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14831890 No.14831890 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>14809809

Aigis Event: Sword of the Dragon Slayer

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Osawari Island:
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Flower Knight Girl

>> No.14831920

First for incoming ded games.

>> No.14831922

Having sex with Nanaly is my job.

>> No.14831940

I've been told that the gcwiki for aigis isn't being updated anymore and the nips are switching to the wikiwiki?

>> No.14831956

Specifically this wikiwiki.


nip and jap are slurs though you should stop using them as if they aren't

>> No.14831966

I don't appreciate you making fun of me slurring my words. But I'll forgive you this time, just don't let it happen again.

>> No.14831980

You one of those japs nigga?

>> No.14832017

Would you prefer I call them Elevens instead?

>> No.14832021

anyone else having considerable lag between actions on dmm aigis? Started after the latest update
Like mini freezes every time I try to deploy a unit or press a menu button

>> No.14832030

on my i7 PC and my gf's AMD laptop, any browser

>> No.14832032

I have it on the nutaku aigis.

>> No.14832044

Your gf plays aigis?

>> No.14832047

she was always a plants vs. zombies kind of girl
now she lords it over me how she has Gellius and I don't

>> No.14832076

nips nips nips nips nips nips nips
japs japs japs japs japs japs japs

>> No.14832078

I guess that is love.

>> No.14832084

Who should I awaken and feed the new happy, Metus, Etana or Liana?
I already have an awakened healer(Saria). My two other blacks are 99(Anya and Farune)

>> No.14832119

I'd say Eterna, you have her at 10/10 right?

>> No.14832125

no, she's at 6/10, same as Metus. I didn't have any SCs to blow because bought barracks sometime before her event

>> No.14832129

That's what rainbow fairies are for!

>> No.14832142

I have like 12, guess thats a good enough use

>> No.14832154

>that guy on pixiv who keeps drawing paizuri fanart of aigis characters

>> No.14832156

If your awoken units are skill max already, sure.

>> No.14832161

Are you talking about Fallenicons/shaun/Lolicept?

>> No.14832178

Yes, him. Paizuri is my favorite thing ever, and I like the characters so its really nice to see
My Anya isn't. Is her skill awakening worth it? From what I understood, she attacks two units instead of one?

>> No.14832190
File: 194 KB, 643x900, 47570032_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, him.
Eh, he is the only one doing some Kanpani stuff, he is cool.

>> No.14832206

>anna, balloonvine, iowa, yuuno
So he runs the full gamut of DMM games. Great taste too.

Also, I think I hit the 150 SC mark on Aigis gacha with only a single plat to show for it. But surely I will break this streak bad luck, eventually.

>> No.14832255

Her awakening ability is already that she always passively attacks 2 units. Skill AW makes it so she attacks EVERYTHING in range (and doubles her attack power). So basically, normal skill gives her the ultimate shield, AW skill makes her the ultimate killing machine.

From what I've heard, whether it's worth skill awakening her depends a bit on whether you're more in need of a tank or more in need of an AOE killing machine. It's basically a 180 degree turn in terms of what the skill does, so they both serve very different purposes.

>> No.14832258

Wow, FKG knows how to work your stamina bar. I'm getting event golds much faster than I'm getting class change dragons. This event gacha is demanding huge amounts of points to grab the essentials.

It's good stamina pacing - makes me want to burn crystals for refills.

>> No.14832275

Technically that's just what her class does when awoken, her awakening ability is extra MR.

>> No.14832327

Does the Anna reprint have the guaranteed -2 CR on first two copies fed like normal revivals? I'm not sure since you buy these Anna's with magic crystals instead of revival crystals

>> No.14832337

Pupuru a cute

>> No.14832431

Holy shit guys guys this necromancer unit lets you put SKELETON SOLDIERS on the melee spots like WOAH.

>> No.14832434

Managed to bring my fang ratio from the depths of 1.3 to 1.6. Still bad but I may get her a cost reduction or two.

How is the potential next collection event unit? If she's Imeria I could use a bandit, haven't raised one yet.

>> No.14832444

I just hope to get at least 1k Teeth.

>> No.14832462

I feel the opposite, I've recently awakened four new units and still have 10+ dragons waiting. Still, it's good because I can get to clearing the story maps, got finished with 17-21 already.

Do you raise the revival units too? That may make for the difference, I mostly ignore them since it's not really worth having copies of anything but Lavender, Edelweiss, Hypericum and Dipladenia.

>> No.14832473


I only started a month ago, I've already had to do refills just to get EXP fairies to hit all event maps.

>> No.14832496

Didn't realize we had a new thread already.
For the less moon-inclined, could someone please translate this.

>> No.14832518

Oh, then it's best to take it easy, even early maps have good enough rates to carry you through the entire event. These 100-year fairies will be a great boon to you too.

You can also add 504461103 if you don't have good assists for the final maps, my team is a bit lacking but it should be able to tackle the event maps just fine.

>> No.14832520

She's a big girl now.

>> No.14832531

I always got 13 fangs in the last map. You should try it out

>> No.14832541

"I might not look like it, but I'm an adult. Please stop treating me like a kid!"

something like that

>> No.14832609

I started in October and I've always been able to get every event unit maxed and still have time to max revival girls. And I've never used flower stones on refills either.
You just need to know how to spend your stamina based on the current event.

>> No.14832629

For you.

>> No.14833064

So the new jap aigis event.
As far as I can tell nothing useful comes from it, anyone got other info?
If nothing else at least it let me roll for another silver.

>> No.14833084

The nip event has you getting completion rewards. The rewards are good including a time fairy and a happy.

>> No.14833104

Oh okay, I didn't see the little list thing like there normally is. Thanks.

>> No.14833151

I can't seem to class change metus is this normal?

>> No.14833165

There are a number of special classes that effectively start out already CC'd, you can see her awakening option if you check the 2nd tab in the awakening menu.

>> No.14833178

Are they the Jeigans of Aigis?

>> No.14833222

the Kanpani event is over
what do I live for now?

>> No.14833266

new to the game
what does a happy do?

>> No.14833282

Feed it to anything to take it to max level.

>> No.14833293

the 150k exp fairy is named happy?
now i see

>> No.14833472

Dumped like 20 R and 20 HR tickets into Osawari and didn't see Hametena.

Time to drop the game again.

At least I got this cute sheep loli though. And she isn't censored.


>> No.14833510
File: 13 KB, 642x200, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys remember how nutaku devs wanted their own forums?

well it's been 3 months now and still no oficial forums lol

>> No.14833526

oh god what a clusterfuck of insanity that would have been

>> No.14833585
File: 296 KB, 576x388, My team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I new to the game, I have less than a month playing, I want to know, can I take on the green dragon or water dragon with this team? I don't want to waste stamina.

>> No.14833612

Absolutely not, your archers and Iris are far too weak.

>> No.14833613

has anyone failed a cost down with the new fairies yet

>> No.14833643

That's what I thought. Right now I want to max Bashira, I still need one more silver archer to CC her, or should I focus on Iris?

>> No.14833680

Focus on Iris first, then maybe you can try to scrape a 1* from Green Dragon. Daniela drops from there, so you can try to farm a copy of her to 50CC your Bashira.

>> No.14833705
File: 144 KB, 756x686, 1445498357644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Senpai.

>> No.14833709

Nope, they are like that, because if they had CC, they would be suppremely broken. Think of them like the Hectors of Aegis.

>> No.14833715

oh god no
these maps will turn your asshole inside out

>> No.14833729

I used the one I got from Bernice's map to try and min cost Claire and it failed. No idea if the first time is 100% like a normal CR.

>> No.14833898

Hametena is a loli again... and they said you can get her as an eromon, i might have to spend money but i don't know how to get her or what to throw my money at

>> No.14833922

The $100 roll gives the best odds... but I wouldn't whale on this game at this point.

>> No.14834006

Looking forward to another shitty LoV clone.

>> No.14834142

Wait what? Nutaku actually fixed what the did to her?

>> No.14834175

I was told the same thing back in July.

>> No.14834277

well, its only the her you can get and the one in the even story

the loading screen is still fubar

>> No.14834556
File: 215 KB, 600x400, dtmedits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute girls got edited into ugly slut for the latest Dragon Tactics event.

