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14429808 No.14429808 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>14399863

Aigis Event: Swordswoman of the Boiling Sands

LoV Event: Temael's Lakeside

Kanpani Girls Giveaway: Complete Main Quest by December 23rd

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>> No.14429858
File: 189 KB, 662x163, MyComp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What level should my team be at before tackling chapter 6?

>> No.14429859

So, anyone still got problems trying to play Dragon Providence?

Also, this was posted a while ago: https://twitter.com/tonatsu_iriyama/status/671123806342086657

>> No.14429867

I've been wondering for a while, but has everyone been getting the class crystals from the daily advance map only, or is there another way to get them?

>> No.14430156
File: 141 KB, 885x593, チーム1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started Aigis two weeks ago, read up lots of faqs, blogs, wikis to be as efficient a f2p can be.

50CC'ed some silver units I thought are pretty useful but I still get stomped in the 25+ charisma story missions. Is this game considered difficult or is it just a case of me being bad?

>> No.14430189

It's pretty easy, you just need to git gud

>> No.14430195

CCing your Iris and Katie will help.

>> No.14430197

Grind more and CC more

>> No.14430201

Should've gone for Bashira first not Daniella, platinum are far better than silvers, other than that you're looking good for someone 2 weeks in.

>> No.14430228

Raise golds/silvers to 30, CC Iris, follow videos if you can't beat map.

>> No.14430251
File: 224 KB, 815x535, i give up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me how useful Echidna is?

I just decided to give up on Anya but can't decide whether to buy Aria/Echidna or just buy the time fairy and wait for the next revival.

>> No.14430265

Go with time fairy if you can't get Anya.

>> No.14430343

Most blogs I read encourage to CC silvers first since newbies do not have the assets to CC gold+ units. That's why I decided to CC Daniela first.

Also thanks for the input anons. I suppose I'll just tough it out some more.

One last thing, I read that it's recommended for f2p to not roll the gacha and keep the gems for stamina refills during events. Is that a sound advice yes or no?

>> No.14430352

Thats not such a bad choice then.

>> No.14430362

Yes. In general, 10 or more crystals is a good estimate to save for charisma/stamina refills if you want to have a decent chance of maxing out a particular event unit, as opposed to blowing two rolls on the shrine for some shitty silvers.

You'll also want to buy exp buffs early to help you plow through the first 100 levels, so that your Prince levels quickly and you get the chance to increase your max stamina. Beyond that, focus on expanding your barracks first or saving a few crystals for buffs if events get too tough.

If you still have leftover crystals and there's a spotlight unit you really want, go for it.

>> No.14430372

>One last thing, I read that it's recommended for f2p to not roll the gacha and keep the gems for stamina refills during events. Is that a sound advice yes or no?
Best course is to re-roll game till you get at least 1 princess and 1 decent HA. If you are already too far into it with current account and don't want to restart game, its very hard to say what is better.
Nutaku version is castrated, because of lack of gold rushes and missing events, you are not getting many essential gold+ units and gacha is your only source. However, your chances at gacha w/out rl money investment are abysmal, and most likely you will waste your SC on getting completely useless crap, while spending on stamina refills guarantees you desired result.

>> No.14430388

Forgot to mention, drop events like Karma's will demand at least ~30 crystals for fully maxing out a unit, but those units are typically the best event units to offer, so that's another thing to keep in mind.

>> No.14430420

Karma is pretty much only collection event unit you would absolutely need to max out, and it already passed.
Future collection events:
Imeria — "must have" unit, but you need her for her ability, and it works w/out deploying, so cost and skill are optional. No SC needed for base unit.
Clodia — gimmick princess. Not needed unless you don't have any gacha princesses.
Liana — black healer. If you want to use her, mincosting is essential.
Nagi — black ninja. Ninjas are not very useful, and there's Saki available at TP.
Sera — gold Eretto is available from GR and is generally better, but if you want to use Sera mincosting is very important.
Pipin — funshui are very gimmicky class. Not worth SC.
Etana — black bishop. Cost doesn't matter much. Skill level is somewhat important since you want to skill awaken her as soon as possible (her skill AW is only point making her very good unit), but doable with rainbows/Fes without spending SC on her.

>> No.14430437

Alright, to the piggy bank with them crystals.

I'm playing on dmm. Are these events that are scheduled over there? Also, I don't really think my roster will be powerful enough to take part in events for quite some time. I think I'll just try to get the story missions done at a pace I'm comfortable with and CC what I already have.

>> No.14430442

Ah, well, for DMM nobody knows what new events we get, and revivals are in form of revival crystals.

>> No.14430462

My post >>14430372 isn't valid for DMM too. On DMM all necessary units you can get from trade post for demon crystals or gold rushes, so gacha units are not needed at all, SCs are better be spent on box expansion, second barracks (you accumulate units at insane rates there) and stamina refills (revivals, DC grinding, event units).

>> No.14430467

Getting basic event unit without skill up/cost reduction is usually very easy, so you should do that.

>> No.14430475

I just got Liana (and Jerome, with Adelle theother day) and I noticed during this event that I don't have good enough healing, I've got a trio of max level Iris, Fedora and Alissa (along with a 50CC40 Christopher)

Should I use a EXP armour on Liana then bump her up to 50CC30 or carry on taking my Mikoto up to 80 from 63?

>> No.14430490

Maybe, one day, Nutaku will do the same.

>> No.14430493

>Pipin — funshui are very gimmicky class. Not worth SC.

I've found Feng Shui users very useful to reduce environmental damage and do mass heals, but whatever.

When they did her most recent revival, they introduced skill fairies, and her cost isn't so important.

>> No.14430500

Can't see it happening considering how they keep removing good units from the game. Even silver ninja Kagerou got axed, despite being fully grown adult woman with boobs.

>> No.14430503

I actually tried getting Aria last week, I thought I'd be good if I cleared 4 maps to get her as a basic unit. But it seems I mistook her acquirement conditions so nothing for me. Not tragic though since I've got Katie and they seem to fill the same roles.

>> No.14430510

>and her cost isn't so important
Yes, thats exactly what I said too.

Aria is revival unit. Revivals work in different way from normal events, and as new player you have very little chances at revivals w/out paying tons of money.

>> No.14430519

>Sera — gold Eretto is available from GR and is generally better.
No. Sera is one of best tank in jp version. I don't know what the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.14430525

> tanking with healers

>> No.14430529

Outside of golems, she can tank everything, especial magic damage type

>> No.14430531

She's a hybrid unit, not specifically a healer. It'd be like saying you won't use battle mages as tanks because they're mages.

>> No.14430538

Yes, but her stats as blocker are terrible. If you want to tank stuff, magic armors like Lychee or actual HAs are much better choice.
And unlike Erett you can't force her into heal while blocking mode, so you have to rely on that retarded gimmicky once per 30 secs heal skill.

>> No.14430550

For her cost she has great blocking stats. Of course you're not going to use her in the same way as you would a HA/magic armor.

Her normal skill was pretty undesirable, but her AW skill completely fixes that and she was already among the best magic tanks.

