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1444444 No.1444444 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I find suicide clubs like in Welcome to the NHK?

>> No.1444548
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hey OP could i buy that knife off of you its just what i have been looking for

>> No.1444585
File: 376 KB, 1604x1100, 1223778845676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we could probably pull this off, right?

>> No.1444450

I envy your GET.

Thus, I shall kill you myself.

>> No.1444451

They aren't around anymore, really.

>> No.1444454


go back to /b/, faggot

>> No.1444455

I would like to know this to for... research purposes.

At worst, there was an idea to form our own circle, but that could never actually work in any way possible.

>> No.1444462

4 = shi in Shiki

>> No.1444466


Come on, that has to be the best number ever.

>> No.1444469

An anon suicide group would never get anything done.

>> No.1444473


reported, fuck off

>> No.1444474

Same butthurt faggot.

>> No.1444476

suicide groups would be so economical. Just pass around the gun, instead of buying one for each person. Glocks cost like 700.

>> No.1444481

We would most definitely get something done, but the club itself would not thrive the first generation.

>> No.1444484




>> No.1444486

Same faggot.

>> No.1444489

survive, not thrive. what the hell?

>> No.1444705
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life is full of empty desires. your shitty concept of waifu and adventures are played out, childish, and empty. enjoy your hopeless delusions

>> No.1444515

Speaking of Welcome to the NHK, who here is a ROUND TABLE fan?

>> No.1444520

Hm, I liked the OP of NHK, but not so much Round table+Nino

>> No.1444525


>We would most definitely get something done, but the club itself would not survive the first generation.

That's what recruitment drives are for.

>> No.1444529

Nino... her voice is hypnotic...

>> No.1444542

I too would like to know. I'm not depressed enough as of now but it would be nice to have handy

>> No.1444539


>> No.1444557


>> No.1444575

I can never find any. All I have is Puzzle and Puzzle Extra hot remix.

It's a curse to love ROUND TABLE.

>> No.1444894
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>normal lives

>> No.1444689

Why kill yourself? Maybe one day we'll all finally be able to meet our waifus, experience love and amazing adventures, and leave these terribly normal lives behind...


>> No.1444691

Roundtable is pretty cool, I like what little music I have of them from the various anime OP/EDs they do.

>> No.1444708


>> No.1444735

Please don't say such things...

>> No.1444773

Welcome to the the NHK.

and - check out alt.suicide.methods on google groups; if you really want to die, at least do it without pain am I right? besides its your choice to live or not its only SOCIETY that needs people to still stand, that why everyone goes against suicide out there.

>> No.1444785

I tried finding a suicide club on Google but all there is are news reports about group suicides...

>> No.1444808

I think many of us will consider suicide later in life. It is my first belief that living beyond the age of forty is immoral. This is not for now but I have been wondering, what would be the most efficient/painless way to end ones consciousness? Slitting wrists is rather played out and seems inefficient. I play piano so if I wasn't successful I'd have an even shittier life than before! Also, I'm afraid of heights and hanging myself is way too scary. Any other better options?

>> No.1444816

When I tried to do myself in, I sealed myself in a room and started a small fire, so that I'll die via carbon monoxide.

Was completely painless, but they'll be other things you'd be thinking about.

>> No.1444822

If what I saw on tv is real, then overdosing on sleeping pills seem to be the most painless/effective method

>> No.1444821

I want to live!

But...I want to be happy while doing so, and right now, I don't know how to do that...

>> No.1444826

Just find something you like and delude yourself in that.

I'm here because I like video games, while that might sound 'shallow' and 'childish', it is equally childish to kill yourself because you can't cope.

>> No.1444827

Drug cocktail

>> No.1444835

The delusion during the video game, anime, vn etc. is easy...afterwards (when it ends) is what's hard.

>> No.1444839

you're evidently not very good at killing yourself, why would anyone want to take your advice on the matter

>> No.1444841

then find something else, it's not hard. There are people that WANT you to delude yourself in it.

>> No.1444845

I can't do that anymore cause I don't have any interests anymore.

>> No.1444856

I would have easily succeeded if I didn't leave the room after a few minutes.

Most of us here don't have the courage to kill ourselves.

>> No.1444860

Doesn't it depress you after awhile, though?

While I'm experiencing these adventures/romances to an extent...I want to have them first hand. But it's not going to happen.

>> No.1444873

why wait
do it NOW
cleanse the gene pool

>> No.1445013

As usual...nobody has any real solution apart from suicide for escaping this reality.

Even though it may be vain, I can keep hoping.

>> No.1445055

I don't think so, Tim. If you re-examine what you truly want, I think you will find that the current viewer-fantasy relationship is very important. I think you can appreciate the aesthetic value of things much more as the member of an audience rather than actually participating in it

>> No.1445063

well what the fuck are you expecting? anonymous cant cut through fucking time. jesus, talk about high expectations

>> No.1445065

Speak for yourself

>> No.1445101

Whose eyes are those eyes

>> No.1445486

Wow, fuck guys. You still have the internet to come and post crazy shit on. Go take the adventures you speak of - start by going out and buying the most hardcore drugs you can find. If all succeeds, you'll find a wonderful life in drugs. If all fails, you were planning to kill yourself anyways, and now that you have no money left, GG life, no RM.

>> No.1445547

Don't listen to anyone else.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in a controlled environment combined with lots of booze is the best way to do it.