Didn't just change the reward, the card has the same stats and abilities as JP, Nutaku just edited the picture and name, either so they could have nudity, or to censor something. Who knows!

>> No.14834601

Anyone has an alternative way of dealing with the black dragon in the last map?
I've tried using Nasu's method and it works up until the last part where it starts walking, then all my units start dying from being unable to heal quickly enough

>> No.14834604

You need to have it drop right next to or on Claudia. If you are killing it too fast then start to remove things to slow down killing it.

>> No.14834610

Key is to withhold your firepower to make it drop right when its above Claudia, so she immediately blocks him and he doesn't have chance to AoE healers.
If you are killing him too fast, retreat one of archers mid-way and put another behind Claudia, at rightmost spot if you cannot drop him in time.

>> No.14834639

Anyone happen to know the rate of the 3 drop fang in Cavern X? 4 runs and it hasn't dropped at all, I just hope I'm rng screwed at the moment

>> No.14834644


bad luck

>> No.14834719

Ah, it worked! Thanks a lot!

>> No.14834745
File: 533 KB, 800x720, 51078109_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14834782

on x-overd r, what are the missions on the mission panel? will i just naturally unlock them fucking around?
also, do i need friends?

>> No.14834795

and, if a character has a bow in their picture, do they need to equip a bow? i gave her an axe, will there be problems?

>> No.14834800


Maybe I'll reset cache or something


>> No.14834801

X-Overd new numbers:
24 force dungeon map now gives 15*3 - 15*4 Drops on average.
With cookies, 4 runs: 15*4; 15*4; 15*3; 15*3;
Without cookies, 3 runs: 15*3; 15*3; 15*3;
真・イザナイザクラ Gate Keeper drops 80 Drops MVP/Discoverer, 60 for participation (man, ran out of GK bullets in like 5 minutes after maintenance ended).

In addition, there's login bonus of 1000 Drops every day, starting tomorrow.

>> No.14834830

> what are the missions on the mission panel? will i just naturally unlock them fucking around?
Some of them are pretty specific, like making Thunder Blade **
Check wiki for transcript and details, http://wikiwiki.jp/x-overd/?%A5%D1%A5%CD%A5%EB%A5%DF%A5%C3%A5%B7%A5%E7%A5%F3
>also, do i need friends?
Yes. You get GK invitations only from friends, and only friends will help you with your GKs.
Plus, friends generate bulk of geodes you use for free gacha, and free gacha here is fucking great (if you don't mind homo-team).
You can get plenty of friends by posting on official forum in friend-recruiting thread.
>if a character has a bow in their picture, do they need to equip a bow?
If you equip their proper weapon, you get attack bonus, up to 50% of weapon stat.
Other than that, there's no penalty for wrong type.

>> No.14835004

Senpro PV
Server will open in 29/2

>> No.14835024

What kind of game is it going to be? Battle footage (and a title) reminds of Glory knights/Princess Connect/Knights of Avalon/Dragon Providence type gameplay with guild battles and stuff.

Also it's strange how Drapro is ranked #4 on DMM but has literally 3 or 4 gameplay videos on youtube. Even if there isn't too much to show, people usually like to post '10 gacha rolls' videos for every popular mobage/browser game.

>> No.14835110
File: 388 KB, 444x520, X-Overd R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (18).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cutest x-overd char.

>> No.14835120
File: 5 KB, 75x74, aigis3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14835128

Maybe Aigis one day will be as cool as XOverd devs and add Conrad in flower-pattern kimono and flower strap on his axe.

>> No.14835137

I don't know, but like other DMM games, you need waifus to success. This game's art alone is enough for me to play

>> No.14835360
File: 196 KB, 933x579, Ranking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the first large scale boss is finally released.
It isn't a server wide raid, you have to unlock and kill the boss yourself, at least you are allowed to bring all your teams into the battle like battlefield.
You buy recipes from the shops as you clear the quest, and the boss gets stronger everytime.
They also added a ranking system, but it doesn't give any reward at the moment.
The boss itself has some sort of attack patterns, so it's important to known when you have to switch your main team out to avoid heavy damage from its special attack. Fighters are good pick for this battle as they have enough HP and defense to withstand boss attacks while capable of dishing out good damage, and their stun is very useful here.

>> No.14835408

>Aigis team
>cool ever

Damn anon that was a nice one.

>> No.14835410
File: 302 KB, 938x528, with cookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like you can get better drops on Very Hard version of the map.

>> No.14835412

>Siegfried everywhere
>5 Siegfried in the same team

No, that's too much.

What the...

>> No.14835422

The ranking lists the team leaders, not the team members, so he probably has more than just 5 Siegrids.

>> No.14835435

The p2w is heavy on that guy.

>> No.14835436

Huh, you are right.
Yesterday H/VH had same drops, so I've assumed new version would be like that too.
H/VH increase drop rates very significantly from few runs I did, thanks for telling.

>> No.14835517

How am i supposed to change difficoulty in X-overD?

>> No.14835523
File: 43 KB, 443x47, X-Overd R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (19).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This purple (purple=Very Hard) button.

>> No.14835528

Much appreciated.

>> No.14835584

>tfw they changed it so that the twins would be available in a less p2w event than this one.

If it turns out like this and we get her in one of the more classic events, I'll be really happy since she's a qt.

Also twins. It's hard to wrong with twins.

>> No.14835631

that said, I'm glad I can't get the twins for such a money grabbing bullshit event as this.

>> No.14835654

Nutaku got problems with twins, even on Osawari they censored these two loli twins (changing name and hair color, not sure about the name tho)
Nutaku is a strange place.

>> No.14835661
File: 20 KB, 360x270, Alraune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will this ever be a playable character?

>> No.14835669

It was just the hair color. They didn't actually remove much references to them being sisters though.

But they're averse to incestual undertones, as far back as Belinda/Cloris.

>> No.14835672


>> No.14835674

They changed Belinda/ Cloris ?

>> No.14835683

The only thing Tea team did right was told Nutaku to fuck off at any change of arts

>> No.14835687

Just the dialogue saying Cloris was Belinda's stepmother instead of mother, IIRC.

>> No.14835708

Oh i see. I was kinda disappointed that Cloris is not her real mom. That explains it.

>> No.14835784

Unfortunately that's rather unlikely. Like I said, it's the exact same card but with the twins picture replaced with the slut.
They already showed with Jeanne they have no problem switching different cards around, but since they've completely replaced a graphic I can't see it ever being released.

I'd certainly have no problem being wrong in future though.

>> No.14835831

Wait, Jeanne was switched!?

That brings my hopes farther down, but a man can dream here. Though considering it's Nutaku that's unlikely. Then again, Osawari's finally getting rid of those edits, let's see what happens here too.

>> No.14835843

I can't get that last drop on the ninja map. Is there a trick to getting it?

>> No.14835847
File: 166 KB, 857x465, 64635567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Siegrid rape train is unstoppable.

>> No.14835848
File: 66 KB, 300x400, dtjr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original reward instead of Jeanne was this card, who they put in that strange scout gacha for some reason.

The switch was actually functionally beneficial to us as Jeanne is very useful in combating cards like Piko, but it showed that Nutaku will change cards around if they feel like it.

Since they didn't just do that in this situation, I have significantly less faith that the original twin art will resurface.

>> No.14835883

The only trick that can help there is to have Junon. Just keep farming.

>> No.14836064

Learn something new everyday. I'm also in agreement with Jeanne. Still use her in my main deck and trying my hardest to get a UR dragon staff.

>> No.14836499

>Nutaku contest on FB, post your Claudia
>winners will be drawn on March 8
>nobody will have her until then

sasuga Nutaku

>> No.14836513

You should be posting your DMM Claudia, obviously.

Clearly not even they want you to play their version.

>> No.14836522

Wait for me make a facebook account

>> No.14836529

That actually got a chuckle out of me, thanks.

>> No.14836559
File: 12 KB, 226x111, flowknight10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started FKG recently. What are these and what do I need them for?

>> No.14836578

These are the revival items for Monotropastrum, you exchange them for her (needs 2000), her slot flowers (needs 100/250/500) and her skill flowers (needs 50/100/150/300) from the event shop.

There's only a week left for her revival, but it's easy to collect at least enough for the base girl in 3-4 days. She's not exceptionally useful but she does have the dodge skill and a really nice design, so you may want to get her anyway.

