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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14734014 No.14734014 [Reply] [Original]

Better write something, since the OP is always pretty empty.

With over 7000000 users (actually downloads) and close to the 3rd Anniversary, this game is one of the "oldest" surviving Japanese mobage in English. While three years is nothing compared to a lot of games (For example, Puzzle & Dragons is older), the current situation of Japanese games (bad management and localization), saw a lot of games closing.
Some games closed during the three years are: Ayakashi Ghost Guild, Devil Maker Tokyo, Chain Chronicles, Rage of Bahamut, Merc Storia, My Princess is the Cutest (Uchihime), Final Sky (Cross Summoner), Million Arthur.

Just a reminder. Nubee is dead. They sold this game to Mynet.
So, if you have some problem, this is their mail: customer_support-valkyrie@mynet.co.jp

If you want to talk about other mobage, search for /mbgg/ on /vg/



/jp/ comrades/alliance/AW killer/sender:


Beginners guide (this is really outdated):

Advanced EH guide:

Previous Thread:

>> No.14734681

Oh cool I was wondering what's their email now.

>> No.14735530

I want to stick my dick in Lolli's hair.

>> No.14735547

If you endorse going to /vg/ what's the point of making a thread for this here? Seems redundant.

>> No.14736206

Go back to your touhous, anon.

>> No.14736368

>If you want to talk about other mobage
How is it redundant?

>> No.14736421

Why can you only talk about other mobile games on /vg/? Why not this one? Why can't you talk about this game in /jp/'s mobile game thread? Why not link /jp/'s mobile game thread instead of /vg?

>> No.14736580

VC generals been here longer than you also considering they are two /jp/ alliances in this game ITS our topic.

Also we might get lunar new year themed event or at least summon next.

Hope the cards are as cute as last year Lunar summon.

>> No.14736687

I just want a second one of her but she wont drop!!!!

>> No.14736708

Honestly linking to other mobage threads is probably a bad idea in general, but VC has a very large community from /jp/, so having the thread here makes more sense than having it on /vg/. I have in my 1½ years of playing only seen 1 guy who came from /vg/ to this thread.

>> No.14736798

>Why can you only talk about other mobile games on /vg/?
If you think a game deserves a thread on /jp/, just make one. /mbgg/ is just where people talk about not so popular mobage and it isn't that active. Popular games get their own threads (Like Soccer Spirits and Granblue Fantasy)

>Why not this one?
The problem is that /jp/ is super slow. And even then, mobage threads on /jp/ aren't active enough to keep it alive without a shameless bump.

>Why can't you talk about this game in /jp/'s mobile game thread?
There isn't a reason, since this game has its own general. And it has been here longer than any mobage thread.

>Why not link /jp/'s mobile game thread instead of /vg?
Every time someone opens a mobile game thread, it dies pretty fast. I generally try to bump them with something to not let it die (like the Sliding Chen game I posted there).
A lot of people who posted on these are now on /mbgg/.

>> No.14737645

I don't want this game to die

>> No.14737677

Given that MyNet just paid a large sum for it I dont see that happening. Only thing to worry about is if they bought it for its name rights and will just release Valk Crusade 2 and abandon the original but I don't think that is too likely.

>> No.14738107
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Had 1/4 heart left for max hearts on FAW and she dropped by chance before it maxed.
Feels good.

>> No.14738676

Any slot for the /jp/ alliance?

>> No.14738968

I think both alliances are searchable. Just apply to whichever one you prefer.

>> No.14739415

>7 million users
>only like 5% actually plays
Just like /jp/ comrades spreadsheet

>> No.14739420

Wait nvm that would be more like 0,5%

>> No.14740530

How the ranking closing time works, is it when the event ends, or when the rank updates on the last day?

Let's say I get some keys after the last rank update, but before the game updates to the new event, after the EH rotates, will I get more points/ranks counted?

>> No.14740860

Is there a way to see how well my defense deck works in AUB? I can see the total amount of wins/losses of my alliance but thats all..

>> No.14740885
File: 237 KB, 640x896, witch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any AUB pros in here?
Is it worth going for one of those UR's? 600k points seems like alot..
I think everything past the last rank update still counts until the event timer reaches 0.

>> No.14741046

I have made 300k~ without rodding so far.
I have 11 left but IDK if i'm gonna make it, never played many rounds other times, my max was 200k

>> No.14741379

Yeah they're often worth it and you shouldn't need to rod much to get just 1

>> No.14742131
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And for my next trick.

16 card evolution Choco Knight after the Principality.

To the other guy who asked I don't do this because I want the soldier count I do this because I love them

>> No.14742132

You will it counts till event timer reaches zero so last rank cheese is possible and happens often in "danger zone" around top 300.

>> No.14743078

How bad should I feel for not getting Hiraga?
She keeps trolling me with moons but it's all random SRs.

>> No.14743200

What level should I get a Metal Slime to if I wanna max out a HSR?
Including EXP booster arcanas, I have plenty of both

>> No.14743271

Its no big deal unless you're a hardcore ranker. Nevertheless, if you would be a hardcore ranker you would atleast need 2-3 GUR copies of her. She's also useless if you haven't got a tolerable light team yet. I've also seen that quite some people like her because of the artwork. She doesn't really look that special to me, but thats just my opinion i guess. I hope the next LAW will be a bit more interesting.

But hey, atleast you got some SRs to medal.

>> No.14743372

Don't. Don't use Metal Slime. Spam Regular Summon for Slimes, get two Slimes to Lv 27 and use them with both Arcanas.

Use Metal Slime to amalgamate with Gold Girl to get Medal Girl.
Also see this page

>> No.14743498

I'm considering using Metal Slime cause I'm desperate to get Candy before the event ends. I'm worried I might not have enough time to level both slimes and miss getting Benzaiten to HUR.

>> No.14743548

Okay thanks!
I just really liked that card in general. I run a light team, I have no salvo cards and I also liked the art... but well.

>> No.14743549

Just max her hearts.

>> No.14743605

I thought it was obvious I'm a novice. I barely ever encounter her.

>> No.14743654

How is leveling up a card helps you getting Chocolate Candy or Benzaiten though? If it's about Lolli/Melty HSR, then there's no rush because you can amalgamate them after the event. If it's due to the enemies on the map, isn't Griffin usually sufficient to kill them?

>> No.14743664

If I leave my alliance right now, what happens to my AUB points? Can I
- claim the victory point rewards from a new alliance once I join
- keep my individual points

>> No.14743669

I need Candy to get into the area that gives me my 2nd Benzaiten, and the only way I'm getting her is by amalgamating Melty and Lolli. And I don't really wanna rush it and end up with a half-assed FAW.

>> No.14743772

Ah, my bad, I forgot that you needed Candy for the area. Well then. According to a comment on the Wiki, Lv 23 + arcana training + arcana blessing can max a HSR.

>> No.14743816

Cool, thanks. I should probably add it to the actual wiki page.

>> No.14744070

What is the recommended way to use a vpn and get Japanese apps from the Play Store? I will post loli in return.

>> No.14745197

Late, but if you ever want to level up HSR cheapest way to do so is always keeping some lvl 50 HR's. So instead of two slimes or metal slime it's just one slime and two R.

>> No.14746500

You keep individual points.
With ally victory points it goes like that
everything you claimed at 1st ally will be unvaiable in 2nd but if second ally allraedy have more points you will be able to clam "new" rewards.

