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File: 50 KB, 720x960, 13124743_505086169676528_6084673287290161071_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15195394 No.15195394 [Reply] [Original]

Reisen is officially confirmed for ULiL!
PS4 exclusive?
Hope not.

>> No.15195400

And one more photo.

>> No.15195406

Her hair seems even longer than before, does she ever cut it, fuck.

>> No.15195408
File: 53 KB, 1157x637, MHf2aBq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, didn't upload ;_;

>> No.15195426

>To live a good afterlife. To steer away from falling down to hell. To do so, you'll want to contribute to society and make other people happy. To do that, you'll want to make a fun game, and reveal this kind of game to people in such a world. That's why you want to finish this game by a certain date... and so forth, you'll produce a chain of goals.
>If this chain starts during your project, you might end up making a game that is hurtful to others, or contain immoral elements. You may end up making games for the sake of earning money. That would not be a good thing to happen.
>What are you making games for? Why do you want to make a fun game?
>You shouldn't simply laugh the question off. Others will realize you don't have an ultimate goal.
>When someone asks you that question, answer like this.
>"Well, to live a bright and enjoyable afterlife."


>> No.15195437

Let's see if it's actually PS$ exclusive first.

>> No.15195466 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15195561
File: 540 KB, 850x1200, 56529508_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rabbits, man. Are we going to see proper online, this time around?

>> No.15195585

Aw man, she's got her goofy LoLK gun. Bring back the finger guns, those were so snazzy!
Beggars can't be choosers, I guess.

>> No.15196068

Honestly, ZUN's blatant hypocrisy doesn't really even surprise me anymore.

>> No.15196357

Was this a video, or just a teaser image?

>> No.15196361
File: 101 KB, 372x366, jp suika cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if a mainline touhou game being on the ps4 wasn't an insult enough. They also add reisen over others(I k ow she fits in the current story but others always were in fighting games) and potentially be Exclsuive to only your Sony™ PlayStation™ 4. Did sony really buy the entire game industry to get everyone lick their asses for a halfasses job? Why is everyone acting liek the ps4 and sony is literally jesus?
Yes I mad.

>> No.15196585
File: 593 KB, 966x720, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off, type properly for gods sake you sound like some teenager from youtube.

Second off, don't make assumptions like you're some paranoid/v/irgin goddamnit.

Just wait and see when they announce it as PC/PS4.

If not, then i'll be dissapointed.

>> No.15196614

At least we aren't getting SDM again, compared to Soku which had literally everyone save for Flandre.

>> No.15196636

Who's that?

>> No.15196667

Why blame ZUN? It's obviously Tasogare Frontier who want to move into the big time like French Bread.

>> No.15196697 [SPOILER] 
File: 155 KB, 485x431, 1462712995222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15196726

It's retardedly long now. Like she would easily trip on it, or drag it across the floor.


>> No.15196894

Whoever that is it seems she has a broken leg

>> No.15196918

anon, she doesn't have legs

>> No.15196934

We need a wheelchair tsukumogami for Mima!

>> No.15196993

Sorry, I meant to reply to >>15196636

>> No.15197150

>like French Bread

Speaking of which, what games have they released recently?
I haven't heard anything from them for a long time now.

>> No.15197218

uh they made Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] do you live under a rock??

>> No.15197243

Udonge won't be a PS4 exclusive. That would risk irreparably damaging the Doujin Spirit, and the Gamers would never let them pull such a scummy move.

>> No.15197281

To my defence it's a PS3 game, and I don't play or follow console games.

>> No.15197383


>> No.15197392


>> No.15197415
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>> No.15197433
File: 386 KB, 1000x1400, 56304301_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playable Junko? Hecatia? Kurapi?
Hecatia or Junko might be overpowered though.

>> No.15197571
File: 138 KB, 437x322, 52450961_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clownpiece will probably make it into the fighting game

>> No.15197630
File: 286 KB, 684x1200, 56430331_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? You really hate bunny rabbits that much?

