424
File: 256 KB, 863x927, e-7 last.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to try this for E-7 hard last dance. Anything I should change?

>> No.15242428

OK, It is viable. We may make it cheaper by using 2fBB, 2CA, 2CVL.

>> No.15242431

Where is your land base setup? That's more important.

>> No.15242434

3 fighter 1 bomber
3 bomber 1 fighter
4 bomber

>> No.15242471
File: 643 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160517-03184975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I set land bases to standby, got raided once (one chuuha base) and lost 130 bauxite. Resupply took 220 bauxite, I went for AS+ on first node.
In next three runs one base was only shouha'd and I lost 81-119 bauxite. However Tsu performed AACI and fleet resupply rose to 350-450 bauxite.
Bucket usage was low in first three runs but then pic related happened.
I'm trying to farm Oyashio on medium.

Any ideas what can I improve?

>> No.15242474

I did the same the other day, you can very well expect being north of 350 baux / run.

>> No.15242482

Try sending your bases to air defense

>> No.15242483

Set your base to retreat (blue) if you're not using it in maps that have air raids. No bauxite loss. Your bases will take 30 damage at most

>> No.15242486


>> No.15242508
File: 702 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-20334545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it say? It completely obliterated my bomber wave and I have no idea why. I had nearly 2 entire waves worth of fighters that came before it. It's the first time she's ever done that to me.

>> No.15242516

Few planes returned from the bombing run or something in that sense.

>> No.15242519

Your air support get rekt and will sucks your bauxite very hard!

>> No.15242520

Fairy massacre.

>> No.15242528

See >>15240864

>> No.15242530


So I need a fighter plane in that wave as well? Or is it just unavoidable? I did the entire map up to last dance with that base configuration without trouble

>> No.15242540

I feel it's a bad roll that happened to wipe out your planes, just like how your own AACI can vary in the number of enemy planes it takes out. If you're getting it consistently then is the time to reconfig.

>> No.15242543

Is there any way to only remove planes from a land base without switching in any new ones?

>> No.15242546

Drag out.

Hope you have something to do for 15 minutes.

>> No.15242550

It's around that. If you want to save bauxite consider farming in easy. The cost is around 50-100 per sortie.

>> No.15242552


drag out of the land base like you do in the fleet tab. You'll have to pay again the bauxite to put a new squad again.

>> No.15242558

>Have to wait before using a land base slot again if you remove a plane
>Have to use bauxite to switch a plane in

For what purpose?

>> No.15242562

That sounds much better, even if drop rate is less than half of medium's. How about Harukaze? What's the bauxite cost of doing boss node on easy?

>> No.15242568

Has the boat cockfight simulator ever been updated?

>> No.15242569
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>> No.15242577

Not bad if you get the line ahead formation, can get bad if you get the diamond one unless you gimp your CVs

>> No.15242581

So how useful is Hayasui exactly? I'm getting desperate to clear E7 and I have a few of her barrels to use. I feel like now would be the right time

>> No.15242587

I lost 123 bauxite.

I'll try >>15242482 now.

>> No.15242596

How do you setup your fleet and landbase for easy farming? I don't want to spend too much resources trying individual setups out since I'm already pretty low on them.

>> No.15242600
File: 848 KB, 1843x1095, E7D-kusofarming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're interested, see pic related. This cost around 300/500 fuel/ammo 50-100 bauxite. 1 bucket once in a blue moon. Set 2 air base to air defense mode and 1 full reppuus to D. This could be optimized better, but I have no idea now.

I didn't try Harukaze farming yet, but I heard that boss will just kill herself once you reach her node, land base planes will do all the job needed.

>> No.15242603

STF or CTF for E7 chipping?

>> No.15242614

For the fleet>>15242600
For land base: All green-full reppuus if possible, 2 for air defense (no bauxite loss), 1 for As+ at D node.

>> No.15242620

ok so I just got sent ACFIJLN and all my planes showed up at the boss even though everything but the land bombers in the last base were 6 range. it may be that it just counts the shortest route from where you start instead of the path you actually take.

>> No.15242621

Have you tried using the interceptors for air defense?

>> No.15242625

You lost your land base planes when all 3 squadrons were on retreat?

>> No.15242633

>Kongou Kai

>> No.15242634

Yeah, I mixed T3 with T52(601). They gain rank but I don't know if they have an effect or not.

>> No.15242641

she got to 75 a few days ago but I didn't want to remodel her because I didn't have enough stuff to remodernize her with. anyway she hit central princess for 150 during day battle. it was the other sluts that failed.

>> No.15242646

I only had planes in three slots of first base, everything else was empty. They were set to retreat (blue). Other two were on standby though, I didn't know it's separate for each base.

I'm using three interceptors and T52 Skilled, somehow lost 174 fuel. Also 12/20 for resupply.

>> No.15242651

They'll keep failing if you keep calling them sluts.

>> No.15242654

No saiun?

>> No.15242659
File: 689 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-21163671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell RNG, this isn't Oyashio.

>> No.15242665

Oh, I forget about red T. Yeah, you should use it. From my runs so far, I can occasionally do day time swipe in hankousen.

>> No.15242748

They're fucking shit.
In next run I lost 123 bauxite with one base chuuha and in last one 21 fuel + 103 bauxite despite low damage to my bases. 21/35 and 12/20 for LB resupply as well.
I'll try retreat option again. Empty base defaults to standby.

>> No.15242753

For those of you who've cleared E7 hard, did you use CTF?

>> No.15242755

We talk about farming at D node kuso mode anon. I have never lost any plane from kuso air raid at D node.

>> No.15242758

>160 buckets used on e2 kuso last dance
>only gotten boss to orange 3 times
>all 6 ships at least chuuha before yasen on all attempts
i will accept my failure
No more events even on kuso mode until i have every ship in the game married and max level. Its the bare minimum i see.

>> No.15242763

Anon above said that he doesn't lose any bauxite when using double full reppuus for air defense, maybe you can try that.

>> No.15242767

I haven't cleared yet, but CTF is great for chipping off hp.

>> No.15242775

So the debuff for E6 never resets?

>> No.15242779

For easy modo only, not only you didn't lose the planes, you also reduce damage from air raid.

>> No.15242780

They do better if you call them whores actually.

>> No.15242786

I only need the clear. Chipping was easy, this is hell.

>> No.15242791

Stop scaring people with falsehoods.

>> No.15242793
File: 67 KB, 1033x692, 2016-05-04_23-38-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 runs and 27 buckets for whole thing on hard.

>> No.15242797


>> No.15242846

Do you even sparkle or use support? Equipment quality matters too.

>> No.15242851

God I wish I had that many WG's

>> No.15242860

>that many
>only 3
Even you can farm easily 3 or more WG by the end of the event

>> No.15242862

CAV with Sanshiki are more important. You could try aiming for hankousen cap with your shelling boss support to hit pillboxes harder.

One day time S rank when only Imps appeared, Supply Depot Hime always had to be finished in yasen. Once by Hatsuzuki, twice by Mikuma. I got taiha'd on the way twice when route support didn't show up.

>> No.15242864
File: 612 KB, 801x481, Screenshot 2016-05-16 22.09.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still, what the fuck. Seriously?

>> No.15242869

Of course. Both route support and boss support. Sparkled everyone in fleet and flag+2nd ship in both supports. If someone didnt get taiha'd at the 3 gold CA node, then boss and pillbox would pick up the slack. I believe the amount of times anyone either dodged or took scratch at boss node was less than 10 times.

>> No.15242870
File: 74 KB, 646x700, 51746c3364f85b8fafd7f9cf457dc832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing the boss is weak to daihatsu too.

>> No.15242878

And this is why levels do matter.

>> No.15242889

Lowest leveled ship in the fleet was 75. From what i've seen, its nowhere close to adequate. I need to grind everyone in that fleet to at least 99.

>> No.15242901

I just wish I had one WG to help with the day time damage, lowest I've gotten DJ hime is down to 25, so close but so far.

>> No.15242908

Just level ships until they reach at least 80 evasion, especially DDs. If they can't like most, then sparkling is mandatory.

>> No.15243004

One barrel left for south route fast suck BB fun. If this isn't the kill, then I'll have a problem.

>> No.15243048

is e7 bombing not supposed to work when you get diamond?

>> No.15243050

CV or BB boss support in E6?

>> No.15243052

red bombers, a lot of them.

>> No.15243055

guys no metter how much i try i can't finish E2 last dance, can you tell me what ships were you using...?

>> No.15243057

No because it's diamond formation.

>> No.15243066

Is E6-L hard to S rank?

>> No.15243067

yellow kusoichiso

>> No.15243068
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>> No.15243075

These triple taihas on the sub node in south E7 are going to make me fucking slit my wrists.

>> No.15243081

But how, when AD just keeps fucking my shit up, big time?

>> No.15243086

At least read all of the posts you are replying to

>> No.15243094

For E7 STF i need 7 range on my land base planes right ? What is the consensus about it ? Planes with less than 7 range but carried by other long range planes are really less effective or wikia is wrong again? Ryuusei Kai and Murata are 6 range or less so it seems really dumb.

>> No.15243097

Support, good support.

>> No.15243101

Where is my Oyashio?

>> No.15243113
File: 534 KB, 693x390, onemoreduki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good comp. for duki farming in E-2 Node F? Would help it if it's south route. Just need one more duki.

>> No.15243121

Why not I node?

>> No.15243124

Scroll up.

>> No.15243132
File: 561 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-16183045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew these fucking bombings were going to get worse after Winter.

>> No.15243139

Does the selection nodes count towards the land base range?

>> No.15243143

It's funny that everyone kept saying WG42 were essential.

Meanwhile it's sanshiki CAV that hits the boss for 450+ damage in E5, and E6 boss gets killed before shelling starts.

>> No.15243144

Akizuki does not drop on I node.


>> No.15243156


These are the smallest problem, I find. The problem is every single other thing in this event.

>> No.15243197

I'm wondering why people even suggest 2 WG42s on a ship. Do 2 WG42s on a DD actually give them enough damage to pass over DA at yasen with 1 WG42? Because so far my DDs with a single WG42 have done jack shit to anything and their damage only comes alive at yasen.

>> No.15243199
File: 142 KB, 800x480, [ナオキT] 2016-05-16 16-18-06 56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to thank kuso mode, aerial support and my shipfu.

>> No.15243202

>E6 boss gets killed before shelling starts
I love this meme.

>> No.15243203

You want to put 2x WG42 on a 4 slot CL like Yodo or Yuubari for DA + WG42 stack bonus. Obviously not CTs because their stats are terrible.

>> No.15243210

You cannot use them on Katori anyway.

>> No.15243211

Hayasui turns your current damage output by 40% on all ships. You see your BBs and CVs doing jack shit at day time battle? Hayasui will actually make them do something.

You're still RNG rolling though for a hopeful good airstrike. But why not use Hayasui and the 20+ oil in your inventory that never get used?

>> No.15243215
File: 337 KB, 485x380, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand it. I was just about to give up on these kusos because their zuiuns kept getting wiped out, but now I s rank the boss and don't even lose rank on any planes. maya-sama even forgot to cut in on the first node.

>> No.15243227
File: 14 KB, 331x348, 6k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for maximum stockpiling, I can do 6k/day fuel+ammo+bauxite parallelly.

>> No.15243237

Lady with two +9 Akizuki guns and one WG42 deals (62 + 6 + 1 + 6 + 75) * 1.2 * 1.25 = two hits for 225 damage each.
Lady with one +9 Akizuki gun and two WG 42 deals (62 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 110) * 1.62 = one hit for 291 damage.

Depends on enemy's armor.

Pillboxes get absolutely obliterated by any DA with WG42 (they might be more vulnerable to this in my opinion, I had Akatsuki deal ~190 + 306 damage with DA on 6-4) but harder bosses not necessarily and single attack might be a better idea against them.
There's also another variable, the tank. From what I noticed in the threads and streams, it seems to be more effective than WG42, at least in case of double attack.

>> No.15243268

I must be super slow, only found out Iowa can AACI today.
Guess she'll become the battleship to bring if you need to get past a ton of carrier/Henderson nodes in future events.

>> No.15243274
File: 109 KB, 800x480, Kantai 2016-05-16 14-30-52 41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stars alighned and no one got taiha'd before night battle
Thank you Chikuma you didn't have to clutch and kill the boss but you did anyways

>> No.15243294

with what setup? can't everyone do it with the right equipment?

>> No.15243302

Everyone can AACI, what matters is how many planes they can shoot down.

>> No.15243305

Just got sent to H
Kamo-FBB-2 CVB-2 CA
Damn, I thought it was fixed.

>> No.15243360

>157 runs
>Only 1 Yuu
Give me (Yuu)s please.

>> No.15243367

I'm starting to feel stupid for even trying to get to the boss on E7, much less beat her. It feels impossible.

>> No.15243371

cat bomb why

>> No.15243374

screw you, i'm at 225 runs with 2 shois and 0 Yuus.

>> No.15243376

Man I really don't want to farm more Yuu, I still need to do all my monthlies and EOs but 2WG doesn't feel like enough.

>> No.15243379

I'm on the same boat, good luck to both of us.

>> No.15243383

Akitsushitter. You only need to pass 2 Wo nodes and it's easy sailing from there.

>> No.15243384

>all these people farming U-boats for WD-40
It would be quite funny if Tanaka made them craftable after the event, don't you think?

>> No.15243394

How hard is E7 compared to E6?
Is it the same praying for airstrikes to work?

>> No.15243400

What does it take to clear e-7 hard holy shit.
Air bases wiped out half the enemies and brought the boss to 200HP, but every single day shelling round was wasted on a 3 HP DD Ancient Hime and nothing shot the boss at night.
What can I even do.

>> No.15243403

Chipping is even easier than E6, but if you got diamond formation at boss node it can be annoying. Last kill on the other side is pretty much E6 without debuff and praying for good landbase opening - without it you're fucked.

>> No.15243407

Yeah, craftable via Akashi by maxing one of those rocket tubes and then upgrading them with some other random equipment.

>> No.15243415

Fastsuck or just keep brute forcing hoping landbases kill Ancient DDs.

Yes, E-7 is stupid.

>> No.15243419

Fastsuck suijou doesn't work for fucking shit since you don't ever even get there.

>> No.15243427

Tell that to all the people who used suijou and argue it's easier than the Black Wo nodes.

I always used kidou as a note.

>> No.15243434

I suppose it's just a matter of having terrible luck this event, then.

I'm already down 250k fuel, after all.

>> No.15243450

Every time I see diamond at E7 boss, I wipe a tear for all the fairies lost.

>> No.15243454
File: 522 KB, 800x480, Screenshot-2016-05-17_07.25.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The suijou meme is real!

Thanks for the sixth medal, plane fairies.

(This doesn't make your map less bullshit, Tanaka.)

>> No.15243461

Fuck you and fuck me.

>> No.15243465
File: 43 KB, 669x157, ss+(2016-05-16+at+05.39.52).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't get the last kill on E-2. I initially tried with Suzuya, but getting that AS/AP at the boss really, really would help, if only Kumano didn't get concentrated on every single time. Help me, /jp/, you're my only hope.

>> No.15243473

How can someone have this much of a trouble clearing it on kuso?

>> No.15243475

I cleared it with 2 CAV, since at the end of the day usually you just need 2 good attacks against the boss during yasen.

>> No.15243483


I think I might have to drop down to Kuso, I've gotten the boss down to 25hp once but haven't gotten close in years.

>> No.15243491

As much as I hate using the SuckyDrums, that route actually works better for getting to boss.

Too bad the planes are just RNG anyway.

Hint: 2/1/1 fighters isn't enough, even if this is last kill.

>> No.15243495

Get a spare Mogami.

>> No.15243496

I've been going 3/1/1 but I'll try 3/2/1 if I ever get there again within these two weeks.

>> No.15243507

3/2/1 is what I was running when I got the kill, by the way.

>> No.15243520

Did you just go for 7 range average, or 7 range on every fighter?

>> No.15243523

I'll do it in your honor and throw a few prayers to the infinite void of nothing while I'm at it.

>> No.15243534

I hope we actually get some Mogami K2s soon if they're going to keep throwing these retarded installation bosses at us.

>> No.15243538

I actually turned my skilled 21s into 52s because I'm a moron, so I had to use the monthly quest and a pilot item to get a skilled 21 and have an average of 7 in my first wing.

>> No.15243544
File: 223 KB, 870x548, 1456304280618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded installation bosses
Finally is the time of aviation battleships.

>> No.15243548

I'm not doing kuso. Yet.

>> No.15243554

As in, both Mogami/Mikuma or just put Mogami in there? I don't think she'd be enough to get AP at the boss node, though.

>> No.15243560

Hyuuga a cute

>> No.15243575

The point is being safer at preboss.
If you can spare Mikuma and Mogami, go for that.

No couple of CAV can get you AP at boss hard anyway, I think.

>> No.15243586

I swear events are an elaborate scheme to get people to buy Mamiya/Irako.

>> No.15243590

Nothing elaborate about it this time around.

>> No.15243591

Isn't there a way to automatically resupply the stupid land bases? I've sortied without resupplying them twice now and it's ticking me off.

>> No.15243592

Teach me how to get a good land support airstrike senpai

>> No.15243596

You just need to get used to it, it is not like you can automatically resupply your ship girls anyway.

>> No.15243601

At least there is a visual prompt when you sortie that your girls are low on supplies, which they've neglected to include in this stupid system.

>> No.15243603

Is Graf useful on E4?

>> No.15243606

>Is Graf useful
No. Cute, though.

>> No.15243612

She will never be useful, not even support expedition with her consumption.

>> No.15243615


>Is Graf useful


>> No.15243619

Can I actually farm (Yuu) on E-3 hard without wasting a fuckton of buckets/resources?

>> No.15243621
File: 632 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160517-01152996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking "ARMORED" carrier piece of shit gets taiha in one shot by the fucking fourth CA in this cancer infested node while the BBs happily shoot them all down afterwards. I fucking hate this fucking game.

>> No.15243622

Wait for Zwei

>> No.15243623

Scrap your married shipfu to Tanaka.

