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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14996739 No.14996739 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread:>>14978264

Aigis Event: General of a Ruined Land

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Flower Knight Girl


Sengoku Providence

>> No.14996773


>> No.14997002

Aigis is my wife.

>> No.14997003

How's everyone doing on the subjugation mission? I'm finding it pretty easy to burst down the troll elder now.

>> No.14997014

But you can't afford her anon.

>> No.14997022

What subjugation mission? I've never heard of those.

>> No.14997026
File: 234 KB, 404x1116, golden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found that the presents chest is a great place to store gold fairies. I've been keeping them in there for months now.

They are probably all dead.

>> No.14997037

the event that ends in April on DMM Aigis
kill a bazillion goblins/wolves/trolls and get rewards

>> No.14997127

It's dragons, wolves, and trolls, actually. And that beast tamer girl.

>> No.14997184
File: 173 KB, 1067x710, ayyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>New content
>>>>every week
>DEEP storyline

>> No.14997213

Storyline is relatively
so that is the only thing they got right and the gameplay.

>> No.14997233

I wonder what the person who made that at Nutaku felt as they worked.

Was it a feeling of shame or schaedenfreude?

>> No.14997288

>New content every week

So the breaks after every event were new content after all, silly me I should've known.

>> No.14997334

New content is "premium gacha chance up changed".

>> No.14997354

Looks like kamipro might be delayed its 11 am already I doubt it will be today.

>> No.14997416

I think they are going to release it at midday JPT.

and it's no surprise if they delay once more

>> No.14997481 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 537x277, ss+(2016-03-29+at+07.44.38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do these do?

>> No.14997517
File: 17 KB, 670x80, 雑談6:神姫PROJECT Rのコミュニティ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14997596

Seems like toshin toshi was full of abusable bugs, some people got shitton of dupe gacha tickets for free. People are demanding complete reset of game.

>> No.14997819
File: 899 KB, 960x639, YAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i rolled my stones to get a good stamp card next month and because saving up for Tuesday was too hard... pic related.

Is Liana any good despite her increased cost from not having her event?

>> No.14997827

She's the only unit in game who can heal paralysis.

>> No.14997831

You beat the game now quit and come to JP aigis and roll aisha again.

>> No.14997852

Magical Witch Stories open beta launched today,

Seems bugged not less than Toshin Toshi or KamiPro tho, today is not good day for launches.

>> No.14997913 [DELETED] 

>The media has basically reported everything as it happened, full with my name and info
What the fuck? I thought that wasn't allowed until you got a guilty verdict.

>> No.14998047

Nanaly buffs when

>> No.14998131

So, KamiPro starts with heroine being gang-raped by random ruffians. What.

>> No.14998142
File: 157 KB, 421x290, Event special team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because we only play en version don't mean we have shit taste
but then again i only play OI
wonder how gacha rates are in DMM OI

they just reverted several edits
>Hametena now flat chested loli
>several other chars now getting improved or reverted
im guessing yall never bothered with Nutaku versions or got too used to DMM to even bother

and this coming from a pure f2p player
kind of sad really

>> No.14998158

Osawari is so hideously p2w that the JP version slowly fell apart after it lost its whales despite being a fairly fun game to play. It's good to see that Nutaku is responding to the calls for no censorship but I still wouldn't play it even if every edit was reverted.

Also, "some censorships got reverted so the game's good now" is like saying "there's only half an ounce of shit in my plate so the food's good now".

>> No.14998171

version number have been going up after most break weeks but it does not show in game

>> No.14998177


>> No.14998193

Here are Nutaku's duties:

1. Censor shit
2. Anger original developers because of it
3. Hear a ton of complaints from the players because of it
4. Bitch about how they don't develop the game and the original developers are to blame

>> No.14998197

Maybe if our complaints actually got to Dev Tea, we wouldn't bitch to them so much about it, even if this is mostly Dev Tea's fault.

>> No.14998212

kind of true its p2w but its still chance based
i'd call it real p2w if you could buy overpowered mons directly and have like a whole team of SLs despite being only level 1
there's also the prices of doing so. Golden saucer costs like $100 per roll, way worse than gambling if you ask me, but its their money, whoever spends loses out ...or has a chance to win out or cri in sorrow

then there was the melting snow packs (Ichigo xmas ver 70% chance only on $100 pack) and the current golden week packs (Maid Asou 70 % chance but only $100 pack) so maybe the pay2win factor is a problem but that is one hell of an expensive pay for the capability to win...

..but isn't that kind of like the point of all the premium content? money for the publishers?

Then there's all the salty tears rolling round as some people paying hundreds of dollars never got what they wanted (and had to choose either bankrupt or give up) while f2p folks got them with R ticket rolls and some boosters even.

like i give a care, i virtually spend nothing and get stuff people spend lots for.

>> No.14998214

Kamipro down till 16. 300 extra crystals so yay?

>> No.14998218

Man, they were making kamipro so long but still couldn't find any decent writer? Text there feels like coming from kindergartener.

>> No.14998224

Well, the problem is that it's both p2w and competitive. You can easily get to top 500 if you pay, while non-whales must either fight for the bottom spots or are just plain hardwalled. I don't know where EN Osawari is right now but on JP they introduced 700k EP girls or something that can flat out not be obtained through natural stamina recovery even if you run the maps 24/7, and that was more or less the beginning of the slow descent towards service closure.

You can pay to get broken units in games like Aigis and FKG too, but they don't give you an unfair advantage over other players because there are no rankings, and there's pretty much no content in both games that can't be tackled with lower-tier units anyway (Furfur notwithstanding, but he's entirely optional).

I couldn't join before the maintenance, so nay.

>> No.14998246

You didnt miss much if you couldnt read the intro desu. I won't stress it if I were you.

>> No.14998262

That sex scene pic is way to lewd even for me, where's my censorship?
>detailed hentai scenes
I don't know if you made it or if is real from somewhere but this pic is freaking gold and i'm saving it.

>> No.14998280
File: 803 KB, 949x2052, gacha_20150430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current event.

>> No.14998295

Whow, nutaku hired someone competent to shill.

>> No.14998300

>they just reverted several edits
Oh really?
>Checking Goma
>still butchered

Game is still shit, i see.

>> No.14998323

Call me when they fixed Goma, then i can try it again.

>> No.14998489

uh oh still not up. Extension for kamipro?

>> No.14998502


◆ メンテナンス予定時間
  3月30日 14:40 ~ 16:30(目処)

>> No.14998512

Wasn't the one time dev tea listened was to the people complaining about the constant events and to have breaks after every event

Seriously of all the complaints to listen to

>> No.14998545

Oh it got released already.

And here I was hoping that even if it looks generic, it's Alicesoft! Nothing possibly could go wr..oh wait.

>> No.14998568

Its not AliceSoft, its AS IP but developed by ImageEpoch (which went bankrupt before TT release).

>> No.14998588

Well. There aren't many dungeon crawling party rpgs with more than 'attack/hp' stats out there(Hitsuji and Lovely Labyrinth are kill, Dragon Princess is kinda shallow) so I'm still hoping the game turns out to be fine and devs aren't shit.

>> No.14998638
File: 231 KB, 1104x470, Shooting Girl 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding that, it was more of a combination of factors, mostly stemming from how the game is played (the auto-battle part).
Essentially, the winning team is a team of 4-6 Assault Rifles with normal Snipers if you didn't grab all Assault Rifles. Most people grab a team of 5 Assault Rifles + one additional weapon that they put out far to the back of the formation, purely for the sake of leveling that particular weapon.

Assault Rifles have the third best range in the game and strong attack. Their accuracy doesn't suffer much at all between the extreme ends of their range.
Snipers you'd use if you want the additional range (literally 1 tile more than Assault Rifles) and the higher crit chance, but they suffer from accuracy penalties shooting that far. However, though they are fourth fastest in the game, they are able to move and shoot, making them also the worst weapon to come up against (damn you, 6-sniper teams on huge maps in the story).

There's not much of a reason to use any other weapon. Material Snipers can one-shot crit a lot of things, but coupled with the fact that they're almost as 'slow' as Shotguns and need to also spend a turn to 'set up' before firing (which due to the AI they're happy to move if their target gets out or range, so need to set up again), they're not reliable at best of times. Really, their only shining spotlight is their ridiculous crit rate as just like normal Snipers, they actually have accuracy penalties to shooting out to their extreme range as well (7 tiles out).

Handguns are supposed to be like a nimble, dodge machine but this only works out if the combat was more like Kancolle where you didn't have to get into range. Most of the time getting into range is what gets Handguns gunned down by crits or Assault Rifles, as their Evade value isn't high enough to give them a good dodge rate against Assault Rifles.

Shotguns are supposed to be slow but strong close-range tanks, but they suffer from the same problem as handguns - they too need to get into melee range to do anything and their defence values isn't high enough to avoid getting one-shot by a good Assault Rifle.

SMGs are supposed to be the balance between Handguns and Shotguns in terms of Evasion vs Defence with a bit more range, seeing as they're literally a tier below Assault Rifles there's no reason not to just use an Assault Rifle instead.

In summary, unless Nutaku does something different or DMM themselves had already changed how Shooting Girl played, due to the concept of no cover to hide behind and dumb AI with autocombat, Assault Rifles + Sniper teams or just pure Assault Rifle teams are the way to go for any serious progression. You will personally find this to be the case as well in certain fights where the enemy are literally Assault Rifle + Sniper teams, or pure Sniper teams. You'll find that the daily PVP teams you fight will mostly if not all be that sort of team as well.

'tis a pity as it is. I used a Material Sniper and this crazy shotgun nun anyway for my team, but the chances of winning against any Assault Rifle teams were ridiculously slim to the point where I have trouble doing the 'win PVP matches' mission.

>> No.14998672

That sounds like a serious core issue which could be balanced out but for some reasons devs decided not to bother.

>> No.14998700

>Psyco nun with shotgun

My body is ready.

>> No.14998705
File: 435 KB, 559x1108, bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who should I focus on? I have one more Happy and honestly I'm pretty lost as to what should I do with my team

>> No.14998718
File: 868 KB, 958x629, 神姫PROJECT R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only game keeps throwing errors all the time, turns out SSR unit I got is monster instead kamihime, so its just giving some buff and being able to be summoned once in forever. I remember getting several SR kamihime units, would've kept them if they explained in advance that monsters are useless.