>> No.14836628

Found it, thank you.

>> No.14836799
File: 1.84 MB, 330x157, 1456158543166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you like yandere ghosts haunting your team.

>> No.14836822

So did that chink Aigis ever get released? I remember it looking all right.

>> No.14836835
File: 67 KB, 450x450, 34ff6a71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, the way Suzuran's bodice frames her bust is perfection. I want her to tie me to a bedpost and rape me for days.

I don't care if I die afterwards, I want to impregnate a flower knight already.

>> No.14836849

Is this a fan-made animation? So far I've only seen boobs jiggling in FGK not considering the battles of course.

>> No.14836870

Yes, there are several (Night Phlox, Alstroemeria, Lavender, Suzuran, Nerine, Dendrobium, Sangobana) posted on 2ch threads/archived on the FKG blog.


>> No.14837086

teeth per stamina ratio:
min. 1,55 (map 2) max. 1,77 (map 8)
event last 14 days * 24 stamina

520-594 average teeth

10-20 sc required to reach 1000 probably

>> No.14837123

Meanwhile I reached 1100 on the last DMM item collection with like 5 sc because valentine's chocolate.

>> No.14837156

I wonder how aegis devs decided which girls get the 3rd scene first
I don't think any of the girls are particularly popular. I am glad they did Themis though, she's one of my favorites

>> No.14837180

probably some of the most common ones first. Don't know what berna is doing there though.

>> No.14837184

These scenes on Nutaku never.

>> No.14837195

Well, by now we all know Nutaku isn't allowed to have good things.

>> No.14837273

Hahah, 11 rainbow fairies down Gellius's throat and still 3/5.

>> No.14837329

This 10% drop feels more like 3% drop. Fuck I just want my second katie.

>> No.14837337

I got Katie on like 5th run and got both CR and skillup, now she's 11cost 3/5, lucky. What happens with soldier skills after awakening anyway?

>> No.14837340

I'm going to be on my 18th run soon and I still haven't seen the last drop.

>> No.14837354

It's rather Nutaku that doesn't want good thing with their censorship and incompetence.
I'm pretty sure Aigis dev would be kinder with EN Aigis without Nutaku's bullshit

>> No.14837373

I hope Granblue Fantasy EN turns out a booming success and all kusoge devs follow their example, running their own english versions, without nutaku's(or any other company's) bullshit

>> No.14837394

I actually think Nutaku is useful in some ways, since the average DMM game is designed to grab whales, get some quick profit and die within the year, and now they can extend their lifetime/profits by pawning dead games off to the rabble of idiots that is the Nutaku audience. But seeing decent games like Aigis get ruined because of Nutaku's incompetence is sad, and their contract with DMM probably means individual teams can't move out to make their own English versions either.

Still, it's fun to watch the drama unfold and try to see how long the userbase can put up with Nutaku's bullshit. I'm not sure when Nutaku will kick it, I've seen some decently managed games die in a year but I've also seen Cosmic Break survive half a decade with 200 users. These shitty cute girl niche games work in mysterious ways.

>> No.14837405

Dude, western market is hopeless
I mean, the patreon bubble still haven't burst. There are h-game "devs" that get paid tens of thousands $ to do nothing. They actually REMOVE content from their games with some updates
I am sure nutaku can operate on a market that sickly for a looong time.

>> No.14837409

>Cosmic Break
How dare you talk shitty about my robo-waifu

>> No.14837479
File: 95 KB, 600x295, IM SAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like CB, don't get me wrong, and it's actually a pretty solid game nowadays. But I will never understand how they thought Initium was a good idea, and thanks to it CB's reputation as a pay to win game is cemented, despite it now being kinder to free players than most of its competitors.

Sadly this isn't even a new thing, webcomic artists have been making absurd amounts of money for decades now.

See this comic? Its 'artist' got $250k+ from this shit. This is more money than I'll see in my life.

>> No.14837504

No worries i was kidding, i wonder if CB2 will get an english version one day, is not bad.

>> No.14837505

Man, what the hell is wrong with western world
Take a look at shit dlsite releases. 10 purchases, and it gets forgotten
West? Noope, gotta throw autism bux at retards and create monetary-legit competition to actually talented people

>> No.14837512


Western "invented" stuff like furries, is not a surprise that crap like that comic gets payed that much.

>> No.14837558

That's creepy. Those Westerners sure are creepy.

>> No.14837578


>> No.14837580

It's more of an american/canadian thing.

>> No.14837649

Probably based on which artists they could get CGs from first.

>> No.14837663

Every character has a different skill awakening, it's not based on class. Katie I believe gets a big defence boost added to her skill in exchange for a longer CD.

>> No.14837680

didn't they change some artists along the way anyway? Like, the awakening sprites being done by other guy?

>> No.14837682

Don't think so, BOMI (Camilla's artist) has been away from work for a while because her baby. Unless they had the CGs prepared way before this, 3 monts or so.

>> No.14837684

That doesn't sound too useful
You normally want to enable soldier skill ASAP, but you'd need timing to make use of def boost

>> No.14837704

6 rainbows on my 4/5 Deine for the last level, and nothing.
Feels bad, man.

>> No.14837707

Well, you do get the initial use available a few seconds sooner. The looks reduced on paper until you realize that it has an extra 38 seconds of active skill time on it. But yes, a lot of skill awakenings are tradeoffs, and often not worth it.

>> No.14837746

>fed up with always rolling trash units
>fuck it, I'll drop $50 for rolls
>15 silvers in a row
I hate this shit. Why do I even try

>> No.14837757

I sure could use some silvers right now
I rolled Deine a couple weeks ago and haven't been able to CC her

>> No.14837776

My condolences anon, where are those that always say that after a long streak of silvers always comes a black?

>> No.14837777

The shitty thing is that on my nutaku account I got 4 blacks before level 100.
Meanwhile the only plats I have on DMM are the ones that art just given to you.

>> No.14837799

Maybe it's a sign anon, Nutaku needs you.

>> No.14837841

So I like doing Aigis event missions blind. See what I can do on my own, accepting the inefficiency. I've 3*d all the single dragon maps eventually. I'm pretty sure I can 3* the twin dragon map too. Bog? Fuck that flying lich breath for 7 sta...

So I hit video for just that map. My brain when the first move is Alyssa, who never gets retreated.

>> No.14838007

There certainly are some unique strategies for the G maps.

I simply lack the units for it - both too expensive and underleveled for any of the strats online.

>> No.14838235
File: 10 KB, 411x35, sagamoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saga needs a money sink already.

>> No.14838526

>Granblue Fantasy EN
What? This is a thing?

Either way, GB is all-ages, kinda different market than nutaku.

>> No.14838630

As far as I know all they are doing is adding an english langauge setting to the japanese version. Not sure what that guy is talking about there being an actual english langauge game.

>> No.14838670

I got my happy. What do I do with it?

>> No.14838678

Give it to Conrad

>> No.14838725

Lock her up in second barracks together with time fairy.

>> No.14838729

I already used my time fairy.

>> No.14838734
File: 267 KB, 950x590, lets-talk-it-out-first-rei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's been a fair share of graphical glitches in Kanpani (naked Aqua and such), but this latest one makes for some funny moments.

>> No.14838961
File: 146 KB, 640x540, shenlong broken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone play dragon providence and can explain me how this zodiac thing work?

>> No.14838979

Give it to a level 1 awoken black.

>> No.14839077

>naked Aqua

>> No.14839087
File: 22 KB, 460x373, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

x-overd r
whats this mean? trying to take shit out of presents

>> No.14839093

You have too many items, sell them off or move to storages.

>> No.14839100
File: 267 KB, 563x346, Millennium War Aigis - Play Online And Download Nutaku.net (21).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elf village map is surprisingly good for silvers, finally got enough archers to aw both spica and bashira.

>> No.14839110
File: 451 KB, 567x592, muh deine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sad there is no Heavy Armor drop on any of these maps

>> No.14839209

Is it worth getting more annas?

>> No.14839222

No, unless you literally have every unit from TP at mincost and AWed everyone you wanted.

>> No.14839243
File: 67 KB, 652x491, 2015061816593174d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing that amazing, just that when she just came out during the Kemomin event, if you equipped her with one of the event weapons she would turn out like this. Note that she also suddenly gets elf ears.