In all seriousness it's literally just RNG garbage. Hoping enemy bombers don't destroy your land base (AA defense doesn't do jack shit) and then hoping they hit the right targets and get crits. I've had runs where bombers (On BBhime formation) do like 100 damage overall to all enemy ships, and runs where Central Hime gets shot down to 400 HP, Ancient DDs get wiped off, BB Hime and CV Hime shot down to half of their health.

The best you can do is to sortie 6 DDs that you're going to scrap anyway to E-5, send your bombers to the first sub node, grind double chev for your landbombers, and then try for another bruteforce on E-7. It's like another shitty sparkle.

>> No.15243632

If she ever gets one.

>> No.15243634

Armor stat on all carriers is lower than listed. It's always the same shit on 4-5 with Shoukaku.

>> No.15243636

Ri gives no fucks, you would know if you rank.

>> No.15243657

should i get slots now or wait for a sale?
currently 141/150

>> No.15243662


from the I node the lighter your first fleet is, the better your chance of going south apparently, Akitsushima only helps guaranteeing J to M.

>> No.15243664

No just buy them now.

>> No.15243669

They don't do "sales".

>> No.15243676

Thanks, LSC. Two digit resource numbers certainly do look more pleasing to the eye.

>> No.15243679

>Central Hime gets shot down to 400 HP, Ancient DDs get wiped off, BB Hime and CV Hime shot down to half of their health

With what planes?

I've never even got a hit above 200 damage and I got all hard modo planes + Ryuusei kai on my base

>> No.15243681

Has anyone tried air support instead of shelling on E-5?

>> No.15243692

On boss? Wasn't worth it. Switched to artillery shelling and cleared last dance a couple sorties later with a hilariously good support shelling.

>> No.15243703

The landbase bombers. Torpedo Bombers maybe do like 100-200 damage if they get good ones. Landbase Bombers do about twice that damage on good hits.

>> No.15243708

Do I need to put them in a particular order or something?

>> No.15243714
File: 10 KB, 700x133, E2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15243718

No. Again it's RNG. Get them to double chev and keep trying.

>> No.15243721
File: 154 KB, 500x277, 1455724801753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15243733

How would one go about chevronning land planes? Please don't say one has to sortie them to event maps.

>> No.15243740

Send them all to E-5A. Take one sub and eat the D.

>> No.15243743

Read what I said. Sortie 6 scrappable ships to E-5, send landbase bombers to the first sub node, and keep repeating.

>> No.15243745

spam E5-A with subs and landbase set to first node, wait half an hour for the fatigue to wear off

>> No.15243769

Installations don't care about torpedo stat, right? Is it actually logical to take BBs in the second fleet this time around? I sure would enjoy that daytime power and survivability boost in E6.

>> No.15243773

Enjoy your routing.

>> No.15243775

Yeah, good luck getting to the boss though.

>> No.15243776

Are you fucking kidding me, E-7?
how am I getting to the boss node LESS now that I'm using both supports?

>> No.15243778

>eat the D

>> No.15243797
File: 1.69 MB, 1414x2000, 56586581_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's very useful, stress relief is important.

>> No.15243822
File: 1.86 MB, 1125x2000, 8ced193eef639a53e3b31d3b2198c7df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to slap this bitch so hard, but she's so cute.

>> No.15243825

How doable is air parity on E-5 boss with 4DD 2CAV? I guess I don't have a very good sense of how much land planes diminish the AS requirements. Is it doable with a single double chevron seaplane fighter, or would you need one on both CAVs?

>> No.15243840

You need 2 with land base fighters whittling down the planes.

>> No.15243842
File: 1.07 MB, 1400x2000, 5739572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is weed-chan so perfect? Is it because her voice soothes my rage?

>> No.15243862

Harukaze has her beat in that department now.

>> No.15243863


>> No.15243868

Pola or weed-chan?

>> No.15243871

Hocchan is perfection, what do you expect?

Based botox seiyuu.

>> No.15243876
File: 61 KB, 1024x640, CifpjfrVEAAGtqk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Pola.

>> No.15243877

>Fujikawa will never be tasked to draw her again

Why live?

>> No.15243879

Because Fujikawa. I especially like her hair, it's relaxing like her voice.

>> No.15243881

Harukaze is more soothing, Pola is funnier.

>> No.15243908


>> No.15243926
File: 675 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-18101546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a second I thought my shitty baux reserves wouldn't last.

There is no other voice as soothing as Mamiko Noto. Accept no substitutes.

>> No.15243935
File: 85 KB, 709x963, spring16_e7_costs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This undercounts E-7 because I ended up under regen cap, but I still feel like I've spent more.

>> No.15243939

At least the original gumos are not forgotten.

>> No.15243948
File: 134 KB, 672x402, YocbxLo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H node in e7 for 5 times in a row.
Am I doing something wrong or just bad luck?

>> No.15243952

Damn, but Harukaze and Oyashio cry in their wedding lines. The new girls are getting more and more grateful for rings.

>> No.15243954

>red bomber on carriers
Dude, use your Murata on them. Unlike E-6, blue bombers actually works.

>> No.15243962

You should probably just go all out if you're going kidou

>> No.15243966

And what about avoiding H node? I'm tired of getting rekt by double Kubo.

>> No.15243968

Beats the hell out of me.

Maybe you're just being unlucky?

(also, use torpedo bombers)

>> No.15243970

>red gun on Maya
>sanshiki working in day
>night scout on Tone instead of Bismarck
>marrying Bismarck

>> No.15243972
File: 34 KB, 422x214, planes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get chevs on these. i've already beaten the event

>> No.15243974

Seriously should I just give up defending my air base and just throw one of my air groups at node A on E-7? Because this node is fucking me up more than the three nodes after combined.

>> No.15243977

Sorry I don't know. I went 4CV myself. Bench the BB, they are useless and only give her 2 shelling phase.

>> No.15243983
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>> No.15243984

I just had a run where my land planes didn't target the boss once. someone is getting fired for this shit.

>> No.15243987

Just replace some of the bombers on your CV with fighters. It's better for them to deal less damage than have them not reach the boss at all. This is also assuming you have at least one ship with AACI, that's a base minimum.

>> No.15243988

Think your fairies already died anon

>> No.15243989

You can't fire fairies. They created shipgirls, that means they can also destroy them.

>> No.15243991

Thanks, anons.

>> No.15243996

Assign the pilots to the special attack squadron.

>> No.15244001

I have Akizuki and Maya doubled up, and two double chevron greens on each dragon. I'll switch them with Taihou and Kaga to see if more fighters will work, though.

>> No.15244007
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>> No.15244009

Can I get multiple (Yuu) drops now?

>> No.15244021
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>sparkling BBs
>10 scratch damage
That boss formation with 4 ships is cancer.

>> No.15244027

It's only like 3 hours of repairs, no big deal.

>> No.15244035

Use 5 shields and diamond formation.

>> No.15244045

where the ranking rewards at

>> No.15244046

Is anyone else getting catbombed a lot for no good reason? It's been happening a bunch for a week, and I haven't sortied much in fear. Getting disconnected even when resupplying.
Server is Buin.

>> No.15244047
File: 50 KB, 300x400, hnngg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, just listened to it. my heart
tfw you will never bring your shipfu to tears of happiness

>> No.15244051

Buin here, I had no particular cat rain.

You might be stuck in their bot check shit, try sending a complaint.

>> No.15244056

I think devs said at the end of the month.

>> No.15244066

I don't think Harukaze is real...

>> No.15244086

I don't think you're real, anon.

>> No.15244088

Literally who?

>> No.15244099
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>if you send back a CV before H it routes you to K
For what purpose?

>> No.15244101

sink Sub hime for debuff

>> No.15244103

"Attention to detail"

>> No.15244120
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>> No.15244122

>need to S rank E5 node I
>take 1 damage
>A rank
This is turning into Stresscolle

>> No.15244126

If you're only going to come here to ask a question that gets addressed in every thread, you may as well ask somewhere else.

>> No.15244136

I'll try, even though it'll look like it was written by an autistic preschooler.
I wonder why it got me though. My resource gains are small, I don't even subslave Orel, and I've been mostly sending medium length expeditions and PvPs for the past week after getting repeatedly catbombed after I finished E-4.

>> No.15244137

Jesus fuck Zuikaku you aren't Harukaze don't scare me like that

>> No.15244143

Do blue planes work on E7 boss?
Or should I stick all reds onto my carriers?

>> No.15244149

The most likely culprit is your connection/computer/browser/clock/whatever, of course.

But if none of those are the answers, maybe it's time to whine at the devs.

Torpedo bombers work fine (read the thread):

>> No.15244178


damn I thought Hinasaki was insane, this guy's worse err I mean better

>> No.15244181
File: 639 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-20014914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is parity, right? I'm not really experienced with anything but AS and AS+, but for some reason, the Ru that was left standing after boss support double attacked Italia to taiha.

>> No.15244182

As they have said, it's that events show a TTK's true colors.

>> No.15244186

Would changing my clock from JPN time to Pacific (local time zone) make a difference?

>> No.15244193

No way changing it "from" JST helps.

Try check if it's synced, maybe.

>> No.15244210

Is the Spring 2016 kuso compilation being worked upon?

>> No.15244222


so far its just the guy that raged quit with 150k fuel left and a bunch of part timers sinking at E-6 hard.

>> No.15244227

No way to know. AP and AI both don't give any sort of glowing text, but AD, AS and AS+ do.

>> No.15244229

Holy shit it's the pasta rescue squad

>> No.15244245

If I have both Akizuki and Teruzuki in my fleet with AACI setups, does having them both in my fleet increase the amount of planes shot down?

>> No.15244251

Anyway, anybody sometimes feel like the IJN at the last days of WW2? My Fuel and Bauxite in particular are taking massive hits from E-7

Wonder if theres a difficulty graph picture now for Spring 2016

>> No.15244260

I'm sub 40k now from farming Oyashio and Harukaze and I haven't even started hard clear.

>> No.15244262

Holy shit, he really did it, the absolute madman!

>> No.15244263

I thought it was the perfect moment to use them, works extremely well if the air raid leaves everyone alone. The downside is taking Libeccio's loli ass.

>> No.15244269

AACI is just flat -X to all slots.
Fleet AA stats is the one that shoot down the rest of the planes.

>> No.15244275

Well at least sanshiki makes up for the gimp Zara night battol damage

>> No.15244282

How much Fleet AA should we be gunning for in E6 and E7?

>> No.15244290

It doesn't matter when everyone has anti-installation equipment.

>> No.15244298

I mean, how much does Fleet AA tie into total planes shot down after AACI? And what is up with that tracer fire animation that happens sometimes?

>> No.15244308

So what's the standard route I should take for chipping E5?

>> No.15244311

Read the combat page.

>> No.15244312


>> No.15244314

Not in the way you might be thinking. Only one AACI can trigger at a time, but having two of them will double your chances of triggering AACI. Plus they'll both contribute to fleet AA, which contributes to the whole fleet's AA defense parameters.

>> No.15244315

Hey, I'd take Libeccio's loli ass anytime, anywhere.

>> No.15244330
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>> No.15244335

He doesn't deserve another one.

>> No.15244339


>> No.15244342

Rule Zero: Don't Kancolle when you're tired.

>> No.15244346

I would wonder why would he have the time to do 7 hours of last dance, but then I remember that its holiday period now

>> No.15244355
File: 952 KB, 3625x2598, lolibeccio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how!

>> No.15244357
File: 173 KB, 868x1228, 1446796864029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Libe kai 2 never, but those kraut DDs did.

>> No.15244362

Are you assuming that kc players have anything better to do anyway?

>> No.15244366

Dude, you can go easily one night without sleep.

>> No.15244373
File: 1.06 MB, 1300x1500, 56669685_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even into lolis but I would submerge to crush depth inside lolibeccio.

>> No.15244375

Oh I know, I should know

>> No.15244385
File: 130 KB, 800x1037, CTxv9yKUwAAxUs8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it's the brown skin or the twintails or the fact that she looks quite comfortable without clothes but something about her just does it for me.

>> No.15244386

Does anyone else set Houshou as their secretary to calm down and destress?

>> No.15244407

I want to give her my depth charge to try on for size.

>> No.15244427

7 hours is nothing.

>> No.15244453

>been on E-5 last dance for 5 days now
>no hope in sight
I want to die.

>> No.15244472

I accidentally sank a shioi at 3-2. she was only level 16 and loved to play the potato.

>> No.15244499

What kind of fleet are you running? Today is my first day on the final kill and I'm playing around with different ideas about how to kill him.
I'm finding myself having a lot of difficulty actually reaching the boss, though.

>> No.15244509
File: 619 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-22155345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was nice, boss support did most of the job.

>> No.15244518

Please don't choke

>> No.15244525
File: 199 KB, 679x777, ss (2016-05-16 at 09.28.57).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sparkle your fleet. Run node support; sparkle them all. Sparkle some ships in boss support for good measure. Cleared it in 9 runs like this.

>> No.15244540
File: 575 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-22171425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yasen started with only Central Hime at chuuha and Bismarck landed the final hit.

>> No.15244546
File: 157 KB, 1016x1233, 39492508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>battle ends at the perfect time before the music loops
Nothing will bring me more joy

>> No.15244552


>> No.15244553

What viewer is that?

>> No.15244558


>> No.15244561

Is it the latest update, or something? Mine certainly doesn't look like that.

>> No.15244562

Oh, thanks. I've been using an AV fleet and hitting my head against a brick wall. I'll try that instead.

>> No.15244563

I saw it in my chipping runs, Licorice is hiding a hellcat in the hangar.

>> No.15244564

Good job

>> No.15244572

Are you living under a rock? Because the strategy room has been there since forever.

>> No.15244576

Silly me, I never bothered pressing the S button on that results screen. gomin gomin~

>> No.15244587

What do you guys upgrade in the Daily Improvement quest?

Anything more than one screw makes you run a deficit.

>> No.15244595

Literally anything. One improvement a day, every day.

>> No.15244604
File: 583 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-22271493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Type 2 seaplane fighter + 3 zuiuns on Tone
1 zuiun 1 sanshiki on ise and hyuuga
damecons on akizuki and shigure
2x bomber 2x fighter on both squadrons

Get simple AS on boss node
Gold Rus become pushovers thanks to double attacks

I think I just found my magic bullet for E5

>> No.15244605

Until you run out of screws because anything worthwhile costs at least 2 screws to upgrade.

>> No.15244606

I was upgrading AP shell during hibernation, but now I think I might get a Ro.44 or Type 2 fighter in preparation for 6-4.

>> No.15244608

this >>15244595
But don't go improving quad torpedo mounts like that one guy.

>> No.15244611
File: 608 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-22274117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my gurl Hyuuga with the big finish

>> No.15244615

Do your weeklies/monthlies, then.

>> No.15244617

You're using Tone as a mule? Everything could have gone wrong.

>> No.15244619

>Anything more than one screw makes you run a deficit.
If you do the easy weeklies, you can afford to use up to 3 additional screws through the week. If you do the W3 weekly, increase that to 6.

>> No.15244634

4DD 2 CAV sparkled, shelled support on both boss and pre-boss nodes, both airfields at boss, and still nothing. I'm bound to run out of resources in about 2-3 days at this rate.

>> No.15244645

>I think I might get a Ro.44 or Type 2 fighter in preparation for 6-4.
Go for the Type 2, you get a free Ro.44 from Pola Kai.

>> No.15244648

>CAVs keep getting blown up before night battle since starting last dance

Make it stop.

>> No.15244658

No idea man.
I run out of things to upgrade. I am just waiting for Iowa gun to upgrade. In the meantime, I am slowly getting depth charge and sonar to +6 and slowly getting all my ducky gun to +10.

>> No.15244665

This is me right now.

>> No.15244692

Which part of the process are you getting hung up on?

>> No.15244721

Clearing the boss.

Just tried again, fell short yet again.

>> No.15244733

Do you have any WGs?
It may be wise to equip one of your CAs with two guns, sanshiki, and WG.

>> No.15244737

Take the shame and do kuso mode. You won't get raiden but at least you can get Pola.

>> No.15244744

You must be doing something extremely wrong because I cleared it in 9 sorties.

>> No.15244748

[spoilers]but he is on kuso mode[/spoilers]

>> No.15244764

I have two of them, and will try with this.

>> No.15244795

I have a feeling people who do easy this event are at a serious disadvantage. The land bombers and interceptors are so far one of a kind, we never know if it will be buffed or improved upon.

>> No.15244802

If it took you 9 you were doing something wrong yourself.

>> No.15244813

It's shiplocking that really kills me. I was always too lazy to have a good stockpile of DDs and it always bites me in the ass during events.

>> No.15244816

They're just going to make them craftable or available in other ways. Think for a second, if they're going to keep using the land based system in future events and whatnot they need to give new players some way to actually get the land planes for their base if they missed this one, plus they'll probably introduce additional new ones as well.

>> No.15244826

They wont let you craft nonaka or raiden.
See shinden kai.

>> No.15244845

They don't come with shipgirls, so farming them is out of the question. The skilled pilot item might be used for them, but that would require a quest chain to give 1. Crafting them would be retarded unless we get an LSC type system for equipment.

>> No.15244875

Hornet-chan might come with them.

>> No.15244887


Regular land bomber and interceptor maybe craftable or obtainable in reasonable way for newfags or kuso mode player.

But that Nonaka and special hien is gone forever.

>> No.15244893

Is it worth to have an air defense base for E5? My base still gets fucked even with them.

>> No.15244895

Only if you have interceptors

>> No.15244896
File: 512 KB, 702x387, Screen Shot 2016-05-16 at 10.53.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I make this into a big one?

>> No.15244901
File: 497 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-22545827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just learn to live with it.

>> No.15244909

The big one is practically useless besides trying to use it as a bait for enemies to attack your BB.

>> No.15244910

Don't, it's not worth it.

>> No.15244912

Ranger also had them.

>> No.15244913

She's licking her lips. You know she's thinking about big ones.

>> No.15244915

No, it won't fit in the rabbit if you do that.

>> No.15244917


>> No.15244928

Yeah, I think I'll leisurely upgrade another one to like +6 and then evolve this one for muh dex entry.

