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14588951 No.14588951 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>14557144

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.14589116

Kouya anime looks really bad and low budget

>> No.14589343

Just saw it too. I haven't read the trial but this isn't very reassuring. I guess I'll just wait for the full release. Some lines about reaching money and fame after starting as an eroge writer sounded like masturbation honestly, considering Takahiro and Romeo are behind this. But it depends on the route they take on it.

>> No.14589376
File: 990 KB, 1280x720, Madou Koukaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of starting this. For those who have played it, is it any good?

Also, filthy machine-translated subhuman here. You should use Direwolf (from hongfire)+ the MT conversation patch here right? http://nekohen.org/translations/?attachment_id=971

>> No.14589554

If you want help with translation and shit.

>> No.14589821
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Schwarzesmarken has all my attention at the moment and enjoying it so far.

>> No.14589911

Read the trial. It's not long.

>> No.14590740

Why did fucking Himiko have to fucking be in the first H-scene in Eiyuu Senki Gold!? She should just fucking go kill herself

>> No.14590992

why anon
you don't like kogura yui?

>> No.14591260

It seems to me that the vast majority of VNs I play that attempt a story always end up being really boring and poorly paced. In Gun Knight Girl the common route moved at a pretty good pace, exposition about the world being dropped in tantalizing bits, the mystery of the 施設 slowly growing in importance, girls revealing more and more of their personality... and then bam, a major plot point hits (senpai goes missing) and it's been so long since then of 0 progress in any bit of the story, just endless wanking over the situation with some romanced tossed in, the momentum is crushed and I don't even want to read any more of it because it's taking so long for anything to happen and to be quite honest I don't give a single fuck about the predicament, yet it's all MC is thinking about now. I dislike getting really into a VN only for it to cockblock me with god-awful pacing.

>> No.14591268

That feels like every VN to me. Almost everything has bad pacing. But I guess it has to be that way since you have to get your monies worth.

>> No.14591276

I put spoiler tags over the senpai bit, don't know where they went, what a shame, that bit is in the VNDB description anyway so don't worry about it spoiling anything, it really won't.
I'd rather it just be a reasonable length... who wants to pay money just to be bored? I see your point though.

>> No.14591481

>But I guess it has to be that way since you have to get your monies worth.

This. I generally find better pacing in older eroge since consumers didn't expect every full-price eroge to be 40+ hours long back then. Most of the time you get just as much actual story, just less padding.

>> No.14591770

>Some lines about reaching money and fame after starting as an eroge writer sounded like masturbation honestly
Having read the trial, I guarantee you it won't stay like that. It looks like Romeo is planning to give a pretty frank view of both the good and bad of the industry (with a certain amount of dramatic license, naturally).

>> No.14592313

That's reassuring. Sayuki was saying that you couldn't survive in the industry if you only do it because you like it but only if you have further ambitions, I assume those of money and fame she mentions earlier. Even if it's true it's hard to catch what light they're portraying that in just from a few spoken lines.

It also had a lot of AKB2 marketing and a reference to Urobuchi and Madoka.

>> No.14592944


>> No.14593016
File: 302 KB, 1053x762, ss+(2016-01-08+at+07.52.03).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the common route ends when MC solve this honami's shitty parent problem, or will I be able to see some events with other characters as well? Her dere side might be better but so far I definitely think that game'd be so much better without her. Other three are pretty good but since Honami has more screen time than all others combined I'm getting slightly bored. I'll bear with this and play all other three's route for sure though.

Also I think they picked wrong VA for Yuzuka, Noriko's voice goes well with the noisy type characters, it didnt fit with this shy timid character at all imo.

>> No.14593072

He fixes the problem within the range of what he is capable of doing which thankfully makes Homami likable.

>> No.14593101

After that common route ends or are there some more events for the other characters? Seriously so far its something like 65% Honami, 25% Kanade and 10% for other two, I wanna see some scenes with others as well before going into a route.

