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14383621 No.14383621 [Reply] [Original]

Is the KanColleTool Viewer safe to use?
According to few people it is, however those forums are pretty old so I wanted to ask for more recent answers.

In case you don't know, I'm talking about this one: http://kancolletool.github.io/

>> No.14383635 [DELETED] 

Thanks for making a thread instead on asking in the general supposedly made for the sake of discussing the game.

>> No.14383644 [DELETED] 


Oh no I made a thread on 4chan, I must be worse than hitler

>> No.14385023


With everyone discussing the event, they'd tell him to fuck off.


Are you kcgfag?

>> No.14385176

No, use the other one.

>> No.14387618

Only scrubs and EOPs use tools.

>> No.14387703 [DELETED] 

So whose fault is it that you can't ask about cancolle in its own general? Please go back to your containment thread.

>> No.14393205 [DELETED] 

These tools add nothing to the enjoyment of the vanilla game.

>> No.14393215

Its safe.

>> No.14393221 [DELETED] 

It's not recommended.

>> No.14393282

No. It has AIDS.

>> No.14393379

all options are unsafe but if you're just a f2p secondary, use KC3

>> No.14393583

Personally I wouldn't recommend it. I never used it and I also never understood why some people do. Which advantages does it even have?

>> No.14396231

Use KC3 to get the api then use KCV

>> No.14401363

The API method has been banned for some time.

>> No.14401368

Learn Japanese, using tool is not good for your health.

>> No.14401426

Fucking EOPs need a tool to playing korea webgame.
Kill yourself

>> No.14405304


>> No.14406343

I used it and it's safe, but it doesn't even work anymore since API links are kill. Use KC3改 instead.

>> No.14410141

Just use KC3改, much better and is still updated.

>> No.14410368

kc3 is literally retarded.

if you have a mechanical hard drive it takes 20 seconds to load the menu

does fucking dragonjet expect us to buy ssd's just so we can play shitty online flash browser game?

>> No.14414333

>kc3 is literally retarded.
Using tools is literally retarded.

>> No.14414352

Have fun meticulously removing your equipment and manually timing your expeditions every time..

>> No.14414366

I think he meant tools like kc3/kcv as in tools that connect to the game, not tools in general, such as paper, or a stopwatch, or expedition timers

>> No.14414377

It's not that hard if you don't have two digit IQ

>> No.14414383

>implying this game isn't meant for idiots
who i quote?

>> No.14414386

Anybody can do pointless shitty bookkeeping but most people avoid it when possible.

>> No.14419922

>2 ships sunk in 1st node
>1 ship sunk in second node
I feel like switching back to shelling support.

>> No.14420356

The last update was in 11 Aug 2015, that alone would give you a hint to know how safe it is.

>> No.14420385

Use KC3改 if you want to sucks dragonjet's dick (and all of his minions in the wiki) or if you like your data to be shared because Chrome.

Use https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer/releases If you want to use a tool made by a guy who don't even know what he is doing but at least tries to horribly patch the V4+.

Use https://github.com/gakada/KanColleViewer/releases/tag/v3.8.2r560 If you want the most stable and up to date version of the viewer, but it isn't V4+ (not a big loss).

>> No.14420554

The major non-English KCVs have also included translations to English too though.

>> No.14420642

Is the original (Grabacr07) translated to english too?

>> No.14420733

Last I checked, yes, albeit with a little hardcoded stuff here and there that's still in Japanese.

Not sure about now, but it should still be.

>> No.14426173

If you are in /jp/ you are expected to speak japanese.
You have no excuse in this day and age to be an EOP.

>> No.14426197

Shitcolle pigs are EOPs, more news at 11.

>> No.14428671

The original expectation in /jp/ is that you would know Japanese if you were intelligent and motivated, which nobody in /jp/ is, given its worthless NEET heritage.

The vast majority of people in /jp/ are either EOPs or students who are so bad at the language they might as well be EOPs.

>> No.14428758 [DELETED] 

gaijin piggu ruin me gema. gaijin piggu go homu

>> No.14430683

可哀想EOPさん達 wwwwww
死ねええ ゴキブリ :^)

>> No.14431238 [DELETED] 

and 2huniggers can barely speak proper english, let alone jap

>> No.14435117

Stop justifying your ineptness and get out of /jp/ EOP scum.