>> No.14839246

I don't give a heck about Claudia
just farming that tin can map forever

>> No.14839399

What is this Hitsuji event?

Kill blue dragons only?

Also what's the gatcha announcement, the only change I see is they raised the price for 1k to 3k.

>> No.14839475

You have to kill 100 dragons for all the rewards, but green and blue have separate loot tables, so 100 of each.
Advanced and High Grade EX each have a 2nd dragon, so pick one for 50 runs.

Someone on HBC confirmed that the new girls are in the gacha.

>> No.14839533

Vincent looks too much like t. Alberto Barbosa

>> No.14839550

I can never seem to muster up any willpower to play these things for more than a single event period at a time ever since I snapped my 3 month long login streak due to a power outage half a year ago.
Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.14839571
File: 70 KB, 435x502, 1422059305319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you had a traumatic experience

I forgive you

but don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good

>> No.14839600

this is NOT A FUNNY
THIS IS NOT A JOKE why laff at this?
never forget

>> No.14839623
File: 107 KB, 611x924, 1448355337097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you love it and you know it

>> No.14839644

It's litterally been over a dozen years.
We have to be able to reserve the right to laugh about it at some point.

>> No.14839655

I fail to see what exactly is funny about the event itself. But I have to admit that >>14839623 got a laugh out of me.

>> No.14839674
File: 150 KB, 468x683, 1451430691816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bin Laden also got dubz that fateful day

>> No.14839702

And they just deleted fb post and any mention of it, along with all contest submissions.

>> No.14839708

How could there have been any submissions?

>> No.14839719

I submitted my DMM Claudia.

>> No.14839728

maybe they're going to try a do-over

>> No.14839846
File: 777 KB, 2481x1746, 91wNh3VySVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Wolfsbane apparently has a 1.8x single target skill and gives 3% attack/10% HP to party when going through fly nests (Rindou/Edelweiss abilities). Weak as expected, but she's cute so it hardly matters.

And damn, I never noticed Cosmos had freckles until now, she looks great in the LN illustrations.

>> No.14839863

but does her butthole have freckles

>> No.14839880

It says something about resetting back to 1000 gold 24 hours after the first spin, does that mean that the 3k spin guarantees you the new girls and that's why the cost is up?

>> No.14839947
File: 486 KB, 1412x758, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to fix this glitch on DMM. I change another browsers but it's still there. Another accounts are fine but only my main has this

>> No.14839992

Open javascript console with F12 and reload the page.

>> No.14840034
File: 93 KB, 1406x505, Untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why facebook has something to do with this? It's only happen on Dmm. com, it's fine on R18

>> No.14840047

18+ version allows foreigners by default, all-ages requires japan ip or cookies tampery.

>> No.14840052

they should add a 4 star for events that's incredibly hard, gives no extra rewards, but allows you to auto complete that map.

>> No.14840076

No, It's only happen in my main profile. I'm using cookies and play all-age games just fine. Don't know why but all other accounts never has that problem. I change browser, delete cookies etc but it's still there in that account

>> No.14840099
File: 557 KB, 724x448, team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got that fucking time fairy drop.

Who to give it to now? I'm torn between Saria and Dina myself. They are both core units. Dina would be real nice, sitting at -2 after this, but Saria is still full cost and my best healer by far.

>> No.14840143

Nutaku removed the 1k Gold giveaway about Claudia Event.
Just wow, they didn't removed a single giveaway and coincidence their first one has been on Aigis?
Nutaku Aigis players can't get anything good for real.

>> No.14840157

I've been playing for some time and I'm still to find items needed for activation of the zodiac battle. But I think if you follow the pattern of revival battles, they're probably alike:
Activate the boss whenever you want->fight it in a conquest-like battle with your guild -> get gacha tickets and probably limited boss cups for unlocking a boss job.

>> No.14840159

Maybe they concluded that only doMs would be still playing nutaku aigis, and some humiliation purei would actually make these osubuta happy?

>> No.14840168

That may be cruel but sure why not.

>> No.14840185
File: 115 KB, 563x112, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (77).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally.
I was on brink of panic already, getting ready to just spam SC refills till I get fucking Gadoras.

>> No.14840195

do you still need to be on jp time to play dmm aegis? I know they removed the redirect so you don't have to edit the location flag, but what about the time?

>> No.14840202

The only use for bronze dragon soldier is to CC Anya, right? So I don't need them if I have fully-raised Anya and don't want second copy?

>> No.14840357

Did you maybe think it was because we can't actually get Claudia until the event ends? Which is the same day the contest was supposed to end...

>> No.14840415

I've thinked about that too but they said they used the wrong words and meant to see how many fangs players collected, dunno.
I hope in a simple human error and nothing more becuase this may be something bad.

>> No.14840606

>We apologize for the removal of the recent Claudia Contest. It seemed quite evident that the rules we outlined were not exactly clear, and for that we are very sorry. We recognize that there were many entries and much interest in the contest, so to make up for this mishap we will be holding a new contest, of matched difficulty, on Monday.

>We urge all who entered the previous contest to please submit an entry on Monday when the new contest is posted.

>Thank you for your understanding!
Yeah that's bullshit, there was only a single entry with Claudia and that should've won it. That guy should go and demand 1000 Nutaku gold to be sent to his DMM account.

I also like how they admit their contest staff has no fucking clue what their own events are about.

>> No.14840637

I don't know why you guys are on /jp/ and still playing that trash version

>> No.14840641

They are surely going to ask to post an AW Claudia or some shit like that.
So many players cursed by RNG that can't get the drops will flame for days.
That will be fun.

>> No.14840659

But we aren't. You'd have to be retarded to keep playing EN Aigis, but it's still fun to laugh at Nutaku's bullsht.

The best part is how JP Aigis would've handed SCs like candy if they fucked up this bad, but all EN players get is "We're so sorry guys, but don't worry, we'll (probably) make you a new contest (after a two week break) and you can enter that one!"

>> No.14840696

>after a two week break

Woo woo calm down there, i need to level up my units, farm gold to try my luck with summoning and farm these items to awake all my units!
Two weeks are not enough, i say two months.

>> No.14840712
File: 115 KB, 211x230, drapro3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what? Are they just renaming Dragon Providence or why does it have a new name now?

>> No.14840731

Look like grand blue fantasy clone

>> No.14840779

You're saying the Aigis devs would hand out tons of SC over another companys mistake?

I know they give out tons for their own mistakes but I've not seen them do it for other companys mistakes.

>> No.14840801

No, I'm saying that Aigis devs at least fess up and try to compensate for their own mistakes, while Nutaku has no such compunctions.

Though I guess we already knew that from their willingness to use the "dev tea did it" excuse to the ends of the earth.

>> No.14840805

I'm surprised they owned up to their contest mistake, instead saying dev tea hacked their fb and posted that.

>> No.14840823

It would cost nutaku and DMM actual money to give out gold, it does not cost the devs money to add items that cost gold (SC) to their game for free.

It makes zero business sense to give out gold to everyone.
Competitions give out very little so can be justified as they help bring in more people.

>> No.14840834

So what prevents Nutaku from giving a free SC or two to its players as an apology?

I guess EN players could ask for that, though Nutaku will probably say they wanted to do it but the nefarious dev tea foiled them again.

>> No.14840844

You're right there, it is the nefarious dev team that has full control over aigis, Nutaku cannot give out SC as they are not the devs for aigis.
Sure, they could ask the devs to give out SC for their mistake but I doubt any company would agree to it.

Nutaku have done many things wrong, but this competition is just a funny little mistake, there's no real need for compensation unless you were guaranteed gonna win it.

>> No.14840863

X-Overd is back to top 1 on 18+ ranking. Nice.

>> No.14840945
File: 390 KB, 587x809, happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who should get my happy once awakened ?
Same question for time fairy ?

>> No.14840954

Always you're waifu then Anya.

>> No.14840960

Cheaper soldier might be nice? Eterna seems like the most dependent on stats of those unawoken units I guess.

>> No.14841112

Unlike the jungle maps, these new magic city maps are spicy. It's strange that they made the jungle so easy, compared to these maps that require high physical damage for the crystals, and high everything else for the golems.

>> No.14841190

They turned their kuso-event into a kami-event in the space of a day.

