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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 736 KB, 1800x1350, vocaloids-296364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14353029 No.14353029 [Reply] [Original]

Post and discuss vocaloid related songs, albums, producers, pictures, videos, etc. UTAU and utaites also allowed because why not.

Previous thread: >>14214418

General info, essentials and download links in the Miku Monday copypasta:

Crossfades google drive:

If you're looking for a specific song or album, try searching on vocadb.net (for reference) or mikudb.moe (for downloads). Or ask in the thread and someone might have it.

>> No.14353456

hi im new here

>> No.14353538
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You've come to the right place

>> No.14353970
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make your self comfortable here. feel free to ask us anything regarding vocaloid should anything come in mind.

>> No.14354008
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Why is she so great?

>> No.14354022
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she, as in Miku, is great because that she is lovely simply put. I could go on forever about her.

>> No.14354209

She's a drawing attached to a voice synthesizer program to gain otaku appeal.

>> No.14354271
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I'm pretty new too, not to vocaloid, but I've only started posting here since last thread.

I find that's actually part of why she is so interesting

>> No.14354273

you're very observant.

>> No.14354527

So how about that Mirai 2015? I wasn't too thrilled with it as the second half was almost all repeats and the band was just competent. My favorites were the Ai Dee and Remocon duets, then Lost One's Weeping. I liked Snowman more than I thought I would.

>> No.14354827
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>> No.14355438

I'm new to this niconico thing. Is favorite-ing a user the same as subscribing to someone on youtube?

>> No.14355481

The 2014 was pretty much a lot of repeats as well but I thought this one was much better. Remocon was awesome, in fact all the Rin & Len songs were. I wish they had kept Leia though, it was such a great performance, but AiDee was nice too. And yes, Snowman was the best Kaito song yet, in any of the concerts; I like Kaito so I thought it was pretty nice as well.

>> No.14355494

Anything good made with Yuki V4 yet?

>> No.14355498

Their uploads will appear in your feed

>> No.14356275

>She won't come to the Midwest
Should I roadtrip to see her?

>> No.14356467

I came from Bumfuck, Iowa to go see her in LA last time, so yes.

>> No.14359639

Anyone know how much tickets will be? And will they sell out the day they go on sale or do I have a while to purchase?

>> No.14359901

pleb ticket is 55 and vip is 150

>> No.14360079

100 extra dollars for a lanyard and a goodie bag?

>> No.14360221

my past experience has been the L.A concerts but VIP holders get access to the standing pit and are as close as possible to the screen/band. If that + the bag/lanyard are worth it to you then go for it. Please keep in mind that these concerts are fucking LOUD and not in a good way, i cant imagine being that close to the speakers for the entire concert being an enjoyable experience

>> No.14360467

Post your favorite VOCALOID PVs!

Here's one of my favorites:

>> No.14360557

I love that one! Here's another じん song with a cute as hell PV.

>> No.14360628


>> No.14360646
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Oh, I haven't seen that one before. Thanks for sharing it! IA has such a comforting voice.

>> No.14361057


>> No.14361064

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19595505 (It looks like a bunch of Scop's songs got deleted from YT, what a shame.)
And anything by Hitoshizuku-P.

Here's also a collection of short PVs from multiple artists. It's pretty great.

>> No.14361151

>And anything by Hitoshizuku-P
Definitely. These two are my favorites:


>> No.14361224

That PinocchioP on was really neat.

>> No.14361475

Why is 闇音レンリ's new voicebank so perfect?

>> No.14364134

PinocchioP has so many great PV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z3TbMBfDM0

>> No.14365242

2 new songs in this week's vocaran..
Is it time to buy nico premium so I can just skip to the UTAU section?

>> No.14367872

I think I fell in love with 闇音レンリ's voice after cillia used her voicebank.

>> No.14367963
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New Famitsu Scans

>> No.14367968
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>> No.14370025

Slow Motion! Fucking nice. Also, is that a new Hitoshizuku-P song? With the Kagamines and Meiko?? omg I want this game so much.

>> No.14370102

Looking pretty good.
Was there a confirmed number in the setlist yet or was it just the producers?

>> No.14370130

>Mexico City is confirmed as the 7th location for Hatsune Miku Expo's 2016 North American tour

Welp, congratulations mexibros

>> No.14370206


>> No.14370351

Now the mexican weebs can't complain on facebook anymore.

>> No.14370372

The Euro's will still constantly complain though.

>> No.14370445

I was already in love with her voicebank when it originally came out, but the new voicebank is absolutely amazing. Even better then メイジ and あけさと in my opinion.

>> No.14370472
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anyone seen her live?

Tickets are on sale tomorrow but am I right in assuming if I can't get right up front it's probably just not worth it? the projection quality is never as good as in Japan and if I were caught on the side or up in the balcony it,d be like watching a movie 1/20 the size of a normal screen only with glow sticks blocking my view.

>> No.14370552

That's pretty smart last city to choose considering it's relatively close, but covers a whole new region. I hope that break even on the concert costs this year.

You can get screwed even in the vip mosh pit if you're short. So yeah, there's a bit of luck involved, but at the LA concert last year, they didnt sell seats for the balcony seats and the 2 sections on the edges. I was centered but a little farther back, so pretty fortunate. Screen was a tad small but I quickly forgot about it once miku appeared. It's definitely a worthwhile experience.

>> No.14370609

i knew there was a large mexican following but i didnt think there was enough to warrant a concert. RIP euro fans

>miku expo in europe

>> No.14370632

Dallas tickets are $33 for pit, that might be presale only though

>> No.14370762
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Friendly reminder why Europe will never get an official concert.

