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14857907 No.14857907 [Reply] [Original]

ULiL in EU is dead.
Hisoutensoku isn't much better.
But both games for sure are definitely played by nippons.
Did anyone know which game is more popular in JP?

>> No.14858241

Soku is alive on Saturdays. I have no idea what people play in Japan nowadays. I assumed everyone played Kancolle

>> No.14858286

I think they use Tenco for most of their matchmaking, if you know Japanese or have too much time + a dictionary you could install it and compare the activity of the Soku and ULiL lobbies.

>> No.14861201
File: 99 KB, 583x542, ULiL & Soku Tenco stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14861305

Ok, thank you guys!

>> No.14861440

Just curious, what's the time period for these statistics?

>> No.14861650

I'm pretty sure it's all time, so since the game released.

>> No.14861751

I just got into the fighting games but have no clue what the hell i'm doing. They're really hard; even harder than the shooter games. I can't seem to use more than like 4 attacks consistantly despite mashing anything I can think of on the keyboard and even on easy I get my shit kicked in and lose all my lives by like fight 4.

>> No.14861762

>despite mashing anything I can think of on the keyboard
This is probably why you're losing. Learn to block.

Also, the wiki has a movelist and some basic combos.

>> No.14861769


I think I know how to block? I just hold backwards like I would in Blazblu and it seems to do less damage than normal. It still gets a bit rough when the opponent gets their second wind and spams a fuckload of spell cards at me though.

>> No.14861776

Against a computer you can almost certainly just block their entire spell card. You can counterattack after they've run out of steam (at some point, they'll have to use a laggy move, and you can counterattack or jump out.)

>> No.14861786

Correction - if you're playing against a computer who's spamming bullets in campaign mode, disregard what I just said, it'll guard break you. You actually want to be flying around instead because it will allow you to grave all bullets.

>> No.14861789


So there's a wiki for this huh. I only tried looking for a youtube video but I guess i'll give that a shot.

>> No.14861803

In story mode the main thing you need to know is that when you are dashing, airdashing or flying, you're immune to (Almost all) bullet attacks, which is called grazing. That's obviously important in versus too but in story mode there's no way to dodge lots of spell cards even on lower difficulties if you don't graze.

>> No.14862456

It's all about going through the story mode and beating all the endings.

And then you come back to the game and decide you want to win tourneys, start practicing combos, reading up strategies on forums, and slamming your stick on the floor in frustration after your 20th online loss in a row.

>> No.14865849

Yeah, let's compare a game that was released in 2009 to one that's less than two years old. Because that's real fair, right?

>> No.14869090
File: 34 KB, 292x281, 51d7cf8e6e13feaa8898497849431e08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh Anon. Even if soku is older, ~10000 players per character is a hell of a lot bigger than ~175 players per character. That's 1400 players per year compared to 87. Here's HM's player count to compare.

>> No.14869096

>muh soku
Your game is dead and won't be remembered as a good game like IaMP. Deal with it.

>> No.14869140

Sorry, I don't think I made my point quite clearly. Please allow me to rephrase.


The day soku fucking dies can't come soon enough. It and all the people that play it disgust me.

>> No.14869143
File: 66 KB, 849x956, 2hu fighters on Google Trends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a chart for touhou on google trends.

>HM being even more popular than ULiL.

>> No.14869185

I would just like to reply to my own post just to clarify that IaMP was released on December 30th 2005, so that huge spike you see in front of it for "Touhou Project" is probably all of the english speakers discovering what Touhou was because of IaMP after New years. Good job IaMP.

>> No.14869272

You cannot really say one game is popular over another based on this graph. First, there were also danmaku games that were released at the same time (DDC trial at the same time as HM for example). Secondly, even though trends are influenced by official releases, there is also fan events and releases. For example, that spike in 2009 could very well be attributed to Bad Apple becoming a meme. And lastly, there is also the noise due to trends being a thing of their own, going up and down as word of mouth gets spread, independently of any event. And that noise is all the more important to consider when the subject is a small niche like touhou.

