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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1518218 No.1518218 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day? If you're a NEET, why is it that you're here? What exactly do you do all day; if you're on the computer, where do you go and what else do you do? Do you do anything else during the day? What do you eat during the day? If you live at home, do you try to ignore your family or do you communicate and are useful around them? Are you actively trying to find a job, find your own place, or perhaps find help?

If you go to school, what do you study? Do you have any idea or plans as to what you're doing afterward; do you think you would actually do something with your schooling? If you're working, what do you do? Are you trying to better yourself?

>> No.1518221


>> No.1518227

That's a lot of question. Before I consider answering, I want to ask, why do you wish to know?

>> No.1518232

So many questions.....

Well since you ask: Im attendind university, getting a chemistry degree followed by (hopefully) getting a phd and then spending the rest of my life cooped up in a lab somewhere

>> No.1518236

Too many questions. I'm gonna go sleep for 12 hours or something. Also, I eat whatever my parents make.

>> No.1518237

I go to college and live in an apartment with two guys. My major is psychology and I plan to become a psychotherapist (I know that probably angers many of you).

I don't believe that there is any purpose in life yet I still find myself going through the everyday motions of work and school. I constantly wonder why I do this. I think I'm going to college so that my future has more options, but I still don't foresee myself doing anything meaningful with that future. At the very least school gives me something to do, because I have no idea what I would be doing otherwise.

>> No.1518238

It'll be nice to know each other.

As for I, I am a first-year dropout and am afraid to go outside and talk with people. I spend all day in front of the computer, mainly refreshing 4chan and desperately trying to get myself interested in something. I make myself some food when no one is home or everyone is sleeping, but I usually just eat pasta and make the sauce everyday. I am very away from my mother and even though I want to live alone, can't bring myself to do anything about it.

>> No.1518240

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
School, homework, WAR, /jp/, watch movies

>NEET questions
N/A, as I go to school

>If you go to school, what do you study?
Electrical Engineering

>Do you have any idea or plans as to what you're doing afterward; do you think you would actually do something with your schooling?
Make metric fucktons of money doing something I enjoy, build awesome house, die cold and alone.

>If you're working, what do you do?
I don't work while at college, but I have done/plan on doing co-ops in either programming or engineering.

>> No.1518253

I got a job about a week ago. I already miss living a completely free life. I guess this is life though. It's only part time anyway. I guess I can actually get to buy some weeaboo accessories instead of bookmarking them and looking at them every now and then.

>> No.1518260

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
Study, browse 4chan, watch animu, listen to audiobooks, do papercraft, practice on the piano, exercise.

>If you live at home, do you try to ignore your family or do you communicate and are useful around them?
I live with my mom and try to avoid talking to her too often, but we usually end up eating dinner together and talking once in a while. Wish I could shorten it down a bit.

>If you go to school, what do you study?
Some shitty mix of marketing, security, business economics and administration. Study it at home and only do it because it's the fastest way I can finish my education.

>Do you have any idea or plans as to what you're doing afterward; do you think you would actually do something with your schooling?
I kinda want to become a musician, though at this point it isn't too realistic. I mostly plan for my education to serve as an extender for my options of income.

>> No.1518263

It's not that bad I guess. Anyone who isn't me would be loving their life if they were in my shoes. It was better when I could do what I wanted and not have to answers questions from people I don't even know, however.

On second thought, this actually sucks pretty badly. I barely get to listen to jpop anymore, I haven't had the time for anime in a few days, and I just feel weird and akward when I'm at work.

>> No.1518335
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>> No.1518281

I go to school, but this is not always the case. I've interspersed a couple of almost-years of work in with the education. There have also been a few months of doing nothing. During the latter I usually sleep, refresh 4chan continuously and watch anime.

I eat whatever my mother or brother cooks. When I lived abroad I subsisted on yakisoba, bread and mayo, miso mackerel, rice and spinach. Also whatever was half-price at the supermarket.

I do live at home, and I'm lucky enough to have an awesome family. So I communicate with them and try to be useful in what small ways I can.

Unfortunately I'm majoring in Asian Studies. This happened because I was a fine arts fag when I left high school, but I hated other fine arts fags and had neither the desire nor the confidence to pursue art as a career. My mother suggested I go into asian studies, and I couldn't think of anything more interesting, so I did it. I don't know what I'll do if I ever finish my studies. I may go for a more useful degree, or I may attempt to work abroad again (either in Japan again, or elsewhere)

I'm always trying to better myself.

>> No.1518282

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
Watch anime, listen to jap music, playing WoW, browse 4chan (although it has been terrible lately)

>If you live at home, do you try to ignore your family?
I spend about half of each week at home and half at my apartment that is closer to my college. When I am at home I try to spend a couple hours outside of my room, usually eating dinner or watching TV with my family.

>What do you eat?
Whatever my Mom makes me. If I have eaten all of that, I order a pizza or make ramen noodles.

>Are you actively trying to find a job, find your own place, or perhaps find help?
I'm graduating soon, so I have to find a job. I've had a couple interviews but no one wants me because I have shit social skills and no experience, my grades are good though. They don't tell me this, I'm just guessing.

>What do you study?
Well, my major is accounting, but I'd hardly call what I do "studying".

>> No.1518290

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
>If you're a NEET, why is it that you're here?
Because it's the only place on the Internet that doesn't blow chunks.
>What exactly do you do all day; if you're on the computer, where do you go and what else do you do?
Day dream about my future self. I think about how I should be studying, but I always end up wasting most of my time on /jp/, waiting for replies and/or replying to someone. I never leave my room. If taking out the trash is not considered leaving ones house then I haven't left my house in 11 months and counting.
>Do you do anything else during the day?
>What do you eat during the day?
Junk food.
>If you live at home, do you try to ignore your family or do you communicate and are useful around them?
I hate my family. I live with my mom, brother, and younger sister.
>Are you actively trying to find a job, find your own place, or perhaps find help?

>> No.1518292

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
>If you're a NEET, why is it that you're here?
Because it's the only place on the Internet that doesn't blow chunks.
>What exactly do you do all day; if you're on the computer, where do you go and what else do you do?
Day dream about my future self. I think about how I should be studying, but I always end up wasting most of my time on /jp/, waiting for replies and/or replying to someone. I never leave my room. If taking out the trash is not considered leaving ones house then I haven't left my house in 11 months and counting.
>Do you do anything else during the day?
>What do you eat during the day?
Junk food.
>If you live at home, do you try to ignore your family or do you communicate and are useful around them?
I hate my family. I live with my mom, brother, and younger sister.
>Are you actively trying to find a job, find your own place, or perhaps find help?

