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14490351 No.14490351 [Reply] [Original]

Have you attained enlightenment yet, jp?

>> No.14490417

No, Can you help me Mom?

>> No.14490874

Neither has she.
>Hurr I dont wnat to die
Thats a desire, secondly in Buddhism life = suffering. Shit buddhist is shit.

>> No.14490993

Yes, I was enlightenment by my own superior intelectual intelligence, M'lady

>> No.14491000

Don't bully my mother like that!

>> No.14491011

I'm not bullying her. I'm just pointing out that she's a raging hypocrite.
Wouldnt be suprised if she has sex too, typical "Buddhist".

>> No.14491018
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Can someone with this kind of attitude truly be called enlightened?

>> No.14493459

I wish she was my mommy and ntr'd me !

>> No.14493548

>in Buddhism life = suffering

Attaining enlightenment allows you to continue living without suffering. That's what Bodhisattva do. They continue on living to enlighten other people and don't generate karma anymore. It is a choice, and a burden.

>Thats a desire,
Agreed. Byakuren is nowhere close enough to enlightenment. Half her dialogs prove she still has desires, wants, needs, fears and hopes.

Too bad there is no true enlightened Buddha in Gensokyo. The closest is Koishi, and she has a medical condition, not enlightenment.

>> No.14493774
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My ascension has already begun.

>> No.14497714
File: 324 KB, 800x585, We+are+your+only+salvation+_785c791b39a157d71402005e9ed603900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I have.

>> No.14497843
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The sins of Byakuren
1. Being lewd
2. Being excessively lewd
3. Showing excessive cleavage
106. Seducing little boys
107. Ate a slice of pizza that fell on the floor
108. Buying a motorcycle using Temple donations.

Captcha: select all images with bikes.

>> No.14497888

Who the fuck is Jaden Smith and why does he post dumb shit on twitter?

>> No.14503884
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I ditched your false prophet for the true path.

>> No.14503915

I want to blow my load with my dick sandwiched between her namusans and cumshot her beautiful neck and collarbones.

>> No.14507635
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Paizuri with Hijirin?

>> No.14507685

Taoism really is the best.
>By having as much sex as possible, men had the opportunity to transform more and more jing, and as a result would see many health benefits.
>Men were encouraged to not limit themselves to one woman, and were advised to have sex only with the woman who was beautiful and had not had children.
I'm going to gain immortality with all these Taoist bitches.
>recommend sex with premenarche virgins. Zhao Liangpi concludes that the ideal ding is a premenarche virgin just under 14 years of age and women older than 18 should be avoided.
Taoists were hardcore lolicons. I guess this is why 2hu taoists dont have any hags.

>> No.14507687

I like all of those things
Big-Rack-Byak seems like a cool cat

>> No.14507706
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>> No.14507742

Everything about Taoism is full of win. I am not even being influenced by Touhou here.

>> No.14507789

>Everything about Taoism is full of win.
I doubt you understand Taoism.
I may be projecting efter reading the Tao te ching, but it was nonsensical.

>> No.14507805

That's your problem.

>> No.14507809

Then please, explain Taoism to me. You must understand it fully, if you can say a cringewrothy phrase like "it's full of win".

>> No.14507841

I would if I felt the Tao in doing so. It's quite intangible.

>if you can say a cringewrothy phrase like "it's full of win".
Just old-fashioned board slang.

>> No.14507869

Using Taoist bullshit, to avoid explaining Taoism becuas eit would expose how you dont understand it yourself.
Well I'm not suprised a tripfag would be a faggot.

