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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 329 KB, 858x1200, 49608251_p3_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15010665 No.15010665 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>14996739

Aigis Event: General of a Ruined Land

Game links:
>r18 games
>all ages games


>Eng Wiki Links (Unless otherwise mentioned)

Lord of Valkyrie:
>Eng wiki:
>Jp wiki:
>/jp/ player list:
>additional helpful info

Millennium War Aigis:
>Eng Wiki
>Jp Wiki

>Jp ULMF thread:
>Eng ULMF thread:
>XP chart

Angelic Saga:
>Jp Wiki

Osawari Island:
>Jp Osawari wiki
>Osawari chat
>Jp Alchemy Page
>Osawari Friend Code List

Girl's Kingdom:
>Jp Wiki

Dragon Tactics:
>Jp Wiki

Kanpani Girls:
>Jp Wiki
>Additional Info

Dragon Providence:
>Jp Wiki

Hitsuji Chronicle:
>Jp Wiki

Miscellaneous links:
>Staff Twitter:

Quiz of Valkyrie:
>Jp Wiki


Flower Knight Girl


Sengoku Providence

>> No.15010684
File: 89 KB, 362x514, kamipro15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15010752

Someone should probably remove the Lord of Valkyrie stuff when the next thread is made.

>> No.15010766

Show of hands, how many anons are playing Quiz regularly?

There's not much to discuss about it, but it's a decent time waster/side game, IMO.

>> No.15010784

I'll remove it when it's closer to when it gets shut down or after it.

>> No.15010817

I don't play it, but I think it's a pretty nice gesture for it to accept user-suggested questions.

Nutaku does do good things sometimes, it's just that it nobody notices them between the awful user service in Aigis and horrid censors in other games.

>> No.15010818

FKG out in two weeks.

>> No.15010830

The moment of fate is upon us. Did FKG devs manage to tame the great beast, or did Nutaku's shitty ways win out in the end?

Should probably watch the stream to see if they have censored anything.

>> No.15010844

>Lol guys everything was just a joke! We still don't have FKG but we are working on it! Happy April Fool!

I swear... if only...

>> No.15010850
File: 379 KB, 1009x840, 56135444_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bashira a cutie

>> No.15010855

We will find out pretty soon... actually we will find out at the very first week, if we get Lavender or not.

>> No.15010860

That face tho

>> No.15010863

I think Lavender was star trial, so it would take 2 weeks to check (when event ends).

>> No.15010870

I'm pretty sure she was a "gift" during the first week, not completely sure though.
If someone can confirm please.

>> No.15010885
File: 1.48 MB, 946x1765, Sisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there more cute sisters i can put together in my teams?

>> No.15010887
File: 728 KB, 960x640, Lavender_event.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, star trial, distributed when event ended.
I hope Nutaku players enjoy these maps of RNG doom.

>> No.15010896

Lavender is medal event, yeah, but we'd find out anyway because she should be the first girl rather than Edelweiss (and players would be absolutely fucked otherwise, the first half year or so had events that are tuned to expected player strength). Non-event girls like Strawberry and Asagao are out from the first week too, so we can check on them to see any censors.

I kind of find it bizarre that they're using event girls from months later in their preview screens, though. If it's their advertisement department being clueless as usual, then that's fine, but if they intend to replace characters with later event girls, then a shitstorm is abrewin'.

>> No.15010909

Well there's the two elf sisters, Melnor and Ainnor.
And Clulu and Clala, the catgirls.

>> No.15010913
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>> No.15010918

There's also Teresia and Tijana, the Wieck warriors.

>> No.15010922
File: 992 KB, 971x656, 神姫PROJECT R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, you can "forge" some SR weapons and summons from materials.

>> No.15010931

It's 1 to 1 copy from GB

>> No.15010936

It's not like they're going to stream H content on twitch.

>> No.15010945
File: 139 KB, 821x1101, Cd2wlKhUYAAnXm5.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute sisters

Eva CW+3 looks pretty OP, full party AOE damage and full party heal at the same time.

>> No.15010948

FKG devs streamed H-content in Nico though!

That aside, we should be able to see any overt changes on girls' sprites, since they all get introductory speech with bust portraits when you first obtain them.

>> No.15010953

There's no need to stream the H-scene, you can see if a girl got a boob-job or any other censorship just looking at her portrait.

>> No.15010957

Logged onto Nutaku Aigis for the first tine in more than a month, rolled three times, got Aisha. How the hell do I have three blacks in under 20 rolls? I wish I had this luck in the DMM version instead.

>> No.15010968

Is there a way to turn this shit off? Fucking April fools day I swear I'm going to make the guy who made this day wish he didn't have an ass.

>> No.15010992
File: 98 KB, 553x438, godhasforsakenme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feeling all too well

>> No.15010994

So far the things different from GB I noticed(aside from the obvious ones):

-Your party is 5 characters+2 backline instead of 4+2.
-There seems to be 'frontline' and a 'backline' positions in the first 4 party slots. My guess is that monsters target backline less but I'm not really sure.
-There are skill mechanics I haven't seen in GB. Belzeboob has a skill which does something strange: She buff the whole party with some status effect(my guess is 'berserk' but I can't understand the first kanji to translate it) and all of your party can't use skills for a few turns, but has increased attack...probably.
-SSR summons actually deal shittons of damage compared to GB.
-You get 'introduction episodes'(+50 gems) not only for kamihimes but for genjuu and unlocking new 'jobs'. Which is nice.

Can't say anything about character viability in terms of rarity right now since now even Rares are an asset.

>> No.15011012

No Coop too, and hopefully no GW later, since I doubt they can handle the load.

>> No.15011020

There are coop raid boss battles. They are pretty cool, with stuff happening in real time.
Too bad I cannot find friends or union, some friends I got first day dumped me due to low level.

Anyone have free friend slots?

>> No.15011023

Granblue didn't have coop at the start though.
And yeah we're yet to see how are they going to handle the events.

>> No.15011035

Those are raids, coop in GBF is a mode where you host a room, have people join it and do daily mission for rewards.

>> No.15011050

Is Zola any good?

>> No.15011051

And grind for new job items. That's the worse thing aside from GW characters farm.

I hope Kamihime introduces some other ways to obtain upcoming 'jobs'.

>> No.15011082

Don't remind me of that bullshit. I hope Kamihime devs don't just follow the same pattern as GBF, endless grind after another endless grind so you can grind new stuff better, one game is enough.

>> No.15011119

I fucking hate it when they did that. What pisses me off is how rare the stones to upgrade the job drops from doing coop. The new classes needs 20 of those job stones, freaking hell.

Kamipro better diverges from that route and just stick to get job a and b to max to unlock classes like what they did in Dragon Providence.

>> No.15011124

can that play magic fencer (or whatever she is) even drop more than once? not a single one yet

>> No.15011129

And the new tier 4 class grind made extra class grind looks like child play.

>> No.15011182

FB post updated, April 14 release date.

>> No.15011200

Did 12 rolls on nAigis, got 3 Ginas and a copy of Ollivie, so this will be my first cost reduced black. No Loli for me today it seems.

>> No.15011408

Nutaku stream is up.

>> No.15011412

FKG Stream live now

>> No.15011447

And then, more maintenance again for Kamihime.

>> No.15011462

What stream? Where?

>> No.15011510

Twitch. Their channel is NutakuGames.

>> No.15011512
File: 293 KB, 1060x709, lavender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15011521

Here you go Victor: twitch /nutakugames/

>> No.15011522

Is it worth watching? Will they give codes or anything? Or I guess someone will post the code here anyway.

>> No.15011530

There isn't a code option yet Celia.

>> No.15011559

any censorship in sight?

>> No.15011564

Nordland saying that she doesn't think there will be edits, but still mentioned the compliance issue. Sounds like it'll be a similar approach to Aigis, but hopefully we'll get more instead of less.

>> No.15011575

That said, there's already a few definite lolis in, like Ichigo/Strawberry (who just died on the stream, NOOOOO).

>> No.15011578

I like how the Lavender banner is still in Japanese so we can't tell if there will be any edit or not yet.

