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File: 511 KB, 983x1327, 1459631390837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15026954 No.15026954 [Reply] [Original]

Scary Monsters Edition

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com

>> No.15026958

Maids are olev.

>dual threads

>> No.15026960

This one was first, other OP fucked up

This is why you don't rush.

>> No.15026964

Maids are shit, and not monstergirl relevant.

>> No.15026970

My love for salamanders and dragons is getting out of control.

>> No.15026971

I don't see how the other OP fucked up

>> No.15026978

Because he posted a thread in the first place, like a faggot.

>> No.15026981

Shit, I got lucky with my thread then.

>> No.15026987

You're shit and not relevant.

>> No.15026991
File: 220 KB, 700x1000, 2a5f1f3db2afd0f4f82e56a01fe237db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lizards are for loving.

>> No.15026994

Lizards are for cuddling during winter.

>> No.15026995

So you get the monopoly on making threads huh?

>> No.15027002
File: 1.80 MB, 1000x1415, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you throat-fuck a bat?

>> No.15027004

How fluffy a bat are we talking about?

>> No.15027006

I remember how that artist Lizardgirl would get posted regularly back on /a/.

>> No.15027007

>baiting both threads
Well, aren't you bored?

>> No.15027008

>the same faggot who wanted to make threads ahead of time is stirring shit now

>> No.15027012


>> No.15027016

Without a doubt.

>> No.15027017

Depends on the bodytype.

>> No.15027019

I don't post threads. Also, "monopoly on making threads"? What the fuck are you talking about?

You're acting like there's some prestige to it. Like it's some requirement to make a thread. Like those faggots who post "first" on Youtube videos.
Stop taking it so seriously.

>> No.15027020

Just ignore it

>> No.15027028

>he posted a thread like a faggot
I looked at the times, the other guy posted his a few seconds later than this one. How is it his fault?

>> No.15027030

I really like her design, not cosplay yet just the right level of monster to avoid crossing over into the terriority of scale furies (scalies?)

Shame he stopped drawing her as far as I can tell.

>> No.15027034

nth for leading your fanatically loyal legion of honeybee daughteru shock-troops on a campaign of conquest

>> No.15027037 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 300x300, 1349825046279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15027045

What are you wasting images on this early?

>> No.15027051

So I guess we'll settle here if anything because it was first, right?

>> No.15027052

Because monstergirl thread. It's fucking stupid but this is why we run out of images early. At least he was decent enough to delete it.

>> No.15027053

The only thing I don't like about it is her panties

>> No.15027060

Yes. We go with whatever was first unless it has some crippling defect.

>> No.15027065

It's a really strong design. KC could learn a thing or two from it, as far as his own lizardgirl design goes.

>> No.15027066

>one thread has a shit vampire and awful puns
>the other is headed by a barb picture
Well, both these threads have had shitty starts, but I guess this one was first by a few seconds...

>> No.15027070

I'm sure KCs Lizardman predates that other artists.

>> No.15027073

Are you that guy that STILL complains about the faces?

>> No.15027074


Really now.

>> No.15027077

>not liking Vampires
>not appreciating Barbs growth as a drawfag
You suck.

>> No.15027085

Sounds reasonable.

>> No.15027086
File: 931 KB, 1280x720, cake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets discuss monstergirl office ladies

>> No.15027088

I like vampires fuck you

>> No.15027089

>It's just one guy
>it's memehate

>> No.15027092

Yes, right on both accounts. Well done.

>> No.15027094

Stop responding to obvious shitposts, you just encourage it

>> No.15027098

Would the more alpha ones be offended if you hit on them?

>> No.15027105

The amount of delusion and warped logic to genuinely think this is terrifying.

>> No.15027110
File: 1.10 MB, 1593x861, I will sit here consumed with sadness for the rest of the evening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will take this moment to clarify
>Inazuma will never draw your favorite monster girl in a doujin
>Uo Denim will never draw your favorite monster girl in a doujin or a CG gallery

>> No.15027114
File: 305 KB, 1356x900, 38-39_Crow_Tengu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snatching a crow tengu's first kiss, in the library after school, then pulling away early and laughing at the dopey, lovey-dovey look they have on their face while their eyes are still closed! Their little black wings held against their modest chest!

>> No.15027116
File: 169 KB, 566x800, OL Mamizou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MG office ladies to brighten work and bring you snacks with your reports
>pencil skirts and suit pants on every size of hip
>that one kobold that no one actually expects to work cheering you on
>sexual rewards for good work performance. so very many.
>sexually suggestive imagery everywhere. if you have to deal with one more pantyless MG bending over to pick on papers in front of you...
>and that one tanuki executive lurking around the lower echelons incognito, looking for an ambitious young man she can give the ultimate corporate mobility

>> No.15027122

Of course not, true alphas appreciate straightforward and confident behavior.
Keep in mind though, a lot of single office ladies are cakes. Flirt with the wrong one and you may wind up married before you know what's happening.

>> No.15027123


>> No.15027125

They better suck it up then, because those alphas are going to get so many catcalls.

>> No.15027128

>Nothing good ever happens
What a surprise.

>> No.15027129

I want to report a monster for sexual harassment

>> No.15027132

Look at >>15027066 and tell me it's not just some shmuck fishing for (You)s.
That's the sort of post you'd expect to see on /v/. "I hate x, y and z. Fuck this, fuck that, and fuck you for liking x y and z."

>> No.15027134

>Fukumaaya and Methonium will never draw your favorite girl

>> No.15027135

But only after you ask them out for a date.

>> No.15027137

There's three rules:
1. Don't make a new thread before the old one falls off the board.
2. If multiple threads, use the first one.
3. If the first thread is obvious b8/shitposting/whatever, report and go to the next one.
4. You don't talk about the fight club because this isn't /tv/

>> No.15027142

It seems I have the priorities in order then.

>> No.15027145

>pencil skirts and suit pants on every size of hip
What a delightful piece of attire.

>> No.15027150

>Napata doing a doujin of your favorite girl
The heartboner would kill me.

>> No.15027154

>Oh, he's serious?
>Let me laugh even harder.

>> No.15027160

When you think about it, it's honestly depressing that you feel the need to post something like this.

It speaks volumes about the condition of these threads when they archive and drop off.

>> No.15027161

The guy was being a dick, but the responses were just as bad. The idea that only one person has this opinion because you don't like it, or that certain writefags or artists are disliked because of "memehate" is retarded.

>> No.15027166

I want to blackmail a monstergirl

>> No.15027171


>> No.15027173

>Fue makes doujin of Hellhound giving the best motherfucking blowjob
>Jun Lich doujin

I'll take it

>> No.15027174

With what? Your dick?

>> No.15027181

You're not wrong.

The responses to that guy in particular still are valid.

>> No.15027182
File: 59 KB, 594x771, Merry Snekmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is anon and sneks drive me nuts.
That is all.

>> No.15027184

Stupid sexy sneks ruining every other girl...

>> No.15027189

So do I.

It's a measure of skill, with associated awards.

>> No.15027191

It's not normally that bad, but I wanted to remind people on how to recognize and deal with random shitters and trolls.

You should probably report any threads made way ahead of time, too. Otherwise it'll encourage retards to keep doing it.

>> No.15027194

Hi anon. I too am enamored by the smooth scales of lamias.

>> No.15027198

>no fur

>> No.15027199

I saw her breaking in and stealing my boxers at night and took some pictures, if she doesn't do what I say I'm going to show them to my paladin grampa.

>> No.15027201

How nuts?

>> No.15027212
File: 66 KB, 593x1000, sketch fitshire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think, too much /fit/?

>> No.15027214

I'm now imagining a help group for monster girl problems.

>My name is anon and I can't stop touching fluffy tails
>Hi anon

>> No.15027218
File: 55 KB, 204x184, 1369545536035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be breastfed by a Holstaurus

>> No.15027219



>> No.15027220

Her shoulders look a bit too broad and her thighs need to be thickened a little.
Everything else is just dandy so far though.

>> No.15027223

>My name is Anon and I can't decide whether I like cat girls or mouse girls more
>Hi Nyanon

>> No.15027225

Needs more lickable abs.

>> No.15027226

>Badhand does loli Hellhound twins
I need this, I need this so bad.
Excellent job.

>> No.15027227

Is it wrong that I want her to use my back as a chair?

>> No.15027230

The threads have been in a sorry state for a good while now anyway. Look at the writefag situation, we have few of them these days and they post very rarely, or in the case of Historianon and Alp take criticism about as well as a third world dictator.

>> No.15027234

Yes, but other people here are going to like it.
It's my opinion that when their body stops looking like it could belong to a woman, you've gone too far. There's a way to do muscles right on a girl which I still like, but I'm not into that crazy bodybuilding stuff.

But hey, what do I know.

>> No.15027235

>My name is Anon and I can't stop cumming inside my onee-sans
>Hi anon

>> No.15027236

>My name is Anon and I have a dangerous addiction to Smug.

>> No.15027238

Hot damn, she has a nice butt.

>> No.15027241

The fuck have you been? You really are a slowpoke aren't you?

>> No.15027242

Yeah she kind of has a man shoulder thing going on. A woman's shoulders slope more than a man's do as it blends into the upper arm.

>> No.15027245

>>My name is anon and I can't stop touching fluffy tails
Hi anon.

>> No.15027247
File: 257 KB, 894x894, 1424809747571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only pick one /mgg/

>> No.15027258

Dibs on the 'milk party' girl.

>> No.15027263

That would be me, except for the whole seeking help for my "problem"

>> No.15027264

Top left. Easy.
Go big or go home.

>> No.15027268

MGE Holstaur always and forever.

>> No.15027270

Grabbing the gray-scale one.
She's kinda cute

>> No.15027275

Top right because I'm a fan of girls in overalls

>> No.15027286

Middle left

>> No.15027289

I was worried about that, I'll make some changes. Thanks for the input guys.

Y-you too...

Careful anon. She's a big girl.

>> No.15027292


Me on the middle left.

>> No.15027296

>She's a big girl.
That just means more ass to rest on my back.
Or possibly my face.
Or my dick, I'm okay with all of them.

>> No.15027297

>My name is Anon and I am addicted to powdered shedded snake skin.

Basilisk and Medusa skin makes me stoned

>> No.15027298


Thanks again for that Kejourou commission

>> No.15027299

Bottom left

>> No.15027300

Oh boy.

>> No.15027302

What a slut.

>> No.15027303

She's essentially an undead foxgirl? Neato.

>> No.15027306

So I've been catching up to YBA's Vengeance thing (finally updated it 2 days ago it seems), and the Vanessa stuff made me wonder...
YBA, if you're there, will there be a good end for the Cheshires like that centaur got?

>> No.15027309

Musclegirls are always great.

>> No.15027310

More like a fox reborn as a youkai.

>> No.15027311

Unlike our writefags, Barb is improving. I can't imagine the last time I actually looked forward to anything from here in writing outside of maybe RS since the only other schlock is TFT tier tripe

>> No.15027317

I also cannot control myself around qt Lamias. It's starting to become a real problem.

>> No.15027319

I'm still waiting on the next Orphan update, and PRW to not be AWOL again.

Among many, many other things of course.

>> No.15027327

>TFT tier tripe.

The fuck does that mean? Sure, ya gotta dig through some absolute garbage every now and then, but there's good shit there.

Where else are you going to go, /monster/?

>> No.15027334


Unless something happened in the last update that really changed things for Nessa, I don't see her having a traditional winning ending, at least. Trisha absolutely, but I don't think Nessa is even interested in romance right now. The best she can probably hope for is Trisha sharing every once in a while while keeping her remaining brain cells intact.

>> No.15027336
File: 260 KB, 970x1400, 1459798021587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is anon and I'm a slut for vampires and amazons and apophis and demons and lilims and krakens and I would continue but I think you can see the pattern

>> No.15027340

Hey now I love Barb's stuff but don't throw all our writers under a bus. We still have Silent for example, god bless his Scylla soul.

>> No.15027341
File: 241 KB, 750x800, 7da5929a9f337ca29cc61b32526f66d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That too.

>> No.15027342

I want to spray a Cheshire with water every time she acts up

>> No.15027345

Those are some really long ears.

>> No.15027346

Fuckin' this.

>> No.15027347

While I disagree on the Barb thing because I just don't like his art style in general, I agree on the writefags. We don't even have many left anyway and out of all of them I only really enjoy Lanternon's story. There used to be others but they've slowly vanished.

>> No.15027348

Bit of variety there, is there any denominator you can call the root of your perverse behavior?

>> No.15027349


Perfect for teasing.

>> No.15027350

I'm anon and I'm a slut for the contents of that image.

>> No.15027355

>defends barb
>shits on almost all of the writefags

>> No.15027356
File: 72 KB, 640x480, 23452461247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is there any denominator you can call the root of your perverse behavior?
But I just posted it?

>> No.15027357

Perfect for deepthroating.

>> No.15027361

Which monster would be worst tomboy

>> No.15027363


Because they're not girls.

>> No.15027366


No problemo man, thanks again for choosing me!

Great taste detected. I do like having a balance though, and I think I went a little too far this time.

Ok, back to drawing.

>> No.15027368

You're going to deepthroat her /ears/?!
Not only does that sound like a perfectly painful way to choke on fur, the desire to deepthroat anything other than fox tongue seems pretty Alpy.

>> No.15027369

Your favorite one

>> No.15027370

>My name is Anon, and my fucking perfect bishounen archeologist older brother eloped with an Anubis he found in a hole in the ground in Egypt, but not before dumping her Pharaoh boss off at my apartment and running like hell. I now have the freeloading avatar of a freaking God living in my home who knows nothing of the modern world, whose word is literally law and whose tastes are both extravagant and crazy expensive. And I've gotta provide for the both of us on a Shipyard Worker's salary.
>Hi Anon.

>> No.15027374

>We don't even have many left anyway
You'll have a new one soon, I promise. An attempt, atleast.

>> No.15027376

How droll.

>> No.15027380

>the only other schlock is TFT tier tripe
I'd take this more seriously if you weren't defending Barb in the same post.

>> No.15027381

Sounds like ya fuckers ran your damn writefags off all on your own. You have no one to blame but yourselves.

>> No.15027385

Mindflayers are cute and misunderstood

>> No.15027388

Most of them deserved it or died on their own.

>> No.15027389
File: 187 KB, 563x450, 1458926126393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just want to read with my basilisk, while cuddling, next to a rainy window.

>> No.15027391

You sicko, I bet you sniff them directly from the source.

>> No.15027396

Choking on fur is a sign of weakness. A truly devoted husband licks his kitsune's wife's tails clean as an act of foreplay.

>> No.15027399

I just want a paste where things go well for her like it did for the centaur...

Also wouldn't mind an ending where the alternate mirrirworld Vanessa or whatever is going on there gets her own happiness by winning since realworld Trisha will hopefully win in the standard world

>> No.15027400
File: 696 KB, 600x820, 55993007_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a genki, overly eccentric Succubus?

She is NOT compensating for her weak spadetail, please don't comment on it

>> No.15027401

"How can you say you love her if you can't even eat her fluff?"

>> No.15027402

Just why.

Anyway, the only writefags ran off were either the guys who got big egos or the guys who were actively hostile to criticism. If the thread is supposed to be better with those kinds of people around then I just don't know anymore.

>> No.15027406
File: 385 KB, 887x1290, 1417471725009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pick Matsu's cow.

>> No.15027407

>Don't throw all our writers under the bus
My point was that a vast majority of them are fucking terrible if they even still exist.

>> No.15027408

Almost all content creators get run out. And people wonder where the write- and drawfags are.

>> No.15027409

Pffft, Look at that tiny tail! I ever knew they could be so small!

>> No.15027410


>> No.15027412

>genki, overly eccentric

Apparently on seven different overdoses of stimulants, terminally psychotic, and lusty to the point of madness?

Sure, why not.

>> No.15027415

>posting your opinion as fact
I know this is /mgt/ but come the fuck on.

>> No.15027419

Kek, I wonder who is behind this post...

>> No.15027425
File: 532 KB, 900x4655, 14534535436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look, it's Holst-Anon's fantasy.

>> No.15027431

All of them.

>> No.15027432

Why are you typing like that?

>> No.15027433

I need ara ara alps.

>> No.15027436
File: 304 KB, 1200x848, pixiv_46332579_C88A82a_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15027438
File: 10 KB, 138x148, 1446228505020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ara ara alp

fucking what?

>> No.15027443

They are the cutest, I want to become a nice Mindflayer's squid!

>> No.15027444

But that's a space elf.

>> No.15027445

Point still stands.

>> No.15027446

Uh, you have a battle or something raging behind you.

>> No.15027448

I dated genki once.

It was draining for both of us. I'm too introverted to handle it.

>> No.15027449
File: 239 KB, 800x800, 1458790049669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you prepared for her to shoot you with her lust laser for sexytimes?

>> No.15027451

Yes I would.
And I think her spadetail is cute.

>> No.15027455

Oh my.

>> No.15027460

I want a holstaurus to laugh at my tiny penis!
I want this to be exactly what I planned, because now she's distracted and my sidekick can disable the doomsday device seconds before it fires on Lescatie!

>> No.15027462

Might as well bite the bullet and get incubusized early.

>> No.15027466

It really is, is there more?

>> No.15027467

Not yet, it's pretty new.

>> No.15027468

That kid is pretty terrible at video games.

>> No.15027473
File: 266 KB, 1114x1450, 1454631960434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I wish Matsu would pop into drawthreads to take requests.

>> No.15027476

Oh lord dat Shark Girl.


>> No.15027480

Rubbing thermal paste all over my bossy hellhound delinquent neighbor to cool that bitch down!!!

>> No.15027481

It's an Orca girl.

She protects anons from the Shark girl bullies.

>> No.15027482

That's not a shark.

>> No.15027486

Even Better!

>> No.15027487

that's even better!

>> No.15027488

But Orca girls are even worse than Shark girl bullies.

>> No.15027494

I want to call her a fatty and play with her ass-fins

>> No.15027496
File: 3.17 MB, 1794x2560, FB_cover_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In case anyone is still reading it after my long, thesis-related hiatus, here's another 4,000+ words of the Fallen Brides translation. About two thirds of the way through the chapter now. As usual, the version on my blog has more formatting than the pastebin.

Also, my thesis is done now, so expect actual regular updates (roughly biweekly) for the first time in forever.

>> No.15027500


>> No.15027501

Reminder there is no reason to side with the humans over monstergirls unless you want to destroy your waifu's smile.

>> No.15027502

Nothing is better than shark girls

>> No.15027503

Isn't it? Now innocent anons can wander down the beach without fear of getting sand kicked in their face.

>> No.15027504

Hot damn, nice to see you back from the dead.

>> No.15027505

Yes but only she can bully you and no one else

>> No.15027509

prove it

>> No.15027512

There's one question, what would whale girls be like?

And Dolphingirls?

>> No.15027513

I want to see the beautiful, amazing Orca-San performing at Seaworld!

Maybe I can get her autograph!

>> No.15027514

The only one getting bullied is her!

>> No.15027517

no Dolphingirls are the worst

>> No.15027518


Oh shit great.

>> No.15027519

Reminder that while people would be happy in a monstergirl society, it would be stagnant.

>> No.15027520

Whales would be big, sleepy and friendly. Dolphingirls would be annoying gangraping shits.

>> No.15027529

>another aquatic mg with rape caves

>> No.15027532

I'm not taking about helping them take over everything, but more of helping them against their enemies which would include most humans.

>> No.15027534

Read that as white people.

>> No.15027537

Praise be, we can never get enough of Fallen Maidens, Sasha is the lewdest priest

Thank you and I hope your thesis gets a great reception

>> No.15027543

At least they're not Goose Harpies

The one creature that can scare a lillim.

In what way?

>> No.15027545

I wouldn't want a waifu that would accept someone like me as her husband anyway.

>> No.15027547

The only aquatic monstergirls you can trust are flowkelps and sea slimes.

>> No.15027549

Tall and thick.

>> No.15027550

And shark girls

>> No.15027553

Not even knightly Shrimpgirls?

>> No.15027557

I do not want a pistol shrimp to hit me in the dick

>> No.15027558


>> No.15027560

>Tall and thick.

Oh baby. And would they be friendly?

>> No.15027564

The lolis especialy, who would be packing THIGHS and one piece swimsuits.

>> No.15027565

Pistol Shrimp girls probably give the worlds fastest handjobs.
Probably only the third or so best though.

>> No.15027567

Whales aren't known for violence.

Unless Krakens are involved

>> No.15027571

>goose harpies
well thats one way to fuck up a day

>> No.15027572

Wouldn't loli whale girls just be porpoises or Beluga's, whales are almost always very big in size and mass?

>> No.15027574


>> No.15027575

Dolphin girls are very nice to be around!

>> No.15027576

What about the onee-chans?
>Ara Ara whale and Ara Ara Kraken fighting over anon

Oh my god

>> No.15027579


>> No.15027580

>You'll never have a Whale Mermaid childhood friend who enjoys laying down on top of you and refusing to move because you're "comfy".
>She'll never keep this habit when the two of you are grown up and she's filled out considerably.
>She'll never pretend to ignore your boner pressing against her because she enjoys seeing you blush.
Damn it.

>> No.15027581

Loli whale girls would probably stand a head or two taller than other lolis and have a bit of pudge about them.

Ten feet tall, large chests, sizeable rears, and thighs to die for.
They'd be fairly lazy but quite friendly.

>> No.15027583

Dolphin Girls are white knights, who rescue Anons from Shark Girls, only to rape them instead.

>> No.15027584

A wild orca has never attacked a human though.
In fact, it's weird that they seem to be able to recognize us as something outside of the food chain. They'll eat elf and moose they catch swimming, but they'll just dart around humans on paddleboards or in kayaks.
They've even been known to protect shipwrecked sailors and aid whaling expeditions in exchange for choice cuts of the whales.

>> No.15027585

I'm not such thing, I'm just a regular man that knows Dolphin Girls wouldn't be so bad. You people are just liars!

>> No.15027586

Demonic Energy son.
Or a natural lubricant of some sort.

You can't fool me dolphin girl, I won't be lured into one of your gangbang caves again!

>> No.15027588

>Ten feet tall, large chests, sizeable rears, and thighs to die for.
>They'd be fairly lazy but quite friendly.

She's perfect

>> No.15027591

>Ten feet tall
Too big. 7ft is my limit.

>> No.15027592

Either a dolphin girl or a boy broken and husbando'd by a pack of them, which one are you?

>> No.15027593

They'd have to have big, innocent smiles while doing that and have sleepy eyes as well.

The question is if they stick with their mermaid half the most to save energy or if they have human legs to hunt you down and cuddle on the couch.

>> No.15027594

>Ara Ara whale and Ara Ara Kraken fighting over anon
All I can imagine is eventually them agreeing to make you choose one of them by taking turns fucking you.
Imagine both of them going all out to try and convince you that they're the better one, constantly trying to one-up each other.

>> No.15027596

They only rape you if you fail their tests and they think you're too weak!

Neither, I just don't judge an entire species of girls based on a vague stereotype.

>> No.15027597
File: 175 KB, 707x1000, 701cb04280f7f18ca899afd9b5379f2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whale girls?

>> No.15027598

I like human legs more.
I don't think I could survive that.

But it'd be worth it.

>> No.15027599

I refuse to believe Anon is just a slut, there must be some other reason behind this.

>> No.15027601
File: 154 KB, 543x700, 0603b55601694e577a24f7df4fa83b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you adopt a Ruler?

>> No.15027603

Then she can leg lock you to keep you from moving away from the couch or out of her.

>> No.15027605

>They'd have to have big, innocent smiles while doing that and have sleepy eyes as well.
The biggest warmest smile you could imagine anon. It never leaves her face.
Even when she's doing lewd things to you when you give in to her advances.
Imagine those half lidded eyes and that warm gentle smile looking straight at you while she pumps you dry with her fat tits.

>> No.15027606


>> No.15027607


>tfw no kitsune kaa-san

>> No.15027609

I wonder if your monster friend would pretend to be your girlfriend to help you avoid any rape

>> No.15027610

I would
I've had her since mid France.
Always leading my team but for special events.

>> No.15027611

No, I'd rather adopt a measuring tape.

>> No.15027612

She's cute, but how do I sex her?

>> No.15027613

Oh my, she soulds like a cuddleslut.

>> No.15027614

Eh, I like cooking for them?

>> No.15027619

Krakens can also reach that size with magic, so just imagine this is not the whale's real size.

>> No.15027620

Would be lovely.
I imagine that it would be a right of passage for them to change into bikinis from their one pieces when they out grow them.
Although I wouldn't mind if she stayed in a once piece.

Yeah, they'd be cuddlebugs.

>> No.15027621
File: 574 KB, 756x1044, 56198428_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get wrestled into submission by a powerful beastman!
I want her massive tits to press against my face!
I want her to milk my cock dry and snuggle up to me as I twitch in her arms!

>> No.15027622

Why does she have gills.

>> No.15027623

Anyone have that caption of a few posts describing some manticores behaving like guys in bad porn? been driving myself insane trying to find it.

>> No.15027635
File: 477 KB, 648x677, 1404198680984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fear my vast and organised monstergirl folders!

>> No.15027636

Content creators get run out because they either develop egos, fail to improve when given actual criticism, get hostile to criticism, or are just general faggots to begin with.

Why do you think people who stir the pot like Bob and Ovaries got run out with their high-fallutin' monsterboy and futa loving horse shit? I'm surprised .less is even still allowed when he does shit like Barbed Cat Dick Cait Sith as a 'joke'

>> No.15027639

The cuddliest.

What would you rather anon? A revealing bikini or a too-small one-piece bathing suit?

>Makoto will never go into heat and rape you.
>There are no good Makoto doujins.

>> No.15027642
File: 609 KB, 1400x1243, 4cef6f1db9d6554b26d6320d1e4d0466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to press my face into Makoto's fluffy tail while I fuck her from behind!

>> No.15027644

I want to cuddle with Blue Whale-chan.

>> No.15027646
File: 42 KB, 654x805, 1446444711734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sweaty squirrel underboob holy shit.

>> No.15027647

Gotta go with the latter.
Especially if its her old one.

Makoto in heat would be a terror.

>> No.15027649 [DELETED] 

I don't care if you think im shit, you wont get rid of me that eaasily

>> No.15027653

>>There are no good Makoto doujins.
Says you nigger.

>> No.15027654

Hooray for my shit grammar!

>> No.15027655

Poor Anon has to pay for college somehow.

Even if it means being at the mercy of a big bad Manticore.

>> No.15027656
File: 19 KB, 350x370, c2323ca19e5d2fa4c3f9c80a93b35b4e63ff637df474cfc8f41a4a371f157e6b_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All those anons going to MGC looking for a quick fling
its the only version of this image i could find.

>> No.15027658

Which is why you have to rape her twice as hard as she rapes you.

>> No.15027659

>There are no good Makoto doujins.
Nigga do you even know Studio Tiamat?

>> No.15027661

>Makoto in heat would be a terror.
I'd imagine it would be incredible. All that power, all that raw lust, and it's all directed at you in one mindless, furious frenzy.

>> No.15027663

You'll get better.

>> No.15027665

Well then why can't I find any?
If Terui/Hazama are in them beyond a quick gag it's shit.

>> No.15027667

Have you tried >>15027659?

Those doujins are pretty top tier, wish the recent ones got translated though.

>> No.15027672

Would monstergirls take creepshots with their phones

>> No.15027673

Finally some good Makoto doujins. Thanks anons.

>> No.15027677

No problem.

>> No.15027680

leg locking is superior fetish

>> No.15027685

I'm surprised you never knew of Studio Tiamat.

>> No.15027692

Manticores, Beezlebubs, Maybe the Kuudere ones.

>> No.15027697

Busty Living Dolls with swappable parts.

>> No.15027699

So every time she's in heat is a battle?
Would she apologize the next day for shattering your pelvis?

Oh, it would be great, I just don't think I'd be walking after it.

>> No.15027702 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 726x851, 1459817049034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be in plane crash
>You constantly post on /mgt/ about how Dolphin Mermaids are shit
>You're saved by Dolphin mermaids, one of whom holds onto you and lets you ride her while they swim to land
>Why are they doing this
>They have to have some kind of internet under the sea
>Get back to land, they stay in the shallows while you stumbled onto the sands, dehydrated and in dire need of fresh water
>There's a flurry of giggles behind you
>Something snags you around the waist, it's tight and cold, some kind of seaweed rope
'Oh, I almost forgot!'
>They're passing grins between each other
'Somebody thinks dolphin-pussy is, and I quote, 'so terrible that I would rather smash a three hundred pound land whale Alp's cooncheese pussy over that shit'!'
>They pull on it, dragging you back towards the water
'But then, that's only something a dirty vir-gin would say~'
'Everybody knows that we can crush your pathetic little dicks into pulp with our pussies, but we don't~'
'Instead, we're going to take you back to our little cave, it's nice and cozy and oh so warm~'
'It's been soo-ooo long since we've had a human man, too. I hope you're able to perform <3~'
>They take you back to the rape cave, you're never heard from ever again
>But the Dolphin Mermaid population seems to explode over the years, forming bands of man-pillaging aquatic rapists

>> No.15027704

Stealing a loli Living Doll's limbs and keeping them locked in a closet indefinitely.

>> No.15027705

Only if you lost, which eventually would be pretty rare once you got some better training.

>> No.15027709

>It's been soo-ooo long since we've had a human man

>> No.15027712

I hope you receive a good amount of lashings for that post.

>> No.15027713

But aren't they just proving me right?

>> No.15027720

If I was lucky, some nice sharkgirl would save me instead.

>> No.15027722

You're a jerk.

>> No.15027724
File: 475 KB, 359x270, 1380235212716.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-It's not like I want to be gangraped and husbando'd by dolphin mermaids

>> No.15027727

>Stutter typing
Why do people like you exist.

>> No.15027730

>Spread thermal paste all over a hellhoudnd's body in an attempt to cool her down
>Fail to realise how thermal paste and physics in general actually works
>Due to the conductive nature of the paste, you've essentially removed the limiters on how much heat the hellhound can release at once
>Her power allows her to generate a limitless a out of heat, and now her ability to heat up the air around her has increased exponentially
>She's now entered Hellhound Hypermode


>> No.15027733

How does the idea of a Manta ray girls sound, a big yet friendly girl who glides in the water and can even leap out of it with such grace she can appear to fly for small distances across the water's surface?

>> No.15027734

D-Don't be like that, anon.

>> No.15027735

A kind anon help me out, I need the picture of succuvirus!

>> No.15027737

I'd say she better be careful that she doesn't get mistaken for a Stringray girl.

>> No.15027742

>You then burn to a crisp and forever haunt that Hellhounds dreams.
>The End.

>> No.15027745

Trust me, with how big she is and how much she loves to swim compared to stingray girls who prefer to laze about on the ocean floor, you can't mistake her. Plus she likes to leap out of the water, something stingray girls don't do very often.

>> No.15027746

We need Orca girls to save us!

>> No.15027755

>Whale Shark Onee-san will never teach you how to swim.

>> No.15027759
File: 2.07 MB, 1414x2000, Technobus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15027763

I'd download her but my Paladin Anti-Virus wouldn't let me

>> No.15027764


>> No.15027773

Not this time anon.

>> No.15027774
File: 272 KB, 834x1000, 56029435_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15027775

I need an image of monster girl lolis learning to swim at the pool while a bunch of mermaid lolis learn to walk at the park.

>> No.15027776

T-That's mean to imply.

>> No.15027778

Guess what? Orcas are a species of dolphin.

>> No.15027783

I want to non-sexually hug a dark elf

>> No.15027785

Humpback-chan will save us then!

>> No.15027787

Orca-chan will save you from her shitty gangraping slut cousins and pound your pelvis into dust. In the deeps there is only snu-snu.

>> No.15027788

https://hellskitchensink.wordpress.com/ Here's some monster-girl writefaggotry. Modern fantasy setting, monsters are unknown to the world at large. Non-lewd, but a lot of the story orients around romance, and violence.

>> No.15027795

Would she at least cuddle me afterwards?

>> No.15027798
File: 147 KB, 643x900, 5937a4e906a989f57ddea71dda1925e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Elves with big butts!

>> No.15027799

>In the deeps there is only snu-snu.
Says you nerd.

>> No.15027804

>You'll never buy a really high end computer from your paladin sister for cheap only discover that it's infected by a Succuvirus and has a Paladin Anti-virus installed on it.
>The Succuvirus will never flirt with you and generally enjoy the fact that the new user has "all the right parts" while the Paladin Anti-Virus tries to keep her old user's little brother "safe from that vile temptress".
>You'll never be able to get anything done because of their constant bickering.
>You'll never decide to get them under control by purchasing a pair of USB Onaholes and fucking them senseless.
>You'll never get to fuck them every night or listen to their commentary while you play video games.
>You'll never purchase a pair of living doll bodies for them to upload themselves into so you can kiss and cuddle them properly after fucking them silly every single night.

>> No.15027807

Too bad famiglia.

>> No.15027808

I would never rape an elf

>> No.15027809

Could be bigger.

>> No.15027810
File: 933 KB, 849x1200, Momotaro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey there, peach-boy. Want some bigger fruit?

>> No.15027813

Not interested.

>> No.15027815

Could I have some pomegranates the seeds are great

>> No.15027817

What is it?

>> No.15027819

Anon, it's "never trust an elf" and "it's not rape if it's an elf"
You got your expressions confused.

>> No.15027820

Sure, but keep in mind that unlike the /fit/ Dolphins, Orca Mermaids are naturally tubby and insist on cuddling BELLY TO BELLY

>> No.15027821 [SPOILER] 
File: 169 KB, 626x705, 1459818737917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take the snek that's hiding in the grass.

>> No.15027823

I spit in the face of your too bad and give you my own. Those sea girls are going to be raped and you can't stop me.

>> No.15027825

Just never liked his stuff.

>> No.15027828

But I would trust elves

>> No.15027833

Worth it.

>> No.15027836
File: 552 KB, 806x2197, AroundElvesWatchYourselves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you'll get her pregnant.

>> No.15027838
File: 1.16 MB, 1192x1449, 1451572778592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about those Fae girls.

>> No.15027837

>The moment just before those Oni realized they fucked up.

>> No.15027845

Depends, what kind of fruit?

>> No.15027847 [SPOILER] 
File: 74 KB, 700x549, 1459819035137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around elves, watch your selves

>> No.15027849

You should cuddle them and only do lewd things to them after marriage.

>> No.15027856
File: 339 KB, 1280x940, [DANGER DANGER MAXIMUM ARA ARA DETECTED].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15027860 [DELETED] 

Delete this trash.

>> No.15027862

I want to run an academy that teaches young boys and monstergirls how to fight!
I want to see the bustling in the cafeteria during breakfast lunch and dinner and see the students chatting, laughing and generally having a good time.

>> No.15027868 [DELETED] 

Delete yourself from this world, my man.

>> No.15027870

Monstergirl Imoutos toting around heavy swords without breaking a sweat.

>> No.15027872

You impale them on your dick and don't stop pumping until you see the cum flowing from their mouth.

>> No.15027873

I want to be a diplomat assigned to a tribe of tubby onis.

>> No.15027875 [DELETED] 

The only one that should delete themselves is you for having such awful taste in monster girls.

>> No.15027881

>Baphomet imouto toting a big ass sword telling her onii-chan that she can be reliable too, getting smug when she notices how small yours is in comparison
>Get revenge by making her favorite blueberry pancakes and tell her that if she doesn't stop being chuuni she won't get any
>You end up eating blueberries off her stomach after she revenge lust jinxes you

>> No.15027890

Lolis wielding swords as big as Guts' Dragonslayer?

Yes please.

>> No.15027893
File: 34 KB, 457x264, 1449555102089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to tenderly impregnate some sort of tribal princess MG, like an oni or a lizardman.

>> No.15027894


>> No.15027896

Sounds like loli wurmchan is off on an adventure with her exasperated oniichan.

>> No.15027898 [DELETED] 

Themselves delete taste such the you only that awful having is in one should for monster girls.

>> No.15027899

Fairies are just onaholes waiting to be used and consumed by pleasure, and nothing more

>> No.15027902
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x1874, tumblr_o3806rfe0z1re14vqo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bottom-heavy Kitsunimouto toting around a modified greatsword in an effort to impress you, and hopefully get you to stop making fun of her big butt

>> No.15027904

Ew again, but this time for your shit taste.

>> No.15027905

That won't stop me.
If anything I can now make fun of her for getting a sword as big as her rear.

>> No.15027906

Not all fae are fairies.

>> No.15027907
File: 797 KB, 1280x5973, watch your words.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bubbly, stretchy, full of glitter and giggles.
Or bird-winged and sombre.
Perhaps armored. Or godlike. Or like a wispy little Elf.

What I'm sure of is that they're small and will enchant the shit out of you, and that you can never trust the fey. They'll swap out your son for a potato in the cradle and take him to their magical realm.

>> No.15027908 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 742x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Themselves delete taste such the you only that awful having is in one should for monster girls.

What? Anon, are you okay? Are you having a stroke of some sort?

>> No.15027909

>Making fun of a big butt
>Not worshiping it

>> No.15027918

>Bottom-heavy Cyclops imouto forging you a great sword so you'll stop making fun of her ass
>The hilt goes missing the morning after you catch a glimpse of her full moon and give a whistle
>She refuses to forge you a new one until you stop making fun of her ass, and that's when you really fluster her by taking one cheek in palm and whispering to her
'But big ass and wide hips are best for daughterus'
>You wind up with the fucking Dragon Slayer sword propped up against the wall outside your room

>> No.15027928

If I see that fucking fox one more god damn time.

