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14333951 No.14333951 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>14319092

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.14334048
File: 337 KB, 1920x1080, 見上げてごらん、夜空の星を 体験版_2015-11-08_22-56-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, well, you beat me to the punch but that's okay. I just finished rounding up my thoughts on the Yozora trial a few minutes ago.

>> No.14334049
File: 390 KB, 1920x1080, 見上げてごらん、夜空の星を 体験版_2015-11-07_23-18-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In general, it's pretty much the best SoL I've read this year, as another anon said last thread as well. The reason for this is probably because Asta makes the relationships feel natural, as much as natural can be in eroge, at least. He uses an in medias res approach often and you go learning the past of the skywatching group so I guess it doesn't feel overwhelming. It also makes you question what exactly and why there is apparent tension in the present time, introducing little "mysteries" that get solved little by little to form the bigger picture.
I think the thing I like the most about the relationships is that Hikari actually feels like a childhood friend instead of simply being a convenient title used in eroge for someone who is already close to the protagonist. It was rewarding to see her motivations to approach the protagonist, how she grows to be an important friend to him, and how subsequently there is tension between them. Usually I'm disappointed about "main" heroines because they really don't feel like there is a strong link between them and the protagonist and they're just there to be poster girls for the game, but I feel otherwise about Hikari. Hopefully she has a good route in the full game that brings their relationship to a conclusion. I'm not sure if it's thanks to Asta's characterization or Moccha's energy injected into Hikari's character but I grew to like Moccha Choco's voice acting here. I do like all the other heroines as well, although Corona might be the weakest because she didn't receive that much exposition. Maybe it's left like this so they'll hand her route to Takashima Eiji and let him develop her. This might also be the case with Orihime but she felt a little more fleshed out than Corona so far.

>> No.14334052
File: 385 KB, 1920x1080, 見上げてごらん、夜空の星を 体験版_2015-11-07_23-28-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this goes alongside the passion inserted into the writing about skygazing. This might be the point where it bores some people not interested in giving it a chance, but if Asta wrote this and his main interests are airplanes and cameras as stated in his twitter, then I'm pretty impressed in the thought he gave to introducing readers to stargazing. I guess they have an overlap, though, so it might not be that surprising. He mainly uses the secondary characters to create the point of view of beginners to skygazing, so that was another interesting point because it would be really dumb if someone like the main character had nobody else to explain the basics to. If there is a downside to this, it's that he does sometimes use terminology that may confuse total beginners. It's nothing one can't just google, though. The experience of learning alongside is definitely one of the goals of the game. Educationally, though, I think I liked the approach Chuable took with Haretaka more, that actually made me want to sit through Kaho's very simple lessons about somewhat irregular subjects like thrust in Japanese, and the glossary helped a lot in making that my favorite game of last year. Asta can get a bit verbose here but it's not that bad, in my opinion.

>> No.14334060 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.32 MB, 1778x10000, 1447108640690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing that made me realize he really thought this out though, was the stellar objects he decided to feature so far in the trial. I grew up learning Western asterisms, nicknames and sky culture in general, so there might be things that may be obvious to the Japanese reader/writer that weren't for me. Since learning about these constitute part of the experience in my opinion, I'll simply spoiler it, for anyone that looks back after playing the trial or the full game when it's out. The images are a comparison of the stellar objects and a more detailed view on them in Stellarium. Reading alongside Stellarium/a guide to constellations might also be enjoyable for some people that don't know the asterisms too, I guess.
He first starts by introducing the observation of Venus, which is particularly known to be one of the brightest objects in the sky. Since it is so bright, it's also easy to find, and has the unique property of being visible during twilight or dawn with the naked eye. Thus it is a good choice to introduce novices to skygazing, because with the aid of a telescope, you can also realize that it features cycles like the moon due to it being between the Sun and Earth. The only thing a bit off is that probably you'd not be able to watch Venus at that resolution with a vanilla Vixen A80Mf (the telescope Saya is shown hugging in her character designs and featured in some CG) so I used a multiplying lens to simulate it. Not a big deal though, just a bit of the science being off, another point like this being the Quadrantid meteor shower and the subsequent meteor shown not really passing through Capella but through Ursa Major. I blame the scripter there.

>> No.14334067

Did you all get so good by reading or are you all japanese?

>> No.14334070 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.36 MB, 1616x10000, 1447108718883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otherwise, the positioning of the stellar objects in the CG were actually quite well represented, and all good for beginners. Apparently they used software called Starry Winds ~星風夜~, which I've never used before, but overall it was faithful enough for me to be able to recognize spots in the sky I knew about and that they explained in the game using the Hipparcos and Tycho 2 catalogues which are pretty complementary. It even showed a few deep space objects like the Andromeda galaxy and featured part of the Orion nebula. It was still explained through text, though. Subaru/Pleiades features a somewhat prominent role in the story as well. Sirius, Procyon and Betelgeuse, some of the brightest stars seen with the naked eye, have some screen time. One of the most important points in the plot also circles around Albireo and tangentially 145 Canis Majoris, which I personally found pleasantly surprising, it being one of the lesser known systems out there.

So overall, I felt that the writer really put some love into the skygazing part of the game too, for both experienced readers and novices. Either he loves it himself as well, which is great, or he went out of his way to make something for both audiences, which is actually even more impressive for me. The music was very much to my taste too, Shimotsuki Haruka and Rita are both artists I love and TWOFIVE managed to make a very fitting OST/BGM reel. There's a few notable discrepancies in art style but it's to be expected with more than 2 artists on board. The only thing that bothered me was apparent different resolutions in the tachi-e's at a similar distance-- some were more detailed than others, or they just didn't scale well that it felt discrepant. The scripting was really nice, there's a lot of effects too that enhance the story rather than repeat what is being written in the text.

>> No.14334074

Someone in the last thread has said
>Also as a charage, it's bittersweet.
What is the bittersweet thing in trial? If it was a full game I'd think endings or something, but I cant really imagine anything bittersweet in a moege's common. Does mc's parent died in some sad way or something?

>> No.14334075
File: 379 KB, 1920x1080, 見上げてごらん、夜空の星を 体験版_2015-11-08_02-32-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr I feel a lot of love and thought was put into the scenario, both in the gal game aspect and the science aspect. The art can be unnerving at times but it's tolerable; music is pleasing. It's in touch both with average readers and amateur skygazers by using good examples on the subject that are easy to understand but interesting in their properties. The relationships between the characters were a pleasure to read through so far. Science can be off at times but it doesn't hinder the overall experience. Depending on the full game it could end up being one of my favorite games of the year.

>> No.14334077
File: 34 KB, 375x427, 1425724046360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14334078

This is longest vn trial review I've ever encountered.

>> No.14334102

How is it compared to previous PULLTOP games? They've put me to sleep every time. I wish they didn't hire Takashima anymore.

>> No.14334115

I liked this trial more than their other games because it was more of the kind of game I like the most, but I can see people liking kanishino more depending on what they're into.

>> No.14334121

Read kanishino then, it's their best game despite the incredible difference between the two writers and even then it still manages to have 4 readable routes.

>> No.14334127

That was me.
Anyways, something of the sort, but it's more like the direction where the story is flowing to. In a group of three where there is a strong friendship that eventually evolves into romance in either way, someone is going to end up left out. There's also Hikari's main point of conflict. I guess it's a moege by strict terms, but it's hard to say that the heroines are there just to make you feel moe. There may be happy endings, anyways.

Sorry, it just hit me on the right spots, so I made a tl;dr which is normally what I would write for anything else.

I haven't played any previous Pulltop games, sorry. Which is why I said last thread that maybe I should give them a shot. I've heard mixed feeling about previous games, though, like yours. I might be biased though.
I'll give it a shot.

>> No.14334145

We're all Japanese here to be honest family.

>> No.14334168

Well if its not as retarded as 恋×シンアイ彼女 I dont really mind sad endings, we will see I guess.

>> No.14334174 [DELETED] 

found the perfect board for you guys.

>> No.14334192

Lel I haven't seen this joke on every thread already, good one anon.