>> No.15011580

She's playing the all ages version, for now everything looks fine, we are getting an up to date build but with the basic characters, also there is the banner for Lavender, which for now seems unedited, totally in her flattnes glory.

>> No.15011586

If only the banner was translated - I'd believe it.

>> No.15011598

Edits are typically not separated across all-ages vs 18+.

>> No.15011608
File: 22 KB, 193x222, Sucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15011652
File: 97 KB, 558x264, flowknight18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that's nothing crucial but it somehow pains me to see how they have to 'smooth-out' the buttons and butcher the original designs of icons to fill it with text. I mean japanese fonts look better.

>> No.15011741

Hey Mr Roach, who is that girl?

>> No.15011745


>> No.15011747

>Nordland has Aisha
>thinks she's useless

Holy shit.

>> No.15011754

Let sleeping dogs lie, Leigh.

>> No.15011772

Wait, these are the final versions? I thought they were just placeholders for the actual designs, I hope they don't intend to use these terrible buttons on release.

The fact that no censors were around is good, though. I hope FKG devs ultimately succeed in reining in Nutaku's godawful censors.

Nordland also repeatedly tried to beat the Friday daily on FKG with a beginner team, she's either doing these things on purpose to get replies or just plain doesn't play Aigis or FKG at all. It's impossible to notice how great Aisha is if you've ever deployed her or are even vaguely familiar with Aigis, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that you can't beat a map if the enemy is consistently outhealing you.

Considering that Nutaku doesn't seem to give half a shit about their games or users, it's probably the latter.

>> No.15011776

>relying on prerelease footage to gauge censorship
Those h-scene ain't gonna survive though, where the characters suddenly get breast implants for that one scene.

>> No.15011785

>A community manager doesn't actually play the games of the company she works for!

Gee, why am I not surprised?

>> No.15011795

Honestly I can't remember a female PR worker worth her salt in the last decade or so she is just a sign of the times.

>> No.15011798

Oh, god. I can't wait for shitstorm

>> No.15011808

If you're commissioned to play games in front of an audience, it's possibly a good idea not to make that audience think "Jesus Christ, what a buffoon" on a regular basis.

>> No.15011845

This is probably her first day or so with actually playing FKG (since she's not even level 10 yet), so I can forgive any mistakes there. I don't expect her to have the time to do that kind of research prior (though I still think she needs to do better at social media communication).

But Aigis? Being level 48 on your second account and not recognizing Aisha's power (but she DOES recognize Mikoto's power) has to be feigning ignorance.

>> No.15011890

Aisha is pure loli and we know nutaku employees hate pure lolis. Of course she's gonna say she's worthless

>> No.15011998

Kanpani rolls with limited gold mailbox:

daily: Ainnor (declined Aselia)
10stone: Lesly (2nd dupe)
Black Env: Maija
Black Env: Ann-Marie (declined Calena, Myuriel)
fairy env: FAIL
10stone: FAIL

Can't complain.

>> No.15012010

>rolled a third Themis
>no CR or SU

I don't even like titty monsters...y-yeah...

>> No.15012012

Actually, Nutaku employees hate lolis because they cannot abide their touch. Any Nutaku employee hugged by an innocent loli will be reduced to ash on the spot, but can reanimate if not buried in a crossroads.

The average Nutaku employee is also born from an egg laid by a rooster and incubated by a black toad for 7 years. No plants will grow in the lands they step through, no fish will live in the waters they drink from, and children will be born as deformed, tiny-headed "adults" in any village they enter.

Only weasels, a cock's cry and the rue herb can permanently kill a Nutaku employee.

>> No.15012017

They are just trying to protect themselves from the canadian mounties.

>> No.15012020

deepest lore

>> No.15012067

And irish drunkards?

>> No.15012074

I need a silver canoneer to evolve my waifu

should I buy the one from the store?

>> No.15012110

I'd be nice if there was anything to do during a star trial when you finish all the maps after the first two days.

>> No.15012124

grind for silvers I assume

But yeah two weeks is kinda ridiculous

>> No.15012138

It's less noticeable on DMM because only half of the maps are unlocked the first week. Nutaku gives both halves of the event right away which is nice, but ironically makes it feel like there's even less content.

>> No.15012150

plus on Nutaku we have maxed out teams
on DMM I can barely keep my head above water

>> No.15012168

What are you talking about, there's a subjugation mission and you can always grind for Charlotte.

If you have her mincosted, then second week maps will probably have another past event unit as a drop too (Chloe, please).

>> No.15012187

Nutaku has a star trial going on right now as well
no subjugation, no april 1st event
phalanx 2 only
final destination

>> No.15012210

>"playing" on Nutaku
Then you have nobody but yourself to blame.

>> No.15012215

I have accounts on both sides of the ocean, mister two-first-names

>> No.15012220

> Watching archive of FKG Nutaku twitch

THIS IS AGONY to listen to (stopped once I finished eating). Actually it's pretty educational in how a casual takes in game information. Sure you need to talk over all the features in a broadcast. But failing to intuit what to do in the early player levels uh...

>> No.15012261

>not muting the stream
I've muted the stream while hearing something else, i just cared about the censorships and i havent found any
It's not like i look at Nutaku streamings for infoes or anything, their streamers don't even know how to play most of the time.

>> No.15012371
File: 765 KB, 952x682, KanpaniSionEnvelope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks gold mailbox.

>> No.15012389

Ugh, I lack firepower for the last G map. I may have to try to assassinate my way out with Berna. Hopefully I don't need 20 tries for it.

>> No.15012398

Any games that are easy to get by in DMM even if I'm a filthy EOP? Want to try something other than Aigis

>> No.15012407

X-overD should be easy enough.
Or if you don't want to wait for the Nutaku release go for FKG.

>> No.15012537

Do you have a gif or something with the skill?

>> No.15012622

>there's a subjugation mission
that was going on while we had a like 90/12 map.

unless you are blowing crystals like cocaine, you will have a lot of leftover cha to do with whatever you want. So subjugation map got capped real quick.

>> No.15012645

90/12 map... It hurts me to fail a 100/2, I do not even want to imagine failing that.

>> No.15012697

I'd rather lose a 100/2 than a 50/5 desu senpai

>> No.15012729
File: 48 KB, 208x489, 2016-04-02 081822-FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this daily worth it? Its 100 stamina, whats the ratio?

>> No.15012770


When gold rate boost is up, it's worth it. Otherwise well, how much do you like the RNG? Income can vary but at least it's a better rate than the everyday gold map.

>> No.15012779
File: 966 KB, 1163x3170, aigis height.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aigis height chart today

Are you taller than your waifus anon? A lot of the girls are really way shorter than I thought

>> No.15012809

Only girl I'm not taller than is Leanne.

>> No.15012831

>Clissa 156 cm
I didn't expect her to be that small.

>> No.15012857
File: 58 KB, 500x700, GaZEjTu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be so sure.

>> No.15012868

Well Deine seems like she gets tons of extra height from her power armor, I guess Leanne could be another midget in disguise

>> No.15012872
File: 250 KB, 920x699, fghj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dedsujis are having a party in dmm pero.

>> No.15012882

I can see them using this as another collab event for Nutaku sometime soon.

>> No.15012965

Wow, Anya's pretty tiny. I've got almost a foot on her.

Seems quite huggable.

>> No.15013015

Seeing how big is her sealed form and how small she is, I can say for sure that she was riding a mechanical dragon.

>> No.15013330

I do. It's alright.

>> No.15013334

So...Lychee is around as big as a boob of the titdemons?

>> No.15013443

I'm taller than every single female on the chart. Fucking womanlets, when will they EVER learn?

>> No.15013621

Shorter than Leanne, but taller than every other female character, excluding Anya as a dragon.

>> No.15013664

How the fuck is Leanna only 188
Her CG makes her look at least 2 meters. That or, the prince is just drawn like a tiny manlet in the first CG. Because that's not 13cm difference.

>> No.15013701

Well, the biggest busted girls have more than 100cm, so yes, she may be near, if not the same size of the bust of them, counting the two boobs not only one.

>> No.15013889 [DELETED] 


>> No.15013905

The Prince is probably average Japanese male height. Which is manlet height.

