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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 49 KB, 611x676, remiliatattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14452209 No.14452209 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have or want to get a ta-2hu?

>> No.14452247

Someday I probably will get one of my waifu.

But I want a picture that does not stand out to much and at the same time look really good, so I guess it will take a long time until I find an image I want to tattoo.

Even if I don't care so much about what people think about me, having a big tattoo of an "anime girl" on your arm or such just seems to cringy.

>> No.14452264


>> No.14452312

No way, tattoos are disgusting and degenerate. Only gangbangers and faggots get them. 2hus are pure and would surely disprove of such markings.

>> No.14452433

I have a tattoo that says "東方" somewhere.

>> No.14452574

I want to get a real cute tattoo of my daughterhu's sigil.

But tattoos are super-duper expensive.

>> No.14452653

Big fat bat tats!

>> No.14452718

that's a shitty tattoo

>> No.14452724

good lord no

>> No.14452790

That's simply horrifying

>> No.14452827


>> No.14452859


But in all seriousness when you put your sleeve down all anyone is going to see is the badly drawn stockings and high heels.

>> No.14453079

It's obviously not finished.

>> No.14453082
File: 332 KB, 968x1296, VSDE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14453089
File: 5 KB, 213x286, nazi_degeneracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to bed grandpa.

>> No.14453122

Hell no.

>> No.14453193


The bodily proportions are shit.

>> No.14453283

...it's a Touhou. What the fuck were you expecting?

>> No.14453367

Its still fucking horrible.
This, this, absolutely this. tatoo people is trash, speaking honestly.

>> No.14453394

This "logic" is so retarded. Trash people tend to have tatoos, but having a tatoo doesn't make you trash.

>> No.14453534

>Trash people tend to have tatoos, but having a tatoo doesn't make you trash.
Quoted for truth.

>> No.14453545

Thanks for quoting that sentence, I didn't understand it in the first post.

>> No.14453574

Having a tattoo makes you trash since you show disregard for the attractive human body.
See any Greek statues with tattoos on them? No.
Tattoos and piercings are just as bad bodymods as genital mutilation is.

>> No.14453718

>greek statues
>ignoring that greek statues discolor with time
retarded faggot

>> No.14453910

That's a nice tattoo with mistress! This thread has been a disgrace though.

>> No.14453911


>> No.14453937

this desu senpai

>> No.14453940

I like how Otakus/nerd are complaining about tattoos when they themselves are in the group that people look down on the most and are probably the most social outcasts of all.

Kind of ironic actually.

>> No.14453961

Otakus that are social outcasts tend to be genuinely shitty people, for unsurprising reasons. Like, they're honestly rotten to the core, which is why nobody wants to be friends with them in the first place.

>> No.14454010

But that is completely inaccurate, you ignorant swine.
Tattoos were all the rage in Japan by the time the border was created, and I assume that hasn't changed. So if you were to show up now in Gensokyo with your body full of colorful tattoos, you would be seen as the sexiest and wealthiest man of that world.

>> No.14454019
File: 18 KB, 210x240, char_116418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14454041

Fuck off tattoo fag. The fact that even the dregs of society find your shit disgusting should tell you something. I'd rather be associated with a bunch of worthless virgins than have HIV from sharing needles. I hope your shit gets infected.

>> No.14454057

I think someone got bullied by someone with a Tattoo.

>> No.14454269

>The fact that even the dregs of society find your shit disgusting should tell you something

No it tells me nothing really, if a blind man leads a blind man, both fall in a pit.

>> No.14454270

I always thought the sigils from Grimoire of Marisa and Hisoutensoku looked like good candidates but I don't think I'd ever get a tattoo myself.

>> No.14454298

Fuck off Ghandi. Take your poo to the loo and keep your tattoo shit to yourself.

>> No.14454311

Normally people who get tattoos like that honestly gives two shits about what others say. (Btw, OP image is actually me. Also I have two other 2hu tattoos.)

>> No.14454320

Gomen pol memer I was actually quoting the Bible, not Ghandi

>> No.14454456
File: 19 KB, 168x170, Parsee Symbol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far I don't have any tattoos and no real impetus to get one. If I do then I'll likely get pic related somewhere.

>> No.14454690

Tattoos have a legitimate purpose in conveying membership in a social group. Anything from a tribe to the navy. A tattoo is a way of proving your commitment.

It is better to see the body art and use the choices made by the person as a way of determining social standing. Popular and cliché imagery along with multiple pieces that clash or have nothing to do with each other suggest (but do not 100% confirm) decisions made on an impulse. Tattoos that show obvious membership in a social group (regiment colours, symbols of that person's trade), several tattoos that conform to a central theme and/or tattoos that can easily be hidden under most clothes suggest decisions made soberly and with authentic reasons backing them.

