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File: 212 KB, 1280x720, kbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14436634 No.14436634 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>14414917

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.14436643

Finally decent game in OP.

>> No.14436644

And continuing the question from the last thread, do you agree with the green guy?

>>Grisaia was one of those series that made me lose all hope in the eroge community. It was god awful, yet popular. It’s not as though I hated it due to taste either. No, the game was just a haphazard hodgepodge of what the creators thought would be “cool”. Yet none of them had any real relationship to each other and made no sense.

>> No.14436651

>No, 1st Grisaia is one of my all-time favorites


>> No.14436655

How was the trial?

>> No.14436658

I didn't like it, but the general consensus is that it's really good.

>> No.14436659

Rare case of humour/SoL stuff which I actually can enjoy.

>> No.14436665

I dont know about the community but the first grisaia game's common route was not bad though everything past that honestly makes me wonder what the fuck they were thinking. Im glad I didnt continue reading past that.

>> No.14436668

Posted my impressions a while back: >>/jp/thread/S14376402#p14378265

>> No.14436676

Seems pretty cool.

>> No.14436795
File: 342 KB, 640x480, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Village of Nightmare 2, shit was pretty good. Shame no major nukige producer can make a corruption-based VN like this these days, all I can think of that comes close is Black Cyc with Yami no Koe, but they're long dead.

>> No.14436865

How is Hatsumira kiddie shit? Are you just making a knee jerk reaction to the protagonist and fantasy setting?
I've learned never to trust Zen. He's overly negative and critical. He's shit on a lot of games that I just laid back and had a great time with.

>> No.14436936

>How is Hatsumira kiddie shit?
I just can't stand these rpgmaker-like fights and whole "killing humans is bad, lets kill some zombies instead" shit. And whole setting just doesn't feel serious, its like princess and everyone else are just playing in being rebels. And then protag is supposed to be pilot, imperial officer, but he feels like coming straight from shonen manga.

>> No.14436939

>he feels like coming straight from shonen manga.

The way you put it, it sounds like Star Wars.

>> No.14437008
File: 529 KB, 1280x720, evil germans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think Hatsumira was written as a "fantasy epic", it feels to me that Frontwing build the setting around being a comedy eroge, rather than being a real attempt at a meaningful fantasy world (like say Aiyoku no Eustia). First and foremost, the game is a comedy, and while it steps into darkness with very frequent references to death, slaughter, starvation, etc, it maintains a focus on being an "eroge" first. For example, pic related, most of the exposure you get to the evil german empire is these two jokers, and most of the time is spent humanizing them in a comedic fashion. Not making them into total shounen buffoons, but also not making them 2 dimensional evil demons. I haven't finished the game yet so I won't expand too much, who knows how Chapter 2/3/4 will change up things. But for now, I think calling it "kiddie shit" is a fairly shallow analysis of the game. It's definitely aimed at adults. It's a mature game, even if it's not too serious about it all the time.

>> No.14437011

But is it good?

>> No.14437056

I think so. I like it a lot. The writing is competent and the characters enjoyable. I don't expect anything from this game except a good time and I'm certainly getting it, I actually really like fantasy settings, and when the MC started cutting up zombies orges and whatnot I just thought it was fun. To be honest I'm disappointed (but not surprised) to learn that some people are viewing the MC's tough dude violence as shounen-esque kiddie shit. I just enjoyed the (very brief action).
I'm not an eroge expert or anything though. I'm sure anyone coming off Aiyoku no Eustia (or expecting that kind of game) will be disappointed.

>> No.14437069

Well, I didn't mean it as implying that hatsumira is bad, just I was very disappointed coming with expectations of GnK in fantasy setting. I've enjoyed second chapter of hatsumira, but its still like 7/10 material, while grisaia is 9+/10

>> No.14437119

It's pretty much fantasy Grisaia to me. Not sure what you were expecting that makes it different.

>> No.14437147
File: 112 KB, 640x253, 20151111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but they're long dead.

They've been posting for weeks about how they're making a new Extravaganza.


>> No.14437197


Oh shit, I saw last year they didn't have shit out since 2011 and assumed they folded up.

All their newer works were garbage though anyway, guess most of the original team is long gone or something considering the drop in quality, (look at you Yami no Koe Ibun Roku).

>> No.14437302
File: 859 KB, 800x600, 素晴らしき日々.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think Sakura no Uta was better than Subahibi.

>> No.14437313

In 逃避行GAME is there really no good end for Nia, even after completing every route or for some reason I just didn't get it?

>> No.14437316

Neither do I, but it was good.

>> No.14437348

Both are shit. Fuck off.

>> No.14437358

You're shit.

>> No.14437621

Trap games are never good, even if you add battles to them.

>> No.14437699
File: 277 KB, 960x500, top44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14437722

That art is disgusting.

>> No.14437733

Why don't they just use the artist of the original series?

>> No.14437750

What the hell, why did they replace it with dlsite tier art? The best thing about that series is the fappable art.

>> No.14437819

nice to see theres another one coming. PxC2 was miles better than the first one so i'm hoping this continues the upward trend

>> No.14437821

you are crazy mate. sakuuta is on par if not better than subahibi.

>> No.14437860
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x720, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My little childhood friend can't be this retarded.

>> No.14437872

Which route do these guys appear the most?

>> No.14437895

Nah. Subahibi was more focused and frankly significantly more entertaining while retaining a strong message. Sakura no Uta had some good scenes, but it dragged at times and the ending was kind of anticlimactic. It wasn't bad by any means, but it wasn't as well done overall as Subahibi was.

>> No.14437909


This might be useful to some of you who buy eroge on DMM.

>> No.14437951

I thought SoftDenchi was already well known, but I guess it's just select works that were. Nice to know the technicalities behind it though, I think I got a couple of SoftDenchi commercial games not from DMM but I don't recall out of the top of my mind which.

>> No.14438025

What the fuck is that art? Definitely worst art of cation series so far, most likely I will not even play it.

>> No.14438036

Wait what game is this? The art is nice.

>> No.14438204

I think it's 君と恋する学園喫茶

>> No.14438211

I think the traditional route structure was holding back the story for the most part. The h-scenes and romance weren't particularly good, so in a game like this it feels more like an afterthought.
For example Makoto's and most of Rin's routes had no significance other than a bit of exposition that could have been given at a later part.

>> No.14438217

Thanks anon.The rest of the art isn't nearly as good as that one CG...

>> No.14438225

>Grisaia was one of those series that made me lose all hope in the eroge community. It was god awful, yet popular. It’s not as though I hated it due to taste either. No, the game was just a haphazard hodgepodge of what the creators thought would be “cool”. Yet none of them had any real relationship to each other and made no sense.
I actually kind of agree, if we're talking about the series as a whole. The first game was a pretty great charage with espionage / military undertones, the second was just a fan disc with a sequel hook and the third's plot was a mess of batshit retarded things casually revealed and asspulled out of nowhere (using Kazuki in a computer, cloning, weapons dealers with MGS4 style floating forts etc.) that go mostly unexplained apart from "well, everything is possible as long as you have enough money" handwave. The finale in particular and the main antagonist's clicheness had me smashing my head on the keyboard.

The series' art direction just keeps on going down the drain. What the fucking hell.