>> No.15013924
File: 315 KB, 600x746, Eva3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only still images so far

>> No.15013941

>I'm as tall as Bashira
>Still taller than main waifus
I feel like shit

>> No.15014126

Is there difference between main summon and sub summons except main being sent to friends?
How come some summons from friends can be called at first turn? Its based on summon level?

>> No.15014249

Main summon gives you the summon passive bonus.
>How come some summons from friends can be called at first turn? Its based on summon level?
Not sure about this, sometime I can call my main summon in the first turn too.

>> No.15014413

>Hitsuji is closing
>gets collaboration

I don't understand...

>> No.15014424

Her CW is basically Holly under steroids, is freaking ridicolous.
If Holly was broken i don't even know how i should call that thing.

>> No.15014491

She is worse than Holly or Eunice as a pure support cleric, but she can double as mage now.
I can see Nona CW will turn her into some crazy battle cleric to fit with her design and background.

>> No.15014502
File: 266 KB, 952x631, kamipro27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides.

>> No.15014513

>Copyrighted lust

>> No.15014524
File: 22 KB, 907x146, googletr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you using? It googletranslates pretty well.

>> No.15014533

Is it your first time playing eroge? Generic as fuck joke which is present in 99% titles with gameplay or "needed sex" elements.

>> No.15014538

My (crude) understanding of japanese.

>> No.15014553

Probably some All target spell on front line.

>> No.15014796
File: 483 KB, 604x800, 3fc0e7342949f49dcdb0dcfc53b68e85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good bye google+

>> No.15014805

it hurt my eyes so much

>> No.15014820

>not block it

>> No.15014826

Do I need nip locale for Project R? Nip clock alone doesnt let me click the starto button.

>> No.15014860

Your something in browser is probably blocking the redirect to the game.

>> No.15014907

It was ublock protecting my gaijin ass, thanks anon, now begins my quest for recruiting the tittiest cow and the flattest perflat.

>> No.15014915

Is there any active wiki for kamipro?
I found http://xn--hckqz0e9cygq471ahu9b.xn--wiki-4i9hs14f.com/index.php?%E3%83%A1%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AF%E3%82%A8%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88 and http://kamipro-wiki.com/?%BF%C0%C9%B1PROJECT%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6 but both of them are just stubs with no info.

>> No.15014956

Give it a few days, I don't think many people could actually play the game long enough to get enough info for a wiki anyway, with the endless maintenance, error and loading issue.

>> No.15015240
File: 382 KB, 696x271, 新訳闘神都市~Girls Tamer~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolled 10 tickets (with +1 free roll), got 1 UR and 2 SRs, not bad rate.

>> No.15015244

BTW, pvp tournament finally opened. Gotta check NTR scenes now.

>> No.15015249

Is Pvp in this game mandatory?

>> No.15015264

Well, nobody is forcing you to participate, but there's not much else to do, and partner mechanic is built around it, every month your partner's contracts are renewed and if you didn't earn enough pvp points during last month, you cannot hire again your partners.
All cool rewards are from pvp too.

We will see if there are non-pvp events in future.

>> No.15015284

So, I lost pvp battle and... nothing happened, need to spend 10 minutes to heal my monstergirls and lost 500 gold as participation fee, but stuff about partner being temporarily taken away they explained in help didn't trigger.

>> No.15015370

Kamipro has animated h scene even for r character. That is really neat.

>> No.15015392

According to the chart he's 175

>> No.15015396

Most animation ive seen in these games so far has been extremely poor looking scale stretching. I wouldn't even really call it animation.

>> No.15015408

Ain't that the norm in DMM R-18 games?

And it's better than static picture for all I care.

>> No.15015411

Yep, its very ugly "animation" and scenes are very short, like 20-30 lines long. Even something like NekoPara with its bizarre h-scenes Emote is much better.

>> No.15015423

I got 1 UR and 2 SRs too one SR was a dupe of the other though.

>> No.15015455

You re comparing a free browser game with a visual novel. That's like comparing Bravely Archive against Bravely Default. I'm not defending the weak or ugly movements but don't expect much from games that are free to play.

>> No.15015528

I see.
How much pay to win is there to the game? Getting ultrarare characters through gacha is one thing, but pvp-heavy games usually counter it with manual leveling or other things which are 'time-consuming' vs money-consuming.

>> No.15015541
File: 142 KB, 523x445, osawari3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played Senpro, Angelic Saga and Osawari. And I must say I liked Kamipro's animation better than the above titles.

Maybe it doesn't have much 'technical quality' but the scenes are not painful to watch because you cannot see the animation 'ripping' and joint points like in those games.

Kamipro basically animates a still image. But does it fine. In Senpro the animations suffer the drop of shading quality because they're done totally different from the still images, Osawari has picrelated and Angelic Saga was just not to my liking.

>> No.15015543

You get levels from combining with other units, which you get from dungeons (shit tier, low exp) or gacha (R and above, good exp), and you can raise skill levels only by combining units of same name (=lots of gacha for any R+ unit).
There's no stamina, so you can grind dungeons as much as you want, but there's permanent hp damage, so if you got hurt, you need to "heal" between dungeon visits, which requires either some real time (at ~20 level about 10 minutes to bring to full heal from 0) or pay-only item.
There are also daily dungeons which drop exp-boost units of according unit type, but newb-tier have ultra-shit drop rates and I couldn't beat normal or hard.

>> No.15015553

As much as I like the concepts of Toshin Toshi mentioned in these threads this sounds like a whalefest.

>> No.15015573

>Heals all active party members(medium)
>250 hp healed
>Healls all active party members(small)
>450 hp healed


>> No.15015575

So you need to have a ton of money if you want to steal other people's girlfriends?

Just like in real life!

>> No.15015576
File: 968 KB, 961x640, o shet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How strong is this girl? It's my first black and I don't understand her skill.

>> No.15015583

Use skill to destroy everything on the screen. Awaken to get massive skill cooldown reduction for all your units.

Congrats, you've won the game.

>> No.15015585

You won the game. She's broken.

>> No.15015590

Its not like you steal them permanently. Plus, there's very limited number of partners, and everyone have same partners anyway.

>> No.15015647

She's shit early in the game though. A range unit with no range, her skill range is shit until you awaken it which for a new player, it'll take months if you're f2p and the cooldown reduction is only 10% when you first get her. It's only good for players who already have a strong team.

>> No.15015666

If I ever get myself an Aisia, I'd very likely use Happy, Fes, then another Happy once I awaken her.

>> No.15015700

oh wow, that tear
bloody hell

>> No.15015704
File: 667 KB, 1050x630, Put that smile back on your face please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel this is a distinct downgrade and I don't want to awaken her... But her stats and utility is rubbish until she awakens.
I don't like this senario senpai

>> No.15015712

What does your dick tell you to do? The dick never lies. Don't try to resist the dick.

>> No.15015720

I like ramen bowl rambo better than rare Uzume, she looks better that way.

>> No.15015721

If only that hat didn't look so much like a noodle bowl...

>> No.15015728

As someone with a lot of emofuri experience, I can confirm that this is not something you can easily accomplish when you are dealing with a dozend of different artists. The way you have to set up your layers and draw everything behind other layers that you normally wouldn't do, is a lot more time consuming and requires a fair bit of extra knowledge.
The way they do it in angelic saga for example is literally just warping a still image to create a (very poor) illusion of movement. It's not anywhere near the quality of illusion of movement seen in nekopara with proper emofuri.

>> No.15015755
File: 267 KB, 955x638, kamipro29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if I got this right:
Each main weapon of different elements has their own burst animation depending on a girl/job which uses it and rarity determines the 'length' of the animation.
E.g. Lancelot with R water sword just slashes and creates some water waves. SR water sword continues that animation with frozen crystals and shatters them for additional damage. Can anyone with SSR weapon confirm that this kind of thing goes 'further' with rarity?

>> No.15015792

KamiPro went gomenne-mode again? 5 times in a row as soon as it shows home screen.

>> No.15015799

It went into urgent maintenance now. I was at almost full stamina, now its going to overflow.

>> No.15015804

I can't even load the dmm site. It went gomenne on me and after that it doesn't even load the page.

>> No.15015821

This is as bad as FGO during its first opening week.

