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File: 2.54 MB, 2000x1410, 32131113_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14316329 No.14316329 [Reply] [Original]

GET OVER HERE and fuck me.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com/

>> No.14316330 [DELETED] 

Fucking catalog update already.

>> No.14316335
File: 177 KB, 392x500, Black Scorpion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it time for Scorpions?

>> No.14316339

I'm gonna take a Wendigo to a haunted house and buy her ice cream afterwards

>> No.14316344

Maids are olev

>> No.14316357
File: 1.40 MB, 1855x2230, 53267264_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14316362
File: 182 KB, 1200x1581, c07f9976a70d6a0b5dea4c2c0eba96a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first for shortstacks and oppai loli.
little girls with big breasts

>> No.14316366

You got a pit going on or what?

>> No.14316367
File: 247 KB, 500x600, DarkQueenSlime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We ever done anything with Queen Slimes? Even Sea Slimes get occasional pity-mentions.

>> No.14316368
File: 186 KB, 640x480, Bunny Slime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. It's time for slimes.

>> No.14316370

>CISA got passed by the senate

Which monstergirl would protect me from the authorities?

>> No.14316371

Don't make me get out the nerf bat again

>> No.14316373
File: 656 KB, 2125x1195, 20151103_103733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always got my pit going on anon.

>> No.14316375

It's even more real because she's a snake and couldn't warm you up anyway!

>> No.14316377
File: 122 KB, 1000x1000, 1446593050993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12th (?) for daughterus who want upsies!!!

>> No.14316378

I prefer big girls with big breasts and big butts.

>> No.14316379
File: 213 KB, 1000x1000, 1434857314038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14316383
File: 1.07 MB, 992x1403, 1442938531119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I empathise, it's the reason I like Jubjubs so much although it hinders their flight abilities.

>> No.14316385
File: 771 KB, 2148x1412, 1446097098560-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't bully

>> No.14316386

why are they so cute when mad? post more.

>> No.14316388

You can take it, you've got all that and my body pillow doesn't even have pictures on it.

>> No.14316390

x is best girl

>> No.14316393
File: 524 KB, 946x674, This Spider can kick your ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard you talking shit about Spider Pussy Kingdom like I wouldn't find out.

>> No.14316394



>> No.14316395

I want to meet a flat-chested intelligent Jubjub.

>> No.14316396

>flat-chested intelligent Jubjub
Just get a normal Harpy.

>> No.14316397

hah, nice. i'm the other Jubjub husbando.

>> No.14316398
File: 528 KB, 960x680, 51200131_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're ok i guess

>> No.14316401


>> No.14316403

Who dat on the left?

>> No.14316407

arachne from smite

>> No.14316409

But they want boys as well!

>> No.14316411

I like it because it hinders their ability to fly. The image of a jubjub chasing after you, trying to fly only to lose her balance because of her huge tits is hilarious.

>> No.14316418

>Just hatched
>Wants upsies
Needy little baby

>> No.14316419

No, I want my flat chested smart Jubjub.

Or a large breasted smart Jubjub.

>> No.14316426

Why not one of those cute crow tengus? I hear they're kind and smart, you would really like them.

>> No.14316436

She could always attempt to run, although that'd be even more hilarious.

>> No.14316437

Alright Anon, it's time for adventure!
Now, being the patrician that you are, you obviously won't be doing any fighting yourself. Instead, you'll enslave a small monstergirl and have her do your fighting for you!

We have a selection of basic starter monstergirls for you to choose from. Remember, these starters can change in many ways depending on what they're exposed to and what challenges they face. You can also force them to evolve into a more advanced subspecies by using the right kind of magic stone.

>lizard loli
>snek loli
>generic kemonomimi girl
>bug girl
>some kid of imp thing
>unidentifiable blob
>harpy chick
>a horse

Once you have your starter picked out go ahead and grab any 2 of these magic stones.

>'ufufu' stone
>ass stone

Now that you've got your equipment, it's time to set out on adventure! Where will you head first?

>Umi Da!
>Lava level
>Elven woodland
>A farm in Nebraska
>Demon realm
>Inner city
>The suburbs
>Join up with the Kurds to fight ISIS

>> No.14316442

Y is only good for faggots who enjoy shitty fetish (A)

>> No.14316468
File: 440 KB, 1000x1000, 1436067170111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother.
Although she'd be perfect if she were enhanced by Wighthood.

>> No.14316471

I'm too old for them.

>> No.14316476

There's plenty of older ones that would be happy to meet you.

>> No.14316479
File: 641 KB, 2864x2365, 1443221446228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok...? OK?!

I'm going to show you and your pelvis who's "ok" little boy!

>> No.14316481

So what happens if I give a girl more than one stone?
Can I just laze around and experiment with different stone combinations?
Kemonomimi + Hellstone + Lewdstone = Lewd Hellcats and Hellhounds?
Snake + "Ufufu" stone + Chibistone = Shortstack Tsuchinoko?
Any Girl + Darkstone + Sunstone + Lewdstone + Ass stone + Brownstone = ???

The possibilities for mad science are endless.

>> No.14316483

I thought they liked younger men?

>> No.14316484

They like the men they like.

>> No.14316487

That's the idea, Anon.
Isn't science fun?

