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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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145508 No.145508 [Reply] [Original]

Japan was bottom of the list of 41 countries and territories covered by this year's Durex survey.

Japanese have sex an average of 45 times annually, less than half the global average of 103 and far behind that of Greece, which topped the poll with 138 romps a year.

In second place behind Greece was Croatia with 134 times a year, followed by Serbia and Montenegro at 128 times.

Britons are more fired up than the Americans, having sex 118 times a year compared with 113 for the United States, but the French are more amorous still with 120.

The Netherlands tied with Poland with 115 love-making sessions a year, while Australians have sex an average 108 times.

Singaporeans ranked second-last with 73.

Indians (75), Indonesians (77), Hong Kong residents (78), Malaysians (83), Vietnamese (87), Taiwanese (88) and China (96 times a year) were the other Asians ranked as having the lowest libido.

>> No.145541

That's because fapping to 2D > sex.

Not that I'd know.


>> No.145550

God damn, I'm the guy that brings all these averages down a bit.

>> No.145557

>Japanese have sex an average of 45 times annually
>Singaporeans ranked second-last with 73
wow, that's not even close

Japan so ronery

>> No.145563

Durex surveys people who HAVE sex, not people who fap to animated children.

>> No.145566

>far behind that of Greece, which topped the poll with 138 romps a year.

>In second place behind Greece was Croatia with 134 times a year, followed by Serbia and Montenegro at 128 times.

Doesn't matter how many times you have sex when your women still look like shit. Also I'll be happy to bump that statistic up when I'm over there.

>> No.145573

>Singaporeans ranked second-last with 73.

Its just too fucking hot.

>> No.145576

>Indians (75), Indonesians (77), Hong Kong residents (78), Malaysians (83), Vietnamese (87), Taiwanese (88) and China (96 times a year) were the other Asians ranked as having the lowest libido.

So tiny penis = no sex? amirite?

>> No.145599


>> No.145607

Japanese don't have beds

>> No.145608


I dont get it all the viet girls I know are total sluts

>> No.145620

Surveys that arent based on 100% of the population are shit.

And even so, the shittier the country, the more sex people have because there is nothing better to do. Japanese are workaholics, and ontop of that their entertainment industry is insane. Dont need to have sex to pass the time constantly. While a bumfuck place like China, where tens of thousands have to farm gold in MMORPG's 12 hours a day for pennies have a law allowing only 1 child per family because they all multiply like rabbits.

>> No.145624

only for white dudes though

>> No.145638


>> No.145650

>He said that while the problem often is caused by men being so "stressed out" from work they don't have enough energy for sex, there are many couples who lead healthy lives and have good relationships but do not have a regular sexual relationship.

>> No.145654

Actually, a data sample of only about 5000 people is enough to provide an accurate representation of what a few hundred million people think. Lrn2statistics.

>> No.145659


The survey revealed 44 percent of 292 people not having much sex felt that having a relationship with the opposite sex was "very tiresome" or "somewhat tiresome." This figure was 14 points higher than for people who had sex more often.

Isnt it obvious? Japan's entertainment industry exceeds real life. How can you go back to real women when you fap to guro on a regular basis?

>> No.145660

"100% of bottled water buyers report being thirsty!"

It's a CONDOM manufacturer, of course these are people who are having lots of sex. It's hard, if not impossible, for normal people to imagine that there are people who, simply, don't.

I'd be fascinated to know the amount of people in the various countries of the world who, for whatever reason, don't have sex and their ages, backgrounds, etc. You could learn a great deal with that kind of information.

>> No.145673


Yea, especially if you pick who to survey. 9 out of 10 dentists prefer the tooth whitening power of sperm, if I ask the right ones.

>> No.145680

Actually we are pre-supposing that everyone already HAS sex, the survey was about frequency for people who are sexually active.

Obviously if all the virgins were included, the numbers would be different.

>> No.145682

101 out of 100 users of /jp/ report never having had sex, claiming, "3D is pig disgusting" and then promptly returning to fapping to loli. There is of course a +/- 1% margin of error.

>> No.145684

>women still look like shit.

I suppose it's an inverse correlation right? With all those smoking hot Indian women in New Delhi slums at the top?

>> No.145688


ITT: I learn important facts.

>> No.145685

interesting info brotha, also britons are a bunch of sand niggers who are failing at life

>> No.145692

old news, let's know when you get new news

>> No.145693

Those stats are way too high.

That's like sex every three days, regardless of your age or marital status.

>> No.145701

You know, I reckon the number of virgins is MUCH higher than is reported. The amount of people I see on a daily basis and speak to (and not just at my uni's anime club) and think 'yep... virgin' is untrue.

And you can just.... tell... with some people - others you cant, but they may well be.

And who the fuck isn't going to lie except to their closest friends at 20+ years old?

>> No.145702

Clearly, which is why the survey is only applicable or relevant to the subset of the population that is already sexually active. If you are a virgin (of any age) by definition you are not sexually active. So what percentage of the population never becomes sexually active, and for what reasons?

>> No.145713

arabs have no status or morals, they just want to reproduce their littler niggers to hopefully overpopulate europe and make it into another shit hole like the rest of that arabic homefronts

>> No.145715

I'm 27, and I'm proud of the fact that to date no one has ever been able to guess that I've never had sex. Upon learning this fact they are always quite surprised, shocked even. So at least I don't look the part, which means I'm doing a fairly good job at emulating normal behavior.

>> No.145720

"Sex is a hassle," declares a 35-year-old Tokyo salaryman. Since age 19, he's found his hormonal urges could be satiated with adult sex aids.

"As long as I've got a place to do it with my omocha (toy), I don't need a woman," he says. "And anyway, sex is a turnoff. It's just as enjoyable to do it alone and not have to worry about having to please a partner."

"I don't have the money or the sense of responsibility," shrugs a 30-year-old man. "If I bring a child into this world, I can't support it. So I don't have sex."

He's even gone so far as to enroll in the National Confederation of Male Virgins (www.cherrybb.jp), where he's got plenty of company. Founded in 1998, the organization's membership now exceeds 600.

>> No.145725

Durex customer survey

>> No.145730

>Upon learning this fact
wait..you tell people?

how can that come up in conversation?