>> No.14746508

How do we get more people to play this game?

>> No.14746630

Make the battle gameplay less boring and grindy, give it some strategies and depths. Expand the story mode and make it actually worth reading.

>> No.14746713

add more wolf/cat/dog/beast girls

need more fluffy tails and ears

>> No.14747231


Make some way to speed up the campaign gameplay. I've been playing it less and less simply because it takes an hour to go through all 200 of my movement points. I really don't need a cutscene to get another N card and random battles on all but the last few stages of a campaign are worthless to fight and worse than mosquitos in number.

>> No.14747279

Catering to furfags is never a good idea. It's actually the fastest way to kill a game.

>> No.14747331

kemonomimi isn't furfag shit though.

We already had a whole event dedicated to catgirls.

>> No.14747470

That's my point, the few cards that have tails or other animal-like features are actually pretty decent. I really like Scylla actually. But making tons of furfag cards is really not a good idea for a game like this, it would kill it off pretty quickly if they only made furfag cards.

>> No.14747867
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>> No.14747871
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>> No.14747995
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Yes! My light teams are complete!

(Yes I use HR cards, step up nee-san)

>> No.14748022

Romance is pretty amazing but Ribbon Girl? Is a random target healer really good enough for AEH?

>> No.14748048
File: 553 KB, 918x440, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you tell who this is please?

>> No.14748594

Now if only Nubee or Mynet or whatever would figure this out/make an announcement maybe I'd stop worrying about this game dying

>> No.14748701

They already made an announcement...

>> No.14748872

Not him, but it's definitely Super Iroha

>> No.14748933

I've been slack (but not absent) for the last few months but RNG decided to bless me with 2 GUR Hiraga. Holy shit, EH ranking just went into overdrive. Once I get more medals to churn out more maxed GUR Hyper Alchemists (RNG blessed me with plenty mats) I'll be having a blast.

RNG cursed me for keys this event (bad bonus area procs, bad key drops). I'm in no condition to burn through my pile of shoes/swords to cram extra rank points in. Only just managed to get the 4th heart on Candy a few hours ago.


Super Iroha.

I'm not the image poster - Super Iroha was the first HUR I got and she carried me through my first AW/FAW wins. I was using R unleashers and she'd still wreck things.

>> No.14749181

Ribbon Girl is not a random target healer

She heals the lowest HP card and can do so an infinite number of times.

>> No.14749236

Oh, I see. I always interpreted the skill description as random target...

>> No.14749256

There aren't many of them and they stopped making more after Angel of Love

>> No.14749405
File: 61 KB, 530x580, 4ac (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valentine's Day event
ends before Valentine's Day

>> No.14749442
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Cleared 4 times in one fight. I was hoping she had a 3 clear maximum but it looks like it's infinite. That sucks

>> No.14749861

With 00:20:43 on the clock I finally get me a Choco-candy. Time to grind! HERE I COME BENZAITEN!!!!!

>> No.14749926

Gimme a sitrep onee-chan

>> No.14749992

Target acquired. Mission was a complete success. Returning to kingdom to upgrade/evolve.

>> No.14750043
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More like Cleobutt hot damn

>> No.14750069
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>> No.14750147

I'm going to just assume that the lv. 10 skill null autoskill is a typo, and that it should be lv. 1

>> No.14750377
File: 245 KB, 640x896, Super_Iroha[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope she will be available again someday she looks great

>> No.14750726
File: 1.18 MB, 960x640, 034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in luck, look who's back

>> No.14750920

Have them all sadly. And I would prefer something along lines of Wolfwoman instead of cats.

Also this even will be such slack.
Cool celestia as LAW (after EQ no need for multiple copies of her)
Rest of cards have meh skill and so so art.. and RR is completly dissapointing.

So time to rebuild sword/shoe stack.

>> No.14751928
File: 1.05 MB, 960x640, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent all my tickets to get nothing but R cards. But the Ultimate Summon ticket I earned gave me this.... Holy shit I'll take it!

Thank you for the luck goddess of RNG!

>> No.14751937

b-buh she's bad anon

>> No.14752524

Sexy and completes an HSR for a card I've had for years.

Don't care.

>> No.14752530

Can someone tell me how much of an atk buff is needed to maximise Hiraga's Salvo damage in a maxed GUR light team, and taking her passive into account (just one instance since I could only awaken her once so far; I presume they stack)

>> No.14752548
File: 308 KB, 640x896, Genie_H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, Chain Chronicles and Bahamut are dead? I unistalled CC long time ago because of how boring it was but I had no idea both actually died.
Not really surprised about Ayakashi Guild though. They had nice designs but the game was annoying as fuck to navigate and looked like a site from 10 years ago.

Back to VC tho, this event really has a lot of cute cards. It's a shame Goth Genie looks nothing like a genie but has a better skill than the regular one. I'd rather use he normal one.

>> No.14752731

Are two Furinkazan with maxed skills decent enough for my first AW team?

>> No.14752740

If it's just for AWs, you should be fine

>> No.14753121

Aside from the 5% arcanas, do LAWs also drop 10% arcanas?

>> No.14753130

They aren't closed yet, but they announced it.
Both games close the same day, February 29th.

>> No.14753193
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>My Princess is the Cutest (Uchihime)
Wait, did it ever get localized?
Also original Merc Storia and Uchihime are alive and kicking. These kind of games(simplistic 'action', less strategy, more waifus) are probably more popular in Japan it seems.

>> No.14753635
File: 70 KB, 512x512, Shingetsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only for the SEA region, but I was talking about games in English, not global releases.

Something (not really) interesting, AkkeyJin still writes Nubee Tokyo when she posts art of the game.

>> No.14756215

2 Hiraga, 2 H. Alchemist, 1 Jean. Emphasis is on speed of FAW clears, which was a major reason I slacked off before.

I haven't finished maxing everyone, but the design goal is to not one-shot the FAW if Hiraga happens to aim for her. Hiraga two-shotting (completely missing the Servants) gives 6~7m overkill - what I'd get with a traditional FAWK team. Chances are Hiraga will snipe one or two Servants before the FAW goes down.

>> No.14756416

Well I use still 2x dual buff 2x unleash 1x Gil for 10m overkill and 2x1m taps on servants.

15m kills all day long.

>> No.14756544


Aye, Gil/HHades is still more efficient for rank points. As I said, emphasis on speed - no point assembling a better team if I don't have the motivation to play at all.

>> No.14756888

Am I the only one who is freaking tired of these archwitch hunt point ranking amalgamation rewards that you need to unlock the best art for the FAW?
I don't even care for the slightly better skill or the usual ranking reward URs, (nor the LAW).
And it's been like this in every event now since december. Not to mention the grind for the 8 AWs first, no thanks, I stopped playing these past months, even though I've been playing constantly for over a year.

>> No.14757655

I hope it'll be enough for lv200 AWs. Otherwise I won't be able to max Genie's hearts.
Who should I put them together with? Currently using Chocolate Candy and Engineer for around 70k per hit with both skills.

>> No.14757779


If you didn't have any buffers, I'd have suggested Cinderella (R self-buffer). Since you have 2 buffers, consider an HSR critter. Actually, just list all SR/UR cards you have so we know what you've got to work with.

