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14318843 No.14318843 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>14293104

Aigis Event: Summon Beast in the Earth

LoV Event: Temael's Spring

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Angelic Saga:
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>> No.14318879

Fuck this event, going to do some bandit-raising and dailies for next 10 days and then buy buff pack and try clearing last 3 maps again.
Failed Oni X 2 times because I've leaked gobbs/wolfes and didn't have friggin 1 life point for glowing oni.

>> No.14318882
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>> No.14318957

Three copies of Victoria, two of Bashira. I've already maxed Spica and am waiting for AW, why do you do this to me, Aigis-sama?

>> No.14318974

Its just a sign, max those two and then awaken them all and you'll recieve a Nanaly.

>> No.14319138

Extreme area is up on Osawari.

Anyone manage to clear it yet?

>> No.14319169


Wallet warrior for hotel keys actually. 99 Selma and entourage keeps mana down. It is designed to need wallet to spend all your mana.

But you can't infinite whale to inflate mana so it's lite-wallet friendly to rank.

>> No.14319179

Yeah, only one area. Kinda disappointing.
First time clear nets you a sex scene guaranteed ticket though.

>> No.14319261

How tough is it? Doable without trouble?

>> No.14319266

No, it's a decent challenge. I had to use a few healing gummies to get by.
Just go give it a shot.

>> No.14319279

What really slays me this event is not the black oni's (excuse me, ONI') but those little nigger goblin archers. Those little shits come in packs of 3 on some maps, and they murder everything ranged they can get their grubby little hands on.

>> No.14319307

Hmm. I only have the SLs from the previous event bosses and EP prize. Did you use any SLs with Attack Up buffs or Defense Down?

>> No.14319318

Yeah, I had Lady with her self attack boost.
Just play the damn thing man.

>> No.14319327

Anyone know how to participate in the new GK event?

>> No.14319344


>> No.14319425
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I'm sorry I don't see it on the wiki. What's the heart for?

>> No.14319432

lock so you can't sell iirc

>> No.14319446

ok. Sounds cool.

>> No.14319489

That means she's your current secretary you dolts

>> No.14319524

Seems like you didn't learn basic game technique, called "drop 1-block melee on top of these fuckers". If you have properly raised bandits or valkyries, you shouldn't have problem with them.

>> No.14319677

Can someone remake DMM thread? Don't have OP post text.

>> No.14319707

I think we can let it slide, just this once

>> No.14319866

I got Yuyu. Worth building up for this event? I'm hoping she can push me up to 3* for Black Ogres Rape Your Face X

>> No.14319922
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oh deary, deary me, I don't think this event's going to go well for me(Iand it hasn't so far).

My approach to raising my team so far has been to level & CC them, then just move onto the next unit and CC them, without doing much to level the previous evolved unit.
Thus most of my team are low-level, Class Changed units, and they're not standing up to this event very well, especially the Ogres and Liches.
I wonder if I'm going to be able to at least 1-star all the missions, or get the new character, without some sort of major grindfest on my part?

>> No.14319934

Check nasu videos. His teams are very low-level, you can't go lower than that.

>> No.14319967

Last time I checked videos, it was for the Monk Event, and most of the videos I checked seemed to be Max-levelled CC-ed units, which didn't do me much good(though I did modify one's strategy to consistently get 2 stars & Lynn in the last mission).
I kinda suspected videos for the new event would all be max-levelled troops too.

>> No.14319968

Worst case, trade some crystals in for buffs, and suddenly your CC30 units become way stronger than CC70 stuff. With other events, you usually have to pay some crystals for stamina and such if you want to mincost/maxskill a unit, so I see no reason not to use crystals for buffs on a particularly difficult star event. But there's no need to rush, you have 2 weeks for it, so I would first just see how far you can get.

>> No.14320021

New event at Girls Kingdom.
So, we just clear challenge maps and thats it?

>> No.14320144
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Monique best Kanpani girl.

>> No.14320261

How rare are the recipes in Kanpani?

>> No.14320269

Gold-tier items, i.e. very rare, but there's recipes daily for low-tier recipes.

>> No.14320303

So, farming story quest maps are not worth it?

>> No.14320304

Fuck, Aigis just crashed in the middle of a 12 stam run. That hasn't happened to me in months. Fuck that.

>> No.14320311

Well, farming any map except 2-1 and 2-6 in first two chapters is definitely not worth it. Dunno what are drop rates at recipe daily.

>> No.14320313

Forgot to say, recipes are not bound to specific maps. I.e. if you keep farming 2-1 or 2-6, you will eventually get all R2 recipes from it.

>> No.14320319

Oh, that's good to know. Thanks.

>> No.14320345

100% drop rate on every chest from when I played on JP, there's still the problem of getting Silver, and especially Gold Chests though.

>> No.14320363
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>get event ticket in pero
>forget to check SECs before i roll
is either one of these a SEC? been stuck at 1500-1600 the whole event, so a last minute boost to try to get into the 1000 bracket would be amazing

>> No.14320379

bottom middle is beta

>> No.14320395

Thanks a million, mate. Hopefully she gives me the push I need.

>> No.14320398

nw, gl in ranking

>> No.14320434
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Proof of having done Mighty ogre X a few too many times.

Spend far too many SC on this but damn if it wasn't fun figuring out how to get it 3*. Couldn't have done it without the +5 unit points boosto though. Killing that first black oni (good job containing them, Shiho) without using Karma is incredibly tricky.

>> No.14320440

How many stars you goyim have for the event? I'm at 28 and I'm over it. The last 3 X missions are unfun trash. Doesn't help we've had no time at all recently, just event after event. Just not feeling it at all this event, all others were nice.

>> No.14320444

It's a star event, not a farm event. We still have 1 more week. Dedicate yourself to level up important units and try again.

I am doing the same, by the way. Can't 3 star those X maps and now I'm trying to level up my mages and princesses and Saki. And probably Bashira as well, though Spica should be enough.

>> No.14320454

30 and I haven't even tried crossroads X or flame beast X. Loving this event and the fact there are no breaks, finally gotten a slightly hard event.

>> No.14320457

If it was anything other than a star event I would not be that happy but since it is I don't mind it. Nice challenge to work with and since only need to 3 star once and have 2 weeks it ain't so bad.

I'm at 27 stars and just going down the list getting 3 stars before I move on. I can get 3 stars on crossroad x, I just need proper timing.

>> No.14320460

People want breaks because they are probably playing a bunch of Nutaku games at the same time. Can't really keep up with all those events, unless you give priorities.

>> No.14320461

This is the tactic I eventually came up with after like 20 tries.
Putting Bashira (50cc52) on the top spot, then Calliope (50cc50) on the first spot and Prince way in the back. Activating triple shot at the first moment it becomes available. Then retreating Calliope as the black oni is out of range and placing Cloris (50cc60) on the first spot.

