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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.95 MB, 1387x1410, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14729856 No.14729856 [Reply] [Original]

Denpa song English guide:
Denpa no Sekai Blog:
Music downloads:
Denpa song bot (new songs every day):
In-detail analysis of denpa aesthetic:
takeshi0406's blog (very informative):
Denpunk bot:
Japanese guy who makes denpa and moe songs mixes:
moep's blog, he posts buy lists for events like Comiket and M3:


らずべりー - crime berry 02 -終末のエクリチュール-

日の当たる場所 - 空の下の五線譜

らずべりー - crime berry 06 ~らずべりカルパレード~

中央食堂 - Summer Paradise

第二生徒会室 - MOMO-TAN 4CH

おでんぱスタジオ - メインヒロイン(仮)

らずべりー - おむにっくす!

ユウノウミ - 定概テクトニクス

ラブリコット - スタートライン

まめこ - Melody!

Maple Sugar - Maple Land

marine stars - Marine Stars

桃箱×miko - ろりぽっぷちゅうぉーぢゅ (v0)

Zero-Shaft - Dramatic. (320K)

はる*あま*にゃ - おとぎの国のはる*あま*にゃ (v0)

twinkle - 悪戯MNSTER (v0)


まめいちご - ぱるさまれぎゅーむ! v0

twinkle - はじめてのしんぐる

pigmhall - 505 DVD

vividsB - 漢舟

[Mamyukka] 深海図鑑 (320K)

>> No.14731935

What's the Burzum equivalent of tru-denpa?

>> No.14732409

What's the tru-denpa equivalent of Burzum?

>> No.14733258

Please somebody post the new Toromi

>> No.14733642

There's this guy who keeps saying he bought it but doesn't look like he's willing to upload it

>> No.14733921

Maybe just lacks confidence, or is too lazy... I can relate

>> No.14733930

Shipping takes time.

>> No.14734618

http://denpa.omaera.org was suspended by the webhost :(

>> No.14734897

I've got a copy that should be here either today or tomorrow that I'm planning to upload

>> No.14735343


>> No.14735392
File: 32 KB, 300x300, 2500020379196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


とろ美 - トローカ・ダートゥ

>> No.14735402
File: 165 KB, 600x600, 19173867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got this too

おでんぱスタジオ - リアル充実ごっこ

>> No.14735429

Doesn't seem like it to me.

>> No.14735567

Thanks friend.

>> No.14736279

I guess it went back up. It was redirecting to a suspended page for the last 2 days.

>> No.14737977

Was it 「Baby Lemonade」 who produced on Quattro Value Plus?

>> No.14738125

No, it was composed by あいかわらずな: http://blog.toromi.ciao.jp/?eid=260

>> No.14738193

Agh... thanks for supporting my laziness.

Hey, do you know what is that other "new" release shown on that page you linked?

>> No.14738278

I'm pretty sure it's a comic.

>> No.14742360

Any news on other imminent C89 uploads?

>> No.14742520

Holy fuck those hips

>> No.14745062


>> No.14745248

Has anyone found anything cool on the denpa bot lately?
A while back I was trying to check everything that got posted there and I think I overdosed on denpa and had to take a break from hunting new things for a while.

>> No.14750015

Anyone know anything about Maple Sugar - Maple Doll yet?

>> No.14750041

Lazyness is my biggest problem. I have so much denpa on my shelf that I haven't even listened to and need to rip.

>> No.14750099

Did someone scan the lyrics on SHAKING PINK?

>> No.14750254
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>> No.14750261
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>> No.14750281
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>> No.14750284
File: 1.81 MB, 2857x1410, 006-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is what you needed, enjoy.

>> No.14751981

Nice, thank you.

>> No.14755918

What albums do you have that haven't been ripped?

>> No.14758111

Where do I even begin? There's so many singles and albums from small circles that never get uploaded.

>> No.14758198

please begin uploading some of them then

Or at least a list of what you have?

>> No.14760746

>asking lazy person to do work

>> No.14763843


>> No.14763907

One of the greatest tracks of the album. Pretty dissapointed with the album overall, 00 and 01 where so great, I had impossible expectations for it and it ended up being "only" good. The only amazing tracks are the last 3.

>> No.14766697
File: 61 KB, 600x800, toromi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

>> No.14766754

>impossible expectations
I hope you learned something from this experience.

>> No.14767540

Picolony Nauts 1 is the best album poyacchio's released. 2 is slightly above average.

>> No.14771663

If you've got Maple Doll, I'd like to request a rip.


>> No.14772253

If ever you have some of the albums from stk2r, could you please have them uploaded?

>> No.14774665

>02 é╨é▌é┬é╠ò·ë█îπâAâCâhâï

Couldn't there just be an online converter for this garbage?

>> No.14774754

source encoding: SJIS, displayed as: CP437

>> No.14774770


>> No.14775826
File: 39 KB, 240x205, af85631f66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't suppose anyone has a rip of pic related?
I've looked in all the usual places and cannot find it. I could just be blind though.