>> No.14841198


>> No.14841233
File: 253 KB, 608x480, 1356233903167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14841292

ur mum

>> No.14841368

The current event has it that you;ll get the materials needed after the event ends.

The more conquest battles you've participated in and ranking at the end also determine whether you get some more.

As for the Zodiac battle itself, it shows up on an alternate tab for quests and is more like quest/raid boss battles.

>> No.14841386
File: 203 KB, 786x585, flowknight5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a few questions about flower knight:

Do I get anything for fully clearing all the character quests? Does every new character released gets one when they're released?

Also I'm playing R-18 version currently and I'm curious: does All-age one really have the same things aside from H-scenes? Some dialogue lines and sprites are very lewd and suggesting.

>> No.14841397

For Happy, Usually the AW unit you're most likely to use that's still at level 1, then AW Anya if you have one, then everyone else is fair game.

As for time fairy, since you already have Anya, the order is Non-mincosted waifu -> Non-mincosted commonly used units ->everyone else.

>> No.14841400

>Do I get anything for fully clearing all the character quests?
You get character-specific piece of equipment.
>Does every new character released gets one when they're released?
>does All-age one really have the same things aside from H-scenes?

>> No.14841410

How do I unlock the other maps in this event? I only have 6 maps available after clearing all of them when there should be 8 I think?

>> No.14841426

I'd wait using time fairy till all black char quests are released and you spent black RNG CR fairies, since time fairy is better to be used when you need last CR, and complete waste as first CR, and all your blacks have no reductions at all.

>> No.14841429

Every few character quests you complete earns you a reward. You can check your progress in Quest menu on the Main tab. I'm not sure if every character has their personal quest right now, but every new character has been getting one on release.

I mostly play the R-18 version, but I haven't noticed anything different besides the H scenes fading to black. They don't really try to hide anything, even with the fade to black it's usually clear that there's some sexing about to happen, and the game flat out tells you to see the rest on the R-18 version.

>> No.14841432

3 other maps come next week.

>> No.14841437

Are the cost fairies 100% if they're unreduced?

>> No.14841465

At very least, all reports I've seen had been successful for units with zero reductions, but my sample size is small.

>> No.14841644

Do I keep the second KT or CC her and feed her to my current one?

>> No.14841658

I'd feed her off, 1 soldier is usually enough anyway.

>> No.14841819
File: 576 KB, 959x579, Screenshot_2016-02-27-08-31-58~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's a fixed chance regardless of cost reduction I'm going for Iris, but otherwise I'm not sure.

>> No.14842043
File: 57 KB, 467x106, i love this community.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I freaking love Nutaku Aigis community, most of them deserve the shit they got.

>> No.14842170

a major update
cheap devs make another game reusing the same assets
a shady chinese company stealing from japan again
someone claimed the previous name copyright

>> No.14842185

Same with all those valve cock suckers. People don't understand that they care about money more.

>> No.14842287

>a shady chinese company stealing from japan again
It's being hosted on DMM again so this can't be the case.
Most likely the first or 2nd reasons.

>> No.14842319

I'm pretty sure Nutaku doesn't even care about money, they're either just along for the ride or secretly serving some eldritch power with chaotic demands. There's pretty much no other explanation for their behavior, I'm sure that the stars will soon align and the Dev Tea will turn out to be Tsathoggua or something.

I'm calling it, Nutaku will hold a "throw yourself down the mouth of our new bat-toad-sloth event character/unholy lord and master" contest and people will still defend the company to their last breath while walking into the Dev Tea's slime-coated throat.

>> No.14842341


>> No.14842442

This boosted silver exp event has been great for clearing out a few dozen excess silvers that were wasting away in my barracks, but now I have less than 1000 gold. Monday pls come

>> No.14842454

I don't have anya, should I save the time fairy for her or cost reduce nanaly?

>> No.14842486
File: 68 KB, 500x490, 1444045085136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I tried to roll the girls with rate up, I always get someone else. Is is this sort of desire sensor?
This seems to apply to all the games I have been playing.

>> No.14842620

Darn, I was half expecting a special bonus for 3*ing every challenge quest, guess there isn't one.

>> No.14842624

Are all staff-type characters in FKG really bad at auto-attacks? Because I noticed they strike significantly less than an average multi-striking melee-type character, while having almost the same attack stat. I guess they redeem themselves with their skill and abilitiy? Or I just encountered the ones who work like that?

>> No.14842651
File: 2.28 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-02-27-11-46-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my team for minimen vs. bigboys 2 if anyone was wondering.

>> No.14842672

As far as I'm aware, there is no difference between the damage output of classes beyond a 1.5x bonus on enemies that are weak to a specific type of damage.

Not sure on shine crystal generation, multi-hit attacks seem to generate more but that may be a bias too (skills that hit multiple enemies generate more for sure though).

>> No.14842790

>lvl99 maxed Farune can't oneshot goblin archers in the dragon event map
I mean, she's still an amazing unit, but I feel like having 1k base damage is kind of underwhelming. I am also conflicted about her skill awakening

>> No.14842889

I mean, if you want to one-shot things, you should probably be using a single-target unit.

Really my favorite part about her is that she can passively outheal any poison if you have an awoken feng shui out.

>> No.14842893

Is gold-black robe cyrus good? or should I save those demon crystals?

>> No.14842896

save them

>> No.14842993

Anya all the way
she's one of the best tanks in the game

>> No.14843038

Only for the duration of her skill.

>> No.14843128

are there any characters that shine outside of their skill duration?

>> No.14843182

Well, talking about tanks, there are plenty of characters who can tank 4k damage without their skill. This is an important amount to be able to tank since that's how much axe golems do.

>> No.14843268

And I'm assuming Anya cant without her skill? Mine has like 3k hp and 600 def, if I'm remembering right

>> No.14843300

Right, not unless she has some other units buffing her. But with her skill she can tank anything in the game.

>> No.14843432

I bought him before I bought Spica
kinda wish I had only bought Spica
Barbastroff and Mehlis will come around for you eventually

>> No.14843480

That's what happened to me
Got Cyrus, Barbastroff and Mehlis. And all of them are benched because I only use Odette

>> No.14843741

I bought him and then got 2 more from the gacha

Just save the crystals

>> No.14844065

Wait for next week patch, they will summon tokens too.

>> No.14845156

So who is Farune?

>> No.14845387

I'm farming since thursday and still can't get that fucking silver dragon. What the fuck is this droprate shit. Fuck Aigis bitch

>> No.14845550

I got the black Chrono Witch (Towa?)
what does it do?

>> No.14845724

Normal wicchi with aoe slow

>> No.14845790

Is it even possible to get silver and above out of the daily shrine in Aigis?

If so what are the chances?
Hell, what are the chances of a silver?

>> No.14845805

Very low.

>> No.14845806

Yeah, I just tried her out
Seems like her skill doubles rate of fire for all witches on map, that's cool

Silver is 3% from the 2000 gold base summon. I've rolled a silver from the free summon a couple of times now.

There is like a .1% of Gold and .01% of platinum/black or something like that

>> No.14845910
File: 145 KB, 960x642, myfirstdmmblack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got Bernice from it the other day. pretty happy about that.

>> No.14845958

What the fuck.

Go out and buy a lottery ticket right now.

>> No.14846006
File: 41 KB, 559x105, ofalltheluck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the record, that's Farune in the pic. I fucked up.
I grabbed 3 Farunes; from Premium gacha though. Which somewhat pissed me off because I was rolling for the Black bandit that increased armor drop rates. You'd think I'd get at least a different black. It pisses me off because Farune's damn good, but still, of all the weird luck.

>> No.14846209

Man, this Anna Adventure GR is fucking annoying. Silvers just fucking refuse to drop for Julian and Katie.

>> No.14846224

I only had bad luck with Gadoras, but got him just now.
Now I can finally farm some daily, really need the gold for awakening.

>> No.14846334
File: 557 KB, 1920x1200, F7xMeIl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else is going to try this tomorrow?

>> No.14846340

I've got SSR from prereg gacha there, but I don't expect anything from it, seems like its game from same devs as other series of LoV clones I've already tried.

>> No.14846355

The armor design is really clicks on me.
Got that yandere girl as starter

>> No.14846389

I don't really expect it to be something amazing, but I hope it would be passable at least, since I quite like the art.