>> No.14998724

And gacha is absolute shit too, even premium gacha is combined for weapons/hime/genjuu, with no option to summon hime only.

>> No.14998727

What was your SSR? I got Yamata no Orochi.

>> No.14998734

Hmm, okay, I'm dumb. Seems like you cannot summon rare+ himes at all, you "release" them from same rarity weapons.
The worst one, oroboros.

>> No.14998739

>you "release" them from same rarity weapons.
Now this sounds like something I have been playing.

>> No.14998745

Well that sounds just like things are in Granblue. Considering how much battle interface and even font are almost the same I'm not surprised.

>> No.14998750
File: 185 KB, 918x558, Shooting Girl 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these issues would be slightly less severe if you could manually take charge of the battle. The way the game decides which targets to go for is based on the 'strategy' you set for each of your girls in that formation - by default it's usually 'shoot anything' (which makes them pick any target out of the enemy team), but there are more specific ones such as 'move to the north (or south)' or target certain weapon types based on their range classification (Handgun & Shotguns are Close Range, SMGs and Assault Rifles are Medium Range and Snipers and Material Snipers are Long Range). Can also set them to 'escort' (hug around) certain weapon types on your team. Some of these more 'advanced' AIs require you to sacrifice girls into the love gym (upgrade) for a chance to get them (there are 'strategy girls' alongside 'exp girls' that make this more likely), or just level up.

This is where the problem lies, however. If you have the strategy set up wrongly (or is just plain unlucky), the AI may decide to go after that enemy on the far back of the enemy formation, while ignoring the more obvious enemies to the front. If you set up the wrong strategies, they may not fire at all and become moving targets. The basic 'move north or south' strategies I don't actually see do much, because there is no cover and most of the time they don't swing back around to the enemy and just keep running off to the edge of the map (Unless I was using them wrong).

On the side-note regarding story-related enemies, their Shotguns and Handguns actually work like how the devs intended them to - their Handguns have some pretty good dodge rates and if lucky can kill anything they get into melee range with, and their Shotguns have a ton of HP or Defence (or a combination of both) and can take a serious beating before going down.

Note that because cash ('gold') is used in ridiculous quantities to upgrade facilities but the missions and fights don't give you a lot of the stuff, upgrading is really expensive in comparison. You 'passively' generate cash using an Accounting Building but you have to click on the building itself to get said cash, and they have a limit on how much cash they can hold at a time. But you'll never generate enough cash off daily missions to pay for the cost of doing the 'upgrade girls' daily missions, not even close to it. You're far off better selling excess weapons as you'll always be strapped for cash. It was only manageable for a while in DMM because they literally gave everyone 1mil or more, because of that very issue. Maybe they've made things cheaper or raised the amount of cash you can actually get now.

Pic attached is the Material Sniper I used because she's the real team leader of the team that can sometimes get me a win when a loss looks extremely likely off a lucky crit chain.

>> No.14998761

>pre register bonus is a bait
>1500 crystals can barely roll 1 set of 10 not that is any different from yolo rolling.

Literaly market failure in both game and gacha.

>> No.14998777 [DELETED] 

Anyone else having trouble connecting to Nutaku right now? Can't go to either site.

>> No.14998792
File: 52 KB, 700x90, TELL ME YOUR SECRETS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you?

Works fine for me

>> No.14998798

Man, this is first time I play DMM game and cannot understand anything at all.
So I got bunch of high-rarity weapons from various gacha, but I still don't see how to turn them into hime or how to get hime directly, and stuck with 2 starting ones, and all other slots empty.

>> No.14998800

Some weapons are some arent. Quit the game while you are ahead they fucked up by copying all the good and bad part of this genre.

>> No.14998813
File: 688 KB, 625x746, granf227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still getting stuck with errors and long loading times but my guess after reading the comments the game probably has the same 'stat pool' system with weapons and summons as GBF?

>> No.14998815
File: 51 KB, 248x223, オンラインゲーム一覧 - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They couldn't even fix logo before release, still bears old game name.

>> No.14998826
File: 230 KB, 843x599, O2859065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally a GBF clone, down to the weapon/summon pool system, or the combat with the same monster summon, ougi/burst charge, chain bonus and all that flare.
Could have been better if they didn't also copied the shitty gacha system from that game.

>> No.14998852

>Could have been better if they didn't also copied the shitty gacha system from that game.
Well as a person who played GBF for more than a year I can't call it shitty for a number of reasons. Let me tell you guys why.
I understand that most of the people here are used to systems where the game has ONLY characters and other parts like equipment are obtainable other ways.

First of all you have to look at it this way: Characters are the 'main' of the three resources you have in the game. Unlike other browser games - once you get a character you don't need to get it twice or roll other things from gacha to 'power it up'. A single character can go on its own and develop skills and max level by using evolve materials. Also I don't know about Kamipro but Granblue has no character limit. Basically you can get all the characters without the need of 'expanding' the roster. And you also can't get rid of them for that same reason.

But characters alone won't give you much because their own attack, def, hp and other parameters no matter how much leveled up are not enough to keep the party running. You need a stat bulk - which is weapon and summon pools, where the most stats come from.

Basically: SSR character can be worse than R character if it has no sufficient stat pool to back it up.

>> No.14998854

Huh, where did you roll 10 for 1500?
It requires 3000 crystals to roll 10 for me.

>> No.14998868

I'm playing right now.
It's just dumb down GB clone with long ass loading and ugly UI. The arts are hit or miss depend on your taste

>> No.14998869

Not taking into account the game system and balance, which GBF isn't really a stellar example anyway, the gacha system in GBF is heavily fucked up by having everything in the same gacha pool, which screws up the gacha result by a huge margin. They are only bearable because cygame throws shit load of free stuff for people to roll, and now that they have removed all the charless SSR weapons from the pool after all the gacha scandal shit.
Now take all of that and place it into a DMM game which we don't know how generous it is when it comes to gacha roll for free players, it can become a extremely turn off for new players who doesn't want to spend money on the game yet.

>> No.14998870

>barely rolls
I think I implied I couldnt?

>> No.14998884
File: 242 KB, 955x635, kamipro3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems our semen is a magical conductor which is needed to form a contract with a girl in this setting.

>> No.14999036

sounds legit

>> No.14999094

any info when the game is gonna be up again?

>> No.14999111

◆ メンテナンス予定時間
3月30日 18:15 ~ 20:00(目処)

>> No.14999114

thanks my furendo

>> No.14999345

> この増設対応を行っても依然として不具合が解決しない場合、大変申し訳ありませんが、アクセス制限の実装を検討しております。
They are fucking insane.

>> No.14999350

What game, what issue, and what kind of restriction?

>> No.14999354
File: 292 KB, 950x594, kamipro5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I thought 'Well we don't seem to have a playable protag so there are no jobs to change" lol nope.

Basically instead of changing jobs we change and unlock 'main characters' who use different weapons, skills, passive master bonuses and are essentially the same as jobs from Granblue. BUT! They all have different voices and personalities.

I'm pretty confused how you could just blatanly copy ALL OF THE FEATURES of the one game while maintaining a decent original quality. I mean animations are still good, it's all voiced, designs are somehow generic but still better than your average generic in my opinion. But it's basically Granblue Fantasy with sex and female-only cast and without Minaba's designs.

I can't say I'm hyped about all of this but I'm certainly looking forward to see how the devs are going to do events and such.

Well, Shingeki no Bahamut(and other 'big' card mobages) had thousands of blatant gameplay look-alikes and some of them are still alive and well.

>> No.14999359

KamiPro. They didn't say what kind of access restriction they are planning to do, but most likely they will limit number of players or something like that.

>> No.14999370
File: 845 KB, 933x611, 神姫PROJECT R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14999374


>> No.14999386

Can't even pass the first mission due to the horrible load time, guess I will wait until they can fix their server bullshit.
And copying the gacha system isn't a smartest ideal either, they are going to shoot themselves in the foot unless they throw out free roll for players like no tomorrow.

>> No.14999395

This stupid nun just won't CR. Still stuck on 13 cost

>> No.14999404

Damn it Fedora, you're only at 3/5, stop wasting these rainbow fairys, thats 4 so far.

>> No.14999426

So those extra character maps for third h-scene in aigis, is there any reason to 3-star them? I 2-starred the Themis map and got the h-scene. Any rewards for 3 stars?

>> No.14999449

you get sc for it and you get a fairy that I don't know what it does.

>> No.14999451

Second heroine got NTRed in chapter 2 of KamiPro. Its like they intentionally trying to make worst sociage ever.

>> No.14999455

You mean the best

>> No.14999459

Maybe they want to invoke your inner feelings to save the heroines who got raped by faceless men? Or get them through gacha.

Also I must say that Kamipro so far has the best animated H-scenes I've seen on DMM.

>> No.14999464

>by faceless men
They had faces.

>> No.14999486 [SPOILER] 
File: 140 KB, 523x420, 1459344115467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multiple dicks on the preview

>> No.14999508

That killed my mood pretty fast indeed.

>> No.14999514

Personally I don't mind semen demons getting gangbanged if she's enjoying it.

>> No.14999518

Good for you then.
I'm a simple man.

>> No.14999521

what game?

>> No.14999522

What an incentive to open your whale wallet, not even keeping her for yourself.

>> No.14999544

So, would you recommend adult version or non-adult version of FGK?

>> No.14999549

3 SC and a CR Fairy.

>> No.14999552

R-18 if you don't want to bother with VPN or cookie thing.

>> No.14999553

In one you get to see the sex scene, in the other you don't. There's a skip button anyway, so you might as well go for the adult version.

>> No.14999564

I was talking about the Nutaku version, when it comes out.

>> No.14999570

Tried to roll for aisha and got mikoto instead. Is she worth building a team around?

>> No.14999601

Mikoto will replace any mage or witch you have easily, she'll outdamage Odette and cost far less with a stronger than witches slow effect.

Then she has a 5 second timestop ability which can be used to give you time to heal, dps or just plain stall. The tokens are nice for stalling too, occasionly they'll kill something thats low on health.

>> No.14999607

Both versions should share same account data unless Nutaku fucks it up somehow, so it isn't really matter since everything else is the same aside from the H scenes.

