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14579923 No.14579923 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>14557976

LoV Event: The Legend 2

Aigis Event: Gold Rush 1

Game links:
>r18 games
>all ages games


Lord of Valkyrie:
>Eng wiki:
>Jp wiki:
>/jp/ player list:
>additional helpful info

Millennium War Aigis:
>Eng Wiki
>Jp Wiki #1:
>Jp Wiki #2:
>Jp ULMF thread:
>Eng ULMF thread:
>XP chart
>Vid anon's channel:

Angelic Saga:
>Eng Wiki
>Jp Wiki

Osawari Island:
>Eng Wiki
>Jp Osawari wiki
>Osawari chat
>Jp Alchemy Page
>Osawari Friend Code List

Girl's Kingdom:
>Eng Wiki

Dragon Tactics:
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>Jp Wiki

Kanpani Girls:
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>Jp Wiki
>Additional Info

Dragon Providence:
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>Jp Wiki

Miscellaneous links:
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>> No.14579933


Confirm horse face bug. But I can give out chocolate just fine.

>> No.14579945

If you got Kerry and Cypria from the premium rolls, Cypria is worst plat and you'll get another at level 30, Kerry is the old first shrine pull, not too bad a physical duelist, most people hate getting Liana too due to the fact she's supposed to be an event unit.
Sybilla is an amazing roll though, Kerry and Liana will be great for you though.

>> No.14579954
File: 368 KB, 566x549, units level 53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fugg, even better than mine (Mikoto + Berna)

>> No.14579986

A free Cypria later, huh? At least she's been pretty useful in the meantime. Should I combine them to try to reduce her cost once I get the second? I know the beginner guides said to save all my silvers for class changing but I don't know if that applies to golds/platinums.

>> No.14579997

Does anyone knows if the next event for aigis is already known? the gold rush already left me with no stamina to spare to farm affection items, i would like to know if i have a farming chance before i have to spend them all again.

>> No.14580010 [DELETED] 

Combining golds/plats/blacks is only okay if their skills don't change after CC
use three fairies (iron, copper, any rarity is fine) when you do it for that sweet sweet XP bonus

>> No.14580014

Not really, Sybilla's just a amazing duelist, but there are several of them, Mikoto is very unique and useful.

>> No.14580018

Combining golds/plats/blacks is only okay if their skills don't change after CC
use three fairies (iron, copper, any rarity is fine) when you do it for that sweet sweet XP bonus

>> No.14580022

There is another week of gold rush. We won't know what's next until probably night gold rush ends.

>> No.14580030

Forgot to remove second one

>> No.14580033

Cyprias Skill changes so ideally you should wait till she's CC, HOWEVER cypria herself isn't really worth it, so you could level her up to 10 or 20 then combine her with 3 plat fairys for CR and 5000-8000 exp (no SU).

>> No.14580046

No second skill up on fedora but did get a cr, so at -2 now for her.

>> No.14580062

I'll keep that in mind, thanks for the info. Mostly just trying not to make any horrible irreversible mistakes while I'm figuring out how things work.

>> No.14580063

Platinums and blacks cannot be used for anything (cept SU/CR) but golds can be used for awakening, its generally not worth it unless you have mincost golds.

>> No.14580095

fuck the police

>> No.14580292

>But I can give out chocolate just fine.
I really hope they fix it soon. Because I really can't. I have tried countless of times now but it always gets stuck on "Now Loading...".

But could you like, take a screenshot or something so that I could at the very least see what treats the girls prefer and their rankings?

>> No.14580320

Her skill doesn't change.

>> No.14580391

Oh god, you're right, I just assumed since she had assasinate 2 it would turn into 3 since she's plat.
Well I've got a Cypria to level to 20 with another waiting at 41 now, thats another unit CC for me then.

>> No.14580580

Yeah, Cypria's one of the few with numbered skills that don't change

Asami (event plat ninja)
Plat alchemist with range up

Everyone else so far with numbered skills get a skill change on CC, it's going to be a huge pain maxing those plat units skills. I guess dmm players just use rainbow fairies for those ones?

>> No.14580592
File: 189 KB, 843x360, osawariElection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Note the 'show ranking' tables still use the 1st half avatars so it hard to tell who is where.

>> No.14580683

>twins in the lead by a mile

Yep, saw that coming.

>> No.14581086

I wonder if it's even any idea to pine for Kimi & Nimi.
I am guessing they are going to take the lead by even larger margins than what we saw in the first round.

>> No.14581214
File: 1.76 MB, 1246x830, fedora3outof5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the skillup, Fedora is looking great.

>> No.14581491

Thanks for the input. I don't have Noel (since this is Nutaku Aigis, sorry for not mentioning it originally) and probably will never have her, so I guess I'll get to work on Marius.

>> No.14581830

Drop boost with no event for next week on JP Aigis.
Finally, gotta grind orbs, DC and affection items like theres no tomorrow.

>> No.14581869

>drop boost
never on nutaku

>> No.14581957

I have 440 yellow crystals. How many copies of Memento should I buy? I just have one copy currently.

>> No.14581972

You get 2 guaranteed cost reduces while revival event lasts, so would make sense to get these.

>> No.14582081

Could get two more copies... Her skill is quite important to her usefulness right?

>> No.14582123

Even then, save gold units for rainbow crystals instead.

>> No.14582141

Where does it say that cost reduction chance is doubled?

>> No.14582146

Skill is much easier to level with skill fairies dropping from her event maps.
Also no, skill doesn't matter, since most of the time you would use tokens against enemies who kill them with first hit even with buff.
At banner at "revival" tab.

>> No.14582152
File: 393 KB, 550x311, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (46).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14582393

Played JP Aigis from other PC and noticed that now when you log in on DMM, it says gaijin are allowed to play online games while few months ago that table said gaijins can only use shitty language-study chat.
I wonder what made them change their minds

>> No.14582608

20 runs of that golem GR map, and still 0 alchemist drops. They could at least have first drop at higher chance, this is unbearable.

>> No.14583014

Any indications as to what their next game will be?

>> No.14583029

Actually it would be better if dmm was hosting these games in English rather than leaving it to third party butaku

>> No.14583035

I hate that fucking Dragon King, daily runs wasting my stamina into that map and nothing, i really want Bernice.

>> No.14583130

Grinding out the first jp gold rush mission for an eliza, no luck at all. Can't even ryuryu because that tin can wont drop.

>> No.14583150

Would be easier to buy Ryry from TP with that 1.5 drop buff next week.

>> No.14583164

The magical complaint worked, got tin can. True about TP, but I'm mainly trying it for Eliza, gotta spend next week grinding for Chydis anyway, best healers atm are just fedora and gold Iris

>> No.14583291

Wait, am I seeing wrong or do those twins actually look kind of loli. Did they actually slip through somehow.

>> No.14583297

Got her with my last bit of stamina after the level 101 refresh

>> No.14583328

there are no lolis on any nutaku hosted games and there will not be

>> No.14583330

Ever since after Strong enemies, every map always drop everything except the gold fairy and i even 3 star them.

I wish it was like the first 3 maps when i collected the gold units the same day they came up.

RNG is a bitch.

>> No.14583494

i got "lucky" fortune twice in a row
baby, please kill me

>> No.14584479


The twins are an example of 'wider variety'. There is no "loli" in any Nutaku game.

>> No.14584835

So those two girls in PeroPero and LoV are also not "loli"?

>> No.14584853

They probably think that loli just means underage girl, or just joking around about what Nutaku said in that ULMF thread.

>> No.14584855

Nutaku will never officially recognize any character as a loli due to legal reasons and issues with their payment processors.

>> No.14584865

It's not about recognizing, it's about how those two avoided ANY editing that Nutaku is highly prone to doing to anything that looks like a loli.

