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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14930337 No.14930337[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

a.k.a. Mass exodus from /a/ to /jp/, again.

>> No.14930353


>> No.14930359 [DELETED] 

Tell that to /a/ mods.

>> No.14930361

Tell that to /a/ mods.

>> No.14930374
File: 345 KB, 991x1200, 7GfXjJw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why from /a/ to /jp/ again?

>> No.14930383

Because for the last dozen threads, there are literally no anime or manga discussion. There's the game discussion from time to time but it's not for /a/ either. 95% of the thread is copypastaing, circlejerking and waifuwarring.

>> No.14930390

But what about the chapters?

>> No.14930397

We can still post about new chapters (and season 2 episodes if there is any) on /a/, but that's about it.

Wait for the translationfags to imagedump the translated work and stop wanking on /a/. /a/ never was made for circlejerking.

>> No.14930418

And how exactly do we do that? Hand around on the catalog 24/7 and click refresh until it shows? Have them announce it here and crosslink?

>> No.14930427

Pretty much the latter. Multicast is easier than one-to-one unicast, network efficiency-wise.

>> No.14930435

Fair enough.

>> No.14930439

It doesn't make a lick of sense to separate the threads like that, either have all the discussion on /a/ or on /jp/.

>> No.14930464

I really cannot give you an answer since I'm not the mod. I can only give you my stance, which is basically opinion:

First alternative will be to make monmusu threads a once-in-a-while thing. For example, a weekly thread. Mods appear to be fine with these infrequent threads. Upsides, a weekly/occasional thread can tolerate shitposting, waifuwarring and copy pastaing. The problem with the first alternative is that there will always be THAT ONE ANON who immediately posts a new one after it's down because they haven't wanked enough yet.

The second alternative would be to have /jp/ threads from now. /jp/ is significantly more tolerant than /a/ and can be sustained for long amounts of time, where threads can also be made 24-7 and no mods will bat an eye. Having new chapter and manga discussion on /jp/ however would be a problem since the imagedump limit for /jp/ is small.

When I weigh these two options, my opinion would be to have the second alternative, as new chapters are once-in-a-blue-moon thing while fapthreads happen 2-3 times in a single day.

>> No.14930482

What's the policy on starting new threads here though? Because if 100/150 images continue to be the same pastashit, we're going to need new threads pretty frequently if one or another drawfriend wants to post new art(or imgur, but I've found imgur linking eats as much as 4 times the data from all the ads and other shit).

>> No.14930486

this shit is contained in the monster girl thread

fuck off to there

>> No.14930492

Tell that to the 50+ touhou threads in this board.

You fuck off, this is exclusively MonMusuNichijou.

>> No.14930517

>Tell that to the 50+ touhou threads
That's because this is the touhou board.

>> No.14930531

"unofficial" touhou board, otherwise this would be called >>/tp/ by now.

>> No.14930562

Monster girl thread here, we don't want them and they certainly don't want us either. The entire reason for the monster girl thread's exile in the first place was because of these people not wanting us drowning out their discussion with monster girls not related to their manga.

>> No.14930576

See? We have a common ground here.

But to be very honest, the monmusu threads these days are no different to the exiled monster girl thread. None of the discussion is related to the manga/anime already for the past dozen threads made 24-7.

>> No.14930580

This is so wrong it's not even funny. Waterworld is more accurate than you.

>> No.14930582
File: 1.69 MB, 960x8285, Part 1, Welcome to mgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14930586
File: 20 KB, 195x175, (4ZM5P_K7%HR`~EMI$%G2O5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're about as accurate as Harold Camping.

>> No.14930587

Here's an idea the other Monster Girl thread uses. Delete reaction images after you post them to conserve image posts. Also try to curb your reaction images a bit.

Limit here is 300 images, though with deleting you might be able to squeeze quite a few more in.

>> No.14930637

So why is Ms. Smith the best?

>> No.14930662

Anon, when we where talking about coming to /jp/ we meant coming to the monstergirl thread that was already here.

Having a mon musu thread on /jp/ isn't going to do anything, it's just going to be the same shit on a different board. Plus it will piss of natives who are still mad monsterfags where pushed on their board

We've always been best as one thread

>> No.14930666

>We've always been best as one thread
Please no. Those were dark times.

>> No.14930670 [DELETED] 

>Plus it will piss of natives who are still mad monsterfags where pushed on their board
There's only like 10 natives left, you can out number them.

>> No.14930672

She's the best for normalfags zealots that doesn't want to fuck monster girls, which she is simultaneously the worst.

I still doubt the other thread that the oldfags kicked out of are happy with the amount of circlejerking and shitposting that will definitely spam out the image limit and drown out the general discussion in no time at all.

>> No.14930678

>She's the best for normalfags zealots that doesn't want to fuck monster girls, which she is simultaneously the worst.
Smith >>> Polt and every other monster girl

It's a fact. She's got the legs for best girl.

>> No.14930690
File: 987 KB, 1000x1409, 1457302838191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are talking about MGQ?

