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14570054 No.14570054 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>14555211

The guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a

Please avoid shitposting and being off topic - follow global and local rules. Instead of replying, report and ignore!

If you have a question about a certain item, please provide as much information as possible so that we can help. Usually, your measurements, equipment and habits are our best indicators. Please avoid using broad terminology such as "average" when discussing size - use numbers instead to make it clearer. Don't forget to use proper units!

Please read the guide before posting. Don't forget to use the archive to search for posts and reviews.

Onahole Chat:

>> No.14570084

First for Rina

>> No.14570116 [DELETED] 
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Fuck You

>> No.14570157

I like holding boxes with naked lolis on the front. Also for hips they're convenient for storage.

No box is better than going to jail though.

>> No.14570203

What's Discord? I think I heard about it being a new voice program or something.

>> No.14570248

its an anonymous text communicator like IRC. It also has voice but we havent used it yet

>> No.14570265

Oh, neat. That sounds a lot better than I thought.

>> No.14570285

What is the most realistic anal onahole?

>> No.14570301

Tong-ggo is pretty great, but it needs to be powdered every time you use it

>> No.14570344
File: 517 KB, 620x530, AO225_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guy from previous thread here

still on the fence on buying this product, Cute Hips DX: https://jlist.com/ao225

Was comparing it to the Puni Ana DX
, they seem similar, but the Puni Ana DX seems to have a weird color and like 40-50 dollars more.

Although the Puni Ana DX has a 22 cm length compared to the Cute Hips' 14cm. Should i be concerned about the 14cm total length (5.5 inches) when i stand around 5.2 or something?

why am i putting so much thought and effort into this i have no idea, i really dont want to end up getting the Cute Hips and regretting it based on size alone, but visually it looks amazing.

>> No.14570377

The very cheapest vibe around.
The store I got it from lists it to $5, but I got it free in some event sellout.

It says its Multispeed, but it only has an on and off mode. The only thing multispeed about it is that it can run slower if the battery is low.
It relies on the cap being screwed on hard enough, and it can randomly turn off while you have it deep up your ass.
Unless you're really good at messing around with a lubed up vibrator stuck up your ass, you have to pull it out.
It has no string or plug, so you need to have a grip on it.

But shit was free, so I ain't complaining. :>

>> No.14570386

Dick and tunnel length need to be heavily considered because you don't want to run out of room when you go balls deep and even deeper during climax.

The color is due to material. Love Cloud is an absolute hit and miss, especially with the kind of PR and retail association they do. Almost all of the pictures I've seen in the past, and I won't be able to quote any, of retail pictures, make it seem subpar in quality. Tunnel length for the PuniDX is nigh-irrelevant for this comparison since it's a service tunnel - you don't have to use it, it's there for cleaning. Should you have to use it, that's fine. I've poked my 6" out of a ~25cm tunnel during one of my sessions.


>> No.14570445

what websites should i be using instead?

>> No.14570509

Any of the recommended vendors.

>> No.14570572

Anyone try out the Gichi Gichi tight virign? The one with the partial dual layer cervix?

>> No.14570584

Checking out http://en-nls.com/pict1-32343?c2=9999&incart=1 on NLS. It shows that it is out of stock on the main page, but if i add to cart and check out it says it is available, am i being memed?

>> No.14570665

Because >ETA: within 48 hours
It might delay your order by a bit, but maybe it won't matter because they get it on time

>> No.14570677

the shipping was so expensive that it'd be cheaper to get it off of US Amazon...

also in every video ive seen of that Puni DX, it has really noticable ripples along the bottom of it, kind of apprehensive now.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyrh7cpVaR0

>> No.14570754
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actually yea ive pretty much decided on buying

that. With amazon's free shipping and it being local, it even beats all of the recommended pastebin retailers on price.

Its just really worrying seeing the color on those pictures, why is it that stupid pink color when literally everywhere else it shows a nice neutral skin tone?

>> No.14570924

Apologies for this, but I'm paralyzed by choice.


>> No.14570933

Tomax hole simply because they last forever and every self-respecting neet should have one in soft or very soft

>> No.14570939

i dont get the picture

>> No.14570959

I've been pretty interested in them, but this just affirms that they seem like some of the best. Definitely going to grab at least one.

There absolutely has to be a reason for the hype, and I trust you guys.

>> No.14570994
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>> No.14570996

What's the current default recommendation for getting started with hips?

Puni ana dx? ana dx hard? cocoro?

>> No.14571034

Cocolo is a bitch to clean.

>> No.14571035

also will it be that pink shit color?

>> No.14571048

fuck you anon don't hijack my post >:(

After taking a look at the structure, yeah, that really does look like it's terrible to clean

alright then
puni ana dx normal or hard?

Anybody have that new magic eye hole with the bone structure? The Moe Body one, http://otonajp.com/internal-structure-of-a-moe-body-kaitai-shinsho/

>> No.14571051

Pretty sure someone tried that skeleton one and said it wasn't the best.

>> No.14571063

Oh wow, that's interesting. It's actually cheaper for me to just use my flat currency rate on nls rather than converting from yen.

Godfuckingdamnit Canada.

>> No.14571070

Cheaper for me too, always as an Ausfag to pay in yen. I think that's sort of a general rule for everywhere. Hell, if I'm buying shit from Amazon and paying in USD it's usually a few bucks saved from shipping alone.

>> No.14571074

Some think Cocolo feels better than Puni Ana DX, which is why it's sometimes recommended over it. I don't own both so I have no idea.

As for Kaitai Shinsho, I remember reading something about durability issues?

>> No.14571078

With soft tomax holes you HAVE to mix your lube with water, even if it's already quality thin lube by itself

Just keep that in mind, the lube can make or break your first impression

>> No.14571093

I actually thought it was more expensive for me at first, because I mistyped a number.

Paying in yen saves me about 2 dollars. Not great, but I'll take it. Economy recovering never.

>> No.14571150

Did shops stop selling ALICEだよっ?

Can't find that shit anywhere

>> No.14571225

do you have to powder the puni hole dx? that might actually make or break me buying it.. because that sounds like a huge hassle and I dont want to buy an industrial sized bag of corn starch or baby powder

>> No.14571242

you have to basically powder any hole. Sorry

>> No.14571252

Guys i'm either lost because the pastebin is old or i fucked up using JSS.

pastebin says:
>decide what exactly you want to buy
>on JSS, select Forward on the top then Make Order on the left
>fill out everything they want to know
>receive e-mail with JSS shipping address
>order on Amazon/wherever using that address
>wait until goods arrive at JSS
>select shipping method, pay all the costs
>wait for ages
>receive onahole

I input the link\name to my product and the cost, 8500 yen, then i was sent to paypal to pay it. I paid and they said thank you order is done.

There was no email from them about their shipping address as stated in:
>receive e-mail with JSS shipping address

it doesn't make sense to order that item again with their address since i already paid

what do i do?

>> No.14571269

Can't wait for my ALICEだよっ. using jss bulk shipping.
i think you used their "buy for me" service?
It should be
Bulk Shipping Service
instead of
Online shopping service
at the order page.

>> No.14571289
File: 9 KB, 476x126, order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its already been paid, i cant go back now i dont think. I followed the guide in pastebin and clicked on the bulk shipping service. The email from paypal does list it as "Online Shopping Support Service"

it seems as if its nearly the same thing, except im paying first? they order it and once they recieve it i must pay the shipping from them to me and its done with?

>> No.14571292

>Can't wait for my ALICEだよっ. using jss bulk shipping.


which shop did you buy it from?

>> No.14571299

Email the guy, tell him you fucked up and want to forward instead.

>> No.14571303

Got it from http://alice-stage.com/shop/.. It's the only one selling. I got the agmv1 and it seems out of stock now.

>> No.14571315
File: 14 KB, 478x194, order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was going through history to try and see if it showed what service i was on, im pretty sure i saw i did choose bulk shipping service, but when looking through those i ended up making another transaction?

i think its best to leave it for a few days, why would the online shopping service be bad anyways?

>> No.14571326

oh shit that second one actually came with another email with the shipping instructions.

but its all fucked since its a blank transaction, im going to send them an email

>> No.14571351

Their online shopping service is more expensive than the forward service. They charge some amount for buying for you.

>> No.14571367

oh, shit

i sent them an email pretty much saying i fucked up and need both orders canceled, so now i have to wait 2 weeks for them to do this, still charge me and get no onahole. Then order it again the correct way to save 5 dollars

probably should have just let it go through the OSS

>> No.14571389

Alright, placed a request for a paypal invoice from Queen Cat for the Venus Real and Lilith Uterus, and ordered http://en-nls.com/pict1-42309?c2=12001126 and
https://en-nls.com/pict1-43282 from NLS. The monster girl love got the best of me.

Now hopefully the feds don't come for me, because I forgot to ask to remove the boxes. Then again, they are pretty boxes.

Much appreciation to everyone that voted and helped me out.

>> No.14571397

I doubt you'd get in trouble for monster holes. They're not underage in appearance or anything.

>> No.14571399

What are you ordering anyway?

