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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1506623 No.1506623 [Reply] [Original]

Economy thread in /jp/

>> No.1506636
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How DARE you!

>> No.1506639
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>> No.1506674
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Banks getting capital, National City sold

>> No.1506708
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South Korea Doesn't Need Aid From IMF, Official Says

>> No.1506718
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Economy thread? Fuck yes.

Len is about to be raped. The demand of her rape can be expressed by the function Qd = -5000 + 200P. The rape that can be supplied is expressed by the function Qs = 15500 - 12P. What is the most efficient number of rapes that can be done to Len to ensure she is being raped efficiently?

>> No.1506774
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>> No.1506630


>> No.1506628

The Japanese were idiots to stake their economy on America's; don't blame us for ruining them.

>> No.1506624


>> No.1506633

I think that the economy is stupid, and I can't afford to buy as many shoes anymore.

>> No.1506647


>> No.1506641


>> No.1506652

South Korea is default soon?

>> No.1506657

IMF should help South Korea?

>> No.1506661


>> No.1506664

What happen to South Korea

>> No.1506677


>> No.1506711

Everybody knows Wells Fargo is the only true reliable bank worth investing your monies in.

>> No.1506735

Even if it means destroying the incentive and finances of honest people that work, save money and pay their bills, even if it means allowing companies to make it illegal to hire Americans that costs millions of jobs, even if it means poisoned food, even if it means a disaster. And the Wicked Witch named “Reality” kept tormenting all of the Munchkins and kicking them out of their houses, and soon Dorothy and all of her Munchkin friends returned to the palace to complain about Reality and losing homes they did not pay for and couldn’t afford. The Wizard of Oz took over $160 billion dollars in “free” money and threw it out the palace windows to all of the Munchkins, with no restrictions, like, if you are behind on your mortgage, you have to use it to make payments to Witch Reality. The Democrat Munchkins then tried to throw another $50 billion dollars out the palace windows, but couldn’t do it fast enough before the Treasury Munchkin and the FRS Munchkin took over and started handing out hundreds of billions of dollars to their wealthy friends who are only a mere phone call away. However, the Wicked Witch of the West “Reality,” continued, and kept taking houses away from all those who lived in the land of Oz, and the Munchkins all started walking away from the houses they didn’t save, sacrifice or risk a noteworthy down payment to get into, despite the Munchkin leader’s multiple bailouts. The Wizard had to come up with a way to save this mess, so he waved his minimalist government magic wand, and said “I can do anything, there are no rules I can’t break or make,” and transformed himself into the maximist FDR New Magic Deal. So, knowing that foreign countries would bail out the USA as long as Americans kept buying their foreign goods, by buying American businesses and hoarding incredible sums of American dollars to keep America’s inflation down, the Wizard devised a grand scheme to throw 2 trillion dollars of deficit spending at the problem.

>> No.1506728


Never rape Len, you'll regret it.

>> No.1506729

In the magical land of Oz, Dorothy decided to try real estate flips, and followed the yellow brick road to Oz for financing. Dorothy explained, “I don’t have a down payment, I live from paycheck to paycheck, and spent everything on ruby slippers and the Witches broom.” And the Mortgage Maker replied, “that’s no problem, the Money People have friends in high places; they don’t want rules that prevents turning the American home into a speculative commodity.” “Those folks,” he continued, “are also opposed to 401k fee disclosure, derivatives risk disclosure and so on, all kinds of things, and are getting profits and special perks to keep the rules at bay you couldn’t imagine. In fact, the Munchkin leaders are all multi-millionaires, and invested in this too, so you can have anything you want. It’s just like magic!” Dorothy replied, “well, that’s why I came to Oz! Can you finance my closing costs and down payment too?” The Mortgage Maker continued, “Of course! And we’ll do the cheaper variable rate loan.” Dorothy exclaimed, “but who is taking the risk for this?” “Don’t be concerned, the Money People above are clamoring for more of these profitable Tranches, so in with the mortgage and house you go!” exclaimed the Mortgage Maker. Dorothy said: “well, Ok, this really is the magical land of Oz after all!” At that moment, the brainless Scarecrow showed up, and also asked for another mortgage.