>> No.14846435
File: 1.47 MB, 1137x788, future waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already rolled my 5* waifu so i'm in.
Too bad the only Megane was a 3*...

>> No.14846447

You guys just need to wish from the bottom of your heart for a different unit.

It's how I got both Sabotens from FKG (bride from the rabbit girls gacha and rainbow from the next gacha immediately after), Hinano from Kanpani (wanted Sarah-Moon), and Amanda (wanted Raven on highlight during last GR) and Alice (wanted Ersha from previous highlight) from Aigis.

>> No.14847044

Black Summoner, the Phoenix one.

>> No.14847270

They changed chrono witches this patch to slow all enemies in range constantly I think.

>> No.14847576
File: 94 KB, 371x405, so, king of heroes, do you have enough mochi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is enough for emptying 3 boxes, I think.

Tomorrow is going to be fun.

>> No.14847877

Since I just rolled Towa I'll have to test that out. I am only level 50 and I've rolled like five different Witches besides her so this is interesting

>> No.14848299

225 Dragon Teeth as of just now, about how high do you reckon I'll be able to make grinding cave dragon till the event ends?

Also why do these anya events on dmm have such atrocious fucking drop rates holy shit

>> No.14848366

First time seeing a gold rush type event?

>> No.14848400

I just did the math for myself and I would have to use 2 SC to reach 600 at my current rate on Cavern. Got 14 stamina and I'm at 219 Fangs.

>> No.14848405

No, I just remember all of those events having less shitty drops than 20+ runs to get drop completion.

Just need to get over this damn dragon-shaped hump so I can get at the rest of the easy missions

>> No.14848425

Your own personal luck is always too small a sample size to make claims about the drop rate.

>> No.14848443

I have two SC and 350 fangs. Think I can hit 800 fangs with this? Running the G map.

>> No.14848461

I used a excel spreadsheet someone posted in ulmf. You can input your own sta/cha values and current date and fang count to get an estimate for the last 3 maps.

>> No.14848641
File: 154 KB, 857x1364, CZzmjX_UkAAzIf_.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Level 30 Ceberus fight is such a slugfest. Unlucky crit can really ruin your day in this event if you don't have the mean to recover.
At least I like the boss music, Kanpani does need more music.

>> No.14848661

I got the 4 worthwhile drops in less than 6 runs each. You're just having bad luck this time friend.

>> No.14848693

Same here. That fucking dragon refuse to drop

>> No.14848720

I have to start levelling these extra teams for real.

>> No.14848762

Which unit are you guys going to AW first on Nutaku? I'm thinking Monica for extra DC chance, although like Betty I kinda wonder how many extra drops would I have to earn to repay costs.

>> No.14848783

Spica and Katie, then drop boosters.
Gotta get them team buffs.

>> No.14848804

I'm actually in a dilemma here, I'm going to have 197 DC come AW and I don't have Spica yet. I don't want to risk Dev Tea actually swapping the TP for it and not seeing her again in ages. On the other hand that will push my first AW unit almost to April.

>> No.14848831

Lilia, Sybilla, Shiho, Iris, Aria, then I'll probably have to take another look at my 30CC silver fodder leftovers to decide on the rest.

My rogues still need maxing, so they're not quite an option yet, but I guess Betty would be first.

>> No.14848840

On DMM at least, there's always a warning the patch before any TP units are removed.

>> No.14848857

Was there any on Nutaku? Maybe back then when they changed Kerry?

>> No.14848870

They didn't changed TP in ages, just to be sure try to get Spica ASAP.

>> No.14848887

Guess I'll do that Anon, and be extra optimistic and hope for a bonus drop week with AW.

>> No.14848899

I expect not, because the dev team revels in Nutaku players' suffering.

I also hope not, because so do I.

>> No.14848900

Eh that will be nice, still i doubt Tea gives anything good to Nutaku players.

>> No.14849013

They did warn about the first change, at least. Not sure about Bashira.

>> No.14849046

They did it for her too, also putting her in the TP for 100 DC.

>> No.14849047

Yeah, they warned about Bashira too.

Which didn't stop some people from complaining that she was only available for two weeks despite the two weeks' advance notice on top of that. So they had a month to get 100 DCs and didn't.

>> No.14849062
File: 36 KB, 602x206, hilarious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For while
>Almost a year without any change

That's simple wonderful.

>> No.14849068

Most of the players are a bunch of retards that love the breaks, not a surprise.

>> No.14849069

>these two beauties
>one of them is Cyrus

>> No.14849073

You sayin Cyrus ain't sexy?

>> No.14849085
File: 507 KB, 800x800, fb512a9eea5815ea92bd60e0eb1e1b2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not sexy
Maybe not like Barbastroff but still.

>> No.14849120

Let's face it, he would've been much better as a suave, battle-weary onee-san.

Prince should've been a Princess too. And Barbastroff should take a page out of Cagliostro's book and get into a magic accident that somehow turns him into a little girl, preferably with lowleg panties and a micro bikini.

>> No.14849125

holy shit
The black Chrono Witch gains range with affection
is this real life

>> No.14849133

Love really CAN go the distance, huh?

>> No.14849147


You could say...love KNOWS no bounds eh?

>> No.14849152

>Loli-Barbastroff strokes her staff

>> No.14849167
File: 116 KB, 735x594, 1414056248162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14849172

So what sort of insane mechanics will Aigis have next?

Calling black enchanter with a skill that converts everything in range to true damage.

>> No.14849261

Just curious, how often do you guys use Claudia on DMM?

>> No.14849273

What time is it releasing? its almost 8 soon.

>> No.14849285

I haven't used her. Although there are times where I seriously thought I should have worked on her. Like the Metos event.

>> No.14849301

Never but I have AW Sherry and Olivier.

Maintenance is supposed to end at 15:00 and the game should launch afterwards if there's no problems.

>> No.14849321

Ah I see thanks.

>> No.14849406

So do Farune and Despia, while some others gain attack speed. There was a hilarious round of buffs after the training arc where they decided ranged gacha blacks (aka the strongest units in the game) weren't good enough so they gave a lot of them better affection bonuses instead of HP and defense since they usually don't need those much.

>> No.14849713

whenever AW comes the fairies will be on the TP
so they will change it then i'm pretty sure

>> No.14849785

I wish I rolled a black unit. I'm tired of charity black units.

>> No.14849843

It took me almost 4 months to get my first gacha black. Now I have so many i rarely use them all in one team.

>> No.14849863

that's the thing with black units, they are so much stronger that you only need 1 to clear a really difficult map, 2 at most
what a team usually has the most is plats and golds

i have Sybilla and Nanaly and very rarely use them, Bashira is a poorman's nanaly and magic dmg is rarely needed in a meelee spot so she's frozen on my barracks until i AW her

>> No.14849903

What's wrong with nanaly? Isn't she by far the strongest archer in the game?

>> No.14849965

First batch that already have 30CC silvers ready:
Spica, Bashira, Katie, Cellia, Monica, Iris, Odette
Used her during Liana revival (true damage was real live-saver against these stupid regen auras) and Metus. I have her at CR-1 at DMM, which seriously limits her usability, plus now I have mincost Metus for true damage.

>> No.14849966

Not him, but her only real competition for that title is Spica, who I even prefer because I have her mincosted. There are a lot more classes than archers though, I pretty much never use more than one archer.

>> No.14850032

gacha blacks make you bad at the game

>> No.14850104

this is true, i suck now, i wish events would finally get higher difficulty maps

>> No.14850124

pretty much what >>14849966 said
I have bashira for multishot and spica for strong-ish shot with a litle bit of extra range
And while Nanaly is good and all, mine is 16UP while my Spica is 12UP so 4 points apart

That's why i don't use her

>> No.14850143

Man, I wish X-Overd will just give one fixed girl's job for free and paywall other jobs for good in future event, having to choose myself is just too hard and painful.

>> No.14850152
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-01-22-16-30-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 cost spica
>not 8

>> No.14850206

Nanaly is my waifu so I will continue to use her regardless of how bad at the game it makes me.

>> No.14850208

Just get a copy of all the girls you like and max the one that gets the best skills.

>> No.14850240

There's additional H-scene for getting half of max LB for every girl, and then there are max LB permanent bonuses, some of which are quite useful, like Frishia's +200 MP or Ratisha's +200 Attack.
There's no way I could get enough drops for buying everything I want.