>> No.14780622


>> No.14784935


>> No.14785048

I have this coming in the mail actually. Will probably upload in [unknown time delay] if no one else has by then.

what's up with these bump posts on /jp/ recently? I'm not used to seeing them here.

>> No.14785054

wow got my references mixed up.

>> No.14785308


>> No.14785322

I like it, got the singer/circle name? Is this on the RTL archive?

>> No.14785439

I've been so inept to find these answers, but soon I hope things will change.

>> No.14786061

Don't think so. I've never heard this before.

>> No.14788049

can anyone id this artist for me?


>> No.14788224

She's nanahira. Thanks for posting this song, I remember playing this for hours on end when I first got the album!

>> No.14789114

have a download link for that album? trying to find that currently on RTL archive, searches ineffective. "Magiqute!!" correct?

>> No.14789136

don't worry senpai i got you

hot fresh reuploads


>> No.14789161

This song is the theme song of the denpa song DJ event Denkyun in Tokyo. The song is written by まろん and performed by the staff of the event:

山下航生(doubleeleven UpperCut)
sumijun (Halozy)

ぷにうで (みねおか)

It also had some exclusive remixes.


Only 100 copies were made and sold at Denkyun. They didn't expect to sell out but they sold out very quickly. I was even at the event and couldn't get a copy.

>> No.14789259

Does this mean rips never?

>> No.14789315

thank you anon!

>> No.14790240

That x-fade is amazing.

>> No.14791202

Yup probably.

>> No.14796665

Fuck, this crossfade sounds good too.

>> No.14797086


>> No.14797303

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YC5gKS-N3c wat is dis

>> No.14797316


>> No.14797400

proof that somebody has a rip?

>> No.14797408

actually this is fucking shit, if mmbk wasnt there it'd be a nightmare all in all

>> No.14797416

a few files were on a sketch mp3 site but can't figure out the context / singer
gathered this dreaming is a clubnight tho

>> No.14798196


>> No.14800304


>> No.14801796
File: 11 KB, 1000x1000, 1445269829691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/-Wan Kenobi

You are my only hope

If any of you have a ASTOST account, can you acquire [115 14D](ボーマス13)ぐうのねサウンズ「バブルガムミミック!!」(tta+cue+jpg)[179M] for me from those forums?

Apparently (I cant access it), the thread involved is http://www.astost.com/bbs/read.php?tid=10859272

>> No.14801823

Someone probably could, but I'm pretty sure there's a no-leak policy on teh chinks.

>> No.14801839

I could trade some rare lossless stuff in return, from Camellia or y0c1e.

But guess I'll just be patient, and anyways, the album is old as shite, it's from 2010, and I can literally not find it anywhere, not even on baidu. I spent two whole days snooping around.

The only links are from u115.com, and that website's uploads died a while back, a la megaupload.

>> No.14801843

To clarify, I don't have an account there, just saying what I've heard.

>> No.14801849
File: 52 KB, 200x201, 4 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I understand. I have an account, but ASS-TOAST's policies are very bizarre, so I haven't undertaken any self-rips there as of yet.

>> No.14803287

When did you fucks become so secretive?

>> No.14804492

If you really want something from ASTOST you have to have something worth in return in most cases at least

>> No.14804516

I guess it's a good thing that I buy my denpa so I never have to wait for other people's uploads.

>> No.14804528

I bought a lot of stuff during C89, and I'm past my budget because I to pay rent every month and I'm in debt

I just really like collecting lossless music, but at the moment, I can't afford it. I mean I even found it on suruga-ya


>> No.14805649

All old 115 links are dead.

>> No.14805655
File: 17 KB, 354x256, skeletor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14806599

14D means it's up for 2 weeks.

>> No.14806604


This is why I haven't uploaded anything for long time now. It feels like I am the only one who ups shit and seems to be truth.

>> No.14807852

I've recently started uploading stuff here, granted it's not much as I don't really have the money to buy much, but I try to fill any gaps in other people's uploads.

>> No.14807871
File: 189 KB, 1063x249, rock music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure do love rock music

>> No.14808264

Unless you're waha then you're full of shit.

>> No.14808442

>* Topic for #denpa set by waha!waha@Rizon-AF27BF2A.se at Thu May 21 06:11:59 2015

>> No.14808725

I'm not waha but I gave him one cd he requested after he upload like 5 cds I asked from his picture. but please do believe anything you want

>> No.14808799

I've got that in mp3, is lossless important?

>> No.14808867

Beggers shouldn't be choosers, so it shouldn't matter to him.

>> No.14808916
File: 46 KB, 200x200, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think I found this on dojin.co a while back.

>> No.14808945
File: 73 KB, 400x399, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uploading some more old stuff that I found while looking for toromi. This is an I've cover album with a bunch of familiar vocalists.