>> No.14584870

Go away, NSA-kun. There're no loli on Nutaku

>> No.14584884

That's the point they don't want to edit it and there reasoning is that it isn't loli, even if it is. It's why they said that you can ask for loli character's specifically but you can't just say "more loli characters". Mums the word on loli.

>> No.14584892

There isn't lolis on any games hosted by nutaku

>> No.14584906


Correct. They are not "loli". No character on Nutaku games are "loli". Therefore do not describe any of them as "loli" or similar terms.


Incidentally, they also posted on harem-battle.club. A second post in that thread explained their difficulty with replacing payment processors.

>> No.14584907

The legal reasons are a joke but the payment processor bit makes sense.

I could see a lot of major reliable processors saying no to any whiff of CP, legitimate or not.

>> No.14584912
File: 91 KB, 320x400, bj1hvIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should i call her? Because Nutaku is like a different dimension with their own words.

At side for jokes, i understand why they did it, still everytime i see a "NOT A LOLI I SWEAR!" character i get an headache.
What i hate the most is how every game is getting their... not-loli but Aigis, that's plain bullshit.

>> No.14584919

Still makes you wonder how MangaGamer and JAST got away with localizing Imouto Paradise, Littlewitch Romanesque, Sweet Sweat in Summer, and so on.

>> No.14584922

Why are legal reasons a joke ? In my country loli hentai is illegal.

>> No.14584930

It is about recognizing. Nutaku might make some (well okay, many) retarded decisions, but they probably don't care about what gets to be in their games as long as they get money out of it. But in order to get money, they have to convince a bunch of morons (payment agencies) that their characters aren't underage. Being morons, these people don't understand that "loli" doesn't mean "underage", so they have to make this ridiculous claim that their games don't have lolis, although they very obviously do.

It's basically a kind of doublethink where you need to convince payment processors to approve lolis without actually thinking about them as lolis, which leads to ridiculous comments like "we've always been at war with Easta... I mean, there were never any lolis in Nutaku games".

>> No.14584931

I still don't have all the drops from the fucking first map. Holy shit.

>> No.14584935

Nutaku said that most of the loli characters in Aigis have been approved but we still don't have them.
It's just the devs using it as an excuse for being lazy at this point.

>> No.14584961

Because what applies to your country doesn't apply to every country.

And if you live in a shitty country that criminalizes fantasy and enforces blocks on such then you should move. Or vote in people who aren't fucking morons and wasting your tax dollars on literally nothing.

>> No.14584965

Probably, feels bd because the loli units are overall the most useful in Aigis, the silver witch and valkyrie are makes some missions harder than should be (like War of Magic).
I just hope to see their remplace soon and not to see something like that "Sillygirl".

>> No.14584983

go and see what general mass of people thinks lolicon and lolis are and try to think why it is shunned by majority. There is reason why monetary systems are so afraid of lolis
There is not lilis on nutaku hosted games

>> No.14584987

> How should i call her?

Specific character names are best. But if a descriptive term is required, something like "protege of gentlemen" which will escape a 'casual censor'.

>> No.14585004

Whether my country is shit or not is irrelevant. It's illegal, and i'm sure Nutaku don't want their website to get banned from multiples countries in the world because of some loli porn.
Aren't Nutaku Irish ? In most european countries the law is very ambiguous about loli hentai, and in some of them it's completely illegal.

>> No.14585014

and here is link to discussion about it. Read it for couple of pages to get picture

>> No.14585015

>There is not lilis on nutaku hosted games
I still don't understand how they decide if a girl is underage or not, it's like they got an identity card or something.
Wathever anyway, the word "loli" is one of those that "lost" the initial meaning and become something "bigger", try to explain it if you can.

>"protege of gentlemen"
Ok, thank you "gentleman".

>Aren't Nutaku Irish ?
Wasn't Nutaku Canadian?

>> No.14585033

So what I'm getting from that is that they can add all the loli characters they want as long as they actually use the word loli anywhere to avoid triggering the people that handle their payments..

>> No.14585039

as long as they dont actually use**

>> No.14585049

>Wasn't Nutaku Canadian?
I don't know i saw someone say Nutaku was based in Ireland but maybe they were wrong.

>> No.14585069

Yes loli and lolicon is misunderstood by majority and that is why even that wikipedia link is misinforming. So when some one says something is loli and does not know what it is and looks it up he will end up conclusion that it is drawn erotism of underage girls. So nutaku informed that there are no lolis is correct way to treat general mass it is called PR and does anyone know those characters real age?

>> No.14585073

They're incorporated in Ireland but that's just so they can dodge taxes.

It's a common business tactic.

>> No.14585078

that is correct

>> No.14585085

It's like how doujins used to have that "All characters in this game are all over the age of 18." disclaimers even when most of them were clearly 16 at the oldest.

>> No.14585095

>does anyone know those characters real age?
That's what i mean, oh well, they probably use some kind of "magic"

>> No.14585139

Looks like an adult lady to me.

>> No.14585148
File: 72 KB, 612x480, hammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this from the "Lucky" event map. I guess these maps are not that bad after all.

>> No.14585168
File: 132 KB, 303x238, 1329262572141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14585175

That hammer works the same way as that "crafting hammer" right? Nothing more about it or am i missing something else?

>> No.14585261
File: 2 KB, 234x35, expiration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when exactly do I lose them?
Is this my last day, or do I have one more?

>> No.14585316
File: 252 KB, 861x574, calla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calla revival really makes me glad that FKG devs no longer hire Satan to design their maps. A dozen tries at this and I've yet to 3-medal it, damn.

I can't imagine how much bullshit it would be to tackle it with locked teams. Good thing they were nice enough to remove that mechanic right away and sensible enough to never reimplement it.

>> No.14585425

No daily gift on Kanpani. Sad day.

>> No.14585510

Show proof of that or it's a made up bulshit.

Here is my card to call you a liar:

When will Aigis get loli characters? Every other game is getting loli characters but Aigis keeps being censored. Long overdue for an update on this topic.

Aigis will not be getting any loli characters.

2 days ago in ask.fm/NutakuDev

>> No.14585521

All that shows is what people have been saying in that they won't call loli characters loli. Shiho is an example of that.

>> No.14585568

> A second post in that thread explained their difficulty with replacing payment processors.
Link? Can't find any nutaku posts there.

>> No.14585579


>> No.14585590

>Here is my card to call you a liar:
He's just citing what nutaku said,
There was also some other post citing PM from Nutaku going in more depth regarding it, but I'm too lazy to find it.

>> No.14585596

Ah, just usual bullshittery without any facts. This is not "explaining", this is typical damage control and FUD.
They keep dodging simple question: why probiller instead EC-Gate. Saying "there are few" doesn't answer anything. There are few, but at least one is known for certain to not care about lolis.

>> No.14585754

I did it for fun with the supposedly-usable teams and managed fairly okay. Originally, I think I was luckier with this one than another with an encounter immediately behind a double random arrow at the top.

>> No.14585774 [DELETED] 

I want my Vampire dentist to take care of my oral hygiene!

>> No.14585788
File: 1.21 MB, 955x635, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (20).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolled for Daria, got her instead.
Not bad, I guess, I like her design and nice stats/ability.

>> No.14585814

why do i even buy premium summons in aegis.... well, i have 5 more silvers

>> No.14585824

Does anyone have already a strategy to 3 star Knight's Feast with bronze units/non-maxed CC silver units?

I've been trying using maxed bronze soldiers but they still die way too quickly.

>> No.14585836

Just work on leveling archers and witches, and maybe a heavy/healer combo if you need to. You still have a week.

>> No.14585850

archers and witches pretty good at killing most maps?