>> No.15027930
File: 165 KB, 960x540, 0054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You interested in papillons?

>> No.15027933

>famine hits
>wife has just given birth to a new son, we won't be able to keep him alive
>one night he is gone, and an offering of food is left in his place
Thank you based fae.

>> No.15027936 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 1024x828, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will you do?

>> No.15027937

What does your tomboy MG smell like?

>> No.15027942

That's a cute Papillon, what would happen if I told her she has a lovely pair of compound eyes that match her also lovely wings?

>> No.15027944
File: 79 KB, 800x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like sweat, machine oil, hot metal and love.

>> No.15027945

I don't know.

>> No.15027947
File: 142 KB, 398x550, MGE Cyclops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bottom-heavy Cyclops imouto
I want one.
That artist churns out better stuff than Crabman.

>> No.15027948

I'm gonna do something real bad to that fox.

>> No.15027949

Is it okay to touch them? My mom told me that if you touch things like butterflies or moths and scratch your eyes get blind, and if you put your finger on your mouth you get poisoned.

>> No.15027954

How bad?

>> No.15027957

>"You don't have to do this, you know. Mother promised she won't eat your liver or suck the marrow out of your bones."
>"Said it's 'too old-school', whatever that means."
>"What about my clothes?"
>"Well of course they're tiger print, you idiot. It's an Oni's duty to maintain our cultural heritage."
>" 'It gives you a certain allure of danger, along with that radiant red skin of yours?' "
>"I-I'm not blushing! I'm always red!"
They had many daughterus after that

>> No.15027961
File: 27 KB, 295x385, Tear.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can put Tanuki to shame.

>> No.15027963

She'll probably say: "Please blindfold me, tie me up, and punish me in melted candlewax please!"

She has a bondage fetish. Would be amazing friends with Rachnera.

>> No.15027965
File: 12 KB, 175x142, He knows what&#039;s up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15027971

They look like nice girls, I'm sure he'll be fine.
Except purple, she's bad news if I've ever seen it.

>> No.15027974

>Woman is trapped in a rainstorm and will certainly die.
>Suddenly a Fae Elf appears and offers to save her in exchange for her firstborn son.
>She accepts since she's pregnant and doesn't want to risk her child's life.
>Lo and behold it's a son.
>The Elf comes and takes the child away.
>Years later the woman meets her son again, and he's married to the Elf's daughter.
>Turns out that elf was just really worried that her daughter would grow up to be a husbandless NEET.

>> No.15027978

It is a bad, bad plan that will hurt many foxes that are good. I think it's great cause it's so bad.

>> No.15027979

My face would be like that too if I'm surrounded by titacular onis.

>> No.15027982 [DELETED] 

Don't talk to it

>> No.15027987

Sadly I'm not into BDSM or bondage, so instead I'll have to think of a different thing to do. How does a session of blindfolded cuddles and me massaging does lovely breast sound?

>> No.15027988

Of course he knows what's up. That monkey has read this story before.

>> No.15027992 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't enact a plan that bad.

>> No.15028001

Add two handcuffs for her two pair of arms and she'll have a deal.

>> No.15028004

Oh but I could anon and not even the Chosen Fox could stop me.

>> No.15028010

But why? And just what would you do, anyway?

>> No.15028012

This is completely unrelated to anything but does anyone recall the name of the guy who has been releasing really good oni h-manga recently? I need to know for research purposes. I think it was something similar to Obama

>> No.15028016

Sounds fine by me, makes it so she has to nuzzle into me in order to tell her which part of the body she's facing towards as I snuggle her. Some nice nipple flicking and pulling should help set the mood along with antenna play.

>> No.15028021

Because I can.

That Fox is getting poked.

>> No.15028024


>> No.15028028
File: 76 KB, 940x523, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You monster.

>> No.15028031

Thank you, friend

>> No.15028035

I'm gonna poke that fox butt and nobody can stop me!

>> No.15028046

I just want to be a therapist for monsters and no dicking them

>> No.15028047

>>Be in plane crash
CIA confirmed alive, all monster girls respect the power stance.

>> No.15028055

Kinky, the thought of that makes me dick rock hard.

>> No.15028061
File: 322 KB, 757x735, eyecontact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15028063

Of course he survived, how else would he have become mayor of Baltimore then?

>> No.15028067

Hey when you've got an insect monster girl, always do something with her cute antennae and love her plenty.

>> No.15028074


Glad to see you back

>> No.15028080

That color scheme and linework makes her facemask look pretty striking, which makes me like her even more.
Excellent work

>> No.15028081

Please don't stick your finger up the kitsune butt.
Even if they do have cute buttholes.

>> No.15028088

Damn Sasha's lewd, and Elt is actually an okay character.

>> No.15028090 [DELETED] 

I'm going to do it.

>> No.15028098

I admire how great her hips and chest look. That mask too.

>> No.15028109
File: 218 KB, 500x625, 1457014613983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She smells like perfection

>tfw no hellhound tomboy who wears spats and wrestles with you
>tfw the wrestling will never lead into cuddles
>tfw the cuddles will never lead into rough fucking

>> No.15028110

Dark Priest alps that mistakenly believed "praying the gay away" would work getting molested by altar boys

>> No.15028119

Cinnamon and strawberry

>> No.15028128

What if she is shy thinking you only like the prissy girls

>> No.15028130

Like sweat, feminine musk, and burning desire

>> No.15028136

What is it about slimes that makes them the best monsters?

>> No.15028137

That is the circle of tomboy sex.
Rough fucking will lead to wrestle-sex which will lead to more cuddling, and so on.

>> No.15028139

Impromptu beanbag chair.

>> No.15028142

Full body massages

>> No.15028145 [DELETED] 

Please just vent your urges with some lolifox doujins and reconsider this mad plan.


>> No.15028147

You can sleep in her

>> No.15028152

>barely anyone is batting an eye to this
I appreciate it when the Basilisk gets some attention despite getting lukewarm reception.

>> No.15028154
File: 47 KB, 821x1021, 1458069081633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I whisper into her ear that there's nothing I love more than a girl who can kick my ass.

>> No.15028155

Amazing cuddle's and very romantic in mindset. Their cozy jello like bodies and he sweet friendly personalities that accompany them.

>> No.15028158

I'm doing it.

>> No.15028159


I want to drink them dry, pump them back to full, and drink from them again.

>> No.15028164

Absolutely gorgeous. I love it.

>> No.15028168
File: 336 KB, 1800x2250, Rx60mFg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna cuddle big fat cuddle cat

Gonna cuddle big fat cuddle cat

>> No.15028172

nice reference you choose to pick.

>> No.15028173

Did you know elves are superior to humans in every way

>> No.15028179

So are all monsters.

>> No.15028180

Oh good, someone taught the Elves how to Internet

>> No.15028182

>Genki coke-bottle glasses-wearing Basilisks
10/10 would join whatever nerdy club she's involved in

>> No.15028183

I disagree but would not rape someone for that statement

>> No.15028185

At least be gentle. Lolifox poopers are sensitive.

>> No.15028186

Wrong. Humans have one thing that monster girls don't.

>> No.15028187
File: 684 KB, 1907x2560, yande.re 326555 breasts miia_(monster_musume) monster_girl monster_musume_no_iru_nichijou no_bra open_shirt pointy_ears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a quiet married life with Miia!

I want to lay on a couch with her resting against me and her head against my chest!

I want her to wrap me up while we're in bed while she forces my face into her breasts!

I want to make homemade pizza with her and watch a nice movie!

I want to go on a vacation with her to somewhere nice!

I want to hold her hand as we walk/slither on the beach!

I want to go on group dates with other waifufags!

I want Miia to wake up to me cooking her steak and eggs, and then i want to give them to her while she's in bed!

I want to give Miia a full body massage to the very tip of her tail!

I want Miia to nibble on my ears and then do ASMR stuff to me!

I want to have 8 hour long cuddle sex with Miia, ending with both of us exhausted and clinging to each other, then both of us falling asleep with Miia wrapped around me and my penis still inside her!

>> No.15028189

That's a cat worth snuggling.

>> No.15028193

I couldn't think of anything else to say. I've also have yet to see the movie.

>> No.15028197


>> No.15028202

You mean THAT?!

>> No.15028204

That, and the ability to have sons.

>> No.15028207

So just keep a few of the ones without dicks around for that.

>> No.15028209

Still a fitting quote and the movie in my opinion is pretty good, you'll enjoy it.

>> No.15028214

Not that anon, nobody can know about it.

>> No.15028226
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>> No.15028229

Fool! If we use THAT so soon, its effectiveness will falter at our time of direst need! First, we must use THIS.

>> No.15028234


>> No.15028242

Man im trying to pay for college right now and if whoring myself to monsters is a guranteed route to $80000 i just might do it

>> No.15028244

DA-tier levels of meh?

>> No.15028252

It's okay.

>> No.15028253

This image really fits.

>> No.15028255

Careful, you might be stuck being a whore for life.

>> No.15028257
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>> No.15028258

I like it

>> No.15028262

She's up to something, I know it.

>> No.15028263

Pretty much the best, would hug a group of misunderstood mindflayers and befriend all of them

>> No.15028265

Loliflayers are cute!

>> No.15028269

Got it. I'll deliver better stuff in the future.

>> No.15028270

she gon git headpat.

>> No.15028271

She looks really squishy. I want to hold her so tight that she explodes.

>> No.15028274

Wait, you drew that? The image wasn't bad, I just have zero interest in EMG.

>> No.15028275

Her goo will just go somewhere else in her.

>> No.15028279

she is like a living stress ball

>> No.15028282

>Samurai Living Armor challenging you to a duel
>This song plays

>> No.15028283

Yeah, finished that draft last night.

>> No.15028284

She's not trustworthy. If anything she is less trustworthy than an adult.

>> No.15028285

She'll giggle as you do it too.

>> No.15028293

I wouldn't mind that. I mean apart from the crippling emptiness that comes with it.
Should I post the rolling game? Thread's kinda slow right now.

>> No.15028294

>Sir Alonne's theme
My nigga.
Either way it is coming along nicely.
Though I wouldn't mind seeing some Jojo-esque stuff with MGE Elementals and Living Armors.

>> No.15028295

Some contact is better than none at all.

>> No.15028301
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>> No.15028307

I want to walk in MGC during the New Moon

>> No.15028308

feel free.

>> No.15028313

And with just that, I changed how I see mindflayers completly. I think I might be under the effect of one.

I always thought they were "meh", but now that I see them as squishy stress balls I think they are kinda adorable.

>> No.15028316

I love her eyes. You've gone out of your way to even make them distinct from the normal yellow you use to highlight details, and it looks great.

Then I'm going to squeeze every part of the little loli 'flayer like she's made out of putty.

>> No.15028319

squishy stress balls that can use their powers to help you work through your emotions

>> No.15028332

Just watch out.
Squeeze her in the wrong spot and it'll go to her lady parts, giving her vulva beyond puffy .

>> No.15028343

You know what sucks anon? Student Loans. Especially in MGC. Thankfully, or unluckily depending on your view, male prostitution is legal in MGC. Selling yourself to various monstergirls might be your only chance at repaying your debt. There are four brothels with openings you can sign up at.

Brothels: (Choose)
Option 1: Obscure Brothel (3 girls) Not many people go here because it's new.
Option 2: High Class Brothel (6 girls) For Ojou-Samas and the like.
Option 3: Cheap Brothel (10 girls) Not much per client, but lots of clients.
Option 4: Maniac Brothel (10 girls at the same time) They'll pay off your debt in one go, but they cater to the reverse gangbang crowd, so all the girls you roll hired you for the same thing and share the same length. Only for people who really want a challenge.

Once you've got that, it's time to roll for your clients, use this: monstergirlencyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/special:randomincategory/Mamono
as always you're allowed to reroll for girls like Cu Sith, Cait Sith, and Matango.

Then use https://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm or https://www.random.org/ to roll.

Body Type: d10
1: Busty
2: Thin
3: Hourglass shaped
4: Oppai Loli (or Shortstack if you prefer)
5: Chubby
6: Gym Bunny
7: Loli (or Pettanko if you prefer)
8: Pear Shaped
9: Species Norm
10: Choose one

Quirk: d10
1: Awkward Virgin (Has never seen a dick, nor does she have any idea what to do with it. You'll have to guide her through her first time.)
2: Chimera (Roll another species and fuse it with hers.)
3: Undead (Died and was brought back to life as a cuddlebug zombie. If her species is undead already, then reroll.)
4: Oral Fixation (She has a fetish for oral sex, both giving and receiving.)
5: Love Freak (In love with love and romance. Roll a d6 and if it's even, she'll want to buy your contract. If it's odd, she's yandere for you and steals you.)
6: Semen Demon (She's a sex maniac that knows how to milk just about everything out of you, and she brought potions to keep you going.)
7: Bottom heavy (Her ass is twice as big as the average ass for her species.)
8: Twins (Roll another body type for her sister and roll another quirk for both of them.)
9: Bakunyuu (Her breasts are three cup sizes bigger than the average for her species)
10: Choose two

Hired you for: d8

1: Vanilla Sex
2: Anal
3: Handholding and cuddling (What a deviant she is.)
4: Femdom or Maledom (You choose)
5: Rough sex (Roll a d6, if evens she tops, if odds you top.)
6: Foursome (She invited two unscheduled friends and is willing to pay extra to include them. Roll species and body types for them. They share the first girl's quirk.)
7: Polynesian Sex
8: You choose.

Length of Job: d4

1: Half a Day
2: One Day
3: One Week
4: One Month.

The life of a male prostitute in MGC is a lucrative one anon. The question now is, will you leave once you pay off your debts? Or will the allure of money and sex cause you to keep whoring yourself out?

>> No.15028353

Remember to keep an eye on your son at the park.

Cant have him messing with those monster kids now can we?

>> No.15028354

>Stress-ball soft girls who's mass you can distribute to their breasts, butt or vulva, making them even more squishy and sensitive

My dick says yes.

>> No.15028360

I want to wear a slime

>> No.15028361

I take none of those options.

>> No.15028366

Good for you, why did you respond?

>> No.15028368

>TFW no slime to bathe in, to wear as a living bondage suit, to change her shape every time you favor a new feature of girls
...although a slime with blonde ringlets would take some serious talent and outside ingredients, I think

>> No.15028369


>> No.15028370

So you want to be Venom?

>> No.15028371

>Find two knight corpses at the gates to progress
>It seems that these two must've been guarding this gate for so long they both died of age
>You knell before the two and pray to them, before getting up to move on
>The sound of something stirring makes you pause, and you glance over your shoulder
>The head of one of the corpses is turning, the cracking of its cobwebbed neck echoing around the chamber until it makes an entire 180, looking directly at you
>You raise your sword and shield, and the other seems to be stirring
>There's an almost ghostly aura about them, but it didn't matter
>Backing up into the gate, you watch as the bodies, no, the Living Armours rise, shaking and discarding the corpse of their previous owners
>It's going to be a long night

>> No.15028373

I'd let him hang around with monster kids so long as they don't try anything fishy.

>> No.15028378
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Dragonslayer Armor-chan a cute!

>> No.15028379

I don't have to worry about that. He's part of an arranged marriage and wears the symbol of his future wife's house to let people know he's already taken.
Said girl is a Dragon. They're not gonna fuck with that.

>> No.15028382

Why couldn't you come up with 10 for every potential option so we could use our Post Numbers?
I have a set of dice lying around anyways, so
Queen Slime 1, 3, 4, 3, 4
Mimiru, so I guess magical girl. 10(6), 10(1, 5(even), 6, 3
Chochin-Obake, 5, 6, 4, 1

>> No.15028386

Oh. I typed the format wrong.
The 1 on Queen slime is what kind of Brothel I got.

>> No.15028388

>obscure brothel
>mandragora, busty. twins, chubby, both undead, handholding and cuddling, for half a day
>elf, hour glass, twins, thin, both chimera with mothman, femdom, for one week
>ignis, chubby, Bakunyuu, vanilla sex, for one month
Not bad, all are unexpected and very cute though I'll leave once debt is paid off. Maybe I'll ask out the chubby big breasted ignis and find out more about her, and why she came to see me?

>> No.15028391

The idea with roll games is supposed to be that you know what you get on your responding post so that it turns into a writing prompt. It's a tool to spawn creativity.
But they've grown stale and boring, and when people do respond it's just "oh yay result" with no elaboration.
I, for one, think their era has died in this thread.

>> No.15028394

I literally linked two different things that can be used for dice rolling.
Also you choose what kind of brothel you get, that's the difficulty.

>> No.15028400

>Chubby Mermaid/Giant Slug for Vanilla Sex for a week
>Oppai Loli Crow Tengu Love Freak who wants to buy for Rough Sex with her on top for a week
>Hourglass Chimaera Semen Demon for handholding for a month
Well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad, so I'll stay.

>> No.15028402

>High class.
>Hourglass Sex maniac Succubus that wants me for hand holding for one week.
>Hourglass Chimera with a oral fixation that wants Polynesian sex for a week
>Undead Omukade that's got me for half a day of hand holding.
>Chubby Charybdis with huge tits that wants to hold hands for a month.
>Chubby tanuki/merrow with an oral fixation that has me performing vanilla for a month.
>Thin, undead Sahuagin that has an oral fixation and wants me for a day.

I think I'm working at a brothel for himederes that want to do lovey dovey stuff.

I think I'll stay there till one takes me as her husband.

>> No.15028403

I wonder how scary a yandere wurm would be

>> No.15028407

There is no escape.
Literally nothing will stand between her and her loved one.

>> No.15028408

I can only imagine what happens if she focuses it all on her vulva.

>> No.15028411

except her intelligence

>> No.15028412

Let's go high class.
>Busty Bottom heavy Mantis that wants a foursome. One week.
> Alp with an oral fetish that's also a semen demon. Also wants a foursome. One week.
>Thin Cupid/Scylla that wants handholding One month.
>Pear shaped Virgin Grizzly. Wants rough sex with her on top. Half a day.
>Chubby Bottom heavy Shoggoth that wants to have rough sex with her doing the fucking. Half a day.
>Gym bunny Undead Bakunyuu Manticore that wants handholding sex. One day.

Maybe I can see if both the Shoggoth and mantis want to go at the same tie.

>> No.15028413
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>> No.15028419

That is a over twelve feet long snake-dragon that grinds peoples pelvis to dust faster then a Ushi-Oni can break a pelvis. It is a machine of pure rape and now its crazy for you. To put it simply your pelvis wouldn't even exist in any universe anymore, of course mandatory cuddles come afterward.

>> No.15028423

But how would marry a slut? How may hands have you held?

>> No.15028425

>Loli love freak Hobgoblin dominating me in rough sex
>Big breasted Dragon for handholding
>Busty and big assed Mantis trying to find new ways to use her ass

I can endure this for 1 week

>> No.15028430

I imagine that it would either of the chubby ones, although I'd be happy no matter who took me.
I'd at least have a lot of experience.

>> No.15028432

Pretty much this. It's a symptom arising from the fact that these threads are a general.

>> No.15028434

Doesn't look very scary, she looks pretty cute.

>> No.15028439

Would your monster wife be offended if for some reason while asleep you slapped her across the face as she was waking you up?

>> No.15028441

Love conquers all.

>> No.15028444

She'd cry

>> No.15028448

I'd miss and slap her titties instead because of mamono mana made me do it. Fucking alps.

>> No.15028452

Fucking finally
I thought you died. Glad to see you are okay

>> No.15028454

I wanna bone a skeleton

>> No.15028457

I want to merge with a slime

>> No.15028459

High Class

>Thin, undead echidna. Hired for a week-long forursome w/ Hellhound and Cheshire Cat
>Virgin dormouse; hired for a day of rough sex with her as the dom
>Thin, bottom-heavy beelzebub; hired for half a day of vanilla sex
>Pear-shaped, succubus/alp hybrid (either a tomboy succubus or one who likes to probe with her tail); hired for half a day of vanilla sex
>Hourglass-shaped, semen demon Kitsune-tsuki; hired for half a day of polynesian sex
>Undead ushi-Oni; hired for a day of domming

Well, Chuck, the date started out good, but then the jobs got too awkward...

>> No.15028460

Even if she knew you weren't in control of your body at that moment?

>> No.15028464

>Wurm wife
More like she'd be concerned about my broken hand

>> No.15028466

Type: High Class Brothel (6 girls)
>not too many, not too few, definitely higher standards of cleanliness and safety

Girl 1: Living Armor How?
>Choose (Roll) Two (Bottom Heavy, Love Freak - Tries to Buy Contract)
>Maledom Rolled 1d2 = 2
>One week

Girl 2: Dark Slime
>Semen Demon
>Maledom Rolled 1d2 = 2
>One week

Girl 3: Large Mouse
>Bottom Heavy
>Foursome(Chubby, Bottom Heavy Titania; Pear-Shaped, Bottom Heavy Parasite Slime)
>One Month
The ride never ends

Girl 4: Living Armor
>Hourglass Shaped
>Bottom Heavy
>Foursome(Shortstack Bottom Heavy Sahuagin; Pear Shaped Bottom Heavy Mucus Toad)
>Half a Day

Girl 5: Amazoness
>Pear Shaped
>One Week

Girl 6: Scylla
>Bottom Heavy Are these dice loaded?
>Rough Sex (I top Rolled 1d6 = 5)
>Half a Day
A quick fling

After all these contracts? Fuck it, I'm staying.

>> No.15028469

She would engage in morning training before breakfast.

>> No.15028478

I guess I'm just drawing a blank today. But I suppose I could give it a shot.

Well it would have been more mindless to really get into it.
I don't mind spending a few minutes rolling dice. Infact, I dedicate all of my Friday evenings in doing so.

But I will entertain the idea. I like writing every now and then so let's go full autist. Just for tonight.
As a heads up, I often rerolled 10s or the "choose for yourself." I'm more used to doing that.


Since I rolled for my brothel already, I'll be in an Obscure Brothel. Perhaps I was nervous at the prospect of meeting so many girls, but more likely I'm unconfident in my own abilities.

>Slime Queen (3(Hour Glass), 4(Oral Fixation), 3(Handholding), 4(1month))
I am first met with a Slime Queen. Strange as it seems, her hourglass shaped body, she could seduce any man she pleased. She licked her lips often. She enjoyed the taste of others it seems and enjoyed others tasting her, but her purpose was not one of lust, but one of her own needs. A boyfriend experience to hold hands and cuddle. I don't know what kind of rough life she's going through, but she scheduled me for a month. I would stay with her as she had her slime maids wait outside. It was relaxing for myself as well. A calm month of just cuddling with a slimy body.

>Mimiru, so I guess magical girl. Gym Bunny, 10(Awkward Virgin, Love Freak(even)), Foursome, 1 Week
Next, a Magical girl appeared. She was fit, that was certain. A gym bunny quite honestly. She was awkward, having gone out of her way to come this far. She wanted experience, but was too nervous to really get it herself, so she decided on a brothel. And when our eyes met, I knew her heart burst into a flutter. She fixated on me, but didn't say anything. Though she scheduled me for a week, I was surprised that two of her friends joined with her. A.....
>Didn't roll for these yet.
>One moment...
>Oomukade 2(thin)
>Family Index...
>Nightmare 4(Oppai Loli)
>Shares first girl's quirk
>Choose two

I need a ruling on this, do they get the same two I picked out for the first girl, or do I get to pick 2 for each of them?
>Skipping her for now.

>Chochin-Obake 5(Chubby), 6(Semen Demon), 4(Femdom), 1(Half a day)
At last, a Chochin-Obake came in. She had one goal and only one and that was to recharge her own spirit energy and leave. Strange for her species, but money is important, so I had to comply. She was heavy and forced herself on me. I was tied up and abused. Forced to drink potions and milked for every drop. What was supposed to be half a day felt like weeks. But according to the Matron, the session truly lasted half the day. The Chochin-Obake, or as she wanted to be called, "Master" left as quickly as she came. Despite...coming multiple times.

Now to answer the final question. The Magical-girl who I met with, was a love freak. And would buy my contract. I imagine by the time the Chochin-Obake was done with me, my contract would be purchased and I would live with the magical girl. Not a bad fate. I like it actually. She's awkward with sex, but so was I. I'll stay with her, and try to make this work. Of course, I would ask the Magical-girl to wait for me to finish my contract with the Slime Queen first. Once that was done, I would be gone and living with the Magical-Girl who bought my contract.

>> No.15028480

>That first one
I'm so fucking jealous.

>> No.15028485

Well, fuck.

I missed the memo on that big time.

>> No.15028492
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He can play with the local Yuki-onna's daughter

>> No.15028503

>All this bottom heavy
The spirit is willing but the flesh is bruised and spongy

>> No.15028506

>All that high class Ojou-sama booty
Holy shit.

>> No.15028510
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>She sees the cat nip

>> No.15028517

My son spends all his time with the neighbor child, an Oni who dresses like a boy. She protects my son from mean bullies and such.

>> No.15028519

She's going to have a belly full of kittens in a moment.

>> No.15028536

I would do so many lewd things to that cat.

>> No.15028538
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How lewd we talking?

>> No.15028542

Eating her out for one.
Also fucking her tits until they're covered in semen, then facefucking her until semen leaks out of her mouth, then fucking her fat ass until she's both ahegaoing and pregnant.
Then I'll wash her off and cuddle with her all night long.

>> No.15028543

Remember the balkans? That lewd.

>> No.15028545

Not that guy but I'd go through all the positions until she's filled enough to have a faux pregnancy going on due to the amount I've cum into her.

>> No.15028552

She'd calm down once she figured that out, but she would probably make me cuddle her for a while anyways

>> No.15028555

I wonder what it'd be like to tie a cuddlecat up and THEN cuddle her. I'm sure she has a little trouble moving anyway, with the rips constricting all over her plush, squishy body she'd be completely prone to whatever you'd want to subject her to.

>> No.15028559
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But Anons, how much health is too much health?

>> No.15028562

I make my son hang out with that lonely Japanese lady across the street. Some kind of cow-bug.

>> No.15028564

Trick question, there is no too much health

>> No.15028565

I'm not the person you ask that too.

>> No.15028570 [DELETED] 

We all know how that ends.

>> No.15028575
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These babysitters are great, they pay you to watch your kids. Must be a weird custom.

>> No.15028574

As long as it's actual health, then there is no limit.

>> No.15028578

We all know how that ends.


>> No.15028583

I'm a bit new to the roll games, so I already made a roll without knowing this aspect, but I'll try to make something for it.

>Alright, with these debts I can't afford to hold onto my pride, but I'm not giving up my dignity. I'll go see if the old Diamond Dragon's got any positions available, pun not intentional.

>Well, whattaya know? I got hired, and my first client already. Maybe I won't be broke for long.

>HOLY SHIT that could have gone horribly wrong. For my first client, that tiny Living Armor with the generous bottom wanted me to be somewhat of a dom over her, and after a few tips from the Madam, I managed to get things rolling pretty well. The week went quickly, and I learned a thing or two. Only, I didn't expect her to try and buy out my contract. If the Madam hadn't put her foot down and said no, I might've ended up a sex slave instead of a courtesan; good thing Danukis have a preference for investments over quick bucks.

>My next client was nearly the polar opposite - a Dark Slime, she was as busty as the Armor was bootiful, and while the Armor was obsessed with love, the Slime was all about the sex. One thing they did have in common was, they both wanted me to dom them. Somewhat unusual, but then, considering their natures, I guess coming to a brothel would be where they get that which they normally couldn't. A good week, and an educational one - the Slime was incredibly experienced. During breathers, she'd give me a tip or two in basic magicks; somehow, I imagine the simple stun spell will be immensely useful.

>Next up was a Large Mouse, blessed both in bust and bottom. She wanted me for a month, which didn't seem too unusual - we did advertise such an option - except that when I met her, she had brought a statuesque Titania and a Parasite Slime with the most impressive rump I've ever seen; I'm starting to wonder if the clientele is screened for buttock power or something. Anyway, after that month of nearly endless rides and romps, I needed a week-long break just to recuperate; on the plus side, I lost several kilos and got some apparently impressive muscle tone.

>After I got back from healing up, I was brought to another Living Armor; unlike the last one, she was only thin in the waist, and large of the rear (more evidence for my hypothesis). She brought along a tiny, rumpy Sahuagin and an even more bootiful Mucus Toad for a half-day's pleasure play. None of them were in any way fat, so I have no idea how they, or indeed any of the other high-class girls I'd met so far, came to possess such impressive rears.

>My next client was an Undead Amazoness with a somewhat more basic body shape - only pear-shaped, not big in the butt. She hired me for a week of, you guessed it, anal and ass-play. Perhaps she had a bit of embarrassment over her lack of that asset, limited by her undeath?

>The final girl my contract held me to see to was this tiny Scylla who was, you guessed it, in possession of a prodigious posterior. It was almost comical, her tiny frame with the twin pillows in back. She came in, all prim and proper in her office attire, and according to the Madam, her request was that I "fuck her rough, hard, for a simple quick half-day of non-stop action." My best guess is that her appearance somewhat limited her ability to get any action without turning to the Sabbath, and from her limited dialog during our activity, she didn't seem too keen on them for some reason.

>Now I have to make a tough choice. I'm financially stable, well-off even, and I've cleared my debts. I could move on and seek other opportunities, possibly making a name for myself, or possibly falling into horrible squalor. Or, I could stay here for a more permanent contract, as a courtesan...in a high-class establishment...with excellent pay, benefits, and living conditions...and people whose company is genuinely enjoyable...
>FUCK IT. I'm signing that contract. Even if it does mean giving that Danuki a smuggery for a few days. She's not that bad, anyway.

>> No.15028586

I know, there must be something in the water.

Did I say water? I mean IMPORTED CHAMPAGNE.

>> No.15028594

Big blue butts drive me nuts

>> No.15028600

>>Thin, undead echidna. Hired for a week-long forursome w/ Hellhound and Cheshire Cat
Newly dead mommy celebrates her resurrection with her daughters?

>> No.15028607

They could also be her sisters.

>> No.15028614
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sorceresses are the best and an integral part of any adventuring party! Show your gratitude by giving yours free mana recharges!

>> No.15028615

Week one:
>Nervous from first time jitters
>Enter the first client; an echidna with a body to die for in spite of seeing better days
>With a flirtatious tone, we discuss the terms of our contract: a week of whatever she wants, no questions asked
>Deal is made
>she proceeds to wrap me in her coils, delivering slow, wild, wet kisses that seem like they'd last for at least three days
>just as things get set, she reveals that she brought some 'friends'
>"Come on in..." She trails off, just as she says something that sounds like 'children'
>the door opens; enter a hellhound and a cheshire with hips to die for
>memory blanks out from there
>all I can recall is my ribs being crushed, my pelvic bone ground to dust, and the sensation of being blown by miss kitty while she forces me to lick her own kitty

Second Client:
>Return to work after the body heals
>The client is already there waiting for me: a doormouse who would've looked as nervous as I was if she could only stay awake
>As I interview her, it becomes obvious that she has no clue what to expect
>She accepts my offer to lead her into what is clearly her first time.
>start with a tender kiss, proceed to disrobe her from her pajamas (how she gets away with wearing this in public is beyond me.
>As I begin to give her some oral action, she squeaks out a request with a timid voice
>"...C...Can I try something?"
>I oblige her request, only to find myself lightly shoved on my back as she straddles onto my lap
>She proceeds to talk dirty, telling me to fuck her wild as she shakes her hips like a jackhammer, her body close to coitus
>I try to keep my erection up and my face straight, aware that I've yet to penetrate her
>I proceed to convince her to let me take the lead for a while.
>The rest of the day goes with me 'showing her the ropes' before she begins to get the courage to take charge herself.
>End session: She dresses herself up, her face as red as the hearts on her panties
>She timidly thanks me for the help before leaving, her hips with more of a wild swagger.

The third client:
>Jump back into my job due to lack of injury
>Third client shows up: a plain looking beelzebub
>Thin, but with something of an aroma around her
>Half the trail of flies following her gets shut out as she closes the door behind her
>The contract is discussed: a mere half-day session, nothing more
>Compared to the last, she seems to know what she's doing,
>Pretty wild in the sheets, though the flies quickly become distracting.
>After the deed is finished, for some reason she insists on licking myself clean.
>It takes a while for her to leave; her wanting to gather up all my semen and sweat in a jar as a memento for the occasion

Client numero quatro:
>Before the day is done, the next client enters
>A guy with a blond bobcut in a tuxedo far nicer than anything in my wardrobe
>Almost looks like King from Art of Fighting
>I stammer out 'There must be some mistake...'
>Out from the client comes one of the most enchanting, and feminine voices I've ever heard, assuring me of the situation
>The client proceed disrobes, revealing a below average bust, a slight curve to the hips, and thighs that could kill
>The client saunters toward me, jagged blue wings expanding behind her back as I find myself bound by a spade like tail
>She discusses the situation: ran afoul of a witch who cursed her with a mannish appearance
>She just wants someone...anyone to treat her like a real woman; money is no object
>Her tail goes slack as I move closer to 'discuss the terms'
>Proceed to spend the rest of the evening giving her my best, her thick legs coiling around me as she squeals in passionate ecstasy
>Come the end of business hours, the client leaves completely flustered, but happily satisfied
>As I clean up for the night, I find a small business card left at my table
>"Call me. Any time. Any place."


>> No.15028627
File: 237 KB, 714x839, 1456478208407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-Whats wrong with the cat?

>> No.15028629

He probably got a bit of chocolate. He'll be fine, he's magic, but cats and chocolate don't mix.

>> No.15028633

Please continue. I want to see how the Ushi turns out.

>> No.15028645


>> No.15028653

Took some bad shit, Mari is a terrible pet owner, she feeds all sorts of drugs to this cat so its perpetually tripping balls.

>> No.15028669
File: 41 KB, 1226x569, Komodo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I heard you like stinky.

>> No.15028670

I hope you die

I hope you die

>> No.15028671

Sure thing!

>> No.15028674
File: 34 KB, 996x1000, Werebat-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another.

>> No.15028675

Make it stinkier.

I'm talking fucking stink lines stinky. With circling flies.

>> No.15028677

Alp.. You are unstoppable!

>> No.15028678

Why are you even here. No one likes you.

>> No.15028681

I feed on your hatred. Also I like Monster Girls and this is the place to be for that.

>> No.15028686

Definitely saving this for next time somebody asks for a komodo onee-chan drawing.

>> No.15028687

I like him.

>> No.15028688

You're worse than saltfag.

>> No.15028689

I believe I succeeded with her pose rather well.
I don't know who that is.

>> No.15028691

This is way too furry, alp. I can't fap to this.

>> No.15028693

Don't samefag Alp

>> No.15028694

Alright, let me fix it.

>> No.15028698
File: 43 KB, 1226x569, Komodo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go.

>> No.15028700

Same minute, m8.

>> No.15028702

I'd alp for you Alp.

>> No.15028703

Want anything else while I'm at it?

>> No.15028704

I'd like if you'd put a rope around your neck, could you try that?

>> No.15028705

Hm, I can see the improvement.

>> No.15028709

Amp up the stink.

Stink lines. Circling flies. Birds falling from the sky. People in the background puking!

>> No.15028712
File: 7 KB, 116x83, unstoppable drive in my right hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15028714
File: 132 KB, 638x941, 55241232_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who stinkypede here?

>> No.15028717

Too perverted. Hold on.

>> No.15028722

Why aren't Oomukade drawn or written with big tits and other bodytypes more often?
>Average STILL hasn't given his /fit/ Oomukade a one-shot

>> No.15028728
File: 62 KB, 1226x569, Komodo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, done.

>> No.15028732

We already have an oomukade story, and the best one around! Don't you like sniffing awkward foreign stinkypedes?

>> No.15028733

It's a masterpiece.

>> No.15028734

I see 8 Cow MGs and then one regular cow.

Why the fuck is the normal cow in there anon, did you put it in as a joke or something?

>> No.15028736

I will never hug my waifu, June[/spoiler , and that makes me sad.

>> No.15028737

Fuck you.

>> No.15028738

Janet pls save us.

>> No.15028741
File: 67 KB, 514x1200, 1459494071441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aquatic Musclegirls

>> No.15028743

It's a world of darkness, a world of tears.
Just give up your hopes and embrace your fears.
Please give in to despair, for you're already there.
It's a mad world after all!

>> No.15028745

So who are all our big waifufags now?

We got WockFag, Gazerfag, and Miiafag still
The KejourouFag, AnubisFag, and Apophisfag

The JuneFag

Who else?

And when are they all gonna get a group picture?

>> No.15028746

Can't wait for demo 2 and possible Arachne headpatting!

>> No.15028749

There's a guy that's particularly fond of Krakens, but I don't think he's dabbled into commissions and requesting stuff yet.

>> No.15028753

I'm going to try and become Holstaurfag, about to receive my first ever commission.

>> No.15028756

You don't "try" to become a waifufag. You simply are, or not.