>> No.14808991
File: 1.35 MB, 2136x2112, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More I've covers, with the correct link this time.


>> No.14808999
File: 1.82 MB, 1436x1470, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has a cute toromi track.


>> No.14809281
File: 1.27 MB, 1434x1409, GNS1-Scan01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found it on pd. Hope everything is up to scratch.

>> No.14809365

>server not found
I should have known better.

Thanks for the uploads though.

>> No.14809721
File: 29 KB, 557x605, 1454183098975.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you friends.

>> No.14809726

LOLI.COM was a very talented singer who participated in the early-mid Vocaloid scene.


Unfortunately, he quit the scene many years ago, and hasn't returned since. A very damn shame, his music was high-quality

>> No.14809739

Should I only upload recent stuff here? I'm not sure if I upload something that it isn't already uploaded on a private tracker that some of you may have access to.

>> No.14809894

Upload anything that you can't find publically on the internet.

Someone will want it.

>> No.14810067
File: 34 KB, 384x376, 120062577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone can find this in lossless on a private tracker and could re-upload it, that would be great. I can't find it on baidu, and the only links for a TTA+cue file are expired.

For reference it's called vrush up! #01 -sasakure.UK Tribute-

[自抓] [EAC] [Baidu] [120501] VRUSH UP! #01 -sasakure.UK Tribute- (wav+cue rr5) [302M] is what it's named on the baidu index/list

In the meanwhile I'll be uploading that new kikuo/si_ku album for those who are interested

>> No.14810100

>I am the only one who ups shit and seems to be truth.
>only one
If you like believing lies, please be my guest.

>> No.14810354

I stopped buying new denpa cd's so don't expect any new uploads, might have some older CDs that haven't been uploaded but they're all in a box collecting dust right now, sorry.

Yup, sadly that's probably the way it'll remain, it never really took off anyway.

>> No.14810721

I'm not on any private trackers so upload away. The RTL mediafire has pretty much everything that's been posted on /jp/.

>> No.14810745

Here are some resources/search engines for anybody who wishes to exercise their google-fu in finding stuff on the web

>baidu search

>mediafire search better than default

I might be preaching to the choir, but when searching for lossless uploads of old shit (2006-2011) don't search for FLAC, but search for WAV, TTA, TAK, APE, etc.

>> No.14811105

Speaking of older CDs, do you happen to have 第二生徒会室's stuff? I failed to ask for those the last time you mentioned it.

>> No.14811110

I've had some success with this. But I've tested it before, to see if it would find any of my own shared files, and nope.

>> No.14812378

>don't expect any new uploads
I have plans to be in japan for natsucomi, they might fall through, but I'm really hoping to go so if I do I'll definitely be buying a lot.
I'll be posting a few days before comiket asking for any specific denpa stuff to pick up, because I know I'll miss some good or unpopular releases if I don't ask other people.

>> No.14812445

I actually prefer older stuff.

>> No.14812455

As do I, but I wasn't clear when I meant recent. I more or less meant old/new stuff that pops up or old/new stuff in lossless that I find

>> No.14812620

for some reason, i feel like the true experience and most fulfilling of them would be buying albums at the event. I feel like through a third party, it wouldn't feel the same. for some reason i just feel that's 80 percent of the whole experience of the finality of the album, the energy that would be at the event going into that.

>> No.14812646

I like having physical copies of the cover, booklet, etc. even though I buy them online.

>> No.14812704

my collection is largely spartan sadly. sitting at around 60 albums so far. maybe one day Ill get to go to an event.

>> No.14812931

I have some, looking for anything in particular?

>> No.14812981

Here's some of them: Sweet Girl Avenue, HANOFIORE, and Summer Days Vacation.

>> No.14813172
File: 257 KB, 500x500, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unfortunately I just had to wipe my mega account, so either my old links are already dead, or they will get wiped in 60 days when my old data is deleted.

>> No.14813353

>wonder why that Vocaloid artist, Samfree, hasnt made any tracks in a while
>find out he's dead


>> No.14813520

Million thanks, man! You truly are a miracle among us.

>> No.14813564

Powapowa-P as well.

>> No.14813568

its up on animebytes

>> No.14813597

Man I spent the whole week filling out applications for new jobs, now I have to fill one out for this?

>> No.14813732

Went and did it anyways, now my wrist hurts

>> No.14813738

its nothing difficult

>> No.14813743

No I'm acutely aware of that, I even had a little fun with it but I got carried away at the "describe your favorite artists" section and wrote up a small novel

>> No.14813783
File: 498 KB, 2242x1600, cwoct-17-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>download album
>says 320k
>unzip it

>> No.14813837

> You should make an attempt to use properly formed English, as unintelligible responses are more likely to be rejected.
Pretty difficult for non-English speakers.

>> No.14813891

good job soldier
best wishes

>> No.14814348

Jeeze I give up, what more do they want me to write about leeching.

