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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 49 KB, 621x241, 2 years later.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14437953 No.14437953 [Reply] [Original]

So is Kancolle dead yet?

>> No.14437960

I wish but not quite yet, maybe in two years or so.

>> No.14437964

Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.14437966

Already halfway there.

>> No.14437975

Claiming that Kancolle will die is as stupid as claiming that sex will stop to sell.

The only thing that would make Kancolle die is a new franchise coming out with sluttier sluts and I don't think that it's possible.

>> No.14437993

i forgot about kancolle until i read OP
i would consider it already dead

>> No.14437997

The only thing from KanColle still alive is Trap Shimakaze.
And that's okay, we don't really need more of it.

>> No.14438001 [DELETED] 

>small c

>> No.14438014

It's getting there.

Less and less new art on pixiv is being posted with each passing day.
I'm actually looking forward to seeing what the upcoming C89 results will look like.

>> No.14438044

Well, we'll soon see the comiket numbers. And there is also the second season of the anime. The first will tell us how popular it still is and the second will kill it off completely.
Also the correct way to write it is KANcOLLE.

>> No.14438135

From now on I'm going to write Cankolle and it has a big C so fuck you you slut fucker.

>> No.14438155

Somehow still alive. Depending on where you draw the line, it still has a lot of life left, but it's on the decline.

>> No.14438235

There's a new anime coming. If it dies, it's going to be after that.

>> No.14438277 [DELETED] 

>small c

>> No.14438279

can't wait for the android port

>> No.14438349

Thank god. It's so fucking hard to keep up with the shimakaze tag on gelbooru.

>> No.14438379
File: 456 KB, 1280x720, 1436972907396.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still waiting for English version

>> No.14438386

canKolle will be gone by next December I am sure.

>> No.14438408

It does look like the steam is running out, but you can only do so much with a shitty web browser game. Of course the franchise has been hit pretty hard with delays, shitty adaptations, and really forgettable content for the last year too.

>> No.14438425
File: 274 KB, 748x639, 468ea158840e38d06e05370c59aee864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to keep up with the kancolle tags on boorus in general, since they decided to append EVERY boat's name with "_(kantai_collection)". I don't think anyones going to booru to look up real pics of Japanese naval ships, at least just alias them.

>> No.14438434


>> No.14438457

I'm sure we'll see another spike probably when it goes portable. After that though it's most likely gonna drop even faster.

>> No.14438478
File: 56 KB, 281x218, 1409273232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like
small d

>> No.14438482

Everyone said something like that to touhou. But it survives.

>> No.14438486

"Combined Fleet Girls Collection" does have a small d.

>> No.14438504
File: 376 KB, 763x579, slutstring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, not happening.

>> No.14438603
File: 18 KB, 500x500, 8d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14438614

Why are 2hufags so threatened by a browser game? kancolle won't die anytime soon but granblue stole a lot of doujin artists away.

>> No.14438620

>granblue stole a lot of doujin artists away

From Kancolle, not Touhou.

>> No.14438626

But nobody but shitposters who don't care about either side gives a shit about the popularity thing.

>> No.14438633 [DELETED] 

>small c

>> No.14438644

It's kind of dead to me because I really just can't be bothered to play this fucking game any more, and all the official spinoffs kind of suck. Which makes me quite sad since very early on I thought the series had quite a lot of promise.

I only got into it in the first place, and am only sticking around because of what the secondary sphere has managed to produce with it.

>> No.14438689

They won't allow anyone to make any doujin games, afraid that someone might make something better than what they did.
This is one of the reasons why Touhou flourished and still continues to, while KanColle is dying a slow and painful death.
You can only get so far with just a shitty browser game.
And they're trying to shill it as much as possible before it sinks completely with the whole anime thing.

>> No.14438843

>This is one of the reasons why Touhou flourished and still continues to
One of but far from the only reason, I love Touhou and all the the vast majority of fangames were shit. The good ones can be counted on two hands at the most.
>You can only get so far with just a shitty browser game.
Which is why they're making a Vita and Arcade game along with other things. But you'd call that shilling right?