>> No.145734

>And anyway, sex is a turnoff.

>National Confederation of Male Virgins (www.cherrybb.jp)

Japan has no future.

>> No.145736

I'm SHOCKED that the second largest condom manufacturer in the world would over report the statistics of people using their products. Shocked I tell you.

>> No.145737


>> No.145744

hey guys remember when Britain and Europe was a cleanse and hopeful territory, sad to see them turn into another refugee for the hiv carriers of africa

>> No.145753

Was rape considered sex in this survey?

>> No.145758

Admittedly, it doesn't happen often. People talk about relationships and such, so they ask if you're seeing anyone...no...when was your last girlfriend then?...never...sometimes you get down to asking if I've ever even had sex. Or it'll be posed as, "I heard that you're..." or "Is it true that...". What I've found is that deviance, and being a virgin at this age IS a form of deviancy, is fascinating to most people on some level.

My friends, they all know, they all don't care. I've known most of them for over a decade so it's not news to them at all.

>> No.145766

rapists probably don't buy condoms

>> No.145770

europeons sure are horny

>> No.145771

>>It's hard, if not impossible, for normal people to imagine that there are people who, simply, don't [have sex].
I'm finding this out more and more.

>> No.145779


And thats the reason this survey lacks accuracy.

>> No.145800


Yeah, sometimes I get the impression that people must really have sex a lot. Which doesn't make much sense to me.

>> No.145808

My sister lost her v the other day.

I felt fucking jealous.

>> No.145822

That's not any kind of accomplishment for a girl.

>> No.145828

Nobody I know has sex a lot.

Except for one guy, but he's a dick.

>> No.145829


A lot of them make it out to be....

>> No.145835

No you don't understand...I was jealous of the GUY

My sister is so hot ;_;

she's almost 13, so her chest is just budding

>> No.145836
File: 20 KB, 250x349, 1204700033992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>145720 www.cherrybb.jp

Fitting advertisements on that site.

>> No.145838

>she's almost 13


>> No.145841

Sex is an oddity for me. I'm 20 and a virgin.

I mean... Metaphorically it's like a train that everyone eventually caught, but left without me aboard. The progression of stations being 'holding hands', 'kissing', 'touching', 'oral', 'sex'... And then the later ones like 'anal' etc...

>> No.145840

It's been my experience that most people just don't fucking care. It might be vaguely interesting to them for a moment but after the shock value goes away there's really nothing left to hold their interest.

I'm 25, btw.

>> No.145845

I'm 20 and people just assume I've had sex. Because everyone has. _EVERYONE_.

That or they're all lying, but chances are they all go out EVERY CHANCE THEY GET to get drunk/high for a reason, and it's not scrabble.

Me? I prefer to sit in my room, fapping and posting unread messages on fouchan.

>> No.145847

Her virginity should've been taken at a much younger age due to incest. You failed anon, you failed.

>> No.145848

I'm 26. Never done one of those things, not even kissed. You can almost feel the change in someone's attitude towards you when they find out, it's like you're no longer trusted as a human being. It's as if they're all in a group sharing this common experience and you're over there and away so you're treated as a pariah. Actually most people are OK about it but I've gotten bad reactions like twice and it's really stayed with me.

>> No.145850

so don't fucking tell people

>> No.145853


Don't tell people firstly.

Secondly I agree. Whenever my closest friends start talking about sex I'm just totally on the fringes of it all. It's like there's a party in their mouths and I'm not invited.

But they're cool with it. Mostly guys, if they're friends or just friendly acquaintances, don't give a shit at all. Girls on the other hand....

>> No.145859

Yeah, after about 20 you're assumed to be part of the club. Just don't go out of your way to out yourself and no one will ever question you. There's no test or secret hand shake. There's no mark of Cain. There's no scarlet V.

Keep it to yourself, and no one will question it. And why would they? It's unfathomable to believe someone could be TWENTY YEARS OLD and still be a virgin. This is the intellectual capacity most people operate on. Slide under the radar.

>> No.145860

Sex is tough when you're a necrophiliac. Anyone can find a living woman if they arent a complete dork or have something wrong with their face.

>> No.145861


>> No.145867

My co-worker was telling details about her night on the town, and was telling me "Don't you hate it when guys bite too hard?" I just smiled a bit nervously and told her "I don't know, never done anything like that"
"You HAVEN'T?! How come? Don't like biting?"
"Well, I've never actually made out or whatever so I wouldn't know..."
"OMG WHHHYYYyeeee?" she seriously said it like that, stretching the "eee"

She's been treating like a child ever since.
And what the hell does "dingy" mean? She calls me that too.

>> No.145869

Sex is tough when you're a pedophile. Anyone can find an adult woman if they arent a complete dork or have something wrong with their face.

When I go on a date, people throw garbage and rocks. Once I got stabbed, just for fondling my girlfriend's chest in public.

People today...

>> No.145870

so ronery

>> No.145874


You're a.... girl?

>> No.145877

You know, I wasn't asexual until I started anti-depressants. My psychiatrist said I was depressed about being alone and because of stress and that I'd be more social and could find a woman if I could deal with my depression. Now, ironically, I'm not depressed or anxious and I don't want sex anymore.

The psychiatrist doesn't think this is an acceptable solution but whatever, I think it's fucking awesome.

And there's a cool website for us online? Excellent!

>> No.145881

Ok, what do you call someone who is attracted to both male, and female, but cannot picture themselves having sex with them, instead imagines someone else doing it with them?

>> No.145882


Jesus, I think you're better off suppressing your virgin level along with everything else. Although I guess it's hard to pretend to have conversations about sex.

>> No.145890


It's not, just feign disinterest and recount an average story.

Come on anonymous, you've all seen enough porn to know sex at at least an intermediate level.

>> No.145896

Just tell yourselves you're waiting for marriage. Tell yourselves that your friends are idiots for taking the chance at impregnating the whore or recieving AIDS. There are reasonable excuses for being a virgin at an "old" age; envy over something like sex is idiotic.

>> No.145905

Put penis in butthole then dip balls into gaping anus?

>> No.145907

Try saying that when your 60.
Your future anon.

>> No.145908


I got my weiner chopped off in nam. What's your excuse?