>> No.14334288

Her route is unexpectedly so good. Lots of laugh. My favorite osananajimi route in any eroge.

>> No.14334310

Actually pleasantly surprised with the Olympia route of Sakuuta.
Lots more funny moments and interaction with the other characters than there were in Makoto's route and a lot easier to read too.

>> No.14334411
File: 312 KB, 1202x673, ss+(2015-11-10+at+02.04.31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god this common route is seriously too long. I'm reading for 2-3 hours, and I still couldnt see other two main heroines and to be honest got a little bored of same characters, please just give others already.

>> No.14334421

There is a magic button on the corner of your keyboard.

>> No.14334426

Why read a VN if you're just going to skip? at that point just play something else.

>> No.14334582

Bokusen was a kusoge.

>> No.14334656

But every VN is a kusoge so it's ok.

>> No.14334752

>Oh god this common route is seriously too long.
Every moege ever

>> No.14334771

Hoshi Ori's common route was very short

>> No.14334806

Too short, personally.

>> No.14334819

I dunno, Hoshi Ori really wasn't funny at all, so going straight into the routes made sense to me. Not sure what else they could have done to satisfactorily fill time. Because able to take it down in a single session and dive straight into pure love romance was pretty welcome.

Though, I probably shouldn't talk on this subject, because I dropped the game due to all the aquarium-observatory scenes.

>> No.14334837

My issue was that by the time it came for the "which girl fug" choice you barely really knew any of them besides Marika.

>> No.14334854

The character routes were all about getting to know them, though. The common route gave you a feel for their characters well enough (iyashi senpai, kuudere piantist, etc etc) that when the time comes to pick it's not really a hard choice.

>> No.14335168
File: 2.63 MB, 1024x1536, shapeshifter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shapeshifter wasn't an especially good game (mainly due to its atrocious plot) but something it did really well that I miss in other games was it's use of sprites, particular how frequently it showed the MC. I was playing Aozora Stripe and this phone call scene looked, well, kinda awkward in my opinion, since the right side hasn't even a chibi picture of the MC. Shapeshifter on the other hand did it perfectly. Looking back, I have a lot of positive feelings for Shapeshifter, its usage of sprites was really enjoyable and not something I see much at all. If only the plot wasn't so painful.

>> No.14335492 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 983x615, Primal-x-Hearts-2-promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if Primal Hearts 2 has problems with Win10?
I try opening the installer for it from the ISO but nothing happens.

>> No.14335566
File: 405 KB, 642x507, 2015-11-10_00-53-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fine to me.

>> No.14337703

Thanks for the review anon. I'm going to try the trial.

>> No.14337862

Yeah the common route wasn't that good but the individual route was great. I think it better this way since it's a charage

>> No.14337977

Koikake got bumped of the podium on Moe Game Award. Welp guess shit really got real.

>> No.14338026

Why would it be on the podium in the first place?

>> No.14338037

What exactly happened?

>> No.14338082

How that's rock you're living under?

>> No.14338138

A bit cold, but at least the rent is affordable.

>> No.14338458

>The way it criticized eroge and modern art in general was compelling.

I could see SakuUta directly criticizing modern art but I failed to make the relation as a criticism of eroge. Could you explain it to me?

>> No.14338470

It was ironically shit to show how terrible eroge are.

>> No.14338482

Are you being ironically stupid to show how moronic /jp/ posters sometimes are?

>> No.14339211
File: 30 KB, 985x342, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I think I found our dedicated shitposter!

>> No.14339281
File: 251 KB, 640x480, 妻みぐい.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else reading 妻みぐい in preparation for 3? It feels pretty nostalgic to be playing a 2002 game, somehow, though I didn't play VNs at the time.

>> No.14339295

Calling it Baldr Sky Dive is pretty stupid to be quite honest.

>> No.14339416

Is there any trick to getting older Alice Soft games to play with sound? Not sure how to get BGM/voices to play.

>> No.14339422

You might have better luck with the Alicesoft general on /vg/

>> No.14339426

Huh, didn't think to ask there because I internalized them as Rance general, thanks.

>> No.14339557


It's useful for many other older VNs too.

>> No.14340011
File: 99 KB, 478x600, 1445918518468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well how are the other routes at least?

>> No.14341158

Being an astronomy freak myself, I especially loved one of my favorite constellation being featured in the opening title, which is "Winter Diamond".


>> No.14341262


>reverse search
>nothing comes up

Alright, what's the source of the game please?

>> No.14341265

Royal garden, the latest azarashisoft game.

>> No.14341267

Not that guy, but I think it's Royal Garden.

>> No.14341539

I've given up on softhouse chara but after playing the trial, their new game is pretty fun, reminds me of Suzukuri Dragon. The writing is shit tier though.

First Eushully with Kami no Rhapsody and now this. I can understand wanting to pander to narou readers, but they don't have to mimic shit tier web novel writing too.

>> No.14342297
File: 240 KB, 1193x671, ss+(2015-11-12+at+12.23.25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god this Haruruko started fucking every shit Mc has done so far. Someone just kidnap her or something.

>> No.14342411
File: 265 KB, 640x480, 妻みぐい.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Tsuma Migui 1. Overall it was a really refreshing (and quite short) game, I'm glad I played it. Despite being a nukige, it had a really nice atmosphere, characters (though cliche), and overall was just a fun game. Being a game from 2002, there are many things that struck me, someone who's only really played modern games.
First and most obvious is the gameplay elements that were phased out of modern games. Buying condoms, working a job for money, picking locations to do, random events depending on where you go, etc. I enjoyed this system (though it did compel me to use a guide at times) but I can see why it was phased out - I'm playing this for the story, characters, and so on, not to manage money and time. A second playthough is not something I intend to do because I'd have to navigate through the system. It's sad that modern VNs have all but eliminated this kind of stuff but I can see hwy they did it.

Secondly, the game embraces insanity and "random" humour, so to speak, it's really crazy. Pic related in particular, a mysterious woman with a shadow-boxing turtle friend named Stephanie, who's probably a murderer and mad scientist. There's no explanation given for her existence and despite how out of place this would seem to be in a milf nukige I actually found myself laughing during her scenes. Additionally, every time a day ends there's a short joke skit, like a phantom newspaper breaking the MC's window. This stuff reminds me of the humour in Air somewhat, it's fresh to see given how little modern games* utilize it.
And finally, I was really surprised with the usage of side characters. The male friend, his sisters, the landlord... they're all cliche but the way the game treats them gives them a lot of heart, so I enjoyed their interactions. I liked how the game gave them scenes without the MC (one wherein the imouto sleep walked outside to pee and the aniki had to bring her back). When I first saw the loli my first through was "oh, there's a loli route?". Modern games* seem to have all but eradicated numerous side characters and turned every character (excluding a male friend or two) into a potential romance/route option. I'm not saying that bad, but it was really a surprise to realize that no, Natsume and the loli didn't have a route, they just existed to aid the story, to make the game better (so to speak). That made me surprised. A comparison may be Nanairo Reinarnation, which had many important side characters without routes (the oni), but ensured you could fuck them a lot, whereas I didn't hit a single H-scene with any side characters.

Overall, this was a good game. I don't think it's a game everyone should play or anything (it IS a nukige after all), and I don't think it's even *especially* good, but it was a short, nice experience that has encouraged me to play more older games (especially alice-soft games).

tl;dr game was ok
*Every time I say "modern games" I am implicitly referring to every game I've played and most of the one's I've seen, I don't mean to generalize ALL modern games, just the ones I've played and are familiar with, no doubt I'm overlooking some 2015 game with 100 fleshed out unfuckable side characters

>> No.14342448
File: 778 KB, 1296x759, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sakuraba is the one who comes up with all of the practical thoughts and is shown to be a decent arguer
>even Shirasaki, the ditz, has probably demonstrated greater insight than Kakei
>now he's leaning towards becoming a fucking humanities major, which is useless from both a "productive to society" standpoint and from a "I don't want to live a life where I'm so hungry that I can't find the energy to read books or the money to buy them" perspective

Everyone in the story always goes on about how smart Kakei is, but where exactly is this actually demonstrated? It feels like we're supposed to think that he's smart strictly because the story tells us that he's smart.