>> No.14585860

Archers are definitely most useful class in the game.

>> No.14585869

I'm probably will have to settle with leveling up Daniela, was thinking of CCing Bashira but that may be too expensive to do it under a week.

>> No.14585888

Place Katie in the middle row second column from left
then place Prince-kun above her in the first row
something like that
I swear I did this at least once with no CC'd units

>> No.14585922

Your bronze soldiers should last long enough for Katie or Phylis's reinforcement skill to pop. Use it then replace said bronzes with a stronger unit or healer.

>> No.14586173
File: 286 KB, 610x408, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone suggest which event missions I'll be able to clear?

>> No.14586178
File: 159 KB, 356x277, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried these so far, bottom one wasn't that bad. Second one I couldn't kill the lich and the armor one just walked through everything I had.

>> No.14586193

wat level is you're dood
don't even try Armored March, you need super witches
Death and the Holy Women is doable at very low levels with a Princess and a couple mages and healers
Rain of Arrows is easy
Devils of the Sky is a little easier than it looks
Magic Corps needs good anti-armor and your Thetis and healers aren't high enough level
Knights' Feast and Bandit Exodus will fuck you in the butt

>> No.14586210

Not sure if this is good advice but if you started recently(like two or three days ago) i think it's better to forget about events for now and focus on level up yourself and your units and at least have 2-3 CC units to be ready for the next event.

>> No.14586231

Level 18, I'll try rain of arrows.

Yeah but I'm stuck on story mission and this disappears soon so I thought I'd at least try.

>> No.14586248

Don't listen to him. GR is great chance to get essential golds and its easy as fuck. Following events will be much much harder.
Your minimal goal for GR should be: Bernice (she's best free HA, better than event plats), Cuterie (aff drop bonus is important), Iris, Fedora.
Spend some SC on powerlevelling if you can't clear them, but you should be okayish if you raise witch in addition to your Bashira.

>> No.14586259

Operation Choke Point was already neutered over 2 years ago though.

>> No.14586271

>Easy as fuck
Only a couple of them are ridiculously easy, the mayority will ask for some decently leveled units or even CCs from you.

For example, this guy will no way in hell get Bernice with these units, those Dragons are simply way too strong for him.

>> No.14586295

I've killed all dragons with just Spica and Bashira and without using their skills. I'm sure he could do it with Bashira + her skill and melee fodder to stall/distract mage and king.

>> No.14586296


I got 3* on Bernice's map at level 30-something
rolling Themis made it easy
but Thetis could work, theoretically
I might be able to make a weebum of my strategy

>> No.14586300

He doesn't need to 3* it. Like others said, a competent Bashira and a ton of melee fodder should eventually make work of those dragons.

Failing that, there's always the ranged buff blessing.

>> No.14586311

Congrats. I still prefer vanilla Tsubaki's abilities and skill, but that wedding dress really is something else.

The Dahlia/Katabami/Ionocidium gacha is tempting, but I think I'll save my crystals until the Valentine's event. I should get two rolls by then, and if I have any luck the inevitable Cacao girl will be a delicious brown chocolatier onee-san, maybe even with these fly pests as assistants (the cacao tree has tiny flowers that can only be pollinated by equally tiny midges, so we owe all the chocolate in the world to flies).

But then my luck will have run out and she'll end up being a rainbow that I won't be getting until the next ticket promotion.

>> No.14586734

Are you all ready for the new Valkyrie meta? Global -4 cost on Valkyries in exchange for a slight attack and HP decrease (50CC50 loses 20 attack and 64 HP in exchange for costing 4 less).

>> No.14586735

50CC50 Misha*
This is DMM btw

>> No.14586743

that's a buff

>> No.14586746
File: 74 KB, 194x260, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (47).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck.

>> No.14586758
File: 2 KB, 164x160, 127016502183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Global -4 cost o

>> No.14586766

They buffed Flan hp and def even further. I so regret not grinding her during GR, announce such things earlier, aigis, this is not fair.

>> No.14586799

These buff waves are amazing. Olivier getting longer duration each time she uses her skill is interesting.

>> No.14586811

memento is 100 gold stones now
wtf i could have afforded 2 if i would have waited

>> No.14586813
File: 1.18 MB, 1200x675, 5aa665ceef8845244317e18e304a9ab7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of her.

>> No.14586814

it changes to 100 after you buy the first one

>> No.14586816
File: 55 KB, 518x131, ss+(2016-01-07+at+02.01.50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friggin whales and their crazy units.

>> No.14586820

oh shit, i am retarded

>> No.14586821

I know the bow rider black can reduce horse units cost, but christ

>> No.14586829

I'm pretty sure you'd be able to do Lady Bandits, but I forgot my silly 3-star tactics (I'm new and my units aren't too strong) so I can't give you any advice at the moment.

Try deploying Katie -> 2 healers -> Bashira -> 3rd healer -> more archers to the middle row to remove the fodder. Then replace archers with mages and witches and the lich should easily die.

>> No.14586839

So what the point of rogues

>> No.14586842

They function well as semen demons.

>> No.14586844

yeah Band of Lady Thieves is a little tricky until you master the pattern
gotta have at least two Heavy Armors if you are low level
Place Katie first at bottom left, then Soldier at second from top left and another soldier to the left of that one
then add the archer, healer, and swap out the soldiers for armors

>> No.14586846

They just got a buff too!

>> No.14586856

what all changes happened? are there change logs?

>> No.14586857

it's on ulmf.

they just got -1 cost

>> No.14586859

>-1 cost
What a great buff

>> No.14586866
File: 104 KB, 493x153, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (48).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are there change logs?
Right in the game itself.

>> No.14586869

the only thing in that pic that i can read is unit

>> No.14586888

that's a lot when your cost is so low

to buff heavy armors that much they'd have to do like -4 cost

>> No.14586968

This: >>14586888
This would make a fully leveled non CC'd Silver Rogue cost 3 at a minimum. Lower than a min cost Bronze Soldier. And CC'd they would be 5.
Early game, that one point means a lot of some maps.

>> No.14587193

Gonna get 2 Chydis's from TP this week, one for CR. Are the others in the TP worth grinding for?

>> No.14587279

Lulu maybe? She's like the gold equivalent of Nenya. Even has the same skill. If you got her during the gold rush, you can get another for CR.

>> No.14587320

I'll probably save up for Spica's inevitable return, only have silver archers atm

>> No.14587332

Between Yuyu, Lulu, Cloris, Belinda, and Eliza, which 2 should I raise? Just got all of them the last 2 weeks and I dont have any CC'd witches above silver yet. Belinda and Yuyu are CR-1.

>> No.14587353

Belinda > Yuyu > Eriza > Cloris > Ryry

>> No.14587395

I'd go with Belinda when it comes to Plat witches. Especially since Eliza isnt' even CR'd by 2.
As for Gold. Cloris' awakening is nice but depends on chance, Lulu's Reduces her range for faster DPS Which sounds both horrible but nice depending on how fast she's casting. Yuyu reduces her cost by -1.
Yuyu also has the advantage of being the biggest damage dealer among the three, but in exchange her HP is Shit. Like over a 300 difference between her and Lulu and Cloris.

In the end, I'd probably still go for Yuyu or rather Belinda because of their range skill. Slowing down enemies from farther away just seems better over all. You should probably considering raising another witch anyway. Especially if you are raising Belinda with only CR-1 But that's just me.

>> No.14587397

Why is the loli at the bottom? She seems much better than Cloris. Eliza is really good if you farm her cost and skill level up, too, pretty sure she can get better than Yuyu.

Witch skill awakening when?

>> No.14587399

Ryry gets range penalty when AWed, which makes her very hard to use. And her base damage is very low, only few points higher than Nenya.

