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14532492 No.14532492 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>14511464

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.14532511

Yuri shit.

>> No.14532521

ChuSinGura ripoff?

>> No.14532524


>> No.14532531

>male protag

>> No.14532535

No, it's futa shit.

>> No.14532540

Trap shit, actually.

>> No.14532567

He's clueless.

>> No.14532573

So Denkigai soon. What will you be getting?

>> No.14532587

Which one is a cavalier and why are they the last of their kind?

>> No.14532638
File: 1.25 MB, 1296x758, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like prologues like this, with heroines as kids?

>> No.14532645

Only with a writer like Asta.

>> No.14532736

Why's this game only 1.85 GB?

>> No.14532754

As long as something meaningful happen.

>> No.14532781

They are the best part of a lot of Nekoneko games.

>> No.14532844

Why the hell does the protagonist lose his voice after the end if the trial, around the 1864 part ?
Is it a bug or something ?

>> No.14532869

I'd like it even more if she stayed that way.

>> No.14532941

>subject of bullying
Maybe I'll give this a try.

>> No.14533022

I don't think children can have meaningful romance. I played a couple lolige and the romance is always ridiculously shallow, almost like MC was dating or in love with a wet towel that could only say "onii-chan" and "ookii". It's OK for nukige but a full fledged loli game would never work without giving them 16+ year old intelligence.

>> No.14533101

To be fair, I've dropped some moege because the heroines barely had a toddler's intelligence.
I seriously asked myself if they were mentally challenged.

>> No.14533150

I like it better when the entire game is that way.

>> No.14533156

I disagree. It's definitely rare, but at the same time lolige is pretty rare in itself. Whether a character is interesting or not depends on how well the writer can write an interesting character more than anything else.

>> No.14533208

Yeah, I was being too general. I've just yet to see a loli (as in a child mentally) be a compelling, interesting, or even good romantic partner. I think it's because the Western society I was born in really has no paradigm wherein children are romantic, so likewise it's really hard for me to envision it, and all the lolige I've played hasn't helped form one. I'm actually running through my memory right now, and shit you not, I can't think of a SINGLE genuine, meaningful child romantic partner I've EVER seen. Ever. In any media. A deficiency of myself, of course, I'm sure they're out there. But for now, all I've got is lolige and all I see there is bad. Maybe I should read Lolita.

>> No.14533234


Anyone got any idea on what the route order is for this?

>> No.14533262 [DELETED] 

Probabůy nah, they mention protagonist has partial voicing on the company blog.

>> No.14533289

>Is it a bug or something ?
Probably nah, on the company blog they mention protagonist has only partial voicing.

>> No.14533305

> a compelling, interesting, or even good romantic partner

Eroge might not be for you bud, the woman's corner of the bookstore might be more up your alley

>> No.14533315

>I can't think of a SINGLE genuine, meaningful child romantic partner I've EVER seen.
>Maybe I should read Lolita.

>> No.14533321

Of course. I think Kataoka Tomo has gotten the knack of it.

>> No.14533373

That I can agree with.

I'm personally against the awfully ironic sentiment that a game with a "gimmick" has to be badly written; as though good writing is exclusive to all else. It's silly when discussing a medium that people throw out in the first place because they believe good writing and girls / sexuality are somehow mutually exclusive.

>> No.14533441


I thought Akebi and Saya were incredibly solid characters in https://vndb.org/v1046..

If you're referring to characters intentionally written with a young mindset, then I'm not sure what you're expecting. Those characters being innocent, naive, and ~pure~ are part of the appeal and likely done on purpose by the writers.

>> No.14533442

I haven't read it and it's what comes to mind when I think of, uh, child romance.
I've read plenty of VNs with good romance. Just none with a child heroine.

>> No.14533480

HH's description of his relationship with Doleres is exactly how I'd imagine a relationship like that would be. I don't know what you're definition of "meaningful" is but Lolita was definitely more interesting than the typical uguu oniichan your chinchin is so big tripe you get in lolige.

>> No.14533485
File: 147 KB, 790x520, top790x520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

罪ノ光ランデヴー trial is out. Get it here:


>> No.14533583

>more interesting than the typical uguu oniichan your chinchin is so big tripe you get in lolige.
Could you please stop being dumb and fucking with the thread more than it already is with stupid comparisons? Thank you.

>> No.14533606

Thanks, since minori blocks gaijin this is a godsend.

>> No.14533638

Just use holyseal.net

>> No.14533645

It's not on holyseal. That Google drive link is one of the official download links listed on their website, btw.

>> No.14533647

I don't really know what I meant by meaningful either. Between you and me, I just said it because I had no other idea how to express what the romance in lolige was lacking. I'm not sure what that is, but perhaps I'll find it in Lolita.

>> No.14533655

Sorry for insulting one of your favorite eroge tropes. Whatever floats your boat, bruh.

>> No.14533717

Sorry, but saying how a niche pedophile porn game has less believable relationships and is less "interesting" for you than a Nabokov's book is very far from insulting. Maybe even honorable! But in this case it's just outright retarded, so please go back from whatever you came from.

>> No.14533721

wherever*. Oh well, maybe I'm tired.

>> No.14533777

does yoakena have the same route structure as eustia

>> No.14533851

Japs should use torrents to distribute their trials, I remember Type Moon did that. Shitty mirrors are so 20th century

>> No.14534011
File: 808 KB, 816x638, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we also discuss visual novels that have a translation available but you're reading in japanese?
The idiots on /vg/ throw a fit when you post anything they can't comprehend, now it's even against the rules

>> No.14534042

This thread is for untranslated VNs only. Go back to /vg/.

>> No.14534052

>now it's even against the rules
Good, proper distinction between both of the threads means less shitposting on both sides.

>> No.14534055

I just told you it can't be discussed there.

>> No.14534058

Sure. Just be sure to include a Japanese screencap to shut up the autists.

Of course, sometimes you'll get autists anyway, as you can see.

>> No.14534059

Clannad is translated so it can be discussed there.

>> No.14534067

The copy he's reading is untranslated.

>> No.14534069

Why not? Don't expect many replies though. The game was probably already discussed ad nauseam.

>> No.14534080

Just don't post screenshots then

>> No.14534095

Clannad hasn't been translated. Not really.

>> No.14534100

Memorial Edition wasn't

>> No.14534101 [DELETED] 

If it's translated it goes into /vg/. Why is it so hard to understand this? It doesn't matter if you're reading it in japanese or english or fucking american.

>> No.14534117

> visual novels that have a translation
no kusoge pls

>> No.14534180

eh, why not? I remember playing the stardard edition of Clannad, now it has shit tons of other versions that are all full voiced (Standard Edition wasn't). Why do they do this? do they expect me to buy the game again and a more expensive version at that? fuck you Key. I pirated it to check the voices and though they were actually really good, but never got around to finish more than a route or two.