A leecher is just some faggot who downloads shit and goes. Do they want me to write a goddamn novel about it?

>> No.14814439

This always happens to me when downloading technical books. The archive name always says (MOST UP TO DATE) edition, but in fact, it's always either one or even two iterations out of date. Fuck you, internet.

>> No.14814522

Okay, third time is the charm. If I get rejected again I'm just going to eat ramen all day and mash my monkey

>> No.14814535
File: 64 KB, 500x500, artworks-000125320390-eqxs3i-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange that this never got uploaded anywhere


>> No.14814675

You forgot your link.

>> No.14814681

No you misunderstand, buddy. I bought it from amazon a day ago, I was just linking it here, remarking on how it wasn't uploaded anywhere. The album sounds pretty damn good, looking forward to getting it.

>> No.14814685

Ahh, that makes more sense.

>> No.14819233

Any news on the guy who bought PRISM and some other album?

>> No.14819609

>doesn't already have a copy of prism
top kek

>> No.14820009

What's on PRISM? I know there's a lot of big names on it, but I seem to remember someone saying it was a collection of tracks from other albums. If I'm wrong and it's all original stuff and no one's uploaded it by the time I've finished saving for a new pair of headphones I'll see if I can get a copy and upload it myself.

>> No.14820245

Does anyone know where to find good translations of lyrics?
>inb4 learn Japanese

>> No.14820248

Learn Japanese.

>> No.14820252

Learn Moon.

>> No.14820671

Learn Chinese

>> No.14822216

What is PRISM
Is it some moepop shit

>> No.14822223

Not entirely related to Denpa, but I dont know if I should create a new thread to share the news

I convinced an artist named Hironori Nagatsuma on twitter to release his C89 album, Compositions 5 ( a really magnificient ambient type album) on bandcamp


>> No.14822661
File: 175 KB, 600x600, 12106950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a website selling this album for 250$

250$ for this rare, sexy, beautifuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul album

I would pay that amount for it

>> No.14823311

>buy four albums with FromJapan
>each album costs 200yen, easy peasy
>get an email
>we have refunded 300 yen
>what the fug
>three of the albums got their price slashed by 100 yen

Base suruga-ya

>> No.14823426

fuck off

>> No.14823437
File: 22 KB, 112x112, 3.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just trying to get the word out there you fucking sperglord

There were several /jp/ anons who had previously inquired in the now-defunct C89 threads about the possibility of being able to listen to this album that has so far remained unscanned

Not really important enough to make a thread about it so might as well dump it in whatever music thread is on /jp/

>> No.14823987

Honestly the only things /jp/ has given me are denpa, touhou and quality onaholes. That's a lot though.

I will never forget that year of recovery... playing MMORPGs while drinking energy drinks and blasting denpa on shuffle through my head phones. Forget lala land, I was in loli land.

>> No.14824025

Recovery? do you mind detailing what that might mean exactly? I find myself doing the same exact thing minus mmorpg and sub 2hu. I could be getting robbed, or people being shot, and i wouldn't hear it due to denpa and headphones.

>> No.14824117

Thanks, I remember this artist from the lolicompi. Don't listen to this faggot >>14823426

>> No.14824161

>but the pull to leave planet Earth again has been strong lately.
You belong to this planet no matter what

>> No.14824182

t. Gravity

>> No.14824610

the fuck does this mean?

>> No.14824733

Maybe you should try browsing other boards every now and then

>> No.14824747

Some cancerous meme. I've only seen it on krautchan until now.

>> No.14824753

everything I dont like is cancer! yeah! right on brother!

>> No.14824775
File: 276 KB, 550x605, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the long delay!

(C89) [2-dimension] PRISM


>> No.14824784
File: 934 KB, 841x841, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(C89) さなとんたんwithえかますけ~


>> No.14824785

I want to touch those lolis in indecent places..

>> No.14825068

Thanks a lot for these! They were worth the wait.

>> No.14825856
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, hanayamata-01-naru-blush-shy-nervous-anxious-timid-scared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like their shoulders and backs? Because you want to hug them? Right?

>> No.14826924

I have a huge backlog of albums to listen to because I keep getting addicted to songs and I tend to just want to listen to those all the time instead of new content. Am I the only one?

>> No.14826935
File: 11 KB, 363x499, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14826942


never had that. i listen to a new album whenever i drive somewhere.

>> No.14827181
File: 23 KB, 368x477, moetism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism is a helluva a drug

>> No.14827884

I have some albums from 3 or 4 years ago in my backlog.

>> No.14830576

This is so fucking good, holy shit.

