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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 28 KB, 185x250, kosuzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14390659 No.14390659 [Reply] [Original]

Are the last two chapters for Forbidden Scrollery translated yet? If not, are the RAWs out?

Also, was there a new manga that was supposed to start? I can't find anything about it in the wikis, the archive, or anywhere.

>> No.14391189

32 beta: http://imgur.com/a/yTZQr
33 doesn't seem like it's done yet.

The beta versions have only been posted on Imgur lately. His blog or TouhouWiki are only updated when the final version is released which makes the draft versions a pain the ass to find if you don't keep up.

There is no new manga. What you probably heard about was the Curiosities of Lotus Asia revival in Strange Creators of Outer World.

>> No.14391271

>which makes the draft versions a pain the ass to find if you don't keep up
There's a really obvious reason that they're hidden on purpose. People don't fucking listen and can't be trusted with drafts.

>> No.14391290


Is there a RAW out of 33?

>> No.14391425
File: 455 KB, 1000x1463, 1_3458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, I found it: http://www.dm5.com/m226695/

Aya a best.

>> No.14391429


>> No.14391440
File: 372 KB, 1000x1463, 4_2784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is a translation really necessary to understand what's going on in this scene?

>> No.14391446

Hmm who is this human with loooong, pointed ears?
Wait she's a tengu whaaaaaat!?

>> No.14391451
File: 162 KB, 470x678, toomanypossibilities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can think of at least 20 different things Aya could be saying here.

>> No.14391485


>> No.14391504
File: 165 KB, 470x678, never.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14391568
File: 403 KB, 1416x785, Tengu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "Momiji doesn't have wolf ears" and "Hatate and Aya does not have wings" fags are getting blown the fuck on. They can most likely hide their animal features, like most youkai.

>> No.14391583

So apparently, there's a power struggle behind the scenes between powerful youkai groups, and whoever wins, they all agree that humans shouldn't rule.

Hmm...sound a lot like Earth...

>> No.14391638
File: 1.22 MB, 470x678, 1448270239325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is that bad?

>> No.14391649

Do you have WaHH by any chance?
If Clarste is going to upload his 0,5 on imgur now I hope he's at least get an account so you can easily track the chapters.

>> No.14392011
File: 271 KB, 670x559, GeMNSO9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooters? In my 2hu?

>> No.14392215

28: http://www.mediafire.com/download/g3wxhary87fpxq7/Wild+and+Horned+Hermit+28%28v0.5%29.rar

29: http://www.mediafire.com/download/slu078vd3j5dbmr/Wild+and+Horned+Hermit+29%28v0.5%29.rar

Found 30 in Chinese from >>14391425: http://www.dm5.com/m224732/

>> No.14392320

How about the crown prince???

>> No.14392776

>"Oh hello miss journalist, nice day we're having isn't it?"
>*Aya puts on her silly hat*
>"Oh no, it's a tengu!"
This is some Clark Kent tier shit right here

>> No.14392805

I can read Japanese, but I don't understand shit in Chinese. Fucking chinks. They can keep their translations to themselves for all I care.

>> No.14392876


>> No.14392915

Miko cares more about humans than youkai do, but at the end she only wants control too.
Afterall her whole plot was "our reign is meh right now, let's go to sleep so we can rule in another era since I bet Buddishm won't be a thing anymore in the future"

>> No.14392944

>are the RAWs out?


No. The answer is always no. Enjoy your Chinese scanlations. Alternatively, you can subscribe CompAce and scan it for us.

>> No.14393463

Kosuzu, you could see her elf ears, come on...

>> No.14397573

What was Aya even doing with Kosuzu?

>> No.14402801
File: 361 KB, 980x1440, 0xpvDDI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chap 33 out: http://imgur.com/a/bSg2q

Patchouli should learn a thing or two from Kosuzu

>> No.14402821
File: 123 KB, 606x374, akUHOKK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14402823
File: 128 KB, 304x558, EBr45sk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14403340
File: 1.08 MB, 1024x1222, aya yaaaay!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, the tengu don't lie.
>Of course, they can be deeply wrong about things, but they always try to spread the truth.