>> No.14438228

Meant as a reply to >>14436624

>> No.14438231
File: 453 KB, 653x538, bug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to get past this bug in Rance 6? I've tried multiple installs/settings and it always fucks up after the intro dungeon. I'm on Windows 8.1 and updated the game with the 1.5 patch.

It'd suck if I have to skip to Sengoku because 6 is the one I've been most excited to play.

>> No.14438249

It's great. though. At least that's the trial.

>> No.14438252

Report it to the developers

>> No.14438259

I only picked it up because they forgot to put some mosaics on some CGs. Not a strong strong motivation, but I'm bored as hell.

>> No.14438340

I had that too and it was somehow fixed by rebooting once.

>> No.14438345

>forgot to put some mosaics on some CGs
Interesting. I have never heard about something like that before. I looked up the CG. Too bad the art isn't better.

>> No.14438360

Kimiita from age I think lacked censorship in one CG?

>> No.14438696

I believe it was a handful of them actually.
Along with plagiarism.

>> No.14438700



>> No.14438713

I finished it fine on W8.1. Just so you know that it most likely doesn't have anything to do with it.

>> No.14438714

Some turboautists on 2ch discovered that Miyata Sou had traced over more stuff from other companies after the initial tracing incident.
age issued a formal apology, and fire him.
It's part of why the TE VN was such a disaster, as they had to throw out all of the previously done artwork, and didn't have enough money to hire another proper artist so they had all the other (mostly garbage) artists that were on the staff for other stuff pitch in and redo everything.

>> No.14438732
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>> No.14438737

Will we ever get something as good as subahibi? It felt like a one time experience.

>> No.14438760

Interesting. I wonder why they decided to rehire him.

>> No.14438868

They probably kept him onboard for the TE VN because it was in development hell for years as it was between the earthquake and everything else, and throwing out whatever work he had already done for it wasn't worth it unless they absolutely had to especially since KimiIta '11 was delayed a shit ton, and had issues of its own besides that like having to release two routes in a free patch a month or two after the actual release datebecause Maaya Sakamoto couldn't make it in time to record a lot of her lines due to getting stuck in a typhoon.

>> No.14438945

I guess it has to do with your GPU or something like that. I just tried it on a different laptop and got through it just fine.

Sakura no Uta was just as good as SubaHibi in my opinion. It's just lacking the denpa and extreme stuff that made SubaHibi unique.

>> No.14438988
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x720, philosophy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mature philosophy for an adult audience

>> No.14438991

Why are the character designs so shit?

>> No.14439009

Yukikaze is really a standout character in my opinion for "bad" design, in the sense that her clothes just look dumb, but pretty much everyone else I've met looks fine.
I think, in my opinion, the setting of the game would be significantly improved if Yukikaze was a more minor noble woman than she is, it's really weird how this major pureblood princess who's heading a large rebel army is travelling the country to seek allies with only a strange weirdo as company, no guards or soldiers or trusted friends or anything. It would make a lot more sense for a minor rebellious niece-of-a-duchess to be the token dragon girl.

>> No.14439029

Yeah, and not only is her design bad, her character is unappealing in every aspect.
Dumb, annoying, and naive.
Just remove her.

>> No.14439063

All main girls look bad too me. Blue is tasteless and has Watanabe manface, blonde and pink are generic bimbos, loli is literal abomination. Other females are passable.

>> No.14439078
File: 36 KB, 500x582, 934c9737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn't. He traced magazine art to make magazine art and that was just way too fucking obvious so he finally got caught and there was the usual apology jamboree, then everyone went back and looked at his other stuff and realized he'd been tracing everything forever so he got shitcanned.

In hindsight it was really obvious because characters would have wildly different breast sizes and heights depending on who or what he was tracing (JRPG promo art, gravure photos, whatever), I couldn't even tell whether Yifei was supposed to be flat or stacked until the anime was made.

There's only an odd few really badly drawn CGs in there, it's mostly the colouring that's shit in the PS3 version. I think it shows more in just how many things are just skipped over so they don't have to draw anything though.

>Maaya Sakamoto
Yuu Asakawa

>> No.14439083

>blonde and pink are generic bimbos
I think you're just being overly critical there. They look fine.

>> No.14439096

Oh actually I forgot he did get caught tracing in KimiIta and that was where the apologies happened then the TE thing immediately got him kicked out on the street, disregard I suck cocks.

>> No.14439110

*tips fedora*

>> No.14439153

>Yuu Asakawa
durr, I'm a retard.
Should've checked before I opened my mouth considering how bad I am with remembering VA names to begin with and what I was typing didn't seem right to me anyway.

It was the final TE thing that they apologized on a live stream for right? The two events have begun to blend together in my mind.

>> No.14439165
File: 61 KB, 859x515, ajax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was for KimiIta, I don't know if they streamed an apology the second time or just released a letter.

>> No.14439313
File: 187 KB, 345x399, 236592789523235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're never going to get back Iizuki Tasuku are we?

>> No.14439340

Really now? I'll still give it a shot (PxC2 was alright) but they couldn't they at least hire a better artist?

>> No.14439388

Is that Karory?
AKA, the second worst artist at Makura?

>> No.14439411

It's Nanaroba Hana, according to EGS.

Don't feel like revving up a VPN to get to the actual game site.

>> No.14439422

Oh, it's the new Lump of Sugar artist. I knew I saw that shit style somewhere before.

>> No.14439454

I don't outright hate their art, but having them change the artist every single time is getting annoying, especially if they're intending to make this into a yearly series.
Hopefully maybe this time the e-mote will be better optimized at least.

>> No.14439511

Is there a good artist at Makura?

>> No.14439518


>> No.14439519

I liked some CGs in Sakura no Uta though. But it all went south with H scenes. And Rin's CGs, damn.

>> No.14439565

Asami Asami is great too, but the new artist is definitely a downgrade.

>> No.14439886

Karory's art is cute and detailed, it's not the best from Makurasoft but it's better than the picture you're quoting.

>> No.14439965

It's a pattern. Only the second game in each Cation series has been good.

So let's just look forward to the next one, right? I wonder why they can't just keep a good artist, though.

Hinata best xC girl.

>> No.14439991
File: 39 KB, 500x557, 87438069436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hinata best xC girl.

You bet.

>> No.14440043

I thought the CGs in Sakura no Uta are masterpieces

>> No.14440046

Yaaaas I wish Hinata was my neighbour

>> No.14440057

There's not a single good CG of Shizuku.

>> No.14440088

LovelyxCation 3 perhaps?

>> No.14440147

> Only the second game in each Cation series has been good.
I honestly can't agree with this at all. PxC had issues, but LxC was great.

> I wonder why they can't just keep a good artist
Part of it is probably because the artists they've been using have been freelancers so they might be busy with other stuff or whatever seeing how they seem to want to release in April each year. Like Asami Asami is listed as the main artist for a game by Ensemble coming out in March which creates an obvious scheduling issue. Iizuki Tasuku is probably currently working on Tone Works' 3rd Project, and probably was working on Sei Kishi when the development on this title started.

>> No.14440229

Single-handedly made me a fan of Toono Soyogi, she was adorable.

They better have the option to have a girl call you onii-chan in the new games.

>> No.14440432
File: 274 KB, 313x543, Hinata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda dislike silly emoticon expressions but Hinata just pulls them so well.