>> No.14831416

I'm curious, how many of you listen to denpa through audiophile grade headphones/amps/DACs and if you do what do you use? I decided to buy myself a second hand pair of Hifiman HE-500s after looking around online to see what was considered the best for the amount of money I had. I should have them tomorrow morning, so I feel like a kid on Christmas eve at the moment. Up until now they best headphones I've owned are the Sennheiser HD 558s that've been my daily drivers for about half a year with a Fiio A3 portable amp connected straight to either my phone or PC, I've not invested in a DAC yet as I've got a fairly good sound card that does the job fine at the moment. Once I've got some more money again my aim is to get a proper desktop amp instead of just using the portable one for everything, though I'm not sure if I should go with a normal amp similar to my Fiio or if I should try out a tube amp instead.

>> No.14831991

have you considered going to >>>/g/hpg

>> No.14832168

No, I don't care what they have to say on the topic, I asked here because I wanted to know the opinions of people with the same taste in music as myself.

>> No.14832596

I listen to my denpa on the shittiest 10$ earphones Wal-Mart has to offer, because I'm poor as dirt.

>> No.14832597


I think this is the best bang for the buck for amp/dac.


Other option is


Planars need power.

>> No.14832663


I think you are naive that your soundcard would drive planar magnetics.

>> No.14833029

I have the Beyerdynamics DT770 Pro (250 ohm), and a Fiio E17k amp/DAC.

I don't really know what else to say, though. I think they sound great, but I haven't owned anything that really compares.

>> No.14833443

Maybe you should kill yourself, crossposter.

>> No.14833446
File: 200 KB, 392x411, 2 (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14833476

Right. You sure showed me by posting that hilarious meme image.

Kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.14833481


This post sponsored by faggots frustrated on friday nights.

>> No.14834103

Do you ever listen to denpa while cooking? It's wild.

>> No.14834176

I'm pretty sure I have a few denpa songs about cooking but I'm not actually sure if they're about cooking because google translate is finicky

I also don't cook.

>> No.14834349

Listening to denpa while doing anything is wild.

>> No.14835216

denpa and coffee during morning rush hour traffic is exhilarating. denpa during anything is exhilarating. gets the blood pumping.

>> No.14838509

This, I'm proletarian

>> No.14838585

I can't stop listening to this.

>> No.14840990

The singer "Yuiko" on the esteem album posted a few days ago is the same girl as Yuikonnu utaite right? I hadn't heard anything from her recently, didn't know she took part in denpaish albums (I say denpaish because while I found this album good, only a few tracks I think qualify as denpa)

>> No.14841107

The HE-500s don't require as much power as Hifiman's older Planars, my sound card can drive them just fine on its own and if I use my portable amp it sounds even better, same when using my phone. I know it could be a bit better if I had a decent desktop amp, but they still sound much better than my HD 558s do.

>> No.14841247

Yep, that's her.

>> No.14847265

Only I can rescue this thread from page 10.


>> No.14849271

psh I could have saved it too, I just didn't feel like it.

>> No.14850709

denpaman to the rescue

>> No.14850950

New KOTOKO song for Chuablesoft's new eroge, pretty good


>> No.14858313


>> No.14863616


>> No.14868930


IOSYS is releasing another album - DREAM TO MUSIC TOHO. I guess this track is really a hit or miss, but somehow I really like it.

>> No.14869069

Really not impressed by the previews for this album...Nanahira track is kind of a miss for me, but at least they tried something unique I guess? Track 2 and 3 sound good but not denpa. Kind of dissapointed by the lack of a 山本椛 track on the album.

>> No.14869348

I'm currently trying to translate IOSYS's latest denpa collection for my own fun and expanding my japanese skills, and I'm clueless about the third track, with the Milky Ichigo cosplayer. At the beginning she repeats "CPR!GDR!", what the fuck do these acronyms mean?

>> No.14869571

The part with the boingy instrument in the background is a hit, the rest is a miss.

>> No.14869902

Oh boy. Have fun translating Chinkoroid.
Sorry I can't answer your question, but are you looking at the official lyrics or transcribing them yourself?

>> No.14869967

Official lyrics, I'm not good enough at japanese to get all they say by ear, they sing so fast sometimes it's impossible. But CPR! GDR! Aren't kanjis, I can't just look them up in a dictionary, that's why it's hard

>> No.14870091

Would be cool if you could share the lyrics.
And I looked up CPR, apparently it's a Japanese cosplay app. It stands for Cosplay Photo Ranking. I can't find anything relevant about GPR though.

>> No.14870167
File: 545 KB, 1376x1392, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You asked at the right time, got a lot of free time thiw week so here's a booklet scanned:


>> No.14870206

Thanks friend.

>> No.14870807 [DELETED] 

was this album ever posted on /jp/? I have
but not this one.

>> No.14871656


Intentionally strange and catchy

>> No.14876386

Anyone who managed to get milky fancy time?

>> No.14876886

Why bother asking? The answer is always yes.

>> No.14879438


>> No.14879443

Are those nerds still blocking all foreign IPs?

>> No.14879658

I don't think they ever have?

>> No.14882428

They have never done so

>> No.14882435

No but they block poor people.