>> No.145910


Our shared future.

We'll face it together.

>> No.145913

My unbreakable logic is:

1. I'm waiting until I'm married to have sex.
2. I'm not going to get married until I find a woman I like.
3. Can't find one until I start looking.
4. I'm not looking right now.
4.1 Q: Why? A: Don't want to right now.

>> No.145915


Thats not logic, it's denial.

>> No.145920

My friend told me if I had sex, I'd become normal person and stop browsing 4chan.

....I think I'll stay a virgin.

>> No.145921

You're fat right?


and ugly too

>> No.145926

Hold me.

>> No.145927

i call them excuses

>> No.145930

Thankfully, rationalizations only have to successfully convince one person.
No and no.

>> No.145934


We don't like advicefags, so fuck off.

Also, anyone else think that it's normal people with normal sex lives that are ruining /b/?

3 years ago you would never have had threads like 'how many times have you had sex this month /b/?' or 'how many girlfriends have you had?'

Is it also a coincidence that the quality of /b/ and other boards goes up during new year's eve and the evening/night of valentine's day?

>> No.145936

not so ronery anymore huh

>> No.145938

>Thankfully, rationalizations only have to successfully convince one person.

Yea, that would be true if you werent on 4chan trying to convince a bunch of people. Learn 2 logic.

>> No.145939

>>it's normal people with normal sex lives that are ruining /b/
That is EXACTLY when I left! I'm so glad someone else thinks the same way. I moved to /a/, and now I'm here.

>> No.145940

Who's up for a game of pretend?
One half of you dress up like women, and the other half gets to fuck you.
We will switch after the first round.

>> No.145942

Congratulations, your sister is a fucking whore.

>> No.145943



>> No.145945

The difference is I'm not trying to convince anyone, I'm just sharing my thoughts. Maybe it'll even help someone else.

>> No.145946


>> No.145947

don't conform to the norm bro

>> No.145948


Dudes.... That's why I left too, of course you've got the other stuff. But that stuff was fagging up the front page really bad. Moved to /a/ a year ago and never looked back.

>> No.145949

>The difference is I'm not trying to convince anyone

Is that why you're arguing with me?

>> No.145952

I've done everything to going down on girls before but I've never done the actual penis inside vagina thing.

>> No.145953

dude, can I have your sister's number?

>> No.145955

I often feel that sex is such a crude, animal, and often destructive human instinct, that those who can happily live without it are quite commendable. It's immediately after an orgasm that you realize how retarded sex is. And I kind of look at the "normal world" as being enslaved by the retarded animal drive of sex, and somewhat mentally handicapped by it.

But it's strange that I should think this, because I've always hated puritans. I'm a fierce advocate of masturbation.

>> No.145956


In before v&

>> No.145957

how the hell do you get a person to fuck with?
that shit seems impossible

>> No.145958

There's always one advicefag in these threads or one person who thinks he's the dog's bollocks because he got lucky with some girl. And let's face it, if you're an otaku, it's fucking 99% luck - don't give me any of that 'confidence' shit. Perhaps with normal people, not with nerdy people. On /jp/ it's usually the kind of person that sages Touhou threads and whines about 'weeaboos' because he's a 'true admirer of Japanese culture' (high society weeaboo) who has read the entire works of Lefkadio Hearn etc... and thinks he's really cool and edgy by pretending not be nerdy.

>> No.145960


I have a great-uncle who's 92 and is a "bachelor," which is family code for being a virgin. I figure I'll be following his hallowed footsteps.

>> No.145961

Where do I get some of those meds? That really sounds like a sweet deal. I'll never have sex anyway I might as well not want it. Think my doctor will buy that argument?

>> No.145965

I wonder what sex is like.
For those who were lucky enough, is it all that great? Like in my doujin? ;_;

>> No.145967

This just made my day

>> No.145968


Human Civilization developed because we took a step away from animal instinct. Cultivation of the seed for example, which led to small, fixed settlements, was an example of this.

Sex is enjoyable and everything - you are stupid if you are going to deny this, but our entire society seems so obssessed by it.

Yes, it's vital for the survival of our species, but people dont have sex to procreate 99% of the time. And you can develop a dependency on these things.

>> No.145971



>> No.145974

I've only had sex with children, but it's pretty good.
I suspect an adult is similar, just much looser with annoying breasts (chest flab)

>> No.145975

more likely he's gay and you're parents are scared/ashamed to tell you. my parents didnt tell my i had 2 gay uncles until i was 25. i've never met them because the family wanted nothing to do with them because they liked penis.

>> No.145980

Just like we develop a dependency on 2D?

>> No.145984

Sex is nothing like in doujins, nothing. I don't think anybody who makes those doujins has ever actually had sex, some of the stuff in it is so off the wall retarded.

>> No.145986

My mother told me she was a lesbian when I was 12.
I was pissed because she turned off DBZ and made me talk with her about it.

>> No.145988

My mum asked if I was gay. She seemed so relieved when I said I wasn't but she still wanted to know why she's never seen me with a girl. I said oh well I'm just shy and she didn't really bother me after that. At least I made her happy that day for not being a homosexual, even though I'll never give her any grand children and will die a virgin.

>> No.145989
File: 8 KB, 203x152, 1204701928420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Oldest human being' dies at 116

Hryhoriy Nestor, a bachelor who was thought in his lifetime to be the oldest person in the world, has died at the age of 116 in Ukraine.

Mr Nestor died in his sleep on Friday night in the village of Stary Yarychev, in the western region of Lviv, the Kiev newspaper Segodnya reports.

He died before proof of his age was submitted to Guinness World Records.

The world's recognised oldest living person is currently Edna Parker of the United States, who turned 114 in April.


>> No.145990

In accordance with his wish that there should be no crying, a hearty meal was served of his favourite dishes: warm potato and herring, and cabbage with home-made sausage.

Active life

Oksana, one of the relations with whom he lived, said he had led an active life to the last, helping around the house, whether it was making dumplings or tending the chickens.

>> No.145991

He was no different on Friday, though he doused his head with cold water that evening - something he had often done before, complaining of headaches.

"His death came as a surprise to us, he just didn't wake up again," Oksana said.