>> No.15015999

Don't remind me of that shit, I'm still bitter over how the Phantom doesn't have a disfigured face. I mean, what in the fuck. What in the fucking fuck.

What next, a Tamerlane that doesn't limp? Odin with both eyes? Nuadha with both arms? 3-meter tall berserker Napoleon?

Actually the last would be pretty cool, Napoleon wasn't too short anyway.

>> No.15016026

Feel like whaling until I have a team of full blacks. What is wrong with me?

>> No.15016063
File: 142 KB, 1300x884, 56027128_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15016075

Who's the blond chick?(obviously not talking about Aigis-sama)

>> No.15016077

This happened to me. I already had Daisy too.

>> No.15016086
File: 249 KB, 800x1122, 1431907010532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Eli, my wife.

>> No.15016091

You better look up what they did to Thomas Edison.

>> No.15016095


>> No.15016106


>> No.15016113

Speaking of which, are horse archers any good? I have that fake santa min-costed, and I considered using her because she has a nice rack, but not sure how useful she'd be

>> No.15016122

They suck. I fed my leon to bashira because of how bad she was.

>> No.15016131

Well, I can accept that because Edison's character doesn't hinge on him not being a giant bipedal lion, while Eric's entire gimmick is that he has a superb voice and a hideous face. Remove these and you get some sort of Victorian Edward Cullen instead of the smooth date-rapist we all know and love.

Tesla however is unacceptable since they tried to make him into a pretty boy instead of a flashy nerd.

>> No.15016134
File: 62 KB, 800x600, 1454253468365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15016169

So people complain about that but are totally fine with female King Arthur ?

>> No.15016170

They're exactly what you think of when you think of horse archer.

They aren't as good as archers but they sit in melee slots, can block one unit with reduced damage, can use the skill to not block one unit, and are cheap and give a point return on retreat.

>> No.15016176

She takes up a Melee slot and loses half her damage when blocking an enemy. There's nothing good about her.

>> No.15016185

well, that doesn't sound too bad. I really suffer with only 3 ranged slots in the current subjugation event

>> No.15016197

At least female King Arthur is believable and fuckable. Edison only recently died compared to Arthur.

>> No.15016214

Sounds like hypocrisy to me.
And Edison is a literal who compared to Arthur. Who cares ?

>> No.15016266

See, Wart's thing is that he's the chosen king who is betrayed by these he trusted the most, and these elements are mostly retained in Arthuria's story, so they don't seem incongruous. Lancelot is still a victim of his passions, Merlin is still a questionably beneficial asshole, Kay is still Camelot's very own Brian Blessed. Except for Bedivere being kind of wimpy (I recall him being built like a truck and acting as Arthur's bar bouncer), everybody has their general character intact.

But the Phantom's thing is that he's an amazingly talented man who developed a massive inferiority complex because he's also ugly as sin, so his entire character is ruined by him having an attractive face. It's like making Loki meek and harmless instead of a grade-A bitch loli who will tie you to a rock and rape you until Ragnarok while constantly dripping aphrodisiacs in your mouth, or removing the Yosuga no Sora plot from Kullervo (because honestly who wants to read about him if he isn't banging his sister).

>> No.15016283

What does mikoto do? Her stats are a lot lower than I expected. Is her time freeze the only thing good about her?

>> No.15016294
File: 623 KB, 1052x702, 312316756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, good. Let the whale flow through you!

>> No.15016307

Actually, they removed the half damage when blocking in the last patch, she does full damage now.

>> No.15016376

>1116 hp
What a wet noodle

>> No.15016443

Mikoto is ridiculous

She's like a witch with more range, twice the slow effect, and AOE like a mage.

You can use her to solo Phalanx 2 at level 40 with 100% affection, no Prince

>> No.15016478

Look at her attack speed and slow and you'll see the reason for her low attack. Going off just her attack is like comparing Berna to Eunice, clearly Eunice is better due to having 102 more attack than Berna.

>> No.15016512

is the black time witch strong? I rolled her along with Altia, and focused on the soldier first, but now wondering about her too.

>> No.15016591

She seems alright as a black, nowhere near enough info on her though, seems she could be a good black though.

>> No.15016602

Just noticed Shiropro is back. You think they learned their lessons?

Though I'm kind of happy to see the Castle waifus again.

>> No.15016605

Her attack is AOE? Is this after awakening or something?

>> No.15016607

Always, all enemys hit are also hit with a very strong slow.

>> No.15016608

You call that whaling?

>> No.15016619
File: 278 KB, 800x352, cc074a1a8b88f078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the get-go.

Awakening just significantly beefs up her token and gives her autokill when hitting enemies below a certain %, which isn't much on weaker enemies but on really high hp enemies it'll save a lot of time.

>> No.15016628
File: 1.21 MB, 1277x719, My beloved girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They waited for my return. I'm crying.

>> No.15016827

Kamihime Fantasy is up again.

>> No.15017098

More R summon from their apology ticket, just what I need.

>> No.15017783

What happens if I get wiped in kamipro raid battle I started myself? Can I re-try it for BP?
Sent assist requests twice but nobody still joined my fight for 20 mins, weird shit.

>> No.15017831

So which one of you guys posted this on Nutaku Facebook?

>We could use more WOMEN in the game, characters who are slightly older looking and NOT ones who clearly look like CHILDREN, since MANY of us arent into little girls, and actually ENJOY women...and then again SO MANY who are pedophiles and only go for the REALLY young ones!

>Ignorant you say, alright then, women should LOOK like them, is not rocket science at all, for those who want a girl to LOOK like a child, this would infer to them as liking CHILDREN.

>How is it that you can possibly defend this idea OR observation if you are (one would hope you are not) secretly a pedophile yourself?

>PETITE is not what we have here, you cannot SEE how tall they might be, (petite would be small in stature)
>THIS is far from what I have implied AND directly said.
>Small chested is one thing but when someone says they want very YOUNG looking girls, this would be much the same as if someone likes a girl to have NO hips, NO chest and are thin...hhmm what would she resemble if that was how she looked, oh yes THATS right, she would look like a 12 year old BOY.

>But hey they cannot be blamed for THEIR preferences either huh, even if it is clear to everyone that it IS how one would easily perceive it.

>I have some friends who enjoy small chested girls, that still LOOK like women, and some who like large or even ROUND girls who ALSO look like women, and GAY friends as well whom I have known and hung out with since childhood, interestingly enough THEY do not seem to be attracted to little boys or children neither.

>I get along great with all of my friends and have never had an issue with their preferences JUST because they differ from mine (I would never date any of them myself but that is MY choice and preference)

>I sadly have none who prefer theirs to look like PREPUBESCENT children though, well maybe that is MY preference of NOT hanging around with "guys" like that, since being around child molesters angers me a great deal.

>So I am FAR from ignorant as you boldly said, I KNOW what petite is, as I am sure you will find out.
>It is NOT someone who looks like a child but one who IS small in stature including and more importantly HEIGHT

>And you say I shouldnt offend those who LIKE little children...No I have an issue with THAT as I am completely surprised that YOU dont have an issue with it~!

>Being apathetic and complacent about someone enjoying molesting and preferring to have sex with children is SICK in itself.
You clearly have no children yourself and if you do I fear for them.

>> No.15017866

It's because of idiots like this that we don't have lolis. They probably think this is funny but they're just showing how dumb they are.

I wouldn't be against more milfs though

>> No.15018047


Has that comment been censored yet?

>> No.15018081

No, but I wouldn't even call deleting it censorship. It's pretty clearly shitposting.

>My point again is if you do not pay cash, you get children and again thats not right, why is there even children in a lineup in the first place, was a point.

>> No.15018177

It's obvious trolling since there are no loli's in nutaku games.

>> No.15018283
File: 53 KB, 500x500, Brainy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Papa Nutaku said there are no lolis in their games and Papa Nutaku is always right.

>> No.15018635

As a petite womanlet, I'm offended.

>> No.15018818

I hope nutaku edits you to proper standards.

>> No.15019134

For some magical reason, Aigis has given me another minerva. Is it viable to run 2 pirates and no archers?

>> No.15019245

If they're Minerva, sure.