>> No.15197721
File: 113 KB, 400x428, Playstation-PSX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How mad would you/the community be if the mystery character was a new tsukumogami based off one of these

>> No.15197728

I'd feel like dropping Touhou

>> No.15197757

I wouldn't be mad because that's just way too fucking stupid and would never happen.

>> No.15197778
File: 36 KB, 163x217, 1462327713496.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that were to happen, I'd be able to accept Reisen.

>> No.15197779

You know it willbe PS4 exclusive. For the same reason that the definitive version of Seacats was PS3 exclusive.

I am suprised that they brought a character who was featured in one of the earlier fighting games in. I kind of expected it to be Doremy.

>> No.15197841

Non hand made objects cannot become a tsukumogami.

>> No.15197863
File: 981 KB, 534x300, 1461074829663.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what kind of fighting style she would have? Everything American?

>> No.15197914

I doubt this is the last new character.

So maybe more importantly, Reisen means no Kaguya like I've seen theorized since I highly doubt they would include three IN characters.

But it also possibly opens the door for other past fighters they initially said they didn't want to use.

That being said I have no doubt Reisen was added for oldfag and mainstream appeal.

I can see how she may fit in, though. Urban legends haven't gone away, after all, so if they treat her story or maybe that of other LoLK characters as a post-ULiL and LoLK epilogue it could work.

We could also still see someone like Nue who was connected to urban legends post-ULiL.

>> No.15197926

If they are adding in more than one character, then why don't they just make it 15.5?

>> No.15197962


Because they're saving that for late to make people buy the PS4 version of ULiL for the new characters and then 15.5 later for even more stuff.

>> No.15197990

Adding an extra character usually means some further development in the story.

If December release, I'm fairly certain this would also mark an announcement for another installation.

>> No.15197992

-Hurling Torches that arc like Ghosts and Goblins
-Maybe fairies? Like Mamizou had the Tanuki underlings
-If urban legends are still a thing, Maybe Will-o-wisps? Leaning towards the torch/insanity/hell side rather than 'murica.

>> No.15198022
File: 78 KB, 681x404, junkowasright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15198141

This is tasofro, the same guys that went out of their way to put baricades in the ulel code to prevent translation and netplay patches.
Did they do any work on the recent melty blood version or is that all arcsys?

>> No.15198164

Uniel is coming to steam this summer m8
Now as for the port, we can assume it will be half-assed like the melty blood port

>> No.15198167

>Reisen means no Kaguya
This sucks. I was hoping they would include Kaguya and I still think that would have been a reasonable choice considering Mokou is already in the game. We could have had some interesting interaction between the two, even if it was short. Plus, wasn't Kaguya supposed to be playable in UNL but was eventually scrapped? Well, now would have been a nice time to include her.

>> No.15198176

I still have faith in ZUn.
He's only doing this becuase he now has a family.

If he doesnt get enough money soon (before that kid eats it all up) he will never have his brewery. I want to see how his pub turns out.

>> No.15198293

You would have to have brain damage to think she, or rather any other updates that aren't console dependent, would be PS4 exclusive.

>> No.15198340


>> No.15198381


But that sort of logic doesn't allow senseless anti-ZUN shitposting.

>> No.15198919

I should clarify that what I meant is the door is open for old characters in future games. Not necessarily this one, because I wouldn't expect more than 2-3 characters in this update. Including Reisen.

For the remaining characters I would think Nue and an LoLK character or two LoLK characters are the remaining spots. If that. If it's only just one more character then I think someone from LoLK is a sure lock. The likliest are probably Clownpiece and Junko.

I could easily see Clownpiece being saved for Fairy Wars 2, however. Meanwhile, Junko would be looking to acclimate herself to Gensokyo.

MAYBE Sagume since she was the mastermind, but she has no reason to be on Earth.