>> No.14370825
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>Miku Expo concert in Ciudad de México

we carlito now mane


>> No.14370893

>DECO*27, n-buna

Dang, I was about to post some fun, silly tinfoil hat thing, but this just threw that aside. Woulda gone something like
>>Mozaik Role
>>Toumei Elegy
>>Yankee Boy Yankee Girl
>>1 2 Fanclub
>>Tsumiki no Ningyou

Oh well. Hyped for Streaming Heart and Slow Motion in any case.

>> No.14370904

i wish theyd somehow add gumi songs to the concerts

>> No.14370924
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It's certainly not enough to warrant a concert but mexicans get hyped like no other with these sort of things, all the weebs in the country are going to gather even if they haven't heard of vocaloid before

>> No.14370929

But then Gumi would overshadow Miku, Japanese take this sort of shit very seriously.

>> No.14370934

>>>Mozaik Role
Aaaand I'm sold

>> No.14371068

>Toumei Elegy
They should at least do Sayonara Wonder Noise.

>> No.14371914
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This desu onii-senpai-tachi

Gumi is just vastly superior to Miku in terms of vocal quality

>> No.14371923
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>> No.14371927
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Rin and Len V4

>> No.14371965

I prefered the black shorts desu
Looks good anyway

>> No.14371966

too bad she's got inferior discography
and inferior popular presence
because of inferior marketing
also inferior number of games of inferior quality

>> No.14371976

But now I can look up her skirt.

>> No.14372068

50 songs

>> No.14372141

Actually it's a skort
It doesn't mean it will stop me from doing it

>> No.14372191

Is there a presale code for today?

>> No.14372418

Shit opinion detected.

>> No.14372436

Poor taste fanboy detected, Gumi is objectively superior, it's not an opinion.

>> No.14372445

Miku is what vocaloid is supposed to sound like. Gumi is just a spin off.

>> No.14372448

Sort of. For the NYC one, if you install their shitty Livenation app, you can buy tickets without a code.

>> No.14372528

I dont see any VIP option in the presale. Just some weird VIP Opera Box with a seat assignment.

>> No.14372533

I was able to get tickets using the app. Thanks!

>> No.14372555

I think, but am not sure, that the $170 tickets are the VIP ones. When I tried to buy them (to see what I'd get at each price), it said they were general admission, and then changed the price to $80. Maybe the presale VIP GA tickets were discounted.

Regardless, I got balcony seating, as I can't handle crowds.

>> No.14372574
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sadly she's a little under-appreciated these days but fond memories all the same

>> No.14372642

What do you guys think of the IA/VT OST? It got me into vocaloid, anything else like it? I really like 石風呂

>> No.14373252

I went to the 2014 show in new york, general standing area was jam packed, and full of assclowns trying to push past you to get closer to the stage.

Definitely buying VIP this year for Toronto.

>> No.14373441

Looks great! No major changes though, apart from Rin's new white shorts. They seem to be going for a black/white approach for each of them and that's fine I guess. I really like the art style.

>> No.14373726

Why did ixima give them crappy headphones? They looks like the cheap headphones you'd buy in the clearance section of Sears.

>> No.14373834
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now you're not alone

>> No.14373935
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I was lucky to find it at a local used bookstore. Great album

>> No.14373951
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>> No.14374331

Is there going to be any difference between locations besides the venue?

>> No.14374494 [SPOILER] 
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is it me or does lapis look a bit like the blue haired girl from the how to draw anime books?

>> No.14374761

>$150 for GA in New York
Well I can't afford that.

Anyway, I pulled Powapowa-P's Human (an Android works) off niconico. It was a swf that didn't want to convert, but I finally got it. It seems to be different from any of the album versions. I like it.


>> No.14374863

God damn.

It was seventy bucks last year.

>> No.14375612
File: 161 KB, 1000x1500, img_illust_rinlenv4x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Kagamine V4X demo! This time it's Rin's Append Sweet:

>> No.14375654

I see. Glad I waited since I'm already driving to Dallas.

>> No.14375674

I liked the older designs for both more, but these aren't bad.

>> No.14375707

Older as in the Append ones? Because the V2 designs were pretty bad. I really like the Append designs, it was something different, but it changed too much and they looked too old.

This new design is a big improvement over the original while including some elements of the Append designs as well. They actually look the right age now, and are even cuter. Len looks way less dorky now too which is a big plus.

>> No.14375731

Man i don't like those sock garters
Rin looks delicious tho

>> No.14376314

Rin looking good as always.

What was your experience like at the NYC concert? I plan to buy tickets tomorrow and I'd like to get a head's up on how it's like since it would be my first time. How are the crowds? What time you should be there at the venue? Will there be merchandise sold at the venue?

>> No.14376412

Now New York isn't showing the breakdown between floor and balcony, it's just saying $60-150. Suppose can hope.

>> No.14376882

As someone that saw both concerts in LA last time, first night seated and second in the pit, I thought the seats were a lot more fun.
In the seats I had at least 4-6 inches of room around me in every direction and could easily jump around, cheer and just, y'know, have FUN at the concert. I was also plenty close to the stage and had no problems seeing or hearing the band.
The pit was the complete opposite. Everybody just pushed for the front and there was no room to do anything. I'm 5' 10" and even in a sea of asians and women, I had trouble seeing anything but the top half of Miku and that the guitar player was really happy the whole time.
The goodie bag was just a lanyard; vinyl and ads for different figure manufacturers.

The crowd at the free expo was an assortment of cringey weebs and normalfags, and I think this is part of why people complained about seeing those types everywhere.
The crowd at the concert, however, was amazing. Great call and response with both lyrics and everybody waving glowsticks (except during Urbandonment, jesus no one had rhythm) and overall super high energy.
I go to all sorts of music events, and it was seriously in my top 5 concerts I've been to. And though this is true for most great concerts, a lot of the best moments came from that synergy between the band and the crowd.
Like how during the last chorus of Fireflower, half the front row burst into a bunch of bright orange glowsticks, and everyone chanting along with Musunde Hiraite and Stargazer, and jumping a lot during Night Fever.