>> No.1518301

I'm going to sleep.

>> No.1518302

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
/jp/ and the internet..

>NEET questions
I sit in a 5mx5m room with a computer, and occasionally walk to the fride just because it's uncomfortable to sit in one place for a long period of time.

>If you go to school, what do you study?

>Do you have any idea or plans as to what you're doing afterward; do you think you would actually do something with your schooling?
I'd like to go back to school, but I haven't decided what I want to do with my life.

>If you're working, what do you do?

>> No.1518308

What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
Browse /jp/, watch anime, or read manga. Sometimes I go window shopping at Akibahara or play some Actress Again.

If you're a NEET, why is it that you're here?
I come here when /a/ sucks, wich is way too often lately.

What exactly do you do all day; if you're on the computer, where do you go and what else do you do?
See above.

Do you do anything else during the day?
I used to go sightseeing in Tokio, but I've run out of places/motivation. I often go to the convenience store to buy food.

What do you eat during the day?
Convenience Store lunches, Ramen or Soba.

>> No.1518318



>> No.1518321

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
One of three things. At school, at work, or in the basement fapping.

>If you're a NEET, why is it that you're here?
Only place on the internet where people know what I'm talking about.

>What do you eat during the day?
I more or less live on green tea and sandwiches.

>If you live at home, do you try to ignore your family or do you communicate and are useful around them?
I mostly ignore my family.

>Are you actively trying to find a job, find your own place, or perhaps find help?
Yes. I'm not sure that I'm doing well, though.

>> No.1518323

I have a fulltime job, so I spend 8 hours a day working. After I get home I spend my free time programming, watching anime, and playing games/visual novels. I live alone in my own apartment so I don't spend much time interacting with people in the real world outside of work.

I'm a software developer with a degree in computer science. I'm always trying to better myself as I happen to love programming, but I'm not exactly bad off right now.

>> No.1518331

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
Doing school related stuff [attending classes, doing homework], /jp/ and Internet, watching animu, playing games.

>What do you eat during the day?
The food my mother cooks and canned food. Sometimes when I'm at the university I go to cheap restaurants.

>If you live at home, do you try to ignore your family or do you communicate and are useful around them?
I try to ignore them. Well, it's not exactly like that, but I don't try to communicate with them unnecessarily. I just hate mindless blabbing, that's all.

>Are you actively trying to find a job, find your own place, or perhaps find help?
Only part times ones, but I'm too lazy and the school takes up too much time and a daily few hours of free time is important for me. Yes. No.

>If you go to school, what do you study?

>> No.1518341

Well I'm not a NEET but I spend a lot of my days thinking about women, not necessarily sexually but in trying to understand them on a theoretical level. I just came out of an /a/ thread in which we were discussing the age old question 'can women be ronery?' I was arguing partially in favour with the existence of outlying anecdotal examples to the contrary, and a couple were arguing against. So it was quite interesting.

>> No.1518350

Did you know that /r9k/ hates you?


>> No.1518353


>> No.1518361

I knew somebody will make a fuss about it...

>> No.1518363


who cares?

>> No.1518365


OH NO NOT /r9k/!

>> No.1518366

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
Burning time

>What do you eat during the day?
The food my grandmother cooks me.

>If you live at home, do you try to ignore your family or do you communicate and are useful around them?
I ignore them. Sometimes they don't ignore me.

>Are you actively trying to find a job, find your own place, or perhaps find help?
No. I'm enjoying my current lifestyle very much.

>If you go to school, what do you study?
I Graduated (very poorly) 4 months ago.

>> No.1518372

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
University, sleep or spend time in front of the computer browsing the internet and sometimes playing vidya (both run of the mill and galge)

>If you're a NEET
I'm not.

>If you go to school, what do you study?
Systems Engineering.

>Do you have any idea or plans as to what you're doing afterward; do you think you would actually do something with your schooling?
Yes, I guess it won't be hard to get a half decent job with such a degree. And future plans? Why, yes, I do have an ambitious and crazy plan related to Japan. Come on, we are all weeaboos (power-suppressing and more intelligent, but still weeaboos), don't deny it.

>If you're working, what do you do?
Not yet.

>> No.1518378

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
Go to class, study, find a seat in the library that's in everybody's blind spot (I know their locations by heart) and play Touhou/VNs/WoW off my EHD. Work in-between classes and get paid to insult people. On the weekend I surf /jp/ a lot, drink coffee, fap, write stuff for kicks, play eroge, watch my regular anime, etc.

>NEET questions
Currently enrolled in community college, transferring to private uni soon.

>If you go to school, what do you study?
Liberal Arts/English. Useless, I know. Only thing I'm good at.

>Do you have any idea or plans as to what you're doing afterward; do you think you would actually do something with your schooling?
Yeah, I'll probably teach, although I'm not sure how that'll go as I don't have a spine and hate people in general.

>If you're working, what do you do?
In-between classes, I work at a Computer Help Desk. Although there are some decent people who show up now and then, they're mostly morons who forget to turn on the tower. I'm not sure why they haven't fired me for telling everyone off.

>> No.1518382

>>Why, yes, I do have an ambitious and crazy plan related to Japan. Come on, we are all weeaboos (power-suppressing and more intelligent, but still weeaboos), don't deny it.

All of us are weaboos, sure, but not all of us want to go to Moonland.

I'm fucking terrified of the thought, personally.

>> No.1518383

For the last two years I worked 7 weeks a year earning enough for my related spendings. I live at home and don't have to pay for living costs, I don't consume alot thanks to the internet with torrents, irc, usenet and whatever, the money I got is spend on figs, books, electronics and very few original gaems, dvds.
I', subscribed into college, wasn't there the last two years, an almost full-tume hiki spending the whole day in my room and my virtual world

>> No.1518406

For the record: The work was arranged by my mom, it's in the holiday seasons. Fucking terribe and repetive work. Image a hiki at work and you get it, but they pay pretty good money and I don't have to pay taxes wwwwww

I'm became such a faggot that I don't go outside, not for hair cuts nor for accepting packets and whatever ...