>> No.14571404

just went through their estimate and saw that its going to cost me a total of 128 for my products, the same fucking price as on amazon that would be here within the week

why the fuck am i bothering with jss holy fuck


>> No.14571407

>Queen Cat

Unless you picked it from amazon, my assumption is you're an American. You're fine then. You can get the Puni Ana straight from them, and no one should care. It'll be easier if you did since it'll go through USPS and not international, and less likely to pry the interest of customs.

Only thing you might have to do is explain what's in the box, but you should be good though. That's my assumption and how it worked for me.

>> No.14571418

Close, but not quite.

I'm unfortunately a Canadian, and have to send them a request for an invoice, as I can't ship to my address through the normal online purchasing method.

I'm not worried about the boxes that the Lilith or Venus are in though, they're extremely tame.

>> No.14571431


I see. Surprised you can get it through that way, but as you said it's fairly tame for boxes. It's no lolico or whatever.

Best of luck Canada-bro.

>> No.14571432

Used my Aneros for the first time. As I came into my onahole (to futa on futa porn), it started fucking me really quickly and made some really lewd wet sounds. I'm a bad girl.

>> No.14571433

so u guys think if i dispute a charge from JSS that i'd be able to avoid this whole fiasco?

>> No.14571436

Ask NLS to remove packaging. Logon to your account and go to your order, then add a message asking them.

>> No.14571444

I only knew about it because of the pastebin, honestly. Never would have expected that I could do that.

I dunno, I might just chance it. I like the boxes and want them for collection purposes, and it's like another anon said earlier, they don't seem to appear underage. I only hope my shitty country agrees.

>> No.14571447

>has a penis

>> No.14571460

As a Britfag, my most prized onahole-related possession is the box for VA:A

>> No.14571492

the longer i wait, the more likely they actually order my item and continue to dig me deeper into my hole.

that "processing" could become "ordered" at any time

im scared bros, muh money

>> No.14571525

So for those who use a hole warmer, do you apply lube before heating or after?

>> No.14571531

Have they replied you? Seems they are on holiday tomorrow based on the calendar on their site.

>> No.14571538

no, i'm going for the dispute on paypal.

>> No.14571549

Have fun getting you baka gaijin ass banned, because that's what they're going to do if you get your money back without contacting them first.

>> No.14571550

>makes mistake, decides best way to resolve the situation is to punish the vendor
That should prove to be a great way to make friends.

>> No.14571556


but i also feel that if i dont do this, the item will ship and i'll be subject to their five THOUSAND YEN "waste disposal fee"

>> No.14571557

And all because you felt horny.

>> No.14571562

Just contact them and see if you can get it done as a shipping service.

>> No.14571563

please tell me what i should do in order to save all of my money

>> No.14571565

Stop bullying him, this is a bully free zone. I seriously feel bad for him.

>> No.14571569

but its weird because ive already paid them 8500 yen. What happens to that?

also i did not expect the cheapest shipping option to be 60 dollars, so the price is effectively the same as amazon would have been, but amazon ships in a mere couple days

theres no reason to keep this transaction at all.

>> No.14571578

How do you guys store your hips?

>> No.14571586

Oh shit, I just realized I used the contact us page for Queen Cat instead of their gmail (like shown in the pastebin), should I send an email?

>> No.14571595
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>> No.14571604

Wait for refund?

>> No.14571608

Keep the dispute around, see if they respond to your query.

>> No.14571652

Getting my first hip later this week, planning to keep it in the blister pack.

Are there bags large enough for hips?

>> No.14571688

I don't powder my lolinco and it seems to be fine, except its a bit dirty on the outside, if I don't powder a hip will there be dire consequences? are there any anons here that don't bother powdering?

>> No.14571694

I don't powder. I just store my holes in a toy bag after leaving them to dry for a bit.

>> No.14571699

I don't bother. But I store my holes wrapped up in microfiber cloths. They do get those little oil/dirt ball things on them occasionally, but I don't really care enough to go the effort of powdering.

>> No.14571746
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>> No.14571758
File: 602 KB, 600x849, 4526374513121pop1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meaning this? Never heard of anyone testing it out since it's pretty new, but it seems interesting. 5mm will probably really beat up your dick though.

>> No.14571761

what separates things like the puni ana from the much larger, cheaper, american made products i see on amazon?

i almost spent 130 on it without even considering other options

>> No.14571771


>> No.14571779

I'm no monster dick gwai-lo, but 126mm that's what 4.5 inches about. Won't be getting balls deep in that. I suppose that's not the point though and it's designed to stimulate your tip with that cervix/uterus/vacuum thing.

>> No.14571787

Wait, you got cut and now you're MORE sensitive? Isn't that the opposite of how it's supposed to work?
Before. It's difficult to insert the warmer without lube and you need the lube warmed anyway.

>> No.14571794

Found the chink.

It looks like a more extreme Virgin Age Admission, except with a loli that isn't as cute.

>> No.14571799

Speaking of phimosis, Lolinco and other loli holes have actually been gradually curing mine. I've heard of onaholes helping but didn't really believe it until I tried.

>> No.14571814

no really guys pls, why should i pay so much for a product when there are things like fleshlights for nearly half the price.

Or even things like this http://www.amazon.com/Silicagel-Vagina-Realistic-Female-Masturbation/dp/B00WAXOY98/ref=sr_1_58?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1451888078&sr=1-58&refinements=p_36%3A7500-12000

which might not have anime pictures on the box, but is double the weight and length for $20 less?

>> No.14571817

Yeah, now that my full head and frenulum are exposed, they're ridiculously sensitive. It's been terrible.

Not to blog or anything, but I ended up becoming a premature ejaculator (because I was way too sensitive and couldn't de-sensitize) and swore off 3D forever after my ex left me.

>> No.14571827

No white guy. Just not packing much heat. Little short of 7in on a good day, but 6.5 if I'm being honest. I just like to be able to get all the way inside, but that's what hips are for so not really the goal of this thing.

Also VA:A just narrows down to a point. This one has a distinctive hard rubber "secondary" tight hole at the end. Which I can only assume is to emulate penetrating a girls cervix to fuck her uterus, something all girls love. Point being I've never seen that kind of partial dual layer done before and the tight end opens back up past the "cervix" unlike the VA:A which just narrows down.

>> No.14571836

Oh, you meant more sensitive in comparison to having most of your head sheathed. Guess that makes sense. Personally I've sometimes wondered what it's like to not be cut, but all of the methods to do so sound like a pain and my current ejaculation speed is already fast enough.

>> No.14571841

Could you have sex before being cut? If so (which I'm presuming as you had a gf) then why did you get cut?

>> No.14571851


Mostly that, what you're used to. You'd be, arguably, just as sensitive cut as you were uncut, assuming you grew up with it. The only difference is if you were peeling back your foreskin (see: unusual/unaccustomed sensation).

My note on nerve endings: Wild Children, those who lived outside society. Some of them prance in fucking snow like it's nothing, even though they have the same nerve endings as us.

For >>14571817 though, shame to hear about both the extreme sensitivity and ex. I hope your pingas gets more accustomed to the exposure and you can get back to a comfortable cycle.

Read >>14571787's former link: anon had phimosis.

>> No.14571854

I could, but it was kind of weird. I could feel the skin stretching, and it was actually semi-painful at times. It's really kind of odd to have pain and pleasure mixed.

My foreskin was just far too tight, and was becoming a nuisance - a painful one, even.

Though, now I'm stuck with an embarrassing problem.

>> No.14571859

On some people the fskin is just too tight, and when you fuck it gets pulled down and tears which hurts like a bitch then when it finally heals it's even tighter and the process repeats. I don't know if they give you the option surgically to loosen it up. I think it's either try to never let it rip or get cut.

>> No.14571870

I'm assuming you're referring to the larger hips. Large toy bags for dolls work, and you can probably fit two in one bag. If you have some sewing skills, you can cut it up and make two bags. I store them in a large, sealed container under my bed.


Best to keep larger, heavier hips in their own plastic bag to prevent creases when inside the fabric bag.

>> No.14571882

Okay, that's interesting. As a virgin with phimosis I've always wondered whether I'd be one of those who could. Onaholes including Lolinco seem fine, which confuses me slightly given how tight it is.

>> No.14571908

Has your foreskin ever gone all the way down before? Did that hurt like crazy? Did it rip apart? If you can pump a hard ona with phimosis you must have it so tight that it's never going down.

>> No.14571919

Lolinco must be tighter and harder than any hypothetical 3D sex partner you find unless you are an absolute pederast or pencil dick.

>> No.14571926

I suffer from premature ejaculation pretty bad. I have a hard time lasting more than 3 minutes. Are there any exercises I can do to last longer? I want to enjoy my onahole and be able to please my waifu.

>> No.14571944

If it really bothers you go and talk to a doctor. They can tell you if it's something that will pass as you mature or if it's something you can fix surgically or otherwise. In some cases the foreskin can be stretched to behave normally, quite easily in fact, and you won't need a circumcision at all unless you want one.

>> No.14571966
File: 574 KB, 600x848, 4526374513213pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone try either of the Campus Life holes? That tennis girl on the box really does it for me.

>> No.14571973

I have the Tidy one, I like it quite a bit. It's fairly tight, has a nice texture and grooves, and has some good resistance - I can only assume the Sports one is even better.

>> No.14571985

How hard/firm is it?