>> No.14869298

While you're right about the danmaku game releases (UFO was released on the same month as Soku as well), the bad apple video that was highly viewed was uploaded at the end of october, not august, which was two months after the release of soku.

>> No.14869322

You're correct in that it's not safe to say that games are more/less popular depending on how high they are on the graph, since I would believe EoSD is one of the most popular Touhou games even though it's so low, but the spikes are almost certainly reflective of how much interest each game pulled towards Touhou as a whole. After all, a touhou fan wouldn't search for "Touhou project" when there's a new game released, they would search for the name of the game.

>> No.14869512

What are the percentages in the final column?

>> No.14869527

Win rate with the character.

>> No.14869528

Win percentage across all games.

>> No.14869864

Anon you know it is perfectly reasonable to claim that something that is older is more popular because it is older and therefore has more time to build up a player base right?

>> No.14872583

Yikes, Marisa strong

>> No.14873283

Marisa was stupidly OP.

She got nerfed since then, I think.

>> No.14874149

The win rates are for all players too, and like in every fighting game, there are way more shitty players than good players, so it's more reflective of who does well at a low level than at a high level.

>> No.14874153

We street fighter now >>14874150

>> No.14874273

Matchmaking? Didn't they already add that?

>> No.14875273

That doesn't matter for us filthy non-japs unless if you love your 0.2 fps games.

>> No.14877633

I'm sad to see the ULiL community so small. When Soku had just come out, a huge number of new players combined with SWR players that had dropped the game had come back to try out the new game.

IRC was so lively

>> No.14878849

That's the fighting game community for you. If it's too different, then they'll never try it.

Why do you think fighting game tournaments include always the same games every single time?

>> No.14878989

>If it's too different, then they'll never try it.
That has nothing to do with it.

Plenty of people, including Soku players, tried it when it first came out.
The problem is >>14875273, the game's netcode is designed in such a way you have to live close enough to each other or else the game is unplayable.
It works well enough in Japan, but outside of it, where you have people living all over the world it just doesn't work.
How do you expect the community to be big and lively when people simply can't play the game.

>> No.14879038

>Plenty of people, including Soku players, tried it when it first came out.
And that's supposed to disprove what I said? Soku is just an upgraded SWR, much like how Super SF2 is an upgraded SF2. There's nothing too different about that.

I can buy that nobody wanted to try HM because it sucked, because it DID suck, but with ULiL out there, there's NO excuse.

>the game's netcode is designed in such a way you have to live close enough to each other or else the game is unplayable.
Yeah, and the rollcaster didn't show up until 2 or 3 years after the fact. Yet people DID play it when there wasn't a roll around, like you claim. So what's stopping people from trying ULiL as it is right now? You know what, let me answer that one from you: It's because it's not fucking SWR 3.0, and it actually dared to be new and different. But we can't have THAT sort of shit going around, now can we? How DARE the developers try to give us a novel experience!? They think they can get away with such fucking bullshit!? Of course not! All fucking games should be the fucking same! We are NOT going to stand for differences! Oh wait, does this game handle movement in an ever-so-slighty different fashion? Whoops, fuck that game then! Shit game! Kuso game! Let's not play it! Let's not give it the fair chance it deserves! And let's disuade every single person we can to do the fucking same! And if you WANT to play it then tough fucking shit luck because we won't play with you, because the game is different! So go back to the approved list of games or be alone like the asshole we are going to paint you as being!

>> No.14879080
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Anon I came here because you need to calm down, this isn't something you need to get that upset about.

>> No.14879081

I think you're creating imaginary situations for yourself to become more hysterical.

The game is impossible to play unless you're not in Japan, what is so hard to follow?

Stop treating Soku and ULiL like Melee and Smash and treat them like Touhou games or take your shit back to >>>/v/.

>> No.14879086

unless you're in*

>> No.14879095

Soku and ULiL's base netcode are completely different. In Soku's netcode, lag is translated into delay, which makes the game run normally but causes all of your inputs to come out slower. In ULiL's it slows down and freezes the game if it's lagging, which is way worse when the connection is poor.

