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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14936227 No.14936227 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss Fate/, Tsukihime and all that's in between here.
Let's discuss the wonderful world of Type-Moon together!

If you're an anime-only secondary please return to >>>/a/ and if you only care about that new game that gets discussed on >>>/vg/ then please return there.

>> No.14936242
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Did I just repeat myself with the whole 'discuss' thing? Fuck, I guess I'm just that tired.

>> No.14936264
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Only true patricians understand and appreciate Shirou.

He's literally too deep for some to get.

>> No.14936306

Yo dis be arcade bumsteam from turkeyhandle

>> No.14936403

I'd hit it.

>> No.14936406

Who's gonna buy Melty Blood on STEAM?

>> No.14936883
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Paradox Spiral is one of my favourite films!

>> No.14936891

>Paying for a game twice
>Not waiting for Melty Blood HD and importing that

>> No.14936920

>waiting for a game that won't come before tsukihime remake

>> No.14936936

>waiting for a game that's never gonna come out

Fixed. And that applies to both Tsuki and Melty.

>> No.14937924

And the wonderfully world of Type-Moon said to Anonymous "you wan turkly hambergs? too bad, here more kusoge seiba feces! fuck you!"
and then Nasu was the jews.
the end

>> No.14938953

I'm gonna buy it cause im a TypeCuck and can't accept that Nasu doesn't care about me

>> No.14939309

But Nasu cares about you, friend.
he can't come to your house to plunder your AMELICAN DOLLAH root, he needs you to do it for him
Nasu need your help to become even more rich and license even more fake abandoned projects, spinoffs nobody wanted and rehash on rehash of the same fucking crap

>> No.14939371
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How about some /jp/ melty heritage?

>> No.14939442

There's nothing to discuss.
This is just a cancerous general that's being posted by (probably) one autist.

>> No.14939477

There's nothing worth discussing in the entirety of /jp/ but people do it anyway because they have interests in things. Amazing.

>> No.14939575

I'll never forget the Type-Moon thread with an anon shitting on Aoko because of her hair colour

>> No.14939585

Her hair color is shit to be honest.

>> No.14939818

Then don't post. Don't tell others to stop talking about something just because you stopped caring.

>> No.14939975

Are the other Types still canon? If not, will the Tsukihime remake have a different background for Arc?

>> No.14940001

They are.
The dead apostle called Jester wants to turn Type-Mercury on in Fate/Strange Fake. He's bored with living and wants to see the world go out with a bang so he's gonna poke a spider in the eye. (His plans change to tormenting his servant out of amusement though)

>> No.14940080

Don't forget that ORT is also mentioned by Avenger in Fate/Hollow Ataraxia

>> No.14940149

>"Why, why would I be given something of such magnitude as that!?"

>"Because you are the King of Britain. Now you see, this island is special. The continent has already become the world of man. It’s because the kingdoms are connected over land that the rewriting of physical laws is fast. But this island is different. It still has the air of the age of gods, the mystery of the age of gods. It's a characteristic of small island kingdoms. The more isolated from the continent, the easier it is for mysteries to remain in those lands. And Britannia is particularly special. It’s like the belly button of the planet. For beings that live in mystery, it is THE holy land. That's why....yes. Should someone ever think of filling this planet with ether once again, they would set up their workshop on this island without a doubt. This is the last scar of the age of gods, and it could act as a pivot for flipping over the world. And stopping that is this holy spear that is piercing the world. To protect Britain is to seal one world of magic.”

>"But Merlin. I am now holding that spear. Wouldn’t that mean the anchor of the world has been undone?”

From Garden of Avalon. Do you guys think Type-Earth resides in Avalon?

>> No.14940417
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What has TM retconned over the years?

>> No.14940442
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>> No.14940615
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What are the chances that a company like dark horse might localize the rest of Lunar Legend Tsukihime?

>> No.14942918


>> No.14944638
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>> No.14946068

I just stayed up past midnight to kill Rani and her motherfucking hard servant. My last words to her after I finally got the hang of mixing skill spam, debuffs and that amazing skill that poisons her damn servant were "I have no sympathy for you, filthy sandnigger."

>> No.14946161
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do you like my titties?

>> No.14946167 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14947835

me on the left

>> No.14947884
File: 19 KB, 484x171, 2016-03-20_02-02-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I doing wrong /jayp/?

>> No.14948884

If i'm not wrong you have to remove [ ] / those from folder and exe

>> No.14949453
File: 115 KB, 407x509, FateExtraCCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translation when?

>> No.14949560

If I see that fucking neco one more time.