Generally you should be at the venue an hour before the show. The lines were pretty long, but I still had just enough time.
I remember shirts, posters and plushes being sold at the venue, with all that plus figures being sold at the expo.

Overall experience: I had a blast, and can't wait to go again. I've heard the NY expo wasn't so great, but I've also never heard an east-coaster not complaining about something.

I'm very curious of this too.
Any of the west coast shows work for me, but if there's exclusive stuff at one and not the others, I'd like to know so I can book my stuff sooner than later.

>> No.14376897

I was the third guy in line in NY. I showed up at 1 pm and just sat on the ground for seven hours. Felt bad for everyone who came an hour before showtime because goddamn it was packed.

All the glowstick were nice, a bunch of random people were handing them out, which was a tad confusing, but it worked.

Definitely seems worth the money to buy VIP if it gets you in first, since the stage area is primo viewing.

The merch available was largely uninspiring, I wanted one of the t-shirts the staff was wearing more than anything else.

Everything worth having at the expo proper was sold out by the time the concert rolled around, because for some reason it ran for a solid week before the concert played. Kinda silly.

I'm hoping that snagging VIP in Toronto gives me the experience I crave.

>> No.14377519
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Anyone going to the one in Seattle?

>> No.14377684

I now have a sense of what to expect. Ive only been to one other concert here in NY so your experience is very much appreciated. I'll be going by myself and I hope to see any of you there!

Tickets are in 30 minutes and I still don't know whether to go for VIP or balcony seats.

>> No.14377690

Dallas tix are on sale now; other tix are yet to be sold

>> No.14377699

If you get balcony, bring some opera glasses. It's further back than it seems.

>> No.14377739

>Girlfriend wants to get VIP tickets

What does the VIP tickets even get. Anybody have the information from last year just to see if it's worth the money?

>> No.14377755

Who /waitingroom/ here?

>> No.14377764

10 minutes!!

>> No.14377812

Just please God, let me get a decent VIP ticket for toronna

>> No.14377823

A decent amount of swag, but most importantly, good location.

>> No.14377849

All right. I got 2 tickets for the 8 p.m time. I am not a HUGE fan of miku but that's because I haven't really listened to her. Songs I've heard were nice to my ears so far. It'll be pleasant at the very least

>> No.14377896

Snagged a VIP ticket for the Toronto show, thanks for raping ticketmaster, y'all.

It's showing a seating, and all I could get was wide right, I'm kinda bummed.

>> No.14377919

I got VIP tickets for the 8pm show at NYC. I am diamonds!

>> No.14377922

Me too!

Captcha: 3912

>> No.14377941

I want to go to the 8pm time but I'm afraid I might miss the last train back from SF. How long are these concerts usually?

>> No.14377944

Same. I've never been to a big concert before so I don't mind dropping money for the VIP ticket.

>> No.14377953
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>tfw VIP NYC 1:30pm

NYbros report in

>> No.14377965

I think you're the only one going to the daytime concert so far.

>> No.14377970
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I couldn't afford the VIP as Anime North is the week after, so I'm already broke enough as it is. I still got a good seat for a standard ticket though

>> No.14377988

I'm really surprised they're actually seating people at a miku concert.

Seems wrong.

>> No.14377998
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You want to come with me and my girlfriend?

Why the early show Anon. You have work/school in the morning or something?

>> No.14378000

Im also expecting to get a whole bunch of DS street pass tags for Project Mirai DX.

>> No.14378013

If anyone wants to do a group meet during the day I'd be down for it because I'm nervous about wandering around NYC by myself and at nighttime. When the Madoka movie aired there was a google doc or something anons set up to figure out what places to go to.

There's still a lot of time to plan anything out though.

>> No.14378020

Are you afraid of black people Anon?

>> No.14378026

Hell yea! Why not? Let's meet up. I'm going alone so I don't really mind.

>> No.14378029


Read >>14378026

>> No.14378036

Yeah, I found it weird too. Hopefully there is a way to create more space.

>> No.14378052

>$16 service fee for the SF ticket vendor
Such jews.

>> No.14378058

Service fee for NY is $20.65

>> No.14378061

No, I just rarely travel to cities and live in a rural region. I'm used to driving a car and working ten minutes from where I live, not things like taking a subway or being surrounded by tons of people.

>> No.14378091

Do you know of any existing arrangements like the one you mentioned for this concert?

I don't mind going alone but Im open to joining others. I'm sure it'll add to the experience.

>> No.14378257

Anyone else going to Toronto?

Want to meet up?

>> No.14378318

Know a few else who are going, can set up a google doc to plan a meetup?

>> No.14378485 [DELETED] 

Made a document to keep track of a TO meetup, go nuts:
/eQ9ujE (google docs)

>> No.14378493

Here's a document for a Toronto meetup:

>> No.14378590

I'm down for a group meet up at th NYC show. But I've never done anything like that before. How do we go about arranging it? Whats a good time and place? I intend to be in the front of the stage so I was just planing to wait on line for like 4-5 hours

>> No.14378606

Anyone SF @ 8pm here? It seems like it's the least popular... probably due to being so close to the tenderloin and late at night...

>> No.14378616

Wait. I bought tickets for SF at 8. Is it in a shady neighborhood? I don't want to have my organs harvested..

>> No.14378625

It is close to the Tenderloin, which is a pretty bad neighborhood. The Warfield itself is on Market Street, which is a busy street, so you'll probably be ok, but still try to go with a group.

Also I recommend taking public transit there, parking is expensive and there seem to be lots of car break ins...

>> No.14378630

Doing some quick thinking the concert doors open at 7 so Im guessing VIP get in around 6-6:30? the afternoon concert should be done around 3PM. So people might start lining up around then for the night concert. So im thinking some where from noon to 3 is a good time to meet up and not be rushed. We can do whatever but should try to decide before hand. Also somewhere around Penn station would be best place to meet up. Lots of food and stuff around. Of course this is all tentative, anyone have ideas or suggestions?