>> No.14571996

It can go all the way down when limp. I'm the anon here >>14571799 Before onaholes it never went down at all when erect, these days I can see almost the whole circumference of the tip.

That's what I'm hoping, yes.

>> No.14572002

I don't have much to measure it against, sorry anon. It's one of my first holes - my only other ones are the R-20 Puni, and Meiki Real.

I would say it's somewhat hard, I guess - not much flexibility or stretch.

>> No.14572046

Give me a week and a bit and I'll have an answer and I'll have an answer.

>> No.14572058

Looking forward to it. You haven't happened to have also ordered that Tight Virgin one too?>>14571758 I'm now curious what that one feels like.

>> No.14572063
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, 1426403317130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody owns the alice dayo here?

>> No.14572139

Does the 17 Bourdoux live up to its reputation?

>> No.14572185

the moe body is nice, but its durability is an issue with its price.

Mine came with a defect where the "bone" was sticking out between the outer and inner layer, about where the clitoris would be if it weren't just a hunk of plastic, which I repaired before my first use.

even with the repair after 5-6 uses its started to tear on the inside.

other than the crap durability its a pretty damn good onahole, though the price sucks extra hard with how long it lasts before starting to fall apart.

It really seems like this is an issue with most of the new magic eyes designs, as my melty pussy only lasted about 10 uses, though it was my favorite dual layer hole while it lasted.
Oh and that new 5 tunnel thing will probably end up turning into 2 ragged holes after a few uses.

YMMV if you have a smaller than average penis, as I'm about average measurement wise 6" long, average girth, anything bigger will probably make the above mentioned holes into single use items.

>> No.14572209

Someone asked about Campus Life in the previous thread too, so...
It's not the best type of review, but still better than nothing.

Looking forward to it, the more reviews, the better.

>> No.14572356

All this speaking of phimosis leads me to talk about mine. It was fully cured when I was dumb enough to bang a slut. Ended up ripping the skin, guess daddy didn't show me how to do it properly. Seriously though, it bled a little and stung a lot, and over time it has healed. Gotta be careful though, several days with hours of rough banging can leave it raw and sometimes cause tiny cuts. I have no issues pulling it back whatsoever though. Anons that are trying to cure it, I recommend stretching the skin in a warm shower every day for a few minutes, and trying to peel it back, but without causing any real pain or any injury. Should be fixed in a few weeks. Onaholes will probably help too, but I'd do stretching before trying a tight hole.

>> No.14572359

Man all you guys sing praises about the lilith and the venus holes but they literally do not ship to Australia. Any ausbros got these 2 holes? How did you get it unless you literally risked getting shot to fly to the US of A

>> No.14572363

Hello, fapbois, anyone actually CURED the dgs and can vouch for it?

>> No.14572364

Your likelihood of being shot in America is actually pretty low, so long as you stay out of black neighbourhoods.

>> No.14572381

I know, i was just memeing. But in all honesty, how would i go around getting these toys? Granted my dicks not very big (tfw taiwanese 5" dick) but if this many americans think its a good thing, it surely must be.

On another note, in my first purchase i grabbed the ubu virgin that i'd been eyeing for about a year (no joke, i only decided to buy onaholes a year later), rina and the seventeen evo soft.

The ubu virgin bullies my small dick already so i dread the day i decide to get the VA:A.

The rina feels decent but smells really really bad.

I cant bottom out on the evo soft but it feels pretty good. This confuses me because ive heard some pretty negative reviews of the evo soft (compared to the bordeaux/regular anyway)

>> No.14572385

You'd have to find a shipping proxy, I have been curious about the holes but with no easy way to get them I haven't bothered with it.

>> No.14572434

has anyone bought the toy bags from nls?


What sizes would you recommend for loli holes like rina,twin tales etc and what size for larger holes like seventeen?

>> No.14572452

I used medium bags for all my shit, from nekokko mi-nyan to chimera plus and 17 bordeaux

>> No.14572457

>chimera plus

Give me your hot opinions on that one, how does it compare to your other holes?

>> No.14572465

It's great. I can't really say much more because I don't have it anymore, so comparing it is hard. By memory and my preferences, it was better than slut announcer and nekokko, as well as the ordinary chimera and the meiki monster g wakefulness. Out of the 7 or so holes I had, it was within the top 3 of my favourites and top 3 of my most used, even though it was the hole I had for the least duration.

>> No.14572493

did they barely fit or was there plenty of room to spare? Like did they squeeze down on the hole when zipped up?

>> No.14572496

You need to use a forwarder, either from Japan or the USA - AusPost even offer a US forwarding service.

>> No.14572504

Bigger ones would be a tiny squeeze. Not exactly hard to zip up or anything, but you'd feel the pressure.

>> No.14572508

Does japan sell the holes? Ive had experience with forwarders from japan already so id be a lot more comfortable with it. Also since the AU-US conversion rate is dogshit atm, AU-JP is actually still decent.

>> No.14572526

So i've been using onaholes for about a month or two now. I've always used the onahole warmer without lube inside, then removing the warmer and adding lube and using the hole. But after rereading the onahole guide, it turns out you add lube first then add the warmer? Is this right?

tl;dr Do you have the lube already applied inside when warming with USB warmer or not?

>> No.14572529

Daimaoh are Tomax's Japanese distributor

>> No.14572531

Wouldn't that cause the lube to dry up and get sticky? I always just mix my lube with hot water (you ARE mixing lube with water, right)

>> No.14572534

no not really. the hole is washed, then i put the warmer in for 7-10 minutes. there is some residue water inside but not alot, then i just add the onatsuyu lube and go for it. Am i making a big mistake...?

>> No.14572542

Holy fuck yes. Mixing your onatsuyu with some water makes it infinitely better (not too much water, you'll have to experiment)

>> No.14572554

but not mixing it isnt going to like make my dick fall off right? I dont live in a situation where i have the luxury to mix lubes like an alchemist. I also only use a tiny bit of lube anyway like a tiny drop slides all the way down.

>> No.14572573

No, no health related issues, it just feels so much better

It's not much lube alchemy, you just add a few drops of water into your hole after you put the lube in, you don't have to stir it or anything

>> No.14572619

I usually warm my holes by plopping them in a sink full of warm water. I don't have a warmer. If I buy a hip, how will I be able to warm it up? I think my bathroom sink is too small and I am not wasting a bath full of water on it.

>> No.14572622

get a warmer

>> No.14572747

Just ordered the Junketsu Butt hip after reading some positive impressions. Shipping from Japan to Europe killed me and customs are going to piss on my corpse, but fuck it. Dat ass.

>> No.14572775

eufag here, now i'm scared to order anything

>> No.14572778

Let us know how it goes. I really want to get one. The more detailed the review the better, and even better if you get a follow-up review after a week or more of use.

>> No.14572779

So I know we have some germans in here

Did any of you order from otonajp? were you able to bypass customs / import taxes since they declare the package as a gift? Or did it just get stuck in customs?

>> No.14572785
File: 106 KB, 1018x790, 1451691756541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14572786

Well they're hardly going to tell you that tax evasion is a crime and that you shouldn't buy from them, did you get your package yet? Any actual experiences?

>> No.14572801

do you eufags think nls is better than otonajp? not sure where to order desu, austriafag here btw

>> No.14572816

Depends really

NLS is always correctly declaring their packages, so you'll have to pay 20% VAT on top of the total price

OtonaJP is miss-declaring their packages as lower value gift, which might let you bypass 20% VAT, but technically that's Steuerhinterziehung

Also otonajp shipping seems to be faster and cheaper

>> No.14572840


Oops, missed that you're austrian

No idea if you guys have anything like the VAT / Einfuhrumsatzsteuer

>> No.14572857
File: 581 KB, 710x994, 20878e620a4e0a85d52f814089ef264c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any exercises I can do with my onahole to last longer and increase my stamina? I'm tired of busting in under 3 minutes.

>> No.14572931

i think we do if the total price goes above 22€, the hole i wanted to buy costs 25€ in otona and 33€ in nls, shipping cost included
should i just order from otona?

>> No.14572933


I know you get this question all the time but discussing onaholes is fun, yes?

my first time buying one, and I think I'm set on Virgin Age Admissions, or Lolinco. peepee is about 6 long and 4.5 girth.

I will be losing my virginity to the device I purchase, so I'd like it to be special : ( , if you've got any better ideas for a first onahole please post them.

Also, is Tenga Egg Lotion good lube?

>> No.14572935

Oh my Kaga...

>> No.14572936

I fucked up the spoiler tag

>> No.14572942

are you russian by any chance

>> No.14572944

As in Shouzou Kaga? Fine taste, ser. I stand impressed, truly.

>> No.14572948

no, but I like their language, learning it

>> No.14572953

Damn I'm good

Either way, personally, I'd recommend against loli holes as your first hole. A lot of people end up disliking these tight holes

Or, if you do get a loli hole, at least order a "medium" hole with it

>> No.14572988

can you recommend any good medium holes? I want to be happy

>> No.14572996

Are you ordering from en-nls? Just browse through their selection, pick holes that look interesting to you and ask about them in here

en-nls reviews / user ratings are also a good indicator

>> No.14573000

Also read the pastebin, I think some recommendations were added to it recently

>> No.14573006

>onahole chat

you god damn idiots why

This thread is already slow, are you trying to completely kill it now?