>> No.1518435

Going to college atm; studying Computer Science and Industrial Economics. If my plans of becoming a programer fail, cook is fine, too.
I have a shitty (though well-paid) part-time job and I get free money from the state and 'pocket money' from my parents, so I can afford most of the stuff I want.
I get free food and accommodation since I live with my parents. Yes, I communicate with them. Though I hate my dad because he's a dick.
Most of the time (read: the whole day), I'm browsing /jp/ and a few other boards, doing freelance coding work for even more money, Wiki'ing stuff for class, playing Meltan and,when my parents are asleep, cosplaying.

Sage for shitty 'r u NEET?' thread.

>> No.1518456

>7 weeks a year earning enough for my related spendings
>don't have to pay taxes

>> No.1518484

I, unfortunately, have a 9-5 job.

I would love to be a NEET. But my parents will die eventually so I have to move out and be independent at some point.

Though sometimes I wonder why. Why live this way? This isn't even living. It's death.

>> No.1518487

It's pretty much nothing compared to a normalfag with steady income, but enough for me to get through the year (plus I hate to pay college fees)
I get every cent back from taxes because of lol college
If you don't cosume anything worthless like fast-food, alcohol, drugs or whatever, and don't have to pay for living costs you can get by almost nothing.

>> No.1518500

>>1518484 continued

ugh now i'm thinking about this and i'm going to be more depressed as i go into work


>> No.1519354

How much do you make at your programming job?

Also, what exactly do you do at your job? Do you work in an air conditioned office? Do you wear a suit?

>> No.1519534
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Boy do I enjoy KC Green.

>> No.1519383

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
Internet, studies, sleep

>If you go to school, what do you study?
Business, economics, and maybe I've got a slight interest in psychology I might look forward to quench.

>Do you have any idea or plans as to what you're doing afterward; do you think you would actually do something with your schooling?
Hopefully earn a job as a manager for something nice.
Ideally some big bank.
>Are you trying to better yourself?
Not really, throw your best shot at me, I'm pretty much perfect.

>> No.1519385

from thursday to monday, I work the night shift at my local wal-mart from 10 pm to around 7 am. The rest of the time I have left is usually spent dicking around here on 4chan, eating, fapping, or sleeping.

The thing that sucks about work is that it completely saps any and all motivation out of you. Hell, I can't barely get myself to play any video games or read VNs anymore. I'm usually just too exhausted.

>> No.1519416

>do you think you would actually do something with your schooling?

>> No.1519437

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
sleep, it's the nighttime where the fun starts

>If you're a NEET, why is it that you're here?
Because my interests generally align with /jp/'s, so it's a good spot to find out about fun wap shit

>What exactly do you do all day; if you're on the computer, where do you go and what else do you do?

i'm on the computer about 12 hours a day, and i'll spend it AGTH/ATLASing my way through moon VNs, watching at least one animu a week, and on an irc channel with about 10 people I've grown rather fond of.

>What do you eat during the day?
chef boyardee

>If you live at home, do you try to ignore your family or do you communicate and are useful around them?

if i see something that might interest them, which usually means politics or sports, i might tell them. otherwise, no.

>Are you actively trying to find a job, find your own place, or perhaps find help?

I'm waiting for a mailman position to open up in my area. Since one needs only to score well on a standardized test to get a job as a letter carrier, I've studied up on that test and am confident I will be able to get the job should it ever open up. If it never does, though, that's fine.

>If you go to school

I don't.

>Are you trying to better yourself?

no, even though i despise myself i at least have been able to relax since giving up at trying to have any semblance of a respectable life

>> No.1519458

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
4chan, compose music when I am happy enough/awake enough, I go to the shop every couple of days for more tobacco and maybe a couple of cans of coke, study japanese and italian, practice my drumming, learn the piano/double bass, call my best friend, watch some anime, play darts and/or pool, study music theory, keep up to date with the news/economic events etc. On a normal day that is. Occasionally I will watch television, although there is rarely anything of interest on, and sometimes I will read a book...currently Rousseau - The Social Contract and other later political writings; next is Guns, Germs and Steel.

>If you're a NEET, why is it that you're here?
I get enjoyment from some of the topics of conversation... The same applies for the other boards I frequent.

>If you live at home, do you try to ignore your family?
Not especially, although being a fairly large house I don't run into them much.

>What do you eat?
What is cooked for me, although today I made myself pancakes, had a few pieces of fruit which, I found out recently, are quite tasty.

>Are you actively trying to find a job, find your own place, or perhaps find help?
I don't need to at the moment, everything is pretty much ok. If I were to move I would need a soundproofed room, and enough space so there is no chance of me making the money to do that at the moment (considering no job/income whatsoever)

>> No.1519490

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?

>If you go to school, what do you study?
computer science

>Do you have any idea or plans as to what you're doing afterward; do you think you would actually do something with your schooling?
I have a job lined up for next year, this depresses me a lot. I usually wake up aroud noon, so the prospect of a 9-5 every day is absolutely horrifying

>If you're working, what do you do?
I've done random part-time programming and an internship

>Are you trying to better yourself?
yes, but I'm not very good at it. 1 year of going to the gym trying to stop being an underweight skinnyfag, and no effect.

>> No.1519503

My day is waking up, playing Dawn of War for a couple hours while my roommate is at school (Soulstorm sucks ass but I still want to beat it) then I come downstairs to eat something. I do all the dishes since nobody else does. I browse /jp/ awhile, check Animenation a little, browse /jp/ some more, eat lunch, watch History Channel if anything good is on, watch anime if there's anything I recently downloaded, check for new episodes of Toradora, browse /jp/ some more, eat something later on in the evening, play some galge like Tokimemo or my recently acquired Princess Maker 4, browse /jp/, go to bed around midnight.

Every day's pretty much like the last one.

>> No.1519525

I am a cat.

>> No.1519528

I'm at work... getting paid to browse 4chan.

>> No.1519529

Nice to see you, Chiyo's father.

>> No.1519533








>> No.1519552

FBI!! oh no!!! enjoy it buddy, must be a nice days work!

>> No.1519556

I may be NEET but my roommate is truly hikki. His dad owns the apartment I live in, I took him to a Halloween party about 3 years ago, it's the only time he's left the apartment in the 5 years I've known him. I still go outside and visit family and still have a few friends. This guy's like living with Boo Radley. Well, he does technically go to Taco Bell 3 or 4 times a week and grocery shopping from time to time but always at night. Once his Jeep wouldn't start up because he hadn't used it in so long, had to call his dad to have him send over a truck to have it looked at.