>> No.14879109

Anon people liked Soku even though it was so different from IaMP and other fighters. Did you ever think to consider that maybe people just don't like the game as much?

>> No.14879145

>And that's supposed to disprove what I said?
You said,
>they'll never try it
when I'm telling you, plenty of people have tried it.
It's just that they quickly stopped playing right after.

>Yeah, and the rollcaster didn't show up until 2 or 3 years after the fact.
>Yet people DID play it when there wasn't a roll around, like you claim.

Because even without the rollcaster Soku wasn't as laggy as ULiL is.

>It's because it's not fucking SWR 3.0 [...] Shit game! Kuso game! Let's not play it!

I've been playing Soku for some time and I still keep playing it.
I admit, I wasn't too sure about the whole floaty combat, but I gave HM and later ULiL a chance.
So? Is the game fun to play online? It might be; I wouldn't know.
Most of the matches for me were literal slideshows, so I can't say.

>> No.14879444

Stop falseflagging.

>> No.14880534

Why haven't you joined Tessiro's weekly tourneys?


>> No.14883877

I like that Soku was always considered the "joke game" and most of the good people stuck to IaMP, and now it has become that HM/ULiL are the joke games and Soku players think they can be elitist too

I wonder what will come after ULiL that makes people think its a good game

>> No.14884677

Competitive communities tend to spawn from popular games. All communities will push their game as having amazing depth and such, but in reality, the only reason competitive games survive is because of the large fanbase they build and how much their fans enjoy the game. Soku just experiences that now because its fans enjoyed that game as much as the IaMP fans and find that their communities are unwilling to move on.

That being said, unless HM/ULiL builds are large fanbase, it will be largely forgotten.

>> No.14884685

I thought IaMP was dead.

>> No.14884881

It kinda is. Such is the fate of older competitive games.

Soku should have died, but someone liked it enough to make sokuroll.

>> No.14884886

Its mostly the few IaMP fanboys who are super mad that their infinite combos are no longer hot shit because everybody moved on to Soku a long time ago.

They still try to rope newbies into being sandbags for them.

>> No.14884924

>the few IaMP fanboys

Isn't it just one guy at this point?

>> No.14885006

Most of the IRC guys are fanboys

>> No.14885096

People took soku more seriously after it was figured out that there was actually a lot of room for skill in it because of all the movement options you have, which took like 2-3 years. Also people figured out that it's not a crazy RNG fest.

>> No.14885117

Actually, the people who stuck to IaMP were off put by SWR first since it came first, and that game was actually full of lots of issues and shitty mechanics. By the time Soku came out the IaMP community was pretty much dead.

>> No.14885457

>HM being even more popular than ULiL.
Yeah that's probably because we didn't know how shitty the mechanics were going to be for HM ahead of time while we did know for ULiL.

>> No.14895717

stay puft faggot

>> No.14895779

Do you like to play other fighting games other than Soku and ULiL?

>> No.14895832

Guilty Gear, and Melty blood.

>> No.14895949

I don't really play fighting games that much, or shmups for that matter.

But I do like to play Soku and the main Touhou games simply because it's Touhou.

From the few fighting games that I have played though, I enjoyed Guilty Gear and Soul Calibur.

>> No.14895950

King of Fighters and Skullgirls.

>> No.14896105

I like playing pretty much every anime fighter including stuff like Melty, GG, BB, EFZ and IaMP. Soku is still my favorite game though.

>> No.14898847


>> No.14898897

Written by someone who does not understand bullet cover, pressure, and crying that he can't infinite combo people anymore. Sounds like an IaMP player alright.

>> No.14898911

The latter two points just sound like someone complaining that soku doesn't let you blockstring/combo someone for days.

>> No.14898922
File: 423 KB, 468x854, XdNu791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was actually written by a guy who played the game and got really upset on how he couldn't get better. Now he pretends to hate the game immensely. Even after he wrote stuff like that he kept playing the game anyways.

Pic very related.