>> No.15019572

in Kamipro a easy way to lvl up it's using friend's reido bosses, you can get a bunch of exp this way, and try spamming friend solicitation on the friend tab, I got like 10 friends in 10 minuts and a lot of reido bosses

>> No.15019610

I am a petite manlet. Let's fornicate

>> No.15019659

does someone here plays duel squad? how butchered is? and is the game any fun?

>> No.15019706

That was me. What's up?

>> No.15019766

If you need friends, just post ID in フレンド募集 in community and you will be spammed with applications in few minutes. Much faster than doing it via in-game random selection.

>> No.15020088

>there's already porn of the empire's tactician

>> No.15020261
File: 113 KB, 700x800, 1451924376171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link me dat shit son, it's time to wreck some faggot.

>> No.15020335
File: 131 KB, 525x409, kamipro32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Amon comes with a weapon which class isn't used by any eirei/job as a main. Are they preparing for a new class already or am I just blind?

>> No.15020373

I've always wondered, are Bella and Uru related to each other?

>> No.15020394

Yes, it's the same person

>> No.15020395

Same shit with bows. I guess they're stat fodder for now.

>> No.15020485
File: 260 KB, 954x633, kamipro33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lancelot accidentially spilled some hot tea on master('s crotch).
>'I'm sorry master let me help! Wait why is your dick getting hard? Why are you getting naked?'
>'N-no that's wrong master, you have Alisa! To have sex with me is wrong!'
>'Eh? You want to punish me with sex for spilling the tea? Then it's totally fine I guess.'

>> No.15020530

Seems legit.

>> No.15020679

I play it, Its fun as any other click and advance game, It's not butchered at all, but some very loli units didn't end in the game. Also It's already full of whales so ranking events should be a not for you unless you farm some refills from other events...On the events matter, there is an event each week, and very easy (except the ranking ones for the reason I gave before) the devs like to give away lots of things and fix problems as soon as they come, so it feels like a live game.

>> No.15020723

I should use rainbow fairys on Camilla right? The only other unit whos got heal III is Mia who isn't easy to get either but I really really want.

Also is it best to run with 2 fung shuis and 1 healer in general or 2 healers and 1 fung shui?
I have Marr, Fedora and Camilla but would it be good to proiritize getting a 2nd fung shui?

>> No.15020823

I typically run 2 healers and 1 feng shui, but it is slightly affected by one of them being Saria.

It depends on whether you are dealing with heavy hitters or lots of AOE. With just Marr you should be able to get a good amount of work done already, but there will probably be an occasion when the other side of a map can use another feng shui.

>> No.15020897

I love my Nanaly. I can't live without my Nanaly. I won't let anyone else have Nanaly.

>> No.15020945

Got you covered my good man.

>> No.15020946

I just had sex with her.

>> No.15021019
File: 555 KB, 1300x1500, 1255950af9143b77b883493b9456f8e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conrad strikes again

>> No.15021128

Does awakened Liselotte give 5 MR to everyone, or only to herself?

>> No.15021210

About Kamipro, you only got Kamihime from the gacha?

>> No.15021221

Some are from story quests and probably events later.

>> No.15021225

Is anyone else getting the Sybilla nendoroid for the code?

>> No.15021234

To all heavy armors and soldiers including herself.

>> No.15021252
File: 11 KB, 573x253, 64632525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One guy on futaba did some calculation for the kamihime rate, don't expect to get anything from that shitty gacha.

>> No.15021311

I think it's just the most recent facebook post on facebook/nutakugames. By some guy named Randy Marshall.

>> No.15021312

>these ratios

Wow a game with worse ratios than FKG

>> No.15021322

Ok, yes, found it.

>> No.15021330

Isn't 3% normal?

>> No.15021333

Aww cra the guy deleted his post...
Wait this means he wasn't a troll but he was serious about that shit.. oh god wow.

>> No.15021343

No, that guy isn't trying to be funny. He really thinks what he's saying.

This is pretty much a textbook highly opinionated idiot post, common to Youtube, Facebook and Tumblr. The best you can do is to assure Nutaku that there are indeed people who want to see "petite" characters in their games, and what that creep is saying should be ignored.

>> No.15021354

Why are people so vocal about drawn girls looking young?

>> No.15021355

3%~1% for highest rarity is pretty standard for this genre, but the problem here is that there are only 7 playable SSR characters in a pool of 35 SSRs roll result, which is extremely fucked up.
They copied it straight from GBF, but even GBF got itself into trouble with their gacha earlier this year and had to removed all of the charless weapons from the pool afterward.
Here we have more SSR charless weapons than actual SSR weapons that come with SSR characters.

>> No.15021357

I honestly don't understand...
What's their problem?
Do they really see a child in a fictional character?
That's their problem for god sake, if they are worried to become pedos just playing a game then they should talk about it with someone because they got a bigger problems than lolis in a game.
Also, the game, don't have any fault if they become criminal.

Probably worried about their sexuality.

>> No.15021363

Aigis isn't that great either. There's like 20 blacks and only one Aisha in the pool.

>> No.15021365

Still there, under the Happy Saturday post.

>> No.15021378

I'm a game where you're killing thousands of living things and sending females to war, the worst thing about it is that they're petite.

>> No.15021383

I can't see it anymore, lol maybe he just blocked me.
Oh wow, this is hilarious.

>> No.15021389

Remember you can always play on dmm.

>> No.15021429

It's okay. He blocked me too. Which tells me, he's actually serious!

>> No.15021458

Fuck off pedophiles.

>> No.15021471

Fuck off cuck

>> No.15021522

Not trying to defend the game but Kamipro currently has more ways for you to get gems than Granblue.

You get 50 gems when you unlock a new eirei/job, max level eirei/job, get a new character, get a new SSR summon(I assume there's a point we get to see a H-scene with that summon so it also should yield gems the second time).

Out of all things above, in GBF you only got 50 gems for getting a new character.

Kamipro's login campaign is also 12 days with 70+70+200 gems throughout the period.
GBF is 15 days with 50+50+100+100.

Make of that whatever you will.

I'm only really concerned about how Kamipro devs didn't manage to fix things Granblue did wrong from start but fixed later. E.g. different buffs having the same skill icon, no way to set the summon you want for yourself vs summon you want your friends to use.

>> No.15021523

there are no good red SSR+ eromon that aren't from events or gacha.

What the fuck am I supposed to do.

>> No.15021659

I'm getting the Sybilla Nendoroid for the Nendoroid, but I'm definitely going to be using the code.

>> No.15021691

Kid can't deal with other people opinions, i can feel his butthurt from here.
I don't understand why people start a discussion if they don't want to hear out others opinions.

>> No.15021700

You are missing the title rewards and the 4 collab login bonus for GBF.
And in all honestly, most people would prefer a better gacha system than a bit more gems you can get from characters, which amounts to very little in a long run.

>> No.15021765

They aren't trying to start a discussion.

>> No.15021799

Well, i guess you right.

>> No.15021820

Will it be a weaker unusable version of her?

>> No.15021848

Weaker, certainly. Unusable... I dunno. Depends on how quirky they get with it. I swear I remember hearing it was going to be a Nendo-style Sybilla character, so I'm sure it's going to be weird.

>> No.15021863

Hope she gets an H-scene too. In her nendo form of course.

>> No.15022078

There is a special type of person who is convinced that his way of living is the only correct way to live, that anything new or different from the established norm is degenerate and disgusting, and that it is their God-given right to crusade against anyone who disagrees with them. Some of their recent archetypes include the "video games will make our children violent" folks, the "homosexuals will destroy our nation" camp and the ever-delightful men's rights associates.

These people lost a lot of ground during this century (can't treat other races like shit because racism is now frowned upon, can't treat women like shit because sexism is now frowned upon, can't treat homosexuals or other religions like shit because these are frowned upon too) so they enjoy railing on the the few remaining groups that have no defenders. It is therefore in their best interests to classify everything and their mother as "pedoshit" and whine for hours about it.

>> No.15022121

I wonder what Nutaku thinks about them though.

>> No.15022129

Is there a legfest for Kamipro?

Also a /jp/ guild?

>> No.15022199

Probably not highly, given how many women apparently work at Nutaku.