>> No.14534192

Apparently Memorial Edition has updated support for Windows 7 but the other editions worked perfectly fine too, I have no damn idea.
Only difference I saw is that Full Voice had that shitty NoCD DRM while ME had a stupid gaijin block you could get through by simply clicking cancel, but maybe the iso was modified to make it happen

>> No.14534311

There is a full steam release of it.

>> No.14534321

The steam release >>14534311 got a re translation so now it has been "really" translation.

>> No.14534438

Would be great if both of you fuck off to /vg/

>> No.14534450

Holy shit, the line for Makura's booth at Denkigai is crazy. I waited 2,5 hours and it barely moved.

Anyway I retreated for now, I'll go back soon and see if the situation's better. And hopefully what I want won't be sold out.

>> No.14534455

No anon, you should go to /vg/ to discuss your translated VNs.

>> No.14534476

Sorry bud, but it's only natural for a VN thread to bring up translations at times. Try not to get your panties in a twist.

>> No.14534479

Don't you have JOPs to REEEEEEE at back home?

>> No.14534482

How does that even work? We're quite clearly typing in English here

>> No.14534486

It doesn't, but they still spam it.

>> No.14534487



>> No.14534491

No, its not. Stop trying to fit in, veggie scum.

>> No.14534500

Which lines are the longest? I'm interested in the current popularity of brands but it's hard to measure just over the Internet.

>> No.14534506

From what I saw, definetly Makura. Random passerbys were stopping to take pictures.

Eushully and Lump of Sugar were also pretty long (but still short compared to Makura).

Sadly I wasn't able to observe Us:track's booth to see how popular it is after the Koikake fiasco.

>> No.14534518
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Also here's my prize from Lose くじ引き. Pretty good honestly, I'll be able to carry Hachiroku in my pocket now. I lined somewhat early for Lose, so I wasn't able to see how long did their line get in the end. But overally I'd say their one of the more popular brands too, seeing how much exposure they get in eroge magazines, stores etc.

>> No.14534524

Been gone for a while, have there been any amazing scenario-ge this year that don't require me to buy a PS3 /4?

I've only really heard about Sakura no Uta (mixed reception?), S;G 0, and Chaos;Child.

>> No.14534531

>I've only really heard about Sakura no Uta (mixed reception?)
Sakura No Uta has had overwhelmingly positive reception pretty much everywhere. Of course, many people (incl people here) didn't like it but overall, not a mixed reception at all. About as one-sided as you can get.

>> No.14534534


Sakura no Uta was great imo, Bansenjin had some cool stuff if you like Masada's games, and Last Cavalier seems promising. That's just about all the scenarioge I played from this year.

>> No.14534535

Sakuuta is a charage though.

>> No.14534536


>> No.14534538

Last Cavalier is best scenarioge this year.

>> No.14534540

How so?

>> No.14534547

It'd be interesting to hear somebody's opinion of it. I'm probably not going to bother reading it because trap shit, but I'm curious how people like it.

>> No.14534561
File: 166 KB, 768x1024, CXNMcUoUEAMc23w.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good luck on on getting anything.

>> No.14534570

> because trap shit
This factor is not prominent in the game at all.
80% time its about political intrigues, assassinations, scheming and other stuff like that.
Whole "trap" stuff was like 3-4 jokes at start of the game and then it was completely forgotten.

>> No.14534579

>political intrigues, assassinations, scheming and other stuff like that.
I'd rather just have trap shit.

>> No.14534589

This is historical drama about bakumatsu, why the fuck it would focus "trap shit"?

Overall, its not even structured as usual eroge. At place I'm reading now 2 of 3 main heroines are already dead and there were no ichaicha scenes or h-stuff with any of them. Last alive main heroine is hinted to love protag, but there's zero romantic development going on, and they are too busy killing and dying to have it now.

>> No.14534592

That sounds too edgy for me. That stuff has no place in eroge.

>> No.14534597

Good thing its not plebs like you who get to decide what belongs to eroge and what not. Cavalier sold very well, so I'm looking forward to Takaya's new works, he's always managing to make something extraordinary.

>> No.14534601

That's nice to hear

That spoiler on the other hand is not

>> No.14534603

Does the childhood friend get less annoying in Doshikuro? All that yelling is very distracting.

>> No.14534609


Wow, I thought it'd be edgy but didnt expect this much. I already downloaded it but seems like it's be too dark for my tastes, thank you.

I guess I have to wait amakano 2 now.

>> No.14534612

I'm playing w/out walktrough, since its too spoilerish, so maybe I made wrong choices somewhere.

>> No.14534622

Judging by the walkthrough it depends on your choices unless there is some form of resurrecting in the story.

>> No.14534633

Seems like only Serizawa Kamo dont have an ending at walkthrough so I guess she's one of those who has died.

Dont know the others though, some of them has threesome ending while some not, I guess we have to wait until you or someone else finish it.

>> No.14534635

Speaking of edginess, there was cool scene where Hijikata, one of main heroines, was nonchalantly driving long metal nails into feet of one of prisoners and then putting candles there, so heat would be transferred via nail into wound.
I don't think I've ever encountered another eroge where protag side would use torture so liberally and to such extent, while also claiming to be justice and good guys.

>> No.14534821

Is Evenicle a VN?

>> No.14534828

What's the point of this post?

>> No.14534840

Chaos;Child is fantastic, but ps3/4 is required.
Bansenjin for pc.

>> No.14534885

I'm asking if it's a VN.

>> No.14534981


Yes, I stood there for 2,5 hours before giving up.

Anyway, after coming back later I was able to get what I wanted - Sakura no Uta Vocal CD and Subarashiki Hibi OP Single. I got to the booth around 16:30 and there were enough people behind me to last till the end at 17:00. So yeah, Makura is super popular. Notable things that got sold out were the Yuumi-Rina blanket and Sakura no Uta Soundtrack.

>> No.14534985

>Serizawa Kamo

She gets killed by the protagonist at the end of the trial. First thing telling you how the VN is gonna be in advance.

>> No.14535094

And amakano 2 got uploaded.

>> No.14535101

Great more Isshiki Hikaru

>> No.14535359

fyi, you can play Chaos;Child with a Vita TV which is around $20-$30. Of course, you gotta buy the game as well. It was worth it to me though.

>> No.14535484

Caramel Box is a big name in the eroge market, unless they screw up really bad their games will be bought. This explains why mediocre companies such as ALICESOFT still remain.

>> No.14535636

>mediocre companies such as ALICESOFT


>> No.14536172

It's an RPG.

>> No.14536427

It's an eroge.

>> No.14536548

play Sakuuta, Maggot Baits (if you love gore) and Last Cavalier.

>> No.14536557


>> No.14536560

i need one of those yuumi-rina blankets

>> No.14536561

I don't think there was an "amazing" scenarioge this year but Fairytale Requiem if you like the surreal style.

>> No.14536565

you sure that is not the line for Monster Hunter X?? cuz holy shit that crowd is insane

>> No.14536569

I don't mind gore, but I don't like it either. Can I play Maggot Baits for the scenario anyway?

