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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.43 MB, 1733x2000, 1414025895394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14960162 No.14960162 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't it illegal to use somebody's art for financial gain without their permission?

Who's the artist of this Momiji and how do we teach them to sue?

>> No.14960190

>illegal to use somebody's art for financial gain without their permission
Better shut down 4chan then

>> No.14960212

It's probably not worth a lawsuit, those things are expensive as shit. A cease and desist or DMCA pointed at Valve would probably resolve the issue.

His English probably sucks so there would probably need to be language assistance required.

4chan is protected by DMCA safe harbor provisions, though if awoo man wanted to file takedown notices against 4chan he could.

>> No.14960231

It's ridiculous that a company thinks they can make this emoticon without even considering the origin of it.

>> No.14960349
File: 385 KB, 350x400, momiji.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is serious though.

>> No.14960390

I once sent a letter to Pixiv telling them that J-List was using arbitrary artist's images to advertise their wares, but they told me to take it up with individual artists and I couldn't be arsed.

>> No.14960408
File: 10 KB, 323x479, ss+(2016-03-22+at+12.07.26).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the artist a while ago and I sent them the message but they stopped responding.

She is really cute too, I want to marry her.

>> No.14960442

Muh copiraito bullshit.
You guys are morons.

>> No.14960532

personal gratification is one thing but profiting off another's work is beyond the pale

t. pirate

>> No.14960552

What the fuck
How is that real?

>> No.14960563


>> No.14960591

What about profiting using another person's characters? i.e. all Touhou fan works.

>> No.14960606

That's not copyright, that's trademark. And your analogy doesn't apply here because this is a freely available piece of fanart.

>> No.14960727
File: 93 KB, 413x248, 1445829256438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon please that is waaay too adorable.

>> No.14960735
File: 110 KB, 716x1117, 927e4347853782620445590bd47455d0-d4o6wy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real crime is trying to get $80 for a meme emoticon.

What kind of retard would buy something like this?

>> No.14960762

ZUN has given permission to anyone to make fan works in accordance with some guidelines.

Doujinshi for other franchises (most of them) can be C&D'd but the copyright holders give them a pass because they're usually made and sold by the most dedicated fans. From a less legal perspective, it's also value-added creative work.

In America I think you can copyright characters.

>> No.14961190

Technically it's perfectly legal, since the original was published without any copyright or ownership info, placing it in the public domain. The author could still try to send a C&D, but they don't have to follow it since it wouldn't hold up in court.

>> No.14961206

You underestimate the kinds of idiots that use Steam.

>> No.14961245

Was it posted anonymously to the internet before the artist put it on their Pixiv?

>> No.14961285

no, it was in a folder within her pixiv account.
You actually had to look for it.

>> No.14961310

very otacool

>> No.14961435

If you wanna help her out just buy her merchandise.
I hope she delivers to the US.

>> No.14962414
File: 9 KB, 360x360, 360fx360f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is selling these valve or some user?

>> No.14962434

it's an emote "made" by the developer of the game.
game is called "Ultimate Arena"

>> No.14962443

I made a post on steam forums, but apparently the only legal action possible is for the actual owner of the image to file a DMCA.

Fuckers are making money off stolen artwork each time this thing sells.

>> No.14962445

show me where her merch is

>> No.14962459


>> No.14962467

Thank you
Think I may mail her for a custom illustration

>> No.14962476
File: 116 KB, 620x620, 6fe61f10-e697-4c27-9b8a-b790962a6e08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they look like tortured souls begging for death

>> No.14962478


>> No.14962825

>no, it was in a folder within her pixiv account.
That by no means invalidates her copyright. Things don't enter the public domain just because you don't know or care or who owns them.

>> No.14962834

So since none of us are technically authorized to file a DMCA on her behalf can we get someone who's fluent in Japanese to convince her to file one?

>> No.14962870


Didn't that TPP thing make it so random nobodies can do stuff like that?

>> No.14962877

>I am authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf in this situation.

Fuck if I know but I'm not risking it on this DMCA page.