>> No.14587420

Black Iris on premium gatcha for iOS

>> No.14587441

Op just rolled Despara right after posting that. I guess Despara and Belinda now?

>> No.14587468

Flower Knight Girl question. So with these golds I rolled from premium gatcha, how do I unlock more equipment slots? Just roll a duplicate (which probably will never occur) or do those gold skill up flowers that you can purchase eventually open equipment slots after you max their skill?
Thanks ahead of time.

>> No.14587476

Only dupes from gacha. Shop flowers are only for skills.
But equipment doesn't really matter, so its not big issue.

>> No.14587495

It's a shame she got the short end of the stick but that still doesn't stop me from using her as my main witch. Cuteness is justice.

>> No.14587712

So this Death and Holy Maidens mission, do I need to kill Death to get the last drop to complete it? I've got the two fairies.

>> No.14587727

No, all 3 fairies drop from healers. Check map descriptions, they are very clear.

>> No.14587744

I must have terrible luck then, 14 runs of this so far and still missing that first one.

>> No.14587752

25+ runs and still can't get the gold fairy.

>> No.14587764

CC50 Nenya 367 atk * 30fps/56fperatk = 194.5 dps
AW max Cloris 453 * 30/58 = 234.3
AW max Kurisumasu wtch 474 * 30/49 = 290.2
AW max Halloween wtch 535 * 30/56 = 286.6
AW max Belinda 533 * 30/58 = 275.7

>> No.14587773

Are there any of the other missions that are relatively easy with better drop rates? I recently came back after stopping way back on release and my team is really weak.

>> No.14587793

Eliza: 547 *30/58 = 282.9
Despia: 615 * 30/49 = 376.5

>> No.14587800

I'm a new player, managed to 3-star:
Rain of Arrows
Hunter's Forest
Band of Lady Thieves
From my experience, drop rates are horrible regardless of mission.

>> No.14587802

I'm actually worried now, I've done more runs than i can count since strong enemies was out, and i still need that gold fairy for Bernice.

>> No.14587803

You forgot 7% buff for Belinda.
533 * 1.07 * 0.52 = 296.5

>> No.14587815
File: 239 KB, 958x637, Lucky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this was my lucky post, the moment i post and try again i got my Bernice.

>> No.14587821

Happens a lot, even I've had it happen. Curse your bad luck on here and usually that causes it to go away (sometimes).

>> No.14587838

It really makes wonders, after getting Bernice i was able to get fedora as well and drop the gold fairy for magic corps.

Praying to the RNG goddess may not work but cursing your bad luck in here seems to do it.

>> No.14587850

I hope they all have the same power slow or that would be badly skewed.

I really hope noone is stupid enough to compare dps for witches with other classes too.

>> No.14587875

Faster shooting == better slowing.

>> No.14587880

Anyone has tips for the last gold rush map? that blob of axe armors always breaks through and i don't have two CC max level heavy armors to hold them.

>> No.14587892

No, I'm talking about different powers of slow, my Mikoto slows things down more with 1 attack than my Belinda does with 1 attack, Mikoto is not a witch though so its to be expected she has a different slow.
If a witch with less dps or attack speed had a better slow she could easily do more total damage.

>> No.14587898
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It just happens. >>14587752 here.

>> No.14587920
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>> No.14588029
File: 890 KB, 960x640, Un.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the meantime i struggle with the iron fairy... send help...

>> No.14588032

throw your magnets away it won't attract gold and silver

>> No.14588037

Its copper. And it seems all your copper fairies went my way, got over 25 of them while still 0 golds.

>> No.14588064


>> No.14588104
File: 2.52 MB, 800x450, 1441490191033.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfag-kun reporting in. Any advice on how to invest Bonus Points on the Valkyrie game?

>> No.14588125

Read the OP next time. You would've seen a wiki link. Following it, would show you a page with another link that said GUIDE in big letters. In that guide, the first question asked is "Where should I put my Status Points into first?"

>> No.14588292
File: 278 KB, 960x530, 95bf357b548df2ed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Katie, Prince, 2 healers and 2 mages, not need to use HA.
In this order:
Katie at D
Prince at I
Healer 1 at T
Mage 1 at S
Mage 2 at V
Healer 2 at Q

As a future reference, nearly all the instaces of this map can be finished the same way.

>> No.14588347

What level should those units be? i am not that veteran to have all of my units maxed like those guys in the guides do.

>> No.14588661

this only works if you have a CC mage at V

>> No.14588678
File: 442 KB, 600x960, 1451644850525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, is this Bernice? I didn't recognise her at first, but that kinda looks like her helmet.
I got her from the Gacha ages ago, but I never paid any great amount of attention to her before. I never expected her to be all that cute.

>> No.14588685

Yeah it's her

>> No.14588889

So, we'll never get Aigis in iOS outside of Japan?

>> No.14588987

What should I do if I'm flooded with spirits and it's nowhere near Monday (thus being able to get the exp armor).

>> No.14588991

You buy more space.

>> No.14588995

what type? if it's gold and under just use 1 or 2 with bronze units to get more exp out of em. If plat, well same thing but only if you are bursting at the seams with them.

>> No.14589003

Thanks they're mostly iron.

>> No.14589049

Use them.

>> No.14589218

sweet got Betty
dunno what she's even good for
only one I don't have from GR is Barblestroke
and I already have three of him from fucking gacha

>> No.14589235

>Pirate: All Class Intervals Between Attacks Shortened

Does that change Monica AW skill in any way? I guess not, but still pretty good buff i guess.

>> No.14589265

After the lat DMM patch, what's the point to place a Rogue over a Valkyrie?

>> No.14589306

When it's time to pray to RNG to Assassinate. Which usually only noobs do to cheese early maps to get to better farming spots. There was that one Angel Gold Rush map though where it was basically impossible to win any other way unless you spammed AW Blacks.

>> No.14589324

So... never?

>> No.14589331

Iron/Copper and other seemingly useless fairies are actually really good whenever you are combining something of medium exp value, most notably when min costing a unit during drop events. If you farm 3 copies of the unit and add a bronze fairy in the mix, the fairy is worth over 1000 exp each. Similarly good values if you combine 2 copies of the unit with 2 fairies. It makes levelling event units a whole lot easier because it's usually not worth using platinum fairies on that. So I found it quite helpful to keep a stash of iron/copper fairies around and I would only recommend burning them if you really need that space and can't afford to buy more slots.

I got the idea when I ended up with something like 40 or so copper fairies from farming an event map that happened to drop 3 per run as a byproduct of what I wanted. In retrospect, I actually regret not farming more of them when I had an easy chance to do so.

>> No.14589386

So all these Nutaku GR maps are staying around until the 12th?

>> No.14589395


>> No.14589419

o i am laffin at all the people that spent SC to grind the maps

>> No.14589437

But it's 1 scroll down and there you have the duration of this events... Where there idiots that wasted SC for this?

>> No.14589440

Is Halloween witch Yuyu?

>> No.14589443

ULMF and harem-battle.club threads

>> No.14589449

The people that can't read, these that are in a hurry to get everything at "day1". these that don't have time and these that don't know how to spend their money.
Probably missing some more.

>> No.14589469

I've spent so much SC on gacha during this GR and I didn't get any of the boosted units:

1 Marr

2 Fedora
1 Mehlis
1 Monica

1 Lauren
1 Sanosuke
1 Valerie
1 Giovanni
1 Bernard

>> No.14589557

Lack of any good gold+ valkyries.

My 9 cost betty is significantly stronger than my mincost misha, as she's awakened and misha can't be. So the only options are a 11 cost kerry or 13 cost emilia, and emilia has poor stats without her skill.

>> No.14589576

Uhm, seems right.