>> No.14536583

Maggot Baits is a nukige with really edgy story. There's not all that much to get out of if you aren't interested in the porn.

>> No.14536587

Is there really no torrent for utawarerumono: itsuwari no kamen? I checked nyaa, sukebei, AB.

>> No.14536617

Check the place where you get PS3 games.

>> No.14536695

I hope encore is released relatively soon, I've liked the opinions I've read on it.

>> No.14537152

I don't get how Maggot Baits is better rated than Euphoria on EGS. Is it sutema?

>> No.14537164

It caters to an audience and does it really well. If you love guro and generally depressing porn, that shit is great.

>> No.14537386

> Can I play Maggot Baits for the scenario anyway?
Yes. Its relatively short, due to high rate of """porn""" scenes, but it was interesting to read.

>> No.14537525

Does anybody have a visual novel with exemplary controller support?
Preferably should not only support XInput but I'll work with what I get.

>> No.14537554

With a DS4, all of them.

>> No.14537681
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I already saw 4 H-scene in this chapter, and there are still at least 8 more to go. Seems like I'll spend my entire day with those.

>> No.14537690

What game is it?

>> No.14537717

塔の下のエクセルキトゥス, But those amount of h-scenes are my fault. I was curious about the main story so didnt play at least half of the heroine events, now all of them got piled up.

>> No.14537733

How is it? It's been sitting in my backlog since release but I haven't bothered getting it yet.

>> No.14537829

Gameplay is kinda fun if you like card game types. It'd be better if they could make it a little harder but still not boring at least. But it maybe just me since I actually 100% cleared all dungeons so my characters are already pretty high level. Card monsters should have more scary though, I dont think those birds and racoons can murder people as brutally as they mentioned.

Art is pretty good as you can see, and VAs are great as well. but I cant say same thing for the story & writing. Yeah main story is kinda good and makes you want to read continue, but they failed too hard at character events & relationship developments as most of the vns which have gameplay.

Its basically like this: You clear a dungeon & a heroine comes and says "I'm greatful to you, please fuck me" > mc fucks her without any "love" "being lover" etc shit > you go to next dungeon > you fuck another one.

MC takes all of heroines' virginity at main story like this (except teacher and maid since they are not virgin), and other character events are just short mini episodes where mc fucks them more. MC thinks he shouldnt be in a special relationship with anyone since he'll return to his own world at some time, yet still fucks all of them because dont want to make them feel sad? What the fuck is that logic. I think this shit will be solved at the end and he'll become everyone's lover or something, but still its annoying as fuck.

Other than this there are still a couple of mistakes because of the lazy writers, for example Riko is drawing a picture at some scene for her family because she doesn't know how to write & read, Then in the next scene she suddenly starts to read letters etc.

In short if you dont mind those shitty story annoyances, its worth of playing just for the art & hot h-scenes & not bad gameplay.

>> No.14537849
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ancient heroines my man

is such a thing even possible

>> No.14537890
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, サクラノ詩3 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakuuta needed more Akashi.

>> No.14538043

It's the Makura line. You can tell that Sakura no Uta's reception definetly wasn't mixed, like someone tried to imply above in the thread.

>> No.14538100

It kind of saddens me that the reason she is available as an heroine in Doukyuusei 2 is because the MC of 同級生 was a cheating bastard.

No wonder the flame wars regarding Doukyuusei series lasted for a decade.

>> No.14538353

but the whole point of these games is to land as many heroines as possible

how can you blame the man

also, its interesting in itself to see already established characters return as more than mere cameos in series like that

>> No.14538399
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Fuck SEGA and Sony of America.

>> No.14538414

>but the whole point of these games is to land as many heroines as possible
Does Doukyuusei follow the same format as True Love? Wherein you can net tons of heroines and if you just stick to one you'll spend most of the game skipping? That's weird. Visual novels really have grown.

>> No.14538425

Pretty much yeah.

>> No.14538440
File: 10 KB, 512x448, Doukyuusei 2 (J) (NP).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, but if you ever played Doukyuusei 2 you would know that this will end badly.

Nope. You have a set of time (2 weeks, I think) where you go around meeting the different heroines. There is no time skip, but you have to manage the time you spend if you are one of those guys that want to get all of the girls in a single playthrough.

Back then, there were some really detailed guides on how to accomplish this, although you would end missing a heroine or two, mainly because in some routes the MC shutdowns for a set amount of time, or if you choose certain heroines then you are locked from accessing the main town area. You also need money.

The game is huge, nothing like today's games.

>> No.14538442

actually, there are a lot of mutually exclusive heroines and others with overlapping events, so you cannot actually get all or nearly all in one run. sometimes you have to progress in the clearing of one girl to advance with another.
and since people will show up all over the map, just visiting a certain location over and over, for example, wont guarantee you the netting of the heroine based there. you can of course just try to go after one heroine, but since there's over a dozen of them with events spread out over time, theres no good reason to do that.

>> No.14538454

Not gonna lie, those kind of games give me performance anxiety. Kind of pathetic I guess

>> No.14538462
File: 79 KB, 640x400, bestheroine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't be. Those guides are only for those with enough patience and time to autistically save scum their way through as many heroines as possible. This is an exploration game. Run around, talk to girls and experiment.

When you are done, go play the PC98 fan disk, lots of weirdass jokes all over the place for fans of the game. I personally recommend playing it just for the gags.

>> No.14538463

>There is no time skip,
I'm pretty sure you could functionally skip time by sleeping, doing road work on the western side of the map, or visiting some old cunt's house near there and paying him.
Might be getting mixed up between the 4 級生 games though.

>> No.14538472

Ah yes, you are correct. I thought he meant as if once you reached a point in the girl's route, the game immediately jumped to a point in time in the future.

Perhaps I should have said that time skip is completely optional.

>> No.14538535

I thought it before, but didnt key completely steal the formula for their games from sakurako's route?

you have le sick girl suffering from a mysterious disease, a unique melancholic track playing during moody moments, and of course the infamous "deadly" melodrama complete with its catharsis, though in this case the turn for good thankfully comes from the resolution of a silly misunderstanding instead of ludicrous magic.

>> No.14538555

If that were the case than I would point out that Flutter of Birds was better at it (I freaking love Sakurako, so this in no way means I disparage her route).

The problem with Key is that they did this way too often, and didn't hire an artists who could draw for shit. They became predictable, and thus their games do not make me feel anything.

>> No.14538591
File: 37 KB, 256x348, amekoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any vn with coffee kizoku art/characters that are translated besides furifure?

i was drunk and bought a calendar because i couldn't resist the art but i don't know anything about the characters

>> No.14538630

>This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels
Ask at >>>/vg/

>> No.14538667
File: 1.47 MB, 961x755, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to hear the reason behind the -100% especially considering how they got somewhat got along in the introduction scenes

>> No.14538691

Something stupid like "seen her pantsu" or "sounded like hentai", what else it could be in generic moege.