>> No.14435403

I learned Japanese for the sole purpose of being able to make this argument without being called an EOP but it didn't work, I want my money back.

>> No.14435952


>> No.14441214

You sound like an insecure EOP desu.

>> No.14445591

Newfag script kiddies are a cancer of the community.

>> No.14445640

I was, now I just hate everyone.

The entirety of the community is two years old.

>> No.14451683

>The entirety of the community is two years old.
>two years old
Fuck off newfag.

>> No.14451707

>small c

>> No.14454385

He's obviously using a figure of speech since you have to be 18+ to post on the site.

>> No.14458072 [DELETED] 

Blue boards are all ages.

>> No.14463501

Truota only uses CE.

>> No.14463566
File: 128 KB, 580x800, 19af8d8ea3bb684e41fc875ef0dd8678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it took me a couple years to realise that kancolle was "kan"tai "colle"ction

>> No.14467620 [DELETED] 

It's crazy how all the new features come from chinese coders.

>> No.14471406

What do you mean?
Are you an EOP?

>> No.14475125

My friend gave me his KCV but it keeps crashing. Is this normal?

>> No.14479493

KCV is shit.

>> No.14481520

there's nothing wrong with the program if your computer can handle regular kancolle

only thing is on some slow computers it takes a few seconds to load the shiplist and equipment list and you can't keep them open

>> No.14486793 [DELETED] 

KCV slows down the game. This is a known fact.
It's not the computers fault. Why are you denying it?

>> No.14489764 [DELETED] 

>adding pointless bloat will not slow you down

>> No.14489802

Maybe if you're on a toaster.

>> No.14491555

nah, just use KCV as browser and log in to your account manually (KCV is practically a re-skinned IE anyway)
API method is unreliable
>>14401363 said it's been banned so that might be the reason why it doesn't work..
for me at least

>> No.14493778

IE is a botnet.
KCV is a double botnet.

>> No.14493788

Windows is a botnet.

>> No.14496611

man, I bet you still use an old version of firefox or other internet browser because you're afraid that the government will be spying on you

>> No.14502021

NSA pls.
Don't you have terrorists to stop?

>> No.14505753

It breaks the game.

>> No.14507567

I prefer the chinese versions. They are cutting edge.

>> No.14511095

Devs should ban scripters.

>> No.14516917

Smart scripters don't get banned.

>> No.14519068

I wouldn't recommend it. Devs are actively banning people running macros. You wouldn't want to risk to be detected as one.

>> No.14522484

Where can I get macros?

>> No.14522517

Make one yourself.

>> No.14525815 [DELETED] 

/g/ pls

>> No.14528175



>> No.14531894

Doesn't KCV have a macro plugin by default?

>> No.14531970

"KCB改" is the best macro.
The latest version is available on FMS board(jp.kcbk).
But it is not English.
Please check it out if you can read Japanese.

>> No.14536365 [DELETED] 

Thank you. :)
Work good no virus. :)

>> No.14539473

DMM can detect macro well.
Only running for a few hours is recommended.

>> No.14543352

Man, I'm disappointed.
It hardly seems to worth it. Why didn't this game implement standing orders already?

>> No.14543784
File: 51 KB, 720x480, 5ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they haven't thought about saving money on chairs.

>> No.14547265


>> No.14549511

My KCV has frequent crashes.
It's still better than nothing because I can't navigate in the menus without translation.

>> No.14552665

KCV is not safe for your PC.

>> No.14557688

get your API key from developer menu then just paste it into KCV and it works fine for me...

>> No.14560637

>developer menu
Didn't DMM fix the API method? Why would it work with KCV?

>> No.14564917

>still not being cookie method masterrace
I bet you still don't know how sadpanda works.

>> No.14567697 [DELETED] 

They already do

>> No.14568034

>Uses IE

It's okay to use, it did crash a couple of times back when I used to play KanColle.

>> No.14572181

>it did crash
>It's okay
Go away, crapware-enabler.

>> No.14575081

I don't know about that.
There are different kinds of plugins you can install though. Sadly, I often found them incompatible with the english KCV.

>> No.14579989

Use superior chink forks.

>> No.14584733

Not everyone is part of the chinese masterrace.

>> No.14584745

List them.

>> No.14589317

KCV is for fags.