>> No.14378747

service fee for seattle is $10

>> No.14378955

usually about 2 hours, kinda cutting it close if you're taking the train back home

>> No.14379234

Penn Station sounds like a good place to meet up as it's literally a block over from the concert hall. Each time I go to the city, I try to visit Kinokuniya bookstore just to see what's new. There's still loads of time to plan something out.

Let's create some sort of group/arrangement!

>> No.14379518

Penn sounds good, if I go I'll be taking a train to that station. It'd be good to be familiar with the area while I'm there.

>> No.14379577

>VIP tickets sold out

Fuck my life.

>> No.14379582

They apparently sold out for Toronto in seven minutes.

I'm glad I was on the ball.

>> No.14379593

There's always next year to get VIP ticket I guess.

>> No.14379595

>implying she's coming back to Toronto in a year

>> No.14379599

I'm going to the New York one. I can take a train there for 15 bucks. Sucks to be Canadian though, man.

>> No.14379667

>There's always next year to get VIP ticket I guess
Kill me.

>> No.14379687

>Chinese singing hologram concert held next to strip club
Laughable at best.

>> No.14379722
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first concert ticket: $15
second concert : $75 ORCH CENTER seating
third concert : 125 ORCH CENTER seating

im not liking this trend

>> No.14379766

The more tickets they sell, the better and more concerts they can put on.

If they maximise ticket revenue, in theory they can do bigger and better things.

>> No.14379780
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>Anyone else interested in NYC meet-up

Lets set the time at noon to 1PM to wait for people and the place will be pic related. it's less then 10 min walk to the Hammerstein Ballroom. Does that sound good?

I think thats a good location because if memory servers from last concert there is an exit from penn station on that corner. Correct me if i'm wrong

>> No.14379889

Are those prices all for vocaloid concerts? I don't really go to concerts that often but it seems like most of them are really expensive now.

>> No.14379895

Regarding the NYC concert meet up perhaps there should be two groups, one for the afternoon show and one for the night show.

>> No.14379897

Vocaloid is pretty fucking niche.

They can't risk playing big venues, but still need high revenue to transport the gig around north America.

Can you even guess how much one of the lightbulbs cost in those projectors? And you know they replace them probably every show, because if it goes out midshow, you're fucked because the warmup and cooldown cycles are insane.

Tldr, its an expensive thing to put on, and they can't draw big crowds, so tickets are expensive.

>> No.14379899

those are the prices for the past / present L.A concerts. Not counting the VIP ticket prices or the non center seating prices

>> No.14379910

IA was like 60 bucks and had much lower production values.

>> No.14379913

Really? It had a better expo, though, what with the haunted house and all.

>> No.14379916

>Tldr, its an expensive thing to put on, and they can't draw big crowds, so tickets are expensive.

have you even been to any of these concerts? they had tons of people at the past concerts and they sold a fuckton of figs/merchandise at the last one in L.A. There's no way they are going broke hosting these things

>> No.14379933

Crypton/Sega loses money even hosting concerts as big as Magical Mirai in Japan. They mainly do it for promotional reasons, not to make money.

>> No.14379951
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Wooooo!!! Got me a VIP ticket to the NYC show!! Can't wait to see Meiko's big fucking tits bouncing around then going home jerking off like a madman to them!

>> No.14379956

Why go home to do it?

>> No.14379979


Come now, some degree of modesty is needed in public gatherings. Plus I don't want to get thrown out.

>> No.14379992

I'm a little wary of meetups. At the end of last year's NYC concert some dude hinted about engaging in male to male relations with me...

>> No.14380066

>rudely declines dick
are you some sort of fag, anon?

>> No.14380075

I'm down to slay some decent looking poon in Toronto.

Thank God 16 is legal, and thank God for fake names.

>> No.14380106
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Greetings from /ona/. I'll be attending NYC 8pm. Hope to see you guys there

>> No.14380115

Fair warning to any NY general standing ticket holders.

I got there last year at 1pm, and stood in line the whole time, and still felt too far from the stage, so, unless you are 6'6", consider being there early.

>> No.14380120

I'll be at washington, pretty new vocaloid fan as well.

>> No.14380149


I was in casual attire, not crossplaying.

>> No.14380152

I'm a bit worried about that because I'm a womanlet

I might need to bring a change of shoes or something to get a boost

>> No.14380155

>Fair warning to any NY general standing ticket holders.
>I got there last year at 1pm, and stood in line the whole time, and still felt too far from the stage, so, unless you are 6'6", consider being there early.

What this guy said, my view was obstructed by a number of Fatsune Mikus and rudefags.

>> No.14380167

You should be flattered, even if you aren't interested in men yourself. Unless he was being a creep, that is.

>> No.14380224

Would it be possible to swap with someone if I can't see? Like giving someone my spot on the floor so I can be in a seated area for a better view?

>> No.14380232

You can ask balconyfags in the line, and maybe get lucky.

>> No.14380235
File: 1.02 MB, 342x580, 1433146738214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw tall
feels good never having to worry about this shit

>> No.14380269
File: 74 KB, 600x450, 7667095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dunno man, but I dunno how good the balcony seating will be. This year I got a VIP balcony seating because as I said in >>14380155 I couldn't see shit cause of people but remember, with the balcony seating you'll be all the way in the back. I'm going to bring a pair of Vivitar 3x18 binoculars with me just in case.

>> No.14380317

>bringing back opera glasses for a vocaloid concert


>> No.14380336
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 51YgIVl3fuL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh yeah, I found these on the net just in case I misplace my Vivitars as the day of the concert approaches. Something for the balcony folks to consider. They're about $10 and have different colors but I'm posting the clear blue for obvious reasons. Anyway they have mixed reviews so purchase with caution or buy the really expensive classy as fuck ones.




