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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1509363 No.1509363 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone on /jp/ NOT a hedonist?

Everyone here brags about having no job, leeching off your family, playing games all day, never leaving the house because you don't feel like going outside, never interacting with people because it's stressful, watching anime, playing VNs, wasting away countless hours on 4chan, and fapping when you're not doing any of the above.

Aside from the sexual freedom part (fapping to your waifus doesn't count), you guys are the definition of hedonism. Doesn't it bother you that you're even less disciplined and useful than the normalfags you constantly mock?

>> No.1509417
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anon is a river now?

>> No.1509453
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Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest. It would be morally wrong not to take it easy on Sunday.

>> No.1509460
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I have a job and I go to school.

>> No.1509462
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Reposting for relevance.

>> No.1509481
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cheer up emo kid

>> No.1509495
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I do cellular drive testing for a contractor. I pretty much drive around the eastern united states in a chevy avalanche with satellite equipment and a laptop and measure signal strength for 16 bucks an hour, hotels, meals, gas, company vehicle, all paid for. I drive for 3 weeks, plane ticket back home, have a week off, then do it all over again.

I love logging into the hotel wireless every night with my laptop, jumping on /jp/ and spamming ransmirk though. My laptop is shit and hotel wireless is shit so I can't play games. I have a job and I'm very happy traveling around, but you guys are still always in my heart since you're the only companions I get 3 weeks at a time.

>> No.1509501
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1224954959720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I DO have a job.

Otherwise, I am a lonely, introverted, run-of-the-mill weeaboo.

>> No.1509368

It's all a meme. We're all actually successful college students and graduates, making much more money than you ever will.

>> No.1509369

I don't have anyone to leech off of, so I have a job. A shitty job, but a job. I don't interact with others not due to stress, but due to the fact that I just don't see a reason to, I'm have nearly no social desires.

Funny thing is, I have a RL girlfriend. She's a fucking pcyho borderline manic depressive bitch, drives me nuts. We've stopped having sex because I just don't feel like it. Takes too much energy. Fapping is less effort and feels just as good.

Am I still worse than those normalfags? Or even worse that the type of /jp/ hedonist you describe?

>> No.1509374

Only underaged weeaboos brag about that, they feel a little more Japanese by pretending to be a hikki.

>> No.1509375

I don't have a job, yet. But I am doing good at the university. That requires me to leave my house and socialize.

>> No.1509377

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>> No.1509383

I have a shitty paid job but i can sit on a computer all day on /jp/.

>> No.1509387


>> No.1509389

People still think /jp/ is full of hikkis and /b/ is full of retards?

>> No.1509394

The latter is true.

>> No.1509396

I don't have a job, nor am I in school and I stopped caring long long ago for a social life.

I write novels with my time and I'm trying to publish but without money to send what I've got in to companies I may very well need that job you talk about. So far though I haven't worked or attended school in a very very long time. Hedonism it may be but I live my own way and I'm determined to be successful at writing if it kills me.

>> No.1509399

post it i need it for something

>> No.1509401

How exactly is enjoying life in your own way a bad thing?

>> No.1509402

I have a job. Yet I don`t go outside much.
,ost people disgust me

>> No.1509403

Between making millions at home daytrading and my ab king pro I'm afraid /jp/ struggles to get a look in

>> No.1509404

Some of are actually NEET ;__;

>> No.1509411

I think the people who do nothing useful just have more time to post about it. Also, people who do useful things don't really have a reason to talk about it on /jp/.

>> No.1509426

only on saturday

>> No.1509427

why would lack of discipline and "usefulness" to society bother me? society never done anything for me and i didnt chose to be born into it so i most definitely dont feel indebted towards it

so they should be grateful for whatever tax money they can squeeze out of me

>> No.1509431

Most of us are probably 18-27 years old, going to college/dropped out or working at some mediocre job, relatively unsocial but may have some friends we just shoot the shit with, and probably weeaboo to a good extent (more than the general population), otherwise we really wouldn't be here. The average anon is probably more intelligent than the average population, but often lacks motivation in general and has become satisfied with his life with his computer.

>> No.1509645
File: 5 KB, 125x125, 1224957590391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just need a clean driving record and a license. they also prefer computer literacy but all the programs are proprietary shit written for a windows OS so any idiot can do it. you just have to like being ronery and like driving alot.

we're based out of pittsburgh, i'm sure theres stuff like that out west too. the company just does contracts for like tmobile and verizon and big companies that want to know where they need to put cell towers to extend their coverage.

>> No.1509436


>> No.1509449

I don't know why I laughed so hard.

>> No.1509452

If you think society doesn't do anything for you, you're very stupid. Do you know what the natural state of man without society is? It's war. The only reason you have property to begin with is because society guarantees and safeguards it - if the government collapsed, no one has anything and guess what sorts of people would be the first targets for robbery and murder? So yeah, you might not like the government but they do perform a service for you simply by existing.

>> No.1509659
File: 403 KB, 300x168, 1224957888986.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get a job because I never got a driver's license and none of the schools around me teach adults. You'll find that "reliable transportation" is required for every fucking job.

>> No.1509466

All of you faggots saying you have a job and/or girlfriend and/or a social life need to get the hell back to /r9k/. Or /a/.

Either way, get out. You don't belong here. Nobody gives a shit about your success, we want to hear about depraved anons who lust after their sisters and can't control their farts in public.