I only have 5 searchlights left now though, feels bad man.

>> No.15244938

If you do that some BB will get a second or third remodel and come with it equipped.

>> No.15244939

Only for the dex entry.

>> No.15244946

How do I make 5-5 as painless as possible, I need to do it this month for a medal

>> No.15244949

That's what I'm afraid of.

>> No.15244962

Technically, Kirishima was suppose to come with it but got the regular searchlight instead.

>> No.15244963

Biscuit, Iowa and 4CV plus route support.
Easy medal as long as you dont get trolled by ekaze.

>> No.15244967

Kirishima Roma Italia/Iowa with 3 CV

>> No.15244968
File: 122 KB, 450x300, PI000000220598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yamato K2 never.

>> No.15244981

Kongos had 90cm searchlight IIRC.

>> No.15245000

>Haven't refueled my planes since I cleared the event

Did I do the right thing?

>> No.15245003

You let the poor fairies die or be left without their planes.

>> No.15245010

It look like Iowa Kai using 2*16" mk7 gun would cause lower accuracy http://ja.kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/スレッド:450#24

>> No.15245011

Take them off the airfield incase they fucked up the system and removed both the plane and the airbase after the next maintenance.

>> No.15245015

Does anybody have a good E-7 chipping fleet? I tried using >>15240698
but I only got there 20% of the time. Is there anything more reliable or is that basically what everyone had to deal with?

>> No.15245016

starve those little bitches

>> No.15245035

What the fuck do I do to get past the damn air raid on E5? I'm wasting lots of resources on boss support that never gets used and full Reppuu + AACI does nothing to prevent instant taiha. Only once have I escaped with scratch damage.

>> No.15245037

Since I'm retarded:

Does Boss debuffing work forever once you clear the 4 nodes needed to do it, or do you need to do the 4 nodes all over again every time you do a run of the boss?

This is my first time dealing with it and I don't think the wiki outlines this detail, so I'm assuming it lasts forever once you've activated it.

>> No.15245041

It doesn't reset. Even if you switch difficulties. It doesn't reset.

>> No.15245042

What fleet should I run for E-6 boss runs?

I've seen videos of people starting from A node and ending up at the boss, is that the best way to go? And if so what fleet does it entail?

>> No.15245045


Click on the tab that says E-6 and start reading.

>> No.15245048

Forever, you can't reset it even if you want to

>> No.15245049

Oh right, I have that tab open as well not just the reddit topic. I'll leave now.

>> No.15245052
File: 576 KB, 1464x876, kancolle722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's another one for the collage.

>> No.15245054

Just sparkle your entire fleet and pray.

>> No.15245057

Why is it always Shoukaku?

>> No.15245066

Please respond.
I've expended 120 buckets and I've only brought the boss gauge down ~1600 hp.

>> No.15245069

It's because she's a fast BB and the gun is considered on par with at least the 41cm in terms of overweight penalty, the same thing happens with pasta guns on pasta ships.

>> No.15245070

Show cuck who?

>> No.15245077


>> No.15245078

I read that people used to think the gun is just like 51cm in term of fit/overweight?

>> No.15245090


>> No.15245101
File: 856 KB, 702x688, CTF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use it, but somebody always manages to get taiha'd afterwards, or someone gets chuuha'd at A and then gets taiha'd by scratch damage afterwards.

Should I be doing STF instead or something? Because with the success rate thus far there's no way I'm going to be able to get to last dance before resources run out, when I'm wasting two support expeditions 4/5 sorties.

>> No.15245104
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>> No.15245133
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>> No.15245153


>> No.15245157

How do I build my ships to best make use of the WG42?

>> No.15245162

You sure that wasn't intentional?

>> No.15245163

Guess no one's struggling at E-7 hard right now, huh. Good work, guys.

>> No.15245166

Pretty much upgrade the guns they are using.

>> No.15245177

>not buying screws

>> No.15245179

That's because I cleared it on medium already

>> No.15245185

Read the fleet name

>> No.15245187

I'm still at E5. Taking it easy all event long so far made me actually gain resources, but that has stopped.

>> No.15245189

I'm not up to it yet and the world revolves around me, so everyone should be posting that they're struggling or working on E-6 since I've just started that.

Last night I was struggling all day on E-5 and noticed a large amount of E-5 posts here while I struggled.

>> No.15245190


the collage isnt just for mistakes.

>> No.15245195

Well you've got company here >>15245101
Guess it's time to try the STF meme.

>> No.15245200

20 pvp wins
15 subs

>> No.15245212

I am, one more run then I'll be on last dance.

>> No.15245215

It's because I don't event reached it yet.

>> No.15245232

Too busy struggling on E-5 hard.

>> No.15245234

Does Tank/Daihatsu and WG combo do anything?
Whenever I use it, it only shows the WG animations and does scratch damage at best.

>> No.15245249

It increases damage output, but a poor DD has trouble doing big damage without crits unlike rocket Ooyodo or a CA/BB with sanshiki.

>> No.15245257

It's a meme. I've never seen Satsuki OHKO'ng artillery imps, so I'd try 2 WG next time.

>> No.15245261

7 Tokyo Express runs.

>> No.15245262
File: 612 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160516-22214762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna be one of those nights

>> No.15245264

It's funny how DDs have quite a hard time doing good damage on high armored targets even during yasen. It's like they mostly do low rolls.

>> No.15245271

wait, so Lycoris Princess's name come from IBS Event node name?

>> No.15245275

Who the hell even remembers the node name?

>> No.15245309

should I put green shell on my escort battleship instead of red? crit ap cut in does damage during the day, but nothing at night.

>> No.15245314
File: 880 KB, 800x1438, e-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far I do not think combining the WG42 and tank is worth it against bosses. For pillboxes that can actually get damaged on day time maybe. But for bosses like Central Hime a single attack on day time won't be doing jack shit to her. It's better to either go tank + 2 guns or WG42 + 2 guns.

My DDs only ever did like 30 damage at max on day battle. In night battle my Kasumin with 2*10 high angle guns and a tank*5 did 250 + 130 double attack.

>> No.15245317

>green shell
Nigger, what?

>> No.15245321
File: 215 KB, 278x468, kuso mode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, Easy mode sure is easy!


Kill me

>> No.15245325

Sanshiki and whatever the Armour piercing ones were called?

>> No.15245331


>> No.15245336

>whining aboutt ez mode
Man, I wonder what it's like in the life of kuso admirals. EZ mode is hilarious when you've been suffering from Hard. No enemy black Wos, no late model red DDs, Ru class is hardmless, Ta class is harmless, the boss has like 50+ less armor. Everything to boss node just get wiped off by support, airstrike, and opening torps.

>> No.15245337
File: 195 KB, 624x198, 1440756028148.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite impressive in E-2 and E-6, I'd say.

>> No.15245339

For the record, I wasn't whining, and it's mostly to do with the lack of upgraded equipment and the fact that a good number of ships being under-leveled and what have you.

>> No.15245345

Having 3 slots is a huge handicap. DDs are not meant to be anti-installation, but instead do best as dedicated ASW or torpedo cut-in.

>> No.15245354

Use boss support. Your days start off looking like that.

>> No.15245362

Funnily enough boss support didn't come this time, which is pretty damn disappointing

>> No.15245370

>For the record, I wasn't whining

>Kill me

Definitely didn't look like you were whining teitoku.

>> No.15245371

If you're sparkling correctly boss support should be virtually 100%

>> No.15245387

Less whining, more disappointment with self. I'm hardly blaming the map for being "too difficult" or anything like that.

>> No.15245397

kancolle-db recorded those node names

>> No.15245420
File: 344 KB, 900x900, 56789965_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Oyashio is so cute

>> No.15245421

>spend a bunch of resources to get 3 more Type 3 Shells for E-6 (kuso modo)
>Get to boss node
>Zuiun meme kills boss before we even start

Dunno why I bothered, but whatever

>> No.15245423

Share memes please

>> No.15245436

>All these kuso newfags
They popped out all of the sudden. Where did these scrubs even come from?

>> No.15245441


>> No.15245442

I've been here for about 2 years or so, just on and off.

I was once the hated/infamous Shitanon during the Kashima event, but then after I got Kashima some faggot came back posing like me claiming that get Prinz, so I've since abandoned that name and just post anonymously like the rest of you.

>> No.15245445

Don't look at me. I finally passed E5 today.
My biggest obstacle is having barely any supplies this whole event.

>> No.15245447

Shouldn't have had a name to begin with.

>> No.15245448

/v/ doesn't play this shit they just jack off to abyssal designs

>> No.15245452

Look on the bright side, now you have enough for the next time you need them.

>> No.15245454

pretty sure most of them are too afraid to post and some just managed to gather up the courage

>> No.15245457

Yeah, courage of asking E-2/E-5 is too hard for them, and they need advice.

>> No.15245461

Nice easy mode. Have you tried on hard?

>> No.15245467

Stuck on E5

>> No.15245528
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In the end, this map didn't damage my sanity as much as I thought it was going to. Getting through the RNG to attempt the boss seemed to be more difficult than actually clearing it.

>> No.15245555

Ha, i beat it with Kumano too, god she's such a good girl.

>> No.15245592

Why are my ships always missing? They don't even do scratch damage.

>> No.15245600

Are tanks even useful against Central Hime?

>> No.15245601

Back to back duckies on E-2 F node. Glad to know I used up all my luck early on, I didn't want Yuu anyways

>> No.15245612

>I didn't want Yuu anyways
Literally impossible.

>> No.15245622

Lift some weight off their shoulders and choose lighter weapons that fits them best. And don't sortie with drunkards or overrated shipfus like Shitgure or Slutakaze.

If all else fails, rain vodka down your body as you kneel and pray for RNG's forgiveness.

>> No.15245623

I'm planning on using all green planes in my air bases to farm E7D on medium, but do I put them on sortie or air defense?

>> No.15245625


>> No.15245634

Please anon, let me lie to myself. A-at least i have more ducky guns ;_;

>> No.15245636

on the squadron page there's a wooden block with words on it. click on that.

You want the block with the red outline for sortie and green outline for defense

>> No.15245641

The problem lies with my CVs and not having enough vodka left.

>> No.15245644
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Is this enough FP to achieve AS on E-6 boss node, what planes I should equip to the remaining slot?

>> No.15245658

>bombers on smallest slot
RIP fairies

>> No.15245671
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>> No.15245691
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They'll be fine.

>> No.15245693
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>> No.15245696

this bomber meme is random as shit. my 3rd base gets damaged to red on the way but it still kills the boss even on diamond.

>> No.15245706

Land base setup please.

>> No.15245709

Only the first slot get rekt usually.

>> No.15245714

>shitbuki removed from battle
>instant win
You couldn't even make this up.

>> No.15245720
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look at all these (yuu)s

>> No.15245724

Good point.

>> No.15245733

I'm trying to rank up my land bombers for E-7 last dance, is there any downside to sortieing them with low moral?

>> No.15245740

>have to survive plane holocaust
>have to pass nuclear subs
>forced to lose fuel
>can still be sent away from the boss
Whoever came up with E6 deserves a painful death.

>> No.15245743
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>> No.15245746

You have to wait for the morale to reset, which is the same as waiting for shipgirl morale.

>> No.15245747

She would've had to get 2 extremely low armor rolls to kill that

>> No.15245752

You would have failed anyway.

>> No.15245753

You can speed it up by selecting rest plank.

>> No.15245754

That rank

That lack of medals

I need to take a bath I feel filthy

>> No.15245755

So the planes won't sortie at all with low moral?

>> No.15245756

She would have gotten a ring for it if she did.

>> No.15245757

Dysons don't take into account Sanshiki

>> No.15245759


>> No.15245760

Or wg42

>> No.15245762

Were all your landbases healthy when this happened?

>> No.15245763

>muh memes

>> No.15245765

4koma Fubuki is the least shit Fubuki.

>> No.15245769

Wrong, Play Manga Fubuki is the least shit Fubuki. 4koam Fubuki is only a step above anime Shitbuki.

>> No.15245770
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>> No.15245777

>conversation always goes back to Fubuki no matter the topic

>> No.15245778

Remember when the last thing you needed to worry about in an event was bauxite consumption?

>> No.15245781

Remember when you didn't need to go through 2 CV himes?

>> No.15245787
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I hate her so much

>> No.15245792

How does E7 compare to E6 difficulty wise?

>> No.15245794

Vertical wall upward.

>> No.15245795

If E6 last dance was hell because of unlucky dicerolls, then this is hell because of unlucky dicerolls.

>> No.15245796

Do you force your escort fleet flagship to push on red? It feels so wrong so I always retreat. I wouldn't push one of my girls that hard

>> No.15245798


>> No.15245799

Yes, because this isn't a game anymore.

>> No.15245800

I prefer E7.
You get what you expect.

I hated the fucking compass roll after the whirlpool in E6.

>> No.15245801

Welp. I hope Iowa doesn't stay unobtainable for too long then.

>> No.15245804

Remember when the boss wasn't literally 6 bosses and would just photoshops?

>> No.15245808
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>> No.15245809

For what it's worth, E7 Easy clears itself 90% of the time.

>> No.15245810

Remember when 250k fuel was enough to confidently clear an event with?

>> No.15245811

Katsuragi didn't even drop this year despite having meh equipment and meh stats.

>> No.15245813

>kuso mode
What a faggot. Embarrassing and a shit stain in the ranking board.

>> No.15245814

They probably forgot about her since everything seemed rushed.

>> No.15245815

How do you level the land based planes again? Spam E-5 first node with disposable DDs and let the planes fruitlessly bomb the subs?

>> No.15245819
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What the hell 5-5, you guys stink

>> No.15245820


>> No.15245821

Most rankers don't give a shit about medals, they just want to get back to ranking.

>> No.15245822

Maybe it's from EOs. I'm just outside top 500 just from doing all EOs except 1-6 and 5-5.

>> No.15245824

Go level your maruyus at that node instead

>> No.15245825

>disposable DDs
At least use poor Maruyu.

>> No.15245826

If I use route support in e-6 and my carriers carried green planes, will it reduce the wo's bombers?

>> No.15245828

You can't clear 5-5 with 1 ship.

>> No.15245830

I was stripping her before remodelling

>> No.15245832

A certain fast submarine probably could.

>> No.15245846

Noted anon.

>> No.15245854

>level Mizuho to 95
>can't use her anywhere because slow speed
Why did she have to be nerfed? This is stupid, she has a lot of LoS that is essentially wasted.

>> No.15245855

Why are you always upset about people making fun of Fubuki?

>> No.15245860

He married her and feels insecure.

>> No.15245864

No one that enough bad taste to marry Fubuki.

>> No.15245868

should I bring more fighters to e-7 final? it has more as requirement than supply composition but less than the carrier one.

>> No.15245891

This event has bullied slow ships in general.

>> No.15245893
File: 27 KB, 661x249, activate luck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to rely on this for the final E7 hard kill.
? = tank.

>> No.15245898

Levels don't matter retard.

>> No.15245899

>covering levels
>scratch damage

>> No.15245900

That's why I blacked them out.

>> No.15245904

Ooyodo with double wg42s

Say no to dangerbear

>> No.15245905
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Impressive beating it with 1wg42 while majority of kusofags are still farming for muh rockets.

>> No.15245907

>chip e-6 to final kill without supports and 100% reaching boss node
>run supports JUST in case
>taiha on first node

Supports are bad luck.

>> No.15245909

You know that the tank is a nice substitute for WG42.

>> No.15245911

Not him, but it's not like you can really replace Bismarck with anything more useful. And using Abukuma over Ooyodo are both gambles; Ooyodo can't really kill anything besides the boss but can kill the boss, while Abukuma with torp cut-in on flagship can at least finish off a BB Hime or the other scrubs.

>> No.15245912


ABKM torp cut-in is optimal because she can clear out one of the cockblocks.

DA ABKM is just stupid.

>> No.15245920
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Just like her voice

>> No.15245921

since no one is laughing at green shell on bismark does that mean I should be using that instead of ap too?

>> No.15245922

I'm laughing at him using Bismarck when Roma is much better at sweeping installations.

>> No.15245924

STF damage is frontloaded. Red shell shelling doesn't do anything special to a pile of red himes

Bringing another 3danwg42 CAV is alright, but bismarck IS slightly tankier and may luck out in the day with a DA and clear a DD hime

>> No.15245926

This is the reason i affraid too scrap my Chitose Chiyoda AV form.
Both kamo and Mizuho is slow if they implement some map that require fast AV i am screwed.

>> No.15245930

>when Roma is much better at sweeping installations.

>3 CA(V)

>> No.15245931
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>using ap cutin against installation
You only need 1boat from your yasen team to snipe her. Always go for the B rank.

>> No.15245933

>Always go for the B rank.
Then why do you have Yukikaze cut-in.

>> No.15245934
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Hayasui 2CAV 2DD CL

>> No.15245937

It's not the supports it's your desperation that the game detects.

>> No.15245939

How often is this routed to H?

>> No.15245940


Poor Yamato, she'll never be able to separate Miki from her hanii.

>> No.15245941

>Hayasuck in escort
Just why.

>> No.15245942

Flash light decoy m8.
I can't give her tank, flashlight and double attack.

>> No.15245945
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STF damage is frontloaded

>> No.15245948

If you want to searchlight decoy give it Bismarck and add a DD with a tank like Kasumin or Ooshio who can pile another 300 damage to Central Hime.

Your composition doesn't follow through with your statement of going B-rank full force.

>> No.15245951

Me at the bottom with no Yuu

>> No.15245953

100%. I went through 2 CVhime everytime. I thought I needed the small chance to go to the kamo route to win but it seems like they aren't that scary after all.

>> No.15245956

Biscuit with sanshiki can do that as well.
You always need a double attack BB when you are going kidou to mop up the leftover from your airstrike and support. No point gimping your lone BB.

>> No.15245957

>E6 Last dance
>Brought central down to 12hp once

>> No.15245958

only one of the enemies is actually an installation though. I'm not sure what to do since ap seems better for maybe finishing off a meat shield during the day, but if it doesn't I only have 2 ships that can actually kill the boss at night.

>> No.15245961


Take out the plane, m8. Give the plane to Eugen. Or just give searchlight to Eugen.