Funny thing about the B&H store is that it's across from the Hammerstein Ballroom so if you decide to pick it up in the last minute you can run across. But remember, READ THE REVIEWS FIRST.

>> No.14381807

I wonder if there will be any non-shit tickets left in a week.

Probably not, going by how fast VIP sold out.

Why not just make every ticket VIP upgradeable, really pander to that rich, otaku market?

>> No.14385038

Six months is so very far away.

>> No.14385115

The older you get, six months will seem like only a few weeks.

>> No.14385148

I'm pretty old.

>> No.14386419

just was thinking about this earlier. ugh...

>> No.14387885

I made a little poll if anyone wants to answer some questions.

>> No.14387934


Hey there's no mention of not wanting a dick to be put inside of me.

>> No.14387941

For "Would you room with a fellow anon?" i answered "Only if you're DTF."

>> No.14387968

>For "Would you room with a fellow anon?" i answered "Only if you're DTF."

I sure as Hell am not rooming with you.

>> No.14388581

I also answered something like this.

>> No.14389130

>not dtf
didnt want to room with you anyways faggot

>> No.14389932

What does DTF mean? Is it something about stealing organs?

>> No.14389947

Down to fuck.

Everyone wants to plow a 5/10 weeb girl with poor hygiene.

>> No.14391100


Some of the weeb grills in LA are delicious. some of them are underage, but that's even better.

>> No.14391294

I just want to attend a concert and maybe hang out with other vocaloid fans. Why is /jp/ so obsessed with having sex?

>> No.14391414

Should I buy Miku concert tickets in LA? Has anyone gone? Is it any good?

>> No.14391457

Anons are really fucking gay. Don't worry, guy. I just got my LA ticket and have no gay plans.

>> No.14391516

If you (or anyone else interested) are going to the show in LA, I'm looking to split a room. I won't rape you, and the hotel I plan to stay at offers rooms with separate beds if you don't want to be cuddle buddies.

The concert is the bees knees if you're at all a fan of vocaloid, videos don't do justice to how fun it is actually being there.
Nokia Theater itself is a pretty nice midsize venue. I was in the right side orchestra last time and didn't have any problems seeing or hearing the band.

>> No.14391588

I just bought a ticket. Stupid expensive so I hope it's worth it. I really want to meet Anons too though I can't help you with the hotel room as I live 30 mins away from the venue.

>> No.14391601

I go to that liberal university east of SF so I will go to that concert. I wanted to visit LA but it's during finals week, which is disappointing.

>> No.14392369
File: 40 KB, 600x450, 00808_a2jbwzABHhm_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$90 for floor in NY, $75 for 2nd balcony
FUUUUU, I spent everything on my Craigslist find. Now I'm gonna have to flip it to afford this. The darned thing has an i7 3770 that would've had 50% faster encoding than my current X3450 rig, too.
I'd sell the X3450 rig but I don't have a case. A server mobo with ECC RAM isn't going to part out well.

Wait a minute...
Is that a GTX 570?
This... might work. I have a 6770 that would make that into a ~$220 light gaming rig, and the GTX 570 is worth $80. With the value of the 6770 and PSU taken into consideration... that would net me ~$140.
Wohoo! I might be able to keep my i7.

>> No.14392606
File: 902 KB, 1000x1412, 53653498_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Rin's new design, she looks girlier

I hope they fix her forearm though, holy shit

>> No.14392736


I want to plow someone cosplaying a vocaloid, and even better if they share their age.

>> No.14393122

Why are they so fucking cuuuuuuute

I hadn't noticed the heart on their boots. It looks kinda gay on Len, but that makes it even cuter actually

>> No.14394529

Good luck trying to find a grill over 4/10 that will let you plow her :^)

I sure as hell wouldn't let /jp/ touch me unless you're at least a 7/10. Loli tax calls for a handsome person to fling with.

>> No.14394880

>If you (or anyone else interested) are going to the show in LA, I'm looking to split a room. I won't rape you, and the hotel I plan to stay at offers rooms with separate beds if you don't want to be cuddle buddies.

Thanks man but I'm going to the NYC concert. Much appreciate that you won't rape me though.

>> No.14395683

How about a Neanderthal?

I'm not pretty but I deadlift lmao7pl8 and that means something somewhere on 4chan.

>> No.14398069

I fucking love Rin

>> No.14398378
File: 3.85 MB, 1280x1753, MIZKI contest ver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

POST COVERS. VY1v4 a best.


>> No.14398631
File: 846 KB, 990x810, ba3c9ae40824138405ceb6a17ab300b9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Miku from the bottom of my heart~

>> No.14398881

I love her from the base of my penis.

>> No.14398900

You are missing out whole a lot then.

>> No.14398932
File: 614 KB, 800x1000, rin_len.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin and Len are just the best.

>> No.14399456

Could do without the one on the right to be honest, family.

>> No.14399461

It's your loss, monosexual.

>> No.14399479
File: 348 KB, 1500x1067, 45667359_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of faggot would turn away a cute girly boy like this

>> No.14399529

I really thought white weebs were the worst until I met Mexican ones t b j masa

>> No.14401661
File: 311 KB, 1000x1125, dd4a9dac3570226c6bfd9d2fba6d3ff5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's origin of this qt outfit?

>> No.14402629

Where can I find the set list for this concert?

>> No.14402834
File: 314 KB, 991x1327, 854224679764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kagamine Len no Bousou, I think

>> No.14402838

I don't think it's out yet.

>> No.14403156

>Want to go to Miku Expo
>Never been to a concert before
>Start looking up costs for plane tickets and hotel rooms
>Cry in a corner

I'm a minimum wage IT slave so this is 2 or 3 paychecks to me at the very least.