>> No.14538782

Nope, just her being a grumpy sod about her situation. Protag's actually being rather nice to her due to them both transferring on the same day and covering for her ass, Looks like she might a tsundere so the number could just reflect that

>> No.14539227

He and Thomas almost ruined the game for me, especially during the common route. So i heartily disagree.

>> No.14539230

How are you guys enjoying Last Cavalier so far? It's pretty but kind of dull to me at the moment, also the MC is basically trap Blank Bob... Guess i'll push forward a bit still.

>> No.14539236

I've finished Kondou route and doing Ryoma route now.
I've enjoyed it so far, but at same time it feels like Takaya went a bit overboard with "textbook on bakumatsu era" aspect. From 1866 it blazes till 1868 too fast, with mostly only historical events, and then in Kondou route there was only one h-scene with almost 0 ichaicha. I'd really love more "filler"/ichaicha content.

>> No.14539241

Thanks for the input, I think i might just skip this one then, I'm already familiar with the historical events and I dont think going through 30 hours on reenactment with big boobs and the occasional sword fight is going to cut it.

>> No.14539247

Well, at least endings are alt-history with key heroines having different fate past their historical death point.
Kondou/Hijikata's one was very amusing.

>> No.14539253

It's better. Euphoria only has one route that is good.

>> No.14539255


>> No.14539265

>I'd really love more "filler"/ichaicha content.
I see this a lot but I don't get it. If you want ichaicha play a moege. It's basically all the same. It's kind of like playing an FPS an asking for more RPG elements, or a text RPG and asking for more action. I really do understand what you mean but I do not like this trend at all. Of wanting ichaicha in every game all the time. Well, I guess it's partially eroge's fault for making every girl into a cute anime girl love interest.

>> No.14539285

>I guess it's partially eroge's fault for making every girl into a cute anime girl love interest.
>eroge's fault

Hmm.. I wonder why that's the case.

>> No.14539287

As you say, that's the game fault to begin with. If you re gonna genderbend historical characters for the sole reason of adding romances, it's not far-fetched for the reader to expect, well, actual romance. Or just take a risk and make a high budget all-age all-male historical vn (yeah like that is going to happen.)

>> No.14539290

Thomas was annoying as shit, but Akashi was great, especially in Epitaphs.

>> No.14539291

Only way that's gonna happen is if you aim it to girls hard.

>> No.14539298

>actual romance
He said "filler/ichaicha", not romance in general. That's what I'm referring to.

>> No.14539299

He got better (and rarer, thankfully) in the second part of the game, but he was extremely annoying to me during the common route. I went in Sakuuta hoping for a decently written, at-least-passably-credible SoL, and got Akashi every other scene instead.

>> No.14539301

Ero is truly holding the media back.

>> No.14539306

Looks interesting.

How were 3days and 11eyes?

>> No.14539307

If, as he seems to say, MC & girl just seems to get toegether and have sex because they (and the writers) are syndically obligated to do so, it's poorly made. You have to at least try to explain why and how attraction occurs.

>> No.14539309

Decent, the problem is shoujo shinki being crap.

>> No.14539310

>sudden power up
That's about it

>> No.14539312

Of course, but in that case wouldn't he have asked for more romantic development, not literally more filler?

>> No.14539314

Funny enough, part I'm complaining about is actually filled by male characters.
You have male shogun, tosa daimyo, choushu han representatives, shogunate officers and so on engaging in various plots against each other, while almost all heroines are already killed at this point and remaining get very little screentime.

>> No.14539323

You cannot have romantic developments during desperate fights and other bloodbath.

>> No.14539324

Unless it's a Kojima game.

>> No.14539325

Says who?

>> No.14539407


It's pretty sad when companies have to reassure their customers like that.

>> No.14539428

What happened to prompt that?

>> No.14539433

I think every eroge should have mandatory huge "content table" on its cover, showing whether it has or not all possible triggering stuff.

>> No.14539444

They should just adopt the great trigger system.

>Trigger Warning: 非処女

>> No.14539448
File: 29 KB, 800x600, warningcorpsehousemaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like that?

>> No.14539452

Or just
>Trigger warning: she may have had feelings for/been touched by a male other than the MC at some point of her life

>> No.14539481

Lesbian is pretty hot. What the fuck is wrong with Japanese nerds?

>> No.14539484

It's boring and may feel like NTR I guess?

>> No.14539486

Not when heroine compares protag with other heroine in negative to protag way. Just like sex toys and uwaki workspring scandal.

>> No.14539496

Is that the reason why most game with threesome is lacking on girl on girl kissing? It''s killing me.

>Not when heroine compares protag with other heroine in negative to protag way.

I don't get it. Care to give example 1 game that do this? I dont think it's similiar to hanasaki at all.

>> No.14539505

I'm not saying its something that already exists, just a "what if". In hanasaki, there was heroine who (in crazy otaku's interpretation) loved dildo more than MC, and this made self-insert buta insecure and therefore enraged. Lesbian sex opens way for same kind of comparison, and therefore same kind of insecurity. You cannot allow heroine to have any other experience besides MC, or self-insert buta would never recover from doubting whether he was the one she loved to have sex with most or not.

>> No.14539510

This is a whole new level of sad.

>> No.14539518

I find it boring honestly but it's not really something worth warning about.

>> No.14539521

Nobody would've probably cared if the game itself wasn't as meta about it as it could. Hanaski has plenty of jabs at otaku, which is why it got the reaction it did.

>> No.14539541

It's boring. You're there to have the protag fuck the girls, not to have them fuck each other. You don't go to a restaurant to watch waiters eat the food themselves.

>> No.14539636

>You don't go to a restaurant to watch waiters eat the food themselves.
That's because that's not the purpose of restaurants, not because there aren't people who like to watch other people eat.

>> No.14539755

I hated Akashi until Part II, and then he became a great character for me. Though Part I is pretty bad in general.

>> No.14539823

That doesn't change my point. You don't play a game where you get to fuck a bunch of girls expecting them to fuck each other instead.

>> No.14540017
File: 257 KB, 1280x720, capture_20151224_105311_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't like thomas

You need a better sense of humor my friend

>> No.14540045

not that guy, but Thomas was funny at first, then he go real old, real fast. I did like to see him again in VI though.

>> No.14540269

Are there any shops that ship internationally/don't require proxy services to get through?
I know about amiami but they basically only stock recent stuff.

>> No.14540273

>not that guy
No shit, you're namefagging.

>> No.14540284


>> No.14540312

You kidding? He was the most annoying and unfunny gaijin I've ever seen in any eroge by far. It even got me wondering if Sca-ji hated foreigners that much and searching his Twitter account for mentions of them.

>> No.14540314
File: 42 KB, 600x450, p62MaxqOEHQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14540323

This is weird, I'm not sure if they're reassuring them or poking fun at them. Maybe they even plan to lie about it?