Again, your comp isn't even full B-rank force through. Not that I agree it's the best strat in the first place but at least go through with your plans.

Hell even Akizuki with AACI being there doesn't really coincide with going full B rank. Your composition is still trying to play safe with reaching boss node and hoping Bismarck does something in day battle, which typically isn't the case against himes.

>> No.15245963
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I want to farm the duck, how do i make it to node F in E2?

This wiki only suggests compositions to reach node I, the northern route.

>> No.15245964
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I don't want to sparkle anymore.

>> No.15245967

Man the /a/ threads are cancerous. Did the Kaga and yuri retardation ever come here at one point?

>> No.15245968

>900+ damage
The meme is real!

>> No.15245970


>> No.15245975

I try everything I see posted on just about everywhere and yet I can't ever seem to meme.

>> No.15245976

Just hit a 1587 with air support at E6 myself. Sadly wasn't final but holy shit that surprised me

>> No.15245977

>leveling land based planes
>orange face
My god. It doesn't matter right?

>> No.15245979

I'll comfort you. Come into my room kamikazechang

>> No.15245980

You have to assume the 2DD as your weak link.
Half the time they would be sent home towing a taiha boat. It is why they took up AA duty and decoy duty while leaving the rest of the 4 capable of killing the boss.

>> No.15245981

Kamikaze is the worst new ship this event.

>> No.15245982

>spend an hour sparkling the various fleets you'll need for a sortie
>make the boss node once before you have to sparkle again

>> No.15245983

What's your set up look like? A screenshot if possible.

>> No.15245984

I just filled my carriers in boss support with red planes and green planes in lowest slots.
But I'm struggling in pre boss nodes, especially those blue Wo's.
I'm planning route support. Which is better on that job, artillery or aerial?

>> No.15245985

I think people prefer shelling but don't quote me on that.

>> No.15245987
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Welp. She exists.
Got her faster than expected. Don't give up, everyone.

>> No.15245988

>You have to assume the 2DD as your weak link.
In the logic of killing the boss, no.

DDs with tanks can add another 300 damage each to Central Hime. That's only like 100-200 damage under CAVs with sanshiki + WG42. Hell, apparently Kasumi can do >>15245314
as much damage as a CAV.

AACI at boss node is unneeded. You only need it for reaching the boss node.

>> No.15245990


>> No.15245992

Should have went south. Nine sorties.

>> No.15246003

Did you use route support anon?

>> No.15246007

>DDs with tanks can add another 300 damage each to Central Hime.
Heh. It is more common for them to 50+50damage.

>> No.15246013

Which is why people have been posting their tank DDs doing 100-150 + 100-150 consistently over the past few days?

>> No.15246016


Are you retarded or just pretending?

>> No.15246020

Same could be said of you who doesn't follow through with his own statement plans and now just trying to find excuses.

Don't levy criticisms against others and don't expect it in return.

>> No.15246022
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Assume you just wanted boss support? Nothing special reds on 3/4 slots for CVs green in smallest, all radars on DDs

>> No.15246024
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Why don't try E7 first before talking nonsense?
Fyi, I was using Kasumin with max ducky gun and 10star tank while depleting the gauge before I swapped her out.

>> No.15246025

Yeah, thanks man.

>> No.15246026


And don't expect every post on the internet to be from the same person.

>Which is why people have been posting their tank DDs doing 100-150 + 100-150 consistently over the past few days?

Ever heard of confirmation bias? Why would they post all the shitty misses, scratches and high armor rolls? You can do what you like but that argument is retarded.

>> No.15246033

I beat E-7 Hard nearly a week ago. Try again.

>Why would they post all the shitty misses, scratches and high armor rolls?
To proclaim tanks and WG42s don't do jack shit? Since when has /jp/ not complained about something being shit?

>> No.15246042

This triggers my ASMR.

>> No.15246044


They're complaining about everything pretty much constantly from what I can tell. I've seen dozens of useless tank shots myself but I didn't bother to screen cap all of them, because that would be ridiculous.

>> No.15246046

Double support is a necessity on five maps this event. Only had to use FCF once. When a carrier got taiha'd once I simply retreated, other than that all sorties reached the boss though some of them barely chipped. Killed her three times, one S rank.

E7 looks to be much tougher.

>> No.15246053

So you really think a DD with tank is stronger than Ooyodo, Tone or BB in killing the boss?

>> No.15246054

Did you use Akitsu Maru?

>> No.15246058

Post fleet please. I tried south a couple of times and got sent away from boss.

>> No.15246065

Then do whatever you want. I've had my Kasumi and Ooshio consistently chip damage when they hit Central Hime and on my last chip run my Ooshio finished off a 220 HP remaining Central Hime.

The point being you are still not following up with your plan ir just straight brute killing the boss.

Tell me where I said that. I said they can add another 200-300 damage to Central Hime. I wouldn't know about Ooyodo because I didn't use her over my 44 luck Abukuma on flagship to kill off escorts.

>> No.15246067

Ranks matter as much as levels.

>> No.15246071
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>> No.15246074


That's fine, just keep pretending everyone on the interne who thinks you're wrong is the same person. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.15246078
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Yeah, she helped a lot. I went for AS+ against 2/4 comps on D and F, guaranteed AS+ at boss. Cranes only had two bombers each but apparently it was enough. The slots almost never got wiped, I think Zuiun once and a bomber twice.
Subs weren't a problem at all, met them three times.

>> No.15246079

Spooky, I was just watching bartender videos as you posted this.

>> No.15246082

How many (Yuu)s should I aim for? I got one, I'm thinking 3 more

>> No.15246084

Sounds like you're the only one offended on anything. I didn't even mean you exactly when I said
>The point being you are still not following up with your plan ir just straight brute killing the boss.
But just a general statement against the original post.

But whatever helps you sleep at night. :^)

>> No.15246085

Whoops, somehow it didn't register the click. Here >>15246078

>> No.15246087

Oh, Ashigarafag, thanks for E-6, your compo helped me a lot (even tho I got and asspull victory).

>> No.15246093

She just needs the 5inch green gun she comes with and an air radar to do it. Bofor probably works too, haven't tried.

Well, her AA is pretty high. Could be worth it, maybe.

>> No.15246094

God damn it. I guess if I can't clear E6 today I'll powerlevel my army dog

>> No.15246095
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Ahah, it's the married old christmas cake person

>> No.15246098

Thats the point though. You sacrifice your DD as decoy so that your main killers can target the boss. Better to have the CVhime and BBhime target the poor DD rather than them disabling all your main attackers.
The problem is that you think that you should give up on Biscuit double attack and letting her be the decoy with flashlight when she bring more to the table than a destroyer.

>> No.15246103

I'm glad it worked. I liked the consistency of this comp and didn't want to experience north route after all the complaints in the thread about being diverted to L.

With three Repuu she gives 159 air power, hard to pass by.

She's a fine lady in base and fierce warrior in combat. Perfect combination for a shipgirl.

>> No.15246107

I want to violently fuck Ritou.

>> No.15246108
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It's just stockholm syndrome. Gaze upon the superior heavy cruiser

>> No.15246112

You speak as though searchlight is a 100% bait when it has been inconsistent and no one knows just how much it makes enemies target the searchlight holder. The only thing that can disable your second slot ship is Central Hime and that's only if she attacks your second slot.

You assume to give up two additional Central Hime killers in the fear that one attack against six targets, with maybe a slightly increased chance, can ruin a BB or CA's DA. That's illogical.

>> No.15246114

Cute brat. Thanks for reminding me about manga, I'll download it now.

>> No.15246122
File: 787 KB, 600x840, 6f4fad2b3789c1f4f5de46f359c6a7d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in line

>> No.15246130

I can't wait until event ends to over-penetrate her with my gear.

>> No.15246137

I hope Neromashin draws her this year. Or at least Lycoris hime.

>> No.15246139


Isn't it Licorice Hime?

>> No.15246157

Both work.

>> No.15246162
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>> No.15246178
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Place bets.

>> No.15246179


>> No.15246184

Yodo targets the wrong enemy, Chikuma gets obliterated before she can shoot, go back to base feeling sorry about yourself.

>> No.15246185

Almost as good as my tries.

>> No.15246193

100% correct, Ooyodo scratched CV hime then the boss wrecked chikuma. Farewell buckets.

>> No.15246195

Oyashio update.
E-7-D rank S.
甲 5.382%
乙 3.952%
丙 1.907%

>> No.15246201
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Why are these two so perfect? I want to marry them both.

>> No.15246203

They were a pleasant surprise for me. They are the highlight of this event

>> No.15246230

Man they're really apologetic this time aren't they.

>> No.15246237

When am I getting my apology plane?

>> No.15246244

Holy shit, you guys weren't lying about Iowa's english.

Good thing I don't care much for her anyway.

>> No.15246247
File: 856 KB, 1843x1095, HaruFarming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me with kuso farming.
I'm low on bauxite so I decided to use STF.
Is this alright?

>> No.15246259

Am I the only person who cannot fully enjoy a ship unless it has that rainbowy background?

>> No.15246262
File: 54 KB, 182x303, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet this in pvp both married lvl 120+, check their equipment via kc3 both still using default kai ni equipment.

Did he never change their equipment or autistic enough switching too default equipment each time he goes AFK ?

>> No.15246272


PvP gives default equips if the kanmusu has nothing equiped.

>> No.15246282

And what about these empty CVs?

>> No.15246287

I used to think that gold and silver backings were rather pretty, until I started getting more rare rainbow botes. After Kai + Kai Ni, of course.

Nowadays I more or less feel like I *have* to get as many botes to rainbow as possible (especially the non-Kai-Ni rainbows, since the bar to entry is set so much lower), otherwise I get annoyed by the lack of pretty colours like the autist I am.

RIP Isuzu Kai Ni though, she'll forever lack a proper rainbow backing, unless the devs give her one out of mercy or power creep or something.

>> No.15246290

Literally empty in PvP. If you fight Zuikaku/Shoukaku Kai Ni with nothing equipped, that's free experience right there.

>> No.15246295

No, I mean the other CVs.
I clearly remember encountering empty Kagas, Akagis and others.

>> No.15246303

Are you sure they were empty-empty, and not just equipped with some other equipment? Recall that even KC3Kai only added the "view PvP equipment" thing relatively recently.

>> No.15246304

Are you sure they didn't have onigiri etc.?

>> No.15246322

Well, now I'm not so sure about this.
I remember that some of them had onigiri. But I haven't encountered that many free-exp-CV fleets lately.
So, if I want to leave a free-exp-CV fleet, I need to equip something after all?

>> No.15246326

Yeah, stack radars on them or something, otherwise the system'll just give your opponents the default equips to fight. (Less cranes kai ni, obviously.)

>> No.15246334

If you put a bomber without any proficiency, opponent will automatically get AS+.

>> No.15246335

Why does it even matter. The other pvper would have to be a huge scrub to actually lose against 2 ships.

>> No.15246376
File: 36 KB, 960x540, IM SO FUCKING HIGH RIGHT NOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought this shit died, but it actually succeeded?

>> No.15246381

Wait for the inevitable delays, scaled-back features, complaints, and refunds.

>> No.15246403
File: 633 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160517-20565772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MEDIUM difficulty.
Not even a boss node.

>> No.15246414

Just don't go to that node you scrub. And if you're farming Oyashio then you only have yourself to blame.

>> No.15246415

Farming? Go easy, not noticeable bauxite and buckets loss.

>> No.15246420

How am I suppose to collect every ship-girl in the game when the limit is only 100?

>> No.15246421

I'm afraid I'll have to do that.

>> No.15246425

For easy mode do I need to have the boss health on 0 to take them out, or do I just need to kill them while finishing off the remaining of their health bar?

I've got <500 on E-6 and the boss has like 800 or so health so I figure I may as well go for the Last Dance.

>> No.15246432

How have you made it to E-6 and still not understood how last dances work?

>> No.15246436

One more try before I fucking give up for a week. God damn this game is fucking cancer.

>> No.15246444

Not that it's the first, but I love how this is so blatantly a ripoff of KanColle, yet the developers pretend like it's some novel kind of idea.

>> No.15246450

Which map?

>> No.15246455

E7 hard last dance.

>> No.15246460

I sort of haven't paid attention to that aspect to be honest.

Last event I thought it worked by you get them to 0 health then finish them off, but this event I've been killing them so long the bar was below their max health, so I'm just confused is all.

>> No.15246462

I don't mind the project, at least it has decent designs and the combat system sounds more involved. It does irk me that they refer to the player character as Captain instead of Admiral when you're clearly commanding a FLEET of shipgirls.

>> No.15246467

The art looks like cancer though

>> No.15246475

I'm assuming you're using kidou?

Once you've got an optimal setup, you just have to get that one lucky run. Good luck.

>> No.15246488

I need fucking divine intervention at this point.

>> No.15246492

I want to farm Yuu but both of my ABKMs are locked, what a pain.

>> No.15246494

3 Perfect S's along the way to E-6 boss, something is definitely going to go wrong at the boss node I just know it.

>> No.15246499

ikr, when things are going too smoothly that I can't even believe.

>> No.15246507

Things went as boringly as I assumed, dealt a bunch of damage at the beginning, spent the rest of the battle doing scratch damage, even in Yasen.

Kinda sad when I think about it, but oh well, I expected no less at least.

>> No.15246509

Well, I'm out of fuel and my knuckles are bleeding a little. Time to stockpile.

>> No.15246519

I hope it won't succeed as much as KanColle.

>> No.15246532

All girls alive, CV support meme magic dropped E-6 boss to <200 health, think they stand a chance in Yasen?

>> No.15246534

No. It's either a full kill on the opening strike or it's not happening at all.

>> No.15246537
File: 100 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160509-21055114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better lucky than good sometimes

>> No.15246538
File: 594 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160517-22393094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They scratched her like fucking wild, up until Maya it was every attack directed at her dealing about 15 or less damage each hit, then Myouko decided to be useful for the first time in her career and DA two criticals at 90 damage each.

>> No.15246544

Sure would be cool if either of those ever happened for me.

>> No.15246550

My support fleet that dealt the initial 600 damage to the boss consisted of a Lv59 Akagi, Lv1 Kaga, Unryuu and Amagi wilding at best Suisei's, and the two DDs with Radars.

I was told last thread that the firepower of your CVs mattered in Boss support.

>> No.15246552
File: 168 KB, 403x419, 1462217459130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need fighting spirit

>> No.15246554

I wasted 250k fuel. I'm out of fighting spirit.

>> No.15246556

What the hell have you been doing

>> No.15246560

Getting cucked at E5, then E6, then E7.

>> No.15246566
File: 438 KB, 600x922, CdaPlZoUIAAqDPl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep trying. There's still quite a bit of time

Consolation oppai loli

>> No.15246569

What do you guys think of this?

>> No.15246570

Can't, out of fuel. Maybe someone has a cool guaranteed F-I next week.

>> No.15246571

>the firepower of your CVs mattered in Boss support
Only if you use shelling. It's irrelevant in aerial.

>> No.15246573

Is it common for the air strikes to do fuck all in E-7 or am I just unlucky?

>> No.15246581

Try this one

You can get back a good 50k in fuel doing sparkled 5,21,37s easily in less than a week

>> No.15246582

Did that. Out of suck drums now.

>> No.15246583

Ah, makes sense.

I can't wait to become not retarded at this game, it'll take a while though.

>> No.15246584


Here, watch this and chill. I mean, sometimes you need to take a step back and listen to a manly man tell you that it's all going to be alright, while calming music plays in the background.

>> No.15246589

>E6 Last Dance
>just enough support sparkle for one run
>200 baux left
I'm going to L again aren't I.

>> No.15246590

I would like to dedicate this to all of you, actually. 諦めないよ。

>> No.15246594

Why aren't you just taking the Start Point 2 route instead so you always get to the boss?

>> No.15246595

What about fighters?
For some reason, I've seen nips putting Reppuu and other fighters on the smallest plane slot instead of a radar, and it puzzles me to no end.

>> No.15246598
File: 80 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160507-17304424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is fucking kuso mode m8. Shit should be automatic.

This. Always count on clutch kill. You have zero chance if you leave without going into yasen just to save some measly bucket.

>> No.15246599

Ah I miss the old niconico stuff

>> No.15246603

Because I don't have Akitsu Maru and locked out Maya. At least 3 doesn't obliterate my planes.

>> No.15246607

All kickstarter shit like that needs to be outlawed the way payday loans are being now. People are too stupid to not be taken advantage of by it so the only option is to ban it. You shouldn't be allowed to take people's money and have no obligation to them, I don't care if they want to give it, crowd funding needs to die. It was a nice idea, but you only get shit like victory belles which is someone going "hey can you give me your hard earned money so I don't have do any work or be responsible at all?" Like even their goal is a joke, they are going to do everything they promised with 50 thousand dollars? It's a scam and it tricks people into thinking they are paying for a product. Between shitty projects like this, and rich Jews realizing you can trick retards into funding your movie, crowd funding is essentially a predatory practice.

Lack of yuu of making me pissy, damn.

>> No.15246608

Slot sizes matter but chevrons don't matter. So calculate assuming pre-chevrons.

>> No.15246613

They said they buff aerial support in the initial patch early into the event. What made you think they werent talking about the >> bonus?

>> No.15246619

I'm at the start of E-7 (kuso modo) and I have 9789/41403/42452/15830 resources and 41 buckets.

Should I take a break for a few days and farm expeditions, and if so which ones?

I was considering running 2/4/38 so I have a good bucket increasing as well as increase my pathetic amount of fuel, but I'm not sure whether to bother increasing bauxite.

>> No.15246621


Well, for what it's worth, that's more or less what I think of the entire affair. Hell, as an extension of the whole crowd-sharing/-funding thing. Great in theory, ceteris paribus; but the world (and reality) is not a kind, benevolent place.

>> No.15246625

No what I meant is that I've seen nips putting fighters on CV used for support fleets. For some reason, a lot of them put 3 dive bombers and 1 reppuu or something like that.

>> No.15246626

>You shouldn't be allowed to take people's money and have no obligation to them
That's the right thing.
>crowd funding needs to die
And that's the wrong one.