>> No.14316490

anyone else following this? monstergirlisland com

>> No.14316495

unidentifiable blob+hellstone+ufufu stone+elven woodland

I don't know what's going to happen but my body is ready

>> No.14316513

Hellspawn slimegirl who twists and corrupts the woodlands into a garden of perversion wherever her slime touches.
Imagine if you melted a hellhound. The slime would be black, with a burning orange core and veins of rednss runing throughout her body.

>> No.14316516
File: 49 KB, 540x800, Horse Pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey anon, want to go to the movies and watch Spectre with me?

>> No.14316520

Harpy chick + darkstone + ass stone + Demon realm

>> No.14316523

all that jiggling

she ends up with her ass sticking up in the air presenting herself

>> No.14316524
File: 123 KB, 268x332, 1444957703341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is she going to sit on the seats, though?

>> No.14316527

She needs a magic user to augment her breasts with the power of flight.

>> No.14316530

By sitting...

>> No.14316544

Let's talk when the demo gets released and there isn't any futa/furry in it.

>> No.14316550

Both are desirable scenarios.

>> No.14316559

Sure. I was going to watch it anyhow

>> No.14316562

>I mean I guess, I'd much rather stay at home and cuddle but I could be up for a movie.

>> No.14316564

They got special seats for them.

>> No.14316571

Spider pussy is bad.

>> No.14316576

No. You are bad.

>> No.14316578

Lizard Loli+ Ass stone x2 if you can double up

If not, ass x hell

Either way we are heading to the farm

>> No.14316580

Would her ass jiggle too?

>> No.14316585

>Have a Jubjub waifu
>They're not a species of sex addicts like the rumors say
>Even tho she still begs for "fun times" pretty much all day long
>She insists on doing all the house chores but she's so clumsy that I have to help her
>Sometimes she decides to wrap her fluffy wings around me and doesn't let go for until I give her attention
>Every other day we go to the park to do some sports
>She practices her flying by following me while I go jogging
>She has yet to manage to keep my pace for longer than 5 minutes
>We installed a very spacious bathtub, she loves to make large bubble bath and flap her wings around
>While I dry her off she chirps beautiful melodies
>Every time we watch something together she overreacts to any plot twist
>One time I had to console her for 2 hours after a sad movie
>When we go to bed I act as the big spoon and get to fall asleep head buried in her soft plumage

Jubjubs deserve love too!

>> No.14316589
File: 271 KB, 1592x1141, 15678956987534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jubjub in the clubclub with the wubwub.

>> No.14316599

>a sad movie

What was the movie?

>> No.14316601

>all that jiggling
Wonderful. There's nothing like watching a big pair of bare tits bouncing around, its why the cowgirl position is amazing with well endowed girls.

>> No.14316609

No, because they take multiple husbands IIRC and we can't be having that in this thread.

>> No.14316612


graveyard of the fireflies

>> No.14316626

Don't mind me, just reposting my story upload from last thread while the joint is actually jumping for feedback.

A smile in the rain(Nureonago): http://pastebin.com/Z6pfBBFB

I could use some criticism about what to improve, if anyone is willing to spare the time.

>> No.14316627
File: 423 KB, 813x1200, 1417483247053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I hate her for being a traitorous whore, Succubus Willmarina is one of the few examples of KC making the monsterized version of a woman hotter than her original self.

>> No.14316632

the bathtub sounds fabulous.
there's also helping her get stuff from high places cause you don't want her on a step ladder cause she's clumsy. she'd be happy to use the step ladder finally tower over you and wiggle her ass in your face.

>> No.14316634

She betrayed nobody.

>> No.14316638

My only nitpick with this was that while it mentioned that the Nureonago had a nice ass, it didn't play any part in the smut portions.

Other than that, it was pretty good.

>> No.14316640

That's a fucking lie and you know it.

Succubus Willmarina is fucking shit compared to the human version.

>> No.14316647
File: 598 KB, 1255x705, 1445576553753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be attacked by a crew of comical Shark Girl pirates.

>> No.14316653

No one would get mad if I killed this one right?

>> No.14316659

Her family and kingdom betrayed her long before she had the power thrust upon her to put her future in her own hands.

And of course she's sexier, you filthy puritan.

>> No.14316660

Snekloli with hellstone, I want a fire gyarados I can fuck.

>> No.14316661
File: 738 KB, 1000x936, e8df131b36716aa75777666e23e9b2ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't really think of anything deep or meaningful to give you in terms of criticism. I think it wasn't too lengthy or too short and it's nice to see more Nureonago stuff. Good job!

>> No.14316663
File: 360 KB, 600x849, 1389114134225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. I actually forgot about that while writing and it made it past editing. Well, that one's on me, I should have included that and may go back to expand on that later.

Have a magnificent lamia.

>> No.14316664

Are the Team Rocket tier incompetent?

>> No.14316669
File: 974 KB, 2251x1637, Koyoi_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koyoi looks much better as a monster too.

Hell I don't even care that Willmarina is a "traitor" seeing how fucked up humans can be in MGE at times.

>> No.14316674

I disagree. I think she looks better as a human.

Though the fluffy tails are an improvement.

>> No.14316677

Shame that now all she is now is a dick crazed slut. Absolutely no personality.

Thanks Druella.