"After his master's death, his favourite cat Murchik didn't go into his corner like he usually did but lay down on his bed," she added.

Born, according to family documents, on 15 March 1891, Mr Nestor, a former farm labourer, put his long life down to the fact that he never married.

>> No.145992

>>My mother told me she was a lesbian
I know man, that shit is rough and...wait, WHAT? Huh?

>> No.145993

"He didn't find himself a mate because he was a short man and never had money," Oksana believes.

He also led a healthy life, she says.

He loved to get outside and would run barefoot through the grass. Vodka he drank in moderation, and his favourite food was simple country fare with his greatest luxury a slice of sausage in a bread roll.

>> No.145994


Well, we're doing the world a favour by doing our part in not reproducing.

World population is out of control.
Of course already Japan, China, and Korea are shrinking in population.
I think a serious researcher even sighted 2D culture as one of the possible causes for a significant drop in STDs in Japanese males.

>> No.145998

my previous landlord was asexual. his 1st wife annulled the marriage after a month because he wouldn't put out enough. his last serious girlfriend kept thinking he was cheating on her.
he said the biggest problem was that some women get their egos crushed because he doesn't want to have sex with them all the time.

>> No.146000


>>145986 here
I actually told my mother I'd probably never give her grandchildren. She said she was planning to adopt after I moved out anyway.

>> No.146002


Pretty much. I'd say it's less destructive than being a sex-addict though.

Such people exist and it's not a pretty picture. Believe me.

>> No.146004

No actually human civilization developed because of animal instincts. Civilization is just a really fucking fancy mating ritual. Everything you do is based on animal instincts, be it eating, fapping, ronery, creative endeavors, etc. Everything is based on animal instinct. And why won't it, it's coded into every cell of your body. Your rational mind is only there to aid you in achieving those basic needs. Along the way, the rational mind comes up with fancy shit like culture and civilisation to justify it's own existance. But in the end, you, and everything about you is only the result of a single complex molecule trying to pass on it's legacy.

>> No.146005

>"He didn't find himself a mate because he was a short man and never had money," Oksana believes.

Women: The same the world over (whores).

>> No.146006


That's very possible, but as far as I know, he's always hated everyone and everything, like a good anon would, so I like to think that he's a virgin.

>> No.146009


Gotta love the social-darwinistfags, go and live in a cave in accordance with your stupid philosophy.

Cultivation of the seed clearly did NOT follow instinctual patterns otherwise we would all still be fucking nomads, cultivating farmland from the beginning makes so fucking sense. Trying to explain it in terms of instinct makes no sense either. It's just like the idiocy of making out altruism is a by-product of evolution. Nobody truly feels they are getting some kind of utilitarian benefit out of being altruistic.

>> No.146010


Fucking legend.

I drink to your Uncle this morning anonymous.

>> No.146014

Oh I know. My best friend is one.
Tried to get me in the shower with her at her boyfriend's house. I refused, but she made me stay in the restroom with her.

Also had sex with her boyfriend in the same room as me. They thought I was sleep. I was on the floor.

>> No.146015

I am 28, nearly 29, and my mum just recently found out I'm a virgin. She took it pretty well actually, all things considered. She kept telling me she just wanted me to be happy and it was fine if I never find anyone.

She's very accepting, my mum. I'm just glad my dad isn't around anymore.

>> No.146017

I saw this report. japan was one of the highest ranked countries for total number of partners / woman. i.e. japanese women are sluts

>> No.146020

>utilitarian benefit out of being altruistic

>> No.146021

if you're scared of girls, make the next logical step. why not just go gay?
are you afraid some christfag is going to beat you down with a bible?

>> No.146016

>World population is out of control.
not in the west

>> No.146023


after you left she started drinking herself into a coma while weeping, you know

>> No.146024

My mom is proud that I am. She said I need to be more worried about school than boys anyway.

>> No.146025

To be honest, dependency on anything is self-destructive.

I have friends who say they can't go 2 months without sex... One told me (and these were his exact words) 'something clicks inside of me and I start to feel physically ill'.

>> No.146026

You can't go, "I SUDDENLY LIKE COCKS!"

>> No.146027


And yet as far as altruism is concerned, there are definite species advantages to it. Ants have two stomachs, one for themselves, and one to store auxiliary food that they regurgitate into the mouths of other ants from the same colony. Every worker ant both gathers food and can potentially feed its neighbour.

So as far as "altruism", and a large part of the social systems based around it, that's likely a genetic trait.

>> No.146029

Who said we were afraid of women? And you can't just switch your sexuality over, well, most people can't control that anyway. It's not possible to will yourself gay, or straight.

>> No.146030

>I'm just glad my dad isn't around anymore.



Does it make a difference? All nations will enter stage 5 of the DMT eventually anyway. Except africa... bunch of fucking savages.

>> No.146031


i completely agree with this anon.
sex is horribly overrated, i often wish i could do something about the animalistic side of me we have coded in us. since i see it as such an utter waste of time.

>> No.146034

I did. It was great. I still like vaginas, though.

>> No.146035

In his defense, maybe he's having sex with a heroin addict.

>> No.146036

...I want to cuddle, kiss and coo.
I want to love someone tenderly and feel loved.


>> No.146039

heroin addict sperm contains heroin. thats why they suck cock all the time.

>> No.146040


I'm sorry, I don't believe it, ants may have a second stomach. But there is absolutely no benefit to the individual in being altruistic whatsoever and there never has been. Individualism will always triumph BECAUSE of the instinctive desire to protect yourself (and to a lesser extent, your family).

>> No.146041


That IS strange. I mean how on earth have I survived this long?

Masturbation totally satisfies me.

>> No.146042

Who said you had to like cocks?

A hole is a hole.

>> No.146044

Heh. He isn't though... He's a decent guy, and he's pretty mentally strong which is why it surprised me.

>> No.146047

says the man that's never had a delicious meal.

sex is more than just penis orgasm. it's the other stuff that makes it better. but like all things humans have interest in, it gets old.

>> No.146050

Because he probably would have been...upset, to learn his son had failed the test of male virility and charisma, things so important to him in life. That his first born was a completely inexperienced virgin at nearly thirty years old would have been quite the disappointment for him. I did love him and I still cherish his memory, so I'm thankful he was spared having to ever know that specific detail of my life.