You heard it here first, folks!
Pure and honest! Pure and honest!

>> No.14403348

Well, as expected from Oni bootlickers.

>> No.14404331

"Let's find out how much the raccoon has used her pet."

>> No.14404741

It's a pity this manga has ended.

It was the best official Touhou manga to date.

>> No.14404770
File: 131 KB, 663x930, 1448337691209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oni cannot lie, too. Which is kinda funny.

>> No.14404794


>> No.14404985


Chapter 33 was the last chapter.

>> No.14405139

Citation? That's no ending.

>> No.14405149

Chapter 34 is out already, niggas. He was probably talking about Sangetsusei (OP picture is drawn by Hirasaka).

>> No.14406274

Is it just me or has Hirasaka's art got better? Maybe it's just because they started copying what other official artists have done for the new characters (e.g. Mamizou's huge eyelashes), rather than coming up with designs from scratch where everyone has the same face.

>> No.14406349

Waiting for someone to post a link to chap 34. Apparently Hecatia shows up in it so I'm p excited for that one.

>> No.14406392
File: 144 KB, 360x360, 1444640349672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Apparently Hecatia shows up
Best chapter already.

>> No.14406454
File: 1004 KB, 996x1440, 1422868496866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see every artists improved, some more than others but everyone overall did a jump.
Just make a comparison between their first work and the latest.

The biggest jump goes to Aya Azuma in my opinion, just look the first chapters, they looked like rough sketches.

>> No.14408106


Is it just me, or do you really need to stop butchering English language?

>> No.14408373

If you've never heard "they" used that way before and think I was using it for political correctness or something, then I feel very, very old right now.

>> No.14409219


>> No.14409757

Don't try to pretend what you're doing is normal.

I'm not making a value judgment here (though it's obvious why you're doing it), I'm pointing out a simple linguistic fact - a personal pronoun needs to match the person it describes.

>> No.14409825

WHH is the one getting published first isn't it?
How come FS has more chapter than it?

>> No.14410092

"They" has been used as a gender-neutral singular pronoun for ages. "The artist heaved a sigh; they put down their pencil and rubbed their back, as they had been hunched over for quite some time." It's nothing special whatsoever.

>> No.14410302

Because WaHH is like one chapter every 2/3 months based on its publishing book

FS came later and that manga was once a month. So by now it overcomes WaHH.

>> No.14410357

>No results found for "The artist heaved a sigh; they put down their pencil and rubbed their back, as they had been hunched over for quite some time.".

Okay, let's search for "the artist heaved a sigh" alone.

>The artist heaved a sigh. his (...)
>The artist heaved a sigh of relief as she (...)
>Wiggling her toes under the slippers, the artist heaved a sigh (...)
>(...) the artist heaved a sigh and 1 felt as if he had (...)


Seriously, though, this has only ever been acceptable with a generic subject of indefinide gender. Again, actual quotes straight from google:

>The earlier deposit is submitted, the earlier in the process the student will select their housing.
>Ensure that the patient and their family members and carers feel adequately informed

It is never acceptable with an actual living person, because living people have defined genders and a defined singular number. A sane person would not read "Obama addressed their concerns" and think that the concerns were his own, because that would be bloody fucking stupid.

>> No.14410483

I'm not that guy but dude, just get over it. You're getting triggered by a fucking word.

>> No.14410882
File: 931 KB, 1342x2000, 1448624011830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Reimu's dad?

>> No.14411467

>I also have rough drafts for FS 30, 31, 32, and 33. I am experimenting with using imgur for the rough drafts. I have no idea if this is better or worse.
So that's why it was taking so long

>> No.14411928
File: 150 KB, 468x796, e7d2fb813a49fb3b63bcf21370849383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This chapter reminded me why I loved Aya.