>> No.14573049

My first was Rina. Not crushingly tight compared to the two you listed, if loli holes are what you're after.

>> No.14573069

I started with soft holes. It was during the time when RDC was around.

>> No.14573084

Also, this is important

For lube use Onatsuyu, nothing else. When you get the hole don't pour too much lube into the hole, and add a few drops of water to it

Seriously, the amount and type of lube you use is as important as the actual hole

>> No.14573096

Sometimes I just use my precum as lube. Takes a while though...

>> No.14573105

>Also otonajp shipping seems to be faster and cheaper
Perhaps for orders above 2kg.
For orders below 1.6kg (+400g packaging) on NLS, e-packet is the cheapest you can get.

Report back please, once you've got your stuff and tell us how it went.

Actually... what do you guys think, if it's possible, should the pastebin (or another one separately) contain a list about every country where we have ordered from, with short notes of experience, date of order, customs bitching or not, and the legal state of loli in said country?

>> No.14573116

Don't think pastebin would work for that, maybe a spreadsheet that can be edited by people in this thread with the edit link

>> No.14573118

Well heres australia. Loli is so illegal here you'd think they found real CP in your package. Customs is erratic in bahaviour. Can be super lazy or open every package no matter if its shopping holidays (eg black friday) or just another day. I risked it by telling them to remove packaging and wrap it up in brown paper and put it at the bottom of the box. They opened my package but didnt rip open the brown paper to see the loli artwork. It really isn't worth it since getting busted is to be labled a child molester equivalent a.k.a. social and literal suicide

>> No.14573518

What's an inexpensive loose and soft onahole for a guy with phimosis?

>> No.14573571

anybody got any experience with the moeana trinity? i got mine coming in on wednesday and i'd like to know what to expect

>> No.14573625

u know austria and australia are 2 different countries

>> No.14573633

w8, how is there still loli artwork if you removed the package

>> No.14573720

>remove packaging and wrap it up in brown paper and put it at the bottom of the box

>remove the onahole from the packaging
>wrap the packaging in brown paper, and put it at the bottom of the box
should be slightly more understandable

>> No.14573731

Maybe reread the post and youll have realised i was replying to the last sentence, brush up on the english mate.

>I risked it by telling them to remove packaging and wrap it up in brown paper and put it at the bottom of the box.

I give you the same advice as the post above yours

>> No.14573732

ok, I've narrowed down my search for a first onahole to 5 different... holes. I've been looking at infernal monkey's reviews to help

in no particular order

Daisyuki Hold- saw this one talked about here, read a great review on it, seems pretty solid, but maybe the "hold" effect might grow old?

Fairy Onahole- seems interesting, a lot of different things going on with this one, and had a good review.

Passionate Wife- pretty simple, looks fun to fuck I dunno

Lust Gimmick- has "power rings" that enhance the tightness, thick, looks like it'll last a long time

Campus Athlete- tight with a lot of pushback, for aggressive fucking would be great, but I'd like one that you can do many different ways enjoyably.

If any experience please comment, else I'll probably just roll a 6 sided die

>> No.14573791
File: 55 KB, 400x300, 1_1448428054_m_6OaIK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of stupid curiosity, I bought this cheapass single-layer onahole:


Just got my Soft Doll and tried it a few minutes ago. This hole doesn't feel like anything at all most of the time, and the texture is garbage compared to my closest equivalent hole (Rina). It takes either a severe thrusting or several minutes to approach a climax with it, so I guess it's fine if you like to rape or go full piston on something, but beware because the end of the tunnel is really thin and if you're longer than 15 cm there is a real risk of ripping straight through it. There is this weird vertical fold on the rear side along the interior wall, but just like the rest of the hole you can barely feel it.

Also, this is the ugliest hole I've seen yet. It looked flaky and worn right out of the box. There is no puffiness in the vulva either and the entrance hole is small and crude. You pretty much get what you pay for.

You might like to get this hole if:
1. You have a serious problem with premature ejaculation
2. You want to sacrifice good texture and feel for raw edging potential (although the orgasm probably won't be as good as Rina's anyway because shit texture)
3. You're a cheapass

If none of the above, just get a fucking Rina, which is pretty much a direct upgrade over Soft Doll for a measly 500 yen, and also my most favorite onahole ever.

>> No.14573793

Pick whichever 2D girl on the front arouses you the most.

>> No.14573797

I wish I'd thought of this at the time. But then again, if customs do check the bottom and find the hidden naked lolis, aren't you even more fucked because you made an active attempt to hide it?

>> No.14573813

Yes. The fact of the matter is, a cardboard picture of a loli is never worth the possible consequences.

>> No.14573852

Ausfag here, I asked them to remove the packaging on my bottles of onatsuyu.
>mfw I opened the box and it was just wrapped up in brown stickytape

>> No.14573885

Why would it matter, the same thing happened to me but the girl on the onatsuyu packaging is busty as fuck

>> No.14573895
File: 24 KB, 732x251, ss+(2016-01-05+at+04.57.31).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, like i said it really isn't worth it. Also i found that i dont really even look at them anyway, only keep them hidden in my drawers.

>> No.14573941

what is the most you guys ever spent on a hole/hip?

>> No.14573967

this, need to know

>> No.14574154

Melty Pussy would be a god-tier onahole if it was a little smaller and could be easily used with one hand.

>> No.14574186

You'd think that but you can never know for sure when it comes to customs. I'd rather not eat cock meat sandwich over a bottle of lube

>> No.14574368

Around 35000 JPY with shipping.

>> No.14574372

Got my invoice from Queen Cat already, those guys are fucking on top of things. I'm really impressed.

Probably right now, I ended up spending $170 CAD for the Venus Real + Lilith Uterus + Shipping. Our dollar is so fucking weak right now, why didn't I get into this back when it was near par?

Thanks Harper.

>> No.14574412
File: 829 B, 117x29, wewlad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got temporarily concerned when I looked closer at my SPDX order. But it was off the ToyDemon storefront on the US Amazon site.

>> No.14574422

is SPDX more durable than moe body?

>> No.14574423
File: 30 KB, 1614x203, aaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the AUD and the CAD have tanked against the USD at about the same rate. Us more so since we have perfect 1:1 parity with you guys now.

>> No.14574428

Guy so based, has a HP laptop the same as me.
Don't mind me, catching up on the thread.

>> No.14574437

Welcome to the land of suffering, Aus-bro.

I'm going to be sticking to buying from NLS for a while after this, buying from the US is too bloody expensive now.

>> No.14574482

On a side note, does anyone know how long shipping to Canada usually takes?

I've bought things off ebay from the US before and had them show up in 2-3 days, but I can't exactly consider that the norm.

>> No.14574538

when in doubt go with the Daisyuki Hold, getting pretty solid ratings all around, though one japanese reviewer on amazon gave a warning to big dicks, apparently it's a dick bully

>> No.14574546

Also stop being so cheap and simply buy two holes. I'd recommend the R-20 to go with your order, it's a bit larger and not as tight as most other holes, let's you find out what kind of hole you prefer for future orders

>> No.14574685

So onanists, what have been your favourite holes so far? What was the most intringuing experience you had with one.

I want to make good purchases. I'm starting off with a lilith uterus, which is on the way. Next up might be a Monster Chimera, since obv I want to try the more adventurous thing, but not sure if it's a good one.

>> No.14574693 [DELETED] 

I did a poo in my onahole lads, what should I do now?

>> No.14574694
File: 349 KB, 750x479, 1442188564499[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Alice hole really that much better compared to the puni ana dx?

uterus in soft is one of my favorites if you have quality super thin lube available

Just keep in mind that it is one end of the extreme, it's pretty low on stimulation

>> No.14574708

My Onatsuyu bottle is about 1/4 empty. Should I just fill the rest of the bottle with water or would I regret that?

>> No.14574714

>is it a bad idea to store stale water for months and then dip my dick into that

>> No.14574942
File: 23 KB, 400x267, stock-photo-silhouette-single-man-action-sunset-alone-desert-outstretched-arms-54866407[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order first onahole (toysheart 17 bordeaux
>just arrived today
>have been jerking off like a schmuck since highschool (last time I had a gf/felt the real deal)
>that first orgasm with it
i see now

>> No.14574992

Describe your experience, anon.

>> No.14574995

Welcome brother.

>> No.14574996
File: 124 KB, 938x716, ss+(2015-02-28+at+12.05.41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be a daily fapper, attempted a no fap streak and gave up after ~17 days with my first onahole. Shit was seriously overwhelming

>> No.14575026
File: 142 KB, 486x417, 1422556125965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand this. I got my first onahole recently (la bocca della verita), and it's completely different from just jerking.

>> No.14575042

>last time I had a gf/felt the real deal

>>you never had awkward teen sex

>> No.14575064
File: 203 KB, 1440x810, 1450033827669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came inside Virgin Age Admission today after a week of no fap. It felt heavenly.

>> No.14575084

>don't pour too much lube into the hole
Laughed at this. Several times I've fucked my sopping wet pussies with an absurd amount of onatsuyu. Feels good man. By that I mean like 50ml.

