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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1467005 No.1467005 [Reply] [Original]

So now that the sluttiness of /jp/ femanons has scared Athens away is he never going to post again ever?

I mean he posted in /b/ for a bit, but the camwhores made him leave. Then he posted in /r9k/ and the "30+ guys lol" topic made him leave. And then he posted in /a/ and left for a similar reason. So where do you go after /jp/?

My guess is you leave, never to return.

>> No.1467048
File: 166 KB, 556x556, 1224193825738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and large

Well at least you admit to your disgusting taste in fat ugly bitches

>> No.1467074
File: 82 KB, 430x320, 1224194119172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah brah, just pointing out your taste in women. Besides, it suits you, Fat ugly ones are usually the ones that fit into what you seem to want, so its no surprise.

>> No.1467096
File: 5 KB, 102x147, 1224194341803.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's probably right for a lot of them - especially the slutty ones. But most of them also just want the attention and the pathetic otaku fapping to them cuz no one else will. ಠ3ಠ And others just like cosplaying because they enjoy it, but whatever.


>> No.1467109
File: 25 KB, 588x418, 1224194442952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As opposed to those 'delicious' Mexican bitches right?

>> No.1467127
File: 360 KB, 434x645, 1224194672760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that you Ciel Dude? ಠ_ಠ

>> No.1467186
File: 188 KB, 916x990, 1224195153125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gently brushing your nipples?

Moar like gently brushing her ripples

>> No.1467206
File: 31 KB, 580x378, 1224195363128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what athens looks like.

>> No.1467214
File: 504 KB, 800x800, ripples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...of 450 years.

>> No.1467017

I don't get it? He is afraid of girls? I don't follow that faggot so I don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.1467018

Follow in his footsteps, please.

>> No.1467036

why are they so slutty anyway?

>> No.1467040

Also, I still post in /a/. Girls on /a/ are ok by and large.

>> No.1467056


You gonna regail me with more tales of your girlfriend brah?

>> No.1467076

Where do you get the idea that female cosplayers cosplay just to get a quick fuck?

>> No.1467086

I can honestly say I'd marry any femanon from here, sight unseen, in a heartbeat. If a person who's fucked in the head enough to hang out in this pit happens to be female? Fuck the fat, I'd hit that like the fist of the north star.

>> No.1467085

Wait is Athens goodlooking or something? If so I'm curious what he looks like.

>> No.1467093

I'm not fat at all (130-some pounds) and I'm a chick.

What are you going to do in this situation, Anon?

>> No.1467102

>im a chick
You must have chosen the green delusion, amirite?

>> No.1467104


Just general hearsay about some of them.


You think? But some of them, probably a vocal minority like all sluts, say that they sleep with many different men.

>> No.1467111

I'm going to hack you eyepeas and go to your house and install a contraption that let's me drink your shower runoff.

Also, will you marry me? We could watch anime and I can cook for you wearing a maid uniform.

>> No.1467124

Man, at least ask for tits before my hand in marriage.

>> No.1467130


/jp/ - cry baby tripfriends.

>> No.1467134

>>Just general hearsay about some of them.
A smart lad like yourself should know that hearsay means absolutely nothing since it's 'evidence' pulled out of some bigfoot's colon.

>> No.1467136


Fuck off, bitch. He's mine.

>> No.1467138


That's correct. I'm going by what a female anon on /a/ said though, she said that the people who do it as a one off, or with a group of friends and so on, they are ok, but a lot of the self-styled 'top tier' ones are (her words not mine) 'not much better than crackwhores'.

>> No.1467148

Well, if your power level is high, then you go on to posting and lurking in 2channel. Lower power levels probably just go back to /a/ or /v/ or whatever.

>> No.1467155

Dear Remilia,
why do you even care about this faggot's emprises?

>> No.1467154

>and I can cook for you wearing a maid uniform.
if she wont i will.

>> No.1467160

Fucking board swallowed my post!

"I'm going to hack your eye-peas and go to your house and install a contraption that lets me drink your shower runoff.

Also, will you marry me? We could watch anime and I can cook for you wearing a maid uniform."

Describe your tits. What are you wearing? A top? A bra? Nothing? Just a slightly-too-large t-shirt with nothing under, just gently brushing your nipples?

>> No.1467178


I don't think you know what emprise means....

>> No.1467193


>> No.1467195

Does it matter to you?

>> No.1467201

Couldn't bring myself to miss out on this intelligent conversation.

>> No.1467202

I'm not sure if I should answer this seriously or if you will use me as mere fapping material for your friends on IRC.

>> No.1467215


No, I hate baldness. I have a lot of floppy hair and am less muscly.

>> No.1467216

Friends? IRC? Lady you best be joking. I'm all alone, basking in the glow of my monitor, dreaming of an Anon Waifu.

>> No.1467219

This thread is horrible. Can we talk about fucking lolis, at least?

>> No.1467224

>or if you will use me as mere fapping material for your sad, lonely hand.


>> No.1467235


I have no objections

>> No.1467242

do you have a picture of your maid uniform?