Well, if I'm wrong and there are more character slots, it opens up the chance for Kaguya.

Anyway, yeah, IIRC the giant catfish was originally supposed to be in SWR until Tenshi took his place.

Meanwhile, Soku was supposed to revolve around "weak" characters. The game was to include Wriggle and Nitori and a storyline involving Mokou and Kaguya. Then they were removed, and Sanae, Okuu, Suwako, etc. added.

This was supposedly because Tasofro weren't terribly motivated to make a game that revolved around low tier bosses. They also didn't know how to capture and balance Mokou and Kaguya appropriately.

The SWR-Soku-HM-ULiL mixup makes sense if you consider that Nitori didn't fit HM terribly well.

And also if you consider the theory that Sanae perhaps wasn't supposed to be in Soku, but would make her fighting debut in what was to be HM, only to be removed from that when the time came because she had appeared already.

>> No.15198940

ZUN went full kike years ago.

>> No.15198975

The Touhou Smash debacle made things clear as day.

>> No.15199013

You mean that thing where some assholes in the States overstepped their boundaries, ignored all logic and reason, and basically acted like cunts, which probably damaged ZUN's trust in western game developers?

>> No.15199016

he was asking for money to develop it. There's a clear difference in ethics we are talking about here.

>> No.15199030

I agree, my totally not a shill friend.

>> No.15199059

True. Then where the fuck is my officially licensed 2hu loli piss?

>> No.15199270
File: 333 KB, 900x600, reisen_udongein_inaba_by_jurisdictia-d9a16d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reisen <3

>> No.15200305


More like they resorted to crowdfunding--An unreliable, high-risk method of obtaining money prior to a game release that can easily be exploited by scammers.

I'm pretty sure those of you who follow the Mighty No. 9 debacle can attest to this.

>> No.15200397

Maybe hair doesn't grow longer on the moon, so Reisen is unfamiliar with the idea of haircuts. (or if she's heard of them, she might think it sounds disturbing)

Pro wrestling?

>> No.15200427

That, and they tried to release the game on Nintendo's online distribution service without asking ZUN.

That goes beyond a simple mistake, and goes into "I'm trying to hostilely infringe on your IP" territory.

>> No.15200549

Has Zun officially sold out?

>> No.15200715

No need to cut hair when you can fly for no effort.

>> No.15200750

I love her enormous hair.

>> No.15200762

Not as sold out as your mom.

>> No.15200765


>> No.15200810

Big fucking deal. Just get a PS4

>> No.15200841

What the hell for?
To play Reisen?

>> No.15200848

Greek Wrestling

>> No.15200862

Last game that company made that wasn't shit was Hisou. HM and ULIL was pretty much rushed shit that sucked.

>> No.15200912

>The netplay for this game might actually be good in comparison to the horrendous mess that is the PC version's
>The game is going to be even deader than the PC version because it's on PS4 and no one will buy it because they've probably already played it on PC

>> No.15200947

Fuck you, ULiL is perfectly fine you big sokubaby.

>> No.15200952

both are pretty bad as fighting games.
The only reason people play them are because touhou

>> No.15200966

Is it really "fine" if the netplay is basically unplayable?

>> No.15201243

I hate to admit it, but ZUN is one hell of a character designer.

>> No.15201279

>I hate to admit it

>> No.15201316
File: 92 KB, 232x442, TH06_Sakuya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because if you look at them as they are, they look retarded. But if you take a mildly competent artist to draw them, you realize they are quite good.

>> No.15201615

Is that their character art silhouette in the background?
Did someone ever get a better quality shot of this?

>> No.15201623
File: 152 KB, 700x570, i&#039;ve seen some shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15201807

I'll still believe in ZUN, kind of disappointed that Reisen out of all people made it in instead of someone brand new. At least her being there might make sense with LoLK and all that, and hopefully she'll make it into the PC version as well one day (as it would be too silly otherwise).
My trust in Tasofro is at an all-time low though.