>> No.15028758


Client the fifth:
>Day gets off to a wild start
>The client bursts into the office: a young lady with a pointed face, with shapely hips barely hidden by her disheveled miko robes
>She appears calm and reserved, but the tension around her seems thick enough to cut with a knife
>We discuss the terms of our session
>The contract is signed
>Suddenly she lunges over the desk, pouncing me as she proceeds to literally tear my clothes shreds.
>She rips off her garments with the ferocity of a hellhound, her face already drooling with wild lust as she forces my fingers into her mouth
>"Hurry up, damn it. I can't take it anymore"
>Her aura and dignity: gone
>I muster my strength and pin her to the wall, her curvy hips shaking in anticipation as I enter her
>We spend the next few hours mating wildly, rolling from wall to wall as she howls wildly
>End of the affair: she re-covers herself as she prepares to leave, her body still straddling me with her privates wetter than any ocean.
>"Thank you for the wonderful time. I won't forget you ever."
>She passes by what's left of my tipped over office lamp as she leaves, her shadow tracing the wall of my now destroyed office
>I could've sworn that she never had those pointed ears or fluffy tail before

The final session:
>Have to cancel my session do schedule repairs to my office.
>Suddenly, movement coming from the hall
>I call out "Sorry. I'm afraid we're closing early"
>Leaving the office, I find myself in a hallway that's just as wrecked as my office.
>I head back to the spacious waiting room of the building
>Destruction seems to be quite intense here
>On the counter is the contract for one more client
>I read the details, unaware of the strands dripping all around
>Suddenly an intense force yanks me upward, pulling me towards a massive figure hiding in the shadows
>An Ushi-Oni that looks like it could give the Black Tiger a run for it's money
>Has the same decrepit odor as the Echidna
>Drool dangles from her mouth as she creeps toward my bound body, her intentions as clear as the glaze in her eyes
>With one slash, my region is exposed
>Pressing into me from behind with her many legs, she practically impales herself on her member, grinding wildly as I try to struggle to free myself.
>The intensity of the 'session' causes us to swing wildly atop the room, eventually causing the web to snap
>I hit the ground with a sickening thud. Definitely a couple of ribs cracked
>She continues to gyrate wildly atop me, thrusting my face into her cleavage to suckle upon her ample tit
>Amidst the crushing session, my arm squeezes free from the bindings
>Vision obscured, I grope blindly as I try to find something to use to get some air
>I end up pulling something long and thin, causing her to pull back far enough to see what I grabbed
>it's the talisman from her head
>I suddenly find myself face to face with my attacker, an empty talisman gazing back at me after being exposed from the removal
>Her drool splashes my face as she proceeds to utter a deep animalistic growl that gradually increases in pitch
>She suddenly pounces into a mounting dive as her groan reaches it's crescendo
>I wake up in a hospital room, trapped in a full body cast
>I can only move well enough to see two things with my eyes
>The first is the TV, a reporter talking about some poor sap being dragged away from a private clinic that was leveled in an unprovoked attack
>The second is the Ushi-Oni, her talisman restored and her one good eye closed as she sleeps peacefully near the foot of my bed

Best I could come up with.

>> No.15028759

>about to receive my first ever commission
Lovely. What's the subject matter?

>> No.15028763

What makes one a -fag? Because if it means posting about your favorite mg as often as possible I probably qualify

>> No.15028764
File: 328 KB, 2400x720, Time to Bully C hero Anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start hearing things in your head
>Man you could really do for some ice cream right now
>Holy crap it's way too hot out we better go to the ice cream parlor
>I bet the wife would like some ice cream should probably go get some

>> No.15028765
File: 119 KB, 497x547, 1459390460064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[You found a TANUKI]

>> No.15028766

I don't think we should give a label and attention to people with waifus

Sure, a few of them will comission art, but most will just start to be very vocal about their waifus and we might end up becoming a blog/waifu wars thread

And that's coming from a guy who went to some extremes for his waifu

>> No.15028768

I want to become a hero with no superpowers and face off against the hordes of sexy villainesses!

>> No.15028771

He's talking about waifufags anon. That's not a waifufag.

>> No.15028777 [SPOILER] 
File: 960 KB, 2112x1280, 1459834162573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15028779

I can hear the loli tanuki going 'Wahaha!' in her little voice and it's lovely.

>> No.15028782

I want to make all of those monster girls cum with one thrust!

>> No.15028783
File: 1.94 MB, 500x281, 1459590546349.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shit was cute.

>> No.15028784


>> No.15028785
File: 276 KB, 550x2566, 1452168598921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prepare yourself for my ultimate attack!
>Take THIS!
>Ha! Had enough monster?!
>I'm just getting started!

>> No.15028786

I'd rather the Kraken that made the Bloop

>> No.15028787

>wanting the queefmeister

>> No.15028788
File: 102 KB, 500x389, 1459393168909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flick the Tanuki! Save your money!

>> No.15028789

That bodytype is 10/10.

>> No.15028793

She would look even better once you knock her up.

>> No.15028794

Oh thank god, a merchant I can sell all my useless junk to for some gold.

>> No.15028795

Really no one answered this post? such shit taste i would marry tear.

>> No.15028798

She has no curves.

>> No.15028800

No bushy tail.

>> No.15028802

So is OPM finally about Licenseless Rider or is it still about One Punchline Man?

>> No.15028804

Did they change the IRC chat?

and for that matter, what happened to this master list? http://pastebin.com/5dBZzWTX
seemed perfectly useable to me.

>> No.15028806

What would having a Tanuki childhood friend be like?
Would she stalk you when you're both adults because you gave her a "start up loan" of five dollars that she turned into an empire?

>> No.15028807

Of course not.

>> No.15028808

>And when are they all gonna get a group picture?

You mean a big art commission of all of those MGs show at once? When someone's willing to pay for what would be an undoubtedly expensive commission. Or if we pooled money together or something.

>> No.15028815

>Did they change the IRC chat?
I don't know, probably.
>and for that matter, what happened to this master list?
Drama not worth discussing.

Haven't been here in a while I assume?

>> No.15028818

Every time I read about them, I find myself being more attracted to Ushi-Oni. I think I may have a problem.

>> No.15028825

on and off. I heard elh had an issue with someone but last I saw it got all worked out.

>> No.15028828

She would always be coming up with ways to scam the other kids in the neighborhood, dragging you along with her.

All so she can get enough quarters to buy some jawbreakers.

>> No.15028830

>constantly encourages you to do well in school
>always trying new ways to improve things
>very thrifty and great at finding new trends and opportunities
>comes to you in your teenage years saying she got the seed money for a great new idea and she wants you to invest in her with your own seed
Would you accept the partnership?

>> No.15028831

she's going to buy your childhood home after you've moved out and probably live there, living in your room with your furniture and masturbating on your bed. then you're going to get a mysteriously tenatious job offer, watch as your current company is bought out and you are laid off, and finally take up that offer working as a secretary for Tanuki & Tanuki, the largest firm in the city.
It's actually run by one tanuki, she just thought it would be more inviting if there were two.
you work as a secretary until you actually meet your boss, who says that she's glad to see you again.
you work like regular for a few weeks as she starts giving you more and more responsibilites, along with a generous raises along the way.
at the end, the VP suffers an accident, you're called in as adjunct because you've been handling the bookwork, and she ends up calling you in for a private meeting where she says that she made this all for you and you fuck on the boardroom table.

>> No.15028835

sure, anything to help out my childhood friend.

>> No.15028838

I'm rock fucking solid right now.

>> No.15028839

I am very pleased to see my pessimism being fought.

>> No.15028847
File: 161 KB, 906x1334, b53ee051ef5f38de24177e67a613ca49.jpg?2918106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15028850

>But moooooom!

>> No.15028854

I want that tiny demon, although I'm happy with my water fox.

>> No.15028870

I was a little iffy with doing greentext, especially after seeing how carried away I got with the Ushi-Oni bit. But it did help get the creative juices going again.

I should write more often.

>> No.15028873

>TFW you came up with an idea for a new Lilim
>No drawing ability to actually draw her and get people to like her and eventually get recognized by KC as a pseudo-cannon Lilim
I wish I could draw.

>> No.15028876

Waifu wars are bad, but our waifufags all seem to get along as they're actually serious

>> No.15028879

What is this

>> No.15028882

If Alp can, then so can you.

>> No.15028895

I agree, small things like this are a great way to inspire and build yourself into a potential writer. I liked this greentext a lot and would gladly read something else if you choose to write more.

>> No.15028944

I have come to a realization: I'm obsessed with Shoggoths.

I don't know when it really started, but I do know that I've always had a bit of a fascination with the impossible. Lovecraftian eldritch horrors beyond the comprehension - destroying the comprehension, even - of human minds hold a bizarre draw to me. So, reading the primary description, as well as (admittedly somewhat thread-canon) supplementary info, combined with the Lovecraft original story, just kinda made it click, I guess. A perfect and proper maid whose nature distorts perceptions of reality as she replaces the physical reality around her, always with a knowing smile and a slime-like infinitely malleable form...
Some people like snek, or eyeS.T.A.L.K.E.R. Others obsess over scheduledog or lewdragon.
I've lost my mind for madnessmaido.

>> No.15028948

That's why commissions exist, so you can have someone else do the heavy lifting in the art department for you

>> No.15028950

That's the worst case scenario, it's unlikely to happen but if we actively encourage people to become "waifufags" who knows

I recall a few times where people complained about the Miia/Gazer/Jabberwock guys despise them rarely ever posting unless they are bringing new content

Now try to imagine a dozen more waifufags, most of which would bring no new content, every thread would have multiple posts about how great such or such waifu is, and you'd have these new waifufags banding together and having their own discussion in here

If we start giving attention to anyone who frequently posts the same thing over and over again, only bad things can happen

>> No.15028954

Tekeli-li, mastah!

>> No.15028977

>Tekeli-li, mastah!
I will never get over how cute that phrase (Tekeli-li) is, even if it would be something else from a Lovercraftian shoggoth.

Just off the top of the head, were there any decent shoggoth stories? I know of the space shoggoth one, and the shoggoth summoning, but I haven't really come across any others.

>> No.15028978

Shoggoth worst maid, goddamn slime everywhere and doesn't clean a thing.

>> No.15028990

Clearly you need mad neetbux for it too.
Symmetrical docking with a large breasted ship, kind of a gift for me and somebody who waifus said ship who I happen to be friends with.

>> No.15029034

>the Bloop
That was Cthulu-chan

>> No.15029041

Shortstack monster mom sounds fun

>> No.15029046
File: 208 KB, 803x1200, zl5pxb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a girl that i can have as a true friend, is that so much to ask?

>> No.15029075


Already been done.

>> No.15029080

I just want a Jinko to be my little spoon, or maybe a /fit/ Werewolf.

>> No.15029126
File: 268 KB, 383x606, fredaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't a shapeshifting dragoon in the form of a loli.

>> No.15029127
File: 289 KB, 842x1000, 39649096_p2_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little spoon, eh?

>> No.15029131

I would if she asked.

>> No.15029134

I would be fine with a Tiger like that, but I meant a big, scary looking Jinko that likes being the little spoon.

What artist is that by the way?

>> No.15029137

That tiny tiger is perfect for hugging.

>> No.15029144

She's also perfect for fucking.

>> No.15029176
File: 89 KB, 800x1116, freddy lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure?

>> No.15029182
File: 233 KB, 519x900, 18923762343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15029189

I don't make idle claims. I would if she asked.

>> No.15029192

I cannot be allowed to have such an adorable little thing.
I'd love her with my entire heart but the deviant in me would only try to see if I could get her bust and hips bigger.

>> No.15029194

I swear, whatever was affecting the dice from my brothel roll is following me. I mean, seriously, that bottom. The bottom-heavy 'curse' is real!
And it is goooooooood.

>> No.15029196

Cutest Imp.

>> No.15029202

You can never have too many shortstack Imp servants when you're a busy warlock.

>> No.15029208

That is not appropriate attire for a maid.

Report to the head maid for re-education and assimilation immediately.

All is one in the Shoggoth. Tekeli-li!

>> No.15029218

Go away Shoggoth.

>> No.15029220
File: 1.13 MB, 1057x1120, 1435793413703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, I'll dress my Imp maids how I want!

The combat Imps will be wearing full-body, skin-tight ninja outfits!

>> No.15029225

>full-body, skin-tight ninja outfits!
Anon no.


>> No.15029238
File: 148 KB, 960x540, 0048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skin-tight ninja outfits!
Sessho wa kamaitachi, Mai-san sanjou!

>> No.15029240

If we're admitting to our personal obsessions, I've got a confession to make: I like Ushi-Oni, legitimately. I just can't get them out of my head. They're powerful, fierce, brutal, and lusty, and while that might be true of most other monsters, Ushi-Oni are almost unique in how honest they are about it. They still have the monster in them that was there before effectively becoming part succubus, and it's not hidden under a layer of sex. Sure, they're terrifying due to the likelihood of broken bones being basically 100%, but there's something about them that overrides that fear.

I don't know, I just like them.

>> No.15029245

Anon you must stop. If you do this, the Kunoichi will be after you for the rest of your life!

>> No.15029248

s-she's all stabby...

>> No.15029250

Your waifu a shit.

>> No.15029252

Good night Anons.
Take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, be sure to reward your monster girl assistant for all her hard work, be she imp, familiar, zombie, or whatever else you have

>> No.15029256

Feel free to think that, I'm just gonna enjoy healing up after the last bout of getting smashed around.

She's surprisingly cuddly when she's not rampaging.

>> No.15029267

I will anon.

>> No.15029285

Good thinking. I'm going to bake a cake for my Kobold daughteru!

>> No.15029353


Are you really sure?


>> No.15029363

Clever on top of cute. She's absolutely wonderful.

>> No.15029367
File: 86 KB, 586x531, 1430206283264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody move! This is a stick-up!

>> No.15029371

Aww, that's the most cute and disturbing thing I've seen recently.

My minion is a sandworm. I'm not really sure what she would want.

>> No.15029374

shes got no mouth!

no mouth! no mouth!

>> No.15029380

What does she need a mouth for? It's not like she's a merc.

>> No.15029386

She needs one so I can stick my dick in it and then put a ball gag in so all the cum doesn't come out!

>> No.15029390
File: 127 KB, 1366x768, Salivating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ball gags don't prevent liquids from vacating the premises.

>> No.15029392

Don't say that out loud anon, you'll blow my excuse!

>> No.15029412

What would you put in this cake?

>> No.15029419
File: 770 KB, 1114x1600, img000022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: I still can not stop thinking about Yocchi.
How do I stop this?

>> No.15029422

All the normal cake stuff anon, flour and sugar and butter and eggs and water and lots of vanilla icing! I'll even put some strawberries on there for decoration! I'm also going to cum all over her face the second she eats her first bite!

>> No.15029426

You don't. I think about my waifu when I'm groggy from just waking up, I think about her when I'm falling asleep, I think about her when I stare out the window in a bus and the vibrations make my dick hard.
It doesn't stop.

>> No.15029428

Sounds like you've got yourself a waifu anon.

Welcome to hell.

>> No.15029435

I think about frolicking with her on meadows. I've never been to a fucking meadow. I think about dancing the waltz with her. Haven't done that since they made me in school. I think about going on picnics with her. Why the fuck would I want to go on a picnic?

>> No.15029437

She's subliminally trying to make your life better.

Do it for her!

>> No.15029440
File: 112 KB, 600x600, 1392024912402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, who do I do that stuff with?

>> No.15029443

But what if 3D women see him doing it and think he's interesting? That'd be disgusting!

>> No.15029444

That's up to you and your personal expression of her. Can't help you there.

>> No.15029446

An Anon of Justice lives for his ideals.
You don't need those worm-ridden pigs.

>> No.15029447
File: 657 KB, 1000x1500, Lewdo Meido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back from a little hiatus for boring shit. Did a little thing that I agreed to do a long time ago and have been procrastinating on ever since. The Adventures of DumbMoth and SheepCop will continue next time.

Things what be in it: Kitsune, red head, maid outfit, bondage, anal, spanking, footplay, sex toys, cuddling, mindless fapfuel

>“Can’t we ever just have, like, normal sex, that doesn’t involve wrecking up the place?”

>“Can’t you ever just like, stop being such a faggot and beat me like a red-headed step child?”

>“You -are- a red-headed step child.”

>“Then -why- are you having such a hard time with this? Are you sick or something?”

>She bends over further, grinning at me between her legs, and sticks her tongue out.


>> No.15029450

I guess I'll just go play some Arkham or something.

>> No.15029452

>Kitsoviet is still around
Well then.

>> No.15029475

But I'm not ready to have a waifu yet!

>> No.15029478

Time waits for no one.

>> No.15029486

Oh, well that's boring. At least put something lewd or chemically altering in the cake.

>> No.15029495

>Needing date rape drugs to make your cakes not shit

>> No.15029513

It's called making food fun.

>> No.15029517
File: 141 KB, 391x600, Unicron Prime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonderland Centaur soon fellow STALKERs.

>> No.15029520

I don't understand. Why are there so many people here who break the law?

>> No.15029522

Hell no.

It better be a Bandersnatch, or a Wonderland Caterpillar before horsepussy.

>> No.15029524

Pretty sure both the recent Makoto doujins have been translated.

Only one that still hasn't, far as I know, is the one mainly focusing on Bullet and Celica.

>> No.15029527


KC realised horse pussy was shit when he made the retarded statement about front pussy.
Hell, even the nightmare's only redeeming quality is that they can appear as a dumb vanilla human girl in your dreams.

KC realised centaurs are less than bottom of the barrel shit tier. What makes you think he's ever going to design another one?

>> No.15029529

Kakuen lolis?

>> No.15029532

Not him but the simple fact that KC makes ultra shit tier like siths and humpty eggs. Horse pussy isn't even close to bottom of the barrel when compared to all the unspeakables.

That being said, I would like a Wonderland White Knight and Red Knight. I don't even care if they're centaurs.

And also that guy repeating his Wonderland Centaur line for like half a fucking year at this point is really starting to get on my nerves.

>> No.15029533

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed!

>> No.15029534

Shame that Marriage will probably never get translated.

>> No.15029539

The hate for Humpty Eggs is so exaggerated. They're just loli slimes.

>> No.15029542

What's wrong with humpties?

>> No.15029543

The tastiest, most nutritious loli slimes.

>> No.15029546

How smug are they?

>> No.15029549

Man I love humpties.

>> No.15029550

You literally have to kill baby Jub Jubs to make them. That's why they're hated.

Imagine if you had to do the same thing to dragon eggs to make fire slimes. The thread would riot.

>> No.15029558
File: 1.41 MB, 1600x900, 154985456456456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This smug.

>> No.15029564

Sun Wukong?

>> No.15029568

>They're just loli slimes
They look way too young compared to the rest of the lolis in the encyclopaedia and the way they're born is awful.

>> No.15029569

I want to fuck the smug off of that face, then I'm gonna eat that apple once I'm done.

>> No.15029570

>You literally have to kill baby Jub Jubs to make them. That's why they're hated.

Pro-life advocate please leave.

>> No.15029575


>> No.15029579
File: 73 KB, 917x871, 1413879117136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some totally legit scientists want to run some tests on lucid wet dreams. Are you up for it?

>> No.15029587

Yes please gimme some 'mares

>> No.15029594

I'm going to drop the Hathor Milk and Wonderland Cake traps in the Sabbath Headquarters. The loli threat will finally be removed.

Hathor Ackbar.

>> No.15029596

Lich Johnson may or may not pick you to test a dream where your living with an Echidna mommy.

>> No.15029597

*Hathorhu Akbar

>> No.15029601

Do I get to have crazy impossible mindblowing dream sex with the lich? Do I get to keep the her afterwards?

>> No.15029604

En Taro Hathor.

>> No.15029612

Not what I had in mind but i can fantasize to that.

>> No.15029615

Even if part of the experiment requires you to address her as "mommy" at all times?

>> No.15029619

I want to date a Werewolf who has a weird fetish! It's dressing up as a granny and making me call her grandma when she rapes me.

I want her to know how weird she is for it.

>> No.15029621

I can give it a shot

>> No.15029633

>Lich Johnson
Chariots Chariots!

>> No.15029642
File: 158 KB, 1000x1344, 1423681385348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, do I have something between my teeth?

>> No.15029660

>Is there a method for married couples to temporarily switch genders?
>I think there are happenings occurring in Wonderland and Sabbath magic potions for that.

>Is there a way for a husband to temporarily switch bodies with his monster girl wife, or is there not?
>There is! Seems like there's accidents in Wonderland amongst others.

>So about the method that turns the men of Wonderland into monster girls, do those have an effect on incubized men?
>They do have an effect. If you got a wife then you get to enjoy some pseudo-yuri play!

So, be honest. Would you ever want to try out some Wonderland/Sabbath potions with your waifu? Even just for a night? Keep in mind if you have a Wonderland waifu, or just an exceptionally lewd one in general, they'll give you pouty eyes and want to try it.

>> No.15029661

I'll try most things at least once.

>> No.15029663

Anything with teeth like that couldn't make 's' or 'th' sounds very good. Or a lot of sounds for that matter.

>Aay anon, do I 'ave 'omzing betveen my teezph?

Personally I would find it adorable.

>> No.15029664

I'm in.
I mean, what's the worst that can happen?

>> No.15029667
File: 123 KB, 960x540, 0076c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What big ass you have, Grandma!
>All the better to facesit you, my dear.

>> No.15029669

Alp-erotic daydreaming.

>> No.15029670

I'll try it.
If I like it, that's good to know.
If I don't, then I know that for sure.

>> No.15029673

Would sharp toothed monster girls get braces.

>> No.15029675

No. Fuck wonderland. Nothing good ever comes from visiting that madhouse.

>> No.15029676

That girl in particular is a shark so if there's something wrong with her teeth, she can just remove them and grow a new set.
Wocks and Hatters are great though.

>> No.15029677

Well that's not THAT bad.

>> No.15029680

Alices, Cheshires, Jabberwocks, and Mad Hatters are nice.

Just drink the potion anon, all the cool kids are doing it.

>> No.15029681

>he's okay with sex dreams where everyone says golly and gee willikers
You sicken me.

>> No.15029684

Definitely. I'd do just about anything with a monstergirl wife that doesn't involve scat, gore or ryona.

>> No.15029686

>Wocks and Hatters are great though.

You don't have to go to Wonderland to get Wonderland girls. They slip out all the time, like Alices. In fact, I'd prefer the ones that escaped. They also knew that place sucks.

>> No.15029693

No because I'm not a faggot

>> No.15029694

>They do have an effect. If you got a wife then you get to enjoy some pseudo-yuri play!
Fuck it, I would. Although with the wife being a Hellhound I wouldn't have the strength to wrestle her that I usually would so I suppose I'd get "eaten."

>> No.15029696

It's not gay if you're doing it with your waifu.

>> No.15029697

Finally, someone who speaks English.

>> No.15029698

How can other monster girls even compare?

>> No.15029701

I hope.

>> No.15029722

Please don't put this lewd imagery in my head. I just fapped like twenty minutes ago.

>> No.15029738
File: 478 KB, 408x580, 1409670116237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ufufufu, you're still young, you can do more!

>> No.15029739

I'd be mean and post a bunch of other situations with other monster girls but this isn't really the place for it. I don't want to kick up a "yuri" shitstorm even if one of the people involved is technically a guy.

>> No.15029744

sorry anon, you are doomed to fap

>> No.15029747
File: 308 KB, 720x960, 1446544786019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cthulhu f'taghn.

>> No.15029751


[spoiler[PRIMEST WENCH[/spoiler]

>> No.15029753

>technically a guy.
Carries just as much weight as "this preteen is just a 1000 year-old witch/dragon/baba yaga," and just as insulting as "they're just trying to entice you into a threesome, anon."

>> No.15029756

I see you lack sufficient insight.

>> No.15029760
File: 615 KB, 831x831, 1453832144670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15029761

The hell is that?

>> No.15029764

Shit wrong one. Spooky hugs I guess.

>> No.15029767

Oh no you don't, you're not putting up the facade anymore!

>> No.15029769

An elder demon. Of hugs.
Gap hugs.

>> No.15029770

Seriously? That's a shame.

>> No.15029773

Is that a loli anubis on the lower right? Or some weird hybrid with snakes instead of a tail?

>> No.15029775

Looks like hybrid.

>> No.15029776

>Talking shit about loli hags
Calling out the pseudo yuri is one thing because I have shit taste there but smug loli hags are god's gift to the world.
As much as I'd love to, it isn't the place.

>> No.15029804 [SPOILER] 
File: 146 KB, 800x600, 1459853258879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold the scariest monster of them all, the librarian.

>> No.15029806
File: 2.10 MB, 1280x1024, Spiderwoman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Nya is a futa, isn't she? Best Demonbane girl right here, mate.

>> No.15029811
File: 814 KB, 1200x1698, 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this alp doesn't want to fuck loli granny

>> No.15029814
File: 136 KB, 800x600, cute book eating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nya is whatever she wants to be, and best girl is obviously the book.

>> No.15029824

What is she eating? Looks tasty.

>> No.15029828

BTW months ago someone was posting WIP translation pics from hentai with cthulhu-tier girls. Was the translation cannned or something?

>> No.15029836

It looks like a dick.
Alps get out reeeee.

>> No.15029842

So apparently this is being translated, now I want a harem of delinquent monster girl sisters. Although I think 365 is a bit too many even for someone as greedy as me..

>> No.15029851

>his 365 imoutos
Wow, his father was quite a man

>> No.15029853
File: 480 KB, 590x744, Ammy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, /mgt/. Remember to do your best today.
And try to catch some sun, it'll help you stay happy.

>> No.15029887

>Pretend to be fair maiden getting attacked by monster
>Screams alert a nearby paladin group
>Get "rescued" and ask to travel with them to the next town
>Offer to make them some tea after they set up camp
>Drug the fuck outta them and get extracted by waifu
>Bachelorette monster friends take their pick of who they want
>Lonley girls get husbands
>Paladins get shown true happiness
>You finally have someone to talk to when the girls come over
>Happy end

>> No.15029890

I'm not sure wherever to dislike it because it's going full traitor, or like it because it's the perfect application of the girlification potion for espionage and hijinks.

>> No.15029893

>Being a filthy Stephani
Kill yourself.

Wouldn't work anyway. You'd look like a succubus/alp, not a regular human girl.

>> No.15029899

This is double awkward, not only because you want to be a traitor but also because you want to be a girl just to be a traitor, what kind of person would even think of doing something like this?

>> No.15029901


>> No.15029902

Judging by the way the first question says switch genders, and how it's distinct from the bodyswapping mentioned in the second question, I'd say it's not impossible to look like a regular human girl.

But at this point it's just people going "Hey KC can I do this?"
And he's just waving his hand, basically saying "Do whatever the fuck you want with the setting, I don't give a shit."

At this point, it's all purely how you personally want it to be.
Want to take the form of a human girl? Why not.
Want to take the form of a succubus? Sure.
Want to just disregard all that and keep it vanilla? It's cool.

>> No.15029905

Either a genius, an absolute madman, or both.

>> No.15029908

I'm a traitor and I posted >>15029693

>> No.15029909

The kind that's fed up with Helen's shit and is in desperate need of some guy friends.

>> No.15029910

It's almost 5am, I'm going to bed.
Still, praise the fucking sun.

>> No.15029913

Those things only work with incubi, not regular humans. There's so much mamanobama in it for the tansformation that even a regular dude instantly incubizes by fooling with it. So a genderswitched incubi will look like a succubus/alp.

You know what I think is funny though? In all the conversation that started from the original post about trying the potion/fruit/cake/curse stuff, the guy also forgot the KC quote where if you wind up liking the form you get too much you get stuck in it.

>> No.15029918

>Those things only work with incubi, not regular humans.

Well, if you care about upholding the setting 100%, sure. I'd rather try and lift a sandcastle above my head with by bare hands, it's got less chance of falling apart.

I'd rather not deal with all the fluff and mamano mana garbage if it's just going to get in the way of dumb, but amusing silliness like >>15029887 or wizards.
Because let's be honest, in KC's word-for-word world, that wizard stuff would never be able to get off the ground.

>> No.15029924

>that wizard stuff would never be able to get off the ground

>> No.15029927
File: 2.08 MB, 450x450, No sense of right or wrong.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't like wizards

Get a load of this muggle.

>> No.15029928

That post was not really amusing though, just another, "Look at how stupid everyone would be but me pulling this trick that a five year old would think up." Traitor posting wouldn't be as terrible as it is if people actually put some thought into it every once in awhile.

Wizards are a lot more fun just because they're whimsical dicks, and are as likely to fuck you over for messing up their order at the drivethru as anything.

>> No.15029935

It's pretty subjective. I don't expect much thought to be put into a 10 line greentext made for a quick internal chuckle.

>> No.15029937

Oh yeah because the classical wizard joke of "You rubbed against me on the subway, so I turned your daughter into a sofa" and the like have so much thought put into them.

>> No.15029938

Is she at least a comfortable sofa? I want quality when it comes to both my furniture and my offspring.

>> No.15029941

You don't need the same level of though put into a whimsical dick as a schemer. If you can't do the second, then just stick to the first. Lilims doing wizard type shit happens all the time too.

>> No.15029945

No, her springs are uneven and jab you in the ass as you sit, she is also very scratchy. She can still talk though and will cry if you don't sit on her enough, and the tears will stain.

>> No.15029950

I would never raise a daughter to have uneven springs.

I'll just throw some cushions and a blanket on top of her, then take a seat.

>> No.15029964

>denying her the direct touch of your warm rump
What kind of dad are you?

>> No.15029971
File: 176 KB, 866x572, 1445329992225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One who seeks comfiness. Can I at least fix her springs and change her cushion cases so she's less itchy?

>> No.15029972

>Wanting to have a sofa daughteru
Have daughterufags gone too far?

>> No.15029974

Is >>15029971's image real or fake? 90% of people answer wrong the first time.

>> No.15029977

That's probably one of my favorite pictures on the internet.

>> No.15029982

Is it even there furniture that we are not willing to fuck?

>> No.15029983
File: 669 KB, 744x1000, 1453434623931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's getting ridiculous. Lets talk about maids or something.

>> No.15029985

I've written full on stories with this kinda stuff before, but running in full gear for every little idea would be too tiring. I don't see the point in coming up with a 37 step plan with a little diagram for every stupid little idea I had since 90% would be completely forgotten within an hour.

>> No.15029990
File: 598 KB, 833x1100, ROW ROW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has made sexualised personifications of even the planets in our solar system before. Sentient furniture-girl fucking is just another drop in the ocean.

/mgt/ won't stop until every conceivable concept in the universe is turned into a cute girl and sexualised.
If the very concept of sexualisation manifested itself as a god before our very eyes, it wouldn't be enough to stop us.

>> No.15029991

Stalking, looking lewdly and peeking under your maid's skirt while she innocently does her tasks must be a god-tier pastime for any master out there.

>> No.15029992

All except human girls.

>> No.15029996

Remember to delete unrelated images.

>> No.15030000

Who would have thought the you don't have to rape elves

>> No.15030004


>> No.15030010

Ridiculous is this thread's best setting. Maids are just boring.

>> No.15030012

Well of course. They all want it anyway, so it's all consensual.

>> No.15030014

Now you're just taking it to the other extreme. Just don't write everybody except the Steve like they're a bunch of morons. It's not hard.

>> No.15030021


>That guy with a fully furnished house of daughterus
>It's Pee Wee's Playhouse level of uncanny valley plus sexual horror

>> No.15030023

Human girls are just the preliminary form before perfection.

>> No.15030024

eh, we like humies sometimes. Mostly orderfags having a thing for cute paladin girls.

Long as it ain't 3dpd.

>> No.15030030

My dick says yes, and my brain says also yes.
The bizarre, Goosebumps-esque sexual horror stuff appeals to me more than it probably should.

>> No.15030031

The only thing paladins girls are good for is monsterization

Look at how great Wilmarina turned out, she was a shit girl before that

>> No.15030033

GWfags leave.

>> No.15030035

>implying GoFish isn't still a shit girl

>> No.15030041
File: 232 KB, 1000x833, sofadad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15030047

Holy fucking shit, this is great.
Good job.

>> No.15030049


>> No.15030050

This is amasing. Well done anon.

>> No.15030051

Boku no use Google.

>> No.15030054

I wasn't trying to make them stupid, so much as I was thinking that they just wouldn't expect a potion like that being used that way. I probably could have wrote it better to explain that or make it more believable though.

On a side note my wizard example kinda got out of hand.

>> No.15030064

>so much as I was thinking that they just wouldn't expect a potion like that being used that way

What you didn't think of is that hearing a damsel in distress at all in monster country should throw about a dozen red flags up. Not like there aren't dozens of monsters that can disguise themselves as human women just fine.

>Mermaids pretending to be drowning in the shallows.jpg

>> No.15030066

Cute sofadaughter. 10/10 would park keister on.

This is amongst the best OC this thread has produced.

>> No.15030072

>All these freaks who want to sit on their daughterus

The daughteru sits on you, never the other way around

>> No.15030075

OPM Monstergrils doujins when?

>> No.15030081

We can do both.

>Not sitting on the sofa daughter while hugging dakimakura daughter on your lap

>> No.15030084

Are elves vegetarians?

>> No.15030090

I didn't specify that it was in monster country though. I was thinking more of along the road of human territory in between major settlements. It would look like a monster wandered into the territory and attacked a woman. It's my fault for leaving out details, but it's early and I just wanted to do a stupid little greentext, not a detailed short story.

>> No.15030096

Location doesn't really matter honestly.

>military unit who has been trained to fight and actually fights monsters regularly
>hearing a single woman in distress

First thing any of them would think is "bait". I mean that trick is as old as saying watch out behind you or your shoelaces are untied. The funny thing is, a regular dude by himself would be more effective in that situation.

>> No.15030103

Again, wanted little green text, not a short story. There are plenty of ways to make it believable like saying she's part of a caravan and that some other monster took her friends deeper into the woods to get the paladins closer to the monsters, but I wasn't planning on getting that invested into the story.

>> No.15030106

Still wouldn't work. There would have been evidence of a caravan on the road.

The main premise is just faulty. Pick the most suspicious form you can and try to pull a trick that relies on blind trust? Come on now.

>> No.15030109

Well they live off semen, so I guess they are.

>> No.15030115

With the amount of time you've spent relentless picking apart such a small joke, you could've written your perfectly airtight monstergirl espionage story, and started work on the lore tome.
Jesus Christ.

>> No.15030124

It's not even relentless. It's just two seconds of cursory thought. If you honestly think that's hard thinking, and I really doubt it, no wonder you're having problems coming up with decent premises.

Second, for all the pointless time you spent defending it, you could have just admitted. "Yeah, that was a flop. I'll do better next time." instead of trying to justify it as not being a bad idea.

>> No.15030129

I'm not the writer. The writer just keeps saying it's a silly joke you're not meant to think about.
You're providing advice for, you know, an actual story longer than 80 words.

>> No.15030136

So? I'm tired of seeing dumbass tricksters pulling one over on retarded paladins in extremely contrived scenarios. I just made a point about it this time. Not like it takes any time at all to respond. Hell, typing this post out took less than half a minute.

>> No.15030146

>try to catch some sun
>it's been raining all day
Fuck you Ammy, you smell like wet dog.

>> No.15030152

I just want her to sit next to me.

>> No.15030164

I want a daughter who does Yotsuba stuff.

>> No.15030168

>about to go through a surgery
>I won't be able to get strong for my dragon for quite some time

I wonder how monster girls would take care of their sick husbands.

>> No.15030170

Home cooking and oral sex only.

>> No.15030172

They wouldn't. They wouñd just go for another man.

>> No.15030176


>> No.15030178 [DELETED] 
File: 644 KB, 1122x1600, page10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daughter who does Yotsuba stuff.
Takes drugs and gets BLACKED?

>> No.15030179


>> No.15030185

Get the fuck out to /b/

>> No.15030187
File: 68 KB, 416x586, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rain is cleansing. It freshens the air and gives life to the flora.
You should appreciate rain just as much as your appreciate the sun.

>> No.15030188

You serious?
Half the profiles say they'll improve you.
I'm pretty sure their loyalty goes far beyond injury.

>> No.15030189

I can't jog in the rain. My schedule is ruined. Anubis-senpai won't put out. Responsibility. You must take it.

>> No.15030190


>> No.15030192

I hope you delete that.

>> No.15030194

You know what, fuck it your right. I'm tired of debating over a tiny early morning greentext. I hate it when people start arguing about stuff rather than having an actual discussion, but here I am arguing over something I wrote 2 1/2 hours ago. Sorry about that.

>> No.15030195

>Trusting monstergirls

>> No.15030196

Historianon please.

>> No.15030197

Just jog in the rain with her.
Dogs love water and you can shift your schedule a bit to share a warm shower.

>> No.15030199

>Not trusting monstergirls

>> No.15030200

>Just jog in the rain
What do you think I am, some kind of savage?

>> No.15030203


>> No.15030209

Why isn't this reportable

>> No.15030210
File: 1.82 MB, 900x1391, 1412325489042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey anon, check this out

>> No.15030228

No need to apologise. No one did anything wrong, after all.

>> No.15030231

It is.
And if it isn't, the mods are objectively wrong.

>> No.15030240

I have been banned already for reporting a shitposter in this very general. I'll pass.

>> No.15030241

Why no story of an Amazon embarking on a quest of spreading love and tolerance to mankind through tender loving femdom and lots of bondage?

>> No.15030247

Damn, really? Is the shitpost in question still up?

>> No.15030256

>Symmetrical docking with a large breasted ship
Is is Hamakaze?

