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14943874 No.14943874 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>14929446

Aigis Event: Oni Possessed Swordswoman

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Flower Knight Girl


Sengoku Providence

>> No.14943912

how much SC highest stamp card is on DMM aigis?

>> No.14943939


>> No.14943947

Thank you. I shall recalculate most efficient waifu collecting card.

>> No.14943970

Pretty sure it's 150. You get 2 plat tickets for 300 which is only a bit more than the 250 card. Of course you get some nice bonus stuff from the 250 card, most importantly CR fairies, but if you just want your waifus 150 seems more appealing.

>> No.14944191

only waifus

>> No.14944225


They break canon to suit their needs. Like Ieyasu path being "Nobunaga gets bored of Japan because conquering it is now a foregone conclusion. So she goes overseas to start a new campaign, then promises Hideyoshi she'll come back as an invader. Hideyoshi decides it'll be more fun if she visits Nobunaga pre-emptively with an army." Sure in this case history was largely kept intact but they've no reason to stick to canon.

>> No.14944438
File: 20 KB, 245x116, shit armors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a good armor, Aigis-sama
Is Bernice really too much to ask for?

>> No.14944457

I don't even use Bernice anymore with AW prince, Anya and Yurina.

>> No.14944469

I can't clear the golem storyline so no prince for me
My Anya is maxed, but her tanking capabilities are meh, and the cost is terrible at times
I do have a Yurina, but her def/hp seem terrible. Does she suddenly get better after awakening?

>> No.14944501

I dunno what you're talking about. Anya's tanking capabilities are great. With her skill I even had her tank 2 inoshishis and she could do fine with one without skill.
Dark knights get some nice def after AW and Yurina has a skill that doubles her defense and lowers enemies physical power. Sadly one use only.

>> No.14944593

Was looking around past events on DMM and saw that the second GR awarded a free Spica after fully completing it. Damn, that would be nice. For those that haven't got her min/maxed already ofc.

>> No.14944657

Considering how many of us have got her mincost, it'd feel more like a slap in the face than anything else to have Spica gave to us like that.

>> No.14944675

I'm a new player and I don't even have a Spica.

>> No.14944687

She's only 200 DC and she hasn't left the trading post, give it 3 months and you could have a mincost Spica too.

>> No.14944695

I'm a new player who is playing on DMM like a proper human being and I don't even have a Spica.

>> No.14944729

Then you aren't getting the second goldrush at all since its already past you.

>> No.14944740

You neither since you play on Nutaku

>> No.14944747

That's 5*-limited flower tho.

>> No.14944754

There previously was another campaign that gave you two 5*-limited flowers and a 6*-limited flower.

Though neither slots nor (non-assist) rainbows are necessary to handle any of the current maps, so I don't particularly care about them.

>> No.14944790

Why would anyone play in a language only you can read when you can play it in english?

>> No.14944791

Give it a year and you'll be proven wrong.

>> No.14944801

>only you can read
>just passed million users campaign

>> No.14944804

A year? That's too soon! My heart isn't ready for this!

Please give us a break of at least six months before that. I still need to level the 216 blacks I rolled by selling my father's oil company.

>> No.14944810

What do you know, I finally know the context for that pic with no-pan Themis, Bashira and Bella after watching the videos of the GR out of boredom.

>> No.14944811

But its still internally consistent. Oda wins, unites Japan, then leaves. Hideyoshi wins, unites japan, follows Oda. Tokugawa re-unites it again and establishes bakufu for next 300 years. There's no space for success story of other warlords.

>> No.14944828

Not sure why, but I'm fucking dying here.

>> No.14944833

Where is the toxic followup guy?

>> No.14944847

I'm getting offended by this word.

>> No.14944853

Stop being this toxic.

>> No.14944870

I found it funny how people decided to use this word to basically say someone is a jerk.
Now it's used for anyone who disagrees with your opinion.

>> No.14944883

Wait, does that the mean devs call the community a bunch of jerks?

>> No.14944895

Hey now, there's no need to be so negative. Nutaku may get one-third the events that DMM Aigis gets, their PR team may have no idea what their own games are about (see: "show your Claudia" event before you could get Claudia, "fuck her brains out" advertisement for Kanpani), their translations may be worse than Google Translate, they may take months to fix bugs that are removed in days on DMM, their censorship may vary from unnecessary to outright baffling (Osawari's sword hilts, teddy bears), they may constantly lie to their users ("we're vehemently opposed to censorship", "Deine is an EN-exclusive unit to replace Dina", "you're getting any anniversary content at all") and their players may be a rabble of idiots who still toss them money despite being constantly treated like shit, but at least they're trying!

>> No.14944949

Everything's fine. The future is giving us a break and we will be as Gods with an all new IB, RtR and AW gems! I mean Orbs! and lots of Awoooo for everyone.

>> No.14945047

>Oda wins, unites Japan, then leaves

Actually not quite - in Nobunaga path, Akechi is trying to assassinate her for real. Protagonist's plot device saves him and Nobunaga at the cost of both their stones. So Nobunaga gets fired up for New Game+ starting from scratch instead of going overseas.. Your point still stands that it roughly follows but the paths are willing to diverge on details. There is a lot more inertia to do a story path for other warlords but if this game wants to actually stick around then it'll have to overcome that hurdle.

>but at least they're trying

Wrong punchline. "But they're still successful as a business and we should respect them for jumping over the startup chasm!"

>> No.14945173

Well, I do respect them for finding a way to print money.

They even provide free entertainment on the side! Aigis drama never fails to deliver, and their girl-out-of-vagina advertisement is pure gold.

>> No.14945569

KamiPro gacha will work for 4 days more only, and I still didn't get SSR.

>> No.14945593

what would you rather have for samurais

-2 cost
defense buff (10-15%)

>> No.14945615

Defense buff. Cost is cheap for what they do.

>> No.14945620

this >>14945615

>> No.14945637

Hand them a chance to dodge attacks, maybe.

Or even give them +cost and 50% damage reduction when they're being attacked by two things, so they become really good at their multi-hit multi-tank role.

>> No.14945639

-2 cost wouldn't save them.
Drop it to 17 mincost for plat and maybe I'll consider fielding them sometimes.

>> No.14945647

> more RNG
Fuck no.

>> No.14945661

What's your opinion on the upcoming event units on Nutaku? Rita, Xiao, Shuuka, Fran, Imeria... Any must-haves?

>> No.14945692
File: 64 KB, 960x480, 225693_487271981456376_163567248650449676_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hilarious how Nutaku can't do anything good regarding Aigis, not even a correct "character profile".

>> No.14945711

Waltz is one you want to max-skill min-cost at any cost.
Rita was meh archer for quite a while but introduction of counter-attack mechanic made her very good unit, I'd certainly raise her now on DMM if could. I have perfect Ricola there but she doesn't receive Spica's buff.
Flan is great in certain cases when mincosted, having one will never hurt.
Imeria is absolute must if you plan to ever use AWed bandits.
Star trial is something you perfect anyway.

>> No.14945714

On the bright side, Nutaku designed a better Samurai than the JP devs did.

>> No.14945728

>paralysis sets in for the enemies

oh hell yes

>> No.14945732

Done today's daily yet, phaget?

>> No.14945741

No, i have to farm my probably global enemy paralysis samurai.

>> No.14945756

I would work my dailies with Sophie if I could...
Damn, so all except the ones from star trial (which you didn't mention) will warrant SCs. I have Marnie and I don't really have used bandits yet but I guess I'll have to keep my hands off Premium gacha for a while.

>> No.14945767

Scratch that, I misunderstood the post a little. It's not that Xiao and Shuuka aren't useful but that they don't require much work to be maxed.

>> No.14945778

I still don't think Imeria is necessary at all. She's a decent bandit, but there's no point in awakening her just to use a different one instead.

>> No.14945784

Ricola is better against Furfur anyway since traps are great against the majin's 2nd form.

