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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 80 KB, 250x250, saya250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1498006 No.1498006 [Reply] [Original]

...you know, doesn't Saya fall into the "Trap" category?

>> No.1498019
File: 147 KB, 885x1254, 1219639941836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she's a "trap", but not the kind of trap that is commonly known.

Sadly, I'm too much of a pussy to say "I'd still hit it", so she's all yours, Anonymous.

>> No.1498039
File: 72 KB, 500x701, No_2160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want a plant girl :<
I would water her every day
In the literal sense and If you know what I mean.

>> No.1498057
File: 159 KB, 802x900, saya OH SHI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1498059
File: 45 KB, 549x600, saya shadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1498062
File: 77 KB, 650x529, Hastur4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is she Hastur?


Shit, I said it.

>> No.1498065
File: 51 KB, 400x400, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1498069
File: 439 KB, 640x480, CoC_Shoggoth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1498072
File: 77 KB, 400x400, SAUCE IS SAYA NO UTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crawling meat plant

>> No.1498078
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Oh she's a pitiful Shoggoth.

That's a letdown.


>> No.1498098
File: 147 KB, 1280x960, 1215328691671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let's rephrase that.
>What would it be like to STICK YO' DICK IN CTHULHU'S MOUF?


>> No.1498107
File: 428 KB, 1846x1865, OST cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awsome OST

>> No.1498112
File: 66 KB, 475x673, 117277121443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OR just go crazy.

And if you're crazy, you might stick yo' dick in Cthulhu's mouf.

>> No.1498126
File: 77 KB, 569x708, Elderthing_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then if I make good friends with an Elder Thing, I can sex her up without being eaten.

Shoggoths listen to Elder Things.

Except that one time.
But they lost that one time.

>> No.1498152
File: 81 KB, 420x600, maid saya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a Super Shoggoth!

Damn it, of all the times not to find that image of Saya with blond hair.

>> No.1498163
File: 55 KB, 454x600, saya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one?

>> No.1498184
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>> No.1498207
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We're just trying to give her a species, and the monstrous shapeshifter tool subservients work for the most part.

>releasing their "offspring" as mutagens aimed at the human race no less,

Technically it could just be aimed at any creature with Ubbo-Sathla at it's roots or something.
Shoggoths may or may not be born from Ubbo-Sathla anyway.
Humans are known to have descended from it.

>> No.1498208
File: 86 KB, 400x500, 1220021877098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shush you

>> No.1498007

No, I don't believe she's male. If you mean for the fact that she'd eat you alive after sex, then yes the sex is a trap in the proper sense, but she's not a trap.

>> No.1498011

Wouldn't she rather fall into the Hermaphrodite category?

>> No.1498016

Umm... wouldn't she actually be bestiality?

>> No.1498017

Looks pretty female to me

but then again, kinda hard to tell when she's just a pile of veins and flesh

>> No.1498020

i think you're looking for the "Crawling meat plant" category

>> No.1498023

Translation where ;_;

>> No.1498025

No one ACTUALLY knows what Saya looks like, there's never a full picture of her in her true form

>> No.1498028

holy shit...

>> No.1498029

Wait, you mean there are partial pics of her true form?

>> No.1498030


>> No.1498243
File: 14 KB, 400x400, Elder_sign_derleth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Oh you WISH.
It's dangerous to go alone. Take this.

>> No.1498038

I'd still hit it.

>> No.1498040

Yes, and from the partial pictures you can probably figure out which lovecraftian monster she is.
I, however, forgot.

>> No.1498042

HOLY SHIT it's like a train wreck. I can't....look...away. It's just so damn disturbing

>> No.1498048

yeah, when Koji attacks Saya you can see tentacles or some shit flailing around

>> No.1498249
File: 7 KB, 166x166, Elder_sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And this.

>> No.1498253
File: 217 KB, 1600x1200, aw1221779601653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's Henri. They don't have much in common really. Although they're both birthing a new world.

>> No.1498049

Too bad she doesn't actually look like that.
I'm sure, she doesn't even have a humanoid form.

>> No.1498255
File: 19 KB, 261x251, es4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And this for good measure.