>> No.14316678

Harpy chick
Ass stone
(I've already got a lewd stone in my pants so I don't need one of those)
A farm in Nebraska

>> No.14316679

Of course.

They would make me walk the plank, so that's what I would do, I'd walk to the end then walk back, telling them that I've walked the plank.

They'd spend a moment scratching their heads before ultimately agreeing with me.

Things like that.

>> No.14316681
File: 1.29 MB, 2353x3075, 1444094673044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on if you're from Bird Pussy Kingdom.

Also if you aren't terrified of retribution from her Ushi-Oni cousin.

>> No.14316684

I'll take it.

>> No.14316685


>> No.14316686

>They make you walk the plank
>There's Shark Girl Pirates underneath it in the water
>Literally no point in making you walk the plank

>> No.14316690


She had no personality before, she only had a personality around the MC which she suppressed. Confirmed for having not read her actual story.

>> No.14316691

>hfw you show up with a girl and climb on her back before helping your date up
>ignoring her all night and noisily kissing the girl you brought
>hfw the ride back
>hfw you kiss her on the cheek, thanks her and wish her good night before shoving your tongue down the other girl's throat
>yfw you aren't dense and know exactly what you're doing

Blue ovarying monstergirls is the best.

>> No.14316694

She had more of a personality before turning into a slut with wings.

>> No.14316695

What snapped?
I ain't scared of no ushi.

>> No.14316699

Lizard loli + lewdstone/sunstone

Let us train in Umi Da! whatever it is...

>> No.14316702
File: 42 KB, 774x650, 1445576778274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They give up and just throw in the brig.
>You can hear them above deck, breaking into the rum you were transporting.
>The entire night is filled with drunk Shark Pirate singing.
>One Pirate punches open a door and flops her way down to you.
>"Hey shcallywag... Hic!... You ever done it in a barrel of fish befo..."
>She passes out and collapses on top of you, snoring loudly.

Such are the dangers of the ocean.

>> No.14316704


that strap on her breasts.

>> No.14316705

Itty bitty bra

>> No.14316706

He fucked up with merse and anyone who says otherwise is a homosexual bottom. That likes black men. And Turkish sex.

Francisca is shit either way and primera is meh

>> No.14316711
File: 157 KB, 844x888, How am I going to fight all the time now!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks he's going to ride a Centaur
>He thinks he's going to have his GF ride along too

Good one anon, thanks for that I needed a chuckle today.

>> No.14316715

>Posting a lesbo whore.

>> No.14316717

Nah, she's better now.

>> No.14316720

Go away horse Pussy ,only disgusting bestialityfag future alps like you.

>> No.14316726

She's significantly worse.

>> No.14316727

My waifu is a fucking angel.

An angel, damn it.

>> No.14316729
File: 453 KB, 599x732, 6c3782b6dd964b8ee639ab09a5263a5d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14316730

You should read the new manga by the guys who did Death Note.

It has a very, very waifu-y Angel.

>> No.14316731

go away less

>> No.14316733

Anon you could have just said no to wanting to go to the movies with her.

You know, instead of being a bad person.

>> No.14316734

I'm not seeing it m8, as a monstergirl she's perfect. But it's okay if that's not your stuff.

>> No.14316735
File: 151 KB, 850x1157, 1365433977331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angels are nice, the first monster girl I fapped to was one.

>> No.14316738

>saying no to a monstergirl is a perfectly kosher way to let her know she has no chance
First day here?

>> No.14316739

I respect your opinion. I prefer valkyries myself, however.

>> No.14316740


mine was Isis from Ragnarok online. probably.

>> No.14316744

>as a monstergirl she's perfect
As a monster girl she only has sex on the mind, nothing else. As a human at least she had multiple other thoughts and wasn't a complete whore with no personality.

Monster girls are absolute trash for an actual relationship, they're only good for casual sex and that's it.

>> No.14316745


>> No.14316748

Always liked LadyDevimon more, but Angewomon's fantastic too.

So glad they finally made a figure of her, and so glad I ordered it.

>> No.14316749

>things only weenies I care about

>> No.14316750

Digimon had some pretty good monster girls.

>> No.14316756

>As a human at least she had multiple other thoughts
Not really. As a human she was perfectly "Happy" to throw away all individuality and personal desires for the sake of being a "Hero" and doing what her family deemed as best for their place in high society. You can argue that she was brain-washed into being happy as a Monster Girl, but the fact remains she was being brainwashed as a human too. That was just more traditional, rather than magic.

>Monster girls are absolute trash for an actual relationship, they're only good for casual sex and that's it.
Oh. You're one of those sort.

>> No.14316758

>Monster girls are absolute trash
Go away faggot, get banned again.

>> No.14316759

>No Gatomon daughteru wondering when she's going to be a pretty angel like mommy

>> No.14316761

>Only weenies care about wanting to have a relationship with a woman who has an actual personality instead of some dick loving whore.

Alright anon, if that's what you actually believe.

>> No.14316764

I don't know, maybe she just wanted to see Spectre and all her friends were busy?

Maybe she had an extra ticket and her sister bailed at the last second?

Perhaps she just really wanted a ginormous thing of delicious theater popcorn to eat?

Monster Girls are still people anon...