>> No.14999609

>Is she worth building a team around?
You don't really build a team around her, she helps build the teams.

She's essentially a stronger, cheaper silver mage with three iron berserker tier blockers. She has slightly lower damage but attacks roughly twice as fast, has an aoe slow on damage, and can stop all movement and attacks for 5 seconds.

She can fill a ton of roles on your team which will allow you to go for less utility and more powerhouses.

>> No.14999615

Did Ultra unlock after doing the hard sheet on Kanpani? Hadn't even realized until now.

>> No.14999626

Good to know. I was wondering if flat-chested characters were going to get censored.

>> No.14999636

what does harlem that they mention in DP ad on nutaku site mean?

>> No.14999639

Am I only one who cannot login at DMM18+?
It just keeps redirecting me back to login form w/out any error. Tried deleting cache&cookies, nothing helps.

>> No.14999644

I saw that and I too wondered if it was intentional or not.

Ultra means business. Ouch.

>> No.14999645

Same here. I saw anon had the same problem in the last thread and also cleared everything but stuck just like you.

>> No.14999650

Same, both all-age and 18+.

>> No.14999651

from what I can understand site is overloaded

>> No.14999652

made a new account on dmm.com, but it gives me this error: ただいまアクセスが集中しております。 しばらくお待ちください。

Does it mean i just have to wait a while? Or does the r18 site need a second acc?

>> No.14999655

Ahh I see, I was thinking more along the lines of stacking summoner(s)/mages/canoneers would be pretty solid.

>> No.14999662

DMM servers are dying. Just wait for now.

>> No.14999677

You could probably make that work too, she slows things down enough that with plenty of aoe you wouldn't need any melee for anything but fast enemys and bosses.

>> No.14999694

>Or does the r18 site need a second acc?
Not counting the current overload:

No. You can switch around the sites with the same account.

>> No.14999706

How have you guys fared with that Ann spamming current heal for 1,05k and beefy Monique plus happy crits from the others of 600+ dmg to my best soldier?

I'm going to have to spam CEO skills and hope I don't get this enemy round again...

>> No.14999794

Who's better for Awakening, Katie or Aria?

>> No.14999836

I'm also struggling with that
Overall, I think KT is the better soldier because I often find Aria dying to black goblin rushes, and I can't always back her with a healer
However, 2% more def sounds weak as fuck, while giving everyone 2% more atk is more or less nice

>> No.14999839

Aria for ease of cost reducing and ATK>DEF.

>> No.14999843

Katie for global passive in my opinion.

>> No.14999855

More attack sounds nice too, yes.

The problem with choosing Aria now is that I still have her at max cost and I'm not sure when will there be another Anya revival. I currently have a 12C KT and a 13C Aria, both capable of AW.

>> No.14999884

In that case just go with whoever you fancy more. Who knows? Maybe you'll roll Altair, Jerome or Zenobia in the future.

>> No.14999889

Dmm still dead?

>> No.14999896

I managed to get in.

>> No.14999902

That's what you get when you machine translate "Harem"...happens a lot in VNs.

>> No.14999907

The best rolls I have so far is just Litsis, Flamel and maybe Totono.

>> No.14999912

dmm is not dead anymore. Don't know moonspeak but ill try out kamipro anyway...

>> No.14999933


Too bad Hitsuji is also shit.

>> No.14999948

On the plus side it will clear a decent amount of space in the OP.

>> No.14999952

If you have played GBF before you probably will understand 90% of the game mechanic.

>> No.14999961

>Moving beyond the first months of the year, our ambitions are growing larger. We’ll save that for the next blog post!

And the next blog post is,

>> No.14999963

Is incredible how Hitsuji on Nutaku is still alive, being a broken pile of shit and all.
Most of the Nutaku players really love bad supported games eh.

>> No.14999979

Why did they even launch the game with half of the gacha girls missing again?

>> No.14999986

It's okay, Nutaku license X-overd in a few months and then everyone will finally be free from Hitsuji Chronicle.

>> No.14999998

Eve was too good for that game. I will always remember her.

>> No.15000003

Only for DMM to start its preregistration for Hitsuji Chronicle 2: Sheep Harder

You question the decree of the great and mighty Nutaku?

How dare you! Our staff will mutilate 20 more lolis for this grave sin.

>> No.15000012

My dick will certainly remember her.

>> No.15000018

So have anyone tried out Toshin Toshi here yet?

>> No.15000029

Playing tutorial right now.

>> No.15000046

To be honest, TT just seems like the wrong Alicesoft franchise to make into an online game.

It should've been Galzoo.

>> No.15000072
File: 801 KB, 898x602, Cardina is a good girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eve and Cardina best girls.
Well all dark element girls are good girls, devs never fixed Soma, ridicolous.

>> No.15000084

>It should've been Galzoo.

I'd play it.


>> No.15000161

Played it for a bit, more or less same system as hitsuji/xoverd.

>> No.15000167

Kamipro is more like Kamierror for me. I just want my crystals but it keeps happening...

>> No.15000200

I guess we should give it a day or two until they fix the overload. The same happens with almost every more or less popular game release anyway.

>> No.15000203
File: 927 KB, 895x595, is the order a monster girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the Gochiusa game nobody wanted.

>> No.15000210

Oh looking good there mmmhmmmhmm

>> No.15000293

So, Toshin Toshi is player-vs-player ranking game, AND you steal and rape other player's partner if you win or your partner is raped (with scene) if you lose.
Basically, its Taimanin Asagi Arena on steroids.

>> No.15000303

well, that was how they were as normal games

but it wasn't online. and uh, this seems p2w just from reading this.

>> No.15000305

Eh, that sucks. I don't really like pvp in these kind of games at all.

>> No.15000310

Not only its p2w as fuck, but there's no such thing as stamina, you can grind dungeons just as much as you want, so its both p2w and no-life.

>> No.15000314

Sounds about right for an Alicesoft game.

Though, by partner you do mean the actual partner and not the monster girls, right? Because my care for the very suspicious gold digger is currently negative.

>> No.15000319

Partners and monster girls are different things. Partners don't fight, they are just buff units and bet for match.

>> No.15000321

so people who are into NTR can enjoy the game despite having a shit team?

>> No.15000326

Basically a game for NTR lovers, right?

>> No.15000333

Yeah, that's why I was asking.

Can't trust a girl who is constantly holding a bag of gold.

>> No.15000346

I won first battle and not yet reached player vs player stage, so dunno what exactly happens when you lose. "NTR scene" is what game said when explaining tournament fights.

>> No.15000355

That's a "nope" for me

>> No.15000375

The clueless protagonist of Toushin Toshi left his girlfriend to go earn money from the tournament. Considering the kind of game this seems to be, I can already guess what she's doing while he's away.

Together with what I've heard of Kamipro, I'm guessing it's NTR week in Japan.

>> No.15000393
File: 185 KB, 946x588, kamipro9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy.

Is pvp a mandatory part of the game?

>> No.15000403

Daniela deserves a lot of cocks

>> No.15000407
File: 981 KB, 931x626, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (97).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did they upgrade enemy art?
Gargolyes now look cool as fuck.

>> No.15000426

Are assassins good on Kanpani? are they like ronins that depends on good equipment to be useful?

>> No.15000453

>for ntr lover
For most of those games release they are prob not gonna last long especially kamipro. That gacha man.

>> No.15000461

Sadly, yes, they need good equipment and high level to not getting 2 hit from mobs if you use them as front line fighters.
Otherwise they can spam poison when used as back line unit, which is required to cheese a few quests.

>> No.15000481

Where or how I can get a weapon with poison? I ask this since I choose lesly in the event since I don't have many assassins and wanted to see if I can get use to one of them.

>> No.15000488

Not sure about that. Look at top 20 DMM games, there are far more worse than these ones.

>> No.15000493

Even the first basic weapon can get the poison skill, spam it until you get the +3 with Shadow Snake Punch skill.

>> No.15000496
File: 193 KB, 900x643, 47089170_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever dagger +2 will get Poison snake, there some weapons that can get it before that or some evn more rare that don't get poidon at all.
Just get Lab or anything and take it at +2 and you are good to go.

>> No.15000500

only time will tell.

>> No.15000503

>All those awakened units

For a player with just 2 months of playing, this looks like heaven.

>> No.15000510

淫妖蟲 禁, tentacle/gang-rape NTR game, is still clinging to 10-15 place despite no gameplay and very fetishy scenes.

>> No.15000512

Nice numbers.

>> No.15000513

thanks senpais.

>> No.15000515

Funny enough Nutaku is in the same state right now, i have still to awaken a single unit on DMM and i've already awakened 3 on Nutaku.
All these breaks have pretty much broken the game.

>> No.15000527
File: 352 KB, 966x645, kamipro10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope we'll be able to get this girl in the event. Muh drills.
Judging by the massive thing at her top she's probably a summon.

>> No.15000544

These subjugation quests are so boring.

>> No.15000548

atleast explain why? They are really for SP summon and fairies desu.

>> No.15000551

All the SSR girls from prereg were summons right?
Seems like gacha is the only source for SSR characters, while events will just shit out SR characters and SSR summon like GBF.

>> No.15000557

Yes. They literally took all the shit aspect of GBF.

>> No.15000563

They're just long and boring and I always feel the pressure.

>> No.15000575

DESU even I dont really want to do it not because its boring but the reward. It's so late-game aside from the fairy queen and the 1 plat can. No real reason to do it unless you really need all those fairies...

>> No.15000579


But they get interesting if you are just one thing away from 500. Like I can get to 494, but there's just one minor thing missing.

>> No.15000583

>Seems like gacha is the only source for SSR characters, while events will just shit out SR characters and SSR summon like GBF.
You know I'm sick of games which make SR-tier character non-usable at all. GBF made them pretty viable at any stage until you replace them with a corresponding type SSR. SSRs are stronger, but not ridiculously stronger to the point of carrying the whole party alone.

Let's just hope they'll come up with a user-friendly approach with their first event.

>> No.15000596

Maintenance chuu。

>> No.15000621

This patch, this new subjugation map is to show off the new wolf art, those are the same wolves.

>> No.15000679

It really depends on the devs, I hope they are competent enough to turn this game into something else, and not just a GBF clone with porn for some quick cash grab.

