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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15199714 No.15199714 [Reply] [Original]

Has he streamed since? I need to know what happened afterward.

>> No.15199757

I hate how people make fun of this poor guy

Lost all his possessions and apartment, and was the laughing stock of JP Streamers

>> No.15199789

give the gamer some peace, please.

>> No.15200199

That's what he gets for smoking.

>> No.15200245

yup, this

he should have had an extinquisher handy, or at least a bucket of water

>> No.15200265

I usually keep a bucket of water around while I smoke indoors to keep this kind of crap from happening. It pays to be prepared, minna

>> No.15200296

You can buy a fire extinguisher anywhere dude, it would help a little bit more if something happened

>> No.15200544

Due to bullying after the event I hear he moved to Canada.

Retard, buy an extinguisher. Water will just cause more problems if the fire is near an electrical socket.

>> No.15200594

He deserves it. Hell, he should have comitted seppuku.

>> No.15203278
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>Due to bullying after the event I hear he moved to Canada.
Cheeky anon.

>> No.15203652

He deserves to get made fun of.

>> No.15214781

Who's this guy?

>> No.15214788

Japanese streamer who burned his block of flats down

>> No.15214865

A woman inside his apartment complex died and the whole place burned down.

>> No.15214912


He was living with his parents at the time the accident occord.

After finding out that the video reached around 7,000,000 views on youtube, his parents want nothing to do with him and kicked him out.

he was last seen in an internet cafe a few days later playing Mabinogi. weather he still lives in the cafe or not is unknown.

>> No.15214916

did the minecraft man actually kill someone or was that an unrelated fire?

>> No.15214939

Is that video still there?

>> No.15214973

Life must be really hard as the pariah of Japan. His most shameful moment recorded for all to see, and people probably recognize him on the street and give him mean looks. I feel sorry for the guy.

>> No.15215100
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Nobody died, someone who came to check got scalded (no details on what degree) and just 37sqm of the second floor burned down (basically just the guy's room).

>> No.15215148

The original was taken down, but there are lots or reuploads.

>> No.15215922


Its 2016, who the hell still smokes?

(weed is a different and better alternative)

>> No.15215986

>Its 2016
Fuck off with this bullshit. Current year is not an argument.
>who the hell still smokes?
Idiots who will then whine they have no money.

>> No.15224070

I dont understand how someone could be so brainless and do every single thing wrong.

>> No.15224131

all gooks look the same he should just shave his head and remove the glasses and no one would recognize him anymore.

>> No.15224170

Well, for starters, everyone in Japan.
>better alternative
Japan doesn't have a drug culture like we do. "Just" weed will get you serious time.

>> No.15224618

>Japan doesn't have a drug culture like we do.

I remember in 2006-2008 I could find sites in Japanese which would produce weird-ass opiate derivatives which were unregulated. I know you can find this in China today, but I remember that they were being made in Japan.

Don't know what came of that.

>> No.15225155

>Retard, buy an extinguisher.
Missed the opportunity to say "retard, buy a retardant"

>> No.15227942

Research chemicals including synthetic derivatives for morphine. Can be really dangerous.

Didn't Japan supposed to be have a huge meth problem after the war? They do have a drug culture what the fuck are you idiots talking about. It's not all about cute pink kawaii anime girls...

>> No.15228046

Drug culture means "420 blaze it faget XDD"

>> No.15228051

They make fun of him because he responded to the situation like a dipshit... A child should know better than to do what he did.

>> No.15228059

People don't always think straight when they panic.

>> No.15228132

>do every single thing wrong.

>Put a flaming piece of paper inside a bag full of other pieces of paper
>Moved the flaming bag of papers into a corner filled with cardboard boxes
>Instead of smothering the fire with his blanket, he fanned it
Wow, yeah. He really did EVERYTHING wrong.

>> No.15228138

Stop making fun of him please.

>> No.15228176

>he responded to the situation like a dipshit
What did he do?

>> No.15228182
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>he was last seen in an internet cafe a few days later playing Mabinogi

>> No.15228185


>> No.15228218

Well, that was painful to watch. Thanks.

>> No.15228233


>> No.15228682
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Oh shit it's like what not to do when there's a fire.

>> No.15230416


>> No.15232363

>live on twitch

wouldn't this have been on nico nico or some shit?

>> No.15232562

Yeah, it was Nico. Normies can't get facts right, not surprising at alll.

>> No.15232567

surely that fire is the work of the semen arsonist

>> No.15232594

They were even making fun of the "girl with the creepy/retarded voice" on "skype/teamspeak".

>> No.15232607

Yeah that's cum alright. At least smells like it.

>> No.15234721

as a person who work on a ship and do advance firefighting training regularly that's actually painful to watch
I wonder if the guy was just clueless what to do or just plain stupid
Do japanese have basic safety training or something like that in school?

>> No.15235734

What's he community number?

>> No.15235757

Stop bullying this poor guy

>> No.15235880

Shoulda switched to vaping LOL.

>> No.15235886
File: 272 KB, 400x300, 420 swag yolo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its 2016
Current year meme

Opinion discarded

>> No.15239779

This guy is my brother actually and he thinks the whole thing is pretty funny in retrospect

>> No.15240037

What a coincidence! My uncle also works for Nintendo!