>> No.1506732

“Of course you can,” replied the Mortgage Maker. The Scarecrow continued, “I just bought a Vette, an SUV, I’m maxed out on my mortgage, home equity loan, the bridge loan for the other house, and the loan for the down payment, the boat, the furniture, the hummer, the credit cards and the pool.” Not a problem replied the Mortgage Maker, THIS IS OZ!!! If you need something else, an appraiser will price your house so you can use it like an ATM!” And there was so much money to be made, houses started dropping all over Oz, over 1/3 of them foreign investors who wanted their piece of the investment pie, and soon, all of the Munchkins in Oz were swapping up and flipping houses too. The Lion and the Tin Man both looked on with disgust and said “this can’t continue indefinitely, someone will pay for this, it always works like that for me” and for several years there were obvious signs of impending trouble. “Housing bubble” became a household word for several years, but the Wizard of Oz and Munchkins that run the palace would hear none of that, because they represent minimalist government, and believe that greasing the skids of the economy with irresponsible commerce and cash from debt spending outweighs anything else.

>> No.1506743

And with that, he decided to eliminate all debt for all of his wealthy friends, the investment firms, the banks, the foreigners, by saddling all of the Tin Men in Oz (because the Lion has special tax exemptions from the 66,000 page tax code book) with 2 trillion dollars in additional debt. Because there were so many Munchkins with little money and bad cedit records, few of them could qualify for a mortgage and buy a house, but the New Magic Deal intends to encourage banks to lend money carelessly again by erasing their debt. The Tin Men pleaded to at least create a couple of extremely simple, basic mortgage rules so they could be protected from idiots and predators and avoid another disaster, but the Treasury Munchkin Paulson refused new rules because it limits the amount of money the Money People can make, while the Congressional and Senatorial Munchkins went berserk and proposed tax breaks, eliminating regulations, using tax dollars to erase ALL debt, including foreign debt, credit card debt, auto loans, mortgages, virtually everything, and called it tax payer protection (which it is not, it’s called welfare.) The emergency required that 2 trillion dollars be thrown out the palace windows, right now, with minimal problem definition, planning or debate. Last I heard, the houses are still unsold, the 2 trillion dollars are now in the bankers and Wall Street’s hands.

>> No.1506751

Ignorance, greed and a lack of leadership has permanently cancelled the national healthcare system, alternative energy initiatives and transportation infrastructure improvements that would have cost much less than the 2 trillion dollars. (do you think it’s a joke when we say we’re permanently enslaved, and have lowered our standard of living?) Foreigners weren’t able to buy enough American currency to stop the US Dollar devaluation, in fact, they lost interest because of risk and devaluation, which in turn created another financial disaster. Dorothy, the Scarecrow and the Munchkins all got their houses back (that they still haven’t paid for) at half the cost that the Tin Men bought and paid for their smaller homes. The Tin Men are having heart problems, are doing without, and losing their jobs to corporate sponsored outsourcing and offshoring, and Reality is tormenting the Tin Men. The Tin Men’s children, and their children’s children, will spend the rest of their lives paying everyone else’s debt including the foreign investors who dropped into Oz only to make money.

>> No.1506768


whoever wrote this has ABSOLUTELY no understanding of the economey.

>> No.1506773

If Entire Countries Go Broke, We'll Go With Them


There's plenty to fret about in Asia, too.
Pakistan is facing default.
Many investors worry about South Korea as well: Its exports are plummeting, and foreign investors are fleeing an already weak stock market.
In an emergency, would the South Korean government, or even the IMF, have the resources to come to the rescue?
We can't be sure.

>> No.1506810

Should I start stocking up on toilet paper, bottled water and canned food right now? or should I wait for the price to drop further?

>> No.1506837

Its just a recession, Why are you preparing for Nuclear War?

>> No.1506859

just because the markets crashed does not mean there's a recession goddamn nerdrage fuck

>> No.1506861

Don't worry we are not totally screwed yet, if we vote Mccain we might have a chance of reversing the damage done by Bush.

>> No.1506868

i'll do that then. thanks, /jp/.

>> No.1506893

Glad I don't live in a swing state. Don't fuck it up for the rest of us guys!

>> No.1507241
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>> No.1507010

No one cares about Korea.

>> No.1507067


I'm stocking up on ammo too....Always a wise investment.

>> No.1507073

South Korea won't need an IMF loan. They're an export driven economy so they'll be hurt, but they're in far better shape than they were for the Asian Financial Crisis.

>> No.1507170

but...but... I care about Corea ;_;

>> No.1507397
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When you lose out on the economy, you'll need to take desperate measures. I do say it's time to smuggle gold using religion to disguise the trade.

Religion, ain't it a great tool?

>> No.1507193

enjoy wasting your money when NOTHING fucking happens.

