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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 3.03 MB, 2560x2880, 1435911619218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14575341 No.14575341[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can you be the same lewd and slutty in real life as in threads on /jp/?
To prove that or disprove it:
Contact data/Location(Country/city).(Not matter your: gender or age, sexuality, even your even your intentions you should keep in secret.)
Don't forget respond in thread:
Sent. - If you sent your message to your pervert chosen by you.
Taken. - If you accept this partner.
Taken but want more. - If you don't satisfied by your choice or planning to arrange group sex.
Proof of conversation strongly welcome.
Proof of your fun welcome to but due /jp/ SFW better post here only link on another subboard (for example /soc/).

>> No.14575384

>real life
Hell fucking no, not even once.

Please delete kuso thread

>> No.14575395

Please delete so the we can take it easy.

>> No.14575402

You think so?
Nobody forced you show your face.
Put on animegao and have fun.

>> No.14575417

I'm here to escape real life, not fucking run right back to it.

>> No.14575464

what issues does a jaypee have irl

>> No.14575473

No, just see another side.

>> No.14575478

I'm alive.

>> No.14575503

Wow, you are such a fucking creep. Unlike the other girls, I'm not a slut. I want to marry a cute /jp/sie who is too shy and too disconnected from this world to post in a thread like this.

>> No.14575508
File: 284 KB, 800x600, Image_282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yes.

>> No.14575570

Nothing it's just like cream/milk in coffee.
Possible without but with it more fun.

>> No.14575583

... and you came here just to say it?

>> No.14575633
File: 52 KB, 576x768, 1451172704010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, NSA.

>> No.14575635

I never understood why in this image the loli is so smug despite breaking that cup.

>> No.14575651

wish i could meet someone here and do cute lewd stuff, but im too scared.

>> No.14575677

she ironically break that cup

you dumbass

>> No.14575701

Context man, i just have a smug loli and a broken cup, how am i supossed to know what's going on?

>> No.14575712

By not having autism?

>> No.14575746

Obviously she knows she is gonna get punished and is excited

>> No.14575776


Shit like this reminds me of my PN days. There were these two SL fags, a dude and a chick who became like this hot and heavy cyber couple or whatever. Except it is the fucking internet and of course the chick is a dude right? So anyway the dude who thinks the other dude is a chick is kinda a moron and doesn't figure this out. So someone..I think it was proto called the dude out and was like "Dude you aint a chick..you are a fat gay dude" and the fat gay dude was like "tee hee what I'm a girl I have pms tee hee". So P was like was "Dude I do forensic linguistics for a living, you are a fat, white. gay , male."

Long story short the cyber couple fall in love and want to meet irl to be together 4eva. Proto tells the guy "That is a really bad idea". Everyone ignores him. So the gay fat dude decide she is going to meet the other dude irl, confess that he is a fat gay guy and not a cute girl..but that they both really love each other and that is all that matters and they can work everything out a be a couple. So they meet, the fat gay guy does as stated above and:

The other dude flips, beats the living shit out of him, pistol whips him, breaks his eye socket, robs him, makes to strip to his underwear and then drives in his pick up and drops him off half dead in the middle of nowhere.

The kicker was somehow they BOTH ended up getting arrested and going to jail. I wish I could remember why the fuck the fat. gay, half dead guy got locked up.

All of that actually happened btw tl;dr cool storybro don't meet up with people irl from the internets.

>> No.14575792

well thats the gay dudes fault for thinking lying would work out.

>> No.14575807


Oh totally agree. It was just an astounding convergence of stupidity.

>> No.14575888

Easily just go and read it:

>> No.14576005

Don't scare only fool can hurt you if everyone watching you.
But there are no fools on /jp/, aren't it?

>> No.14576053

It's one of those VNs with crazy as fuck fetishes? because i'm not into half of the things this board likes.

>> No.14576071

>because i'm not into half of the things this board likes
Why are you here?

>> No.14576083

Like what?

>> No.14576100

your english is so broken holy shit

>> No.14576107

>My engrish is broken?
Yeah, I now.

>> No.14576167

No friend, it's a relaxing VN about daily life in a rural village along with youkai. And saving your little sister from cruel fate of not being so little anymore.

Of course you couldn't tell from all the EOP smugposting. Protip, the mug face you see in OP's pic >>14575341 is just an inbetween frame of a blinking animation all sprites and CGs in the VN have.
