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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 21 KB, 499x375, Irisu Syndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1442326 No.1442326 [Reply] [Original]

One of y'alls speaks Japanese or can at least read it, right?

Would any of those that fit that despcription take a look at this "Irisu Syndrome" game and tell me in english what's going on?


>> No.1442398
File: 187 KB, 565x582, 1331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck yes, I completely forgot about this.

>> No.1442342

You will shit bricks

>> No.1442347

I squirrel syndrome!
To destroy Colorful physical block puzzle game

>> No.1442354

It's the gurren?

>> No.1442386


>> No.1442401

For fuck's sake, I just wanted a description. I figured out the gameplay mechanics alright, but like, the "scenes" elude me completely.

>> No.1442428

I'll tell you in about ten/fifteen minutes or whenever this download finishes.

>> No.1442775
File: 48 KB, 641x482, irisu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the witch.

>> No.1442784
File: 59 KB, 800x500, 51275075xp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She shows up in the background of the playing field, if you lose normally she shows up like >>1442775

However repetitive losses result in this.

>> No.1442791 [SPOILER] 
File: 69 KB, 1024x640, 19686318wk0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Further losses result in this.

>> No.1442810
File: 35 KB, 429x297, 1213304699061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1442555

Crown Princess mechanics.

>> No.1442826 [SPOILER] 
File: 19 KB, 451x334, UBOA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1442849 [SPOILER] 
File: 6 KB, 178x160, The_Majora's_Mask_Moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1442852
File: 67 KB, 500x375, 1253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Edogawa! Where are you!?"
"Eh? What? What happened?"
"I just heard a voice over there."
"Really? I didn't hear anything."
"Give me a minute, I'll go check it out."
"W-wait.. Be careful."
"Don't worry, it's fine. I'll be right back."

>> No.1442593

Something about three aspiring actors? The first picture is just them talking happily with each other, complaining about canned food and joking about how they should fish for their meal.

>> No.1442602


Is the full game out?

>> No.1442623


Im probably wrong, this could just be a pre-order page, but it looks so.

>> No.1442660

Superb. Torrent/rapidshit where?

>> No.1442687


>> No.1442715


>> No.1442741

The second picture is the girl swearing she saw someone looking at them, the description she gives is the rabbit witch you see in the game. They think she's just been frightened by the other guy's ghost stories.

The third picture is commenting how the one guy still isn't come back, thinking that maybe he's gone fishing again, that it's been awfully long since he left.

>> No.1442752

Ah, I remember this. It was in /v/ the other day.
Basically three kids go camping, the one on the left tells a ghost story of sorts, involving a witch and then later goes fishing but doesn't return. The other two go looking for him and the blue haired guy thinks he heard someone and says he would go check. Now during all this if you have noticed the picture you just posted changes during the course of the story. First the guy on the left is crossed out, then the one on the right. Anyway the girl goes back to their cabin and waits and waits. The guy never returns.
Just then the rabbit witch woman that shows up in the background of the game comes up and kills her.

Then the game closes.

On it's own.

>> No.1442762

I shat a brick just reading that.

>> No.1442759

its out

but fuckers refused to tell where is the crack

>> No.1442786

And that's terrible.

>> No.1442790


She's just crying because you're using Vista.

>> No.1442796

"It's fine, it's fine. I'll be right back."

Those are always last words.

>> No.1442794

Im confused as to what I should be clicking here.

>> No.1442800


>> No.1442813


>> No.1442822

It was the only place I could find that one. If you are volunteering to get us a better one, be my guest.

>> No.1442828

You could at least crop it
Also, i got that earlier when i switched focus to another window.
I can't replicate it though, and I'd been losing a lot, so it might just have been a coincidence.
It returned to normal when i switched back to the window, so I have no idea.

>> No.1443062
File: 167 KB, 1280x673, GEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't get a screenshot of the girl being murdered.

>> No.1442839

What's wrong with FP?


>> No.1442856

The game tends to do stuff like that a lot. During the scene with the witch coming up behind the girl the op of the /v/ thread said that the witch was walking outside the boundary of the game window and leaving text files in her wake.
Others said that the screen flickered.

>> No.1442860

This game is making me shit bricks just hearing about it.