>> No.1498053

Saya no FUTA

>> No.1498056


>> No.1498058

Shoggoth, right.

>> No.1498060

Wait, I don't remember seeing that in the CGs?

>> No.1498066

Nah, shoggoth sounds about right, I think.

>> No.1498071

Isn't that Yo?

>> No.1498073

I can see the resemblance.

>> No.1498076

Mai waifu has such slender hands ;_;

>> No.1498080


Well she sure compels me to [spoilers]Hastur-bate[/spoilers]

>> No.1498083


>> No.1498084

Why are you such a failure?

I wonder what sex with a shoggoth that looks like a little girl in your eyes would feel like.

>> No.1498085

nice [spoil]spoilers[/spoil] there

>> No.1498086


>> No.1498087

Its genetic.

>> No.1498088

feels good, man

>> No.1498089

I remember downloading this and playing for a while a ways back. DId they ever make a translation patch?

>> No.1498090

Well, it's to great sex what great sex is to a virgin.

>> No.1498092

Why do you have to say things that you know will hurt me?

>> No.1498094

its spoiler

>> No.1498097

Wait, if that's suppose to be what Saya looks like. Shouldn't she be shorter, because of how she broke into that neighbor's house and how she hid so well and the pic looks like it's a huge pillar.

>> No.1498100

But his dick looked fine to me!

>> No.1498105


Shoggoths come in various sizes.

They can be anything from the size of a dog to the size of a house.

>> No.1498108

in before ORT sex copypasta

>> No.1498109

You would die before you could even stick it in since you're suppose to die if you even look at chululu.

>> No.1498110

Saya isn't ACTUALLY a shoggoth you tard

>> No.1498114

I only see a ball of disgusting meat.
What do you guys mean that if it falls into
the "trap" category!?

>> No.1498116

No, she is.

>> No.1498117

at first i thought they were supposed to resemble dog ears (her hair)

but now i realise its supposed to be leaflike

>> No.1498118


>> No.1498120


>> No.1498122


awsome thread

trap saya, and cuthulu blowjobs

>> No.1498123

A ball of meat that eats you instead of the other way around. Sounds like a trap to me.

>> No.1498124

What's your point?

>> No.1498129


Shoggoths don't have leaves

>> No.1498133

then what the fuck is she?

>> No.1498134

And just because she has leaves doesn't mean she does. I mean, if he sees her as a little girl, I'm sure he could see her with leaves too.

>> No.1498135

Wait...who would win?
A Shoggoth or Saya?

i'm pretty sure Saya had SOME fighting capability (heck she managed to subdue someone and eat them)

Shoggoths just kinda sit there...and flail around

>> No.1498139


Shoggoths just look like decaying masses/lumps of tar with eyes and mouths that are really fucking disturbing.

They can form their body into any form of tool, however.
If it wants to have leaves, it can have leaves.
Most likely because an Elder Thing ordered it for aesthetic purposes.

>> No.1498142

>And just because she has leaves doesn't mean she does. I mean, if he sees her as a little girl, I'm sure he could see her with leaves too.
Disregard that, listen to this guy >>1498139

>> No.1498146

>Shoggoths just kinda sit there...and flail around

Enjoy your envelopment and being devoured by 10000 mouths/digested by its skin/any form of weaponry it's formed its body into.

>> No.1498147



well, i know you're probably trolling BUT heres a logical argument that saya is NOT a shoggoth

1. Shoggoths cannot communicate IIRC, Saya can
2. Shoggoths can't (and have no need) to reproduce sexually, Saya does via spore release and KOJI SPERM
3. Saya got raped by an old man against her will, a shoggoth would devour said old man
4. Saya can alter the minds of humans / experiment on them, Shoggoths lack this sophistication
5. Shoggoth's can't be killed by bullets, Saya can

>> No.1498150

There's also logical arguments that point to her being a shoggoth. Even an official diceroll.

>> No.1498155


She could just be a mutated Shoggoth. Mutations gave them the ability to live on land, another mutation might give one Saya's attributes.

>> No.1498158



The Elder Things lived for art. They do a lot of stuff for aesthetics.