>> No.15030259


Because you haven't written it yet.

>> No.15030263

No, it was time ago.

A yurifag tried to continue a shitstorm that ended almoft 12 hours ago before he started again, and I got banned because reasons.

>> No.15030264 [SPOILER] 
File: 64 KB, 922x656, 1459867061877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want ME writing it, anon. I'm what you'd consider a visual artist.

>> No.15030265

There is one. It started in the 1940's. It's called Wonder Woman.

>> No.15030266


>> No.15030267
File: 259 KB, 848x862, 54805706_p0sfwcrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more masochistic Kitsune
This is pleasant to wake up to, Kitsoviet.

>> No.15030268

That's what I had in mind, only I want it with more sex and less superheroics.
Also no Black Steve please.

>> No.15030270

I've never been banned for reporting because my reports are always accurate, you need to get better at spotting the usual autism episodes

>> No.15030273

I got banned once for telling a poster he had the same arguments as Negawalker on the same subjects. I don't think the janitor understood the reference. But then some faggot had to of reported it for them to even to have come to their attention. Only time I ever got banned here.

>> No.15030281

Since this is nearly all smut I can't seriously review it but anyway, here goes nothing:

You made great use of the Kitsune's traits, the whole ear teasing scene and the many lines about her tails were all realistic and it made a clear difference between this Kitsune smut and any human smut

You also showed nicely how monster girls, and Sang in particular are nymphomaniacs who enjoy sex more than a human can, that was mostly thanks to her reactions, moans, facial expressions etc...

The fact that the main character underwent changes at the end makes this an actual story, and it's surprising to see that coming from smut of all things

There wasn't anything ridiculous or any major mistakes, and you made visualizing the whole thing pretty easy

The part I liked the most was definitely your use of her tails, how they always wrapped around him and moved in various ways depending on her mood, you made them a part of her body instead of having them be an accessory like most people do

If I had to change one thing, it would be the whole spanking scene, we clearly understood that the MC had dominated Sang, we didn't need to have him spank her that much to confirm it

Overall I enjoyed it, I came in expecting mindless smut and I received much more than that

>Do you want to get ants? Because this is how you get ants.
No memes please

>> No.15030282

I also got bant for that, but it was lifted after I made use of the trusty feedback system.

>> No.15030285

Oh I also was banned once for telling another yurifag to fuck off. I'm totally sure the mod was being impartial, because we can always see all the people being banned for things like that. Oh wait.

>inb4 banned

>> No.15030293

I was banned once for posting uncensored loli slimegirl nipples.


>> No.15030298
File: 199 KB, 600x700, 1437326330331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got into a fight dad! I won!

>> No.15030302

This is the fourth time this year. What did I tell you about getting into fights?

>> No.15030306
File: 751 KB, 950x700, 1390891044247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't start a fight you can't finish!

>> No.15030314

No, I told you to not go looking for fights.

>> No.15030318


>> No.15030323

Atleast one mod is a massive power-abusing t/u/mblr faggot

>> No.15030326

What's wrong with that?

>> No.15030328

Nothing really. They're quite the appealing flower in the right arrangement.

>> No.15030333
File: 313 KB, 720x960, 74.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this your card?

>> No.15030335

The one in your hand or the one in your wock?
Neither. My card was the Four of Diamonds. Because I'm diamonds for you!

>> No.15030338

No. Now what?

>> No.15030341

Boo. Get out.

>> No.15030345

Thank you, thank you! I'll be here all week.

>> No.15030349

Damnit, stop with your weird Wonderland card tricks, I just wanted to play a serious game of poker
And no, not strip poker, you perverted lizard

>> No.15030351

Now slugger, what did I tell you about getting into fights. Yes yes I know, you won. but it's not good to get into so much fights
Now don't tell your mother, but the cookie jar is in the pantry behind the icky yucky healthy cereal. My treat.

>> No.15030352

Would you feed her beans if she had lost?

>> No.15030353

She told you, she's not a lizard. She's a wizard.

>> No.15030355

What? No. That's mean, Anon. What the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.15030361


>> No.15030367

That's acceptable.

>> No.15030371
File: 94 KB, 600x800, 1459868725279 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a christmas cake sensei MG to teach me and love, who I can marry when I graduate/

>> No.15030382
File: 410 KB, 1000x1000, 0ac57d1dc1bbaefce38ec5ff1ce951dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post a woman related to the thread. Take this one.

>> No.15030383
File: 662 KB, 800x800, 56189416_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15030387

Mommy's precious little princesses?

>> No.15030388

Would a pushy Hakutaku satisfy you?

This Elf is begging to be raped

>> No.15030390

>They see your flashlight.

>> No.15030398

>This Elf is begging to be raped
Nice meme

>> No.15030404

>Would a pushy Hakutaku satisfy you?

No, too rote. I need a troll or something. A girl who doesn't fit the traditional teacher mold.

>> No.15030406
File: 109 KB, 640x640, 33158084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish to use a Living Doll's lewd onahole in the missionary, lotus, and prone positions.

>> No.15030412

What do monstergirls talk about in human boy general? We have many monsters to talk about but you would they would run out of things to say about 1 species.

>> No.15030418
File: 128 KB, 640x640, 59aa78557a5449220d90bf21895328f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this artists Shinkis
My dick.

>> No.15030421

Well you know. Sex and stuff.

>> No.15030422

Literally perfect body types.

>> No.15030424

Yeah but they've got different body types, personalities, emotional states, and all sorts of other individual shit to talk about.

>> No.15030425

I'm a hair late, but thank you for the well-rounded critique.

>> No.15030426

There's all sorts of varieties, like dire humans.

>> No.15030430

Ranting about their sexual fantasies and frustrations, what types of boys they like, writing stories where their totally-not-a-self-insert, girls! gets to meet and fuck you, posting pictures, RPing, in the case of mods not deleting the RPing and masturbating to it instead, Wondering how they could reproduce in the first place if men don't exist in their world

>> No.15030435

>dire humans
Bear modo?

>> No.15030436

They would go on about races, cultures, historical archetypes, other older species.

Honestly, regular old human culture is way more varied than MGE.

>> No.15030438

The same than here but change the species for archetypes.

>> No.15030440

>basically the same size
>way heavier frame
>tons of muscle

More like Neanderthals

>> No.15030445

Neanderthals had high pitched voices.

>> No.15030446

Perpetual state of nobody aging and nobody dying set in place by their best magic users until they can find a way to us.

>> No.15030449

There are all sorts of human boys. Athletes, businessmen, hunters, awkward nerds, paladins, priests, house-husbands, bankers, evil men, bulky men, chubby men, skinny men, pale men, dark men, all kind of men.


>> No.15030455

Using a Living Doll as an onahole is my fetish, bonus point if they keep a straight face during the whole thing

I bet Japanese herbivores would be their favorites
The most ignored ones would be the thugs and other hoodlums, although they'd have a few dedicated husbandofag

>> No.15030458

>"Nerds are so fucking cute! They're so small and shy, I wanna protect a nerd's smile!"
>"I want a soldier to take me prisoner and force me to suck his dick!"
>Then that Angel who likes to start shit draws a terrorist chasing after some screaming boys with a machete. The thread explodes into a furious argument once again.

>> No.15030460

>The most ignored ones would be the thugs and other hoodlums, although they'd have a few dedicated husbandofag
So much schlicking to Cromartie High...

>> No.15030463

>"I swear if CK's next boy is a shota again..."

>> No.15030465

>The most ignored ones would be the thugs and other hoodlums, although they'd have a few dedicated husbandofag
I bet sadistic femdomlesbians would love to mindbreak thugs.

>> No.15030468
File: 162 KB, 960x540, 0104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard somebody said living dolls.

>> No.15030469

>The most ignored ones would be the thugs and other hoodlums, although they'd have a few dedicated husbandofag

Nah. If it's really bizarro /mgt/ then those would all be turned onto guys with a heart of gold who give headpats and love to cuddle. They would be the most popular ones.

>> No.15030471

>sadistic femdomlesbians

>> No.15030472

>I bet Japanese herbivores would be their favorites
You get herbivores in all nations now, just look at some of us. Admittedly Japan has the biggest case of this, but I can totally understand why guys end up like it.

>> No.15030476

Corollary to maledomfaggots

>> No.15030478
File: 213 KB, 750x750, 14bc8ac62e4a2fcf1051869c3b1d1fe6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not thick enough.

>> No.15030479

>give headpats
If you're going full monstergirl version of this thread they'd be the ones receiving them.

>> No.15030480


>> No.15030481

>Australopithecenes in place of siths

>> No.15030483

>CK's husbando is the head of the shota cult and canonically has the best dick

>> No.15030485

If they're anything like us, they shitpost over everyone not having the same top tier tastes as them. They're also surprisingly racist; some saying some human boys are less worthy than others of some lovin'.

Then one thing leads to another, and pretty soon /hbg/ is spammed with pics of Ted Levine, Tim Curry, and various castration techniques

>> No.15030486
File: 110 KB, 566x800, 1410073201857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exit to Eden had a premise that I think would work wonderfully with Monster Girls.

>> No.15030489

No? This thread is always talking about giving it to them, so they would want to give it to us.

>> No.15030490

>Monstergirls wanting to give headpats more than recieve them.

You are wrong sir.

>> No.15030496
File: 282 KB, 960x540, 0020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine, Bisque specifically mentioned that her body parts are interchangeable as required, even non-human limbs are possible if you're into that.

>> No.15030501

Already I didn't read the post you replied to, so I'll just use the post for this guy instead >>15030490

>> No.15030504

I have weird memories of discovering that movie at a very early age.

Pros: Dana Delany going full frontal
Cons: Rosie O'Donnel in skin tight lingerie

>> No.15030505
File: 689 KB, 949x1250, 1456507796279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayy yo, someone say "dolls?"

>> No.15030507


Time for me to go to sleep.

>> No.15030510

I want to kiss a lifeless doll that's being animated by an Abomination from beyond time and space!

>> No.15030511

I still fapped to it. Also the book doesn't have the subplot about cops in it.

>> No.15030512

>Pure Bloodborne dollfu doing the wretched double peace sign

Who is responsible for this? Blood must be spilled

>> No.15030513

Fuck your memes, at least half the girls would rather give them than receiving them.

>> No.15030518

You got something against peace?

>> No.15030523

So does Zardoz.

>> No.15030524

peace, peace

>> No.15030525

>Argument going on between headpat doms and headpat subs.
>I'm sitting here on the master race fence of switch.

>> No.15030530

Nobody likes switchfags, we told you time ago.

>> No.15030535

>Ha ha I was only pretending to be a switch.

>Captcha was select all the pies
>One of them had the symbol for pi backed into it
Now I'm angry.

>> No.15030536

Why the fuck was she wearing that while getting a tan...

>> No.15030537

Somebody call the Department of Defence. No, that's not a typo.

>> No.15030538

But one of the best (human) girls in all of manga is a switch.

>> No.15030541

Really? It just makes me hungry.

>> No.15030542

I'd rather headpat my waifu while she headpat me.

>> No.15030544

To achieve the effect seen in the picture, duh. Girls are vain and silly, now kiss her cunny!

>> No.15030546

Charon needs to stick to her boat and not baking.

>> No.15030552

Yes, not "eldritch horrors from beyond the cosmos."

>> No.15030553

Meanwhile an Apophis and a Monoeye are arguing about who must receive the headpats.

>> No.15030554

I don't think she needs life lessons from someone who doesn't even use legacy captcha

>> No.15030555


>> No.15030557

>Older brother headpats are the best!
>Headpatting little brothers is better!

>> No.15030558

>portal opens to a monstergirl world
>the entire Earth is both curious and terrified, but we in this thread are all excited about getting fucked by monstergirls
>weeks pass by and nothing happens
>not even one rape
>not even one lonely kikimora trying to find a master
>what the fuck!?
>we're doing some civil trading and exchanging science and tech, but not bodily fluids.
>anons who live near the portal are determined to find out why the monsters aren't rushing Earth with glee
>to the military's complete disinterest, two random out of shape anons easily rush (well, it was a brisk walk) towards the portal and into what they assume will be a sexual nirvana
>they end up in the kind of world you only see in movies and video games
>massive floating castles, clockwork cities, idyllic villages full of Holstaurs lazily napping in the afternoon sun
>determined to get their answer, they stride forward and introduce themselves to various girls
>who just don't give a fuck
>This makes no sense, these girls should be tearing their clothes off in primal lust!
>as would anyone in this situation, the anons turn to the internet for answers
>and quickly discover a porn site
>The monsters are horny all right, but it isn't human boys they want
>they actually get off to our standard fantasy monster designs instead
>the anons scroll through the comments of a picture of an average minotaur with his dick out
>"Holy shit, he's got a bull's head! That's kinky as fuck!"
>">you will never get carried off by a fucking huge Bull man and kept as his rape slave in his labyrinth"
>They browse the images of a skeletal lich, Cthulhu (they had to admit he pulls off speedos well) and Dracula
>it's all the same
>Monstergirls actually get off to generic fantasy depictions of monsters
>One of the anons screams in fury at the heavens
>there truly is no chief god.

>> No.15030559

Would you guys prefer to read a story that is written in first or second person?
I was planning to write a story so I was wondering what you guys prefer.

>> No.15030560
File: 255 KB, 728x1009, Tachi showing off the goods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know what Monster she'd be, but she's awesome.

>> No.15030561

Third person is what I prefer, but first if that's not an option. Second person is the worst.

>> No.15030567
File: 34 KB, 800x399, 33899349.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15030570

As stupid as the headpat meme is and fuck me it's a stupid meme to begin with because you're literally treating a girl like a pet if you're doing a monster version of our threads then there would be girls who want to give them. Your headcanon where all the girls are moeblobs who want headpats is not the actual canon to begin with anyway

>> No.15030571


Not even as a joke.

>> No.15030573

Write it whatever way you want, although I'd advise against second person it usually results in gimmicky plot

>> No.15030574

You shouldn't have done that.

>> No.15030580

If it's prose, first person.

>> No.15030582

Be honest anon. You're the faggot that wrote that Oni dad thing a couple days ago aren't you?

>> No.15030587

First person is good, I don't know why so many anons here seem to hate second right now, I've read some nice stuff here in second person.

>> No.15030589
File: 62 KB, 482x332, 1456175617753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True or false?

>> No.15030595
File: 101 KB, 359x401, 1434661323655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


True or false?

>> No.15030597


>> No.15030602


>> No.15030605

Dude. You're missing the point. I don't even like the meme myself. But here's why it's that way.

>Guys want to be raped by monstergirls
Then the mirror of that is not
>Monstergirls want to be raped by men
>Monstergirls wan to rape men

The two halves have to fit together. So since all the posting here is about giving headpats, then what would the other half be? There you go.

>> No.15030607

The Apophis is right, little brothers deserve to be head patted by their older, smarter, and loving big sister.

>> No.15030608


I honestly want to make friends with monstergirls and continue being abstinent around them. It would be hilarious.

>> No.15030611

Racist, how do you know its not reversed?

>> No.15030615

Apophises would have better taste than a Monoeye. And all Apophis are fat faceless women who attack young boys until proven otherwise.

>> No.15030616

>Still with the headpat hate

My goodness..

>> No.15030617

Indeed. Apophis want to give headpats to her older brother.

>> No.15030618

I'm not the only one pointing out the flawed logic you're using, but whatever. We also have guys who want to do the raping here, and lots of varied fetishes and interests, so your argument is broken to begin with.

>> No.15030621

Because Apophis don't have shit taste.

>> No.15030623

But do we have people posting about getting headpats all the time? No.

So it holds up just fine.

>> No.15030624

Shut up we're having fun.

>> No.15030627

Sorry, but it is probably the dumbest shit the thread has come up with. The setting isn't a generic moeblob slice of life show, it's a porno fantasy.
If you want that stuff then fine, but acting like it's a vital and canon part of the setting is retarded.

>> No.15030631

>tfw you're the human version of the matango/devil bug/cait sith

>> No.15030633

Go on.

>> No.15030637

Sith would be the earliest humans, the ones that look more like long limb chimps than homo sapiens.

>> No.15030638

You're right, the bigger monstergirls in no way would want to headpat smaller men. Nope, no way, you have supreme logic dude!

>> No.15030644

>my headcanon is canon
Sorry, but no.

>> No.15030647


the human version of a devil bug would probably be a homeless man or something

>> No.15030652

>not getting that it has nothing to do with fetishes and instead what's actually posted in the thread
Plenty of people here would probably like that too. But they don't spam the shit out of it. So /hbg/ wouldn't either. And what we're talking about is what those threads would look like.

>> No.15030654

He's baiting. Just ignore him.

>> No.15030660

And who actually made this little rule of yours? You.
You are just trying to enforce your own opinion as fact, and it's idiotic.

>> No.15030663

>They're also surprisingly racist
Monstergirls confirmed for wiser than humans?

>> No.15030664
File: 243 KB, 500x706, 1427177023859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no fat-bottomed Kitsune to ravage
Why you gotta do this me senpai?

>> No.15030671

>The setting isn't a generic moeblob slice of life show, it's a porno fantasy.
Dude, we have hatefics and hfy based on the setting here, and you're sperging over fucking headpats killing the porn?

>> No.15030672

>Not knowing /hbg/ has always been bizarro /mgt/, good bad and all
Oh, so you're just newfagging then. Like that guy calling bait. This shit is as old as monstergirl city being a terrible place to live.

>> No.15030676

But the monstergirl version of the thread would have multiple species with even more varying interests than our own. You aren't taking that into account at all, and are being pretty narrow minded about it.

>> No.15030682

>Dude, we have hatefics and hfy based on the setting here, and you're sperging over fucking headpats killing the porn?
I said it was retarded, not that it was hurting the thread.
I also don't see hfy shit spammed half as much as headpat nonsense.

>> No.15030687

>just throwing around the word "newfag" because you disagree
I've been here since the /a/ days, You are just enforcing your opinion as fact at this point and for some insane reason you can't even see it.

>> No.15030688

Seraph and Dark Seraph when, KC?

>> No.15030691
File: 501 KB, 984x758, 1408619646826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arguing over pointless shit again? Honestly, you kids!

>> No.15030692

ffs just ignore his autism, you're being just as autistic at this point.

>> No.15030695

I want to see him get around to Archangels first.

>> No.15030697

>You are just enforcing your opinion as fact at this point and for some insane reason you can't even see it.

Sure thing. Then you'll have a nice copy of the old file that always went with "meanwhile on /hbg/"

>> No.15030702

I'm not really that good at third person. Would it be better if I tried doing it in third or first person?

>> No.15030705

Fuck it, you're right. I can't see this ending and the guy clearly can't understand how mental he's being at this stage.

>> No.15030708

I like third person the best but if first person is what you're more comfortable with I'm not going to bug you about it.

>> No.15030710
File: 483 KB, 803x1200, 1392571847766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Da, one question. Is salmon of being freshness?

>> No.15030714
File: 423 KB, 1001x1188, 1459637901240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Jinkos eat raw fish without issue?

>> No.15030717

Yes, salmonella is a dangerous disease related to things that are too fresh. Much like boogie fever.

>> No.15030721

да, эти рыбы очень свежие

>> No.15030726

Humans eat raw fish without issue.

>> No.15030728

>NEEDED to pay my loans, went to a brothel despite what people say
>got scouted for a High class place

Kitsune bi/arch imp
>Species Norm
>Hand holding
>One week
>This was the worst part. It made me think things would be okay and pleasant

>Pear Shaped
>Semen Demon
>Rough sex (she tops)
>One Week
>How did my body take it?

Nereid/Mad hatter
>Species Norm
>One day
>My mind couldn't take it

Dormouse Twins
>Busty/Bottom heavy
>Awkward virgin/Dark priest
>Polynesian Sex
>Half a day
>My soul couldn't take it

Rolled foursome
Giant Ant
>Species norm
>Love Freak(yandere)

>Oppai Loli
>Love Freak(yandere)

>Oppai Loli
>Love Freak(yandere)

>Honestly surprised I'm alive after all the fight-fucking

>Species norm
>Vanilla Sex
>Half a day

>> No.15030729

Not even him, but
>my saved file of greentexts proves that monstergirls would never want to give headpats

>> No.15030734

Is that an actual file?

>> No.15030735

Please don't start this shit up again. Yes, that guy can't tell his own headcanon from canon but the other guy was a moron for replying.

>> No.15030737
File: 83 KB, 490x358, bizarroworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's being retarded. This is the file in question.

>> No.15030742

I don't know, but Ballpunching NTR.txt is an actual file.

>> No.15030747

Post it

>> No.15030748

Consider the following: you're the last man on Earth and all women have turned into Monster Girls.
What do?

>> No.15030749

Headpats for everyone

>> No.15030751

No. One of these days I'm going to write it out.

>> No.15030752
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, Being the last man on Earth has its advantages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope I get caught by someone nice.

>> No.15030753

Humanity goes extinct.
>what do?
This isn't the wiki.

>> No.15030754

Get a harem.
Cuddle everyone.
Cuddle-fuck everyone.

>> No.15030757

>5 bil of crazy horny mgs
Kill myself. It's worse than hell

>> No.15030759

>posting standards
You're awful.

>> No.15030763

Hope the Echidnas organize enough to keep a hold of me. Only way to ensure the survival of all species.

>> No.15030764

>we actually defend wiki tier shit now
Oh god dammit.

>> No.15030768

"What do? " has been a thing always. Why are you pretending otherwise? Are you a newfriend? Welcome newfriend!

>> No.15030771

The very fact I'm pointing out the wiki tier shit obviously means I'm not a newfag, newfag.

>> No.15030773

The fuck is wrong with the thread right now?

You guys enjoy your shitstorm...

>> No.15030774

>he thinks newfag means someone who just walked in the thread
The term encompasses a much greater time period than you realize, son.

>> No.15030778

Alp-senpai please, you didn't even post a cute girl that time.

>> No.15030781

From the looks of things, we've got faggots complaining about memes and faggots trying to enforce said memes going at each other.
They're all faggots but this is /mgt/, it'll simmer down eventually.

>> No.15030786

Is this your first day on imageboards? Everyone love good shitstorm. Such is the life here

>> No.15030788

But I've been here since Bromont's CYOAs, so what now?
I admit the what do? thing was around for a bit in the past, but these days it's the staple of lazy wiki crap that results in complete garbage.

>> No.15030790

Oh wow, I haven't seen actual shitposting in weeks or months.

>> No.15030793

>lazy wiki crap that results in complete garbage
The only shit I'm seeing is coming from your complaints. Maybe if I stop engaging with you it will stop.

>> No.15030795

Worst I've seen it of late. Good excuse to be a productive member of society for a little while.

Just kidding I'm a piece of shit

>> No.15030802

The word "newfag" is being thrown around so much right now that I'm feeling left out.
So I'm calling you a newfag for not knowing that this place is and will always be an eternal shitshow, headcanon war, and occasional greentext.

>> No.15030805
File: 1.38 MB, 966x3459, 1430197524133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a thing of beauty.

>> No.15030809

Fuck you I don't like it!

>> No.15030811

Fuck you I like it!

>> No.15030812
File: 401 KB, 800x793, 1437523669403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't old news, but still pleasant nonetheless.

>> No.15030813

Fuck you!

>> No.15030817


>> No.15030818
File: 296 KB, 600x848, 56212616_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devils might not be too popular in the western fandom but I'm sure glad Japan likes them.

They get more frequent art than the rest of my favourites these days.

>> No.15030823
File: 208 KB, 439x521, 2old4u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>30 year old elf

C'mon. You're taking the whole idol "forever 17" thing too far if you think she's only 40.

>> No.15030825

Devils are allright.
Lolis aren't my thing, but they are ok.

>> No.15030827


>> No.15030828

Devils and Demons are great. Glory to the Demon Lord!

>> No.15030830

Devils have a lot of potential for various scenarios

My personal favorite is having them taunt and insult you into raping them

I'd become a lolicon if it meant having a nice Devil to take care of me and spoil me until I become dependent on her

>> No.15030834
File: 358 KB, 800x793, elf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15030838

>What is wrong with the thread?

Honestly, I think it's because everyone here has their own idea on what the thread should be, and certain anons are just completely intolerant to differing opinions on the matter. Just look at the last couple of hours, we've had two anons try and argue that their ideas about an imagined monstergirl website are factual, we've had people fighting over something silly like headpats, we've had someone claim that scenarios don't belong here.

Basically, we need to chill the fuck out.

>> No.15030840

What a lovely Elf.

>> No.15030841

Fuck you I'm ambivalent towards this!

>> No.15030842

No, YOU need to chill the fuck out! I'm perfectly calm, rational and objective!

>> No.15030844

>My personal favorite is having them taunt and insult you into raping them
Smug imoutos that know exactly how tempting they are make me diamonds.

The profile has something for everyone who wants a lewd imouto too since they're happy filling either sub or dom depending on how the husband wants spoiled.

>> No.15030848

I want to bully my smug imoutou by hugging and patting her on the head, being a loving brother who doesn't lewd his little sister despite her attempts to bait me!

>> No.15030851

There's also the issue of anons making a headcanon they like, which is fine, but then attempting to enforce it on the thread, which is selfish and a little bit crazy.

>> No.15030852

>monster musume is 4 years old

Where has the time gone

>> No.15030855

>What are you gonna do? Rape me? I'd like to see you tr-
>Why aren't you raping me!?

>> No.15030858


>> No.15030859

I love devils but that pic is meh
>hips too narrow
>no delicious health
>panties not slightly drowning in her hips emphasizing her health

>> No.15030864

I kinda like narrow hips. It makes her look more like a kid and less like a short adult.

>> No.15030867

You point out those glaring issues and give it a 6/10? Are you fucking IGN?

>> No.15030881

>IGN Reviews mermais
>Cute face
>Good hips
>Excellent chest
>9/10, too much water.

>> No.15030882
File: 401 KB, 804x942, 51152380_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15030893
File: 352 KB, 800x800, 1423253349030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks so soft.

>> No.15030895
File: 950 KB, 1200x900, 1459475080560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to go thicker

>> No.15030942
File: 393 KB, 502x1056, 1456321273241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red is better.

>> No.15030956

Thick demons from the soft realm!

>> No.15030958
File: 1.26 MB, 2165x2819, 1448136081495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

School in a MG dominated town would either be amazing or suck depending on how you see it. Even the teachers would be perverts.
>Get homework back
>there's a big heart on the top with the unmistakable imprint of blue lipstick next to it
>"See me after class <3"
>you look at the teacher as she talks to the class
>without breaking from her lesson she gives you a big grin and a wink
>you look back at the homework
>she hasn't even graded it
>hearts don't count as grades

>> No.15030962

>Laughing goblins

>> No.15030963

I would go and see her after class. To tell her that I really want to improve my grade and want help on how to get it.

>> No.15030966

True, traitors are delusional.

>> No.15030968

>Succubi regularly get into actual fights over whether red of blue succubi are better
>they are only brought together by their hate of regular skin coloured succubi, who they regularly accuse of being "elven cosplayers"

Monstergirl racism, man. It's terrible.

>> No.15030973

But don't they know the best color is white, when they're covered in semen?

>> No.15030977

Well not every monstergirl is a whore like the ones you like

>> No.15030980

You will just have to teach them anon.

>> No.15030983

It wouldn't be that bad if you didn't take their crap and demanded she took her job seriously.

>> No.15030986

She's already a cow though

>> No.15030987
File: 739 KB, 1500x1500, 43474864_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixiv has some fine gems.

>> No.15030992

I want to pet her head.

>> No.15030993

It does, but fuck using that awful site.

>> No.15030994

>hearts don't count as grades
Not true, I was admitted into M.I.T (Monster Insemination Techniques) for getting two big hearts and an offer of marriage in my finals.

>> No.15030995

I'll become the slut of the whole teacher group and get the best grades!

>> No.15030996

You now realize a gay person would do the exact same thing. How does that make you feel?

>> No.15031002

I would be at school strictly to learn anon, if she wanted to fool around she can wait for the weekend of a long holiday.

>> No.15031003

I don't like first, feels cringy for some vague reason
I prefer third but second is better than first

>> No.15031006

Anon if you can't bukkake your monster girlfriend by yourself there's something wrong.
At the same time?

>> No.15031018

>At the same time?
How else are they going to overcome their dispute if they do not learn it at the same time?
I do hope you have enough stamina to survive it tho.

>> No.15031020

Become immortal as quickly as possible, then become God Emperor of Monster Kind, The Great All-Father.

Build a fleet of spaceships to colonize the galaxy.

>> No.15031023
File: 165 KB, 919x970, CfOftccVAAA1EGW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15031025
File: 107 KB, 1071x1000, CfSP5o9VIAAQwsp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't see this here yet, have a hatter.

>> No.15031029

Hip lolis are nice.

>> No.15031032

>I've been coming here for ~5 years
Feels like a year or two, tops

>> No.15031034

Yo can the Hatter dunk?

>> No.15031035

That's one fine hatter

>> No.15031036

Hatters have mad dunks, bro.

>> No.15031040

White skin doesn't provide enough contrast to semen.

>> No.15031042

I've only been here around 2 years, shortly before Charon was created.

>> No.15031046

That's what I meant, covering them in semen so they become white.

>> No.15031047

What happens when I do see her after class?

>> No.15031049

>Attend a prestigious university
>12 total years of schooling, graduating with a PhD in physics
>Know absolutely nothing about physics
>Get hired by the university
>On paper, you're the head of the physics department
>In reality, you spend every day fucking different staff members
>Your family is really proud of your accomplishments and you die a little inside every time they call you Doctor Anon

>> No.15031051

Gotta cure what ails'em

>> No.15031058


It's only Doctor Anon in public. In private, they call you Doctor Dick.

>> No.15031059
File: 146 KB, 752x940, 1404500720748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being corrupted by your eldritch waifu and cumming coal-black like her juices
>not pulling out after she comes and cumming into her navel and watching transfixed as the blackness flows down her alabaster abdomen and mixes with her ink to stain her inner thighs
>not basking in the afterglow after loving tentacled fellatio and watching the black cum slowly drip down her red horrorifice until she closes her jaws and licks everything clean
Why even live?

>> No.15031063

Alp and watch the world burn.

>> No.15031064

>All the actual work is done by your lab assistants
>They're all monstergirls with an affinity for science who took the position for access to free dick
>You go to a big theoretical physics convention in Germany one year
>It's filled with intelligent looking men in fancy suits
>The presentations are all read off teleprompters and nobody asks any questions
>You all just sit around looking at each-other, slowly coming to the realization that none of you knows a damn thing about physics. including the guys giving the lectures

>> No.15031066

Help me, Doctor Dick
My fever's rising, please come quick
I know you know a little trick

>> No.15031071

>Why even live?
Because it is still possible to achieve this end.

>> No.15031073

No, like a big little spoon.
Like a tiger who's as friendly as a housecat

>> No.15031079

Three-lobed burning eye end best end.

>> No.15031086

Madness is perspective. I prefer to think of it as a more clear understanding of reality.

>Three-lobed burning eye end best end.
Context? I can't seem to recall the relevant thingy.

>> No.15031090

I have made my stance known! I reiterate it now, just for clarity, in case it was not fully understood:

I would, if she asked.

>> No.15031098

>Your waifu will never embrace the head of your penis with her tentacle womb like an octopus latching onto a clam and suck every last drop of your ejaculation into her egg sac, drinking it down like a man dying of thirst
It hurts

>> No.15031110

Succubus imouto is the Anal Idol!

>> No.15031112
File: 347 KB, 500x566, 28082b3aed5e6316866041f5529d4fd3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Context? I can't seem to recall the relevant thingy.
It's just Haunter in the Dark, no MG context exists.

Although I desperately want to see Nyaruko's lips peel away to reveal a sensual Thing face underneath. Too bad all everyone goes for the worm man look instead. Nyaruko is my waifu to begin with, and with a Thing face she'd be perfect.

How would you feel if you woke up one morning to find your waifu had released her newly-fertilized brood into the bathtub and you'd have to stick to the shower for the next year?

>> No.15031116
File: 507 KB, 1000x1300, 28130337_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what way?

>> No.15031117

But my shower is my bathtub.

>> No.15031118

Roamin' the windy plains with a hellhound.

>> No.15031122

I usually prefer to shower anyways so it's fine

>> No.15031125

The MC literally screamed for help the night they finally had sex. He admited next morning that he actually liked though

>> No.15031131


Nyaruko is a good girl who deserves to be praised and having her head rubbed.

>> No.15031136

>How would you feel if you woke up one morning to find your waifu had released her newly-fertilized brood into the bathtub and you'd have to stick to the shower for the next year?

I already stick to showers as a general rule - I'm a desert dweller, I can't really afford to use too much water for baths. Besides, baths don't give as much incentive for standing shower sex.

>> No.15031138

I'd stroke her silky hair while she had my face swallowed up inside her Thing-horrorifice. I would also kiss her flopping, trashing tongue at the same time.

>> No.15031146

>Jinko acting like a house cat
>She lays around all day and then wakes you up in the middle of the night asking if you want to go get something to eat.
>She crawls on top of you at random times and pins you there. She's so big that you have to just wait for her to move.
>She has a box fort in the libing room that you made for her when she refused to let you throw them out
>She glares at you until you make her supper
>She has kevlar rapped around a support beam for a scraptching post
>Every now and then you have to free some poor mouse girl or harpy that she caught while walking home
>If you try to rub her abs, she will grab you and you'll be stuck under her for a while
>She keeps hissing at that one kobold girl that likes talking to you
>Every now and then you come hime to see her pouting in a tree. She says to get the ladder.

>> No.15031158

That's pretty cute.

>> No.15031166

>She crawls on top of you at random times and pins you there. She's so big that you have to just wait for her to move.
One could hope that she has sensitive nipples.

>> No.15031184

>That "Grizzly" girl in class who everyone always forgets about

>> No.15031195

Does she rub her face on me and purr to display affection and tolerate me rubbing my face all over her lovely belly fur despite how it annoys her and curl up deside my computer monitor when I've been working on it for a long time?

>> No.15031208


>> No.15031223
File: 434 KB, 800x567, 56205316_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15031224

Choco elfs are the best elfs

>> No.15031228
File: 23 KB, 270x500, Grizzly_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15031235

But she's a big, scary bear girl.

>> No.15031237


>> No.15031239
File: 330 KB, 781x1200, 51565987_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I a bad person for wanting to torment her with bear jokes such as telling her she's unbearably attractive?

>> No.15031241

Grizzly is funny because NO ONE talks about her. Like, people talk about pot-devils and shit because they're so absolutely retarded and their lack of popularity is almost comic. No one even remembers grizzly exists.

>> No.15031245

I want to get drunk with a Dark Priest and accidentally marry her.

>> No.15031248

>Implying that wasn't her plan all along

>> No.15031249

They're boring.

>> No.15031250
File: 835 KB, 1280x924, Yaomamo or Tamayao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like rape's back on the menu boys!


>tfw you realize this shit is literally 12+ years old

>> No.15031254

>Beargirl that really loves puns
>Might have Cheshire ancestry
>You think you can mess with her with beary bad jokes
>Suddenly you're on your ass and she's towering over you panting
>She REALLY likes puns

>> No.15031256

... I'm ok with that.

>12+ years old

>> No.15031257
File: 216 KB, 1280x1200, tumblr_o4c6ytlYto1rkn25go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're cute.

>> No.15031264

>Implying it wasn't his plan all along, too
Story about a couple trying to manipulate each other into sex while having mutual love the entire time when?

>> No.15031266

Do horses exist in the world of MGE? I don't know if KC's commented as such.

Cause if so, imagine all the centaurs who get taped by stallions.

INB4: "But they could just walk away!" Hard yo do when the stallion is mounting you and biting your neck.

>> No.15031267



>> No.15031268

>You will never pin a Grizzly against a tree collapses after she tried to steal your honey and food.

>> No.15031270

>Ruining perfectly good bread



>> No.15031272

Horsepussy is shit, who cares?

>> No.15031273

Haha, get fucked beastfaggot.

>> No.15031274

Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.15031277

Get the fuck out

>> No.15031278

I don't know what's worse
That they used duct tape
Or packaging tape

>> No.15031280

I love them, even made a story once about them. I want to make bearem with them and Ren Xiongmaos.

>> No.15031281

Looking for easy replies anon?

>> No.15031282

Careful not to- oh for Christ's sake.

>> No.15031283

I was only bringing it up because it's just another reason horse-pussy is shit..

>> No.15031285

It's safe to say horses probably do exist. I doubt centaurs would be as easy for a stallion to mate with as horses, just by way of the fact that they'd be seperate a lot - more so than mares - and a person can think and act their way out of a situation like that, unlike an animal.

>> No.15031286

Well that's what happens when you don't guard your picnic basket.

>> No.15031287
File: 440 KB, 849x1200, 51565987_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm okay with that outcome, I just hope she has mercy on my pelvis.

>> No.15031291

Nah, you're a fucking faggot. Kill yourself right now.

>> No.15031292

What's the best way to punish these thieving bears?

>> No.15031294

You seem upset.

>> No.15031297
File: 222 KB, 469x558, 1404088266344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with centaurs, and I say this as a lamiafag

>> No.15031301

At least I'm not a beastfaggot.

>> No.15031303

Call the ranger, he'll use animal empathy to calm her down.

>> No.15031304

That's almost a bad an excuse as "I was just pretending to be retarded."