>> No.14883195
File: 40 KB, 639x480, 4ad4328f3a31de4b01e9584a462b26ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read the English guide and that got me thinking of how broad the definition can be...

Could one call this a Denpa song, due its laidback nature?

Also I've always considered bands like Dempagumi.inc completely indiscernible from lots of J-Pop and anison, in terms of musicality.
A friend kept telling me how denpa the group was - which I never got, since I always had Momobako or Shinsei Kamatte-chan as the image of denpa song.

So we were both right this entire time and Dempagumi's denpaness relies solely on lyrical/visual content, while the music itself is standard stuff? Or am I missing something?

I mean... they sounds like any opening from Minami-ke ever, which is pretty standard anison and what most idols around sing.

>> No.14883241

Dempagumi is a special case, they started as a denpa-ish group (you might want to look into their very first singles) but lately they are, as you say, just a regular energetic J-pop group, I'd say. Except for some more energetic songs.

I always think that we should go with a song-by-song basis, rather than an artist-by-artist or album-by-album one.

>> No.14883367

You're right, denpa should be classified song by song. I'd say most of denpagumi's old songs like Kiss+kissでおわらない are pretty denpa, but they're straying furter away from denpa as time goes on.

>> No.14883856

I would say that's denpa, but not because of the "laidback nature" but because of that singing style.

>> No.14883879

I'd say it would be cool if we started a database somewhere of all the songs that we would classify as such, and have lively discussions in this thread about which songs are denpa in every new album that gets uploaded.
But I know that would only result in tears and bloodshed.

>> No.14883931

I think we have enough of these pointless trudempa or not arguments in here, there would be nothing else discussed.

>> No.14884066

I see, thanks!

What I meant by laidback was sorta like that - the character she's portraying doesn't give a fuck and sings at full heart, zero technique. But I get the point is more about how lively it is, not exactly the amateurism, although it is an aesthetic characteristic of the genre that's been polished.

If you guys enjoyed the video, by the way, this whole album is karaoke songs by the characters from Lucky Star, I really like and recommend it.


>> No.14886021

Anyone got these MOSAIC.WAV to share?


>> No.14886237

The Japanese already did that in http://sound.jp/dempa_song/ - sadly it got abandoned.

>> No.14886303

I've found a lot of good music in these threads that's only tangentially related to denpa.

>> No.14888133

Exactly, so we should do it now.

>> No.14888178

Maybe denpanosekai would let us piggyback off of their servers.

>> No.14888330

Denpanosekai is just hosted on Blogger.

>> No.14888868

Denpa.omaera.org maybe then?

>> No.14890235

Hosting is easy and doesn't matter. Just start a pastebin for now.

>> No.14890242

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I've pretty much started just thinking that calling something "denpa" is just like calling something a "happy song" or a "sad song". They aren't genres, they're just descriptions.
So trying to build a definitive list of denpa music would be like trying to build a definitive list of "happy songs".

I'm really glad the term exists though because it allows me to find a certain type of music with high consistency, even if it's not perfect. So it's probably just best to keep doing what we're doing now, sharing what we can and everyone can decide for themselves what they like and how "denpa" something is.

>> No.14890333

This makes perfect sense.

>> No.14892991
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>> No.14892994
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>> No.14893001
File: 546 KB, 3264x2448, 1sFlrYP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14893010
File: 662 KB, 3264x2448, NXpmA0q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a bunch of rare, old electro-jazz albums that I bought for a total of 200 yen each

>> No.14893075


>> No.14893086

im tired

sue me

>> No.14897094


>> No.14899393

>nao will make an appearance

Why is nobody talking about this?

>> No.14900855

I notice that you felt there was a duty, but you're not quite willing to own it. That's good, me neither.

>> No.14903983

I have it on my calendar, I'll be watching it. Unless they suddenly decide they won't stream it.

>> No.14905852
File: 244 KB, 400x660, 20160311_4210792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone can identify those 2 bottom-right?

I'm trying to listen it all.

>> No.14906502

What are the other ones? I only recognize top-right.

>> No.14906789

Searched for とろみ屋 艦これ 艦これ and got the first one:

Maybe the other video up in this channel is the checkered one, the artwork doesn't match any of the ones displayed in pic.

>> No.14907683

its 「ましん・ぽっぷVol:2- We Are Pneuma -」

>> No.14909830

Dammit, who has Pneuma 2?! I didn't even know this existed.

>> No.14909856

I think it's in RTL. If not, I can upload it.

>> No.14909858

Machine-POP Pneuma, ok - I have the vol. 1 "We Love Fruity" but this one I now need.

>> No.14909862

I don't know how I missed it. Can you please upload?

>> No.14909875

This is a Pneuma record too! I NEED IT.

>> No.14909906
File: 31 KB, 315x314, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go.

I also have ぷねうまレコードの国防軍の歌を歌おうCD改.

>> No.14909925

wOW thank you! I have the other one too, but thanks!