>> No.14342458

Isn't he like top of the school in terms of grades and scores on tests?

>> No.14342465
File: 1.73 MB, 1280x720, 大図書館の羊飼い-2015-09-01_14-31-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where exactly is this actually demonstrated?
In his narration, he says a lot of smart and insightful things. There's also a lot of times when people ask for misc knowledge that he just knows from reading. It's not like he just pulls out huge mathematical formulas to solve jet propulsion problems, or builds giant inventions like a mad scientist. He's just generally smart. It's just little things you pick up on, like how he doesn't need to study for tests - as a heavy reader who didn't need to study for most tests (aside from college calculus in highschool) I really related to that. I was actually realy impressed with how Daito showed his intelligence so well, not to be rude but maybe you should just pay more attention to what you're reading because his actions and thoughts really do reflect his intelligence quite well.

>> No.14342472

Also, Shirasaki isn't a ditz, she's a real human bean and her ditzy act is mainly just that, an act, there are many times when she drops it and talks seriously. Surely you know someone in real life who boke's it up just for comedy.

>> No.14342510


I haven't noticed anything particularly smart in his monologues, either.

IRL, you obviously need to have decent mental capacity in order to sustain top grades, but in fiction, any random character that the author chooses can ace all tests without studying and be a star student. My mentally challenged relative who can't do basic multiplication or read could say that a character that he made up is a top student. That doesn't mean that any character in a story that he told would be a smart character. This top student would probably want to be homeless without a job so he doesn't have to follow rules, demonstrating a level of intelligence very close to his creator.

As such, it falls to the author to provide evidence that's more substantial in a fictional setting. For example, Sakuraba. We're not told about her grades (yet, as far as I can't remember), but from her behavior (argumentation, caution tempered with rational explanation, etc.), we can gather that Sakuraba isn't stupid. Even if it's revealed that her grades are mediocre or poor, these qualities that are actually demonstrated to the reader hold more weight in defining her as an intelligent character.

>> No.14342514

>I haven't noticed anything particularly smart in his monologues
>you should just pay more attention to what you're reading because his actions and thoughts really do reflect his intelligence quite well.
It's not the author that's failing to provide evidence, you just aren't picking up on it.

>> No.14342606
File: 160 KB, 1188x672, ss+(2015-11-12+at+01.44.31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished the common route of Royal garden. Yeah it was long as fuck and the first two chapters were pretty boring, but I really enjoyed the continuation of that.

They made a great job at mixing the common route and character events, the flow felt seriously natural. The character events are placed really good as well, it felt like there are 3 different common routes instead of one. I'll give a perfect note about this.

Also sub characters are pretty good as well. I'm really glad that they actually decided to make routes (or just h-scenes maybe, we will see) for them at append patch instead of just keeping for a possible FD.

But the last chapter where mc decided to play hero role was dumb as fuck. They completely ignored his personality which was more mature and professional about his job, he suddenly turned into a classic shounen, with the classic "I cant let all my friend's efforts go to waste!" type thing.

+ I think sometimes they exaggerated too much, for example there was a scene where girls are talking about their monthly pocket money, and seems like they are getting "at least" 100.000.000 yen, which means something like 1.000.000$. What the fuck seriously.

Well in short, it was a great common route with some little down sides. I think this makes a 2/2 succesful title from Azarashi soft, most likely will be 3 at next month since I dont think they'll fail at amakano 2. They are doing a great job so far, looking forward for their next title.

>> No.14342646
File: 2.04 MB, 960x720, Amakano SS E-mote PV.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't really find the appeal of Royal Garden since it didn't look as relaxed as the Amakano series (both in art and thematic) but I'll keep this in mind, thanks.

On the subject of Amakano SS, they've got a preview on their use of E-mote now. It's not that great but it's not bad to have. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIUdyP-Fa-8&feature=em-uploademail

>> No.14342655

Haruruko is cute so it's okay.

>> No.14342673

It's been a while since I read it but I remember one scene specifically where they're trying to recruit Senri but she's not having it and walks away. Kakei then goes to talk to her by himself and single handedly convinces her to give Tsugumi another chance all through very natural dialog.

He also figures out who the shepard is.

I remember having the impression of him being smart, and not in the cheap author hand waving the explanation way you're describing.

>> No.14342675

Yeah its definitely not as relaxed as amakano, they are pretty different type of games.

I also agree about the e-mote, its certainly not at the Witch Garden level but not bad enough for bothering too.

I have doubts about Honami's personality though. I dont think tsunderes fit into this kind of atmosphere. She might break the original's relaxed feeling, but we will see.

>> No.14342678

Actually I thought her as a slut or something at first, But seems like she has some special connection with mc, not randomly every male. Just started her route, I'll bet at being childhood friends.

>> No.14342693

Actually, classic tsundere is one of the coziest archetypes in the animalistic Otaku Database when done right in my opinion (tsun tsun at first, eventually full dere dere when captured). So far she looks like she might be this type, so I'm not too worried.

>> No.14342707

There is a line between being tsun and being bitchy which seems to be becoming more and more vague as more shitty games come out, not that it wasn't a vague one to begin with.

>> No.14342721

I think Amakano's one of the best point was heroines' personalites and how all three accepted mc easily which made that much relaxed imo. Now when we add a tsundere into that? I'm not really sure about it. Seems like it'd be better without her at least.

>> No.14342744
File: 154 KB, 800x600, 26769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think tsundere really shine when their love interest is also tsundere. Pic related, Maho from Conboku, is one of my favorite because of this. When both sides are tsundere it brings out the sense of the heroine being childish stronger than just the heroine alone. The problem I have with most tsundere is that they are bitchy and spiteful just for the sake of it, instead of being charming/lovable in the childish way tsundere is supposed to be.

>> No.14343120
File: 504 KB, 640x480, nanasehnng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well her VA can certainly pull it off.

>> No.14343368


Kana is love.

>> No.14343486

can't spell エロゲスレ without ゲス

>> No.14343506 [SPOILER] 
File: 402 KB, 1725x2000, 1447307031969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>エロ ゲス

>> No.14344191

Is it good for someone who rage-dropped all asa projects he tried?

>> No.14344276

>The problem I have with most tsundere is that they are bitchy and spiteful just for the sake of it, instead of being charming/lovable in the childish way tsundere is supposed to be.
do you mean something like this?

>> No.14344283

Just to clarify I think she is the charming tsundere you are talking about.

>> No.14344381

Conboku is one of my favorite comedy eroge. It's up there with Tsuyokiss. And I'm guessing you're the guy who dropped Asa Project games because the main form of comedy was MC getting beaten up. That doesn't happen in Conboku. The MC acts more strong-willed than anything, and there's plenty of banter from him. I like him a lot. The heroines are sweet too. Even though I tend to hate most tsundere I loved Maho.

Yeah, she seems cute.

>> No.14344384

Also I should've mentioned there is some drama in the routes so it's not really a straight up comedy eroge. But it's not the bad kind of drama. I still recommend it.

>> No.14344410

>main form of comedy was MC getting beaten up
If only. Nothing pissed me off in ひとつ飛ばし恋愛 more than Risa, even though she doesn't try to be violent with protag.

>> No.14344491

But Risa was even more abused in the game than the MC, that's what made their relationship good, shitting on each other, for fun.

>> No.14344493

Is it a good idea to read Saihate no Ima before Cross Channel?

>> No.14344501

There's no connection or anything, go on.

>> No.14344506

Not even a continous thematic one?

>> No.14344517


>> No.14346302
File: 310 KB, 1188x713, ss+(2015-11-13+at+03.22.30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I swear it if they make a route for Touka at append patchs (not just a h-scene, but a route even if its a sub one) I'll buy both of this game and Amakano 2 from them, and upload pictures here. I like her that much, she is just too elegant and great.

>> No.14346444

Broken spine is creepy.

>> No.14346453

Yeah, I'm not sure why but while all other character sprites were pretty good, only this one was broken as fuck.

>> No.14346545

Finished the trial for Tokyo Necro, it was really short.