>> No.14593120

I don't remember any major events for the other girls until you click on their events, although my memory is a little fuzzy on the transition between Honami's arc and the character selection

>> No.14593333
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You know, I'm not sure sweaters are supposed to cling that perfectly to tiddies. Must be really tight and uncomfortable.

>> No.14593408

You must be gay!

(That annoys me a lot too)

>> No.14593471

But it looks comfy in this case.

>> No.14593491

Isn't that fairly standard for eroge adaptions?

>> No.14593606
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x720, なないろリンカネーション_2016-01-03_19-47-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nanairo Reincarnation has been enjoyable. I just hope it doesn't turn into a complete fuckfest and has some plot throughout.

Quite a lot of effort put into Iris's introduction. Really liking it.

>> No.14593623

It turns into a complete fuckfest, and it also has plot throughout. Pretty decent plot, at that.

>> No.14593942

Yes, but since they adapted it before the actual release of the VN I thought they would at least try a bit.

>> No.14593978

Koya is not eroge.

>> No.14593985
File: 116 KB, 795x597, musume shimai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this is fucked up. I was expecting something more, subtle.

>> No.14594028

Did he break his phone and try to repair it with glue? What a weirdo.

>> No.14594040

I hope he was planning on getting a new phone

>> No.14594044

It's an awkward way to do things but it looks like it holds.

>> No.14594129

Picked up.

>> No.14594144

One of the girls is a complete masochist if that's your thing. And I suggest to avoid the black haired one if you don't want to be bullied.

>> No.14594149

are there any eroge shops that ship internationally? Digital download like DLsite works too, but dlsite has a lot of nukige and only a few worthwhile game.
If I'd like to throw money at them do really I need to use a proxy?

>> No.14594161

Just torrent them.

>> No.14594166
File: 110 KB, 800x600, 夏めろ_-summer_melody-_2016-01-07_03-10-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't want to be bullied
I definitely do, I'm sure.

>> No.14594169

I agree that's the easiest way, but I feel bad about not supporting my favorite writers. It's just a personal peeve.

>> No.14594180
File: 594 KB, 800x600, 152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then Suzu's route is the route for you.

>> No.14594183

Amiami ships boxed versions to west, just make sure to log in and go into adult section before trying to look for eroge.
DLSite and DMM digital download selection is huge, "a lot of nukige and only a few worthwhile game" is pure bullshit. Everything that has digital version is sold on both or at least one of these two. You just have to keep in mind that dlsite has two different sections for doujin stuff and for professional commercial games, you need to switch from /maniax/ to /pro/ first.

>> No.14594206

You're looking into the wrong genre if you want subtlety.

>> No.14594270

Are those his actual daughters or is he just delusional and thinks of them as his daughters? Or does that not even mean daughter at all?

>> No.14594273

They are his blood-related daughters.

>> No.14594276

No, they're his actual daughters. As far as I remember he and his wive live divorced.

>> No.14596240

I see, thanks.

>> No.14596275
File: 325 KB, 1039x838, harro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, help.

Should I go for her or the library girl?

I can't make up my mind.

>> No.14596287

Flip a coin

>> No.14596288

How is the BGM in 恋×シンアイ彼女?
Not interested in the game in the slightest but I might get the OST since it's by 山田 企予子.

>> No.14596301

>inverted nipples

Okay, nevermind.

I think I've made my choice.

>> No.14596386

Good and relaxing that makes me sleepy. Most of the OST has a piano composition.


>> No.14596401

>>inverted nipples

Not very appealing.

>> No.14596406

Anon, I'm sorry to break this to you, but you might be a homosexual.

>> No.14596417


Akabei's boss thinks their new protection won't get cracked.

>> No.14596418

I'm trying to install my first Japanese VN but the setup doesn't do anything. Do I need to switch the locale?

>> No.14596694

Online only DRM, might be possible to work, ala Diablo 3.
I remember there was an eroge that has a similar protection a few years ago. The script file was empty, the actual script was instead being streamed from the company server as you play. I think this new DRM is similar to that.