>> No.14430805
File: 10 KB, 230x95, 2015-12-02 072453-Kanpani Girls - Adventure Game _ Nutaku.com - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daily advance
what you mean the class quest? Thats the only place to farm them, really.

>> No.14430875

Going to have to save up on employee stones again then. Already on Chapter 5, and I'm getting slaughtered as I haven't been able to evolve anyone yet.

Also who's gotten to play dragon providence. I still can' t actually play the game yet for some reason.

>> No.14430878

Did they really replace Kagerou for a silver rogue?

>> No.14430900

Yep, no idea why though. It's not like she's a loli like old artwork Mischa.

>> No.14430916

Welp, that was a fast drop for DP. Before the issue of voice acting, dialogue lines and sprite artwork... the UI killed it.


Ahh, it's been a while since I heard that exclamation. The same as when I first did that map.


I find that what your gear is like is just as important as what level your employees are. At least, it will be for chapter 7+. Just head over to chapter 6 and be prepared to CEO cheese to get a foothold.


It's also possible to get them from character quests.


Chapter 5 is far too early to be thinking about using class crystals. Shards or ores should be enough.

>> No.14431015

I now have 4 recipes that want magical water... and I've never had one drop so far. The usual RNG torture I see.

>> No.14431052

guy tell me i'm not the only one getting ass-raped by this event
i can barely 3* the last 3 maps, got a perfect Solano easy enough but this is hell

I feel the need for AW now more than ever...

>> No.14431066

If you can 3* them, what's your problem?

>> No.14431142

>Imeria — "must have"
What? I never use bandits. When are bandits necessary over either armors or valk/princesses?

>Nagi — black ninja. Ninjas are not very useful, and there's Saki available at TP.
Nagi is a great unit because her cost is low, especially after awakening, but her skill can make her absurdly tanky for a while.

>Pipin — funshui are very gimmicky class.
You say gimmicky, I say the best multitarget healing per second in the game against concentrated AoE while also trivializing maps that use poison/heat/thirst/snow/sandstorms.

>> No.14431145

First half of the event was easy enough for my team.

First god-tier event? Not so much. Took six tries (didn't use any reference videos), but I eventually got the 3*.

>> No.14431154

>What? I never use bandits. When are bandits necessary over either armors or valk/princesses?
When you deal with golems in magic city story maps.
Imeria makes several bandits have over 4000 hp+def, making them good anti-golem tanks. None of princesses or valks can survive one hit from bigger golems.

>> No.14431158
File: 319 KB, 957x639, heatedbattleteam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being stupid and upload my pic, 4chan.

>> No.14431162
File: 236 KB, 959x639, heatedbattleclear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least all those retries paid off.

>> No.14431224

Fuck this shit. Guess I'll stick to grinding Alissa to mincost her.

>> No.14431321

Wow, that last X battle has just buttfucked me. I can't handle Horus, and then my decimated team falls to the fucking liches.

Well, at least we have two weeks to level our teams.

>> No.14431325

Okay I feel like an idiot now. You don't need all three items to evolve a character do you?

>> No.14431367

Nope. I have 8 girls over 70 now and I haven't used a crystal yet.

>> No.14431393

well... 1*... wrong key

>> No.14431397

You pick 1 of the 3 to use.

>> No.14431576

Well. I thought the drop rate of crystals seemed ridiculously low for needing all three parts to class evolve.

I guess I let that 150k exp go to waste on the rest of my party then.

You had trouble with a team like that? Guess it'll be a fun event.

>> No.14431658

I thought there might've been a cleaner solution, but looking at other people's 3* videos, I'm seeing a lot of unit switching just to handle the ridiculous rush at the end. Me, I just tried to DPS the fuck out of everything before it got out of control, but I still had to use every last unit to get through.

It's not quite as tight as Flame Beast X was, I think, but it was still pretty hectic in the end.

>> No.14431683

Is nutaku still destroying lolis left and right? I need up to date information to properly mock my brother.

>> No.14431703
File: 192 KB, 959x547, goma3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiho survived in Nutaku Aigis. Other lolis are still MIA.

Osawari has laid off on the bullshit eyejobs, though the cutest Eromon still got boobjobbed.

>> No.14431719
File: 244 KB, 740x214, howcanIselfinsertwhenhetalks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the first time the Prince speaks?

>> No.14431732
File: 27 KB, 391x525, CVMFxyiVEAAqqoH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Aegis event spoilers.

Looks like a good event to skip if it ends up being a farm event. I've been spending way too many crystals recently and she's not even a cute maido.

>> No.14431746

Good job skipping over the word "armors"

>> No.14431754

Hm, I wonder what she'll do. I have the other platinum maid but maids are all about their ability, it seems.

>> No.14431758

Shit like this was why I quit back when it was just lord of valkyrie and aigis.

>> No.14431772

Okay, this isn't even just bad translations, they're not even attempting to keep basic English grammar. It's basically someone translating each word literally and leaving it in the order they appeared and saying that's how English is supposed to be spoken, or read in this case.

>> No.14431781

Only 4 HAs can survive one hit from golem, and you get additional problem of multi-blocking, random passerby can easily finish off your HA if its blow is timed with golem's.
Not to mention much higher unit cost.

>> No.14431783

You clearly don't know Japanese if you think that's the order the words appeared. People who don't know what they're talking about should shut up. Not to say that Nutaku's practices should be defended.

>> No.14431799
File: 1.07 MB, 1194x728, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When'd the name disappear?

Also, I have no idea what to say anymore. Tried going on to Chrome to play the dragon providence game; not only was it not working, this appeared for Kanpani Girls as well.

I'm fucking using the latest version of chrome, so why the fuck is this message popping up?

>> No.14431808

There are plenty of units that can buff armors' defenses as well. There are also other classes like avengers and paladins I've seen used. Personally I delt with the axe golem from the axe golem map by bursting it down with a princess but that was using too many blacks to count.

>> No.14431814

You're right, I don't know Japanese, and that's probably not the order the words appeared in, however, there is definitely something wrong here, even if it's just how the sentence is structured.

>> No.14431819

> Xcellion
> each word literally and leaving it in the order they appeared
Not surprised. Namefag making ass out of himself again.

>> No.14431838

Only just added Ristis can survive axe golem out of all avengers. From Paladins, only black one and only while her skill lasts.
If you further narrow it down to non-gacha units, none of them can do it.

>> No.14431842

>Anna, an expidition make ready for.
>The desert kingdom to rescue we go.

they should have translated it that way

>> No.14431854

Meanwhile for Bandits, your non Gacha options are either the unit who you "only need for her ability." or spending the resources to awaken and raise two bandits just to use one of them.

>> No.14431859

Except there's nothing wrong with it at all.

>> No.14431901

>Anna, make ready for an expedition. We go to rescue the desert kingdom.

I'll just go with a phrase that has helped me in my school writing career, "If it sounds weird when you read it out loud, you should probably rewrite it."

In this case, my issue with the translation is in the second sentence the Prince says "We go to rescue the desert kingdom." While technically correct, English grammar is a bitch and hence auxiliary verbs and whatnot like will/can/should/etc. exist. In this case, having the sentence as something like:
>We (will) go to rescue the desert kingdom.
can instantly sound like something decent in terms of English grammar.