>> No.14589577

Yes, awoken witches have a better slow, and some of them attack faster. This also doesn't take into account their skills, which not only tend to increase damage, but for Eliza they increase the slow strength as well.

>> No.14589582

dodge chance

>> No.14589636
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>> No.14589682

is this loli?

>> No.14589721

There are no lolis on this board.

>> No.14589738

You got an amazing healer though, I'd say she's the best on nutaku right now.

>> No.14589747

K den
I'll try leveling her up, she's pretty weak now

>> No.14589773

She seems weak till she heals a entire 7+ group while they getting hit by mages and doesn't break a sweat.
She won't be much on the weaker maps but on the harder ones she'll be amazing, specially those with terrain effects.

>> No.14589812

All I've really used her for is Toxic Swamp 2, lol

>> No.14590022

There are no lolis in Eastasia. She is an adorable 18-year-old.

since Mischa is confirmed to have been greenlit, when do you think we'll actually get her?

>> No.14590025


>> No.14590033
File: 58 KB, 640x480, use.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is "The Final Trial" really the final trial?
I've beaten it, and completed the drop, which should mean that I'm done with the event for now.
And I quite liked it, I must say, even if completing the drop in the Strong Enemy battle gave me so much grief.

>> No.14590058

Yes, it's the last one

They all last until the 12th but if you're done then it's back to the dailies and waiting

>> No.14590067

>You got an amazing healer though, I'd say she's the best on nutaku right now.
who, Fedora?
(I'm afraid I don't recognise all of the names on anon's list).

>> No.14590068

>confirmed to have been greenlit
No, NutakuDev claimed that "we greenlit her but evil jap devs don't want to add her". Since there's no way to verify it with jap side, there's pretty high chance its just blame shifting and they didn't really greenlight anything.

>> No.14590074

Marr. She heals everyone in her attack radius at same time when her skill is on, and skill has very short reuse cooldown time.

>> No.14590076

I think he means Marr, the platinum Feng Shui master

>> No.14590077

Marr, the plat feng shui

>> No.14590086

She's great called her best is stupid

>> No.14590088

who's better on nut taco?

>> No.14590122
File: 234 KB, 958x638, Tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna start crying... It's been 6-7 days now... I want one Iron fairy... I Only get those 2... I can't anymore... I just...

>> No.14590127

Don't worry your luck is probably going to turn around soon now

>> No.14590128

You can easily three-star that map every time with better tactics
iron fairy drops from the white minotaur on the bottom half, btw

>> No.14590142

>iron fairy drops from the white minotaur on the bottom half, btw

>> No.14590160

might explain your bad luck if you are letting him slip by
For 3*:
place Leanne to block the top one, Hero to block the bottom one
then Katie to block the goblins who leak past the Prince
cheap bronze soldier to catch the one goblin that leaks up top, withdraw
place two Healers in the 'island'

>> No.14590166

They told me that that dragon warrior and that lich drop the fairies... Not that white minotaur...

>> No.14590171

Lich drops silver
Dragon shield guy drops gold
but Iron Fairy comes from the first guy who takes the bottom route!

>> No.14590176
File: 31 KB, 177x133, 677Espurr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was fighting 6 days with the wrong guys for the fairy

>> No.14590185

At least you still have several days to grind for correct enemy now.

>> No.14590186
File: 312 KB, 809x1200, 51817241_p7_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 next one gives it.

>> No.14590201

this is why you should learn to 3* everything

>> No.14590303

Liana's overpriced, Camilla is great but not better, Chydis you could argue the toss and the golds aren't better either.

>> No.14590353

It depends on the situation. Marr didn't do shit with hard hitting enemies like lich king

>> No.14590640

Is it just me or DMM is having some network problems? Aigis and FKG not loading or throwing connection errors halfway.

>> No.14590697

Not just you, I'm having problems as well.

Still, DMM isn't Nutaku so it'll probably get fixed soon and we might be handed SCs/flower tokens to boot.

>> No.14591057


>> No.14591135

Is Cloris worth AW? I just got the orbs and already had materials for it though I'll have no gold after doing so. I also have two copies of Eriza.

>> No.14591173

Bernice protecting herself

>> No.14591227

When resumes appear on nutaku kampani? Want to use my event mailbox while it lasts.

>> No.14591647

I could code up an android client pretty easily it seems full touch controls work. All that I'd need to do is open a web browser to have you login to nutaku and pull out the iframe and size it to the screen. I don't have an iOS device though so you're out of luck there.

>> No.14591661

i actually just starting to play kanpani girls today, can you help me on what to do?

>> No.14591743

-Save crystals for space expansions in the facilities/unit space(default max is only 69) /bread aprons/extra party
-Raise a soldier/healer/3 others up to you
-iirc the equipment daily is tomorrow so do those for recipes
-When you craft equipment there's a very small chance of getting a +2/+3 version (feels like 2-5%), not too important early game but the last tier equips get huge stat boosts.
-If you have tons of silver/gold mailboxes, you can reject the daily resume, wait until just before the daily reset, and then use a mailbox so it'll be able to affect both resumes
-Rarer girls get better stats but don't let that prevent you from using your waifu
-You can CEO power cheese maps by using a power and then closing the window, and coming back in 50 or 100 mins (it recharges by 1 per min)
-There is no use for the silver coin/coin bag items other than selling, you can also sell the gems (ruby/turquiose/etc) for money early game, iirc 2-5 can drop rubies

>> No.14591860
File: 235 KB, 962x640, Yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 tries.


>> No.14591869

Now go grind for Cuterie, Fedora, Iris and Julian.

>> No.14591886

Now I'm trying for Fedora. I have no idea if I'm strong enough though.

>> No.14591905

You have about 40 unit points before a bunch of wolves show up with the first dragon, but if you aren't able to 3 star it for whatever reason, you only have to kill the 3 dragons for the drops

>> No.14591927

Christ, it's been so long since I last did the Aigis dailies that I think I've forgotten how to do them.

>> No.14591930

I only had enough stamina for 1 try. I can kill those 3 dragons easily. I can't 3 star it yet though. I need a couple of rounds before figuring where to put who. I got a silver fairy though.

>> No.14591964

it's hard not to let anything slip by on god tier crystal daily, that speed is pretty ridiculous

>> No.14592182

This is probably the best I've seen for farming with AW thief.

>> No.14592200

I wonder if it would work with Bashira instead gold archer and cannon instead second gold pirate

>> No.14592203

Should be even easier now, pirates just got buffed. Not that you having a thief for it will help much this week.

>> No.14592215

>those tactics
you are bad at this game

>> No.14592223

He got his unit, that's all what matters.

>> No.14592239

Not sure about cannon but you can replace Vera with pretty much any AW archer that can 2-shot the gazers. Not Stray though, probably.

>> No.14592272

Or MAYBE he just started.

>> No.14592460
File: 754 KB, 960x640, Un.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First run on the map
Why can't all be this perfect?

am i done with this event now?

>> No.14592876

or my units are barely strong to defeat stuff and I have to cheese it?

>> No.14592934
File: 171 KB, 958x640, 4342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I 3-stared this.

>> No.14593122

Dragon Tactics, or Providence? Which one is better?

>> No.14593217

>「部活少女バトル」は、2015年8月10日(月) 15:00をもちまして、全てのサービスを終了させていただきました。
Dang, it's always sad when that happens. And I wanted to check back on it too, beyond the speed issues it was actually a fun little Worms clone.

Choginga is down too, possibly for the count but they mention they will eventually resume service. Oh well, at least Kancolle, Aigis, FKG and Kanpani are sure to survive for a good while.