>> No.15240362

That's because they were using it like it was coffee. Would you say a country has a drug culture because they drink a lot of coffee?

>> No.15240388

Fuck off, if he wasn't Japanese you would have shit on him as well.

>> No.15240635

Nope. Fuck right off yourself, that dude lost all his stuff. Burned down a whole apartment building. Go back to your prank videos kid. Oh sorry "Social Experiments lolswag 420 blaze it" videos.

>> No.15240639

Holy sheet, maybe he knows my dad who is also working at Nintendo!

>> No.15240648

Did someone enter his room and burned his shit as a shitty prank? No, the absolute moron did all that by himself. To defend a retard like that you must be like him.

>> No.15240657

If I wanted my come back I'd go get it off your dad's back.

>> No.15240660

He fucking tried to put out a fire using cardboard.

I understand being under pressure but come on

>> No.15243451


>> No.15245906


>> No.15248202

Oh. My god. I decided to search for "japanese streamer" on YouTube, and I think I found it.

I haven't clicked on it yet and have only seen the thumbnail. I feel so bad. I don't know if I want to see it.

>> No.15248263
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>> No.15248286

>To defend a retard like that you must be like him.

I think what he did was really, really stupid. And I have to admit, I'm alarmed that I could feel squirts of dopamine even though it was really hard for me to watch.

But because someone says to stop making fun of him doesn't mean that they're just like him. Maybe the idea is that they're pointing-out how it's tragic that something as revolutionary and humanity-catapulting as *the fucking Internet* is, and quite often, used to make fun of and abuse people.

I know it's pointless to try and play nanny and say "don't make fun of him", but the Internet is an amazing tool, and it saddens me how people often use it to destroy and humilate instead.

>> No.15251477

thats fucked up

>> No.15251588

To be fair, he kinda deserves to be mocked.
Playing around with a lightern, then putting cardboard by a fire.
It's a shame he wasnt younger, then we could see it as a childhood event that creates a quiet brooding character who trains every day in school, his dream to become a firefighter and fight the fires that killed his waifu and destroyed his home.

>> No.15251594

Sounds like a prequel to some gay shit.

>> No.15251936


Thread music

>> No.15255550

Sorry, what was that about? Got a link?

>> No.15255560




>> No.15255638

It was in the comment section of the youtube video posted.

>> No.15255708

That is what your dad keeps saying when I'm balls deep in his ass. Weird.

>> No.15255729

I didn't understand more than 2% of the whale song, anyone wanna translate?

>> No.15255737

This is why you go outside to smoke

>> No.15255915

they were talking about bouyomi-chan

>> No.15255954
File: 12 KB, 250x250, ls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who the hell still smokes?

This. \//\

Go green.

>> No.15256062

I like the look of the smoke a lot better.

>> No.15256560

He is an idiot. But a poor idiot, at that.

>> No.15256591

I have no sympathy for facecamming lets players.

>> No.15256734

I almost felt the same way but that guy is way too old to not only fuck up so hard but make it worse every step of the way. I probably would not handle the situation as smoothly as I imagine but I also don't typically mess with fire.

>> No.15257360


Go back to your uni campus please

>> No.15257939

>That's because they were using it like it was coffee.

You usually don't put opiates in beverages, for starters.

>> No.15261766

The way Twitch has it set up lately you pretty much have no choice if you want to get anywhere. I avoided facecamming for the longest time but you just can't afford not to unless you're just doing it as a hobby or something.

>> No.15261855

holy shit I might be in the same guild as him

>> No.15261961

The biggest and arguably most accomplished streamer on twitch doesn't have a facecam. A lot of RTS streamers don't have facecams.

It's a matter of what kind of streamer you are. Is your bread and butter being an entertainer or is it being good at a game?

>> No.15261975

Well okay, I can agree that if you already have an established reputation and fanbase, or else are in the top 0.0001% of players and your skill alone can draw viewers, then sure. Otherwise you need the facecam.

>> No.15261995

Retaining viewership isn't as simple as having a facecam.

>> No.15262010

Of course not, but it makes it much easier. Without a facecam you are forced to attract viewers solely on the merits of your gameplay, which is very difficult for most people.

>> No.15262023

You can still talk without a facecam.

>> No.15265800

Weed doesn't have the same image in Japan as it does in the US. Japanese people are brainwashed to think it's as bad as heroin or something.

>> No.15277136


>> No.15277273

Lmao are you for real right now? Murrica used to have actual cocaine in coke was that okay?

>> No.15277346

In the sense that the government encouraged everyone to do meth because it made people both work harder and eat less (both useful traits when rebuilding bombed-out, starving country), yes.

Whatever drug culture they have today is pretty far removed from what was going on back then.

>> No.15280003

In the quantities there it was harmless.

>> No.15280127

Weed is treated as same as meth in this fakken country. There's only one option, smoking.

>> No.15280238

Or be a sane person

>> No.15280694
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Be a sane person and take RCs!

>> No.15280835

Or drink.

Do people really need more than one vice?