>> No.14439193


>Which is why they're making a Vita and Arcade game along with other things. But you'd call that shilling right?

No, what they're doing is milking the franchise. YOU'RE the one that's doing the shilling.

>> No.14439913

I don't play Touhou. I just think Kancolle is the worst thing the otaku industry has shitted out lately.

>> No.14439931 [DELETED] 

>small c

>> No.14440072

Kancolle was dead before it hit the water. The primary think keeping the fandom interested is copious (terrible) porn.
It's like OS-tan, except instead of slightly cute, it's just blatant fanservice and porn, and the game itself is derivative and not worth the effort it takes to play.
It was dead as soon as its creator had the idea for it.

>> No.14442429 [DELETED] 

>small c

>> No.14442497

What's with your obsession of pointing out small c in Kancolle?

>> No.14442593

i dunno. they released a new character about 3 weeks ago, and she got over 1000 images already.

>> No.14442606 [DELETED] 

>small c

>> No.14442619

It's hard to explain. The reason which I posted in /a/ was lost with archive.moe, and I don't feel like typing it out again.

>> No.14442629

because their series is already dead

>> No.14442655

there you go

>> No.14444712


tl dr dumbass weeabo antics

>> No.14445643


>> No.14445655

Yes we Can!

>> No.14445664

>small k

>> No.14445715

Hmm let's see, more people are playing Fate:GO and DereMasu now. It's a single game, a pretty shitty one at that, sooner or later people will get tired of the game itself, maybe the franchise will survive--too early to tell really.

>> No.14445741

Why are Touhoufags so analblasted by another popular game? Is it just a typical case of "what I like is more popular, therefore it's better" or is there something else to all this hate?

>> No.14445747

It's mostly opportunistic shitposting by people who don't have an interest in Touhou or Kancolle.

There are a few 2hufags salty that Kancolle took some of their doujin circles away, and a couple more people who think it's a shitty soulless cash grab on its own merits.

>> No.14445783

Basically there is gripe between Touhou and KanColle in particular because:

1, many artists/circles left Touhou for the latter, and were accused of being sellouts.

2, on the other side, KanColle fans who are often also niwakas flame Touhou as being dead, inferior to their waifu simulator etc.

3, KanColle has a similar model for success as Touhou but runs contrast in its core ideas because it's a commercial produce first and foremost. This is basically like FSF vs proprietary software.

4, waifu wars, comiket booth count wars etc

>> No.14445796

I couldn't care less, if you actually bothered remembering for a second you'd realize that before kancolle was a thing touhou fans begged all day for their serie to be less popular and would get anal blasted every time the opposite happened.

>> No.14445806 [DELETED] 

>small c

>> No.14445807

>ur mom
>not a slut

>> No.14445809

Dad, please.

>> No.14445834

Kancolle is dead they said.

>Comiket 86 (August 15-17, 2014) : 1910 Touhou versus 1498 KanColle

>Comiket 87 (December 28-30, 2014) : 1744 Touhou versus 1840 KanColle

>Comiket 88 (August August 14-16, 2015) : 1496 Touhou versus 1846 KanColle

Comiket 89

>> No.14445840 [DELETED] 

>small c

>> No.14445913

1700 vs 1852

>> No.14445923

What about circles that do both

>> No.14445978

Touhou has Reitaisai, Aki Reitaisai, Kouroumu, all with thouseands of circles participating, and a number of other smaller events.

>> No.14451689

So does kancolle you fucking idiot.

>> No.14451776

Did you bump this thread from page 10 to say that Kancolle "has Reitaisai, Aki Reitaisai, Kouroumu, all with thouseands of circles participating, and a number of other smaller events"?
I'm sorry, but those are Touhou only events.

>> No.14451791

There are a bunch of kancolle only events you dipshit.
Some are even held as frequently as every month.

>> No.14451805

And of course you can name the ones with "thouseands of circles participating"

>> No.14451818


>> No.14451823 [DELETED] 

>small c

>> No.14451840

Great answer. That person above named at least 3 touhou only events which have officially more than thousand circles registered. You named 0.