>> No.15246632
File: 2.32 MB, 4724x2952, 56921981_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When can we have friendly interactions with the Abyssals?

>> No.15246633

Thanks anon, now I will stock my rsc again and complete this event.

>> No.15246639

Actual tweet? I remember that the only buff was against specific targets like Central hime.

Because boss node has fighter power so unless you stuff reppuu you're going to get plenty of planes shot down because of air denial.

>> No.15246641
File: 7 KB, 142x60, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inching on 40 farming runs on E7 easy and still no sign of either Oyashio or Harukaze. I don't think I'm gonna make it guys.

>> No.15246642

My thoughts exactly. I agree with everything you posted.

>> No.15246653

Fair enough, but the question then becomes "How do you regulate something like this, when its entire existence revolves around avoiding regulation so that stuff that would otherwise get bogged down by red tape can get a shot at getting funded?"

... Which is the problem, because so much as mentioning the word "regulation" these days automatically results in a negative backlash. People conflate regulation with "X stifling innovation and supporting an older, inefficient system for the sake of scoring points with the old crowd", where "X" is an appropriate regulatory body or local government or <insert variable here>.

They forget that yes, while that is certainly what can happen when things are carried out beyond what is necessary, the original point of any regulation is to safeguard against abuse of a non-regulated system, as described above. That also raises other questions, like what exactly *is* "beyond what is necessary", but I'll leave that for another time.

>> No.15246655


You just have to believe

>> No.15246656
File: 181 KB, 248x416, the gauge isn&#039;t even empty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>support kills pillboxes
>go to yasen with chuuha boss
>duck scratches
>chuuha Myoukou scratches
>perfectly healthy Choukai attacks megane instead
S-see you in a week.

>> No.15246673

I need to take a break, I can't even kill a single enemy in the E-7 boss.

>> No.15246676

Yes, more effective against the later part of the operations.
And then in the next patch they fixed the proficiency bonus for land based bombers. It is too early to say that aerial support does not take into account >> bonus.

>> No.15246685

It will died off because of no dedicated fanbase (porn). And also, tumble teir art.

>> No.15246688

So not in general. I doubt the buff is that proficiency affects carrier-based support for the latter operation maps but not for any other maps, since bombers without proficiency seem just as effective.

You might have a point about it being too early to call, but they specified land-based bombers, not carrier-based bombers, so I doubt they buffed carrier-based bombers the same way. Besides, you can't lose chevrons in carrier aerial support even when the slots go to 0, but you can for land-based aerial support.

>> No.15246710

Apparently all 3(carrier airstrike, aerial support, land based airstrike) of them share the same damage API formula. So the bonus should be used by all 3 of them.

>> No.15246724

It was several months ago when we know that aircraft proficiency does not affect aerial support.

Also, according to data back then, aerial support's formula is slightly different from the regular opening airstrike by a -1 or so.

>> No.15246725

Carrier aerial support doesn't have +25 damage bonus like aerial phase. No idea for land-based.

And it was already known that chevrons did nothing in carrier aerial support, at least before the buff. I'm not sure them sharing the same damage API formula would affect things.

>> No.15246734

It sound like devs like to copy-paste their code instead of reusing those codes as function like how a good programmer should do. So when they add new equipment like SKC gun or seaplane fighter, they always forget to set their fit gun or constant airpro FP bonus, and when they add fit gun, improvement and airpro, they can only remember to amend their code in the regular battle part but not support part.

>> No.15246735



Kickstarter exclusive ship no thanks

>> No.15246736
File: 10 KB, 739x404, u511_20160508-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, time to farm for 6 Yuu.
4 more to go.

>> No.15246743

>that sudden decrease on 2隻
holy shit, I guess I'll level and scrap one now. Too bad I planned to just hoard lots of them before the event ends.

>> No.15246746

Is that the fucking reason why I can go 800 runs without getting shit after my 2nd Yuu?

>> No.15246747

2WG will be enough

>> No.15246748

So basically we can get as many Yuu as we want they just get rarer the more we have?

>> No.15246753

Pretty much yes. Otsufag drew the short end of the stick if they want to hoard Yuu and the apparent rate for A mode is much higher than kuso mode looking at the sample size. Just scrap and farm and you would getting 10rockets in no time.

>> No.15246761

Are we that sure that scrapped Yuus don't count?

Also, how do I even farm for her without getting fatigueraped?

>> No.15246763

Man am I always glad I wait for others to figure shit out in the event before I start doing complex shit like farming or the event itself.

>> No.15246766

What do you mean by +25 damage bonus?

I saw multiple Japanese news site like Yahoo News report the success of this project yesterday

Which country are you from that outlawed payday loans?
And they actually have the responsibility to deliver those reward, just that in a limited liability company, investors don't have to pay for the debt of a company once the company run into bankrupt. The platform of kickstarter only make this more apparent, but if you want to eliminate this, probably you should ask your legislators to stop people from making new LLC.

I believe he origin of crowdfunding come from the creation of stock market, during the past centuries there's many incidents happened in stock markets and we have lots pf regulations and regulatory to prevent fraud from happening there. Probably we need something similar for these nowadays new concepts.

>> No.15246769

Otsu's data probably just because there're too few people doing Otsu

>> No.15246789

Formula for dive bombers in aerial phase for example (before modifiers) is Dive bomb stat*square root of plane counts in the slot it occupies + 25. Formula for aerial support is the same except that (at current check) it only has a +3 damage bonus.

I swear that +3 damage bonus wasn't there before. Maybe this was the buff the devs gave aerial support.

>> No.15246792

Wow, leave it to the West to be worst than the Chinese, at least they didn't beg for money to create their own ripoffs. The only good thing is it's probably going to fail when everyone realizes these "developers" can't budget for shit, and beg for twice the amount they are asking now a few months down the line.

>> No.15246793

Bullshit because of low sample.

>> No.15246811

It is actually pretty apparent if you look at the people farming with 0yuu. You are sure to get her and start contributing to the 1yuu drop rate sample data in no time.

>> No.15246831

All the currently known aerial formula are from before rhe event start as far as I am aware of, so it should mot be what dev talk about.

What dev mean are probably things like you can get thousands of damages on Central Princess

>> No.15246840
File: 379 KB, 800x480, 3857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even chompy can match this.

>> No.15246842

Has anyone managed to get a 2k+ crit on Central Princess after 13th May maintenance?

>> No.15246847

>What dev mean are probably things like you can get thousands of damages on Central Princess
That's what I thought, too, but then some anon said >>15246613

>> No.15246848

This is bullshit. Have we seen a number higher than this?

>> No.15246859

But what >>15246613 said did not contradict what ypu originally thought

>> No.15246865

Maybe, but screw it, thinking about it is hindering my preparation for E6 last dance anyway.

>> No.15246888

Ran out of resources at 1/3 of the gauge. Grinded another 30k and all last dances failed horribly. Most chipping runs were kills, even in diamond, but I ran out of luck it seems. 12/30k right now, in 2 days dancing starts again. Will keep trying till the very end, I'll either clear the damn map on hard or not clear it at all.

>> No.15246902

888 hp left.
Now trying to organise bases for the last runs.

>> No.15246908

You should switch to easy if time is running out. Maybe the last 3 days

>> No.15246915
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Are you a Zuiun?

>> No.15246943
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>> No.15246947

Yuu farming im routing to H about half the time, without any drums. with Anti-sub equip on main fleet DD and full bombers on CAVs i S rank most of the time.

>> No.15246975
File: 91 KB, 642x488, LoGH_057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no point in clearing the map on easy. It's not even about the medals, giving it all and failing feels not as bad as simply giving up.

>> No.15246981

What's your excuse now /jp/?

>> No.15246988
File: 661 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160517-23124684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this support fleet damage
>612/900 after day battle

>> No.15246991

What's the best formation for L node in e7 hard?

>> No.15246996

God bless monkeywoman

>> No.15246999


>> No.15247001


>> No.15247002
File: 851 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160517-16151710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you God, H drop.

>> No.15247006
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>> No.15247007
File: 504 KB, 1500x2031, conishi is god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monkey girl stronk. What is kusofags excuse now?

>> No.15247008

What do you mean by F5? I can only see 4 formations.

>> No.15247011

Just do what this guy did

>> No.15247012

They definitely nerfed air strike. At first I thought debuff got reset with the maintenance, but nope.

>> No.15247013

This is my E-5 experience in a nutshell.

>> No.15247018


>> No.15247019

Fuck Conisi.

>> No.15247024

Fuck retard likes Conishi

>> No.15247036

>kuso mode shitter samefagging
Stay mad. You'd never have any memedal.

>> No.15247037

I'd fuck her alright

I'll lick her ears too

>> No.15247041

I would love to

>> No.15247047
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>> No.15247068
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>> No.15247097


so apparently the more yuu you have the lower the drop rate goes

>> No.15247114
File: 202 KB, 900x1271, CiqI9_9UkAA0rbg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15247126

Can't accept that because of the sampling size at high Yuu number is very low compared to 0-1 yuu. Maybe player with many yuus just satisfied with what they got.

>> No.15247137

>Akizuki took 1 damage from aerial node preboss
>goes from chuuha to taiha
What a waste of damecons.

>> No.15247176

More ships should go on the pasta diet.

>> No.15247204
File: 491 KB, 998x1307, lastdance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna start E-7 hard last dance. Am I okay, /jp/? Any input is appreciated.

>> No.15247230

Looks fine. CTF route is really tough to get through with planes and health though. Good luck

>> No.15247256

Well that's weird, I scrapped my second Yuu for the WG42, but 250 sorties later, I never got another Yuu.

Don't tell me I have to scrap my one and only Yuu for a chance at getting another rocket pack.

>> No.15247263
File: 29 KB, 163x350, wQOSYST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how are your gets looking this event?
For the newer admirals, anyhow.

>> No.15247266

150 runs I got 3 yuus. It's a pure chance anon.

>> No.15247278

VB is featuring some kind of dating system for the characters, which KC doensn't have.

>in b4 KC starts implementing kizuna quests that make for mini-character plot arcs, as a remodel requirement or part of a questline to get new gear.
>in b4 dialogue choices with missables

>> No.15247279
File: 24 KB, 213x49, KanColle-160518-00231155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place your bets.

>> No.15247280

Don't think that you should use FCF on the last dance. Is there even point in arriving at the boss node without 2 ships?
I wish you luck at L, because that's the node which made me ditch CTF.

>> No.15247283

What added value is Akitsumaru there?

>> No.15247288


>> No.15247289

Extra fighters.

>> No.15247298
File: 1.79 MB, 795x1446, KanColle-160509-20302582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15247302
File: 54 KB, 167x673, event.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad, farming for 2 more (You) and after I'll try to get Akiduki and Roma

>> No.15247308

I am totally aware that L is hell, thanks for the warning.
As for FCF, I think why not because the main damage dealer are the land base support, not the fleet.
As >>15247289 said. I don't want to bring BB to avoid 2nd shelling at L.

>> No.15247312
File: 1.70 MB, 800x1440, KanColle-160518-00250230+00252298+00252356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15247318

Wow nice. is this your first event too?

>> No.15247319

Fucking based as fuck man, jesus.

>> No.15247321


>> No.15247322

Good luck doing it all over again.

>> No.15247324

yes started playing on march

>> No.15247325

Why not? You are counting purely on carriers bombers for damage and yasen for cleanup. Losing a DD is fine.

>> No.15247327

>tfw Tsu will rape your planes
And then you have to resparkle them again.

>> No.15247330
File: 686 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160517-18165018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice censorship

>> No.15247338

You really cleaned house with all those drops!
If anything, I'll recommend farming E4 for Unryuu and a very cute ship in particular.

>> No.15247356

Anyone has STF setup for E7?
Is it Kamo+ 4 BB +Maya? What's about escort? Yodo+Bisko+2CA?+Ducky+TankDD?

>> No.15247357

>down to 5k fuel and ammo for E-5 last dance
At least let me get past this map RNG-sama.

>> No.15247363

I used Kamo/2BB/2BBV/CVB - Hayasui/2DD/CL/2CA

>> No.15247372

How long did it take you.

>> No.15247381

Just got Unryuu from my third E4 run, Other than my Yuu farming, my luck has been pretty strong thus far.

>> No.15247382

The time to clear E-7

>> No.15247420
File: 570 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160518-01542516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15247424

Very elephant

>> No.15247426

What comp should I use to farm for Yuu?

>> No.15247440

AV/4 or 5 DD - CL/3DD/2CA/V

>> No.15247445


>> No.15247453

More like filth-covered human toilet cocksleeve.

>> No.15247456

Thank you.

I wish I could put some FaTs on her.

>> No.15247458

This desu.

>> No.15247464

I mean the stars

>> No.15247472

If they made Verniy look like that in her 2nd rename, I would sing praises for a whole week.

>> No.15247490
File: 55 KB, 305x612, stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty pleased.
Trying to get more Yuus now.

>> No.15247510

The only thing I liked about this shit is that the girls talk in their country's language. So at least no Iowa levels of autism.
Still not buying it though.

>> No.15247518

Wait, can you get more than two yuus now?

>> No.15247529
File: 155 KB, 420x368, 3dba2Nq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You always could except two days period between maints.

>> No.15247540

1) Get rid of FCF
2) Swap Yodo with Shigure
3) Maybe another Reppu in air wing #2

>> No.15247556

how 2 farm Us on hard

>> No.15247559

Why an AV instead of 2 CAVs with full zuiuns?

>> No.15247576

Isn't reppuuu range too short for boss node?

>> No.15247580

What if I'm out of ABKM?

>> No.15247586

Oh yeah, I'm retarded.

Well, another 6+ range fighter then.

>> No.15247589

If placed with long-ranged planes, wouldn't it be effective?

>> No.15247592
File: 2.73 MB, 1843x1095, 攻略編成_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With love.

>> No.15247606

How much does the sub node hurt your girls?

>> No.15247611

I'm out of 6+ range fighters. How bad is it to bring another reppuu instead?

>> No.15247615

Keep your air wing range average over 6 and it should be OK.

>> No.15247625

Sub node rarely does anything but chance of reaching it is ~25% because Chis get someone half the time with closing torps and after that it's 50/50 to subs.

>> No.15247632
File: 698 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160517-19434551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like bullying newbies

>> No.15247645

I wish we could get a fixed routing.

Oh well, thank you anyway.

>> No.15247672

Is that what you did with your hotels as well?

>> No.15247678

In PVP, sure

>> No.15247680

Use one of the 18 other CLs, why did you even use Abu outside of E3?

>> No.15247688

I want Harukaze to sit on my face

>> No.15247692

I want to sit on harukaze's face.

>> No.15247704
File: 86 KB, 800x480, 2016-05-17 14-00-47 60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15247715

Lewd grannies

>> No.15247730

Not cool anon.

>> No.15247741
File: 166 KB, 800x480, 2016-05-18 01-03-05 58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. I just want to test farming fleet.


>> No.15247744

I want harukaze to sit on my face

>> No.15247746

This is the opposite of the desire sensor.

>> No.15247765
File: 591 KB, 900x1378, 56776207_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sick of these Hora Horas and laughs.

>> No.15247767

Yes, the trick is you have to avoid desire sensor.

At that time, I thought of nothing but seeing how will my farming turn out.

>> No.15247781

In clearing E3, I got a Shioi.

In going back to try and get a Yuu, I got another Shioi.

When the next season of the anime comes out, I will somehow have accidentally downloaded Arpeggio.

>> No.15247793

Why would you want to see the anime in the first place?

>> No.15247797

Just watch Haifuri instead.

>> No.15247799

There was like 1 good episode of the anime, and that's a good enough for me.

>> No.15247800

I got Yuu when:
I woke up, I was hungry, and I read research paper.

>> No.15247808

That went to shit with the mind control rats.

>> No.15247816

It haven't been tested yet. But if you insist, keep the average around 7.

>> No.15247820

Why are you recommending such a shit anime?

>> No.15247824

To confuse the desire sensor.

>> No.15247841

The what?

>> No.15247888
File: 121 KB, 800x480, 2016-05-18 03-38-51 74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, fuck.
Who in the escort fleet should be changed for Hayasui?

>> No.15247889

Is one Ro.44 enough to get parity on E-5 boss node?

Should I even waste the screws to make it?

>> No.15247891

What's the most surefire way to go G -> H in E-3?

>> No.15247900

Well, they may be hamsters or lemmings or some other rodent.

>> No.15247907

But it was obvious that's where they were headed. Mind-controlling ancient aliens.

>> No.15247909

I want to shit on Harukaze's face.

>> No.15247914

Forget it, you'll be hard pressed to get air incapability at the boss node even with 2 seaplane fighters.

>> No.15247919

Alright, guess I'll just go ahead and start running without it then. The wiki claimed 1 was enough to get parity but it seemed iffy to me

>> No.15247921

How much fuel did you all use to clear E7? Will resource cap be enough?

>> No.15247923

>1 was enough to get parity
On easy, probably.

>> No.15247926

Maybe they were talking about easy modo.

>> No.15247929

I'm at lastdance of e7 hard and only 102k fuel spent on the entire event for now.

>> No.15247930

If you send both bases filled with fighters maybe.

>> No.15247931

Oh, that makes more sense.

>> No.15247935

>clear E7

Is such a thing even possible?

>> No.15247938

I just spent 100 buckets chipping half of the E7 bar.
That's normal right?

>> No.15247943

On easy or if you are lucky.

>> No.15247944

E~yup. Totally normal.

>> No.15247945

took me near 100k fuel on hard, but that was pre-akitsushima

>> No.15247949

On hard I hope.

>> No.15247950

What? On easy, Central hime just killed herself.

>> No.15247964

II haven''t fueled hoarded this hard in my 2 years TTK carreer. Running sparkled exp, sparkling 40 DDs and even oreling for hours.

All this for E-7 last kill. I just hope I can get this soon, cause my buckets are nearing 100 annd I'll start panicking if they run out.

>> No.15247973

Literally me last summer. I barely cleared it.

>> No.15248006

Your feeling I can feel deeply.

>> No.15248029

I hate that Summer will likely be even worse. At this rate I'll have to start stockpiling right after the event is over.