>> No.14575110

Depends on the shipping you order, but generally a week, maybe a week and a bit

>> No.14575250

Is my post office just fucking with me or some shit?

Whenever I order figures from japan I never have a problem with them getting to my door, but whenever I order onaholes they somehow always assume I'm not home and ask me to pick up my package.

>> No.14575263

Ausfag? If so, it's probably just a coincidence and one of the delivery men in your area is a shit.

>> No.14575356

Funny, as a US faggot I've had the absolute reverse: Had to pick up both my figures from the post office, but I got my hip on my doorstep no problem.

Makes very little sense... I think they're just tempormental.

>> No.14575372

Holy fuck, ausfag here, the delivery drivers at a place I lived for a few years just wouldn't bother knocking. I'm convinced the fuckers just drove around for a few hours and went back to the PO. I complained several times but they never did shit.

>> No.14575662

What is the process of powdering the hips? Just grabbing a small handfull of cornstarch and rubbing the hip down in the tub for a minute or so?

>> No.14575732

>can't find reviews for this fucking Alice hip
>let's try in japanese
>>アリスだよっ レビュー

>>「 Alice-tan's vagina gives me good feelings (:.;゚;Д;゚;.:)ハァハァ 」

>> No.14575739

did not mean to quote

>> No.14575782

Is there a video comparing the 3 versions?

>> No.14575800

Fuck me I can't find ANYTHING about any of those version

>> No.14575861

Just got my Julia Plus. IMO it is over priced at 50+ dollars but it is nice.

Takes 7 inches like a champ. But needs a good bit of lubrication to get inside of since the entrance is kinda weird and set back. The interior is nice but kinda vague/generic feeling. The dip inside feels nice though. Surprised that it feels best to me fapping with the boobs facing away from me.

The body is neat to look at and play with a little

>> No.14575929

>What is the process of powdering the hips?
Get a makeup brush (for blush/foundation). They only cost a couple of dollars and make powdering a breeze.
Sprinkle some cornstarch on the hole/hip and then brush to spread it over the surface.

>> No.14575971

I had this, expect cum and lube to drip out of the other end and onto the floor after every use. So fucking awkward and messy.

The design is tempting I know, but just a handheld one would deliver a similar feeling of pleasure.

>> No.14576017

>check amazon.co.jp for puni dx review

>first top rated review is about a student who goes into great detail when explaining how he was a failed student, who always grabbed his dick when he got nervous before he met the puni ana

>second review is from a guy who starts with his explanation of how he was fated to a life without a girlfriend, how he failed as a human being, but now that he has the puni ana he doesn't even want a gf anymore

>> No.14576041

>a failed student, who always grabbed his dick when he got nervous
What the fuck am I reading? Why can't I stop laughing?

>> No.14576058

Damn. That's a good hip!

>> No.14576087

>When I first got to meet the puni ana dx... Ah, yes, that was the time when I failed my entrance exam. Whenever I got nervous while studying at my desk, I'd grab my dick instead of my pencil.
>I lost my mind... In those days, I was truly believing that I had lost my mind. That was, when for the first time in my life, I got my hands on a hip-sized onahole

This is how his review starts, it's an entire essay

>> No.14576097

Please continue, I want to be entertained.

>> No.14576098

How do you guys deal with the little hole at the back of the puni dx?

>> No.14576099

In japanese I presume? If so, I don't know enough to translate the whole thing sadly, but it sounds hilarious.

>> No.14576101

I wish Cocolo had a little hole at the back.

>> No.14576118

Ausfag here, think the delivery man for your area is just a tosser, i get 9/10 items delivered right to my door

>> No.14576130

Just plug it with folded up tissue.....

>> No.14576131

What's the top hole/hip now?

>> No.14576202


What is this called?

inb4 "tight virgin"

>> No.14576210

gichi gichi virgin

>> No.14576211


Thank you.

>> No.14576262
File: 71 KB, 934x466, 1446863966473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Onahole Chat
Are you guys serious?

>> No.14576268

Search the archives.

>> No.14576310

Do you guys fap everyday with your holes?

>> No.14576333

I can't. I may go a couple weeks hole only, but then I just get tired of it.

>> No.14576373

I put mine on a towel or blanket and don't worry about it.

>> No.14576554

Only a couple times a week. It's like going out to a fancy restaurant compared to microwaving a pop-tart, it's a better experience but it's a lot more work.

>> No.14576643

Do those pink, open ended ona holes have a specific name? I kind seem to find any anywhere.

they seem perfect since I could just blow my load and not have to clean it after.

>> No.14576660

But you don't get the pleasure of cumming inside.

>> No.14576764
File: 235 KB, 457x499, DE1iaYM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything like the autoblow you can buy for under $100

>> No.14576773

That looks painful.

>> No.14576780

it looks awesome

>> No.14576788

I bought something like that mechanism looks almost identical, but the insert was shitty hard clear shit, and I guess I didn't have enough girth because I barely felt anything.

>> No.14576829

I bought a similar product a few years ago with the exact same mechanism, cheap and chinese. It broke down on me like nothing and terrible sensation to boot.
I don't recommend anything like it at any price range.

>> No.14576851

As a filthy gwai lo you weren't qualified enough to benefit from glorious master race products.

>> No.14577002

It's softer and material is better but due to need to use JSS when ordering you don't see much opinions for it here because everyone buy larger hip or puni which is easy avaiable on nls. Also agmv1>agmv2 but can't be once it's out of stock you can wait a long time until it will be available.

>> No.14577065

Do you have it?

>> No.14577148

>your first hole was the mouth

shit nigga you diving in head first

>> No.14577165

Another ausfag here. EMS packages are a complete joke. They just go straight to my PO without knocking at my door. Luckily my PO is only 7 minutes walk away. DHL packages are almost always good. Only once did they not bother coming which was weird. Havent tried epacket yet, but my next order which should happen in the next day or two will be epacket.

Im getting the mouth, some bags and a microfibre cloth since its convenient. I may also be getting the VA:A because ">tfw asian dick", but i'll see.

>> No.14577238

>head first
i see what you did, nigga

>> No.14577277

Oh shit i didnt even realise myself. I guess im just unconsciously a genius

>> No.14577334

So what does /ona/ think of this monstrosity


>> No.14577378
File: 111 KB, 650x930, 1416796983461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long should I keep using my onaholes? I've have them for a year and four months so far. Thinking of buying a new one and more lube soon.

>> No.14577391

Asshole of a courier did the same. 2 weeks overdue fig until i called DHL. Woman tells me i have to call another nummber for express deliverys. Call number for express deliverys and a totaly rude guy tells me this is a number for express deliverys and i'd have to call the nummber for regular packages. I tried to tell him i got this number from a woman for regular deliverys. Guy cuts me of mid sentence tells me i have to let him finish his sentence. Tells me that i wasn't at home and the courier will attempt to deliver it again tomorrow. Got my fig without problem.
Next fig, one day before the delivery i asked my mom if she can withdraw 20bucks for me since she was going to get some money anyway and i need money to pay the import fees. Day of the delivery i ask my mom if she has the money, NO. Delivery guy gives me a paper slip with a nummber i have to call for 2nd delivery attempts. I call the nummber, schedule the delivery for tomorrow. 3 hours late that day guy in front of my door asks if i've got the money. Ask him why the fuck i have to call DHL for a 2nd delivery attempt, if he was going to come again the same day. Of course i didn't had the money and send him away.
If those guys aren't satisfied with their job, they should've studied.
>onahole cleaning trainer
That's a long fucking time. How much do you posess?

>> No.14577395

>a year and four months
Time to get a new one.

>> No.14577407

Maintenance will be trouble as hell

>> No.14577431
File: 24 KB, 301x267, thumbs-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'll start browsing for a new one. I bought a Lolnco, a Meiki 005, and two bottles of Pepee 360ml a year and four months ago. I only use the Lolinco now though, and I'm just now running out of lube, and also got two daki recently. I wonder if the new Lolinco is any good.

>> No.14577471

I like facesitting, has anyone ever let their puni dx sit on their face? is it too light or too heavy for that?

>> No.14577511
File: 36 KB, 347x464, ritsu_straw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I into Alice Stage? Which one is best, and how do I proxy? I live in the UK.

>> No.14577516

Anon said he fell asleep with his puni on his lap in his bed, buttocks cut his femoral arteries off. Try filling 2.2Kg of sand in a bag and lay it on your face.

>> No.14577603
File: 676 KB, 1000x815, e836a4c09b7e9283874de74e55ec3fb3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Venus real soft sold out on Daimaoh almost instantly
>regular still still in stock
>Venus clone not in stock at all

How am I supposed to get the Venus real and the Venus clone at the same time? do I settle for just one? Should I wait until the Venus real soft comes back in stock and try again or just go with the regular?

>> No.14577650
File: 1.63 MB, 255x164, 1392449350927.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14577681
File: 103 KB, 400x375, 1348932495526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14577694
File: 4 KB, 712x39, 8fba26517e[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a new one.

>> No.14577750
File: 45 KB, 286x500, 51vMdXCF1iL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, this one is... really something.
Came twice, the second harder than the first.
Eyes rolling into my head and legs quaking kind of orgasm.

>> No.14577855

Have you guys in the US ever had to sign off on the delivery of the package?

