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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1516707 No.1516707 [Reply] [Original]

I wonder which is more aggressive in bed, the imouto or the onee-sama?

>> No.1516724 [SPOILER] 
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I have my suspicions.

>> No.1516731
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>> No.1516757
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>> No.1516886
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Akiha gets all dere dere during her ero scenes.

Sachiko is probably more aggressive, due to her Catholic upbringing.

>> No.1516968
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Sure, she's deredere when you ignore the entire rest of the world to focus on her, but on other routes she shows some disturbing tendencies. I don't know about inflatable strap-ons, but she probably has more than a couple fetishes that aren't touched on merely because the male lead dies before a second sex scene.

>> No.1516989
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>> No.1516716

They're both the onee-sama... which means they will hunt for imouto together.

>> No.1516734

who ?

>> No.1516738

Only faggots and pathetic beta-males want women to be aggressive in bed. sage

>> No.1516744

That's not Akiha. Breasts are waaaay too big.

>> No.1516751

I always wondered about you. Guess I was right.

>> No.1516762

You would want it up your ass if it was a guy.

>> No.1516764

You're a faggot. How dare you ruin my Akiha like that!

>> No.1516769

Uh, no, that's not how it works, dude.

>> No.1516773

I was talking about "you" specifically.

>> No.1516774

Well, nothing is perfect.

>> No.1516782

What's with all this Akiha connoisseuring?

>> No.1516788

I would like to be the γ male to the α and β females in OP's picture.

>> No.1516790

Regardless of my sexuality, I think the OPs question has been thoroughly answered.

>> No.1516797

That's because you're a pathetic failure of a man who's too weak to take control of the relationship like a man's supposed to. Stop ruining MY women with your shit, faggot

>> No.1516796

I see, you're calling me a faggot.


>> No.1516802

Omae wa mo shindeiru.

>> No.1516812

u mad?

>> No.1516815

I'm willing to wear a dress and go δ male if you want in.

>> No.1516906

you cannot under stand because you are a faggot who is so afraid of being what you are that you have to dominate females and tell everyone you do so just to make yourself feel less gay.

>> No.1517320
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>>1517266 Akiha wouldn't give a pussy like you the time of day.
Besides, she already has two perfectly good maids to boss around.

>> No.1517327
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Akiha wouldn't give a pussy like you the time of day.
Besides, she already has two perfectly good maids to boss around.

>> No.1516940

I would mostly agree with you, but there's a difference between not being able to take control in a relationship and being able to enjoy it when a woman is aggressive in bed. If everything went your way in life, it'd be like playing a game in god mode, fun for the first 5 minutes, then immensely boring. To know excitement, you need to have control taken from you once in a while, even if it's just to have the pleasure of fighting back for it.

>> No.1517066

Cock would confuse her.

>> No.1517073

What tendencies?

>> No.1517111

> afraid of being what you are
Haha, oh wow. If people were satisfied with just "being themselves" no one would ever try to become better people. "Being yourself" is just an excuse people make so they don't have to change their shortcomings. "Being yourself" is not an excuse as for why you lack what it takes to be a man, it's just you being too weak to change yourself.

>> No.1517113

I'm fairly sure that if everything went my way I would be damn happy with it. Anyone who says otherwise has never experienced actual hardships.

>> No.1517514
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>> No.1517161

So you'd enjoy playing games without challenges, reading stories with no conflicts, listening to music based on only perfect harmony? I don't know, sounds kinda boring. The trends in all kinds of fiction shows that humans mostly don't idealize a life that goes smoothly all the time, which makes sense, as humans are masters of adaptions, and adapting to hardships is what makes us stronger. All forms of self-improve, including exercise and education, is a form of putting yourself in (light) hardships in order to adapt to them.

>> No.1517535
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>> No.1517183

Uh, I'm >1517111, and I agree with you. I was responding to >>1516906, not to you.

>> No.1517190

Also, I like having a woman resist a bit before I finally get her to crack and accept me as the boss. I just want her to know who's in control once I've done that

>> No.1517207

Sorry, misquote, it was directed at >>1517113.

>> No.1517266

I'd gladly be dominated by Akiha, all beta male that I am.

>> No.1517297

All those things emphasize triumph and improvement. Overcoming obstacles by getting better. Assuming there is such a thing as absolute perfection in everything, it would be the absolute ideal of stories like those too. Jack defeats the dark lord of some medieval hovel by practicing swordsmanship? Well now Jack is so perfect he creates a Utopian society where we all live in peace and harmony while exploring the mysteries of the universe. It's not as good a story, but it's the ideal of the glorious hero archetype.

Basically, once you take care of all those pesky things like uncertianty and failure you can move on and do things like creating a perfect society for everyone else or dicking around with people to amuse yourself. Your will would be manifest, and who doesn't want to be a god?

>> No.1517404

I started writing a bunch of stuff in reply to this, but it started wandering too far from the original point. My claim, that it's perfectly natural for both great and unnoteworthy men to receive excitement from not being in control, as they realize it's the only way to progress, still stands.

>> No.1517420


>> No.1517445

Sure. Saying that it is the ONLY way to be excited is wrong, though. A Perfect Person would still have things they enjoy doing, entertain them, and excite them. They will just be different things.

>> No.1517464

Fair enough. But I'd still claim that it is probably the best way to get excited and that you're really missing out without it.

>> No.1517473

Don't even bother trying to convince the guy. I'm sure he's the same wannabe alpha-male faggot who always pops up in threads like these to spout his misogynist bullshit and pretend like he is always the dominant one in relationships, when in reality he has most likely never had a girlfriend.

>> No.1517484

Arguing over the most exciting thing is an exercise in both subjectivity and futility.

>> No.1517491

Wait, what? I'm not that faggot. I just saw an interesting tangent and posted about it. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.1517492

ITT: /jp/ argues over which way of doing something nobody here will do is best.

>> No.1517500

I believe I did a pretty decent job at observing it objectively, though I won't argue against the futility part.

>> No.1517504

Females are the superior race. Proven fact.

You guys walking around like you're better are lucky they let you survive. In the future they will do away with men all together.



>> No.1517520

Sorry. That guy was definitely posting earlier in this thread and it's hard to differentiate between anonymous posters. There's no need to get angry over it.

>> No.1517524

For the record, this is where I joined in, and I would personally love to be dominated by Akiha. In moderation, of course.

>> No.1517582

> misogynist
Woman detected
