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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1443427 No.1443427 [Reply] [Original]

i'd like to treat you all to a little story that will hopefully garner for me some answers on how society, or rather 4chan, looks at, (or down upon) weeaboos.

i frequent Max Karaoke, a japanese karaoke studio in Little Tokyo of Los Angeles. where i'll sing either in Japanese by actually reading kana, NOT memorizing the song or bringing any kind of animelyrics.com print-out lyric sheet, or english songs depending on the crowd i'm rolling with. i'm cool with the people who work on the weekends, which is when i usually go.

after we finished our session, one of the workers was off work, so we just chilled outside and chatted while we waited for the buzz to wear off. among the various things we discussed, my hatred of otaku/weeaboo came up.

yes, i hate them with a passion. perhaps an obsession. that does not mean i hate anime or japanese culture, but i am at the same time not an enthusiast or a weeaboo as you would put it. i enjoyed my share of anime in high school, and enjoy J-Rock to this day. but i cannot, absolutely cannot stand it when the teacher springs homework on us and the entire mass around me responds with


>> No.1443494
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>> No.1443497
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>> No.1443428

so, back to the discussion, i preached of my misforgivings toward the weeaboo, speaking of instances where i have played on FFXI with other jp/ens that actually know more japanese than my 2 years worth of learning simply by watching subbed anime and matching common words with the subtitles. his response was something i could not believe.

"Amazing! That must require much skill!"

"What?! Are you serious?! That's not skill, it's... It's horrifying! Anyone who can do that watches WAY too much anime!"

"No, I don't think so. I think it's wonderful that our culture can influence so many people in America."

"Uh, you're familiar with the word 'Otaku,' right? Otaku no imi shitteiru?"

"Yes, of course."

"It's like that here! Like Trekkies, you know?"

"Hmmm... I think what it is...is YOUR own perceptions. You choose to see it in a negative way."

>> No.1443436

Cool story broom

>> No.1443444

What does that "EEEHHH??" thing have to do with anything?

>> No.1443446

u r a fuckin weabo

>> No.1443452

>Little Tokyo of Los Angeles

>> No.1443447

>Is it wrong to laugh at a fat nigger cosplaying as Inuyasha

It isn't because he's a weeaboo. It's because he's a bad cosplayer

>> No.1443451

I don't think you belong here.

>> No.1443458

If you're not an otaku yourself, why are you here?

>> No.1443465


because i had just realized that this board was FOR otaku, not against. my sincerest apologies.

>> No.1443469

No no, on 4chan you twit.

>> No.1443475


>> No.1443485

well, it isn't like i lurk around every single day on 4chan, but i hadn't thought of EVERY SINGLE PERSON that goes to this board was that kind of person. if that's the case, why do i see people trashing weeaboos around on other boards? or do those people just do it to make themselves feel better, denying their true selves? now i'm confused.

>> No.1443490

OP, why are you such a weeaboo? You're just as bad as the KAWAII DESU NE? crowd.

>> No.1443498

>isn't like i lurk around every single day on 4chan
Or, in other words:
>I'm from /b/.
Back to it, then.

>> No.1443503

I had a few professors who actually encouraged the class to watch anime (and other TV) to practice listening comprehension, and to read manga to practice reading comprehension. Obviously they would never recommend JUST those things, but they are easy to get into and readily available outside of Japan.

It's been mentioned a lot before, but fellow geeks/otaku are much more stigmatizing than the general populace most of the time. We create all that shit about "suppressing your power level" or making fun of people because they don't know as many obscure things as we do. Most regular people are too absorbed in their own lives to give a shit about what you like to do with your free time.

>> No.1443504

it's not surprising that to even post in search of an answer, i'm accussed of being one and the same with them. think what you will of it, but all i can say is what i am and am not.

>> No.1443510

Why hating anyway? Not every weeaboo is a retarded teenage "so random XD" faggot.

>> No.1443517


'I'm so Japanese I shit the emperor'

This what you basically were saying.

>> No.1443518

> Is it wrong to laugh at a fat nigger cosplaying as Inuyasha?
yes, it's inexcusable, next time you could try eating only 2 burgers instead of 6

>> No.1443522

yeah, because untranslated manga are in every goddamn bookstore... amirite?

>> No.1443607


>> No.1445639

It's true. Weeaboos hate weeaboos more than normalfags do. That's why Tomohiro Kato went to Akihabara to kill other weeaboos, not any other crowded venue.

>> No.1445657

Learning Japanese from mango and animu isn't so bad. It starts getting really annoying when they go overboard, you know what I mean. That and some of them are just really lame to begin with.

>> No.1445679

The frightening truth is that Otakuism over the last 10 years has become much more exceptable in Japan. Otakus still hate Otakus because they hate themselves and this won't change very quickly, but the general public, the otaku has gone from a buffoon to a despised paranoia, back to buffoon again and now seems ubiquitous enough an influence that it's almost normal to expect a sizeable percentage of young males to be Otakus to some degree. I mean, look at the prime minister, he's openly laughed about his otaku-tendencies, even if most wouldn't consider him a true otaku by a longshot. So what's happening is that Otaku culture is being domesticized and made somewhat more mundane, and the sense of what true otakus are is fading, just like the real hardcore otaku shops and hot-spots in Akiba are swiftly disappearing as well. Just like here on 4chan, in its own way the subculture over there has become increasingly intermarried with the mainstream.

I guess Otakuism has spread like a disease in a childless Japan and become a victim of its own success. Just like Okada would have wished, that asshole.