>> No.14898988 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 148x295, 1457554812675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant find people to play soku witch. In last days even their irc channel is quiet like never

>> No.14898994

Try sokulobby. I can still get games there and there's people from all kinds of different regions. Or at least I could like a month ago. I've been slacking.

>> No.14899011

I'm in the IRC channel right now and it's very active at the moment. Tuesdays and Mondays are always very slow days.

>> No.14899014
File: 494 KB, 800x720, 22871121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play KoF and Arcana Heart. I "play" most other fighting games.
I don't like ULiL at all. I should play soku more than I do. I mostly just go into the lobby once a month or so and get fucked up for a couple days and go back to 98.

>> No.14899058

Is the soku lobby really that good? Last time I went there the mods were shitting on random players because they didn't like how they were playing, and I've heard that they ban/kick/mute people who talk back to them.

>> No.14899084

I've never seen that. Worst I've seen is some weird teenagers or people acting like it, but that's more or less to be expected of the general touhou fanbase. Moderation was pretty quiet and I either get bodied wordlessly or get a bit of advice.
I'm not in there often, but whenever I am it's pretty easy to get games.

>> No.14899098

All of the good players on soku lobby are on the IRC as well. Soku lobby has a lot of beginners but most of them play extremely rarely and instead go to soku lobby to join rooms and talk about things that are unrelated to the game.

>> No.14899130

>host there when there's like 25 people online
>host for half an hour, even longer sometimes
>someone in their circlejerk logs on and hosts
>immediately gets a game
i do not know why i continue going there, but then again people don't join my host on irc either

>> No.14899139

Where are you from? Also, are you sure your host works? If you are a new face people will normally flock to you instantly if you host or ask for games on IRC, mostly because people are bullies but you'll definitely get a game unless if you're trying to play at an awful time.

>> No.14899146

Ah. I hadn't actually been on the irc channel in spite of always idling on rizon.
The lobby chat was not my jam but the hosting mechanic was nice, as was the actual variance in player skill. I can only learn so much getting dumpstered by people who have put concentrated effort into the game for years. I ignored soku for ages because it was notggxxac/10. I regret it.

>> No.14899203

in USA, and it definitely works. i only get like one set every 5 hosts i put up though

now i just join other people's hosts instead to save myself the trouble of waiting, but sometimes the irc is just plain dead with a billion login/logout messages, and i can't bring myself to play with the salty europeans that are around during the afternoon

>> No.14899554
File: 61 KB, 838x983, 1454203473243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14899593

I enjoy getting dumpstered and think that I actually learn quite a bit when I do. Though I guess this could just be because I'm at the level where I make mistakes that I can still see when they get instantly punished.

I guess if I were just losing neutral because of inferior technical skill it'd be pretty miserable.

>> No.14899628

i actually lost that image and have been looking for it, thanks dude

>> No.14900953

Are soku lobby and IRC the only places with active soku players outside of Japan?

>> No.14901127

Apparently SA, SEA and China have fairly active communities as well.

>> No.14902011

Soku lobby is fucking trash and you should be ashamed for playing on it, they get irritated too fucking quickly and do nothing but circlejerk all day long complaining about the character they don't like.

I'd trade the Europeans on IRC anyday to not have to play with these people.

>> No.14903978

Hopefully both are dead given how shit they are.

Fucking Tasofro. IaMP was so fucking good and then they just shit all over it with SWR, THEN they shat all over that with HM and now ULiL.

>Soku kiddies unironically believe this shit

>> No.14904282

soku 4 lyf

>> No.14904321

Wait, soku lobby is still around? How are there people dumb enough to use that piece of shit after all these years?

>> No.14904354 [DELETED] 


>> No.14904763

Why are you still posting here? Go make an IaMP thread or something.

>> No.14907361

He's right, you know? Besides the implications that ULiL isn't a worthy game, that is.

>> No.14910908

ULiL is way better than Soku though.

>> No.14910977

Tell me where is rng in soku

>> No.14911054

weather, skill cards

>> No.14911353

I had always assumed that SA played on IRC as well. I was hoping for another group of players, but I suppose it is getting old.

