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15124762 No.15124762 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for the discussion of Touhou gameplay. What have you been working on, /jp/?

Old thread: >>15032643

>> No.15124798
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Improving my UFO LNBs

>> No.15124832

Trying to 1cc EoSD on lunatic. I finally got to Sakuya on a single credit.

>> No.15124838

Rhythm Games threadfag here.
I've tried these games like once, but never really got into them.

Should I get into touhou danmaku?

>> No.15124867

Download a trial, see if you like it.

>> No.15124880

You'll probably get biased answers here, but I think these games are great, so I'd say yes, go for it. I suggest trying out EoSD, PCB, IN or MoF first. Remember to install vpatch too.

Not sure what you mean by this.

>> No.15124886

My down arrow key broke off yesterday, rip my touhou life. Anyone play using the numpad? Tried but just cant get used to it.

>> No.15124893

Cleared Phantasm for the first time! Been a while since I tried, and suddenly it's piss easy. Granted, I bombed the fuck out of the last spell card, but I captured many of the others and had 3 lives left at the end.

>> No.15124900

Is there a way to focus or pause using native joystick input on the PC-98 games?

>> No.15125143

Map arrows to IJKL. Or better yet, get a new keyboard.

>> No.15125154

Gotta laptop :v Also havent found a way to map buttons to different keys.

>> No.15125168

Try KeyTweak. It works, but you'll have to reboot to apply and revert changes.

You can also order a replacement keyboard online and replace it yourself. It's actually pretty easy to do that.

>> No.15126073

What's the hardest stage 3 boss on lunatic? I'm training my IN stage 3 in preparation for my 1cc, and used to think that Keine was hard, but now I only find one of her attacks difficult: her first spellcard.

>> No.15126077

Autohotkey is what the man wants.

>> No.15126089

except for her first spellcard all of them are completely aimed/static or easy(three treasures country)

>> No.15126099

>Old thread: >>15032643
Oh please don't try to turn this into a general.

>> No.15126169


What's the problem?

>> No.15127726

>What's the problem?
Generals suck.

>> No.15128006

God damn man we just went through this shit a while back in the fumo thread.
What makes a general shitty? What makes a recurring thread about a general topic like touhou games different from a general thread? Very little, really. Do you think that linking to a previous thread is going to run these threads down the path of ruin? Get the fuck over it.

>> No.15131303


>> No.15132443

Tried playing in 90 FPS for the first time, then in 120 FPS.

240 FPS was plain silly, although I managed to capture one of Alice's spell cards. Even with 5 continues I didn't manage to make it past stage 4. At some point I just couldn't even bomb fast enough to survive.

It's fun though.

>> No.15133704
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I finally broke 500m in EoSD Lunatic scoring with ReimuB.

>> No.15134685

congrats man

>> No.15134692

What would a clear have given you?

700m soon?

>> No.15134730

The old thread has been linked in the OP since forever.

>> No.15135782

Clear would have been ~520m. Seeing as how the (legitimate) WR is a little under 670m, I doubt I'll ever have the skill required for 700m. I might be able to hit 600m if I put enough time into learning the more advanced scoring strategies and grinding credits, though.

>> No.15135862
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I 1cc'd IN on hard a while back. Should I grind lunatic or try some of the other games?

>> No.15135929

I was about to capture scarlet gensokyo when I bombed accidentally. I got so angry about bombing that I died immediately after that.

I felt that the difference between lunatic and hard is bigger than the difference between normal and hard. I'd give a try to some of the other games.

>> No.15136011

Are you implying that you haven't played the other games, or just haven't cleared them on hard?

Actually, either way, play a different one. It'll be better practice to clear all of them on hard before going to lunatic.

>> No.15136037

>It'll be better practice to clear all of them on hard before going to lunatic
I disagree. I think it's good to eventually decide to stick with one game. Clear a few of them on hard before going on to lunatic is my suggestion.

>> No.15136068

I started playing touhou for the first time yesterday. I'm starting with imperishable night and i've played about 4 or so hours but i'm still struggling to beat easy mode. I'm gradually getting better but it feels overwhelming. Do I just suck or is it this difficult for all new stg players?

>> No.15136376

These aren't games that you can beat in few days. 4 hours is not very much. It took me a month to beat EoSD on normal, but you'll get better and it'll take less.After that every other game except SA and UFO took me like 3 days or so to beat on normal.

>> No.15136684

If you're getting better then yes it's normal, but if you get to a point where you start feeling frustrated.

Take a break and listen to music or something.

I say it depends on the person as far as how fast it can take you to beat the games.

>> No.15136814

What >>15136376 said. It took me a month to beat EoSD as well. If you're not prepared to make a serious investment then you'd might as well quit now.