>> No.14316765

Don't reply to the faggot, he is a known shitposter. Just report and move on.

>> No.14316767

I never thought about it like that, man fucking a digimon would be weird.

You knock up a 10/10 blonde chick with angel wings and your daughter is a cat

>> No.14316768
File: 108 KB, 800x1000, 47614852_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is exactly the kind of guy that doesn't get the girl

>> No.14316769

Well first she's goo.
Then she's larger goo
Then I believe she is a hairless cat.
Then she is a Cat.

>> No.14316770

Oh you.

>> No.14316771

>wanting male friends and only that
And Anna Nicole married for love.

>> No.14316772

So Anon, turns out that they lady you told off for trying to steal your shoe is a gypsy.

Upon returning home you've found that your wife and darling daughteru(s) have swapped ages.

How does it break down and do you go gypsy hunting?

>> No.14316773

Shh, go away.

>> No.14316774

Indeed so. Shame the furries get most of the attention in fan art.

>> No.14316777
File: 597 KB, 701x551, butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait for that new digimon game

>> No.14316779

It's the truth anon.

>> No.14316780

Hah.. Do I have to go after her?

>> No.14316781

No you do not.
You just end up with daughters older than their mother

>> No.14316782
File: 50 KB, 400x323, 1444079998482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone that's commissioned artwork before.

What level of details do you have to provide the artist? Do you have to pay upfront? Should i go for sketches for my first commish?

>> No.14316783

I doubt wither of them would be happy, o Gypsy hunting it is.

>> No.14316784
File: 340 KB, 1737x1447, 1443691354877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that guy ,but an unmarried MG wanting to socially interact with a male with no intent to get the D...

>> No.14316785

Not him, but I pretty much consider Angels and Valkyries to be pretty much the same thing. Because I love both equally.

>> No.14316787


>> No.14316788

Depends on howv they feel about it. As for me
>unzips dick

>> No.14316790

Man Digimon sure changed since I was a kid.

>> No.14316793


>> No.14316798

But I can play as a girl, I just can't.

>> No.14316800

I usually get references for the thing I want. Sometimes I go so far as to ask for even the minutest of details for the poses.

>Oh, also, I want her to be in this pose (pic related,) with her also having her arm/hand doing X, Y, or Z. Maybe with so or so expression if you feel up to it

Something like that. Nothing TOO specific, but I definitely like adding extra pics for reference sometimes.

>> No.14316802

I mean, I *can't play as a girl.

>> No.14316803

>Level of detail need be provided?
Tends to vary from artist to artist. Some like you to get really in-depth. Some will, and even prefer, to work off of just a basic description. Basically you'll have some artists who you tell the general direction, and they'll make their way to the destination; and others you guide the whole way there. I find the former are usually cheaper with their prices, so if you don't mind the comparative lack of control, might be a good route to go. Of course, even then, if you have the chance to view them streaming your commission, or they send you back concept sketches, don't be afraid to get picky about things that you don't like, or want changed. It's your money, the resulting art should be just how you like.

Again, varies. Some artists like it all up-front, some'll do half-upfront, half-on-completion, some will do a proof-of-concept sketch then ask for payment.

>> No.14316804


>> No.14316807

uncensored jiang shi when

>> No.14316809

What are they?

Daughteru is wierded out and wife doesn't care, your her oniichan now
What are they?

>> No.14316810

When you provide Butter-T with your bank account.
I wish he didn't resort to paywalling on Patreon. I really do.

>> No.14316811

Nerdbirds. Waking each being radically different would be be annoying for them.

>> No.14316812

Alternatively when the commissioner posts it. We got magma tits' NSFW version because the person behind it wasn't a faggot.

>> No.14316816

Wait a second.
She has one of those sensitivity tattoos on her cheek.
That means that kissing her cheek would turn her into a jelly legged mess.
How lewd.

>> No.14316819

>what are they?

>> No.14316821

Gotta have somewhere to focus when making out.

>> No.14316826 [SPOILER] 
File: 181 KB, 800x600, 1446759954115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think whatever you're planning with those tattoos is going to work well.

>> No.14316829

domo arigato anons

>> No.14316830

>TL note: 'Umi Da!' means 'The Beach(Sea)!'

>> No.14316833

Stay banned next time, please

>> No.14316834

How do you mean?

>> No.14316836

>Lewd + Sun + Beach

This went better than expected

>> No.14316837

Cry more.

>> No.14316843

No dick left behind.

>> No.14316844

I'm not much of a daughteru dicker but since tracking down a gypsy sounds like a pain, I'll make an exception

My daughteru harem and I will raise mommy tenderly until her body can handle rejoining the D club

>> No.14316845

Too late you alp.

>> No.14316848
File: 75 KB, 510x1050, Alma a cutey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As in they aren't sensitive enough to be a large hindrance and that they work on both people involved.

>> No.14316849

Look who made it home from school! Everyone should know what to do with a post like this, no replies, only reports

>> No.14316853

Yet you reply anyway.

>> No.14316854

>daughteru harem
Este Negro lo entiende

>> No.14316858

What does that make, a very horny surfer chick bronze dragon?

>> No.14316864
File: 472 KB, 1200x1127, fox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pinning down that Kitsune who's always teasing you from afar and raping her as she moans and her fluffy tails play against you face

>> No.14316866

Not that guy but sometimes replying causes him to shitpost more which increases the chances of a vacation.