>> No.15022241

Too early to tell, and we have to see how they will handle their first event first, which could really make or break this game.

>> No.15022246

They don't care about anything but money

>> No.15022263

SR ticket, and it's another fucking summon.
I doubt even x2 rate event can save this garbage gacha.

>> No.15022767

50 rolls still no blacks in sight.

>> No.15022796
File: 601 KB, 774x342, 神姫PROJECT R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got SR Brunhild hime from it.
Man, I'm sure very lucky with fire himes.

>> No.15022841
File: 162 KB, 960x640, ultimate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this latest map was a complete jerk. The boss is fairly easy, but the pest nodes each have a bug that attacks twice per round, so they'll mow down your teams in a blink if you don't get lucky with your skills.

I think this is my limit for now, I'll be out of my league if they add another ultimate. Still, ~3000 free life crystals aren't a bad deal by any means, especially for a free player.

>> No.15022847

I guess that's why they implemented that step gacha.

>> No.15022910

I don't think that will help much, unless you happen to get Sangobana, Cymbidium or some other top-tier girl.

All you need to clear the higher-tier ultimate maps is enough skill-up abilities and multi-target skills, event girls like Lavender, Hypericum, Edelweiss, Lechenaultia, Oxydendron and Geranium work well here. But after a while the pests start hitting too hard and you will need to either get a good streak with your skills or have some rainbows to break through.

>> No.15022978
File: 925 KB, 714x541, f09abebfdb618e2e88915a9eefd648a7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me anon?

>> No.15023048

Opinions on the black maid? Anyone roll her yet?

>> No.15023076
File: 136 KB, 957x640, SSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My SR ticket was trash too. But had a pretty solid 3000 crystal pull afterwards. This girl and the SR fire hime the other anons got.

>> No.15023108

Honestly, this kamipro thing copies almost everything from granblue. Anen't they gonna be sued?

>> No.15023136

Copying game mechanics is legal.

>> No.15023137

Haven't rolled her, but based on her wiki page. she's good.
>Buffs Princess' MAX HP by 10%
>Skill further buffs her and princess DEF by 1.2
>Awakened Ability also buffs ATK and DEF by 10%
> Skill Awakened buffs princess' and her own ATK by 1.5, and gives herself 90% dodge,
I feel the need to gamble now.

>> No.15023141

That sounds like shit to me.

>> No.15023147

What does the maid ability do? Increases the prince's skill?

>> No.15023154

Maids are just duelists with abilities that buff specific other classes by being in your team.

>> No.15023196

10% buff to HP is nice, and once awakened it goes toward ATK and DEF too. I'm not seeing anything bad here.
Increases all princess' HP(+ATK & DEF when awakened.)

>> No.15023240

>I'm not seeing anything bad here.
For princessess only...it's not a great thing because they are among with the lowest HP...so the increase is negligible, the only thing worth tanking with HP is the golem and the buff isn't enought to do that, unless you have Anya and the help of other buff but that is another tale. Also I think the one who gets the most is Kaguya with the two maids buff, now that is really something.

>> No.15023325 [DELETED] 

What I need to do to get the stamp on the bottom left from the last sr ticket on KamiPro? Something with harem but I don't have idea what to do.

>> No.15023469

Did anyone try buying weapons from shop? Do they release hime?

>> No.15023615

I mean it's not like she's an actively bad unit, she's just not very good for a black.

>> No.15023915

These events sure are boring.

>> No.15024107

We have shittons of Bahamut, Monster Strike and PAD clones out there. Japan doesn't seem to care much about that kind of a thing as long as devs don't copy actual assets(like chinese sometimes do).

>> No.15024213

KamiPro event started. No himes, only SSR dark summon and SSR dark weapon as top possible rewards.

>> No.15024231

And seems like their servers died from the load. "Connecting" lasts for minutes between each screen.

>> No.15024237

Erroge of the year.

>> No.15024284

Hah, second time through Final Vengeance G to catch a missed demon crystal drop, Shao actually managed to assassinate the boss. I didn't think it was actually possible with that boss type.

>> No.15024292

You got lucky, very lucky.

>> No.15024296
File: 23 KB, 759x106, 不具合報告・改善要望7:神姫PROJECT Rのコミュニティ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this faggot, posting in 英語 and complaining about gacha rates. Man it up, you sucker, gachage are always with shitty rates, don't pay real money if you are not ready to not get anything good.

>> No.15024311

Can the goblin warboar be assassinated too?

I may try to 3 star that map if I'm desperate for one more star.

>> No.15024332

Technically ewvery monster can be assassinated, the chances are really low though.

>> No.15024394

Raid bosses became hardcore in KamiPro. Its nice to beat them together with 2-3 more players, but when there's 20+, everything is so messy and laggy, and battle ends before I can charge up buster.

>> No.15024543
File: 34 KB, 501x106, 53635632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter what I do, these smug lizards always win at the end.

>> No.15024808

This happened to me all the time on granblue, you gotta go fast

>> No.15024840
File: 924 KB, 1186x737, hi there my sweet waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you based drop buffs

>> No.15024853

Lucky, I got Hermine, as always getting everything but the 5*.

>> No.15024864

I've rolled 5 FE, 2 BFE, 2 dailies and a single ES just because.
Got 4 Margarets, two 2*, and another 3*.
Got Holly with the ES roll, the game wanted something back for all these free 5* probably

>> No.15024872

Are you that anon that got all the spotlight 5* without investing a penny every week? If so by now you must have a hell of an army.

>> No.15024876

I'm that one.
Like i've said before my luck with employee drop is balanced with an awful rng on crafting and items/recipes drop.

>> No.15024967

Wait Holly is on spotlight now? Just when I'm out of battlefield coins. Bold move recalling previous 5* spotlights has no CQ.

>> No.15024969

>Bold move recalling previous 5* spotlights has no CQ.
Are you saying they actually know how the game works?

>> No.15024979
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>> No.15024983

>small I

>> No.15024992

Fuck off tp your hugbox, little shit

>> No.15025000

nudaku, stop being triggered over every criticizm.

>> No.15025001
File: 204 KB, 889x494, Freemium Power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the guys who have already given out more Black Fairy Envelopes than Japs will ever see in their lifetime?

Maybe not.

I never got anything good from those super special envelopes anyways, but hey.

>> No.15025008

If only the updates weren't one every 4 months

>> No.15025130

Wow, this might be my worst Monday daily haul yet, and those are big words. 18 stamina for no plats and 2.5 golden average.

>> No.15025135

I feel you.

>> No.15025164

Wish aigis had some sort of multiplayer.

>> No.15025180

Pls no. If you want pvp p2w shitfest, there's plenty of other games, like peropero.

>> No.15025182

Not PvP. Something like a raid mechanic that other games have.

>> No.15025186

That chinese Aigis wannabe will get some multyplayer content, i wonder what is going to be.

>> No.15025188

Retards at kamipro announced that they are going to completely nerf all snatch skills. Drop rates are fucking terrible even at snatch 9, but seems like devs are not happy with elixir sales.

>> No.15025193

Why not random map generation.

>> No.15025194

I wish these gacha were more friendly and forgiving. Guarantee black after 50 nonblack rolls should be a thing.

>> No.15025209

I guess they really don't want their game to be a success after all.

>> No.15025226

aigis holds top spot at nutaku after aisha release. I wonder if being loli has anything to do with it, since even awaikening did not do this.

>> No.15025229

Doubt it
I'd understand if they added all other skipped units

>> No.15025236

Aisha is overpowered and an overhyped unit.

>> No.15025245

Aisha is a boy

>> No.15025264

Aisha is both a unit that no one expected to see (more loli than other banned characters so far) and also because she is OP as fuck.
Oh and the running event is pretty good, Shuka is very useful.

>> No.15025268

ur mom is a boy

>> No.15025274

If my mom was Aisha things would be very different around here.

>> No.15025278 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.43 MB, 945x1200, 1459779882649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say it her

>> No.15025280

truer words were never spoken

>> No.15025370

Is it just me or is Aisha really bad pre-CC?

>> No.15025407

Yes, she's only amazing when awakened, while you also already have a pretty-developed team.

>> No.15025412

Where's my free titty tactician?