In that case, most likely it was the translator forgot to add a word into the text, and for that, it was wrong of me to say something along the lines of what I did.

>> No.14431911

this is an incredibly minor error compared to everything else

>> No.14432005

i play them all on opera w/o problems

>> No.14432020

I'll have to try that then, thank you.

>> No.14432098
File: 787 KB, 970x648, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (27).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tough event. Without pegasus rider or equivalent, this is best I can do no matter what.

>> No.14432139

Opera's working like a charm, thanks again.

>> No.14432212
File: 715 KB, 949x588, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got her. How well do rogues fare on higher levels?

>> No.14432249

Rogues work best for really tanky enemies and boss fights, but they are really fragile.

Shove her in the back row with a weapon that gives Shadow Snake Punch and the poison will cheese the hell out of the victim, most notably 10-7's Siegrid. Might as well add in some direct hit bonuses to make sure the attack connects and evasion bonuses to help with survival.

>> No.14432301

I was thinking, "We are going to rescue the desert kingdom" makes the most sense.

>> No.14432538
File: 45 KB, 289x422, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spent days farming for gold chests
>Just got 2 gold chests in one go just minutes ago
>They turned out to be material

Now I'm convinced that the RNG hates me.

>> No.14432988

I'm ready prince Yoda.

>> No.14432991

I know what you mean, 2 weeks trying to get Ann's weapon bp and still nothing. And i should start looking for a poison weapon, chapter 10 is a pain.

>> No.14433108

I three starred all the maps and completed the drop bonuses and there's still two weeks to go. This event is such a pushover, at least with the cat I could farm skill fodder for Spica
Are there any worthwhile silvers dropping in this one?

>> No.14433158

Farming the hard wednesday dailys is awful, I've been at it almost 2 hours now.

>> No.14433232

Got some 7-8 rainbow fairies from the last anniversary map and Raven didn't fail a single skill up, nice.
I'm inexplicably popular with lesbians.

>> No.14433392

After 30 runs I still haven't gotten a single rainbow.

>> No.14433398

It's the cyclop boss with the axe that drops it. If you're killing it that's really unlucky.

>> No.14433434
File: 88 KB, 759x487, ;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, it's my shit luck.

>> No.14433537

Why the hell are you comparing Bandits and Armors?

You may as well compare Mages and Ninjas next.

>> No.14433545

Do you even know English? Neither of those sentences is wrong.

>Make ready for an expedition.
Is perfectly fine.

>We go to rescue the desert kingdom.
Is rather formal, but again, perfectly fine, even more so considering the speaker is a Prince.

>> No.14433566



>> No.14433571

Kanpani girls event when?

>> No.14433667

What kind of events does Kanpani have anyway?

>> No.14433703

Farm Event Maps for event material item drops.

>> No.14433769

Anyone else getting disconnected a lot from Nutaku's Kanpani Girls?

>> No.14433776

Yup. Prett much on every 2nd or 3rd loading screen.

>> No.14433777

I got "Sever Error" as they call it. Getting disconnected constantly now.

>> No.14433868

We can't even get Kagerou in our version. Mischa is cute and has cute animal ears so she's probably hopeless.

>> No.14433903

What exactly is her problem?

>> No.14434049

Probably too small boobs.

>> No.14434069

Which is stupid since while she has smaller breasts she doesn't look loli at all.

>> No.14434106

Did you miss Osawari fiasco?
Nutaku hates everything "weeaboo" and given chance would redraw everything into their favorite western 3d-plastic style.

>> No.14434243


>> No.14434260

why would you need to remove the lolipops?
they're censoring all the loli-s

>> No.14434308

Because candy is only for children. No adult anywhere in the world could ever possibly want a tasty treat like that.

>> No.14434510


I think I ate all your luck. I got 6 recipes in the last 36 hours or so.

>> No.14434779

Jet mages can melt ninja beams, jews did the holocaust. Discuss.

>> No.14434843

Where should I farm for unit XP? Still run Return to Ruins or go for Immortal Beast (3-star'd it recently)?

>> No.14435072

>accidentally enter the 90/12 revival map with a team with 4 of the units i use for it missing and a thief in it
>3* it anyway
>can't get enough crystals for the time fairy anyway because i'm hopelessly addicted to gacha

>> No.14435088

Because he was saying you needed bandits to tank golems, but armors can also tank golems.

>> No.14435100

Only Miranda from units freemium player can get.
While with Imeria, you can use even Conrad (attainable from GR), and have total 3 cheap UP 1-block units to tank golems.

>> No.14435103

To illustrate my point, here is someone tanking golems with only farmable non awoken units. Notice the absence of bandits. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faRRAzYccUk

>> No.14435121

>Only 338 crystals
>event ends today.
What do I spend it on?! I can probably farm a 100 more. but yea.

>> No.14435136

Axe golem is "tanked" with tokens and karma. Not really good illustration.
Yes, Memento and Karma are superior tanks of everything, nobody questioned it. But I for one don't have any of these two, so its either Imeria + any gold+ bandit or Miranda. Since Miranda is also needed to tank non-axe golem, having bandits is essential.

>> No.14435137

Which is stupid because, what about the 99% of the time where you're NOT tanking Golems?

>> No.14435141

If you still didn't get time fairy, go buy some SCs and grind as fast as you can. She's priceless.

>> No.14435145

Bandits are useful for many things. You can tank ogres, kill ogres, kill liches and do many other things you can't do with more brittle units or 3-block units. 10% hp bonus to already 3k+ hp units is one of best class buffs in Aigis.

>> No.14435153


>> No.14435170

And do I keep her til the next Anya event? I mean, I know I can use her on other units. But it just seems like a waste for some reason.

I meant the revival.

>> No.14435176

No, at next Anya event you buy second time fairy and use that one for Anya.

>> No.14435191

Got 20 queens and 10 plats from 60/60, still have 23 SC left.
Should I grind more fairies or save up SC for further events? We are most likely getting gold rush for christmas/new year, would suck to not have SCs for refills at that time.

>> No.14435296

Fucking hell, is Horace drop rate just this terrible or what? I've been spamming the first 5 stam mission and have not gotten a single Horace drop at all

>> No.14435308

Final Battle X:

>Horace: Argh we are utterly defeated...

Horace broke through my front lines, the 3rd lich + undead spam killed everything, but I had 2 life left. That's not "utterly defeated" Horace.

>> No.14435313

I just realized. Horace is a star trial. I'm a fucking retard

>> No.14435324


It's a Star Trial event, anon. She doesn't drop at all.

>> No.14435327

Well, we probably aren't going to get such a nice fairy map for a while and we can get some more SCs before Gold Rush.
Still a good idea to save about 20 SC. GR should have many gacha golds and you never know when they might add some cutie for rainbow crystals exchange.

>> No.14435338

Play along, Prince. She wants to be utterly defeated.

>> No.14435360

> I've been spamming the first 5 stam mission

>> No.14435361

Hah yes, its so silly how they are all like "ho boy, we won!" when your whole party has been wiped out, and that last lich that slowly shuffles to your point, just isn't enough to bring your two lifes down to zero.
Yup, everyone has been knocked the fuck out, we didn't stop a incredibly powerful lich. Must be a great victory indeed.