>> No.14593239

I'm saying there are probably better ways to cheese it
most of these GR maps are not as hard as they look, although the Bandit Exodus is a bitch that requires a great deal of ranged damage output and/or godly tanking

>> No.14593262

Well it works, so you can't argue with results.

Also, I did a 5 SC and I got Shizuka... I need to remake my team.

>> No.14593281

damn, that was the one I was after
she's just too kawaii

>> No.14593290

I hope you get it with your next roll. I wanted Celia to tell the truth. I like her more.

>> No.14593317

I wanted a Celia and I got the plat bandit Lyla. I've gave up trying for her now.

>> No.14593330

Checked their stats (Lyla and Celia), wow Celia is stronger from the beginning.

>> No.14593476

Nope, Lyla is the stronger one, as far as bandits go even Conrad is better than Cellia.
Lyla has good affection bonuses and a good bandit skill while Cellia has shit in those areas too.

The only reason anyone really wants Cellia is for her passive.

>> No.14593508

3 reasons actually: her passive, her HP and her ranged magic attack (skill AW)

>> No.14593563

who did you nerds pick in peropero?

>> No.14593611

I don't play PeroPero anymore. Too shallow of game mechanics and all of the cards can be viewed online. Their animated scenes didn't do enough for me, either.
Logged in quickly to see the choices and then looked up their end cards though. I would choose the flute girl (though they changed her sprite from the JP one, so who knows what it looks like now) which is a blowjob scene or the Native American which has her taken from behind, up against a wall

>> No.14593636

I stopped mainly because of the long time sink, just could use that time on other things, don't feel like checking every 30 min to use something up and such.

>> No.14593643
File: 649 KB, 3541x2507, 5376609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got 2 extra Kerry and Iris, what should i do with them?
Levelling another one, fusing them to CC or just leaving them for awakening sacrifice?
I don't really like using more than one of the same unit.

>> No.14593645

cc 30 and give to orginal

>> No.14593651

30CC20 and feed back to CR and SU

>> No.14593655

Didn't thinked about that, thanks.

>> No.14593748

50 attempts later I still haven't completed a single one of these event maps.

I'm never gonna get these golds.

>> No.14593758

You mean complete as in 3 star or actually finishing the map? Because you can get the golds without 3 starring.

>> No.14593760

Show your team.

>> No.14593765

Get the golds, I mean.

I can complete the maps just fine, this fucking gold fairy just never fucking drops in this one map. I'd try others but someone mentioned that all the drop rates were like this.

>> No.14593805

I hope you're killing every monster

>> No.14593831

I'm actually trying to complete the very first one still, the priest one.

I kill all units except death since I got three star already...I don't need to kill him outside that do I?

>> No.14593837

The very first one is actually the easy Archer one (Hunter's Forest)
but no, the magic skeleton guy doesn't drop the fairy, only the three 'holy women' do

>> No.14593840

No, he doesn't drop it

>> No.14593841

No, only priestesses. Getting the gold fairy took me a while.

>> No.14593859



GMT 0400

>> No.14593879



This is the speed play guide written by the guy who played 6 accounts up to part 2 ch 1 so he could get 6 Judita serial codes (all fed to his main account).


They have different strengths. Tactics looks pretty but there's not much to the gameplay once you figure out an optimal build. Providence... I dropped it due to the tiny UI but those who stuck with it say it's got more inter-guild things to do.

>> No.14593884

That page doesn't look correct. Says no hourly quest now, but its exp quest up.
Also, login rewards and resumes appear at different times, I'm online around that time and always get login reward first and then resume few hours later.

>> No.14593889

just started Dragon Providence because bored and did the first gacha roll after job choice, got ssr ifrit. Is it normal to get a ssr on that roll? Is it any good?

>> No.14593906


To my awareness, login reward resets at GMT 0000 and resume is at 0400. It's what I've read from guides though, I'm never awake at 0400.


I got the impression the game showers you with a few SSRs at the beginning.

>> No.14594041

Just got a plat from the daily free 2k roll. Base and BaseSP are actually giving me better results than premium summons these days.

>> No.14594068

never gotten higher than silver
premium gacha has been kind though

>> No.14594095

So I'm better off just using crystals for buffs to try and force wins in this New Years maps, right?

>> No.14594103

I'm starting to suspect that daily free rolls have a higher rate than 2k gold rolls. Done hundreds of both, but the plat and both golds were from free rolls.

>> No.14594104

Heads up on Kanpani event hammer: only works on part 1 weapons. Does NOT work on character weapons or R12 (royal).

Oh and facebook says this weekend, the Fortune quests give double EXP.

>> No.14594148

DMM and Nutaku have never published rates for the 2k summon have they?

>> No.14594379
File: 384 KB, 949x588, 73d7843cf2bf57c60d06eb4d966fbffd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My God, I didn't realize how hard this path is.

>> No.14594429

So which one is higher than the other two combined because everyone bandwagoned her?

>> No.14594456

I remember in JP peropero that the Japs had horrible taste.

There was one time where there was a brown semen demon available but the generic blonde haired princess type won by a landslide.

>> No.14594499

i went to look that up, and the jap wiki doesn't have scenes, damn

>> No.14594745

Great, one more event with this video-card burning monkey-coded "winter effects" shit on Girls Kingdom. They are really keen on forcing me to drop it, aren't they.

>> No.14595044

>loads of gold
>loads of silver and gold fairies
>11 decent-to-good gold units
>11 SCs
>all on easy maps

Reckon they're priming the pump for Awakening?
only missing Fedora and Betty now, fucking gold fairies

>> No.14595051

this event is what Japan got right at the start though

>> No.14595097
File: 348 KB, 564x902, Unit LIst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, this is my entire unit list (missing fairies and unit fodder).
Any advice to make a better team?

>> No.14595114

For starters, lock your gold+ and active silver units, because that's fucking triggering me right there.

Then focus on Bashira, Katie/Julian, and Iris.

>> No.14595133

Get Cuterie, Barbastroff and Conrad from GR if you can.

Other than these, your team is good enough, no need for new units for now, just raise Iris and Bashira to 50CC40 first. Then Katie and Bernice. Then Barbastroff, Pares or some other mage. Then Cloris since you have her at 45 anyway.

>> No.14595164

Is Cuterie so good? I'm not using my Cecily that much, so I don't know about rogues that much.

>> No.14595184

Cuterie is good to have on your team during the Challenge Quests, just for her affection item drop rate boost

>> No.14595194

You don't use rogues for fighting, unless you have AW Berna. Only for stalling and the occasional lucky assassinate, neither of which Cecily (or Harissa) is particularly good at. You'll be using Cypria for those unless you happen to get Berna from the shrine.

Cuterie is used for her affection drop rate increase, while Betty is used for her gold get passive when awakened.

>> No.14595195

wow... that is good.

>> No.14595213

Cuterie, Monica, Cellia, Amanda, Yunon and Leda boost drop rates of appropriate items/units, sometimes being the difference between relying on RNG and getting item for 100% chance. If you plan to play Aigis for a long time, its very wise to get them ASAP.

>> No.14595216

Also Robert for male items. And Noel for gold. But these two are not as important.

>> No.14595225

NutakuDevTea: not in my guard!

>> No.14595241


>> No.14595255

She's dwarf, not loli. There are no loli in Aigis.

>> No.14595262

There are no lolis in any Nutaku game... riiight?

>> No.14595295

Yep, everyone full grown adults

>> No.14595314
File: 773 KB, 902x896, 1446421769847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14595338

DMM in a nutshell

>> No.14595629

If I have multiple copies of a unit whose skill doesnt change on CC, should I still get the copy to 30CC20 before feeding it, or can I just feed it at 20?

>> No.14595653

You can feed it at 1, no point in levelling it at all.