Then dumping Rowanna (48) in his path on the second to last spot and withdrawing her before the second hit. At this time the Black Oni is nearly dead but not enough for the Prince to finish him off. So Lyla (50cc50) immediately on the same spot as Rowanna did the trick (Basically anything that can take one hit without dying). Prince could handle the green Oni by himself.

Last black oni is then easily handled by Karma.

(All 100% affection of course, and I'm sure nobody gives two shits how I did it but there you have it anyway)

>> No.14320467

she's that bird from the original ogre/oni/whatever they called them event, right?
I thought she was just a witch who could switch between attacking and healing, is she actually much more useful than the other witches?
I've barely looked at her since i got her

>> No.14320479
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>Unfun trash
This is the most fun I've had with Aigis in months. Finally maps that make me wonder and ponder on how to complete them instead of getting everything 3* on the first try.
Events back to back is fucking great and I hope it never stops. Previous two events were grinding snorefests but at least the monk one was only 1 week long.

>> No.14320484

No, she is not useful. I just dropped her name in a "good job letting these oni's run wild you useless miko slut" kind of way. Since she was related to unleashing them somehow in that event of her.

>> No.14320489

If you don't want to play Aigis then don't play it, just don't expect whales to conform to the way you do things. I know I'm paying money now that the games better and I know lots of others have mentioned it too.

>> No.14320491

I really hate Crossroad X. It's the easiest of the 3 maps, but my Thetis is just being shit grabbing a skeleton instead of the fucking lich.

>> No.14320496

Yeah I had same problem and lost a run because of it. But I just got lucky and did it 3 stars so up to 30 now. I just waited to use lilia right before the skeleton would overtake the lich. Also had to make sure I removed mehlis from the top right pillar so she wasn't targeted and stalled the lich.

>> No.14320499

Anon, please. Aigis is the only Nutaku game I play a lot and has the first priority. I was just saying that because apparently there're a bunch of people playing all the games at once.

Girls Kingdom looked promising, being a game from the same dev, but I dropped it after seeing how slow the progress is, unless you whale.

>> No.14320502

actually, when I first read that sentence, I thought it looked sarcastic, but then I wondered if maybe I was reading a little too much into it.

Shiho's one of those special units that I pretty much got, then forgot about, like that wizard that also reduces magic damage.

>> No.14320507

Yeah, most entertaining out of all the other nutuku games and I dropped it after the second week, just too slow paced for me.

>> No.14320510

You mean Odette?
i use mine in my main team anon

>> No.14320518
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Speaking of the last 3 x maps, anyone have any tips or strategies to share on them? I've 1* Ogre X and failed Crossroad X. Haven't tried Flame X.

>> No.14320525

I think a lot of people use Odette since she's so strong and there's a real lack of good, easily accessible mages.
Shiho on the other hand is very niche.

>> No.14320529

So, if I don't have princesses and started after Karma event, I'm pretty much fucked with Crossroads X and Flame X?
I have maxed out Cellia as my only plat premium unit.

>> No.14320530

Same, she just did work on crossroads x and her skill while niche helped with lich a little.


For crossroad x I followed Nasu with some edits, I used spica in place of archer. Leanne and Saki in place of Yurina and Charlotte. I used a different princess and healers but those can be adjustable as well.

>> No.14320535

Only Princess I have that's levelled is Karma. Nasu seems to use some other Princess but she can be healed IIRC.

>> No.14320536


Given the way I mincosted Odette and promptly got Garania, I think you're onto something.

>> No.14320537

Someone mentioned using 3 healers and Bernice to tank the second black ogre, karma should be fine to kill the first.
Dunno if your Fedora has the range needed to pull it off though.

>> No.14320540

without a princess i doubt you can even 2* Flame X and Crossroads NEEDS a high damage dealing unit that focuses on the lich and can survive it, so not sure about 2* it either

>> No.14320547

Well, Cellia + Iris should be able to survive lich forever, and eventually, few hours later, she will kill him. Question is how to deal with rest of mobs passing at that lane.

>> No.14320548

Yeah, he used Themis, gold princess. If you don't have another you won't be able to use exact, maybe cycle karma with others but would have to be quick and precise to avoid lich and skeleton blocks. Karma by herself won't kill it fast enough even with skill. Maybe if you with karma and magic dmg ranged on pillars. Either way would be really hard.

>> No.14320555

Anyone 3* Flame Beast X yet, even the whaliest of whales? Curious, because the nico videos I've found use units we don't have or AW units from the revival.

>> No.14320557

this >>14320525
a thousand times
Maxed odette pre AW has 501 AT while Barbas reaches 434
i have her, barba, and cyrus, but she outclasses both of them so i end up using her

>> No.14320571

are the jp videos of this event different? is nutaku at the exact same game state as it was during the time jp had this event? i can't even 3 star a few of these lame missions.

>> No.14320575

Yes, there are plenty of people who 3*ed all maps, check aigis wiki comments.

>> No.14320579

In my many runs of ogre X, I've tried a two healer + Bernice/Marible but then so much of the other shit starts leaking across (red gargoyles and those black wolves) and with two healers, there was nothing range to provide that extra damage so the tank got eventually killed regardless. Didn't really work out for me.

>> No.14320589

Personally I used a lot of extra melee to stall it to let saki and bashira (mainly) focus on it. On the 3 star run I had karma alive for second but he died right before he would have hit her.

>> No.14320590
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Need some advice on my Aigis team, apologies for having everything at such low level - I took a huge break when we had no events going on, when I should have maxed a few units.

Both Alissa and Dorca are at 3/5 skill, but I have a completely untouched Fedora and Iris both in my box. Should I replace one or both of them?

I also have an untouched Dahlia - I assume I should probably replace Kerry with her after CC + Aff.

Only other noteworthy units are Julian who I swap in when I need double soldier unit point generation (Jerome spotlight WHEN?), and a max CR, max skill Leanne that I use when I need an early HA.

>> No.14320594

Lack of magic fencer really hurts. Wouldn't saki work as extra dmg there tho?

>> No.14320595

Oh, and a 50CC40 Mehlis. I had Saki on my team here for some reason. Whoops.

>> No.14320597

Use 10 days you have to max Dana and Nanaly and steamroll everything, jeez.

>> No.14320599

Did you use any goddess buffs?

>> No.14320609

I'm already done the event, just asking for general advice really.

Couldn't 3* Crossroads X or Flame beast X.

>> No.14320614

> Both Alissa and Dorca are at 3/5 skill, but I have a completely untouched Fedora and Iris both in my box. Should I replace one or both of them?
Yes. Awakening is gonna hit in a month, and you would want to have awakened healers because of their improved stats, abilities and class bonus of reducing paralyzis recovery in half.

>> No.14320616

Yeah same, I figured that maybe her skill meant that she would start healing everyone on the field, instead it just turns her into a mediocre healer for a short time and a mediocre witch the other time. But as >>14320525 said, Odette is really good because of her very high base stats. Though her skill is kind of barely noticable and only situationally useful.
The only other mages I have are valerie, cyrus and mehlis. Mehlis outclasses the two males pretty hard, but doesn't really hold a candle to Odette for the same cost.