>> No.14950777
File: 54 KB, 800x600, BhVCOX6CQAAGl98[やしろぎ菘]猫の日だったもの。ニャンニャンしたい pic.twitter.com_SCfmvuNKih.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs more cats

>> No.14952398
File: 88 KB, 809x431, 2016-03-20_22-57-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did that, got a blue window of death.

>> No.14952414
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use japanese locale.

>> No.14953600

Considering grabbing what of Melty Blood that I can. Do the different titles have actual differences in story, or are they just dolled-up expansions of the first and I should get the most recent?

>> No.14953696 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14953720

I only played the fate route and never the other ones. It was around that time I also lost my interest in reading novels.

>> No.14953732


You del.
Fluffy tail del.
Shitty meatbag you gets to bang Rin/Rani.
Play CCC if you want the chance at an actual happy end.

>> No.14954565

Warc has nice titties

>> No.14954776

Yep, that seems to do the trick. Thanks anon.

>> No.14954832

ReAct Final Tuned (MBR) is the last one with VN elements where the outcome of the fight decides what route you take.
Act Cadenza (MBAC) works as a mini expansion to the story from MB/MBR with Story modes similar to regular fighting games.
Actress Again (MBAA) further expands on Act Cadenza's Story modes with new outcomes/characters/antagonists.

Obviously if you're in for story you have to have read Tsukihime (MB assumes "Sacchin end")/Plus Disc/KT beforehand.

>> No.14956036

CCC better be good

>> No.14956888


It is undeniably excellent.

>> No.14957201

So [ReAct Final Tuned] and [Actress Again] is all I need to grab, or do I need the previous versions as well?
>if you're in for story you have to have read Tsukihime... beforehand.
Obviously the plan. I am trying to consume all of TM's works anyhow.

>> No.14957253

Neko Arc a cute!

>> No.14957259

I personally like Act Cadenza because there's a tag team mode and every single combination of characters has a tag team name.

>> No.14957273

Does [Actress Again] not have those?

>> No.14957316

MBAC has a different overarching plot than MBAA, MBAA just continues over MBAC's story.
No, it doesn't have the Tag Team system anymore, but MBAA introduces new double-characters.

>> No.14957328

So I will need to get both MBAC and MBAA. Fantastic.

>> No.14958431
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>> No.14958440
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The fuck is that abomination?

>> No.14958460

Mushroom shenanigans.

>> No.14958479
File: 99 KB, 640x360, Fate-Extella_2016_03-22-16_025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something something Rome something something Rider.

>> No.14958619

So it's Remus? I'm not in. Romulus is way cooler.

>> No.14959422
File: 535 KB, 1920x1080, mbaacc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melty Blood With ReACT Patch
Melty Blood - Act Cadenza
Melty Blood - Actress Again Current Code
Melty Blood Drama CD Pack - Ladies In The Water & Back Alley Pyramid Night
Melty Blood and Melty Blood X complete manga (v1-v11)

>> No.14959756
File: 100 KB, 1920x1080, type-moon fes 2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q: In the first month of 2004 Fate went on sale. What was the reaction to it like?

Takeuchi: They seemed to really like it, which made us very happy.

Nasu: It was a title we believed in, so seeing it sell well gave us a lot of confidence. The reactions to it were both good and, in some cases, a little hollow. It was a victory that was both satisfying and hollow.

Takeuchi: He's speaking of the Sakura route. A lot of people were disatisfied with it. Hence, the hollow feeling.

Nasu: Yes, although recently more people are warming up to it. When it first came out, people were so excited and pleased by the Saber and Rin routes that they expected to keep proceeding down the royal road. The Sakura route is not like that at all, and they had trouble accepting that when it first appeared. We learned a lot from that experience.

Takeuchi: Nasu-san often writes dark endings where no one is saved, but because of this Fate has a different feeling. There are genuine heroes, exciting fighting, and lots of bright characters. I am glad the world of Fate has been such a big hit.


>> No.14960060
File: 89 KB, 548x308, Fate-Extella_2016_03-22-16_028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is getting more and more overpower and you can't stop it. I'm really glad about it

>> No.14960354

How much longer until the next TM-Ace.

>> No.14960676
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I wish there were more Assassins. It seems like an interesting type.

But they're not waifus or husbandos so it'll probably never happen.

>> No.14960936
File: 343 KB, 800x600, 9b54ea74ae619c9ace1de6f1b578e5be7bcf430a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone want to play melty blood?
East Coast

>> No.14961256

I'm starting to think Nasu likes red more than blue.