>> No.14453906
File: 138 KB, 967x289, dnVN7ZL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14454709

Sparkling sucks.
The need to buy more ship slots shows up very early.
Too much RNG deviation.

>> No.14454724

This. Sparkling does nothing.

>> No.14454725

Sparkling is the worst mechanic ever not-designed.

>> No.14455223
File: 202 KB, 1713x2791, lbulbublbubl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some results from Google Trends - in Japan CocaColle still seem to have a bit of steam going on, but your Pixiv chart tells me it's already living off the animu masses, not committed fans per se.

>> No.14455286

Interesting. I think the high in the beginning is from comiket, while the anime keeps it high for kancolle. The spike for touhou is from reitaisai, then both spike for comiket. But then it gets interesting as kancolle plunges and touhou stays level and spikes a bit for autumn reitaisai. But generally touhou stays rather stabile.
Wonder how it developes over next year.

>> No.14457623


RIP Vocaloid

>> No.14457882

It can't die since it was never alive.

Like a robot.

>> No.14458505

No one except /jp/ knows what Kancolle and Touhou are. Literally only you people know these series. So what does "dead" really mean? Dead to the 5-8 people that go on this dead board?

>> No.14458517

Reminder that ZUN was thankful Kankerle was a thing. He wanted competition and he wishes his work isn't overly famous.

>> No.14458556

/a/ has continuous Kancolle generals (that really don't belong there, but that's /a/ for you).

>> No.14458674

Just went to /a/ and checked catalog:
kantai - No results found
kancolle - No results found

Seems it's dead even there.

>> No.14458683

They've had continuous threads there for the longest time now. There was one well over the bump limit an hour ago.

>> No.14458713

Somebody remade the general with a Pearl Harbor theme but the mods blew it up, so no doubt it'll be a whole three hours before we get the next one.

>> No.14459475 [DELETED] 

>small c

Collab when?

>> No.14459503
File: 503 KB, 862x1200, kancolle_touhou4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Collab when?
Already done.

>> No.14459538

Not good enough.

It's no collab if there isn't an in-game collab event.

>> No.14460838

I wonder how this graph was generated (is it number of entries per day? Per week? Was it done manually?), as a quick search on Pixiv now shows the following for the last 7 days:
- 3279 entries for Touhou
- 3165 entries for Kancolle

>> No.14460845 [DELETED] 

>small c

>> No.14461489

Damm, miku is literally dying in Japan anmd getting carried by USA. Gaijins sure are slow when it come to picking up trendy otaku culture.

>> No.14461694

What a shitty thread this is.
I want to leave.

>> No.14461701

but seriously who the fck cares about number of pixiv posts and doujinshi counts other than touhou fags

>> No.14461732

I still havent seen the anime, is it any good?
oh wait... it isnt even ecchi? I thought it will be ecchi with a lot of censorship.

>> No.14461737

not rly ecchi,
art style is great
story however is fckin horrible

>> No.14461742

the anime team had trouble figuring out what to do with it.
Can't really blame them though, considering what the source material is like.

>> No.14461770

Kill yourself
Kancolles are all pure girls.

>> No.14461773

There are a lot of adaptations that aren't silly as shit, but the team adapting it had too many writers and couldn't pick or stick with a single theme. It's like three doujinshi stapled together.

>> No.14461777


>> No.14461815
File: 10 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Kancolles mean kanmushumes,

>> No.14461831

Itactually means "different ship collection games" since there are so many fucking clones running around.

>> No.14462505

Man, there are still a lot of ships from IJN, Kriegsmarine, and Regia Marina that haven't been implemented in the game. I don't think the franchise will die in one or two years, it will stay longer.
>shitty adaptations
If you mean the anime and that Shimakaze manga, then yes.
Some official mangas and that Kagerou LN are quite good.

>> No.14462511

>They won't allow anyone to make any doujin games
Well, Kancolle is a commercial product. Ypu can't just make a game out of an existing game.