>> No.14540342
File: 1.18 MB, 1024x768, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The number gets higher later, she is a tsundere. Anyways, right now I'm at Ruika's route and after the first h-scene it's already 200%, and all the other girls disappeared from the number screen.

>> No.14540407

At fucking last. Thanks. This fills me with hope.

>> No.14540776

Oh shit, finally. I hope Steins;Gate 0 will be next.

>> No.14540783


>> No.14540789

I'm compelled to play this game but I keep remembering Aozora Stripe and how boring that game was. Is this one any more interesting? I.e. less infinity shop works.

>> No.14540795

I wish I had optic camo

>> No.14540913

Chusingura (fandisk, since it's that era) is better imo, despite Last Cavalier having the superior designs.

>> No.14540928

Yeah, I don't agree at all
Chusingura was better at being an eroge maybe but thematically, setting-wise or just in term of pure writing it was mostly incoherent and pretty much trash

>> No.14541014

Man, I hate it when your chosen route only affects a few scenes with the chosen heroine, but other characters don't acknowledge the relationship and the plot just advances exactly the same.

>> No.14541524

Chusingura is trash without even single redeeming quality. Author clearly doesn't understand how to write long games and got confused by own plot midway.
I fail to comprehend why anyone would ever like it at all.

>> No.14541696

>I fail to comprehend why anyone would ever like it at all.

It's the same formula as Muv Luv and look how popular that franchise is.

>> No.14541725

So same as the last game

>> No.14541823

Do I have to play chaos head before playing this?

>> No.14541833

Play white album 2

>> No.14541844

Yes and no.
C:C is largely built on C:H but probably not in the way you expect
It's kind of life Dangan Ronpa and Super Dangan Ronpa 2 in a way.
Play Chaos:Head, it's not long and Chaos:Child is worth it

>> No.14541885

If you didn't notice they say comments when you click on them and what they say changes as the % goes up

>> No.14542075
File: 109 KB, 599x530, 1451353660250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PC release incomig.

>> No.14542109

NO FUCK NO!!!!!!!

At least you guys'll never ever get Robotics;Notes

>> No.14542129

>never ever get Robotics;Notes
It's a good thing.

>> No.14542134
File: 1.94 MB, 500x230, giveafuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least you guys'll never ever get Robotics;Notes

>> No.14542166

Lol @ pc cuckolds and their sour grapes

>> No.14542168

For some reason it reminds me of Lovely x Cation , though it is not as good as the former. I wouldn't say it is very interesting, it's pretty much the same: protag moves to new city, goes to new school, meet new girls, and you know what happens (plus some "drama").

>> No.14542178

For some reason it reminds me of Lovely x Cation , though it is not as good as the former. I wouldn't say it is very interesting, it's pretty much the same: protag moves to new city, goes to new school, meet new girls, and you know what happens (plus some "drama"). I downloaded it simply because of Isshiki Hikaru, the other girls' routes are pretty average too.

>> No.14542184

>Isshiki Hikaru voices a heroine
Reason enough to play a game

>> No.14542199
File: 36 KB, 256x183, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who played this piece of shit last week, you're wrong.

>> No.14542231

She was the only reason I could make it through an entire route as I told you in the last thread

>> No.14542244

Yeah, I remember.

I managed to keep my sanity through hers and the princess/maou routes, didn't do childhood friend.

I have a fair tolerance for shit and usually finish all (full-sized) routes but it was too much.

>> No.14542733

Anyone know if download versions of games have updated compatibility?

I got an account on DMM, and I was going to buy ナイショのよりみち, as Gyutto says it works on win8 but I've tried the package version before and it didn't, so...if anyone knows/is willing to buy the DL version to test it out, please let me know.

>> No.14542761

>>14542733 (samefag, sorry)

This blog seems to be saying yes at least as far as Naisho is concerned. I've been having this issue with the first Inyouchuu game too, so I wonder...

>> No.14542793

I'm sorry, helping lolicons goes against my principles.

I took a peek at the developer's page and it still says Win98/Me/2000/XP, no patches at the support page. Unless you find someone assuring you it works, that's risky.

>> No.14543006

To people who were anxious to play Cavalier because of my spoilers earlier: you can safely play Iori&Ryoma route, there's no edgy stuff and its almost entirely alt-history, so it was much more interesting to read than Kondou's.

>> No.14543221

Comiket report:

Lines for Nitro+ 配布 event were endless. Noone knew where the end even was. In 30 minutes I spend observing the lines outside the hall, they didn't move at all.

I could observe it because I was standing close by in the August 配布 event line. Luckily I caught the line early and stood at a good place, so I was in the front. Of course the line was long as shit too, but moved fast.

Above someone asked about which makers seem popular. At Comiket you could definetly tell August and Nitro+ are. Also I saw relatively many people with Sprite bags, so that's something too.

>> No.14543313

Thank you. I'm so hyped for Sen no Hatou.

>> No.14543385

Yeah, me too. In the guidebook they were handing out, they mention a planned Spring release for the trial. I guess that puts the full game to come out in like August, September or October.

>> No.14543697

Damn, so fucking late. They really announced it too early.

>> No.14543726

Yeah, but without any annoucement they'd be silent for too long.

>> No.14543822
File: 1.45 MB, 2778x1922, 1412143125337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the vns with interesting, voiced protags? Not asking for another Kageaki if that's aiming too high but is anything close?

>> No.14543841

Most yuri stuff as they tend to treat the protag as a heroine, which by default makes them a lot more developed than your average dude.

>> No.14543846

How is Amakano Second Season 7.5GB? Sakura no Uta was only 5.5, and that game is pretty huge by eroge standards.

>> No.14543849

compression and padding

>> No.14543850

Dummy files.

>> No.14543859

Art quality.

>> No.14543868
File: 655 KB, 1280x720, フェアリーテイル・アンコール.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was so nice, especially for a mini-fandisk, only wish it had been longer, but I really liked it for what it was. The encore part was extremely in line with the main game, really nice closure too.

>> No.14543885

Great, another game to share with texthookers and plebs in general

>> No.14543895

What's the point of this post?

>> No.14543907

Tell the world my childhood friend is my imaginary friend and shes behind all the killings in the game

>> No.14543921

That's a kind of dumb twist.

>> No.14543925

anyone played サナララ ?
was there any particular story and dijest you liked?

>> No.14543932

mieno's was the best

>> No.14543945

Hello Lady

>> No.14543955
File: 222 KB, 1598x874, 5306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a very good trial, the heroines are all very cute and I laughed a lot, great writing too

>> No.14543958

just not as dumb as the nono = shapeshifter one

>> No.14543964

Both of these were pretty obvious, there were better twists

>> No.14543975

October sounds good

>> No.14543996

patience, friend

>> No.14544004

I feel the jay's shitposting quality has seen better days

>> No.14544050

At least posting quality is still as good as ever

>> No.14544077

Not voised but Kazuki from Hello World is based as fuck.

>> No.14544355


Is this something common in Softhouse Chara games?