Yes, I checked the guide.
Yes, this is a retarded question.
Yes, I live with my parents.

>> No.14577872

I personally prefer softer materials. I got a Venus clone very soft.

>> No.14577935

I'm getting a delivery on Wednesday. I'll tell you if I had to sign for it or not.

>> No.14577969

>asian dick
But are you asian?

To chip in here, EMS is almost always faster for me. Fuck DHL. DHL are useless and more often than not just unload it on auspost which extends the time by 2 days while they do their own processing. DHL also can't change the declaration so it will always say "rubber fuckhole". I always use EMS, cheaper and I get it faster and it's not suspicious.

>> No.14577986
File: 17 KB, 295x191, yossha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I can't describe how happy I am.
Thought I was fucked for good.

>> No.14578022

Yes, Taiwanese and 5".

Otherwise i wouldve killed myself a long time ago.

I haven't used DHL for onaholes since DHL is only good for super large orders (like hips) or else the cost isnt worth it. I've only used DHL when importing daki covers/comiket stuff since printer matter is actually super cheap via DHL and it does arrive fast.

>> No.14578032

If you're asian with an asian dick I don't see the problem. Dick size isn't even everything, so you shouldn't fret about it. 2 times out of about 10 that I've used DHL it has arrived on time and perfectly fine. Every other time it has been late or they've pulled bullshit and given it off to auspost. Even had them give it to auspost, have auspost give it back, then have them give it back to that same auspost which sat on it for a week "processing it" leading to it being delayed by 11 days.

>> No.14578050

What are you guys waiting for in the mail?

>> No.14578066

Men's hopes and dreams.

>> No.14578074

Should I risk ordering Lolinco/Alice Stage Holes in the UK?

>> No.14578081

Remove packaging if you're going to order it. Don't risk the packaging at least.

>> No.14578096

Alice stage packaging is pretty safe.

>> No.14578216

I would think so, from the look of the 'skeleton', its a lot more open, so the material isn't as compressed around your dick like in the moe body, which is why the moe body both feels amazing, but isn't durable.
But this is all speculation, as I don't own a SPDX.

>> No.14578317

Any current opnions on AGMv1 vs AGMv2 for the Alice hip?

>> No.14578362

Agmv1 is softer, more durable, less stimulating.

>> No.14578375


>more durable

>less stimulating
>>god damnit

>> No.14578380

Is the new Lolinco worth getting if I already have the original Lolinco?

>> No.14578381

The archives has more info.

>> No.14578404 [SPOILER] 
File: 352 KB, 2400x2400, 1452001374043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest in pizza, sweet princess. You served me well.

I actually meant to do this months ago but I've been lazy, so she's just been sitting in storage until now. The execution was followed up by being turned inside out, but I didn't take pictures of that.

>> No.14578410
File: 57 KB, 450x331, shock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this!

>> No.14578439

Honesty, I have a lolinco that I got as my first real jap onahole. I would say impretty much exactly average size, but this hole really doesnt seem seriously tight or dick crushing like everyone claims it is. Maybe it's because mine was a defect with a noticeably off center hole, or maybe because my first fucktoy was a cheap, no name, tiny, clear silcon thing that would sometimes actually leave my dick in pain. It could also just be that people making those claims are just more accustomed to non-loli holes with a bit of wiggle room. Either way I wouldn't say it's the tightest thing I ever fucked, but still a great fuck.

>> No.14578454

you should have sent her off by putting the box inside her

>> No.14578460

Box in the girl?

>> No.14578463
File: 59 KB, 340x599, daki_onahole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else tried this? Would recommend. Please ignore the awful censorship; it wasn't me.

>> No.14578467

>tfw can't buy lewd anime pillows because living with parents

>> No.14578472

I bought two and I live with my parents. What's the problem?

>> No.14578481

They don't mind that you have a literal sex pillow with a naked loli on it?

>> No.14578484

Mine is on the safer side

>> No.14578486

Why would they have seen it? They only come into my room after knocking.

>> No.14578489

I don't think I could hide that shit effectively anywhere in my room, a box of holes is the best I can do

>> No.14578493

When the covers come off, they're just big white pillows. Or just put them under the sheets. It's not a problem.

>> No.14578494

So you hide them every time you hear a knock? What about when you're out of the house? Have they never 'cleaned your room' or gone inside without you being there?

>> No.14578504

What Germanbro said, not 'cut off' but 'cut off circulation', you know. Like when you keep your legs crossed too long and they get numb. Guy fell asleep with it on his lap after all.

Not fully killing your femoral artery. It is like, what, 8lbs? Put it on the right space and it can restrict bloodflow if left too long. Like a cat in the lap.

Dunno on the face sitting, would probably have to shave my beard before I attempted it with my own. It's got a nice enough rump to try though.

Maybe for science in the future.

I have only done that/signed for when picking up straight from the postal office. That's about it.

>> No.14578509
File: 43 KB, 554x439, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just put them under the sheets if someone knocks. I take the covers off if I'm out for an extended period of time, but there isn't really any need. No one has gone inside my room without asking, to my knowledge. My family respects my privacy.

>> No.14578525

>was set on puni ana dx
>now you faggots keep talking about the alice hip

So apparently the alice hip feels much better, but isn't it too lightweight for a hip? It's like 1kg less than the puni ana dx

>> No.14578542

Should've used a Katana

>> No.14578543

It's a mini hip. Easier to clean too. Cheaper. Advanced material.

>> No.14578657
File: 2 KB, 107x79, drtranhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw 7+ inches and can't go balls deep into these things

>> No.14578670
File: 36 KB, 278x278, please_respond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14578888

>tfw 5 inch and can't reach the end of the hole

>> No.14578968

On my second week of curing death grip and curious about what else I can do to regain sensitivity. I've been looking at some creams that contain vitamin E like




Wondering if either of these will do or just go with the more expensive one.Is there anything else I can do to help restore sensitivity to my dick?

>> No.14579053

It's strange to me that a realistic feeling anal hole hasn't been made. It seems like it would be easier than making a realistic vagina. Two tight sphincters and the rest soft.

>> No.14579057
File: 46 KB, 450x318, Just_right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm 6 inches and it's perfect

>> No.14579199

I don't fully understand the appeal of this one. The internals look great. I mean no straight toy is going to replicate going into someone's throat right, but the teeth?!

It makes it look more real, but teeth scraping your dick during a BJ...that's the worst. That's some highschool first time small mouth girl with no talent but you are so horny you put up with it but it ruins your nut and scabs up your dick grade shit.

Is it some light tooth touch that feels good or are they a little bit softer than they look, or do they just expect you to have a narrow dick? Because looking at that thing it is not wide enough for gwai-lo to get in without it going cheese grater on your saint seducing gold.

>> No.14579210

The teeth are pretty light plastic, and they aren't firmly set in there, so it'll drag along your dick as you use it. It's more like a light grip that feels good.

>> No.14579214

TFW 6.5 so you can't quite bottom out but you can't brag about your big dick.

>> No.14579240

Anal without the muscles and reactions isn't really anal, though.
The tissue can't be much trouble to replicate, but the tightness also comes from the person with the butthole.

Feel the same - 6½ inch. I prick through the end of my Rina, but only slightly.

You could take out the teeth - some guys from /ona/ have done so and report good results.
I just feel like it takes value away from the hole - the only reason I'd get it would be the teeth.
I guess it's a fetish.

>> No.14579271

Well you gotta start somewhere. A hole with muscles that react I might get to fuck with my crusty pill popping grandpa dick. They could for now just make one with some sorta tight rubber cockring like sphincters and the rest soft vacuum. Anal is more effort than it's worth anyways maybe that's why they don't bother trying to replicate it.

>> No.14579334
File: 35 KB, 540x278, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about getting a titfucking toy but I'm not really sure of what to get, does anyone have any experiences or suggestions? The one I have shown just seems really small to me.

>> No.14579361

the top tier oppai is busty ai chan, but its a little expensive

>> No.14579382

>Be into DFC
>Also like titfucking
Life is suffering.

>> No.14579386

Same anon. Went ahead and bought the more expensive cream along with KY Silk-e to mix into my lube.

>> No.14579394

Don't feel bad, my ex was pretty much flat chested but she knew I had a fetish for that so she would try and do things to help me have that feeling. She would wear a bra that would squeeze her breasts together and let me titfuck her that way. Other times she would almost "hug" me to get almost the same result.

>> No.14579400

I saw that one and it looks interesting but you are right it is pricey. Do you know what makes it so good? I really want a good toy and I don't mind dishing out the coin for quality but that's what I'm really looking for is quality

>> No.14579408 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 1023x575, no_thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your normalfag, 3DPD story doesn't make me any feel better. Nice try, though.

>> No.14579414
File: 52 KB, 1023x575, no_thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your normalfag, 3DPD story doesn't make me feel any better. Nice try, though.

>> No.14579416

Normals pls... that was completely inappropriate.

>> No.14579431

Lol ok then, why not enjoy the best of both worlds and get into naizuri then?

>> No.14579457

What are you talking about

>> No.14579497

>Thinking this is the time and place for a story about some self-cleaning onahole you used to stick your dick into
I can't tell if you're new, or just stupid.

>> No.14579526

Geez, well aren't we being rude. I didn't think this was the type of place to be assholes to others.