>> No.14462599

> I don't think the franchise will die in one or two years, it will stay longer.

It's definitely declining, though.

>> No.14462655


>> No.14462877


>> No.14462890

I'm only like, a little more than halfway through the first Kagerou LN (is it translated yet?) but it seemed kind of cliched to me, genki MC putting together a band of ragtag misfits who learn to stop hating each other and so on.

I guess if I think about it the spin they've put on some of the ships is kind of interesting, if predictable...

>> No.14464216

I think they kind of doomed the franchise by not allowing doujin games. If there were games coming out with kancolle characters that weren't mobage garbage then I might still care about it.

>> No.14464274

>literally get banned playing on a phone

>> No.14465951 [DELETED] 

>small c

>> No.14466377
File: 181 KB, 1024x1397, 26982e668534d87f1e0a7552d7eeb87b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least it's not bad like the anime, huh.
Also, the LN casts ships that are generally unpopular in the fandom (except for Bono and Ushio), so I think that's one of the plus points of the LN.

>> No.14469067

I hope. I can't really stand it the cuteifying such a bloody war. And then really REALLY *REALLY* sexualizing their characters even though they seem very young, and the lack of gameplay. Seriously this thing is only alive because of the whole "sex sells" concept.

>> No.14469112
File: 344 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141011-20480278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger I been playing Kan for over three months and went nowhere fast by losing destroyers and cruisers to RNG damage with Shitty EXP rates per sortie that takes resources (in comparison to Browsergame "Energy Bar") to do. Ships sunk are ships gone forever. That is if I don't spent the majority of my hours and day waiting for repairs to be finished.

Nowhere fast.


>> No.14469126

>Well, at least it's not bad like the anime, huh.
... small victories, I guess.

Well, Kagerou is one of my favorite girls, and the Mutsukis are my favorite class, so I liked at least that much of it (I guess it made me both laugh and cry that much more when Nagatsuki proved herself incapable of hitting a barn door).

>The only thing that would make Kancolle die is a new franchise coming out with sluttier sluts and I don't think that it's possible.
There's way sluttier, because in a lot of these girl collection games you actually get to fuck the girls. To begin with DMM has had a major specialization in H-games.

>> No.14469137

Git gud, /tg/.

>> No.14469162

If I have to spend money to get gud then no, I pretty much have to spend money at that rate.

>> No.14469167

This game isn't P2W like most. You can easily get far without paying a single cent.

You just plain suck at it.

>> No.14469187
File: 345 KB, 1285x1068, 4CH TALK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So it's true that some people cannot unto KanColle. Some chink translated this kuso on /a/ complaining about the game being too hard.

>> No.14469208

you don't even lose any ships unless you keep going with heavily damaged ships at which point you're asking for it, maybe you should read some beginner tutorials from the wiki :^)

>> No.14469213

You have to spend either money, or time, or find a way of making the daily grind into just another part of your routine. Half an hour a day spent right will get you very very far in half a year.

I can't be bothered with that shit; binge played a few months until I got most ships and cleared most maps before calling it a day.

>> No.14469221

gb2 /wowsg/ already.

>> No.14469228
File: 15 KB, 150x181, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14473390 [DELETED] 

2hu is just a fad, kancolle will be eternal.

>> No.14477882 [DELETED] 

Kancolle is a very competitive game.

>> No.14478052 [DELETED] 

>small c

>> No.14483495

Who are you quoting?

>> No.14484911

I hope so.

>> No.14484929
File: 669 KB, 800x1200, 03a8a72272ad0cb9d4f385af6420213d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The devs just don't seem to care. They don't actually improve the game in any way, they don't add new content or ways to interact with your favorite ships, or really any sort of interaction between themselves apart from the short reference in a line or two out of thirty, and they don't add gameplay to the laughable concept of their "game", and instead just pretend that spinning a compass and leaving it up to RNG is sufficient.