Given the chance I of course would rather have him around, I'm just pointing out that there's some good to be found in all things.

>> No.146051


a social system that looks out for its weaker members (who are sick, or young, otherwise defenceless) is of great benefit to you.

Wolves do it, most complex mammals, and even simple social invertebrates, have some kind of system in place to benefit the group above the individual.

>> No.146053

feh. lots of people say they have sex. what they're really doing is masturbating using another person's body.

>> No.146054


Tell me your fucking secret i try to emulate normal behavior but im too fucking dumb and naive

>> No.146058

It makes perfect sense. Think about it, being skilled in doing stuff that either increases your living standard (farming, hunting, medicine, etc) means your children are probably going to be good at those too. If developing civilisation is beneficial to survival, it's natural that it's selected for breeding isn't it?

What you see as high art and classical music, i see it as at it's core the same kind of thing as a peacock's feather. That's not to say just because it's linked to nature that it's 'unrefined' or anything. If nature intended us to create something beautiful, what's so dirty about that?

About altruism, surely you've seen other social animals before?

>> No.146060


>> No.146061

>a social system that looks out for its weaker members (who are sick, or young, otherwise defenceless) is of great benefit to you.

Not really. I go to one of the best universities in the world, my family is relatively wealthy, I myself am pretty physically fit (not muscular by any means, but I do regular cardiovascular exercise).

>> No.146062

Has anyone ever noticed that it's always the poorest, the most stupid that have the most sex? Trailer trash, or druggies at parties? Why is this?

>> No.146063

so basically, the women are fucking like bunnies with all the foreigners, and the guys are sat at home fapping to H-games and touhou?

>> No.146065

But what about me, and individual, that is weak, whom you could help, and then I could perhaps be of some assistance to you one day?

>> No.146069

I'm not sure there is a secret. It's not something I've ever had to work at. Which is why it surprises people in the first place. I completely do _not_ fit the stereotype. This normal, healthy, good looking guy who's articulate and confidant can't POSSIBLY be a virgin. It just doesn't fit. And that's why it blindsides people the way it does.

>> No.146070

Other people have stuff to do.

>> No.146071


Are you paying for your university?

And for that matter, whose donations private or public, are supporting said university?

Granted, we all know that subsidizing education pays in the long run, but so does altruism in general, even if you personally don't live to see the benefits.

A lot of those early 20th century behaviourist theories have been largely disproven.

>> No.146074

Girls assume I have a girlfriend already. Seriously, I'm not kidding it has happened at least 5 times.

>> No.146078

Actually that's just their way of subtly hinting they are attracted to you.

>> No.146079

>Are you paying for your university?

My parents are.

>Granted, we all know that subsidizing education pays in the long run

It does? I can't see the benefits of paying for advanced literacy for people who are never going to use it.

>A lot of those early 20th century behaviourist theories have been largely disproven.

What ones?

>> No.146081

I have the exact same thing. I'm not even that attractive, what the fuck are they thinking? I guess it's because I don't hit on them or something?

>> No.146082

I can do better. My PARENTS assumed I had a girlfriend at some point. I'm 27, and never have had a girlfriend, or sex, or kissed...

I still laugh about that. What idiots.

>> No.146083


the funny thing is that while I'm bi, most girls think that I'm hard gay, while gay guys think that I'm totally straight, and none of them will believe me when I insist that they're wrong. I've wound up in some sort of fucked up sexuality Negative Zone.

>> No.146084

thats because you didnt ask them out when they gave you hints they liked you. they either assume you are dating someone or gay. it's a self defense mechanism to avoid the possibility that you AREN'T interested in them.

>> No.146088

it's your hairstyle. bisexuals are only allowed to have 3.

>> No.146089

Well god damn it! This is horse shit! Why didn't someone tell me this sooner?


>> No.146091

I'm gay and sexually active.

I also go out and drink with friends.

What does that make me?

in b4 fag

>> No.146094

AIDS infected

>> No.146095

I'm almost certain my dad thinks I'm gay. I've actually had girlfriends in the past but I don't really seem to care enough to correct him, I suck at communicating with him anyway so it would be an awkward conversation.

>> No.146096



>> No.146097


that's better than, "if i didn't already have a boyfriend, I'd totally be dating you!"

>> No.146099


a filthy liar

>> No.146102

Hey /jp/, remember that scene in welcome to the NHK where Yamazaki is recounting how he asked some girl to the fireworks when he was younger and she said she couldn't go, and then Yamazaki saw her with that guy who bullied him when he went there....

Well, has anything like that ever happened to you?

>> No.146103

An average homosexual male.

Which means you need to gtfo right now. Seriously, this isn't the place for you. Really, you need to leave. Now.

>> No.146104

I had a guy go, "I would go out with you if I was gay." out of the fucking blue.

>> No.146108

"I'm not gay"
"Come on son, I'm going to go buy you a car. You like those Aston Martins right?"

>> No.146114

>Other theories claimed that humans and other social animals lived in organized societies simply to regularize sexual contact.

lol... wow... psychologists will make ANYTHING up.

Not for development of the seed and growth in methods of farming... for 'regularization of sexual contact'... Jesus fucking christ psychologists will believe any bullshit.

>> No.146116

But is he relieved that you're NOT having sex with other guys, or is he relieved that you are/will be having sex with girls? If it's the latter than being a permanent virgin isn't any better than being gay.

I'm sure most parents would rather, given the choice, have a son who's gay than a son who just never has any sex with ANYONE.

>> No.146120

you were supposed to kiss him and have a bi-curious encounter.

>> No.146121


>> No.146117

So THAT'S what love is!
It won't hurt me
Won't hurt me.
No more.

>> No.146123


What's hard to believe about reularizing sexual contact.

Maximum chance of getting preggers is pretty good.

Compare it to very territorial/nomadic animals like wolves or lions that only have a few opportunities to get pregnant a year and you can see the advantage.

>> No.146129


yeah, my mom has said stuff along the lines of, "aren't there, you know, any guys who'd go out with you?"