>> No.14579533

/jp/ is just salty towards normal people.
It's a spite-jealousy type of thing. I feel the same way, but I'd rather save that for r9k.

>> No.14579627

I've signed for every package I've had, so yeah you probably will have to

>> No.14579648

>type of place to be assholes to others

You must be new.

>> No.14579727
File: 46 KB, 814x386, onaholes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna enjoy fucking these two.

>> No.14579788

We're only able to tolerate each other because we might be useful when deciding on a new hole

>> No.14580094

Through dick, unity.

>> No.14580224
File: 10 KB, 678x472, Through_dick_unity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truer words have never been spoken.

>> No.14581089

Hako-chan ;_;
Why would you be so cruel, anon?

>> No.14581158

>I didn't think this was the type of place to be assholes to others.
Welcome to 4chan, now git out.

>> No.14581436

I've always found titfucking pretty underwhelming. Rather just get a BJ. It's fun to mess around a bit, but I'd never choose it over head.

>> No.14581460

I feel that way too, although I've never been titfucked by a busty girl or busty ai-chan. I've only had a flat girl like that other anon, and it was sweet but didn't feel good.

>> No.14581518

Most people I see mentioning vitamin E say they bought vitamin E oil, not a cream.
Also, I would recommend getting one that is natural and not synthetic (read the ingredients of the product you are about to have your penis covered with).

>> No.14581614

how do you determine the perfect amount of lube for a hole? i bought bulk bottles of onatsuyu and i got a free bottle and i'd like do do some experimenting

>> No.14581633

Get a medicine dropper and make sure to set up a spreadsheet so you can record your observations.
For science.

>> No.14581641

Enough to keep you going in and out, not so much that it starts squirting all over the place. Sopping wet pussies are another thing.

Should you follow what >>14581633 said, be sure to get the approximate surface area of your dick and tunnel.

>> No.14581674

Anyone try the Miracle angel hips?

>> No.14581697

>not so much that it starts squirting all over the place
Or reduces sensation - other than having enough to remain lubed, this is the critical bit

>> No.14581799

I'm wondering about the drying process of the lolinco, this thing is pretty much sealed due to the design, do i just leave it to dry as is? Seems like it could be a problem?

>> No.14581827

I always just shoved a microfiber cloth up her as far as it would go, and she was always nice and clean.

>> No.14581867

This thing seems pretty fragile and tight? Dont want to damage it or wear it out faster.

>> No.14581917


This was something I had issue with. You have to spread it open with two fingers and insert a third finger wrapped in a mibrofiber towel. With your drying finger, dab the insides. Repeat until it's dry, and remember to never drag the towel against the insides. I tore mine that way.

>> No.14581970

I feel like my wet Meiki SHIN has become a roastie through rough cleaning. Has anyone tried wrapping a microfiber cloth around a chopstick and cleaning onaholes that way? my finger might be too big for the loli holes I just ordered.

>> No.14581977 [SPOILER] 
File: 127 KB, 605x902, 1452058118085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else just shop around for things they don't want?
Like so, butt how does it come back out?

>> No.14582002

Damn, the guys and girls at NLS are clever.
I wrote description in my native language (czech) and they replied back to me they are going to put english translation on the box too, because english is necessary. And the translation is corret.

>> No.14582008

No. It's harder to clean and almost too tight.

>> No.14582025

>Anus Stopper
>Ass Anchor

I can't say I'm brave enough to stick anything called an "ass anchor" where the sun don't shine.

>> No.14582032 [DELETED] 

Never shop while horny, thanks for the reminder. I just like butt stuff okay.

>> No.14582252

bought from NLS (used e-Packet) and otonaJP (used EMS)
had to sign for both
also, if USPS tracking says they've rescheduled delivery, call the post office to make sure

>> No.14582276
File: 62 KB, 686x623, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Kunoichi should I keep? Also I have seen some of you talking about the Fuwachitsu and Melty, any words of wisdom?

Trying to spend around 15,000 JPY with shipping.

>> No.14582289

The newer one is short and has around 2/3 of the total length as the tunnel length, which is weird. HotPowers doesn't show it, but M's did. Be sure your dick is ok with it.


>> No.14582307

Oh wow, that back material is super thick now. Why'd they even feel the need to change that? It can't be for durability since the old one was already a tank and this costs them more. Weird.

>> No.14582323

Thanks for that. 11 cm tunnel is too short. Probably gonna grab the normal of soft. This new revision is too short.

Anyone have feedback on the chitsu and melty at all?

>> No.14582331

>Melty pussy of Angel
Still fucking mad that the plug fell out the back after the first usage, none the less a fun and oily onahole.

>> No.14582340

Probably just as mad as I was when my PPP mystery box thing came in. Ended up trashing all the holes including the absolutely terrifying Vacuum Master.

I was hoping other people here would have had Melty Angel but it seems there are as many of us as I'd hoped. Might scratch it, I am worried about it breaking.

>> No.14582341

That's how I usually dry my holes.

Spread em open with fingers and then stick in the microfiber towel wrapped around a chopstick. Pull out the chopstick and squeeze the hole a bit so that the moisture is absorbed. Pull on the end of the towel in a large, slow circular motion such that it slowly slips from the hole's grip. Repeat the whole process once more then time for powder.

Lay the hole on a baking sheet (or any other large, clean surface) and sprinkle corn starch all over. Roll the hole around as if kneading a lump of dough to coat the surface evenly. Rub around in hand and add more starch as needed until the hole is satisfactorily smooth. Gently slap the hole around a bit to get rid of excess powder, then store in a ziplock freezer bag.

I've been doing this for about a year with my 9 holes, and there haven't been any health/cleanliness/damage issues, even with the tighter (Lolinco), more fragile (MoT, Melty Angel) and less frequently used holes (once a month or more of storage). The guide says to use a makeup brush for powdering but thats not really necessary, your hands are good enough. I also use Rends onaclean powder for deep cleaning on my holes every month or so which probably helps.

I'm pretty confident in my methods but if I dun goofed anywhere please do tell me, senpaitachi.

>> No.14582343

Chitsu is apparently a soft long session hole despite the texture. I was saddened to hear that.

>> No.14582346

>Trashed Vacuum Master

>> No.14582354

>Vacuum Master
I'm not about to fuck my vacuum. It was quite literally a rubber sleeve that you put on the hose. I have the vacuum witch if I really want to get something that has decent vac effect.

>> No.14582357

Warned you guys about it.

>> No.14582363

After you climax with your prostate does the pleasure really continue?

>> No.14582405

>Melty Angel
Best hole 2015, highly reccomend. Totally unique feeling. If i had to describe, it'd be a softer, looser, more versatile and eadier to clean Lolinco. Oily and smells which are its main weakness. Also might need to be handled with care dure to ridiculously soft outer. Benefits greatly from powdering. It's not that expensive imo so you should give it a shot.

Also soft but not as much as Melty. Has significant mass for a handheld. Oil and smell when out of the box, but greatly reduced after a few dozen cleans. She's a pretty good all round performer, but most of the time I prefer Fuwatoro Meiki when I want a simple, soft, easy clean hole. desu I'd reccomend that instead of Fuwachitsu if you can get it.

>> No.14582508

>Best hole 2015, highly reccomend.
Doesn't that breaking after ~10uses?

>> No.14582636
File: 51 KB, 663x405, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate this?

>> No.14582653

HIGHLY recommended. It is very soft, softer than my Venus Real (Very Soft). Not by much though. It is low stim but really is good if you warm it up. Really easy maintenance.

Good if you want a tight hole. Kind of difficult to clean and dry. I would actually sub for a Virgin Age Graduation. for reasons similar to Admission.

Another really tight hole but has really good texture. I really like mine. Super easy to clean.

It's LONG. I used to have one and couldn't bottom out. I am 6" pretty much on the mark, if you are less I would say sub in the R-20 Puni here.

I can't help on the other one. Never have tried it.

>> No.14582657

I've done a few of both and titfucking a flat chested girl doesn't count for anything. It's just grinding your cock against their sternum. For D cup girls it feels pretty good, but I'd imagine, I've not tried, that it feels no different than fucking someone's armpit. It's not a terribly intense sensation is my point. It can be hot and get you off, and doubly so if the girl is into it and you are long enough or she's skilled enough to mix in oral.

Thing is tho that a titfucking ona likely feels nothing like the real thing and that's probably for the best.

>> No.14582666

Are you talking about putting something up your ass to pressure your prostate and cum from that hands free?

>> No.14582720

Mine's is still fine, though I handle it pretty delicately when cleaning. I bought it when it was released, and have been using it once or twice a week which should be more than 10 uses. Your mileage may vary tho.

>> No.14582731

the orgasm just lasts a bit longer than usual and is very intense. I use dildoes and buttplugs myself (inb4 >that gay xDD) while onaholing at the same time. It leaves you breathless and collapse into a heap. The larger/longer the dildo the more intense it is. Just dont get too far in or you wont be able to escape ;_;

>> No.14582760

I've tried anal play, following all the guides and tips I can find and trying quite a few different toys, but it just hurts. Saddens me.

>> No.14582763

I must be doing it wrong. I've tried a plug, vibrator, and beads. Never really did anything for me, and anal with a girl it's more the idea that gets you off than the actual feel...don't think I'd be down for pegging though.