>> No.14440458

>Tone Works' 3rd Project
Dont know if hyped or worried, Yume Mirai was pretty good but Hatsukoi was utterly shit.

>> No.14440493

As long as there's an option for no condoms period it'll be superior to both by default.

>> No.14440552

Did people complain enough for TW to say anything? Im sure its thanks to that why MC in YM was miles better than the H 1/1 one(I wonder if they will use another nameable MC)

>> No.14440590

They have really generic kawaii faces and their clothes, while not bad, look outstandingly plain next to Yukikaze and Ria.

>> No.14440605

HoshiOri didn't really hit the right notes for me like Hatsukoi did so I haven't really been keeping up with them past checking their HP every now and then.

Maya was just basically perfectly to my tastes from design to VA to everything that HoshiOri couldn't hope to match it.

>> No.14440627

Stop promoting unwanted teenage pregnancies.

>> No.14440639

Yuuma is too insuferable to enjoy the heroines, i even lost respect for them for liking him.

Its 2D, it takes a huge ammount of semen for pregnancy.

>> No.14440690
File: 250 KB, 2000x1415, 5660f1fdab0b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see a nukige thread so I'm going to post my impressions of the new nomad ntr game here:

Holy shit, this, this isn't a nukige for me at all. I personally love the ntr genre but not because I love roleplaying as the sad sap who gets ntr'd but because I love girls falling from virtue and becoming sluts. And I can't articulate it but this game, woof, it's heavy. I take a pretty a detached view from the protagonist in ntr games and I don't know, even with that mindset I ended up being a bit sympathetic to the protag here. Maybe it was because of all the overuse of commas and the viewpoint never leaving the protag's, I don't know. I think if you like ntr because you love the feeling of getting hurt and the feeling of lost then you'll might enjoy this. Me? Oof, this is a bit too heavy.

I rate this 0/10 faps, can't fap to this shit. If I had liquor on hand I would've down it by now.

>> No.14440740

Is it just me or is ensemble's 恋する気持ちのかさねかた incredibly short?

>> No.14440757

it's everyone

>> No.14441229

>it maintains a focus on being an "eroge" first
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.14441259

What is the best futa nukige? I really like that one 3p scene in Maggot baits, even though the rest of the subject matter is unappealing.

>> No.14441394
File: 328 KB, 1462x1080, come on into my omanko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, listening to this was hilarious.

Anything else where a girl uses English in the H scenes? Has this ever been done with one of those gaijin heroines you sometimes get?

>> No.14441454

What's that from?

>> No.14441514

Can anyone recommend some good mother son incest games?

>> No.14441606
File: 75 KB, 1391x298, your penis wonderful too.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14442449

Its short

>> No.14442458

I like to think Shizuku's route didn't exist in Sakura no Uta.

>> No.14442493

What about Makoto's?

>> No.14442499

I like to think Sakura no Uta didn't exist.

>> No.14442518


Lost it.

>> No.14442582


>> No.14442742

> I personally love the ntr genre because I love girls falling from virtue and becoming sluts.
I 100% agree
I found the game Kedamono Ie to be pretty hot but the MC having a mental breakdown at the end was really depressing.

>> No.14444062 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 1200x683, 004542048x1165x24BPP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I just found this month's NTR landmine. I think I have a talent for this shit since I was one of the very first players who played 恋×シンアイ彼女 without knowing anything.

If anyone is actually wondering it: [/spoiler] At IF route your Childhood Friend who likes you very much gets NTRed by your best friend. [/spoiler]

So, What the fuck?

>> No.14444073
File: 152 KB, 1200x683, 004542048x1165x24BPP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I just found this month's NTR landmine. I think I have a talent for this shit since I was one of the very first players who played 恋×シンアイ彼女 without knowing anything.

If anyone is actually wondering it: At IF route your Childhood Friend who likes you very much gets ntred by your best friend.

So, What the fuck?

>> No.14444080

That's Naderebo right? Do you have any screenshots of the dialogue? I could go for a good laugh.

>> No.14444111

I didnt get any screenshots, but basically: You suddenly see your childhood friend and best friend coming school with holding hands, saying some ichaicha things to each other
Since the IF route is about sub heroines mc doesnt care about it, but I just cant understand the reason for this. I guess they are trying to make it popular by adding some unexpected ntr since a couple of games got famous because of it. But I think those games at least had some reasons or they were just jokes, this one is pure shit.

>> No.14444117

How is it NTR if they aren't in a relationship and MC is going for a completely different girl?

>> No.14444124

Koikake wasn't even ntr though.

>> No.14444125

Technically Its not, but 恋×シンアイ彼女 or Hanasaki didn't have any real ntr either. I think this one is closest to it, since you are actually seeing the heroine with someone else, even if its not at the same route.

>> No.14444127

This is not NTR. Heroines moving on and finding some other love target is much better than keeping with one-sided love and staying in protag's friend zone forever.

>> No.14444137

If a girl finds happiness in any universe that doesn't involve dating the MC, then she is a slut, plain and simple.

>> No.14444146

What? The entire point of that side route is that it's an alternative route with the side heroines as the new main heroines. Several minutes into the thing that girl specifically says that she only sees the MC as a good friend in this alternate world. There's no romantic relationship between the two of them at all, it's a set of side routes.

>> No.14444151

May I direct you to >>14422055 wherein Japanese readers on egs were buttblasted that a main heroine of a game dated/banged another guy in an alternate universe

>> No.14444155

Here comes the White Knights. I cant understand this logic, its not like that scene had any effect at story or something. Just saying "We are dating" would be okay, but why the hell is the game forcing us to see their ichaicha scenes? Its a fucking heroine you know? You are finishing her route, Start the IF one and seeing her going full love with your best friend.

And you guys are saying its ok to have in a moege, hell even better.

>> No.14444158

Why did you quote me? I was serious

>> No.14444160

Who cares about some jap 独占厨 kids? There's no influence on ratings or sales from them even in Japan itself.

>> No.14444165

Moege should only have one route, otherwise all the other girls are being cheated on.

>> No.14444168

It doesn't matter if MC dates someone else, it matters if the girls date other people

>> No.14444175

It's okay if the protag is the one doing the cheating. No harm there.

>> No.14444177

Personally it makes me feel bad when "rejected" girl still clings to protag in non-her route and keeps displaying her undying love. Scene with her being happy with someone else is actually good thing for my consciousness, unlike actually disturbing shit in koikake or workspring.

>> No.14444180


>> No.14444181

That was basically just two guys last I checked, and one of them had a bunch of walls of text in the comments for their review and was getting shit on by two other people.

>> No.14444199

Looks like EGS isn't happy about it either.

I don't understand what goes through the writers' heads when they include stuff like this in games marketed as 純愛. Do they really think no one will mind? Have they not paid any attention to the industry at all in the past ten years?

>> No.14444206

I always found in interesting that some otaku will play every route in a moege without any remorse and cry, yet bitch and cry if one of the girls is seen as much as talking to another guy outside of her route.
I never got why it was such a big deal, as long as if she isn't cheating on MC on her route. Then again I don't really get that attached to that many girls in moege either, they are just flavor of the month games played for quick and fun entertainment. I am not going to get up in arms about some copypasted girl that I'll see in the next 50 games.