>> No.1442865

What is up with her eyes and face?

>> No.1442870

Great, this game has me creeped out now. At first I thought it looked kind of lame since I knew where the story was heading but the witch looked so cute. Now she's creepy.

>> No.1442877


The first time someone posted that I thought it was fanart of Yorihime from Touhou.

>> No.1442883

When you get that ending, start the game again after it closes.

>> No.1442889

link to download of game?

>> No.1442892

What am I supposed to do in this tetris game thing?

>> No.1442900


>> No.1442908

Click field to shoot a block upwards.
When it hits a colored shape, the shape will activate and any other it touches. If it becomes inactive after landing, you will lose health
If it hits a shape of the same color you get health and points

Health bar reaches 0 and the game ends

>> No.1442919

oh, shit, whoops. The download image didnt load the first time I went on the url.
Thanks anyway.

>> No.1443009

You guys did not tell me that when the witch is about to kill the girl it SWITCHES TO FIRST PERSON VIEW OF THE GIRL.

>> No.1443022

Godfuckingdamnit, I fail bad at this. Can't win the last puzzle. Wish I had a mouse instead of touchpad.

>> No.1443096

I didn't get the girl getting murdered. Instead I got a news report talking about how they found the body of a university student and are still searching for the remaining two missing and then it said end, but it didn't shut itself off. Keep playing I guess.

>> No.1443127

And now my game reset. I got the first picture again and the photo is back to normal.

>> No.1443346

When you get the ending where the girl gets "murdered", start the game again after it closed itself.
You will see something.

>> No.1443521

Why do they hate love?

>> No.1445247 [SPOILER] 
File: 171 KB, 634x476, irisu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking bricks, holy shit.

So the bunny girl was just someone they hired to play a prank on the girl's birthday?

I noticed that if you click the title, the bgm changes. Are there any other easter eggs?

>> No.1445454
File: 62 KB, 651x515, badscore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My score is pretty low, too, so that might be it.

>> No.1445488
File: 222 KB, 635x475, irisuscore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find that it's better to keep your health up than try to go for big chains. And those glowing balls can give you a big health boost.

>> No.1445371

So how did you guys get the ending pictured in >>1443062?

I mean seriously... all I get is the black screen and text.

>> No.1445385


The text should advance automatically, then you'll get the murder scene.

>> No.1445394


I nearly shit myself when I got that scene and saw that the bunny girl's image extended out of the window

>> No.1445396

But there are multiple endings, right? Is it just randomly selected or do you do something to unlock each one?

>> No.1445400


I shit myself when the bunny girl's eyes started glowing.


I don't think so, after the window closes automatically open the game again for the bonus ending.

>> No.1445409

Because I got the TV ending, like >>1443096 and the game just went back to the title screen.

>> No.1445425


Oh weird. I wonder if it's random then or if it depends on your final score.

>> No.1445436


I only got a little above 10k points for the final scene with the bunny girl outside of the goddamn box, perhaps something higher leads to actual murders?

>> No.1445447


That's about what I got for the scene where the bunny girl walks around outside the window, but my highest score overall was 21K.

>> No.1445879
File: 239 KB, 500x375, photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1445920
File: 115 KB, 981x473, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, I was in that /v/ thread. We played it together on a stream and had some group brick-shitting moments.

>> No.1445936
File: 126 KB, 998x529, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, meant to post the first one

>> No.1445967

God damn, even simply playing the game scares the shit out of me.

I suppose it does different thing depending on your system right? I haven't seen much so far on Vista, but i've only played it like 3 times.

I'm curious as to who designed this, any names?

>> No.1446417

Run this through google's translator:

Credits/special thanks ahoy.

>> No.1446424

The half closed eyes, the weird smile, that's me on the right.

>> No.1446459

Me on the left, I'm secretly in love with you.

>> No.1446460

If only life were like that

>> No.1446478

Full of gays?

>> No.1446830
File: 194 KB, 1300x514, irisu-syndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I notice that it'll say different things when run through applocale, can someone tell me if it's just an error?

>> No.1446832

Error, it's just gibberish.

>> No.1446966


>> No.1447489

So how many endings are there?