It does get a lot easier when you beat your first one. I started with EoSD and have played 7, 8, and 10. 7 took me a week, 8 took me a few days, and 10 I did in a few hours.

>> No.15136842

Yeah, if you're new to shmups, expect to spend weeks or even months getting a good ending. And speaking of, switch to Normal as soon as you can, because while Easy is okay for getting used to the controls and mechanics, you won't get a good ending even if you 1cc.

As for general pointers — Play a bit every day. Stick with a game while you're trying to beat it, because memorization is key. Try to learn from your mistakes. If you get stuck in a stupid-death hell or are otherwise getting frustrated, call it a day and try again tomorrow. Read the manual. Explore all the shot types and find which one works best for you. If there's a particular part you're stuck on, use practice mode to figure it out. Hold shift for focused movement.

It does feel overwhelming at first, but once you get a 1cc, you'll wonder how you ever had trouble with it. Hang in there.

>> No.15136874

I'm trying to complete any touhou game. any

>> No.15137248

Thanks for the replies, I"m going to keep playing as much as I can for the next few weeks until I am at least able to beat normal mode. I actually downloaded all the windows touhou games but I picked imperishable night to play first cause I liked the main menu music.

>> No.15137254

Well if you downloaded all the windows ones you might as well download the pc98 ones too.

>> No.15137282

Maybe someday but I think I just want to get through some of the windows ones first. They were just easier to download all at once

>> No.15140726

Why is SA so hard? Even stage 5 on normal is harder than some extra stages. Is it lack of practice or just my lack of skill?

>> No.15140727
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You are me
I have more problems with Utsuho though since her spells require a lot of skill and reading

>> No.15141047

Aside from LoLK (which I've barely played), SA has the hardest normal mode in my opinion, with UFO close behind in difficulty. You've just got to route it out a bit. Orin is the hardest part of the game.

>> No.15141060

>stage 5 on normal is harder than some extra stages

>> No.15141094
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just practice/memorize, especially know when you should bomb and know how little bombing actually costs you

I was able to get 1cc in SA before UFO, TD, DDC or LoLK so it can't be that bad

>> No.15141162

>the (legitimate) WR is a little under 670
isn't it like 698 or something

>> No.15141175

Ichizoku cheated his 698m run.

>> No.15141183

Nevermind what I said, stage 1-4 are pretty easy for the most part, it's just that stage 5 is hard.

Well, Rin is definitely harder than Flandre.

I guess this is my main problem. I don't know when freely bombing is safe.

>> No.15141191

is this confirmed? where?

>> No.15141218

I'm not the one who analyzed the replay myself, but from what I know, it was at least partially due to different timings on Daiyousei spins for ReimuB and MarisaA, which is really precise, and he did his ReimuB run about 3 weeks after his MarisaA run. Along with various other suspicious stuff throughout his run.

Find his replays under the EoSD section here

>> No.15141257

so it's still just suspicion. okay

>> No.15141299

>first torrent I find includes all games
geez oh man, I'll play touhou from the very first one I guess. How long will it take me to finish all games on normal? I've never played a bullet hell game before. Any recommendations?

>> No.15141316

I started with touhou series as my first proper STG games over a year ago and out of windows games I lack normal 1cc in 3 of the entries out of 10. Granted I don't have very good coordination in general and it took me a long time to learn basics and get the first 1cc.

>> No.15141337

Sounds like I will be able to entertain myself for quite a while then. Sounds good.

>> No.15141345

Hard to say. My first 1cc (MoF on normal) took me about a week and a half, playing an hour and a half a day. I didn't have any stg experience before that. MoF is one of the easier games to 1cc, but you'll also be improving, so it could take you around that much time or less to 1cc each of the rest of the games.

1ccing all of the games on normal sounds sort of boring to be honest, and I never bothered to do it until way later. More fun to move up to higher difficulties after clearing a few of them on normal imo.

>> No.15141354

For sure, and it's not just the games but the music and fan stuff that might also grab your attention, and as >>15141345 mentioned, there's also higher difficulties and extra stages to work on. I personally have hard time jumping into the next difficulty levels so I just pick up another game, usually playing many of them at the same time to not get burned out with a single one.

>> No.15141371

but all of them are the same genre? Or do you mean you play a different one when you get stuck on one of them?

I already have the music and I enjoy the doujins. That is what made me decide to play the games.

>> No.15141373

I'd start with the Windows games (6 - EoSD) and go forward from there. The PC98 ones can be a bit brutal, especially before LLS. EoSD is a very good starting point.

Don't feel as though you need to "complete" them in order either. Touhou is a pretty open book, you can play what you want. I learned on IN and moved to other games, some people start on EoSD or PCB though.