What do hearts in this game mean anyway? I'm guessing they mean the grunt units of the army of the Prince that hold the backlines, every monster you let through gets stopped there but at the cost of the fodder that fights them.

>> No.14435425

Aigis personally fries their shit, probably.

That ancient lich who just waltzed down your defense line and made his grand entrance into your base won't have much time to feel smug about it, because our god is a hungry god and undead taste almost as good as sacred crystals to her.

>> No.14435434

I got 11 minutes left...

100 more crystals to go for time fairy. And 8 SC left. I hope I make it.

>> No.14435458

Pretty much no way, I don't think you have enough time even if you 2x the entire way

>> No.14435463

Isn't this event supposed to be done with AW units?

>> No.14435472
File: 441 KB, 1366x768, damnit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I do this. I knew I didn't have enough time too.

>> No.14435480

Man, you had 2 fucking weeks, what were you doing all that time?

>> No.14435483

This desu, I had 50 crystals at the start of the event. Already finished this weekend

>> No.14435486

You can 3* everything without AW Units.

But since this event happened on DMM after Awakening had already arrived, it was probably made under the assumption that the higher level players had one or two AW units (and so difficulty is set to slightly below that so that the regular people struggle on the harder maps).

>> No.14435487

Yes, but its possible to beat without awakened units.

There are no maps in aigis which allow non-aw deployment but cannot be solved w/out aw units, so raise your units, devise better tactics, or if nothing helps, pay for gacha units or pay for buffs.

>> No.14435501

I spent most of it grinding the other maps for fairies. I didn't think it was worth the time to farm for it since I could be getting alot of fairies instead. I was just reading this thread and somebody said you had to get it, so well I tried at the last minute.

>> No.14435511

Aside from the Fes and Happy fairies, the other fairies aren't necessary unless you have a shitton of units you wanna level. Only the 6 stam map with spirit queens shat out fairies like candy anyways, which only came second week

>> No.14435518
File: 209 KB, 959x639, finalbattlexclear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prince can solo Horace or a king mummy with three healers

Huh. Who knew?

>no drops

>> No.14436016
File: 39 KB, 391x525, CVRO00TUwAAeFwg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New premium rogue is pretty cute. And she has another one of those annoying + drop rate abilities +2%/4% for silvers(excluding fairies).

>> No.14436057

> +2%/4% for silvers
> gacha-only plat
Fuck this shit, why not at least make her gold.
On other hand, its going to affect completion-bonus maps only, I already have over 150 silvers in my 3rd barrack.

>> No.14436190

Haha, I'll accept that explaination

>> No.14436474

Aigis EN: Are there simpler alternatives for the last 2 maps? Or are those by Nasu already at the absolute easiest level?

>> No.14436575
File: 63 KB, 959x637, phat-dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know decensoring is hard work, but did someone at Nutaku look down their pants, compare this image, and say "Yep, looks about right" ?

>> No.14436600

This is SFW board, better delete pic yourself.
> and say "Yep, looks about right"
Osawari girls looked about right for them, so that's some general perception disease plaguing their company.

>> No.14436606

Maid star trial time

>> No.14436608

Subjugation event with 1001 enemy per map and black armor as reward. Holy fuck.

>> No.14436614

I've seen some shit uncensored art in my time but I think that takes the cake

>> No.14436615

DMM aigis died?

>> No.14436623

>need sleep
>wait fo aigis
>see 15 cha

>> No.14436627

Errors up the wazoo

>> No.14436637

It's being slammed right now as everyone wants to see their new Meteor cutie.

>> No.14436797

Kanpani. Are there any difference from class hammer from weapon hammer?

>> No.14436820
File: 336 KB, 420x593, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (29).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran this new subjugation one time. This is most efficient way I ever spent 70 charisma.

>> No.14436868
File: 217 KB, 949x632, twintail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I get a sapphire unit on dmm? Is it part of anniversary or what?

>> No.14436871

Yep, gift unit. Enjoy.

Also, hory shit do minotaurs hit hard.

>> No.14436896

Is it worth getting barracks after you got all your slot expansions as a f2p? Aigis seems spammy with all kind of units.

>> No.14436904

Yep, it is

>> No.14436907

Alright, thanks.

>> No.14436973

>1 rainbow crystal

>> No.14436994


>> No.14436998

Selling her worth 1 rainbow crystal.

>> No.14437001

that is pretty silly
I wonder if anyone is even bothering with rainbow crystals right now. I mean, there's no waifu to be bought with those, yet

>> No.14437030

Previous thread had guy selling off his dupe gacha blacks/plats for rainbow crystals.

>> No.14437059
File: 632 KB, 813x546, dark_knight_skill_aw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just one awesome husbando. Pricy, though.

>> No.14437165

As F2P i'm having problems to get at least 24 stars, i haven't a single premium unit because RNG hates me way to much and i've started during the Odette event. I hate my luck.

>> No.14437290

I reached almost 800 with units I didn't care about and would have otherwise eaten during exp events.
I kept Jerobro but he's ready to be sacrificed in case they add some cutie.

>> No.14437369

So i just pulled Elizabeth from the gacha, how good is she compared to my archers ? I already have Nanaly/Spica/Bashira/Victoria, is it worth it to lvl her ?

>> No.14437456


>> No.14437473

Go look at the story missions page on the wikia

>> No.14437477

wow, I barely got through the 5sta map. Really shitty layout and those minotaurs two-hit my soldiers

>> No.14437481

Should I buy the plat cannon for the 200 apology crystals? I only have the silver one and she's not good enough to farm high difficulty thursday dailies

>> No.14437513

If you don't have Sandra or AW sailor, sure

>> No.14437516

That plat cannoneer isn't going to 1shot the god tier gazers either.
Buy Maurette and skill AW her.

>> No.14437980

Haha, that's a mushroom, not a dick.

>> No.14438147

Could somebody post the exp chart that shows the amount of increments of platinum armour level ups required to get to max for each rarity?

>> No.14438258
File: 110 KB, 952x631, ahhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14438398
File: 103 KB, 1013x927, 1441446463174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't cover Awakened units

>> No.14438616
File: 249 KB, 4800x4600, 1433634521177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enter Dragon Providence.
>Get 3 SSR's and over a half dozen SR's from the gatcha by the time I'm in the second main area.

>> No.14438746

The only real rare ranks are L and LR, you get plenty of R+ using raid tickets.

>> No.14438761

Accidentally sold all my Aquamarines and now recipes start wanting them again for cold gear and character weapons. Well, it's an excuse to raise another batch of fresh 2-3* girls to Lv 40.

>> No.14438882

how often should I farm blueprints for gear? Every 2nd or 3rd chapter or what?

>> No.14438883

talking about kanpani btw

>> No.14438896

Lab weapons are good until chapter 7+, Character weapons are better than Lab if 3* or more or in some cases even less than that.
Armors well... if you are lucky to get lab armors you are good to go at side for element armors that require some heavy farming.