>> No.1519559

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
7.00-7.20 Standing up after enjoying to lie in my bed awake/falling back to sleep for about an hour.
7.35 Walking to school and spending time there.
Starting 13.30-14.30 I eat, then either
do homework
read VNs +
watch anime +
browse /jp/ ++
copypaste stuff from /jp/ in channels where noone cares about /jp/ ++
listen to music (about 40% touhou metal rearranges) ++
play games
memorize kanji +
browse Sites related to my fetishes/do other things to fap ++
check rss feeds of blogs/j-related news sites ++
search for figs/dakimakura (postponed due to weak euro)

>> No.1519561

I'm surprised he knows how to drive. That takes a lot of work and effort. I know I'm never going to pick it up.

>> No.1519586


He drives to the grocery store all the time. I guess he's like the guy in Welcome to the NHK more than anything. He's a shut in but he goes out for basic food needs. He's out right now or I'd need to be careful how I write, I know he's sensitive about it.

His dad's sending him to school soon, or so he says. It's one reason I'm looking into maybe going back to work/school. So far the only reason I've lived here free is I'm his son's only friend.

>> No.1519611

Daily routine:
Wake up at lunchtime.
Eat lunch (cooked by mother).
Refresh /jp/ every five minutes.
Spam some /prog/ memes in /jp/ making it seem everyone in /jp/ is a /prog/ regular.
Refresh /jp/ every five minutes.
Eat dinner (cooked by mother).
Refresh /jp/ every five minutes.
Watch daily batch of animu.
Go to sleep at 4 am.

>> No.1519672

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
Nothing, internets, vidya and more nothing.

>If you're a NEET, why is it that you're here?
Where else would I go?

>Do you do anything else during the day?
Play the vidya on the triple. They exist! Honestly!

>What do you eat during the day?
Not much and it's rarely healthy.

>do you try to ignore your family or do you communicate and are useful around them?
I talk to them frequently, but I don't help around the house at all (except keep my room decent).

>Are you actively trying to find a job
Kinda, my heart's not in it though. And I'm not looking forward to spending 8hrs away from my little easy-going world.

>find your own place
Not yet, but I'm getting up there in years now so this is probably going to change soon, although leaving a multi-income household to struggle on my own doesn't sound too appealing, even if the cost of living in my area is extremely low.

>Are you trying to better yourself?
Currently no, but I do have a singular goal I'd like to start working towards... but it'll require a job of my own and becoming fluent in the nearly useless language of Japanese.

>> No.1520169

say would-be NEETs, what jobs should i look into for living as close to a NEET lifestyle as possible that'll still pay the rent and whatnot?

>> No.1520184

This thread is disgusting, and I'm glad I missed it this morning.

>> No.1520527
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I go to school, studying to be a sous chef. A bit reclusive, but I talk on a daily basis and don't fear social interaction(though I'm not good at it).

The only truly strange thing about me is my life philosophy and internal practice. Pic related. Maybe /jp/ can learn something from this? Look up the books sometime.

>> No.1520221

More importantly, what should I study?

>> No.1520255

Programming. You would have a valid alibi to stay in front of the computer 24/7.

>> No.1520263

Why do I have the feeling that only a few people here actually have psychological problems, while every else solely think they do.

Also, what does night shift usually entail? What do you do, are you around others much, and what are you paid?

>> No.1520584
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>> No.1520274

I have trouble thinking... vividly and rationally and keep thinking that I would have trouble with programming.

How difficult is it to get a BA/certified? How is it like having a programming degree?

>> No.1520285

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
Class, studying, sleep

>If you're a NEET

>What do you eat during the day?
Lunchmeat sandwiches and salads

>If you live at home

>If you go to school, what do you study?

>> No.1520293

Programming is essentially logic. I'm no enterprise programmer, but... Can you put one foot in front of the other?

>> No.1520300

Come back when you've learnt how to ask questions.

>> No.1520303

Sure, I guess.

What's a programmer's workload? Are there sleepless night in school/work?

>> No.1520308

Try learning an easy language (perl, php and such) and see if you can understand it before giving up.

>How difficult is it to get a BA/certified? How is it like having a programming degree?
I wouldn't know how to answer that, I'm getting an engineering degree myself.

If you really can't handle programming, try graphic edition, webpage creation, etc. things that let you sit in front of the computer.

>> No.1520646
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>spend time with my girlfriend
>play teh vidya

>> No.1520681
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>> No.1520337

I always wondered about this.
If I may, how old are you and what kind of a job do you have?

>> No.1520368

Let's see... I spend my time in many ways! Watching animu, playing video games, going to class, eating, and sleeping!

I usually just browse 4chan, perhaps going to download more animu, perhaps try to find ways to effortlessly make money (my job only requires me to attend and help retarded children become blood testers.) I try to ignore anyone else, which isn't hard, because I live alone.

>> No.1520374

I do the usual. Lurk 4chan, browse internets, watch videos (youtube, anime, porn), play occasional game, read (not as much proper books as I should...). Live with family, who does most of the cooking. I plan to learn to cook some things... maybe I'll start this week! I'm out of university, but I don't have my degree quite yet (not a complicated issue, but I'll leave out details to preserve anonymity). I am trying to look for a job. Really! But nobody replies to my emails. I could start phoning people. But I hate using the phone. I'll only do it when nobody's in the house.
Studied computer science. I wanna make the vidya. I wanna travel the world and learn all the languages. I'm trying to better myself... but too slowly.

>> No.1520376


software developer here, different from >>1518323

if you are going to learn a language in order to 'test the waters' of how well you would do at programming, learn perl first not php.

if you decide that you enjoy this type of work, then there are plenty of branches you can go into. If you intend to follow this path I would quickly work on learning c or c++ (I personally hate c++, though I use it primarily), then your best bet is to look for an open source project to commit to, and studying other things about computer science that aren't programming.

If you decide that you enjoy creating content more, then there are several scripting languages that you can use to make content, eventually leading to graphics / website creation / databases (this is a ridiculously hot market) / networking.

depends on where you work, some weeks I only work 10-20 hours, during crunch times I may work 80 or 100. If you are freelance then you will most likely be under crunch quite often.

>> No.1520390


>> No.1520415

It'll seem too weird for me to care that much about work and be able to do crunch and stuff.

How was it in school? Maybe I'll go back to school and go into CS or something similar.

>> No.1520771
File: 15 KB, 150x145, 1225150707464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yawn. No use arguing, it's not like either of us are going to change our mind. But really now, if magic wasn't real, then I would be a completely normal person, and that can't happen around here.