I am >>14452574 and want to get a small tattoo of my daughterhu's sigil on my upper thigh. I have no reason for showing it to others and want it because I care deeply about what she means to me. The guy in OP picture is an attention wore although he at least bothered to shell out for a full colour job.

>> No.14454790

It doesn't tell anything since everything disgusts you. You hate the world and the people in it, your opinion doesn't have much value.

>> No.14454803

In all fairness, very few opinions have any value.

>> No.14454818

>hating things invalidates your opinion
Tattoo fag logic everyone. As expected from someone that lets others stick needles in their skin for zero functional benefit.

>> No.14454867

>functional benefit
The vast majority of things people do provide no "functional benefit" to anyone.

>> No.14454920

I don't even have tatoos. I'm just replying since you implied that you being the lowest of society made your opinion worth something, when it's the opposite. If everything disgusts you, a new thing disgusting you doesn't mean anything, because you're obviously being emotionally biased against everything.

>zero functional benefit
This is what severe autism looks like. Eating otaku media all day doesn't have a functional benefit either.

>> No.14454937

Someone in this thread has provided an argument suggesting the functional benefit that tattoos provide to many people.

>> No.14454946

it's funny because I don't like tatioos and I find that tattooing characters, stars, shows, games is stupid, but this one looks surprisingly really cool!

>> No.14455001
File: 195 KB, 1302x2071, 9589e891909145d87419954fafa9d8ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please don't insult Sagume-chan!

>> No.14455087

>I'm just replying since you implied that you being the lowest of society made your opinion worth something
Where did I imply that I hated everything? You're clearly >>14453940 , claiming that being an otaku means your opinions are invalid. It's called the ad hominem fallacy you dumb tattoo fag. Clearly the ink has entered your blood stream and affected your brain.

>> No.14455181

this thread quickly became hot garbage mod pls del

>> No.14455199

Sorry son but japan doesn't serve hotpockets.

>> No.14455299

They're a good signal of obnoxious people to avoid.

>> No.14455748

Tattoos are banned in many onsen so no.

>> No.14455771

It's not like they would want to meet spergs like you in the first place.

>> No.14455844
File: 354 KB, 490x418, 2mchuae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this?

>> No.14456099

>disliking individualism and promoting conformism in groups
>being committed to anyone other than yourself

>> No.14456108

Just look really pissed off and they'll let you in anyway, it's not like they can say no to yakuza.

>> No.14456120

Be careful with tattoo guys. Make something you won't regret until your grand age comes.

>> No.14456142

Tatoos can be removed.

>> No.14456232

it's an obvious shoop of a famous spiderman tattoo.

>> No.14456300

Well even so I do think such a design would look kinda cool. As if there's something spooky about to come out of your chest

>> No.14456791
File: 132 KB, 640x960, surprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes the design itself would be cool. People wouldn't even know it comes from tōhō and you wouldn't look like a weeb. (maybe same for OP's tattoo since people wouldn't even know where it comes from).
I wouldn't do something that big on my chest though.

>Found someone with a kogasa on his calf
>He probably pulls his sleeve pants to surprise people.

>> No.14456797
File: 279 KB, 1052x1115, yuukapound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw remilia is your waifu and you see this man getting a tattoo of her

>> No.14457104

>disliking individualism
I didn't say that, though.
Individual identities can be maintained and developed in tandem with group identities.

>> No.14457261

No, they can't.
Only communist anarchism allows for freedom.

>> No.14457305

you take his arm and get it taxidermied

>> No.14457362
File: 522 KB, 2000x1333, 1394361941206.cached.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese love tatooes!

>> No.14457410

Opinions, facts, etc.

>> No.14458526

If Yukari was shown gapping through, holy shit on a popsicle stick.

>> No.14458990

It's a fact, mang.
Anarchism is defined as "the only system where freedom exists"

>> No.14459074
File: 614 KB, 858x1000, anarchism_burntherich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey comrade

>> No.14459391
File: 360 KB, 900x450, yukari_gap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about something like this then? But of course with a better looking Yukari

>> No.14459491

>Tattoo of an anime/game character
>Tattoo of any pop culture thing, and not something meaningful that is worth etching into your skin
You fuckers are the worst.

>> No.14459506

Anime and games are as meaningful as you want them to be.

>> No.14459511

Wow. First valid criticism of OP I've seen in the thread.

>> No.14459949

Problem is that, any tattoo with that design wouldn't be able to make it as dark as the picture. You'd need paint to achieve anything like that

>> No.14459960

No, what if you eventually change your tastes. That tattoo is still there. Or What about the medical risks that come with it.