>> No.14544363

I know I'm going to get flogged for asking this but I'm asking about the untranslated versions not the translated one.

Is there any discernible difference between the pc version and the console versions of steins gate? Personally I'd prefer to play it on the pc but if there are script/scene cuts, bugs, or other nonsense that makes it inferior I'd like to know upfront.

>> No.14544415

>I guess that puts the full game to come out in like August, September or October.

Oh please no. I was hoping for the start of summer at the latest. It took 4 months after the trial for Eustia to come out so I guess we're looking at anywhere between July and October.

>> No.14544570

>so I guess we're looking at anywhere between July and October.
That's literally what he said

>> No.14544614


How's the gameplay of that one?

>> No.14544840
File: 404 KB, 1274x720, ss+(2015-12-28+at+02.44.46).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I explained most of game at >>14537829 , Gameplay is kind of dungeon & card type thing. You are searching for the boss & items at the dungeons, and when you encounter with an enemy it becomes a card fight.

Its the classic water > fire > grass > water, light > darkness > light etc. You can have 1 leader + 6 fighter at your party, 3 at backup and 4 at the field. When your or enemy's leader dies fight is over, and for attacking leader you have to break one of the field fighter's mana shield or kill it.

Its a pretty simple but kind of enjoyable gameplay.

>> No.14544858


Gonna try it because I liked card games when I was a kid thanks.

>> No.14544864

I wonder if the anti non-virgin monopsony will ever go away.

>> No.14544881

I got my months confused. Here's hoping for a July release then.

>> No.14544884

The main heroine of Chusingura is a MILF that frequent male prostitutes yet she is really popular and Chusingura as a whole was a hit with moege fags.
Yet in other eroge if the heroine only mutter the name of another guy a shitstorm will happen

I don't understand

>> No.14544892

In reality big groups of people aren't that much of a hivemind.

>> No.14545947
File: 879 KB, 1280x720, 2015-12-30 02_37_08-LOVELY×C∧TION2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is exactly what I've expected from Hinata's route, yet it's uncomfortable when it actually happens.

>> No.14546067


Is this exactly the same as Verethragna gameplay wise?

>> No.14546164

I didnt play Verethragna but some people were saying it has almost the same gameplay as Verethragna so I guess it's pretty similiar at least. From the some random video I watched at youtube, I think the card fight system is exactly same while they improved the dungeons.

If you have read Verethragna I'd like to hear some thoughts about the story / game itself. It seems a little darker than this at least.

>> No.14546202

As far as the actual gameplay they're both very similar, the difference being that Exercitus takes the dungeon aspects of Verethragna and expands on. Personally I hated the dungeons, mostly the controls and camera, from Verethragna so wasn't too pleased to see them be the main focus.

I found Verethragna's story to be a bit more solid. At the start it was really simple feeling of win card games, get women. There was some plot later of saving the world but I thought it was awful. It's certainly darker compared to Exercitus, which feels a lot more light-hearted. While Verethragna was more about the school tournament and the protagonist's quest for revenge, Exercitus felt like it emphasized slice of life and the fantasy world more. I didn't find romance in either to be particularly strong, though at least in Verethragna you "earn" their respect through card duels.

I am a bit biased against both because I wasn't a huge fan of the card game system, but I'd have to say I prefer Verethragna a bit more; if anything I liked the scenes more.

>> No.14546227

Thank you very much for your comment, I guess I wont try Verethragna then. I have no problems with the gameplay, or more like I can say I kinda like it, but the "win card games, get women" thing become kind of annoying for my tastes so I dont want to go though the same thing again if it doesn't have an awesome story or something. Also I'd prefer light-hearted games instead of the darker ones anyway so it doesnt seem like a game I'd enjoy for sure.

>> No.14546367

What is this?

>> No.14546408

Verethragna is a good fap, but the gameplay is horrible for someone who plays hardcore card games. IT'S NOT A TCG.
1. card has its own level
2. only few cards available
3. monster cards are not drawn, but summoned immediately from the extra deck. you can have whatever monster card you want at the start of the duel. the deck is composed of support cards but you don't get them very often, even if you do, they're trivial, and they take up mana like monster card do, so mostly you don't want to use them. you don't need a deck or draw anything at all to win for the most part. it's better not to view these cards as cards but more as a hero+minions.
4. numbers. your damage could be 137+15% and then -5% after that, your hp is 631... how is it still a card game if you have to calculate these?
5. I've been playing the game using the same 7 cards for a very long time with no deck and 1 same strategy
and then I said to myself
this is shit, I'm done here

>> No.14546427

I literally just googled あらら エロゲー and found it. It's not even an eroge.

>> No.14546508

Does someone here know if anything changes between Kagami's and Tsukasa's routes in 素晴らしき日々's first chapter?

>> No.14546516

No. And why would you even care about the first chapter in the first place?

>> No.14546532

It's my fake OCD acting up.

>> No.14546551

Has anyone here played Closed Game? How was it?

>> No.14546681

In Kagami's "route" you finger Kagami, and in Tsukasa's "route" you finger Tsukasa. That's pretty much it.

>> No.14546767
File: 233 KB, 1298x765, 1429082519879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Saya's route in 見上げてごらん、夜空の星を. A lot of fun to read, and while it had some slight bumps part way through overall it was a pretty good that ended well.

My favorite part was the feeling of time flowing throughout the story and seeing how the characters change. The flashbacks were done just enough to get a bond with the characters and see them grow, without being overdone or boring. It was nice to see how they came back together as friends after separating at first. I really loved the part at the end where they promised to meet up again years later, in the exact same way that they had a year ago.

I do have some minor issues with some of the drama points; they didn't feel fleshed out enough and almost felt like they were there more as a story device. For example the MC's trauma is glossed over really quickly, or the fight between Hikari and the MC which felt a little forced. I know they were both explained later on, but at the time I was reading it I didn't like them. I felt the same with Saya's drama; looking back they were okay but at the time they seemed a little awkward. I guess I would've liked to see more of the buildup and explanation before the event, not after.

The game looked great, with all the star backgrounds and the effects. The moving star movies were seamless and looked great. I wish they had done another one of those constellation demonstrations like they did in the flashback, I thought it was interesting and easy to understand. The star themes and ideas were always central to the story, but never too over-bearing or overly technical; for someone with little knowledge of star gazing or constellations it was easy to get into.

A fun story about friendship and growing up, the characters were enjoyable, and in general the pacing was smooth and straightforward. Also Miharu side route when? She deserves it.

>> No.14546806
File: 232 KB, 1280x717, 7986576576365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also Miharu side route when? She deserves it.

Indeed. I just got finished with the first longish flashback and im honestly enjoying it so far. I for sure thought that the astronomy parts were going to be a slog to go through and was hesitant to read it but its honestly been enjoyable and a learning experience as well. The soundtrack is also very pleasant to listen to as well.

It also baffles me how little they show ころな. Well they'll probably show more of her later.