Which character is the most BS in soku and ULiL?

>> No.14911612

Weather is not random except the starting weather. Cards are randomly drawn but from a pool of 20 cards you set.
Not that bad of rng although it would be nice if you could set alt skills as default instead of having to drop it during match.

>> No.14911721


For some moves, I kind of wish they had the utility that later levels have as default. For example, I'd love Meiling's default 214 more if it started with the stomp portion rather than having to level it up three times, but I just stick to Searing Red Fist instead.

>> No.14912481


The whole point is that you can actually adjust your combos in order to get the weather you want by adjusting how much ground/wallbounces occurs since it always follows the same cycle, it's actually pretty clever.

>> No.14912519

Sakuya, Yuyuko, Iku are the dumb bullshit in Soku. Patchy's up there too.
Sakuya's as gay as the day is long. Does everything. Godlike melee specials for mixup, her bullets beat like almost fucking every other character's bullets, lots of damage for random bullet hits, very very safe. Yuyuko's less so but easier and slower, Iku has j2A and it plays the game for her. Patchy murders half the cast for free and does decent against the rest of it.
Youmu's really strong and easy too but you can't really play her like a regular soku character.

>> No.14912541

That's nice but weather is still a shitty mechanic that makes you change your gameplay for no good reason.

>> No.14912545

The only weather that's fucking retarded is River Mist and Typhoon and they're both still less retarded than yellow roman cancel slowdown.

>> No.14912556
File: 5 KB, 41x65, Soku_common_card014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14912633

Ultra are retarded because they make you change your gameplay for now reason
Circuit break are retarded because they change the gameplay for no reason
Guard crush ate retarded because they change the gameplay for no reason
Parry moves in 3.3 are retarded because they Change the gameplay for no reason

>> No.14912668

Holy fuck this scrub bullshit.

All of those are moves which you activate yourself and which don't actively force you to play differently for 10 whole seconds.

There's a million more problems with SWR and Soku by the way, from the stupid combo limit system that constrains you from doing anything even slightly interesting to the fuck-huge stages for no reason, to flying (one of the most useless mechanics ever), and the fact that wrongblocking is a BETTER strategy than using the game's built-in burst mechanic due to the retarded way guard crushing works.

Also, declaring was a fantastically cool mechanic and IaMP and they literally chucked it in the trash. Fuck sometimes I wonder how good SWR would have been if it was just IaMP 2.0 with more characters and it makes me depressed.

SWR is literally the brawl to IaMP's Melee, except in this case we don't even have a Project M to fix the bullshit.

>> No.14912698

Calling anyone else a scrub and then all of your complaints about Soku makes for some hilarious contrast.
Some games just don't have long combos. Soku combos are short, stylish and adaptive. It's not BlazBlue where you do 8-12 second long loops. Lots of good games have short combos. Earlier KoFs come to mind. Arcana. Street Fighter. The list goes on. It doesn't have to be long to be interesting. Limit actually allows you to do more different things, because you can get a knockdown with any ender as long as you hit limit.
The fuckhuge stages are fuckhuge because of flying and the neutral game being graze based. Flying being useless is the most confusing thing I've ever seen in my life. You can bait things with 46/82 flight and make something whiff with an aerial shimmy and whiff punish. How could that ever be useless? You can fly through projectiles, the meat of the game? How could that EVER be useless? Did you even actually play the game? What the fuck? Flight and grazing to get into your optimal range is how neutral works in this game.

You're misunderstanding the way spirit orbs, wrongblocking, and BEs work in general, as well.
You can wrongblock up to as many spirit orbs as you have before getting GC'd. If you just resign yourself to wrongblocking over and over you'll never get out and you'll just take damage. You'll also just keep losing orbs. When you BE out, and you actually do it correctly (which I doubt you ever did), you can actually get out. Like all guard cancels in everything it can be baited. But with BE you can not only escape pressure but more often than not, if you do it right, turn shit around and hit them because you're grazing through some of their bullet cover pressure. For one broken orb, instead of just sitting there and wrongblocking forever and losing all of them.