>> No.15248038
File: 644 KB, 800x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.15248039

I wish re-chevronning airbases wasn't eating 300 fuel per run, this shit gets prohibitively expensive by the time you re-chevron everything.

>> No.15248044

Everyone scratches Dyson.

>> No.15248045

No one cares about ez mode.

>> No.15248049

Literally everything.

>> No.15248053
File: 528 KB, 800x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's not funny though

>> No.15248054

>Fusou-class kai


>> No.15248071
File: 2.68 MB, 2000x2000, 1446953026069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And again, tanks do extra damage to Lycoris or I should stick to rocket launchers? I've read contradictory posts.

>> No.15248074

Tanks don't do shit against Lycoris. Stick to WG42s.

>> No.15248078

Didn't someone just post that the drop rate decreases exponentially to the number of Yuus you have?

>> No.15248082

Speaking about fusos, I wonder what happened to that Fusofag who had married them unremodeled(BB form, steel backgroud). Haven't seen him for, like, a year already?

>> No.15248084
File: 97 KB, 600x810, 36441057_big_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was fast, I like it.

Guess I got meme'd by Tanaka with that tank business.

>> No.15248087

>E5 has .3% chance to drop Roma
What's the fucking point?

>> No.15248098

The actual chance is much higher but most people already have her.

>> No.15248101

Stopped playing like many others. From old times only Kisaragifag, Yuugumofag and Hatsuharufag are still here I think.

>> No.15248104

>From old times
How old?

>> No.15248110

Speak for yourself, I just lay low and don't get named.

>> No.15248113
File: 207 KB, 1200x559, 1458491987781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who cleared E7 Hard, what is the best setup for the air base during last dance?
I used 4 fighters / 1 fighter 3 bombers / 1 fighter 3 bombers during chipping because of diamond formation CV Hime but sometime it was shitty as fuck even against the Dyson formation.
I plan to change to 2 fighters 2 bombers / 1 fighter 3 bombers / 4 bombers, good idea or not?

>> No.15248114


>> No.15248116

Read the thread you're in, it has already been discussed.

>> No.15248120

Oh, if it's Arpeggio, I'm from that time too. I'm one of the first Hitokappu players.

>> No.15248122
File: 129 KB, 800x480, 2016-05-17 15-50-11 95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't expecting this. I forgot they made Akashi temporarily drop at 3-5 boss, guess that's still going on.

>> No.15248125

I was counting attention whores though, not normal people.

>> No.15248126

I've been playing from well before that, but I'm not exactly a regular of those threads.

>> No.15248141

I think he meant attention whores.

>> No.15248144
File: 66 KB, 308x285, Lottery2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I burned out during IBS and sold my account to a chink. If I'd stayed I'd have been an RTA. Serves me right I guess.

>> No.15248146

I was one at that time but I've scaled back a lot on the attention whoring since then.

>> No.15248167

>Akitsushima critting gore hime for 50 every run
That's it girl, you know your job at least.

>> No.15248170
File: 457 KB, 707x1000, 1462299059599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>E6 last dance

Should I send 4CV+CV support all with fighters and dive bombers and pray for a grand slam or is there a better method?

>> No.15248172


>> No.15248175


I don't think Kasumifag was even around here.

>> No.15248205

Kamo+2CA+CAV+2CV or Kamo+CAV+CA+CVL+2CV for E-7 chipping?
I can't afford a BB in the main fleet.

>> No.15248217

How does the range system work exactly? Wiki has no info on it

Does each node I visit require one more range on the plane to reach the boss node?

>> No.15248223

Maybe. I got them in 19th, 66th and 78th sorties respectively. Multiply *2.3 for number of S ranks. Did 99 sorties total, I'll get back to it later. At least I hope so, Oyashio is a lie.

>> No.15248243

>wiki has no info on it

>> No.15248247
File: 26 KB, 640x427, hall12-count.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man is your greatest ally, listen to him and learn.

>> No.15248261
File: 666 KB, 800x480, Screenshot 2016-05-17 22.35.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then, time to pull out the big guns.

>> No.15248266

I want to have sex with Harukaze until either of us drops dead.

>> No.15248268

It basically says that the largest range in the squad is what matters determines how far the squad can go... but maybe not because it might nerf the planes you forced to go farther

I was hoping you guys had more concrete info on it since I heard people talking about averaging the range here which the wiki doesn't talk about at all

>> No.15248276

You don't need a better method than a 1000+ damage crit

>> No.15248277

Does she have pink hair at the top or am I seeing things?

>> No.15248288

does it even matter
just click the boss 4/6 times

>> No.15248290

Does someone got the image from the nips to farm the duckis in E-2?

>> No.15248306
File: 396 KB, 805x481, Screenshot 2016-05-17 22.50.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15248316
File: 390 KB, 800x480, Screenshot 2016-05-17 22.51.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy on the other hand...

>> No.15248319

Man, that comp makes me pretty scared.

>> No.15248326

I dunno, I got 1295 damage on last dance

>> No.15248330

Talk about Tenryuu babysitting DDs

>> No.15248346

She can separate me from Miki any time she wishes.
But I can't separate her from all the other possible results in LSC.
It's not fair.

>> No.15248348
File: 639 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160518-06030062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I go into yasen?

>> No.15248355

Is it worth trying 4-5 for an extra medal?

I want to kai Katsuragi for the 601 zero

>> No.15248356

Where's your boss support?

>> No.15248357

FCF works twice?

>> No.15248362

Only 1 time per node.

>> No.15248364



>> No.15248367

Don't need it.

>> No.15248371

That screenshot tells me otherwise.

>> No.15248373

What did you guys take to E4? Debating the 4CV comp or the CA comp

>> No.15248374

It certainly looks like you do, bud.

>> No.15248375

We all agree that Harukaze is the new best ship and Kamikaze is the worst right?

>> No.15248381


>> No.15248383

Nah, I just need the girls to not go to sub territory and to not get destroyed on pre-boss even though I had activated route support.

>> No.15248384

They're both tied for best

>> No.15248387

Okay, /jp/, time for the final truth.
Kidou or suijou for E7H?

>> No.15248402

Transport escort

>> No.15248406

If you're using Fastsuck Suijou. If not Kidou and pray for good opening air strike.

>> No.15248418

>Kamikaze is the worst right
No that would be Oyashio. Not a horrible design, if uninspired.

>> No.15248427
File: 123 KB, 800x480, maybe_ill_just_skip_it_this_month.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy it's like I'm still doing the event!

>> No.15248435

Where the fuck does one put fastsuck? Escort FS so she can get taihad all she wants?

>> No.15248437
File: 97 KB, 800x800, Fragezeichenmädchen 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh? You can only reach H node with kidou.

>> No.15248440

Is there any way to get more Underway Replenishment without buying? I have 14 right now but I feel like at some point they'll run out, especially on shitty hard last dances.

>> No.15248443

Iowa is the worst just from the voice.

>> No.15248446

Farm Hayasui in E1.

>> No.15248451

Wish they'd just make Hayasui consume normal drums instead

>> No.15248460

Kamikaze is the best, although Harukaze is a very close second.

>> No.15248464

>sortieing taiha ships triggers FCF even if they don't sink
Call me a faggot, but I just solved the E6 compass issue.

>> No.15248465

Pick your poison. Main fleet means less BB attacking, escort means one less CA or BB for yasen.

I'd personally choose main.

>> No.15248466


Oyashio is the best and Harukaze is the worst.

>> No.15248475


>> No.15248479
File: 752 KB, 800x480, e7 progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/3 chipped with 16k/10k/11k/7k and 72 buckets spent in 10 tries, can I make it?
Feels like I failed to optimize cost but it's progress at least.

>> No.15248480


>> No.15248482
File: 490 KB, 2048x1367, 24281717103_08dc47cd7b_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All girls are best.

>> No.15248485

How is it possible that someone who has a Reppuu Kai is terrible at this game?

>> No.15248486

Kamikaze>Harukaze>Pola>Oyashio>Fake american that can't even speak english.

>> No.15248488
File: 265 KB, 700x852, 87d4bbfcc71a75135bb0de52148b6cfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamikaze is the best. I don't know if it is the clothes or the ribbon.

>> No.15248489
File: 90 KB, 494x477, 1413313577425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15248497

I feel like "Another One Bites the Dust" describes my event experience quite well, but only when applied to my own ships.

>> No.15248500
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x1528, 5802007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's willing to blow herself up for you. That is the purest love.

>> No.15248501

It's everything about her.

>> No.15248510

"We Are The Champions" describes mine quite well.

>> No.15248513

>Harukaze is the new best ship
>Kamikaze is the worst
Not even close.

>> No.15248523

Oyashio is very plain. But she's really sweet, going by her wedding line. I like that combination.

>> No.15248526

This. Oyashio makes Hagikaze not look generic.

>> No.15248532

Is she the Kazagumo of the Kagerou class?

>> No.15248540

Gimme your strenght /jp/. I want pure, undistilled /jp/ magic for tonight's 3 tries at E-7 last kill before I run out of Bauxite again.

>> No.15248548

Hope you fail.

>> No.15248550

Well wedding lines that have the girls tear up in happiness are always sweet. Sadly most of the original girls have very basic and dull wedding lines.

>> No.15248554

>both look normal
>both act normal
Both feel like they don't even want to be shipgirls, but were forced instead.

>> No.15248564

Should I give my last ring to Taihou or Ooyodo?

>> No.15248568


>> No.15248572

Oyashio is super cute.

I also like how she mentions Kuroshio often in her lines.

>> No.15248575
File: 168 KB, 496x795, 92f13ad9e899a6fa5099d2899f51e9b0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15248576



>> No.15248583
File: 846 KB, 1132x364, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it /jp/!

I don't care if it was on baby mode, I got iowa without using any potato fucking shits. thanks to everyone who was helpful the last 3 months and no thanks to all the autistic bullies.

>> No.15248590

>farming for Yuu
>get no Yuu

>> No.15248591


>> No.15248593

Go back to wiki.

>> No.15248596
File: 425 KB, 945x545, 55650647_p17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

megane always wins

>> No.15248598

Those autistic bullies are the ones that helped you the most you ungrateful dumbass.

>> No.15248599

They should re-record some, especially the ones that say nothing related to marriage or love.

Then again, considering the issue of Nagato's voice, I'd rather they didn't.

>> No.15248600


>> No.15248608
File: 1.44 MB, 1745x1125, !Inbox 8345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15248609

>last ring
If you cannot decide just ring both of them or stay on-hold for some time.

>> No.15248610
File: 226 KB, 266x476, aaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I don't get the kill I might tear my hair out.

>> No.15248613

Buy another ring and why not both?

>> No.15248618

>baby mode
By fire be purged

>> No.15248623

I'll never get used to how fucking tedious Bw1 and 4 are.

That useless counter is probably the worst thing about Bw1. 3 different conditions and it tracks them all as some abstract shitty percentage that isn't even correct 90% of the time.

>> No.15248634


just sparkle two fleets at 1-1 and bw1 is done

>> No.15248639

That's my issue with them revisit girls. They may make them worse.

>Kill the boss 12 times
>Visit the boss 24 times
This will always be retarded to me, wouldn't be around 6 times assuming someone lost half the time instead of assuming players losing 12 more times?

>> No.15248641

50% 90% NE ;^)

>> No.15248644

I just start up Notepad and count the number of times Chitose makes it to the 1-1 boss. Most of the time the quest is complete once I reach 24 bosses, and if not, the subsequent Orel cruising to do 50 transports will get it done really fast.

>> No.15248652

replace kamikaze with iowa and you're correct

>> No.15248653

>Most of the time the quest is complete once I reach 24 bosses, and if not, the subsequent Orel cruising to do 50 transports will get it done really fast.
50 transports requires you to beat Bw1. They're the two longest and dullest quests. Why can't you start them simultaneously so you can just Orel cruise 30-50 times rather than 100+?

>> No.15248660
File: 21 KB, 329x334, Screenshot-2016-05-18_07.05.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy, am I getting rare drops here!

>> No.15248662

Something about "wrong way" is oddly comical

>> No.15248668

Oh my bad, I confused it with the 20 transports one.

>> No.15248670

Thank goodness I S ranked E5 I during chipping, that node is pure RNG.

>> No.15248679

>trying to go to H with no certain routing
Why not just settle for D-F?

>> No.15248682

Why would I pass on an extra chance at getting Yuus?

>> No.15248690

Who dealt the final blow to the E-7 boss, /jp/?
Is she your event MVP?

>> No.15248694


>> No.15248696

Surely you mean passing on a chance to go the wrong way?

>> No.15248699

Just sparkle on 1-1, Bw1 done in ~50 sorties.

Armoured carrier + sub 2-2, done in ~20 sorties.

Key to both strategies is that 2 ships means no formation selection for maximum speedrun power.

>> No.15248701
File: 1.15 MB, 685x932, Untitled_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what order should I farm for all this shit? I think I want e5 first and then e2, but I don't know about the rest. I already have 2 (Yuu)s but I'd like to get at least 1 more.

>> No.15248708

I must ask: what makes you hate "potatoes" so much, to the point that you refuse to use any of them?

>> No.15248709

>no thanks to all the autistic bullies.
Fuck you I essentially held your hand this hold time and this is the thanks I get?

>> No.15248717

Duckies first

>> No.15248726

Get two more Yuus, at the very least. Ideal would be 7-9 of them.
Then go grab ducks, as many as you can.
Hayasui is on a map that, while not difficult, will be pretty expensive in resources.

If you're on easy, forget about Mizuho. Ye olde "only drops with this formation" bullshit.

>> No.15248727

Not him but what composition would you recommend for farming the ducks? Also, let's just say I get Akizuki first in F node, but just want Teruzuki. Would I node be a better alternative for her?

>> No.15248731

starch allergy

>> No.15248735

>Ideal would be 7-9 of them.
Don't troll the new guy.

>> No.15248736
File: 76 KB, 800x419, salty as fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

>> No.15248737

I don't believe Harukaze has a 7% drop rate, I've already seen multiples of all these other bitches with lower rates and not a single one of her yet.

>> No.15248739

>farming E5

good lord

>> No.15248740

What the hell is wrong with the image?

>> No.15248741

I actually got Teruzuki while clearing at I, so even the normal comp works. It's not terrible

>> No.15248742

Smug bitch still smug.

>> No.15248747

The issue is, why treat them as "potatoes" in the first place? They're just ships drawn by Shibafu.

>> No.15248748

KC3 red jam effect.

>> No.15248750

KC3 has an option called "annoying taiha alert" that does exactly what it says
It's for paranoid people

>> No.15248753

Call of Duty effect.

>> No.15248754

Does it do it even when you have a damecon equipped?

>> No.15248756

I don't even use viewers, but that sounds actually useful.

>> No.15248760

It really ruins a screenshot, especially if you plan on saving them for a scrapbook.

>> No.15248761


>> No.15248766

> hunting for (yuu)
> shioi drops

I wanted the Aryan one, not the spic.

>> No.15248767

>calls others autistic bullies
>autistically bullies potatoes

>> No.15248768

It's for tired people.

>> No.15248769

That it does, I don't use it but it has its uses

>> No.15248773

Explain something to me, /jp/
A Prototype Seiran has no AA capabilities, right? And neither does any sub.
Then how come during the air phase, an Orel'ing Shioi launches it while two Abyss light carrier launch their planes, and the Seiran doesn't even give a fuck, wades right past them to bomb the fleet while several Abyss planes are shot down?

>> No.15248774

I never understood why people dislike his style so much. I find the chubby faces cute.

>> No.15248776

Why would I want to relive any of these moments?

>> No.15248779

I think being a flagship gives you some tiny AA.

>> No.15248787

Fairy magic.

>> No.15248788

Chevron Seiran has 9 air power.

>> No.15248791

Flagship to make her unsinkable obviously. You will not reach the boss with her at less than taiha

>> No.15248794

How accurate is it at gauging whether it's fine to advance? Problems can easily crop up, especially in combined fleet.

I don't think the screenshots taken would be affected by the red jam or whatever it is. But if it does get affected, I'd rather stick to the gook KCV, which turns the whole KCV red except for the game screen.

>> No.15248800

Stop calling her a spic and she'll stop showing up to torment you.

>> No.15248807
File: 548 KB, 1000x807, potato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Hyuuga and Shioi look good, new Shibafu changed his style too much. What the hell happened?

>> No.15248808

>I don't think the screenshots taken would be affected by the red jam
That screenshot clearly has red blotches in it.

>> No.15248809

It hasn't ever been wrong whenever I've used it. It checks the same way it checks to update ship HP and status on the actual UI.

>> No.15248810

>drop lag

>> No.15248813

I actually just got a Yuu, but okay.

Plus I don't mind if she drops, that means extra seaplanes.

>> No.15248825
File: 387 KB, 800x773, 47c864628c5ab4a0455dba1acdaf27be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even sure if he changed for better or for worse.

>> No.15248830

I think like the other artists he has good ships and bad ships. I think the Ise and Fubuki class art is kinda boring but all of his carriers look great (especially Soryuu) and that Ayanami, Shioi, and Mikuma also look great.

The only ships that I can't bring myself to like the art for are Fusou class kai ni.

>> No.15248837

If you print screen like he clearly did, of course they'll show up.

I was referring to the in-built screenshot taker, like KCV and EO have. Surely KC3Kai has something like that, right?

I mean for example, if one ship gets taiha but gets sent right back, does it stay red? And if only the escort fleet's flagship is taiha, will it go red anyway?

>> No.15248838

For worse, definitely.

>> No.15248844

>I mean for example, if one ship gets taiha but gets sent right back, does it stay red?
>And if only the escort fleet's flagship is taiha, will it go red anyway?

>> No.15248847

I just like to save everything, even my farming logs.

>> No.15248852

>drop lag
>it's an even rarer ship that you already have

>> No.15248854

about to start E-6, is doing it on Medium any easier than Hard? Or is it still an rng fuckfest

>> No.15248856

Fuck you Sakawa a year ago.

>> No.15248862

What's your route of choice for E7, Last Dance and otherwise?

>> No.15248884

Alright, thanks.

-If a taiha ship has damecon, it won't turn red, right?