>> No.15000711

people ddos'ed dmm because someone put in 100k jpy into kamihime just to find out the game is actually about NTR and gang rape?

>> No.15000729

The first girl showed up in the game got gang raped after a few dialogues, I think they should have known what they are paying for.

>> No.15000731

Are there many scenes like that? I might have to pick it up
The previews looked pretty vanilla

>> No.15000734

>the game is actually about NTR and gang rape?
There are plenty of vanilla MC+girl scenes though.

>> No.15000745

Well, one of the gangbang scene is from a SSR unit >>14999486, so you are probably off getting the CG rip, if it even shows up.

>> No.15000747

>ddosing for such minor issue
that guy is the epitome of humans.

>> No.15000761

nah that is just 2ch being 2ch

>> No.15000762

I once saw a guy sueing a developer because he(the guy) spent too much time playing the game, got addicted and it ruined some aspects of his 'normal' life.
Some people are strange like that.

>> No.15000782

If he somehow won that, then the world is strange like that.

>> No.15000924

So next months starts my SLegend stamp card. Who should I use reduce fairy on?

Noteable gold I own:
yuyu -1 cr
fuuka -2 cr have 3 more copies of her left

Melfina -1 cr
patora -1 cr


most obvious one is zenobia but opinions?

>> No.15000942

Katie unless you have a mincost Aria.


Towa I guess

>> No.15000949

oh I didnt mention katie because shes at 11 and that would be a waste on her at 25% chance.

>> No.15001104


They never stated why, so the usual guess would be "business demanded a specific release date, no matter the readiness". Putting aside the fact we're talking about kusoge -> kusoge, the thought behind giving players a transfer cushion is well meaning at least. Too bad they can't tell what's worthy.

>> No.15001174

Because they are bad developers, they never fixed the missing drops for the first and second area too.
Characters like Rita and Soma are still missing as far as i know.

>> No.15001199

>We're going to prolong maintenance till 5:30
>5:30 hits. Start the game.
>Roll the daily gacha
>Maintenance chuu

Why did they even bother to make those last 3 maintenances if it didn't fix the problem?

>> No.15001239

Tried the first G map, all went well until the bull, he was half hp and ended raping Shuka with her 370 def.I only have a Dahlia that would simply raise that number to 377 so I'm kinda screwed. I wish I had a third HA...

Who did you guys use to tank the bulls?

>> No.15001255

>not tanking all physical damage with anyone under skill awoken black iris buff


>> No.15001283

Quality Paint Skills by Nutaku to fix that "Harlem" ad. "Create your own Harlem" sounded fancy.

>> No.15001290

Damn, didn't meant to quote there.

>> No.15001291

I just tried it for the first time, failed for cost-related reasons (couldn't block blue oni in time)
It looks like in the videos if you have enough healers you can tank him with Shuka

>> No.15001303

Nutaku is getting its gentrification on.

>> No.15001334
File: 234 KB, 960x640, this is the moment, this is the time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's the proper way to end a two-month drought with no golds. I actually rolled the Blossom Hill nation gacha because I momentarily thought it was onee-san gacha, and panicked when I saw the rainbow flowerpot because I thought I'd just get a duplicate Hanamomo. Thank goodness it was Sakura.

Also, FKG needs to get popular enough that we get a yuri doujin between her and Ume.

>> No.15001388

Shuuka with Big Hero Prince and a witch on the minotaur barely lets her survive, though she had three healers (Chydis/Camilla/AW Iris) on her. Assuming you aren't level 192 yet, you could bring AW Katie instead (I was only using AW Aria).

>> No.15001389

it needs to get fkn released over here... How long are they gonna drag this out...

>> No.15001394

i wanna play kami so much that i am playing granblue right now to appease my needs

>> No.15001492


damage control is real.

>> No.15001517

She looks hot for a employee on a weeabo porn game site

>> No.15001556

QoV shut down when?

>> No.15001560

It's not like the community can really blame Nutaku, LoV got a boring and grindy gameplay and you have to grind a lot before unlocking these h-scenes if you don't want to ruin completely your cards.
LoV is still alive on DMM more because players there love the characters and also because they spent way to much to give it up now.
QoV is pretty much the same, all over again.

>> No.15001566

4 healers?

>> No.15001573

I went with Katie. I intend to do both eventually, but Katie being the defensive soldier means I drop her the most at the start of a map to hold things down on her own. She benefited the most from the extra levels in the short term, in my opinion.

This is my waifu. I fucking love Oili. I had no idea she even had fan art.

>> No.15001579

3. I lack a competent fourth. I think I'll try my luck tanking him with a high HP unit instead and see if it goes better.

>> No.15001590

LoV died because that's how it goes for these games. Release something, get quick cash from the hype, attract whales, milk whales until it's no longer profitable, close game and open another. DMM LoV has been doing this with a more devoted player base, so it hasn't died yet, but all in all Nutaku does not have to justify the fact that they decided to close the game. That's standard protocol.

But they have to acknowledge that LoV closed much sooner than it should because of Nutaku's horrid censorship, lack of attention and overall disrespect for their games and players. They should fix these while they're still bringing in the profit, or they will end up in dire straits in a couple years.

Which would be amusing, yes, but I'd rather see them get their shit together. I don't hate Nutaku, per se, just most of the things they do.

>> No.15001601 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 1208x799, Bernice superstar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bernice, she actually tanked 3 shadows and the main Bull.
On the second G have used 4 Healers, 3 just on Claudia to tank and kill the main Bull...

>> No.15001609
File: 123 KB, 1208x799, Bernice superstar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bernice, she actually tanked 3 shadows and the main Bull.
On the second G have used 4 Healers, 3 just on Claudia to tank and kill the main Bull...

>> No.15001620


Anna, Monique, Judita, Holly, Viola. Everyone with +3 CW. Cover the Rear strategy.

If I'm lucky, Ann goes down on turn 1 while targeting Hilde. But Ann still goes down eventually to AoE spam. Monique goes down with a few crits which happen often enough. It's Azamino and Loviisa who are threats. And yet... when my entire front line fell I watched my rear line tank everything just fine (because they didn't get focus-crit'd).

>> No.15001660

my Bernice couldn't take it, then again she's only level1(awakened)

>> No.15001672

I've rushed mine to lvl 50 AW just in case.

>> No.15001688

Three HAs definitely makes the difference
I used Bernice bottom left to catch 3 shadows, Leeanne far right to catch the rest, and Deine to block the Bull
no AW units yet

>> No.15001695
File: 184 KB, 804x900, 0297f5b858b53bf072ae0d9ff0a1961a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's not that many Kanpani fan arts, sadly.

>> No.15001716

There are not. I went to check and there's only one other Oili pic on Pixiv. It's in a set of four, all rogues and all R-18.

It has Pulum, though. Pulum is my second Kanpani waifu. Though she also only has two pics on all of Pixiv.

>> No.15001726
File: 129 KB, 452x636, best100yen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Toss 100 yen into FKG
> Omg flower pot keeps upgrading
> Pic related

My luck has been really weird these last few days.

>> No.15001737

>two rainbows in one day on DMM thread
Now I'm scared that Nutaku will ruin FKG to compensate for all that good luck.

Still, congrats.

>> No.15001845
File: 175 KB, 949x555, Ultra failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15001930

I've gotten two Rainbows in the same 10+1 roll before.

>> No.15002014
File: 6 KB, 292x55, 2016-03-31 091846-Kanpani Girls - Game _ Nutaku.com - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow your damage sucks

Im so lucky i got Judita from the facebook campaign and getting a +4 christmas bow, which has 266 atk

>> No.15002039

Anyone else on kami pro can't progress the last stage of the second chapter? I've tried with my alt too and i get the gomen message after finishing it, and I can't get back to the fight cause I get the same error again

>> No.15002073

Dumb bitch cannot even post in right thread.

>> No.15002173

Well, that's around 0.1% chance so it's pretty much out of the realm of mortals.

>> No.15002185

I've gotten 3 URs in one 10 roll in SIF before.

>> No.15002269

>got myself a mincosted Lumaria just 10 minutes before server maintenance


First time achieving this on drop-based events.

>> No.15002274

Alas, both Lumaria and Hana from the past event are -3CR 5/5 skill for me. But what I'm really looking forward to is the angel, I have some spare SCs for refills/buffs so hope I can -3/4CR her even if she's star trial/collection.

Might as well buy a lottery ticket at this point.

Out of curiosity, who were the rainbows?

>> No.15002289

You did better on Hana than I can though. I threw 3 copies on Hana and she's still -1 2/5. I do look forward to the angel as well.

>> No.15002299

Cattleya and Coral Bush. I also rolled Anemone later, all three of my Rainbows are from 0.50% gacha since I'm a free player.

>> No.15002307

Same, except it was 3 minutes before maintenance. I am definitely going to use her too. I just need to give her some diamonds.

>> No.15002328

>tsun oneesan
>doting oneesan
>cool oneesan
Now get Black Baccara, Mimosa and Mistletoe too and you'll have all the rainbows I want.

>> No.15002353
File: 176 KB, 460x340, 20160329_img01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if that ELMG game can be discussed over here?

>> No.15002378

Sure, but it's little more than a walking simulator and miraculously manages to be more boring than Kancolle.

The CGs are neat, though. But then you can just go look at a CG rip.

>> No.15002439
File: 378 KB, 530x353, detail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do agree that it's a rather "bad" game. It got better over almost half a year, but still bad. The few that played stayed for the characters, not the gameplay.

The good thing is that unlike Kancolle, all the girls have their 24-hour notifications voiced, including the Normal (shit) tier girls. That and they release new girls every 10 days.

Current event is Sharon the pan faun.

>> No.15002445

I'm actually hoping for Peach Blossom or Hare's Tail next.

>> No.15002744
File: 138 KB, 600x913, CdSzy6nUIAALFIV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste.

I like the older girls better, though. I still wish they could get Okumoto Yuuta to draw another girl somehow, either him or Goban.

>> No.15002830
File: 1.18 MB, 956x645, 神姫PROJECT R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolled 3000 stones, got 1 SR hime. Not that bad, I guess.

>> No.15003084

Is it despia or despara?