>> No.1520426

I go to school. I'm studying journalism. Even though I really like it, I'm unsure about how far its going to take me career wise. I took a year to enroll in more "useful" classes but I couldn't stand them. I could do the work so easily that it got on my nerves, so I figured if its me and my family that are putting down money for college, I might as well study what I actually want to do.

I try writing but I don't think I'm any good at it. I was writing a story about a cognitive computer system that seeks out lonely people who spend their time on the computer and takes them away by "digitizing" them. But then I realized that some of the plot was in Serial Experiments Lain. I don't know if I'll finish it or not.

>> No.1520444

Do you like your work?

>> No.1520455

>learn perl first


>> No.1520466


I stay in front of the computer most of the time anyway, but it's not exactly the same when I can't watch animu or browse 4chan or whatever.

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck i need to rig the lottery or something

>> No.1520468

Then what's a good introductory language?

>> No.1520471

perl is easy

That seems like a good enough reccomendation

>> No.1520473

read your sicp

>> No.1520474

Python is generally used.

>> No.1520475

I can't recommend being a programmer for someone who doesn't like people, or doesn't enjoy working a lot. Stick with network / database / web development, pharmacy, or technical writing for easier jobs.

School for CS / SE is pretty easy, like most degrees. If you are lucky you will be able to get a job just because you have a degree.

I think in school the only classes that gave me trouble were the masters level computation theory and compiler design.

>> No.1520491

What could you recommend for an easy job with a lack of social interaction?

>> No.1520498

Night shift guard.

>> No.1520500

Data entry.

>> No.1520504


>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
School, homework, WAR, /jp/, EVE Online, CSS, COD4

>NEET questions

>If you go to school, what do you study?
Network Hardware Engineering

>Do you have any idea or plans as to what you're doing afterward; do you think you would actually do something with your schooling?
Making a lot of money, working in consulting, in Japan of course.

>If you're working, what do you do?

>> No.1520508

That's always what is recommended...

>> No.1520846
File: 180 KB, 933x505, 1225151619809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that means /jp/ isn't awesome.

>> No.1520513


let me guess, you are a java or php developer?

perl is a good language to start with because it lays a better foundation for then php does, in addition to being quite easy to learn.

Learning perl first already sets you apart from the million php script kiddies.

perl is also used in many other places besides web site design.

If you are very sure that you want to jump into application programming, of course you can start with c. For someone that has no idea whether they even want to be a programmer, there is no sense in limiting themselves in that way.

>> No.1520540

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
I only go to classes for tests/quizzes, play TF2 and WoW, watch whatever anime is airing (Index/Gundam), ignore my roommate who used to be a friend, watch Conan and go to sleep at 6am.

>if you're on the computer, where do you go and what else do you do?
I tab between /jp/, /a/, /g/, /v/, and /r9k/ and skim them for decent threads. I consider /jp/ my home board since it's the only one that doesn't make me pop a vein from obvious underb&s and normalfag retards all the time. I really don't bother going anywhere else aside from [H] and [M] out of nostalgia.

>Are you actively trying to find a job, find your own place, or perhaps find help?
I would get a job if I could afford a car. Being raised in a poor family sucks. I also want to move into my own apartment, sharing the place with my friend has only lead to constant arguments because he nitpicks about everything and blasts his damn surround-sound stereo all day.

>If you go to school, what do you study?
Biology, preferably to go into pharmacy or optometry. Unfortunately, procrastination has kind of stained my GPA. I know that I can easily learn it, I just keep putting studying off until the last minute in favor of watching LOGH, playing TF2 or browsing /jp/.

In short, my life sucks because I have zero motivation to better myself. I like how I live but it's going nowhere slowly. Not having a car is what's holding me back, it limits all my non-school-related opportunities from getting a job to buying groceries. I didn't even get a cell phone until I was 19 because I couldn't afford one and it crippled my social life pretty badly.

>> No.1520542

Aleister Crowley?
lol at all that shit

>> No.1520551

>masters level computation theory
>compiler design

/r/ing details about this. I've never heard of it.

>> No.1520884
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Nobody can prove you wrong. You've got to find out for yourself. It's up to you to look and decide. Hey, I was almost a NEET before I managed to pull myself together and make something of myself, surely the people here can too.

>> No.1520570

Peter J. Carroll, actually, but all occult authors are worth reading. Crowley was crazy, yes, but he was a man worthy of respect.

>> No.1520576

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
Attend lectures and work on lab assignments for school, spend time with my girlfriend, watch animu, read books, program and play teh vidya.
I also run a pub on wednesday nights at the entrance floor of the building where I live.

>If you're a NEET, why is it that you're here?
I'm not.

>What do you eat during the day?
Depends. Usually I just cook up something cheap like pasta with sausage and sauce, or fried fish and mash potatoes, but occasionally I do something more fancy. I eat out maybe once a week, then it's primarily sushi.

>If you live at home, do you try to ignore your family or do you communicate and are useful around them?
I don't. I live in a student apartment.

>If you go to school, what do you study?
Computer Science. I also have two years of college Japanese behind me, but I dropped out of that since the JLPT is far more useful than a degree and I don't have the time or money to do the final year for my degree.

>> No.1520647

what CS school did you go to where these two classes wouldn't exist?

Anyway, computational theory is the study of computation complexity including Models of computation, decidability, hierarchies, P, NP and other complexity classes, and to demonstrate advanced proof techniques for computer science problems.
It is essentially the math class of computer science. The bachelor's level was using finite state machines, context free grammars, and Turing machines.

compiler design is exactly as it sounds the techniques and theory behind writing compilers.
ie machine-independent code generation, parsing, lexical analysis, and translation specification.

>> No.1520948
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Not exactly what I meant. I was trying to say that it's something of a contest of willpower to make yourself believe at first. Once you're there, it's all downhill and suddenly you've got something at your fingertips that most people have never even heard about.

All you have to do is pull yourself out of whatever hole of disbelief and potentially misery and sadness you've dug yourself into.

>> No.1520673

You know, the fact that you have a particular set of interests doesn't necessarily imply that you're a complete social fucktard.

>> No.1520679



>> No.1520686

Get back to /b/log normalfag.

Reported for /b/ material on /jp/.

>> No.1520695

I mistook reading that pic as NEKONOMICRON

>> No.1520697

I've read that one, lol.

If anything, it's better than Aleister Crowley's "lol mind magick" books because it doesn't try to pass itself off as real.