>> No.1509484

Holy shit, that is like a perfect description if me.

>> No.1509480

Gee golly, somebody posted a page worth of generalizations about the stereotypical middle-class geek and the majority of the stereotypes matched up with a good number of the people on this internet imageboard?

He must be a prophet.

>> No.1509486


>> No.1509489

to aru majutsu no weeaboo

>> No.1509504

Well I'm not like that I just come here to lol at all the /jp/tards

>> No.1509520

I go to college three days a week. The other four days, I sit around in my bedroom playing visual novels and not much else.

I gave up on trying to make friends with people just over a year ago and it's like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

>> No.1509524

I do have a job, but no friends.

>> No.1509526

When you drop out of college it will feel the same way.

>> No.1509530

You should've waited until 3am on a weeknight to post this. All the kids are up and about right now.

>> No.1509536

Probably. I've been there before.

This is actually my second attempt at IRL. I dropped out of college for the first time a few years ago.

>> No.1509539

I barely socialize, I sincerely enjoy chatting with people on a one-on-one basis though. I have a job at a local farm while doing school online. I always hated living within standard society and for the past 6 months I've for the most part withdrawn from it. I do go outside, but I am always by myself, groups of more than a few people get me into a terrible mood. My teachers always had extremely high expectations of me, but I don't really feel like I've failed anything. I feel like a human, and simply being a human should be good enough.

>> No.1509551

How can I get that job?

>> No.1509553


From reading your post I feel you are against hedonistic activity.

So what is your argument against hedonism OP?

Do you believe that we should all indulge in the negative? Should we say no to happiness, and embrace all that is bad? Your mind is far from sound if you believe this.

Because I believe this not to be the case, I think you have misunderstood the word Hedonism. Hedonism describes both the NEETS on this board and the suggested mindset of Mother Teresa, in fact many would argue that it explains the existence of every sound mind on Earth.

So you should have used the word selfish. The definition of selfish seems to be what you are firing wildly to all unknown persons on /jp/ at the moment. Think things through more clearly next time please.

Now go home and get your fucking shine box.

>> No.1509561


>> No.1509571

In short - op is a retard

>> No.1509634

The problem with hedonism (in its purest form, in practice nobody is a pure hedonist) is that it means enjoying life as much as possible for yourself, no matter what the cost. So if you can put yourself in a better situation by hurting others, you do so.
Of course, in practice, few people are as selfish as that, so it doesn't happen much, but that's the idea behind hedonism.
In this case, the only problem here would be the 'leeching off your family' thing.

I myself think that you should enjoy life as much as possible, as long as it doesn't negatively effect others.
Basically, amount of things other people do for you <= amount of things you do for other people.

Jobless/high school (7th year, in sixth year of a six-year education)/lives with his mom, but not rest of family (divorced parents)/doesn't go outside when not necessary (although often it is necessary)/has few, but very close friends, and lots of people he's on friendly terms with/wastes nearly all spare time with weeaboo-interest stuff here.

>> No.1509637

Not really a hedonist in the sense you portray. Thank god I at least get by with what I earn, which is very modest, but mostly the option of normalcy has always been something I've yearned for. Unfortunately, due to several mental conditions that leave me socially, as well as in some issues mechanically rather retarded, a healthy social life and the chance of making something out of myself in the sense that I perceive most mentally and physically capable people to be partial to are more or less barred from me. The best I can do is to make myself valuable enough to society to get by, take what pride it gives me, and stay the hell away of the rest of it for the sake of my own well-being. Through that, hedonism, I believe, I can subscribe to, even despite being of the opinion that my situation is not of my own creation. And to be honest, every minute I spend without occupying my mind with excesses of one kind or other I'll invariably spend dwelling on every little setback and failure to the point that the resulting guilt will lead to further mental degradation, and eventually possibly rob me even of my ability to conduct simple solo manual labor. For the really lonely people, I should say, a degree of hedonism is the final safety that keeps them breathing. In a sense, even through the excesses we wallow in there's space for significant self-improvement - haven't many of you thought of, through inspiration of what you occupy your time with, even perhaps producing such stuff yourself?

>> No.1509639

governments and similar structured organizations are usually the ones waging war to maintain their position of power, individuals rarely do
guess you'll claim that the police force is there to protect citizens and not enforcing governmental control and power aswell

>> No.1509643

Quite the opposite actually, I was wondering how /jp/ deals with it since I constantly feel pressured that I should be working on something instead of lazing around. I go to college but only show up for tests and such, the rest of the time I'm just screwing around while FAFSA pays for my food and rent. I also can't afford a car, so it limits a lot of what I can do, especially jobs.

I hardly think that I was describing selfishness, I don't know where you got that from.

>> No.1509707

Bumpan for greater ronery.

>> No.1509719

Well said.

>> No.1509719,1 [INTERNAL] 


old /jp/ was like /b/ tier cringey

wasn't till 2011 that this place got fun

>> No.1509719,2 [INTERNAL] 

You wouldn't understand since you weren't there, but we didn't have to hide behind walls of irony back then.

>> No.1509719,3 [INTERNAL] 

And look where we are now

>> No.1509719,4 [INTERNAL] 

Well I was on /b/ back then, and this is just as retarded as /b/ was.

>> No.1509719,5 [INTERNAL] 

fuck off trevshits

>> No.1509719,6 [INTERNAL] 

Be sure to stop by http://gnfos.com..

We have all the latest memes :)