>> No.15141395

Thanks for the advise. I think I will start with EoSD because flandre.

>> No.15141420

Same genre but varying mechanics and patterns obviously, being stuck practicing one stage in one game might get boring after some time if there's no progress but some other game might feel better at that point. That's how it works for me. For example I had to step out of SA for a while because of how difficult it was for me and picked up and played (and 1cc'd) both IN and MoF in the meantime.

>> No.15141768

Seriously, start with one of the Windows games. 6, 7, 8, 10, and 14 are all good starting points. There are a few posts with general advice for new players in the thread already, but this can't be said enough: read the manual.

Stage 5 is the only difficult part of that game, but makes up for it by being pretty fucking hard. If you just want a 1cc, you can easily stock enough lives in the first four stages to get through Rin with minimal practice/skill. Okuu is more theatrical than difficult, so as long as you have a couple lives going to fight her, you should be fine.

>> No.15141829
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>> No.15142094
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>> No.15142169


>> No.15143459

Is there any nifty easy way of assigning different movement keys? Preferrably without some dodgy 3rd party software.

>> No.15144806

Just finished my first Touhou 1cc (not counting easy mode) run on PCB Normal.

>> No.15144836

well done!

>> No.15144847
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>> No.15145279

Their runs had always seemed a bit sketchy, but the recent analysis by the actual current world record holder is what pushed it over. It isn't "just suscpicion" either -- Ichizoku's scores are no longer on Royalflare nor listed on MotK, and probably shouldn't be on the wiki either.

>> No.15145304

and Ran

>> No.15146700
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>Okuu is more theatrical than difficult
Hell and Heaven Meltdown wrecks my ass
I realize it can be dodged horizontally but it still wrecks my ass

>> No.15146917

>I realize it can be dodged horizontally
oh god how would you do it vertically

>> No.15147133

Sure, but she's still among the easiest final bosses, at least on Normal.

>> No.15147875

I think she's next after Junko difficulty-wise.

>> No.15148479

Speaking of Junko, her difficulty isn't even that bad for most parts, the micro dodge circles are very easy to get used to in my opinion. The worst part of her is that final spellcard with all the randomness, I just can't for the love of god capture it even in pointdevice after a hundred tries. Talking about normal skill btw.

>> No.15148561

Wow, honestly? I'd rank them like so:

Difficult: Yuyuko, Shinmyoumaru
Moderate: Eirin, Kaguya, Kanako, Miko
Easy: Remi, Okuu, Byakuren

Perhaps I'm biased by the fact that she comes after Rin, and so seems easier in context.

>> No.15152321
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Just spent a while getting toyed with by Clownpiece. And here I thought I was getting somewhat okay at 2hu.

>> No.15153093
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I just finished my first 1cc on EoSD on Normal. Do I continue get good until I can finish Extra and 1cc Hard and Lunatic or do I 1cc the other games?

>> No.15153190

So I recently tried to get into Touhou, so i downloaded a pack of the first five games, and have since been playing the first, despite knowing how different the gameplay is for later games. How screwed am I going to be for when I try to get into later games?

>> No.15153347

first attempts at clownpiece are always a disaster, when I originally played lolk in pointdevice it literally took me over 100 tries to get that first survival spellcard done without bombing, now I can do the same card on first attempt 9/10 times

>> No.15153502
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If it makes you feel better, it took me over 100 tries (in point device mode) to beat her moon spell for the first time. It felt like trying to overcome Gengetsu's bullshit all over again

>> No.15153510

>13 misses
Now do it with the default number of lives that is 3. You should try PCB and IN since they are not that different from EoSD.

>> No.15153748

I fucking suck. Trying to 1cc EoSD with Marisa A because she's the most efficient vs. bosses but the farthest I can get is Remilia. And then, she exhaust my remaining stuff quite quickly. At least, I gotta say I'm getting better at deathbombing and I'm getting closer to my goal but man, this is quite time-consuming.

>> No.15153893

Bad player here so my opinion will likely be uninformed.

Is UFO supposed to be one of the harder games? I can't help but feel the difficulty in the stages spikes a lot earlier than with the other games. By the time it reaches Stage 4 I feel like I'm on the final stage of most of the other games with all the danmaku sprays.

>> No.15153913

what do you gensokyojins use for joystick support?

>> No.15153956

Any DirectInput controller appears to work. Don't know about Xinput. Despite this I prefer to use a keyboard.

>> No.15154380

Firstly, what >>15153510 said; it doesn't count if you use a handicap. That aside, Extra stages are roughly between Hard and Lunatic in difficulty, so try clearing on Hard first. But actually, I would recommend clearing a few other games before that.