I kind of decided to give up on putting anymore money into the game since there wasn't any content to do. But ended up putting in 10 more euro to get more SC to 3* Oni X just now. This is the kind of Aigis I like to play; challenging.

All the other games I've tried couldn't keep my interest for long. Peropero is awful, angelic saga is just a really shitty collectible card game with a bad laggy interface, bad mechanics and barely has any erotic content to make up for it. And then Girl's kingdom looked sort of interesting, but like other anons here, I'm starting to grow bored with it.

>> No.14320622

I like Julian more than Katie due to auto-triggering skill awakening. Not caring about activating skill fast enough is so great.

>> No.14320623

Just the +5 unit points one

>> No.14320634

Got it, thanks.

I forgot to factor awakening in at all, really hope Chydis comes back soon or I pull a Camilla.

>> No.14320658

Go with Fedora first as a healer with improved range can be amazingly good in places.

>> No.14320682

Shiho is actually a really good healer while her skill is active. 15 seconds of healing is super niche though.

>> No.14320742

I thought so, thanks. I saw some neat uses of her active in videos before.

What's the order of priority for awakening units, anyways?

>> No.14320796

Your waifu > % Plus to item drop units > Archer, Healer, HA > Stock units > Niche units

In all seriousness, archers go from 1.1 for anti-air to 1.3, and healers get status recovery boosts, so AW makes a big difference.

>> No.14320797

also interested as this was the last star trial in JP before AW

>> No.14320809

Can the Black Ogres/Onis be taken out by instant-death attacks?
If so, do you think it'd be viable to have an armour hold them in place while a ninja pelts them with Shurikens, and hope the Instant Death kicks in?

>> No.14320814
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Today i hit 5 crystal fragments, rolled
oh well, i would like to ask you guys if solano is able to CC or is it like rowana in that matter?

>> No.14320821

yes and no

its a low chance so unless you get really lucky won't be worth it.

>> No.14320834

Pfff~ I got a fucking bronze soldier.

>> No.14320857


>> No.14320934
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Pretty much. I just cleared second to last level and got her. Top tier unit for free so already way better than all the units I got from last event. I wish it was some other unit type that is more useful than Samurai though, I think their only use is to put in Defense base, they are better than the robot girls but still nothing compared to something like Dragon maids.

>> No.14320989

What's the point of these crystals anyway? Seem to be a rare resource and yet they're the same as a fucking 2k? All results I've seen are the same.

>> No.14321000

slightly higher chances.

but the point is it's something extra when farming the subjugation maps for fairies.

>> No.14321006

But Katie has that nice little defense boost. Those things add up.

>> No.14321017

They're great, this subjugation map got me 2 plats from it.

>> No.14321020

20% chance of silver or better, far higher than 2ks 2.5% of silver or better.

>> No.14321037

Any reason to save the new crystal shards or just blow them asap?

>> No.14321044

Blow them asap.

>> No.14321046

No reason. Spend whenever you feel like it, there's no other usage for them and crystal gacha doesn't have any kind of time-limited events.

>> No.14321099

ty sir, i guess i save 1 plat fairy that way

sorry to hear that

>> No.14321111
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>> No.14321112
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Reminded me to roll. Already have her.

>> No.14321128

They are A LOT better than 2k. With 2k, you are extremely super lucky if you get even a single platinum unit ever in years of playing aigis. With the crystals, I already got 2 platinums in the last 3 or so months, as well as 3 gold units and a bunch of silvers.

While the stats may look underwhelming compared to the 2k silver chance, which is still somewhat similar, the chance for rare units is many orders of magnitude more likely.

>> No.14321150
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>tfw I didn't even like her, but she's growing on me.

>> No.14321279

In Kanpani when does the free resume choice reset at because I still haven't gotten one for today.

>> No.14321302

Yeah same here. This is weird, I got new daily present in mail box but now new free resumes.

>> No.14321313

Presents are sent out at 0:00 GMT (day change, duh), resumes - same time as quest refresh (4:00 GMT/ 13:00 JP).

>> No.14321410

so you guys are playing some sort of closed beta for kanpani on nutaku or are you talking about the DMM game?

>> No.14321420

It was released in Nutaku not long ago.

>> No.14321434

Its open for all on nutaku.COM, all-ages nutaku site.

>> No.14321448

oh wow, thanks

>> No.14321482

so is this summoner bitch worth all the trouble?

>> No.14321521

Massive AoE. Tons of damage.

Downside is that it lasts 30 seconds and you have to wait 20 sec to reuse the skill (10 initially). She only attacks when her skill is up.

>> No.14321538

She's like a cheaper mage. Only problem with Summoners is that they are 100% reliant on their skill. So maxing that is priority. Since awakening isn't in yet. The highest dmg she can do is around 647(with max affection no prince buff).
Initial cost is 20, min is 15. so that's easily half the cost of a CC'd mage.

>> No.14321555

Has anyone completed the last event challenge map on Girls Kingdom for the special tickets? I have the units up to Adel, but I'm not sure how to go about it.

>> No.14321570

What's the last event map? Dragon Maids? Because fuck that.

>> No.14321593

Stage 8 - defeat 6 samurais for 6 special tickets. The whole map has defenses spread out - can only deploy from the sides.

You can finish the dragon maid challenge by luring them out with cheap units, tanking with a knight or two and killing them with your damage dealers (preferably your own dragon maids).

>> No.14321751


I like that the midboss map is 2 Adel. Forces people to learn how safe and easy (if resource intensive) it is to take them down. I've tossed screenshots in the previous thread, they're also on harem-battle.club if anyone missed them.

The later event maps are mostly "kill all the defender spawns" which is trivial. Very impressive bases though.

>> No.14322112

Is there any additional reward for 3 starring all of the event maps? Just finished killing the defenders for the last one.

>> No.14322856

Man, lag at Kampani is even worse than it was 2 days ago now. So much for "fixing" it.

>> No.14322888

I can't agree with that. They need to improve it, sure, but it's nowhere near as bad as it has been.

>> No.14322900

Seems like they are load-balancing people to different servers from what I got from chat. Some people like me have 20+ second load times with errors from time to time, some people have near-instant speeds.

>> No.14322909

It's runs very smooth for me

>> No.14322919


Have not tried. Something to ask in chat most likely, that last map will be resource intensive to 3*.

>> No.14322948

Man, Flame beast X is more tougher than I though.

>> No.14323028
File: 18 KB, 206x257, cal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been holding off on power-levelling my team, because I wanted to go back to a few of the missions I once 1-star-ed by the skin of my teeth and try getting a better result, but without using a spectacularly overpowered team to do it.
I've finally got round to trying it, and it's been easy enough so far.
Castle Retake should be interesting, the first time I beat it I only had one CC-ed unit, and that was a healer

>> No.14323176

Got owned before reaching 50% or getting castle even when I striked with all skills and used up whole team.
Needs some clever strategy or owerpowered units.