>> No.14595909

if it's a male unit, like Stray, feeding it at level 20-30 with three identical fairies will give EXP like a plat armor

>> No.14595927

Exp gain from additional levels is 7 exp per level for silver and above. While exp needed for level up is non-linear, and much bigger than gain from level up.
By raising gold male from 1 to 20 you get 19*7=133 extra exp, while you need to waste 1733 exp. Even with 8x bonus from fairies, you still waste 730 exp by doing this shit.

>> No.14595987

For a lot of us, gold is completely useless since we're sitting in the millions and spending 50k for a exp armour is worth it.

>> No.14595993

Your post doesn't make sense. If you have excess gold, then theres even less reason to waste exp on raising fodder.
You are spending 2 exp armors to get one.

>> No.14596008

Exp armours are far rarer than gold is, and its annoying to level a unit 41+, and not effecient to do it with level 1 fodder.

>> No.14596022

But the only thing you're saving with that method is gold, while wasting a lot of exp. So the one case where it might make sense to do this is if you're really really tight on gold.

If you don't care about gold, then the better way is to just to feed the units you use to raise Stray to 20 directly to your other unit instead. It is more expensive in terms of gold, but gives noticably more exp.

>> No.14596026

You are not good with math it seems.
Suppose there's 1 gold unit you want to use as fodder of level 1 and pile of irons/bronzes with total of 1733 exp.

Scenario 1 (one you suggest):
You feed irons/bronzes to gold unit to raise it to level 20, then feed it with 3 fairies to whatever unit you want to level.
Exp gain: (750 + 19*7) * 8 = 7064

Scenario 2 (the efficient one):
You just feed everything to unit you want to level directly.
Exp gain: 750 * 8 + 1733 = 7733

By your crazy shenanigans with raising fodder gold you LOSE exp and money, there's nothing "efficient" about it at all.

>> No.14596054

You guys are assuming both units are the same level, which would never be the case. It would end up costing a shit ton to level a unit from 41 to 50 with level 1 fodder, exp doesn't matter since its only level 1 fodder being wasted.

At 160 - 200 exp per combine at 7200 gold per combine at 41 its not worth using level 1 fodder.
If you used lvl 1 bronze fodder x4 per combine to reach 50 it would take 288000, yes its a loss of exp but not a waste of gold.

>> No.14596066

That number is too low because you haven't taken into account the rising costs of gold needed per level.

>> No.14596070

He said he didn't care about gold at all, >>14595987
> exp doesn't matter since its only level 1 fodder being wasted
Exp is exp, doesn't matter what level it is.
I've raised plenty of units to CC70 with just irons and bronzes, when you farm decent maps (IB on nutaku, Castle Town on DMM) you don't care about gold costs.

>> No.14596078

In what fairy world you are getting enough of these mystical level one irons to raise fodder to 20?
Only source of them for any player playing more than one day would be free daily gacha. Since you need 43 of them to raise one gold to 20, that would mean collecting them over 1.5 months just for slight exp boost. Talk about annoying.

>> No.14596083

There's a big difference between lvl 20 fodder and lvl 1 fodder, the gold that doesn't matter at all comes from 2k gacha, where its about 64000 gold to get enough fodder to get something to lvl 20.
64000 (not 50k) + the costs of leveling a duplicate to 20 is far less than feeding it directly to a 41+ unit.

>> No.14596089

Fucking tengu.
One second too early to retreat unit, and my perfect 3* run of 田を返せ is ruined again.
Going to use Memento with her tokens this time, its so much easier to do with skeletons. She's best investment of SC for me so far.

>> No.14596092

What? You suggest wasting 64k gold on free gacha to get whole 133 extra exp and you believe this is somehow efficient?
If you feed level 1 irons directly into unit, even at 41+ you will get more than 133 exp for 64k gold.

>> No.14596100

This is to hit 50, as stated earlier it'd cost over 288000 gold just to level to 50 with the fodder, or you can spend roughly 70000 for the same deal by feeding a duplicate, the end result is a level 50 gold unit either way.

>> No.14596111
File: 37 KB, 168x173, ponder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, are you saying to CC them at 30, then get them another 20 levels before feeding them to the original?
I get the CC at 30 part, but why get them another 30 levels afterwards?

>> No.14596126

extra levels give extra exp

have yet to do that for myself though

>> No.14596135

To boost exp gained when combined with 3 fairys, if you're using 2k gacha to level shit due to having several millions then its cheaper.

>> No.14596140

You should have a fair amount of time to see them throw their staff, unless you set up on the right side by their spawn point, in which case bets are off.

Tokens for lightning tengu are a safe tactic though, there's plenty of room with the number of deployment slots.

>> No.14596154

At 田を返せ they appear right over ranged units on right side of map. Retreating right when staff is already in air is kinda tricky there, if you retreat during attack animation before projectile is created he will target other unit instead, but staff flies about second before hitting.

>> No.14596210

I personally stop at 30CC10.

>> No.14596364
File: 58 KB, 238x479, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they are flowers, why do they have boobs?

>> No.14596367

Petals, right?

>> No.14596392

I was thinking of playing Kanpani Girls is there anyone I should reroll for?

>> No.14596396

Holly is best unit to roll for, but I'm not sure you can get 5* from rerolling now. Should'be done it few days ago when they gifted 2 black envelopes.

>> No.14596402

Levels after CC give +20 exp each.
It's a good idea to wait for male exp bonus so your CC22 gold males are worth like 2 plat armors ((750x2)+(20x21)+80).

Females have low base exp so even with 3x bonus I'd rather sell them for rainbow crystals.

>> No.14596407

People stop at level 30 for CC? i always maxed level before CCing because someone in here told me once it was a waste to do it and the units would be more weaker than they should be.

>> No.14596415

You can stop at 30 if you plan on feeding that unit to another. If you are planning on using the unit you are CC'ing, level it to max.

>> No.14596420

The tutorial roll can only get you a 3*, but you start with 9 stones, so you can roll when you get 1 more. The problem is that you start without PR Division and Golden Mailbox, so your chances of getting a good roll are even worse than usual.

If you really want to start with a strong girl I suggest you wait till we get a Black Envelope as a daily present (we actually got 2 recently as the other anon pointed out) or try to get a free acc for example from http://harem-battle.club/kanpani-girls/706-account-giveaway-list.html

>> No.14596424

Is rerolling a huge deal or can I start off with a level 3 rare just fine? I got Fiora as a black rare envelope.

>> No.14596429

Some 5* character weapons are very broken, but you need 80+ team to clear 5*CQ, so difference would be apparent only several months after you started.

>> No.14596430

So should I just wait till I can get a 5* character or start now? Sorry I'm stupid.

>> No.14596432

You don't need 5* chars to clear all game content. Decide yourself.

>> No.14596435

Guess i'll play now since I don't want to wait. Anyway to add friends in this game or just pure solo?

>> No.14596437

It's as the other anon said. One reason you would do that is for units (many gold/plat units) with numbered skills since some of them change on CC, so in order to get the chance for CR and SU you'll have to CC the fodder as well

Also once awakening comes, it'll require CC'd silvers (or gold) units as evo material

>> No.14596439

Pure solo.

>> No.14596441

Alright see ya in the battlefield.

>> No.14596458
File: 12 KB, 224x125, Fat Friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I'll have to try that in future(pity I used up most of the duplicate Golds I got during this event already).
Cheers also for being understanding, as if I'd read the full thread instead of asking when it came up, I would've probably gotten the answer(though your responses were more in-depth).

By the way, can you still feed units to units that've reached their max level?
I'm worried that if I maxed anyone out I wouldn'tbe able to lower their cost and raise thei skill by feeding them duplicates.

>> No.14596462

Yup. You can.