>> No.15003178


>> No.15003203

>That bunnytail dildo to the right

>> No.15003364
File: 175 KB, 960x540, jiang shi best MG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played for quite some time, i like it but...
Game is freaking boring and repetitive, there's nothing much to do.
you play more because of the characters and these CGs than anything else.
Such a shame, ELMG deserved something better.
Actually... i've probably lasted that much because of the Jiang Shi, she is freaking cute...

>> No.15003492
File: 350 KB, 963x157, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (98).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, dmm aigis gets special event in addition to current event and subjugation event even for april fools day.

>> No.15003513

In Gomenneproject why people say that Oroboros is bad? I just compared her passive to my Takemikazuchi's, Oroboros buffs 40% attack of darkness and lightning element characters, while Takemikazuchi covers 3 differen elements but the buff is 30%. Is it because of that?

>> No.15003534

No, because her personality is shit.
Also, I got no darkness attr himes so her buff is mostly useless.

>> No.15003541

>April Fools day on Nutaku will be..<
>"But we already got an event running!"
>star event
>basically ended in max 2 days

Geee i wonder what we are getting on Nutaku!

>> No.15003613

I wonder what FKG will get. Flower Knight Boy? Pests as cute girls? Aigis collaboration?

Cancellation of Nutaku deal and concurrent announcement for Chinese, Italian and Swahili versions, complete with local flowers?

>> No.15003647

>italian flower

Eh i may like a Violet.

>> No.15003687

I noticed that ごめんね error occurs more often(if not consistenly) if you lose focus of the game window or alt+tab somewhere else.

>> No.15003939

Another maintenance again.

>> No.15003948
File: 1.69 MB, 946x794, meido-san.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit that meido

>> No.15004007

I wanna spend all my crystals on her.

>> No.15004046

I know I will, once the month changes. I already spent 50 crystals during March
Also, what's the deal with mindbroken sickly-looking angels and jihadist goblins?

>> No.15004052
File: 177 KB, 960x640, funi~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in luck, FKG has no less than five violets in Sumire, Viola, Yellow Pansy, White Pansy and Purple Pansy.

>> No.15004072

>loli violet

She is speaking to my soul...

>> No.15004085
File: 138 KB, 558x335, aigisteam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I decided to mincost that angel, come hell or high water, and I'd like some advice on how to do it with my team. I think a second healer and a heavy is necessary, though I only have silvers on both counts, and buffs should go without saying. But what else?

The units I have are: Most silvers, Swordmaster Mitia, Witch Belinda, Hexer Eva, Hexer Levi, Princess Sukuha, Witch Chloris, Valkyrie Kerry, VH Vincent, Monk Gina, Pegasus Rider Stella, Samurai Chizuru, Cannoneer Meru, Druid Laurie, Ninja Kaname, Enchanter Riruke, Bandit Leaf.

>> No.15004098

no dice

>> No.15004101
File: 5 KB, 145x34, Connecting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15004126

Wait until japs make some video guides, then push your team in that direction
While you do need a HA, I'm not sure it'll come in handy this event.

>> No.15004153 [DELETED] 

Do we know if anyone from Nutaku browses here?

It's bizanon.

>> No.15004161 [DELETED] 

oh no my cover is blown

>> No.15004168

Why not? The first four maps weren't particularly hard, and once I buy the buffs I can probably 2* the goblin rush by letting the war boar go.

It all depends on the second week god maps, I guess. Do these tend to be much harder than the first?

>> No.15004217

Yes. Yes they do.

>> No.15004250
File: 430 KB, 1207x799, feelsgreat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally find the perfect sequence of events to get 500 kills
feels great man.

taught me to not ignore warpriests and bishops. Had none even CC'd before this so the limited ranged slots hit me real hard.

>> No.15004401

Is Magical Witch dead for good?
Or they put down the game until they fix for real these infinite loadings?
I couldn't try it a single minute...

>> No.15004467

Step-up gacha at FKG, 2 5* guaranteed units for 490 DMM points (=yen) total.

>> No.15004510
File: 728 KB, 780x528, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (51).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 silvers for 3 first steps, Poinsettia (new) and Snapdragon (dupe).
Nothing I wanted, but loli santa is not total waste, I guess.

>> No.15004566

So cute...

>> No.15004629

Does it have a time limit?

>> No.15004633


>> No.15004637

>Limited Step Up Gacha's run time is at unlimited duration.

>> No.15004642

Its "limited" in a sense that you can do it only once.

>> No.15004644

It's limited to one time only.


>> No.15004680

People say Angelic Saga is dying, but it's been popping up on Nutaku's top 5 lately, and then there's still people like these.


That's about $400-500 worth of rolls, if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.15004689

Neither were new, Cymbidium and Night Phlox. Well, at least Night Phlox has twice the number of equipment slots now!

>> No.15004695

Angelic Saga is dying but they still got whales playing it and that's what makes it stay alive.
Also devs are at least trying to fix it, well it's not like they have much to do, after all AS closed on DMM quite some time ago.

>> No.15004747
File: 151 KB, 954x592, Unbelievable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farming that goldbox was worth it! Rui 4*, Judita 5* and Bianca 3*. A shame they all came in at the same time.

>> No.15004756

>that one guy who keeps drawing NTR fanart of Anna
What's with white-haired mobage characters and NTR?

>> No.15004772

>those goblins jumping on the bridge borders
Thats both cute and terrifying
How do I tank that bomber boar? Can Anya do it?
Also, why is Charlotte helping the goblins?

>> No.15004775

Why would you want to be stolen from the Prince, anyway? He's a fucking prince, he's been rampaging through the monster ranks for the past few years, he has his own harem so it's not like he'll miss your presence, and the exposed crotch in his AW art isn't just for show. His only minus is that he isn't a cute princess but faceless rapists aren't either (but yuri NTR is entirely OK).

And besides, this is Secretary "I've been raping the Prince every night since he was six" Anna we're talking about. If you tried to rape that girl, she'd cut your dick off and present it along with 199 other rapist foreskins as an offering to the Prince.

>> No.15004786

What the flick happened to DMM? Am I the only one who was refused the login process?

>> No.15004787

What's problem? Dislike good arts?

>> No.15004792
File: 22 KB, 381x220, trio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is Secretary "I've been raping the Prince every night since he was six" Anna
Is this real life? Where was that revealed?

>> No.15004795

Works for me ATM, but there was login problem for 2 days at this time, probably same shit today.

>> No.15004799

If only Anna can stop hiding her power levels and start 2-shotting the liches instead of chopping off rapist dicks.

>> No.15004862

No can do, being an active part of the war effort prevents her from setting up cameras to watch the Prince in the war zone.

How do you expect her to fill the much-anticipated "the Prince's sleeping face is so cute when his AW skill finishes and he slumps down in exhaustion album #16" if she's also being sent to fight liches and such?

>> No.15004955

Haven't seen that one guy yet.

>> No.15004960


>> No.15004999

April Fool's event is about white empire.

>> No.15005009

Pretty shitty event if you ask me. Gives nothing at all.

>> No.15005021

>Charlotte loses control of her body twice

Man, she's giving the traitor a run for her money here.

>> No.15005027

goblin NTR doujins confirmed

>> No.15005039

It gave 1 SC.

Also, I like Emperor being new protagonist, he speaks and even jokes.

>> No.15005055

I somehow managed to fail the April fools event. Anyone have a video?

>> No.15005059

>failing a super ez map

>> No.15005063

Save all your aoe for flyers.

>> No.15005077

Okay, I never got Raven, does her skill have limited uses? She looked OP as fuck in this event

>> No.15005081

He has a face though. I can't self insert if he has a face.

>> No.15005090

Hint: The MvP is your swordmaster, she will do 98% of the entire map's damage.

>> No.15005095

The white emperor is cool as fuck, would get NTRd by/10

>> No.15005098

Lize at base point -> Raven to the right of Emperor -> Berdi down to Tactician, use Raven skill whenever you need to kill fliers. That's all to it.

>> No.15005125

>not NTRing the emperor into your harem so all his girls follow suit

>> No.15005130

Prince (female) x white emperor (female) with combined harems, please.

>> No.15005132

anon423 go back to your containment forum.

>> No.15005146
File: 153 KB, 533x477, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (100).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emperor confirmed as new protagonist.

>> No.15005156

translate it weebs

>> No.15005162

I think it says a new mission a day, and none of the missions allow you to use your own units.

>> No.15005167
File: 208 KB, 946x572, mechanazuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these Anemone, Ivy, Higanbana and Victoria figurines on the right? I hope this is a sign of things to come.

From the Maidoari arm on the trailer, I almost thought it was going to be Permian Park. Now with 120% more giant dragonflies!

>> No.15005177

If I only have Julian and Katie (with -1 cost), no Aria, who should I AW? I have no AW units yet.

>> No.15005180


>> No.15005190

Why were the dark priest and her lover with the emperor? I thought only the pegasus knight and liselotte were related to white empire

>> No.15005204

Because they are fighting with majin which was revived by using that dark priest. She came to "settle the score" and Raven came with her.

>> No.15005209

Important stuff is in first paragraph.

>> No.15005256

Guys I think Gomenneproject is finally working.

Haven't encountered any errors after the last maint so far.

>> No.15005299
File: 239 KB, 952x633, kamipro14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the ticket you get from completing the panel mission guarantee a character? Because I got one. And it's a girl I was looking forward to seeing in the game since prereg.

>> No.15005308

For me it's still a 50/50 chance I get kicked when I click attack

>> No.15005321

Yes, first panel is hime-guaranteed weapon ticket.

>> No.15005363

>that 1st Samuel reference

>> No.15005366
File: 574 KB, 1039x735, 56119213_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15005374
File: 224 KB, 574x391, Awaken who.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who do I awaken next? Already have Jerome at AW60, Fedora at AW55, Clissa and Spica at AW50, and Monica and Cellia awakened.

Was thinking Aria for that sweet +2% atk bonus (didn't manage to mincost her), but Garania and Bernice look pretty baller in their awakening portraits...

>> No.15005390

Adele for that 10% health bonus, Garania could be a good choice along with Dahlia. Once those 3 are done, I'd go with Bernice, Bashira and Aria.

>> No.15005407

Oh wow.
Anna is basically the only one that give herself only to the Prince, even her class is around being his support etc.

NTR is shit.

>> No.15005409

Cheers man.