>> No.14323196
File: 683 KB, 749x512, FBX team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

33* and I'm finally on Flame beast X, should be able to do it though it'll be tough, I got this far I ain't stopping till its done.

>> No.14323204

Also after this event I'm putting more focus on leveling all my blacks, They haven't been needed up till now so, they've been neglected but I've seen the light and they getting maxed now just like I did with my Kerry.

>> No.14323213

Did you use any goddess boosts for the Oni X map?

>> No.14323218

Nope, timing was hard but very doable.

>> No.14323255
File: 667 KB, 943x584, kanpani3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Kanpani what's generally better? A weapon with better stats or a weapon with a better skill?

>> No.14323262

Prob depends on skill and how much stats. If you lose a small amount of stats for say another attack prob would be better to go for skill. Or if you lose an attack for a large increase in stats same thing.

Also can depend on what map your doing, some skills might be better and worth losing some stats.

>> No.14323264

What's highest rank unit? 5*?

>> No.14323269

Depends on what weapons you're talking about, but I'd say go for the one with better stats unless there's something special about the skill.

>> No.14323287

So I don't waste too much food. Is the reduce accessory set all that you can get in the beginner accessory recipe daily map?

>> No.14323295

Define "better"
Final dmg = [Nr of hits]*(emplyee atk + weapon atk)*[skill multiplier] - [Nr of hits]*[enemy def].

>> No.14323379

DT: how is everyone spending their EXP fodder? Both the endless stream of N/HNs and holy dragon water.

I've concluded that I will feed Rs to skill-up HRs first, then HNs/other Rs to skill-up favoured Rs. To feed, HNs and R/HR waters. Ns will be sold for expediency. SR waters will be pumped to Lv 20 and kept around for very fast levelling.

>> No.14323875

So in Kanpani, facility level maxes at 20, but CEO level goes up to 100? Is that right? What's the point of CEO level 21-100?

>> No.14323895

Warehouse cap is 50.

>> No.14324103

I have lots of copies of the same unit in Kanpani. What should I do with them? Just dismiss them?

>> No.14324108


That's what I've been doing. You get class change items so it's not a complete waste. Listening to their goodbyes will make you feel guilty though.

>> No.14324112

Well I do that after the 3rd+ copies. With the second one I transfer it onto the first, this gives the awaking bonus.

>> No.14324187

So, this awakening thing only works with 1 copy unit?

>> No.14324194

As far as I know, I have yet to awaken, then class up to see what happens though so I can't say for certain, but I think it's a one off.

>> No.14324206

No, up to 4 for 1-4*, 5 for 5*. But you need to class up it several times to unlock 2-4th awakenings.

>> No.14324237
File: 165 KB, 991x699, Captur2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have three SC and I'm stuck on the last three missions. Managed to one star Crossroads X though. If I get the defense buff, would I be able to get enough stars to max? Team is all max affection by the way.

>> No.14324499
File: 874 KB, 770x514, mission 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right, how the living fuck do you do pic related with team related? have barely managed to 1star it.

>> No.14324610

You don't.
Do story missions to unlock Selma.

>> No.14324768

What's the best ST/affection challenge map in Aigis, again? I don't need fairies.

>> No.14324825

how to get her H scene?

>> No.14325261

Okay, now I'm confused. How does this awakening thing work?

Do I have to max level and max class a unit before doing it?

>> No.14325269

by last 3 missions you mean the last X missions? or the actual last 3? (crossroads X, flame and flame X)

>> No.14325270

No you just transfer a copy to the original, I just got my first 4 stars and when they got to that they got another bubble for awakening. So not sure on cap but first bubble is 1-3* and 2nd bubble is unlocked at 4*

>> No.14325274


>> No.14325430

How are we doing on stars in Solano so far?

Got 34 stars and stopping there

>> No.14325459

34 as well and I'm stopping and leveling key units that might help on flamebeast, then next week i'll try it again. Not too worried if can't manage, got perfect Solano either way.

>> No.14325475

Currently on 32. Managed 30 blind, and used a vid on Crossroads X for 2*. Flame Beast X should be doable blind as well with a bit of work, it seems.

>> No.14325483

32*, if I can manage to 3* Crossroads X I can end at 34* and not have to worry about anything else. My third Healer is a crappy non-CC Iris though.

>> No.14325486

At 35 stars and my odds of 3 staring the last map aren't very good. I guess I'll come back and get the crystal if we ever get to this revival.

>> No.14325507

33 stars. 3 starred everything and haven't attempted Flame Beast X yet. Used only event units (free player) but I did level them up quite a bit.

>> No.14325511

33. Still need to complete and 3* the last map.

>> No.14325541

29 stars right now. I've 3*'d all maps except Crossroads X, Mighty Ogres X, and Flame Beast X.

Haven't attempted the last 2, and the only reason Crossroads X isn't a 3* is because I keep on fucking up the micromanagement during the lich.

Shit feels like when I first attempted Castle Retake and Immortal Beast all over again.

>> No.14325573

ogres X
flame X

everything else

>> No.14325597

I've been trying to 3 star Crossroads X but I need to level Chydis and Echidna more. My Lich Lightning Rods(Rowona, Lyla, and/or Anya) die out since the healing just isn't catching up unless Chydis is using her special

>> No.14325613

I recommend trying to 3 star Gravestone X if you haven't already, and doing a 2 star run on Flame Beast X and Mighty Ogres X if you haven't

>> No.14325653

Awakening just gives fixed bonus (class-dependent), its irrelevant when you do it, as long as you have free bubble.

>> No.14325738

30 stars, hopefully will figure out how to get 2 more before event ends
currently 0 star flame beast x, 2star ogres x, 1star crossroads x, rest are 3star
Can someone link a reasonable video for flame beast x?

>> No.14325762

29 stars, 2* for Mighty Ogres X, 3* for everything else I've tried, haven't tried Flame Beast X nor Crossroads X.

I got Yuyu with mission SCs, and so I'm trying to maxaff and level her first, then I'm going for 3* on Mighty Ogres X, then I'll hit Crossroads X. Flame Beast X is last, and I want to beat it mostly for 12 mission clear bonus.

>> No.14325765


>> No.14325766

Go look for one of Nasu's old videos. Unless you find the japanese name, you can just search old videos until you see Flame Beast X's map

>> No.14325863

Now I got it. Thanks, anons.

>> No.14325978

I have 4 stars
Being new to the game is a bitch.

>> No.14325982

Are the bonuses the same no matter the level and star of the unit?

Like, giving my level 20, 3 star unit the same unit, but level 1, star 2?

>> No.14325993

Unless it seems like you can at least get Solano, I'd just level up your units instead of trying the event.

A bit unfortunate that you started recently. Around two months ago you would have had all the time in the world to level up units

>> No.14326011

Yes. They are same for whole class. For example, cleric first awakening is piety +5, second hp +50, third piety +10, fourth hp +100, fifth piety +30.