I do miss declaring though. That shit was cool. I still doubt you played either IaMP or soku for more than a couple hours.

>> No.14912766


I actually appreciate how they decided to get as far away from SWR/Soku as they could in HM and ULiL. I mean, I'd appreciated it more if they had gone back to IaMP gameplay, but hey, it's an improvement either way.

>> No.14912878
File: 4 KB, 250x33, Untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready for today's tourney?

>> No.14913146

I have no idea if you're talking about Soku or Swr but your post shows that you know very little about fighting games.

>The limit system prevents you from doing anything slightly interesting
Have you literally never heard of hitstun deterioration? Even if you remove limit, your combos don't get much longer, someone even made a mod which removed it and it barely did anything. All it did was reduce damage from some spell cards and remove one infinite.

> flying (one of the most useless mechanics ever)
Have you literally never played any other game with flying in it? Flying is an excellent game mechanic because it gives you a crazy amount of control over your movements. Flying is the entire reason why Marvel vs Capcom 2 is still praised to this day.

>fuck-huge stages for no reason
Characters in soku and swr are really fast. I don't see why you have an issue with the stages being large. Even the slowest character can dash across the stage in a couple of seconds. Dashing also doesn't prevent blocking except for 2 characters.

>> No.14913473

>I don't know anything about fighting games

I wish I had that post explaining why people hate fighting games on /v/ because they can't shit talk about them because you actually need to know how to play them first since people can call you out so easily.

>> No.14913544

>built-in burst mechanic

The game doesn't even have bursting. Are you sure you even played the game?

>> No.14913564

I felt like it was his own retarded way to refer to border escape based on context.

>> No.14913566


Read the description.

It's a damn shame that the best fighthu soundtracks reside on SWR and HM.

>> No.14913575

I take it you played SWR just after release and never touched it again.

>> No.14913586

Yeah I generally drop kusoge pretty quickly.

At least IaMP was a fun kusoge. You ever noticed that literally no one in Japan gives a fuck about SWR, HM, or ULiL while they did for IaMP? It's because Japanese fighting game players know kusoge when they see it.

>> No.14913593

>Yeah I generally drop kusoge pretty quickly.
Hisoutensoku fixed a bunch of the things you're complaining about seven whole years ago which is why it's rather surreal to see you complaining about them now.

>You ever noticed that literally no one in Japan gives a fuck
I've watched soku tournament streams, obviously that doesn't count for shit in numbers but I don't have any numbers. Do you?

>> No.14913622


>People actually defend this overly-defensive bullet spam garbage

I need to watch some IaMP and feel depressed about Tasofro fucking literally everything up:


It's Brawl all over again. Along with the retarded fanboys that defend the objectively inferior sequel.

>Skill cards
>Literally no combos
>Absurdly defensive gameplay since offense is complete shit

Soku didn't fix shit.

>> No.14913635

It fixed wrongblocking, you haven't said shit about skill cards this whole thread, it's has plenty of combos (just not extremely long ones), and if I'm not even sure what you think "offensive gameplay" is.

Weather can't go anywhere because it's what the game is about, but they did change some of the worse weathers to be less retarded.

>> No.14913645

It's not even worth arguing at this point, anon.
He's the same kind of idiot that won't move past 3S.
Except in this case it's more like he refuses to play 3S and only plays ST and SFV is already out.

>> No.14913666

Border escapes aren't bursting. Bursts are entirely different, you do them when you're getting hit, not blocking. You're doing nothing but proving you know nothing about fighters.

>> No.14913669

Soku is the most popular of the touhou fighters, did you not read the start of the thread?

>> No.14913674 [DELETED] 

Yeah, it'd help us both if you got your ass back over there, sokubaby.

But before you go, let me just say I don't need to have ultra-deep knowledge of the game mechanics to be glad that SWR/Soku won't be the standard for fighing games anymore.