>> No.14411949

if you give up the retards win

>> No.14411962

Reimu lately hinted her parents aren't around anymore, maybe it's just the fact they don't talk anymore but there's the possiblity they're dead.

>> No.14412017


That would be a pretty big reveal.

>> No.14412602

But Marisa is the one with the unresolved daddy issues...

>> No.14413560

Clarste actually said this might've just been an idiom (sort of like "death and taxes" I'd say), not necessarily anything to do with her parents.

>> No.14413591

This was entirely an idiom. People only got this interpretation from -- get this -- the draft version, where he didn't catch that it was an idiom. He talked to a few people and it was fixed. The final version shows a better translation along with notes. This anecdote illustrates exactly why taking these drafts and spreading them can be harmful.

>> No.14413705

Oh, my bad then.

>> No.14418449

No one dies in youkai incidents.

>> No.14418492

No one dies ever. Except in FS and that one Alice thing I've forgetting the name of.

>> No.14418547

Where can I find ch. 30 and 31?

>> No.14418788

And who said their parents had to die (if they did) in a youkai incident?
Plus they still could since spell card rules are a thing recently issued by Reimu to avoid deaths of both parties.

>> No.14418824

Which chapter was that?

>> No.14418831

Nevermind, already found it in 25th chapter of WaHH.

>> No.14418874


>> No.14418979

Clarste has bad translations it seems

>> No.14419087

>fags are getting blown the fuck on
Because of an irrelevant side drawing? You do know that what matters is ZUN's script? Momiji's first appearance was drawn by ZUN and she had no wolf ears or tail. Fittingly enough, a book that's explicitly about explaining Touhou canon (SoPM) also had Momiji without wolf ears or tail. Moe is just getting influenced by fanart, just like Makoto was.

Also Aya showed her wings in her first appearance so there's no need for clarification.

>> No.14419112

ZUN already forgot that back in BAiJR people were calling out Aya on making shit up. Particularly jarring is the fact that Reimu all of a sudden trusts Aya and is ok with her newspaper, when she's the #1 ''if it's youkai it's bad no matter what'' believer. He must have really bad memory.

>> No.14419118


>> No.14419124

translate it weebs

>> No.14419211

>implying they can't change the way they look

>> No.14419212

Isn't Reimu just trying to protect Kosuzu letting the Aya garbage slip? She's been in several situations already where she has to close on eye about youkai because she can't just tell everything to Kosuzu.

>> No.14419229
File: 251 KB, 246x493, reimudefend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well no seeing as how Kosuzu already knows that she's dealing with youkai, unlike the previous time where Reimu and Marisa agreed to not tell Kosuzu that it was a youkai's doing. Reimu has already ''defended'' a youkai (Nitori) in a previous chapter by saying they mean no harm.

Not to mention Reimu tells Kosuzu that she wants to check the newspaper first to see if there's anything fishy or haunted about them.

>> No.14419493

What the anecdote actually demonstrates is why the lack of raws is harmful.

>> No.14421519 [DELETED] 


>> No.14423656

Not at all, these are just early versions without much editing or consulting. You should count your stars that someone who actually has the motivation to translate all these chapters is also fairly competent. Many more popular manga scanlations are absolute trash; imagine if someone like CGR translated the official manga.

That is definitely a factor too, but I know quite well that the translators would agree with that. It isn't the translators and consultants that aren't releasing raws, it's generally suppliers that restrict them. Mostly they're just circulated amongst relevant parties and aren't made public for varying reasons, agreements with the suppliers, etc.

In any case, this wouldn't be nearly as much of an issue if people didn't spread unrefined translations in the first place. Plus this is still assuming that the public pays much attention to raws, which they demonstrably don't even when they exist. People still believe a ton of untrue stuff from iffy translations even though the script has been available forever.