>> No.14757855

Only one honestly you have to be making effort NOT to get into T2000.

And we are getting more players so seems you are in minority and those t2000 rewards are nice.

>> No.14757889

Two Benzaitens, one Chocolate Candy, one Aladdin, one Poltergeist, one Griffin and one Engineer.

>> No.14757915

I agree, I felt like I wasn't getting rewarded for playing semi-casually before. Where as now, if I slack I don't get the upgrade for the FAW, but if I play a little bit every day, I get in top 2k and get a nice reward. It's a pretty nice system.

>> No.14758093

I've been taking it easy ever since Mochitsuki buff. I find it impossible to not make T1000 every event if you can do intermediate EH.

>> No.14758334


Hmm, you're right to only have Candy and Engineer in your team given that list. Assuming you've got (or will soon have) 5 party slots, 3 Furinkazan/Seagull/Romance (R unleashers) could work. Or if you want some survivability then 1 Ribbon Girl to replace an unleasher.

Ideally you'd want an HSR Light critter or at least a 3-turn skipper (SR) in there. I suppose HSR Lamp could replace Candy in a 3 unleasher framework.

>> No.14758352

Dropped old alliance to try to join /jp/alliance1.1, ign Irisu. Hopefully I can actually get LAWs this way instead of solo farming in a dead alliance now ;_;

>> No.14758354

Requested an invite for /jp/ Alliance 1.1.
Thanks in advance.

>> No.14758407

I do have 5 slots, just Candy and Engineer take up most of my max cost right now.
I'd probably rather have three unleashers than risk one of them unleashing Ribbon Girl when I don't need a heal. What Light critter should I get?

>> No.14758461
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Ranking higher than 2000 shouldn't be a problem at all. You could pretty much do that with your eyes closed. I could see your point if its coming from a new player's perspective though. Ranking might be hard for new players i guess.

On a side note, the only thing that is annoying me is the fact that you need to have those cards awoken before you could use the amalgamation reward on them. Still trying to awaken fucking pic related. I already wasted like atleast 25 orbs on this bitch. Today i decided to just throw her along with the armband in my collection until i no longer feel irritated just by looking at the card.

>> No.14759709


Been playing consistently now for about a month and a half, (lvl 49 now...) and I cannot seem to break the 8000 mark! constantly drifting between 8500 and 8000. I finally have a decent team focused around Hiraga and choco-candy with Aladdin, Bookmaker and Thelxinoe, but I just cant compete yet i guess...

>> No.14760137

I'm missing one unleasher but holy hell is this team much better. I could probably kill a FAW in 1bp if I got lucky. Thanks a lot man.

>> No.14760200

I assume you aren't playing a lot then. Most people in this thread use all of their daily BP. Which means logging in once every 3~ hours. I assume you have around 10-15 BP, and you can make 20k per AW and 40k(?) per FAW with Hiraga. Using your daily BP you should be able to hit top 2k easily. It's all about playing a lot and focusing on overkill.

>> No.14760324


Can't underestimate EH for ranking. I slacked off whole days at a time but still made it into top 3000 just by punching Int. EH on the last days. Takes some months to assemble many overkill teams for EH.

But before EH, there's the issue of maxing cards for the main team. Those medals don't exactly come fast, especially in the beginning.

>> No.14760373

EH is pretty good too, but you can cheese it hard on beginner even with just 1 Hiraga team.
You don't really need maxed cards for F/AW hunting if you are using GURs.

>> No.14760582

I do play consistently throughout the day. And while I do view the time I'm maxed on vitality/bp a waste, it is hard to play sometimes... although I have to admit, upon posting my previous post, I went to check my rank from last night, and I am sitting at 4558! Guess you are right! persistence pays off!

>> No.14760667

Ranking points are always higher on the first day, the day EH is released and the last day. You can probably end in top 3k this event if you just keep playing as you have now and do well in beginner EH.

>> No.14763915
File: 230 KB, 854x480, Screenshot_2016-02-15-02-00-32-844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is some intense whaling, the guy must either be a NEET wizard or a hacker. And the worst thing about him isn't the amount of rods he spent for AUB in an one-man alliance, but that he has at least 5 GURs Sacred Amaterasu meaning he must have killed a crazy amount of LAWs all by himself, or farmed at least 50k tokens for exchange.

>> No.14763981

Does anyone know if Brittle Keys drop from WG this event? I can't seem to find the info in the event description.

>> No.14764522

I have too many HSR/SR/HR/R cards that I keep on the off-chance that they'll be useful at one point, but it makes processing my presents a long tedious process. Which skills are worth keeping for AUB/AW/EH?

I don't have many of the new URs and I only really have GUR Benzaiten/2x Oracle Ascendent, SR Polaris, R Furinkazan for FAW hunting which gives me a consistent ~70% 1 BP kill. My AW/leveling team has GUR Chocolatier, GSR Orihime/Amaterasu, HUR Chocolate Candy and SR Lilim (HSR never).

I'd also really like some advice on improving my 1BP kill rate, I'm thinking of putting Chocolatier in that main team to improve survivability but cost problems pop up; might have to lose that other Oracle Ascendent.

Send help, onee-chantachi~

>> No.14764701

They don't and I don't think they ever will anymore.

>> No.14765005

buffers, especially aoe, are always worth keeping
same with blockers and unleashers
>I have too many HSR/SR/HR/R cards that I keep on the off-chance that they'll be useful at one point, but it makes processing my presents a long tedious process
Invest in collection pages

>> No.14765014

He's a jap. That's a grand wizard right there.

>> No.14765599
File: 389 KB, 960x640, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember how hard you worked to catch me? To level me up and make me fall in love? I still love you buried in the bottom of your collection. Please don't forget me or all the girls who love you. Especially today, please.

>> No.14765882


List which skills you are keeping around for the off-chance they're useful? We can help trim that list down.

>> No.14767279

Is Catcine (or other cards with similar skills) any good? If so, for what? AUB?

>> No.14767296

Speaking of, I've left Catcine in my collection forever. No idea what she's useful for.

>> No.14767468

She's just there to be pretty like 90% of the cards in the game.

>> No.14768071

Too many AOE damage cards which probably aren't that useful anymore. I already have a bunch of Artemis from one of the older events.

Do you recommend running only beginner EH which I can clear 100% of the time, or going to higher difficulties which I need to burn more BP to clear?

>> No.14768238

Personally, higher difficulties are worth it only if you can clear them without losing. (In Advanced, you spend an extra 5 BP if you lose just one battle)

I say stick with Beginner. If you can make 2 overkill teams, even better.

>> No.14768319

That's what I thought. Key farming is brutal as fuck though. I guess I'll just go chill, drops will come when they do anyway. Between this and PSO2 I don't really have much of an issue with RNG anymore, too desensitized.

>> No.14768426

>kill cleopatra
>moon in the background
>queen succubus

I skipped a beat.

>> No.14771599

Hiraga did that to me at least 4 times. I have 0 Hiraga but 8000 medals.

>> No.14771706
File: 1.05 MB, 960x2560, 037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geez this team is nice. Pretty consistent too. I tried it with 3 buffers thinking Hiraga's dual procs would cover it but it doesn't work that way. Romance and Summer Oracle cover the gap nicely.

>> No.14771850

Why do this pointless team when you can just use HHades?