Still better to ignore, though.

>> No.14316868
File: 381 KB, 1200x600, 1444845328814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dang. Maybe Druella has the right idea then.

>> No.14316871

I think me sneezing constantly would kill my boner.

I suppose I'm stuck with scaly/slimy tails

>> No.14316872

What are they all?

>> No.14316876

I've read a few articles about commissions for magic the gathering cards, they focused on 4 things:
Location: a short line describing where the art takes places (what kind of background)
Action: less than a 100 words describing the most important aspects of the artwork
Focus: Yours is obviously going to be the MG so you can skip that one
Mood: What is the depicted character feeling

They also provided many references when there was a specific character involved. I don't think you can relate your request to the ones I've read but it's still some useful insight

>> No.14316877

But that's what she wants.

>> No.14316880
File: 193 KB, 500x549, 1440633209064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then, we already have something in common.
This relationship is off to a great start.

>> No.14316881

I want to trace my fingers down Deruella's pleasure runes and watch her twitch.
Then cuddlefuck her virginity away.
I don't know why Deruella being such a loser makes me hard, but it does.

>> No.14316882

Nope. I'm gonna tease her back.

>> No.14316886

I want to hug a Wock.

>> No.14316888


>> No.14316889

Competitive affection? I like it.
And no matter who gives in and loses, you both win in the end.

Would you kiss a wock's silk socks?

>> No.14316892

>No kitsune girl to tease you by waving her ass around and loudly shouting about how she hopes some big strong human doesn't come along and rape her.
>She'll never get frustrated when you don't pick up on it and practically shove her ass in your face after a while.
>You'll never push her onto the bed and thrust into her while she squeals in glee.
>She'll never cuddle up to you afterwards and thank you for indulging in her fantasies while you pat her head.
It hurts.

>> No.14316893

Well, their mom is an Echidna, so there's;
Echidna #2
Kobold/Lizard twins
Mountain Troll

This should be interesting

>> No.14316896
File: 555 KB, 973x886, 1444355986429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sexually FUCK a character from an unreleased western indie game that's unlikely to be funded and which I have no intent to support!!!

>> No.14316899
File: 717 KB, 1350x849, 1446696603535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to brush a Kejourou's hair. And grope her ass.

>> No.14316902

That's a very specific fetish, Anon

>> No.14316903

only after she's evolved into loli Jabberwock

>> No.14316904

>Competitive affection
All I can imagine is the guy and the monstergirl both trying to top so the other one doesn't have to do anything and they just keep rolling around until eventually they lose themselves in the pleasure and both of them are thrusting their hips while kissing deeply.

>> No.14316905

>no art of a Kejourou using her hair to spread her plump asscheeks

>> No.14316906

Go away Plague.

Good taste, though. That sort of character type is top tier.

>> No.14316907
File: 249 KB, 700x611, 1442726072195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to grope Kejorou's hair and brush her ass

>> No.14316908

>Echidna giving birth to mountain troll and sandworm
Poor girl. Good thing she got loli'd

>> No.14316909

Man every time I see this game it feels like people are trying to guilt trip me into funding it even though I can't play it on anything I have at the moment and I've never played any of the games the company made (well maybe Skullgirls for five minutes but I gave up on that fast).

>> No.14316910
File: 224 KB, 800x485, 1440471807884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now I want that too.

>> No.14316915
File: 410 KB, 1000x1464, 015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're telling me you like girls with long, dark, and messy hair, circles under their eyes, large slightly droopy breasts (which probably have inverted nipples), and a nice, squeezable amount of chub? Is that what you're saying? You like big pale butts and wide hips mad for pushing out babies? Maybe you're partial to a bit of bush down their? Am I getting this right?

>> No.14316922

>I can't play it on anything

what are you posting from then?

I honestly don't give a shit about the game, I just want to fuck Razmi, as I do Hex Maniac and all the girls like them.

>> No.14316925


>no art of a Kejourou giving paizuri by using her hair to move her breasts around while she crosses her arms with an amused expression

>> No.14316930

A really shitty computer.

>> No.14316936

What do you call girls like this?

>> No.14316938

Oh, gee, I don't know man. I think you're going to have to elaborate even further on each and every sordid detail about girls like her. The sort of things they'd do, the ways they'd react to certain advances being made on them.

Natural waifus.

>> No.14316948

You had me until you said chub...

>> No.14316949
File: 106 KB, 829x633, 66bf742a128bca3e9350d2a8ce1121b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want upsies from my waifu.

>> No.14316952

>no art of big beautiful Kejourou ass in spats

>> No.14316953

Tired and plain, i.e. the best.

>> No.14316955

Could she even lift you?

>> No.14316957

That doujin was god-tier.

I think I heard tell of a sequel?

>> No.14316960

My waifu is real beefy, bitch.

>> No.14316962

I imagine it's just a bit of softness. Not Hathor "softness", but just genuinely not being skinny, without having much muscle definition.
I'm sure you're capable of imagining it better than I can describe it.

>> No.14316964


>no art of a Kejourou daughteru clinging to their dad's back, wrapping their hair across his chest to help hang on to him

>> No.14316975

I'm sorry, pls tell her i don't want any trouble.