Sorta excited for it but I am a little suspicious that it got pushed back some more, typically action games aren't my thing as well. I feel that on some level I am only interested in it because nitroplus is doing it.

>> No.14346552

Is it cool to talk about うたわれるもの 偽りの仮面
here" It didn't come out on PC so I don't know how many have played it here.

>> No.14346571

Some people already have. I found it somewhat mediocre.

>> No.14346587

I liked it better than the first for most of the second half. The end is too much of a cliff hanger for me to give it a final judgement.

>> No.14347217
File: 2.73 MB, 1774x3260, Kojikaother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't read Mahoyo, so I gotta know:

Why is Kumari dressed like that?

>> No.14347414

The gameplay itself was more varied (different combos, magic tied into the combo system, passive items, timing based dodge / block), but it was too easy and there was only half the amount of the story battles compared to the original. And yeah, the story just ends when things were finally getting somewhat interesting and there's so many unsolved mysteries so it's hard to judge the game on its own before the eventual sequel. The game had some pretty good music though and I'm hoping they'll roll out a soundtrack soon.

>> No.14347841

Because it's not her.

>> No.14347918

Eroge every day.

>> No.14348767

Why doesn't august just give us the release date for their next game.
Did they tease daitoshokan for 2 years before releasing too?

>> No.14348840

Does it matter? It's already ruined by high school bullshit anyway.

>> No.14348856

Don't be a baby.

>> No.14349193

What's wrong with a high school setting?

>> No.14349199

After you've played a lot of eroge it can get kind of stale.

>> No.14349210

You probably shouldn't be playing eroge if that's the case.

>> No.14349220

You can't tell me what to do.
I don't outright hate high school settings, but it's annoying when games take an interesting premise and force most of it to take place as high school so it fits the mold.

>> No.14349365
File: 56 KB, 256x362, 22226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally found a way to play this on a non-ancient OS and even found a way to get rid of the nasty DRM crap.

I only took an interest in it because maebari is awesome, but thought it would be shit otherwise. Turns out it's actually quite funny (a bit verbose, though). I love older eroge.

>> No.14349513

What's a good GRIMDARK edgy game that's relatively recent (at least 720p)?

I don't care if heroines die.

>> No.14349517

Maggot Baits and Tokyo Necro soon fellow neet.

>> No.14349554


>> No.14349556

Katan opinion matters even less than Habluka's Moogy's and Hadler's summed up together.

>> No.14349569

That means his opinion would be more valuable than all three of those autists' opinions individually, ya dip.

>> No.14349580

I like Habluka's opinions. More people like what they like and hate what they hate without caring about what other people think of games.

>> No.14349581

Not really. When you sum together things pointing in diametrally opposite directions, you get less than each of individual component of sum.

>> No.14349593

So whose opinions are of negative value?

>> No.14349600

Depends on which side of dasaku no unko debaclue you are.

>> No.14349602

Whatever his opinion is I don't really care but what he says doesn't really make sense since his main point is that Sakura no Uta feels too old rejecting the eroge players of today yet it's actually a huge seller who also get tons of rave reviews

>> No.14349612

Stema just like Totono

>> No.14349620

Whatever you think about the ratings, the sale itself don't lie.
I mean, I don't care if he likes it or not but what he said about that is completely removed from reality

>> No.14349672

Did you even read it entirely or just random words?
He calls obsolete its approach with locked main route and game design in general. This kind of stuff doesn't affect sales as buyers don't know in advance that they will be forced to read several boring unneeded routes before able to experience actual story. This is exactly what he complains about.

>> No.14349678

I doubt many people interested in buying the game would choose not to buy it because of the route structure / game design.

>> No.14349684

>This kind of stuff doesn't affect sales as buyers don't know in advance that they will be forced to read several boring unneeded routes before able to experience actual story.
Yes I did read it.
Sakura no Uta keeps selling out though and got pretty much no backlash from anywhere so I'll say, again, that his comment is pretty removed from reality

>> No.14349685

Wow, immediate SakuUta damage control

>> No.14349697

Its funny that Katan of all people disliked snu and called it old. He's old vns freak after all, wtf.
I was sure he would love it.

>> No.14350081

How'd you do it?

>> No.14351149 [DELETED] 

Fuck the premium shrine. I keep playing it when I need god damn stamina for affection items. Always failing these events because of most of team have zero affection. I got to stop doing the blasted events.

>> No.14351432

I Play

>> No.14351439

Me too broseph, me too.

>> No.14351667
File: 497 KB, 640x524, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone spoil Bokusen for me?

>> No.14351753

What kind of spoiler do you want? The ending? Though Bokusen is a good game, just play it and find out yourself.

>> No.14351773


>> No.14351857

The game is about something called "会" it's a game where the MC get transported to a dark and foggy place to fight some invisiable monsters. This "会" have some kind of rules, you must summon your friends as a "soldiers" to fight for you, the more strong your relationship with your friends and family the more strongerthe soldiers gets. You have to pay a cost to summon your friends, and again, the more stronger your bonds the cheaper the cost get. If the Monsters manged to kill the MC who can't move and fight you lose, you win if you kill them all. The most dramatic thing about the game is that the friends and family members you summon cut your relationship with you and start hating you to the point that they want to kill you if they die in battle and then forgets you with time. The girls in the game have their own arc and The MC starts to lose them one after one until he becomes alone at the end. They reveal later that in order to create the game that called "会" you need a despaired human bones, so the old man who was revealed to be the ultimate vallian and the one who pulls the strings behinds the secne kidnapped the maine heroine to kill her and get her bones. The MC managed to trick the old man into his own game and called him to the "会" where he played as his solider and killed him there. There is the rule states that if the solider kill the king who is the summoner disappear and got forgotten in the real world. At the end the MC got his bonds back and payed his sanity as a price. He gets his sanity back after one year and live happily with the Maine heroine

>> No.14351974

I modified the .exe with safedisc 2 cleaner.


>> No.14352021

>Though Bokusen is a good game
Yeah, no.

>> No.14352023

I played Bokusen and liked it well enough because of the dialogue, characters and some of the music etc. But this has to be one of the most retarded eroge plots I've seen in a while

>> No.14352069

It's not as good as sharin no kuni and G-senjou, but it has that unique looseboy touch to it that you can't find anywhere.If the game was longer and got more time in planning and development we may have got a kamige. unfortunately it was a quick title just to celebrate Akabisoft2 10 years anniversary. Iam sure looseboy will deliver with Taiyou no Ko if it ever comes out.

I liked the plot idea,but it wasn't polished enough and was filled with deus ex machina. But still, Iam glad he went with it.

>> No.14352182


Why would you write Sca-ji in Japanese and everything else in English?

>> No.14352203

Because weeb.

>> No.14352659

Started Soukou Akki Muramasa.

These info dumps are killing me and I wonder how much tl;dr tier fights there will be, I don't like having to reread line after line and the Japanese is harder than expected. I feel like it takes me 4 hours to read 1 hour of text.

Interesting as hell though.

>> No.14352686

I don't know if this the right place for this, but I want to play Fate/Stay Night in japanese with the H-content. I downloaded two versions of it from nyaa.se and the third cd didn't work. The other version are either realta nua or already translated. The versions at Anime-Sharing are offline too. Does somebody where I could look for it?

>> No.14352741

The first chapter has the most world background related infodumps and the horrible Tsurugi 101 tutorial at the end of it. Many of the later fights are also pretty verbose and go to great lengths about how some special move the character used was a huge fucking deal, but at least in my opinion they were actually pretty good and nowhere near as annoying as the first chapter's mood breaking final battle.

>> No.14352779

Okay, I should finish the first chapter and it will have better flow? I guess I should stick around. I feel that it is ending soon anyways. I don't mind long ass fights if there is emotion and deeper meaning behind them.

>> No.14352859

The second chapter was just as bad in my opinion.

>> No.14353021

Oh, alright. This better be a masterpiece.

>> No.14353273

Sounds like it's full of asspulls.

>> No.14353285

>Interesting as hell though.
I think you mean interesting as HELL, crossie.