For every power up he gives blue do to Takeuchi hes giving red something else. And its not like he needs to give the fox anything.

>> No.14961356

Of course he likes red more than blue.
Just look at how he's treating Witch on the Holy Night.

>> No.14962695

Is tamamo that powerful?

>> No.14963091
File: 930 KB, 791x960, Suiten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but she self nerfed herself in all kinds of ways and is also nerfed by her circumstances.

For example:

>This thing is normally a EX rank Anti-World Noble Phantasm that has the range of covering a single country
>She only ever uses it as a D blunt weapon Noble Phantasm

>She refuses using most of her skills like Witchcraft EX and Shapeshift A

And then you have all that shit about her tails.

>> No.14963302

Poll for choosing best TM girl. Please add your favorite if she isn't already there.

>> No.14963437
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>This thing is normally a EX rank Anti-World Noble Phantasm that has the range of covering a single country
Is that why she can tank NPs like nothing in the game?

>> No.14963446

truly best girl

>> No.14963597
File: 53 KB, 620x348, 4a67ac0b1bd485d734051df5001a95fe-650-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people not voting for Aoka

>> No.14964045
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>> No.14964052
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>> No.14964056
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>> No.14964061
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>> No.14964066
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>> No.14964068
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>> No.14964070
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>> No.14964073
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>> No.14964077
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>> No.14964081
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>> No.14964085
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>> No.14964089

Thanks anon

>> No.14964091
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>> No.14964096
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Anytime, Anonymous.

>> No.14964140

Is this how our story time ends? Good show.

>> No.14965190

Could Godo kill servants?

>> No.14965611
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>> No.14966618


>> No.14967338

Where's the salt? Come on /jp/ there's always salty people on every discussion thread here, stop hiding.

>> No.14967407

I'm never not be salty about the visual changes, but I have accepted my fate as someone with the rare disease known as "Good Taste". Muh skirt and vents, senpai isn't senpai without her glasses and sugoi sugoi. Are you happy now you plebian?

>> No.14968462

Favorite DAA?

>> No.14968491

Tough one. Probably Primate Murder, Wallachia or Michael. Though Zelretch and Altrouge are also fun and up there. Too many favourites anon.

>> No.14969775


>> No.14969811

Hard to pick a favorite, but top three at least are Merem, Zelretch and Wallachia.

>> No.14972086

>Primate Murder
muh nigga

>> No.14972860


>> No.14972886

don't we know nothing of the dark 6 besides the fact that the ritual if screwed up can drain all the mana of earth?

>> No.14973014
File: 369 KB, 1364x2000, Tohno.Akiha.full.983300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is TypeMoon trying to sweep Tsukihime and Mahoyo under the rug?

>> No.14973047


Because Fate brings in the cash.

>> No.14973052

What would happen if people summoned the same servant twice? Like if they summoned Vlad as normal Vlad and Vlad as Dracula, or Heracles and Hercules, or everyone summoned Spartacus?

>> No.14973112

I don't know. It's theoretically possible given the Throne exists outside of time and each spirit can fill multiple containers. Pity all the Vlads can't meet up and discuss how things went, given most are Lancer and only one Berserker we've seen so far.

>> No.14973137

They'd just fight themselves since one version thinks it's better than the rest. See Artoria, Alter, Lily, Rider Alter, Lancer Alter and Mysterious Heroine X. Or Vlad and Dracula.

The Gils would talk about how great they are and masturbate. Especially since they have Independent Action and all.

>> No.14975070
File: 221 KB, 2800x1836, 1450780533679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good resources for people without much 2d fighter experience who want to learn Melty?

>> No.14975143
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The pastebin with the download happens to have a lot of information on guides and stuff.

Unrelated: Thomas Edison


>> No.14975161
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>> No.14975172
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Akiha is really, really cute. I think I'm in love with her.

>> No.14975202

Sweet, thanks. Hopefully I can make some progress with these. The last time I tried to learn Melty (a few years ago) I tried just starting to play and got frustrated and confused fairly quickly.

>> No.14975210

>Long name
>4-5 syllables

>> No.14975224
File: 219 KB, 850x1246, BlackKeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Takeuchi could draw?

>> No.14976065

>a-ru-kei-do bo-ru-ne-su-tu-do

>> No.14976385

Good times.

>> No.14976633

So am I, I love her so much it hurts.

>> No.14979297

He can still draw
Just saber

>> No.14979315

My personal opinion is that Fate is shit and most of the fan of Fate (and the Nasuverse) are manbabies, autistic (not in the good way unfortunately), and should be euthanized.