>> No.146131


If that were the case then the situational area of settlement development wouldn't be in fertile basins, by rivers etc... They would just *appear* in ad-hoc places. This psychologist obviously knows nothing of history, and neither do you sexfag.

>> No.146134

sexfag, LOL

>> No.146142

because you know, people that settled in deserts mostly you know, died?

Survival is a pretty powerful natural instinct too you know

>> No.146143

When your mom is suggesting you try being gay so you can have SOMETHING you know you're pretty SOL.

>> No.146146

Is desire to mate an emotion?

>> No.146150

they don't want you to be all alone after they die. would any good parent?

>> No.146152


There's more to the development of "civilization" than sex.

The tribal groups that formed the basis of early early human life from the beginning (the homo erecti, habilis, homo florensis, neaderthalis) aren't going to be too different in terms of social needs of its individuals from that of modern homo sapiens.

When it comes to building cities and permanent settlements, that's a completely other topic. I mean, many many human peoples never built permanent civilizations like middle-easterners did and still managed to live in organized tribal groups that had sex and altruistic systems. "Civilization" is only about 8,000 years old at most.

>> No.146153

My parents would DEFINITELY prefer I die a virgin, they're hard core Christ fags. Hands down. And they know I've never even been kissed either. I'm 25. They've even told this to me. My mom said in almost these exact words, at least you're not some fag sinner.

>> No.146154

>because you know, people that settled in deserts mostly you know, died?

so your theory is that everywhere was settled equally without any regard for the geography, fertility etc of the place... and then everyone else died while the rest in fertile areas lived?

lol, silly sexfag, study some greek and roman colonisation, go back a bit and study Egyptian villages and towns of the Nile Basin, go back a bit further and study Mesopotamian civilization... etc...

I think you'll find settlement has little to do with the 'regularization of sexual contact'.

>> No.146157

my parents were like that till they retired and had time to think about life. then they wanted me to knock up some mexican that cleans the house so they could have a grandchild.

>> No.146160

That's why I posed the question: You have to choose; your son will either be gay or never have any sex, intimate physical contact, or relationships.

It's going to split based on religiosity I guarantee it. I can assure you everyone who doesn't pick gay is some type of highly religious parent. In America, that means Christian.

>> No.146167

does it help if your gay son becomes a pastor for a church and leads many people to jesus?

>> No.146168


Guys seriously, basic anthropology here.

The development of civilization happened WAY after a lot of these sexual and empathetic social evolutionary traits developed.

There just hasn't been a lot of time since then for much evolutionary change, (although some might disagree). The biggest evolutionary change since then has been minor but significant dietary shifts, like lactose tolerance in Indo European peoples of the Russian steppes, that basically enabled pastoral lifestyles and help propagate all kinds of useful animals to non-pastoral people.

>> No.146169

seriously, we know you're just arguing with your sock puppet but nobody cares because it keeps the thread bumped.

>> No.146172


Humans have been social animals since the beginning, it doesn't mean they have to live in permanent or semi-permanent settlements to benefit from regular sex.

>> No.146173

Modern culture revolves around sex and money and alcohol.

In the past things weren't necessarily the same.

>> No.146178


That's only half of it. The other part is that she REALLY wanted a daughter, and being a single mom, pushed me towards more feminine pursuits as a kid. So I have some weird gender identity issues, but not so much so that I'd go on hormones and get my dick n' balls torn off.

>> No.146182

if you're going to confess to /jp/ that you're a trap or want to be a trap, post pics.

>> No.146194


I would make a shitty, shitty trap these days. I wound up taking mostly after my father in body type, and he's built like a goddamn ox.

>> No.146202

>sock puppet

Holy shit, the wikipedophiles have found out about 4chan?


>> No.146205

I wonder how many times the average Anonymous has sex per year. For me, it's 0.

>> No.146207


>> No.146209

My mom found out I was still a virgin two years ago when I was 26. Like another person's mom she said she just wanted me to be happy however I lived. She also said I wouldn't be alone forever and I would find a girl eventually. She cried when I told her I had given up entirely, and this was going to be it for my whole life. She cried as she hugged me and wished that I just be happy.

I made her cry.

I didn't eat for days after that, and I still feel like a disappointment sometimes. Other anon's if you have to have this talk with your parents, try and act like you still have hope, for their sake if anything. They really take it harder than you do.

>> No.146211


-83 here

>> No.146213


>> No.146214

That term is also used on Slashdot, and many other places.
Zero for me.

>> No.146220

Parents want their children to be happy, and successful. When they're confronted with a lifestyle they are not familiar with they become concerned. This is no different. She's just not sure how someone can be happy living how we live. Just live your life and be happy, she'll see that you're doing fine. That's all any parent could hope for.

>> No.146226

Oh wow...

>> No.146227

spoiler: a wikipedophile founded 4chan.

>> No.146235

Moot has a wiki account but he never edits anything.

who cares?

>> No.146254

My dad always bothers me about getting a girlfriend when I visit them, but my mom keeps him in check and says Don't bother him about that! I suppose that's just the traditional roles right? I'm sure they both want me to start dating.

I never will though.

>> No.146289

Well, since you're on about parental relationship advice...

My mother once asked me about whether or not I was seeking out a girl. When she heard I wasn't, she did look concerned, but she heard my explanation before jumping to any conclusions. Basically, I told her that because I'd been an outcast until High School, where I had a lapse of severe depression, and that I've only started to get over the depression recently, I wasn't in any state to have had a relationship prior to now, and at that point it may even have been too soon. She had trouble understanding how depression would mean I wouldn't want a girlfriend, and had suggested that having had one would have made things better, but when I took the time to explain why I not only didn't want a relationship, but how I don't believe I would have been able to keep a relationship in the state I was in, she was more accepting.

Overall, she was worried about my happiness, and told me that all she wanted was to be able to see me find a partner in life that I was happy with, and that she had been concerned that I'd given up. Thankfully she didn't bring out the "It doesn't bother me if you're gay..." line, and I don't really believe she suspects that anyway.

>> No.146290

What's with all this dramatic shit with your parents? I was about 20, 21 and it went something like

"Do you even like girls?"
"Are you ever going to try and get a girlfriend?"

And that's it!