>> No.14353339
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x720, har11a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Haruruko route at Royal Garden. First of all I'd like to say, Well played, seriously. At common route I thought that "ah I'm pretty sure the prince is Shinkrou or Yue at best" but now I definitely have no idea about it. They mixed it really well, Hell I even thought principal at some point. Still I'm betting at something like Yue's brother or that kind of thing, but even that doesnt make sense.

Now about route itself: it was good, but it was too packed. They actually managed to take every possible problem so its better than just ignoring I guess, but it was a little too short for all those events. If anyone actually wondering how much problem they had Haruruko learns mc's real identity > Makes him fall in love with her > this time mc takes time for remembering haruruko > they become lovers > Elgandia decides to stop this acting > Mc says haruruko that he had to leave and they break up > With some help of others and some plays they become lovers again > Haruruko's grandfather learn all of those > Creates a way for mc to stay with haruruko > Mc persuades Yue & Principal about his plan > he spills his real identity to everyone > everyone accepts him > They convince Elgandia with some plan and help of grandfather > Finally fucking end

As I said all of those were necessary since they were actually related to each other, but then again I think that much drama & trouble was a little too much for just a route.

Other than this, Ichaicha scenes were too few and I definitely didnt like the h-scenes, didnt feel aroused at all, was too mannered.

In the end it was a little better than average, mostly thanks to principal and a couple of impressive scenes, but wasn't too great either. Now I can finally start to Grand route.

>> No.14353358

Man, her tits are big.

>> No.14353367

Yeah and her character sprites are weird too, I acutally checked if there are two different artist or something but no, seems like 神剣 桜花 just wanted to make her like this.

>> No.14353427

What the fuck, I learnt the prince's real identity as soon as I started the grand route and it was the really simple, the first thing I actually thought even before starting the game. Hell, I expected some mind fuck, this is a little disappointing.

>> No.14353654
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, ガンパレード・マーチ Screen Shot 2015-07-16 03-25-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why haven't you played Gunparade March yet /jp/?
Play it as a VN, or play it as a strategy game with a genius combat system.

It's up to you.

>> No.14353683

It's on PS1, I never have good times emulating PS1 games

>> No.14353693

But I did 4 years ago.





that scene was awesome.
The asswooping that came afterwards though...

>> No.14353710

「そうだ。人の守り手たるは我ら。 万難を排し、人を守って戦うは我ら。 誰の許可も要らぬ。我らが決めた。 世界は、我らの好き勝手により守られよう。 それが世界の選択だ。」

I need to play this again...
I'll probably give it another run after s;g 0 in december.

>> No.14353786

Use mednafen.

>> No.14353792

That one's even harder to use because of all the command line nonsense or whatever. I'm not asking for a guide or anything, I was just giving him my answer: ps1 emulation is a pain so I haven't played it.

>> No.14353863

Missing out on one of the best games ever made because of an emulator? I wouldn't.

>> No.14353902

No, it's not hard to use. You edit the ini file to get the screen resolution and scaling you want, you switch on loading discs to RAM, you look up the shortcut for controller settings and then you just play the game.

Read the manual a bit and there's nothing difficult about it all.

>> No.14353913

Who is it?

>> No.14353920

Maybe I'll import the disc or something.

>> No.14353973

Because I can't read Japanese.

>> No.14353986 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 267x363, 1374092723070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14354141

Trash art.

>> No.14354143


>> No.14354485

Its Yue as everyone expected, seems like the classic "King wanted a son but a girl come into the world, so king decided to show her as a boy and keep it secret from the country" type thing.

There are a couple of things that dont make sense for now, but I think they'll explain those as well since I'm only at the chapter 1.

>> No.14355009

365 Days A Year
60 minutes an hour
I play Eroge

>> No.14355124

I don't believe you.

>> No.14355547


>> No.14355567
File: 7 KB, 227x112, habluka_retweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Habluka, you are so subtle.

>> No.14355582

> それともオリジナルは酷くても、それを英訳した人が優秀なのか。
He's just fucking crazy.

>> No.14355583

I read a lot of games that I consider boring that others considering active/engaging, and vice versa, so really I don't know what he's talking about.

>> No.14355593

This guy is completely out of his mind

>> No.14355599

His tweet about "ステマ" actually made me laugh a little. Boogeymen everywhere.

>> No.14355600

They are the same sort of people, they can't accept people have a different opinions than their own so they try to find justifications, excuses.
It's pretty pathetic really

>> No.14355601

But everyone who likes things he don't like (read: any modern eroge) is stema and snake oil saler.

>> No.14355616

At least that guy's dictionary doesn't only consist of four letter words, I've never seen habluka write anything that resembles an actual backed up opinion

>> No.14355621

I'm not surprised that a Japanese natives's vocabulary does not consist of four letter words.

>> No.14355667

Stema is actually a thing in Japan, though.

>> No.14355672

Stema is a thing everywhere probably; but so what?
There is a difference between agreeing that stema exists and saying the shit he says.
This guy's opinion is unilateral to the extreme, that's why he is retarded.

>> No.14355680

who is the semendemon above ? always from shapeshifter ?

>> No.14355689
File: 259 KB, 442x713, %t-2015-11-09_23-19-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satsuki from Aozora Stripe

>> No.14355714
File: 39 KB, 350x350, Au30v46CQAEDQgK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god bless you for helping me for this one!

also sorry that you had to spoon feed me

>> No.14356036

Oh, that's this guy.

>> No.14356076

Holy shit how does he dare to shit on /jp/'s masterpieces in his personal blog and personal Twitter account

>> No.14356106

It's not about shitting on Sakura no Uta or whatever, Habluka
The fact that you can read his tweets above and see nothing wrote is pretty amazing by the way

>> No.14356150

Habluka didn't post it :^)

>> No.14356164

Funny how /jp/ had no problem with this argument when it was a game they didn't like (Totono)

>> No.14356169

I am not /jp/, I am me, and I have always shit on people saying "ステマ".

>> No.14356176

Yeah /jp/ is just one person.
Conspiracies everywhere, right Habluka?

>> No.14356180

Can anyone translate あざまっす! for me?

>> No.14356182

I'm not Habluka, though. And I'm obviously talking about this thread's opinion in general since opinions don't differ much.

>> No.14356185

> I'm obviously talking about this thread's opinion in general since opinions don't differ much.
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you an idiot?

>> No.14356192

Considering anytime someone says something critical of SakuUta multiple people jump on them, yes.

>> No.14356197

>since opinions don't differ much
In your dreams maybe.
I don't like Totono but I can understand why it's popular and it has nothing to do with stema.
Most people do understand why, that's why the video of the big twist was so popular on youtube.

Guys like you try to put everything in boxes, it's really fucking annoying, this thread isn't a hivemind believe or not

>> No.14356200

>Considering anytime someone says something critical of SakuUta multiple people jump on them, yes.
If you talk about the thread before it seemed more like a discussion.
Is it that bad?

>> No.14356201

Geez anon, you're just embarrassing yourself. I don't even know where to start.

>> No.14356203

Maybe you should go back at read the threads back when it was released, anon.

>> No.14356207

It's not okay to be in this much denial over your precious eroge, Anon.

>> No.14356214

>precious eroge
You're talking about this /jp/ thread being a hivemind, not about eroge, and the amount of arguments that take place here are undeniable, people have tons of different opinions. I don't know why everyone with a negative opinion of something popular has to pride themselves as some lone wolf of intelligence and free thought in the middle of a bunch of sheep.

>> No.14356221

Man, I am one of those who strongly dislike sakuunko, but I still find these tweets extremely retarded.

>> No.14356225

Do the Japanese really call it that?

>> No.14356227

>to pride themselves as some lone wolf of intelligence and free thought in the middle of a bunch of sheep.

That's in your own mind and there's nothing I can do about that. People are free to dislike things and poke fun at the flaws they see in at.

>these tweets extremely retarded
I'm not you, so it would be nice if you were to elaborate as to why you think they're "retarded".

>> No.14356238

>People are free to dislike things and poke fun at the flaws they see in at.
Yeah, and I'm free to call you delusional for pointing at non-existent flaws. Like a hotbed of arguments being a hivemind. You can't have both anon.
>it would be nice if you were to elaborate as to why you think they're "retarded".
I dunno, maybe it would be where he says that the west may like certain VNs more than him due to the "skill of the translator", when it's well known that English VN translations are hot garbage across the board (with very few exceptions).