>> No.14913676

>Thinking you have the right to claim which fighters are poorly designed
>When you've proved in like 5 posts you know nothing about fighting games

>> No.14913686

> yfw when EFZ was an even better game than Iamp

Tasofro fighter quality just got worse and worse which each new game

>> No.14913697

>Suddenly all these shitposts about why soku is bad game
>All of them either say nothing constructive or are completely wrong about basic fighting game knowledge
>IP count hasn't gone up

>> No.14913701

It's popular because it's dumbed down to hell and requires zero skill. Dial-A combos in a fucking fighter.

Most Soku players would get bodied into fucking oblivion if they played an actual fighting game like Guilty Gear or Arcana Heart www

>> No.14913711

>Dial-A combos in a fucking fighter.
Dial-A combos are terrible, and are about as representative of what goes on in even low-level soku play as people standing around and doing jab combos is representative of smash.

You are obviously just taking the piss now.

>> No.14913752

Ehhh. For a lot of characters, finishing one is part of a 5A starter B&B. Not the entire thing obviously.
My main for example's A string is godlike and links into f.A or 3A for limit and nice damage. Staggering them into bullets and/or specials is a big part of mixup. I can't really say they're terrible at all.
Dial-A combos are a silly thing to complain about anyway since there's already command normals, and no one complains about rekkas in other fighting games. At least no one that isn't retarded. And they're basically just rekkas. They're balanced in a way where you're just not supposed to have access to the later parts without using the earlier parts.

>> No.14913760

Then you aren't talking about a dial A combo, you're talking about using a character's equivalent to a jab, which of course should be helpful.

>> No.14913795

I'm not the guy shitposting about how bad he thinks soku is. I'm just saying that Dial-A combos aren't terrible. They're pretty useful for most things, when you land 5A chances are you're going to finish the dial-A string and then link something else, and the cancel options off of them lead to some pretty well thought-out mixup. At least for Komachi. I know other characters' aren't as big a part of their game.

>> No.14913834

Full dial A's are really really weak for pressure. Sometimes you can use them as part of a combo on some characters, but that's about it.

>> No.14913835 [DELETED] 

Boohoo, stop bullying my soku! ;_;

Who are you quoting and fuck off.

>> No.14913931

Most character's dial-As have a lagging last hit that doesn't follow into anything, but I think Komachi can use her's to juggle and actually has fast follows-up on it.

Not the Komachi player.

>> No.14913937

The only thing Komachi can do off of dial A that's any good is spell card, and that's kind of a waste unless if you're trying to catch a BE.

>> No.14913961

On hit Komachi's 5AAAA links into f.A, 3A, or alt 236. All of them limit and do around 3k.
On rightblock, it's either -2 or -3, I can't remember which. Since it's only -2, the combination of the pushback and her f.5A range allows you to make it scary to try to do stuff after the whole 5AAAA string. Some characters you just have to hold that though because they can get in on you from -2 because they're Sakuya. Wrongblock it crushes and you can get whatever.
It should be noted that 5AAA is special cancelable into default 214 that can get you back in on some characters and does a load of orb damage. So from 5AAA you can make them guess between 5AAAA and default 214 wisps.

>> No.14914304

A full dial A on block is like a free border escape.

>> No.14916650

I have lost another tourney. How do I win soku saturday?

>> No.14916898


then get good

>> No.14918335
File: 13 KB, 500x239, Soku Tier Lists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But who do I believe?

>> No.14918894

Just use both Sakuya and Yuyuko

>> No.14919299

Can I just settle for Remilia, Reisen, or Iku?

>> No.14919476

Remi is fine

>> No.14919625

They're both pretty close.

It amazes me though that, arguably, the best western Soku player was maining Komachi, a character considered to be bottom tier, and yet he was able to beat everyone with her.

>> No.14919633

The survey is full of bad opinions by players who have never fought a good X.

>> No.14924605

Best was auric, which mained aya, not magi.

>> No.14924614

Reisen is hard to play but really rewarding and fun
Iku is potato tier, fun to play as but not to play against
Remi is just shit on the other hand, you won't find an emptier character, but she's probably the easiest to get top easily.

>> No.14924955

What can high level Street Fighter 3rd Strike Gameplay teach you about soku?