I say that distributing draft versions is problematic because that is exactly what the problem is, period. Saying that the problem is that there's a lack of raws is only pushing the burden backward to shift blame off of those who are knowingly spreading an unfinished product that often says right at the beginning not to spread. If any one person really cared enough to need the raws, they could be buying the volumes/magazines themselves; there are outlets to do so.

>> No.14425352

Where can I find ch. 34?

>> No.14425957

>imagine if someone like CGR translated the official manga.
That would actually be interesting.

>> No.14428935

You're fetishizing the "refinement" process, even though it consists of Clarste throwing the "unrefined" version at people who didn't read the original and hoping they'll have something constructive to say. Fact of the matter is, one anecdote notwithstanding, usually they don't.

And the anecdote only happened because of the real reason people pay close attention to translations - autistic fixation on setting details. It leads people to overanalysing certain phrases and interpreting them in ways a translator cannot conceive. The mistake would pass through completely unnoticed if it didn't yield unwarranted speculation. (Most of them do pass through, because most of them are inconsequential.) That there was a mistake isn't even the most important part, a translation is by necessity never going to be 100% faithful and accurate, you don't need apparent flaws for something to be misread somewhere along the way.

People? People still believe a ton of untrue stuff even when the translations have been corrected years ago. People, simply put, are a thoughtless mob with humongous inertia. I assure you those people are not the same people who care about ZUN's original phrasing.

>> No.14429022
File: 324 KB, 1200x1752, 5_1494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even on WaHH, FOE!

>> No.14431253

>You're fetishizing the "refinement" process, even though it consists of Clarste throwing the "unrefined" version at people who didn't read the original and hoping they'll have something constructive to say.
I've been part of this before and this hasn't been the case at all. I'm not sure what his workflow currently looks like since it's been a while, but I'm not pulling this out of my ass in any way. This also isn't even relevant to the topic at hand.

I agree with the rest? You don't seem to have a point anymore. The issue is that people read leaked draft versions once, conclude these are super accurate to the letter and this is how the misconceptions spread. Regardless of raws being available or translations being updated, the misconception still exists because, exactly as you say, people don't care! That's why spreading the draft versions to the masses is the problem and not the lack of easily-accessible raws in and of itself.

>> No.14432141


>People? People still believe a ton of untrue stuff even when the translations have been corrected years ago. People, simply put, are a thoughtless mob with humongous inertia. I assure you those people are not the same people who care about ZUN's original phrasing.

This is very true.

Even here in /jp/ people defended blatantly wrong lines such as "bitch, get out of the way" just because it was iconic to them.

>> No.14432168

It's not nearly as bad a translation as half the people complaining would have you believe.

>> No.14433286

It is, simply because there's no ''bitch'' in the original, the most important part.

>> No.14433524

>I'm not sure what his workflow currently looks like

Don't let that stop you from sharing how it used to look like when you were paying attention.

Because back when I was paying attention, it was just as I've said - Clarste posted the draft to the tvtropes forum and asked people who've never seen the original for input.

>This also isn't even relevant to the topic at hand.

And just how is pointing out that the QC process isn't particularly useful not relevant to your claim that people should wait for said QC to occur?

>You don't seem to have a point anymore.

The point that you're failing to grasp is that your futile worry about the masses is not of my concern. Masses care about the latest memetic video more than they care about the entire body of official manga. That won't change. They're also irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. The relevant people, the people who produce content for us, are primarily Japanese and won't get misled by a mistranslation.

All I care about is that the rare interesting discussions I can have with fellow fans are stifled by a lack of conclusive source. (And, as you've already noted, I don't care all that much anyway.)

>> No.14440809

That girl a qt
a qr

>> No.14441443

>The point that you're failing to grasp is that your futile worry about the masses is not of my concern
You're just rolling back even further now. Why are you even arguing about this to begin with if you don't care about how the fanbase that reads the manga actually perceives it? That is the entire topic of conversation and yet now you're just making it into a personal complaint about not having raws. Boo hoo. You just sound like some edgy tryhard that wants to feign some sense of superiority by putting yourself on some pedestal as sir-elite-primary, but it falls really flat when you problem is that you don't have the books.