>> No.14771857
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Well if you run maxed out GURs with Higara you only need 200% buff for max damage.

Just wait for light day in EH its pure cheese there

>> No.14772052

So this might be a bit slowpoke, but I have 2 HUR Nina and 4 more URs (two amalgamated and two normal drops) - will I ever need them all or should I medal the 4 remaining ones?

>> No.14772135

I'd keep 1 amalg HUR and one amalg UR. Or if you have that school uniform then two amalg HUR and one amalgamated UR. So you have all art versions at highest SC. Of course that's just for collection, her skill is too bad.

>> No.14772190

I'm trying to get Hiraga's love to max. Makes sense to use her as intended rather than just throw her in an AW team till she reaches 30 hearts.

As if I have 5 max light GURs

>> No.14772219

what levels have Lamp?

>> No.14772604


AoE is for AUB and the list of cards which have the best proc rate is short. How much damage they do isn't as relevant as maxed cards wipe AUB teams comfortably (unless you face a turn 1 burst GUR).

>> No.14772772

Are they ever going to cycle the goddess worship? Sorta tired of seeing those three stay there for half year or more now.

>> No.14772796
File: 187 KB, 640x896, Strategist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate when that happens and only my Strategist procs. Her AoE is only 300%, not enough to kill a maxed burst GUR.
I still don't understand why people didn't vote for her for awakening, since she is the best SR for AUB.

Talking about Strategist, I have to look this myself, because people thought her name was changed in the English version since she looks like a Student Council President.
Her name in Japanese is 軍師 (Gunshi). That means strategist.
So, no, her name wasn't changed.

>> No.14775332

So I got Lamp from the event and I'm a massive newfag and I wanted to ask if is she even worth it despite only having 1 proc. Should I just use her or keep farming to amalgamate Genie?
Please respond.

>> No.14775348

Amalgamate Genie. But until you get Aladdin you can still use Lamp in your deck if you don't have a decent attacker yet. In the long term however critters are pretty because with a few buffers every card can get to max damage without crit.

>> No.14775353

*pretty useless, whoops

>> No.14778172

I want to anally bang Cleopatra

>> No.14778295

Is HSR Mei Mei a decent AUB card? She's like most other AOEs but has 400% damage (unlike Hades and many others who have 350%)

>> No.14778379

Any GUR AoE will do for AUB

>> No.14778870


Against AW, 1 proc is all you need if you proc a buffer first. Alternatively, unleashers can make her proc more than once.

As has been pointed out however, enough buffer + unleasher makes a critter largely obsolete aside from speed. So use her but don't invest atk/def arcana in her. Once you get Genie, you'll be using her instead with all the unleashers you can get.

>> No.14779323

>single proc critter
I thought those were extinct.

Yeah a single proc critter is hardly worth anything. I will always believe that a critter is still worth it as an AW killer because they require less buffs to kill an opponent but in this case I'm going to have to agree with the others that a single proc critter just isn't worth it.

>> No.14781034

Started this game about a week ago, my team is currently GUR Griffith, UR annaberge, UR benzaiten, and two random SR cards. I got Lamp as a drop without maxing hearts, should I be going for a 2nd one in order to algamate genie? What should I be doing to get a better deck? I'm rank 7000ish right now and it takes me 2 or 3 BP to kill lvl 200 AW. pls new a newfag

>> No.14781498

Join an active alliance and poke LAW till you get a team buffer.
Critter, team buffer and skill nullifier is good enough for AW.

>> No.14783144
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-02-17 16.47.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she maxed out my 1st strategist never had problems even with bursted gurs.

Might be that i get SR force and cool II unit bonus.

Also finished today second strat said screw with 6 card evo, SC isnt important anyway since if you fail its turn skip/cancel or just aoe hell in UAB.

Now time to max second strat.

>> No.14784512

/jp/ Horizon has 3 spots available

You may leave your ID here or apply in the game. We are not a hidden alliance anymore

>> No.14785170

Yes, it is maxed, but I don't get any unit bonus. My team is Strategist, Yuki Onna (GSR), Arianrhod, Snowman Mk II and Artemis. I could replace YO with a HSR (like Sekhmet), but proc rate is more important.
I am doing fine with this team, it is just on rare occasion that the situation with the GUR burst/Strategist happens. Well, I say rare, but it happens around once per AUB (I mean the whole event).

>> No.14786641

Has anyone been able to update? News say it should be on now but I can't see it in the Google store page. Also, I was expecting more changes than this, we hadn't had a major update since forever.

>> No.14787649

It hasn't even been a month since mynet officially took control over nubee. You should be realistic. I doubt they could plan, test/qa and implement in that time frame. They are probably still working on replacing all the old remnants of nubee in the game and qc'ing the old code.

>> No.14787995
File: 454 KB, 854x480, Screenshot_2016-02-19-03-17-50-117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knows.

>> No.14793812

I'll soon finish the Celestial Realm 1, and now I have a few questions regarding the second one:
- Is the vitality lower again or will it start at 10 vit per step? That sounds tedious as hell
- Are there any rewards besides the ones listed as area rewards? Because they don't seem to be worth it either.
- I heard something about hidden areas, can anyone tell me about it?

Or more generally: is it worth it or should I just spend my excess BP to farm PP in the event maps?

>> No.14795253

Ive been farming event area 1-1 for Aladdin and killed her 40 times so far, but her likability is still only at half a heart. Is this a bug or just really bad RNG?

>> No.14795266


Do it to see Alchemist (or other main story character) with animated avatar. For some reason, Celestial Realm 2 has exclusive moving sprites for the narrative.

Yes the vit goes down to something reasonable again. I didn't find PP farming attractive sometimes so I dumped Vit over there (very slowly, over months) when I needed to burn it fast for the daily Vit shoe.

>> No.14795287


RNG being bad. It happens.

>> No.14795605

can you get FAW cards from other people's FAWs?

>> No.14795753

Yes, you can. But the drop rate for FAWs is so low, it is easier, faster and better to get 4 Aladdin and Lamp for a perfect amalgamation.

>> No.14798688
File: 1.34 MB, 960x640, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's embarrassing

>> No.14799555

Happens to me all the time. If my only nullifier doesn't proc on the first turn and then one of my units takes a crit from the LAW I usually just leave at turn 5. It's pretty annoying, but unfortunately the only way of making encounters difficult in this game.

>> No.14799794

Replace an unleasher with another nullifier, problem solved (to an extent).

>> No.14800519

>40 kills
>half a heart
Someone up there must really hate you.

>> No.14800552

Are you killing them all or are some getting away? If the time expires you lose a quarter heart

>> No.14801866

Except I'm playing double buffer, AoE unleash, blocker and H.Hades. I do fairly well in most of my battles, I often 1 bp LAWs with this, but sometimes you can get fucked over by RNG and lose quickly.

>> No.14805512

Killed every single one. Up to 80ish kill now and it's at 3 hearts. Does drop rate increase with hearts?

>> No.14807068

>Does drop rate increase with hearts?
It doesn't. Seems like you got a case of very bad RNG, just keep killing more AW and pray away, there's still half the event left.

>> No.14808627

Over 300 lamp kills and 200 genie kills with no second drop from either... Maxed hearts on both, but I'm starting to get a bit worried here. Only a week left! Not trying to miss out on a perfect amalgamation here!