>> No.14596464

Yes you can feed at max level, sometimes nothing happens as only the first SU and CR are 100%

>> No.14596502
File: 24 KB, 640x480, thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, you guys are stars

>> No.14596504

Just finished getting all golds. Iris took the longest at like two days. Conrad next funny enough with like a day and a half worth or so. Everyone else I got in less than 10 runs or so I think.

>> No.14596561

I still don't have Cuterie from GR

probably because I got her from premium summon right after the event started

>> No.14596598

scratch that, just got her with my last stamina

>> No.14596690

Only need a gold fairy and I'll have Barbastroff, completing the event. Almost have Bernice at 50CC50 as well.

>> No.14597075
File: 55 KB, 618x562, 1421015886952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you can't use Mikoto in War of Magic

>> No.14597145

War of Magic is bullshit, worst challenge hands down.

>> No.14597156

git gud scrub

>> No.14597180

it clearly says only witches and mages

>> No.14597533
File: 205 KB, 515x419, Sybilla Nendroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sybilla Nendroid:
First Edition Serial Code: Original Character (Nendroid Sybilla)
Guide Start: Jan 13th

Info courtesy of Petite Soeur.

>> No.14597586


Oh so you returned again to show us how much you like his dick. Don't worry we already know how much you like it, but there isn't need to go showing it everywhere, no one is going to take that fun from you or take your place as his pet.

>> No.14597691

She looks cute. But I Don't buy Nendroids.

>> No.14597699

I don't either, but it is pretty moe.


>> No.14597760

I don't think I'll manage to get all the units I want before the GR ends...

>> No.14597766

What game is she from?

>> No.14597794

That page is useless now, the time/event has been wrong since weeks.

>> No.14597801

GK: My base offers 200k gold and 120k mana for bounty. Offers free soldier kills too.

Watch replay of a guy who put down 5 archers to take 28k gold then retreated. Wat... It's not like the other chests are that hard to get, he brought an army over too.

>> No.14597807

That sucks
I might be in the same boat as you
I can only get one star on Armored March and I'm not sure I can even finish Knight's Feast, Bandit Exodus, or The Final Trial.
3* and unit drop on the rest though

>> No.14597811

looks like a Princess in Millennium War Aigis

>> No.14597815

Sybilla from Millennium War Aigis

>> No.14597838

He probably only wanted 10k to complete the daily mission, I keep doing this everyday. And he probably just went afk and that's why he didn't just abort the battle after 10k.

>> No.14597987
File: 1.55 MB, 960x1280, castle retake level 90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally got around to 3*ing Castle Retake
probably could have done it earlier

>> No.14598245

immortal beast next

>> No.14598286

haha there is no fucking way
I saw the video

>> No.14598398

why is holly good? i got her my first time
(is noob)

>> No.14598411



>> No.14598416


>> No.14598422

She can heal whole party with ~0.95 modifier, while all other healers have only ~0.35 all-heal skill available.
With that party heal, its almost impossible to lose battle.

>> No.14598429

how do you make her heal the whole party? a specific weapon?

does it say in game about that whole party heal modifier? or is that only for wizards to know

>> No.14598439

>a specific weapon?
Yes, her character quest weapon, crafted at +3.
> modifier
It doesn't show exact values in game, people tested it experimentally and gathered data on wiki.

>> No.14598450


>> No.14598473

Btw, can anyone explain how Yunis CW works? It says "resurrection" (as effect, not only skill name), but how that works? She can target any dead member and heal him back from 0 hp? Unlimited number of times?

>> No.14598479 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 644x324, hollyWeapon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To add to that: to GET Holly's character weapon recipe, you'll need to consistently clear her character quest with Holly in your party. Lv 70+ with the best of currently-released gear. Then you have to craft a +3 of that recipe, but the mats required only drop from Holly's quest (or presumably, some other 5* character quest).

In other words, it'll take a really long time and lots of luck to make pic related.

>> No.14598489
File: 57 KB, 287x425, healEye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To add to that: to GET Holly's character weapon recipe, you'll need to consistently clear her character quest with Holly in your party. Lv 70+ with the best of currently-released gear. Then you have to craft a +3 of that recipe, but the mats required only drop from Holly's quest (or presumably, some other 5* character quest).

In other words, it'll take a really long time and lots of luck to make pic related.

>> No.14598500

first pic illustrated material cost better.

>> No.14598580

You know that completing Castle Retake at that lvl is embarrasing right? nothing to brag about.

>> No.14598594

I prob did it even later just because couldn't be ask to 3 star until I knew was going to be easy. Sides, what's it matter? People can be happy for something even if it may not be the fastest it can be done at.

>> No.14598611

if you think that was bragging you must have one hell of an inferiority complex

>> No.14598624
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-01-09-17-41-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's easy desu

>> No.14598643


>> No.14598735

I wish they would let to have more than 4 preset teams and add labels to them, like FKG already does.
Its so annoying to recompose team for every different daily/orb (and I cannot make something universal with thief in it).

>> No.14598738

Yes I got Cuterie. Now I want Fedora.

>> No.14598748

there's just no pleasing you is there

>> No.14598755

Oh I got Fedora already.

I still haven't got Garrette, Conrad, Kerry, Barbastroff and Betty. Who should I go for next.


>> No.14598776

None of them are "essential". Depends what premium/event units you got. If you don't have any gold or above mage, go for Barb.
If you don't have any gold or above valk, go for Kerry.
Otherwise go for Betty.
Garret is useless, do him last either way.

>> No.14598792

I don't have a gold Mage and Valkyrie. I'll got for Barb and Kerry. But Kerry's tough for me, so she'll be last... If I manage to get them in 3 days.

>> No.14598802

Worth spending employee stones to try to get rid of my bad luck fortune?

>> No.14598817

About good to bad
Betty > Conrad = Kerry > Garrette > Barbastroff
Betty is very good when AW come.
You can buy gold mage in trading post anytime with little RNG troll.

>> No.14598839

>Betty is very good when AW come.
Not really. She can earn you some extra gold if you feel being cheap, but that's it.
I'm over 1mil of gold on DMM now without Betty, and never felt need to do any manual "get gold!" grind.

>> No.14598925

Which should I level as my first princess, Lilia or kaguya? I have kaguya's maid too, if that matters

>> No.14599059

Or patel, have her too

>> No.14599169

In Kanpani, if I give my girl something like Storm Mail, they get an elemental resistance, but do they also get a weakness?

>> No.14599195

Yeah, they'll take extra damage from the opposite element.

Case in point, Purgatory Helmet on soldiers gives them reduced damage against fire spells, but they take ice hits like a bitch.

>> No.14599230

you can play on your phone!?!?!?

>> No.14599241

only the DMM version

>> No.14599247

Coincidentally I 3*ed this today too.

>> No.14599265

do i need to edit console because i am US? or can i still dl and play?

>> No.14599271

how do 3* on US? Not with only Calliope and Chloris I bet.

>> No.14599300
File: 9 KB, 69x51, 千年戦争アイギス:ストーリーミッション オアシスに迫る危機 ☆3 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know that some sprites change when skill is activated.
Monica with machine gun instead her usual medieval pistol is cool.

>> No.14599304


>> No.14599309

There are both Android and IOS versions.

>> No.14599317 [DELETED] 

is it on google play?

>> No.14599331


>> No.14599365

are there any benefits?

>> No.14599370

I dunno about the iOS version, but for android you just download the dmm store app from their website and download aigis through that, shouldn't be too hard.

You probably need Bellinda.

>> No.14599538 [DELETED] 

error code -101 ?
a bunch of japanese and : -101

>> No.14599631

new thread

>> No.14599647

Not even page 10. Why are you such attention whore?

>> No.14599656

Always do around page 9, not sure how it makes me an attention whore