>> No.1449894


>> No.1450772


I'm pretty sure there're more than two, the 'TV' ending, the walking across your desktop ending and the birthday ending. I don't know of any others though.

>> No.1451003

How the hell am I supposed to play this if the damned game closes every time I try to play it? I have Asian languages installed.

>> No.1451006

Isn't birthday part of the walking across your desktop one?

>> No.1451198

Fuck, I keep getting like 8000 points. Not QUITE enough to shit bricks

>> No.1451301

Wait a second, did the game just make readme files while I was playing?






>> No.1451376

There's only two endings, plus an extra. The ending is dependent on what points you get on the last level: <10k gets TV ending. >10k gets murder/birthday end (birthday come when you open the game again). >50k gives you another text file.

Also, if you get greater than 50k on a level, bunny girl goes bloody at the end (rather than at random/during big combos).

>> No.1452144

>Wait a second, did the game just make readme files while I was playing?
Yes, it does that.

>> No.1452147

I got above 10k points and got the TV ending again. I'm never going to fucking get 50k. What does the 50k text file so?

>> No.1452198

Oh, the girl's name is Irisu.

>> No.1452745
File: 61 KB, 648x518, 1223927245894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's based on your highest score, not the one you had on the last level. I got the highest score in my record on the last level, and I didn't get the birthday ending.

>> No.1452567

So it seems like I have to hit a bright block with a dim block of the same color. But that means I have to let a bright block go dim, and then I lose health. What am I missing here?

>> No.1452600

You don't have to let blocks go dim. Blocks that are still falling will actually give you more points if you knock them against other stillfalling blocks.

>> No.1452622

Well I tried knocking them against other blocks in the same color that were still falling and it just made those light up and bounce everywhere and all of a sudden the entire field is a clusterfuck and the witch appears D:

>> No.1452645

Disregard, got the hang of it now.

>> No.1452667


>> No.1452668

>The character personalities that the Touhoufags fell >in love with was created by the fans; not by ZUN. For >example, the fan created Cirno is a immature/dumb >tomboy. The ZUN Cirno rarely talks in the games. >The only hint at her being immature in the games >was a one sentence

God, why did I even read this.

>> No.1452669

sage all you want. It's not like I care.

>> No.1452670

Okay. I deleted all Touhou games and doujinshis. Thank you for posting this.

I will find better things to do.

>> No.1452672

Jesus fucking Christ; not this shit again. As a future game developer I facepalm whenever I hear people whorshiping ZUN. You guys act like he's on the same level of Shigeru Miyamoto, Hideo Kojima, or Hironobu Sakaguchi. The only thing ZUN is good at is music. Touhou's gameplay concept is nothing special. And a rookie with 3 months of training could draw better than ZUN.

And did I just hear one of you maggots say ZUN is "moe?" If W.T.Snacks and Ron Paul had a baby, it would look like ZUN (but you never realized that because you have your heads shoved so far up your ass).

Now I finally know why I hate Touhou so much. It wasn't the Touhou hijacks from the old school tripfags (AoRF, Local-Chink, and Nameless Fairy). It isn't the blatant circlejerk that goes on during your repost of reposted thread topics. It isn't the fact that you turn my 4chan into a shitty danbooru clone whenever you spam /a/ or /jp/ with your "trend/meme of the day" Touhou pictures. The only time when I hate Touhou is when I hear you guys giving praise to that filthy, (bulimic) alcoholic who's only talent is being a failure at life.

>> No.1452673

I think it's >20k, not >10k for the birthday ending.

>> No.1452675



You are wrong and don't know about the series you attempt to troll.

>The only hint at her being immature in the games was a one sentence character description

No it isn't.

>> No.1452676

Hey guys let's judge derivative works by the original

That seems like a good idea

>> No.1452679

The shoot em up genre sucks donkey balls.