>> No.14356244

>would be nice if you were to elaborate as to why you think they're "retarded".
1. He thinks english translations improve writing and that its reason why west like some VNs.
2. Despite being completely detached from general VN crowd tastes and hating pretty much everything that actually sells nowadays, he claims that everything he doesn't like is popular only because stema and no way people genuinely could like these works.

>> No.14356280

>Yeah, and I'm free to call you delusional for pointing at non-existent flaws.

What would those be?

> when it's well known that English VN translations are hot garbage across the board (with very few exceptions).

Uh, no, if that was the case no one would be approaching Sekai. Why would any Japanese person even be familiar with the quality of English translations, were you thinking when you wrote that?

>1. He thinks english translations improve writing and that its reason why west like some VNs.

There are cases of the English translations having better writing than their Japanese counterpart, though. He's not even wrong.

>hating pretty much everything that actually sells nowadays

I don't you've even looked at any of his other reviews then. Here are a few examples from games that were well recieved:

Rance IX - http://advgamer.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2337.html
Mugen Renkan - http://advgamer.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-1570.html
Kyonyuu Fantasy Gaiden 2 - http://advgamer.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2149.html
Sharnoth - http://advgamer.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-1016.html
Kagerou Touryuuki - http://advgamer.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-579.html

>> No.14356286

>What would those be?
See: "I'm obviously talking about this thread's opinion in general since opinions don't differ much."
>Uh, no, if that was the case no one would be approaching Sekai.
Oh my god.
>Why would any Japanese person even be familiar with the quality of English translations,
What was HE thinking when he wrote that, is the question here.

>> No.14356293

>Oh my god.
Whoa, great argument.

>What was HE thinking when he wrote that, is the question here.

Why does it bother you to see someone speculate about an overseas fandom they're curious about?

You still haven't addressed most of my points in my previous posts either.

>> No.14356302


Stop being so damn autistic about it, there is no conspiracy or hivemind. People like what they they like because it's their goddam opinion and they are free to do whatever they want, and gasp they may even like things you don't like.

>> No.14356304

>Why would any Japanese person even be familiar with the quality of English translations
If he's not familiar with something, he should not write assumptions about it.
>Here are a few examples from games that were well recieved
Fuji, pls go learn what actually sells in Japan.
Out of this list, only Rance 9 and Kyonyuu Fantasy sold well, and neither of these two fit what we are discussing, as one is RPG and other is nukige. He didn't even attempt to read anything popular from this month except SakuUta, for example. Neither he did for september or august. http://advgamer.blog.fc2.com/category46-0.html whole 2015 is just bunch of nukiges.
He doesn't know anything about modern VNs, and he should not pretend like he does or like he has any kind of taste.

>> No.14356310

Sometimes someone displays so much ignorance on a subject it's not worth arguing with them. Sekai's translations are infamously bad - when Nekopara came out, there were tons of posts pointing out all the translation (you can have both text on at the same time) mistakes. Their translations are just bad, they're incorrect and bland. The fact people buy them is just due to the simple fact that there's no one else. Koirizo was recently shown to have tons of translation mistakes for simple stuff but no one really cares because it's either accept that or get nothing. Sekai's where the money is, that's all, and companies approach them for that reason, not for their translation prowess.
>Why does it bother you to see someone speculate about an overseas fandom they're curious about?
It doesn't bother me, it just shows that he doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.14356331

>If he's not familiar with something, he should not write assumptions about it.

Why even write about anything, am I right?

>Sekai's translations are infamously bad
Yes, in the west. The quality of English translations are pretty much unknown in Japan and there's plenty of evidence to point to. Also, you avoided my example of a game known as having better writing in the translation than the native Japanese version.

>Sekai's where the money is, that's all, and companies approach them for that reason, not for their translation prowess.

Which is why companies are making their own Kickstarters now without them, right?

>It doesn't bother me, it just shows that he doesn't know what he's talking about.

Sure, dude.

>go learn what actually sells in Japan.
I'd be quite interested if you could provide sale statistics on games past 2006.

>> No.14356337

People who liked Rance IX only really like it for the writing.

>> No.14356339

>I'd be quite interested if you could provide sale statistics on games past 2006.
Can't navigate getchu and amazon.co.jp yourself?
http://www.getchu.com/pc/salesranking201509.html?gc=gc insert needed date into url.

>> No.14356341

>The quality of English translations are pretty much unknown in Japan
>Also, you avoided my example of a game known as having better writing in the translation than the native Japanese version.
I didn't avoid it, I just didn't care, because I already said there are some exceptions. Pointing them out doesn't change the reality that nearly every one sucks.
>Which is why companies are making their own Kickstarters now without them, right?
Yes, for money.
>Sure, dude.
You literally just said he didn't know what he was talking about so not sure why you're being so aloof about it.

>> No.14356346

That's only getchu and is only a ranking

>> No.14356353

It's still worthwhile statistics considering how popular getchu is. Better than just going of your biases.

>> No.14356367

>Also, you avoided my example of a game known as having better writing in the translation than the native Japanese version.
Ask someone to translate you these tweets or something. Katan said "日本人である自分が読んでもクソだるいテキストのノベルゲーを外国人が褒めるというのは、どういうことなんだろうね". Which is literally "why stupid gaijins praise what I, proud nihonjin, declared to be shit?!!". Do you honestly think this reaction is produced by some mysterious True Rememberance review, despite Katan not even having review for it on his blog?

>> No.14356375

The guy said
>Why does it bother you to see someone speculate about an overseas fandom they're curious about?
So you're probably right in that he doesn't know Japanese in the first place. Maybe he's arguing because he doesn't even know what the tweets say. Don't even know why he's here to be honest.

>> No.14356403


Fuck off with your boogeyman already.

>> No.14356475


>> No.14356764

Honestly all e-celeb talk should fuck off.

>> No.14356767

Habluka isn't even an e-celeb. He doesn't actually do anything.

>> No.14356826

So many filtered posts in this thread.

>> No.14357116

Moepig fags should die.

>> No.14357343

habluka moogy hadler herkz
Am I triggering your autism?

>> No.14357395

Oh, thanks. Made filter.

>> No.14357415
File: 545 KB, 800x600, snap001130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I'm ecstatic playing this game just just because of graphics.

>> No.14357485

Seems there's a Sakura no Uta blog worth reading if you are kinda interested in it.

>> No.14357524

Go advertise your shitty blog elsewhere.

>> No.14357600

>worth reading
>Sakura no Uta

>> No.14357747

literally autism

>> No.14358075

It's more like even if the original is really shitty, people will eat it up anyways because they need more fodder for ironic twitch streams and steam reviews.

>> No.14358130

I hate it when I can tell a VN is going to shit, but then I keep reading anyways and as expected it's shit all the way to the end. It's like a bad taste in your mouth you can't rid of.

>> No.14358372


>> No.14358380


New Bland

>> No.14358385

I wonder if it was indented.

>> No.14358429

I was really looking forward for 働くオトナの恋愛事情 next month because the writer's previous work was my favourite eroge for the last year. The trial version was out two days ago, I didn't read it yet but I did read some impressions about it, and what a fucking disappointment. It seems that the adult's love affairs are all about sex and alcohol for the writer. There are 3 h scenes with random girls without even spirits and 2 for the heroines for the trial version alone. Why did Akabisoft let this guy write a nukige for them?
At least the op is kinda good because of 霜月はるか though it doesn't come near how great できない私が、くり返す。op was.

>> No.14358438

>adult's love affairs are all about sex and alcohol
Sounds about right.
>with random girls without even spirits
Fucking girls w/out spirits must be boring.

>> No.14358481

Fuck I know I'm late in saying this, but Naoya at the beginning of VI is insufferable.

>> No.14358502

Oh come on I was really looking forward for that too, fuck this shit.

>> No.14358530

I forgot to mention that the non-spirit girls are non virgins and all the heroines are virgins. I don't know why I laughed at this.