>> No.14850284

I've been farming Gadoras since the start of the event so i could level my ATK IV Despia and Moldevort, but my skill up rate has been pretty bad. Got Despia to 3/5, Mold still untouched. Should I keep trying to feed them to Despia for 4/5 before switching to Rainbows, or just start working on Moldevort?

>> No.14850295

Max Laeticia. Freesia shouldn't have MP problems unless you're using her as a mage.

>> No.14850449

Now that Kanpani in Nutaku will be getting the weekly spotlight girls, will the BF coin envelopes get the increased chance too?

>> No.14850543

Is there any DMM game as chillaxing as aigis? Where I can play with skill when I want or just auto grind if I am too busy for things? If there isnt any considering making a aigis alt.

>> No.14850577

Its online gacha-ge, you play them with money, not the skill, you silly.
Aigis is unique game in this regard, there's nothing else that has engaging gameplay that require thinking and not being overly grindy and bothersome.

>> No.14850585

I have three Nutaku accounts and one on DMM

no ragrets

>> No.14850592

> having 3x more breaks
Sounds great, you can kill red armors all day long.

>> No.14850596

The challenging aspect can be omitted then. Just the best auto waifu game then.

mfw I had to ditch my nutaku acc for jp aigis and I miss my 10 cost aria qqqqq.

>> No.14850597

I have a headcanon that they are wolf armors


>> No.14850604

>best auto waifu game then
FKG and X-Overd.

>> No.14850619

Which of the two will you recommend?

>> No.14850658

Just try both and see which you like more. They have very different art style, and FKG focuses on quantity of girls while X-Overd focuses on depth of few girls, with some of girls having 5! h-scenes now.

>> No.14850756

Any English guides for either?

>> No.14850799

Both are intuitive, though the quests and skills may take a bit of figuring out in X-OverD.

>> No.14850837

How do I get good at aigis? I typically just watch videos and replace units I don't have.

>> No.14850861

Roll for blacks. Or carefully build your team and learn the map. That includes wiping on hard ones 2-3 time if your a slow learner.

>> No.14850862

That's a good way to start I guess
Just gotta experiment
try using slightly worse units just to handicap yourself

Some of the skill just comes from having a well-developed game sense, like how much range particular units have in particular slots on the map

Also understanding how the ranged AI prioritizes targeting your units based on placement order can make all the difference

>> No.14850890

Seiken Manifestia takes more skill than aigis imo

>> No.14850906

But its also abeit overly grindy at time.

>> No.14851651

Senpro is up. RIP me for not having any pre reg benefits.

>> No.14851698
File: 13 KB, 275x72, DragonFangs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in no rush to get a perfect Claudia, but I'm wondering what pace everyone is on.
My focus is getting Callopies from the water map, but I feel 271 is a little low compared to the end goal of 1500. Especially after spending about 6 Sacred Crystals.

>> No.14851707

At 500 now. Quite low for 6th day, still farming Daniellas.

>> No.14851715

216 with zero Crystals
fucked around a little, haven't spent every stamina on the event maps

>> No.14851726

Is it me or SenPro is lagging as hell?

At least there's gameplay and it doesn't have page reloading after every action. Guess I'll fool around with it a bit more.

>> No.14851731

I'm at 241
Haven't used any crystals but I was farming the bog mission.
Item grind events are always bullshit, I don't think I went past 700 on any of them, unless I blew crystals like on Karma

>> No.14851739

I'm scared of the bog mission, don't think my units are quite leveled high enough

>> No.14851744
File: 1.11 MB, 1130x633, 戦国プロヴィデンスX - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how these games specially rub it in about sacrificing units for strengthening of other units.

>> No.14851748

Thats pretty normal it just came out at like 4 pm in nipland.

>> No.14851759

Turned on sound for senpro, holy fuck, it has male protagonist fully voiced!

>> No.14851765

OST is pretty neat too.

>> No.14851844

>200~240 without crystals
So I only got +30 Fangs with 6 SCs? I didn't realize my RNG was so bad this event. At least I got more than 2 Callopies.

>> No.14851848

the water map is shit for drops, though

>> No.14851853

Well now I don't feel as bad anymore. Thank you.

>> No.14851861

I got my fill of Calliopes on the last event, oh man

>> No.14851868
File: 457 KB, 1059x603, 戦国プロヴィデンスX - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool system.

>> No.14851874

I remember that screen. But I wasn't so lucky. yet, I don't even remember what I was grinding.

>> No.14851878

Bernards? Laurens?

>> No.14851879

>有償勾玉 is not same as 勾玉 you get for clears and login bonus, all these ultra-lavish release campaign gachas cannot be rolled with 勾玉
Okay, senpro, this is not cool.

>> No.14851880

>Item grind events are always bullshit, I don't think I went past 700 on any of them, unless I blew crystals like on Karma
That's kinda of the point. You aren't gonna get past the half way point unless you DO spend crystals.

>> No.14851882

The vertical Pero Pero Seduction ad where the blonde girl pops out of the vagina is the weirdest one I have seen yet

What the hell is Nutaku thinking

>> No.14851886

Let's see if this link works

>> No.14851892
File: 158 KB, 880x393, onward to glory i go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least the gacha chances are decent even if you don't get the special magatama, so you can reset a few accounts and start with a 5*.

Got myself an Akechi Mitsuhide already, but I don't really like these dime-a-dozen Sengoku parody games so I don't know how long I'll be playing this.

>> No.14851895

I've already started with 2 5* because pre-reg and I chose SSR I like from several dropped.
I don't think rerolling can do better, plus I got 4 150000 exp boosters for free too.

>> No.14851898
File: 193 KB, 576x391, dmm gacha units.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started on DMM and blew a bunch of crystals

These are my units from 5SC gacha so far, decent units or should I consider suicide

>> No.14851902

WTF indeed.

>> No.14851908

Pretty good desu

>> No.14851910

You should've waited for revival gacha to get basic class units.
Units you got are good, and some people would even kill for fox-girl, but they will be very hard to use without proper levelling and without any guide videos (because videos are for basic classes everyone has)

>> No.14851911

Well yeah, pre-reg is better hands-down, but you aren't completely screwed if you didn't do it. The experience boost helps newcomers too since there are several level 50+ helpers running around.

How many crystals did you blow? If just 11 rolls this is amazingly lucky.

I've been whining about my shit luck for a while but the bitch-about-RNG-on-/jp/ magic isn't working. Please send help, I want to see at least a second plat after 200 SC.

>> No.14851916

Yeah 11 rolls, 55 crystals. And one on box expansion.

I know my units are weird but I have a lot of experience on Nutaku, so I should be able to adapt ok.

Druid is my favourite girl so far.

>> No.14851921

Kamipro release when

>> No.14851936
File: 394 KB, 985x466, 戦国プロヴィデンスX - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its even 1500000, not 150000

>> No.14851940

So they actually give your self insert character a face and a voice, this is pretty rare.

>> No.14851966


Here are some nip lesson for you 有償 means you have to use bought jewels to use. Remember these 2 cursed kanji.

>> No.14851990
File: 164 KB, 575x390, 11 gacha units.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my gf's account
she rolled 3 Christophers, lol

>> No.14851993

I know what it means. I'm just saying its not cool for them to separate premium currency further into "$ only" and "free" and then limiting all tasty stuff to first.

>> No.14852001

That's VERY good result for 11 rolls.

>> No.14852002

With that good of a gacha if they did it with free jewels I go eat my own shit. Thats way too nice lol.

>> No.14852050
File: 459 KB, 957x1156, why is the emprah an xeno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know these are supposed to be the emperor and empress dolls but please tell me I'm not the only one seeing the Flatwoods Monster and a Hopkinsville Goblin there.

>> No.14852094
File: 484 KB, 511x548, 戦国プロヴィデンスX - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID 21434589, btw, should be lvl 40 5* helper. Pls add so I can have proper senyuu with shikan skills.

>> No.14852105

How to add friendo desu senpai?

>> No.14852118
File: 56 KB, 161x141, 戦国プロヴィデンスX - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Click the button on image -> 戦友探索

>> No.14852183

I still have no idea how to use helpers aside from having their little icon showed up at the left corner.

>> No.14852194


You lucky son of a bitch.