>> No.14459969

Uhh, I want nothing to do with those fuckers.

>> No.14460044

I don't like tattoos but I like looking for Japanese tattoos. I've seen 生死 on a woman's shoudler, which is an odd choice because of readings. Pickup line: 'Ay girl is that some seishi on your sholder or was I just happy to see you'.

>> No.14460088

It's shoshi. Also probably Chinese anyway.

>> No.14460301


I would get a tattoo for the purpose of letting people know who I am and my accomplishments without having to explain it. A Coat of Arms of sorts. Many criminals get tats for the same reason which is an origin for the tat stigma. Enough of that, though.

/jp/, if you do get a tat, make sure to get quality from a quality artist. Part of that "showing who you are" thing is rank among those with tats. Plan for future tat locations, color schemes, designs, theme, all that beforehand. You want to show your skill and pride. Don't just put stickers on yourself like a retard.

>> No.14460598
File: 7 KB, 300x181, Feel like I'm gonna break this damn thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, a couple things.

First off, your best and only option for hiding your power level is now a sleeve, so adjust your wardrobe accordingly. I'm inclined to agree with >>14454690 about you being an attention whore for your choice of placement, so minus points for that.

The part of this autistic foodfight of a thread that's actually being productive did bring up that tattoos are a great way to show commitment to something, but as far as showing commitment, you chose a superficial representation of an aspect of otaku culture that you'll likely have to awkwardly explain to anyone who notices and asks about it. There are definitely better ways to go about being loyal to a fandom than creating something that means you will later have to either get it removed or get used to explaining to friends and family what Remilia Scarlet is doing on your arm. Seriously man, get some figurines or a fumo or something.

Of course, that's assuming you don't belong on this board and do in fact have friends, family, and a social life in general. If you're classic /jp/ material then it probably doesn't matter.

But in any case, couldn't you have gone with a better design? Jesus Christ that is a scrawny Remilia, all I can think of when I see it is pic related.

>> No.14462575
File: 379 KB, 454x354, 7tgyhvl0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then you better find a new ideology, because any functional society depends on people relating to it. How are you supposed to have a working communism when everyone is self serving?

>> No.14462985

Remember to preserve freedoms as much as you can when working towards making more freedom.
Even though there is a correlation between violence and true political change, you can do it in an intelligent way.

>> No.14463017

I never said anything about people being self-serving.
Also, you should study set theory.

>> No.14465938
File: 49 KB, 160x227, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoos are retarded. Getting a tat of your waifu is doubley retarded.

This thread reeks of fail.

>> No.14465944

I have 2hu tattoo
ask me everything

>> No.14466195

Why you haven't killed yourself yet?

>> No.14466205

How do you survive now that your family has expelled you?

>> No.14466235
File: 1.42 MB, 1700x1216, 1447564487335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14466815


Nobody thinks tats are kewl anymore bruv

>> No.14467635 [DELETED] 

Tattoos are not cool.
It looks like you are dirty and unwashed from the distance.

>> No.14467809

Historically, ancient greek and roman statuary was actually brightly painted and colored, it was the passage of time and fading that caused them to have the solid-marble look today.
And if the art of ancient mediterranean cultures is your standard of beauty, congratulations on idolizing tiny penises as well as being thousands of years out of date.

>> No.14467828

If and only if you accept a definition of 'freedom' that can only exist under the constraints of anarchy.
Your definition is very poor, and semantics are rarely a good way to prove a point regardless.

>> No.14468374

Silly anon - you act as if things posted on the big jay matter!

>> No.14469938

I don't have a problem with tattoos, but you shoulf work out before disgracing 2hus with your fragile body.

>> No.14470006

>implying tattoos are disgraceful to the beautiful human body and stuffing your fat face with Mountain Dew and pizza rolls while sitting around browsing 4chan isn't

>> No.14470220

Only secondaries are overweight. The rest of us are thin.

>> No.14470248

But if I got a tattoo, I couldn't go to onsens

>> No.14471082

I'm tertiary master race.

Washboard abs, dazzling smile and pussy magnet. The touhous go weak at the knees when they see me.

>> No.14471102

The issue isn't explaining who Remilia is, it's the stupid fail weebs who ask about all my waifu tats and ask what Anime they're from. 2hu,miku, and some random VN I played a while back and it's always that same damn question.

Side note, I do have figures, nendoroids, dumps and more of the matter. My obsession also leads to an itasha car as well.

>> No.14473580

White people can't draw Chinese cartoons

>> No.14474081
File: 89 KB, 338x263, OH NO! The internet delusions are wearing off!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14477930


It's just the art style. I can't really blame them.