>> No.1520704

I read the Satanic bible once.
Aside from the "magic" part, it's a book about common sense, what a let down.
Almost as bad as the little red book.

>> No.1520710

The one by LaVey? I read it, too.

All occult books are disappointing. No exceptions.

>> No.1520716

B-but don't you guys care about my fascinating life?! /r9k/ was never like this...!

>> No.1520717

>CS School

I always read this as CounterStrike school thanks to the rumors about teachers teaching how to play CS in programming classes.

>> No.1520718


>> No.1520712



>> No.1520713

Seriously faggots, I'm most likely a bigger weeaboo than any of you. That doesn't mean I have to be socially dysfunctional though.

>> No.1520726

The subject itself isn't, however. You can't really ask somebody for directions in magic, you have to make your own way.

>> No.1520725

Going to UF in the spring, going to study accounting or business management of some kind. Just want something stable that makes decent money so I can support a decent lifestyle. I was going to do CS but the more I thought about it the more I realized I hate programming. Too frustrating. Also was considering a more theory-based Economics degree but decided it wasn't practical enough despite my interest in the subject. I also considered Japanese as I found the subject fascinating when I took it in high school (I was lucky enough to have a school that had it), but again practicality is my enemy. Currently living with my grandmother and waiting out the months, can't get a job to save my life but I'm doing ok for now.

sage for blog thread

>> No.1520732

Being a weeaboo is not supposed to be a good thing, even on /jp/.

>> No.1520733

I took a programming class in high school, and all we did in class between assignment due-dates was play counterstrike over the school's lan. Best teacher ever. I probably didn't learn much sepples, though.

So who knows, it could be true.

>> No.1520735

The fact that you said "play teh vidya" is enough to warrant a ban around here, but on top of that you troll us about having a girlfriend.

Prepare for an IP range permaban, fgt.

>> No.1520751

Probably because magic isn't real.

>> No.1520754

I would suggest against going to UF, it's full of uppity faggots and the school is stale and boring from what I saw.

Just go to FSU so I can have a reason to dust off my weeaboo paddle.

>> No.1520758

Yeah, that one.
When you read it, you might tell yourself, damn, that's DARK, but once you stop being a teenager, the whole novelty of it wears out.

>> No.1520768

While we're talking colleges, anyone heard about some college called "De Anza"?
I'm going to visit that place next week.

>> No.1520777

It's pretty awesome how you people rage and go into denial just because someone is as much of a geek as you people yet isn't a pathetic loser shunned by the rest of society.

>> No.1520799

I thought I wouldn't find someone with stupider fucking opinions than athens

Shows what I know

>> No.1520806



>> No.1521118
File: 85 KB, 728x618, FFFUUUwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what not being a NEET is like

>> No.1520826

Why all the ronery threads and shit on /jp/? By the looks of it only about 5 of us here really are NEET or hikki, everyone else seems pretty normal

>> No.1520832

It's not because you have studies or a job that you aren't lonely.
Quite far from that, you're alone in a crowd.

>> No.1520836

there hasn't been a good real ronery thread for a while. /jp/ is full of normals now.

>> No.1520840

I think the fact that I recognize that elder sign is a testament to how much I wish magic were real.

But it's not. I'd love to be proven wrong.

>> No.1520841

I'm studying accounting and will have my bachelor's in a year. I plan on seeing how marketable I can be, but I'm aiming to work with the IRS.

>> No.1520860

THIS IS /jp/

>> No.1520865


>> No.1520874



>> No.1520875

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?

Meet up with my bf, have sex maybe, do whatever work needs to be done from college.

>If you're a NEET, why is it that you're here?

I'm not a NEET though.

>What do you eat during the day?

Whatever I can cook that's around.

>Are you actively trying to find a job, find your own place, or perhaps find help?

Looking for a part time job.

>> No.1520918

I'm not a NEET, and never will be, because I have no "money for nothing" source of income to leech from.
What does that have to do with magic?

>> No.1520965

athens is fucking Socrates compared to you

Good lord

>> No.1520958


>> No.1520974

If it were that easy... but I don't believe in anything other than my senses tell me, and a potential higher power creater god type entity because it can't be turtles all the way down.

How do I created faith

>> No.1520994

>potential higher power creater god type entity

I'm afraid you're kind of dumb

>> No.1521058

I can't even bring myself to get a job...

>> No.1521393
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Oh boy, a religion discussion!

>> No.1521077

What's wrong? Other than my typo on "creator"?
Don't like agnosticism?

>> No.1521431
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Reigious discussion time?

>> No.1521157

Agnosticism is the shitty version of atheism for people who are pussies

>> No.1521468
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>> No.1521200

Go to college, Cellular Biology Major. Work in a lab where I cut mice open for their small intestine, Study for GRE's so I can get my phd and cure something (Diabetes, perhaps?). Live in an apartment with a guy and girl. Life's pretty chill, just full of too much studying and not enough animu. Plan on studying in Japan over the summer.

>> No.1521207


You mean deism.

>> No.1521228

>What exactly is it that /jp/ does during its day?
I go to class (though I have given up on lit one...for the second time...), pretend to study, browse 4chan and play the occasional video game, or animu show.
>NEET questions
Im in college, but Im basically a hikki, I go right home after class and sit at my computer. On fridays I go the videogame club though.

What do you eat during the day?
I eat fairly well, it honestly isnt hard to cook basic stuff. Though most of the time stuff ends up bland because my roomate and I are too lazy to buy more spices.
>If you go to school, what do you study?
Im listed as a marine bio major, but I've only done core classes so far. Probably gonna end up dropping out soon because of my shitty grades.

>Do you have any idea or plans as to what you're doing afterward; do you think you would actually do something with your schooling?
Not really. All I can forsee is working at an aquarium, cleaning tanks or something. Im going to have my scuba certification this year, so I can at least volunteer at the aquarium if I get bored and do that. Maybe something to do with fisheries. Oh and I hate dolphins and people who go into the field thinking they will end up doing that kind of stuff.

>If you're working, what do you do?
I dont. I did get fired from petsmart because I threw a dog 2 feet because it bit at me. That was just a summer job though.

>> No.1521238

Strong atheists are just as stupid as religious nutjobs.

The only sensible option is to be agnostic, or rather agnostic atheist.


>> No.1521252

i am 25 old men with agry face
everybody see the light of me
job,study,and field of love,every scene i have disadvantage
but i never ever forget keep trying

>> No.1521255


>> No.1521275

I'm a plain old agnostic theist, then.