>> No.14852196

You can click on them and they will go to battlefield if you have slot open.

>> No.14852197

She can CC 3 healers or 2 depends, she did a good roll indeed.

>> No.14852320

>have slot open.
So that was the problem, thanks anon.

>> No.14852347
File: 3.08 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_2016-02-29-03-01-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man 3 weeks in doing great i could of done better but 150 sc paid off well.

>> No.14852371


Ok, for that I must look into this game. Was on the fence with just the artwork.


Well, at least they do explain what happens to them afterwards (their power jewels are depleted so they become ordinary civilians).

>> No.14852421

>heir power jewels are depleted so they become ordinary civilians
This sure isn't the first time I heard this.

>> No.14852447

Just started Sengoku Provicende and i don't understand almost anything...
How am i supposed to get my 5* roll?

>> No.14852471

>scroll >has 2 red alert >scroll down search for blue icon >claim them >go to ガチャ >roll fail >go reset account


>> No.14852481

If you mean pre-reg gacha, its in present box once you cleared tutorial.

>> No.14852512

Oh ok, thanks

>> No.14852736


>> No.14852750

Compress them into 30CC1 Gustavs and use as AW fodder next week.

>> No.14852801
File: 1.40 MB, 1135x639, destinywaifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started, right...
If someone wants to add me my ID is:23962658
Game seems nice so far and that patting is really cute.

>> No.14852869

If someone want to add friend, my ID is: 13384513

>> No.14852903
File: 64 KB, 472x383, kanpani1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14852917

Why can't tea team learn anything from them?

>> No.14852927

The patch hasn't been rolled in yet.

Because Tea team is shit and Kanpani bros are cool.

>> No.14852961

How does it play? What's the gameplay like? Character models look somehow alike to FKG.

>> No.14852972

So for the 3rd scene, you get a fairly that says COST

fairly simple yeah, how much does it decrease by though? I'm assuming 1.

>> No.14852978

Was going away for a hour, it was 30 minutes before fire spirits daily opens. Come back: now its 3 hours before fire spirits daily opens.
Did it last only few minutes?

>> No.14852980

Its a simplified turn base rpg with command input.

>> No.14852981

It's a turn based rpg, the gameplay is pretty fast and enjoyable for now still the game is starting to have some lag problems, probably because of all these players playing right now.

>> No.14853009

The game actually has surprising nice music

>> No.14853068

Looked up playercount on SenPro
Looked up playercount on SenPro X

>> No.14853083

It has ero CG?

>> No.14853091

Huh, it shows player count somewhere?
Yes, eroge obviously has ero CG.

>> No.14853110
File: 45 KB, 228x373, senpro1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Huh, it shows player count somewhere?
Here. I not sure if this is 'number of unique players' or 'number of play sessions' though.

So 3* get a H-scene, 4* get a 'sexy voice'(?) and 5-6* get an animated scene, neat.

>> No.14853113
File: 23 KB, 636x209, 42536336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gacha rate is weird.

>> No.14853123

Its variably counted by the number of units in gacha thats why.

>> No.14853124
File: 239 KB, 961x585, 戦国プロヴィデンスX - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I got 1 5** and 2 4** from my first 10 roll.

>> No.14853128

Oh, is that the statistics way to say it?

>> No.14853133

Neither, its number of registered users.

>> No.14853137

When they add new units to the gacha you can see the % change depending on the tier they add in the pool. For example if they add more 5* then the rest the 5* chance goes up very very little and you can see the change.

>> No.14853164

>'number of unique players'
>number of registered users.
Isn't it essentially the same thing? You have be registered on DMM to play it, so it's the number of accounts which tried out this game, right?

>> No.14853206

No, not the same.
They could have more than 1m accounts but only 100k players in game.

>> No.14853292
File: 226 KB, 821x462, 戦国プロヴィデンスX - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best explanation why presents vanish after 3 months in the box.

>> No.14853322

I liked Brave Frontier's version, where all your post-expiry presents became a variety of 1* characters that talked about how delicious these presents were.

>> No.14853391


>> No.14853637

Anyone know how raid system works in Senpro?

>> No.14853642

I don't think there is a raid system in game at the moment?

>> No.14853646

ask it again in like 2 months or so.

>> No.14854140
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>> No.14854233
File: 262 KB, 960x640, sankakusaboten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At long last. Now one more month for the skill flowers and I'll be done.

Thinking Nadeshiko, Cosmos or Rose next, or I could go for Queen of the Night and hope I get Saboten for a cactus team.

>> No.14854724

It was gonna happen sooner or later anon.... We all knew it was coming.

>> No.14854832

Well patting cute girls and getting their reaction is relaxing and a pretty nice feature, so why not? BGHS was just advertised as a なでなでゲーム in some trailer.

>> No.14854892

So what's your verdict on sengoku providence, guys?
Do battles require you to manage your skills and how diverse are the skills? Or is it just 'spam your best attack every turn'?

>> No.14854912

Its a bad side game if your looking for a side game. But for a maingame it should be good enough it seems.

>> No.14854923

So you mean it's that kind of a game which requires and rewards dedication and features medium-to-long sessions?

>> No.14854937

Yea events are most likely going to need you to manual. For grinding once you hit certain point you should be able to just auto it. Each battle is decently long around 1 min or more depending on team.

>> No.14854943
File: 89 KB, 544x348, flowknight16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this lamp from current event gacha a furniture piece?

Also: Does the girl dissapear from my harem-list where you give presents if I fuse/sell her? I have 3* I'd certainly like to max just for the sake of H-scene and dialogue but I don't have the space for all of them.

>> No.14854951

I see, thank you.

>> No.14854990

>Is this lamp from current event gacha a furniture piece?
Yes. Also be sure to check the furniture shop every event, they frequently add new things to it.

>Does the girl dissapear from my harem-list where you give presents if I fuse/sell her?
Yes, she does. In addition, affection bonuses are for that particular girl only, you'll need to give a new set of presents if you want to raise another copy of her.

That said, keeping every 2* and 3* is not a big problem since the unit limit extensions are so cheap (5 spaces per flower stone). Each girl gives you a bonus flower stone when you first get 100% affection for her, too, so you can use these for inventory extensions.

>> No.14855083


I started a month ago and it wasn't long until I just spam-bought inventory space. Now I'm at 220 and I still have 150 flower stones - 10 spent on gacha, some spent on refills. This game showers you with the premium currency.

>> No.14855219

>I still have 150 flower stones
Are you saving them up for a specific girl, or is it just in case?

I tend to just spend them as they come and then feel bad when the next week's gacha ends up getting really cute girls.

>> No.14855559


I've got enough to be leveling up right now. I'm contemplating burning a few to refill for getting CC dragons. Speaking of which, is it better to do the 80 cost mission for big dragons or something else?

>> No.14855975

Oh hey, a yukata Michelle bro. Don't play any more though, sadly.

As for SenPro, in my case it won't become a main game, but somehow the hearts flying everywhere on the home screen after patting really makes it for me.

>> No.14856248
File: 84 KB, 500x770, dailies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current event gives a fair number of the 100-year dragons and these are the main problem for awakening girls. I'd get what I can from the box gacha and then do the 80-stam map for the remaining.

And yes, the bigger dragons are so rare that you'll get all the middling ones you could want while hunting them on the 80-stam map. At least, this used to be the case, but thankfully new box events are easy to do and hand you plenty of the bigger ones too.

>> No.14856261


>> No.14856295

Don't you mean next week?

>> No.14856319

Oh next week it is same thing applies

>> No.14856357

my body is deebly goncerned

>> No.14856537

Wait...will Nutaku awaken tomorrow? what useless skill will they gain?.

>> No.14856552

Enhanced communication failure III
and a lose 10% profit margin on all game passive.

>> No.14856676
File: 765 KB, 114x170, wolfsbane patting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in FKG, なでなで

>> No.14856714

What? You can nade-nade in garden mode?

>> No.14856723

You never tried clicking and try to molest them at the garden? I mean what?

>> No.14856737

Just tried now and no matter what I do it just moves them across garden.

>> No.14856752

Most girls just do their victory animation when you click on them, but some have special animations.

Wolfsbane's is headpatting, so you better buy that LN (and also tell us what happens in it, judging from wiki tidbits the FKG world is all kinds of whack).

>> No.14856851

new thread