I'll probably go Adele, Garania, Dahlia, then Bashira, Bernice, Aria in that case.

>> No.15005412
File: 160 KB, 770x393, kamipro20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow I managed to pull only weapons and kamihimes with my first 3k pull.
At first I thought 'well there must be very few summons in the gacha', but there are actually plenty of them. Twice as much weapons but still.

>> No.15005414

>Nutaku don't even deserves an April fool

This is freaking sad.

>> No.15005419

The April's Fool Event was that people were actually expecting an April's Fool Event.

>> No.15005420

>Aigis x Hitsuji

I've the theory that the Prince in Hitsuji is actually the Aigis Prince, that's why this picture makes me giggle more than i probably should...
Stupid faggots devs killed their own game...

>> No.15005423

They did it again...

>> No.15005424

I want a black maid but I'm all out of SC.

>> No.15005431

Half of my 1st 10 pulls were summon, with 1 SR and 1 R characters.

>> No.15005450

does the april fools map have a reward?

>> No.15005458

and you must scream? I'm in the same boat
I'll muster at best two rolls before her spotlight ends, surely that measly amount won't satisfy the goddess

>> No.15005462

1 sc

>> No.15005469

>I've the theory that the Prince in Hitsuji is actually the Aigis Prince
I thought the same.

>> No.15005488
File: 207 KB, 562x231, wrryyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want 1 plat. 1!

>> No.15005531


I'd watch it.

>> No.15005587

I wish, at least we could get more fanarts from this, and it isn't really hard to turn it into something watchable.

>> No.15005625

What does the black maid do?

>> No.15005635

buff princesses
10% to hp, def and atk after awakening

>> No.15005640

steals from you when you're not looking

>> No.15005658

That's how the shitty fetish of NTR works.
They take the least likely girl to cheat ever and then have them do it anyways due to the most contrived reasons.

>> No.15005666

That's how shitty NTR are made imo. Real NTR fans should hate that type of work.

>> No.15005686

Personally I only see the appeal of netori. But I guess netorare is just one of those nonsensical fetishes along with vore and inflation.

>> No.15005689

I can confirm, Satan-san
NTR should come with corruption and gradually, not the "I lost to the cock" bullshit

>> No.15005697
File: 368 KB, 1307x528, Can&#039;tBeatTheCock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, anon.

>> No.15005715

Not at all. Cuckolding is the thinking man's fetish.

>> No.15005720

>t. Jewzebel

>> No.15005746 [DELETED] 


>> No.15005751

>least likely girl to cheat ever

>> No.15005760


>> No.15005763
File: 409 KB, 1417x601, stepUp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Open wallet, reload points
> Pull at 30 yen

2 bronze, 3 gold. This upgrading gacha pot is a powerful drug when combined with cheap-paid pulls.

>> No.15005778

Anyone pulled their ticket yet?

>> No.15005781
File: 298 KB, 442x600, uncle benis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The boatslut infiltrator.

>> No.15005784
File: 174 KB, 960x642, Mikoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she any good?

>> No.15005793

>>15005751 >>15005781
"Thank you, Admiral. Giving me these planes that I've never seen before, my gratitude is overflowing. Maybe… just maybe… if my wish comes true, after the Marianas, we can stay together…"
Yes? Also, the plot of that story you are refering to is exactly the contrived crap I'm talking about:
"I kidnapped your admiral, now have sex with me and I'll let you go. Haha, I gave you amnesia! How convenient! *bang* *bang* oh no I'm dead." -Happy Ending-

>> No.15005795


>> No.15005797

Can outdamage some plat mages, also greatly slows whoever she hits 3 tokens for stalling and a 5 second timestop ability. Incredibly hot too.

>> No.15005799

i have 4 of the girl on the far left

>> No.15005802

so so

>> No.15005812

Shitty ending

>> No.15005820

But we're talking about Anna. Where did you get shoukaku from?

>> No.15005829
File: 256 KB, 957x456, bannar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's that next to the emperor? I feel like I've seen her somewhere, but not sure. Is she a new character?

>> No.15005834

He was using her as an example to attack my claim that the girls used in NTR are the least likely to cheat, except that is an extremely bad example.

>> No.15005839

She's his Anna equivalent.

>> No.15005846

Mikoto can solo Phalanx 2 at level 40, 100% affection
situational but potentially retarded

>> No.15005849

>qt strategist was actually a tittymonster
All my hopes and dreams crushed

>> No.15005852

It's all the same shit.

>> No.15005858

Deeper story and dialogues than Aigis.

>> No.15005872

I bet she'll get a shitty netori event

>> No.15005877

Harusame NTR doujins are worse than that Shoukaku one.

>> No.15005880

I sure hope so. Even if it's forced.

>> No.15005891


>> No.15005920


> Try first G map
> Do ok until bull shows up
> Get wrecked as wrong unit composition (no HA or witches - you didn't need any for Blue Giants)
> Shao one-shots bull with assassinate

Was only 2* as I wasn't watching everyone.

>> No.15005924

What does she do after she awakens?

>> No.15005929

>april fools map
>prince is a magic swordsman
>secretary can actually kill shit
>sorceress is a magic attacker and a healer at the same time, without fiddly skill bullshit

Holy shit, how is this legal, and where can I get this chick? I think I already have the pegasus rider from the last time they did a map like this, but I didn't know she could murder wyverns while her skill was up.

>> No.15005960

Mine went like this: Bronze, bronze, bronze, gold I already own.
Not sure if I want to pull the 300.

>> No.15005968
File: 256 KB, 1208x801, darkpriestess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dark priestess was a star trial before the pegasus, the swordmaster is a gacha unit that was introduced I think when the priestess's event was going on.

she's a fairly mediocre unit since she's only single target, has low attack, and has no awakening yet. swordmaster is a swordmaster, so she's great as is expected.

>> No.15005998

She is called Leone, the white kingdom advisor.

>> No.15006006

Is that Homura?

>> No.15006008

Open her eyes, get of bed, brush her teeth, take breakfast...duno if she takes a shower.

>> No.15006018

Kills anything under a certain % of health, 338 pre AW attack to 382 which is quite big with her fast attack speed and slow. Tokens get slower attack speed and cost more, max stats of tokens are 1500 health 980 attack 320 defense. Skill awakening is 1.7 range increase timestop+ 5.0x attack true damage.

Overall she's full of utility and decently strong with her fast attack speed.

>> No.15006197

Does the instant kill work on bosses? It sounds pretty good.

>> No.15006203

Depends on the boss level.

Obviously super bosses arent killable

>> No.15006237

no, it's just that in normal real maps enemies have higher assassination resistance

>> No.15006324


>> No.15006337

Great, the English community doesn't have enough terrible companies providing them translated visual novels.

>> No.15006371

Was anyone able to beat Rookie Training Ultra?
What did you team look like

>> No.15006377
File: 155 KB, 763x302, 536363773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, fuck this gacha system, not even a single playable character.

>> No.15006382

I can't tell if they're serious or if they just sprung an April Fools joke prematurely.

>> No.15006424

They already said they were planning to do this like a year ago in that one interview.

>> No.15006444

>nutaku is launching their own store soon

>> No.15006471


>> No.15006474
File: 152 KB, 658x433, theAteam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every CW is +3.

Surprisingly, Anna is wearing just a Christmas Necklace X+3 (+crit). I should forge some titanic bracelets for her.

Holly has a +3 lab veil. The bat rush means nothing to her. Even when the front line falls, the rear line is tanky (both in toughness and dodge). It takes focused chain-crits to take any one unit down and that doesn't happen all that often to the rear line.

>> No.15006479
File: 161 KB, 947x515, jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15006564

Oh great, now they can censor our visual novels too.

>> No.15006620
File: 169 KB, 656x501, 2 Healers Cause I&#039;m Bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can mostly keep my eyes off the game and clear it reliably. Except this one time I actually failed the mission somehow when i wasn't looking. I can only assume it was a combination of lucky crits and enemy Monique activating stun multiple times in a row.

Equipment isn't anything special. The only +3/4 is the Christmas hammer. Royal maces, Judita +2 bow for spirit rain. Armor is royal between +1 or +2

Siegrid sometimes gets knocked out from double crit Azamino while suffering frm def down debuff, but my team still clears it, although it takes a bit longer.

I just use a CEO skill every now and then when lucky crits become too much.

You can probably do alot better depending on your equipment and employees. I'd replace Sieg with a better soldier if I had one high level enough. Gib Elsa or Rose pls.

But it seems that at least one 5* character is needed to clear this reliably.

>> No.15006791

Christmas bow skill is kinda meh though

>> No.15006839

It's extremely meh. I have a +4 and I have never once used it because the skill is such shit.

Though to be fair, the only good Christmas weapons were the +4 hammer and the +4 staff, and the staff is really, really situational.

>> No.15006840

Do Nutaku honestly expect us to believe that the original developers would go through all the trouble to willingly censor their own game if it wasn't for Nutaku pushing the developers to avoiding loli content?

Fucking please. The way I see it, the DevTea probably wanted to implement the loli characters in the first place, but Nutaku kept pushing them to "censor" their shit, so DevTea said fuck it and just cut them from the game instead.

Now DevTea couldn't give less than 2 shits to the western version because Nutaku is definitely a pain in the ass to deal with as a publisher, and all our complaints are being reflected elsewhere.

Honestly, I for one appreciate DevTea's refusal to butcher their own work with redraws, unlike the developers of all the other games so far who lazily redraw their shit. This pisses off the general fanbase a lot more effectively, leading to bigger dissatisfaction that is more noticeable.

Not that it matters anyways.

>> No.15006849

>Do they honestly expect us to believe...
That is a rhetorical question because there really are uninformed masses to believe anything they spew as an excuse.

>> No.15006869

We've known Nutaku has been shit with censorship for a while now.

None of that excuses how Dev Tea is slow at updating literally everything else. "Nutaku dicked us around so we're going to treat our audience like shit" doesn't shift the blame from their own fuckups.

>> No.15006895

please stop being so toxic

>> No.15006922

Yeah, it's probably combined with their own unwillingness to care about any audience outside of Japan. As soon as they're even a little bit inconvenienced, they're unwilling to put in any more effort than minimally necessary for earning some extra sidecash.