You won't be screwed, you'll just be amazed by how the Windows games are actually good. I mean, 4 and 5 are alright too, but they're still made for an ancient computer system that wasn't even intended to play games in the first place.

>but the farthest I can get is Remilia
The farthest you can get is the final boss? You make it sound like such a bad thing. Just another little push, and you'll be done. Remi isn't too bad, either, once you know what's coming. Maybe focus on conserving lives elsewhere if she's giving you that much trouble.

Yeah, I know what you mean. Stage 4 seems like a real shitshow. However, once you get used to it, a lot of the stuff in stages 4 and 5 isn't even that hard to dodge, it just looks intimidating.

As certain other people have pointed out, the danmaku in 12 doesn't seem like it should be hard on paper. Perhaps the added stress of getting used to the UFO mechanic and trying to collect them optimally makes the rest of the game seem harder. But I'm also a shitter, and can pretty consistently perfect that game up to the stage 5 boss, so it just goes to show that practice makes perfect. Hang in there.

>> No.15154566

Oh sorry, I didn't think that would be somehow cheating. I'll try it with default lives then

>> No.15154870

Clear lunatic and start scoring.

>> No.15155262

It's not exactly cheating because it is a feature of the game, but most people wouldn't count that as a 'real' 1cc or whatever.

But regardless of what anyone else thinks, you should stick to the default number of lives for your own good, since later games don't give you the option to change it.

>> No.15155867
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>However, once you get used to it, a lot of the stuff in stages 4 and 5 isn't even that hard to dodge, it just looks intimidating.
If I'm perfectly honest I find Stage 5 easier to handle, it just has high bullet density but they're fairly easy to read. Stage 4 I just keep getting boxed in all the time.

Eitherway I'm going with plan Marisa now, pic related for someone in a world of hurt.

>> No.15155952
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Maybe you keep dying because of your fucked-up aspect ratio.

>> No.15156057
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I don't know how people can play without 4/3 aspect ratio. I guess you can sort of get used to it, but the circles aren't even round. They're oval.

Pic related is the best resolution to play on. I actually use 1280x960

>> No.15156083

You are doing something incredibly wrong.

>> No.15158658

>The farthest you can get is the final boss? You make it sound like such a bad thing.
Yeah, because I only get to Remilia once in a while and when I do, I have perhaps 1 life or just some bombs remaining. And that's on Normal. I just suck.

>Remi isn't too bad, either, once you know what's coming.
I 'quite' know what's coming, it's just that the Spell Card where she lurches red round shots at you at great speed is a pain in the ass to dodge (I can pull off some nice dodges of usual danmaku stuff, even on Lunatic, but I absolutely hate rapid fire danmaku, probably the reason why I'm really bad at LoLK)

>focus on conserving lives elsewhere
Dude, I usually got flawless run for the three first stages. I wish I could spare lives on Patchouli but I still have some trouble with the amount of projectile on screen.
It's just Sakuya that I started to understand only recently.

Or it's perhaps just that I got better somehow. I just did a Normal run of 永夜抄 and managed to get to Kaguya before losing. It's just that I'm a slow learner and need some training.

>> No.15158869

practice mode is your friend, I got EoSD after I had grinded both stage 5 and 6 in practice until I could do them both without losing lives, still lost around 6 lives on stage 6 when actually doing the 1cc later on

>> No.15159116

>I could do them both without losing lives
>still lost around 6 lives on stage 6 when actually doing the 1cc later on
lmao what a retard

>> No.15161526

Wait, what? You can't practice a stage in 6 until you've already cleared it. Did you mean stages 4 and 5? That makes more sense anyway, since stage 6 isn't bad at all in comparison.

I mostly die on Patche, because she has all those random bug-type spells plus non-directional laser. Sakuya is a lot easier to deal with because there isn't too much randomness, and there are a few of her spells that you can misdirect. Understanding really is the key for that fight.

You seem to be on the right track. As long as you're making progress, it's fine, so stick with it and don't worry about being slow.

>> No.15161778

You can unlock practice stage by just clearing, even if it's not a 1cc.

>> No.15162096

Hellsinker > Touhou

>> No.15162692

What happened between DDC and LoLK to make the music so much better in the latter? Besides ZUN watching The X-Files, that is.

>> No.15169003
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There's 90 fps normal when Lunatic is too hard and Hard too easy.

>> No.15169475
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Using spoilerAL for added difficulty is pretty fun.

>> No.15174056
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He decided to stop using guitars.

>> No.15174113

What is the most fun spellcard in the series?

>> No.15174141

Illusional misdirection, I love to dodge that shit.