>> No.14326046

Yeah it certainly seems that way, my highest level is at 30, and I barely passed the 2nd map with 1 star. At least I've got 3 copies of Lynn from the previous event, and Uzume as my first premium unit summon, with Liana as my second.

>> No.14326156
File: 1019 KB, 450x360, tumblr_n2p2hykwWO1rkumvuo1_500[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14326303

28 and stopping. Lame event so can't be bothered doing more with it.

>> No.14326336

mad cus bad

>> No.14326346

Nice meme, but no. I've got good units except for Princess levelled to be healed and no Anya. It's just a lame event and they keep throwing up event after event after event. It used to be lamo no event, now there's not a single second without an event. It's just bad.

Shit event in poor order and the whole way it's all laid out is bad. The unit is mediocre as well.

>> No.14326441

definitely mad cus bad

>> No.14326454

All right, Aigis shill. You got me. People wanting an event more frequent sure means 24/7.

>> No.14326471

>It's just a lame event and they keep throwing up event after event after event. It used to be lamo no event, now there's not a single second without an event. It's just bad.
This isn't even a time/stamina extensive event. All you gotta do is 3 star enough missions and you can do anything else.

>> No.14326475

Newfag cancer bait made its way here, I see.

>> No.14326478

It's clearly a be a whale or lose event. Oh and if you weren't around for Anya you instalose event :^)

And you can't argue that an event being up all the time with no break at all isn't bad. The amount of Aigis dick-sucking here never ceases to amaze me. It's like DMM/Nutaku can't do any wrong. Ever.

>> No.14326501

>t's like DMM/Nutaku can't do any wrong. Ever.
This has to be trolling. No one who's been in even 2 of these generals could say something like that with a straight face.

>> No.14326509

Oh so it's only Aigis and/or this event that a handful of samefags are vehemently defending? Great, just what we need. Actually there only seems to be shit-posters in Aigis discussion.

>> No.14326516

mad casul babby detected

>> No.14326520
File: 26 KB, 500x434, 1386786370773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not casual

>> No.14326603

I have Anya and I don't think I've ever had to use her yet. I'm currently sitting at 32 stars. Just follow Nasu's videos, they are a genius.
Anyone complaining about back-to-back events clearly wasn't around when 2-3 week breaks were the norm.

>> No.14326622


this guy has either
a) just started and raged because he can't beat the event

b) trolls be trolling

>> No.14326624

totally, i have anya and i didn't need her to get most of the stars
i DID however use her to 3* crossroads X (i can 2*it no problem without her)
but at that point i already had the requiered 32 stars for maxed solano

>> No.14326636

>follow non-3* strats
genius indeed :)

>> No.14326667

I believe only Flame Beast X and Ogres X are 2 star, the rest are all 3 star, which is all you really need.
I did every map blind a few times first, then roughly following Nasu's strats made me feel silly for how easy they ended up being.

>> No.14326831

Clearly a troll. 90% of these maps are too expensive for Anya to begin with.

Dunno why this thread attracts so many trolls.

>> No.14326895

So what's the earliest I can get AoE heals in Kanpani? I want to minmax this shit.

>> No.14327068

Many agree it's one of the most bullshit and rude (huge spike/check too early) yet if one person says it it's a troll? Grow up. That's all you can say, is just "troll"

It's obvious that the difficulty of every event is horribly retarded and inconsistent.

>> No.14327089 [DELETED] 

mad cus bad

>> No.14327104

Nobody cares about the difficulty spike enough to bitch about "bawwwwww, too hard, need breaks between events", because anyone who was playing this game prior to the six week break with Karma's event is likely overleveled as hell.

>> No.14327133

Earliest is when you clear chapter 3.
Need to get lucky with mace recipe from labyrinth, then get lucky with +3 on craft.

>> No.14327163

The timeline and sequence of events isn't even the same as DMM's.

>people unironically defend this

>> No.14327168

and only the whalest of whales are able to 3* it all.

>> No.14327179

This event is the best simply because of all these mad cus bad shitters that are crawling out of the woodwork

>> No.14327193

>people unironically attack having nonstop events instead of the 2-3 week breaks we used to have

>> No.14327197

>people who dislike the event bring up factual points
>people who like the event say the same two things over and over while trying to force ad hominem
i dunno i'm siding with dislike this time. nutaku still not following dmm's order is just wrong, especially when the event is a brick wall. but i suppose this plus these people who suck nutaku dick tries to coax people into paying. it makes sense and it's sad to see.

>> No.14327201

>yfw it's the aigis devs who choose events


>> No.14327207

what are you even trying to say? you still have brought nothing to your side of your argument except degrading your side. see >>14326520 if you actually think there's any skill in aigis.

event is obviously pay lots of $ or lose. they probably have the difficulty intentionally out of balance to compare the $ income between easy and hard events.

>> No.14327210

You definitely don't need Anya for this event, so that's just plain wrong.

The complaints about out-of-order shouldn't matter to anyone who suffered through the past nine months of two to three weeklong breaks between events.

If by this point, you don't have high enough levels, or a few crystals to spare for goddess buffs, you're either new or bad, and that's your fucking fault.

>> No.14327211

Haven't paid a dime and still have over what I need to get perfect Solano. Don't exactly see the problem with having a hard event so the old players have a challenge. Over on DMM version I started so late that I'm still getting destroyed when trying hard events, it's just to be expected

If you're really having trouble, it's pretty easy to spend a free SC on one or two buffs

>> No.14327214

>they keep fucking the order of events therefore it's okay!
There's no reasoning with you people. Pay up, goyim! You can have lots of good units and all high level and shit but isn't good enough if you don't shell out for buffs and/or lots of top-tier $ units.

>> No.14327220

You don't even need to three star them all. You need 32 stars. you can get a max of 36 stars.
That's 4 stars extra. room. Witch means you could even skip a mission entirely and STILL have 1 extra star to work with.

>> No.14327233

>shell out for buffs
>not keeping a stock of crystals on backup for situations like these

I bet you blew the ten or so free crystals we got in the past month on the premium shrine and only got silvers, so you're mad.

>> No.14327236

It's obvious you don't even understand how the game actually works... hint: you should have gotten more than the SC needed to get two goddess buffs with the 3 star clears just from this event alone. If you haven't you're just very underleveled

>> No.14327240
File: 54 KB, 800x804, 1338158812219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People actually buy those goddess buff noob-traps? Haha, oh wow! Never change, /jp/ You took what tiny bit of thinking the game required and threw it out the window.

>> No.14327241

I don't understand how anyone can be this mad about being bad

>> No.14327243

I only buy them for the bullshit challenge maps (War of Magic, Dwarfs and Giants).

>> No.14327245

sure is hard to use mommy's credit card right? is the hardest part mustering the courage to ask to blow money on a useless whore collecting game? which has no value or worth at all.

>> No.14327246

>goddess buff
>noob traps
The only noob trap in this game is wasting your shit on premium summoning. It's far better to use SC on buffs and refills on events if you need them to get a guaranteed unit over the measly chance you'll get something useful from shit summoning

>> No.14327252

The 5 UP for 1 SC is actually pretty decent these days if you simply cannot 3 star a map. I do agree that it's something you should keep as a last resort rather than using it to steamroll shit.