You can't just keep making RNG-heavy, ball-busting events with yet another "rare" ship as a reward for dedicated players and call that new content. The game is full of fucking ships already, it is literally a game about collecting ships. Adding ships to your game that desperately needs other things really makes me think that you just don't know what you're doing apart from making a gallery with crowdsourced art. I mean, fuck. You've literally put so many ships in the game, you actually had to start reaching out to other nation's ships to do this shit with.

I used to play it and think the concept is pretty novel. I quit after a month after I realized I wasn't playing a game, I was wasting my time being miserable. I sincerely expected something else to come out of it but now I just want it out of the way so the next thing with cute girls can come in.

>> No.14484974
File: 70 KB, 700x700, tmp_10306-0a317668988f6eacc1b5cc016e33f4341779105552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I cannot name the number of times I saw a cute 2hu image, went to the artist's page, and saw nothing but boatshit.

And the best girls in Kamcolle are the Abyssal fleet but they're the fucking enemies?

>> No.14485002
File: 34 KB, 640x360, Bane For You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter who we're quoting. What matters is our plan.

>> No.14485126 [DELETED] 

>small c

>> No.14485127

>I quit after a month after I realized I wasn't playing a game, I was wasting my time being miserable
>I quit after a month after I realized I wasn't playing a game
>I quit after a month
>a month
it took you that long

>> No.14489744 [DELETED] 

>taking a scrub seriously

>> No.14490477

true shit
took me almost 2 years to quit, at which point i was sick and tired of rolling dice and wasting time in frustration for no purpose. it got stale a few months after release, but i kept on playing until the middle of this year because I hate myself that much

devs are also shit and slow when it comes to adding new content. they just don't care about the game or the players and want to milk the franchise for money for as long as possible with minimal effort.

still better than 2hu lmao

>> No.14491987

Tanaka is god.
Fuck off with your blasphemy.

>> No.14492001

lmao lol yeahhh

>> No.14492015

Does KanColle have any sort of story or substantial worldbuilding to it?

>> No.14492040

The game has no story, and the manga/LNs lack any involvement with the devs. The anime is the only source of worldbuilding the franchise has.

>> No.14492297

abyssals are shit and the same as generic fairy enemies from 2hu
literally just botehus covered in oil

>> No.14492947

Fubuki on Crack manga has way more worldbuilding than what little the anime has.

>> No.14493734

I'm surprised how popular KanColle has gotten when the material is so thin.

>> No.14493754

being this autistic

>> No.14493759

Where do you think you are, anon?

>> No.14494446
File: 286 KB, 618x875, 8ef6ff5bd4975c78468e96d8947eb807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there's nearly none, like >>14492040

When I started playing it, I started to feel indignant towards Touhou fans on /jp/ since they really seem to despise it. I always wondered why both couldn't exist on the same space. Now I kind of understand, Touhou is ten times the game Kancolle is ever probably going to be (as in, Touhou is an actual game), and Touhou has interesting characters that you can relate to. At some point you may even learn something about Youkai perhaps. Touhou also has universally above-average soundtracks while Kancolle has... six or seven backdrops at most, I think.

Kancolle has... damaged sprite art. There's glossary entries for the ships but... you'd have more fun reading a wikipedia entry with about the same level of involvement. This really seeps into the secondary aspect of it too where the only plot point 90% of doujin artists can come to is how much in love all the shippos are with the admiral. Such is the shallow level of "plot" kancolle has.

>> No.14494459 [DELETED] 

>small c

>> No.14494463

you'll get over it once you realize you don't need a story for a game. Doujin artists create their own stories and inside jokes from their game experiences and KC events

>> No.14496743
File: 93 KB, 707x1000, 49389765_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is your canon-friendly comprehensive background story, now please help yourselves and build your own headcanon.

>> No.14496749

From the beginning Kancolle is only strong because in the field of shitty mobile and mobile-like grinding games it's one of the better ones... which isn't saying much. I'm thinking it's the derivative works which propelled the work into popularity.

>This really seeps into the secondary aspect of it too where the only plot point 90% of doujin artists can come to is how much in love all the shippos are with the admiral. Such is the shallow level of "plot" kancolle has.
Reject shipping doujinshi, buy historical doujinshi

>> No.14497242


A shit!