>> No.15031306


>> No.15031307

Get naked, cover yourself in honey, and jump at them.
They honey will get all in their fur and it will be super sticky and shit.

>> No.15031309

I'm not either, so okay.

>> No.15031315

But what if I want to deal with them myself?

I don't know anon, that doesn't sound like it would work.

>> No.15031316

Come now, if we're going to use bullshit magic to get around the inconveniences of their anatomy I'd much rather they could just take biped form temporarily.

>> No.15031317
File: 166 KB, 756x981, 1407082536364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Front pussy best pussy.

It may be retarded but I don't care, Nightmares are top tier girls and come with the added bonus of dream sex.

>> No.15031319

>that doesn't sound like it would work
It will, trust me, I'm an expert on bear girls.

>> No.15031320

>But what if I want to deal with them myself?
That's not recommended.

But maybe if you have some bear mace you can threaten to use it.

>> No.15031321

t. Bear girl

>> No.15031326

No I'm not, fuck you, everybody knows bear girls can't use kwyboards

>> No.15031327
File: 80 KB, 1000x400, 14357845354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how to survive a Bear Girl encounter.

>> No.15031329


>> No.15031330

I would have to see some proof to believe you anon.

I don't know anon, that sounds like it could hurt them. I just want to teach them a lesson.

>> No.15031331

It's a bear girl, quick waifu it!

>> No.15031334
File: 300 KB, 600x687, 39567286_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a sharktoothed hopper?

>> No.15031343

Maybe one with less weird tits.

>> No.15031344

>I don't know anon, that sounds like it could hurt them. I just want to teach them a lesson.

That's why you're just threatening them, just to give them a scare, you won't use it.

>> No.15031345

No, I want a sharktoothed shark

>> No.15031347


>> No.15031348

They're the best kind!

>> No.15031350
File: 269 KB, 558x900, 39488866_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puffy nipples are fine.

>> No.15031352

I'd stick it in her mouth yeah.

>> No.15031353 [SPOILER] 
File: 851 KB, 897x1464, 1459888099274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey do you hear that? Sounds like the thread is about to jump on board the Rape Train.

Post girls that embody the spirit of the Rape Train.


>> No.15031358
File: 55 KB, 217x206, 1457249513723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embody the spirit of it? She is the rape train.

>> No.15031363


>> No.15031364
File: 232 KB, 1024x1525, IS THIS WHAT PASSES FOR SSEEEEEEEEEEEXXXXXXXXXX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15031366

I'm only getting on the rape train if I get to be the rapist.

Ushi is a mediocre girl.

>> No.15031369
File: 444 KB, 660x1020, 1d53a3af1c77f997c207225dba526c19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it still rape if she uses magic to seduce me?

>> No.15031371

That's a butterface something fierce.

>> No.15031370

Shit taste

>> No.15031372

I'll fight you.

>> No.15031374
File: 153 KB, 959x870, 1426181054547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ushi is a mediocre girl.
Hey now, not many girls would cook you a nice breakfast as an apology for fucking you so hard the bed exploded.

>> No.15031380
File: 366 KB, 750x1500, Esdese The Ice Dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you can be the train conductor up front.

I mean there's no rape, sex, or anything up there of sexual nature but you'll at least get to drive a train.

>> No.15031381

I'll fight you too.

>> No.15031385
File: 536 KB, 600x736, 1457475506128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15031386
File: 463 KB, 800x1120, 1444526678726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of mg would help me work through a period of drug change and withdrawal

>> No.15031387

For you.

I just prefer modesty.

>> No.15031390

Bubble Slime.

>> No.15031393

I will honestly be disappointed if you said that you didn't listen to the song while posting.

I mean it.

>> No.15031395
File: 380 KB, 971x411, 5373583993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viper lamia best lamia

>> No.15031396

Ushis are terrible girls that have nothing going for them aside from rape which isn't even unique.

Don't care anon, Ushis are absolutely terrible and appeal to the worst fetish and form of rape.

>> No.15031397

I'm not big on violence.

Can't we settle this in a peaceful way like going to the hug parlour and seeing who can last the longest in Yeti's embrace without submitting to the fluff?

>> No.15031401

No thanks, I want to rape monster girls and give them a taste of their own medicine.

>> No.15031404

>for fucking you so hard the bed exploded.
That's a couple of lawsuits right there.

>> No.15031408

Best Lamia indeed

>> No.15031410

>You will never rape an Ushi Oni and shatter her pelvis
Why even live?

>> No.15031415

You mean like this anon? >>15028578

>> No.15031418

Here's a (You). I know that's what you want, anon.

>> No.15031419
File: 121 KB, 900x900, 1439869523172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I don't want to do that, I would like it as a one off occasion if my Ushi wife agreed to role reversal for the day.

>> No.15031421
File: 309 KB, 1013x639, beargirl license.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would have to see some proof to believe you anon.
Here's my license.

>> No.15031426

No, I'm talking about a fully grown one. Nothing seems more satisfying to me than turning the tables on a big, tough looking monster girl that's just about to rape me.

>> No.15031430

You saw the thread too peaceful or what?

>> No.15031432

Alright, alright. I'll stop. What do you want to talk about?

>> No.15031435

Huh. Well, whatever you say Thomas.

Did you make the sofa thing from a few hours earlier?

>> No.15031441

I don't know anon, this doesn't seem like a legitimate license.

>> No.15031442

So all MG can be submissive cuddlesluts but when anon wants to take charge with an Ushi suddenly there is backlash?

>> No.15031445

That's a good end.

>> No.15031446

No, that was somebody else. I'm just bored waiting to start my shift in a couple hours.

>> No.15031448

Surely someone who is both a donor and a veteran cannot be a liar. Good on you Thomas.

>> No.15031453

>So all MG can be submissive cuddlesluts

You know what? I don't care, I just don't want another sub vs dom shitstorm. Fuck off.

>> No.15031454


>> No.15031455
File: 687 KB, 840x930, 1445867210015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15031460

>So all MG can be submissive cuddlesluts
Says who, the same retards who spam the headpat shit?

>> No.15031461

Tired of using Hellhounds as bait so switched to Ushi-Onis huh? You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.15031462

It's very clearly bait, anon. Why are you replying in the first place?

>> No.15031463

Anon you know how this is going to end. You will probably get banned and then submissive girls will continue to get zero content, so just stop.

>> No.15031466

Salty-anon is back!

>> No.15031470

Ah yes, all of this zero content that has been flooding the threads for god knows how long.

>> No.15031471

He actually is, I'm right here talking about bear girls. Speaking of which would honey work with Grizzlys like garlic does with Vampires?

>> No.15031475

Don't give him a name, it feeds his ego.
And he's been back for a while, just not regularly.

>> No.15031478
File: 83 KB, 1000x894, 1446926458113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's celebrate with fireworks.

>> No.15031479

Anon I'm not even part of this conversation. I'm talking about bear girls.

>> No.15031480

Grizzlies don't need honey to go rape mode.

>> No.15031483

Cuddle this, headpat that, it may just be shitposting but this entire thread is a very different beast these days.

>> No.15031485

So I would always have a good fight with them? Nice.

>> No.15031486

A little different, you just have to apply it to the skin of the intended target.

>> No.15031488

I miss the once weekly threads.

>> No.15031490

They're the majority in this thread now, you failed to nip it in the bud and now they dictate the kind of content you'll get to to see. Enjoy the hell you chose senpai.

>> No.15031493

Where would that be?

>> No.15031494

>be you
>be in an unhappy marriage with human girl
>at least no kid yet
>find your monster waifu one day
>she really likes you but smells ugly human women on you
>forget about that bitch wife of yours
>want to be with her

How do you explain the concept of divorce to her? Can she even understand no longer being with your husband/mate//victim?

>> No.15031500

>Monsterize human waifu
>Acquire bigamous relationship

>> No.15031501

I tell her it was invented by human women so the can get more money.

>> No.15031508

Yes, call for my ban just because I point out the hypocrisy. Fuck you asshat sub monstergirls dominate this shit thread.

>> No.15031510

Monstergirls are fully capable of ignoring humangirl scent. It's mamonomana scent that scares them off and humangirls don't have that.

Just tell her you would love to be with her but you are being kept captive by an evil humangirl rapist. Let her take care of it how she will.

>> No.15031513

Yes call for my ban just because I point out thread hypocrisy.

>> No.15031514

The pleasure of being suu'd inside.

>> No.15031515

No they don't. That's the complete opposite of what goes on.

>> No.15031516

First of
>thinking that I would ever marry a human when monster girl waifu exist

>thinking That I wouldn't have monsterized human wife

>Thinking that I would cuck my wife

>you made me make this post seriously, this is some intensive shitposting.

>> No.15031522

You mean to insinuate all the cuddleshit isn't subs? Blind as a batgirl.

>> No.15031524

But everyone knows human girls are awful at rape!

>> No.15031526

I don't think you know what submissive means.

>> No.15031528

Sub girls get content, just look at shoggoths and kikimoras. He should just impulse more content for other sub girls that aren't those two instead of bitching and creating shistorms for wanting to turn doms into subs.

>> No.15031531

Maybe you are just that easy to rape?

>> No.15031533

You're retarded. A monstergirl can perfectly rape you and then just cuddle with you after it. In fact, that's probably what happens in MGE.

>> No.15031534
File: 409 KB, 1100x1024, jinko katya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not all of them

>no Russian qt to tie me to a bed for 3 days
Come here, tovarisch, is time for makings of love

>> No.15031537

>just look at shoggoths and kikimoras
Not submissive girls.

>> No.15031543

>that's probably what happens in MGE.
To people like you, you mean.

>> No.15031547

Come on, guys. I know he hasn't been this active for a while but it's like you all forgot he existed or something. Stop biting.

>> No.15031548

Well they're rare and don't have the advantages that monstergirls do.

>> No.15031554

>Your monster girl waifu has been turned into a human and the only way to cure her is to wrestle a gypsies' pet Golem which stands 50 feet tall
What do?

>> No.15031557

Smoking a cigarette with a hellhound delinquent behind the school after she gives you one, but then telling her she should stop smoking because it's bad for your health, doesn't make you cool, and above all because you care for her. (She stops because she has a crush on you.)

>> No.15031560

Say hurtful things about you.

>> No.15031561

Keep her as such.

>> No.15031562

Can I ask nicely for her to be turned back?

>> No.15031568

Raise my sword to find her weak points then attack them.

>> No.15031569
File: 288 KB, 595x842, 7060718015456726978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butter T is drawing a Living Armor, he apparently really likes her.

Also, he's doing a NSFW poll on which MGE girl he should do. Currently it's at:

Flow Kelp: 0
Jorou-Gumo: 0
Wight: 2
Kunoichi: 3
Scylla: 5
Demon: 7
Ren Xiongmao: 7
Apophis: 9
Hellhound: 10

>> No.15031570

Can I have a Kakuen delinquent instead?

>> No.15031571

you sound triggered

>> No.15031574

>Hellhound: 10
Oh come the fuck on, seriously?

>> No.15031576
File: 309 KB, 1320x1116, Jinkos truly are olev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Jinko's a best.

>> No.15031581

You're not linking the poll or is it donor only?

>> No.15031584

More like unbelievably bored.

>> No.15031585

Thematically, smoking doesn't fit with kaukens like it does hellhounds. Try steroids.

>> No.15031586

Donor only.

>> No.15031588

Alright, I will.

>> No.15031590
File: 97 KB, 707x810, jinko apron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always and forever

>> No.15031598

>Hellhound: 10
I'm not even mad.

If it's a NSFW poll he's probably only posting the censored version in public though.

>> No.15031600

Fudge. I want to see Wight or Jorou-Gumo lewds.

>> No.15031604

Leanan Sidhe is a criminally underrated girl.

>> No.15031605

Take a coctail of every sex improving potion/item and keep thrusting until her pelvis is rubble. Then move onto the gypsy for revenge.

>> No.15031607
File: 600 KB, 1020x1303, 1441376116322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he has a point. The cuddly stuff has crept up on these threads in a major way over the course of months. The extra focus on waifus, daughters, mollycoddling and all that.

Anyone who says these threads are static and don't change aren't looking enough. They're constantly changing, as new people from places like the wiki or elsewhere trickle in. Habits develop and evolve, the nature of greentexts change, the definition of "shitposting" changes and warps like it does everywhere on 4chan, random rolling games pop up, as well as things like the played out waifu wars and the inane "What do?" posts.
The thread goes from near universally hating manticores and chesires, to getting over it and liking them without any Bob related fuss, to getting more waifufags after anubisfag, to becoming more intensely guarded against fetishistic deviances, and so on. Even to the point where the mere mention of a word will cause people to flare up and go insane.

Some people like it, and others are going to be disappointed that these threads have changed so much from what they were over a year ago, or even further back than that.

I think it's just the case that people are picking up on the changes a bit more over the course of around the last two months or so. It's like the threads are in a state of stable instability. More newbies have jumped into these threads around then, so maybe it's making some waves.

>> No.15031609

This does nothing but remind me of her - and my - suffering.

>> No.15031612

I want to try and hunt a Jinko while she tries to hunt me.

>> No.15031614
File: 1.18 MB, 2338x1604, 478fc3926514fa56dbf8333a8d5f9ef4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Apophis

>> No.15031620



>> No.15031626

It's Butter T, of course he fucking will. You'll get the censored, downscaled, watermarked, "Don't forget to throw more money at me on Patreon" version, and you'll like it.

>> No.15031634

To make matters worse, he's not taking commissions anymore. Patreon has truly ruined him.

>> No.15031646

I've dueled my waifu enough so i'm confident in my skills to take a piece of dirt down.

>> No.15031661

Shit taste confirmed. I'd love to see him do a Xiongmao though. And glacies, but that's just me.

>> No.15031664

Yes he is, I'm getting a commission from him this month.

>> No.15031665

I want to get a blowjob from a Shark girl.

>> No.15031669

Fuck Patreon. Seriously, I used to talk to him on pixiv a lot, he was going to draw every MGE girl at least one SFW and one NSFW but ever since Patreon he stopped replying to me. Was really wanting to do some holstaurus as well.

>> No.15031671

For what?

>> No.15031679

Seeing the hellhound squirm and act uncomfortable when you hold hands and take her to the movies. (It's her first deitou.)

>> No.15031688

Make sure you kiss her on the cheek after walking her home at the end of the night

>> No.15031689

He hasn't told me the price yet but I mean it'll probably be his usual $110, give or take.

>> No.15031691
File: 474 KB, 928x1366, 45616006_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15031694

Seeing a Hellhound desperately try to hold back as she lets you take her in a slow gentle missionary position sex as an apology for almost burning the house down while trying to cook meat.

>> No.15031697

At least through this particular thread I know I'm not alone in finding the headpat stuff asinine. I wouldn't mind as much if it was moderate but these idiots practically spam it.

>> No.15031698

He posted on Facebook that he was taking a break though

>> No.15031701

I think he meant for which girl.

>> No.15031703

Fat dog tits.

>> No.15031705

Kill myself. Then I'm guaranteed to get a superior undead waifu.

>> No.15031706

Did you check the date he posted that on? April 1st.

>> No.15031715

Agreed, but it isn't all doom and gloom. I think the old crowd are still here, it's just the guys who want the MGE world to be cutsey stuff come on at a certain times and do their thing en mass and it looks like the thread has had a massive shift, when really it hasn't.

>> No.15031716 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 367x202, 1459892935331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YBA updates vengeance
>still in the vision of alternate MC
>entire scene is basically pic related
Who finds this entertaining? Get back to the fucking story already.

will delete in ~10 min

>> No.15031717

Holding hands on the first date? Get a load of this womanizer.

>> No.15031720

>You say bye
>She just stands there and squirms
>"Is there a problem."
>She looks really awkward and uncomfortable
>"Uhh...d-don't you think...I mean...I think...maybe there's something else that needs doing...like, you're forgetting something, maybe?"
>She closes her eyes and purses her lips, tail wagging

what do?

>> No.15031726

Scratch behind her ears

>> No.15031727

But I'm not ready for hand holding yet!

>> No.15031738

forehead flick and leave

>> No.15031740


>> No.15031755

would motorboat

>> No.15031758

Embrace her tenderly and kiss the tip of her nose
Then when she makes that disappointed half-growl half-whine noise she sometimes makes, I pat her head

>> No.15031767

Definitely would hear her moan as i play roughly with her tits.

>> No.15031769

What will a dragon do if a steal a piece of her horde and only tell her where it is if she goes on a date with me?

>> No.15031773

What kind of dragon?

>> No.15031774

This is now my least favorite meme.

>> No.15031776

Use my fingers to fake a kiss, she does have her eyes closed after all.

God, I don't think I would be able to resist the urge to trick and tease monster girls.

>> No.15031783

>God, I don't think I would be able to resist the urge to trick and tease monster girls.
You have a % of getting raped depending on the species.

>> No.15031785

Any that has a big and prized collection. Vanilla is mostly likely.

>> No.15031786

You're gonna get jailed.

Theft is a crime.

>> No.15031787

Don't be like that Cheshire who tells the boy she likes to close his eyes if he wants a kiss then when he does she kisses him with her pussy lips.

>> No.15031788

I want to massage them, drink from them, bury my face in them and sleep on them.

>> No.15031790

Gently bully her into saying out loud she wants a kiss from me, then actually delivering it.

>> No.15031795


>> No.15031800

Good man, this is the correct choice

>> No.15031803

God, I was about to post this exact same thing. Does someone have the pick of the shota doing that to the meme yandere fox?

>> No.15031807

I really like this time of ideas. I can use them to tease monstergirls and trick them into raping me!

>> No.15031808
File: 167 KB, 671x1024, 1457743186070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15031811


>> No.15031813

Oh lord, that's cute

>> No.15031815

but its the only way I can get her attention!

>> No.15031826

Remember to use your tougue when kissing.

>> No.15031832

This made me realise something, we always talk about hug sluts but which monster girls would be massive kiss sluts? The kind who want to tongue dance the day away.

>> No.15031847

Ghoul is one of the obvious answers. She'd ravage your mouth and turn your tongue into her personal toy.

>> No.15031857


>> No.15031858

you mean Akaname

>> No.15031860

Who wore it better?

>> No.15031867

You'll understand why I don't care to remember the correct spelling.

>> No.15031871

I like to think wolfgirls would be pretty into that. Maybe it's because of this picture
But the thought of involved tongue-play with a wolfgirl really appeals to me.
Especially the idea of going up to a hot, panting wolfgirl, taking her tongue between your teeth, and listening to her moan and whine sensually as her piercing, wild eyes gaze passionately at your own.

>> No.15031881
File: 274 KB, 663x686, 1390167229017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be a house husband.
Relax, clean, cook, take care of the kids when they're not at school, play vidya and gossip with the other husbands.
It'd be great.

>> No.15031904

I’ll be honest. Being a house husband in MGC doesn’t sound all that bad.
I might be selling my freedom a bit, but it would be my own choice to be a NEET that does the chores and make food for my waifu.

>> No.15031908
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, 1435110775106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dream...

>> No.15031911

Why is she crying?

>> No.15031912

I'd become a mail order husband.

>> No.15031918

Me too

>> No.15031919


>> No.15031920
File: 1.49 MB, 3000x4000, 1390189544149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No husband to tailpussy

>> No.15031927

House Husband life best life.

I want to be the crown jewel of a Dragon's treasure horde. I want to greet her home from work everyday with the offer of "bath, dinner, or me?"

>> No.15031929

Only desperate failures get mail order husbands

>> No.15031930

>You will never wear a naked apron for your MG waifu

>> No.15031935

Desperate failures need love too. Even ones with Tomoko tier social skills.

>> No.15031943

She'll just spaghetti all over the place because she can legally touch a real 3D boy for once.

>> No.15031949
File: 261 KB, 900x900, 1448060924633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15031951

I shit you not, I would become such a good of a house husband that my skills would make a Kiki ashamed.

>> No.15031952
File: 1.02 MB, 3508x2480, 1458132653026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to offer my body to my Manticore wife as stress relief after she comes back from her 9 till 5 while she's still wearing her suit.

>> No.15031953

...I'm sorry where's the downside? I can kabe don her and clean the floor afterwards.

>> No.15031954

To be honset I'd waifu the hell out of a Tomoko level MG. Having someone who's social skills are worse then mine would be huge for my self esteem, and seeing her drop spaghetti every time I act all lovey would just be adorable.

>> No.15031958

Would you act just like one her her Otome game protagonists?

>> No.15031960
File: 60 KB, 704x478, 1398882203345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apophis: 9
Come oooooon.

>> No.15031970

But she would make an awful wife.

>> No.15031978

Well I'll have to be a great husband to make up for it.

>> No.15031983

You can't do everything.

>> No.15031993
File: 304 KB, 707x1000, 47779724_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15031995

Nothings going to beat memehound.

>> No.15031997

I can try.

All she has to do is be beautiful.

>> No.15032001

She will if I beam my want for her to be drawn by Butter-T really REALLY hard.

>> No.15032013

but butter-t is shit
he hides his atrocious anatomy, perspective, and proportions under a veneer of decent color work

>> No.15032026

Well I like him

>> No.15032032

Stop being wrong on the internet, Anon.

>> No.15032035
File: 505 KB, 1417x1417, 1433560407452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid you're wrong, anon, and I just can't let that stand.

>> No.15032068

>TFW Manticores are a meme

>> No.15032072

But Anon, you actually are the meme around here.

>> No.15032074 [DELETED] 


>> No.15032077

Memes are powerful though Anon. They can crash planes, elect presidents. Do not underestimate memes, for they can destroy you.

Kek is a cruel but merciful being.

>> No.15032081
File: 882 KB, 1400x1200, hounzYG7yA9rdzYCbIkOJK-DMoW4t_pSiUxive9QzC0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15032083

I'm surprised there's so little art of Wight in general. The profile picture is top tier.

>> No.15032086
File: 289 KB, 480x270, MaiduBrokenu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's something wrong with my Kiki. What does it mean? What should I do?

>> No.15032089
File: 162 KB, 631x1000, sketch fitshire mk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, let's try this one more time.


>> No.15032091

>A bowl of minicores

Cute. Like a plate of wocks, or a bowl of mofucores.

>> No.15032095

That's one tough looking memecat, a stark contrast to loen's memecat.

Not sure which I'd take.

>> No.15032099
File: 116 KB, 590x1000, sketch nerdhound oneesan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Values/tones coming soon.jpeg

>> No.15032105

I'm surprised there's only like one or two writefaggots who do Wights and that only Mono will do one with a badonk

>> No.15032106

Hellhound nee-san looks extremely huggable, based snib.

>> No.15032117

Oh yes. Once I found out her weaknesses the teasing and flirting will be unending. I'd do everything to torture her. Leaving the door cracked when I'm bathing so she can peek on me, sneaking up on her and giving her pecks on her neck while telling her how adorable she is, wrapping my arms around her while we sleep and pretending not to wake up, so she has to try and wiggle her way out without waking me, pinning her down and inching my lips toward hers so slowly that she her heart almost bursts with anticipation, but I will never give her that kiss. I will always make an excuse at the last second to pull away because she doesn't deserve it until she can muster the courage to ask for it. She will become, so sexually frustrated that she will eventually break down and beg for my love, and when that time comes I will drown her in it. She will be cuddled, kissed, caressed, and loved to the point of pure bliss. She will become addicted to my love to the point that separation is agonizing. Her once nonexistent social skills will be forgotten as her fear of people is overridden by the happiness of being wrapped around my arm. A once hopeless loser that cowered away from anyone will turn into a young beauty, and I will be her anchor to this reality. But in the end she will never truly change because even if her fear has been forgotten, she will always blush and shiver every time that I say "I love you."

>> No.15032123
File: 167 KB, 1000x1000, 1453582796187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy you bowl of mofu.

>> No.15032130

I don't like her shoe. A bit too mannish for me in body structure. That tends to happen when favouring angles over curves.

>> No.15032131

She seems to have slightly overcharged. Have you given her an excess of headpats lately?

>> No.15032133
File: 241 KB, 650x545, shemayhaveherflawsbutshesoneoftheprivateinvestigatorsoutthere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15032138

This man right here makes more sense than all of the Anons in here combined, you should feel ashamed.

>> No.15032141
File: 320 KB, 550x592, KuuKimora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered changing to a low energy model? Kuudere's have great energy efficiency.

Also, is she doing that on top of your pelvis, or just while standing there? Important distinction.

>> No.15032148

That drunk Lilim to his right, what's her story?

>> No.15032149

>that cute succubus on his left

I want to buy her a nice drink

>> No.15032151

Dear god...you're a genius.

>> No.15032170

I want to go out on a date with oni lawyer.

>> No.15032176
File: 257 KB, 3000x4000, Yandimora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can never know what kuuderes are thinking until it's too late!

Does it have to be headpats? What about petting her below when she bends over to dust stuff?

>> No.15032177
File: 278 KB, 650x750, morgan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a Kikimora is a wolf-harpy, is Morgan a kiki?

>> No.15032179

You're devious.

>> No.15032187

>design that interesting and varied
>a kikimora

Don't make me chuckle, man.

>> No.15032194

What about Danna-sama's three kikimoras?

Anyone have those saved, anyway? I can't find them since I replaced my hard drive.

>> No.15032201

She's more deserving of the name than KC's maid-thing.

>> No.15032203

That is even more effective at charging her. I advise you practice temperance with your kiki, or else you may suffer permanent changes including her sneaking into your bed to cuddle, heart pupils, marriage, or even impregnation.

>> No.15032218


Just found this in my related videos, for some reason. Now I really want to do this to some sort of flat, tomboy, ojou MG.

>> No.15032229

>Crossdressing scene involving a trap
>In related videoes


Is that in your related videos too, Alp?

>> No.15032231
File: 668 KB, 1000x1000, 1459451578934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do people subject themselves to this?

>> No.15032233


You disappoint.

Anyways, now we just need someone to half haphazardly splice all the "Bar scene" images together into one.

>> No.15032238

>You can never know what kuuderes are thinking until it's too late!

I know you're trying to dissuade me, but you're only increasing my interest.

>> No.15032239

I've never scene the show. you're telling me that's not a tomboy, considering the earrings and the female pronouns, but a trap? Wouldn't that imply you're actually familiar with the series?

>> No.15032244

Aren't dubs the ultimate miracle of the universe? or was it trips?

>> No.15032255
File: 321 KB, 652x712, 1459007711096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Talks about dubs
>Gets double dubs

>> No.15032263 [DELETED] 
File: 241 KB, 434x335, impressive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't report me I'll delete in five.

>> No.15032271

I know what Naruto the ninja and Miku the vocaloid look like, but that doesn't really make me "familiar" with them. I just know that's the boy protagonist of Black Butler.

Also, don't deny it. If you watch enough crossdressing videos that youtube begins recommending them, you're past the point of No-Alping.

>> No.15032273

>reporting for posting reaction images

No one is actually this stupid, are they?

>> No.15032277

Fucking based

>> No.15032281

I think it was because I was listening to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PSvKjrEo7g and the uploader uploaded that video as well.

Still haven't answered why they have earrings and are called a she.

>> No.15032288

Best doll.

>> No.15032290

It's quite...rapturous.

>> No.15032293

Checked lucky anon, now wish for MG's for everyone pls

>> No.15032304

Musclelavendercat could you lift you into the air with her as she floats. Good work Snibako.
That's a lovely build and expression Oneehound has.

>> No.15032307

>Please hold on a little longer, sir, you can do it.

>"Called a she."

The only time he mentions she is in comparison; "No woman has ever been killed by a corset."

Even the comments all say it's Ciel, which a wiki search reveal is the boy protagonist.

>Why they have earrings

The same reason "she" is in a corset Alp, because "she" is TRYING to look like a girl.

Now bend over and get into the public use stockades like all the other resisting Alps.

>> No.15032320

God dammit stop with the dubstalk and start talking about tall motherly dolls!

>> No.15032322
File: 219 KB, 572x472, 1459303392149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Succubus likes to mope in that spot often doesn't she.

>> No.15032330

I want to play with a motherly ara ara doll like a little kid!

>> No.15032335

>Please hold on a little longer, sir, you can do it.
it sounds like he's saying "Sarah"

>"No woman has ever been killed by a corset."
This would imply he's speaking to a woman

>implying I know who it was or read the comments
You can stop with the projecting.

>> No.15032336

I want to abandon an Alp in Wonderland, then come back in a month to see what happened to her!

>> No.15032337

Would you both play dress up?

>> No.15032343

>"No woman has ever been killed by a corset."
>This would imply he's speaking to a woman

Is "curiosity killed the cat" a warning only for cats, anon?

I wonder if a WurmAlp is a thing. 'cause you ain't the sharpest spadetail in the cumdumpster.

>> No.15032348

Holy shit I believe that Alp and Shoggocks are full faggots now

>> No.15032388

"No woman has ever been killed by a corset." isn't a saying, "curiosity killed the cat is." If you tell a kid "no child has ever been raped to death by a manticore" should you assume they aren't talking to the child?

You're being a wee bit of a dip.

>you ain't the sharpest spadetail in the cumdumpster.
fuck off

>> No.15032418 [DELETED] 
File: 581 KB, 1200x1804, RedRiding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like today's Alp is a of golden brown flavour, because she's in DeNile.

>> No.15032420
File: 635 KB, 952x1350, 55050665_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15032429


>> No.15032431

That's not even an alp, let alone a trap. You're being a faggot. Thanks for wasting images too.

>> No.15032438

What a cute shortstack cow.

>> No.15032447

>That's not even an alp,
Actually in that story she's a succubus baiting as a Normal Human Girl (TM)

> let alone a trap

... I'm sorry for not posting more traps? This isn't your youtube recommendations list, Alpnon!

>> No.15032469

Is that the doujin where the demon loli ends up raping the wolfman? That was an amusing read.

>> No.15032473

Sweater puppies are love.

>> No.15032475
File: 896 KB, 1000x914, 1449616084628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have plump older sister
>she's lazy as hell, lies around most of the time watching tv
>sometimes, if you're lying down too, she'll flop down on top of you without warning and fall asleep
>with her breasts right in your face
>she's not heavy enough to smother you, but it's near impossible to slip free
>you just gotta tough it out as her daki without getting a boner
>because that's when she starts grinding in her sleep

>> No.15032477

That's a cozy looking holstaurus, would she like to join me in some cuddling headpats, and even some face to face nuzzling?

>> No.15032479
File: 133 KB, 566x800, 1453491561561-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh-Oh! The neighbors cat has come back over and demands you take responsibility!
What do you do?

>> No.15032481

>Actually in that story she's a succubus baiting as a Normal Human Girl (TM)
So not an alp?

... I'm sorry for not posting more traps? This isn't your youtube recommendations list, Alpnon!
If it was a trap, it would be at least tangentially related to your retarded shtick, but it's not, so it's just another image wasted.

>> No.15032482

Truly, Onee-Samas are the best.

>> No.15032488

Beat with shoe and get compensation from the neighbours because they didn't tie the bitch's tubes.

>> No.15032495
File: 1.07 MB, 2800x1980, 1445717419451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should you do when your onee-san starts drinking? Tipsy plump onee-sans are known for getting hands on.

>> No.15032497

>Trying to avoid getting a boner
Just let her sleepfuck you.

>> No.15032498

>Male monsters
Fuck OFF

>> No.15032499

Throw water at her, I am more of a dog person.

>> No.15032502
File: 156 KB, 650x379, youbuyheracoupledrinksandspendthenextfewhourstlisteningtoherstory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15032506

You seem upset.

>> No.15032509

Oooooh boy.
It's only been a month and if she's that big.....
I need more beds

>> No.15032518 [DELETED] 
File: 1.03 MB, 2115x1506, ForTheBaby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15032520

I want to comfort her
I want to comfort her so bad
I want to give her a hug and tell her everything is going to be alright

>> No.15032531

>Succubus not related to Alps

Oh bless your little alp heart.

>> No.15032537
File: 68 KB, 500x342, 1442456502616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew I recognized her from somewhere.

>> No.15032538

Literally >mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.15032540

Shush anon! She's the alp, of course she's the expert on them! Next thing you'll be claiming she's not an expert on crossdressing!

>> No.15032544

But why does she drink so much?

>> No.15032548


>> No.15032553

Is that paladin and yeti in the corner?

>> No.15032554


>> No.15032571

She gon got head pats

>> No.15032583

>you just gotta tough it out as her daki without getting a boner
But what if the onee-san is a Dark Priest?

>> No.15032587

Do shots of course, your pride as a man compels you to outdrink her. And when she is totally trashed you do the little brother thing and escort her home.

>> No.15032590

Because if you took away the bottle it would be extremely painful.

>> No.15032592
File: 190 KB, 800x512, 1437776829637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see through her ruse, pretend to get drunk, tell a sob story, get me to pity fuck her.

Maybe even more evil and she guilt trips me into taking her home while she's "drunk" before dragging me into her home and raping me!

I bet she's drinking root beer! You won't trick me I say!

>> No.15032599 [SPOILER] 
File: 70 KB, 462x561, 1459904299276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

head pats
Head. Pats.


>> No.15032601

I want that head to pat my hand!

>> No.15032604

Personally that sounds great, being all cozy as you snuggle up with her and she's enjoying it as well. What happens if while we are cuddling, proceed to kiss her on the lips and give her headpats while I start flustering her with comments about how nice and sweet she is?

>> No.15032606

"I used to be a Queen, y'know."
>The teary-eyed Succubus next to you takes another sip of her drink, ignoring your closed helm and business suit
"All the young virile boys would line up just for a round of sex with me. I never went hungry, you know what that's like, don't you? To feel that pain and want gnawing at you and nearly driving you mad?"
"I mean, sure, back in the day we used to get a little bit crazy with our 'play', and the Church used to perpetuate us devouring souls."
>Another sip
"I may be a Demon of Lust, but a Succubus never hurts her prey; That and the boys seemed to like the tingling sensation of us sipping at them."
"But then, I guess like alot of things, time changes tastes as well."
"They started to get bored with me, wanting more exotic girls. What pleasure can a Succubus offer compared to the divine suppleness of Lamia pussy and cuddles?"
"Or the softness of a Kitsune's tail? We just couldn't compete."
>She tears up as a new drink gets slid down to her by the Satyros bartender
"The boys stopped coming, I was 'old and busted', according to them. Hell, even the Paladins didn't want to smite me anymore!"
"Me! Of all Succubi! I was called the 'Queen of Whores' at one point! I had an entire kingdom under my -THUMB-!"
>You're just sitting there, listening, having to restrain yourself
"But then he came along, a stupid, stupid boy."
"Said he needed love, that he wanted to forget about the young girl that gave him so many aches."
"Told me he'd always love me if I could help him. So.. of course, I let the hunger take me."
>There's a pause as more tears fall down her cheeks
"I slaked my thirst and my ego on his body, forcing him to shoot load after load into me. He was declared brain-dead."
"Now... I'm legally barred from even holding hands!"
>She's full out crying now until you put one hand on her shoulder
"Warm... Hey, can I see your face?"
>Tell her that you cannot. To see your face would make this impossible.

>> No.15032611

I hope you're happy now, Anons. You complained about it like a bunch of bitches and now the shitposters know how to rile you up.

Congratulations, you played yourself.

>> No.15032612


>> No.15032613
File: 671 KB, 750x1061, 49164659_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>local pharaoh shows up outside your house demanding that you return what you took from her, or else you'll suffer her curse
>you feign ignorance, but your pink-haired kobold pet begs you to give it back
>you suddenly hear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGiRRTi_hJk
what do?

>> No.15032619
File: 211 KB, 650x728, pallyandyetiadventures4-letshelpthebar!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Make sure she gets home safe you hear?"

>> No.15032620

[fearboner intensifies]
>WAN shorts
it's the little things
keep up the good work, Snib, I like your muscle girls.

>> No.15032623


>> No.15032626

That's it. I'm gettin' me mallet.

>> No.15032627

Truly the heroes we need

>> No.15032628

Don't go overboard or it'll end up like >>15032086 's Kiki.

>> No.15032629
File: 1.82 MB, 1181x1748, 34329cd419b3e7c5e4c5d5ac1f2552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything better than a small girl with big tits?

That pan the Yeti loli wears is cute as fuck.

>> No.15032631

I'd go home with her.

>> No.15032633

You just have to return the slab Which has some pretty kinky porn engraved on it.

>> No.15032636

I know you're a local treasure, bringing our thoughts to life and all, but do you take commissions for specific ideas?
Or ever create full color works?

>> No.15032637

That's really sad and I wish there was some way I could cheer her up and put a smile back on her face. Is there a way for me to help this sad succubus possibly cheer up and show her that she deserves a chance to be happy, to be the person to show her that she's a great girl and that there is a least someone who thinks she's nice to be around?

>> No.15032641

A big girl with big tits.

>> No.15032642


You mean what I stole wasn't her heart?

>> No.15032645

Don't forget the hand holding.

>> No.15032647

Lap-sitting sex with small girls with big tits.

>> No.15032650
File: 322 KB, 800x725, Pally Patrol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pally Patrol confirmed designated drivers.

Or people Taxis.


>> No.15032658

I can actually imagine a pink-haired Kobold jumping around trying to explain me stuff with weird dog sounds just like Courage does, that would be cute.

>> No.15032662
File: 809 KB, 907x763, 101540474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15032665

The girl on the right actually has a normal eye on one side, disgusting.