So mad you can't even use capital letters anymore

>> No.14327255

>samefag card

>> No.14327256

Old goddess buffs were definitely a waste. 40 crystal package deal for all those buffs was hilariously overpriced.

New goddess buffs are much more reasonably balanced and priced.

>> No.14327258

Stop response to the troll, ignore him

>> No.14327265

Nice English. Perhaps we should not listen to you.

>> No.14327273

gooob m8, nyce, now fuk of

>> No.14327301

fucking hell it feels like the chatangos in here
the only difference is you circlejerking retards screaming "TROLL" at anything you disagree with don't have trips

>> No.14327313

Get screamed at either "mad cuz bad XD" or anything akin of "samefag" if you dare disagree with them as well. It's all one person, right. Those people take a soulless and casual as fuck game way too seriously and personally.

>> No.14327321

bait and samefagging.
kuso thread

>> No.14327322

>Those people take a soulless and casual as fuck game way too seriously and personally.
>also complaining about supposed P2W events and no breaks


>> No.14327325

Because you keep harping on about how it's impossible to clear this event without donating when there's videos of 34* clears using only the free silvers and golds?

>> No.14327330

Both are fact so I don't see the problem.

If you are serious and think you have a point, then try to take your ego out of this and read the past few hours of this general objectively. I understand it will be difficult for most, but if you can, you'll thank me for it.

>> No.14327335

All the ones I see (Nasu) is DMM so that's invalid. Nutaku videos I've seen have nearly every unit in their barrack.

>> No.14327341

3* Flame beast X with gold and silver.

>> No.14327348

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>> No.14327351

If you're bitching about people taking a "soulless and casual" game so seriously, then you wouldn't be complaining about being caught unprepared for this event.

>> No.14327353

You didn't even read the thread objectively, anon. I'd appreciate it if you would settle down, stop posting and read for a change. It would be pleasant.

>> No.14327364

How exactly does it being DMM invalidate a working strategy?

>> No.14327369

I recognize that passive aggressive attitude.

You sure like to shitpost a lot on this general.

>> No.14327372

Is that a legitimate question or are you trying to be funny?

Ah, the good ol' samefag card. I love it. Yes, anon. There is more than one person here who doesn't adhere to your cult-like attitude and manipulative fanboyism.

>> No.14327391

Not even talking about samefagging.

I question whether you actually play any of these games (or just Aigis), given how often you've demonstrated in the past that you don't actually appear to grasp a working knowledge of how to play them.

Weren't you the same faggot that took an autocomplete joke a few threads back way too seriously?

>> No.14327400

>You can't do well in this event without donating!
>32* is possible with all -gold!
>But that's DMM, so it doesn't count!

Yes, it's a legitimate question. Those vids are proof that this event is easily doable, so why do they not count?

>> No.14327417

Yeah, that posting style looks familiar. I wonder if it's the same troll.


>> No.14327446

Looks like most people there are retarded. Looks the same as this general. You few samefags really do go to high delusional lengths.

>same posting style
Fucking kek.

Event is obvious P2W as fuck and it has happened before. I'd wager they're testing how much $ they get on hard vs easy events. It's obvious and basic 101 business practice. But you few are so far up your ass you can't even consider the concept of being wrong.

>> No.14327458

Pretty sure Nutaku doesn't even have some of those units. If that's true then yes other anon is right about the invalidation of it.

>> No.14327462
File: 125 KB, 962x639, BernicevsOgre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna take a while, but at least I have 3* now.

>> No.14327473

Got a video of that? Either the first black ogre fucks me up or the second one does so I can't three star it.

>> No.14327494

I've given up trying to kill both those stupid ogres. 2* is enough

>> No.14327511

I used Karma for the first Ogre, and for the rest, the secret is just that I'm a coward who bought buffs, because not a single one of my units would be able to survive a black ogre without it.

Still took me a few tries to find a solution because single Gargoyles kept slipping through.

>> No.14327514

Any reason why you wanted 3 star rather than just letting both the black ogres through?

>> No.14327561

I think we should send some support requests saying that non-stop events are great and we love it. Would totally suck if they start making breaks just because some shits are too casual for 10 mins per day game.

>> No.14327579

I'm doing non stop events for both Nutaku and DMM kek. It doesn't really take a lot since most events have like 8+ stam quests at the end

>> No.14327607

Yep. If people want to take a break, they can just take a break. Demanding that there should be nothing happening while they're not playing is a bit as if I was asking games to shut down their servers while I'm at work, because otherwise people might get ahead. There is absolutely no reason to have that strange competitive mindset about the game. I have happily skipped the Shiho and Monk event because I didn't really care about them.

And nobody can tell me they will not be able to keep up if they don't do every single event, the game is designed so that you can catch up with events even if you start playing today. I have started on dmm a while back and I'm currently farming the final mission of the Eterna event, so I know for a fact that it's doable even another year down the line.

>> No.14327617

I'm doing the exact same thing. Hopefully I can get 1100 on her, I fucked up one or two runs

>> No.14327622

Farming kabocha king map because plat fairies, but yeah, you don't need most of event units.
Heck, you can never do events and never spend SCs on gacha and still do fine due to trade post plats and gold rushes, all essential units are covered by these two.

>> No.14327628

Damn. I've been doing the 50/7 and then the 70/8 map only with my stamina and I can barely reach 300. Does the last map give that much more souls?

>> No.14327641

It does, I'm getting average around 21 per run for 12 stam but don't expect to get over like 700 or so unless you use up some SC. Last map is fairly simple if you let the pumpkin king and dracolich through

>> No.14327654

I'd say a decent amount more souls. 50/7 gives something around 1.6, 80/9 gives around 1.66 from what I've heard, and last map gives somewhere a bit below 1.9 per stamina in my experience (I usually get 21 or 23 souls out of it, rarely 18). It's a decent amount more, but nothing groundbreaking, the more important factor is whether you are willing to use crystals, which you need a lot of if you want to go for 1500. Around 30 to 40 I believe.

>> No.14327656

Then Nutaku would do the opposite since they don't listen to anyone.

So, do it.

>> No.14327740

Automatically, when you first get her.

>> No.14327811


Automatic as soon as you get her.

>> No.14327836

>Burn out during the super long break period on Aigis.
>Come back casually for events.
>Get raped by this event.

I've made a fucking terrible mistake... all those levels my team could have had... God damn it!

>> No.14327857

>Get raped by this event.
This is how I felt when I was 1 week into Aigis and the new event just started after it.
I'm so used to more friendly approach in most of the mobages nowadays where 'good team!=ability to clear events proprely' but rather 'the better the team=the faster you clear events'.
Aigis' starting point of that is probably somewhere deeper because of the power creep.

>> No.14327950

This event is especially harder than the rest, though. Even teams with blacks have some difficulty handling the last few X missions.