>1. Shoggoths cannot communicate IIRC, Saya can
Smart ones can. They were intelligent enough to incite a war against the Elder Things once, you know. They lost terribly.
>2. Shoggoths can't (and have no need) to reproduce sexually, Saya does via spore release and KOJI SPERM
They presumably can (THEY'RE WALKING[slithering] SHAPESHIFTING BIOENGINES), but diffusion is easier for them.
>3. Saya got raped by an old man against her will, a shoggoth would devour said old man
If it was hungry. Or maybe she wanted it. If she's a lovecraftian horror in ANY sense she could kill him effortlessly. Maybe she/the shoggoth didn't want a fuss. There ARE intelligent ones that think rationally.
>4. Saya can alter the minds of humans / experiment on them, Shoggoths lack this sophistication
Insanity check anyone? Also, once again, intelligent ones; shapeshifting bioengine.
>5. Shoggoth's can't be killed by bullets, Saya can
ENOUGH bullets would disorient it. Tiny shoggoths could be put into catatonic states. They have... "blood", in a sense. Liquid matter that they require. If they lose it, they'll... melt? Die? Hard to say.

>> No.1498160

but she can't be a shoggoth if there is but a single contradiction

at most, it can be said she is "very similar and perhaps inspired by" the Shoggoth

if we say "A shoggoth has X, Y, and Z"
and Saya is "X, Y, but not Z"
then Saya is not a shoggoth, and that is the case here

>> No.1498162


You mean a Shoggoth Lord?
Those aren't really accepted into Lovecraft canon, but sure.

>> No.1498331
File: 251 KB, 606x672, 1210612764263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1498171

all fair responses, except the sexual reproduction part and the insanity part

the Elder Things created them specifically without the ability to reproduce sexually.

also Saya can CURE mental disabilities, eg insane -> sane
as well as sane -> insane
it would be entirely speculation (a huge stretch i would think) to propose that a Shoggoth is also capable of restoring a persons sanity

>> No.1498174

That's You, the partial pictures of her are when she's raping You but they're all NSFW.

>> No.1498176

that's not a blond hair saya

thats the angel chick from that angelo armanas thing (i think)

>> No.1498177

raping? no
trying to kill? yes

>> No.1498180

actual sexual rape, or rape in the sense of prolonged violent murder

>> No.1498182

>it would be entirely speculation (a huge stretch i would think) to propose that a Shoggoth is also capable of restoring a persons sanity

If an Elder Thing commanded it...
I highly, highly doubt it would do it out if its will.

Bioengine; it'd link up with your mind and fix what's "broken". A lot of things can connect to minds in Lovecraftian lore. Usually this breaks things. Doing it carefully can fix things.

>the Elder Things created them specifically without the ability to reproduce sexually.

And the Elder Things created them NOT to rise up in a rebellion or even gain self-awareness (this surprised the Elder Things, albeit happily) but they DID IT ANYWAY.

>> No.1498186

Thats the only picture
i just went through the in-game CG and that's the only one i could find

>> No.1498191

Aren't Shoggoth Lords in human form always HIDEOUSLY OBESE AND DISGUSTING?

... Well, I dunno. Maybe she's a really good Shoggoth Lord.

>> No.1498194

insanity aside (that's a speculative point, and that goes nowhere -_-)

until Shoggoths having sex (with a human, and without killing said human) becomes canon, and releasing their "offspring" as mutagens aimed at the human race no less, Saya is NOT a shoggoth

By all means, when Shoggoth sexs appears in the lovecraftian universe, bring this topic up again.

>> No.1498199

Shoggoth lords we're stupid
saying this as a H.P fan, they should never have been documented/allowed.

>> No.1498203

>we're stupid

Looks like they have company.

>> No.1498214

>Shoggoths may or may not be born from Ubbo-Sathla anyway.

...they were made by the Elder Things...

>> No.1498217

Look harder, they're right there, I just checked.

>> No.1498219


And the Elder Things kept Ubbo-Sathla in a cage.
And may have made him too. Or found him. Or brought him with them to Earth.

>> No.1498228

Why are you people so obsessed with dubbing Saya with some existing fictitious species?

>> No.1498229

Is this argument ignoring or incorporating the fact that Saya is an AI.