>> No.15032671

>spooky scary monster right behind you
>she starts pointing and awawawa-ing
>"aw what's wrong, Moxie? Would you like some tea?"
>she finally just picks you up and runs to safety
>"The things I do for love..."

>> No.15032680
File: 293 KB, 820x720, JumpOn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or people Taxis.

>Suddenly, MG version of Uber with various Mermaids, Wurms, Horsepussies, Sneks, Crawlies, Stronk, and flying MGs.
>MGs realize it's a super easy way to get men they've just met into intimate proximity with little effort, giving them a perfect opportunity to seduce
>Popularity explodes as single MGs clamour to join
>Surplus of transport MGs cause a plummet in prices, making it many times cheaper than travel by car
>Now with yandere kidnappings reduced to record-low levels of a mere 3% chance per trip!

>> No.15032682

>*pulls out mask from behind the sofa"

>> No.15032687

I would only ride home on a centaur if she did the bondage shtick and I got to hold the reins.

>> No.15032688

>Childish allcaps

This is why I think the doomsayers have a point.

>> No.15032691


>> No.15032693

>>Tell her that you cannot. To see your face would make this impossible.
I know this line from somewhere.

>> No.15032694

>*looks at thread*

>> No.15032696

Fuck off.

>> No.15032709

Please stop, I have an allergy. I'll get hives and my airways could inflame.

>> No.15032711


>> No.15032712
File: 195 KB, 960x540, 0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it strange that orc girls are never mentioned in a monster girl thread.

>> No.15032715

I want a Kobold to pick me up and hold me above her head like i'm weightless and carry me to safety , only for her to go look up on a computer how to defeat the spooky monster!

>> No.15032716

That's just a woman painted green.

>> No.15032717

they ok

>> No.15032721

What is that nonsense? That isn't an orc.
It's just an elf with questionable body paint and hair dye with a sprout tucked in her bikini.

>> No.15032724

That's a pretty crappy orc girl.
Then again, it'd be a tall order to design a decent orc girl if you're not going by Japan's weird pig orc design standard.

>> No.15032725

>woman painted green
>questionable body paint
Haha, no. She has trotters.


>> No.15032726
File: 150 KB, 650x590, stressrelief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got me to thinking how a nurse mindflayer doujin would be like with this stress relief idea:
> fufu looks like you've been under a lot of "stress"
> as the school nurse I must watch out for the health of our students, this must be treated!
> scene 1
> looks like you're still stressed. Let me see if this treatment will help . . .
> scene 2
> now to make sure all the stress is gone . . .
> final scene
> be sure to come back should your "stress" be too much
Using her tentacles also could work its way in there too.

Currently not taking any commissions.
As for color works, you mean by adding color to my drawings, correct?

>> No.15032728

her computer is a condescending, know-it-all succu-virus that always makes fun of the fact she hasn't fucked her master

>> No.15032729

I like more the pig-like MGE version of Orcs rather than the green ones though.

>> No.15032730

>EMG shit.
Makes sense.

>> No.15032733

>Hug her, standing her up
>It's not your fault
"I... It was!"
>It's not your fault
>You don't get it, it's not your fault
>She's breaking into sobs and crying into your chest, you end up driving her home, helping her up to the front door of her apartment building
>One of the other Succubi opens the door and bristles up, hissing at you
>Hand off her snoozing sister and hold out a business card to her, it has a coat of arms on the back and your name on the front
"Tell her that Galahad is back."
>The other one quirks an eyebrow and calls you a chuuni


>Be Sad Succubus
>Wake up the next morning to a murderous hangover and one of your roommates snigigering at you
"Old and busted huh? You must've gotten lucky, to have snagged a Paladin. So tell me, how much did you make him shoot?"
>You're confused, the last you remember was drinking and pouring out your heart to some kind of Knight
>Ah! His name, did he have a name?
'Ehhh? You fucked a guy without learning his name? Not even you're that much of a slut. He must've been one hell of a lay.'
>She hands you the business card
>Your heart nearly jumps out of your chest before you're darting out of the building, down the streets
>You have to resort to your wings at one point with your legs aching and on fire
>The tree on that hill is still there, but beneath it is nothing, as you expected
>There's a noise behind you
>He's standing there, his hair having grown noticeably longer, but his smile is just as radiant as you remember
"I never meant to make you wait this long."
>You're flying into his embrace, crying about how you never meant to hurt him, that you're so sorry
>That's when he whispers those words to you again, a calloused hand caressing your head
"It's not your fault."

>> No.15032735
File: 53 KB, 939x525, CAPTAINS YELLING AT YOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggah, we had that phase a decent while back.

>> No.15032737

Your doujin idea reminds me of another nurse hmanga. Also, those are some nicely drawn tiddies.

>> No.15032738
File: 264 KB, 476x682, 1447966819101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're GoAT, P'Orcs suck though.

>> No.15032739

Those are some big stress balls.

>> No.15032740

Right. Well, your adorable sketches are almost all hatching and the odd splash of color as depicted in your image right there.
I was wondering if you do more complicated pieces.

>> No.15032743
File: 132 KB, 960x540, 0028b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely. Their settings are way more realistic than a rape hellhole, technologically-backwards world that is MGE, and their designs are illogical too (tailpussy).

So how the hell is that image a woman painted green and this one isn't?

>> No.15032744
File: 13 KB, 223x241, MGQ Shirohebi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then she woke up from her dream within a dream.

>> No.15032745

>Living Armor shapes herself so that she can discreetly fit under your clothes
>Goes to town on your dick any time you have to talk to someone

>> No.15032747

>Tell her Galahad is back
I want to see an Anon pull some count of monte cristo-tier comeback just to see his waifu smile.

>> No.15032748

Happy end, good.

>> No.15032749

>Defending a series where all the girls are 3DPD whores and have so many cons that come with their monster bits it's just not worth dealing with them.
Go away.

>> No.15032754
File: 142 KB, 960x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being so whiny, you'll live longer.

>> No.15032755

How complicated are we talking about?

>> No.15032757


Nice meme. Cry harder, cry me a river.

>> No.15032758

Go back to the tripfag circlejerk in the MonMusu threads, shitter.

>> No.15032759
File: 216 KB, 836x955, 1436113945799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I'm Triggered McNiggered
>MFW you're in alot of barney
>MFW dry slap
>MFW I'm right proper naughty, geezer
>MFW All Orcs are good

>> No.15032761

She's got muscle, she's got tusks, and she's tall. The EMG one is just a gyaru with green skin and a pig tail, she also looks nothing like the males of her race, shown in the manga.

>> No.15032767

Not entirely sure.
Could you do a portrait with more difficult shading and a wide palette like Barb or KC?

>> No.15032768

>EMG-fags burst into the thread and shit it up and then proceed to waste a bunch of our images too

As always. Is this the new normal?

>> No.15032771

>She also looks nothing like the males of her race
Yeah and female Centaurs don't look Cho-Aniki either.

>> No.15032772

It's like you have no concept of relativity.

Your ability to twist a sentence to suit your own goals is remarkable, though.

>> No.15032775

Oh boy.

>> No.15032776

Uh... EMG version has fats, she's also tall, she has a pig tail and trotters. If anything the EMG version is way more orc-like than that one.

>Waste a bunch
Like what, two? If two is a bunch, either you're very sad or a jew.

It's funny how when I post on EMG image asking about "wheres orcs", and the haters start flaming up.

>> No.15032785


Can't speak for anyone else, but I don't mind EMG, and I've always been here.
I'll post about it sometimes.

Three pictures posted total, starting with the Orc, and Boone kicked up a fuss until you actually discovered it was from the EMG game.

Just chill out, friendo. This isn't your thread to dictate.

>> No.15032786

I guess the EMG gamefaggots are so obnoxious that even their own thread doesn't want to deal them, so they fester here like cancer cells.

>> No.15032787

>If anything the EMG version is way more orc-like than that one.
That's not an orc, the pig shit is a japanese thing. Google "orc" and tell me what comes up. It doesn't matter what the orc you posted looks like either, she just looks like shit.

>> No.15032788

Fuck you I love Orcs in all forms. All sows deserve equal love and babies.

>> No.15032792

Does someone has that pic of the Anon ranting about what he would do if he actually got a P'Orc? with people talking about P'Orcs i remembered it, the guy was a total degenerate but had good tastes.

>> No.15032798

my shading/coloring skill is a bit limited right now, definitely not Barb/KC level, but I can give it a shot and practice/hopefully improve from there.

>> No.15032799

I remember when those pictures of the girls from the EMG games were posted here frequently, back when they were being released, and no one got as autistic as this.

We get a new guy since then? One with some unreasonably large, salty hateboner for it all?

>> No.15032804

...Funny you said that. Ever wondered why we're here in /jp/ when the oldfag monster lovers are in /a/'s monmusu thread?

>> No.15032805

You're thinking of Ovaries and that faggot has no taste

>> No.15032807

>why we're here in /jp/ when the oldfag monster lovers are in /a/'s monmusu thread?

Fucking what?

>> No.15032808

Don't they have a thread in /vg/? last i checked they did.

>> No.15032815

I think the hatred stems from MonMusu threadgoers coming here and getting uppity over Crabmans stuff.
That, and faggots spamming Polt and Lala images didn't give people a good impression.
>Ever wondered why we're here in /jp/ when the oldfag monster lovers are in /a/'s monmusu thread?
It's pretty easy to tell that you aren't a regular here.

>> No.15032818

You're talking about /mggg/? It covers all monster girl related games, mostly MGQ and MI, sometimes EMG.

>> No.15032819

I want to walk up to the most dangerous Dragon in the land, slap her big Dragon tits and grope her firm Dragon ass.

>> No.15032824

Well, they can shitpost on that one, they don't have to trash out thread, goddammit.

>> No.15032825

>Anon later woke up from his year long coma after getting his shit slapped

>> No.15032827

I wasn't a regular here, until a month ago. I'm tired of /a/'s faggotry, and probably the same for several others. The threads lately have been passive other than copypastas and blogging, which is probably a good thing.

Then I come here and get saltyfags finding something to rage about EMG on here, would have made sense if this is an MGQ or MGE thread.

>> No.15032828

No anon, that didn't happen.

>> No.15032832

>trash out thread
Uh, if you read the thread carefully, the posters that are trashing the thread are the haters. That anon just posted like 2 images, the first one asking about orcs.

>> No.15032834

>I'm tired of /a/'s faggotry
So you bring /a/'s faggotry with you, classy. You can go there and get as uppity as you want about Crabmans schlock >>15032743 there instead of shitting up this one.

>> No.15032836

>Anon suffered from amnesia after waking up from his coma
>He now repeats the same action each year, groping the dragon, going into a coma from the beating, waking up a year later, then doing it again

>> No.15032839

These threads aren't exactly better off in several aspects. Unfortunately, that's just how some people here are.

>> No.15032840

>Pally carries her home and gives her a special hangover potion known only to Paladins
>It's actually just a cup of tea with a ton of turmeric
>Yeti hugs the cup to heat it up
>Once again the day is saved thanks to Pally and Yeti

>> No.15032844

>Yeti hugs the cup to heat it up
>Heating up a cup of tea with a hug

I'm sure I can think of some military applications for Yeti hugs.

Maybe even some...regular applications for Yeti hugs.

>> No.15032845
File: 905 KB, 806x1000, 1455512637483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You try to enjoy a nice relaxing day are the beach when a Jabberwock CC approaches you, and asks if you'll help put sunscreen on her. You know this will most likely only lead to rape.

If you run left, you can hide in the swarm of bikini clad Khepri girls, though there's no telling what those beach going scarabs will do to you.

If you go right, that Hellhound lifeguard may help you from imminent rape, though she may do so by raping you first.

Alternatively, you can dive into the ocean, but there's a lot of kelp in it today.

Quick, the Jabberwock is already handing you her sunscreen!

>> No.15032848

No anon, that doesn't happen either. First the Dragon will be slapped, then groped, then fucked.

Then the Dragon will be married.

>> No.15032849

Take a deep breath and calm your tits, read the last 30 comments again and see if you're just overreacting.

If you're angry at the two(three) EMG images, then briefly scroll up the rest of the thread, and see how many images that are in 960 x 540 dimensions posted by various anons. Those are all from EMG.

My thoughts are any raging further will only shit up the thread even more. So I'll stop talking about the existence of shitposting now, but if you still want last words to soothe your autism, fine by me.

>> No.15032853

Scream as a sandworm envelops me. Truly there is no respite from rape in this world.

>> No.15032854

Oldfag here. I'm almost sure there are more oldfags in these threads that the new ones on /a/ now.

>> No.15032856

Disregard shitty wock, acquire Khepri wives that I can freely molest and love.

>> No.15032857

Poor anon, so delusional.

>> No.15032860

I'm certain she won't rape me in public.

>> No.15032864

Just be careful a yeti doesn't hug you down there for too long, one unlucky guy got away with first degree burns and a crying yeti who's too afraid to hug anyone now

>> No.15032865

I have a pretty good idea as to what the outcome will be, but I'm diving towards those Khepris.
Cuddlebugs a cute.

>> No.15032866

Don't you know? Yeti Hugs are the best medicine against frostbite.

>> No.15032867

I figured as much, there's nothing new in those threads since for how long?

>> No.15032868

But Anon, didn't you read the sign when you came? It's an "All you can Rape" beach!

>> No.15032870

>Anon, still suffering from Amnesia, lays out his identical plan for how he will handle the dragon
>Again and again he does this
>Each ending the same way, Anon in a coma, then waking up to do it all again

>> No.15032873

I'm diving into the ocean, Flowkelps are cute and for all I know they may just want cuddles and get to know me, at worst I'l just be having a lot of cuddlesex.

>> No.15032874
File: 221 KB, 950x845, c051_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just tell her I'm here with my wife.

>> No.15032875

But everyone can see!

>> No.15032876 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.23 MB, 2952x3543, 1459909107660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I flee towards the ocean but get caught up on the way.

>> No.15032878

No anon, you're delusional. I'm gonna molest that Dragon and take her home!

Anon you must stop making up these lies.

>> No.15032880

That only makes her wetter!

And she's already pretty wet since she just came out of the ocean.

>> No.15032885

Would a Mantis look better in a one piece swimsuit or a two piece?

>> No.15032886

This is the only correct use you can ever give to an Oppai Loli.

>> No.15032894

Both, though I lean towards a one piece because it will show off her lithe muscles and nice curves better. Plus, seeing her slightly blush at you saying how good she looks in it and gain a tiny smile at your flattering comments is very much worth it.

>> No.15032897

No shark girls anywhere to protect me?

>> No.15032899

Sharks were bullied away from the beach due to negative portrayals in media.

>> No.15032902

I don't even dislike her, but this picture becomes more grotesque and offputting every time you post it.

>> No.15032905

Generally when joining a new community you don't lash out and act like a tremendous faggot.

>> No.15032907


Would you take a job that requires you to bully Golems and make sure they are in working order?

>> No.15032908

I'll be embarrassed.

>> No.15032909

I don't know, I think having them as a pillow and dick-cozy when you're sitting down is pretty nice too.
You can even get them to think you're being a dickthrone for them.

>> No.15032911

Whenever you're thinking about going for a quick fling with the monster girl at the bar remember: All monsters are natural experts at leglocking.

>> No.15032915

Unfortunately no, I don't like bullying monster girls of any kind and making cute golems cry is not something I'd not want on my conscious. I'd need more details, because if it's actually going to help them function better, I'll do it because I'm a nice person.

>> No.15032916

What about the ones without legs

>> No.15032917

>tfw you feel more empathy for robots getting bullied than you do for people getting murdered in rekt threads

>> No.15032918

I'd be the best Golem Bullyer that company ever hired! I'd get them to pay for my education in Advanced Bullying!
I'm going to make dozens of Golems cry every day, using my highly skilled bullying techniques!

>> No.15032921

>but if you still want last words to soothe your autism, fine by me.

It's like you saw what he was going to do before he even did it. That's crow tengu levels of foresight.

>> No.15032926

>you will never spend ten minutes rubbing sunscreen into a fat monster girl butt
>she will never know fully well what you're doing and merely bee flattered by how much you like her butt

>> No.15032932

They all have something down there. They can be very creative

>> No.15032936

Didn't you lads read the fine print? If you make one cry you have to cheer her up and remind her that these are just stress tests to make sure she can handle the real world.

>> No.15032937

Completely unrelated question: Does anyone here know where the practice of japs adding "Maniax" to the ends of their titles on updated shit/spin-offs came from? I only know a few examples but I think it's a weird coincidence.

>> No.15032938

I'll help her, but only if she agrees to greasy sunscreen thighjobs.

>> No.15032940

All of them?

>> No.15032941

>tfw just got shadow of mordor
>tfw would take ages to dig through the archives to find stuff like this

>> No.15032942

I'll tell that golem about these stress tests while giving her a noogie!

>> No.15032943

Are you sure Anon? I mean, look at those thighs.

>> No.15032945

I've been training all my life for this moment. I'm ready!

>> No.15032949


>> No.15032950

People realized it was just a test to study the robot's stability right? seems like everywhere i see everybody is crying about robot cruelty when this vid shows up.

>> No.15032951
File: 134 KB, 808x1364, SoM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all I got.

>> No.15032953

I can't exactly recall why this is, but I think humans are able to empathise and show sympathy towards animals and animate non-humans in greater capacity because thise beings are morally infallible to us.
When we see an animal, or a sentient, maybe also a sapient robot harmed, we genuinely believe on a fundamental level, more than we can completely rationalise for another human, that that bring didn't deserve to be hurt.

At least, that's how I think it goes off the top of my head.

>> No.15032954

Well while I don't like bullying, I am good at cheering up sad monster girls of all kinds so as long as I make her aware these are for testing, I think I'll be fine and accept the job. Cuddling sad golem and cheering them up sounds like a job that I'd excel at.

>> No.15032955

What if I'm an expert in pulling out?

>> No.15032957

If you keep doing that anon she might come back once she's done with testing and bully you!

>> No.15032960

Sunscreen EVERYONE.

Seriously. Grab that SPF 69 and start rubbing backs all along the beach. They won't start the rape train until everyone's safe from sunburn, that stuff stings. By the time you're done, you'll be in the ocean, relaxing in a Flowkelp raft.

>> No.15032961

What if they lost their legs/leg alternatives in an accident

>> No.15032968

Monsters can have surprisingly strong thigh muscles.

>> No.15032971

She thinks she can bully me? I'm the bullying master! Her low-level bullying techniques will only give me an opportunity to bully her in return! She'll be reduced to tears, and, seeing that she's post testing, I won't have to console her!

>> No.15032974

Says you.

>> No.15032975

Absolutely not.
I'd rather have the job of fixing them up. Here's hoping they aren't ticklish.

>> No.15032980


Did someone say train?

>> No.15032983

You absolute monster.

>> No.15032984


Here's that Holstaur symmetrical docking commission I mentioned either yesterday or earlier today, its imgured because of file sizes, its from that guy that was introduced in the thread a while back. First one is the original and second is recroped.

This only cost 35 bucks, only took maybe a week from first couple sketches to decide on a pose, and I'm getting a nude version for free when he has some free time. I'm not shilling here but for my first ever commission that's pretty fucking cool.

>> No.15032985

Very well, but be careful. Those thick thighs might trap you, headlock you, and who knows what else after the slick thighjob.

>> No.15032988

It would be quite... troublesome if she started lactating while in that pose, just sayin.

>> No.15032992

Most people here know that, but I don't know about how other people reacted to it.

>> No.15032996

This is already pretty top-tier. Those puffy Holstaur nipples are a fine touch too.

>> No.15032999

I think it'd just add to the amazingness.
I know right.

>> No.15033001

35 American dollarydoos?

Well, I'm not a critic, but I'd say that's very much worth it. Nice one.

>> No.15033004

Pretty good.

>> No.15033008

According to his twiter he's from Russia and 1 US dollar is almost 70 rubles according to google, not sure how that correlates into standard of living there but I gave him over 2400 rubles for this so it sounds like a lot.

>> No.15033010
File: 1.91 MB, 2000x2625, mantiarms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same guy who did this, right?

>> No.15033011

Well no wonder, the value of the Ruble has fallen dramatically since sanctions were put in place post-Donbass.

We can non-sarcastically thank Obama for making good monster girl art cheap.

>> No.15033016

Yeah, he's also done some lewd Cyclops art recently, guess I'm not the only one from these threads that had the idea to commission him.
Good for us I guess, I'm already considering commissioning more from him.

>> No.15033017

Ah, I see.

Also, it's a completely arbitrary thing to point out, but I really like the shading and linework on that holst' shoulder.

>> No.15033023

Oh man I almost forgot, I think its on his tumblr page where I saw that but in the comment he left he's got that 2chan emoticon face with blush marks on it and Tailpussy.jpg right next to it, like the actual word tailpussy.jpg and it make me laugh pretty hard.

>> No.15033038

I want to try not to giggle as a tubby, oppai loli manticore tries to dom me.

>> No.15033048

I want to become enlightened and trascend into a being of pure bullying when molesting a tubby manticore!

>> No.15033054

I'm sure you could use them in other ways, like airbags.

>> No.15033058

The best part is making her think that she's in charge only to turn the tables on her and fondle every bit of her.

>> No.15033060

Neither of you will ever get to do these things!

>> No.15033070

I guess a tubby teen kakuren would have to do

>> No.15033077

No, you don't get it! You can't go after monster girl lolis or teens. Go for a tubby Monster Girl your age or older.

>> No.15033079

I want a Living Armor that behaves similar to both a Stand and Makai Knight armor.

>> No.15033082
File: 592 KB, 1600x800, 50973685_p14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15033083

You're not the boss of me!

>> No.15033087

>Living Armor
>a Stand
This can get so chuuni. I love it.

>> No.15033089

A chubby oppai loli holst and her heavy, Minotaur cousin?

>> No.15033115

Oppai loli are abominations. And not the good kind of abominations.

>> No.15033117

Sleepy Sheep!

>> No.15033133

Sleepy sheep to cuddle and nuzzle with as you drift off into blissful happy rest.

>> No.15033137
File: 209 KB, 850x1198, 1458266314704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monkey butt.

>> No.15033138
File: 1.23 MB, 1485x1122, 1447960847001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squishy Sheep

>> No.15033143

Trying to hold back laughter isn't enough.
If a tubby loli anubis tried to dom me, I'd turn the tables on her entirely. Sitting up so she tumbles off my chest, and flipping around until I'm pinning her to the bed. I'll make sure to press my chest against her body as I slide down to eye level.
Then, when I'm looking her in her big, bright eyes, I'll show the tubby lolinubis her rightful place by scooping her up in my arms so her feet are dangling in the air, running my fingers through her hair and kissing her with relentless passion as I slowly, gently hilt in her.

>> No.15033154

I want to dress a tubby lolinubis in a string bikini

>> No.15033167

>Holding his hands to her breasts.
How lewd.
I'd love use her squishy breasts as pillows.

>> No.15033210 [SPOILER] 
File: 335 KB, 700x859, 1459916085826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is best girl and why is it Wurms.
The answer is always Wurms.

>> No.15033225
File: 47 KB, 500x881, 1448594504639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep with a sheep

>> No.15033230
File: 680 KB, 1200x886, 1456979273424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the answer is Mantis.

>> No.15033236

Awaken, my mantis~


>> No.15033237

Do you like your sheep girls with or without rectangular pupils?

>> No.15033241

Nice taste but obviously its Jabberwocks.

>> No.15033243



>> No.15033246

Oh they would get awoken alright,

>> No.15033255
File: 1.17 MB, 850x1200, Snibako (7.8) [F].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man speaks the truth.

>> No.15033257
File: 243 KB, 450x600, Crispy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like p'orcs

>> No.15033258

I'm fine with both desu.

>> No.15033294

I prefer them with heart pupils

>> No.15033302


qt Shirohebi art

>> No.15033314

That actually does look kind of cute. Art of Shirohebi lounging in a coil hammock when?

>> No.15033320
File: 45 KB, 300x236, so like...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I require actual Shirohebi art like this, with her resting her face in her hands like so.

>> No.15033378


>Various lamia types coiling around trees, pillars, etc in different ways, putting their human half high up and look at you with their hands on their cheeks and giving you a wide smile

Mm yes

>> No.15033388

Win10-chan just told me she's restarting the computer in 15 minutes. Wish me luck.

>> No.15033406

Goodbye forever anon, at least you got some repeating digits before.

>> No.15033420
File: 78 KB, 386x674, 1444359753635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loen sent me this

He's working on the lineart for my next Miia daki

Colors soon hopefully

It looks like he's back to the speed he was doing them before, hopefully should be done soon then

>> No.15033425

I want to be sentenced to the snake pit only to find that its occupied by five loli lamioids.

>> No.15033432
File: 611 KB, 1222x1920, 1389543453433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15033434

she gotta faaaaaat tailbody

>> No.15033436

Is the saying "goat pussy is best pussy" true?

>> No.15033439

Nigga I think that's a deer.

>> No.15033445
File: 147 KB, 960x540, 0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it time for delicious mutton?

>> No.15033453

Smug, cheeky Goat is the best girlfriend.

>> No.15033463

Speaking of which, I noticed that this girl looks like LoveLive's Rin, now as a satyr.

>> No.15033478
File: 82 KB, 1176x1148, Edgemeister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A while ago there was a little argument over a gary stu OC character. I made art of him so you would be able to appreciate him more.
Notice the pointless zippers.

>> No.15033482
File: 97 KB, 442x376, 1401727298906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit that.

>> No.15033485

I like it.
I especially like the fluffy white pubes the cow is sporting

>> No.15033488

unf, nice

>> No.15033491

My art is beyond your comprehension.

>> No.15033492

That's kinda cute

>> No.15033494

Cows, NEVER, wear underwear. You can look in the profiles, you can look in the fanart, nothing.
Those fucking cows man, they're fucking lewd, and they know you know but they keep up the innocent girl act until you're balls deep inside them.

>> No.15033507

Even Hakutaku-sensei doesn't wear one, no one ca focus on her lessons with her flashing her naughty parts every 2 minutes

>> No.15033509

Isn't she supposed to me a humongous slut?

>> No.15033510

Maybe they just think they don't need them since their leg fur covers their bits

>> No.15033511
File: 24 KB, 443x372, 1435524673104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15033513

But she would only flash them to her favorite student who just so happens to be going after for "tutoring".

>> No.15033519

Isn't that an alp that wears a fake mustache and a hat to conceal her true identity?

>> No.15033521
File: 273 KB, 1000x1000, 1445211087306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cows play sweet and naive until you are balls-deep in them
Glad I'm not the only one with this mindset.

>> No.15033522

N-no that's a super special immortal guy with a gunkeyblade and a katana that was folded over 200 times and he's totally cool and badass!

>> No.15033525

Aye, and she's not ashamed to admit it. The whole reason she joined the exchange program is to have some good fucking. Except that exchange programs are still not exempted by law and she's not allowed to hurt herself via cherry popping with a human.

>> No.15033529

Its all the cows.
That's just so that people think they're decent, but if you actually look at them they're not, they're covertly baring themselves to the world and nobody knows!
Its a conspiracy, a conspiracy between all bovine species but I caught on!

>> No.15033537
File: 591 KB, 1500x1100, 1458164156708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's a conspiracy, I'll happily drink that Kool-Aid.

>> No.15033545

What is that bowl-cut sporting motherfucker in the background worried about?

>> No.15033548

He's getting the tentacles.

>> No.15033561
File: 99 KB, 668x500, 1426054030666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty empty here. If we're not careful, we might get sneaked up on and bumped on the head by some troublemakers!

>> No.15033563

What happens if a Hobgoblin gets pissed off?

>> No.15033565

She has her goons hold you down while she sits on your face and gives you paizuri. The catch? She ties a ribbon around your cock so you can't cum. Hobgoblin's might be slow to anger, but they're also slow to forgive.

>> No.15033566

She stomps around until somebody gives her some candy. Then she usually forgets why she was mad.

>> No.15033571

What could even anger a hobgoblin? They seem so happy.

>> No.15033576

The Evil That Men Do.

>> No.15033583

It would be extremely painful.

>> No.15033607

But that's a pretty good song, why do the hobs hate Iron Maiden?

>> No.15033612

I was more thinking about that Charles Bronson movie.

>> No.15033614

She's a big girl.

>> No.15033615

For you.

>> No.15033634
File: 239 KB, 758x800, Hellhound_undies2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get down on my knees and put a ring on my hellhound's finger, on some rocky crags over looking the turbulent sea. Then I want to impregnate her, and live a modest life, raising my children well, together with her.

>> No.15033638

I want to be a member of a Z-pop band that makes flashy music videos and gets our managing agency tons of dosh!

>> No.15033654
File: 593 KB, 1000x1550, 4ede489da5c4d3406a36d5238ef72da4.jpg?3114785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a look at this butt, how does it makes you feel?

>> No.15033658

Could be bigger.

>> No.15033660

Like she wants me to put her pants back on and join me on the couch to each are favorite show together.

>> No.15033669


>> No.15033685

Uh Oh Anon,

Seems like your daugtheru watched too much of the electronic tanuki and took a few potions, turning her into an oppai loli.

How do you get her to go back to normal so that she stops wearing her too small clothes?

>> No.15033686

Can't focus on the butt, dumb girl let her nice latex gloves get all ripped up.

Latex is expensive stuff man, you gotta treat it with care.

>> No.15033687

My waifu works for a Lich so there's no worries.

Please stop making my Kobold daugheteru an oppai loli, she still gets really really embarrassed about it.

>> No.15033688
File: 169 KB, 850x915, I&#039;mgoingtoberapedI&#039;mgoingtoberapedI&#039;mgoingtoberaped....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boats need love too, anon.

>> No.15033691
File: 502 KB, 802x1440, Pepsi vs Cola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15033692

Don't put your dick in it.

What if succubutts stole the size of other butts in order to make theirs bigger?

>> No.15033693

Boats don't need love, but spooky horned demonic monstersgirls do.

>> No.15033695

Its the TV that did it!
And it's better than when she did the oppai loli/shortstack combo that gave her hips wider than her mother's, along with a bigger chest, while only keeping her smaller than her parent.

>> No.15033696

w-why is she all chained up?

poor girl

>> No.15033699

Standard interrogation technique.
the next level is headpats.

>> No.15033701
File: 120 KB, 850x567, sample-07d2b88e0761e4e625b773a059564244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even the big, sexy brown boats?

>> No.15033702

She's getting deported back to boatslut general.

>> No.15033708

Hmmm, I guess it is her own fault this time then. She messed around in her mother's home lab so I'm perfectly justified to do some breast bondage and nipple play before we turn her back. Yes, I think I'll make her wear a nice, tight rope harness around them as well as a pair of nipple clamps until bedtime! She'll have to walk around topless all day with her arms tied behind her back and her nipple clamps jingling and her face as red as a beet! Then she'll know never to play with mommy's work things without supervision ever again!

>> No.15033709


>> No.15033716

Not really. I've seen the way they treat their boats.

>> No.15033719

That's just the kusos anon, the kusos are funny to laugh at.

>> No.15033720

Please no, she's just going to get addicted to having her breasts used like that!
Heaven help you if she actually ends up wanting them bigger.

>> No.15033733

It's so expensive to get her fixed though! Maybe if my waifu and her boss can figure out how we can oppai her up cheap and quick and flatten her in a similar manner then maybe we can do it more often. I'm not sure though, she definitely took it as a punishment rather than a reward.

>> No.15033735
File: 553 KB, 1254x1771, 1459453374365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Auntie Mofu is depressed, you'll cheer her up right? You know how to.

>> No.15033736
File: 1.41 MB, 3000x3000, 1458673333020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never a Lich Re

>> No.15033739

Well, if that's how she took it then that's how she took it.

Yeah, tail brushing with her always cheers her ups.

>> No.15033742

I visited Re for the first time this month

it was a REALLY bad time.

>> No.15033746

She isn't very monsterlike in the slightest, so she can get love anywhere else.

>> No.15033763

But people post kikimoras here all the time...

>> No.15033766
File: 374 KB, 900x700, a659ea6ae0731b24fdb4a25cceb00079-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have this much soft

>> No.15033769

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please remember to keep your waifu from getting into the newest fads.

Just because the magazines and internet say that tall flat is the new 'hotness' doesn't mean that it actually is.

It's like when everyone was into muscle and the city ended up with a bunch of muscle bound MGs ranging from familiars, to centaurs, to elves, to fairies.

It was madness.

>> No.15033771
File: 227 KB, 960x1280, 1457471463556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man can hope.

>> No.15033774

>Trying to writefag
>day 1, pigeons somehow got into my house
>day 2, neighbours start drilling walls
>day 3, have to go to family outing to a friend of mother's, I know nobody there.

Instead of wallowing in despair about not getting shit done, lets turn this crap into MG related stories.

Taking any ideas.

>> No.15033775

I wish I'd been in town for that. Alas, I was captured by a tribe of Oppai Loli Amazons who worshipped me for my uncanny ability to reach the top shelf.

>> No.15033776


>> No.15033785

Now THAT'S a mega Holst.

>> No.15033787

Truely you must have been like a god to them, a chorus of 'ooooohs' coming out as they see you reach things far beyond their reach.

Did they hold a ceremony to see who would be the first to mate with you?
Did they follow you home?

>> No.15033788
File: 344 KB, 1000x1000, 123485443534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to marry the Goblin Princess and become the Goblin King!

>> No.15033789

I want a muscle demon
or a fitness body suit that somehow became a living armour varient

>> No.15033794

Muscle demons aren't anything to play around with my good anon.

If you can't sign their contracts then they'll force you to with those muscles.

>> No.15033797

There was a ritual dance and orgy every night, so we didn't worry about the pecking order, everyone got the pecker.
Yes and they've built a village in my backyard.

>> No.15033800

That sounds... jiggly.

>> No.15033802

Well, the neighbor girls better be careful lest they be mistaken for rivals trying to take you from them.
Are the amazons hoping that some of your height will carry over to their daughters?

>> No.15033805

The wild jungle rhythms made for all kinds of wiggling, yes.
Well I'm still a manlet myself but surely breeding can help their people escape the pygmy status and lead their people to a new future they never could have reached before.
A war in the neighborhood?

>> No.15033806

I want to see jiggly wolf butts jiggling as they dance under the light of a full moon.

>> No.15033808

Oh hey, my 1 year writefag anniversary is today.

It's a shame I'm too bummed out to write like I said I would. Please forgive.

>> No.15033810

Don't be surprised if you come home and see the they've erected a fort around your home and demand that four of their strongest, and not pregnant, warriors escort you at all times.

>> No.15033824
File: 303 KB, 1600x1127, 0818+-+animal_ears+ass+blush+brown_hair+horo+kawakami_rokkaku+long_hair+nude+red_eyes+spice_and_wolf+tail+towel+water+wolfgirljpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly dancing, but it's a wolfbutt under the full moon

>> No.15033828

Shamefur dispray.
Someone might have to get to work on this.

>> No.15033836

You wont get a story or green text but I got one for the first two
>day 1
have something bread related freshly cooked by a anon and left on his window to cool, then have harpies attracted by the smell.
>day 2
Have a wurm or a strong MG accidentally break the wall down, bond over the repairs.

>> No.15033841

Let's see here.
>day 1, a loli Harpy flies into your window, hits her head and loses her memory. You have to help her recover her memories and take her home
>day 2, the Oni next door breaks up with her boyfriend, gets drunk and starts doing some interior decorating with power tools while drunk
>day 3, your Titania godmother comes to visit and lewdness ensues

>> No.15033844

>Just because the magazines and internet say that tall flat is the new 'hotness' doesn't mean that it actually is.
Look, sure tits are distilled divinity in and of themselves, but tall flat is pretty fucking hot.

>> No.15033846

I wanted her, so she doesn't have to force be

>> No.15033849

Does "flat" mean "small-breasted" or "skeleton"? Because I need curves somewhere.

>> No.15033853

>Day 3
going to a new place with a paranoid living armour. telling her she has to leave the armour in the car to follow you and not scare people only drives her paranoia more

>> No.15033861

I would at least wear the arm bracers

>> No.15033863

I took it to mean small breasted. Though personally, any kind of flatness is a let down.

>> No.15033872

Parrot harpies would be nice

>> No.15033876

Polly want a pecker!

>> No.15033881

>harpy feet
>dog ears
>feathery tail
>wrists feathers
Kikimoras are 3 times more monstrous than your average anime cat/dog girl or succubus
Do you like only 100% furry mgs or something?

>> No.15033882
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>> No.15033883

Thanks for reminding me that I haven't finished my MOBA harpy personification series. I've yet to draw Squawkins as a boteslut parrot harpy.

>> No.15033885

day 2 sounds the most fun and the Titanina sounds like a molester

>> No.15033889

>sounds like a molester
I always thought of Titania as the doofus airhead who has sex with anyone who asks because it's fun and she just doesn't see it as being harmful in any way.

>> No.15033892

Goo goo ga joob.

>> No.15033897

Beware the molester fairy!
cold be just going home and then bang! taken to the air to play some "touching games"

>> No.15033900

In that position it'll be "dancing" soon enough.

>> No.15033901
File: 582 KB, 854x1200, Titania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is called "Early Bird Gets the Worm"! Alright girls, anon will be tied to the tree naked, we all go twenty steps away from him, and on my mark we run! First to reach him gets to eat up his worm's mayo!

>> No.15033907

What if you get a insane Titania?
like one who has a Living doll that's dressed like billy the puppet?