>> No.14808672

and sure enough, as soon as I press post and go back to playing, I receive my top ten AW rewards and... Boop. Got my second Lamp. Coincidence?

>> No.14809489
File: 670 KB, 640x960, 040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of cute HN cards people often forget exist.

>> No.14810924

To be fair, nubee just forgot the existence of N cards altogether, when was the last time we got a new N card? I hope Mynet would fix that and make N cards usable or at least worth maxing level/friendship on.

>> No.14813974

> make N cards usable or at least worth maxing level/friendship on.
Agreed. As of now it seems like N cards only exist so they have some sort of justification to call R cards rare.

>> No.14814515

So after farming like crazy for the whole week, I finally got my HUR Genie. Thing is, I "overfarmed" a bit and got extra Aladdins and Lamps. So I've been thinking: should I make another HUR Genie or just trade my remaining SR cards for medals and wait for the next event?

>> No.14814558

I personally would medal the rest (assuming that your current Genie is perfectly amalgamated).
But depending on what other cards you have, making a few additional ones for EH might be a good idea too, though there are way better cards for that purpose.

>> No.14814583

>perfectly amalgamated
What do you mean by that? Giving her arcanas or stuff like that?

>> No.14814611

Perfect amalgamation works like this:
- get 4 Aladdin, get them to Lv 50 each
- get 4 Lamp, get them to Lv 50 each
- make 2 HSR Aladdin and 2 HSR lamp from them, USE ARCANA SUCCESSION.
- Get all HSR to Lv 60
- Amalgamate the HSRs to two Genies
- Upgrade Genie to Lv 70
- Fuse two Genie (with arcana succession, of course).

This has better stats than getting two Genies directly from the FAW and fusing them. The difference isn't huge but it's around 500 soldiers.

>> No.14814720

Is there anyway to make sure you get the brittle key secret area with the bats? Does it help beating higher vit areas or is it completely random?

>> No.14815027


>> No.14815656

I just got HUR genie, how do you get the mats to awaken her?

>> No.14815734
File: 465 KB, 960x640, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got to be joking. Beginner EH is insane. This is only 8 keys too because I had no time.

Why is it so game breaking? Dear god

>> No.14815781

Witch Gate or Elemental Hall. Less effective but also possible: Bonus Area (from Time Traveler)

>> No.14815831

Two weeks into this game, my team is HUR genie, UR annaberge, UR benzaiten, Gsr Griffith and some random SR card, can I do EH? I have like 30 keys but I'm not sure not much vit/BP it takes to complete one

>> No.14815948

EH takes 42 vit. BP depends on the amount of battles and the difficulty. On average, I encounter 3 battles. On beginner, each battle consumes 2 BP, but if you lose, you have to spend another 2BP to recover your teams + any BP you need to make up for the loss.

I don't know if you should attempt EH as of now - it really depends on what other cards you have. HUR Genie and UR Annaberge are decent attackers, so you have your main attackers for both teams, but you need support cards. For Genie you'll want an unleasher and for Annaberge you'll want a Team Buffer or Dark Buffer. Griffin is probably a decent filler simply for being a GSR even though she's not dark.

Since you don't really have anything to lose, I'd try to build two dark teams and just attempt it - fight one round battle on Beginner and see if it feels difficult/risky. If so, leave EH alone for now, otherwise go for it.

>> No.14821168

Why doesn't "confirm to receive reward" work on chimery bat things?? I need keys and they refuse to drop em.

>> No.14821180

Because that would make Cassandra useful and VC hates Cassandra.

>> No.14821204

So how many of these "7 million players!" are actually playing?


>> No.14821789
File: 284 KB, 800x480, Screenshot_2016-02-23-23-01-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more, pic related send one AW with my alt to just see how many people plays

>> No.14822363

Is Catagion appearing for anyone in the EH? All I'm seeing for the past 30 keys are SQs, Laperms, and Seducirs and I've scratched about 5 of each of them.

>> No.14822658

I thought I got one, but looking at my presents, it is mostly Laperm, Seducir and Bertina (and Slime Queen). I don't care, since I got her from her event.
It makes sense she is the rare one, since she was the FAW.

>> No.14823002

Orbs are so rare nowadays in EH, do they have better droprate in WG?

>> No.14823060

I got one in WG but none in EH so far

>> No.14823108
File: 921 KB, 960x640, 041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy guacamole I got 2!

She was more useful for me at HSR than two SRs so i already evolved them. Will I get even MORE points for GSR?

>> No.14823434

I got one and she has been quite useful so far. I can only imagine two... congrats!

>> No.14825754

Nubee, give us 10 hit skill again. I need super powers too!

>> No.14825756

Nubee is dead, anon

>> No.14829391

I keep hearing that Catcine is good for AUB... but how? What's a team that makes her useful?

>> No.14830191

On your defense team

>> No.14831510

How do people play this game for so long? I started around a month ago, current top rank is 2k-something and I'm already starting to lose motivation. Out of keys for EH and shitty RNG on bonus areas means I'm gonna be dropping to low 4k's real soon. Regular AWs give barely any points and my alliance is too busy with EH to send Legendaries. Lost count of how many defeats I've seen these past few days.

>> No.14832106

What's your motivation?

Collect cute girls?
Get strong?

My motivation, to collect cute girls, has kept me going for over two years. I have hundreds of girls in love with me.

I have 3 teams:

Team 1, LAWs
Team 2, FAWs
Team 3, hearts. I keep 1 killer (currently Dark Succubus because her 2x damage is the easiest to use with no support)

I'm currently trying to make every single N card in the game in love. When I finish those I'll go for the R cards ... and so on.

It's fun.

>> No.14832276

Does anyone know what exactly "Rank all time" means?

>> No.14832684

Your personal best, probably.

>> No.14832815

I've always been really competitive so my motivation is ranking high. Problem is I can't really do that if I don't have keys or constant LAWs.

>> No.14832841

Yea, unfortunately you have to put in effort to rank high. That really sucks.

>> No.14832958
File: 259 KB, 640x896, Halloween_Hades_H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like buying your way to victory is a lot easier with keys, honestly. I just joined the conversation, and returned to the game recently too, but maybe once you collect 10 hit cards you can spend the same amount of swords (to collect keys) and rank top 500. Can't expect to take half a year off of VC and miss nothing, right?

Anyway, VC always has a trend of power creep and releasing new cards with better skills. You can never really miss out on a skill forever when they will undoubtedly release something more powerful.

With how simple the game is, it's easy to play and do other things at the same time. OSTs, music, videos, it's all easy to do simultaneously. Maybe talking with anons or a Line alliance? My motivation is to collect all the cuties and you have to be strong to ensure you don't miss them so that's what has kept me going in past rankings. The established players have a concerted advantage (10 hits, groomed LAW alliance), but VC will make it possible if you collect the right pieces to a team.

>> No.14832987

You've always been able to buy your way to victory in this game, and that probably wont change considering it's a free game.
With H. Hades and salve cards for beginner EH you can easily rank top 300 without spending a dime. You probably don't even need to use more than 20~ full swords either.
I personally havn't really played in the last 2 events and ranked in top 3k in both by just clearing the campaign and using the few keys you get from that. So that's like 8 keys and clearing the campaign and you are in top 3k with salve cards.
Complaining about ranking is a fucking joke, it's really easy to rank if you just put in a couple of hours every day, but you shouldn't expect to be able to rank if you don't have any cards and don't want to put in some hours.