>> No.14507886

What are peoples' opinions on the master in Tao Te Ching being referred to as female? I personally find it really interesting, like an early 'mother nature' kind of view

>> No.14507899

literally the first line
'The Tao that can be described, is not the eternal Tao'

>> No.14507918

I know, which is in part why the book was so shit.
Made worse by
>Banish wisdom, discard knowledge,
>And the people will be benefited a hundredfold.
They say the same shit about morality. But being anti knowledge is far worse.
>Banish human kindness, discard morality,
>And the people will be dutiful and compassionate

>> No.14507932

I agree with the wisdom/knowledge, when I got to that I was really unsure what was meant because there is no way you can introduce a new perspective from which to see the universe while also expecting you to discard knowledge.
The only thing I could think is that whole 'you cannot fill a teacup that is already full' argument about discarding previous knowledge and not carrying it around as if it is the only possible contents of the tea cup

>> No.14508024
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I want to motorboat those tits

>> No.14508029
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>I'm a computer programmer and can barely write a coherent English sentence!
Oh god my sides

>> No.14508145

Looks like we got an upset Confucian, boys.

>> No.14508331

I want Byakuren to enlighten my face with her ass!

>> No.14509984
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Mom, I...I'm...

I'm sorry please dont kill me!

>> No.14510066
File: 983 KB, 1200x850, Konachan.com - 201361 akashio boots clouds dress grass hat hijiri_byakuren landscape long_hair motorcycle necklace purple_eyes scenic sky touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14510251

That is common, especially when they are not from the US or UK.

>> No.14510254

I still don't get the point behind TD like she was a Buddhist and a Taoist at the same time?

>> No.14510279
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>Naz's Ear bounce and twitch
Oh Gosh....

>> No.14510308

I want to fuck your mom.

>> No.14510343
File: 588 KB, 707x1000, 37975696_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is full of Taoist lies.

>> No.14514359

I'm in a bad state, mommy...I don't know if I'll pass my courses. I need a hug...

...you smell nice mommy...

>> No.14514385

>I'm in a bad state
>I don't know if I'll pass my courses.
You are in education or on some sort of training. You arent in a bad state, given the fate of some people on here.

No job, not in education, and anxiety issues.
You will be fine anon.

>> No.14514393


She is a fake Buddhist. That's the entire point of her character.

>> No.14514410

>You will be fine anon.
I'm feeling stressed though, grades aren't due for another few days.
At least I have my mom Byakuren to cheer me up. She's always there to help me calm down and relax, and she knows how to give me therapeutic massages so that I won't get distracted by all of the pretty girls in the human village.

>> No.14514507
File: 536 KB, 777x1000, b4d5dc479707595cfd8c4318112c7038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to come in Byakuren's hair and add a new gradient by bleaching the tips with my semen!!

>> No.14514536
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She hasn't wronged anyone anon. No need to bully the unbullyable

>> No.14514542
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"Maybe I can be speshul if I like the exact same character with a different design"

>> No.14514556

>the exact same character
hahahahaha what

>> No.14514564

I dont get why Byakuren didnt just go with Taoism or why she hasnt attatecked Eientei for elixer yet, immortality is her goal after all.

>> No.14514573

>Both mild
>Both religious
>Both have a circlejerk of pals
>Both have the exact same goals

Well there's not much else to compare since the ingame dialogue and manga provide so much.

>> No.14514574

I think he means how all the Buddhists and all the Taoists are completel failures when it comes to following their religion.
Buddhists eat meat, drink and have desires when they shoudlnt.
Taoists go agaisnt nature (necromancy, hating aspects of nature (death) and working against them, and starting shit with Buddhists instead of just letting it be).

Sanae is the most devout when it comes to her religion. Second place is Reimu.

Let that sink in.

>> No.14514593
File: 697 KB, 1135x834, sanae is awesome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14514603

If they didn't have those flaws they'd be ==MARY SUES==

>> No.14514711
File: 1.66 MB, 1683x1300, sanae tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to feast on Sanae's tits

>> No.14514729
File: 255 KB, 540x786, 45529f0d942313e2126c746df3600f2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanae a shit

>> No.14514736

Hijiri-sama wouldn't condone this shit-talk

>> No.14514741

>"Well that's because Sanae is an awesome person"
>-ZUN, LoLK interview

>> No.14514762
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No Sanae wins only because she lives with her gods so it's simple to follow her gods orders and keep her happy. Which is all shrne maidens need to do iirc.
Reimu is lazy, but I'm sure if her shrine God showed up, then she would be the same.