>> No.14316978

Yeah, I can work with that.

>> No.14316979

No, they do not.

>> No.14316987
File: 101 KB, 483x233, hex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really this is too much for you? You don't want just a tiny bit of soft chub you can pinch as you take her from behind? No love handle to grab onto as you pound her? You don't want big, hanging breasts that are sensitive to the touch and cause her to yip and moan when rubbed? Or even soft, thick, alabaster thighs which you could lay your head on after a long day of work? Can you not handle that?

And just imagine if she was an MG too. Biting on her fuzzy ears causing her to fidget and struggle. Or perhaps playing with her tail, be it scaly or fluffy?or big furry paws perfect for cuddling you, do you think that'd make things worse? Honestly?

>> No.14316989
File: 162 KB, 1023x629, 1443864951256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are faggot cats such bullies?

>> No.14316990

So... dangly. Torpedo tits a best.

>> No.14316992

Because they hate how they're shit.

>> No.14316993

What kind of monster girl would Hex maniac be?

I know one of them would be a Holst.

>> No.14316995

There's no way I'd want to listen to my stinky big sister's big fat tits slap against each other and the couch while I pound her from behind, no way. A chubster like that would make me rock hard.

>> No.14316997

Because they suck at flirting.

>> No.14317002
File: 702 KB, 1000x1086, vymahj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They tease you because they love you. And they love it when you finally snap, throw them against the wall, and hate-fuck their big fat cat asses. All the while they have the smuggest lewd grin on their face as they try to laugh in between moans of pleasure.

>> No.14317005 [SPOILER] 
File: 507 KB, 832x1200, 1446763346477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the better question is "Which KC monstergirl blatantly draws inspiration from Hex Maniac?"

The answer's kind of obvious.

>> No.14317006

Naw. I'll just dump the stupid bitch.

>> No.14317007

Will-o-Wisp. It's only logical.

>> No.14317012
File: 62 KB, 482x308, 1440596643584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone else complete the trinity.

>> No.14317015

What if a guy snaps and instead of hate-fucking her like she wants. The guy beats her smug face in?

>> No.14317016

Man I really like the Wisp's design

>> No.14317019

I'd tell her to leave me alone, not hate-fuck her.

Then I'd do my best to just ignore her. There's nothing more an attention whore hates than the cold shoulder.

>> No.14317024

What if instead you collapse to the ground and sob your eyes out. Hypothetically asking for a friend.

>> No.14317026

They don't. The Queen Slime and her divisions all attend to a single man.

>> No.14317030
File: 545 KB, 600x675, 14537423523432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, a Wisp is forever!

>> No.14317031

Shut up Vanessa, before you get knocked down a few more IQ points.

>> No.14317032

Like what? A Yeti with 'you deserve hugs'?

>> No.14317036
File: 129 KB, 600x369, you deserve hugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone deserves hugs

>> No.14317038

>You'll never fuck a Cheshire Cat doggystyle and watch her fat cat ass jiggle.
>You'll never flip her over, pin her down and fuck her in the missionary position while watching her fat cat tits bounce up and down with every thrust.
>You'll never hear her moan as you nibble one of her ears and cum inside her again and again.
>You'll never cuddle with Cheshire and hear her purr through her smug sleeping grin.
>She'll never wake you up with a blowjob that goes unfinished and then seductively beckon you as she walks to the shower.

>> No.14317045

She'd hug you while repeatedly apologizing and then offer to be your friend with benefits.
And she'd tone down the bullying to lewd teasing.

>> No.14317054
File: 247 KB, 613x611, 1393350940750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Giving 3D reactions to monsters
You people are no fun
She'd probably hate you forever, and go from teasing to being actively malicious.
She's just going to try harder. Ignoring someone who craves attention will just make them try harder. She'll probably end up just raping you eventually.
Probably break down, apologize, and become all lovey-dovey. She'll still rib you, but be a bit nicer about it.

>> No.14317056

Then you become the edge.

>> No.14317057

>and go from teasing to being actively malicious.
But she'd deserve it.

>> No.14317058

Could a Wisp alter her lampshade to resemble metallic wings?

>> No.14317059

What If I get a restraining order and date another girl?

>> No.14317060

She didn't have a personality before the transformation either.

>> No.14317065

KC better do something like this when he does that hmanga.

>> No.14317066

>end up raping you eventually.
Bah, I walked right into that one. I'd probably end up breaking down like >>14317024

>> No.14317068

Wisp and Lich

>> No.14317072

What if I act like an extremely oblivious MC of harem anime to her advancements?

>> No.14317076

Everything about her can be altered as she sees fit.

>> No.14317077
File: 117 KB, 650x458, finish your meal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leaving the job half-done
Fuck that. She better get back in there and finish it if she wants anything else.

>> No.14317079

What if instead of snapping I just counter-troll until she snaps?

>> No.14317081

Anon did you not notice the beckon?
She's gonna finish the job in the shower.
Multiple times.

>> No.14317082


>> No.14317083

She'd welcome the challenge with open arms.
Also with a moist vagina.

>> No.14317087
File: 414 KB, 1024x901, 1443460049570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never really thought about it before, but I guess you could think of the Will-o-the-Wisp as the Yang to a Phoenix's Yin.