>> No.14444246

Rather surprising that after all these years they still don't understand their demographic

>> No.14444268

They just do it to piss otaku off. It's as if they really don't enjoy writing these kind of games and are in it for a quick buck. Naderebo and Koikake were both made by starter companies, especially the latter received a lot of preorders. Writing NTR-esque shit is probably a last "fuck you" before they make off with their money.

>> No.14444275

But Koikake wasn't even ntr.

>> No.14444277

I'm not sure about the others since they were pretty famous even without it, but for this I think its just for the advertisement, nothing else. Most likely they just saw the other games & how people are actually talking about it, and decided to go with "there’s no such thing as bad publicity, lets add one so people will talk about us as well." But the biggest problem is others were written by popular writers or made by big companies, while this one is a just shitty little company's first game with some unknown writer.

>> No.14444294

Yeah you're right. It was just more the main heroine being a manipulative and selfish cunt.

>> No.14444296

Eroge seems like the wrong industry to be in if you're just after a quick buck. Plus, I doubt Koikake gained Niijima any new fans, and probably lost him a few old ones. It doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.14444313

Still kind of a problem for a pure love game.

>> No.14444336

Keep in mind that this kind of games are about you choosing an heroine and then she only having eyes for Mc or only MC having a chance.

That heroine you dont care about is some people "the girl" so seeing as the posibility of she liking another guy destroy your perception of her. Doesnt matter if its an IF route since its canon in its own right.

>> No.14444337

The eroge world is burning and they just want to add fuel to the fire

>> No.14444383

>That heroine you dont care about is some people "the girl"
These people who have only ever played one eroge, done one route, and fallen in love with one girl seem sure to make up a huge portion of the industry.

>> No.14444391

Most of these people play multiple moege a month. They probably just forget the girl a few days later after finishing her route. That's why it doesn't make any sense to me.

>> No.14444408

Or maybe you know they make them their waifu.

Say if someone came and made LxC NTR edition i would still be pissed even if my interest in the girls had wore off because it would change my perception of them.

>> No.14444487

>the whole "killing humans is bad" shit
speaking from a vantage point of 43 hours later, humans do die. man this game is taking a long time to read

>> No.14445034

I tried visiting untranslated vn thread in reddit. Checked some of the old threads too. 20% of them posting about shit like Tsukihime and Umineko, moogy is always posting about obscure and old shit but for some reason his upvotes are twice as other people who post a long detailed review about a more normal and recent game. Discussion also rarely happen and if it's happen half of the time it's about "this is my first vn, and I'm struggling to read it! Don't worry, you can get better if you read more!"

I guess this place is still much better even with our dedicated shitposter. Sorry, if it's a bit off-topic but I just want to tell that you guys are awesome.

>> No.14445039

Fuck you

>> No.14445068

> 20% of them posting about shit like Tsukihime and Umineko
I visist WAYR Untranslated for like a year and didn't see unineko or tsukihime there even once.

>> No.14445273

Regarding HatsuMira -
Did anyone see the twist in Chapter 1 coming? It caught me completely off guard, I swore at my PC even. Retrospectively I guess it should have been obvious? But I didn't expect it at all. I haven't read any further.

>> No.14445317

How long are these chapters anyway?

>> No.14445320

Pretty long. Long enough to make me wonder if the common route is actually the "plot" of each girls route, so to speak, with the actual branches themselves just being ichaicha/romance.

>> No.14445401

go away

>> No.14445408

sounds like NTR to me

>> No.14445436

>I guess this place is still much better even with our dedicated shitposter.

Shitposter found. Go away pls.

>> No.14445650
File: 235 KB, 1000x922, lH4YN7AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuk this art is good.

>> No.14445680

>Pretty long
Kyurio's backstory flashback is unnecessarily long

>> No.14445934
File: 37 KB, 640x360, ebf13b0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks awful.

>> No.14446011
File: 38 KB, 600x338, 12-lovely-cation-1-2-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Hibiki hire other artist other than Tazuku? Did she got fed upt with them or the whole free append stuff bite them in the ass that they cant afford her?

btw does anyone knows where i can get a rip of the Vita LxC new CGs?

>> No.14446080

You don't know what NTR is.

>> No.14446130

Don't talk to me like that.

>> No.14446135

Make me, bitch.

>> No.14446178

2nd is much shorter compared to the first.

>> No.14446289

Finally got around to reading Kamikaze Explorers, enjoying it about as much as Sakigake.
Also, I've been reading the 双星陰陽師 manga and love the romance in it so far.
You guys have any recommendations on eroge with 結婚前提のお付き合い?

>> No.14446306

>enjoying it about as much as Sakigake
I'd recommend doing just Mishio and Saori though, the other routes are quite bland or outright bad (Kotoha).

>> No.14446319

I'd only recommend reading only Mishio's and Saori's routes. The other routes are lackluster and there's basically no point reading them unless you like the girls themselves

>> No.14446329

but what about her tits....

>> No.14446349

Said twist was rather obvious considering we didn't see a proper death scene for Kyurio and didn't get a explanation for her actions. I wasn't expecting that timing though

As a side note Misuka and Damone are getting increasingly annoying the longer they survive

Download a full save file and watch the H scenes then.

>> No.14446402

I was just starting Fuuka, since that's who I got choosing naturally. Mishio and Saori are my favorites though, so I guess I'll start with those two and if I'm in the mood I'll play some others. Wasn't really interested in Manami or Kotoha anyway.

>> No.14446758

Ichirou has poor taste in regards to glasses

>> No.14446937


>> No.14446947

果つることなき未来ヨリ's protag

>> No.14446995

Yeah, when that happened I thought "did they learn nothing from Amane's route in Grisaia"? Well, either way, it ended well.

>> No.14446997

Where are you right now?
I keep hearing the game is really long but does it stay kind of entertaining or is just long in a dull way?

>> No.14447001

Angelic Howl is like the most popular part of Grisaia in Japan so

>> No.14447009

Well, popularity doesn't make it good.

>> No.14447015

I didn't say that, but since it was popular they obviously didn't have to "learn" something

>> No.14447018

I suppose not, if they're trying to write a popular story and not a good one.

>> No.14447020

Clearly lots of people thought it was, so no reason to change it.

>> No.14447035

>so no reason to change it.
Pacing being absolutely killed by flashbacks is a good enough reason, I think. At least in Amane's route there was no main narrative to interrupt at the time, in HatsuMira it happens in the middle of something pretty important. Surely there's a way to express that two characters have a prior history without dedicated 1/4 of a route to directly showing them have that history.

>> No.14447061

I'm currently at the Mermaid town. When they want to advance the plot and have interactions between the characters it's entertaining enough to keep me almost constantly reading but the writer has a VERY bad habit of using way too many words to convey even the most basic of messages and this can lead to some very long dull moments like with the example below.

Kyurio's backstory could have easily had half the amount of dialogue than it did, There was no need for a 1~2 hour backstory to explain her very basic motivations which in the end was basically a pointless endeavor that I honestly can't fathom. In the end it completely killed the tension of the chapter and I just wanted it to end as quickly as possible

If said backstory was any longer I might have just dropped the game entirely

>> No.14447106

Yeah, I still like the game enough to keep reading but the whole Kyurio flashback + the fact that this is longer than Grisaia's common route, has made me want to just take breaks in between chapters to read moege or something.

I think the whole thing was a joke about "curiosity killed the cat".