If they weren't one of the most popular DMM games, and were failing/unpopular like every other Nutaku localized game so far, they might have been desperate enough to actually redraw their shit. But they earn enough money from their Japanese fanbase that they don't wanna put in any more effort and deal with jumping through Nutaku's hoops to tap into a more niche audience in other countries.

Bottom line is, Nutaku's pushy censorship is probably what started this chain of trainwrecks in the first place.

It's shitty behavior. But I could understand a little their way of thinking. They are raised in an fairly isolated island country afterall.

>> No.15007154

Tell me more about the thought processes of all these people you don't know anything about.

>> No.15007225

Sometime I wonder how much the cheat engine SC thing contributed to how unwilling they are to event fix the supposedly oked characters than have been removed. I mean having one of the first things people in a new region do is hack your game it'd definitely color your perception of the player base.

>> No.15007291

The evil cheaters hurt poor Dev Tea's feelings. How cute.

>> No.15007302

From what other anons said about it many threads ago, we're not the first to hack shit. Apparently a ton of accounts in the JP version (I heard they were mostly accounts sold to players looking to start the game with blacks and high leveled units) were banned as well despite being established long ago.

The Japanese native players were probably just a lot more secretive about it. Then we came along and were like "HEY GUYS LOOK AT ALL THIS BULLSHIT I CAN DO" which made everyone a lot more aware of the problem and encouraged the devs to take action.

Take what I said with a grain of salt though, it's not like I frequent Japanese forums or whatever.
But in the end it seems we did kind of wreck it for everyone though. Now the Japanese cheaters AND the Japanese devs potentially dislike us.

Which is hilarious.

>> No.15007358

Can you still cheat? It sounds fun.

>> No.15007363

That was one of the things the playerbase actually praised them for.

Then we got the six week bullshit and it all went to hell from there.

>> No.15007387

>we're not the first to hack shit
B-but there's no way honoraburu nihon peopulu would do such things, they must all be filthy gaijin scum playing through proxies.

>> No.15007562

>all went to hell from there

Well we got the few weeks of nonstop events after the six week hell so they did start putting in some effort.

Then for some reason we're getting breaks after every event now, and they definitely aren't going any extra mile for us with the lack of special day gifts (valentine/april's fool/etc)

>> No.15007590

Everything was moved server side, so nope.

>> No.15007598

When I rolled Deine a while ago I remember myself thinking "Too bad I'll probably never need three HA's" as I looked at 50CC60 Bernice and 50CC70 Marible.
And then this event came along and proved me wrong.

Don't know if it will ever happen again, but it was nice to have all three heavy tank girls on the field for two maps.

>> No.15007641

Someone speculated that those were all events backlogged during the six-week break and that we were scheduled to have one-week breaks in between them all along.

As for milestone rewards, the last ones we got were 300k and Black Friday (and Gold Rush 1, if that somehow counted in their view).

>> No.15007652

+1 to that

>> No.15007697

Deine was a fucking godsend. Still need to CC a fourth healer to win the last G map though.

>> No.15007800
File: 641 KB, 950x590, Realdealson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit the xp from the XP ticket hall

>> No.15007809

How hard is it?

>> No.15007819
File: 640 KB, 951x589, Evenrealer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got even better.
everything but one set of enemies is easy. 2 skeleton warlocks and 2 warriors that hit pretty hard. Everything else is pretty easy. Mostly slimes

>> No.15007901

That makes sense actually.

>> No.15007957
File: 289 KB, 794x1600, aigis bust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big are your Aigis waifus tits anon?

>> No.15007996
File: 286 KB, 928x591, testteam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still thinking on how to 3 star the god-tier angel map.

Managed to 2 star using this video, but I used Fa/Vernice duo as a substitute for an angel and originally used Sarsa in place of a magic swordsman, but I noticed she doesn't do much at all whatsoever, both on dealing the pig fortress and clearing up black goblins, so this time I'm deciding on using Meteor and see how it goes. Since I also lack sufficient firepower for that pig I decided to use 2 necromancers for extended stalling.

>> No.15008096

Big enough.

>> No.15008161

I hear the people selling accounts were Chinese.

The perfect people to blame for everything.

>> No.15008179
File: 139 KB, 950x590, This Could Have Been Elsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But...but I thought the Sion spotlight was over...

The fuck am i gonna do with 2 Ronins?

>> No.15008230


Just tank it, my skill awoken Deine and black Iris had no problem.

>> No.15008250

Can a Vernice tank it? Nothing else I have survives more than one hit.

>> No.15008327

That was mostly a joke, though it is how I actually did it. The easiest way is just to use witches and necromancers, maybe you're having trouble since you're using weak witches and not as many.

>> No.15008347

You ain't tanking that with Bernice. Hell, there's probably only 2-4 units total that can tank that. And you probably much have to awaken them

>> No.15008361

Its just 4000 damage, same as iron golem. There's huge amount of units who can tank it.

>> No.15008362

Mine isn't on the chart );

Speaking of which, for those om DMM how good is Tuesday (the Black rarity Inu) and how exactly does her skill after awakening work. I'm probably going to save endlessly until she appears over here on Nutaku unless she just sucks.

>> No.15008378

Yeah, I'm severely lacking on useable witches (and tanks). I do have a CC'ed Belinda on leveling and affection schedule.

Figured. So my only option left is to have an extended delay with 2 necromancers, and maybe a merchant if I still can't kill the pig in time. The goblin queen isn't a big problem as vernice eats up her shots happily, just that I couldn't clear the final wave of black goblins in time to have Vernice block the queen, so I leaked her and the pig.

>> No.15008381
File: 541 KB, 1031x2059, ストーリーミッション 鋼鉄の手斧 千年戦争アイギスWiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's list of non-gacha units who can tank 4000 dmg enemy.

>> No.15008440

Guess I looked at the wrong wiki.

>> No.15008470


>> No.15008477

I wonder if a Fire Emblem version of Millenium Wars Aigis is a good idea.

>> No.15008492

It was brought up ages ago, someone wanted to make it but no one here could figure out how to extract the sprites.

>> No.15008509

Anyone have good video for last story map (prince AW) without full buffs? I need to just 1* it so I finally get prince AW, but all videos are either full buff or focus on 3*.

>> No.15008517

That map is a complete joke compared to all the Magic City and Jungle maps that came before it, how did you even manage to make it there?

>> No.15008526

It's really easy so just follow a 3* guide, you can probably do it if you've managed to get that far.

>> No.15008527

Crud, it was way easier to get stuff from that ELMG game than Aigis. I just tried it and it seems like the data is in an unknown format.

>> No.15008542
File: 279 KB, 357x532, last map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't try it myself yet, just looking at videos and all of them have bullshit full-AW teams and still making it by hair-thin hp bars at plenty of places.

>> No.15008549

it's probably some obsolete RLE format just for the lulz

>> No.15008556

Have you tried looking? It took me a few seconds to find a 0 awoken, all farmable guide.

>> No.15008583

Its full buff video. I'm not paying 7 SC for it.

>> No.15008607


I don't have a sailor but I based mine on this and it was easy, 3*'d it first try.

>> No.15008650

This girl

>> No.15008692

Fellow anons, how long were you stuck on the second last desert map?

>> No.15008709

On Nutaku or DMM? On Nutaku like an hour, before i got enough Charisma to 3* first try it.

On DMM, ages because there wasn't any better maps to farm after it so I didn't bother until AW Prince came out.

>> No.15008745
File: 414 KB, 549x466, last map demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, its very easy indeed. Thanks.

>> No.15008807

Still couldn't even 1 star it, let alone 3 star. I cannot handle the very early rush + health penalty + tight costs throughout the whole session.

>> No.15008852

Which map you mean?
If オアシスに迫る危機 , then I still didn't clear it although just cleared 魔界の洗礼, >>15008745
Fuck that mummy rush, maybe once I AW Rumaria I'll try it again.

>> No.15008857

What should i do before i open the black fairy envelopes on KG? I was guessing max PR and place some high lvl girls there?

>> No.15008858

Wait, is that even legal? I had it in mind for a while to make a few simple Danmakufu stages for FKG, might as well just extract the sprites and not bother with making my own.

What's DMM's general stance on fangames, anyway? I thought Kancolle discouraged them for some reason.

>> No.15008876

Yes, it's that one map. The final desert map is stupid easy compared to this one.

Maybe I'll just ignore at and start working on the 2nd eastern map and beyond.

>> No.15008877

Base Scramble I? I BTFO'd it first try on one account and it took me a couple days to level up the appropriate unit on the other

>> No.15008879

Oh, you're google translating. Her name is Kayou.

>> No.15008881

Obviously its illegal, but who the fuck cares. DMM isn't going to sue random western anons for fan game if you don't try to sell it on some big marketplace (like google store or steam).

>> No.15008890

Not that one, it's the second aftermath map after Base Scramble 2.

>> No.15008891

Well that's true, and it's just a few shitty scripts (if even that, /jp/ projects have a knack for not delivering) so I'd probably just post them here anyway, but I like FKG devs too much to do that.

Though videos are also fine for this kind of thing, so I may try for that.

>> No.15008916

on Nutaku never of course

>> No.15008919
File: 1001 KB, 960x640, Peaceful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in FKG they gave a free furniture piece and I noticed that now you can have characters in your garden have battle animations, but I think I'll stick with this.
I should fill in that gap later or spread them out more evenly.

What does yours look like?

>> No.15008951

what is most popular dmm game played and discussed here

>> No.15008981

Very obviously, it's Millenium Wars Aigis.

Kantai Collection is way more popular but nobody talks about Kantai here (and there's not much to say in a full rng game)

>> No.15009002

Nobody talks about kantai because KaNcolle has separate thread.

>> No.15009005

>not much to say in a full rng game
>a full rng game
Say what?


>> No.15009096

Man I so wish he would actually replace the boring silent prince.

>> No.15009110

See >>15005146

>> No.15009118
File: 110 KB, 524x467, ras.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15009121
File: 981 KB, 1052x748, agiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty neat, might actually keep playing

>> No.15009125

it's got the best/most gameplay of any of these

>> No.15009140

Sion CW+3 is a freaking beast.