>> No.14945788

Good to know, I didn't plan to spend much on her after getting Cellia and having Conrad and mincosted silvers.

>> No.14945811

Cellia in particular has very high HP, no problem tanking 4k golem hits with her.

>> No.14945813

>no point
Her HP boost is huge point. Its bandit's main stat.
Her presence in team is the difference between being able to tank iron golem with bandits and not.

>> No.14945823

Is this "shidis" healer good?

>> No.14945824

Cellia with Imeria can tank Mithril Golem.
Cellia without Imeria can tank only Iron Golem.
Still quite important difference.

>> No.14945826

if that's Chydis
then yes

>> No.14945828

She's the best one you can get as freemium player.

>> No.14945831

Sure, if you really want to max level Conrad and don't have anything else but those two for tanking golems.

>> No.14945838

My original statement was not made with the assumption that anyone had Cellia. It's not that Imeria is bad or anything, but she's not necessary for a lot of people.

>> No.14945861

Is it too late to swap to dmm aigis?

>> No.14945865

I have accounts on both sites
it's never too late imo

>> No.14945874

I just started there a few days ago. If you hurry, you can probably pick up the current princess event unit before that event ends.

>> No.14945875

Why would it be?

>> No.14945876

Damn, looking up the dancer abilities... Marnie gives -1 UP for melee units? Nice...

>> No.14945878

I don't know I thought maybe it would take too long to catch up without whaling.

>> No.14945921

It's not that bad if you know what you're doing. There's also a lot of free shit on Aigis and you get full drops on the first clear of event maps which helps a lot. There are also more dailies with buffed drop rates, more units, more events etc.

I had the same concerns at first, but now I wish I would've switched over to DMM sooner.

>> No.14945935

In effect it really just makes up for the fact that you can't mincost her easily unlike the other dancers.

>> No.14946087

Oh, guess I misunderstood the translation. You actually have to deploy her like tacticians. Not so good then. Guess I would pick her for strong bosses and Waltz for lazier runs or to compensate for a thief maybe?

>> No.14946130

What are the keywords for needing deployment and not needing?

>> No.14946133

the week is almost over and I haven't gotten a single RIA, Violetta or Stella in Kanpani

does the increased drop chance affect fairy envelopes?

>> No.14946146

It's actually quite clear desu, guess it was wishful thinking on my part. 配置中 or how google translates "on deployment" applies to Marnie or the Prince. 出撃メンバーにいるだけで or "just by being in sortie" would apply to Uzume or Katie.

>> No.14946150

It does, I got a Violetta myself. I must say, the boost is real, I've gotten at least one of the spotlight girls each week just with the natural draws and 1 envelope every 2 days.

>> No.14946187


Confirming fairy envelopes work with the drop boost. It's how I got Elmina and Liliana with very few envelopes.

>> No.14946375

Do you feed the Happy fairy by herself or with 3 other fairies to get the max level?

>> No.14946389

Just herself.

>> No.14946395

Special fairies do not allow other units (including fairies) to be fed at same time.

>> No.14946524

Can someone give me an official /jp/ black unit tier list so I can decide who is worth going for?

>> No.14946530

All the ones out are shit.

>> No.14946578

Do whales make a lot of money or do they just not eat? I find it strange that someone smart enough to be rich would blow loads of money on gachas.

>> No.14946580

Same. At least one each week on daily pulls.

I had one not long ago where I drew two of the girls in the same daily pull and had to make a choice between them.

It's a nice change and I'm glad they implemented it.

>> No.14946581

the lights stay on in Vegas for a reason

>> No.14946695


You make 2 assumptions there:
1) they're rich
2) being smart is necessary to be rich

There's a further assumption that's implicit:
3) they're in a rational state of mind, i.e. they're not temporarily vulnerable due to extraordinary circumstances

>> No.14946714

Flipping burgers while living out of parent's basement is enough to have a few hundred to blow every month.

>> No.14946744

Because gamble makes them entertaining and they have money. Duh

>> No.14946776

When you do actually have a job (even if just a dishwasher), blowing a hundred bucks into the game every month is definitely possible.

>> No.14946979

"young lady" units help a lot, too

>> No.14946992

Got Marnie to CR-2, 4/5 and Hana to CR-3, 4/5. Should I keep farming Hana to either min cost her or try and max skill either of them, or switch to revival crystal farming? Marie at 4/5, no CR, and haven't gotten around to skill upping Viera with the bonbons yet either.

>> No.14946999

i use stolen credit cards to buy prefilled visas

>> No.14947222

I hope you mean Marie.

>> No.14947232

I'd say try to mincost Hana and Marie if you plan to use them. Last SU not worth going for imo as it's only 5%, just use rainbow fairies if/when you want to SAW them.

>> No.14947306

Nah I meant Marnie for the first one, I had three from gatcha and got -2 from that. Second one was Marie though

>> No.14947345
File: 29 KB, 500x379, shh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 3 Momiji and no CR or SU
She's still stuck at CR-2, 5/10
Marie, she's better when you can CR her.

>> No.14947355

I've been farming shell's for archers and have yet to get either an archer or Momiji. So I"ve only had the 1 Momiji from the last map and that's it.

>> No.14947372
File: 170 KB, 948x558, 2016-03-20 121856-Kanpani Girls - Game _ Nutaku.com - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used up 10 fairy envelopes
no Violetta or Stela

but I got this girl

>> No.14948293
File: 71 KB, 500x682, Aigis LN Vol 5 - No Title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

千年戦争アイギス 月下の花嫁V
(Millennium War Aegis: Bride Under the Moon V)
Release Date: April 30th
Shop: Amazon; Mangaoh
Serial Code: Dragonslayer Lahti (竜殺しラーティ)
Class: Monster Slayer (モンスタースレイヤー)

We've got Dorca and Chris as our new cover characters this volume! I'm impressed at how Dorca doesn't seem obscenely huge in this illustration.

>> No.14948296
File: 41 KB, 500x500, Dragonslayer Lahti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was supposed to be "seem to have"

Here's Dragonslayer Lahti. Also apparently:
>Ahah, WankoP said in an interview that futuristic technology, like rail cannons, won't be introduced into this game...
Make of it as you will.

>> No.14948299

My bad for forgetting the shop links.

Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4047340952/

Mangaoh: http://www.mangaoh.co.jp/catalog/421446/

>> No.14948354
File: 174 KB, 1600x1200, Barrett_M99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a qt

Also looks like she's holding a longer, shiny m99.

>> No.14948373

Looking forward to her range...

>> No.14948404

Maybe she'll finally fulfill the niche of super high damage low attack speed high range single target that pirates kinda half-assed.

>> No.14948502

What do I do with huge stock of mishas if I already have one mincosted? I don't even have units I want to AW which require valks.

>> No.14948679
File: 760 KB, 938x528, X-Overd R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X-Overd, pls.

>> No.14949221
File: 536 KB, 951x633, 160320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for Raven to shine

>> No.14949444

Why is the Prince such a weak unit? How can he fuck so many bitches while being half the man they are?

>> No.14949469

Because the Prince wields 2 swords and every girl in the game is interested to hold in his room.
At side for that, probably to balance his titles.
Post awakening... well...

>> No.14949473
File: 357 KB, 960x640, 67f315605ce5029f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>such a weak unit
>being half the man they are?

>> No.14949476

I like how his crotch is the only thing without armor. Always ready to pull out the dick.

>> No.14949482

He must be always ready to save some girl in need you know.

>> No.14949497

Prince is the worst unit in the game because he isn't a cute girl and, unlike other awful non-cute-girl units, he's forced into every sortie.

If he got into a magic accident and came out of it as a little princess in bikini armor, then I'd consider using him.

>> No.14949514

but then who would dick the wifi

>> No.14949547


>> No.14949550

Conrad's dicking lolis and a Rita/Nanaly Combo. The game wouldn't last long with just that.