Not really. They would be perfect according to their religions, but that doesnt make them mary sues, as long as they retain weaknesses. Like being extremely passive.

Her religion may be simpler, but she follows it. Byakuren cant even get dharma right. FUck Buddhism doesnt even promise immortality or freedom from death. She's lucky Jehovas Witness havent shown up in Gensokyo yet, she would convert in a heartbeat. Aya would love it though, the scandal.

>> No.14514807
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I will attain enlightenment my own way, thank you.

>> No.14514817

Euphoric m'lady.

>> No.14514831
File: 189 KB, 500x400, 1440191487933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>religion shit
that's old as fuck, the new shit is WAR!

>> No.14514840

>Being THIS autistic

>> No.14514904

Sanae is still a good girl, Reimu is still potentially good if she got off her ass more, Byakuren is still the best mum we have even if she might not be the best religiouswise

All girls can be best girls.

>> No.14514944
File: 1.04 MB, 843x1317, sanae smile1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The man knows his stuff.

>Reimu is lazy, but I'm sure if her shrine God showed up, then she would be the same.
I doubt that. Reimu gathers next to no faith for her god, and doesn't even know his name. If Hakurei showed up at the shrine demanding and explanation for this bullshit, Reimu probably wouldn't even know who he is.

>> No.14514951

I hope this happens, I hope the god looks and acts like Zun.

>> No.14514968

Hakurei god manifests and is fucking furious. It's his power that holds Gensokyo together, literally, and nobody knows who he is. Goes to Reimu, demands an explanation, and she's all "...who are you?" and gets set to beat him up.
That's the last straw. Hakurei god strips Reimu of her power and goes off to find a new miko. Various Gensokyo residents compete to try out.
It's a phantasmagoria game, or a fighter. Reimu might not be playable; if she is, she'd have to find some new god to miko for. Moriyas? Hina? Sagume?

>> No.14514970
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>or have to earn her job back

Seriously though good idea.

>> No.14514974

Reimu could still beat him up though.
She's miko'd for lots of different gods in the manga, usually as advertising gimmicks. You don't need a god's permission to miko for them - at worst the Hakurei god could disable the Yin-Yang Orbs or stop Reimu from channeling him into her body (which she never does anyway).

>> No.14514985

Well yeah. It's a Touhou game, so of course it would end with nothing happening. Hakurei powers Reimu back up after finding that everyone else is either already spoken for or even worse than she is. Reimu being someone else's miko would just be a temporary thing.

>> No.14514991

Reimu's got other gods backing her, but Hakurei's the big one. Otherwise she's be the Othergod Shrine Maiden. I'd imagine Hakurei's where she gets her power, because that's sort of how shrine maidens work.

>> No.14515008

He tries to strip her powers or hurt he, she just phases away unharmed. Zun makes the most smug face for her the world has ever seen.

>> No.14515023

Shinto gods do not grant powers to their priests to go forth and do divine work on their behalf. Shinto priests use their own spiritual abilities to keep their god in top shape (managing worshippers, cleansing the shrine of impurity, etc.), and the god does everything directly. This is why bloodlines come up so much in relation to miko - only certain families have enough spiritual aptitude to do the job properly.

Now, Reimu is also capable of channeling gods into her body to wield their powers as her own, but that's something she only does on special occasions, and she can do it with any god she wants as long as she knows how to contact it.

tl;dr - The Hakurei god can't strip Reimu of her power, but Reimu can strip her god of its power.

>> No.14516270

Well fuck, that's lame.

>> No.14516349

Shouldn't Byakuren pray to Tenshi?

>> No.14517093

Tenshi's a celestial. Why.

>> No.14517525
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>> No.14517705

Mom, you are too old for Metal.