>And just how is pointing out that the QC process isn't particularly useful not relevant to your claim that people should wait for said QC to occur?
Well, considering that regardless of the process involved there is a marked difference between translations enough for misconceptions to spread by early exposure to drafts, no, it isn't relevant what said process actually is nor does it diminish my point in the least.

>Don't let that stop you from sharing how it used to look like when you were paying attention.
I don't think I need to hand that information to someone who seemingly can't tell the difference between two versions of a translation and doesn't care about its impacts anyways. Go buy the volumes yourself if all you want are the raws; not that difficult.

>> No.14446663

>you don't care about how the fanbase that reads the manga actually perceives it

No, mate, I explained this to you already. I care about the fanbase that reads the manga. You care about people who don't actually care about it.

>some sense of superiority

Funny words coming from someone who feels the need to dictate what the unwashed masses should read.

>there is a marked difference

Nobody cares about difference alone. Improvement is what matters, and you simply cannot demonstrate it without comparing the translation with the source.

>I don't think I need to hand that information

But of course; you don't need to demonstrate you're not full of shit. Who's going to force you?

>if all you want are the raws

Again, nigga, I'm talking about discussing the manga. So I'd need to provide everyone with the raws (spending hours if not days making the scans myself, obviously), then wait months for the opportunity to use them for some particular niche topic, because all the discussion about the chapters themselves only happens when they first come out. It's just not worth the hassle.

Now, if we had the raws from the start...

>> No.14453304 [DELETED] 

>So I'd need to provide everyone with the raws (spending hours if not days making the scans myself, obviously), then wait months for the opportunity to use them for some particular niche topic, because all the discussion about the chapters themselves only happens when they first come out. It's just not worth the hassle.
You are just lazy.

>> No.14453597 [DELETED] 

It's aggressive and rudely spoken. The infamous "bitch" line is a way better translation than it's weak ass replacement:
>You! Get outta my way!

>> No.14453622

It's aggressive and rudely spoken. どけ is basically profanity. You have to compensate for the context of the line: It's Alice trying to pretend to talk like Marisa, exaggerating her crass dialogue. The infamous "bitch" line is a way better translation the "accepted" version:
>You! Get outta my way!

>> No.14453624

"Bitch" does not in any way fit Touhou. So no.

>> No.14453677


>The infamous "bitch" line is a way better translation the "accepted" version:

It's not no matter how hard you try to force your mental gymnastics.

>> No.14453710

That's your opinion, which I don't think is backed up by evidence. Marisa is always saying rude things and posturing as a tough/sarcastic character. Her speech would not be acceptable at work place or even adult friends. In English we use profanity for that. Translating rude speech in a grade-schooler way is just embarrassing, at best it shows poor understanding of Japanese, at worse it completely neuters Marisa's brute personality.

>> No.14454729

>That's your opinion
It is not an opinion, it's simply a fact that ''bitch'' is not part of the original text and without it nobody would have even paid attention to the line. It doesn't matter what you think would fit, especially since Marisa is not the rude brat you think she is (maybe fanart gave you that idea), especially in the manga where she's particularly amicable. So much so that she's the one picked to be the neutral party in SoPM. No, saying ''da-ze'' doesn't make you a potty mouth.

> which I don't think is backed up by evidence
Evidence? The original text not having ''bitch'' and you trying your damnest to pretend it's acceptable to change it because you want it to be that way since fanart warped your image of Marisa, for starters. You don't have any ''evidence'' that it should be ''bitch''. Simply being ''Now get out of the way'' is enough.

Not to mention, it's obvious the translators were doing it for the sake of doing it (especially not because of your made up ''it fits her'') seeing as how they jammed in swearing elsewhere like in Remilia's dialogue.

>> No.14455481

Have you read the manga? Or SoPM, for that matter? Marisa is a cunt through and through.