I've made a support ticket, which will probably be answered in about 3 months by the time the devs have made an asston of money off people buying the game for the emoticon and selling the emoticons on the market.

>> No.14962903

The TPP makes it into a criminal offense in Japan, which would allow the government to move rather than waiting for copyright holders to file civil suit. It's already a criminal offense in the United States so the TPP doesn't affect it.

The more Valve makes the more she's entitled to recover if she files suit. Though that's not going to happen.

>> No.14962909

they need to be attractive too, she'll listen to them

>> No.14962932

This. Valve is fucking lazy. But they've dealt with this shit before at least, so hopefully they'll be quick.

>> No.14963024

i feel like we made a difference tonight

>> No.14963046

no we haven't literally nothing has happened

>> No.14963178
File: 19 KB, 220x204, 1456475035912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well we have to try

>> No.14963204

there's free game that used a definitely not licensed picture of yoko for an achievement, it's been up for over a year now. i don't think valve cares too much about the little stuff

>> No.14963476
File: 180 KB, 945x945, 1451694456525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the artist doesn't consider this a waste of their time to be concerned about and avoid all the loopholes they have to jump and time they have to spend just to take this down.
Otherwise this make /jp/'s efforts pretty bittersweet and would go on to make the artist look unappreciative and make awoo become one of those hated images.

Being that Japan doesn't really have a reputation of civil lawsuits, it'll probably be that.

>> No.14963572

if it doesn't work out i'll just move on, her art is good and she's cute, i can't really hate the art.

>> No.14963583

You're you and that's fine. But you can't just forget about people are very bitter and petty.

>> No.14963652

Like with a lot of things, the original media is fine, it's just the fanbase that ruin it and make it something to be disliked because of the accociation.

>> No.14963666

It could split up opinions on the artist. One could consider them and the fanbase a bunch of petty nofun nerds to hate.
The other could consider them unappreciative if they don't go through with it considering all the attention to put on it.

Regardless of the outcome I hope the artist doesn't give a shit in the end and keeps doing what makes them happy.

>> No.14964490
File: 2.66 MB, 980x868, awoo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow these simple steps to acquire your own awoo!

>> No.14964496

And what, exactly, will I do with it?
Flaunt my epic memeing skills to my le steam le friends?

>> No.14964502

Sell it for a fool who pays too much for a meme.

>> No.14964581

Wanna be friends on steam?

>> No.14964587

It's at least a free 25$ steambux right now.

>> No.14964767

Shit, I'm all over this

>> No.14964776

Do the trading cards have to be different? Or can I use 5 of the same?

>> No.14964809
File: 40 KB, 574x574, 1444077892693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me one good reason to care about this

The author doesn't seem to care
ZUN (the original author of Momiji and more important image owner) doesn't seem to care either
Why should I?

>> No.14964820

It's already one of those images.

>> No.14964824

>spent like 7 dollars on cards
>still not even one rare emoticon

im beginning to think im throwing my money away

>> No.14964881

It's a free $25(?) bucks in two weeks unless you get Steam's stupid phone app.

>> No.14964885

Meant for >>14964587

>> No.14964900

I-I care though. I don't want someone making money off this CUTE image they didn't create.

>> No.14964913

>got the Hillary one


>> No.14964958


>> No.14965004

i never actually thought about ZUN being the original creator, but he's already said people can use his characters for fan art with some guidelines.

this however was still made by somebody else who might not have the same guidelines

either way i just want somebody fluent in moon to let us know if she actually cares or if she's okay with it being on some gaming website where people are buying a cropped version for $20

>> No.14965026

I wonder how the guy who made feelsguy feels, they're selling that one for $15

>> No.14965504

he's Swedish so it doesn't matter

>> No.14965619

I think you should kill yourself for encouraging copyright.

>> No.14965897

I thought that guy was Polish.

>> No.14965925

>trying to stop people from jewing free money off of someone else's hard work

no u

>> No.14965966

What if the artist ends up not giving a shit? Everyone who's giving attention to this will come out looking like faggots.