>> No.14438909

is there any lab route thats recommended for characters lvl 50ish?

>> No.14438937


I get Topaz, I get Ruby, I even get Turquoise but Aquamarine just keeps evading the RNG. I'm still blocked on several recipes because of no Magical Water. The pain...


From chapter 6 onwards, I found I was hitting a wall and needed to grind at the first stage of a chapter. While getting EXP I'd get recipes, then I'd push forward after whacking with a hammer (and a sci forge). In principle, CEO cheese will see you through most maps unless your gear is hopelessly out of date.


What path is required for lab armour recipes?

>> No.14438970
File: 202 KB, 1283x1834, labyrinth_eng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lab per se is really easy if you are not willing to go on the lvl 70 route, armors and weapons as far as i know are dropped at random during the route, the boss basically decide what you are most probably getting if you get a gold chest.
This pic should help you out.

>> No.14438981

I thought armors are not dropping from non-90+ routes?

>> No.14438990

I can't say, i haven't tryied that much myself, still trying to get over chapter 10.

>> No.14439139

Let me just point out that some of the illustrators are extremely lazy when it comes to drawing anything that's not a girl. Just look at Mehlis' scenes. It's basically a triangle.

>> No.14439186

Or more like artist knows it does not need to be any good as it will get blurred to smithereens.

>> No.14439219

That's a good point.

>> No.14439354

Only the turbo whales will actually get that black armor. At 900 you have to deal with a thunder and wind god at once, which maybe isn't too bad until the other 99 units they come with show up.

>> No.14439387

Fuujin and raijin can be dealt with. Real problem is that untankable red oni king, he deals 4000+ damage at very fast speed when enraged, and has quite a lot of hp, karma skill runs out before you can get him.

>> No.14439466

Yes, that's what I meant. And your ranged units won't be doing much damage to the oni king since they'll be busy with all the flying stuff.

>> No.14439531

It's definitely possible without being a major whale. You do need a really leveled team compared to previous subjugation missions.


>> No.14439535

Sure, but hope you can get to at least 900 kills - the reward is Themis the plat valk.

>> No.14439541

Unfortunately the 900 reward is just the Gold Princess Themis.

>> No.14439562

Oh. Not Thetis the crazy lesbian, Themis. Oops.
Well, now I don't feel so bad about not being able to get her.

>> No.14439612

So, how does some revivals work? I'm talking about collecting certain drops to perfect a certain unit type of event. For example, if I never perfected Karma at first and I do so in her revival event, would I need to throw away the first Karma for the perfected one, or do some combining shit?

>> No.14439623

They change drops for revivals, removing event item and adding revival crystals instead. Then you buy unit for RC in TP.

>> No.14439625

For Karma, you can buy her as Regular or Immortal, with Immortal being more expensive.

They also usually charge you less for additional copies of a unit. So for example, 150 RC for Echidna, 100 RCs if you already have her.

>> No.14439632

Thanks, anons.

>> No.14439637

It's really shitty rates compared to original event though. Especially star trials

>> No.14439640

Star trials work the same?

>> No.14439645

From what I've seen, every event that isn't a unit farm event becomes an RC event.

>> No.14439646

Star Trials work as >>14439623

>> No.14439654

You would still get to farm the silver drops, I assume.

Well, that's one more curiosity off my mind.

>> No.14439666

What is best story map for unit exp farming?
I'm usually running 拠点争奪戦・後 but also 3-starred 城下町 and 風神退治 now. Their total exp dropped is better (and much more money-efficient), but charisma cost is much higher either.

>> No.14439703

Oh man, this desert G map.
If I put down 3 healers, I won't have enough dps remaining, and those three liches are spawning from so far away, they do way too much damage if I just let them waddle their way up to a good melee spot. If I swap one of the healers for an archer or something else, there isn't enough healing available to keep the blockers up.
What do?

>> No.14439797

It's pretty easy to divide the exp amount by the charisma cost.

>> No.14439819

Yes, but there are no values for exp that I could find. Story maps have different drop rates, you cannot just use max possible gain for such calculations.

>> No.14439855
File: 146 KB, 1769x494, expp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was posted on ulmf a while ago by that petite soeur guy. No idea how accurate/up to date it is.

Apparently the 66 cost jungle map is the best exp map now.

>> No.14440758
File: 648 KB, 950x590, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mace + Wand
damm that was a good run

>> No.14440942

On ENG Aigis, anyone knows how many cycles before the trading post goes back to Chydis?
I'm lacking a good healer so...

>> No.14440970

Nobody knows anything about future of eng Aigis, even nutaku themselves.
Nordland requested TP update like 3 weeks ago and it doesn't look like devs are going to do it.
Maybe they are waiting for canoneer class introduction so they could change Spica to Janna. Maybe not.

During the time Spica is staying in TP on ENG version, JP version cycled through all plat units 2 times already.

>> No.14441062

Its been nearly a year since the last cycle...if you can call it that.

>> No.14441260

>my 232 slots are filled with tons of silvers
>no crystals for barracks because of anya revival
Life is hard

>> No.14441840
File: 614 KB, 661x463, teamscrub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marica still needs leveling but what would be the recommended level for doing the character story of Monique and Ann?

Most of my gears are 2+ tier 5 (except for reduce bracers) and have +2 character story weapons of romana, hilde, and marica.

>> No.14441864

For 3-stars characters, level 50 is recommended.

>> No.14442019
File: 663 KB, 948x587, ss (2015-12-04 at 02.26.09).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got 3 gold chests from one quest

>> No.14442070

Let me guess, all the same BP?

>> No.14442129

Nope all different. But not the one I was trying to get

>> No.14442267

such is the sadic rng irony

>> No.14442580

I don't think anywhere has story mission drop rates. Use your intuition to find the best mission, anon!

>> No.14443160

Posting this after >>14439855 is pretty stupid, you know.

>> No.14443478

Did you read the text in that picture by any chance?

>> No.14443513

Are you now going to claim you don't understand how exp gain specified there is result of multiplying drop rate with max exp and then dividing by char? You can even easily get drop rate values back from these values in table because of class-specific exp listed.

>> No.14443558

We aren't sure if the drop rates being used to make that chart are accurate. It's based on some JP aggregate data and not actual data mining.

>> No.14443571

I was a different Anon, but it outright states that these numbers are all guesses based on Fuujin Extermination because no one actually knows the drop rates.

Or are are you saying you still didn't bother to read the text even after me pointing that out?

>> No.14443578

>but it outright states that these numbers are all guesses based on Fuujin Extermination
No, it doesn't say that, wtf. It said that numbers for last map are inaccurate because of changes after data was collected, learn to read pls.

>> No.14443589

Its amusing how you turned "風神退治 is calculated as if 85 75 65 instead 70 80 80" to "these numbers are all guesses" and then dare to call other people "didn't bother to read the text".

>> No.14443698

So, Question. Should I awaken Iris or Yuuno?
Iris can heal just by placing her but Yuuno gives a 7% buff to healers just by being in the party, so I'm leaning toward her.

>> No.14443709

I went with Yuno first.