>> No.14497370 [DELETED] 

The first spurt of popularity came when it didn't have a single derivative work. It was purely because of the game's qualities, which isn't saying much, yeah. One of the players tweeted about RNG or something? That helped the spread. At one point registration was locked (in June-July 2013?); the first server was split into three, etc etc, then the lottery.

>small c

>> No.14497437

I'm just gonna call it Combined Fleet Girls Collection until your autism expires or one of us dies, whichever comes first

>> No.14497468

they're reserving the american boatsluts for when it's about to die
it will either resuscitate the game or prove that burgersluts aren't that good afterall and won't overshadow the nipsluts

>> No.14497474

>Combined Fleet Girls Collection
That's alright, actually.

>> No.14502027

>dumb murricans thinking they will EVER be in this game
You were on the wrong side of history. Now better deal with it.

>> No.14502080

Was the Kagerou LN ever translated?

>> No.14502675

Someone who was very bad at Japanese starting translating the first novel and gave up.

I could ask him to continue, if you like.

>> No.14503727

>this thread is STILL alive

Why are 2hufags so rectally ravaged by a shitty browser game? Just because it stole your fan artists?

>> No.14503742

You know what really helps a game's lack of story content?

Reading shit that other people unrelated to the game made and getting told to "build my own headcanon". Yeah, I'll get right on that.

>> No.14505026

That's the spirit of derivative work, yeah.

>> No.14505757

Imagine if this were an anti-touhou thread.
It would have been deleetd in no time.

>> No.14507561

Nah, we all speak japanese here.

>> No.14507573


>> No.14507587


>> No.14511019

I think shipgirls are kancool.

>> No.14514084

Kancolle is about to conquer yet another Comiket.

>> No.14514100

It's not like we care that much though, since we mostly enjoy music and games, which Kancolle has almost no place in.

>> No.14514103


This entire thing just makes me sad.

I really loved Kancolle when it first came out. It seemed to have a lot of potential. Then Kadokawa started ruining it.

Marriage bullshit was the start.

>> No.14514121

>small c

>Marriage bullshit was the start.
It was the best thing to happen to the franchise. Though I agree that just about everything else Kadokawa's doing is ruining it.

>> No.14514122

That's what you deserve for supporting soulless crashgrabs

>> No.14514127

>Marriage bullshit was the start.
I complained about that when it was announced, but all I recall reading at the time was people cheerleading it all the way home.

>> No.14514128

Why are you autist so obsessed about the capital C? Are you boat fuckers all like this?

>> No.14514131

I'm pretty sure it's one super autist.

>> No.14514150


Waifuretards loved it because they could pretend that they married their waifu. Kadokawa even gave them a futon for pretend sex.

Everybody else was either angry at the obvious cashgrab or instantly went back to Touhou.

>> No.14514160

>capital C
No, he is clearly appraising people who use small letter since it's the only correct way of writing that word. Just like
* Amphetamine: alpha-methyl-phenethylamine
* Gestapo: Geheime Staatspolizei ('secret state police')
* Interpol: International Police
* Nabisco: National Biscuit Company

You could write it with capital C only if company would register a trademark using that name (e.g. Microsoft's PowerPoint™). But that's not the case.

>> No.14514184


>> No.14514194 [DELETED] 


>> No.14517984

>Marriage bullshit was the start.
Fuck off back to touhou casual scum.

>> No.14518044

Oh wow, this thread is still alive. Also I just checked timestamps and all posts that bumped this thread from page 10 belong to boatfags. Yeah, it's totally not dying.

>> No.14518629

Marriage wasn't a bad idea, but it did nothing for the game itself besides adding a few extra lines of dialogue to your secretary ship.

You can check this shit for free on kancolle viewer instead of paying five dollars for it. Yeah, it increases the ship's level cap, but at that point, I'd rather the mechanic be called something *else* besides marriage, since marriage and level cap aren't really two concepts that go together... at all.