>> No.14911227 [DELETED] 

Does anyone have the download link to the first one? I had it downloaded too but I just tried unpacking it and it was corrupt and I can't find it in RTL

>> No.14912057


>> No.14912204

nao is on in a few minutes

>> No.14912246

She's on right now

>> No.14912251

Is the video kinda sloppy for anyone else?

>> No.14912267

IIRC Club Mogra uses a pretty low FPS setting

>> No.14912520

nao sang やっぱり世界はあたしれじぇんど!! live during Daisuki-kuns set

>> No.14912598

YUZUNO and RINA from I've live now

>> No.14913918

I'm losing my mind how her voice strain on the last track. Sweet, sweet Toromi.................

>> No.14914031

This pic was posted on her Twitter in advertisement of the M3 event in April. If I was going, I'd nab that elusive Pneuma record for us all. Plus, I think she has a new one coming out.

>> No.14918881


>> No.14920060

I don't suppose anybody has a link to Zero-Shaft ちびキュート! ? All the links I've found so far have been dead.

>> No.14920121

here you go senpai

i haven't listened to this yet actually it's just sitting in my downloads folder so no guarantees as to any amount of quality/completeness


>> No.14920451

Cheers man.

>> No.14922542

For anybody interested, I stream a denpa themed DJ set every Monday 9pmGMT. Mixture of new and old stuff. http://untz.xen.prgmr.com

>> No.14924859

Lets get some weekly night discussion going there, song requests, album and artist talk, file sharing and what not there? Active and welcoming discussion? Sounds like fun.

>> No.14924864

But your timezone though... Oh boy...

>> No.14926407

Just wondering, does anyone have the lyrics for Fly Away! from Colory Starry?

>> No.14926684

You from the UK?

>> No.14928282

I want a denpa shirt

>> No.14928288

Do these even exist? Never saw anything of the like during my trip in Japan.

>> No.14928320

I would love to get proper discussions going and such. I'm currently replacing the chat system with an IRC setup so that it will be easier for people to join in the the chat.

>> No.14928457

We should make one for wearing around the house, no need to make it palatable for the masses. It should be so colorful it would make a 9yr old girl blush.

>> No.14928520

did anyone snatch the 33.turbo from c89

>> No.14928736

Toromi has some

>> No.14931359

That's like saying 'I never saw an EDM shirt on my trip to the USA'. Where did you go?

>> No.14931397


Put some pants on.

>> No.14931876
File: 144 KB, 960x1280, 3ChWW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

generally this kinda merch can only be bought at an event, especially at concerts. twinkle. mosaic.wav, momoi, iosys, even denkyun had a t-shirt.

>> No.14932039

What about おでんぱスタジオ? I always love their album covers.

>> No.14932048

Cool, it's good to know I'm not the only person in the country who listens to this stuff.

>> No.14932104

You have this entire thread.

On one hand I want it but on the other hand I can't see myself actually wearing this.

>> No.14932166

they don't have any that i know of, although the fans make their own shirts sometimes. for twinkle sister live 4, fans made their own shirts of hirote~.

(to be clear, >>14931876 is a shot from twitter, i don't own the shirt myself.)

>> No.14933915

IOSYS is going an event. You get a T-Shirt if you spend ~$90 on a ticket.
They might sell t-shirts there too. If anyone here is going I'd probably be willing to toss money at you for a shirt.

>> No.14933961

Shit. I'm now legitimately tempted to go to Japan for this.

>> No.14933998

I would if I didn't have an expensive trip planned for comiket this year.

>> No.14934287
File: 133 KB, 439x423, Tシャツ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is pretty sick looking. I don't suppose you could buy multiple shirts if you went to this? It looks like everyone would just get 1 with their ticket.

>> No.14934982

Holy shit this made me so depressed. To think I will be starting my wageslave life while this glorious event is going on at the other side of the world is just too sad.

>> No.14935095

You're not the only one, knowing these events are going on and I'm very unlikely to ever see one really depresses me, the one music scene I give a shit about enough to want to get involved with and it doesn't and probably never will exist in this country.

>> No.14936023

The more I think about it the more it starts killing me. Please tell me it's at least going to be streamed somewhere.

>> No.14937984

You know crying about this sort of thing on 4chan does nothing to prove what it could really mean to you.

The choice is simple, you either stay in your country and be depressed or start thinking about a way to get to Japan and enjoy yourself.

>> No.14938147

I'm poor and currently finishing college, there's no way I could go to Japan in may. I'll definitely go back there someday and try to attend some denpa event, but there is no realistic way that I can attend this one without having to deal with long term consequences after.

>> No.14938231

>long term consequences
Ephemeral, really.

Check out how this guy did it: https://youtu.be/inHGaYww3xA

>> No.14938284

what the fuck

>> No.14938335

Bargain denpa motel

>> No.14939588

There are special colored shirts for VIP and Kami VIP ticket buyers, but there are regular t-shirts for regular visitors sold at the event, they just have a different color (or design.)