>> No.14546822

>It also baffles me how little they show ころな. Well they'll probably show more of her later.

No. They wont
Blame her mom for that.

>> No.14546855

Korona gets a lot more time in the later parts, at least a somewhat significant role in Saya's route. Overall though she seems more like a comedic side character, which is why I was surprised to hear that she's a main character with a route.

That part is probably the biggest part of astronomy; maybe a couple more sections but yeah all of them are really easy to digest and understand.

>> No.14546959
File: 131 KB, 548x438, flashback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a flashback within 4 lines of the very event that's being recalled
This habit of VN authors has gone too far.

>> No.14547015

Please tell me it was played in a comedic sense

>> No.14547024

Nope. Dead serious.

>> No.14547197

Maybe the MC has ADHD or problems with short term memory. It might be relevant plot-wise.

>> No.14547521

Chuusotsu, you can do the trial here

And yeah it's not an eroge

>> No.14547713

Swan Song

>> No.14547912

thanks, that helps.

>> No.14547948

Speaking of voiced MCs, why is Tomoya voiced in the PS2 version and not the PC "full voice" edition?

>> No.14548005

Late news but Chaos;Child is getting a PC port.

>> No.14548017

I remember how robotic;notes was originally meant to get one then everyone hated the game when it came out and the anime bombed.

>> No.14548024

are there any good places for eroge soundtracks that arent share or baidu?

>> No.14548034

Do people still use Share? Genuine question, I thought Japanese stopped uploading anything after several busts.

>> No.14548177

Robotic;Notes was overally boring imo but I have high hopes for Chaos;Child, especially if White Fox gets it.

>> No.14548291

People who share stuff they bought don't because of the risk. Regular leechers still do because nobody currently gives a fuck about them even though knowingly downloading copyrighted content is a crime. There are even some madmen who keep Winny network alive.

>> No.14548447

What about Zakuro's?

>> No.14548485

Where the hell is tsuyokiss festival, they have released OST & Vocal CD + 3gakki & FE & Next as chronicle yet still holding festival for some reason, and its not even at their VIP.

>> No.14548571

But if only leechers use it and uploaders don't, where do the uploads come from?

>> No.14548618

The original uploaders, not re-uploaders.

>> No.14548824

You cannot progress to RH2 without clearing RH1 Zakuro, its the story one.

>> No.14549800

I was super hyped about Sakura no Uta and loved the trial/Rin's route, but I'm now on Makoto's route and basically completely lost all motivation to continue. It's probably been like two months since I even ran the .exe. Just had to let that out

>> No.14549820

It's absolute crap and made me drop the game for a couple of weeks, but the rest is worth it.
Just zypressen alone is way better than what comes before it.

>> No.14549974

Honestly you can just ctrl Makoto's route, you won't miss much.
You just need to know about Kei's relation with Makoto and his little sister
Just read the nipple scene (you'll know when you'll see it) and the one scene about Naoya's painting and you'll get everything you have to get about this route

>> No.14550115


>> No.14550133

Sakura no Uta fags can join him.

>> No.14550163

Trying too hard.

>> No.14550397

keep playing, it gets really good after Makoto's route.

>> No.14550399 [DELETED] 

Dunno if this is the right place to ask but I'm looking for the name of a title I played years ago, it was an old 90's era visual novel that got translated by one of those localizing companies (thought it was JAST but nope) and all I can remember about it is that it had a female main character which followed her choosing a door and travelling through a multiverse set up by some supernatural being. Sound familiar to anyone?

>> No.14550448

Amy's Fantasies maybe

>> No.14550737

I use Perfect Dark but I never find anything. Is Share more active?

>> No.14550750

Why didn't sca-ji just write makoto route? He wrote the whole game, another route won't make much deference.

>> No.14550758

Because he didn't give a fuck.

>> No.14550986

While Sca-ji is a genius, he's also humble and kind, which is why he gave his close friend an opportunity to shine in his new long-awaited literary masterpiece, which took almost 7 years to make.

Also, PicaPica ED song was the best.

>> No.14551183

This whole post is triggering me.

>> No.14551194

I lost more braincells than usual reading that post.

>> No.14551407

Zypressen ED is the best.

>> No.14551697

Other than losing a couple of days dating, is there any difference in Amakano 2 if you wait for the girl to confess to you? Does the ending of the route change or something?

>> No.14551738

Once the dates line back up it's identical.

>> No.14551812

where the HELL is the nukige general

>> No.14551823

Dead due to lack of posting and releases that everybody would play.

>> No.14551831

It died due to lack of shitposting. Might as well post either here or to the english equivalent if you want to discuss.
There's also a general H-game thread over at /vg/.

>> No.14552049

It's out.

>> No.14552097

Hate to be a faggot who doesn't check sites but has there been any news on Akikuru?

Had a really good time with both their previous efforts and I'm quite looking forward to the third installment in the "what the FUCK is going on" quadrilogy.

>> No.14552129

Only the epilogue left!

>> No.14552138

That's Watanabe "Fucking" Ryouichi alright

>> No.14552163

Oh boy, looking forward to this one alright. Thanks for the link, I'm out of the loop. Good to hear he's having fun with it, hope it's as funny as Natsukumo was because that one was hilarious, even if it was just sophomoric dick jokes and vagina jokes.

>> No.14552166

I tried playing Hoshi Ori again. The girls areas moe and production values as high as I remember them. However, the school festival junk is as boring as I remember it too. What a shame

>> No.14552193

So in other words we can expect this mid 2016

>> No.14552208

You should use the magical make-VNs-fun button.

>> No.14552211

I actually am. If I so much as see 2 sprites that aren't the girl I'm aiming for, I hit control. Makes me feel bad, but I really don't have any interest in extended dialogues about building aquariums.

>> No.14552531

what song is harue using for her ring tone in oretsuba?

>> No.14553065

I'm kind of worried about the size honestly.
Natsukumo was 1.8mb and I loved how good the pacing in it was.

>> No.14553102

Apparently a new Tsujidou "episode" is in production

>> No.14553131

Woops. Reading his twitter more carefully, I realized that he finished writing the epilogue on the 28th. Not much left now.

>> No.14553293


>> No.14553314

Share might have more older files but many of them are dead forever. There's probably more users but the node count only gets lower.


>> No.14553444

Glad that yuzusoft is doing well, a shame that 神のラプソディ sold so much higher than Evenicle did.

>> No.14553496

Ruika in Amakano 2 was great. She's Mizuki ver.2, so that's kind of obvious I guess.

Honestly, these games are all about the senpai-heroines for me.

>> No.14553514

Evenicle is only 33rd, what the heck. It's way better than that.

>> No.14553524

Every game on that list sold great. It's a top 50 for the entire fucking year.

>> No.14553542

I don't see your point.

>> No.14553546

Remember Alicesoft's reputation at the time

>> No.14553562

The point is that there is no point in lamenting a specific position on that list.

>> No.14553586

Is Son of a Witch actually that good or is it just because Yuzusoft?