>> No.14447134

Fair point, I don't want to accept that at some level because It just makes all of the cat race complete fuckwits but considering their actions that's not that surprising.

>> No.14447245

Are you guys playing Steins;Gate 0 or is it too pleb?

>> No.14447256

>console exclusive
Fuck 5pb, I'll wait for a PC port or they can go fuck themselves

>> No.14447891
File: 314 KB, 1296x758, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The quicker these 3 unfunny characters die, the better.

>> No.14447910

So my japanese is good enough to play eroge right now. Is there a rec chart with kamige eroge that includes japanese only titles?

>> No.14447918

I think they're pretty funny

>> No.14447926

Nothing more than a nuisance that wastes lines in my eyes, should have died in the previous chapter

>> No.14447927

I like the depth(?) and attention given to the antagonists, even if they're pretty much being made out to be team Rocket.
Like, I appreciate the mook in the middle mentioning how he was just a farmer, that kind of tiny detail adds a lot (however cliche it may seem).

>> No.14447941

If you want to play meme games, just pick a meme game to play. Otherwise just find something you find interesting.

>> No.14447943
File: 124 KB, 1822x2570, 1445406147004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14447945

I just want something like Majikoi where I can fuck everyone tincluding all side characters to be honest.

>> No.14447960

Go masturbate to some nukige

>> No.14447963

>I like the depth(?) and attention given to the antagonists,
As do I. Problem is that I simply don't like Misuka's and Damone's personality, they are quite frankly annoying and their bad jokes do not help the situation. I'd prefer if they gave this attention to the proper antagonists rather than these three

I wish they were team rocket, at least they'd be able to crack a funny joke or two.

>> No.14447981

Nukige are complete trash and are not even worth the smalles amount of seed. There should be more eroge like Majikoi out there but it wouldn't be the first time that I was dissapointed after I learned japanese and went trough the libraries of untranslated goods.

>> No.14447984

I hate to break it to you but Majikoi is practically nukige level in terms of both writing and overall quality, if you're going to turn your nose up at something be sure not to do so with a mouth full of shit

>> No.14447994

It's not like I'm new to the buisness. You're completely wrong on both ends, especially quality.

>> No.14448048

Just read Subahibi and drop the whole medium after it.

>> No.14448340


Whoa we got an expert here fellas. Why bother soliciting advice if you won't take any and are so sure of your superior knowledge

>> No.14448344

Is there any way to make the font in Custom Maid 3D 2 bigger?

>> No.14448356

Buy a bigger monitor.

>> No.14448358

>I have read many translated eroge!
>therefore I know all about eroge
Being an expert on Greek history doesn't give you the knowledge to argue on which ancient civilization was the most influential .

>> No.14448387

Does anyone know which game he was talking about?

>> No.14448477

>especially quality.
Read Anekouji for Takahiro's "quality", I'm sure you will like it.

>> No.14448615

I wish I'm stupid enough to have read only a few translated cheap crappy nukiges and then make broad sweeping statements about the qualities of all nukiges.

>> No.14448691

It might be a stupid statement but also forgivable considering ~90% of all nukige are bargain bin crap.

I wonder if there's even a decent translated nukige.

>> No.14448721

I don't see how that's relevant
Furthermore, 90% of anything is crap. Nukige aren't special.

>> No.14448726

Could you please fuck off to >>>/vg/ or VNTS with discussions of translations? This is not right thread for this stuff.

>> No.14448735

There was LITERALLY two posts about it, don't get your panties in a twist

>> No.14449834
File: 530 KB, 1280x720, tonakoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tonakoi fandisc is really nice, It's been awhile since I played the main game, so revisiting these memories is heartwarming, I've been smiling non-stop for like an hour. I don't know if it's objectively good or anything but on a personal level I'm glad I gave it a try. In any case I've certainly come to appreciate alcot's art here, the sprites, expressions and just style is really nice, above average I think.

Also, I laughed out loud while watching the opining movie when the male friend got literally 1/2 a second of screentime before being shoved off.

>> No.14449892

Im actually going through the base game and so far have been having a blast. Its honestly been keeping my attention while other moege have put me to sleep. Hell, even the male friend is refreshing.

Megu route never.

>> No.14449925

>Megu route never.
Megu route in fandisc!
Yeah, Tonakoi has really stuck out to me (Retrospectively) as being really engaging. I've played many moege but not many caught my attention so much. I think it's due in large part to the rapid pacing, it goes over in 1 hour what takes other VNs 10, and is funny/entertaining the whole time. My #1 complaint with VNs is their almost universally bad pacing and bloated scripts, but Tonakoi completely sidesteps that problem. Good VN.

>> No.14449992

>I think it's due in large part to the rapid pacing

Yah thats probably it, events take place pretty quickly without skimping out on developing the characters. They give backstories for some of the characters and their motivations for being athletes which you the character also played a part in.

>> No.14450049

I also liked it, it's a good FD.
Also, to be really honest, Ryouka's femdom scenes gave me a raging boner. Ayaka deserved a scene too.
I dislike Rina so much for some reason, though.

>> No.14450055

Whaat? Rina is so lovely. She smells like candy, she has gorgeous red hair, a 肉付き body... man, she's perfect. So sweet and kind... reading the scenes with her in the FD has made me happier than I have been in weeks... I won't deny crying a little bit, even. Rina is perfect.

>> No.14450118

Her wanting to go back to her home, and especially her constant poking at MC not being "good enough" as a man was annoying, I remember a similar thing in the original Tonakoi and I had this feeling that she didn't really like the MC romantically throughout her entire route. But it's just me I guess. It happens sometimes with childhood friends.

>> No.14450125

Also I should clarify that I mean it in comparison to Nagisa and Ryouka.

>> No.14450128

I'm reading it right now, 1) the not good enough as a man thing was just her trying to avoid telling his imouto that's he's a master of sex, when they're alone she talks about how he's great and she can't keep up; 2) as far as I remember she's the one who wanted to go there in the first place and is really happy there, the only time she said she wanted to go home was as a joke after he kept poking her in the but with his dick while they bathed together.. It seems to me that you just entirely misread her route, somehow.

>> No.14450135

>the only time she said she wanted to go home
Let's talk when you finish her route.

>> No.14450138

Even if that change, the "not good enough as a man thing" won't, so I don't really understand what went wrong there. We will see.

>> No.14450213 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14450222

Nothing too wrong about those bits as far as I can tell.

>> No.14450231

Not really, but you said it was an excuse to avoid telling his imouto about the sex, and I'm just showing you it was a real thing.

>> No.14450242 [SPOILER] 
File: 464 KB, 1280x720, 1449391872776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you were referring to pic related, which was indeed the excuse towards the imouto.
As for your picture, Rina's whole route is about maturing as an individual so it's only natural that the MC would be recognizing his flaws, he Rina has to flaw her flaws to. In the fandisc in particular, all of that has been resolved and I've seen 0 dissatisfaction towards MC's manliness or what have you. I also don't think it's especially reasonable to get dislike Rina for having a route that actually deals maturing a bit.
It's not like I'm trying to defend Rina as my ultimate waifu and strike down all those who dislike her, I just disagree with were you're coming from.