VIP is limited to 20 and kami VIP is limited to 5 so it'll be very few special colored shirts.

And the designs / colors on the site are not final, they said they will almost definitely change a lot.

there are getting to be more denpa song events. there will be (small) DJ events in june and july too, plus the next denkyun will be a live concert special (dunno when)

come to japan and check it out. i always want to meet some more denpa fans from around the world.

>> No.14939645

You know, not everyone is capable of traveling to different countries, financial responsibilities, mental and physical health problems, criminal records, etc can all make it practically impossible for a person to travel far, not everyone can just save up the money, take a few days off work and fly off to japan.

>> No.14941884

>waah waah waah
If you wanted to go to Japan, you could. Take a loan and become a Japanese hobo hiding from the deportation police.

>> No.14942454

What are you 12?

>> No.14942486

I think this guy is just trying to badger someone into going so they can buy him a shirt.

>> No.14942903

I just found this group.

>> No.14943409


>> No.14943649
File: 298 KB, 800x800, えくすくらめーしょん!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14943660

You beautiful person, you.

>> No.14943954

ダメ!ダメ! is one of the best songs. (I know its not exclusive to this CD)

>> No.14943979

>take a loan
Wow great advice retard.

>> No.14945024


This some is pretty cute and catchy. it's been stuck in my head for the past few days!

>> No.14945234

It's good advice if you're going to flee the fucking country and not pay it back ever.

>> No.14945363

You're incredibly stupid if you think that is in any way "good" advice

>> No.14945403

Better than taking a loan for a shitty degree

>> No.14945410

Relax, you can pay it off by gambling on a ship. The Japanese yakuza are very understanding.

>> No.14945435

If you're going to start dealing with the yakuza why not just be a mule and bring some coke up your butt into japan? They'll pay for your flight and give you the extra money you need to attend the denpa event and possibly enough for a flight back after, that way you don't have to worry about paying anything back and you can stay in a hotel instead of on the streets, it's a perfect solution.

>> No.14945489


>> No.14945542

They sound like pretty nice guys.

>> No.14945705

If you're really so miserable with your life that you dream every day of being in Japan instead, then you should prefer to be homeless in Japan than working in wherever you are.

>> No.14945904

I somehow doubt they're that desperate, you can be depressed by something without it making you hate your life, and anyway being homeless on the streets of japan wouldn't be any better than being in a different country working, you still wouldn't be able to enjoy the things you wanted to go to japan for because you'd be penniless and living on the streets, most homeless people I've seen don't go around spending $90 on music events or going to cons to buy stuff.

>> No.14945934

No, they go around spending $200 on crack and going to convenience stores to buy liquor and smokes.

>> No.14946476

This seems like the right thread to ask.

What is the list of /jp/ approved drugs? I recall that weed is a no-no but shrooms, LSD and ecstasy are very popular among otaku.

>> No.14946589

Pretty much any psychedelic is great for listening to denpa, especially MDMA/ecstasy, they're part of the reason why I first fell in love with denpa, as for weed I love it even if it's not /jp/ approved, if you're going to try other drugs and weed is easily available where you live I'd recommend you at least try it, especially since it's great fun smoking it while on psychedelics.

>> No.14946660

>/jp/ approved
I'm a jay and even beer drinkers should kill themselves.

>> No.14946670

>Telling Zun to kill himself.
Kuso post. Go back to /r9k/ you neurotypical.

>> No.14946982

Did you even read what you typed before you hit submit?

>> No.14947531

How do you feel about the presentation that the first track delivers? I'm into that one the most.

>> No.14947584

Weed + denpa is a combo I love, but my tastes get really specific. I enjoy listening to really complex and weird denpa, I close my high and start a denpa album after smoking a bowl and I can fully immerse myself in the music and enjoy it in a unique way. Everything that is too much "cutesy denpa" with less substance is underwhelming tough. Psychedelics are cool but in my last shroom trips I ended up not listening to music because I felt it distracted my toughts too much. Denpa on MDMA would probably be the best, but I haven't took any of these drugs for years, I prefer to be careful with my serotonin levels.

>> No.14948493

the production sounds great and dreamy. the lyrics don't interest me in particular but i like it overall. (maybe i just wish i was born in the heisei age.)

for me the sweet but slightly naughty without going to far tone of ダメ!ダメ! is addicting, and the chanting parts in the middle get me super hyped up.

>> No.14948514

For なゆまめ i also like さ・ま・ば・けミ

>> No.14948792

I've listened to denpa on LSD twice and it made me hyper and happy as all fuck, was great. But if you're tired it might just get annoying so as others said MDMA(ecstasy) sounds like the best option.

>> No.14949999

want shirt...

>> No.14952131

But are you opening any doors?

>> No.14955241

honestly acid and denpa sounds impossible to predict