They both persist for eternity. The Phoenix through reincarnation, and the Wisp as a spirit.
They both bestow that power upon their loved ones, wherever it's reincarnating with them, or taking their soul and staying with it forever.
They both have a fire theme going on. Phoenix is red, and Wisp is blue.
The Phoenix has nonhuman arms, whereas the Wisp has nonhuman Legs.
They have relatable imagery and symbolism. The Phoenix is a bird, able to fly free, but the Wisp is contained within a cage.

Interesting to think about.

>> No.14317090
File: 827 KB, 1708x3000, 1394345951791.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Troll war with a Cheshire
Anon, you just made her the happiest girl on the planet.

>> No.14317092

I just want to cuddle a soft, squishy CC MG on a cold say.

>> No.14317094

>MG challenging me to a shitposting contest

>> No.14317099



>> No.14317103

Aw shit am I hearing a theme music power up?

>> No.14317110
File: 86 KB, 437x596, 1441677667405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got some kind of death wish anon?

>> No.14317113


>> No.14317114
File: 331 KB, 868x2014, 1411597712198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Cheshire Cat bully with mixed feelings for you.

>> No.14317118

Holy shit.
Maybe I should watch that movie.

>> No.14317119


>> No.14317121

Needs to be more shitposty.


>> No.14317123

Indeed, she has no idea what she's in for...

>> No.14317124

Do it now.

>> No.14317125

Still some of the best effects work I've seen in a movie in a long time.

>> No.14317130

>possessive bully
This pleases the anon.

>> No.14317132

Good god. What an awful thing she is.

>> No.14317134

That Cheshire is getting her throat kicked in.

>> No.14317135

Yes. It involves shapely feline posterior.

>> No.14317140

Why would anyone find this arousing?

>> No.14317141

I have no idea.

>> No.14317142

>The person behind Magma-Tits
>Not a faggot

Top kek.

>> No.14317143

care to share a link?

for reasons.

>> No.14317145

Glad to see some people have taste.

>> No.14317152

>A Cheshire will never snap and pin you down before wildly riding your dick and shoving her tongue into your mouth.
>She'll never refuse to slow down even after you cum inside her, moaning out for more after every shot.
>The two to you will never pass out from exhaustion in each other's arms.
>She'll never be incredibly embarrassed in the morning and think that you hate her.
>You'll never kiss her on the cheek to assure her that you don't.
>You'll never calm down your morning wood by cuddlefucking a Cheshire.
Fucking damn it. I want that fat Cheshire ass!
Preferably alongside a fat Hellhound ass, a fat Manticore ass, and a fat Kakuen ass.

>> No.14317157

Some people enjoy Yandere Bullies.
These people are weird.

>> No.14317159

God damn you have some shit fantasies.

>> No.14317162

Fat bottomed MGs make the rockin' world go round.

>> No.14317163

>Undead Incubus
>Have a Ghoul waifu
>Love to prank people by pretending to be dead
>Tell your parents you've finally settled down and invite them to visit
>They show up, door is slightly ajar
>Blood everywhere
>You and your waifu are lying there unmoving, unresponsive
>They freak out
>No pulse or breathing from either of you
>They're crying and fumbling with the phone
>Spring up before they dial 911
>They have heart attacks

>> No.14317165

I know what I like anon. And what I like is smug girls with fat asses.

You're damn right anon.

>> No.14317167

It's an Unlife for everyone!

>> No.14317171

I thought the days of a hundred real vehicles in one shot and hundreds of extras were dead, but there it is. It's a fantastic feeling.

>> No.14317175

I'm sorry anon, but I refuse to believe anyone here is that much of a beta fuck.

>> No.14317177

Yandere fans are WEIRD anon.
I used to catch shit for calling Yandere worse than every other dere.

>> No.14317178

You're a horrible person and I'm glad you will never breed.

>> No.14317180

Shut up saltman.

>> No.14317184

I like yandere bullies.

>> No.14317185

That's not a yandere though, that's just a psychopathic bully who deserves to be lynched.

>> No.14317186

It's the curse of the green screen. It makes things easier, so now it replaces everything. People have forgotten the weight and impact that real bodies and physical objects adds to a scene.

>> No.14317190

I want to cuddle with an MG that gives full body hugs, whether it's warming up a lamia, or taking a loving bath with a slime.

>> No.14317191

>Muh saltman

>> No.14317192

Either that, or chain mail bikinis that won't be swept under the rug.

>> No.14317195
File: 118 KB, 450x450, Beware may contain insane purple cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's two ways I can see Cheshire Cat's.
One as the teasing and pranking cat who just wants you to fuck her already and doesn't mind being lovey dovey.

And then there's the malicious Cheshire Cat who has only one goal. Turning you as insane as she is and making sure she is the only other person in the world for you.

Sort of yandere really, with an extra dose of yan and insanity.

I prefer the former though. The latter feels oddly realistic for some reason.

>> No.14317198

Yes, stay quiet please.

>> No.14317201
File: 56 KB, 500x308, IMMORTAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW Immortan Joe's vehicle was named the Gigahorse
>TFW they literally gave it a thousand Horsepower and frankenwelded the shit out of it
>TFW I am awaited in Valhalla

>> No.14317203

No thanks, I don't take orders from shit taste faggots.