In before "not agreeing with my headcanon means you support bad translations".

>> No.14455840

Yes, Marisa never swears and in fact is friendlier than most characters as shown by the chapters constantly being about ''Marisa talks with character of the month'' like Reisen in FS or just the manga's feature character like Kosuzu or Kasen, she befriends everyone, even the fairies. The cuntiest thing she has done is pranking Reimu way back in OSP, she hasn't done anything of the sort since. Again, saying ''da-ze'' doesn't automatically make you a supercool one-liner-spouting rebel badass straight out of a shonen series.
What headcannon? You're the only one pretending Marisa is the kind of character who would say ''bitch''. If they had never added that word to the translation you wouldn't have even cared, it's obvious you WANT it to be that way because you like what that line has made Marisa's image look like, which completely contrasts with her and just makes her look like the one fan artists sometimes portray her as which is the stereotypical cool rebel who gets all the girls (they got that from IOSYS).

>> No.14456195

In after "not agreeing with my headcanon means you support bad translations".

Like half of the chapters Marisa comes into picture by trying to rob, cheat or murder someone. She's the sweetest girl in Gensokyo.

>> No.14457035

>She's the sweetest girl in Gensokyo.
I bet her womanly juices taste incredibly sweet.

>> No.14462249

fresh spoilers http://jbbs.shitaraba.net/bbs/read.cgi/game/58822/1446478771/

>> No.14462672

translate it weebs

>> No.14462696
File: 6 KB, 851x168, marisa is tasty official.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14462802

Can someone upload FS 30-33 drafts to mediafire or something?. Imgur is asking me for a e-mail so they can notify me when the album download is ready :^)))))))))))))

>> No.14465573

Why even download? It's not like the current quality is worth downloading.

>> No.14467935
File: 1.10 MB, 1477x2000, 8b8f5e48d16e7380f54c6bb2c9dcb641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tasty like mushrooms.

>> No.14472444

Hey, Clarste here. There seem to be some misunderstandings about my workflow. I've never left translation concerns to the masses, even back when all discussion happened directly in the TvTropes forum. There was always one other person in the discussion who actually had the raws, and everyone else just gave grammar advice and pointed out typos and whatnot. That said, sometimes people who don't see the raws can help by pointing out where I've worded something in a misleading way (several examples have been mentioned already; for the record I never though Reimu was being literal about her parents, I just didn't realize it came across that way).

The current workflow is that I show the raw and my script to someone else with experience in translation (more experience than me) and have them double check that there aren't any glaring errors that change the meanings. As I'm sure you've all noticed, this very slow because they're all busy people. It might be going faster now though, hopefully.

As for distributing the rough drafts at all, I acknowledge that it's fundamentally a bad idea but my basic motivation for doing this at all is to talk about the new chapters with my friends, so that's probably just something you'll have to live with. Unless things speed up considerably.

>> No.14472811

When I look at the spoilers, it reminds me of Pooshlmer. I used to look for spoilers and post them there. I also used to write about Fushigi no Gensokyo.

Sometimes I visit it, but it is super dead. It is sad, because thanks to Pooshlmer, I get to know about Touhou, since I was a Rozen Maiden fan back then (ten years ago)

>> No.14473474

Seriously, the drafts are good enough. Delaying the final version is understandable, but withholding everything from us for over half a year out of some misguided sense of modesty or perfectionism would be a much worse idea.

Nature abhors a vacuum. Eventually, someone would come around to fill the gap. You know, just like you did when the voile people kept procrastinating.

>> No.14475208
File: 178 KB, 400x400, shelly dekiller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like half of the chapters Marisa comes into picture by trying to rob, cheat or murder someone
When? All I see is her socializing with the other characters, she has more screentime than Reimu. Hell even if she still did that (she doesn't), that doesn't magically change her vocabulary. Pic related is a thief and a murderer yet his speech is elegant through and through.