>> No.14443938
File: 201 KB, 257x491, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. Had one leftover copy of Lize after spending 4x3 copies trying to get last cost reduction during event. Decided to feed it today, because no point in keeping it, and bam, fucking CR from the only fucking copy. And I already had give up on raising her.

>> No.14444271

Man, those fucking pirates hit hard. 1*ed but not by much, missed out on Palace.

>> No.14444286

This is where vampire hunters' high defense comes in handy.

Why did you wait?

>> No.14444299

>Why did you wait?
I usually get better results with cring via packs of 4, so I thought to wait for revival or use her for skill up of someone else with same skill.

>> No.14444314

New GK event, suddenly my defensive battle reports is filled to the brim. Half of these are people that deploy a single nano to check for dragonmaids and then give up because there are dragonmaids.

>> No.14444319

There's no good solution for dragons when attacking, so that's what you get for using dragons.

>> No.14444325

How common are synthesis events? I'm wondering how long I should wait before CR Katie with the copy I got from the fairy event.

>> No.14444333

So Cristopher becomes "Priestess" after CC. CCing is dangerous process in nutaku.

>> No.14444431

There's plenty of good solutions. you just gotta remember that defeating them isn't the objective.
3 starred plenty of castles with dragon maids.

>> No.14444458

I only had them there still because of the previous event.

Really depends on the castle layout, some times its really easy to just kite them around in some corner while the rest of your troupe does horrible things to their actual castle. Some times thats not an option.

>> No.14444475

Should be 'Lich king' instead.

But yeah, it's kind of silly. Same with female mages becoming Warlocks.

>> No.14444518

Sometimes I do that. Sometimes I just make them go to various spots attacking one tough unit while the damage dealers do their thing. The tend to switch to the closest unit so If you put them in the opposite area and place units out side of their AOE, you'll slow them down considerably. It also helps that they are slow as molasses So long as you attack in waves you've got it.

>> No.14444790
File: 200 KB, 951x619, Fuck this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on how to clear 10-1? My team can't even get through the first 2 monster waves and had to resort to CEO skill to cheese it out, then comes the boss and it just absolutely fuck me in the ass.

>> No.14444809

I just ceo cheesed, if you close the game it will finish whatever round it is on and then wait for you to come back. So if you use ceo defense and close window during second round of it when you come back (after you wait 50/100 min for more charges) you will be on 3rd round and before anything happens you ceo defense again, repeat until win. If you use it before that big fight, then close the game during the text and it will work that way too.

>> No.14444816

You could do that? I didn't know. Thanks a lot, anon.

>> No.14445010

tfw when you get black envelope in free daily and its Azamino there

>> No.14445017

Better than me placing my 70+ party in a lvl 20 pr using 3 fairy envelopes and 2 normal and not getting above 2*. Think gotten a total of like 3 3* and no 4*+.

>> No.14445033

Fuck, minotaur map fucked me over in DMM, somehow my team can't get over 20 stars in Nutaku. Just fuck me up on both Aigis

>> No.14445313

Luckily both are star collection events. Don't worry or beat your team against the missions, just focus on making them stronger for at least a week. You can come back to them with a stronger team later.

>> No.14445327

Or just buy buff at last day. Damage reduction for 3 SC should usually solve all problems.

>> No.14445337

I'm having one hell of a time 3 staring that last map.

ranged units are just so fragile, one second they're max health, the next they're dead.

>> No.14445342

Pirates one? Keep attention to placement order, use tough units last, don't use AoE units (enemy pirates get increased range and attack when hp decreases). Non-AW Flan should survive kaptain's enraged attack.

>> No.14445348

Flan, not Fran?

And wow, increased range and attack? Ouch, and here I was trying to AoE them to death. At least the plat ranger is useful here.

>> No.14445353

>Flan, not Fran?
There's no difference between r and l sounds in Japanese, so usually its impossible to tell which one is correct.

>> No.14445355

>enemy pirates get increased range and attack when hp decreases
that would certainly explain why a unit will suddenly be instagibbed when it was fine before

>> No.14445356

I know, I'm just surprised at the choice of translation. Like the people who keep on calling her Raichee - Lychee seems a lot more correct.

>> No.14445360

Flan is nickname of certain very popular vampire-related character, so it seems more likely choice for cursed vampire hunter.

>> No.14445365
File: 208 KB, 500x558, Sapphire Spirit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

December 26th, for those that ordered the special edition of the new light novel, prepare to be amazed.

Sapphire Spirit (サファイアの精霊)
Used for Synthesis and CC for Sapphire Units.

千年戦争アイギス 月下の花嫁IV
(Millennium War Aegis: Bride Under the Moon IV)
Release Date: December 26th
Versions: Custom-Bound (2900 JPY+Tax); Regular (680+Tax)
Custom-Bound Extra: Drama CD
Serial Codes: Miko Puniru (巫女プニル; Both Regular and Special), and Sapphire Spirit (Special Only)

Pre-order (Regular):



Pre-order (Special):



Drama CD Cast:
Prince:Hatanaka Tasuku (畠中 祐)  
Kaguya:Yamazaki Haruka (山崎はるか)
Soma:Kanemoto Hisako (金元寿子)  
Alyssa:Hondo Kaede (本渡 楓)
Sybilla:Suwa Ayaka (諏訪彩花)  
Aigis:Saitou Chiwa (斎藤千和)
Hikage:Kakuma Ai (加隈亜衣)  
Phyllis:Shindou Kei (真堂 圭)

Demon Wolf Miko Puniru (魔狼巫女プニル)
Class: Fenrir Shaman (フェンリルシャーマン)
Skill: Demon Wolf Roar (魔狼の咆哮): Lowers Status of Surrounding Enemies
Cost: 15 (Automatically Mincost)

>> No.14445370
File: 610 KB, 1878x2560, Calliope - Cloris - Puniru - Aigis V4 - Regular Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pre-order Import Shop Breakdown:
Amazon.co.jp: English; EMS Unit-Based Shipping
Mangaoh: English Registration; EMS Weight-Based Shipping
Honto/BK1: Japanese; Weight-Based Shipping Options (cheapest if you're comfortable navigating a Japanese website and using a guide)

>> No.14445372
File: 586 KB, 1878x2560, Prince - Kaguya- Sybilla - Aigis V4 - Special Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the Special Edition Cover, that comes with the Drama CD.

>> No.14445378
File: 53 KB, 500x448, Sapphire Miko Puniru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Demon Wolf Miko Puniru (魔狼巫女プニル)
>Class: Fenrir Shaman (フェンリルシャーマン)
>Skill: Demon Wolf Roar (魔狼の咆哮): Lowers Status of Surrounding Enemies
>Cost: 15 (Automatically Mincost)

And of course Puniru.

All info courtesy of Petite Soeur.

>> No.14445399
File: 139 KB, 774x701, 銀ユニット.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the silver units in the Trading post worth buying? I'm kind of interested in this hybrid unit that can also heal and can be placed on melee tiles.

Also I read Vampire Hunters got nerfed and aren't that good anymore. Is that true?

>> No.14445419

They drop from events, and silver VH is completion bonus for desert maps.
Battle priest is very useful for some maps, but its better to get gold one. Wait for new year gold rush, maybe it will be there again.