>> No.14833093

Ranking right now is easy for higher level players but much much harder for newer players unless you whale a lot. Before, you could abuse the free FAWs and basically grind your to the top through trading. I managed to rank top 300 for the first time at around level 60 as a free player. But now, you need to be lucky enough to get into an event with salvo cards, and manage to get at least 2 of them, and also have enough resources to awaken them and build two teams around them.

>> No.14833156

It's honestly a lot better now. Being high level gives you an advantage, as it should.
There is constantly being released better and better cards, it's always going to be about having the very best cards if you want to rank.
Right now it takes effort to rank and the higher level you are, the less effort you have to put into it. It's a pretty nice balance, there is honestly not much wrong with the system.

>> No.14833209

I agree but they really need to do something about the friends system, it's useful for new players but virtually worthless for endgame players because of EH

>> No.14833555

I find that ranking has been easier the last couple events in general. Top 300 right now without any swords, shoes or point boosters used. You just have to be efficient with your BP and Vit before EH opens.

>> No.14833968
File: 602 KB, 527x738, dogsled girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what works on key bats!!!



>> No.14834247

How did you confirm this?

>> No.14834815

Playing efficiently is just too boring. Got top 300 last event since RR had good skill and it sucked the soul out of me. Maybe it's because I'm playing on tablet idk

>> No.14835045

well, I've been grinding keys all night to confirm it. I had great success. 100% of the time I used the skill I got keys but I wanted to find the 1 key key bats (not the 2 key or rare 3 key) because the others seem to always drop keys either way.

3rd 1 key key bat I got confirm to receive rewards skill off and it did not drop a key. I was excited but it looks like I just had good luck.

That's too bad.

>> No.14839648
File: 1.47 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_2016-02-27-01-34-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this was my guarenteed SR draw. The guide said she was good because of her active but apparently the guide is outdated so I'm asking here to make sure. I really like her from first sight. Is she a good waifu? I hope so, I want to keep her.

>> No.14839652

Chain Chronicles and Million Arthur closed?

I used to play those. I dn't anymore, but I was under the impression that they were doing reasonably well.

>> No.14839749

Team buffer is always good, and she's can be awakened so she won't fall off hard in the late game, probably the best you can get from SR draw although that doesn't mean much since it's all about UR now.

>> No.14839798

Is it still okay to invest in her even if she's not a UR then?

>> No.14839845

Nah, a single SR isn't worth it, and they are giving out UR buffers as FAWs/LAWs like candy these days anyway. Although, in worst case scenario you could max her DEF if you can't get any better cards.

>> No.14839998

What do you mean by 'investing'?
Leveling her up: definitely. She will stay useful for quite a while. If you're still starting out, her and Griffin with some other support cards can probably perform quite well against AW.
Maxing her skill: Nope until you awaken her AND don't have enough UR buffers for EH by then.
Maxing her stats: nope for now.

>> No.14842717

I hate games like this because they keep making the cutest girls into mediocre characters I can't fully invest into beyond just levels.

Also I had requested comrades to come help me kill an AW and then the FAW appeared afterwards but when I pressed the reinforcements button it said "No comrades available to request". and I ended up not being able to request anyone for the entire duration it was up. Is there a cooldown for requesting the same people or something? That was the first FAW that appeared for me and it just went to waste since I couldn't request anyone.

>> No.14842775

Actually never mind, it seems I just requested comrades without paying attention and thought it was someone elses. Why I thought I could request reinforcements as the reinforcements I can only blame on my tiredness.

>> No.14842778

You can't request help in a witch gate

>> No.14842791
File: 1.36 MB, 960x1280, ishtar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unapologetically use Ribbon Girl in my light EH team because I love her. She has full stats both attack and defense.

>> No.14843478

But ensemble is end game card she is 250% GSR buffer just wait with maxing her out till she is HSR (like with any other good card)

>> No.14843891

Is this 1 time only summon worth the 1000 jewels? It looks pretty tempting since it says SR guaranteed and UR rates up. I don't see myself ever spending money on this game. Or any phone game really.

>> No.14843918

As a rule of thumb, summons are never worth it. The only reason you really have to spend money on summons would be that you bought everything else you could with your jewels. Summons are really only for cash players.

>> No.14844133
File: 70 KB, 300x300, 1382663263068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't collect tea time thinking they would send it to giftbox automatically when aub is over
>it just fucking vanishes

>> No.14844188
File: 639 KB, 527x739, devil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all beginning players in the beginners dungeon. Don't leave without 2 Devils. She is only available in Ultimate Summon after you leave.

Unless you hate her I guess.

>> No.14844689

Which area are the devils in?

>> No.14844722
File: 336 KB, 854x480, Screenshot_2016-02-28-15-24-05-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally an event based on ROTK, took them long enough.

>> No.14844764

archwitch rewards in the beginner's dungeon

>> No.14844803

Hopefully the cards will be useful this event

>> No.14845293
File: 939 KB, 960x640, 047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy bejeebus

>> No.14845764

>Really want Genie because she's cute
>Only started two days ago
Rest in peace me. I'll never get her will I?

>> No.14845769

she will return in a Witch Gate sooner or later

>> No.14846153

>I hate games like this because they keep making the cutest girls into mediocre characters I can't fully invest into beyond just levels.

That's not what was said. You can invest in her (and she's not a bad choice to push) - but don't do it yet. Proper investment is medal-intensive and until you can get a good income of R/SRs to medal you're better off saving up to see if other arcana (like Succession) need purchasing.

>> No.14846196
File: 345 KB, 854x480, Screenshot_2016-02-28-21-54-08-773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What he said is still true though, I made a maxed out, 16-card fusion Snow Mage because she's my favorite but she has no other use beside sitting in my box and look pretty. I just want Mynets to give her an upgraded form like with Oracle and Alchemist.

>> No.14846228

>The Realm of Dong

>> No.14846597

Alright, so I think my team is just about set up for the next event. Not exactly a FAW team, but...
>2 R Furinkazan
>1 R Romance
>1 GUR Genie
>1 HSR Laperm
Anything that's just straight up bad? My current team can kill FAWs with some luck already, but I feel Genie would be an improvement. It's the same team except it's Candy and Engineer in place of Genie and Laperm.

>> No.14846872


Not a fair comparison. Ensemble is a functional investment who can work in EH. Yes there's a good chance above anon will get a more functional investment subject by the time he can afford to invest. But that's not the same as "any investment in this character will be useless".

>> No.14847232

Sounds like a good team.

You mean this Candy, yes?

Hard to say whether you'll get more mileage out of Engineer or 2 HR unleashers. Try it one way, then try it the other.

I suspect it's 6 of one half dozen of the other.

>> No.14847239

Oh, I mean by replacing 1 of the unleashers for Engineer, not both certainly.

>> No.14847279

>Lu Bu
>Lu Bu The Swift

really now?

>> No.14847359

Oh, I meant Chocolate Candy, actually. But thanks, I'll try both teams out.

>> No.14847651

>realm of dong zhuo
If Li Ru isn't in I'll be pissed. He's the best guy in the Dong faction, Lu Bu can go die in a ditch.

>> No.14848151

I bet we will have EH/LE exclusive cards and some wicked amalga.