And will it stay red if:
-a taiha ship uses up a damecon, finishes the battle in taiha, and has no damecon left?
-a taiha ship uses up a damecon, finishes the battle in taiha, and still has another damecon left?
-a taiha ship uses up a repair goddess, does not finish the battle in taiha, and has no damecon left?
-a taiha ship uses up a repair goddess, does not finish the battle in taiha, and still has another damecon left?

>> No.15248890

>And will it stay red
And will it go red*

>> No.15248892

>drop lag
>looked at drops earlier, it can only be 1 out of 3
>2 would be favorable results
>it gives you the unwanted 3rd result

>> No.15248897
File: 105 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160517-18500264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU'RE NOT HARUKAZE but I'll fucking take you

>> No.15248903
File: 2 KB, 413x25, Urakaze guns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, another girl to farm late model guns off, eh?

>> No.15248910

If a ship's status is taiha after a battle (even if they have damecon/repair team equipped), the screen will be red. If they use a damecon/repair team and their status isn't taiha after using it, the screen won't be red, but if they get taiha'd again then it will be red again.
It just checks if a ship is currently in taiha when the UI updates, which is when you go into the results screen or go into night battle. That's about all it does. The screen stops being red when you use FCF because they aren't technically in the fleet anymore.

>> No.15248913

Iowa's pronunciation is amazing.

>> No.15248918

Interesting. Thanks for the info.

>> No.15248920

What a waste of time.

>> No.15248926

I like how Fujikawa goes out of her way to copy the Asashio class rigging and improve it in every way. I still wish I had her in my fleet.

>> No.15248932

You won't be saying that in 2 years. :^)

>> No.15248936
File: 351 KB, 552x748, 1416213868652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't trust her, she's the enemy.

>> No.15248941

I don't know why I find that wedding line and sunset line so fucking cute given how bad the VAs pronunciation is.

Agreed, I find what Konishi did with Kasumi and especially Ooshio really disappointing. Would rather see how Fujikawa would do their Kai Ni.

>> No.15248956
File: 760 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160517-12081139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleared hard this morning using kamo route (BEGIJMN) for both last dance and otherwise. Brought Hayasui for last dance.

Easy route to boss once you get past the troll subs at B, and Dyson (usually misses, just FCF if she connects with something).

>> No.15248969

>DDs on the bottom
You really like rolling the dice don't you?

>> No.15248976

I laughed hard at "most volleyball player".

>> No.15248985

Do you really think DD can finish any of those enemies off?

>> No.15248986

So it's not just me who hear it that way.

>> No.15248990

I officially believe that air defense does fuck all and is a waste of an air base. My bases got shredded and still raised hell on the boss node. Fix your shit, Tanaka.

>> No.15248996


>> No.15248998

What benefit does Hayasui provide?

>> No.15248999

Air defense is a meme. Go all out.

>> No.15249000

Why is Iowa kissing me in her MVP line? I have a wife.

>> No.15249008

Probably thanks you for helping her be number one and loves you or something.

>> No.15249022

Kissing in Amurica is like saying hello.

>> No.15249023
File: 266 KB, 520x838, ooyodo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally cleared E-5 after the 1-hp survival battle.

Now to let loose my best ships.

>> No.15249024

Consider it a greeting from a relative or something.

>> No.15249031

Has anyone tried gun cut-in against an installation? Maybe it's actually good this time.

>> No.15249036

I tried, with the Italians. It isn't.

>> No.15249038

I got sick of my heavier hitters getting wrecked in night battle while the DDs took their turns scratching things ineffectually so I switched the order.

Seemed to increase evasion a bit in the boss battle. Without her resupply the himes basically never missed and just blew up everything they shot at. With it they miss maybe 2-3 attacks per battle in total?

>> No.15249052

I either blueprint Chikuma or Fusou. What's more important to the event?

>> No.15249055

Both are

>> No.15249062

If you already have 3+ CAVs blueprint Fusou, otherwise blueprint Chikuma.

>> No.15249065

Go for Fusou, she has at least some use in E6.

>> No.15249071

So I just went to check ranking since I finished the event with tons of spare. Saiki Bay already hit 1k point while mine is still below 900.

>> No.15249073

Sukumo is still at 928, too.

>> No.15249075

Thanks, anons.

>> No.15249076
File: 857 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160518-01243181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it only took 71 runs!

>> No.15249079


Not even one of my runs got to the boss. Guess you can be happy.

>> No.15249082

E7D? Which difficulty?

>> No.15249087

She sees you as family. Like an uncle or close cousin.

>> No.15249096

Like a daddy

>> No.15249103

I for one am glad it is Yoshinori doing usn ships.

>> No.15249115

Hrm, 2.8k Bauxite left for me

If I can consistently destroy the boss in E-7 if I can reach her, will it be enough for last dance?

>> No.15249117
File: 423 KB, 900x1307, 56776207_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Did 50 runs on medium but then switched to easy because it was eating my bauxite too fast.

>> No.15249118
File: 153 KB, 416x1000, CiqlRP-UYAASP6K.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monkeygirl did it with less than 50k baux for the whole event and she has a job.

>> No.15249130

I love Arare and Yura

>> No.15249132

Admirals are sugar daddies.

>> No.15249138

Should have farmed e6l on hard. Got her like in 5 runs.

>> No.15249141

Tips for E6 hard last dance? I'm going with CA+armydog+2CV+Fusous/1CL+2DD+CLT+2CA and air attack support fleet. Can't seem to blap the boss.

>> No.15249146
File: 328 KB, 727x1000, 73e89a377cdce265cecd3075f2e063fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was tricked by all the fan art that made kaga look like this. when I found out she actually looked like a potato I was so mad I decided I would play without using any of them.

she drops from L node so you don't even have to go to the boss. air bases should do all the work for me.

what about kamo? I had to turn chiyoda into a carrier so I want to get another seaplane tender so I can still do expedition 36 without needing a duplicate.

>> No.15249152

Keep going til you luck out with the airstrike meme.

>> No.15249159


I'm under 100k fuel/ammo right now.

Seems like it's kuso mode time for E7 for me. I should've stockpiled more...

>> No.15249160

Damn, I used Hayasui and they still managed to fuck everything up.

>> No.15249162
File: 173 KB, 300x300, TAITEI AS FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamo should be your priority. Then both the ducky and Hayasuck.

>> No.15249165

Do you guys put your fighters on the bottom of the list and bombers on top in your land bases? Or fighters on top and strongest bombers on the bottom?

>> No.15249169

literally and who

>> No.15249173

Why do you do this to yourself.

>> No.15249174
File: 643 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160518-01435721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do I even farm this.

>> No.15249180


Were you also tricked into thinking Graf doesn't look like a corpse and that Kuso Ichishit ships look good?

>> No.15249184


you add a submarine to your second fleet and pray that you dont get double line, but its mostly praying that you dont get double line.

>> No.15249185

No you're just a retard.

>> No.15249190

I have 2CAV and Akitsumaru left, with E5 and E6 still before me. What do I use where?

>> No.15249192
File: 108 KB, 751x459, weiutcbweui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15249196


>> No.15249197

yoshinori, parsley, conishi, and even ichiso ships all look cute enough in their official art. I wasn't expecting zun tier disparity with shibafu.

>> No.15249206

Please tell me the double line formation isn't guaranteed on last dance. I'm just doing this so I can get kamo for easier routing.

>> No.15249210

Akitsu Maru in E6
1-2 CAV in E5, 0-1 CAV in E6

How many WG42 do you have? Which CL do you plan to use for E6?

>> No.15249220

>I was so mad I decided I would play without using any of them.
>begs for help for months
>calls others autistic
>still does
Maybe you also have autism.

>> No.15249235

I still don't get why she becomes a bird at the end there.

>> No.15249238

call it what you want, I'm playing with ships that I like. I don't know why anyone would bother playing this game just to use ships they don't like.

>> No.15249239

Just 4CV your way to victory if you already hit last dance.

>> No.15249242

>I don't know why anyone would bother playing this game just to use ships they don't like
But I don't dislike any ships

>> No.15249243


>> No.15249245
File: 21 KB, 287x430, OS2U_171_Character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15249255

Or rather get fucked in the ass by CV Hime.

>> No.15249257

Woah, the fairy has a bird.

>> No.15249261

the 4CV route involved me losing over 70K fuel & ammo, 50K steel, 20K bauxite, 4 damecons. 1 repair goddess, 2 resupply drums, 200 buckets and my will to live just for last dance yesterday .

>> No.15249262

Please die irl. Just die.

>> No.15249266

It's not the fault of the Shibafu ships that you got tricked by the fanart. If anything, the fault is yours, and yours alone.

>> No.15249271

She also has striped thigh highs.

>> No.15249277

What? You were even using hayasuck?
Did you also bring useless hotel too? What with those steel usage?

>> No.15249289

Why would you have a will to live in the first place to lose?

>> No.15249297

I hate it when memestrike misses the boss.

>> No.15249300

You mean all every E-7 last dance attempt I've had so far?

>> No.15249302
File: 689 KB, 1199x1364, 50079315_p7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yura is a very good girl.

>> No.15249310

I'm still chipping e-6 but I feel your pain.

>> No.15249322

Cute legs

>> No.15249355
File: 611 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160518-09284816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15249393

Had the same shit happen to me about an hour ago and now I got taihas on subs two times in a row.

>> No.15249411

At this point it's just another tick on the countdown to kuso.
It hurts more to know I could have finished it in day battle if I hadn't gotten red T.

>> No.15249420
File: 289 KB, 852x1200, less profile than yura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some motivate me to farm this event's useless trophy DD.
She drops from an annoying, resource-intensive node.
She doesn't even get good equip.
Her design just seems so bland.
Her character is unremarkable.
Her voice isn't cute.

>> No.15249425

She has a high drop rate. Do you not want to colle em all?

>> No.15249428

And this art is shit too.

>> No.15249431

That artist has a serious sameface problem.

>> No.15249434

In the end, you'd still fap to her doujins.

>> No.15249436
File: 28 KB, 116x158, dex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15249439

To keep your Kagerou Collection complete.

>> No.15249454

>seems so bland.
Because she is really bland. All black colors is not visually attractive.

>> No.15249463



>> No.15249466

ASMR http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/kancolle/images/4/4e/Oyashio-03.ogg

>> No.15249467

>Triple tokitsu drop on E4

>> No.15249499

>high drop rate



>> No.15249504

The damn air raid node has a very high retreat rate, I'm throwing away resources.

>> No.15249508
File: 587 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160518-10024048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't wanna sparkle three fleets just to chip this stupid map, I don't have it in me

>> No.15249512

It's her thin linearts causing the magic.

>> No.15249517
File: 598 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160517-03175238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

place yer bets

>> No.15249518

Too bad, because that's how you clear it on hard.

>> No.15249522


>> No.15249524

Henderson 2 takes out Tone, Rus survive and take out Hyuuga and Ise does shit damage to her.

>> No.15249533

I'm sure you have a couple of Mamiya and Irakos just waiting to be used.

>> No.15249540

Yeah I have a stash, and I wouldn't mind using them for last dance, but god knows how many it'd take just to get there and there's still two maps. I honestly wish they were cost effective, if I could spend like $10 to not have to sparkle the entire event I'd do it in a heartbeat

>> No.15249542

Chuuha'd DDs choke, Shigure hits boss for no damage, Ise gets taken out, Hyuuga kills a Ru. Tone fails to do anything.

>> No.15249552

Is there any possibility that the skip feature would be added like on vita?

>> No.15249556
File: 679 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160517-03181600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ise saves the day

I have to say 3DD 2BBV 1 CAV worked a lot more consistently for me than 4DD 2CAV. Still had to sparkle main fleet and node support fleet. Tone was Zuiun mule. If you have two seaplane fighters, you even have a good change of AS on the boss node.

>> No.15249572

Won't that be hammering the already hammered server by a lot? The amount of API requests are large enough as is, anyway. Also, chinks using cheat engine + KCV speedhack combo were getting banned before.

>> No.15249579

How important are seaplane fighters in this event?

>> No.15249585

Is there any much more frustrating game than this?

>> No.15249587

Not at all.

Wait for summer.

>> No.15249588

Real life.

>> No.15249592

Well, 1-1 would be enough.

>> No.15249598

On E-5 4DD 2CAV route, would using a Searchlight and a Star Shell be worthwhile, or take one off and use something else?

>> No.15249601

Real life is a piece of cake compared to kancolle. All you have to do is get a degree and suck up to get connections.

>> No.15249605

No, night scout would but getting AS is very unlikely.

>> No.15249614

I didn't use node support for chipping. Just use line abreast and pray on the preboss node.

>> No.15249618

>voice isn't cute

>> No.15249622

Apparently I'm not even allowed to do full Yuu farm runs anymore. Taiha on node F.

>> No.15249627


>> No.15249629

Which do you think would be better to take off then? Searchlight taunt or Star Shell enhanced yasen

>> No.15249640

No unless you are a newfag without WG42.
Ducky with AACI
3DD with 2xDucky Gun and WG42
2CAV with zuiun12, sanshiki and double gun

>> No.15249645

>2CAV with zuiun12, sanshiki and double gun
You mean Type 2 Kai.

>> No.15249649
File: 99 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160517-21420008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15249653

Searchlight gives accuracy, aggro and guaranteed to activate. Star shell is not guaranteed.

>> No.15249658

Alright, thanks anon

>> No.15249661
File: 404 KB, 2091x1850, MySupplies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help! My Akagi is a traitor to glorious Nippon.

>> No.15249663

y'arrr matey

>> No.15249664

Do you need S Ranks for this because A is the best I can afford right now. Yes, even in kusomode.

>> No.15249681

Is there a Roma/Littorio farming comp?

>> No.15249707

6 airstrikes kill off enough to consistently S rank the node in daytime shelling for me. Poi-stats is showing a pissful 2.5% drop rate on A ranks compared to the (already shitty for me, +60 runs til I got her) 7% rate from S ranks.

>> No.15249722

>Six S-ranks into E7D-easy
>Two drops
It's going to be like this for the next hundred runs, isn't it?

>> No.15249724

I-I'm not the only who who listens to the Free Planets Alliance anthem instead of this event's battle BGM when sortieing r-right?

>> No.15249754

Are there any prostrats to the memestrike? I'm running x3 dive bombers x1 Reppuu on all CVs and they're only doing 200~400 damage. One time they even completely missed the boss.

Do I just have to pray for a miraculous crit?

>> No.15249756
File: 616 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160517-20460457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 fighters 1 land bomber x 2 to the boss with AACI and 2 seaplane fighters would be enough for air parity and possibly disable Lycoris. You might even get AS with Ise class here because of their larger slot size. Doing it with 4DD 2CAV is suffering mode.

>> No.15249758

The only thing you can do is pray, there's really no trick to it.

>> No.15249771

Only trick is getting S ranks on at least 2 of the nodes mentioned in the tweet and then hoping for the best.

>> No.15249780

Do the full debuff and you'll find big numbers happening slightly more often.

>> No.15249788

>Doing it with 4DD 2CAV is suffering mode.
Only if you don't sparkle. I cleared it within 9 runs with sparkled fleet and node support.

>> No.15249821

iowa's voice was a mistake. worse than abukuma.

>> No.15249833

>worse than abukuma
Let's not get ahead of ourselves, at least Iowa's broken English can be funny.

>> No.15249835

I'm glad that Pola's voice is better than expected because Iowa's voice is really really terrible.

>> No.15249837

Abukuma is way more annoying.

>> No.15249840

I'll take MINNA-SAN over the crazy laughter any time

>> No.15249845

For those of you farming E7D on hard, how bad is it? Should I just switch over from farming easy or does it suck too much to justify the higher drop rate?

>> No.15249847

I've been listening to her voice clips too and sorry to say I still find Abukuma and Kongo when she shouts way more annoying.

>> No.15249856

See >>15249174

>> No.15249859

Let's just say I had the best fleet you could imagine, only to get fucked by double line DDWD with torp, hankousen and bad route support. That's how bad it is. If you haven't cleared E-7, try medium, else suck E-6 L. That's how I got Oyashio.

>> No.15249860



>> No.15249866

Hard is utter bullshit with two evil Hagikazes. Either do easy or if you can afford the larger bauxite bill medium.

>> No.15249881

Oh, if medium just a bauxite suck then I've got plenty to waste. Guess I'll try that.

>> No.15249889

Iowa's "english" is so fucking embarrassing I had to mute it every time or else I cringe.

>> No.15249901

Baka. You need gundam UC ost for last dance.

>> No.15249905

Unacceptable, prepare for your comeuppance

*unzips rakuyo*

>> No.15249911

It's only for the routes though!

>> No.15249920
File: 37 KB, 318x202, 1463273010181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she's no longer alone in the bullying side.

>> No.15249921

I listen to some kiseki and Ys tracks.

>> No.15249924


Let's see:
Thinks the attack on USS Panay was staged
Thinks the MV Behar massacre was fabricated
Username translates to "patriotic martyr"

Yeah, I think this was on purpose.

>> No.15249932
File: 108 KB, 292x274, 1460606934786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abukuma voice is totemo and ultra ok
Not sure what the big fuss is about. MVP of the event for me for fishing up yuu, oyashio and harukaze.

>> No.15249934

But was he even using an event stage to sink Iowa? I mean he wasn't really rage quitting.

>> No.15249941

>Username translates to "patriotic martyr"
It looks like "ocean beauty" to me

>> No.15249955

Consult a dictionary.

>> No.15249958


Vote now.

>> No.15249960
File: 602 KB, 800x480, 1460208417899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want off Tanaka's wild ride.

>> No.15249964

Could you have structured this a bit better?
I cleared E-8H, but there's just a regular E-8 option.

>> No.15249968

Now you vote idlekolle.

>> No.15249970

We idlekolle now.

>> No.15249972

It is not like E3 DF take effort. I am just trying to hoard more Yuu when I have free time.

>> No.15249980

But I'm farming extra Yuus while I can.
It's not quite busykolle, but it's certainly not idlekolle.

>> No.15249984

Wasnt martyr translated as 殉教者 (じゅんきょうしゃ)?

>> No.15249986

>MVP for farming
That's like getting a participation ribbon.