*Something* had to start the universe.

>> No.1521283

>*Something* had to start the universe.
If you subscribe to the thought that something had to create the universe, then what created that something? It doesn't solve anything, just moves the question back further.

>> No.1521297


>> No.1521323

That's what gods are for.

>> No.1521327

Willpower. It's your mind after all, and if you can't tell your mind what to do is there really any hope for you as a magician? Any hope for you as a normal person, even?

>> No.1521329

That's what science is for.

Making gods obsolete.

>> No.1521332

Nonono, you misunderstood me. I'm not talking about design. I'm talking about a more What-started-the-big-bang idea.

>> No.1521336

Willpower does not work that way.

>> No.1521344

You can't just up and say, "I believe in X."
You have to actually believe in X.

Repeating "I believe in X" to myself a thousand times as a mantra won't change that fact.

>> No.1521347


>> No.1521348

Yes it does? It was originally called mental transmutation. Control your ego, control your own mind, control the world around you.

>> No.1521360

Cognitive modification doesn't actually work.

>> No.1521379

/jp/ - NEETs and magic

>> No.1521386

>Basically, what reason is there to believe that time exists independently of the universe? None whatsoever. As far as we know it, time exists only as an aspect of the universe. In other words, the universe has existed at every point in time. There can be no ‘beginning’ to the universe, as a ‘beginning’ would make a reference to a ‘time’ before the universe. Considering that the only naturalistic assumption is that time is in itself a dimension of the universe, it would be a contradiction to postulate that time existed before the universe. For the same reasons, it would be impossible to say that time has not always existed, as the statement ‘always existed’ is contingent on the concept of time itself. As such, one might be able to argue that it is impossible for the universe to have had a beginning. And without a beginning, one can no longer claim that the universe has a cause.

This sounds very interesting, but doesn't really make sense to me. Is the author suggesting that time is a loop? Otherwise, there is no way for each instance of time to have a "before" and and "after" - and if there is no "before", we have the beginning.

That probably made no sense. Well, reading that essay bent my mind out of whack, trying to visualize an eternal universe.

Gods are so much easier.

>> No.1521398

I only skimmed that but the guy's theory is about as abstract as creationism. We will never know how the universe began, so to pretend to know how it happened (creationism or otherwise) is arrogant and foolish. Not to mention that it doesn't matter at all and it's a trivial thing to argue about.

>> No.1521406

Then tell me your version.
Willpower only works in short bursts to get an action going, not to sustain a permanent mindset.

>> No.1521416

Believing in something doesn't make it reality, or else /jp/ would already have found love and would have become a successful eroge artist. I can believe the sun won't rise tomorrow, but, because the way REALITY works, my belief changes nothing. You guys have been The Secret too long, that's why you're in /jp/ in the first place, though, I suppose? LoL!

>> No.1521418

Let's put it this way:

Saying ``before time" is akin to saying ``north of the north pole." The issue arises from language, which I believe the author touched on at the end. (I only skimmed the article).

>> No.1521421

Believing in something doesn't make it reality, or else /jp/ would already have found love and would have become a successful eroge artist. I can believe the sun won't rise tomorrow, but, because the way REALITY works, my belief changes nothing. You guys have been reading The Secret too long, that's why you're in /jp/ in the first place, though, I suppose? LoL!

>> No.1521427

That's wrong, since /jp/edos believe that they are worthless losers and therefore are worthless losers.

>> No.1521446

What Jones is referring to is the Kalam cosmological argument which pretty much goes like this:

Premise 1: Everything that begins to exist has a cause.

Premise 2: The universe began to exist.

Conclusion 1: Therefore, the universe must have a cause.

I'm not here to force anything down your throats, but as a former amateur Christian apologist (I'm an agnostic atheist now), it pains me to see so many people ignorant of arguments for theism from both sides. Here's an excellent secular resource for objections against the KCA, abandon the Jesus-mythicist horse shit; any person with a passing knowledge of New Testament scholarship would blanch at the blatant retardation that runs amok on those sites.


>> No.1521447

Putting it that way makes a lot more sense. tbh I was already trying to visualize his theory by the last paragraph so it just muddled me more. I still think a god is more plausible, though.


Hey, magicfag! Where did you go?

>> No.1521747
File: 113 KB, 650x498, hv027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have sauce on OP's and this comic (I'm assuming they're from the same sauce as they look similar).

>> No.1521457


Yes it can? Maybe I'm a superhuman with an iron will, but I could do that, albeit with some difficulty. You aren't born with what you believe, and even if you were you could still change your mind over time.

Find some books. They explain the concept better than I can.

>> No.1521465

Had to go rescue my dog. He gets into the zaniest situations, I swear.

>> No.1521466

Too depressed to even answer properly. The only thing I have left is STGs, where for a short time I can lose identity completely and become one with the bullet patterns.

>> No.1521474

I would be very reluctant to claim that it's impossible to find out the origin of the universe. There is evidence for the current theories out there and the body of evidence is very likely to expand in the future (e.g. LISA). But, I do acknowledge that it's impossible to make a concrete decision right now.

However, invoking a deity or any supernatural explanation as a result of this "unknown-ness" or mystery would be a fallacy as would claiming that it will always be impossible to know be too.

The best choice of action right now would be to remain "temporarily agnostic" until more evidence can be found.

>> No.1521481

I have never come across a book that supports what you're saying right now. Care to drop some sources?

>> No.1521482

>god more plausible

hi Message wwwww

So now that we have conclused this matter, god created everyhting, and everything created god, we can move on and debate on whether pure breed lolis or furries are more moe.

>> No.1521485

Well, I admit, I'm a complete ignoramus when it comes to theology. I had a completely secular upbringing (my mother and father are of two different faiths, so they decided to take God out of the picture) and I've never taken any classes on religion.

Your link contains a profusion of articles. Would you recommend reading any specific ones? I confess myself interested.

>> No.1521489


>> No.1521495

It's really not at all more reasonable for a God to exist. Occam's Razor notwithstanding, examining it with the most basic of rational thought should lead you to that conclusion.

>> No.1521505

Most every serious book on the occult addresses mental control and body control, though some go deeper into it than others. Meditation is a form of temporary mind and body control, but what I'm referring to is sometimes called "mental transmutation" or "mental metamorphosis". Liber Null has a passing entry on it, as well as some much harder to find books that detail methods of mind and body control.