>> No.14445432

>Battle priest is very useful for some maps, but its better to get gold one.
Really? Her stats are good and there's awakening of course, but her skill is worse than the silver battle priest's.

>> No.14445435

Well, since I'm new my team sucks and can't do more than maybe the first 2-3 maps of an event. That's why I was thinking of getting some solid silver units. I'm not sure I can get nice units out of events yet, or properly raise them.

>> No.14445437

>prepare to be amazed.
Amazed at what?

>> No.14445445

I was talking about the sapphire fairy. It's illustration was just released and whatnot.

>> No.14445448

Just focus on raising base units then: bashira to 50CC50, 1 silver archer, Iris to 50CC50, one silver healer, Misha, Pares, Nenya, Cloris.

>> No.14445462

Oh, Flandre?

For some reason I keep on thinking Frankenstein -> Fran.

>> No.14445478

I'd almost regret CCing my gold one, but then I remember what her range becomes after awakening. holy shit.

>> No.14445542

Skill AW to be clear. I got all excited at first.

But I only have 3 awakened units right now, it's going to be a while before I run the AW-only map for AW Skill fairies.

>> No.14445571


Kite them, nuke them, tank & shoot them or use your own dragons. There are solutions. I 3* 95% of bases I meet that have dragons. They are a significant speed bump however, which is a factor when fever is up.


In addition, if you're really desperate then (after recharging your CEO bar) deliberately wipe and pay the 2 stone cost to full rez. You'll get 1 stone back from just completing the map anyway.

>> No.14445646

Spent 400 stones accumulated for several months in FKG. Got 4 copies of oncidium among other golds, don't know if I should be sad or happy.

>> No.14445673

4 golds alone is the expected output of 8 rolls, so I don't think it's too bad. Do you have a full list?

Also, which gacha did you go for? Oncidium repeats seem odd if you didn't roll the orchid selection gacha.

>> No.14445689

Rolled limited gacha with Cymbidium, since I want her skill boosting ability.
Got 4 Oncidiums, 1 Strawberry Candle, 1 Cosmos (already have one maxed out), 1 Kingyosou, 1 Kirtansas, no cymbidium

>> No.14445721

That's an amazing haul, and at least you got Cyrtanthus so you still have a skill-boosting girl.

I kind of want to roll that selection too, but the devs went ahead and gave us a Mistletoe and she's far too cute not to roll for. Too bad I'll never get her because she's rainbow.

>> No.14445789

Which order would you suggest? Also, what about Katie and a HA?

>> No.14445823

I went just with whatever was needed for current event from closest to my team video.
Archer and healer are probably top priority, but its hard to say anything past that.

>> No.14445843

Cloris is worth leveling? Most people seem to ignore her and favour Calliope.

>> No.14445853

Its not that rare for me to deploy 4 witches at once.
That map with orcs rush through ranged spots during Ricola's star trial required every single possible level from all my witches, for example.

>> No.14446127

Can someone tell me what chapter's recipes drop from beginner and intermediate daily recipe events?

>> No.14446159

She's pretty bad at max cost and 1/5 skill, but If you can skill her up to level 3/4 with spare Gadoras she has a decent amount more burst than Calliope during her skill.

On EN Aigis she's probably worth raising eventually since there are a few maps where having 4 witches can make life easier and it doesn't seem like we'll ever get Nenya and I'm pretty doubtful the Christmas loli makes it now.

>> No.14446160
File: 93 KB, 957x619, desert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well what do you know? New music for this map.
Kinda makes for a nice change

>> No.14446287

Is there anything special about the fairy envelopes other than being a free roll of the employee rng?

>> No.14446318


Intermediate gets you to Topaz tier, which I think is around chapter 5-6-ish.

Beginner is garbage.

>> No.14446361

That map is simple telling you "Desert story arc soon"

>> No.14446541

Are you sure? I'm asking because I'm kinda a collectionist and don't want to miss recipes.

>> No.14446765

Should I invest time/money into Nutaku Girls Kingdom, or get a japanese VPN to play DMM Girls Union? I don't know the language, but I assume the interface is the same. I am not sure what the differences in content are.

>> No.14446774

Girl's Union has been pretty consistently ranked low on dmm lately so I'd watch out for it being axed soon(currently 47 out of 55 games.

>> No.14446852

55 games? Damn! Nutaku has fuck all. Is it feasible to play any of the games without knowing Japanese?

>> No.14446868

If the game is popular enough you might be able to find an English community on one of the forums and that should help you get the basics for most of the games.

I only play Aegis and FKG and they're basically the top two games, so you may be out of luck if you're trying to play something mid-low ranked that has mechanics you need to understand.

>> No.14446905

DMM's online game section is kind of like the generic Korean MMO market, there are some mainstays like Aigis/LoV/Kancolle/Kanpani/FKG but many of their games get announced, survive for a while and promptly end service after the whales have moved to better waters. Nutaku mostly aims to bring over the more successful games (their endgame is Kancolle, and they're looking into FKG as well), so that's one advantage for them.

The prospect of a censored FKG (or an English-exclusive girl, judging from Nutaku's track record) still horrifies me to no end, though.

>> No.14446911

On this day in GK, I received my 10th Sylvie stone from a def battle. Now I can live the dream of double artillery.

>> No.14446942

Osawari, DT, AS, and GK aren't top games at all though. They seem to just bring over whatever JP devs are interested in bringing over so it's basically the same thing.

Nutaku will eventually get to a point where games will close if they aren't making money. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if AS shut down within the next 6 months.

>> No.14446958

Wasn't Osawari top 10 material before its events turned retarded?

That's a valid point though, the DMM side has a lot of say about what gets brought over.

>> No.14447083

is there a tracker that records how many players using Nutaku's games? How many people still play Osawari I wonder

>> No.14447124

I don't think there's anything like that, but you can get a decent idea of Osawari activity from the rankings. I did one map for 72 EP and I'm rank 12,779.

I think a lot of those players are pretty casual though because during the last event I did I only made it to 250k EP and was rank ~1400.

>> No.14447196

It is heavily advertised, and what brought me to Nutaku in the first place. Finished it in a few days though, without spending money. All that's left are very mediocre h scenes. It does not have any longevity.

>> No.14447242

>small c

>> No.14447390


>> No.14447515

Shouldn't it be /KCg/ then?

>> No.14447573


>> No.14447604

I set my strategy to 'Crush the Weaklings', but my team goes for those slimes that only take 1 damage and have 4hp first when there are enemies they can kill in 1 hit. I guess this strategy just goes off HP?

>> No.14447611


No I'm not sure, but I just got a Turquoise-tier recipe from the advanced one (unlocked after chapter 10). Beginner as I recall, was something like just 1 or 2 tiers at the bottom.

>> No.14447748

Now that I'm getting all these legendary recipes off advanced weapon quest... I'm gonna have to farm for hammers during the week until Friday. These things are resource intensive to make.


It might be by rank/level. Those 'metal slimes' may be lower in level than those squishies.

>> No.14447792
File: 699 KB, 957x585, scene_1_imminent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I'm scared about her scenes.