>> No.1445706


Son of a bitch, stop saying that! "J-Rock" is not a fucking music genre. There is "rock", there is "metal", but there is no "J-rock"!

>> No.1445710

I guess J-Pop is just Pop, to you, then?

>> No.1445714


Actually I would, Japanese Pop, like the Pop of any other country. There was never any reason to make it a genre to itself.

>> No.1445730

Get out. If you don't like J-pop, you shouldn't be here.

>> No.1445755

"weeaboo" isn't necessarily defined by the image of a fat/sweaty/smelly/socially mal-adjusted/4-chan trolling nerd

a mental leap that is hard for some people to make is that you can be healthy physically, mentally, and socially, and still nurture a strong affinity for anime and other japanese culture. heck, even keep a few figurines on your desk.

the negative connotation of "weeaboo" has resulted from the fact that it's a sort of wild fandom that people can use as a substitute for real conversation in order to connect with other people; pair that with being able to do it over the internet, and you've allowed a culture of hermits to emerge.

it's sad, because you can pretty much instantly recognize the type: they are fundamentally good people, but because of their inexperience with social situations you can't stand to be around them.

thinking of a good remedy for such a condition has proved difficult.

>> No.1445759

.Little Tokyo of Los Angeles

Enuff said...

>> No.1445769

let's go out for a drink anon

>> No.1445771

Because otakus are surfing the ridge of a social revolution. We don't need any of the bullshit that makes a normal a borken mess of nerves and inner rage. We've unleased the power of our minds, and if that was a super-power, we'd the the Justice League of the planet earth.

>> No.1445788

>i frequent Max Karaoke, a japanese karaoke studio in Little Tokyo of Los Angeles
Hey, I've been there more than a few times. I don't sing in Japanese but some of my friends do. I usually go to Little Tokyo for lunch along 1st St. or to buy shit at Kinokuniya.

When it comes to hating weeaboos, the "weeaboo" part is far less important than the "this person is fucking annoying" part. Imagine if these weeaboos weren't fans of anime, but of indie bands or computer hardware or pro football. They would still be fucking annoying. In fact, I'm sure you already know people exactly like this. I like to think that the weeaboos I hate are just little shitheads who happen to be nuts about anime.

So if you're into Japanese culture but you actually act like a normal, non-irritating person, then what's the problem? Too bad being obnoxious means you're noticed ten times as often.

>> No.1445791


Well, I fit the stereotype physically, but I like to tell myself I do a pretty thorough job of suppressing it. You'd have to be another Anon to recognize it from tiny details in conversation I think, but I rolled a pretty high CHA, can put on a good act, and carry a generic conversation, nerdy or otherwise, without making a fool of myself.

But it's a tiring act, and because I am alienated from normalfags and hate my fellow comrades who are incapable of this simple act, I am alone, and never socialize with my counterparts outside the internet, where I insult and troll them liberally.

>> No.1445804

Who cares what one Jap living in America thinks about weeaboos.

he/she fucking lives here, of course they're going love Americans.

>> No.1445805

Oh, hey me!

>> No.1445825

Fail for using "newfag" in that comic. What the fuck happened to "lurk more", people?! Seriously!

>> No.1445842

Back in my day, lurking more meant something.
I myself lurked for 6 months before I made my first post.

>> No.1445846

>real conversation
Small talk then getting to know one-another, you mean? Too much work, I say. I could meet someone from here and already know much of their story because it's just like mine. Way less work.

>> No.1445857

I lurked twenty seven years, both ways up hill during a snowstorm and not once did I ever complain.

>> No.1445861

kakkoi monogatari aniki

>> No.1445900


I'm strong at bullshitting a professional conversation. In a meeting, in an interview or speaking with partners/customers, I would grade my communication power as a B+. I'll never have the CHA of a tall, ripped alpha male go-getter, but I can at least impart a sense of confidence and education.

However, my normal-casual conversation skills are weaker -- I'd say a C. You see, if it's not for work I can't get energized enough to give a shit about it, so I end up leaving gaps in meanigless conversations and then I end up being over-concious of this fact and then fall into making little clumsy mistakes filling the gaps. I also try to immitate topics I hear elsehwere because being an otaku the only subjects I'm deeply involved in outside of work are anime and games.

When stuck in a normal-casual situation, the best way to deal with it if you ahve poor conversing skills is to simply bet on the fact that people perfer to talk about themselves -- ask them about things you know they're interested in. For instance, ask a muslim about their religion (guarenteed for a whole day of avoidence if you need to). Ask someone who travels alot about how they would rate the different airlines/hotels. Let them do all the talking, and just nod and make noises at the right spot. It works every single time.

>> No.1445964

>bet on the fact that people prefer to talk about themselves
I just realized that the whole reason I like listening to people is because that strategy is effective. I must have become conditioned to think of people talking about themselves as safe. Damn, I'm so isolated from humanity it gives me chills.

>> No.1445976

small talk doesn't have much to do with social adjustment. even ditzy girls can have vapid banter regarding whatever they've been watching on TV, and a lot of weeaboo discussion amounts to just about that.

can you connect on a deeper level with whoever you're speaking to? can you choose your words carefully in such a way that you're essentially saying the same thing, but with tact?

sounds like a lot of work, and it is...but the work is mostly in getting there, and finding the opportunities to practice.

getting along with someone you don't know well is a rare (and extrememly marketable) skill.

>> No.1445998

pretty sure a Japanese American doesn't live in Japan

Its pretty much the law to be racist in Japan