>> No.1498252

AI as in a character in a galgame?
or AI as in artificial life -> intelligence

cuz Shoggoths are also AI in that sense

even though Saya is many steps higher...

>> No.1498259

Ah you mean the girl
i thought you mean the guy

i was like "wtf? his name is Koji, and she doesn't rape him"

yes indeed, but it's still pretty much the same as what you see in>>1498065

only...there are boobs

>> No.1498260

AI as in she was created in order to do research... on relationships? Love? Or something else? I can't really recall.

Ok then.

>> No.1498263

a starfish fossil?

>> No.1498267

wasn't she just researching the human genome + the human mind in order to recreate the world as she saw fit?

basically she decided "if everyone is like me, then Koji can finally return to the world he wanted while seeing me as beautiful"
but more over is the idea that
"everyone wants to kill me, but if they are the same as me this problem disappears"

amongst other DEEP SHIT, which is MEANINGFUL

>> No.1498272

She was created to colonize. Probably by a species that had painfully limited dimensional travel and could only send a tiny piece of their genetics in the form of an unintelligent blob with the programmed instinct to reproduce. Love had nothing to do with it. But she became a little too intelligent and human-like. So instead of being able to concentrate on only reproduction she started getting fancy ideas about love.

>> No.1498273

she was MAN MADE before you get any funky ideas

>> No.1498275

FUCK why do i keep saying koji

i mean the main char

name i can't fucking remember

>> No.1498277

She wasn't manmade, her father raised her but didn't create her, those are his theories.

>> No.1498286

i was fairly sure that he discovered alien genetic material, but it wasnt alive
just the blueprints really

and using that, he created Saya.

>> No.1498287

Yes, definitely that was her purpose after she met Fuminori, etc. I'm pretty sure that wasn't her initial purpose though; I'm thinking of what she discussed with the professor (the transcription of which Ryouko finds and reads).

Really? I thought that one of the initial reasons she pursued a relationship with Fuminori was because she found it impossible to deepen her understanding without firsthand experience?

>> No.1498294

Well yeah 'raising', she created herself. He was just there helping after he saw that 'it' was actually maturing from formless blob into something more intelligent as it came into contact with animals. He didn't create her any more than you create a toddler you teach.

>> No.1498301

Uh...when you say "create a toddler"
do you mean create the toddler biologically as in "i'm your father"

or create as in how a movie producer may create an "actor"
or how a person may adopt a child and create a "son"

>> No.1498320

and... Now I'm getting this game. Thanks for corrupting me, jerks.

>> No.1498324


just because it has guro etc doesn't make it an evil game

infact it's used with meaning and purpose, even the rape is an important device towards both character development and atmosphere.

Saya no Uta is a good game, but you need the maturity to fully appreciate it.

>> No.1498338


Never played ~any~ game similar to this before.

>> No.1498357

what have you been doing in /jp/ the whole time?
my god, get this man some nitro+ stat!

>> No.1498371

Fuck yeah Kusari and Saya!

I don't fucking care. I'll tenderly make love to Saya in any form.

>> No.1498374

by "tenderly make love to" i think you mean "brutally get devoured by"

>> No.1498483
File: 64 KB, 480x360, image224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1498403

Hey it's Saya, doesn't matter if she first plays with my brain or rapes me with her tentacles.
I would still love her ;__;

>> No.1498405

Relevant to thread interests?

>> No.1498502
File: 116 KB, 650x650, 300%20-%20Lovecraft%20-%20Shadow%20over%20Innsmouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lovecraft doesn't have a grave.
Rather, ol' HP is making Yog-Sothoth somewhat nauseous with his avid rotations.

That's right.
Omnipotent entity.
Somewhat nauseous.

>> No.1498527
File: 166 KB, 1024x768, 1199417372020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, but Metroids are just fine to missiles except when frozen. So she can be just fine to bullets except when frozen. And shoggoths are pretty vulnerable while frozen, too.

>> No.1498533
File: 162 KB, 1600x600, 000059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys talking about me?

>> No.1498451

Woah, that was fantastic.
But, is there any relation between all those? I mean, those are the best? Most sold? Uploader favorites?

>> No.1498459

Uploader's arbitrary biased choices.