>> No.15249994

Is anybody farming for drops on E-4 hard?

>> No.15249996

憂国 is listed as "Patriotism"
憂国慨世 as "worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer patriotism"
烈士 as "upright man; patriot; hero"

So uh, yeah.

>> No.15250003

Still falls on idlekolle because of comfy farming.

>> No.15250007

>starting on E6 trying to debuff boss
Now the real ride begins.

>> No.15250010

How do you get your Tone and Ooyodo to survive to night battle phase? Mine never even get to shoot.

>> No.15250015

It is already 18 now and you only need 900points to get into top500 right now. This month top500 is a freebie man, gonna do like 5-4 once or twice a day while leveling Soryuu to grab the new jet plane.

>> No.15250018

Fairly certain that guy was referring to the ingame name, not the niconico dude. Just a misunderstanding

>> No.15250019

Fuck that, I hate ranking.

>> No.15250027

That screen shot is with Surface fleet. I've run both Surface and Carrier, each with their own mixed results, but I'm settling on Surface at least until I'm out of Hayasui refuels. Carrier's initial airstrike is great and I've seen it take out a Dyson, but after I've had Tone destroyed pretty much every single time before night battle starts.

Of course air raid effectiveness makes a huge difference, but praying to roll a win on the air raid gacha hasn't given me much success so far.

>> No.15250032
File: 214 KB, 366x464, 1448783153654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get Akashi
>already have 4 repair cranes
What do?

>> No.15250034

Ah. I was too lazy to actually watch the video. My bad

>> No.15250036

Make an Akashi harem.

>> No.15250037

Is route support essential in E-6?

>> No.15250038


Take cranes for kamo K2 and scrap.

>> No.15250039

Why is the OS2U so shit?

>> No.15250040

Set fleet1 and fleet2 as Akashi repair docks
Now you can repair 10boats!!!!

>> No.15250046

It is? It's the same as observation seaplane. Ro.43 is the shit one.

>> No.15250049
File: 339 KB, 702x372, OS2U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the same as observation seaplane.
I don't see it.

>> No.15250054


whats so bad about the Ro.43

>> No.15250057

Scroll down.

>> No.15250058

Shit nevermind I'm retarded and didn't see the +6 LoS on the OS2U, I guess the list is too long to show it in the equipment page and only shows up in the library entry.

>> No.15250061

4-5 this month is being a bigger bitch than the large majority of this event's maps

>> No.15250064

>LoS doesn't even show up
Bravo devs.

>> No.15250072

Use your middle mouse button m8. It is magic.

>> No.15250073

Worse stats than Type 0 Recon plane.

>> No.15250078

I didn't know this feature even existed.

>> No.15250083


+1 firepower and +2 accuracy is worse? Line of sight increases with proficiency by the way.

>> No.15250086

I'm using a laptop though. I keep forgetting the Yamato radar also gives 1 armor whenever I see it.

>> No.15250092

Not artillery spotting rate, which is the most important thing.

>> No.15250101


I have seen my Shiun equipped ships whiff many times and Ro.43 succeed in a daytime special attack often, I would say the entire artillery spotting rate affected by line of sight is just occult

>> No.15250106

where is my second yuu

>> No.15250115


>> No.15250117


>> No.15250149
File: 256 KB, 677x804, rTvYJTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to break through e7 last on hard for about 12 hours in a row.
What is wrong with this composition?

>> No.15250153

Switch Yodo and Yuki, replace blues with reds on the last fleet.

>> No.15250160

>useless hotels
>no fastsuck
How do you like your BB doing scratch damage to DDhime and BBhime?

>> No.15250161

found your problem.

>> No.15250164

I actually like his DDs rigging designs, they feel so natural. They are not over designed nor over the top, just simple destroyers.

>> No.15250166

Why reds, again? I just remember reading that blues can do better because there's only one installation.

>> No.15250172

Fastsuck is fucking useless. There was no noticeable difference with or without her.

>> No.15250174

Reds are best for support fleets, something about damage calculation.

>> No.15250175
File: 857 KB, 800x480, KanColle-160517-22040558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to go blow another 40k (and 100 runs) to get Sakawa.

>> No.15250180


>> No.15250182

Just do 6-2, it is an easy map.

>> No.15250183
File: 185 KB, 1279x721, opening strike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until this happens

>> No.15250187

Nice image quality, retard.

>> No.15250190

Frankly, those stats are probably too good. The OS2U was a very poor, obsolete plane in reality. Should of gone with the Seahawk if they wanted a good USN scout plane.

>> No.15250208

Seahawk entered the war too late.

>> No.15250213

That would be a Shiun equivalent, rare ranking only.

>> No.15250216

Last time I looked at that map, her drop rates were really shitty. Should have checked and saved myself some frustration.

>> No.15250217
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>> No.15250221


Her droprate at 6-2 IS really shitty. You shouldn't farm her there unless she's the last girl you need.

>> No.15250229

>didn't get Shitkawa from Spring 14

>> No.15250234

Is the gap between Ro.44 and Type 2 fighter in terms of air power significant? I'd rather build the cheapest one.

>> No.15250235

Her attack line is great

>> No.15250236

Leveling those land bomber before final form was a mistake.

>> No.15250241

You did the right thing, faggot.

>> No.15250246
File: 43 KB, 614x174, shitkawa drop rate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is the same m8. Don't believe the event drop rate hype, it is just as shitty. To be honest, you should have went and got her from 2014 spring. She has a 100% drop rate there.

>> No.15250248

They're dead. Diamond kills them.

>> No.15250252

Not as great as Pola

>> No.15250253

Anyone farming for Graf at E6?

>> No.15250258

I only had two dead in my land-based planes, and Nonaka was strong as a rock. That was when I leveled my planes BEFORE sortieng to E-7 hard.

>> No.15250260

From the nip wiki

>> No.15250261

translate it weebs

>> No.15250265

It is common knowledge.
When your base get BTFO, you will have to resupply your first slot.

>> No.15250266

Avoid putting bombers on first slot.

>> No.15250267
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>> No.15250268

help, my slots are getting clogged with kinugasas. I was going to keep them around to steal their guns at some point, but I might have to start scrapping them to make room for the stuff I was actually farming. am I really missing out?

just compare kiso with kitakami. kiso has all kinds of cool gear. kitakami's gun looks like a watering can.

>> No.15250269
File: 268 KB, 690x422, 1463249950385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw we'll get more Type 1 or better land-based planes in the future to compensate for the newfags

I'm ready.

>> No.15250273

Farm Mikuma, Kinugasa drops like candy at 5-4.

>> No.15250275

You get Kinugasas every other 5-4 run, just scrap them and get more later if you're out of slots.

>> No.15250276

>am I really missing out?
No. I have four 3gou at +6 and that's where they'll stay unless I get more threebear. I have an un-upgraded pair as well, but I was saving them in case I needed to upgrade them too.

I'm too lazy to farm 2gou even, I have four at +7 and four extra. Levelling CAs is a got-damn pain.

>> No.15250279

Torpedo bombers or dive bombers in Kidou for E-7 hard?

>> No.15250280

>I'm ready.
me too famb, a full Hard clears are the best feel.

>> No.15250284


>> No.15250302

>spending anything on getting something as shitty as Sakawa
Where were you last event, Sakawa dropped like candy at E-1.

>> No.15250303

As >>15250276 says, a +6 and a +7 CA gun will give +5 firepower, and the next point of firepower only comes at using a pair of +9s. Don't stress yourself out with farming unless you're autistic about it.

>> No.15250306

>Sakawa dropped like candy at E-1.
Are you fucking retarded, Mr. Anon? Even on Hard she was locked behind one specific comp that only appeared like 33% of the time.

>> No.15250308

I'm losing 300 bauxite a run farming e5 even though resupplying my planes is only costing around 100. is the other 200 that's disappearing from air raids? do I need to actually use my interceptors so I don't go broke?

>> No.15250311

I got 3 Sakawas before I got my Umikaze. She's a worthless shitter and you're a faggot.

>> No.15250317

Farm for who exactly? Is she really worth it?

>> No.15250323

So, Air Support Expedition or Bombardment Support for E-7 Last Dance?

>> No.15250342
File: 23 KB, 157x85, farm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the middle of farming Oyashio and I still have Kamikaze left as well, at what point should I give up if I want to clear on hard?

>> No.15250345

I literally got into this game because of Takao, specifically the fanart and nudes of her, and even after seeing her ingame art I still love her.

You're fucking weak teitoku, your shipgirls should be ashamed to have you as their commander.

>> No.15250346

amagi. yes, maybe. I have 21k bauxite left. will setting one base to defense really lower consumption?

>> No.15250347

torp. they deal surprisingly decent damage to the installation during shelling

>> No.15250349

takao is cute in-game though

>> No.15250351

The same for boss support?

>> No.15250359

It doesn't do anything to help, Amagi is shit.

>> No.15250364
File: 1.53 MB, 1823x1510, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, a moment of silence for the fairies that have lost their lives en route to Central this event.
[Taps plays]

>> No.15250370
File: 51 KB, 490x120, 1462253767399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairies are invincible

>> No.15250371

Fairies don't die, even their existence is closer to soul already.

>> No.15250373

Fairies are youkai. Kanmusu are youkai. They don't die. They merely come back in another form.

>> No.15250379

So if I sink a kanmusu, they'll come back?

>> No.15250380

They don't die

The 4koma said so

I can't hear you lalalala

>> No.15250383

they say dive works best. but 50/50 is pretty fair for me so far

>> No.15250389


Been on e7 last dance for about a week and a half. So many useless fairies have died.

>> No.15250390

Outside gameplay mechanics, probably not.

>> No.15250396

Yes but she's much different to her fanart.

Fanart makes her look more "anime" like, where as ingame makes her look way different to that.

Still waiting for her to get a Kai-2, I will wait forever until then and then marry her as my only ship married (unless this game lasts another 3-4 years at this quality, then I'll blow money on it due to fulltime employment)

>> No.15250398

>waiting for remodels to marry
That is dangerously close to statsfagging, just fucking do it.

>> No.15250400
File: 112 KB, 690x423, e-7 chip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically just copied a guy, but how does this look for chipping E-7? I've got 12 barrels, is that enough?

>> No.15250404

>barrels for chipping


>> No.15250405

Guess I'll be farming her there next month after EOs.

>you should have went and got her from 2014 spring
If we're building time machines then I may as well get an ID1 Ooi while I'm at it.

>> No.15250407

They'll come back, just that you won't be the one who will see them again.

>> No.15250408

Actually, it's much more innocent than statfagging, it's because IIRC apparently when you rewatch your marriage ceremony you only see the form you married and not their current form.

So if the K2 art is better than the current art of course I'd want to go for that art to marry. I want my Shipfu to look at her best when I marry her.

>> No.15250410

Unless you don't mind buying barrels later, I wouldn't bother using them for chipping runs.

It makes things easier, but you're going to burn through them quickly if you use them for chipping.

>> No.15250411

Should I throw a reppuu or something there instead then?

>> No.15250412

>Still waiting for [Takao] to get a Kai-2
Isn't her artist on the list of ones that don't do anything with the game anymore?

>> No.15250415

I wish barrels actually helped.

>> No.15250423

Isn't it a different artist that does Maya and Choukai though?

I'd think they'd bring them over to do Atago and Takao if they were to give them a Kai-2.

Otherwise hopefully the artist would return someday, I like their new artstyle and I can still see Takao in their current character design's.

>> No.15250425

Alright, thanks. So I go 1 AA 2 Sortie for the land base and spam blues/reds for boss support, right?

>> No.15250457

Should I just use all my rice balls instead of sparkling?
They're taking up too much space

>> No.15250464

I only have one seaplane fighter. What do I put on kamo for E7 last dance?

>> No.15250466

5 WGs. I have Sakawa, Ooyodo, Yuubari, Abukuma, Sendai and Isuzu left from the better ones.

>> No.15250472

Right. Do you also have Akizuki-class and/or a DD that can carry tanks? If so, how many of each?

>> No.15250484

Akizuki and Teruzuki left; Mutsuki left, but I could also bucket-level Kisaragi or Ooshio, I guess.

>> No.15250504
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>> No.15250507

Fuckin why the hell can't Katori/Kashima equip star shells? Bullshit.

>> No.15250521

To prevent them from being yasen mules.

>> No.15250522

They will be able to once Kashii is introduced :^)

>> No.15250526

Good god, how unstoppable will HER memes be? First Katori, then Kashima took things so much further. I'm scared anons.

>> No.15250531
File: 103 KB, 800x480, 2016-05-18 15-11-34 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this map.

>> No.15250532

What LBAS setup should I go for kuso modo for easy pre-last dance kills?

I've currently got

Type 0 52, Ryuusei Kai x2, Type 1 LBAA
Type 0 52, Ryuusei Kai, Ryuusei, Type 96 LBAA
Type 0 52, Ryuusei, Tenzan, Type 96 LBAA

going, with the first two on offensive and the last on defensive, would this be enough good enough or should I do something else?
Basically just copying some video I just watched as I have little idea what's considered good and what's not.

>> No.15250541

Nah, only Ooshio applies. Kasumi, Satsuki and Bep also apply but I kind of find it hard to believe you locked all 3 for E2.

Anyway, you have 2 options.

Option 1:
Akizuki-class + 3 more DD + CA + CAV
3 WG42 on one DD, 1 WG42 2 guns on each of the rest
Zuiun on CAV, sanshiki on each of CA and CAV

Ooyodo + Akizuki-class + Ooshio + DD/CLT + CA + CAV
Ooyodo with 2 guns 2 WG42s
DD with 2 guns 1 WG42/CLT with standard setup
CA with night scout + sanshiki, CAV with WG42 + sanshiki
Ooshio with remaining WG42(s) + tank(s)

Option 2:
Akizuki-class + 3 more DD + 2 CAV
2 WG42 1 gun on one DD, 1 WG42 2 guns on each of the rest
Zuiun + sanshiki on one CAV, WG42 + sanshiki on the other CAV

Ooyodo + Akizuki-class + Ooshio + DD/CLT + CA + CAV
Ooyodo with 2 guns 2 WG42s
Ooshio with 2 WG42s + tank
DD with 2 guns 1 WG42/CLT with standard setup
2 CA with night scout + sanshiki

-You can go with standard 2 gun 1 WG42 on all non-Akizuki-class instead, if you want to. Stacking extra WG42 just seems more effective to me.
-You should know what to give Akizuki-class.

>> No.15250542

>kuso mode
Fuck off.

>> No.15250549

I used zero to clear. You don't need to use it.

>> No.15250551

You probably should have already.

>> No.15250555

I'm fairly sure I said 'kuso modo' teitoku, don't make things up.

>> No.15250557

Think you should use the strongest bombers last desu

>> No.15250562

>Iowa is almost close to 50 so that I don't have to resupply or splash a bucket on her

I never raged so hard in my fucking life.

>> No.15250564

I tried this, wolocaust on A will shred you. Just go STF.

>> No.15250566

>Kasumi, Satsuki and Bep also apply
I only have Bep. I have been neglecting my leveling. Thanks anyway, mate.

>> No.15250569
File: 534 KB, 800x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so apparently if you send fighter bombers to air raid nodes they can damage the boss. I wonder what would happen if you were able to kill her somehow.

type 52 x3 / ryusei
type 52 x2 / ryusei x2
type 52 / type 96 x2 / type 1 x1

I used this for all runs. put all 6 on boss node.

>> No.15250574

Arigatou Teitoku-san, I'll replace the Ryuusei's with Kai where I can, however.

>> No.15250575

I've sortied once and it worked okay (had to FCF choukai at 2xWo). What would the STF comp look like, replace a crane?

>> No.15250576

Why can't we level flying boats with the land based system?

>> No.15250590

either 2 CVL or 1 CV and whatever you think is necessary to get damage in main fleet. Your escort fleet is fine as is.

>> No.15250591

How viable is it for me to farm Harukaze on easy before clearing on hard? Ships are not a worry. Resources are 84/83/98/40 744 buckets. But I can't play this weekend, and I'll be gone from the 27th. Currently at E7

>> No.15250592

Alright, I'll switch to that if Wo's prove too much. Thanks.

>> No.15250607

Easy as fuck mate. Expensive because you use your LBAS, but if you're doing it on Easy you can easily S-rank the boss in day battle. Plus, the droprate is still ~5-7 in Easy.

>> No.15250610

Persley can't express the THICK quality of Takao and Atago.

>> No.15250621

Fuck, I'm really not looking forward to AA modernizing 8 new ships.

>> No.15250629

New thread >>15250616

>> No.15250630

CVLs and the occasional CV drop pretty commonly in Orel, it'll happen naturally enough.

>> No.15250675

That's why I still hold hope that one day Mikoto Akemi will return.

Their new art style (or nowadays art style) looks way cleaner and modern that I think they'd be able to produce really good looking Takao and Atago Kai-ni's, it'd be a real shame for them to never return.

I can't imagine an artist change for Kai-ni turning out well.

>> No.15250684

Probably nothing, it's a nice detail though.

>> No.15250799

How the fuck do these planes work? They keep getting shot down like crazy

>> No.15250806

When they get pewpew, they go bang and drop from the sky.

>> No.15250818

Reenacting kamikaze planes m8.

>> No.15250850

Devs already said they will never add suicide units when the game first opened. Even the shipgirls are against it.

>> No.15251049

This. That's why I'm waiting for Kuma Kai Ni. Yahagi might steal my heart with some seasonal art though. Hurry up, UGUME.

>> No.15251170

I still find their decision hypocritical when they let players be able to sink their own shipgirls.

>> No.15251465

Nonaka is probably one of the most infamous suicide bomber in WW2.

>> No.15251530

This wouldn't be the first suicide equipment in the game. Type A are Kaiten in everything but the name. Just because it's not discussed openly in the lore doesn't mean it's something different.

>> No.15251658

So now that air bases have been implemented, when are we getting Leyte?

>> No.15251759

Any good lewd puchicolle r34 images out there ?

>> No.15251773


>> No.15251778

>reply limit

Go to the new thread already.

>> No.15251783

Learn to read.

>> No.15251980

But puchicolle sucks.