>> No.14949564

Ignoring his awakening for a moment here
How is Prince a weak unit? He gives a massive boost to every other unit, and his base stats at player level 184 are 1700 hp, 430 attack, 330 defense for a mere 10 unit cost.
Max affection katie, 50CC60A54 has 1731 hp, 330 attack 316 defense and costs 13.
Or 50CC70 lynn, 1652 hp, 503 attack, 210 defense, also costs 13

His stats are comparable to a platinum monk or an awakened gold soldier. That's not bad at all for a mere 10 UP.

>> No.14949614

He's probably complaining about how Prince is your classic RPG Hero who you have to level up from level 1 alongside your level for the game, which requires a lot of grinding.

Once you hit or get close to 100, he's not as bad anymore, but he can be annoyingly weaker than most of your units for a time.

>> No.14949635
File: 113 KB, 700x800, 1451924376171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14949862

He should be stronger than black units because he's my self insert.

>> No.14949869

How do I get Nanaly to stop raping my entire team in the awakening map? I thought a max level CC heavy was enough but apparently not.

>> No.14949878

That's awesome Conrad, do it again!

>> No.14949885

Pretty sure maxed Leanne can take it, with two healers. Just make sure to place her after the healers, so Nanaly doesn't oneshot them

>> No.14949909

Just self-insert into him.

>> No.14949930

So they updated the FKG page. Gotta admit, colourful and pretty.

>> No.14949934

And still without typos!

>> No.14949979

And people were worrying that FKG devs would turn out to be as inattentive as Dev Tea.

You have nothing to fear from the JP side, just pray that Nutaku doesn't fuck this up on their own account.

>> No.14949993

From the images it shouldn't be too long probably. Who knows? maybe they surprise us this next week? Would be nice to have something to do on Nutaku with the Aigis break and all.

>> No.14950017
File: 1.06 MB, 1754x1240, ddfe23221906d59f54f7bd46f4c84c2d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14950096

>Would be nice to have something to do on Nutaku with the Aigis break and all.
Well, EN Aigis is a lost cause at this point, it's pretty much a demo compared to the DMM version. It's true that Nutaku improved considerably since the past six months or so (though they still do retarded shit with alarming frequency), but it doesn't take a genius to figure that the one-event-per-month schedule is there to stay and that Dev Tea will do its darnedest to make EN players suffer in new and amusing ways. You'd have to be an idiot to still "play" EN Aigis under these conditions, but thankfully there are a lot of idiots in the Nutaku audience, so the game is sure to generate profit for a good while.

But now FKG is shaping up to be what Aigis should have been, as a top-tier game on DMM that is well-supported from the get-go and hopefully will not have missing events and update delays. Since FKG devs seem to pay due attention to what Nutaku is doing, we'll also unlikely to suffer the shitty censors that we got in other games, and if the game does well enough, we may even get things like a LN translation or EN-exclusive new versions for top-voted girls in Phosphorecia/Grande Fleur festival events.

I'd still prefer if they took their time in releasing it, though. Rather a month's delay than an early release with a butchered game.

>> No.14950115

>You'd have to be an idiot to still "play" EN Aigis under these conditions, but thankfully there are a lot of idiots in the Nutaku audience, so the game is sure to generate profit for a good while.

I won't fault anyone for playing. There's a lot of opportunity to play missed events in JP or play literally anything in a language they understand.

But paying for it is another matter. I'd say no one should be paying anything into this game until the devs step up how they're handling it or until Nutaku grows enough of a spine to start standing up for their own business, but the reality is that as soon as people stop paying for EN Aigis, the JP devs are just going to kill it off.

Frankly, though, seeing one of their better games die off might give Nutaku enough of a kick in the pants to step up their game.

I'm not sure why I give a shit anyway. The whole point to playing any of this for me was to help build the number of players so they could make a case for KanColle, but September has long since come and gone and there isn't a word out of anyone, so whatever.

I'm playing both EN and JP Aigis until one or both die off at this point.

>> No.14950214

My Leeanne can tank her no problem with 3 healers, but 2 strong ones will sufice

>> No.14950269

My Bernice tanks her easily with skill up with just Fedora solohealing everyone.

>> No.14950318

Mortimer, go home. You're drunk.

>> No.14950464

Man, I got 4 SSRs on my first day of Seiken Manifestia but months later I haven't gotten any more.

>> No.14950856
File: 156 KB, 800x572, 19cbdb5a7b7f482c59b1ecfb7dbbf95b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Run 50, 1 Lauren and after 15 fusions Momiji is still at CU -3 and SL 4/10

How is going yours?

>> No.14950865

I'm the guy that got 7 fusions in a row without having her move from 2/10 -1 CR. 11 fusions now and she finally moved to 5/10 -2 CR. Still awful. I'm farming the 7/70 once more and saving up for tomorrow's daily.

>> No.14950899

Not as bad as >>14950865 but 6 fusions leaves me at -2CR and 5/10 skill.

As for Lauren, I got the two I was aiming for so I could awaken Spica, so now I'm farming Heavies. All I'm getting are Samurais though, which fucking sucks since they need Rogues.

Along with Pirates. And Ninjas. And Rogues, obviously. And Soldiers, for Awakening. As well as Valkyries. Also Rogues and Ninjas again. And let's not forget the pirates.

You know what. If the next event has a rouge map, I'll probably just farm that instead of focusing on the event, because the amount of Rogues needed right now is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.14950902
File: 184 KB, 926x620, Momiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-2 7/10. I can't remember exactly how many fusions, probably 9 or 10.

>> No.14950997

Not that either are worth the time, but I wonder why DT:M is less popular (lol comeback campaign) than Duel Squads when it's pretty much the same mechanics.

>> No.14951015
File: 238 KB, 811x454, you are going to be a useless benchwarmer for all eternity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This event has been depressing for me.
I've done like 8-10 runs of the 5 stamina map and every other bit of stamina has gone into the 7 stamina one. I haven't done a single fusion yet.
I'll just let the picture tell my sad tale.

I-It's not like I want drops out of this event anyway, baka Aigis...
Rolling my first and only black from the gacha must have used up all my rng for the next few months or something.

I'm way too deeply invested into Eng Aigis to start all over again on Jap Aigis. I'm not going to throw away my hard farmed perfect Karma and all my max leveled CC'd units and the 80 something euro that I spend. It's as simple as that.

>> No.14951075

imo, it's because of that skill inheritance system that allows for a lot of variable teams, as well as being a newer version of the two.

Personally, I prefer DT:M for the art, which is mostly better than Duel Squads imo, and because the playstyle is closer to games like RoB and Deity Wars, which I loved to play and still do, before Cygames continuously dropped the idiot ball and closed their western releases.

>> No.14951076
File: 453 KB, 680x744, bLL45peg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how many fusions, probably under 15 but not by much.

Up to 8/10 and -4 so far.

I've been fighting the last CR for a while, so hopefully I can knock that out soon. I'm not sure if I'll waste any crystals if I can't get it by the end of the night tomorrow since she's just a samurai. I need to spend my charisma on the orb map, but I can probably force a level instead and use the refill for that and take the gamble on a few more shots at Momiji.

>> No.14951103

Good luck on that last CR then

>> No.14951113

In theory it's possible to mincost with that much, go ahead and try your luck. They're just wasting space now.

>> No.14951120
File: 226 KB, 957x641, shitprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit. 3/10 -2 cost after how many runs? The biggest problem isn't even the RNG from combination. It's the fact that she doesn't drop in half the runs I make.

>> No.14951129
File: 210 KB, 947x576, rngplz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I go then

>> No.14951131

ganbare anon-tan~

>> No.14951147

bet you got -2

>> No.14951156
File: 289 KB, 1380x583, Enjoy your benchwarmer status.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all Aigis is going to give me.

>> No.14951161

You were not wrong.