>> No.14930697
File: 963 KB, 1000x1411, bee4e4eb1b8d32fd787ffd2b7cf7e03f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean to reply to >>14930383

>> No.14930725


It's fine, both posters are talking about the same thing.

This image is from another (shitty) browser game called Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Online. The reason most people play this wreck is because the girls are all memorable, with full seiyuus, and the game puts out 3-4 every 10 days. Sides, even the game discussion about the new girls are better than the shitpost these days.

>> No.14930739

Fuck off furries >>>/trash/

>> No.14930760

What furries? Where are the furries?

>> No.14930768

Anon, if you post on /jp/ and live with us, you have to avoid bait like us

>> No.14930776
File: 74 KB, 402x402, smugburd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so that was bait.

I thought I was speaking to a downie.

>> No.14930788

You may want to delete that image if you guys plan to actually have a thread here, you'll want the slot later

>> No.14930797

It's fine. I doubt most of the fags over on /a/ have given up spamming new threads when they're pruned and move to /jp/. Maybe this thread will just die naturally.

>> No.14930798
File: 75 KB, 1252x1252, b8m8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14930817

So right before the last deletion, I got an Aluru. Assuming I max her 0* and skill 1, should I replace Tiera(also 0*), Keros, or Quinn? Will definitely keep Miia and Medea(3*), obviously.

>> No.14930831

With your team comp, I'll replace Tierra with Aluru. You already have 2 glasscannons (lamia duo), a 3 one is a really risky, all-in style without 2 tanks that debuff/taunt.

>> No.14930845

Aluru has great atk and hp, but no speed

>> No.14930846

Thanks. That's more or less my train of thought. Grabbing a few more cools before day changes in half an hour. Next up is Pures for Aluru, right?

>> No.14930856

Nope, Pure rudols are on friday. It'll be devils in about half an hour.

If you can clear Hard you can definitely do Medium dailies, which offer better Rudols (and a chance for HR).

>> No.14930881

I pretty much have to cheer for Miia/Medea/Tiera focus fire to beat Medium Cool's Queen. Otherwise it's one less Rare per trip. Probably won't start Hard Event till Saturday, if then.

>> No.14930912

Iormu on Devil mediums and Holo on Pure mediums. Both are bruisers. Strangely for Hard maps the difficulty is very lopsided. Devil Hard requires you to deal with 2 Youkos, an Iormu and a Froze, while Pure Hard requires you to deal with 2 Jellies, a Holo and an Aluru.

>> No.14930916

>/jp/ is significantly more tolerant than /a/
Ha ha


get out

>> No.14931005

Guys the /a/ thread had been alive for over 3 hours now, you sure it's not a false alarm with OP getting himself banned for some reason?

>> No.14931016

Nah, I'm the OP of that Lala thread, if it's the one you're talking about. I was clueless about the exile.

>> No.14931042

I meant the op of the thread that got nuked before the Lala one.

>> No.14931049

No idea about that one. No idea why that thread could have been nuked for other than them not wanting generals at /a/.

>> No.14931120

Threads can get nuked if the op was shitposting, happens all the time to other threads and it wouldn't be the first time it's happened to a monmusu one.

>> No.14931172

Could be just a coincidence, both threads got pruned.

>> No.14931210

I remember the last post(not archived) was "we're gonna get pruned or deleted", and not two minutes later, we were. Before that was comment on Aluru(also not archived), and before that was the "pls not HR Rudol" post.

>> No.14931218

The posts immediately before the ones you mentioned are literally off-topic content.

>> No.14931302

So right now, I've collected 37 sets of Level/Limit Up voices, with a few more one or the other. Also did analysis of moles-care screen voices. Assuming you open the console and filter before selecting a girl, first voice is "I got chosen!". Then fifteen voices, and one more idle that you get only after picking one cream and don't touch her for about a minute. Total of seventeen.
>Best touch
>Best touch(alternative. Switches at random)
>as above, but from 30% on
>(I haven't gone this high, probably as above from 60-80% on)
>as above
>30% NONO Touch
>bad touch at 60%
>as above
>worst ok touch
>normal touch
>normal touch(maybe from 30% on)

>> No.14931398

Well, just completed Hard once. Failed to clear last Queen, but nobody fainted on my side. Guess I better start warming up those magic fingers.

>> No.14932923

The final reward is negligible on Hard (a normal ticket). If you can clear Hard, just do Hard.

>> No.14932943

Just keep on posting and everyone against this thread will fuck off eventually. That's how monster girl passed the test of time.

>> No.14932977


And why do you think you're too good for the already existent monster girl general? Go join with them.

>> No.14933027

Topkek. Cry harder and I'll consider.

>> No.14933066

Go back to /a/ you twats, you're not banned from there. Some janitor on his period just deleted one goddamn thread.

>> No.14933080

Not until people stop circlejerking and shitposting.

>> No.14933114

MGG "passed the test of time" because /jp/ got its first dedicated moderation crackdown in four years, when it was first imported against the will of the board.

(This just goes to show you that /jp/ being an unusable shithole for years is a complete non-issue, but as soon as something starts to affect /a/ the special forces are called in.)