>> No.14450268

>In the fandisc in particular, all of that has been resolved and I've seen 0 dissatisfaction towards MC's manliness or what have you.
But the screenshots I posted were from the fandisc itself, near the end. Nothing was resolved. The end was pretty abrupt, too. But it's a FD, it's not like I'm upset about it.

>I also don't think it's especially reasonable to get dislike Rina for having a route that actually deals maturing a bit.
I didn't say that was my reason for disliking her. I originally said "I dislike her for some reason", I just wanted to mention some things that rubbed me off the wrong way in the fandisc, but either way I would dislike her anyway, it's her general attitude. Which is weird because I tend to like straight-forward heroines like her. I don't know, I'm not in the mood to discuss over your waifu anyway because I'm in the process of being annoyed by the lack of substance of Koikata right now. I sure as fuck hope Yukie's route is decent at least, fuck. Anyway I just responded with my impressions, if you disagree that's fine. I admit she's fun and I like her 肉付き too.

>> No.14450277

Fair enough. Through dick, unity.

>> No.14450590

Actually all VNs are literary garbage, material for porn/waifu addicts or both. One-two exceptions, maybe (Muramasa, not sure about what else).

>> No.14450603

>meaningful fantasy world (like say Aiyoku no Eustia).

Maybe if you're 15 and it's your first ever fantasy novel. Eustia is cliched as fuck and inferior to even mid-tier English-language fantasy stock. I have no clue how it came to be so respected. Maybe because most people who read VNs don't read anything else?

>> No.14450737

Why are you even here?

>> No.14450742

You're trying way to hard to be edgy. Eustia is pretty good fantasy wise and definitely above average.

>> No.14450746

I have read Malazan, ASoIaF (well before the TV series was a thing), most of Hobb stuff, etc... and I still consider Eustia above average

I mean the writers aren't Gene Wolfe but it sure is more entertaining than the average fantasy stuff

>> No.14451088
File: 471 KB, 480x371, Eushully 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone looking forward for 珊海王の円環?

>> No.14451137

Not that interested in the idea of 6 protagonists and Eushully's last release was weak. I'll wait for comments from people who play it before I try it myself

>> No.14451179

I stopped caring about Eushully after I realized how much better Alicesoft is.

>> No.14451219

I'll play it but decided to not hype up myself this time. Doesn't look like something that could live up to IM/Genrin in terms of story or Kamidori in terms of gameplay.

>> No.14451223

Pretty much this. Having 6 protag is definitely not my thing, but if reviews are actually good I might try after that.

>> No.14451226

Will there ever be another 2009?

>> No.14451308

Definitely. From what I hear each faction will have different flavored routes so that'll be interesting.

>> No.14451344

Eushully has a lot of problems I doubt will be fixed in it. The whole gimmick of 6 protagonists makes me think they'll all end up half-assed, or one of them is going to be decent while the others will be garbage. Or maybe not.
Considering they've had the problem of making side characters and plots more interesting than the main ones (mostly due to how completely uninteresting the main girls and story has been) maybe this is a good thing.

>> No.14451348

No 2014?

>> No.14451355


Have you ever played kuutei senki? They didn't do that badly with four protagonists. Though this time it looked like instead of different interactions vs a bunch of non protagonists your choosen protagonist will actually interact with the other protagonists so we'll see how well they can do this.

>> No.14451364

2016 if all the games actually come out and don't get delayed (unlikely).

>> No.14451417

I need some imoutos. Who are the best imoutos?

>> No.14451457
File: 343 KB, 994x561, maya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maya wins sukisuki poll against the 5 actual heroines
I've only played the trial but damn I'm glad everyone has good taste. Her being more interesting than any of the heroines and not having a route is part of why I stopped giving a shit. Fandisk when?

>> No.14451484

Ayano from lovesick puppies and Megumi from tonakoi

>> No.14451487


>> No.14451496


>> No.14451877
File: 787 KB, 1003x1412, 47775393_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14452090

Never played it but #2 looks best.

>> No.14452466


>> No.14452659
File: 91 KB, 800x600, p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14452720
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>> No.14452812
File: 1.49 MB, 1363x766, 星織ユメミライ02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14452836
File: 307 KB, 1280x720, 46223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. As soon as I saw 'I need imoutos' I thought of Fuuka.

Good choice sir!

>> No.14452933
File: 379 KB, 1288x766, wanna do this route.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started the demo for 少女たちは荒野を目指す and I think Romeo might have figured out how to write something that's actually fun to read.

I guess good voice work helps also

>> No.14452970

Shut up Habluka

>> No.14453475

I don't like how Ichirou is always right in Hatsumira, so far at least it seems every "debate"/argument he has is just him explaining how he is right while the other party splutters in anger and ignorance.
That, and seeing Yukikaze drool over him even while he's being a stoic dick to people is kind of uncomfortable.

>> No.14453506

Cannot self-insert into someone who is not retarded pushover?

>> No.14453517

It's fine to have resolve on your beliefs, my problem with this is just that the narrative is clearly biased for Ichirou always being right and everyone who ever disagrees to be wrong. It's not like, two opposing but equally valid viewpoints or anything, it's just straight up "Ichirou is right, and everyone else is dumb/ignorant/emotional/etc".

>> No.14453590

>thinly veiled atomic bomb metaphor in HatsuMira
Oh boy

>> No.14453636

Whoa. Details?

>> No.14453662 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.72 MB, 1280x2160, 1449449714171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infodump/world spoilers

Basically the big sage dude from 600 years ago hit a city with a bomb that was described as a miniature sun. Vaporized everyone living there. Real subtle.

>> No.14454536

and of course it's even worse than the original

>> No.14454771

who voices Mizuna is Sakuuta? she sounds really familiar and EGS doesn't list her VA

>> No.14455144

She's in almost every KeroQ/Makura game and just a lot of stuff in general.

>> No.14455405

So I want to play Natsumero (2007) but I saw this 2010 re-release labeled Acacia3800, does anyone know if there's any difference?

>> No.14455965

That just sounds like a low price rerelease.

>> No.14456264

Thanks anon. Pretty sad the votes are getting lesser and lesser

>> No.14456286

Obviously it would get lower, the longer a game is out the more time It has to be exposed to people

>> No.14456341

The problem is that there's no kamige to attract users in the past few years.

>> No.14456377

The number of votes is for the year only, it's not culminative through the years

>> No.14456385

Oh, that's just depressing then.

>> No.14456395

Been some pretty close to kamige VNs though.

>> No.14456486 [DELETED] 
File: 349 KB, 1296x758, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suspension of disbelief is slowly breaking

>> No.14456536

sakuuta is a legit kamige

>> No.14456564


>> No.14456573

Fuck off.

>> No.14456874

Go fap to your shitty moege some more.

>> No.14457282

Better question: What are the top 5 (doesn't need to be ordered) unappreciated kamige for you, /jp/?

>> No.14457309

But anon, sakuuta is a shitty moege.

>> No.14457311

I think in general nukige don't get enough respect, of course there's a lot of trash but even the really really good ones don't get any respect, despite being real jewels.

>> No.14457418

Go ahead.

>> No.14457427

I don't believe in kamige, so while I do have underappreciated, great games I don't think I can answer that.

>> No.14457431

Where? In Japan?

>> No.14457435

I know we're not big on recommendations here but I'm looking for a rather vague yet specific type of game that's really hard to search for.