>> No.14403331

Roadtrip instead and look into hostels. The only problem is that you will need more time off. Also, you really shouldn't be paid minimum wage if you're in IT.

>> No.14403447

Where do you live?

For example, I live near toronto, and for the 2014 expo I took a 12 hour greyhound to new york, and then immediately after the concert took one back.

Bus round trip was about 240 CAD.

>> No.14403458


Dude, save up for the next concert and then you can get yourself VIP tickets and rock out with your cock out in front of the stage. You still have your youth.

>> No.14403518

>next concert

Someone doesn't understand how unlikely that is.

>> No.14403665
File: 156 KB, 850x850, 050f2a845c1e987fa0e487f52dddc36b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Considering compared to the last US Expo that they're having adding shows in TEXAS, TORONTO AND even in the cesspool that's Mexico along with the fact that the VIP tickets sold out fast, IMO I'd say it'll be a good chance that another Expo will take place in the following year.

>> No.14403691
File: 186 KB, 445x324, 1287020183614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You live near toronto, huh? Can't wait to plow your ass in May.

>> No.14403744
File: 223 KB, 800x800, 7102cdd2229112236060bb10f8ac3642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Goddamn, why is /jp/ so homo?! Fuck, when I go to the concert I'mma grow a beard, cut my hair really short and wear a trench coat. This is probably the only instance where I appreciate age ravaging the looks I inherited from my mother...

>> No.14403879

homos > lolicons anyday

I know I'm going to deal with a few of them while waiting in line.

>> No.14403944

>I know I'm going to deal with a few of them while waiting in line.

Talkin about the homos or loli cons? I imagine we'll be dealing with both on the lines...

>> No.14404028

Lol good luck senpai I'm bear mode.

If there are any loli that need to get worn like a sock though, I'm all ears.

>> No.14404511

Both will show up but the lolicons will go after me. Hoping the homos won't wear anything stupid like a tail or furry suit.

>> No.14404633

I'm literally going to throw you over my shoulder on the way out of the concert, and take you to the nearest hotel to catch the night train to pound town.

Start stretching.

>> No.14405259
File: 68 KB, 515x425, coming20151124_92[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

winter is coming

>> No.14407632

And so am I.

>> No.14408142

Is there a reason why GSC always uses the same pool of design ideas for Miku figures? It's a real bummer that there's a bunch of cool module designs in Project Diva, as well as the multitude of designs from popular PVs and album art, we'll never see any of them. Instead we'll always get the same winter, spring and racing queen Mikus again and again every year.

>> No.14408214

We have many figures based on Project Diva: Mikuzukin, swimsuit, Summer memory, Christmas, World is Mine, Deep sea girl etc.

>> No.14408226

Not sure what you mean. There's been different miku figs for the versions, append, tell your world, underwater, love is war etc etc.

Racing miku is pretty diverse for a simple race queen.

Now, snow miku tends to have awful designs that seem as un-miku as it gets.

This new one is cute though. Just miku in ski gear.

>> No.14408669

Sorry, I probably should've clarified in the first place. I meant specifically posable lines like Figma and Nendoroid. Statues aren't really my thing personally, but yeah, I'm definitely envious of them considering all the stuff that's been released as scale figures. Mikuzukin, Shinkai Shoujo, even stuff as outlandish as Calne Cal.

That's the kind of stuff I'd rather own, because that's the kind of imagery I associate with her. Miku in skis is neat, and the Knight-themed Racing Queen Miku looks awesome, but I'd take, say, a figure of Miku from Matryoshka, or Miku from Common World Domination, or Miku from Project Diva's Unhappy Refrain PV, any day.


>> No.14408809
File: 611 KB, 750x1031, miku gambler 44285755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Common world domination and unhappy refrain themes are pretty unremarkable. They work well in the song, but don't give a sculptor anything interesting to play with. Matryoshka's design is fantastic, but it's very stylized and hard to translate into 3D where you wont get the nice thick linework that really sells it. Not saying I wouldn't want these too, but I can see why they were never made. As for me, I'm just a sucker for anything cute. There's all sorts of gems on pixiv I would like to see sculpted, but never will. Pic related and the winter night miku are a few.

>> No.14409248
File: 123 KB, 600x800, luvoratorrrrry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought I'd have best lucking asking here: was luvoratorrrrry ever released in an album? Or literally anything but nico?

Can't seem to find it and really don't want to have to rip it off the the video

>> No.14409299

So are westerners who write about Miku just ignorant when they write "Hatsune Miku" instead of "Miku Hatsune"?

It's kind of embarrassing.

>> No.14409305

hasnt been on a cd as far as i know. I was pretty bummed it wasnt included on No Title+

>> No.14409320

no, you just sound like a newfag or fag in general if you say it the other way

>> No.14409355

Yeah, would expect it to be out on one of the Exit Tunes compliations at the very least

>> No.14409398


>> No.14409482

You're joking right? How's it embarrassing?

>> No.14410810

Len V4X demo is out (Append Serious):


He sounds great! The improvement the V4 brings is much more noticeable here than in Rin's demo, IMO.

>> No.14410834
File: 551 KB, 1920x1200, weoMHdk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those new designs are really growing on me

>> No.14412774

Len should have shorter shorts :3

>> No.14412841

Len is just as cute as Rin.

dunno about homo
would carry both home

>> No.14412876

The garters and headphones are so-so but the rest of the design is alright.
The real fun will come once english demos will be released. Hope it's not too much of a trainwreck.

>> No.14413140
File: 600 KB, 1118x692, Miku Expo clothes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahaha! Got my outfit for the Vocaloid concert!