>> No.15025441

How many cultists do you guys think I need to sacrifice to the Old ones for Berna to assassinate the Bull? I might have to resort to that. All because of a succession of unfortunate priorities.

>> No.15025447

And here I saw hoping that this game's 'treasure hunt' isn't a placebo like in GBF.

>> No.15025449

Do you have any problems with dmm right now? Mine is loading slow as hell.

>> No.15025452

You get her next week, not this week

>> No.15025457

Fixing flaws to make this game better than GBF would probably kill them.

>> No.15025459

I got 3 gold chests from standard event maps so far by stalling last boss stage as long as possible and spamming snatches, right now snatch is working if you manage to full-stack it.
I hope their nerf will be with snatch success rate instead effect of full stack, then you basically just need to find a way to stall fight for longer amount of turns (non-full team sortie with focus on healers?).

>> No.15025484

That's good to know. I also saw videos of people stacking snatch 3 very easily, far more easily than trehun stacks in GBF.

Really though I think it HAS to have some definite effect aside from vague 'drop rate up'. Like maybe 'chest rarity up' for each 3 stacks? I would be totally fine even it 'distributed' the rarity among the chests.

>> No.15025486

So it looks like the spectral march will be our first subjugation event after all, its in nutuku Aigis but not turned on yet. Probably not completely translated yet but its a good sign atleast.
It just depends when they turn it on now, most likely if they throw Ritas event on we'll get the subjagation too.

>> No.15025495
File: 574 KB, 720x354, light_dotup_org314919_20160404215950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected the tactician looks much better with small chest.

>> No.15025496

DMM login servers are dying again.

>> No.15025501

That's photoshop, right? Aigis devs wouldn't disgrace bro emperor like that, right?

>> No.15025503

>not completely translated
There are like 8 dialogue panels, more than half of which explain subjugation mechanics, every time with same words.
Maps themselves don't have any dialogues, there's nothing to translate.

>> No.15025508
File: 256 KB, 635x335, Hi!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute as always, FKG.
The current event girl kind of hurts to look at, so much red.

>> No.15025513

It's the new revised designs, due to various complaints.

>> No.15025518

Look at Farune who has no name or sprite despite being in the game, usable for those who have her and not currently obtainable.

>> No.15025534

So someone has datamined the updates?

>> No.15025538

Looks like it, seems legit and makes sense.
>Looking at the (behind-the-scenes) mission data, there is a series of 5 partially-implemented (for lack of a better term) missions called Spectral March (no suffix)/E/H/X/G. These would be in the story mission section sorted right after Dragon Hunting. The seem to have a huge amount of enemies, but I don't know the types.

>I can compare between the mission data back from I think 3/12 which has Sword of the Dragon Slayer/Desert Story Arc missions, and this Spectral March series didn't exist back at that time. It could have been added any time between the start of the current event and back then.

>> No.15025552

>that nerdy wasp

So cute...

>> No.15025555

No drops from the 80/6 fairy daily twice in a row. Why is it so ass?

>> No.15025558

Stop being this toxic, copy pasting these dialogues on Google translator requires a lot of work you know.
Devs are working hard for us.

>> No.15025627

Buy more crystals, goyim.

>> No.15025789

the bull from last G map on Aigis' event?
if so, i thought bosses couldnt be assassinated (?

>> No.15025840

You were wrong.


Even Shao can assassinate it in the earlier maps.

>> No.15025843

They can be, just with very low probability.
Bull and mummies have high modifier for assasination tho, Xiao on Desert X kills both bull and mummy in all my runs in last part when Bull passes to the top lane to the base.

>> No.15025848
File: 1.30 MB, 959x647, 神姫PROJECT R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I guess sometimes snatch is being hilarious. When you actually get to 7-8 hits per enemy.

>> No.15025908

I like the event girl's grimoire smash attack and chest-hugging skintight dress, but in return I don't like 淫乱ダンク Saffron much. I was expecting Echinacea's tea club to have some sort of super-rich drillhair ojou-sama, not Crossbow Gandalf.

Though this is the first crossbow girl we have, so looks like they still have some common weapons to go through for flower knights.

>> No.15026054
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RIP my dear snatch, it was fun while lasted.

>> No.15026124

They actually are worded slightly differently sometimes to reflect the way whoever explains them talks.

>> No.15026303

How much limit break do your characters have? Do they change the sprite/art on third one?
Assuming today is lightning daily you probably farmed a lot of it.

>> No.15026632
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And I'm the Anon who got (or already had) every 4/5* spotlight while running low on CW to +3. For the record, did spend to buy forges to go with the hammer farming.

My event crafting luck is shit, but nobody cares about that.

>> No.15026638

So I was bored and watched that FKG stream from Nutaku's and seems pretty cute. Also, taxonomical offenses and Aisha. Grrrr,

>> No.15027003

>get a black
>it's shit
What's her name?

>> No.15027042


>> No.15027061
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>> No.15027102
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Once again, 100 yen pull has been fruitful.

>> No.15027246


>> No.15027255

Mikoto is not shit.

>> No.15027265
File: 56 KB, 480x1147, B0QZGzfCcAAM-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikoto a cute

>> No.15027316

Do you even have her?

>> No.15027321

I have better black than her.

>> No.15027390 [DELETED] 

Wrong Aigis version.

>> No.15027398
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Wrong Aigis version.

>> No.15027424

i stand corrected
then i'm just unlucky hahaha

>> No.15027428

gratz on your Eleine anon

>> No.15028120
File: 514 KB, 763x268, 神姫PROJECT R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (20).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get to 3rd LB, altho I have almost all materials for it.
Barely got enough for 2nd LB for Baal, except druse gem. Drop rates for daily SP are utter shit even when snatch abuse was possible. Like, stuff drops, but its always wrong stuff. There's very low chance for getting hexagonal slabs and bigger gems.

Didn't notice any sprite change for 2nd LB.

>> No.15028129
File: 451 KB, 770x376, 神姫PROJECT R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (21).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3rd LB requirements.
Druses are biggest problem.

>> No.15028345
File: 509 KB, 700x565, 神姫PROJECT R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (22).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New drop rates.
RIP kamipro, unless you have Anzu, limitbreaking chars is pretty much impossible now.

>> No.15028476

Where is the best place to get a silver magic fencer? i don't think i've ever seen one

>> No.15028479


>> No.15028502

Trade Post if you have plenty of other silvers.
Rikardo appears in event maps quite often tho.

>> No.15028525

i have a bunch of gold and silvers, i always forget about the trading post, thanks dude

>> No.15028803

People were right that SenPro is just going to throw in stories of other warlords, regardless of their IRL outcome.
On april 7 they are going to add Takeda Shingen storyline.

>> No.15029174

Have they added any kind of events besides Oni/Yokai rotation? Or has it been just that all this time?

>> No.15029193

There's "arena" event currently going.
You fight 30 stages of progressively harder enemies and receive one-time rewards for clearing every stage. Rewards are special skill-up thingies, got one of my 6* to 10/10.

>> No.15029457
File: 165 KB, 376x701, 56195734_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an Empire Strategist

>> No.15029491
File: 696 KB, 932x522, X-Overd R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (32).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New X-Overd event started.

>> No.15029554
File: 1.11 MB, 946x536, X-Overd R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (33).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsundere stealthily reading book on how to stop being tsundere.

>> No.15029638

It's kinda funny how MC actually fucks her in the first few minutes of the game, which is followed by her confession and she's still tsundere.

>> No.15029868

Does anyone have more than 4 master bonuses from spirit heroes in KamiPro?
I should have 5 but only 4 displayed, dunno whether its problem with displaying more than 4 or 5th didn't properly activate.

>> No.15029963

I'm still expecting that we won't get her on the 7th because it was a joke
I mean, why should we get her? I'd understand getting her after a long White Empire storyline, but now?

>> No.15030009

If it was a joke they would have said so the day after.
She doesn't seem particularly strong anyway.

>> No.15030045
File: 274 KB, 957x634, kamipro44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two ways to see them: the first one is to click the yellow bonus button in the party screen and the second one is to click your current hero, her screen will show you the current hero bonus and mastered heroes bonuses separately. Which one you're having issues with?