>> No.146293
File: 4 KB, 377x233, 1204706182422.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dozo, advertising does, life does not.

>> No.146301

Yes, it was definitely more hurtful for her to hear that I had given up than that I had been so far unsuccessful. It's a fairly common theme, your parents really just want you to be happy. As long as you can show that you can do that your own way they will eventually be fine with you staying single.

>> No.146311

I told my mom I had not given up, I never even started, and I never would start trying. She looked concerned and a bit sad but she didn't cry. And she's never brought it up again.

Actually, I can't say that because she didn't cry she wasn't sad, she never cries. Even when her mother died she didn't cry.

>> No.146318

why are you guys so scared of girls?

you guys are internet toughguys but in reality have such fragile egos that a girl's slightest negative response kills you?

>> No.146319

this needs to be saved for posterity

>> No.146320

Pretty much the same here.

>> No.146326

I think the reality is much more complicated than that, but you can reduce it to a cliche if it makes it easier for you to understand.

>> No.146339

My girlfriend's mom walked in on us while we were hastily trying to get dressed after fucking like dogs. She only emigrated from China (to Canada) like 6 years ago (at the time) and there was a total fallout that to this day (2 years later) her parents would lunge at me with a knife the first chance they get.

>> No.146342

I'm not scared of girls. They're scared of me.

>> No.146344

I have sex zero times a year.
I beat off twice daily.
I am very happy.
I am very productive.

>> No.146348

>"I don't have the money or the sense of responsibility," shrugs a 30-year-old man. "If I bring a child into this world, I can't support it. So I don't have sex."

I agree with this statement. And hell, if I'm not gonna have sex, why bother trying to please a woman?

>> No.146350

shave the neckbeard, stop dressing like a homeless bum, & stop glaring at their breasts

>> No.146355

What was the point in posting that?

>> No.146362

To set the background, I'm >>146289.

I'm not afraid of women. I'm a pedophile (and I am aware of and recognize what this means), so I'm not attracted to most women. They're just people to me, other adults, like other men. I talk to them naturally, I treat them like humans, and a lot of them like me. I know that because some of them tell me they like me, and some of them have friends that tell me "oh hey by the way, she likes you". It's not so much that I'm oblivious, it's that I don't really care if most women are interested in me or not. It's like being gay, but living in a world with no other gay men. There have been a few women my age that I was interested in (it's hard to find a good looking flat-chested woman, you know?), but they've all ended up taken. It's annoying, really.

Of course, add to this the fact that for quite some time I just wasn't even interested in women at all. The only thing I would have cared about is if I could have gotten a blowjob and never seen the chick again, but that doesn't happen very often without you paying for it.

>> No.146363

I've already gone 20 years without sex. What's another 60?

I say bring it on.

>> No.146364

Your mother.

>> No.146374


>> No.146391

I said almost this exact same line to a girl once. She said it was depressing and sad that I'd given up even before I tried.

I call it foresight.

>> No.146402

whoa. you talked to a girl. you are a god among anonymous. i just usually break out in a sweat and can only say 1 word sentances.

>> No.146415

Why is the same foresight called bad sportsmanship in sports?

>> No.146420

Someone needs to write a piece on Anonymous.

Someone honest and fair, someone who'll look past the profanity and the porn and see that we're real people. It'd be fascinating. We're a fucking microcosm.

...never happen, though.

>> No.146433

same here

no neckbeard, I dress normally, I look others in the eye

>> No.146436

then you're probably wearing what you're thinking on your face without realizing it.

>> No.146447


Leave advicefag, just fucking leave...

>> No.146448


We're nothing special. Psychologists have tried doing studies on people who have trouble forming meaningful social or sexual relationships with others, and their conclusions range from "lol dunno" to "I like cucumbers" to "here have some pillz".

>> No.146459

I just want to kill someone. I want to see the life fade from a person's eyes and watch their pupils dilate. Just knowing that I've taken away all they've ever had and all the ever will have puts a loopy smile on my face.

>> No.146467

>people who have trouble forming meaningful social or sexual relationships with others


>> No.146469


I have no problem forming social relationships. But sexual? Fucking forget it.

>> No.146470

Is this gonna devolve into "I just want ot kill a man"?

Anyway, I want to do that too. Just because I hate humanity.

>> No.146466

i like to throw puppies off cliffs, you?

>> No.146474

I like sticking pencils up squirrel's asses and pretending that they're Jesus Christ.

>> No.146477

Don't praise me too much, it was over AIM after all. Although I have talked to her in person on other occasions. Also she had, and probably still does, a huge crush on me.

>> No.146479

Fuck psychologists getting paid money to give stock speeches that may or may not be relevant to your "mental disorder" then throw pills at you.

>> No.146481


>> No.146484

Hey now, this Anon is a psychologist. I love the money you troubled men pay me to tell you what you want to hear from someone else's mouth then give you shit to make you hate sex.

>> No.146491

You'll never see any money from me, I don't believe in psychology.

>> No.146494

Those pills made me asexual. I'm fucking thankful for that, my psychiatrist is a great woman. She's probably going to cut me off or change them because apparently it's not "healthy" to be OK with never having sex. I'll probably have to do some lame therapy shit for a few weeks before they realize there's nothing wrong with me they can fix. I don't want the urges, I don't want the responsibility, I don't want to make the effort. I just want to not care about it all, and that's what I've got.

I honestly would have no problem living another 50 or 60 years like this with zero sex drive.

>> No.146499

You better watch out March 15th.

>> No.146504


>> No.146516

I take Zoloft, but any SSRI should have a similar effect. It's technically a side effect though, so it might not happen for everyone. If that's what you're trying to get then good luck, you can try a few different ones if they don't work either some may do a better job killing your sex drive than others.

>> No.146519



>> No.146521


Neither of those. It could be considered dissocial, but the problem is that dissocial personality disorder isn't terribly well defined when compared to other varieties of psychopathy, and it's not truly recognized as a treatable disorder. But more likely than not, the truth is that most people here have no major psychological issue per se, but are just socially maladjusted to a moderate extent.