>> No.14951169

I've been pegged by Aigis-sama more than a few times
The only mincost event units I have are from Star Trials

>> No.14951200

I know that feeling all too well.

>> No.14951215

-3 cost 4/10 skill lvl 50 Momoji. This is normally where I'd CC her, but she requires a rogue to CC so fuck that.
My 1 remaining rogue is for a mage AW and then I need 3 more for my core team of 16 to be sorted along with 1 witch and 2 mages.

>> No.14951228
File: 392 KB, 1600x900, Momo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 fuses. Drop luck was shit for first 3-4 days, and now fuse luck is shit. ffs.

>> No.14951268

I wonder if the goddess ever gets her h-scenes
I bet they'll be femdom, pegging and hardcore humiliation with meta themes and gacha teasing

>> No.14951292

Instead of diamonds and bouquets and such, her affection items are:

10 sacred crystals (+1-2%)
25 sacred crystals (+3-5%)
50 sacred crystals (+5-10%)
100 sacred crystals (+15-30%)

>> No.14951297

As well as hardcore SC consumption and putting them into places where they should not be properly fitting.
Possibly a whole SC beadline, going right into the prince's pooper.

>> No.14951366

Why don't you have Nanaly yet?

>> No.14951389

Because I have a Clissa

>> No.14951396

But I do (on DMM)

>> No.14951401
File: 378 KB, 957x639, unitlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14951405

You are asking the wrong person, direct the question to Aigis-sama instead.

>> No.14951412

>There's a lot of opportunity to play missed events in JP
That was reason why I started playing on nutaku.
Turned out I was wrong. I got more older events on DMM in form of revival than on Nutaku. Nutaku skipped plenty of events I done as revivals, like Yurina, Chloe, Noel.
So far DMM didn't have revival only for 3 events I played on Nutaku: Karma, Sorano and Rowana, but had plenty of revivals which I'm not ever getting on Nutaku, like Anya/Aria/Echidna events.

>> No.14951413
File: 132 KB, 414x244, whale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*whale noises*

>> No.14951416

Because I have Septuple Shot.

>> No.14951423

Seeing as nutaku's aigis for some reason is not deemed worthy of revival events. I wonder how they actually work.
Do these usually along side other events or are they just a rehash of a previous event for a week or something?

>> No.14951431

Nutaku said a long time ago that the devs would do revivals (on top of a list of about four times as many things they wouldn't do).

Dev Tea just decided they didn't want to at some point, I guess. If they're going to give us week-long breaks, the least they could do is fill them with damn revivals.

>> No.14951438

Or more story missions, or higher difficulty dailies, or gold rushes or or or

>> No.14951441

>Dev Tea just decided they didn't want to at some point
As far as i concurr with your opinion there's no proof about that.
>If they're going to give us week-long breaks, the least they could do is fill them with damn revivals.
But then that not would be a break.

>> No.14951461
File: 391 KB, 560x431, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (92).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do these usually along side other events or are they just a rehash of a previous event for a week or something?
Yes, they run along with main event.
Like, right now we have 2-week star trial for plat princess, and also have Beatrika revival for a week, with new extra map Nutaku didn't get in their event.

>> No.14951476
File: 169 KB, 457x381, 1308824932412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the info.
I'm jealous of the first class treatement the elevens get compared with us dirty gaijins.

>> No.14951663

Just play on DMM then.

Also revivals are suffering.

>> No.14951666

? They're free SC.

>> No.14951692

I want an Anya. When's the next time I'll be able to get one?

>> No.14951696

>Just play on DMM then.
>I'm way too deeply invested into Eng Aigis to start all over again on Jap Aigis. I'm not going to throw away my hard farmed perfect Karma and all my max leveled CC'd units and the 80 something euro that I spend. It's as simple as that.

All I can do is hope for better times.

>> No.14951701

Not if you actually want to go for the unit. The worst part is that star trial revivals work the same as collection revivals. Oh well, it can't be helped.

>> No.14951710

As a player that only started this year. I am glad I started on dmm.

>> No.14951727

Her last revival wasn't too long ago I believe, so not too soon.

Sounds like sunk cost fallacy to me. Aren't you bored of autocompleting IB/BS2 and running Phalanx 2 nonstop every second week? Besides, you can play both. In the end it's up to you of course.

>> No.14951749

>playing both
Some of us actually have lives beyond masturbating to poorly drawn Hscenes.

>> No.14951750

>throw away my hard farmed perfect Karma and all my max leveled CC'd units and the 80 something euro that I spend
Wasted effort and money are already wasted, only rational thing is to stop wasting further resources and switching to better version now.

>> No.14951761

That sucks. I hope it won't be too long.

>> No.14951762

RNGoddess hasn't deemed me worth of her presence yet.

>> No.14951859

I don't really mean to blog here, but I guess it might give some insight into the thought process, for the anons saying "just play on DMM you stockholm syndrom prince playing on the nutaku version"
I like the game, and I still have fun with it. I just don't like it so much that I'd wanna start over from scratch. And there are other things I like to do with my time than playing both version at the same time. It also feels to me like if I start on DMM now, I've missed out on too much. I've only missed two events since I started playing Eng Aigis, it gives me a feeling of "I've been here almost from the start", which tickles my brain in a wierd way I guess.
(Yes, I am bored with Phalanx 2, fuck the breaks.)

You are over exaggerateing though, I don't feel like my effort and money have been wasted. I realize I'm essentially playing a slimmed down version of the game. But even knowing that, honestly doesn't degrade my experience playing the game by much. Although it did made me decide to not put in any more money and ride the rest of it out as a freemium player.
To use the example from that website you used.
I've bought a movie ticket to a theater in my hometown. It has chairs that just aren't as comfy as the chairs in the theater in the other town, that I'd need to drive to by car to get to. The service isn't as good, the place isn't as clean or has snacks as tasty. But I still wanna go and see the movie, and have fun doing it, and the staff, shitty as they might be, at least speak a language I can understand. More or less. Depending on how well their google translator works that day.
It's not a true case of sunk cost fallacy.

>> No.14951885

As a sidenote, I was about ready to quit Aigis during that 6 week of *nothing* and the complete lack of an apology and compensation after it. After two weeks I just logged in during the day and let all that stamina and charisma go to waste, because fuck manual dragon hunting. If there ever was a time I should have switched over to DMM, it was during that time.
The reason I didn't back then, definitely was a case of sunk cost fallacy (at that point in time), cause I had just spend like 40 euro on the game earlier and it would have stung me too much to give up on it right there and then.

Thankfully the game picked up after that again. Now I don't regret it anymore.

>> No.14951898

Nutaku had new story missions and GR1.

>> No.14951914
File: 31 KB, 208x199, 1278695975805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, thank you.

>> No.14952143

Ugh, I only wanted to 1-2 star the tiger god difficulty mission so I can get a fully mincosted princess after the event. I should not have blew 3 SCs on it and then still fuck up on the strict unit placement around the middle section.

>> No.14952358

You know what? At this point I'd love to see what they're doing to do for Gold Rush 2, no matter when they choose to implement it.

The first one replaced two archers with Stray and Julian. They're both native to the second one AND one of the replaced archers is back. So now they have to replace them again but they can't use either of the original replacements.

Fucking devs just digging themselves deeper by not implemented the approved units.

>> No.14952379

>Implying we'll get another Gold Rush.
We never got a Valentine's or anniversary event so fat chance we'll ever see anything good ever again.

>> No.14952392

I'm fine with 2 more julians. I have Spica and Bashira, I don't need gold archers, while mincost Julian would be great.

>> No.14952417

>but they can't use either of the original replacements.

Well they totally can actually. They'll probably just replace them with another gold that isn't in GR 2.

>> No.14952432

i assume you started playing after Aria

>> No.14952450

Not that anon, but I frequently use Aria and mincost Julian over Katie, until such time that we get to mincost Katie never.

Point is, mincost Julian is indeed a godsend.