INB4 passion or dark dual buffer event.

>> No.14848258

I just got a new phone was wondering is there a way I can transfer my account to the new phone like I could do other games.

>> No.14848309

Yes, just connect your account to twitter if you havn't already and then import the account on your new device, it's an option at the bottom in grey text when you first start the game.

>> No.14848376

Oh ok cool, thanks for telling it

>> No.14848736
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So close

>> No.14848854
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>Using Genie for LAW battles

>> No.14848911

You're right, I use her to fight the FAW. I haven't bothered making a LAW team yet, though I could make one.

>> No.14848998

No updates to the rank 300 today

Damnit, I'm at 122,000,000 do I need to keep grinding or can I save my shoes and swords? I ran out of keys yesterday.

>> No.14850043

When is it okay to start buying soldiers for my team? All my resources are 4 or 5 at the moment and my castle is upgrading to 5. Should I still wait on buying soldiers and keep cheesing 1-1 on the event? It feels kind of annoying to have to pray I get skill procs to win.

>> No.14850096

You should spend resources as soon as you have a team good enough that you wont take significant damage. Which means you wont have to re-buy soldiers for your units. If you still risk taking significant damage with your team then don't bother. It sounds to me like you should just be focusing on getting F/AW drops. Send AW to your alliance and hope for the best.

>> No.14850320

Better safe and overgrind then miss the cut. I've taken it easy so hard and I've only played two days in the past week. Someone still top 2k, first time in a while I haven't been top 1k

>> No.14850713

Spend soldiers on your killer. You should have Griffin from the beginner's dungeon. She's an AOE so she's a perfect killer for getting through campaign maps.

Keep the rest of your troops at 1 so they can take a hit but cost nothing to replenish.

>> No.14850789
File: 249 KB, 640x896, Nyx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been over a year since Goddess Worship cards were updated. I hope Mynet rotates them out soon.

>> No.14850887
File: 463 KB, 800x640, I1380243500837821_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice for rankings, guys?

I usually hang around 700-800 by playing pretty rather unefficiently, as in using using a lots of BP on leveling up cards and only popping boots/swords outsite of EH when the circumstances require it, such as falling short in a WG.
I'm asking because i doubt I could do more in terms of time invested in playing.

I have 2 overkill teams, one based around HH and the other around Hiraga.
I have no other maxed cards beside those so advanced EH is always somewhat of a gamble (clean sweep 70% of the time i'd say).
That's where the vast majority of my swords are spent.

I remember reading about intermediate being better suited for ranking

>> No.14850892

I have Ensemble as well as Alladin now.. Would Ensemble work for getting soldiers on? I have her at level 50 at the moment.

>> No.14850968
File: 315 KB, 854x480, Screenshot_2016-02-29-16-04-09-303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before EH: farm as many keys as possible while killing F/AWs with HH overkill team
For EH: spam BEGINNER dungeon with overkill teams, 2 HH teams should be more efficient and stable, but I guess 1 HH team and 1Hiraga team is good enough I guess.

That's it, enjoy your easy RR.

>> No.14851034
File: 459 KB, 1280x720, I'd pierce her sky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anybody provide me with a decent challenge?!

>> No.14851128
File: 200 KB, 500x276, mpKZg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been saving two SR Tickets for the new event
>Cash them in
>Out of all the ones I wanted or the great DMG cards, they are... both Vasariah

>> No.14851134

People used to complain about Nubee, but Mynet is really lazy shit.
The only dialogue I am seeing is at the beginning of an area and at the end of it (I mean, only at the start of x-1 and at the end of x-4)

>> No.14851141
File: 282 KB, 583x817, I1380243500837821_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the tips.
Could you expand a bit on the advantages of beginner EH though
Doesn't it yield a lower amount of base points per victory, as well as allow fewer battles per key hence fewer opportunities to overkill?

I might be able to build a third (half-assed) overkill team with Gilgamesh.
If i could afford it, would you recommend me to go for intermediate or stick with beginner?

I want that RR so bad

>> No.14851163

An AOE would be better but having 1 attacker with some troops, even Ensemble, can get you past a lot of areas.

I think you'll do better getting troops on a girl with an attack skill and keep Ensemble as a buffer on the side.

>> No.14851254
File: 743 KB, 1384x1496, alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No area guide

>> No.14851269

>Doesn't it yield a lower amount of base points per victory
It actually gives the most points per battle thanks to the broken overkill mechanic, a HH team should give you from ~300k to ~500k so just stick with HH and Gilgamesh. The optimal team would be 4 buffers (HSR at the very least) +HH/Gilgamesh, you can just poke and stall until everything procs then proceed to go ham. Because enemies in beginner hit like kittens,you will always be able to get your setup online, compared to intermediate where enemies hit harder so you are sometimes forced to go off prematurely and, and the payoff isn't even that good anyway.
Bonus point, if you play efficiently you don't even need to spend a single sword to get to top 300.

>> No.14851400
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Thanks a lot senpai, that was very informative.
I may spend my premium/ult tickets for some potential extra edge.
Just in case people get busy during this event.

>> No.14851634
File: 2.01 MB, 1010x984, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I´m not quite able to get behind how to make a proper team
the best i managed so far is to defeat aw/faw all with one BP with my main attack team being Jean and Huang-Long i´m unable to defeat any LAWs since my alliance is not particular helpful with them.
I´d appreciate if someone could tell me how to properly progress into overkill territory

>> No.14851703

To be honest if you have good HH/overkill team rank points card get in the way unless they are multi hit/unleashers/buffers.

>> No.14851815

Been playing three weeks now and by the end of the event in plan on maxing my first GUR, so should I be going with Lu Bu the swift or Genie from last event as my first maxed attacker card?

>> No.14853388

The deck guides on the Wiki cover it pretty well.

Basic idea: hit max damage, so buff a lot. Since buffers are single proc, you need Unleasher and preferably more than 1 buffer so the Unleasher has a good chance targeting them. This goes for almost anything.

>> No.14853661

It's honestly a good thing. Did you ever read the dialogue after every area? It was mostly the same lines copy/pasted like "Don't forget to switch out the units in your team". I'd much rather have actual dialogue after a couple of the areas than being spammed with random non-sense all the time.

>> No.14853747

>Amalga rewards are now top 300

Things are looking bad for future events..

>> No.14853760

It's just to give people more incentives to rank, you get virtually the same card in T2000. And the skill is useless if you are endgame anyway so I don't see that making any difference

>> No.14853824
File: 627 KB, 960x640, 014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that my hand? Is this the first time we've seen ourselves? At least part of ourselves?

>> No.14853855

Seriously, does this not concern anyone else? They got rid of area guides! No more cute girls coming along with us as we travel through the event campaigns. Less girls in a game about cute girls is a bad thing.

This upsets me greatly

>> No.14853857

yep, yep and yep

>> No.14853870

No, see >>14853661

>> No.14853897
File: 1.08 MB, 960x640, 017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it wasn't. We got conversations with girls about areas, what they saw in them, who they met along the way. They were NOT copy pasted lines you miserable retard. Only a few of the areas did we ever get 'don't forget to switch out the units in your team' but because you never read them you have no idea.

Goddamn it. We won't get conversations with Hades about Beelzebear anymore or Alchemist looking for things she wants to buy or discovering Oracle has never had pudding before.