I think Crowley wrote a short book going into some methods of it, though I can't find it right now.

>> No.1521518

Crowley's idea of cognitive modification involved repeating a mantra, then forgetting it, iirc. At any rate, it doesn't work for me.

>> No.1521531

That was a form of meditation involved in casting spells. Think of adding and removing habits from your life, little things like refraining from cracking your fingers or some such. After a while of removing and adding habits to your life, your mind and body become easier to control. Something of a vital step.

Once you've got that down, making yourself believe in something is easy, even over long periods.

>> No.1521553

Tricking yourself into believing something =/= believing something.

>> No.1521557

┨ this is a ┠
┨flu virus ┠
┨  copy it   ┠
┨  help it   ┠
┨  spread    ┠

>> No.1521556

That's what I've been saying!

>> No.1521570

ur a faget

>> No.1521603

Ok science fags. Give me some of your unproven theories about how "nothingness" created "something."

I want to stop being an agnostic, but you scientist are failing harder than the religious fags.

tl;dr I want a list of the best theories.

>> No.1521618


Do the research yourself you lazy twat. Buddha didn't consult an enlightenment manual before sitting under that tree.

>> No.1521626


Sorry for the delay, didn't notice your reply due to having to cook dinner. I haven't looked through this particular section to be honest, most of what I learned came from philosophy classes, introspection, and books. From what I have seen, however, this site has much material that I would gladly introduce to a layman. Just click around, there'll be some duds and difficult articles, but the majority should introduce you to the objections towards your argument fairly well.

>> No.1521643


Blargh, said introduce twice.

>> No.1521651

See the article above. Space and time are two intertwined concepts. There is no ``before time," thus there is no real act of creation.

Also, I'd recommend you actually read up on this stuff rather than going ``HURR I DON'T UNDERSTAND SCIENCE THUS SCIENCE FAILS DURR"

>> No.1521663

Well, thanks. I should probably get something to eat, myself. I'll check those out sometime tonight.

>> No.1521685

>>1521651 I don't know how space and time started so I'll create a bullshit theory that argues we don't need to know how the universe originated.

Lol @ cop-out.


>> No.1521683

OLAWD tl;dr technocrats thinking they are something special

keep youir dogmas for yourself faggot, every sciencefags who believe in something ridiculous as "there was alway ]...] are exposing their flaws of existence to everybody and should STFU ASAP

>> No.1521699

God is a cop-out

>> No.1521709

I find it incredibly ironic that you use the word dogma and yet are willing to instantly dismiss any evidence we "sciencefags" pose without any thought.

You have not offered a single argument nor pice of evidence. Either you start now and bear your burden of proof, or troll harder somewhere else.

>> No.1521711

Sup, butthurt sciencefag. Come back once you've learned how "nothing" created time.

>> No.1521720

"time started" implies meta-time, which by the same argument requires debate on its origin, implying meta-meta-time, and so on, to infinite regress.

>> No.1521729

>Hurr, I have no fucking clue what General Relativity is. Therefore, I will merely parody his statement without offering a rebuttal and post something completely irrelevant in an effort to distract from the subject at hand.

>> No.1521730

Atheists are arrogant, egotistical pricks who think they can "prove" that no higher power exists that can operate outside of their observable physical limitations.

They have no proof but plenty of theories with holes all over the place because even trying to picture the beginning of the universe, which has always existed, just gives everyone a migraine because it's simply beyond human comprehension. Instead they just state the obvious and call it proof that a higher power, or God, doesn't exist.

I'm open to ideas and consider myself Christian in that I follow its codes of morality and its idea of a higher power, but I'm also agnostic because the Bible also has it's holes that could have easily been created during translations or simply over time, not to mention there's more interpretations of the Bible than there are scientific theories about the creation of the universe.

>> No.1521732

I think that something like the origin of the universe is beyond human comprehension and the closest we'll ever get is abstract logic. No matter how much we observe the universe it won't help us understand what existed before anything existed, because that defies all basic understandings we have of our world. In order for that to happen our entire knowledge of the universe would have to be overturned, and therefore finding a scientific explanation for the origin of the world is as likely as proving that god exists. That's why it's best to not worry about such pointless things.

>> No.1521746

Atheists don't have to prove a single thing. The burden of proof is on the theist.

If there are that many holes in the current scientific theories, surely you can provide one. It would look a lot better than just committing strawman fallacies.

>> No.1521751

Only about 2 of you are actual hikkis, the other are wannabees. God doesnt exist because I exist. Assembly is the first language anyone should learn.


>> No.1521761





>> No.1521763

KC Green, as stated earlier in this thread.

>> No.1521767

>I think that something like the origin of the universe is beyond human comprehension and the closest we'll ever get is abstract logic
The great thing about what you think is it has no relevance to actual fact

>> No.1521780


No problem. I can understand where you're coming from, I was a deist for quite a while after losing my Christian faith. I don't feel the need to proselytize or anything like that, but I appreciate that you're seriously considering objections to your worldview and hope that you will come upon a conclusion that agrees with your reason.

>> No.1521800

same with sciencefags and cult leaders

both are the same, thinking they can prove something based on dogma logic. must be koreans

>> No.1521809

Except the a higher power is in fact a solution, and a widely accepted one because it's perfectly plausible.

Atheists don't have a solution. They can't comprehend the beginning of the universe so all of their theories add up to rabbit holes that never end.

>> No.1521811

Alright, if you weren't trolling before, you are now.

>> No.1521816

Welp, IHBT


>> No.1521823

"Beginning of the universe" is a meaningless phrase, because "universe" is defined as "everything", and "everything" includes time. "Beginning of time" involves infinite regress of meta-time.

>> No.1521845

Yeah, because this hasn't already been said 20 times in the thread.

I was referring to the fact that it's impossible to comprehend a universe with no beginning.

>> No.1521862

and meta-time is god singing in the rain rite?

>> No.1521937

Why don't you sciencefags clone Einstein? If he was still here we'd be done with this debate.

But to tell you the truth, I don't care about how the universe/timespace began. What I care about is the point of existence. Why do we exist? What are we supposed to be doing with our lives?

I'd be willing to suck dick for an answer to those questions. Does anybody here know the answers to these questions?

>> No.1522340

you fags sure derailed this perfectly good neet thread into religiousfag discussion

>> No.1522472

Nice sage retard. Since when does sage work on a thread that has reached its bump limit.

P.S. Why don't you shed some more tears for me.

>> No.1522475

Cry moar
