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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1487748 No.1487748 [Reply] [Original]

"The erotic game are a lethal weapon that produces a dangerous society." - Petition to request restriction to the House of Representatives

"The heart of the youth is being destroyed by adult games, they're losing human nature." "Depicting many kids carrying school bags, it becomes a lethal weapon that produces an extremely dangerous society for a young girl."

The petition to request the restriction of magazines, adult games and animated cartoon is made to the masses.

"Petition concerning enactment of law that restricts manufacturing and sales of Pretty girl adult animated cartoon magazine and Pretty girl adult animated cartoon simulation game"

It was accepted at 10/03. The introduction assembly member [Shuumei] Murai assembly member (Democratic Party).

Source: http://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/0810/20/news067.html

[Shuumei] Murai Web site: http://www.murai.tv/

It's over. Loli is gonna get banned.

>> No.1488053
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>> No.1488072
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>> No.1487760

Like that's going to pass.

>> No.1487774

>It was accepted at 10/03. The introduction assembly member [Shuumei] Murai assembly member (Democratic Party).

>> No.1487777

lol no
Also, this is the less democratic and the most idiotic thing that I have read in a while. Do not worry OP.

>> No.1487783

The petition was accepted, not written into law. That's what I meant.

>> No.1487782

They're always trying to do this. It never passes.

>> No.1487793

Fuck UNICEF; fuck the UN.

>> No.1488097
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>> No.1487796

>less democratic
Learn what words mean.

These games are produced and enjoyed by a minority. If it turns out that a majority wants them banned, then the players/makers are shit out of luck. In a democracy.

Fortunately, no real democracies exist any more.

>> No.1487805

>These games are produced and enjoyed by a minority.
>Fortunately, no real democracies exist any more.
Well, this is true.

>> No.1487883

Didn't the silly Diet said recently that they were not going to do anything about this in three years? Enjoy your waste of time.

>> No.1487897

Of course they are wasting time. It's politics.

>> No.1487914

This was tried last year. IT failed.

With the current Prime Minister anything like this will get vetoed.

The current prime minister is a anime industry fan that the erotic game industry makes up at least 25% of it.

>> No.1487921

>waste of time

>> No.1487925

Fits with Japan's new communist movement.

>> No.1487933


>> No.1488201
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Your English sucks. Are you talking about this?

>> No.1487966

Actually, they have been doing this every year since 2000. This would be the second attempt this year. In before it gets shoot down hilariously or delayed forever.

>> No.1487976

>"Depicting many kids carrying school bags, it becomes a lethal weapon that produces an extremely dangerous society for a young girl."
>Depicting many kids carrying school bags

Is this suppose to mean something?

>> No.1487988

It means "because the characters in these games are shown carrying schoolbags, they are therefore of school age, and since the people who play them are OBVIOUSLY going to go out and molest/rape people, schoolgirls will be their targets."

>> No.1488034


Martin Short?

>> No.1488039

Have you ever seen these red bags only primary school kids carries?

>> No.1488050

>Loli is gonna get banned.

>> No.1488049

Lol, OP beat me to it. Here's the 2chan thread:


>> No.1488052

Murai is my hero!

>> No.1488057

Does the bill just ban loli, or does it ban all ero games?

>> No.1488058

I see their political threads are just as good as ours!

>> No.1488060

>comic LO
FUCK ;_;

>> No.1488064

The way the quote is worded in Japanese specifically mentions the backpacks worn by grade-schoolers, rather than the typical type of bag carried by junior high and high school students, and "restricts" implies targeted at those specifically.

>> No.1488079


troll harder

>> No.1488081



>> No.1488084

Japan is finally becoming America.

>> No.1488107

American loli crime.

>> No.1488135

Rape in 1999 or 2000 of G8 (matter/100,000 people)

Canada 78.08 Simplicity possession prohibition Two dimension prohibition
United States 32.05 Simplicity possession prohibition Two dimension prohibition (However, it is unconstitutional and invalid)
Britain 16.23 Simplicity possession prohibition
France 14.36 Simplicity possession prohibition
Germany 9.12 Simplicity possession prohibition
Russia 4.78
Italy 4.05 Simplicity possession prohibition
Japan 1.78

American is rapist. So is Canadian.

>> No.1488217

>Black market

Gray market at best; come ON Canada....

>> No.1488230



>> No.1488514
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>> No.1488513

black market? more like any anime convention known to man.

>> No.1488555