>> No.1498461


>> No.1498468

needs to make an account~

>> No.1498477

This thread needs to SHAKE IT SHAKE IT

>> No.1498486

Goddamn, Fuminori is always clean and Koji gets all the shit.

>> No.1498495

Saya is NOT a Shoggoth. She's a random made-up creature from the Dreamlands. They pretty much come out and fucking say the professer guy summoned her with stuff related to the Silver Key.

Nitro also gave her an official sanity roll and it's not a shoggoth's. It's exactly the same as a Hound of Tindalos' but she's obviously not one.

>> No.1498497

>5. Shoggoth's can't be killed by bullets, Saya can

No she can't?

It's been ages since I last played the game but IIRC whatshername froze her with some chemicals first THEN shot her, which shattered her into lots of small bits.

>> No.1498499

lovecraft is doing cartwheels in his grave

>> No.1498501

This is why we need a translation... ;____;

>> No.1498507

Yeah, she chucked some stuff that brought her down to -197℃ at her first then shotgunned her.

>> No.1498509

which basically means she was shot by bullets
reason she FROZE her was so that saya wouldn't release the spores

>> No.1498532

No, she was frozen so she'd fucking shatter when shot, genius.

>> No.1498537

Get away from Saya. Fucking now.

>> No.1498542

雫 (shizuku)
ジサツのための101の方法 (jisatsu no tame no 101 no houhou)
夢幻廻廊 (mugen kairou)
水仙花 (suisenka)
School Days
ピエタ~幸せの青い鳥~ (pieta ~shiawase no aoitori~)
終ノ空 (tsui no sora)
さよならを教えて comment te dire adieu (sayonara wo oshiete)

>> No.1498564

She's going to go into shock in a few seconds, don't be mean.

>> No.1498576

Why tsui no sora?

It's owari isn't it?

>> No.1498581

Why everyone starting yelling AHHH when comment te dire adieu appeared? Is that fucking awesome/loved?

>> No.1498679
File: 231 KB, 532x569, haruka_sayonara_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1498704
File: 51 KB, 360x600, saya015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard a lot about this VN but never bothered to tried it, this thread convinced me.

>> No.1498685

It's pretty fucking loved, yes.

>> No.1498687

I always thought that Saya wasn't supposed to be anything directly. It's pretty clear that the game takes some influence from HPL mythos, but Nitro+ most probably weren't concerned about the issue. They did whatever they wanted and what was convenient for the story as they liked it.

So, for that matter, Saya is somethinh Nitro+ imagined, probably taking a lot of elements from shoggoths just like every writer imagines their own dragons or own trolls. Just because HPL's creatures are relatively new in the time scope doesn't mean they should be treated any different.

>> No.1498802
File: 384 KB, 332x400, saya167.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1498696

dude, what the hell are you on about

>> No.1498709

>Saya is something Nitro+ imagined
This here board is for wild speculation based on nothing and random trolling, not common sense and logic.

>> No.1498722

You have to say it 2 more times before you're fucked.

No worrys!

>> No.1498738

in my whole life? or per day

>> No.1498962
File: 71 KB, 256x446, box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people like this game?
is it > or < Saya no Uta

>> No.1498807



>> No.1498810


>> No.1498812

Is there any reason why Saya doesn't eat protagonist? What, she/it finds him intreasting or something?

>> No.1498818

Love is a wonderful thing.

>> No.1498823


He has a 14 inch penis.

>> No.1498827

seriously? love?
I thought lovecraft hated love and shit like that.
ah well.

>> No.1498829

at first, but the primary reason is that she loves him.
At one point Saya is willing to cure the protagonist, and an hero/disappear because she cares for him so much (although, it's considered a BAD END). which just goes to show how deep this shit is.

plus, he's pretty much the only guy who won't run away screaming and pissing his pants.

>> No.1498832

Lovecraft =/= Nitro+
inspired, yes
derived, no

>> No.1498921

He isn't afraid of her.

>> No.1499001

Main character is stuck in a nutty world with nutty people and is nuts.

Turns out that the entire game is a daydraem of his and he's really just a nutter in a nuthouse THE END.

>> No.1499008

Nice spoilers faggot.