>> No.14952536

Wishful thinking that Dev Tea can't and won't give you a chance for mincost Stray

>> No.14952542

my Stray is already -1
I really enjoyed that first Gold Rush

>> No.14952602

don't play Aigis drunk
I fugged up while following a video and stabbed the 'Reload' button

flushed 7 stamina down the toilet

>> No.14953047

Replacement 1: Gold fairy
Replacement 2: Gold fairy

You're welcome.

>> No.14953302
File: 200 KB, 859x523, 戦国プロヴィデンスX - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like I figured how to get plenty of 4* onis. You just need "big" drop increase leader with huge luck, second unit with huge luck and helper with "big" drop increase and huge luck and then run 35 stamina oni map forever.
If you have 2 99-luck units, you can get 4 onis per one run.

>> No.14953487
File: 847 KB, 963x2000, Character Profile Character Information Chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I figure one of two things happened. Either the person who wrote the characters' height and sizes has no understanding of how things actually work, or these were the measurements sent to the illustrators before they drew the characters.

According to this, Black Iris supposedly wears a larger cupped bra than Black Princess Sybilla, and Black Ninja Saki has the proportions of this woman (http://imgur.com/FF1Kgys).). Eroge age, height, and three-size information cannot be trusted.

>> No.14953490

Both were supposed to be green. Oh well.

>> No.14953561

I'm fully expecting a break but I hoped for a tiny chance of them having to fix Farune and implementing something out of having to do maintenance.

What do you guys expect this week? What would you wish for?

Easter Gold Rushhhhhhh, just put Monicas or Ginas or whatever where needed and done.

>> No.14953563

Maintenance Details
Limited Time Event
- The Urgent Mission "ONI-Possessed Swordswoman" Ends

Other Changes
- Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon

>> No.14953564

> expecting anything from nutaku

>> No.14953566

break it is

>> No.14953569

Well, no surprises there.

>> No.14953570

>Not expecting a fucking break after every single event by now

>> No.14953583

...but I did say I was fully expecting a break... I won't ever lose hope though.

>> No.14953595

I've lost my hope for good during the last christmas, i've fully expected the lack of valentine too.
At this point i just hope FKG to be well supported, that way i may see Nutaku Aigis rot in hell, that's what i'm hoping for regarding Nutaku Aigis.

>> No.14953723
File: 203 KB, 563x558, SufferingIntensifies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SufferingAnon here with another update. Somehow I managed to get 7 Plat Armors to drop today on DMM from natural stamina alone, while I was farming Gold.

>> No.14953907

Nutaku does its best to develop Aigis and they're probably hard at work to code the all-new iOS version too.

They deserve to take a break once in a while, you should complain about the lazy ass Dev Tea if you want to blame anybody.

>> No.14953915


>> No.14953927

>Coding the iOS version


>> No.14953945

>tfw jumped on DMM after Anya event on Nutaku
Thank god for my wise choice

>> No.14953951

Skill AW Rinbell is such a mass rapist it's hilarious.

>> No.14953995

Hahah, I actually decided to invest in Momiji instead of going for the daily as planned, got another two drops and... 13 fusions for a 5/10 CR-2. Aigis, why so cruel? Is it because I called you shaggy tits once?

>> No.14954005


I've seen a fuckton of people stucked at 5/10, by any chance did they broken something...?

>> No.14954013

I seem to recall seeing some people post min-maxed or at least better than 5/10 Momijis so probably bad luck on the lower (25%?) SU chance.

>> No.14954026

Stop being so toxic

>> No.14954036

Eh, i hope so.

>> No.14954073

They actually changed the banners ingame already? If you guys want princesses may as well roll tomorrow if you have spare crystals.

>> No.14954092

Heh, I'm actually tempted to annoy them with a ticket: "But I thought you changed the spotlight! Apologize you twats! Shameful display!"

>> No.14954128
File: 28 KB, 319x341, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14954141

>Check Hitsuji after stopping like 3-4 weeks ago
>Nearly everyone on my holy tomodachi list stopped playing it
I'm not suprised since the game is shit but dayum.

>> No.14954148

I stopped the moment I learned there are slayer cards and ranked events.

>> No.14954149

Eve was too good for that game, I will miss you babe.

>> No.14954164
File: 976 KB, 895x603, eve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked most of the girls, its just a shame they are stuck in such a shitty game.

>> No.14954166

>see a semi-obscure mobage on one of my favorite artist's twitter
>its about my fetish
>start playing
>its fucking shit
God damn, it also had the most jewish gacha system I've seen so far. I cleared like 3 starter locations(about 8 maps each) and haven't gotten enough free tickets for a single roll.

>> No.14954195
File: 802 KB, 899x601, cardina is a good girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that all dark units are good girls and their only fault is to being in a bad game.
>You will never get to pat Cardina's head.
Also they never added Soma... dead game for me.
Not a surprise with that cross event on DP and PP
>Sweet shit at 3rd place
This community, wow.

>> No.14954199

What's the game?

>> No.14954206

>A 1人
Why bother with the game at all

>> No.14954229

I have a hard time believing Iris is C. C is a nice handfull

>> No.14954231

Tokyo Tenma: devil slave

>> No.14954319

Yeah a lot of this is bullshit. Saki has massive breasts and she 'C', definitely nope.
Calliope somehow being the same size as Soma, and Rosaline doesn't seem much larger than Calliope, but there's like a two size difference on that chart.
Bashira doesn't seem that huge either.

>> No.14954322

Why won't black fairies drop AHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.14954323

So Cellia gets "only" a +1% from AW. I know 1% can be huge when talking about pretty low rates like the ones Rainbow have yet... they could at least gave her +2%.

>> No.14954325
File: 294 KB, 768x1024, superoppai archer bashira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bashira doesn't seem that huge either.
Only on fanart

>> No.14954333

>Nutaku does its best to develop Aigis
They're in charge of NOTHING

>> No.14954335

That's disgusting. Bashira has a nice size in her official art.

>> No.14954351

Yes. And Nutaku does their best to do "nothing" and be proud of it.

>> No.14954357

It was increased on DMM, but we are never going to get buffs on Nutaku.

>> No.14954369

That was increased less than a month ago...If we somehow get it here, it will be after 3 years at much.

>> No.14954380

Time gap doesn't stop dev tea from porting most recent versions of enemies.

>> No.14954427

Meanwhile in DevTea HQ...

>> No.14954436

I put in about $400 into aigis and now I'm about to switch to dmm.

Do I get an account off yahoo auctions?

>> No.14954443
File: 670 KB, 949x590, ZOINKS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any set date for the next Chapter in Kanpani Girls?

Also, what's a recommended party configuration?
I have a 5* Ronin, a 5* Archer, and a 5* Rogue but using all of three of them leaves my team feeling a little weak HP wise.
Should I give in and bench either my ronin or rogue for a fighter/soldier/warrior or should I give up the archer to fit in a third frontline?

Picture unrelated.

>> No.14954450

All of my parties are cleric, mage, tank (soldier or fighter), and two DDs (archer, rogue, ronin, warrior, a fighter if you picked soldier tank).

Ronin feels pretty useless most of the time. Rogue is useless if you can't boost the hell out of their evasion, but they're pretty good when you can.

Archer and warrior are solid DD picks.

>> No.14954455

Well if you put it in THAT way.

>> No.14954459

When Aigis ruled DMM charts,, in good Dev Tea's time
Our Nutaku, through it all, did nothing in particular
And did it very well!

>> No.14954461
File: 1.12 MB, 1187x738, hello there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily remind that Kanpani drop boost is real.

>> No.14954468

Thanks for the advice.
Currently my rogue dies more of the time than my ronin (this girl >>14954461 ), despite the rogue having a useful poison ability.
I think I might bench the rogue until I have better evasion equipment for her then have her take the ronin's place.