I've got the itch for some really weird genre shift sort of thing where it starts out relatively normal and then descends into madness with no idea how far the rabbit-hole goes. A sort of feeling of the unknown, where anything could happen.

I very much enjoyed Harukuru, Natsukumo, and OwaSekai. That sort of genre-shifty crazy shit happening idea. Of course the problem with wanting to be surprised by genre shifts is you can't really look for more of them without being spoiled that there is a genre shift, but I'll take what I can get.

I hope they put out a release date for Akikuru soon.

>> No.14457461


What's that? VNDB doesn't give me anything with that abbreviation.

>> No.14457468

Not him but it's this

Try Pandora no Yume

>> No.14457487

Thanks, that seems interesting. The artstyle's gonna take some getting used to, I fear I've been spoiled by reading mostly recent stuff.

>> No.14457543

Hello, World

>> No.14457608
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, 果つることなき未来ヨリ_2015-12-07_18-21-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Hatsu Mirai Yukikaze route.

The route starts slow and there's a long build up but the climax is extremely rushed. Makes it feel very unfinished. Guess that's because they plan to make a sequel I guess.

If there's anything good to say about this game is that it's consistent and very simple. There's always something happening, there are tons of CGs and it's pretty nice if you turn your brain off and don't pay too much attention.

That being said, when the game starts taking itself seriously it's just laughably bad.
It's clearly aimed at the below 18 crowd.

There's also a big lack of ero in this game. Think that's the biggest problem for this game.
In all of the 4 chapters there are clearly great set ups for good hscenes but they just pass.
1 sex scene per heroine is a joke.
The sequel better be packing like 30+ hscenes.

>> No.14457611


>> No.14457629

>1 sex scene per heroine is a joke.
This is really disappointing to hear

>> No.14457643

>1 sex scene per heroine is a joke.
From the CG i see there are at least two for heroine, and some side characters in.

I still have to play it though

>> No.14457654

the was only 1 for the main fucking heroine.

The side character hscenes are extremely brief and end before you even touch your dick.

>> No.14457656

>It's clearly aimed at the below 18 crowd.
I don't know about that. I think it's just aimed at "casuals" or what have you, not necessarily younger people. The lack of genuine depth is more evident of just poor writing than an attempt to appeal to teenagers, I think.

>> No.14457660

That reeks of cut content

>> No.14457664

>エロシーン 輪姦 , 一緒にお風呂
I don't know why this made me laugh.

>> No.14457666

Actually, I think it would be more evident of "supplement content"? The larger amount of normal CGs, and of course the fact that X-rated is just a patch, seems to me that they made the game without H-scenes at all, and used only a small amount of money for h-scenes.

>> No.14457668

I'm just talking what i see dude, she has different clothing on those.

How many scenes per heroine was in Grisaia anyway?

>> No.14457697

Yeah I agree with you.

I'm guessing it was more of a marketing move. Just add some sex scenes so people won't bitch about that.

>> No.14457704

What do you guys want in fandiscs? Continuation / after stories of existing routes? Alternative routes for she-had-a-sprite-and-was-better-than-all-the-route-girls-in-the-main-game girls? Boatloads of h-scenes?

I play most/all routes in original games, but skip after stories most of the time, often only skimming through the one of my favorite route. I'm mostly interested in additional routes for side characters.

>> No.14457721

It should be noted that the X-Rated patch costs money, but only 100 yen. I'm guessing that if they wanted to add more lewd, it'd have made the patch cost more. So they balanced it - low cost patch, low amount of ero.

>> No.14457736

They're probably looking forward to future sales in Steam after the Grisaia series.

I've never been one for fandisks but girls that didn't get to debut as heroines is fine with me. I like the xCation/Amakano way with Appends instead for afterstories.

>> No.14457798
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, 果つることなき未来ヨリ_2015-12-07_22-40-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad. there's a bonus hscene for each heroine in the omake menue.

>> No.14457823

I've never been a huge fan of after stories or simple h-scenes, with some exceptions of course.

The only reason I would even consider downloading or buying one is if it has a route for a side character I found fun or a mildly interesting side story. There have been some games where the writer decided to not give the best girl a route in the main game so a fandisk with one has made me actually finish the common route of some games I dropped.

>> No.14458714

Its actually pretty dumb. I'd agree with it if they had 30-50 heroines like Chusingura or Baseson games since it would cost too much (even now I'm not sure how the hell are they making profit), But this game is already 9.000 yen and they are asking more money for extra h-scenes? then why the helll are you selling it as full priced, make it like Rosebleu at least. (common route with 2 heroine routes 5.000 yen, and if you want other two's routes it cost 1.000 yen more, still makes it less than a full priced one.)

>> No.14458809

Its full price because costs of all these gajillion day-long flashback scenes.

>> No.14458814

It might be a regulatory thing just to cover their asses, by adding an extra layer to help prevent anyone underage from getting it.

>> No.14459121

Is Chapter 1 the longest chapter?

>> No.14459799


Not him but Extravaganza and Kyonyuu Fantasy are examples of really good nukiges

>> No.14459815
File: 942 KB, 800x600, 終末少女幻想アリスマチック_Ver_1.0_2015-11-28_16-23-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completed Shuumatsu Shoujo Gensou Alicematic yesterday.
I've greatly enjoyed Last Cavalier trial, so decided to try older stuff from same author.
While 9 years difference is very apparent, Alicematic is still very solid VN even by modern standards and definitely something I could recommend to people looking for light story-orented VN.

It has subtitle "Alicematic - World's End Fairytale", which describes this VN very well. It doesn't strive to be thoroughly coherent, focusing on playing around with various mythos instead, but that works well if you go with rigth mindset for it. Takaya spends a lot of time explaining stuff he made up for each route, so at very least its interesting to read for people who are into such things.

For me there are three aspects I loved most about this VN: character cast, battle scenes and humor.

For cast, 1st place goes to Sayane, specimen of very rare ojousama kind which I'm very fond of. Instead being usual arrogant bitch boasting of her lineage, she's perfect combination of strong sense of duty, self-restraint, nobility and naiveté. If anything, game was worth reading for her alone.

Kei, the RPG wielding christian priest-cum-magus of german origin, another great gem of this VN. Together with Nobutsuna, she skillfully fulfills role of comedy sidekick, always ready to boost team morale with her 下ネタ jokes. Interesting how her only sex scene is consensual sex with non-protag male, same as other sub-heroine, Mikage-sensei. Her personal drama felt very exaggerated tho, and game didn't do much about her backstory, which is very regrettable.

There are also glutton 耳年増 Rikka, blind pure miko Fuyume, "cool beauty" sempai Iori, and genki loli Hikari (not capturable, of course), while they all follow their basic archetypes, its implemented very well and I've enjoyed their routes too. Twins were eyesore, but at least it was at bearable levels.

Takaya Aya's fighting scenes in both Alicematic and Last Cavalier are what makes him unique VN author for me. Whenever I read works from famous authors like Masada or Narahara, I can't help but get very bored and tired at their fighting scenes, because they keep dragging on and on, sometimes taking about 2 or more IRL hours to read. Characters manage to get chopped into pieces few times, regenerate back, seemingly win, then almost lose, and so on and on. Takaya, on other hand, makes them very brief but intense. Its obvious that he has deep knowledge on the subject of swordfighting, and all his scenes feel like something that could actually happen in sword fight, with partners carefully probing each other and then finishing match with one deciding blow. And of course, all these scenes are accompanied with infodumps on real world Japanese swordmasters, fighting styles, stances, moves and so on.