>> No.14415807
File: 83 KB, 540x540, 1448598437856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Kikuo

>> No.14417697
File: 387 KB, 640x1136, LIVE009_1136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14419145
File: 364 KB, 566x800, miku bikini 43919826_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me find songs with lewd lyrics. Worst I can think of is sweet devil

>> No.14419159


>> No.14419219
File: 435 KB, 512x384, 1400513868087.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14419257


>> No.14419277

>your banana, my mango
Holy shit, thanks anon, that was great.

Well, that was lewd. I can never take that second song pv seriously though.

>> No.14419312

almost forgot


>> No.14420029
File: 352 KB, 1000x1000, 16324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This new producer is not very talented. I got excited to see another Rin solo album out but there is nothing bright in this guy's future.

>> No.14420888
File: 97 KB, 404x600, rin 51982698_p37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gave it a listen. Damn, the more I hear, the more I'm impressed. Great ambience, really solid rhythm section, and interesting usage of rin. Even the album cover is stellar. Thanks

>> No.14421940

Interesting is one way of putting it I guess

>> No.14422079

I wish he still didn't have that ugly ponytail or it was drawn better.

>> No.14422106
File: 590 KB, 1039x737, 43948963_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New trailer


>> No.14422138

>I wish he still didn't have that ugly ponytail or it was drawn better.

It's as if his head was in the middle of taking a shit.

>> No.14422168

Not every producer has to try to make it as close to human singing as possible. It has an almost staccato style and it mixes into the erratic beats well. I wouldn't say they're especially skilled with the vocaloid software, but its consistent and doesn't sound bad to me.

>Not available in your country
How long is this travesty going to continue?

>> No.14422470

nico mirror:

>> No.14422571

Is there a way to spoof your geolocation on youtube, because constantly being blocked like this is starting to piss me off something fierce.

>> No.14422623

It's too consistent, it becomes repetitive.

>> No.14422686


>> No.14422699

Slow Motion sounded... off.

>> No.14422920

I hope こぬこ tries using it.

>> No.14423695



>> No.14425305


>> No.14427559

IDK, I kind of like the half-ponytail. It makes him unique.

>> No.14430663

Slow Motion! awesome. I might get a Vita just for this game.

>> No.14431361
File: 835 KB, 960x720, 1449002901300.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the original MMD video this is from?

>> No.14431659
File: 42 KB, 444x600, CVME3nJVAAA2Uf8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting 1 million for a miku concert

When did crypton become so Jew?

>> No.14431670

Millions of people are getting money on patreon. Other people figure: Why spend money when people are willing to pre-absorb expenses for me?
Megadeth produced their new album entirely on fan donations as well.

>> No.14431827

>not paying 1 million for a private concert of Hatsune Miku

why are you so jew?

Besides, concerts are expensive Miku needs money to buy more meds to deal with constant weebs during shows. Give the poor hologram a break for once.

>> No.14431860


>> No.14431883

Is this official? If it is it would severely hurt my view of Crypton.

>> No.14431894

Would it? No matter how much I love Miku... Crypton are out to make some cold, hard cash. They sure like the fans, but they ain't a fan community.

>> No.14431947

It's just a backer reward they put at the end for fun, I highly doubt they expect anyone to do it. All of their expo concerts from previous years ran at a deficit, they're primary goal the whole time is to spread vocaloid awareness.

>> No.14432016

If CFM just wanted cash, they wouldn't be offering physical backer rewards.

Besides, lets consider the cost of the following

Hiring the band members
Travel expenses for the band members
Light bulbs for the show (I bet they have to buy new ones for every show so that one doesn't accidentally go out during a performance leaving a no hologram show)
Song Licensing
Venue Expenses


Merchandise sales probably make CFM break even so honestly idc that CFM is doing this. There's a physical reward involved for me to pledge money so it's basically a glorified pre-order for exclusive MikuExpo merch. What's the harm in that?

>> No.14432023

I didn't say they *just* want the cash. But if they can sneak that in, why wouldn't they? It's an opportunity to make money. Crypton garners a lot of good will, but they're not saints, they're a company.

>> No.14432034
File: 154 KB, 652x748, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never take a picture with your goddess of music
Why live? And how they fuck did they go so fast?

>> No.14432041

New to vocaloid.

i have listen to a hand full of vocaloid songs and some i like and some i didnt.

one i did like was the one with the group of people all have a diffrent color to them and then one girl who also wears red scarf. one of the other guys has like a red track jacket.
Don't remember what it was call but it was sad.

>> No.14432042
File: 226 KB, 500x688, 8b68274ed2e3e91e0e8891ec820e68a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not putting your every waking hour into becoming a good musician so you can take miku out on tour one day.

"I thought you wanted to be with me, anon-kun".

>> No.14432064
File: 853 KB, 1827x2500, Essential vocaloid chart miku albums recommendation hatsune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14432073

I-I'm doing my best given the circumstances...

>> No.14432292

Feeling bored and wanting to listen to new stuff at random. Is there a reasonable radio stream that any of you guys like for Vocaloid stuff?

Usually I just end up surfing video sites to see what I haven't found yet.

>> No.14432313

Just watch the weekly vocarans to see what's popylar. Though lately there has been barely any new songs at all.

>> No.14432455
File: 712 KB, 1295x1812, 15771521_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hendrix made his world-changing debut by 25, anon. You have some time left! Work hard and do it for Miku.

>> No.14432510


Link please.

>> No.14432517


>> No.14432525
File: 428 KB, 1000x750, miku santa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I looked at this earlier today and it was 7%.

>People actually bought out the on-stage photos when this exists
It actually makes me a little happy

>> No.14432543


Ah all the way at the bottom, thanks!

They need to come to ATL.

>> No.14432548

>Same. It at least ensures me we'll have Miku with Crypton support behind her for a long time.

>> No.14432581 [DELETED] 


You know what's funny? I SWORE that ALL the photo ops were sold out but I wanted to purchase the glowstick so I did, now I dunno if once they got my shipping info they found out I was in NJ because when I went back to the pledger's page all of a sudden they have one remaining photo op in NYC left. lolwut.