>> No.1499323

Saya isn't some horrible monster that goes around eating everyone she meets. It's just an occasional thing.

>> No.1499351

Probably not actual spoilers.

>> No.1499702

So, is there an translation project going for this?

>> No.1499729

As soon as Fuminori is going to be the translator. You know, so Saya won't eat him.

>> No.1499734

It'll be finished right after Cross Channel.

>> No.1499792


I dunno if you guys are trolling me, but would anyone be so kind to post the website of the Translation group doing Saya no Uta?

>> No.1499800

Don't worry about it, Google is a mysterious and complicated tool that only a few brave foolish souls can dare operate.

>> No.1499801


>> No.1499829


Damn, i fail, though seeing mirrormoon translating this surprises me, i always thought they be only doing typemoon stuff.

>> No.1499969

it's only being hosted on the mirrormoon site. not actually their project

>> No.1500010

Wait... I thought no one was working on it since it was stopped at 70%?

>> No.1501614
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>> No.1501552

They are..

It turns out that the people in his dream are based on things he see in the hospital (one of the girls is a crow he talks to on the roof, another is a cat, etc.)

In the ending you at first think he's cured because he knows that he's in a nuthouse, but then he talks to a doctor and it turns out that now he thinks HE'S a doctor and is still loony. The end.

>> No.1501585

Hmm... doesn't Tetsuo's "blob form" from Akira remind you of a Shoggoth? And the DNA computer from that one Johnny Quest episode.
Any more come to mind?

>> No.1501911


>> No.1502058

So, it's Jacob's ladder but only that he ends up alive in the end?

>> No.1502301 [SPOILER] 
File: 84 KB, 600x512, seahorse1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1502080

Me too!

>> No.1502091

gb2/v/, you fucker, get away from our waifu.

>> No.1502110

ur a faget.

>> No.1502114

ur a doodoo head.

>> No.1502123


>> No.1502148

/jp/ dont have blacks and is not prove to be one of us.

>> No.1502156

What about Gaijin? He was black.

>> No.1502175

Hey, I'm all for lesbian sex.

>> No.1502197


>> No.1502224

If you're talking about the 'Gaijin Smash' guy, he's the exception that proves the rule.

>> No.1502267

We're not really all that sure that Saya is female.

We're not even really sure if Saya's PERSONALITY is actually feminine, or if that, too, is a delusion.

>> No.1502270

She gets pregnant.

>> No.1502341

protip: the female transfers the eggs to the male

>> No.1502556

this is the description from VNDB

>The protagonist is a trainee teacher who commutes to a certain girls' school.
Safely finishing the daily practice period, and becoming a regular teacher is his goal.
However, his mind begins to tire.

>Uneasiness and nightmares come in sudden attacks, causing a strain, a social phobia, begins to grow more and more every day.
Slowly a fear of the girls he meets with after school begins to emerge, yet at the same time, a desire and passion.
Disgust, a kind of taboo, such a feeling is directed to the adult women who are his colleagues.

>"Am I really fit to be a teacher?"

>Day by day, the pressure builds.

>Even when the lessons are over, the lights are off, and the school is closed for another night.
He cannot help but wander.

accurate? Y/N

>> No.1502772
File: 160 KB, 600x844, 1202379312536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night Saya, I shall always love you!

>> No.1503024
File: 29 KB, 470x346, 1224840563153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so like a dinosaur, or those abominations of nature that resulted when scientists inserted velociraptor DNA into frogs.

>> No.1503000

She was gender-neutral at first, possibly masculine. She starts insisting that she is female after she starts getting the instinct to reproduce.

>> No.1503153

Btw, if you think about it, what happens after that, doesn't make a harem for Fuminori?

>> No.1503160

Yeah, I mean, those frogs then started to have huge claws and fangs and then killed everyone on the island.
Imagine what would've happened if they had put frog DNA in a Velociraptor !
They might have made some fucked up two story jumping machine of death.

>> No.1504043

unfortunately I think he gets turned like the rest of society within the urban areas. without an actual translation I couldn't really tell for certain though so it's still kind of up in the air for me, although I would like to think he lives with his offspring

>> No.1504490