Also how hard is 'Expert'? I'm kinda afraid to spend all that stamina to get owned. I beat standart without any problems with any class, it just takes forever because she has shittons of hp and I deal about 1500 damage with my basic attacks.

>> No.15030065
File: 174 KB, 449x364, 神姫PROJECT R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (25).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of them.
There should be def+1% from Olivie.

>> No.15030076

I have only mastered 4 for now. When I'll get to 5 I'll tell you if I have the same problem.

>> No.15030173

She's cute. I don't see the problem here.

>> No.15030204

I don't remember, is spirit rescue E the best way to farm rainbow and black fairies if i have Cellia ?

>> No.15030274

Kanpani and Breath of Fire 6 Collab.

>> No.15030350

Yup the one in that picture is cute....the real one isn't.

>> No.15030405
File: 39 KB, 548x117, kamipro45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is hell.
The eyes barely drop at all. I usually get like 5~7 bronze chests 1-2 silver and one golden. Silvers are mostly fodder summons.

How are you doing?

>> No.15030443

Terrible, can't clear standard mode reliable enough, and the daily quests have shit drop rate so I can't even limit break my characters fast enough to get stronger.
Overall I think the devs are a bunch of fuckwits for throwing out this kind of event this early then nerfed the drop rates afterward, while the game shit itself constantly in its opening week.

>> No.15030457
File: 67 KB, 565x381, event.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made the SSR summon once, but yea I basically have no hope of maxing anything with these drop rates.

>> No.15030482

No matter how you look at it my guess is that we're either not supposed to max lb it this time(expecting these types of events to reappear regularly) or we're supposed to whale for stamina.

>> No.15030498

I gave up at getting anything beyond first copy of SSR summon and SR weapons.
Will leisurely grind standard or expert w/out spending any more elixirs.
You can LB if you grind ExpertSPs with elixirs. They simply want to earn back money they threw into advertisement and development as fast as possible.
I doubt we will ever get these summon and weapon ever again. Maybe year or two later as "revival", if game survives this long.

>> No.15030543

Btw, they announced another 3 AM urgent maintenance this night.
Poor developers didn't get to sleep even single night since launch, life is hard then management is utterly incompetent.

>> No.15030596

They still need 3 days down time if they want to beat FGO record.

>> No.15030669
File: 709 KB, 688x533, 神姫PROJECT R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not good.
Wish I abused snatch+elixir more, I was getting pretty good eyes drop from standard map.

>> No.15030849

wew lad
used six rainbow fairies total to get Deine from 1/5 to 5/5
hope it's worth it

>> No.15030878

I used 5 for my nanaly.

>> No.15030894

Where do I get black fairies reliably on dmm?

>> No.15030918

the hardest daily, obviously
I got like 4 yesterday

>> No.15030919

Bad, I can only clear Begginer mode with out problems so I gave up in getting something good from this event.

>> No.15030922

there's always a good event map with them
or spirit rescue 9000

>> No.15030972

>I can only clear Begginer mode with out problems
What's your party setup and attack/hp?
I've been able to clear standart steadily with 3 SR 1 R characters with about 8000 power rating. I haven't really played that much, never really used any elixir, just played through sunday gold dailies and leveled up there. Needless to say that with shit droprate I have only R character with their second skills unlocked.

I'm just saying that you don't really need any specific setup to win standart, just level up your weapons and summons in the pool and you'll be okay.

>> No.15030978

Doing bad, I think I'm just going to toss this game. Feels like they are just trying to force out whales to make up for the huge prereg campaign's costs at the expense of the long term play.

>> No.15031005
File: 917 KB, 702x544, 4a9bfe29edd2d2a281595ade5e3c5fc7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game is easy if you didnt waste too much resources building a wrong team.

>> No.15031045

Since the game is in maintenance I can't post a screenshot. But my team is 1 SSR +3 SR on the main team and 1 SR and 1 R on the support team. And I ignored the summons so I should level up some. I don't remember the HP but the Attack is around 7500. I think my main problem is that I don't know how to get good at the game, my main problem with Granblue honestly.

>> No.15031061

>building a wrong team.
Yep, I wish the game throws me enough Kamihime so I can have a luxury to build a wrong team, and not scrapping everything I have just to be able to field a full team.

>> No.15031067

Early on utility>damage.

I think if you're having trouble with standart you probably get damaged too much, make sure you bring at least one character who has heal. Heal in this game seems to be rather powerful, I'm not sure whether it scales or just flat numbers but it saved me a few times.

Save up for a full burst during the first wave and try to unleash it when boss is in 'raging' mode, since it stops the boss from gaining charges. It's really not that difficult, just understand all the game mechanics and use them.

As >>15031005 mentioned the game isn't that hard. I'm actually surprised that I managed to almost defeat expert considering I played only for a few days and don't have any SSR characters(only SSR summon).

>> No.15031068

>tfw failed level 3 -> 4 with 4 fairies

>> No.15031103

I have a healer in my party, and the strategy about save burst is something I do because I don't like to waste them. For now I'll level the weapons and the summons I have and try again.

>> No.15031119

The game throws you a diablos. Which you can use to use all your SR and R you get for free to abuse the game. You don't have an excuse to say you dont have the units. Especially DoT are pretty strong in this game :P.

Expert only requires 11k power which isnt hard in 3 days of playing imo.

>> No.15031157

>11k power
I see. I only recently passed the 10k mark so I guess it's pretty achievable.

>> No.15031191

>second week maps will have chloe
I'm glad, but also unsure whether I want to powerlevel and try to get 21/23 stars or just farm Chloe day in and day out.

I could handle the first four maps without buffs and can probably 2* the first god map with them, so I probably have a decent shot at -4/-5 CR Mirno, but I guess I'll just wait for the second week maps and see if they can be cheesed with buffs, traps, tokens and Metus.

>> No.15031311

Been farming for a silver rogue for a week and got nothing. FKG absorbed all my luck I guess and I'm a-ok with that.

>> No.15031377

Are you serious, I have like 8 Cecily and 7 Harissa from the last few events

>> No.15031506

I dunno about him but I've used 17 rogues to AW my team and I'll need plenty more to AW others.

15 rogues is nowhere near enough for most people.

>> No.15031517

>Quiz ranking event started today
>only 300 people placing so far

Yeesh. Even Angelic Saga has at least 1000 people in the tourney.

>> No.15031542

Ok, just pumped 5k yen into FKG. Time to seriously consider which 5/6* to pick as my bonus.

>> No.15031566

If you're a shameless munchkin, get Maple or Oncidium.

If not, get either Red Ginger or Black Baccara since they are the cutest girls.

>> No.15031572

You can't just make as first event an heavy rank p2w crap like that.
Only the first place get good stuff with second and third place that gets slightly nice prices.
Most of the players are not even trying and quitted after that notice.

>> No.15031596

I agree it's a shitty (second half) of an event, but it's not like placing is hard to begin with. I guess it just exemplifies how empty the game is.

>> No.15031603


The Fos versions of Cactus/Saboten (5*) and Oncidium (6*) always caught my eye in helper teams.

>> No.15031627

AW is about a month away for me

>> No.15031644

Cactus is not that special (but very cute) but Oncidium's attack down ability, coupled with the standard 3-target skill and 15% team attack up, makes her a really solid pick for places where you'll actually need a good team.

You can get Sakuranbo for the same, but her other ability (40% attack up in raids) isn't very good and her skill is only 2-target. You could actually use both (plus Cherry Sage/Dahlia/Sankakusaboten/HP recovery skills) to become invulnerable and do 4mil+ damage to raid bosses with a single team, but they nerfed the total attack debuff you can stack on enemies now (this is also why the current raid boss event has an attack limit of 5 turns per team).

>> No.15031702


I see, aesthetics and pragmatism rolled into one. I'll think a little longer while I finish my other grinds.

>> No.15031722

What does your current team look like, anyway?

But yeah, it's better to pick with cuteness rather than utility in mind, since FKG has few truly difficult maps and is mostly about enjoying cute girls.

>> No.15031741
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>> No.15031782

new thread

>> No.15031789
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>> No.15032011

How did you get another unit for the left side (the blue space)?
