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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.18 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-31-21-38-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14581485 No.14581485 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I fucking did it - I found Ken-sama ...

>him and his waifu in formal clothes

More pics to come.

>> No.14581499
File: 1.60 MB, 1440x2560, ken1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ken sama in tokyo disney land

>> No.14581505
File: 1.72 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-31-21-37-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ken-sama in informal wear

>> No.14581508

That weeaboo guy, right? The one that supposedly died in the tsunami?

>> No.14581525

So only a fat ugly woman wanted him?

>> No.14581536

Reminder that Ken-sama is actually a guy named Bradon and is wedded to a landwhale.

>> No.14581545

> some gaijin is living it up with a jap wife and what seems to be a cozy life in nippon
>meanwhile i am stuck watching this unfold on /jp/

5 days into 2016 and I already want to kill myself tbqh

>> No.14581596

You would never be able to afford her food bill, much less fit her into your capsule hotel.

>> No.14581622
File: 1.43 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-31-21-38-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ken sama with his smug "are you jelly" face with his japanese, authentic japanese from born in kyoto waifu

>> No.14581628

who the FUK you quotin normie-kun

>> No.14581649
File: 1.33 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-31-21-38-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last picture I have of ken sama. I stumbled on his facebook from a friend of a friend link, apparently he's 28 years old this year.

Good luck ken sama.!

>> No.14581689 [DELETED] 


>> No.14581774

How is this otaku culture again?

>> No.14581803

otaku culture is a game

when you make it to japan you win the game

oh btw


>> No.14581814


she's a big girl

>> No.14581825

i want a fat cow gf
japan breeding sow gf

>> No.14581885

for him

>> No.14581892

Japan is shit anyway

>> No.14581902

pretty much lost weight and got a wife

If this is really Ken-sama, he actually is not ugly and could have gotten a better wife though.

>> No.14582037

He's prettier than his wife.

no homo tho

>> No.14582063

>he actually is not ugly and could have gotten a better wife though

What if he just likes her as a person
Crazy though for jaypee, though.

>> No.14582068

Ken-sama isn't real. Get a grip you guys, he's Bradon and he doesn't even have a katana collection.

>> No.14583009

Why does he have an Islamic terrorist tier beard?

>> No.14583032
File: 13 KB, 200x200, Consider_the_following[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Would you marry a Japanese women like this if it meant you could get a permanent visa live in Japan on a permanent basis?

>> No.14583059

My jp wife is too thin, how do I get her to put more meat on her bones?

>> No.14583067

If that's the real Ken-sama, dang he got pretty good. Fighting that tsunami really tempered him.

>> No.14583075

If she's a fun fellow why not, there's more than just looks. It's not like all 3D sucks in the first place, when you need looks you just go look at 2D.

>> No.14583172

Even if she's a fun fellow, no. Looks are most important but all 3D sucks in the first place. I'll stick to 2D.

>> No.14583188

Ken sama
Loses his weight
Marries whale

>> No.14583191 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 617x434, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is fighting the #jihad4jp
Janny = shite + cat

i will return

>> No.14583192

Whale is a Japanese delicacy, Ken-sama knows.

>> No.14583202

Can I leave her and endulge in my hobbies and live the lavish lifestyle I dreamed of

>> No.14583204

Billy Mays?

>> No.14583213

It's rumoured they met after the tsunami carried her to him.
You know, I could see this being a Japanese folk tale.

Why would I want to live in Japan?
Wageslavery here is bad enough, in Japan it's even more soul crushing.

It's nice to visit, but living there. Fuck that.
Unless living innawoods is possible in Japan. But I doubt it.

>> No.14583224

A premium kek was served in this post
arigato gozaimasu, anon san.[\spoiler]

>> No.14583410

>Unless living innawoods is possible in Japan. But I doubt it
They actually have abandoned castles and shit all over the place. You could squat in one and rennovate it.

>> No.14583420

Good to know /a/'s humour is still lol random as ever.

And the he died in the tsunami joke wasn't funny the first time you tried to force it during the 2011 earthquake livestream threads either.

The original pasta was about a random guy who didn't even know about 4chan, give it a rest.

>> No.14583437

Damn can't unsee.

>> No.14583464

Yeah, it's not fun joking on dead people that died protecting us.

>> No.14583588

Yes actually, altough I would hate myself for it because I am not into 3D at all.
Still, if it's about permanent residency, I would abandon my principles.

>> No.14584383

>tfw you'll never live the ken sama lifestyle where you get to kiss your japanese waifu's lewd pussy goodnight :(


>> No.14584436

>They actually have abandoned castles and shit all over the place.
This is depressing. Abandoning buildings with character to live in capsule hotels and cities.
i'm not even sad Japs are dying out. Let them copy the pandas.

>> No.14584672

To be honest if I was a Jap I'd move out to one of the big cities too.
Castles and mansions are nice and all, but what's the point if you're living in the middle of nowhere?

>> No.14584691

As if you go outside anyway, your real problem is good internet.

>> No.14584732

Other than utilities and services like internet the most significant problem I'd forsee for a NEET castle would be the maintenance costs and property taxes. You could rent out rooms I guess, but then you're back to living in close proximity to other people again, except now you have to deal with their lease contracts and pay for maintaining their living space as well as your own. Sounds like a hassle.

>> No.14584783

>but what's the point if you're living in the middle of nowhere?
I am already introverted.
This way I can avoid people and enjoy the outdoors. A good result.

>> No.14584921


>muh character

You need to refit those old structures to modern engineering standards and unless you can sell them as a tourist attractions nobody will spend the money to do that.

>> No.14585446

>dat smug, are you jelly face :)