>> No.146534

unless you mean 'psychiatrist', I very much doubt you have that kind of opportunity.

and given how psychiatrists and psychologists react to people not being able do discern the two, I'd say you're making a poor trolling attempt. 4/10

>> No.146541

You have outwitted me yet again Anonymous. I shall pay dearly for this ignorance and fap with rubbing alcohol.

>> No.146548

OK, I'm not depressed so what's the best way to trick my doctor into prescribing me these?

>> No.146550

Tell them you are feeling, nervous, anxious, have trouble sleeping, losing your apetite, can't focus, feel sad all the time (depressed). Usually they will refer you to a psychiatrist, repeat the symptoms for him and you'll get your own bottle of happy pills that will make all your women troubles go away--because you just wont care anymore.

Enjoy life not having any meaning.

>> No.146552

Oh believe me, I will.

>> No.146556

Will I still be able to masturbate?

>> No.146575

In what fucked up world is artificially altering your brain chemistry to remove your desire for sex a viable solution to your problems?

>> No.146582

The same world where otherwise normal men who just happen to be too shy never get girlfriends or sex.

If it works, do it. I'm first and always a pragmatist. I'm not about to point my finger and say it's these guys' fault, and if pills to remove their sexual drive can help them live better lives then who are you to deny them that?

>> No.146583

IRL, where else?

>> No.146588

I had a long distance (read: no physical contact whatsoever) relationship with a /b/tard camwhore a year ago. My parents found out and forbid me to speak with her. My mom still dotes on it and calls her a whore once or twice every couple of weeks even though the relationship's been over for 8 months already. She also bitches at me for hours on the phone whenever I score either at the mean or 1 point or more below the mean for any goddamn assignment. She also calls me an idiot for having a 3.25 as a biochem major, and says I don't need to eat because I'm a fatass during these times too.

I know she only does it because she cares and she's worried about me, but I think she cares too much.

>> No.146593

Life has meaning? Why the fuck are we on 4chan then?

>> No.146598

My mom used to be like that... then she realized "oh crap he might never give me a grandson" and now wouldn't care.

>> No.146602

My mom thinks I'm lying or exaggerating when I say I'll never get married or have children. I can't wait until she starts to realize I'm not kidding about any of it. I really do expect never to even have sex. I'm not even going to try.

>> No.146612

Luckily I have a brother who will be able to handle that just fine. I'll be the oddball who never gets married, never has any kids, never has sex, and who everyone in the family secretly suspects is gay.

Yeah, I've got that to look forward to.

>> No.146610
File: 178 KB, 532x822, 03kass_janos1980_N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The very ground dissolves beneath my feet:
what once appeared solid, without a form,
is now a turmoil of convulsive matter
struggling to take shape. Irresistible!
Coming to life: now turning into crystals,
now into buds. Amidst these whirling forces
what’s happened to my independent self?
O, wretched body, what’s become of you?
What folly to mistake you for a fastness
of lofty thoughts and noble aspirations!
Look at you now, you pampered child, the author
of so much pleasure and calamity,
reduced to a handful of dust as you are,
and see your better part, robust, elated
a while before, now vapour, empty air,
dispersing with my self among the clouds.
The words I speak consume my very being,
as if a part dissolved with every thought.
I’m all aflame! O, what a baleful fire!
Perhaps that unknown spirit kindles it
to warm his ghastly mansions with my embers.
Remove this sight! This is insanity!
This fight, harassed by elemental forces,
tormented by the pangs of desolation…
Appalling, hideous predicament!
Too late to call on kindly Providence
which I innately felt but still decried!
O, tardy knowledge! O, futile remorse!

>> No.146613

My parents are not accepting of my long distance relationship, either. He actually came up to visit me two times. We plan to move in together, eventually. He is in NE while I am in NJ.

They called him a predator. I'm pretty sure they're biased against anyone from the internet. It's quite a shame, really... aside from my boyfriend's depression, he's a very sweet, intelligent, geeky guy.

I just want them to accept my relationship. ;_; They're too thick skulled to understand the concept of nontraditional relationships, though.


>> No.146614

I wish she'd realize this soon. Honestly, I'm dreading coming home for the summer and Spring break. I can't relax at home at all. Can't even play vidya gaems or watch animu, I have to bide my time by either a.) getting constantly bitched at about shit nobody other than my mom really gives a damn about or b.) lying on the couch watching Comedy central for Scrubs to come on.

Shit sux.

>> No.146629

I can still physically masturbate and cum, I just don't really want to. I only fap maybe twice a month now and even then it's a pretty mundane affair.

>> No.146641

This isn't just a phase or a temporary thing is it? I mean you guys are in it for the long haul aren't you? I don't know what will become of me yet, bet I'm not sure I'd have the strength to wake up every day and know this is it. I'll find out eventually, right?

>> No.146648

I try not to think about it too often. Although I did end up breaking down yesterday and became a huddling mass in the corner wondering why I'll never have anyone that hopes I have a good day today or any other day. so ronery ;_;

>> No.146656

How do you people deal with your friends who think that you are actually a "normal person"? I was hiding it in the past telling them that i have someone. But then i couldnt keep hiding that anymore so i just told them that i dont want to bother with it. So they kinda dont bring that up now. Im 20 and im not sure if they know that im still a virgin and havent even kissed but the relationship with them doesnt seem to be spoiled after i revealed my thoughts about getting a girlfriend.

>> No.146659

My expectations are very low and I don't believe I will ever have a girlfriend or sex at all. So that's just what I expect to happen. I know what's probably going to be like that so I try and think well there's nothing I could do so i might as well accept it.

>> No.146661

The other day I was looking up some information about a historical site that I want to visit later this year, and on the website it said something like "Children 6 and older can accompany an adult". I'm not sure why, but suddenly I thought about all the experiences I will miss out on if I don't have kids. I think I need to pull myself out of the pathetic existence I am currently in.

>> No.146666

Long time friends wont care much. All of my mates that I've known for years just understand that it's hard for me to do those things because of how shy I am. 20 is not even that old. I'm 25 and I do get some negative comments sometimes. Mostly people are either supportive or they don't care one way or the other.

>> No.146670

Or take some pills!

>> No.146686

Pills are a crutch that I don't feel like dealing with. I have enough weaknesses already.

>> No.146806

So, she had a huge crush on you. Was she really ugly or are you just a loser?