>> No.14328225

In Kampani, is there any reason to keep soneone else than pikes + witches + healers? Seems like its ultimate combo.

>> No.14328240

Preference? I am using a ronin, 2 fighters, mage, and cleric and enjoy that. Though besides that there are probably some maps that certain classes will help complete it easier than not using them.

>> No.14328254

Did you reach chapter 4 yet? I was using Monica and that 3* ronin before ch4 maps, but everyone having AoE + very high def and hp is so much better.

>> No.14328260

Archers are insane alpha (will take a unit out of the fight, guaranteed, and they often act quickly with high speed so they can make or break your tank surviving with low HP or dying)
Fighters are somewhat tanky and do good damage. They're softer than a Soldier, but they offer a decent compromise and their stun is nice when it procs. Ronins are a great boss-killer since they do insane damage and rip through armor, but they don't shine until they reach a high level so they're a long term investment. I think Rogues are rather similar to Ronin, fragile dodgetanks (Ronin are dodgetanks as well) that do good damage.

>> No.14328298

Yes, though atm I'm just farming for money and materials.

>> No.14328585

34 stars, got 32 stars blind, used a vid for the 3 stars on crossroads X because the way those little nigger goblins zigzag made my headspin. Still want to try and get Flame Beast X to 3* but I somehow doubt it's possible. Maybe if the map had a few more favorable ranged positions...

Gotta say (again, to offset the babies whining about how bad they are) this event has been the most fun I've had with aigis since the Echidna event. Anyone know which events we could possible have after this one? (I doubt theyll be as fun but hey)

>> No.14328586

This is definately our hardest event so far and I'm loving it. Aside from the 2 hardest maps, they're mostly about positioning and timing such that you can get the desired 32 stars with mostly silvers and Katie.

>> No.14328702

> Anyone know which events we could possible have after this one?
Most likely we will have Yurina and Charlotte drop events, then awakening and even-free week.
Both of these two events are muuuuch easier than Sorano. Yurina is armors rush, as long as you have two CCed mages you can easily clear it. Charlotte has Lich King as only worthy enemy, but he's much weaker than crossroads X lich or efreets.

>> No.14328796
File: 629 KB, 665x800, 637be77b8b26182222b358ed4c79dcdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never on nutkeku

>> No.14328846

They should just add the lolis without their H-scenes. Or replace it with the scenes from all-ages version.

That would be legal even for a +18 game, right?

>> No.14329203

in Kampani, how does the awakened rank work? If it lights up, its maxed?

>> No.14329218

The're the orange bubbles on characters. 1-3* units only have 1 but from 4* and on they gain another bubble up to 5 at 7*. Each bubble gives a set bonus depending on what class they are.

>> No.14329240

Are any of the nutaku event missions worth farming for?

>> No.14329286

it would be, yes, but nutaku dev tea is too dank to see thru the subject
"hur dur this is H game, hur dur non-H-scenes are not allowed"

>> No.14329328

Your call

Summoner: Nothing

Road to hell: Philis

Sacred Spring: Gold Platinum Black Fairies

Sacred Spring X: Platinum Black Rainbow Fairies

Gravestone: Daniela Leeane

Gravestone X: 2:DemonCrystals 1:Crystal Ruby Diamond

Ogres: Elaine XP-armor

Ogres X: 2:DemonCrystals 1:Table-wine Sake Millennium-wine

Crossroads: Monday daily

Crossroads X: Monday daily

Flame Beast: Eunice Harissa XP-armor

Flame Beast X: 3:DemonCrystals 1:Millennium-wine Diamond

>> No.14329343

Nutuku are the not the dev team though and often mention on the twitter how they have very little control of aigis, all they can do is say yes or no to the dev team now.

>> No.14329438

>say yes or no
>say no
I doubt it, seeing how Shiho made it ingame without eye reductions

>> No.14329526

What are you saying exactly, You make no sense. If shiho was edited you'd have a point but she wasn't.

Dev team shows them Shiho, nutuku says no, too loli, change the eyes. Dev team says no, we just won't put her in, Nutuku caves since they want every event and event unit in (gacha units are a different matter).

>> No.14329550

I meant that dev tea said "here's event loli" and nutaku said "ok" because they couldn't say no
But I guess your version sounds more likely

>> No.14329556

I don't think they're different at all. We have Sybilla and Hina in the gatcha and they're pretty much just as loli as Shiho.

Nutaku's standards for what is a banned and what isn't seems to just be completely random.
Anyway Noel and Chloe's events are coming up soon though so we'll see.

>> No.14329569

They can definitely say no, just like the Aigis devs can say no. If Aigis Devs say "Next patch is this girl" and Nutaku says "We don't want cute girls, give her the Medusa treatment and make her hideous", then the Aigis Dev Tea can say "No, we won't change her". But likewise, Nutaku has the option to say "Then we won't host her".

iirc Shiho was the first event after a long break of events, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was mostly just a waiting game between the 2 until someone gives in. Aigis team would obviously have the advantage since they are not dependant on Nutaku, whereas Nutaku desperately needed more content for the game.

>> No.14329590

I win her with 1 star and don't have scene
I need 3 stars?

>> No.14329598


Rogues doing double strike twice a turn is very nice for farming without a healer.

Anyway, having a stash of archers to put in the forge for weapon making is nice.

>> No.14329604

You remember incorrectly. Odette was the first even after our 6 week drought. Shiho was preceded by just a normal(at the time) two week break.

>> No.14329615

No, it was

>2 week break + 1 week delay until Karma (due to the hacking business in DMM)
>2 week break until Rowanna
>6 week ded game until Odette
>2 week break until Shiho

Then finally, our back-to-back schedule with Len, Lynn, and Solano.

>> No.14329623

Ah, you're right, my bad. Completely forgot about Odette.

>> No.14329638

I wish we'd get awakening update, or desert maps or something. I got ton of lvl70 plats and immortal beast fodder is a shit

>> No.14329736

Althought I support what you say, remember that in Nutaku we didn't had and probably will never have Gold Rushes

>> No.14329750

2 for first half, 3 to full scene.

>> No.14329751

Actually almost managed to 3 star Flame Beast X with a nearly non-premium team. Conrad is my only duelist that can handle the Ifrits quick enough though.

I need to replace Anya with a duelist that can take one hit from an black ogre and I'll probably be able to 3star it.

>> No.14329758
File: 82 KB, 573x347, FBX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to post my team.

>> No.14329792

>will never have Gold Rushes
I don't think they would shaft eng version like that. I'm sure we will at least have GR for new year and another for game first anniversary.

>> No.14329821

I can see Christmas/New Year's potentially being a GR.

The first year anniversary is more likely to be Anna's event. It was a sort of a combo gold rush and star rush event. Some of the completion rewards weren't gold units though.

>> No.14329842
File: 115 KB, 959x639, FBX3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep managed to 3 star it. Saki ended up assassinating the first black ogre so I didn't even end up needing Roana or Bashira's skill.