Does... does the eagle watch? Does it join in? I don't think I'd like that.

>> No.14447820

You actually just watch her and the eagle.

>> No.14447828

Is Meteor worth leveling? I heard she was really squishy

>> No.14447922

Her only worth is her skill (and her cuteness), but it has a long WT and CD. I think I'll wait until we know her skill AW.

>> No.14447974

Really? I though bestiality was illeagle.

>> No.14448378

There's some bestiality in the Asagi battle arena game so it's definitely leagle in glorious Nippon.

Aigis is vanilla only though.

>> No.14448401

Do you get to steal her away from the eagle at the 100% scene?

Prince does seem like the type to stoop that low, and clearly there's an untapped eagle NTR audience in the porn industry.

>> No.14448517

Trying to CC her now, will report back at maxaff.

Oh god, what if she's a furry or otherkin? "I'm actually an eagle stuck in a woman's body." Never been so glad to not read moonrunes.

>> No.14448875

you're fucking retarded

>> No.14448909

hurr joke's on you

>> No.14449166

How many of you are still playing GK?
I'm kind of considering dropping it, it seems more work than actual fun. The interface and dominion building is tedious and it's nearly impossible to actually make a well defended castle that will repel most attacks.
And attacking has lost most of its luster after playing for a while too.
Oh and I guess there is ero somewhere in there too, but I'm not really into the whole 100% rape aspect of GK either.

>> No.14449386

I'm at 300 position in ranking with 250 event points, so not that many people still play it.

>> No.14449717
File: 786 KB, 560x1136, mwa units.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

total nub here
how am I doing as far as units at level 56? I burned up a couple of my early silver duplicates but I haven't done that in a long time.

>> No.14449730

Uh, you really need to start CCing some units there. Instead of leveling a ton of them, focus on getting one(usually an archer or healer first) to 50 and CC them.

Otherwise you're doing fairly well I guess, although the three leveled mages is a bit strange

>> No.14449737

I get what you mean, I tried to do the new event and my individual units just aren't that strong
So just focus on getting one archer, one healer, etc up to level 50 for CC? cool
anything special I should know about CC?

>> No.14449751

Get them to 50 before CCing, you can do it at 30, but you will permanently lose stats, so it's not recommended unless you plan on trashing the unit.

It will be a bit rough leveling them 40->50 at first, once you're a bit stronger you can farm Monday daily to get plat exp armors to feed to your units with 3 fairies, which will get them from like 41 to 50 instantly.

Other than that, just focus on getting a CC from each of the basic classes(archer, healer, heavy, soldier, witch, mage), and stockpiling silver units. Plat+ units take 3 silvers to CC instead of 1 for gold/silver, so you will need a lot for those

>> No.14449897

So how do I get more silver units? Just the basic unit summon for 2k gold, events...?
I've had good luck with basic summon so far

>> No.14449903

That would be it, basically. Other one is 5 SC summon, but that's a waste of SC. Generally there will be a good map in an event where you can hoard silvers, I still have tons of valkyries from some event

>> No.14449907

1) Cash moneez
2) Events
3) Basic summon
4) 3*ing story missions, we should get the next batch soon hopefully.

>> No.14449913

>but that's a waste of SC
guess I wasted all my SC
oh well at least I got a platinum

>> No.14449926

Generally it's fine, Aigis isn't too stingy with crystals. I did the same thing at first, have around 40 SC saved right now for whatever.

The rates in an event are usually far better than summoning, you could spend 10 SC to get most likely 2 silvers, or spend it to max out a plat event unit and probably get silvers from the map anyway

>> No.14449945

> 3*ing story missions
Completion bonus is not linked to 3*

>> No.14449980

Why is Monique err... weak/soft? Even my underleveled Marica does a better job in the front lines... Does she get better if I get her character story weapon or something?

>> No.14449988

Marica is a soldier, what do you expect?

>> No.14449991

Asking why a soldier takes less damage than a fighter?

>> No.14450086


I'm still in, but I've dropped other Nutaku stuff to keep GK up. To me, defense isn't about trying to repel attacks so much as a chance to farm. That and watching the occasional idiot lose their army in a hilariously dumb way.

Attacking has lost a lot of its luster, but it gains it back a little every time I get a new character or upgrade my barracks. At this point in the game, that takes a couple weeks or more. Which just means taking a break (or going temporarily casual) is naturally built into the system.

>> No.14450395
File: 62 KB, 313x415, terrifying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So tell me, does this terrify you?

>> No.14450408


After seeing a 3900 Flora? No.

>> No.14450518
File: 195 KB, 951x592, battlePriestess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to make more of these Morgensterns (this one's at +2 but even +0 has this skill). That's a Lv 60 Holly (5* cleric) btw. Oh and it can miss.

>> No.14450582

I'm playing GK as well and not gonna drop it any soon (and I'm lvl 73 already so been playing it for a while). It's not without its drawbacks, kinda time consuming too but I guess it's just my kind of thing.

For me defensive battles are just an opportunity to harvest some extra sealed stones, so rather than making a fortress I just try to attract people and make them lose some units while letting them beat me relatively easily. And sure, attacking has lost some of its charm and a dragon maid in every other tent doesn't help with it, but it's still better than grinding the same maps over ans over again in most of games of this type. So yeah, still enjoying it for now.

>> No.14451043
File: 81 KB, 565x800, 618aefd22e7ad589ba6a8609407c12f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soldiers are tanks and Fighters are basically the "Jack of all trades, master of none" of the game. They got a stun and that's can be useful... sometimes. Monique is still a cute tough.

>> No.14451083

what quest drops that?

>> No.14451114

I am so fucking tired of getting my Leanne squished by minotaurs and other hard-hitting monsters
Anya might have a bumload of hp but she has even less def than Leanne and only blocks two units
Life without a proper armor is really hard

>> No.14451231

Fighters work as damage dealers while also having some protection. I've raised 3* warrior to 70, and its quite a chore to use her because she dies so fucking easily, now raising Monica to replace her.

>> No.14451233

There was Miranda dropping from GR map 3 months back.

>> No.14451249

I know
She didn't drop for me. I blew a bunch of SCs to farm her but didn't get even one copy

>> No.14451258

5* soldiers is fucking beast. Well, anything 5* is but still.

>> No.14451476


I dunno, I got it from the advanced recipe quest.

>> No.14451553

Anya has more defense than Leeanne and Miranda. It sounds like you need to level/affection her.

Anya only blocking two units can definitely be a problem though. You should just hope for Bernice from the next GR. She has more defense than Miranda and a defensive skill.

>> No.14451571

Well, we've got the AW Prince.
Paladin Yurina also does a pretty fine job, especially if you skill AW her.

>> No.14451685

Maybe Bernice next GR.

>> No.14451765

Been a while since I was last on Nutaku and there are quite a few new games now. Is Aigis still the only one worth playing as far as gameplay goes?

>> No.14452138


Depending on your tastes, Kanpani Girls, Osawari and Girls Kingdom may be worth investigating.

>> No.14452344

new thread

>> No.14453476

I really doubt that anyone's going to awaken the prince without at least one good armor.