>> No.14582846
File: 27 KB, 616x122, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just made order on daimaoh, choose prepaid card and... nothing, there is only my order in history. How can I pay it?

>> No.14582895

Can you read nip at all? I'm having a bit of trouble trying to get to your situation. Have you given them the card details?

>> No.14582912

Just copied fragments to translator and it's quite easy to understand. I just rushed and made mistake, started new order, choosed third option for payment (the one with actual credit card) and it went smoothly this time.

>> No.14582915

I can use Rina for 40min sessions but it's max 10min with my kunoichi normal and I don't know what the heck is wrong with me.
How much lube are you supposed to pour in that thing?

>> No.14582916

That was the way I did it. Good job for pulling though, anon. The third option is indeed credit card. Hope all goes well with your order and has safe and speedy shipping.

>> No.14582918

My Kunoichi soft milked me dry pretty fast. Nothings wrong with you, it's just a highly stimulating hole, despite the softness.

>> No.14582926

Thank you for your kind words, comrade.

>> No.14582980

I was like that at the beginning, there was no pleasure at all, only stretching. Touching the dick did have an increased pleasure level but otherwise there was no pleasure directly from the ass. Then i got CURVED dildoes. It makes all the difference seriously. It pushes directly on your prostate in and out and can bring me to orgasm without an onahole.

how big is your current largest? My current largest is 2.8" diameter and 8" length.

If i had to make a recommendation, definitely go for bad dragon toys. I know theres the whole stigma around dragon dildoes, but just think of it as buying exotically shaped ones since regular manufacturers play it too safe with shapes. BD's toys are 100% silicone and flared so its safe for anal also the curves are insane inside. I recommend starting off with a small of this:


I currently use a large and using it with an onahole brings pleasure levels beyond your imagination. Imagine the first time you used an onahole when previously you only used your hand. You get to experience that again x20 and your mind goes blank.

>> No.14583013

>Then i got CURVED dildoes
I assume that curver prostate massagers get things done too?

>> No.14583034

melty pussy is awesome, though not durable due to the outer layer being so soft, but that is also what makes it awesome.
enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.14583037

prostate massagers are a meme. Ive tried many of the popular ones including aneros, if it's too small (<1.5") your ass will angle it in such a way that it wont press against the prostate and you just wasted about 2x the cost of a dildo of the same price. Any larger sized P. massagers could bruise your prostate instead and that is honestly not a good feeling. Your cum will come out brown aswell which is honestly disgusting.

A dildo is honestly just alot more versatile. If you also wanna move on to more ass related stuff, you can still thrust with the dildo. Something you really cant do to a great extent with prostate massagers.

>> No.14583196

Is there anything which can be done about the "oily" surface of an onahole? If i place it on paper for example there will be an oil like stain there.

>> No.14583331

I disagree. I've had a lot of great sessions with my Aneros (Helix Syn). Also, no idea what you are talking about with colored cum. That said, I do like using bigger toys from time to time.

>> No.14583348

Dang off by 2.

To each their own i guess. The helix syn is also the one i have and i could not get anything out of it. Brown cum only happens if you bruise your prostate. So don't do it.

>> No.14583519

Hmm. Any JP store carrying that Tong-GGO. I want to try it. Doesn't seem to be on EN-NLS. And fuck Omochadreams obviously.

>> No.14583928

My Cocolo arrived today, it's fucking massive. It's not supposed to be handheld is it?

>> No.14583991

Good stuff u got there

>> No.14583995
File: 116 KB, 644x345, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HotPowers doesn't show it

It actually does show it, though I agree that they're not even trying.

>> No.14584040

Was referrIng to image or illustration, like they did with their older products. Made little sense to me that they didn't include a cross section image. Either way, stopped me from buying.

>> No.14584041

Is the new Lolinco better than the original?

>> No.14584125

It has trade offs. It is bigger and imo tighter. It also is a bit more externally detailed (nipples and bellybuttton)

Internally the cervix is noticeable and like I said it is tighter feeling.

However, due to tunnel length and tightness she's a total bitch to clean.

Recommendation goes to the original. 95% of the experience with infinitely easier cleaning.

>> No.14584162

I ended up going with the following

Kunoichi Tsubaki's Melancholy
Puni Virgin (not the new mini one)
Melty Pussy Of Angel
Fuwa Chitsu Evolution

I am really on the fence about the Puni Virgin but lately the G Project stuff I've bought has been really good. I am tempted to swap it for the mini, but it is so tiny...

I have some other product NLS didn't carry on backorder so I have to wait for that.

Are there any newer holes that seem promising I should perhaps sub in to grab some reviews?

>> No.14584190

I already have the original. The new version sounds nice. It could always be tighter.

>> No.14584239

I retired my original for the Virgo, I find myself wishing I had bought another original. Lolinco was one of my favorites and I used her a ton. Because this new one is so irritating to clean I barely use it.

The time it takes me to clean and dry this thing is longer than my Meiki Cherry, which is basically hands free.

I really really would advise getting another original.

>> No.14584245

I've been using my original for a year and four months. The hymen is torn, but apart from that it's totally fine. I just thought of buying a different hole since I need to re-stock on lube. What's something similar to Lolinco?

>> No.14584285

I haven't really found anything similar to lolinco with respect to the rings it has. Those things just grab and don't let go.

If tightness is what you are looking for the Virgin Age Admission and Graduate have treated me well. The admission is really small but god damn is it tight. It almost doesn't want you inside of it. The ribs are good on it too.

Graduate is still tight but not as aggressive. I would say pick them up as a pair. Both make me shoot really quick though.

Daisyuki Hold is very tight, but I thought it was way to hard. Didn't really like it.

I can't really speak to tightness that much anymore because I have switched over to buying soft holes.

>> No.14584537

So I just tried this https://blog.onahole.eu/tutorials/dakimakura-onahole-howto And I have a few questions. During cleanup, I noticed a dent in my onahole, and when I went to check it out, turns out there's a hole on the side near the end of the tunnel. Is this method specifically risky for the state of an onahole? When I did this, I was using a Rina, which is small for me but it's the best one I have. Should I be looking for a bigger/longer onahole or a stretchier one to make this safer? I was looking into a few, and being an above-average length guy I was thinking between the Vacuum witch, horny wifey and this one http://magiceyes.jp/products/item/post-39.php . Since I'm assuming Meiki plush owners would have the same issue, I'm pretty much looking for one that would be safe to use in a Meiki.

>> No.14584652

One drop of onatsuyu seems to do the job, but I don't add water
Does a couple drops of water really make that big a difference?

>> No.14584807

That, anonymous, is what we call creep. All materials experience it to some extent. This is what happens if your penis isn't appropriate for your size.


Go look for yourself. Not that hard finding a new hole. Above-average means a lot of different things depending on the sample's qualitative aspects, so it's pretty useless. We have steps in the guide in our most recent addition.

>> No.14585011

I checked out the guide looking for bigger holes, but the ones on there don't appeal to me. I'm at around 7 inches, would a hip be alright or would it be too small for me like the Rina? I'm looking at the Puni hole DX and the fuwatoro specifically.

>> No.14585034

how do you know when you'll get your delivery?
live with my parents too, dont want them to open my package

>> No.14585037

Anyone experience with Genmu cups?
According to reviews they're superior Tengas

>> No.14585042

I'm between 6.5/7 (inch ruler is all I have, bite me). Puni DX works wonders for me, although I've had it for maybe just a couple of months by this point, so can't say for very long term.

Dunno on the fuwatoro. Maybe another anon can contribute.

>> No.14585081

The Chimera series might be alright for you. A hip with a service tunnel will be fine, since it adds to the total length. Puni DX sounds like a good idea. As long as the total tunnel length is around half an inch more than you are, then you should be fine, even with mild pelvis pressing. If you like pelvic pressing all the time, then try and find one that's about an inch or more of space.

>> No.14585113

That Melty Angel sounds great but 10 uses?? Damn.

>> No.14585193
File: 305 KB, 1291x1702, Screenshot_2016-01-07-00-20-24~02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me an onahole. See my onaholes that already have in the attached image.

>> No.14585228

If you get a Melty Angel, power the fuck out of it and seal it in a dustproof bag. It easily gets to the point where dust gets smeared all over it covering it in black dots. I had mine in a nls bag and took good care of it. It wasn't good enough.

Anyone have experience with the SPDX? How is it?

>> No.14585341

page 10, bump limit reached

>> No.14585353

New thread: >>14585350

Continue to use this thread until it dies.

>> No.14585587

Alright, I'm gonna go for the Puni DX then. Which one is more durable between the normal and hard versions?

>> No.14585617

Hard versions will always be more responsive in a durability's sense. You can immediately tell if you're poking though an area that shouldn't be poked through.

Hope all goes well with your order, anon.

>> No.14586056

I kind of want to get one, but I am afraid that I will never feel adequate masturbating with my hand again - and my hand is free.

>> No.14586137 [DELETED] 

Why would your parents open your package? Have they not heard of privacy? Isn't opening other people's mail illegal?

>> No.14586158

Don't be afraid, anon. Just jump in head first and see what happens. It might be a life changing moment for you!