>> No.14954494
File: 1.92 MB, 500x306, Souleater2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should level a bunch of soldiers, they are extremely important later on.
She is a killing machine when you can +3 her CW.

>> No.14954500

I got both of the other two in mine. Went with the ojou cleric over the fighter. It's super real.

Ronins really need evasion equipment, too, honestly. Neither can take an actual hit and their gear all lends to dodging. But a ronin will survive... slightly longer without good evasion gear.

>> No.14954519

Thanks for the heads up. I have only one in a side party right now, so I'll add one or two more.

Yeah, I'm working on trying to get some good equipment going. Followed some advice for what employees are good for what facility, so now it is more of a matter of RNG in making equipment.

>> No.14954552

Just start new and you can either reroll till you get black rarity. If you want specific blacks then you go yahoo and buy specific blacks from nips rerolling. Then proceed to spend your money. Thats how I would do it if I was that lazy.

Theres nothing wrong with rolling with no Black rarity first roll desu. I did it with 200~$ and got 4 blacks 2 which were dupes.

>> No.14954569

I wonder when we are getting new story chapters and CQs

>> No.14954612

4 gacha blacks is more than what I had after spending 400.

>> No.14954637

Buying accounts is frowned upon in the community I believe.

>> No.14954638

I wrote an angry support ticket asking why there is yet another break. I wonder what kind of reply, if any at all they'll give.

>> No.14954676

Won't you get the usual? We can't talk about our schedule blablablah?

Has anyone tried messaging them in japanese? Like on their twitter or whatever method they use to communicate with the dmm community? (if any)

If you guys make a good one I don't mind adding my own ticket, if only to annoy them.

>> No.14954688

It's only a week break. Honestly you guys are so entitled. Games like hearthstone and Dota go for months without anything new and hearthstone in particular goes to shit after a month.

>> No.14954694

The difference is those games are creating new content. This one is just translating content that's already been made. And most of it has long since been translated, according to Nutaku.

Devs are just being assholes.

>> No.14954725

Meanwhile, on DMM, there are 5 event units you can get between the 2 events.

>> No.14954794

This is not the problem here. Look at Kancolle, it gets seasonal events but you don't see anyone complaining about it because they give players things to do in between. You can fill the breaks with something other than "Oasis yesterday, Oasis today, and blimey, if it don't look like Oasis again tomorrow".

The first problem is that Nutaku Aigis gets less than half the events compared to DMM. This leaves pretty much no reason for playing on Nutaku, and none whatsoever for actually paying on it. It doesn't matter if you're sitting on five gacha blacks and a maxed Karma, you won't ever get any event that will require them. Revivals? Maybe in 2020. Majin events? I can hear Dev Tea laughing at you from here.

The second problem, connected to the first, is that Aigis is a game that relies on a steady influx of cute girls to collect, which you don't get on Nutaku. In a game like Hearthstone or DoTA, you have a major change that happens infrequently (new character/expansion/balance update) and will influence the game for a good while afterwards. In generic DMM collection games, this doesn't happen and the novelty is provided by bits of story and other small updates that are added constantly. In Nutaku's Aigis, neither happens and you don't get shit.

The third problem is that Nutaku isn't actually doing anything of note with regards to Aigis. You know how people argue that EN Aigis is worth playing because you can actually understand the dialogue? Apparently this Petite Soeur dude also translates JP event text, character updates, and some affection scenes (as if you read these). So essentially you can give Nutaku's job to one guy and it would still work out well.

If you wanted an English Aigis, you can play on DMM and go fund that guy's Patreon, and you'd probably still get a better experience than Nutaku.

>> No.14954819

What? The only thing there is to do in kancolle between events is max out your resources for the next one. I've gone and come back to Kancolle every 3 months.

>> No.14954854

My luck always works when lady luck wills me to do something. Not proccing 3% over 400$ worth of SC is just bad luck.

Sorry m8.

>> No.14954869

>leaking the existence of the based man to the plebs.

This is a nutaku thread gtfo. Is what I will say if I was a shill. The nutaku players on aigis deserve the stockholm syndrome let them be anon.

>> No.14954874

5 SCs and Momiji is only CR -2, 5/10
Bad luck with drop and bad luck with feeding as well

>> No.14954883

They've never said that, they've said they're greenlit, meaning that they are approved for being put in but no work has gone on them yet.

They are quite slow at translating really, the constant event time we had was because they were translating events but the guys who put events into the game were making sure the dmm version was perfectly cheat free while throwing events at the dmm version too.

Barring situations like that, everything boils down to needing more translators really.

>> No.14954898

>They've never said that, they've said they're greenlit, meaning that they are approved for being put in but no work has gone on them yet.

They also said AW was translated and ready for implementation months before it was put in.

You're retarded if you don't think they have a huge stock of events just sitting there, translated and ready to go.

>> No.14954932

>they have a huge stock of events just sitting there, translated and ready to go.

Last year continue events rolling is just a proof.
Thay just don't care to put them up, who knows why.

>> No.14954952

Gaijin want breaks and they delivered

>> No.14954955

>They are quite slow at translating really

You call that shit "translation"?
They use stuff like Google translator, i'm sure.

>> No.14954998

Some guy in the forum recomended to write a letter with this, so far a few has sent it:

Why are we getting a week of nothing after each event? You said that the game will be back to the normal schedule of one avent after the other. Every other game do it in this site and is doing well.
Why didn't we get anything in the past important dates? Like aniversary, New year, Christmas, etc.
Why is the translation getting worse than google translate with each patch? The quality went rock bottom.
Why are there still certain characters out of the game like the ninja Kagerou or the dark knight Yurina? (Those are clearly nowhere near as lolis)
Please, a game that is so popular, doesn't deserve this kind of poorly treatment.

I think he is being the nicest possible and probably will be just ignored by the devs, but the idea is that the people who care, send it after each mess they do, at least only to annoy them.

>> No.14955010

Nah, Its quite clearly japanese people translating things into english, pretty much the opposite of what is needed.
You want an english person translating japanese to english, and a japanese person translating english to japanese.

A little over 2 months, was expected earlier but it could quite easily have been delayed by newer units not being translated which would explain the delays.

>> No.14955107

No poiint in saying anything about lolis, Nutaku has said many times that that is no longer a barrier to adding characters to aigis.

>> No.14955114

Add this line to it:

"Given the current situation of the game, I will not make any further purchases on Aigis or any other Nutaku game until visible effort is made to fix these issues. I am aware that we have been assured time and time again that these problems would be fixed, but assurances are not enough at this point."

Then get some whales to enforce it, and maybe something might happen.

>> No.14955142


>> No.14955161

Hahahaha this is good, we should modify it and add it to the OP with a title: If there is no event in Aigis, send this ticket.
Like >>14955114 said, maybe some whales can open their eyes and know that they can get so much more with the same ammount.

>> No.14955169

>doing something useful at side for paying

Guys... please...

>> No.14955196

A whale can do it with the right bait.

>> No.14955430

And I bet you are proud of this elitism too.

>> No.14955522

I didnt say goto DMM now did I? :^).

>> No.14955539

What man is he talking about?

>> No.14955653

-4 CR 5/10 for 1 SC. Not bad, though actually CC'ing and using her is another matter entirely. I'm starting to feel the pinch in silver fodder.

Over on AW front, I've pushed Aria and am now looking to AW a healer. Camilla would be ideal but I didn't get a 2nd AW healer orb today. I guess I shouldn't settle for Iris.

>> No.14955692

Don't settle for Iris when you have Camilla, wait a week if you have to or choose a non healer.

>> No.14955710

>Settle for Iris
ouch... Iris was my AW healer, i have only silvers + Iris and Chydis, and since chydis only gets some MR while Iris gets insta map-wide heal of 500hp

I mean you have a better than i did but still hurts lol
i actually like Iris' AW art a lot

>> No.14955769

There's nothing wrong with Iris, just she's very overshadowed by her big sister who does everything better while looking better except for cost.
Even then Iris is not the best cheap healer, that falls to Fedora (Robert could be 1 cheaper but he's nowhere near good enough)
Iris/Camilla's AW skill is nice when you need to use it but most of the time you'll be placing healers before you could use it effectivily, also its mostly redundant when you get a good Fung shui.