>> No.14358658

>It seems that the adult's love affairs are all about sex and alcohol for the writer.
That's adult love affairs in general.

>> No.14358700


>> No.14358966

He means that anon saying "art is trash" its a moefag.

>> No.14358972

Spirits are sprites, right? That's a funny mistake to make.

>> No.14359137
File: 73 KB, 600x339, 069bb94c-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I fucked up, I meant sprites.

anyway I started the trial, its about the MC who has timid personality and boring life where he spends it only on going from work to home everyday, in short he is your average Japanese salary man. One day after making a miss at work and getting depressed, his section boss invited him to a bar to drink and advised him to change himself, from his look to his lifestyle. So he started wearing more probably and train his body and got more active at work, he also got laid for the first time after he sent some drunk woman home after drinking together at the bar. And that's when he really thought that he began to change. basically its a story about a beta male who wants to change into alpha that can attract women. The game have a tips section that mostly has explanation about the kinds of alcohol that comes out in the game which am not interested in, I liked all the heroines so far except for his coworker.

I must say that am not much disappointed after reading for a bit, mostly because its really rare to have an adult cast and working environment as the story setting. I recommend this to anyone who got tired of the school slice of life games and wants a different setting.

>> No.14359151

I've been looking forward to this because of the adult cast myself. Not sure if I'll play the trial before the full game is out though, December's probably got the best lineup of games for me this year.

>> No.14359213

If someone is looking for a good download source for the game, you can actually download it from the publisher and start it with the cracked exe in that post.


>> No.14359215 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah? I have a couple nukige I'm interested in, but no major games. What are you looking forward to?

>> No.14359221

Oh yeah? I have a couple nukige I'm interested in, but no major games. What are you looking forward to?

>> No.14359244

I guess if you take out nukige my priorities would be Azarashi's Amakano SS and Pulltop's Yozora but also:

AB3's SoraIno and Hataraku Otona
Waffle's KF 3
Liar's Fairytale Encore
Jirai's Kurui no Tsuki is tentative
Still debating on S;G0.

>> No.14359256

>if you take out nukige
>Waffle's KF 3

>> No.14359263

>safedisc 2 cleaner
Thank you.
Tried to use it for アイコン by ベリーベル but it didn't work.

Anyone have knows how unpack Safedisc 2.90 or better yet a crack for that game? Googling gives me nothing.

>> No.14359271

I should really do Kyonyuu Fantasy 2

>> No.14359278

KF series is more than just the lewd, you know.

>> No.14359306

>AB3's SoraIno
I have read the trial version for this one too and it was really good, I was really shocked because of the October release delay.
Speaking of Akabisoft3, did you read 聖騎士MeltyLovers? If so do you recommend it?

>> No.14359307


Tried one of these?

>> No.14359379

Yeah, sadly it didn't work.
I think it's because the generic patch still loads the safedisc driver (which is incompatible with 64bit systems).
I need an unpacker, or an unpacked exe.

>> No.14359465

Maybe you should try doing this on a Windows XP VM

Safedisc doesn't even work on Windows 10, it was all over the news

I don't see a crack ever being uploaded on Share so it's likely they used some drive emulation software or the tools I linked

>> No.14359657


>> No.14360033
File: 289 KB, 766x769, 77d38e2da4f6bfee4a2222ffdba98fb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the original Sakura Wars and the PS2 version have any differences in the story?

>> No.14360054

The PS2 version enhance the gameplay a lot, add some story scenes too.
It's pretty much recommended to do it and forget the original exist.

>> No.14360074

Cutscenes are pretty sweet, too.

>> No.14360097

No, I didn't try Melty Lovers myself, even though Iizuki Tasuku was helming art. After the Cutie Bullet fiasco I kinda simply lost interest in the series, but I might get to it later when I feel bored.

>> No.14360101

I remember reading in some jp wiki that there was an added scenario that had Kouran going completely out of character, and an ending that didn't tie into SW2, or something like that.

>> No.14360119
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>> No.14360122


>> No.14360124


>> No.14360125
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>> No.14360127
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>> No.14360131
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>> No.14360135
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>> No.14360138
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>> No.14360709 [SPOILER] 
File: 263 KB, 1189x667, 1447726930238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Spoiler From Royal Garden-

What the fuck? Does it mean all other heroine routes were a bad ending or something?

>> No.14360963

Actually after thinking a little, I changed my mind. Or more like I'm pretty sure at Haruruko and Fiona's routes its not like that, since one of them has england as their backup and other one already made a deal with Elgandia which secures mc pretty much. I'm not sure about Himezakura though, I'll read her after this grand route.

>> No.14361214

Thanks, but it didn't work. Did it worked for you?

>Windows XP VM
Yeah, I guess I have no choice.

>> No.14362089

>Did it worked for you?

Yup. Do you use Win10?

>> No.14362118

No, I'm on Win7. Guess I'll try reinstalling the game.

>> No.14362795

How many years/months of study did it take you to successfully finish reading your first VN without constantly using a dictionary?

>> No.14362885

About a year or so of reading if you count moege

>> No.14363175

I saw some reviews saying the story doesn't use the rich/poor setting that much. Is it true? Because that seemed like the interesting part to me.

>> No.14364600 [DELETED] 


>> No.14364612
File: 19 KB, 480x360, dive2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just downloaded Baldr Sky Dive2, is really important to to carry over the save data from the previous game? Im pretty sure I have my 95 hour save somewhere but my disk space is running low and woud need to grab/install Dive1 again.

>> No.14364944
File: 207 KB, 1192x665, ss+(2015-11-18+at+04.39.12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it doesnt use that setting too much (or more like just here and there a little) since they are fighting / trying to solve much bigger problems than it. To be honest the money problem is not even in their problem list. I can spoil if you want.

Also I almost finished the Yue route, And I think they are planning a "Harem Ending" at append patch or at some other thing for sure. Every heroine (even two sub heroines) comes and say they still love mc even though he choosed Yue, and even Yue accepts that. Also they are talking too much about this harem thing in this route, while mc cant understand and just says ??.

>> No.14365229

The early parts of KKK are sure boring. Wish it would just get to the expedition already.

>> No.14365532

As I slowly trudge through Innocent Bullet, I can safely say this is the most mediocre game I've every played. It's like a monster of the week show. It follows the same pattern a brief SOL section followed by a brief battle section. They keep adding new CGs for each battle and new art for the murder mutants but I just question: why? Why all the effort for something so mediocre, why all the art to complement a story that's going nowhere. I imagine this game ending as the MC slowly manning up and getting his desired "strength", at the exact moment a singular final-boss-sleek-white-head-honcho murder mutant appears.

Also, the games been really stressing how serious the battlefield is and how easy it is to die, how important it is to not burden your teammates because you'll both die, etc etc. If no one dies by the end of this I'll be stunned and disappointed. Right now this seems like a war game with a gritty-ish setting that's pulling every single punch.

>> No.14365589

From the way you make it sound, it sounds just like some shitty LN. Perhaps they should have went in that direction instead.

>> No.14365606
File: 675 KB, 1280x720, イノセントバレット-the_false_world--2015-11-16_02-53-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would not have minded that, but I'd miss all the angry dude sprites. I love those. Also, having 7 voiced male characters is a treat.

>> No.14365835

Innocent Bullet - And not 2 hours after my complaint they stopped pulling punches. Well, this may be the only punch they throw, because they killed off the person I expected them to, and he isn't really *that* important, but yeah, they did it, so I appreciate the VN a bit more.

>> No.14365877
File: 1.21 MB, 1281x718, n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Future best heroine in サクラノ刻, right?

>> No.14365885

About Koikake, I've seen the ratings are very polarized.

Now that we know how it ends, it isn't a 地雷 anymore so if we can ignore that part, is it good overall?

I heard some people calling it a scenarioge, but I don't know if everyone's just being a contrarian by now.

>> No.14365892

Friendly reminder that you guys are always welcome on /vn/.
Don't let the shitposters deceive you, untranslated VN discussions are still and will always be allowed there.

>> No.14365894

It's pretty mediocre overall. The ending is the thing that pushed it from "don't bother unless you really like the girls" to "actively avoid".