The amount of time and money they could spend taking it down would be too much of a hassle just because some retards can't take meme images outside of the sekret club

>> No.14965975

I'm not in this because it's a meme image.

I'm in this because I think it's perfectly wrong that someone can make a shit game, fill it with meme emoticons and stolen artwork, then make 7.5% each time someone buys one of those things for 20 dollars, not including the card and game sales.

Meme or not, it's still profiting off someone else's work without their permission.

>> No.14966118

What are the chances a Japanese artist (presumably a hobby artist) would have the resources to go through a international litigation case if the much more resource rich devs attempt to argue it.

>> No.14966165

You need one of each from the entire set per badge craft.

>> No.14966167

They don't. But that doesn't stop Valve from curtailing abuse like this. They've done it before.

>> No.14966749

give me back my madoka poster you jack*ss

>> No.14966761

As far as some of the art i was involved in, it's illegal if it's registered trademark and such. Then again i don't use computers for art so i wouldn't know how that shit works. I avoid putting my stuff online since a lot of talentless kids now a days steal shit and pass it off as a "meme". Posting a "meme" is considered art now a days apparently.

>> No.14967019

I remember something about valve coming down really hard on a guy who made a Dota 2 cosmetic using a stolen 3d model.

>> No.14967194

Am I reading this right?
Someone paid $45 for this?

>> No.14967427

yeah, it's fucked up ain't it

>> No.14968022

if you want to be a proper memer, you gotta put down some cash

>> No.14968229

anybody contacted her yet?
sooner we hear what she thinks of all this the sooner i can rest easy

>> No.14968241

What about the other way around? Has anyone found out who's the guy behind that game and called him a piece of shit? Pretty sure all of the emoticons for the game are illegal to make a profit off of.

>> No.14968297

Jesus christ, are you people retarded?

>> No.14968304

Could be wrong, but I think this is him. He's the only one making pinned posts about development on the community hub.

>> No.14968330

Just want to add that copyright is actually automatic under the Berne Convention and one is not required to register one's work or provide information for the work to gain copyright.

>> No.14969000
File: 65 KB, 577x769, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to impregnate and protect her

>> No.14969013

20$ for an emote >_>
The devs do the emotes, trading cards and backgrounds, valve approves them. Valve has a tax on every market transaction so this whole rp pandering is just another way to make free money by doing literally nothing.

Sage because offtopic.

>> No.14969017

We are le gag army.
We protect all gud vidya from evil jews and sjw tumblrinas

>> No.14970950
File: 266 KB, 1200x1200, 1449894174879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that sweater
>those glasses
10/10 would buy out her entire stock of merch for

>> No.14971076

I know of like two or three cases. Just recently a custom map for DotA 2 was using a shit ton of workshop content and some WoW asset. This was the very first custom map to feature the buyable Custom Passes feature too.

There was two cases of people posting some Japanese MMO asset and a Guild Wars one too. Pretty sure the content got dropped, Valve locked the account, and I think the GW people sued him.

>> No.14972372

now i'm too nervous to message her

>> No.14972473

You don't need an artist for this
Just write to Valve

>> No.14972560

i think shes cute but the picture is heavily photoshopped.

It looks like one of those shitty jav covers.

>> No.14975725

the only downside is she might be fat

>> No.14975805

Doesnt this go agaisnt ZXu's rules?
It allows DOujinshi, but this is on the market, and Valve take a cut of that.

Honestly, thats all that metters to me, hurting Valve becuase they are jews killing PC gaming.

>> No.14988305

has anybody messaged the artist?
any news?

>> No.14988310

She doesn't give a fuck. Why do you think this thread is dead?

>> No.14988464

Honestly anyone that uses Steam as anything other than a launch platform for games can be safely killed without any negative repercussions towards humanity or the planet.