That's why I predict it to crash and burn on game launch. I don't think they planned their DRM server to handle 10000+ simultaneous users.

>> No.14596698

Is piracy even big enough in japan to warrant this nonsense?

>> No.14596712
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>the actual script was instead being streamed from the company server as you play

>> No.14596720

>the actual script was instead being streamed from the company server as you play
The fuck?

>> No.14596733

Great! Now when Akabei goes out of business because all their employees left and their dumb DRM schemes drove off their few remaining customers, you won't even be able to play the games you bought anymore!

>> No.14596756
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>> No.14596774

No, and that's even more retarded when the DRM is for a doujin game that will only be sold on comiket.

>> No.14596880

Then why are most peers on eroge torrents Japanese IPs?

>> No.14596971

Man, Amakano 2 looks much better than the first game, I only finished one route and don't feel like playing the rest, can I read this one now?

>> No.14596990

Play it however you wish, there is no spoilers from the previous game.

>> No.14596994

for the*`

>> No.14597017

That's great, thanks.

>> No.14597181

I don't really trust Japanese programmers to do something with both ease of use and efficiency, so either the DRM will be useless after an exploit or the users will be so annoyed by the process of authentication that Hataraku Otona will get a bad rep and bomb.

>> No.14597203 [DELETED] 


>実装する プロテクトは、割られない と思います。


>> No.14597218

Considering they are going out of their way to make a public notice about it, the latter seems more likely

>> No.14597257

How long do you give it before it's cracked?

>> No.14597283

Actually the cracking scene is doing pretty bad these days and judging from 2djgame's cracks, their cracker is not very competent. If it's really online-only then a low traffc DDoS attack on their server would make it impossible to play the game.

>> No.14597301

Music NTR didn't bomb despite the backlash

>> No.14597306

Niijima Yuu said he will stop writing for a while to reflect on what happened though

>> No.14597335

Did he? Didn't catch that. I saw some of his tweets though and it sounded like he genuinely felt bad for it.

>> No.14597348

It bombed pretty hard, you'll see it at their next game's sales, though most likely they wont make a one. Also most likely Yuu's next game will have a pretty happy ending because of the all complaints.

>> No.14597360

He said it on the staff blog, he didn't say he was retiring but that he was going to stop for a while to reflect on his immaturity

>> No.14597363 [DELETED] 

I got the ghost "Q" as a random quest boss and forgot to bring some detect inv pots. Whoops.

Is there some kinda nethackian trick I can use to lure and kill this motherfucker or am I just gonna have to move back and forth until he wanders into me enough times?

>> No.14598325

Okay, reading Aozora Stripe. How much love triangle bullshit should I expect from the twins?

>> No.14598661
File: 69 KB, 908x160, 2016-01-10 02_51_02-Kagami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about replay 他の女の子とHをしているオレを見て興奮する彼女 but fuck me if I remember how to solves this crap.

>> No.14598740

That's too bad. I would have answered if you asked how to fix it, but since you didn't, I guess I wont.

>> No.14598785

It's okay anon, I will just wait for someone less miserable.

>> No.14599378

Yeah, fuck you. I agree.

>> No.14599547

Don't you just do that?

>> No.14600080

You need to change your format settings to Japanese in the region and language section (windows 7).

>> No.14600133
File: 1.47 MB, 1027x808, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure a sprained ankle warrants sad piano music and a dramatic monologue.

>> No.14600178

My brother died from a sprained ankle, dude.

>> No.14600233

Confirmed for never having a sprained ankle. It hurts like fuck.

>> No.14600318

They always act like those things are end of the world, specially about the cold.
Heroine doesn't come to school > teacher says its cold, she cant come for 2-3 days > everyone suddenly act like its cancer.

>> No.14601086

I'm sure more people have died from the cold than from cancer.

>> No.14601103

I'm sure you haven't done the necessary research on such a bold statement.

>> No.14601498

They're going to use Denuvo, I'm calling it.

>> No.14601718

What is it, or more like how does it work?