Fucking lazy ass shits.

>> No.14853912
File: 1.03 MB, 960x640, 027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conversations are just spam ... give me a break

>> No.14853935

I'm the miserable one? We had 2 events under MyNet and the first one had these "very nice" conversations. You are the one crying right now.
They might not always be copy/pasted like the one I mentioned, but they were always dull and giving the exact same message. They didn't actually come up with great story lines, it was just the same fucking story over and over every event. With new characters in a new setting, yay let's get some more of that.

>> No.14853953
File: 508 KB, 854x480, Screenshot_2016-03-01-03-28-09-83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't take her long, huh?

>> No.14853985

The conversations weren't exactly the best and even pointless at times, but the girls were cute and that's the only thing that matters anyway.

>> No.14854001

It's true that the game is all about the cute girls, but I would much rather get to look at cards in my collection than having stale "conversations" that is slowing my progress through the event map. I like this midway thing. You get some conversations, some cute girls every so often, but it's not cluttered with useless conversations. Maybe if we are lucky the stories will get better.

>> No.14854093

Do not pursue Lu Bu

>> No.14854284

How do snowballers like Lu Bu work? Is 50% attack x4 equal to a 200% attack buff?

>> No.14854302

Its better.

1 Buff -> you have 150% atk
2 Buff -> you have 225%
3 -> 337%
4 -> 506%

Basically, if your Buff is 0.50 then after each proc multiply with 1.5

>> No.14854641

>brag on notice board about being able to solo FAWs
>get assist request
>spend 5 BP and don't even deal 1m damage
Kill me.

>> No.14855132


Very in-character actually. Lu Bu is famous for betraying everyone he made agreements with. I do like how YOU get to play the role of Diao Chan in this event.

>> No.14855297

Oh cool, so the new lu bu the swift is better than genie

>> No.14855845


Depends on your needs. FAW Lu Bu and similar don't get unleashed which might be critical to your team. But a viable team is to have Genie + 3 unleashers (and preferably null for defense). Just 2 procs and GUR Genie sits at 3600% atk (she ought to be at dmg cap by then).

>> No.14855966

Ahhh I see, thanks. Are there any good unleashers/null er for free players? Or do I have to wait until one comes from and event?

>> No.14856196


You make do with R unleashers until the next time an unleasher event comes along. As for null, it's more likely to get a LAW with that bundled in at GUR than a fresh null event FAW. Admittedly that's not much condolence when starting out.

>> No.14856223

Can you only find one AW at a time? It seems like if I try looking for a second one only witch gates are able to appear.

>> No.14856302

Even I lose FAW battles and my team is Halloween Hades, Celestia, Wadatsumi, Hyper Alchemist, and Jean

All part of the game onee-chan.

>> No.14856355

The best ones available to all free players are Green Christmas and Hammock Babe



Keep in mind it can take months or even years to get lucky enough to find one. There are no guarantees on dropping SR cards.

You are more likely to get one of the R unleashers, Furinkazan, Seagull, or Romance

Illuminatia is a former sacred treasure and may come back but her Christmas theme makes me think not until next December

Sulis may return as a Witch Gate reward
as may Redeye

Jean and Hyper Alchemist were recently re-released, I don't expect them to come back anytime soon but anything is possible

>> No.14856738
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That took MONTHS

>> No.14857017

You can't, and that's exactly how you farm WGs

>> No.14857108
File: 167 KB, 770x1300, 96efdf93b19ae07b4db147e4668898eeb63277b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to see less cute girls

screw you too onee-chan

>> No.14857149

>Didn't read the post
Alright. Suit yourself, I don't really care.

>> No.14857282

Just come back to the game. Is Jewbee dead now? I don't now if I should continue playing and the new company may shut the game down anytime

>> No.14857970

Thanks, I guess I'll just have to wait it out and hope for good rng to build a decent AW/FAW team

>> No.14858028

No, you clearly want to see less cute girls if you're saying you want most of the conversations gone. You claim you want the same amount because you can look at them in your collection but what you're actually asking for is to see less cute girls.

And that's terrible.

>> No.14858473

For amalgamation, 5-card evolution is the best, right? If I see this right, it's just 8% of the difference between x-card and 5-card that goes into the UR Lu bu the Swift, and only 15% of the 8% fpr the HUR and even less if I amalgamate the GUR with a RR, right?

>> No.14858511

I want more people playing so they can look at cute girls with me.

>> No.14858680

How many 200% buffs does maxed out HH need to get max damage?

>> No.14858772

Is there any point to keeping Receive Rewards cards? I got two Cassandras from last event's rewards.

>> No.14858782

>same dude
along with HH I have UR Gilgamesh which I could max out.
Am I correct assuming that I should just make two teams based on these two cards and just spam beginner EH. Or that atleast it would be better than trying the medium EH without getting much overkills

>> No.14858783


>> No.14859124

No what I said was that I wanted the conversations to actually make sense and maybe, I know this is crazy talk for a phone game, tell an actual decent story over the course of the event. I'd much rather have that than the clutter of useless conversations we have now.

I would max the Gil if it's not GUR. H.Hades requires 4x200% buffs to reach max damage when she is maxed, I don't know if you don't feed her medals though.

>> No.14859139

From my experience I roughly need a *45 total damage multiplier on top of the full gsr/gur bonus and the fire ruins to to maximum damage with HH.
I'm pretty sure of it because dropping the G bonus will prevent my HH to do full series of 9s

You'd need 4 buffs total from +200% to go over *45.
In fact you be quite a bit over that threshold, at which point you wouldn't need to pay attention to either bonus I mentioned.
Also, if HH triggers burst, 3 buffs should be enough.

>> No.14859158

3 against Cool monsters

>> No.14859752

Just finishing event map for gems and not fighting any witches. I think Monkey looks much better than current faw and their skills are quite similar so why bother.

>> No.14860835

I dont care about the current event at all, but i kind of want the RR debuffer.

Should i play this event or just skip?

>> No.14862084

I think "kind of want" isn't worth to burn yourself out with R300, but you should totally collect those sweet gems from the map.

>> No.14866561
File: 803 KB, 527x737, goth genie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god I just realized how utterly insane Goth Genie is

Too bad there's just no need for single target killers anymore other than AWs

>> No.14867698

Did you mean insane 10% of all time?

>> No.14867755

I've been grinding the beginner dungeon ever since this post but I've not gotten even one Devil. You're sure they drop from Griffith's rewards? Also is it a big deal if I don't get them? I only have 22 hours left in the beginner dungeon and at this rate I really doubt I'm going to find one.

>> No.14867765

Unless you like her for the art, there's no reason to get her.

>> No.14867840

I figured it was for the experience passive since it's bigger than the two RS I found with exp skills. Also she looks gross, why would anyone get her for that art?

>> No.14867926

Star Reader has the same skill and is available through Regular Summon I think.

Devil is just there to drive people mad who want to collect all the cards.

>> No.14867928

Any point to keeping Nezha? Got two from WG yesterday but apparently she doesn't amalg into anything

>> No.14869052

What timezones are the /jp/ alliances active in?

>> No.14869381

True, but unleashers

>> No.14869944

Is it just my RNG or do assists drop more Tokens than own AWs? For some reason I get them on almost every other assist but only rarely from my own witches.