>> No.14955782

Speaking of feng shui is mia top tier?

>> No.14955792

The super cute swimsuit wearing one? Same skill as Camilla and perfect in every way. I may be a bit biased here.

>> No.14955793

Greatly overshadowed in actual combat by Marr. People love her AW Passive though because it's easy gold.

>> No.14955803

I see you guys went with the idea of spamming tickets. Good. Will go with what you guys posted.
I guess I can't say shameful display or call them twats in the end...

>> No.14955828

As the others said, Iris is a good investment, but I would add that there will be a time when you will need at least 4 good healers...it's not soon, but Iris is certainly one less healer to worry about. Oh and think about the AW passive of the two sisters, you can make the game a lot easier with these two awakened.

>> No.14955909

Ticket sent, what was the forum that jumped on the idea? I hope you guys did your part and annoyed some people today.

>> No.14955938

I did my part with my tree accounts (only one is for aigis but w/e)

>> No.14955966
File: 180 KB, 672x900, genki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I salute you for it. Here, have a token of my appreciation.

>> No.14956494

Why do black fairies never drop?

>> No.14956530

I am swamped with black fairies from trying to get Belinda on the 40/3 map

>> No.14956554

There's a trick to getting them.

Have no blacks, and you'll be drowning in them alright.

>> No.14956681
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x940, lsd and chill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had DMM Aigis open in one Firefox window and Nutaku running in the other
DMM Aigis has this nasty bug on Firefox where the summon effect slows the browser down and eventually crashes it. Accidentally left it on the new summon screen when I ran the Nutaku event

>> No.14956719

>They are quite slow at translating
Every event is like 50 lines of event text, and maximum 100 lines of bad porn for new girls.
Even I could translate this in 4 hours, based on my past experience of translating VNs, and I'm very, very slow translator.
Taking more than week with so little content is impossible.

>> No.14956742

They use a single guy to translate all of their games.

>> No.14956744

Really? I've min costed and maxed her skill and I've only seen the fairy drop three times including the 100% chance.

>> No.14956773

Got like ten and only four Belindas

>> No.14956879

ctrl+v to google translate isn't that slow ;^)

>> No.14956981

RNG at its best.

>> No.14957207
File: 1.66 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-02-04-02-42-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aigis can get very buggy. (sorry about the dimmed screen)

>> No.14957319

It's not only in firefox, it happens because of the strain this game causes in your CPU, this game requires more CPU than a current gen PC game. Thus making it a mess whenever it tries to sync, causing lots of lag and glitches.

>> No.14957333

I have an i7 4790K, running four accounts simultaneously in three different browsers
each one uses half a core, which is pretty impressive
but only one DMM one running in Firefox has the summon glitch

>> No.14957349

From my experience, it happens from time to time, the most notable case was when I was playing Alien Isolation for a long time and forgot about Aigis in the background...after 3 hours or so, the game was laggy as hell and I had a similar visual glitch to that, but it was with wolves, they looked like comet wolves...it was nice and fun to watch.

>> No.14957456

Firefox is bad at handling RAM, nothing new.

>> No.14957615

Not him but I had this problem in Chrome and Opera too, the problem is not the browser, is Aigis Dev Tea that can't optimize the code in their game.

>> No.14957678

Seamonkey oddly gives the best results for me

>> No.14957718

If you have an Android device, I recomend you run it there, Aigis is very smooth there, not perfect, but better.

>> No.14958601
File: 1.18 MB, 1183x678, 神姫PROJECT R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave up ever getting SSR at this point and only day left and suddenly I roll SSR.
Granted, its worst SSR in current gacha and I liked my SR much more, but still.

>> No.14958821

Quiz of Valkyrie is no longer restricted to only canadians

>> No.14959099

Pink-haired fairy sex scene right off the bat? I'm game.

Anyone know if the login bonuses are as generous as they were in LoV? The quiz game itself is alright, but if the level/evolve mechanics are the same bullshit again, there'd better be a decent free incentive.

>> No.14959209

Dont worry 670 combine rolls on my main and alt. My main still doesnt have a ssr, meanwhile my alt had 7 already.

>> No.14959212

>sex scene with a loli fairy right from the start

T-then there's hope for FKG... r-right?

>> No.14959218
File: 32 KB, 360x530, CeJpvQWUEAEW878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New vampire hunter, Bridget with tits.

>> No.14959249

> with tits
I don't think this counts as tits.

Hope my luck with her wouldn't be as bad as with Flan. I need mincosted plat VH.

>> No.14959331

Apparently there's still edits.


>> No.14959339

>(Event) Platinum Vampire Hunter Maria

Of course.

>> No.14959350

It's Rumaria/Lumaria, actually.

>> No.14959371

Wow that's awful

>> No.14959444

Looks like pudding to me.

>> No.14959470

Boring standard reply:

"This is the "Millennium War Aigis" Customer Support Team.

We appreciate your valuable opinions, and will share your opinions and requests with the developers, and consider them in future development plans.

Difficulties may remain in our services, and we would like to continue to gather opinions from you.

We will try to improve our services based on these opinions and reviews.

We appreciate your continued support for Millennium War Aigis.

"Millennium War Aigis" Customer Support Team "

>> No.14959483

>share your opinions and requests with the developers
Does this mean support tickets are handled by nutaku morons and don't reach tea?

>> No.14959587

"Apologies for miss-displaying the image
There was a image for event which was supposed to be displayed today,
at the bottom of the game in [Event] since 21st March, 5:00(EST)"

I'm curious, what was that event?

>> No.14959590

>Quiz of valkyrie
>I can only answer history and game questions with some sense of reliability.
Being a neet who has no interest in general entertainment or sports sure doesn't pay off for this game.

>> No.14959651

Wich game?

>> No.14959654


>> No.14959678

How do those special cost reduction fairies work? Do you use them as a normal exp multiplier fairy and pray for a cost reduction?

>> No.14959679

Well, did you expect anything else? It's their service, after all.

But I wouldn't call Nutaku morons, they may be incompetent but they are certainly not dumb. They very well know what they are doing, it's just that what they are doing is getting (semi-)successful games on DMM, fucking them up in whichever way makes it easier for them to avoid potential issues with their payment services, and pawning them off to an audience that would ask for seconds if Nutaku climbed on the table and took a steaming dump straight into their mouths.

They're very successful at this, and will continue doing it unless the EN whales decide to act. So keep these tickets coming, the more "I won't pay anymore unless you stop shitting on your own games" boycotts we have the better.

>> No.14959685
File: 132 KB, 899x321, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Name Japanese
u w0t m8

>> No.14959689

Some quality translation work we got there

>> No.14959710
File: 42 KB, 960x60, 1603220_5769a44b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New event in Kanpani.
I hope it will be good, i miss this game and i'd like it to get more frequent updates.

>> No.14959738

They simply put todays event banner up yesterday.
Previous event was Momijis, its break week today.

>> No.14959804

So how long do you think they gonna tease us with that FKG banner...

>> No.14959859

Woah, so they think that the rotation banner is an event.. How foolish of me, we never had breaks, there was always an event ongoing.

>> No.14959924

Wait... does that mean thatwe actually having an event every week?
Oh god we were wrong all the time!

>> No.14959940


You should feel ashamed, thinking so badly of the Dev Tea when they gave you non stop events.

>> No.14959995

My fragile psyche cannot endure the prospect of us having had non-stop events until now.

Please give us a 5-month break so that I can recompose myself. My sanity is at risk here.

>> No.14960297

Dev Tea is busy redrawing huge tits onto all the missing lolis so there might be indeed a longer break...