I.E. It's pointless and doesn't add much to the game besides more grinding, which the game is already full of. I'd rather have a mechanic to feed my ships with sweets or something to give them temporary stat boosts AND by extension, increase an invisible affection rating that unlocks more content relevant to that ship.

>> No.14522460

>Marriage wasn't a bad idea
I'm glad your turbo ota kind is fine with it but such blatant otaku pandering is not OK. It's degrading both for otaku and kanmusu. Not to mention they betrayed their core fanbase of casual mobile gamers and cut off the game's mainstream appeal.

>> No.14522475

>casual mobile gamers

Two mistakes in one.

>> No.14522493

Actually three.

>''''''''casual'''''''' ''''''''mobile'''''''' ''''''''gamers''''''''

>> No.14522497

It's the same retard bumping the same shitcolle threads as he bumps them all at the same time.

>> No.14522503

>typical basement dwellers thinking they know more about Japan than people who actually lived there

>> No.14522514

I'll give casual but the other two are actually talking about the "game" itself.

>> No.14522534

Somebody really wants all these threads to stay alive for some reason (it's not like it's hard, there's like a 48-hour window to bump the thread in). There's several super-autistic Kancolle posters (or maybe just one hyper-autistic Kancolle poster) running around.

>I'd rather have a mechanic to feed my ships with sweets or something to give them temporary stat boosts
You can drill holes in them and put food inside now. The future is already here!

The last time I saw people pushing that was in 2013 when a certain spammer wouldn't shut up about mobile games.

>> No.14522569

I'm pretty sure there are at least two super-autistic posters running around besides myself.
>small c

>You can drill holes in them and put food inside now.
The general consensus is that the few extra points of morale hardly do shit.

>The last time I saw people pushing that was in 2013 when a certain spammer wouldn't shut up about mobile games.
Well it's not a mobile game and there are certainly people who would question its status as a game. Personally I think it is one, though.

>> No.14522653

So I was searching the /a/ archive for something the other day and I saw this
>small c
shit over there. Why am I not surprised boat fuckers are /a/ crossboarders.

>> No.14522671

>Why am I not surprised boat fuckers are /a/ crossboarders.
Welcome to, like, 2013.

>I was searching the /a/ archive for something
Takes one to know one!

>> No.14524272

That genuinely scared me, not memeing

>> No.14524488

How do you say mfw in Chinese?

>> No.14526241

I wish I were a shipgirl.

>> No.14526320

touhou is in recline

>> No.14526406

Why is sparkling still in the game? Are devs that oblivious?

>> No.14526765

Because they are fucking sadists.

>> No.14530295

Sparkling is a good mechanic.

>> No.14532089
File: 41 KB, 501x585, ce6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because spend more $ goy

>> No.14535327 [DELETED] 

Thank you based chinese merchant for creating us such wonderful waifus.
Please take my money I saved up for the marriage with my gf.

>> No.14535731

He did it to kill off old kancolle thread. He has agenda that we're not allowed to post in thread after it reaches bump limit so when he sees we stay in the thread until later pages, he bumps every other thread on the board with some shitposts and creates his own, shitty thread.
Everyone in KanColle threads wishes he died already.

>> No.14539376 [DELETED] 

Are you projecting?

>> No.14539425

Hourai Gekisen, Yoi!! is the flagship Kancolle banner and has been occurring monthly, though I think they may have dropped to by-monthly. The main ones are 1000SP events in Tokyo but they alternate it with a small event that travels around the country.

>> No.14539563 [DELETED] 

>small c

>> No.14543344 [DELETED] 

Kancolle has just as many events as Touhou and they are more frequent. There is a constant influx of new kancolle works instead of noticable hikes like in the case of touhou.

>> No.14544097 [DELETED] 

houraigekisen -translated
Showing 1-25 of 123

"reitaisai 10" -translated
Showing 1-25 of 353

At least 17 Kancolle events versus a single Touhou one.

>> No.14547278

Kancolle will live to see 2hu die.

>> No.14548385

>small c