I would not want to play games with that.

>> No.15033910

Religious debate between a sea bishop and a dark priest

>> No.15033912
File: 192 KB, 482x877, 1447882850517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confessing to the Kikimnora class rep, 2 days into the school year, claiming love at first sight, then convincing her your feelings are earnest and your intentions are pure!

>> No.15033916

Try to sexualize a feminist. I fucking dare you.

>> No.15033922

Id rather confess to the Hakutaku teacher
or the wurm class idiot
or the overly energetic salamander that's into UFC
or the kunoichi that never lets you see her twice a day

>> No.15033925

its still sexual, women power and all that

>> No.15033937

>the kunoichi that never lets you see her twice a day
I want to go looking for her just so I can confess my love to her. Only to never find her, despite the fact that she was stalking me the entire time.

>> No.15033945

It would be funny if you talking about your love for her with a friend, and finding out your feelings exits her so much you get candle jacked

>> No.15033961

>You give your big heartfelt anime-style yelling, bowing confession
>She blushes and adjusts her glasses
>"I see..."

>> No.15034009


>> No.15034042

Eh, you can turn them into liberated whores who fuck as many men as possible because it feels good and they are empowered I guess. I mean, it's sexualization. Not good sexualization but sexuaization none the less.

>> No.15034052
File: 437 KB, 572x420, Queenslime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Queen Slimes actually have some neat lore.

>> No.15034056

The most interesting thing about queen slimes is that any slime sub-variant can have/be a queen slime. I brought it up a while ago, the idea of Queen Shoggoths

>> No.15034081

A group of merchants get captured by a group of goblins, and the goblins line them up. The hobgoblin then comes out with a club named "Lewis" to decide who she will be taking as her new husband.

>> No.15034100

>Question 2: Is there different colour dragons, do they have different breath like fire, ice, gas?
>"Yes. Various dragons like "Fire Drake", "Frost Dragon", and "Black Dragon" who belongs to extremist are planned, and each of them can spit out different breath. But I can't make such powerful beings show up easily, so please wait."
That last part is the most important, the part about Black Dragons being Extremists. They'll be in the same faction as Demons and Devils, led by Druella. Outside of Jabberwocks, the rest of the Dragons are notably neutral and lack loyalty to any faction.

You ready for your dominant caring Black Dragon Onee-san? Or are you gonna be loyal to your Jabberwock Onee-san, you won't bail on her for a potential future hotness right?

>> No.15034106

But Titanias are not sluts

>> No.15034118

You do know Jabberwocks were made from Black Dragons right?

>> No.15034124

You're not suggesting you'd corrupt your Black Dragon Onee-san into a Jabberwock are you? I mean, she'll have to learn how to use those two mouth tentacles!

>> No.15034133

I would do it to all the black dragons just to make Alp cry

>> No.15034135

>just to make Alp cry
I fully support you on your mission to both make more Jabberwocks and make Alp suffer. Good luck Anon.

Make sure to check the houses of Echidnas, they might have a Black Dragon Daughteru that needs to be wocked.

>> No.15034138

Seeing as how I never really gave much of a damn about jobberwock in the first place I for one welcome our Black Dragon Overlords and the eventual undead variant reveal

>> No.15034149

Most underrated comment right here

>> No.15034168

One man tries to write a story about monstergirls but is distracted by the dumbest of shit, in his rage he becomes the villain to surpass all villains, the Bummer Man.

>> No.15034179
File: 2.04 MB, 720x400, caocao.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You son of a bitch.

>> No.15034189

>Try to sleep
>Tossing and turning for an hour or two
>Get up to pee at least 3 times before I actually sleep
>End up having a dream where a Manticore is laying in my bed, giving me a handjob from behind and not letting me cum
Even in dreams Manticores are sadists, I just wanted to sleep.

>> No.15034190

Today I found a piece of quartz that's shaped like a heart. I can't give it to my waifu, and that makes me sad.
Please do happy stuff.

>> No.15034204

Since when were you under the impression Alp doesn't like Wocks?

>> No.15034207

I'm drinking a cool glass of cola, watching videos of different bands playing live. I wish June was here with me.

>> No.15034212

You're not helping. You're useless to me! I'm going to go run and tire myself out so I won't be sad anymore! That'll show you! That'll show all of you!

>> No.15034213

I'm in solidarity with you, anon. I feel the sadness, too.

>> No.15034221

Just look at Japanese newspapers from the 1910s. You wouldn't believe the amount of ink they spent on the idea that their feminists were all about hard liquor, carousing with prostitutes, and carrying on endless strings of affairs. Of course, only, like, half of it was actually true.

>> No.15034229
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>yfw fairy wins

>> No.15034233

That's dumb

>> No.15034234
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I dropped it half way but she was the only good girl out of the lot of them.

>> No.15034237

You're dumb

>> No.15034243

No you are

>> No.15034255

>Not getting that it's about taking away every last black dragon from the spammiest black dragon poster

>> No.15034266

No you, for saying fairy love is dumb

>> No.15034267

So here's the list of specific Monster Girls KC has personally confirmed to be working on, and some extra details about them if he said any.

(Magitech golem, not created by tech currently in MGE world.)
(Has relation with Death/Reaper)
>Black Dragon
(Belongs to extremist faction)
(Compound of bird, snake, and beast. Very ferocious)
(Has relation with Banshee)
(Very Powerful)
>Fire Drake
>Flesh Golem
(Have relation to alchemy and "Homunculus")
>Frost Dragon
(Very Powerful)
(Very Powerful)
>Red Cap
(Wears red cap)
>Red Queen/White Queen
(Unclear if they're individuals or species, but they do rule over "their species", hinting towards Chess girls)
(Compound of Insect and Dragon. Very ferocious)

Which one are you looking forward to?

>> No.15034271

Hellhound shitposting 2.0, I can see it.

>> No.15034277

Only if the skin has exotic colors. Otherwise it will be forgotten faster than Sizzlestoat.

>> No.15034278

Kissing something the size of your pinky is dumb. like she isn't even kissing him back, just burying her head in his lips.

>Red Cap
Muh dick. Although I hope the Red Cap isn't a loli. Knowing KC it will be, but i hope it isn't

>> No.15034281

>Flesh Golem
>Ratatoskr (I don't know what the fuck this is)
>Tezcatlipoca(also IDK the fuck this is)
>Yowie (I'm not sure how much I like insect MGs but some of my top tier are insect MGs)

>> No.15034283



>Red Queen/White Queen


>> No.15034284

>Black Dragon

>> No.15034288

New girl when

>> No.15034292


Squirrel. Squirrel girl incoming.

>> No.15034293

Looking forward to Red Cap and Black Dragon the most because they're related to already existing girls.

Fenrir is probably going to be the one I like the most out of them all though.

>> No.15034296

>a THIRD snakebird

>> No.15034297

Next friday at the earliest, we're on a 3-4 week schedule.

>> No.15034298
File: 183 KB, 960x540, 0049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has KC ever made phoenix harpies?

>inb4 MGE fenrirs have a stronger fetish for bondage than EMG fenrirs

>> No.15034300

Ooooh. I'm gonna like this.

>> No.15034301

>(Compound of Insect and Dragon.
But it's Australian bigfoot.

>> No.15034302

>inb4 MGE fenrirs have a stronger fetish for bondage than EMG fenrirs
Hopefully not.

>> No.15034307


>> No.15034309

Hopefully I will like one of the new dragons, I can't say the same about the old ones.

>> No.15034311

What if they're powerful nordic wolf woman warriors that are 'chained' to a man that they serve?

>> No.15034314

Definitely not out of the question. Would be perfect for anons who want to take their waifus out for a walk and have a good time, on a leash.

>> No.15034317

>"You think these chains can hold me?"

Stupid smug Wolf.

>> No.15034319

You can't break those chains.

>> No.15034328


>> No.15034329


>> No.15034333

Yes please, more canids please.

Let's get a Cŵn Annwn too. A welsh (non-furry) fairy dog.

>> No.15034334

She could because those chains aren't Gleipnir. A fenrir wouln't have a chain and bondage fetish. A light shibari fetish at the most, gleipnir was only as thin as a silken ribbon, mind you.

>> No.15034338

>I'd appreciate your co-operation now, okay?

>> No.15034345

>Man has Fenrir waifu who's chained up all the time
>He doesn't actually have a bondage fetish, but he does care for his waifu
>She constantly tries to showboat and gloat about how she could break out anytime, and "I CAN BREAK THESE CHAINS"
>He merely nods and goes along while she awoos
>Until it's dinner time when he has to handfeed her, in which case she has to stop trying to break those chains

>> No.15034349

Its too late anon. The threadcanon is already rolling

>> No.15034352


>> No.15034359

Can you fags wait at least until she's out before ruining her?

>> No.15034362

Hah. Threadcannon here say's that you're gay.

>> No.15034366

This is like the fifth time Fenrir has come up. It never sticks. Remember the time someone tried to make her a creature that swallowed other monsters whole? That's not even the dumbest one. Threadcanon only sticks two ways.

1. Art, like Wendigo and Charon
2. Changes after a profile comes out from stories and such

With no art and no stories, there's nothing that will stick for Fenrir yet.

>> No.15034411

She could come out and end up being a super-Hellhound or something and half the thread will want her to be headpats and bondage fetishism.

She's going to have threadcanon and no matter what the thread decides on it will be stupid. But then again only the most autistic faggots will try and enforce it, so at least it can be ignored.

>> No.15034420

>Art, like Wendigo and Charon
This actually makes sense, come to think of it. All the cutsey saccharine threadcanon generally comes about because guys like latenight draw it.

>> No.15034442

Well I'm back from my run and I feel weariness instead of sorrow now.
>spammiest black dragon poster
But this is patently false, I've never spammed it.

>> No.15034446

The best thing about liking an unpopular girl is that the thread aren't obsessed with "improving" her with the standard meme drivel. Don't get me wrong, I love this place, but it always seems one anon or writefag gets an idea for this one individual in their story, then certain anons push it as a racial trait whenever that species is mentioned. I can't even begin to comprehend why they'd think this is a good idea in the first place, but that's what happens.

>> No.15034454 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15034456

Fenrir is just a glorified Wolf Girl, not sure what you people are expecting out of her.

>> No.15034457

I'mma scrub you and make soup of whatever comes off!

>> No.15034463

Chains. Bondage.

>> No.15034464

Why Barb?! Why?!

>> No.15034471 [SPOILER] 
File: 131 KB, 650x855, 1459941924937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will KC do this pretty girl?

>> No.15034478

Because she's average-looking.

>> No.15034482

That doesn't answer my question.

>> No.15034483

He won't do her because she's average-looking.

>> No.15034486

>When Fenrir kicked, Gleipnir caught tightly, and the more Fenrir struggled, the stronger the band grew. At this, everyone laughed, except Týr, who there lost his right hand. When the gods knew that Fenrir was fully bound, they took a cord called Gelgja (Old Norse "fetter")[15] hanging from Gleipnir, inserted the cord through a large stone slab called Gjöll (Old Norse "scream"),[16] and the gods fastened the stone slab deep into the ground. After, the gods took a great rock called Thviti (Old Norse "hitter, batterer"),[17] and thrust it even further into the ground as an anchoring peg. Fenrir reacted violently; he opened his jaws very wide, and tried to bite the gods. Then the gods thrust a sword into his mouth. Its hilt touched the lower jaw and its point the upper one; by means of it the jaws of the wolf were spread apart and the wolf gagged. Fenrir "howled horribly," saliva ran from his mouth, and this saliva formed the river Ván (Old Norse "hope").[18] There Fenrir will lie until Ragnarök.

The norse gods were assholes.

>> No.15034489

That will be only possible if KC turns her mouth into a highly efficient and pleasurable cum extractor.

I will not accept less for this qt.

>> No.15034490

Not chains and bondage

>> No.15034491

I'm in two minds about it. You have the being chained thing, so you could easily make her submissive and love the whole thing. It essentially gives the guys who want to be in charge the submissive wolfu they've always wanted, rather than the werewolf who could be either way or the powerful and canonically un-tamable hellhound.
But then she's destined to kill one of the most badass gods humanity have ever conceived and is only held by a special chain designed to keep her from breaking out. This outlook makes her look tough as nails and the whole "squee! headpats and kibbles and bits!" crowd would just look silly for it.

>> No.15034494

Now if you turn it into a lewd version, Fenrir girls like being chained up and violently face fucked while they heart pupil.

>> No.15034496

Gods in every culture have been assholes. It's human nature.

>> No.15034500

says you

>> No.15034502
File: 205 KB, 709x521, yocchi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 4: I still can not stop thinking about Yocchi. I need to see under her mask to put my mind at rest.

>> No.15034507

A better analogy is that fenrir have trust issues and hate any and all forms of bondage.

>> No.15034508

If I pull that off will she succ?

>> No.15034512

>kibbles and bits
I don't know if any anons actually do that, because it would literally be treating the monstergirl like a pet dog. I like submissive monsters but fuck acting like they're the family pet.

>> No.15034513


>> No.15034515

You think that's bad? I've been having my before-and-after-sleep cuddling-the-pillow-and-pretending-it's-the-waifu sessions for over a year now.

>> No.15034516

Yocchi is too easily embarrassed, so no.

>> No.15034521

Stop treating her like a naive child. She's a big girl.

>> No.15034524

She is spaghetti incarnate.

>> No.15034532

>It essentially gives the guys who want to be in charge the submissive wolfu they've always wanted
Right now we have a sub canid, a switch one and one that can be both (although she's almost always depicted as a sub in the threads).

Pure dom canid when.

>> No.15034533

Tell me about Yocchi. Why does she wear the mask?

>> No.15034534

I always hug the pillow, it's comfy and feels nice.
I was just thinking the other day, surely a pillow is softer than a girl to hug, right? I mean, pillows don't have bones unless you're a Lich who is into home decorating.

>> No.15034535

To you, maybe.

>> No.15034539

Hellhound is the pure dom. Just because she lets you push her on her back and fuck her silly doesn't mean she isn't in control

>> No.15034542

Softer, yes. But what good is softness without life?

>> No.15034549

>Red Queen/White Queen
I thought KC said he is done with wonderland?

>> No.15034555

>(although she's almost always depicted as a sub in the threads)
That's because back before Kobold was released some anons tried and succeeded to push the threadcanon that Werewolves are basically biped doggies. It doesn't mean that they are, it's just that those anons prefer her that way. I personally like the idea of Werewolves being less extreme Hellhounds, vicious hunters who love and protect their husbando, but that's only my take on it. Basically, they're versatile in their profile description and you shouldn't let the thread dictate how you see them.

>> No.15034560

I'm into the undead so that question is just moot to me.

>> No.15034590

Huuugs? Waaarm?

>> No.15034593

You know what would be neat?
A Gamer Gazer acing Waifu Souls 3 on livestream while her sitting on her boyfriend's cock as he rubs her breasts and licks her ears without breaking her concentration.

>> No.15034596

I have not problem with it though, canon says they can be subs as well so if that's what anons want fine by me.

>> No.15034598

Can Living Armor be soft?

I liked the idea we had a few threads back about Tsundere living armor being spiky on the outside and really soft on the inside.

>> No.15034600

Yes, you just have to make her out of a soft material. Like those knitted wool things the South-American Indians used to stop arrows.

>> No.15034604

>Showing your tits to thousands of dudes on the net
What a slut

>> No.15034609

Hey, she's having sex with her boyfriend, she's showing she's taken.
All the girls would watch it to pretend they were her.
Except the Wurms and Titanias. They'd watch it for the game.

>> No.15034615

Damn baby.
>Which one are you looking forward to?
Pretty much half of those now that you've listed them. Now to know when are we finally getting any of 'dat.

>> No.15034621

>All the girls would watch it to pretend they were her.
Pfff. Mono-eye and bonnet tippers maybe.

>> No.15034627

Did he post it on his enty?

>> No.15034628

And Alps and Matangos and the Kobold who was run over by a truck and buried in the Wendigo Burial Ground.

>> No.15034629

He did and then he made humpty egg. Never trust KC when he says he's done with something.

>> No.15034633

How is she watchign a live stream while 6 feet under.

>> No.15034637

>doesn't know how Pet Sematary works

>> No.15034640

He drew that for april fool's.

I don't think it's that bad t bh.

>> No.15034641


>> No.15034647

Or kevlar.

Or nanomachines

>> No.15034649
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Found this in my folder, anyone have any clue what it is?

>> No.15034650

Is it the stephen king thing? If so, I'd a yandere Kobold zombie.

>> No.15034652

Lady Zozo

>> No.15034654

An armor made of nanomachines? That's the silliest idea I've ever heard of!
We should sell it to Donald Trump and see what happens.
Explain the scarf.
Yes, that's right.

>> No.15034656

So what happens if you take a dead zombie and bury it there? Does it become a zombie zombie?

>> No.15034658

Probably jumps up the ranks and becomes a Ghoul.

>> No.15034659

>Explain the scarf.
I wish I could.

>> No.15034661

Implying Trump isn't a shareholder of the Hargreve Rasch Corporation

>> No.15034663

Ghouls aren't really related to the zombie evolution

>> No.15034666

Shut up! Let me have my mon-tier evolution! I sank countless hours into Digimon World!

>> No.15034670

No, satan. You get zombie>wight or nothing.

>> No.15034675

I can make my Slime poop on your lawn.

>> No.15034677

>scat exhibitionism
no thanks

>> No.15034678

Doesn't slime poop actually sell really well?

>> No.15034687

>tfw no Gazre gf to watch you play waifu souls 3
>tfw she will never tell you to git gud

>> No.15034693

You can stop now.

>> No.15034696

Is Swamp Kelp a thing yet? Of course not. Boo!

>> No.15034699

But I just got here. I don't want to stop yet.

>> No.15034700

Normal kelp is already a shit. Why would you want a shittier version of shit?

>> No.15034703

Why are you so negative? You need to escape the captivity of negativity.

>> No.15034707

Is it possible to fuck negativity?

>> No.15034709


>> No.15034711

I'm going to try just to taunt you.

>> No.15034716

They're not. But Swamp Kelp sounds sort of fun.
Any idea what they would be like?

>> No.15034720

>wanting to make a politician super human
Why? Did Metal Gear Rising teach you nothing?

>> No.15034721
File: 246 KB, 400x600, Swamp Thing flowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I got the idea after reading Alan Moore's Swamp Thing, so like that. Guardians of the bog and shit.

>> No.15034725

Yes. It taught me the result of such a thing is fucking awesome.

>> No.15034727

It taught me that super human politicians are fucking awesome

>> No.15034728

Not him, but flow kelp really is shit. A monster whose entire trait is that she floats around all day getting tangled in shit. KC is literally sexualizing seaweed getting caught on shit. The only mystery to her is why she seemed so popular when she was announced.

>> No.15034732

>really is shit
So do you want to just skip to calling each other faggots or what?

>> No.15034733
File: 47 KB, 550x223, 1454006256334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hating gloomy girls who love hugs
We've got a couple of alps here it seems.

>> No.15034735

Faggot detected

>> No.15034737

I hate the design of flow kelps, but I like one aspect of them: A naked woman gently floating in the water. Imagine a sopping wet pair of breasts gently swaying as the water laps at them. That's a nice mental image right there, and it's basically their entire thing.

>> No.15034746

>moe stuff/latenight drawings of moe stuff
I know times change and all, but I wish this wasn't the massive part of the thread it's all turned into.

>> No.15034747

>not wanting to pump your petite loli wife full of your precious bodily fluids, turning her into a curvaceous, buxom goddess with an uncquenchable thirst for cuddles
Later, homo.

>> No.15034749

Kelp is cold water seaweed. There's no kelp in swamps.

>> No.15034750

I like to imagine that flowkelp are really insightful deep thinkers who can make a man happy with both her presence and mind. After all she has nothing else to do while she floats on the sea and gazes at the sky other than think and ponder.

>> No.15034756

Okay, pedo.

>> No.15034757

>moe is bad
So what do you want?

>> No.15034763

Cute and lewd are both parts of the setting, KC retweets moe stuff all the time.

If you want something different you can always post about it rather than whining, unless you don't have the imagination to think of something interesting.

>> No.15034765

That just makes them sound like stoners. As I said, I think I like the concept by the design does nothing for me. If she was a sleepy looking titty monster I think I could get more into it.

>> No.15034769

But cute is a major part of the thread.

>> No.15034770

Moe all the fucking time is bad. Too much of one thing is always a bad thing.
>pointing something out is whining
Every time.

>> No.15034772

>Possessing deep and insightful thought.
>Thinking at all
Duuuude. Weeeeeed. Lmao.

>> No.15034775

Only relatively recently.

>> No.15034777
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>> No.15034782

Not him but faux philosophy is stoner central.

>> No.15034783

It's been a part of the thread for years.

>> No.15034784

I know, but I wasn't talking about faux philosophy. More, coming to her with a problem and snuggling with her for a few hours while she mulls it over and produces a solution.

>> No.15034786

Take your bizarre ideology and your canonically perfect vagina and leave, midget!

>> No.15034787

N-no. W-when we were on /a/, we had deep and meaningful discussions and had none of this cutesy stuff!

>> No.15034794

Oh, I know, but it's only recently become pretty much the dominant trait. I guess I'm just one of those guys who doesn't like change that much, but I just miss the old ways, minus the /a/ faggots raiding the threads. I'll shut up about it now anyway.

>> No.15034797

Oh fuck off with the strawmanning.

>> No.15034798

Why do I always get repeating digits when I Sabbathpost?
Is this a sign that lolicon truly is justice?
Am I some kind of lolicon messiah?

>> No.15034801

I'm not strawmanning you, I'm making fun of you. It'd be a strawman if I was actually arguing with you and claimed that as your position.

>> No.15034804

I think he's getting at how there used to be more wicked and rapey monsters. Now that's all but disappeared, leaving nothing but cuteness in its absence.

>> No.15034805

>pointing something out is whining
Now you see, this is true but what you said wasn't "pointing it out"
>wish this wasn't the massive part of the thread it's all turned into
Saying it was part of the thread would be pointing it out, this is just complaining.

>> No.15034808

Hellhound is still one of the most popular girls and there's a shitstorm if someone tries to bait with sub talk. Wicked rapey girls still exist and it's not like we don't talk about Manticores.

>> No.15034810


>> No.15034812

I agree, balance is a good thing.

>> No.15034816

>claimed that as your position.
Which you just did as you were "making fun" of me.

>> No.15034822

>I'm not seriously arguing with you when I do this
>yuh-huh you are!

>> No.15034823

Fluffy lolis are the best lolis

>> No.15034824

You pretty much have it. Instead I worded it badly and got a shitshow for it.

>> No.15034828

>Type a shitty greentext response that twists my words
>act surprised when I'm annoyed by it
Fuck off. You know what? Here's your (you), now bother someone else.

>> No.15034832
File: 56 KB, 1000x707, 1409504876213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>other guy tells you to stop
>still squeeze in last word and try to pretend you're the one being the bigger man by stopping

>> No.15034833

So you know you're being baited by him and take it anyway? Smart.

>> No.15034837

The irony. But really now, feel free to post a response to this so you've "won". I won't even post a reply to it!

>> No.15034840

I want to tell a Baphomet that I'll give her cookies if she gives me a kiss.
I want to watch her get flustered and stammered out a response.

>> No.15034841

What monster girl is most likely not to rape, respect my boundaries and only engaging in safe, non violent, consent given martial sex?

>> No.15034845

Unicorn and Troll come to mind.

>> No.15034846

It's a problem I have, as do many anons here. I know I'm a stupid fuck for doing it and end up being the shitposter's bread and butter.

>> No.15034847

>safe sex

None of them. I think it's a crime against monstrosity in any monster realm to use contraceptives.

>> No.15034850

Manticore definitely

>> No.15034851
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>> No.15034853
File: 72 KB, 480x640, 3XX years old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have the Sabbath lolify my Tanuki waifu and fund their operations in my region.
And then I could have our daughter go door to door as a Sabbath scout.
When she's the same size as my waifu, they can travel door to door together and get all the best erotic Halloween candy in matching costumes.

Plz no bully. I just happen to have developed a fetish for 900 year old lolis, compact foxes, and Konata

>> No.15034857

>Plz no bully.
Too bad. You shouldn't have joined an organization that officially declared war on tits and tall girls. Your little girl is getting dental floss for Halloween.

>> No.15034864

>Your little girl is getting dental floss for Halloween.
Oh snap!

>> No.15034867

Well, that doesn't seem so bad really.
After all, I grew up with the mantra "Which teeth do you floss each day? The ones you want to keep."

>> No.15034873

>Sabbath hate big tits and tall women
Every time I forget why I hate the Baphomet, someone pops up and reminds me.

Wait a minute, Sabbath are the research division in the Demon Lord's army. The Lilim have big tits and seem tall, so the Demon Lord herself probably is too.
Why are they tolerating Sabbath and it's obvious future treachery? I don't think Dreuella or Mari would like losing their big breasts in the slightest.

>> No.15034885

>Why are they tolerating Sabbath and it's obvious future treachery?

Because monsters usually don't get too involved in each others' shit. They barely even follow the Demon Lord's commands. And canonically, monsters love the Sabbath because their daughters have sex earlier and they get grandchildren earlier. They don't seem to care about their own tits. It's horrible, I know.

>> No.15034886

Ok, I'll bite, she is just begging for it now...

We all know Elves can't resist human Dick.

>> No.15034888

It's probably a combination of knowing they're a powerful faction not worth upsetting and that they won't achieve too much in the long scheme anyway so they just let them have their fun.

>> No.15034890

Q: Are women destined to lose against dicks?
A: You can't win or lose against dicks, you can only love them.

>> No.15034896

To quote abridged Vegeta "Because, it's still not a threat....to me."
Sabbath literally cannot defeat the oppai. At best they can create oppai lolis or similarly
disproportionate girls.
I'm pretty sure the strongest Bapho, if she doesn't turn out to be some mutation of Lilim, could still never transform the Demon Lord's spawn.
Plus they're good girls, so they don't exactly commit size terrorism. You go to them voluntarily.

>> No.15034902

She is 18 yo midget

>> No.15034903

Abridged Vegeta best Vegeta.
>How can you be "semi-perfect"? You're either perfect, or you're not me

>> No.15034909

This man understands!

>> No.15034918

What? I mean, it would be the challenge of my life but how does that even work, assuming it's a species as a whole and not a god or something.

>> No.15034923 [DELETED] 
File: 342 KB, 650x830, 45472634_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15034927

What is it, Effeminate Son?

>> No.15034928

He's probably going to go with the Zippangu whatever the hell they're called reaper spirits.

>> No.15034931

>Reapers are a race who exist to cockblock Wisps and take men back to their own place or refuse to leave their sides once they get to the afterlife
I swear, in KC land it's probably impossible to enter the normal afterlife single. It looks like Charon will be out of a job or will need to retrain soon.

>> No.15034932

>posting monsterboys
That is some fucking ancient bait.

>> No.15034933

Shinigami. Did you know they only eat red apples?

>> No.15034938
File: 559 KB, 657x890, 1429503618636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flesh Golem

Time for HEALTH

>> No.15034940

Shinigami would work nicely, if they have tits like Komachi from 2hu I'd be in love.

>> No.15034944

Sounds about right, a shame I would probably brag everywhere I could about fucking Death .

Can't even die properly, poor poor Charon.

>> No.15034948

>High Class Brothel
>Busty, Bakunyuu, Semon Demon, Parasite Slime which hired me for Vanilla Sex for One Day
>Chubby, Awkward Virgin, Love Freak Unicorn which hired me for Handholding and Cuddling for Half a Day
>Shortstack, Undead, Chief God with a Busty Twin Sister that has an Oral Fixation that Hired me for Vanilla Sex for Half a Day.
>Gym Bunny Roper-Ignis Chimera that hired me for a Foursome with a Bottom Heavy, Semen Demon, Raiju, and a Gym Bunny, Love Freak, Dark Matter, for a Week (I may Incubize after this shit)
>Thin, Bakyunuu, Dark Valkyrie with a Twin who is Hourglass Shaped and has an Oral Fixation, who hired me for Vanilla Sex for a week
>Thin Undead Wyvern who hired me for Anal for a week.

The real question is, will any of them buy me off? I even have had the Chief Deity on my dick FFS. So chances are that I may not even be able to return to my old life after this.

>> No.15034954
File: 978 KB, 1920x2560, yankiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those artifacts

>> No.15034956

All those dragons are going to make me explode.
I want a harem of them all, I want to be their shared treasure.

>> No.15034957

>What? No, Fuck you, you can't have that!
>Put it back!
>I don't give a shit if your a Dragon, your mother is a bigger Dragon and she's far scarier than you when she's pissed
>which she will be if I let you have that
>put it back now!
>don't you dare breathe fire at those cans!

>> No.15034960

I wonder just how crazy this extremist faction's black dragon will be.

>> No.15034963

>I'll bite
Bite what?

>> No.15034974

>Magitech Golem
>made by future tech
Oh I want this!
>Druella faction Dragon
I thought he was out of ideas after the education Holst, but apparently he isn't.

>> No.15034983

I meant bite in the sense that I am taking the bait.

>> No.15034987
File: 2.61 MB, 2560x1440, Shigatake 0119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15034990

I didn't post any bait

>> No.15034991

The stronger/crazier they are, the more pleasurable it is when you dominate them.

>> No.15034993

Most of the Sabbath is too busy performing magical experiments with onii-chan to do anything about the head Baphomet's war on big breasts.
Just avoid branches affiliated with Druella's army or the Fallen God.

>> No.15034996

I am not going to dignify that with a response.

>> No.15035000

Remember, KC has said multiple times that profiles are just generalities; the most common traits among that species. All of them have subs, doms, lolis, fit, CC, etc. So yes, subhounds exist, the same as domalices.

>> No.15035002

I'm okay with this.

>> No.15035016

Fuck off, don't start

>> No.15035051

Except it's the only time he's explicitly said it's not possible and even the gods tried, fuck off.

>> No.15035061

I might have phrased that wrong, what I mean is when you TRY to dominate a girl (especially in wrestle sex) and she just ends up angry fucking you, while you have a smug face because you already won.

>> No.15035064

Except that's not what it says.

>> No.15035065

They're kept by DL as a deterrent for other factions, to keep them in bay. Sorta like 'Fuck with me and THESE will become my cherished favorites'.
Also any good ruler's closest allies should inherently hate/distrust each other.

>> No.15035093
File: 174 KB, 389x390, Smughound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15035097


>> No.15035098

The problem is you get anons outright claiming they can easily surpass gods somehow.

>> No.15035102
File: 33 KB, 1003x761, Swamp Kelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since someone was asking for it, here's a Swamp Kelp.
I think the landscape worked out rather nicely.

>> No.15035103

>inb4 they say it's a rpg setting when it isn't

>> No.15035104

Gods cannot compare to the might of [You]

>> No.15035111

What'd we ever do without you. Prosper.

>> No.15035114

Still better than sub-vs-dom shitposting.

>> No.15035115

I'd laugh so hard if some of them were the same people talking shit about Lilim OCs.

>> No.15035117


...Because you'll be the one doing the raping.

>> No.15035121

Alp has the same problem with sameface as .less does.

>> No.15035127


>> No.15035133

Smug bugs.

>> No.15035134

The gods in KCs setting aren't shit but tricks and hoes. A succubus that has done too much level grinding can bitch slap them around and corrupt them.

>> No.15035138
File: 665 KB, 800x800, 1449040401549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I just got thinking about that paragraph. I'm sincerely wondering if KC was setting up something along the lines of hellhounds failing to be tamed by a god through conventional means but falling for a husbando and his dick, considering this is MGE after all.

>> No.15035141

How would a monstergirl with big fluffy paws react if you shaved them in her sleep?

>> No.15035146 [SPOILER] 
File: 131 KB, 402x500, 1459956146935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and?

>> No.15035151

I misread that as smite bugs. I can imagine soldiers and knights being used as exterminators seeing how big the insects are in the setting.

>> No.15035152

That doesn't mean shit. You can be very powerful and easy to corrupt at the same time.

>muh dick
No thank you

>> No.15035158

Yeah, and the gods aren't even very powerful if they and their followers get easily rekt by a faction of mortal insurgents.

>> No.15035162

you guys just want to fuck animals.

>> No.15035167

I was walking the dog earlier and saw a moth sheltering from the rain on my wall.
Didn't look very smug to me.
Some of us want to fuck plants though.

>> No.15035170

She would slap you with her new big fat hand.

>> No.15035171

Except he posted this in the notes that came with the profile.
>This time it's the fierce dog of hell, “Hellhound”-san. Their body and fur are both black. Anyhow, they're as ferocious as they look and they'll attack men as soon as they spot them! They never become tame around humans, which is rare among the wolf family of monsters.

>> No.15035172
File: 1.40 MB, 2000x4000, oomukade8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15035173

>Smug Mantis
Oh no.

>> No.15035174

Well humans are animals.

>> No.15035176

Hey, some of us want to fuck corpses. Stupid sexy undead.

>> No.15035177

They have the power of bullshit on their side though. You can powerlevel like crazy and you'll still get husbando'd before you can be a threat to the Demon lord. They're both proof that you can surpass the OP guys in the setting, but at the same time you canonically can't stop them no matter what you do, what makes no sense but oh well.

>> No.15035178

>that person's ability as a trainer would have to surpass even that of a god
>ability as a trainer
The wording definitely could imply something like that.

>> No.15035179
File: 27 KB, 246x275, THE EMPEROR SPEAKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you guys just settle down with a nice human wife instead?

>> No.15035183

>They're both proof that you can surpass the OP guys in the setting
But you can't.

>> No.15035184

From the way some anons talk about how they'd treat certain monsters, I think they'd be happier with pets.
That said, some of us want to fuck undead and I admit that's a bit weird too.

>> No.15035187

Humans are shit.

>> No.15035188
File: 60 KB, 780x816, 1412188905694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading Chapter House Dune
>the women running the religious order enslave men through sex just for fun
The future is glorious.

>> No.15035194

I think this was his intention, it's unfortunate how he worded it in the profile. That said, you'd still get anons claiming they could dominate them, so fuck it.

>> No.15035205

There's nothing wrong if anons want to do that.

>> No.15035206

They can go and paint a Kobold black

>> No.15035208
File: 1.41 MB, 1200x1200, 1448588712735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>15035176
I like 'em cool or room temperature.

>> No.15035212

Or they could have the real thing.

>> No.15035213

Sure, if they're ok with being switches

>> No.15035215

That's fine just so long as the traditionally submissive monsters can be dominant too.

>> No.15035218

No fuck off

>> No.15035219

>implying they even have the balls to acknowledge the Hellhounds nature as a turboswitch
They're a lost cause.

>> No.15035222

Or they could be fully submissive if that's what the anon wants.

Sure, it's dumb but whatever. As long as people don't throw a hissy fit whenever the opposite and what you described happens.

>> No.15035224

Can we change the subject please.

>> No.15035227

I'm one of the guys arguing against sub hounds but I totally acknowledge they're fine with laying back and getting jackhammered like there's no tomorrow.

Switch and sub aren't the same thing though and they lean more towards the dom side of the equation since they always get the upper hand in the end.

>> No.15035233
File: 105 KB, 427x301, 1424129358063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Dom-vs-sub shitposting is a force of nature. Hunker down and get comfy with the waifu.

>> No.15035234

Or they could accept there's one girl out of +200 they can't turn into a complete sub.

>> No.15035236

Or they could have a submissive Hellhound.

>> No.15035237

>my thing that goes against the canon is ok but you can't have your thing
That's stupid
But that was my point. Sub Hellhounds is a really dumb idea but if people want it then so be it, but if that's accepted then people shouldn't bitch about dom Holsts or Kikimoras.
Basically, people should be able to do what they want.

>> No.15035240

This is incredibly disturbing.

>> No.15035241

I'm starting to think you're >>15031442

>> No.15035244

>dom Holsts or Kikimoras
I've already enjoyed the idea of a dom Kiki, but a dom Holst?
I-in leather?

>> No.15035245

>people should be able to do what they want
What could go wrong?

>> No.15035247

>but if that's accepted then people shouldn't bitch about dom Holsts or Kikimoras.
The hilarious part is that both are canon.
If you stave a Holst of sex she goes on a crazy all night rape marathon and Kikimoras sexually devour men they see as weak pushovers.

Both right there in plain writing in the profiles but apparently it's forbidden.

>> No.15035250

>That's stupid
Do you know what's even more stupid? Dom kikimoras.

>> No.15035257

He probably is. No one other than shitposter guy is this obsessed with forcing sub hellhounds. The guy just has this insane hatred of any girl on the dominant side and wants to destroy their reputation on the thread for reasons that I assume to be his own massive insecurities.

>> No.15035260

>and Kikimoras sexually devour men they see as weak pushovers
Until they make you a proper master. Say it everything.

>> No.15035264

2 days late I know, but a Hellhounds milk would be pretty tasty.

>> No.15035266

I wonder how much until he gets banned again.

>> No.15035268

Wave some red in front of the Holst and see what happens.

>> No.15035278

No idea, I was hoping he was gone for good after the last long break from his insecure and autismal rants.

>> No.15035279

> In leather
You can rape me, but only if you wear the skin of your mother while you do it

>> No.15035288

We've already had a dom Holst, there's a picture of one going mad from not being fucked in months and there was a writefag story a while back where one forced a guy to drink from her tits.

