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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 133 KB, 1440x1007, doitfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1446012 No.1446012 [Reply] [Original]

Use it fags

>> No.1446098
File: 17 KB, 255x352, 1223801319386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same person

>> No.1446163
File: 3 KB, 109x126, 1223801932175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

>> No.1446207
File: 306 KB, 434x600, 1223802488336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I heard /jp/ likes Toradora?

>> No.1446240
File: 230 KB, 1440x810, 1223803030196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good man.

>> No.1446247
File: 115 KB, 544x800, 1223803190670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, just brunets with long, sexy hair.

>> No.1446256
File: 185 KB, 650x830, 1223803295128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1446032

What the hell is team weeaboo ?
Some kind of faggy cs team ?

>> No.1446048

pretty much

Lots of britfags

>> No.1446050

Vista + Windows media player.

I made that thread to troll /jp/ with moeness but I ended up getting trolled. Good job bro.

>> No.1446053

Since he has vent open too, I guess thats what it is. lets flame him, fellas

>> No.1446056

No, it's a faggot TF Double team.

>> No.1446058


Don't use it, fags.

>> No.1446059

> team weeaboo

Where do you guys get all these things from? Stop making up words and asking about them, it's mentioned nowhere in this page or that picture.

>> No.1446063

I mean faggy

>> No.1446076

People who think Vista are bad do so for the same reason /v/ thinks certain games are bad

Just hearing what other people bullshit. I've never had a single problem ever.

>> No.1446086

Yeah, except I used Vista myself on my laptop and I still think it's bad. Enjoy your logic.

>> No.1446091

I look down on those who use the silly hide thread thing more than the Vista-friends.

Seriously, hiding threads on an imageboard? Could you be any more easily offended?

>> No.1446095

Wow, your an idiot, bottom left tab.

>> No.1446102

I'm not offended, I just like being tidy. Why should I have a thread open that I have no plan of posting in?

>> No.1446108

Just for the record. I didn't receive a ban for my Tiga flood, nor did I get my post deleted by a Janitor. I erased my own threads with my own free will. I felt sorry for you Touhoufags. I was about to post 40 tiger images.




>> No.1446115

I can't understand why, everytime someone posts a screenshot, I end up caring more about what I see aside from what he wants to post.

>> No.1446124

Wow, way off. You've just quoted 5 different people.

Fail much?

I've messed up doing that once, but not nearly that hard.

>> No.1446126

but i dont use furryfox ;_;

>> No.1446127

still not hearing any reasons why Vista sucks

Go back to 7chan newfriend

>> No.1446131


>> No.1446141

Four different people.
Were me.

>> No.1446164

Look at how dumb you are.

>> No.1446189

This image should have a subtitle saying " My thread got derived to hell and I'm angry, but I"m going to pretend I trolled everyone to keep face".

>> No.1446232

I only watched it because it was on after Yorosen!

>> No.1446258



>> No.1446280

The only trap for me.