>> No.14330226

Gravestone is probably the best to farm

>> No.14330543

>Email nutaku support wanting all information about my credit card removed from my account
>Get this

In order to process a new card you will need to call into the call center as i cannot take credit card info via email.

Fuck me Nutaku are some of the most worthless supports I've ever witnessed. Do they actually have humans operating this? Time and time again I've seen personally and other people's tickets just get the most useless and unrelated answers.

>> No.14330563
File: 714 KB, 800x600, 12188923_445200492330192_6265638431774836291_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many of us even play Angelic Saga at this point.

>> No.14330574

I do. Only did one tourney match this morning because I don't have time to farm competition points.

>> No.14330611

>Do they actually have humans operating this?

The sad truth is: Yes, and the reason many support services are so bad is because this stuff is often done by understaffed and underpaid people who need to fulfill certain quotas, and who are credited solely by the number of solved tickets.

Actually reading a ticket and trying to help the customer as good as you can is often disincentivised by the reward systems.

>> No.14330617

Can Nutaku do anything right?

Is there a way to get this shit done? I had a look all through my account and can't seem to remove the previously used credit card on there. It has like "credit card #### #### xxxx xxxx" sort of deal with some other minor details.

>> No.14330680

I think it's more probable that we got another facebook event, than a gold rush. Aigis Tea hate the western audience.

>> No.14330771

>tfw 2 more stars to get headwings pantsu
I have 3* on all of the basic maps but ogres (1*) and ifreet (0). Assuming I can get the last couple levels and nail down the strat to 2* ogres (levelling up my bandit to take the mages and recalling everyone to let the big black oneshot machine through in time), what's the next easiest map to beat?

>> No.14330803

I gave up a while ago. No ero content worth a damn and the card game itself is just a shitty version of yugioh in which most of the time, when you get behind, you won't be able to catch back up unless your opponent makes a dumb mistake. And the AI is just too dumb to be entertaining.

>> No.14331133

I can't seem to 3 star flame beast X, I got the rest of the maps 3 starred but...
My healers just can't seem to keep up with all the AoE going on and there isn't a whole lot more extra levels worth of power to get out of the units that I have.
Impossible without a few good blacks or what? (Despite my spendings, Aigis-sama has not seen it fit to grant me any Blacks from the shrine)

>> No.14331146

Well I just take it we're not supposed to 3 star everything here. That would probably be the reason why the stars needed for perfect Solano is 4 lower than the max stars you can get

>> No.14331150

It's definitely doable without any blacks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvWmyYlie-I

The only blacks I used were Karma and Saki for my clear. The rest were a mix of silvers, events units and Conrad.

>> No.14331152

That just means you have bad placement. If more than 2 of your units are getting hit by an aoe, then you need to either rethink your plan, or watch videos.

>> No.14331180

I started girls kingdom a few weeks ago, but I wonder how I should progress in my growth

Im stuck on this map here, I think its story chapter 4 with the knight girl.

what should I do to get my girls stronger?

>> No.14331182
File: 165 KB, 791x531, 2015-11-09 124904-Girls Kingdom - Play Online And Download _ Nutaku.net - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14331191

I was exaggerating *a bit.* This is just the first event I won't get every star on without getting Goddess' buffs or something. I already have max'd Solano, I just want to 3 star Flame Beast X. I'll probably cave and get the buffs, mostly as an excuse to beat the shit out of War of Magic finally.

>> No.14331230

Agh, I'll have to spend around 20 SC for -4 Eterna because I screwed up a couple runs

>> No.14331846

Facebook things are done by nutaku, not dev tea.

>> No.14331857

Star trials always have goal lower than max.

>> No.14331952

Just noticed that Yuno awakening bonus to healer power is irrelevant to whether she's actually deployed. Was very confused at first, since I couldn't see difference when deploying her.
And after checking other units with similar trait, I now see they all are "applied if in team" instead deployment. Was it changed recently? I was very sure Spica needs to be actually deployed to invoke bonus.

>> No.14332248

Having an artillery will help you progress through everything much easier. You get one from completing story quest but reaching that point without any artillery or some of the most OP units seems to be almost impossible. So, the best you can do is try to complete all the dailies and regular quests you can and spend all tickets wishing that you can get a Selma. That sounds incredibly unreliable but the chance to get one is not too low since she is just a bronze unit. I'm a free player and have gotten a total of 5 of that artillery unit so far.

>> No.14332251
File: 111 KB, 402x379, Girls Kingdom - Play Online And Download Nutaku.net.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to do it somehow.

>> No.14332253

You can do Selma story quest with just previous story units if you follow guide on jp wiki. I recommend to do her quest ASAP as you can't do shit w/out arty.

>> No.14332294
File: 151 KB, 547x224, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FKG is ripping off Aigis events.

>> No.14332406

Pumpkin Parade? Not really something Aigis team came up with.

>> No.14332521

Why is Clissa's skill Heal IV so shitty? She hasn't got incredible stats to compensate so wouldn't the Plat Valkyries be better?

>> No.14332583

Skill AW fixes her but until then the plat valks are indeed better.
If you've got Thetis I wouldn't even bother with Clissa, personally.

>> No.14332673

What is her skill awakening then, I tried looking but got nowhere.

>> No.14332688
File: 19 KB, 698x184, 一角獣騎士クリッサ | 千年戦争アイギスWiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I tried looking but got nowhere

>> No.14332837

When I try to follow this video as best I can (have to substitute a bunch of units), I still get all my stuff completely overwhelmed by the end. I guess I just suck at the game? (Also whats up with that ugly pink heavy armor sprite for bernice?)

>That just means you have bad placement.
I like this aspect of Aigis, just putting the same units in a different location at a different time can make all the difference.

>> No.14332941
File: 87 KB, 875x363, iamnotgoodwithjapanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got here, only to click on the red circled link which I assumed was the skill awakened, which took me to http://seesaawiki.jp/aigis/d/%a5%b9%a5%ad%a5%eb# which was useless in google translate and didn't have the name clissa in it anywhere. I am not in anyway good at this.

>> No.14332950

Yes, thing you circled in red is her skill awakening.
Buffs def and attack, makes each kill bring 2 UP, adds hp regen.

>> No.14332953
File: 102 KB, 869x661, Clissa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I click on her awakened skill, I get to this page here. What you linked is the regular skillpage. Did you accidentally click on her normal cure IV skill instead?

>> No.14332954

Try this one

Also new thread slightly early because I'll prob be gone potentially longer than thread would stay


>> No.14332965

Normal cure IV link took me to the Cure IV part of the page, awakened skill took me to the top of said page, I tested it several times.

Thanks, it does look pretty good, regen beats a straight heal even if weaker, specially since you'd hit it beforehand for the attack and defense buff.

>> No.14332991

He does mention that it took him 44 tries to come up with that strategy, so unless you're exactly replicating expect some failures while you adapt your strategy.

Most old gold and lower units used to have generic sprites. None of the healers in that video have unique sprites either.