>> No.15009198

it's rng the game.

you build shit with recipes, recipes that can have a small chance of giving you what you are trying to build. You can get cruisers with a battleship recipe, say you roll a bb in that recipe, it's then an even smaller chance to get the ship you want. Say you are using a Nagato recipe, you can get anything from an Ise to a Nagato. With the former being higher chance and later being low chance. You have the same for equipment, but it can straight up fail and lose the resources.

well okay building stuff is like gacha but more focused you say. that's fine. what's combat like?

well combat is you put the botes in a group, you equip the botes, and you press a button. you see a map with dots. a compass spins and you click to stop it, you will go a random direction as dictated by the compass unless there's certain requirements for the paths. You encounter an enemy node. Formations come up, you click one. The enemy layout and formation is then randomly picked out of typically 3-4 variations. Combat starts, the secretary ship is first to fire.

she randomly selects a target from all of the enemies, then rolls a chance to hit, then rolls damage. The enemy then randomly selects a target, rolls chance to hit, then rolls damage. repeat until one side is dead or all ships have fired, twice if a battleship is present. then ships still healthyish and can use torpedoes randomly select targets to torpedo, with chance to hit and damage rolled. You can then enter night battle which is like giving dueling monkeys RPG's instead of swords. Afterwards you may or may not get a random ship drop from that nodes drop pool, and you spin the compass again.

and that's literally the game. ships can gain exp and be fed other ships and given equipment that influences stats like attack, defense, avoid, accuracy, ect. but it's still reliant on rng, you just make the rng more in your favor.

It's a decent game to play while you are watching something or busy with other things, but as an actual game it's not really a game. You can't even hit a button to attack. which is why most discussion isn't about the game, rather about the girls with the occasional poor bastard who blew everything on LSC and posting the results which was 10 aviation battleships.

It sounds bad, but it's kinda enjoyable in that it's a very relaxing, slow paced game as long as you stay away from LSC.

>> No.15009209

read the wiki

I agree with all your points though except the one about how it's not a game. It has a lot more depth compared to some of the other DMM games out there

>> No.15009214

Those aren't games either.

>> No.15009220

>no true game
Have you guys read your Wittgenstein?


>> No.15009247
File: 157 KB, 951x591, Gotta love these devs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, Judita yesterday and today Eva with the black envelopes. Good times.

>> No.15009252

I did religiously when I was playing kancolle
It's a game, but it doesn't feel like a game when you are playing it because of how little control you have outside of the base. It's a very difficult feeling to describe.

>> No.15009275

Saying that such and such isn't a game is actually meaningful in this context. It doesn't mean it literally doesn't fall under the category we call games.

>> No.15009276
File: 240 KB, 949x613, garden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I aren't the most creative person in the world.

>> No.15009285

Seems fine to me.

>> No.15009295

Only if you first define what YOU mean by 'game'.

>> No.15009308

It's like when you're playing a shitty mobage on your phone to pass the time. Except, it's on a pc browser instead.

>> No.15009332

is there any way to gain those fancy sapphire units? I only got meteor, but pretty sure everyone did
I heard someone say you can get them by watching livestreams or something, can anyone elaborate please? In simple terms, I'm an EOP

>> No.15009337

Android version is being released in 36 min and 40 seconds

>> No.15009405

10 minutes until I join the Gacha unfortunate, Aisha is asking for my crystals. I can almost smell the silver.

>> No.15009420

Enjoy your 1 useful plat, a Cypria and Berna.

>> No.15009423

There's aigis light novels and character profile books you can buy that have single use codes for the others. The rest were only during nico livestreams, if you had a premium subscription and were in the livestream you got a code (so you can't get those ones anymore). IIRC the ones you can't get anymore are the fox, the puppeteer, and the time witch

>> No.15009442

So, a free player cannot obtain them at all, right?
That's too bad, I like some of the designs

>> No.15009447

Damn, I'll hold you to that useful plat. Be posting the results soon.

>> No.15009449
File: 269 KB, 928x551, 11111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

event is bugged
I can't get another stage

>> No.15009500
File: 88 KB, 567x234, That&#039;s me allright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the guy that failed with momiji until achieving a 1 on 16384 comes...

>> No.15009516

When I have a bunch of SCs I want to roll, if my first roll was a silver, I just stop and try another day

>> No.15009529

Look at it this way anon, you got a rogue and a mage to CC that Momiji, as well as a samurai to help AW her!

>> No.15009728

Only got Victoria and Uzume out of 100 SCs. Eh.

>> No.15009744
File: 942 KB, 795x574, 神姫PROJECT R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolled 3000 stones in KamiPro, got SSR hime Ares. Finally I got some gacha luck too, too bad its not Aigis.

>> No.15009776

Two best plat units.

>> No.15009915

Victoria is indeed a cute and Uzume is undeniably good, but still a tad disappointing for how much I spent.

>> No.15009943

2 plats in 20 rolls is about average.

>> No.15009944

It's only 20 rolls, Doris
You need 30+ for decent chance for black

>> No.15009951

I used my two black fairy envelopes in KG. Im a rather new player 1 week so anything more then 2* is good for me. Got two 4*, Myuria and Alenka. Now i have Myuria and Myucel in the front lines, do i get a sister bonus?

>> No.15009969

Damn, only got 3* from my 2 fairy envelopes. But i'm not giving up, one day i'll get a 5* !

>> No.15009975

I actually got four plats, but the other two plats were a dupe Marius and fucking Cypria.

>have 13 blacks
>two blacks almost back-to-back

>> No.15010007

Man, tanking the bull with a bandit made it so much easier. I guess HP>Def in the end. Helps avoid that healer synchro problem.

>> No.15010196

Is the emperor a literal cuck?

>> No.15010287

Maybe he'll die or sacrifice himself to seal the lord of the flies
But in that case his tactician is an unfaithful whore

>> No.15010308

Maybe he'll just send her as spy, so she could cut off Prince's dick whenever needed.
It was never said that Emperor is fucking everything that moves like prince, maybe he has faithful wife and enjoys monogamous relationship.

>> No.15010316

I'm so tired of all these titty monsters on aigis. That tactician should have been flat.

>> No.15010329

If she's like Anna I doubt that.

>> No.15010331

Its been said a lot, more health is a decent survivabilty boost, more defense is a tiny survivabilty boost.

Only a very few classes get a worthwhile boost out of a defense buff like Lens, the main being heavy armours. Almost every melee class gets a very nice boost out of Adeles health buff though.
Katies defense boost is almost nonexistent in terms of helping.

>> No.15010335

Truth. I was expecting a dfc or a shota.
When was the last time they gave us a free dfc loli again?

>> No.15010345

This event.

>> No.15010348

But as we can see here >>15007957 there are like 10 more A~ cups than actual(H+) tittymonsters

>> No.15010359
File: 139 KB, 695x482, kamipro22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grats Trevor.

So we're getting 2500 gems for yesterday's unlimited maintenance works right now, be sure to get them before they expire if you're still planning to play kamipro.

Also the game hit #1 ranking on DMM-R18 so a gacha ticket and full ap potion sometime later if I got that right.

>> No.15010369

You lie but have a +(You)

>> No.15010371

Anything bigger than C is tittymonster for me.

>> No.15010383

>before they expire
Its 期限なし section, they don't expire.

>> No.15010387

Good thing no one panders to you then
You have a fair share of characters that appeal to you, but you want even more

>> No.15010394




I ditched it before I enter the event horizon of Kancolle.

>> No.15010410

Oh you're right. My bad.

>> No.15010422

Not really. Most events as of lately have been nothing but tits.

>> No.15010435

I don't think it has anything to do with size at all. There just hasn't been any real loli characters. Even that vampire girl was flat.

>> No.15010437

>yfw tits lover
God bless devs

>> No.15010439

The vampire was gacha.

>> No.15010457

Oh so you can get SR Amon in story? Because gacha only has SSR version.

>> No.15010464

Yes, you get her when you clear chapter 4. She's second-hand tho.

>> No.15010466

Who is the emperor? Is he a bad guy?

>> No.15010468

Got literally nothing from that 2500 gems.
I want to enjoy this game but so far I got nothing but the same terrible experience like GBF gacha, endless errors and long ass loading time.

>> No.15010498
File: 199 KB, 959x637, nun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this seriously tits?

>> No.15010503

It's certainly not flat.

>> No.15010513

Well, I still couldn't 3 star that god-tier mission, and I already have a min CR Charlotte at 4/10 just from that alone.

I kinda lost incentive to get 3 stars.

>> No.15010519

Me neither. I think I can pull it off next time with some token spam and by deploying all my witches for the boar, but the cost is gonna be tight

>> No.15010522
File: 232 KB, 955x636, kamipro23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamipro artist(or one of the artists?) sure likes huge boobs.

>> No.15010535

Is the game fun? I really liked what I've heard about it so far(gangbangs, big tits)

>> No.15010536

My best run was managing to kill everything except the pig, I couldn't stall long enough to keep the pig in a position where it's near-indefinitely locked by necromancer and merchant tokens, by the time I manage to kill everything, the pig moves past the middle of the last two melee-drop spots.

>> No.15010542

Slow it down with two witches, one at gate, one at base.

>> No.15010548

I did do that (cloris front, nenya rear), but I don't have enough firepower to clear the final wave of black goblins and kill the goblin queen in time to start the lockdown.

>> No.15010550

They literally ripped off everything they can from Granblue Fantasy, removed all the playable male characters then add some porn on top of it, you may find it enjoyable or not depend on your luck with the gacha, and how long the game takes to load on your end.

>> No.15010571

It plays exactly like Granblue fantasy but with sex, all-female cast and the plot is mostly fanservice and humor.

If the first thing doesn't put you off, give it a try.
Actually I personally think if you disregard that they copied all of the GBF mechanics - it's a pretty solid game. I mean every character is voiced, animations are pretty neat and while designs are either hit or miss they definitely put effort into small details.

They only things I hate right now are loading times and that most of the skill animations generate too much 'flashing screen' effects.

>> No.15010643

Like others have said it's GBF with porn, you pretty much fucks every girls that you have under your command.

Just a reminder, the way the world works is you cum inside the girls to form contract and other people can can do it too. You will definitely see girls captured and forced to form these 'contracts' especially by this one group that calls themselves Testament. At least you got some free animated scenes out of it.

>> No.15010667

new thread

>> No.15011800

clear your cache maybe?