>> No.15035290

I wouldn't say they're THAT weak. I mean they're not Warp Gods from Warhammer 40k tier by any stretch, but in the context of the setting it's impressive. Poseidon is in charge of the entire ocean and can casually cause tidal waves remember. It's just that the current Demon Lord can keep increasing her demonic powers through sex with her OP plz nerf gary stu husband who is totally not KC's self insert.

>> No.15035294

That's not enough for me. I'm going to go imagine Hakutaku-sensei's S&M lessons now.

>> No.15035298

>who is totally not KC's self insert
It isn't though. His waifu's a Baphomet.

>> No.15035302


Interpreting it devoutly based on such rigid interpretation of the language may be not the best of ideas, since it's a translation from a foreign language in the first place.

I'm in favour of sub hellhounds too, and I don't even like hellhounds. For me it's more an issue of, "funpolice telling people that their ideal waifu isn't allowed." Particularly when KC himself has said on multiple occasions stuff profiles are just generalizations and not literal rule of law.

I don't know why some folks believe that what KC has said on multiple occasions is somehow override by a single translator's choice of words in a single profile instance. KC's made it clear that short of hugbox breakers (death, NTR), that anything goes in KC-Land.

>> No.15035303

Oops meant to reply to >>15035158

>> No.15035308
File: 451 KB, 609x706, Hope Rides Alone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you man enough to cross the wasteland?

>> No.15035310

He's shown some restraint recently, but give him time and he'll probably explode into another furious campaign against Amazons, Hellhounds and dom monsters in general while he pretends to be an oppressed victim starting some form of thread revolution.

>> No.15035321
File: 697 KB, 1280x1817, 1442029579850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massive Milky Arachne Titties

>> No.15035322

If you guys don't want to get dommed by monsters don't be weak faggots. WORK HARDER NOT SMARTER.

>> No.15035326

i don't get it.

>> No.15035329

Thing is, you're being reasonable about it. I've no issue with that because you're not being obnoxious or pointlessly aggressive about it and I think other anons would agree. The other guy likes to bring it up out of nowhere and starts hurling around insults and does the "I do what I want! Wanna fight about it!?" The moment he shows up. No one would care if he wasn't such a cunt about it.

>> No.15035332

If an Arachne with a huge rack came up to me, my mouth would be busy, if you get what I'm saying.

>> No.15035337

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, the Alp club is 2 blocks down

>> No.15035341

Uncle Alp's is a nice place.

>> No.15035343

Would the Universe end if Gachimuchi and MGE had a crossover?

>> No.15035346

Arachnes pull of the tittymonster thing better than any other creepy crawly monstergirl, which is why they're bet suited for lactation stuff.

>> No.15035347
File: 730 KB, 640x800, yomi dominatrix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no S Queens of the docile monstergirls

>> No.15035362

best suited*

>> No.15035364

Oh man. That'd be swell.

>> No.15035366

How so? I don't necessarily associate spiders with tits.

>> No.15035377

Fearboners and posture. Also seeing something scary like an Arachne showing a maternal side because of >lactation

>> No.15035381
File: 241 KB, 710x770, 1457603626370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their posture works well with big boobs.

>> No.15035388

Yes, clearly he is attempting to provoke a response and stir stuff. But on the other hand, his statements aren't that bad. He usually just says something along the lines of,

>I want a subwoofer hellhound!

Basically he says (most of the time) he wants to make a single hellhound sub, not state that all hellhounds are subs or anything of the sort. But then the reactionaries come in and try pushing the whole,

>No subwoofers are allowed, ever (or at least are never achievable, requiring godhood to create).

That's where things start to get rather bad, when one anon tells another anon his personal waifu isn't allowed. Particularly when they try to use misinterpreted translations as global canon. That's why it turns into a shitstorm: because they push their interpretation from "just your own waifu" to "everyone else's waifu"

>> No.15035394

I hope the guy who started this sub/dom battle is proud.

>> No.15035400

>But on the other hand, his statements aren't that bad
He's learning. By being reasonable he made the others look bad.

Or maybe I'm just paranoid, I don't know.

>> No.15035403

I want a hellhound who doubles as an amplifier.
I'd then learn to play guitar and bring my waifu to orgasm with my sick riffs.

>> No.15035405

Her posture is the same as cancer and soldier beetle and some others. It's not particularly good at it. Actually, the MGE arachne doesn't have the human legpalps.

Bipeds with thoraxes like mantis/bee/hornet/moth/etc. do it better.

>> No.15035408

Well, the last few posts have been pretty civil discussion instead of the prior, "Uh huh!" "Nuh-uh!"

So in that sense that's something /mgt/ can be proud of.

>> No.15035409

>the MGE arachne doesn't have the human legpalps
KC needs to update his arachne.

>> No.15035410

>That's where things start to get rather bad, when one anon tells another anon his personal waifu isn't allowed.
You forget that our friend likes to do that too, and he'll do it regardless if people react to his need to make the doms into subs.
But yeah, you have good points.

>> No.15035414

>Actually, the MGE arachne doesn't have the human legpalps.
Is that a problem?

>> No.15035418

Nah, they're a dumb design. Proper pedipalps look better.


>> No.15035420

No leglocking

>> No.15035421

>implying it's just one guy talking about sub hellhounds

>> No.15035422

>Seeing something scary showing a maternal side
Yes. This is a favorite of mine.

>> No.15035427

I hate spiders, but Arachnes make me want to fill them up with spider babies.

>> No.15035428

Nah they look alright as they are >>15035321.
You got a soldier beetle for that.

>> No.15035431
File: 205 KB, 816x1356, 1459717871919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason that this image is relevant on most image boards throughout 4chan. Reactionary inertia to something unwanted tends to boil over to the point it becomes far worse than whatever prompted the reaction in the first place.

>> No.15035436
File: 130 KB, 446x600, Arachne1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking about the profile pic.

>> No.15035440

They can already do that without the shitty legipalps.

>> No.15035442

It's honestly not a problem, just so long as you aren't an aggressive ass about it. Your tastes are you own, fair enough.

>> No.15035444
File: 304 KB, 700x649, 1424911439417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The post he linked to was updated art, so the MGE Arachnes profile art is kinda outdated.

>> No.15035445

So why do we only have problems when he starts.

>> No.15035449

This anon explained it pretty well >>15035388

>> No.15035451

Remember that Ushis are best for palplocking with their soft, fuzzy pedipalps. I bet you could even use them as a pillow!

>> No.15035452

Same situation as the slimes and a couple others. He's done updated art, but not released new profiles with that art.

>> No.15035454

Yeah but the updated one isn't the profile pic.

>> No.15035456

Name a single monster girl that isn't some cum slurping slut.

>> No.15035458

My waifu.

>> No.15035459

My waifu

>> No.15035461

KC should really post more monster girls doing cute monster girl things with other monster girls.

>> No.15035462

That image sums up these threads MOST of the time. For example, no one can deny that threadcanon and memes happen on these threads all the time regardless of your feelings on them.

>> No.15035463

The ones you have to beat in combat before they put out.

>> No.15035465

Not you're waifu, that's for sure.

>> No.15035466

Any girl that isn't your waifu.

>> No.15035470

Those are the bigger sluts of all.

>> No.15035473

It's official art drawn by KC, just like the original Arachne design.

>> No.15035474

this >>15035463
lizardman/ salamander/ Jinko the best

>> No.15035481

You're missing the point.

>> No.15035482

The difference between the picture and what happens here is usually someone does start it. It doesn't come out of nowhere most time.

This place is a tinderbox but it doesn't spontaneously combust.

>> No.15035487

It's still an updated design, so it doesn't matter if it isn't a profile pic.

>> No.15035488

Because he doesn't just try and talk about sub hellhounds, he essentially starts poking all the anons around him with this whole
>what you you gonna do about it?
attitude, shitting on anyone talking about dom monsters at the same time, and then claiming he's being victimized and boogeymanned for being told to fuck off for it.
He either genuinely has these feelings and opinions in which case he has serious mental issues and deep insecurities, or more likely he's just a troll with a very limited amount of material.

>> No.15035489

Having to prove yourself in battle is the purest way to go.

>> No.15035501
File: 2.79 MB, 350x263, 1396727746815.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15035505

Yeah, that's right fucker.

>> No.15035506

Guys it's only Wednesday, you're a few days early.

>> No.15035507

By canon? Vampires. They (almost never) rape men, they take their blood instead, and don't start with the lewd until getting a husband.

>> No.15035517

>He either genuinely has these feelings and opinions in which case he has serious mental issues and deep insecurities, or more likely he's just a troll with a very limited amount of material.
I'm pretty sure I know who he is and I'm not going to name him because I don't want to create another boogieman but if it is who I think it is, he's also a fan of futa/yuri and definitely has mental issues.

>> No.15035537

But it can't be Bob because he likes dom monsters, just read half his stuff.

>> No.15035555

If it was Bob I would have named him because he's already a boogieman.

>> No.15035564

How can you be sure who this person is?

>> No.15035573

Whoever it is they deserve to be shat on for all the problems they've caused here. Who is it?

>> No.15035636
File: 449 KB, 1280x1837, 001 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true: Does brown make everything better?

>> No.15035641


>> No.15035645


>> No.15035646


>> No.15035647
File: 365 KB, 1536x2048, 80b07e75430b36eafdd48acd12077224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, why do you ask?

>> No.15035650

Brown cannot make brown better, as it is already brown.

>> No.15035663
File: 711 KB, 849x1200, 46242951_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15035666

If she were pale, she'd be worse. The logic still stands.

>> No.15035667

As someone with a pale skin fetish, no.

>> No.15035670

>Phanaxial got 2/13 requests done fast
>can't see his streams on my phone
The suspense is killing me

>> No.15035671

>tfw you have both a brown and a pale fetish
Extremes are the best, same with muscles and healthy girls

>> No.15035675

man of taste.

>> No.15035682

I want to cum on a lonely Hellhound's ashy, obsidian abs and then have her get mad at me.

>> No.15035686

You mah nigga.

>> No.15035690

Anon are you me?

>> No.15035694

I want to get drunk at the apartment of a lonely CC monstergirl, only to vomit on her face and fall asleep when she tries to take the opportunity to lose her virginity.

>> No.15035699

>Raging hellfire bursts out of the corner of here eyes
>Her upper lips make way to reveal her sharp canines
>She makes a thunderous growling noise
>You start to fear for your life when she starts talking

>> No.15035710

Good man. I prefer pretty much any skin colour to regular white for monster girls.

Pale, brown, blue, green, purple, dark black, red. Monsters should look different from your bog standard anime girl.

>> No.15035713

Honestly as long as they have skin I don't care about the color.

>> No.15035718

>as long as they have skin I don't care about the color.


>> No.15035719
File: 269 KB, 500x666, 1446897312066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15035721

Ahhhh there it is

>> No.15035725

We've all heard of the hatefuck, but is she about to hate husbando' this anon?

>> No.15035726

Skinless freaks a shit.


>> No.15035727

That's abomination discrimination, these poor girls endure enough already, don't add to their misery

>> No.15035729


>> No.15035733
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, 1421570172165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discriminating against skeletons and ghosts
You wouldn't the softest ghost?

>> No.15035737

Girls need skin, its just a fact.
Don't abominations have skin though?
She has skin, its right there, of course I would her.

>> No.15035742
File: 87 KB, 500x367, smWxgst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15035743

With our waifufag discussion from earlier, I can't believe I totally managed to mention you.

>> No.15035744
File: 265 KB, 1147x2160, 1457979319453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girls need skin, its just a fact.

>> No.15035745

>>Magitech Golem
>>made by future tech
My bet is it's made by past tech.

>> No.15035747

I totally forgot to mention you*
Whoops, can't into grammar today.

>> No.15035749

>it's made by past tech.

Like the ones in Final Fantasy Tactics or El Hazard

>> No.15035750

Dead people are not animals you fucking racist.

>> No.15035761

I don't waifu her though. I love the undead, but Lich is my waifu in general.

>> No.15035762

>All this Skeleton love

We need the equivalent of Wight for Skeletons, Grim Reapers perhaps?

That way you can waifu a weak, poor Skeleton and heal her until she becomes a glorious undead overlord

>Don't abominations have skin though?
Some of them don't, like all the fleshy ones

>> No.15035765

Even better, clockwork fuck machine.
Sotha Sil himself would be proud.

>> No.15035766
File: 186 KB, 800x800, 062e98dde647954d96a83f3da1c906a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, please.

>> No.15035771

10/10 taste.

How do you feel about a Lich with Yuuko levels of softness?

>> No.15035776

Same an be said of Wights seeing as how they never rape men but let men come to them with their charms. And once one man is charmed in that manner I'm wiling to bet a Wight wouldn't just let him go.

>> No.15035781
File: 384 KB, 869x1199, 1456732558161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naturally, this would be awesome.

>> No.15035815


That is an image that brings peace to a troubled mind. Thank you.

>> No.15035823

Yeah, liches are calming creatures.

>> No.15035824

>You'll never go deep ruin roaming with some of the best magitech to protect and sustain yourself around
>You'll never delve deep for months through a subterranean city until you slip to your death through a fissure in the earth
>Your last living sights as you fall through the earth will never be a vast and yanwing chasm with a forgotten city nestled in the middle, still alight with magic crystals a purity of which you'd never seen before.
>Floating structures and winking way-gates as figures pass through them
>A mixing swarm as they tend to the fallen city.
>Your mind's last boon before you dash yourself on the blasted bedrock below, the sight of this grand city burnt into your memory and soul
>You'll never fall near one of the city's outpostings, close enough not to make out the individual figures that are responsible for the flickering of the waygates
>Beautiful women, formal and composed with glowing eyes
>You'll never lock gazes with the one at the uppermost watch tower, her burning green eyes studying you impassionately
>A scant few meters from the "ground", her figure will never blur for an instant before it vanishes, and appears behind you, catching you effortlessly, magitech thrusters blasting at the ground to fight against the force of your fall, eventually stabilizing to an easy levitation.
>She'll never float you to the center of the town, the magical buzz of her components emitting a soft if somewhat alluring hum.
>Girls similar to her will never appear from the town, some of the more millitant ones holding long hollow wands, the likes of which you'd never seen before, others dressed as maids, vendors.
>A particularly regal one will never exit from the building in the center of the outskirts village and study your face, her own a blank mask
>She'll never tilt her head, queries floating around her, "Master?"

>> No.15035832

Sorry bub. I hate random floating tech. Breaks the old school mech limb stuff.

>> No.15035836


>> No.15035842

Eh. For KC to mention it being tech not currently existing in his setting, it can only be atlantean in nature. You won't get your clockwork robots from him.

>> No.15035939

A shame, but then all those gears would make me fear for my dick.

>> No.15035951

That's the best kind of fearboner.

>> No.15035960
File: 261 KB, 650x741, ca373f4305a054ece30700a8efccd96a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought KC meant the more sterotypical "robo-knife-ears", since that's the most frequent robo-girl trope in anime/VNs/whatever.

>> No.15035961

I wouldn't necessarily think so. He could totally make them based on warforged or shield golems or gargants.

>> No.15035967
File: 74 KB, 700x856, 1445839258626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love that pose

>> No.15035973

Anon, that's not an MG.

You can tell because true MG lap pillows involve the guy facing the other way.

>> No.15035984
File: 166 KB, 400x400, 1443207983862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bartender Satyros with sexhair
>Often used as the rebound girl who gets freaky under the sheets with you when you're feeling down
>You're both cooling off from the latest wrestling match, she'd put your waist in a vice-grip with those shaggy legs of hers
>Start stuttering out "I Lo--" before she stops you
"I know you do. Besides, I wouldn't sleep with you if I didn't feel the same way."
>Your heart's pounding in your chest as she stops you from kissing her
"But you've still got a thing or two to learn about women, cherry boy."
>That's funny coming from a Christmas Cake, you tell her
>She just gives you that same sultry smile she often shows only you and ruffles your hair with a hand
"Wanna keep me company a little longer?"
>You totally do. All night. Long.

>> No.15035991
File: 269 KB, 1562x1120, 02fff227c60e73dcc390b94438f78d2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is

>> No.15035995

I hate when you're right anon.

>> No.15035997

I need pictures:

Pictures of hellhounds with ponytails

Pictures of hellhounds with braids

>> No.15035999



>> No.15036002

Pictures of hellhounds with braided ponytails?

>> No.15036010

>Red Cap
>(Wears red cap)

>> No.15036011

I love cowtits

>> No.15036013

>Both of these

Yes please

And a shortstack Hellhound w/ twintails as well

>> No.15036016

>lap pillow determines if it's an MG or not
Anon, did you steal from my cat's stash again?

>> No.15036018
File: 493 KB, 693x960, NoPanOptionalButHighlyRecommended.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon, that's still the wrong way for an MG lap pillow! A proper MG lap pillow has you facing this direction. Also, usually involves no panties.

[Spoiler]Inb4 yuri, couldn't find any with a guy in the two minutes I looked.[/spoiler]

>> No.15036025
File: 123 KB, 724x1024, Arachne Fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a lovely specimen.
Now you see the light. Milky Arachne are olev.

>> No.15036036

I like breathing thank you very much cheshires would probably do that

>> No.15036037

>yuri and boatsluts
Anon, you would have been better off not wasting a picture at all.

>> No.15036040

>Hellhounds with braids
>Dresses as a catholic schoolgirl and acts innocent
>It's just a ruse to fool men who don't know any better
I wish I stole something from your cat's stash.

>> No.15036042

Yeah I know, but did you know about the alternate version?

>> No.15036044

Double paizuri seems really appealing right now.

>> No.15036049

Best way to spoiler is to press Ctrl+S, in case you didn't know.

And it's fine. Nobody's going to get up in arms about it.

>> No.15036054

>It's not ruse and she's actually pure till she rapes you on your wedding night

>> No.15036067

Hope Atago doesn't spend too much time around her, she might turn into a Holst herself.

Actually I take that back, she should spend plenty of time around her.

>> No.15036074

>lap pillow and spats

Just as good as going without panties.

>> No.15036075

I want to fuck aliums

>> No.15036083

Really all that would change would be she'd get some horns, some fur, and a tail.

>> No.15036099

Remember, When in the forest
Distract the insect monsters with fruit. and use scent disguisers for everything else.

>> No.15036100


>> No.15036103

Oh right those too.

>> No.15036109

Your waifu
She doesn't slurp, she gulps

>> No.15036110

What happens if I head pat them and massage their antennae, what happens then and how does it work on different insect girls?

>> No.15036112

Rape is bad

>> No.15036115

>Milky Arachne are olev.
All Arachne are olev, the scarier the better; the more fear they can inspire, the greater the care they end up showing in attempt to alleviate said fear.

>> No.15036121
File: 30 KB, 886x504, 1456196158969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So you don't forget.

>> No.15036122

It's genuine. He's too persistent and his butthurt is too strong for it to be otherwise.

>> No.15036123


>> No.15036125

But those two look the same?

>> No.15036131

What can brown do for you?

>> No.15036133

what about the mountains?
and I'm not talking snow I'm talking that full rocky shit
what about the monsters there

>> No.15036135

Indeed, I'm the kind of dude who prefers it when a girl ask me o a date, as it more genuine and tells me she'm more likely to want an actual relationship. I want a monster girl to come up to me and ask me out on a date, seeing the flustered look on her face because she's not use to face to face communication.

>> No.15036138
File: 655 KB, 800x800, 1449022121694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hellhound wearing glasses and a hair braid being the purest girlfriend, fiancé, and then bride
>You were scared shitless at first, her mother standing at the altar and dwarfing her very (thankfully) human dad, all three of her heads grinning and smiling at you
>But then you saw your bride, all dressed in that white gown with the lipstick and without her glasses for the first time
>It's like a fire in your skin when you kiss your lovely wife and retire for the evening
>That's when the carnage begins, you'd heard the stories of men who'd refused to have sex with their Hellhounds before the wedding night
>She'd closed the door, her breathing becoming increasingly ragged
>The poor thing looked like she was about to burst out of her wedding dress, and that's when it literally burst into flames
>Her entire front side was white-hot, like metal in the forge, a flame dancing in her mouth as she told you that she was going to have you
>You'd joked about it sounding like she was acting like you were some kind of steak
>That's when you found yourself thrown onto the bed, your wife following soon after
>You still remember the thick, heady smell of her musk as she parted the lips of her most intimate place, shining like a portal to Hell
>When you next woke up, you were pinned to the ceiling of the room, your bride defying gravity and grinding the excitingly hot, soft flesh of her pussy onto your shaft
>You only vaguely remember what happened next but you recall the hotel waiving the repair fees for singed furniture and walls, claw gauges out of the plaster and chairs, extraordinary amounts of sexual fluids, and sounding like the gates of Hell had been opened because of 'Newlyweds being newlyweds'
>She still has a ring around the back of her neck from where she said you bit her and never let go as you fucked her like a beast laying claim to her
>Every time you mention it to your six daughters, she flushes furiously at her own 'springtime of youth'

>> No.15036140


>> No.15036141

Unicorn please

>> No.15036143

You know this image is used in jest, right?
The example of the monstergirl on the right is showing the worst, laziest way to design a monstergirl.

>> No.15036147

wasn't there a variant for furry?

>> No.15036148

Yeah, it's not perfect. It probably needs a closed circle ended at the top of the head, too, to include the animal ears parts.

>> No.15036154
File: 113 KB, 786x1100, 8e0f7398a74014b4b5241f9f527383f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that vanilla girls need love too.

>> No.15036157

I want a hellhound to bite me

>> No.15036159

Define 'vanilla'

Because I've had this succubus worrying about me for some reason.

>> No.15036160

sounds pointy and bleedy

>> No.15036161

Yeah I'm not a big fan either. I prefer the girls that pursue me to be romantic and respectful.

>> No.15036163
File: 1.37 MB, 2560x1024, Two Scoops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like vanilla and chocolate.

>> No.15036166

I want to punish them for being so stacked.

>> No.15036168

Look Like a poor dude that cant defend himself so the lizard women wont take interest.
then make yourself look poor to poor so the dragons don't care (NOT A GARUNTEED SOLUTION)

>> No.15036169

Elves, catgirls, dog girls, etc. The cosplay tier ones.

>> No.15036173
File: 803 KB, 1000x1375, 11a643d06542dbd2a443d4fdde8f9fee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this shindig.

>> No.15036176

>ruining her wedding dress
But we were supposed to pass that on to our firstborn daughter.

>> No.15036178

That's exactly what they want though.

>> No.15036182

>Hellhound delinquent that wears a windbreaker over her uniform, going against school policy, and wears her hair in a sidetail

>> No.15036183

>>When you next woke up, you were pinned to the ceiling of the room, your bride defying gravity and grinding the excitingly hot, soft flesh of her pussy onto your shaft

I'm not sure quite how, but yes please.

>> No.15036199

They do need love, personally I like a lot of the "Vanilla" monster girls as their already cute with out having to have gimmicks or crazy abilities, as I tend to like a more humble and friendly monster girl. Plus "Vanilla" monster girls are incredibly flexible in that you an do with them, as they can have varied character and personalities along with looks. I'll gladly date a cute mermaid or succubus so long as they treat me well, are there any out their looking for a guy to love and share their passions with?

>> No.15036204

Probably by digging her claws into the ceiling, pinning you there with her chest, and just wiggled her hips.

>> No.15036207

I need a wife that you listen to me whine about trivial shit like the price of Pringles cans

>> No.15036208

I don't think a monstergirl with a fish body counts as vanilla.

But yeah I'd love to date a mermaid as well

>> No.15036217

mermaids are vanilla in MGE when compared to the merrow and sea bishop
granted merrow isn't that special but still

>> No.15036221

Vulture harpy when

>> No.15036225

I don't understand /jp/
are threads made so infrequently that you guys can just chill on page 10 for hours? what's the image limit?

>> No.15036224

>Hellhound bites your lower lip during a kiss
>You bite her clavicle in return
>She throws you on top of the bed
>You lunge up and wrap your hands around her neck before biting her nipple rubbing your face in her collar ruff
>She responds with dry humping you, trying to force you back down
>Exert all of your strength to topple her, start grinding against her with your erection still in your trousers
>She bites YOUR clavicle, lunging up and forcing you back onto your back
>Smooshes her pussy into your face and unzips your trousers
>Gets ultra aggressive when 69'ing you, trying to assert dominance
>Her mouth feels so good but you want to take the pace back
>Thrust into her mouth and let loose, taking her by surprise, throw her off of you onto the bed
>She's letting out joking "Kyaa~s" as she sees DEMON KING ANON at full attention
>Force her ass into the air as you hold her head down, the smell of her arousal is thick in the air
>You have to resist all urges to bury your face into her lips before you end up pressing in
>Thrust in hard and fast to the hilt, tease her a bit by pulling out and only thrusting in the tip
>She gets angry and starts pounding her juicy haunches onto you, nearly fucking you off the bed
>You can see heart pupils in her eyes as she shows you the scarred back of her neck
>Bite down and start thrusting harder than before, she's moaning and bucking with you until you're both twitching
>End up sitting on the bed, she straddles you and bounces on you in Seated Lotus, the entire time she's either kissing you or biting your nose, clavicle, and lips playfully
>Grip her ass when you feel yourself sending more seed into her, her orgasmic howl nearly bestial
>She bites you hard enough on the shoulder to draw blood, but you never take it out as you pump her full of a litter of daughters
>You're grinning when she's laying on her side, facing away from you
"You're pretty cute when you wawnt to be submissive~"

>> No.15036227

New here?

>> No.15036233


>> No.15036234

Too saggy. Not saying I want balloon tits, but this is fantasy, damnit. They need to be perkier than that. She takes that dress off and those things will be down to her belly button.

>> No.15036235

Still you know what I mean, Mermaids of all kinds are love regardless and are one of my favorites. I just want a mermaid of some kind to ask me out on a date by singing me a heartfelt love song and then sharing a lovely dinner with her as we get to know each other more.

>> No.15036236

Image limit is 300

>> No.15036239

Turnover rate is a little more then two days give or take.

>> No.15036251

>are threads made so infrequently that you guys can just chill on page 10 for hours?
Yeah, it's not awful though.
>what's the image limit?
301, though I wish they increased it to accommodate the bump limit with it now being 310 and all.

>> No.15036257

But how else how are they suppose to let you know that they like you.

>> No.15036265


>> No.15036266

It's only the shitters that waste images early in who begin to bitch when we're at page 10 for a day and they can't post their ebin reaction images.

>> No.15036274

I want to make some smart, respectable, well-to-do teen MG pregnant! I wanna make them a teen mom! But I want to take responsibility too!

>> No.15036276


I'm a game dev, so recently went over to the /d/ games creation thread to talk shop. They just don't give a fuck over there; as soon as they hit the image limit, it was like, "welp, time for a new thread!" even if they were still on page 3 or earlier.

I was kind of jelly.

>> No.15036278

>It's only the shitters that waste images early in who begin to bitch when we're at page 10
Agreed. I also don't understand why faggots feel the need to blow images before we reach the bump limit.

>> No.15036280

I like you

>> No.15036283

I don't think we should model ourselves after /d/.

>> No.15036284

They can form words and sentences right, it's called asking me out or if their shy send me a letter/message about how they feel. Plus by coming up to me to ask me out it gives me a higher chance that she want to date for more than just being a dispenser for spirit energy and that you like me fr things like my personality or such. Is it hard for them to ask me out because their scared to look me in the face or communicate their true intentions to me due to the fear of being laughed at?

>> No.15036309

Spamming our threads would be in incredibly poor form.

>> No.15036314


I'd agree if the board rules were applied equally, but the 2hu's get away with fucking 20 concurrent threads, and we can't even re-make a thread at the image limit.

>> No.15036318

>you will never fight a Sandworm while https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVNcmGjNW6c plays

Hurts to live.

>> No.15036322

I see
If you really wanted to share a picture with everyone there's always puush or linking a source

>> No.15036323

Hell no nigga, they will gangbang poor and tired guys in the street.

>> No.15036327

Yeah and this is their board, also there's a thing called imgur.

>> No.15036340

Our general politeness with the thread creation is one of the few positive traits we have as a whole. Lets not remove that.

>> No.15036344

>Climb her as you fight.
>"H-Hey stop! That tickles!"
>Finally reach the sandworm's mouth.
>It opens up, leaving her exposed.
>Lean in and kissu her on the cheek.
>You leap off as she thrashes around in embarrassment.

Colossus defeated.

>> No.15036349

You could always bump the threads in front of us
or make a new /jp/ related thread to bump off auto sageing threads in front of us

>> No.15036353

>Yeah and this is their board
Eat shit.

>> No.15036355

Tough shit then.

Then again, there's no real benefit to spamming our threads anyways.

>> No.15036371

This is bad how

>> No.15036378

>Doing smart things
Na senpai

>> No.15036381

And then...


>> No.15036384

I was thinking more along the lines of a Shadow of Collosus battle mixed with some Tremor's styled action/horror that ends with a Balista atop a rock as you bait her out with your body for the perfect shot.

>> No.15036391

>Sappy high school MG romance
>She has to hide it from her parents
>They come from old money and would never approve of a commoner defiling her
>Fuck her parents, she happily lets you defile her. Repeatedly.
>One day, she comes to you distraught
>Seems like one of your romps actually stuck and she's now pregnant
>Shit, no way to hide this . Best to just get it over with
>Her parents are furious, completely disown her
>She comes to live with you
>Her parents miss graduation and don't come to the wedding
>They even miss out on their granddaughter's birth
>Things are far from perfect, but you two are happy together
>You're busting your ass at two jobs to make ends meet, and she's taking online classes at home with the baby
>One of your rare nights when you get to be home with her, you're cuddling on the couch
>The baby's asleep, and you get to have a few precious moments with her
>Then her phone buzzes
>It's her mom
>They haven't said a word to her since kicking her out
>She asks how you all are doing
>She also asks if she can see the baby
>Send her a quick picture of your girl in her crib
>There's a long wait
>'She's beautiful.'
>She asks about your situation, how you're getting by
>'My. He's quite a dedicated father, isn't he?'
>'The best I could ask for.'
>There's another long pause
>'You really do love him, don't you?'
>'...With my entire heart.'
>'I feel awful about all of this, sweetie. I know that we've been horrible and can never make up for what we've done, but I want to try and make this right.'
>We think about our reply for a bit
>'Just be the grandmother that my little girl will always love.'

>> No.15036392

Like it or leave it man.

>> No.15036407

The only /d/ thread this place has in common is the formerly /tg/ smut thread/erotic fiction thread and even then they laugh at this place and its proclivity to chasing off OC (Though a good bit is for the better)

>> No.15036417

Why does this MG's family sound 100% human and 3dpd? What MG would feel anything but joy at their daughteru finding a man to love andh aving a granddaughter?

>> No.15036424

I've seen how they react to other writers too. they give some damn good feedback.

>> No.15036446

Depends on what the head cannon of the guy writing it wants and what he believes, also he did kind of just have sex with her without their permission.

>> No.15036449

>A group of Shark Girls will never destroy your sandcastle and bully your dick at a public beach.

>> No.15036452

Yes, but alot of the writers on there don't really have the same strict code that we do and will pretty much write anything under the sun that may or may not include squick. They're basically TFT without the bottom-of-the-barrel composing most of their writers but at the same time...

There's one fuck who requested a /u/ style story about fucking BOTFLY REMOVAL. Go and STAY GO.

>> No.15036453

Actual feedback? I'd like that. Lately we've had anons complaining that our writers are all garbage and never improve, but without feedback how can we?

>> No.15036456

Why would they disown her? Is "you" supposed to be a nigger or something?

>> No.15036458

Yeah, like legitimate constructive criticism. I was jelly.

>> No.15036472

Thy do know that if they want a cute guy like me to like them back, the'll have to be nice. Also, this sounds like their all compensating for something, are they really bullies or are they just bad talking about how they truly feel.

>> No.15036479

They'd laugh at my tiny penis!?

>> No.15036482

Big strong Orca-san will save me from these bullies!

>> No.15036483

Will they at least take me apart to some place more private? Wll they take responsibility?

>> No.15036484

If /wst/ dislikes this thread, we're doing something right. /tg/'s smut threads were full of faggots with shit tier fetishes and probably almost all of them would be shouted out from here.

>> No.15036488

>implying orcas aren't just bigger bullies

>> No.15036489

Of course they dislike this place, we wouldn't allow their shit fetishes.

>> No.15036499

Yeah, she'd probably toss you a bottle of oil and tell you massage her tail, or she'd threaten to pound you.

Trade one bully for another.

>> No.15036512

You get constructive criticism here as long as you actually put some effort in, ask for it and don't blow it off when you get it.

>> No.15036518

>You get constructive criticism here as long as you actually put some effort in, ask for it and don't blow it off when you get it.
Prove it.

>> No.15036527

What if you are tired and want to get home to watch you favorite show, but instead you get raped by 10 vulture harpies who are smelly and dirty.

>> No.15036530

I do it all the time, as long as the premise interests me. And I've seen at least a couple other people do it too.

>> No.15036535

You're missing the worst part of them. It's sure not the smell. It's that they're all bald.

>> No.15036537

>Selkie tries to save you from Orca bully
>Orca girl suplexes the Selkie, using her tail as a counter-balance to launch herself into the air and elbow drop her
>Drags the poor hapless thing to the water where her Orca imoutos are waiting, giggling
>Throws the seal-girl to the pod of her sisters and tells them to bring the pain for interfering with her business
"I need an adult."
>Orca girl smiles, almost like a shark smile, it is
>One big, black and white hand grabbing your groin as she flops on top of you
"I am an adult. And you've got to keep rubbing me down with oil."

>> No.15036545


>> No.15036550

Vulture harpies and nice and beautiful girls, I don't know what are you two talking about.

The other day I found a group of them in my way to home, and then I saw them next day in front of my house and they greeted me, and told me were going to meet again very soon!

>> No.15036572

I guess I should try harder. Or not just write dumb shit.

>> No.15036608

Dear Hunter

>> No.15036673

Dumb shit can fun fun sometimes though. I'm tempted to write a short about a Manticore that sticks close to the profile even though my wiring would probably be on the same level as those bashed for their grammar and dialogue.

>> No.15036674

Too prepubescent. Where is my gothic ara ara doll?

>> No.15036677

Wurms are alright, but I like it when my snek or snek-like waifu has brains.

>> No.15036679

Not him but I see it all the time, Anon. And occasionally you get someone who just asks because they want attention and then has a meltdown as soon as somebody actually gives feedback, like what happened a few days ago.

>> No.15036682

They're monstergirls, Anon. The baldness translated to them all having naturally hairless undercarriages.

>> No.15036684

>Halloween rolls around
>Work is having a costume party
>You and your Living Armor waifu decide to go as Polnareff and Silver Chariot
>No one knows you you are
>One guy calls out "Hey, King of Fighters!"
>The Succubus from HR dressed up like a slutty nun wins best contest and gets tickets for a Caribbean cruise as the prize
>Die a little inside

>> No.15036689

With those knockers?

>> No.15036692

I choose Vulpes Inculta goblin.

>> No.15036701

>The Succubus from HR dressed up like a slutty nun wins best contest and gets tickets for a Caribbean cruise as the prize
I'd imagine that she was just a Dark Priest all along.

>> No.15036706

They aren't that big.

>> No.15036707

Even in a monster girl universe the normies ruin everything.

>> No.15036718

Far too big to be prepubescent at least

>> No.15036730

Eh maybe. But I was also alluding to the obnoxious pink, the flowers and the frills, not just her tits. But also her tits.

>> No.15036736

>That passive-aggressive post
>Feedback related
I wonder who's behind this post

>> No.15036745

Unless a vampire and her husband go as Dia and the World.

>> No.15036757

Yeah, Historianon really showed himself off as a dick for that. It was legitimate criticism of an overpowered character being used in a serious setting, but he just had to get sarcastic and snarky over the whole thing.

>> No.15036762

I wasn't being passive aggressive I was asking him to prove it, like link a post with constructive feedback or something. Though, I realize now that I've been busy lately and often come back to this thread with like, 400 posts up and simply ignore it all and to go the bottom, so there's a good chance I've missed the criticism you guys are talking about.

>> No.15036768


Oh yes.

>> No.15036783

Kejourou are the best.

>> No.15036788

Oh yes indeed. That Kejourou is rocking that cheongsam.

>> No.15036803

Is that Kuroonehalf's art? Looks great either way.

>> No.15036808

Would look more interesting if her hair was doing something, I think. Otherwise she's a normal pretty human for all intents and purposes.

>> No.15036812


Yeah. This is the first sketch he sent me

>> No.15036816

Why is it all the mediocre/shit tier writers like Bob and his schlock get all passive-aggressive or snarky with legitimate critiquing?

>> No.15036818


Her hair is holding that fan open. I couldn't think of what else to have it doing.

>> No.15036823

>See her
>Everyone turns to look at you like you're crazy
>She retorts
>Everyone turns to look at her like she's crazy
>She and her husband turn out to be nice people
>Your kids play together now
>Her daughter keeps trying to wear yours

>> No.15036827

I see it now.

>> No.15036851

Historianon isn't bad, he just has an ego problem and doesn't listen to criticisms about the setting.

You know who did start to improve though? Beast. The guy might not be Shakespeare but he made acknowledged his shortcomings and tried to do something about them even though he got harsh criticism. We need more guys like that, where'd he go anyway?

>> No.15036856

I want a Living Armor based off of Silver Chariot Requiem.

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