>> No.15202288
File: 275 KB, 407x953, tmp_9246-Th15Reisen-571379459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>15195406 How much time passed between LoLK and this version of ULiL for her hair to get THAT long?

>> No.15202464

That's easily handwaved.
Eirin is clearly using experimental drugs on the rabbits.

>> No.15202572

Maybe rabbit hair grows quick? Who cares

>> No.15203030

You obviously did not pay attention to recent releases. It is a real possibility, especially for fighting games.

>> No.15203038

Not yet, so far only various "doujin" circles and tasofro took a bite of the sony money. Let's wait with doom&gloom till the next mainline game by ZUN is announced on E3 stage exclusive for ps4, vita and psnow.

>> No.15203042

The funniest thing is that people will pay for the game+netplay to play in tasofros worst-of-the-art netcode.

>> No.15203058

>and psnow
If I'm not mistaken, that service only stream legacy console content (<=PS3).

>> No.15203079

By the way, is it known whether there will be a physical retail version?
Even GR gets one, so I'm cautiously getting my hopes up.

>> No.15203174

>Reisen is officially confirmed for ULiL!
>for ULiL
Is is some sort of DLC? Touhou with DLCs? What?
Or is it a new game?

>> No.15203238

The ULiL is being ported to the PS4 with new features, anon. We don't know yet whether or not these new features will be added to the PC version however.

>> No.15203526
File: 102 KB, 640x360, 1462800209197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better image.

>> No.15203611


Official ULiL PS4 trailer.

The silhouette character is just Reisen sadly, but there's nothing wrong with hoping we get some more.

>> No.15203667
File: 48 KB, 480x376, 1462286039443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, we might just get SWR Reisen on top of that.

Really rub that disappointment in.

>> No.15204318

This isn't the first time a character came in later down the line, look at Hong.

>> No.15204643

Can't wait for full screen Dr Doom finger lasers.

>> No.15207598

>PS4 release

what the fuck?

>> No.15207715

>Mighty No. 9 debacle

I'm not sure what you're talking about here. Perhaps it's the amount of time it's taken to produce the game?

Honestly I associate that issue more with Starbound, but whatever.

>> No.15207886

Starbound isn't even the most obvious scam on that site, check out Star Citizen later.

>> No.15207965
File: 56 KB, 200x200, Hank Hill BUWAHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shit is uncanny, Anon.

>> No.15209586

I've been hating on kickstarter since the very beginning.
I get that some small devs benefit, but even then, I think Patreon is better for that.
When devs which obviously have the means and ability to find real support or finance it themselves do it, we get nothing but uninnovative clones.

I mean, doujin developers already do that out of their own pocket. Heck, Touhou megaman, Touhou SOTN is probably more innovative than their kickstarted couterparts

>> No.15210610

How do you mix up your info this badely?

>> No.15211325

What did I mix up? The catfish in SWR and the missing four in Soku were confirmed in various interviews with ZUN or Tasofro.

The only thing that wasn't is the idea that Sanae and maybe Okuu weren't going to be in Soku, but rather would be saved for the game that would become HM.

>> No.15217624

I don't know how true what your saying is, but thank god they didn't decide to put Sanae and Okuu in HM. HM came out with only 9 characters and they couldn't even finish the 9th character for release.

>> No.15220502

Will Mamizou be good this time? Will Marisa not be braindead high damage horseshit?

>> No.15220534

Twilight Frontier cannot into balance.

It's been how many games now and you haven't realized this yet?

>> No.15221134

Look, even a broken clock can be right twice a day. I also much preferred HMs custom specials instead if ULiLs gutted combos

>> No.15221194

They haven't been for months, dude. Try to keep up with the balance patches.

>> No.15221416

It's new version of ULiL or something?

>> No.15232624

>having to pay an extra annual fee giving money to Sony just to be able to play Touhou online
Absolutely no.