>> No.14365907

I'm checking out the Koikake thread and it seems some people are getting banned from EGS for some Koikake reviews. Is it true that if enough people add you to their 気に入らない list you get automatically banned? That would be pretty shitty.

>> No.14366400
File: 259 KB, 1280x720, 38795987238975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished 萌美's route in PxC.

Overall I was genuinely surprised how much fun I had with the route. The ichaicha especially good and there were some genuinely funny moments mixed in too. I was also surprised that you get introduced to her parents and vice versa, its a pretty rare thing. The texting feature is alright but I would rather have had more scenes instead.

The other girls dont seem that great so ill probably drop it though.

>> No.14366650

I'd recommend Arisa too.

>> No.14366659

I liked it overall, but I enjoy that kind of drama.

>> No.14366807

Anything Masada writes is a potent sleep aid to be honest, family.

>> No.14366812

Most VNs are sleep aids in the beginning.

>> No.14367773

>having 7 voiced male characters is a treat.
What are you, gay?

>> No.14367951

Are you not, faglord?

>> No.14368048

Sakurai Hikaru is a man.


>> No.14368084

How? Is he gay or something?

>> No.14368109

What makes you say that?

>> No.14368115

Some of his sex scenes are incredibly similar to what a female would write.

>> No.14368121

I'm not sure what you mean. They seemed normal to me.

>> No.14368131

Lily's one sex scene and basically how close they are to female-oriented erotica with the heavy emphasis on feelings, arousing situations without doing much and stuff.
I've read a bunch and they are quite similar.

>> No.14368138

I might have to re-read some of them then, I don't know how I missed it.

>> No.14368151

That sex scene really gives the 'virginal female having her first time', as in, a realistic look on it and not the moege-kind of first time.
Also what I'd imagine Mary's would look if he hadn't decided to be faithful to Christie's virgin marriage.

>> No.14368198

That hoshizora fandisk is never going to be translated

>> No.14368977

Is Hatsukoi 1/1 as icha focused as hoshiori? Im debating whether playing that or amekano.

>> No.14368981

I'd say go with Amakano if you want icha icha, hatsukoi has a couple of decent routes and that's it, it focuses a tad too much on drama and some of it is fucking awful (Midori and Runa).
Amakano is comfiness incarnate with lots of ama ama.

>> No.14369036

アマカノ without a second though.

>> No.14369080


Hatsukoi 1/1 was fucking awful, don't play it.

>> No.14369086
File: 886 KB, 1280x720, Kurashina.Asuka.full.1808689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Aokana right now, who has the best route?

>> No.14369167

Asuka has the best route, Mashiro is the best girl, Misaki has the best body sex scenes.
Rika is mediocre on all accounts.

>> No.14369190
File: 57 KB, 395x390, misaki3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misaki has the best route, Misaki is the best girl, Misaki has the best body sex scenes.
Rika, Mashiro and Asuka are mediocre on all accounts.

>> No.14369231


That's kind of like my first impressions. Mashiro and Misaki seemed more like a comedy duo for comic relief than main heroines to me.

>> No.14369247

I'd rank the girls
And the routes
I don't like Asuka that much, specially since they force her down your throat through most of the game, but her route just happened to have the best development and FC matches. Though the ones in Misaki's route are fantastic too.

>> No.14369547

Last Cavalier trial is out btw.
Playing it now, much better than I've originally expected, seems like it will be very fun thing.

>> No.14369572
File: 104 KB, 834x477, 562bcdfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find your taste to be exceptional.

>> No.14369663
File: 216 KB, 1280x720, 2015-11-17 20_32_55-マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ トータル・イクリプス - rUGP 6.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably should have remembered I actually enjoyed most of the bullshit in Muv-Luv people don't like when I thought I wouldn't really enjoy this at all. Still not feeling the whole let's show the same flashback 10 times in an hour thing though and even being that they retouched a bunch of it a lot of the art still looks pretty janky and rushed, which is kind of pathetic for something with so much money in it.

Maybe my expectations have just been driven ridiculously low though.

>> No.14370359

So I downloaded Parfait Second Brew Re-Order, but noticed that there's a regular version that has more content but no H.
Is it worth it to go for that?

>> No.14370442

Unless you are Hetare anon avoid it. MC is so awful that Tone Works apologized for making such an insuferable shit MC.

Its those kind of games that makes you wonder what the fuck the heroines see on the guy.

>> No.14370446

>Play porn games
>Considering the pornless version.

Gee i wonder....

>> No.14370500

do you consider non-h manga "pornless manga" ?

>> No.14370518

where is the source?

>> No.14370569

eroge means erotic game so it should have porn, manga is a broud term that doesnt necesarely means porn.

>> No.14370587

visual novel

>> No.14370646 [SPOILER] 
File: 87 KB, 640x480, 1447910836351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mb porn isn't the only reason people play eroge.................

>> No.14370650

Then why don't they just read a book or something?

>> No.14370659

LNs are fine too. In fact LNs are often very similar to VNs. So, it's really an either-or situation. I don't pick the VNs I want to read based on the porn content (except for nukige, of course), and I don't avoid VNs I'm interested in... just because they have porn? Not sure what point you're driving there.

>> No.14370687

1. vns/eroge are simply a branch of the otaku mediums. if you like anime/manga/light novels/video games there's generally something to be found for you in eroge/vns. there's even been plenty of crossover in the industries over the years.
2. vns/eroge are a unique storytelling medium in and of themselves. with strengths not found in books.
3. they often read books anyway. no need to pick one or the other.

>> No.14371235


新作『ダンジョン オブ レガリアス 背徳の都イシュガリア』

シルキーズプラス WASABI

新作『時計台のジャンヌ~Jeanne à la tour d'horloge~』

>> No.14371276

It was tweets by Kurashiki Tatsuya (昏式 龍也)
He later removed them and left a comment about how he unknowingly revealed an important state secret.

>> No.14371296
File: 245 KB, 320x457, eu17_package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14371306
File: 2.61 MB, 796x2308, majiS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14371339

I'm disappointed that Muramasa lifts quotes from Majikoi, but not surprised.

>> No.14371434

If it's the regular version of re-order it's fine, the non-h version however fucks with the whole ost badly.

>> No.14371526

At least Rhapsody writers aren't working on it.

>> No.14372386

gayy protag again forever

>> No.14372399

It's not quoting Muramasa.
It's a Buddhist thing.


>> No.14372403

How about you try reading? If you even can.
Game features 6 protags, 3 of which are female. That ugly fat pirate on banner is protag too, btw.

>> No.14372523

It's quoting Muramasa though, I mean it's Majikoi.
Miyako even has the same seiyuu as Ichijou

>> No.14372576

When is Hanahime actually coming out? 2016?

>> No.14372709

Guess I'll continue reading this version.
I quite like it so far.

>> No.14372838

see : otome function

>> No.14372889

I don't get it.

>> No.14372893

some eroge just dont get released at all

>> No.14372915

>otome function

I want to believe.

>> No.14373708

Haven't played a new moege in almost 2 years and I'm utterly ignorant when it comes to new releases in that genre. Any recommendations from this year?

>> No.14373714

Koikake's good if you aren't a complete autist.

>> No.14373781

Last year's hoshiori.

>> No.14373792



>> No.14374202

Hanasaki work spring!
don't mind the NTR autistics, it's pretty good.

>> No.14374367
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, kellogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly whoever drew this background is quite fond of Kelloggs cereal.

>> No.14374517

Kek detected

>> No.14374891

That's some detail. Some artists avoid including real products, this guy just walkied into a market and drew whatever he saw.

>> No.14374916

There's not exactly a lot of actually drawing things in that image.

>> No.14375528

Kyonyuu fantasy 3 trial is out for people interested

>> No.14375835


>> No.14376091

that is pretty sad. the game is a confirmed flop though.

>> No.14376108

haven't played the first two so do i have to play them before starting this?

>> No.14376120

You don't have to but you'll miss the references to the previous games

>> No.14376390

It isn't that good, probably at the same level as Sanoba Witch.

I've heard it's mediocre at best.