>> No.14960543

Time fairies? they work 100% of the time as far as i know, ofc they only work as long as the unit can still be CR

>> No.14960548

a year

>> No.14960627

If the Elevens are to be believed, CR Fairies work as if you tried to CR with a dupe. So, 100% for -1, 50% for -2, 25% for -3.

>> No.14960649

can someone post screens of the three new girls?

>> No.14960670

There are time fairys which are 100% and there is a gold CR fairy, plat CR fairy and a black CR fairy which are like feeding a dupe.

>> No.14960689

Not the time fairies, the special ones.

>> No.14960691

Finally I got my SSR on my main acc in Kamipro!

>> No.14960717

>go fund that guy's Patreon
who do i throw my money at? don't they also translate on that one forum?

>> No.14960755

god damnit

>> No.14960836

quiz of wakure, picked a science question, but got one about facebook... and censored lolis, might not even attempt this game
nutaku why

>> No.14960867

Pick one of 3, do various tasks with them in team, +the usual event weapons crafting, all 3 get added to the gacha after the event (iirc).

>> No.14960873

They don't have a CQ so pick up your waifu.

>> No.14960940

I'm 100% sure I've found myself fighting Aselia on the battlefield, today for example. The other two I don't think so.

>> No.14960983

-2 CR, 5/5 skill Hana.

How the fuck does that even happen.

>> No.14961023
File: 272 KB, 946x655, sshot-2016-03-22-[16-38-35].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They never said they where new.
- You may chose one out of 3 free characters. Aselia, Margaret and Lesly can be obtained one time for free, only one character by choice.
- After you will receive the free girl, to obtain the rest of the featured Employees, you will need to take your chance at "Hire Employee".

NOTE: ASELIA, MARGARET and LESLY have increased drop chance at Hire Employee between 24 March and 11 April.

I already have Leslie so maybe will go for Margaret

>> No.14961065

>strategy: go get em
why not something good? she seems pretty cute enough to leader

>> No.14961066
File: 124 KB, 899x473, 2016-03-23 064658-Quiz of Valkyrie - Play Online And Download _ Nutaku.net - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these encounters one time only, or are they randomized?

I dont wanna miss a chance to evolve some of these qts

>> No.14961081

That strategy works wonders against the mimics, of course with a shadow snake dagger.

>> No.14961088

Meant to reply to >>14961065

>> No.14961154

oh i see, my misstake

>> No.14961223

Randomized, as far as I can tell from watching other people's LPs.

>> No.14961281
File: 139 KB, 821x1101, Cd2wlKhUYAAnXm5.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy the secretary badge if you want to set cuties as your secretaries without fucking up your team strategy.

>> No.14961295

Or use the second team to work them and let the first team only with your waifu as a leader.

>> No.14961303

Damn my waifus are so cute.

>> No.14961345

How do I change the home screen girl on aigis? I'm tired of this ugly titty monster.

>> No.14961361

You can't, delete your account and forget about that.

>> No.14961450

Why not? All the other games let me choose my waifu.

>> No.14961498

Welcome to a game maintained by Aigis Dev Tea, enjoy your stay.

>> No.14961506

Because Aigis devs are not into this "freedom of choice" thing. Don't like Anna? Fuck you, you will learn to like her. She'll be there for you every time you log into the game. Your Valentine's chocolates will be from Anna, Anna, Anna, Anna and Anna, for two weeks straight. Dev Tea will sneak into your room and paint a portrait of her on your ceiling. When you doze off, the last thing you see before the sweet embrace of sleep will be her staring at you from the edge of your vision.

Welcome to the future that is Anna.

>> No.14961507

We're talking about Aigis devs here. It would be too much work to implement such an advanced feature.

>> No.14961547

>Do Tutorial
>Get History, Science and Games among the options
>Forced to pick sports
>"How long is a hockey game?"

Who the hell knows that?

Picked Science, got the question what letter combination is used to denote years before the birth of christ. Then I picked history to see what that looks like, got a question what the currency in Europe is (it was framed in a "historical" way by mentioning a date, but it was essentially asking what the european currency is called).

I also find it strange how many of the so called "history" questions are stuff that happened during the lifetime of anyone old enough to play the game. Calling the 21st century "history" is really stretching it imho.

>> No.14961607

>he doesnt know the length of a hockey game
Are you even canadian m8?

>> No.14961685
File: 124 KB, 475x318, wew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I had more of these.

>> No.14961726

> 98 levels
> 200 points of att+def
Was totally worth it, huh.

>> No.14961770

I'm lucky, got the reinassance date, the date the Holy Roman Empire was founded, WW I and II questions

>> No.14961776

It really wasn't. I put too many resources into getting her to awaken but at least it's over.

>> No.14961812

Where do you get skill awakening fairies and who is it worth using on?

>> No.14961855

Why is sybilla's first h scene only her masturbating?

>> No.14961938

Want a blue transparent man to masturbate too?

>> No.14961988

Weekend daily, as for who give it to, the one you have her skill maxed and you know will use a lot.

>> No.14962010

Princesses can't have sexual relations before marriage!

Though Anya and Claudia don't follow that rule, and Lilia and Themis are fine with oral.

>> No.14962327

Lilia is officially the main wife for the Prince, so it was bound to be invalidated in the first place.

Anya and Claudia are princesses from a monster kingdom and a kingdom ruined by monsters. Either way, they're both technically without a kingdom for the moment so they have nothing holding them back.

Themis however is just Themis. She does whatever the fuck she wants, and that just happens to be you (the Prince).

>> No.14962393

I remember that Sybilla was a sworn enemy of a princess but don't remember which one. Do you know who was it? or where can I read it again?

>> No.14962407

Lilia is the official wife? That's some shit taste from the prince.

>> No.14962428

It was fixed.

>> No.14962452
File: 329 KB, 939x631, Millennium War Aigis - Play Online And Download Nutaku.net (30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even want her, was farming 7sta map for silver samurai.
Got her mincosted at 11th copy.

>> No.14962522

So, what's the new notice on aegis about hardware acceleration? I am having some problems with framerate, suddenly is really smooth, but most of the time is lag as hell

>> No.14962604

Disable hardware acceleration, it's apparently what's causing the massive lag spikes for this and previous patch.

>> No.14962726

You mean best taste.

He picked the lewdest princess.

>> No.14962786

with the trivia game out, how butchered is by nutaku?

>> No.14962822

But she's fucking ugly.

>> No.14962896

For you.

>> No.14963064

There's a mobage called 'Quiz RPG' out there which follows similar pattern of gameplay featuring trivia. And yeah, it also has a 'sports' category which almost everyone sucks at. There are 3 'tiers' of questions. The higher the tier - the more elements it features(basically more of your characters of different elements can participate in attack).
Tier 3 sports questions are all like this: 'In 19**, which team won the match during the championship?"

>> No.14963176
File: 144 KB, 874x454, quizvalk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this is hard.

>> No.14963191

>Messaging them in Japanese
I tried it for tickets, they don't allow it. I tried sending a one saying something along the lines:

"People have reported that they received certain characters that are not available to every player, but have working sprites and function without crashing the game. The characters are 召喚士ファルネ and 水兵ビエラ. Can I get an explanation why these characters are in the database, but not avaliable for use?"

Then it sent me backing saying I used illegal letters.
And then it got mad at me for not using English.

>> No.14963237

Oh, they can get these two now? Better send them some tickets saying "Why can't I get Farune like other players did, this is so unfair to other players, please remove Farune and Viera from player accounts and refund 5 SC to these players instead."

Aigis needs more community drama and having the black unit you rolled replaced by 5 SC would be great for it.

>> No.14963258

better would be ban them from cheating as whom ever got that unit was not supposed to get her from gatcha and as an apology give others SC

>> No.14963458

How do I awaken the prince? I managed to 1-star the last jungle map, but no idea how to proceed

>> No.14963465

new thread