>> No.14989069

the dev is from /v/ and he was taking requests for emotes for his game
here is the exact post that he got awoo from

>> No.14990099
File: 178 KB, 460x460, 107770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was the anon that asked the dev to put the emote in the game
>He actually put it in
>I crafted the badge 5 times and never got the emote
p-pls dont get mad at me

>> No.14990114

I'm with this anon, I have no idea how people can be remotely okay with that retarded badge system whome features should be free and avaible from the very start or that retarded skin market. To not talk about it seems paid mods are going to be a thing one day.

>> No.14990174

That's like e-mailing DeviantArt and telling them somebody's making t-shirts with trollface on them. They'd have told you the same thing.
It's not Pixiv's art, there's nothing they can do about it.
Even if you had used a machine translator, had you sent the links to the actual artist, you might have gotten better results.

>> No.14990351 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 225x225, 1434473233531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cucks on jayy pee get the game taken down
>now their is no way for these memes to be reproduced
>their rarity and price proceed to skyrocket
>devs face when
You've already lost this battle
Theirs no point in even trying my familiars.

>> No.14990490
File: 31 KB, 988x155, awoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Might sell mine, got it first try. didn't even have to invest real money or buy the "game"

>> No.14991019

Paid mods are already a thing they're called skins

in the past for any game you'd just mod in the skins you wanted from gamebanana or some shit

now you pay for all of them or get banned if you host a server that lets people use skins for free

>> No.14991657

you are retarded. gamebanana skins are client side only.

>> No.14991702

I wish I knew moon. Zun would be against Valve using his stuff for profit. Someone needs to tell him, just to reduce the bullshit steam is bringing to games. Paid mods are cancer, but this is stealing and selling other peoples content. A lawsuit may also encourage quality control.

>> No.14992094

>Got two awoos, two white guys, and a purple guy
>No Trump


>> No.14992110

I mean, it's not Valve that's doing this.

>> No.14992258

And your point is? You can't get client side skins without getting banned.

>> No.14992272
File: 342 KB, 394x394, 1419753297310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>encouraging "donut steel" frivolous copyright bullshit
>for fanart of a character the artist has no legal right over
>trying to pester the artist about it when they clearly don't care
Pic should be you.

>> No.14992370

>paying for memes
Man and I thought paying $50 for gun skins on cs:go was bad.

>> No.14992373

Who are you quoting?

>> No.14992392

>for fanart of a character the artist has no legal right over


  ///  /_/ /


 / ̄ ̄旦 ̄ ̄ ̄/



>> No.14993629

you can still use client side skins without getting banned, you are retarded

>> No.14993630

Please use sage when posting in shitty threads.

>> No.14993660

all threads are shitty, everyone should use sage

>> No.14993671

Yes! You're starting to catch on, good!

>> No.14993870

But it's on their marketplace.
Valve takes a cut.

This is less aboput copyright, and more about y disgust with their market system.
Locking features behind badge levels, locking emotes to sell back to you, locking backgrounds, and then taking a cut of every item sold on the marketplace.

The best part is the faggots asking why valve dont make more games. They dont need to, thanks to autism.

Jew please.
This is just more bullshit by valves. Paid mods, now paid memes. They are pure cancer.

>> No.14993943


>> No.14993957

dude we gotta protect our sikret club somehow yo

>> No.14995279

it's not about our sekrit club, it's about stopping some jew memer from making big bux off somebody elses work.
Sure the Momiji isn't hers, but work was still done to make it, and she's entitled to at least a cut of that.

>> No.14995892

Copyright law is literally the most greedy, "jewish" part of modern legislature and here you all are calling others jews and demanding its enforcement. Shame. I hope you all get vanned for pirating.

>> No.14995919

Fuck off /g/, there's a reason if nobody gives a shit about Linux.

>> No.14996088
File: 772 KB, 500x2974, 1284356653805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok /v/erming listen up. This shit is a nonissue, at least for touhou and the doujin scene, steam is still shit.
What (you) should be caring about is Tasofro and ZUN selling out to sony now, effectively damaging decades of loveable doujin scene development and being a giant hypocrate.

>> No.14997792

I don't think you have any idea how any of this works. This is exactly backwards.

>> No.14999076

please stop

>> No.15004694

dude awoo lmao