>> No.14553601

There is when something good sold worse than something not good.

>> No.14553753

The later, it's boring as hell.

>> No.14553758

Can I read Akikuru when it's out or do I have to read the previous installments first? I regret I didn't pay attention to the series before.

>> No.14553765

The series is disconnected.

>> No.14553777

Good to know, thanks. I still have the previous ones in my backlog but I'll go for Akikuru first if it's released soon.

>> No.14553838

The art was mediocre, writing was boring, and just about the only redeeming quality it had was Kazane being in it.

>> No.14553851

It's a sales list

>> No.14553873

Yes, and?
The rest of the games in Giga's Kiss series have all been mediocre as hell, so it's not like it had much going for it to begin with.

>> No.14553877

I don't know man, you really should read the earlier ones first. It's disconnected but it's still always a good idea to start at the thematic beginning. It shouldn't be a big deal either if the older games are already in your backlog, just read them instead.

>> No.14553893

>Yes, and?
The games sell a lot. So GIga keeps making them. So they get on "Highest sellers of the year"- lists.
Who gives a shit what you personally think about the games.

>> No.14554009

better than amairo for sure

>> No.14554110

No heroine in Sanoba Witch was as perfect as Amairo's Yune, though.

>> No.14554324

>try to download Gahkthun(not the Mangagamer version)
>It will take like a week

You win this one, EOPs.

>> No.14554528

Bored of reading eroge. Got any recommendations /jp/?

>> No.14554569
File: 202 KB, 1278x719, ss+(2015-12-31+at+11.27.33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played Otome & Kinu After Stories so far, seems like in both of them they married & have children etc. Its pretty short / something like 30-40 min for each one / and nothing happens in them, but still its pretty good to see them as adult & marriaged. Most likely I'll finish it tonight.

>> No.14554588

All kusoge of the year being higher than good games. Sasuga nip otaku, no ability to discern stuff.

>> No.14554797

Did the change the tie colors for Amakano 2?
Blue was the color the third-year girl wore in the first one, but now blue is worn by the two first-year girls.

>> No.14554842

Im glad im not the only one who was thinking that. If im not mistaken amakano 1 was: green= first year, red= second year and blue = third year.

It sucks I was hoping Yuzuka would be a kouhai.

>> No.14554864

O think they just give a color to each grade when they start and they keep it until graduation.
It's more efficient.

>> No.14555019

>vns with interesting, voiced protags
Steins;Gate's chuunibyou is fantastic and one of my favorite VN protagonists.
SubaHibi's all but one protagonist are voiced.
KKK had an interesting cadre of voiced protagonists as well, much better than DI or Senshinkan in my opinion.
Other anon already mentioned Damekoi, which has a good adult protagonist with voice acting.

>> No.14555427

The entire year was kusoge

>> No.14555577

Oh man what the fuck, Serebu's after story was like 10-15 min at best. I knew that they wouldn't have enough money for making 10+ after stories, 2 full new routes and 3-4 sub routes with more than 25 characters, but still I expected at least one hour for each older cast.

>> No.14555641

As long as there is more Azusa I'm happy

>> No.14555651
File: 842 KB, 1002x800, 2039942163_pDLvuXzZ_top_main.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody played this? I'm a good 5-10 hours in and so far it hasn't managed to hook me as much as ChuSinGura (which I really liked).

Should I drop or keep going?

>> No.14555961

Does that list include pre-orders from the Alicesoft shop?

>> No.14556068

Considering it's the sales ranking for Getchu, no.

>> No.14556449

what happened to the weekly updates?
vntls is long dead and havnt kept up with any VNs for a long time.
any recommendations for english patched or made?

>> No.14556494

They have a English exclusive thread

>> No.14556535
File: 259 KB, 1280x720, サクラノ詩2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the year is over, can we agree that this was the best eroge of 2015?

>> No.14556546

Yes but there wasn't that much competition

>> No.14556553

No and no.

>> No.14556563

No, Evenicle still holds that title in my eyes.

>> No.14556570

Evenicle is my favorite rpg of 2015 if that mean something
But favorite eroge is Sakura no Uta

>> No.14556580

Since Rance 10 should be released soon (?) I hope the writing team of Alicesoft will focus on Evenicle after that
The plot of Evenicle had a lot of neat concepts but the writing wasn't the best and the script could have been more refined, especially noticeable if you compare it to Rance 3

Concept-wise the Evenicle setting has more potential that Rance even so it would be cool if it could become Alicesoft next flagship series

>> No.14556581

Rance 03 > Evenicle > Last Cavalier > Leyline > Bansenjin > Maggot Baits >>> dog shit >>>> sakuunko.

>> No.14556592

It was pretty good, but I don't rate it as the best of this year in my list.

>> No.14556594

Would you please stop being obnoxious about sakuuta? Not everyone into that shit.

>> No.14556596

Even if it's really your opinion it's hard to take you seriously when you write something like this, you just sound butthurt

>> No.14556603

Don't like it, ignore it, don't whine like a baby

>> No.14556605

Yes, I'm butthurt about retarded fanbois spamming this thread with this same shit for several months.

>> No.14556614

If you think that's spamming you saw nothing.
You are the one being retarded

>> No.14556622

To be fair, the entire plot of 03 was completed over 2 decades ago, they just needed to fill it out and bring it up to date.

>> No.14556632

Letting your opinion of a game be impacted by people "spamming" it is pretty low dude.

>> No.14556635

I wonder if they are going to try and release 04 this year

>> No.14556641

Rance 4 could make a cool DRPG, hopefully they will ditch that card thing

>> No.14556643

They've only got an hour left.

>> No.14556657

It's been 2016 for over 15 hours, get with the times.

Not going to happen, They are going to use the same system as the 01 / 03.

>> No.14556667

It was a weird one. While not depressing, it was bit melancholic, but it never stops being a moege. And Meguru the best.

Now this one was bad.

>> No.14556683

The confession to Misa in Hoshi Ori is easily the most realistic I've seen. Awkward, sudden, with natural response

>> No.14556691

>hopefully they will ditch that card thing
Ha, you know that's not going to happen right? They'd only ditch once they get to 06, not that they are going to do remakes for latter games

>> No.14556737

miagete was way better.

>> No.14556740

VI could do with a graphic update and extended sex scenes though

They won't. But hopefully we'll able to choose in advance who or what skills come in when someone faints.

>> No.14556743
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, 圧巻.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best game of last year, you know it to be true.

>> No.14556756

>VI could do with a graphic update and extended sex scenes though
True and I'd like to see it happen, but it probably won't.

>> No.14556767

I'd be fine with an HD version, fully voiced RanceVI to be honest. New sex scenes would be nice too.

>> No.14556786

I still want my "mute only Sill" button

>> No.14556801

He's probably trolling at this point, ignore it.

>> No.14556805

I want an option to punch Sill in the face when she squeaks

>> No.14556858


>> No.14556957

New thread?