Humor there is nothing special, but I usually have very bad affinity with japanese humor (and rage-dropped several famous comedy VNs like ひとつ飛ばし恋愛) and value every game which actually works for me in this regard. All SoL/comedy scenes were pleasant and that's good enough.

There's some disbalance between SoL/Takaya sperging/plot/fighting/ichaicha towards first two elements, so game is hit or miss depending whether one likes Takaya writing, and I can see why some people I know called this VN boring. Individual routes feel kind of lacking due to relatively short amount of ichaicha, but at least they have very different from each other plot developments. Unlocking every heroine's final epilogue was a bit tedious, I can't see reason for this design decision, especially since its pretty much same scene with few variations.

Looking forward to Last Cavalier later this month, and most likely going to try his other games next year.

Some more non-spoiler screenshots:

>> No.14459845


I played it when it came out and the only thing I remembered about it now was that it was mediocre even back then

>> No.14460359

No contest, all main heroines were bad. I couldn't even finish a single route.

>> No.14460484
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, サクラノ詩1 (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pikachu and Mickey?

>> No.14460599
File: 252 KB, 438x915, vndb autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why all vn communities are so fucking terrible?

>> No.14460609

Tyciol apparently had his editing powers locked so in response he started posting threads about it. Obnoxious.
Anyway, I guess you could say any large group of people becomes terrible, because vocal bad eggs drown out the rest of the posts. I don't think the VN community is particularly bad. It's only bad, I think, if you go into them with anger and prejudice. For example, a lot of the posts on fuwanovel and reddit are just fine (though admittedly plebeian), but you'd get crucified on /vn/ for admitting so by just plain angry people. Communities look a lot better when you stop painting them in the colours you want to see.

>> No.14461062

The level of autism in the threads made by Tyciol is staggering, even more so when he's not even played the games that he's editing.

>> No.14461467

What is the greatest love story ever told?

>> No.14461477
File: 845 KB, 1100x2350, cm89_item01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I know what I'm getting.

>> No.14461508

White album 2

>> No.14461779

Add an evil long lost relative and it's a really generic soap opera.

>> No.14461914

>It's clearly aimed at the below 18 crowd.

>> No.14462522

Don't just laugh, try actually writing a post.

>> No.14462590

Yeah but it's a good one

>> No.14462594

He's right though. The X-Rated version is a joke

>> No.14462597

aaand and you had to ruin it

>> No.14462602

Care to enlighten us anon?

>> No.14462609

Maybe if you're being prejudiced against that phrase, which is understandable. Words have bad connotation.
If you can think of another word to describe the feeling one gets when reading these kinds of posts (https://twitter.com/r_vns_txt)) then please tell me.

>> No.14462662

Doesn't mean it stops being a mid-afternoon soap opera.

>> No.14463971
File: 429 KB, 1030x624, 2015-12-09 01_12_51-終わる世界とバースデイ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man, I'm already enjoying it.

>> No.14464220
File: 773 KB, 1030x624, 2015-12-09 02_22_55-終わる世界とバースデイ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the feeling that the protag is a massive faggot though.

But that passes as kakkoii in Japan, I guess.

>> No.14464524

Oh my god, is Ichirou a fucking idiot?
You go to the fucking beach to make a truce and friendship with fucking fishpeople and you fucking throw a barrel of goddamn TNT into the water to save time fishing. What the FUCK was he thinking!? My head hurts. This boke came from fucking nowhere.

>> No.14464546

Random event that needed to happen to meet the heroine of the chapter

>> No.14464552

I can think of many, many other ways for them to meet the heroine that don't involve the MC suddenly acting like a gigantic moron. For example, walking up to her and saying hello.

>> No.14464620

What's so funny?

>> No.14464624

That would be too simple for a man of his caliber

>> No.14464751

new thread?

>> No.14464758

he's a WWII japanese soldier with strong racism inside him, what do you expect? :)

>> No.14464834

Maybe the ネトウヨ writers are self-inserting

>> No.14465285 [DELETED] 
File: 269 KB, 1680x928, 354169784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished Hatsumira. Didn't like it as much as the Grisaia series, but I am hoping for sequels that would build more upon the world, even if it's just in fandisk format.

Overall good game, but it resembles a lot more a slice-of-life/comedy type then a 'let's beat the evil army with fantasy races' thing. Hell, each route focuses only on one race and completely ignores every other (heroines included).

Also, like with the bus route in Grisaia, the common route dog chapter is extremely harsh too. If that chapter has a 9/10 on the harshness meter, the rest of the game is a 3/10...which makes for a rather odd experience.

Biggest complaint though (massive spoilers) [spoilers]Zombie-chan is the ONLY heroine that has a shit end where she dies. You don't even know what the MC does afterwards, no epilogue whatsoever too. Every other heroine has a happy-ever-after ending and even kids...[/spoilers]

>> No.14465290
File: 269 KB, 1680x928, 354169784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished Hatsumira. Didn't like it as much as the Grisaia series, but I am hoping for sequels that would build more upon the world, even if it's just in fandisk format.

Overall good game, but it resembles a lot more a slice-of-life/comedy type then a 'let's beat the evil army with fantasy races' thing. Hell, each route focuses only on one race and completely ignores every other (heroines included).

Also, like with the bus route in Grisaia, the common route dog chapter is extremely harsh too. If that chapter has a 9/10 on the harshness meter, the rest of the game is a 3/10...which makes for a rather odd experience.

Biggest complaint though (massive spoilers) Zombie-chan is the ONLY heroine that has a shit end where she dies. You don't even know what the MC does afterwards, no epilogue whatsoever too. Every other heroine has a happy-ever-after ending and even kids...

>> No.14465311

I actually think I'm going to drop the game.
The actual plot is incredibly minuscule and the amount of SOL comedy is just very uninteresting to me. I absolutely love the design of the mermaid and dog-girl, so I wanted to do their routes, but the common route is just so dull.
Judging from other people who have played the game it doesn't even look like the routes have satisfying endings so any motivation to continue is nonexistent.

>> No.14465327

Some clarification on my post:
I said the plot is incredibly minuscule, but what I meant was that it's very meaningless a lot of the time, there's lots of talk of strategy X or troop movement Y but it really the simplicity of everything makes all of that pointless, it's never something you need to think about or keep in mind or anything, it's just filler text to puff up the setting. That's why it's boring to me.

>> No.14465332

If you played the default Yukikaze route, then you basically got most of the story. The other routes are more for the ichaicha.

You will get a bit of backstory on some of the random mysteries/foreshadowing that was thrown in during the common route, but a lot of it is kind of stupid, example in Aira's route she fights the Cat AGAIN. It's so redundant that they didn't even bother writing the fight but just skipped straight to the ending... you just need to assume that she won.

>> No.14465344

Yeah... maybe I'll come back to finish them off in a dry month or something. It'd be a shame to miss out on art this good.

>> No.14465688
File: 289 KB, 1294x758, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the zombie chapter ever get interesting?

>> No.14465834


>> No.14465834,1 [INTERNAL] 

I don't understand why not having played the games makes it more autistic.