>> No.14432590

someone could have pulled out

>> No.14432595


Sorry deleted my post cause I thought I may have misread being late and all that but you brought up a good point. Still not shelling 400 beans for a photo op with a hologram.

>> No.14432596
File: 347 KB, 650x841, miku 8th 51932281_p14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the number's have been fluctuating on the % reached graph too. It could be people are dropping out occasionally. Miku causing a few rash decisions. I can't blame em.

>> No.14432610

>Yeah the number's have been fluctuating on the % reached graph too. It could be people are dropping out occasionally. Miku causing a few rash decisions. I can't blame em.

Well I'm not one to talk for shelling out $35 for an official multicolored sex toy lol. It would be interesting to see what's their totals at the end.

>> No.14432624

I am in the front VIP area in my city, so I felt obligated to buy the glow stick. Don't mind at all though.

>> No.14432632


Same here. Man this is the most money I ever spent on for one event.

>> No.14432638

Wait what the fuck I pay 80 McDoubles for a ticket and they don't even give me a free glowstick?

>> No.14432643 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 691x960, hachioji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Broke down and got the autographed album, it'll be a nice Christmas present to myself. Rather that than a "multi-colored sex toy".

>> No.14432647

They do give out a free glowstick. It's not color changing though. It doesn't feel right for the crowd to have a bunch of aquamarine sticks when another vocaloid is singing

>> No.14432648


Nah I think they'll give you a standard chemical glowstick unless things change up which would be rather retarded.

>> No.14432651


All sold out on my end.

>> No.14432652

Things almost went retarded since the Warfield (SF) doesn't allow glowsticks normally. They managed to make an exception for Miku though.

>> No.14432656
File: 48 KB, 691x960, hachioji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Broke down and got the autographed album, it'll be a nice Christmas present to myself. I'd rather that than a "multi-colored sex toy" for almost the same price.

>> No.14432659

I really want that but I already spent all my disposable income for the month on Orangestar's album. rip

>> No.14432661
File: 183 KB, 650x919, miku black white tank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should be getting something like this anyways

So the official one is not a bad idea at all.

>> No.14432668


Why? They're afraid of the chemicals in the sticks? Shit they got Fukushima run off to worry about in their coastline...

>> No.14432676
File: 321 KB, 2112x2112, oster2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll be my first full album, most of what I have is sample tracks from artbooks, like OSTER Project, good remixes.

>> No.14432855
File: 1.52 MB, 1440x905, JZg3KmY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. I haven't downloaded anything from niconico in a long time (say, when nicosound was still a thing).

I'd like to update my discographies a bit. What's the best way download PVs and/or audios nowadays?

>> No.14432867

I check out 9tensu, they update quite frequently.

>> No.14432868
File: 667 KB, 485x485, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(still me) On a side note, for those who like Yukari check out "A Place Where You Hope" by Yokomin.

>> No.14432880

I strictly meant downloading niconico songs. I know where and how to get albums - sorry if I wasn't being clear enough.

>> No.14432883

Sorry anon, no idea then.

>> No.14432904
File: 942 KB, 700x1000, miku 53606205_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've used this before. http://www.vid-dl.net/

Any chrome or firefox extensions I've tried never worked for me.

>> No.14433576

Freemake video downloader lets me download video, I reckon it would allow you to rip audio.

>> No.14433731

>remix a Miku song with Rin
>............and Len

>> No.14433786

Fuck Len. No one likes him.

>> No.14433991

I'll try this.

I've been using Freemake for ages but never managed to make it work for niconico.

... just tried now and it worked. Pretty weird. Quality looks flawless as well. And yes Freemake also has a mp3 converter built in.

Thank you both.

>> No.14434443

Len is great. Can't say I'd fuck him though.

>> No.14434467

I like him. Not the best vocaloid but he's decent. Both kagamines have an annoying fan base though so I usually stick to Luka or Meiko.

>> No.14434530

I can't say I'm too good at saying what any given vocaloid's fanbase is like.

>> No.14434926
File: 128 KB, 363x494, 1427470226509-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore him he's a bully

>> No.14435032

I find it silly to group fanbases by vocaloids. After all, they're just voicebanks. Following producers seems more reasonable.

>> No.14435132

Is anyone meeting up for the concert in dallas? I bought 5 VIP tickets and as far as i know only one of my friends has confirmed in going with me. I've only been to dallas once and I wouldn't mind meeting new people while im there.

>> No.14435502

>actually taking that choice seriously

>> No.14435549

All rabid fans are annoying, though. Sure, Len's fangirls are annoying, but so are Miku's waifufags (which there are a lot more of in this board)

>> No.14435602
File: 208 KB, 800x600, Sometimes+i+say+lol+out+loud+then+i+feel+the+_29f63f478bda9f24a9d1d89784053257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well sue me for being in love!

>> No.14435723
File: 331 KB, 600x875, miku megaphone 53214360_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Letting the fan base dictate your preference

The only thing that annoys me are those people at cons who cosplay as miku or say they are huge fans when they don't know kemu from keeno.

>> No.14436150

I looked at going to the dallas concert, went online the night after they announced this, and the tickets were SOLD OUT ALREADY
Jesus, this is happening like 4 months from now

>> No.14436159

Hey, can anyone get this video for me?

I tried using the Vid-DL site, but it gave me a 403 error even though I was logged in

>> No.14436168

I could get it, but how am I supposed to get it to you?

>> No.14436172

Dropbox or mediafire
or any other filesharing site
also, do you have any idea why vid-dl isnt working for me? It used to

>> No.14436209
File: 49 KB, 510x688, miku scarf tears 41249696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The very last line is ohayou.Just too heartbreaking.

>> No.14436531

New thread: >>14436518