I respect the opinion of Fate fans the same way I respect the opinion of neonazi: they certainly have the right to live their fantasies and delusions, but should not be taken seriously (and should certainly seek medical help).

>> No.14979423
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I had a dream where I was in the Moon Cell with Tamamo as my Servant. Together we spied on Kayneth (that one guy from F/Z) with an unknown Rider-class Servant in order to gather information about said Servant.

>> No.14982108


>> No.14982220


Live from AnimeJapan

>> No.14982294
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Hang in there

>> No.14982517

Applies to Melty as well.

>> No.14982627
File: 795 KB, 1028x632, 1459056398885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fate/EXTRA anime confirmed. Post yfw no Caster

>> No.14982687
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>yfw no Caster

>> No.14982744
File: 170 KB, 1920x1080, [ANE] Bakemonogatari - Ep07 [BDRip 1080p x264 FLAC].mkv_snapshot_08.21_[2012.05.02_16.22.06].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying nero has a great fanbase, in fact they are fairly shit, but Casters fanbase is beyond awful.
So I'm quite happy.

>> No.14983232

Makes sense. The day is saved in the two first routes go through but then Heaven's feel has that bittersweet aftertaste.

>> No.14983738
File: 167 KB, 802x800, 589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to have the whole Tsukihime manga translated in my mother tongue.

>> No.14983777

Never in all my years did I think that Extra would get an anime before CCC would get a translation.

>> No.14984204
File: 2.20 MB, 1500x1499, sad tamamo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye, Tamamo... goodbye, everyone...
It looks like I met the same fate as that one guy who made a post on some obscure chan a few months ago. There's nothing left for me.

>> No.14985312

Is there a translation for Fate/extra out there? I don't wanna be a secondary.

>> No.14985325
File: 18 KB, 148x319, 1374797968588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't wanna be a secondary.
Time to learn nipponese.

>> No.14985457

>Is there a translation for Fate/extra out there

Yeah, it's called the official US release from years ago.

Unless you mean CCC, in which case....sorta? The Gil route was translated as the person played, but I don't think they got the true end, and the other characters didn't get their routes translated. But really, what's the point of playing CCC if you aren't playing the Gil route, that was the big draw of the game.

>> No.14985475

Oh, and I should mention that someone IS working on a translation patch for CCC, but I don't think they've posted a word on its progress since last September.

>> No.14985480
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Somebody talk me out of this please.

>> No.14985493
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>> No.14985530

But I love Ciel...

>> No.14985562
File: 86 KB, 640x640, 417086-alphafront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can wait. I have learned patience beyond human understanding.

>> No.14985945
File: 131 KB, 840x840, CeewHPwXEAADKcn.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14986146


Who is top left, and what the fuck is with bottom left's hair?

>> No.14986224
File: 586 KB, 512x724, Mozart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually pretty good. I hope they do one for Edison.

Top left is Tesla, bottom left is Mozart Aznable

>> No.14986300


I didn't recognize Tesla at first because that's not his actual face.

And I know that's Mozart, but why is his hair like that?

>> No.14986310

Anon, all of those photos are doctored to resemble their Fate appearances.

>> No.14986417

So, do you guys discuss anime on this board or what? Can I join your secret club? /a/ has become garbage.

>> No.14986452

Usually if you have to ask the answer is no.

There are other places to discuss anime out there if you don't want to use /a/.

>> No.14986537

No, I meant the original.
I googled for "Fate/Extra translation" and all I could find was failed translation efforts of CCC.

I guess I'll try and hunt down the original tomorrow, as well as see if I can find a PSP emulator.

Thanks, anon!

>> No.14986865


I hate tamamo so much. its designed specially to appeal people with the most generic "anime" taste one could possibly imagine, without any trace of creativity, even just a pretense. its truly terrible and disgusting the way they sold out pulling of a number like this character, and how uncouth audience are the bait with all the sinker. just look at the guy i'm quoting, how can he call "waifu" a character whose defining features are its physical features? there is nothing to tamamo beyond being a cat girl with big tits that talks funny. its literally its character

>> No.14986892

>I only fap to mature waifus for mature people such as myself

>> No.14986937

"Do you discuss anime on /jp/? because /a/ is becoming shit"

>> No.14986973

Why are you linking to my post instead of >>14986417?

>> No.14987169


>> No.14987399

The quality of the keys don't looks too good, but it's not an expensive fig. Go for it.

>> No.14988314


And yet she's had sex before, a lot of it.

That's as anti-waifu as you can get