Want to know why that primitive genre never managed to make it to the mainstream market? It's because video games of the (next generation) are beyond simple 2-bit genres. Video games nowadays have multiple genres fused into one. Metroid Prime for example is a:

4.Puzzle game

Stop living in the past. The days when games were about beating your older brother's highscore is over. The days when defeating the "second level boss" was considered cool is over. Games nowadays (like Morrowind) have worlds that surpass our own world in explorerability (<- if that's even a word). Games nowadays like Metal Gear have plots that can go toe to toe with high budget hollywood movies. It's games like Touhou that give the video game industry such a childish image. Want to know why the mainstream media thinks that all video games are for kids? It's because they grew up in the days when Space Invaders and Pacman was considered deep. They don't know about the infinite potential of the video game industry. The animu industry, music industry, and movie industry are just sub-industries when compared to the video game industry. Want an animu plot. Xenosaga's plot is deeper than 95% of most animu. Want some music? Final Fantasy's music is more compelling than most of the music that we hear nowadays. Why create a movie when you can create an interactive movie like Metal Gear?

>> No.1452681

This is storytelling:

The older JRPGs and Metal Gears had story telling. My 13 year old sister could come up with a better story than Touhou. The problem with you Touhoufags is that you get the fan created characters mixed up with the ZUN created characters.

Replay Touhou, but this time actually pay attention. The personalty and character development that the Touhou fanbase has given the characters are completely different from the characters that ZUN created. Cirno (9) shit for example. Most of the times in Touhou, Cirno just appears and starts fighting. Rarely do you see moments when ZUN shows her acting tomboyish and/or stupid.

>> No.1452683

I know this is all copypasta, but:

>2D song

>> No.1452684

This thread was going pretty well until the anti-touhoufags had to start trolling.

>> No.1452685

I admit to liking Cirno. She's the only character out of Touhou that I like. While it's true that fairies in general are very cliche, Cirno isn't as cliche as most of the other Touhou characters. In the case of the other Touhou characters: Shrine maidens, cat girls, bunny girls, and witches. It's almost cliche enough to make me puke. But in the case of Cirno, it's not every day when you see an Ice fairy.

Now getting back to the point of this post... The tomboy/idiotic character that I fell in love with was not created by ZUN. The doujin Cirno and the ZUN Cirno are two very different things (both in looks and personality). And because ZUN didn't create that immature/idiotic character that I fell in love with, I don't give him any credit for having invented the game that inspired the said character.

Or maybe I just fell in love with Cirno because of the lovable tripfriend Cirno Anonymous of Gensokyo.

>> No.1452731

On the last level (playing after all 5 pics were unlocked), I got barely over 10k and got the birthday ending. I did make 20k on earlier levels, so I don't know if that had something to do with it.

Does anyone know the limits to unlock pictures for previous levels? Getting the first or second seems horribly low, probably 100s or something.

>> No.1452756

Fuck, I was at like 18k. I suck at this.

>> No.1452988

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ITS LIKE IM ZAPANEZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.1453018


>the Robotech guy

You mean the guy who compares the works of a drunk to the works of full blown companies?

Yeah, he sure told them.

>> No.1453025

>Robotech guy.
>Unlike the weeaboos posting in this thread I have more important things to do with my time.

>> No.1453034

Stop fucking linking to the archive.

We all know about it, so just give the thread number.

>> No.1453035

Quote from this thread: http://archive.easymodo.net/jp/cgi-board.pl?task=thread&num=1160848

1.They worship an Ethiopian guy who created a mediocre weeaboo shoot em up game.
2.They actually think they can convince others to join their worshiping of said Ethiopian by spamming it.
3.They turn /jp/ into a shitty danbooru clone by reposting the same Touhou images every two minutes.
4.They make the nerds of /a/, /b/, and /v/ seem normal with their extreme weeaboo behavior. Most of the (no life) Touhou fags learn to speak moonspeak so that they can one day fap to raw touhou doujins (see: wapanese). Because no females play Visual Novels, watch 2chan related videos, or play Touhou they've completely given up on getting laid. Hence the "3D is pig disgustingu" rhetoric.
5. 90% of the Touhou fanart is shit. Which also explains why 98% of the Touhou /h/ and /d/ doujins look like shit.

They know that we know that they know Touhou is shit. The only redeeming quality about the Touhou community is the catchy music that they compose (THAT'S about it).

If you're going to worship an Asian game designer worship Shigeru Miyamoto, Hironobu Sakaguchi, or Hideo Kojima. A.K.A the people who've actually accomplished shit.

>> No.1453036

Use Tsearch or a some other memory scanner to change your score then. I imagine it couldn't be that hard.