>> No.1507431
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>> No.1507210

But when the world does come flying apart... all the lolis will run to ME for protection.

>> No.1507220

Why would they run to you when the military has more and better guns?

>> No.1507225

2012 motherfucker, ancient Mayan calendar google it, shits going to fucking go down for sure.

>> No.1507229

Because I'm the main character.

>> No.1507252

/jp/ dislikes Korean and African American.

>> No.1507255

Someone misinterpreted the Mayan calendar. An era ends in 2012 and another one starts.
(Says /x/)

>> No.1507261

South Korea don't need Japan's help.

>> No.1507301

Rank Country CDS spread [Bp] * Annual PD [%] **

1.Ukraine 2535 16.3
2.Venezuela 2224 15.5
3.Russia 1056 10.1
4.Turkey 777 8.1
5.Korea, Rep. 620 6.8
6.Mexico 580 6.4
7.Hungary 574 6.4
8.Brazil 571 6.3
9.Poland 275 3.4

*) Source: Bloomberg **) Source: DB Research

DB Research / Emerging market default probabilities online

>> No.1507315

We do not help korea.
Die alone

>> No.1507360


Eye'm Hungary for Turkey

>> No.1507389


>> No.1507399

Korea should have thought abuot this shit when they were rioting over US Beef imports. Fuck Korea and the cocksucking Koreans. Let China "help" them out buy murdering them all. US Troops out now. Let them eat dog meant and grass.

>> No.1507419


>> No.1507425

Colean butthurt and eat dog.

>> No.1507715
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>> No.1507722
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>> No.1507514

Can we talk about the yen's ass raping of the dollar? What the fuck guys? What are you doing over there in America? I was getting 110 to the dollar when I came here. I hate you all.

>> No.1507726
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>> No.1507748
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>> No.1507776
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>> No.1507578

Go eat some dog. Only ass getting raped is your Gook mothers by some Japanese dick.

>> No.1507679


Oh /jp/

>> No.1507691

now the world sees how dumb they are for investing in our failing economy

once bush took office in 2000, it should have been very apparent that putting money into the usa was like throwing it into a fire

>> No.1507696

>took office in 2001

just so you know...

>> No.1507704

bush already had all of bill's shit on the street and moved in before Christmas. bill was just too much of a pussy and ashamed to tell anyone about it.

>> No.1507709

i think it's past bedtime, dear

>> No.1507719

Elevens detected

>> No.1507756


lol. Moneyfags are funny.

>> No.1507763

Yes because it's so safe in Korea. . Go back and eat some dog Korean boy. We don't need you Gooks here. We don't like you Gooks here. You don't like ushere so GFTO and go eat some Grass with your Northern brothers.

>> No.1507769

right there on that picture, he's lost more money than you will ever make ^__^

>> No.1507780

Yea. He lost it all on naked shorts.

The IMF is going to look a Obama Jesus' economic plans and bail on the USA.

>> No.1507784

itt: old /n/

>> No.1507804

Ignorance. it doesn't matter who was in office, the simple fact that the econmic order of not only the US, but the whole world, was based off of artificial growth from debt. It's collpasing now because most money in circulation is essentially worthless.

>> No.1507998
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Guys, guys, how the FUCK are you having an economy thread without HORO?

>> No.1507809

Hey Gook Boy.

>>"...Uncertainty also roiled currency markets as investors continued to turn to the security of the United States dollar and the Japanese yen and drove down currencies of developing countries like Brazil, Ukraine and South Korea and even of developed countries like Britain."


Go eat some more Dog.

>> No.1507817


in before britain adopts the euro

>> No.1507838

The Euro isn't looking so hot either.

>> No.1507850

jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha jinshusabetsushugisha

>> No.1507851


>> No.1507862

But I just what to fuck with this gook who keeps posting these trolls. I don't want /n/ews or ISM.

>> No.1507926

Adopting the euro is an insanely bad idea. This nations that have had expericing explosive consumer price inflation. It really needs to be seen to be believed -- and this is well before the world financial crisis.

>> No.1507937


You're right. It's still cheaper in Germany than in Switzerland, Britiain or Japan, though.

>> No.1507985

Prices on Food and Energy are dropping in the US.

>> No.1508528
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>> No.1508459

South Korean Economy Grows at Weakest Pace in 4 Years
By William Sim

Oct. 24 (Bloomberg) -- South Korea's economy expanded at the slowest pace in four years
last quarter, sparking concern the nation is headed for its first recession since requiring an
International Monetary Fund bailout 10 years ago.