>> No.14317204

>Druella being a virgin
>Druella being such a loser
The memes! I don't really mind them.

>> No.14317205

Why do I always find these comments so cringe?

>> No.14317206

Anon, you can do better than that.

>> No.14317207

I like how the new Star Wars film is using practical effects like that BB-8 Droid among many others.

>> No.14317211

Because they are cringeworthy.

>> No.14317213

All the vehicles were totally real and functional which was the best.

Twin V8's mounted in tandem like a tractor pull contestant? Fuck yes they're real and both dumping hundreds of horsepower and into the drive train at the same time!

>> No.14317214

Because you can't understand why someone would want to stand up for himself.

>> No.14317215

Imagine what it would've been like behind the wheel of that monster.

I don't mind the whole "Deruella is a husbandless loser" thing because it actually makes Deruella better.

>> No.14317218

Too bad it's still being made by a "muh diversity" jew...

>> No.14317221

Shut up saltman.
Not really.

>> No.14317224

Me too. That was a major weakness of the prequels. Everything looked way too squeaky clean to be in star wars, even the places that were supposed to be dirty. Not that more practical effects would have saved that garbage. But at least the toys for the kids might have been cooler.

>> No.14317226

I'd love to meet the guy that drove the Doof Wagon. Or the guitarist who was insane enough to be strapped into that monstrosity. Has to be a hell of a rush being bungee tied to an entire sound stage on wheels thundering along at 80 mph

>> No.14317227

I see.
Everytime I read smething like that I feel 13 again.

>> No.14317228

Or you could kill yourself, that's an option.

>> No.14317235

That sounds like a personal problem.

>> No.14317242

I don't find them half as bad as some of the uber-sub comments, but maybe that's just me.

>> No.14317245

There's an interview floating around where the Doof Warrior's actor says that his guitar wasn't that great, but it actually spewed flames.

>> No.14317248

More auntie Cheshire when?

>> No.14317249

I dunno how to stop being a procstinating shitlord and do stuff

>> No.14317252

No it doesn't.

>> No.14317253

Becareful there, you could be banned again saltman.

>> No.14317256

I am jealous with jealousy that he got to mess around with a guitar flamethrower.

>> No.14317259

It makes her leagues better than "Generic rapist"

>> No.14317261

So it makes her better than almost every other monster girl?

>> No.14317262
File: 51 KB, 495x500, 1393989740487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It reminds me of this pic.

>> No.14317263

>it actually makes Deruella better
I disagree, but that's a matter of taste.

>> No.14317265

Apparently the whammy bar controlled the flamethrower bit.

>> No.14317266

You can always tell a proper flamethrower by the way it drips and arcs because it's burning liquid fuel. They always mess it up in CGI because they base it on the old propane prop flamethrowers. Flamethrower guitar was 100% real flamethrower.

>> No.14317267

Sounds like a personal problem.

>> No.14317268

Don't get too ahead of yourself, shitposter.

>> No.14317273

Are you telling me that to reach equilibrium in eternity I must marry both a Phoenix and a Wisp?

It's definitely interesting despite most likely being a mere coincidence
Phoenix goes through an ever changing cycle of life, death and rebirth
Wisp stays in the same undead state forever

>> No.14317275

From the other guy? Sure, I believe so.

>> No.14317279

God damn you are one unlikable piece of shit aren't you?

>> No.14317282

What would you do if your MG daughteru went through a goth phase?

>> No.14317285

Why so upset?

>> No.14317286 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.19 MB, 720x480, 1446767350295.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like the idea of Deruella talking a big game, but not actually being able to back it up.
All that sexual frustration and loneliness probably makes her absolutely ferocious in bed though. If she makes anyone her husband he'll have to deal with all her pent up needs.
Just imagine her losing her virginity and then riding her husband until she's ahegoing and bouncing up and down on him.
Kinda like pic related, just replace the elf with Deruella.

>> No.14317289

Give her lots of hugs and watch together some old disney movies. Really old disney movies.

>> No.14317293

Turning her into a moeblob? Not really. Not for me, at least.

>> No.14317302

Sounds like she is such a clingy girlfriend and I love it.

>> No.14317303

Who said anything about her being a Moeblob?
I was thinking of more of a "Goddamn it, why can everyone but me get a husband?" kind of girl who cries herself to sleep at night while hugging a paladin daki and swearing she'll get a cute husband some day.
And when that day comes, he'll face years of sexual frustration being taken out on him.

>> No.14317311
File: 68 KB, 500x342, I just want to be loved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no doubt that Deruella could back up her talk, but she suffers the problem of being too powerful. She's become this unapproachable force that nobody feels they can match up to, so she's alienated. But she has to keep up appearances in public for the sake of maintaining her rule. In private she's... not exactly kind or nice, but melancholic. Bored and lonely of having nothing but servants and cum pump slaves, just kind of numb to the world in general. Anyone who actually tries to develop a relationship would probably have to deal with her heavy-handed attitude and excessive raping until she slowly breaks down and becomes more genuine.

>> No.14317315

>You are far too mopey lately young lady. That's why we're watching Kidnapped, Dragonslayer, Return to OZ and Old Yeller!

>> No.14317316

>MG daughter goes trough a goth phase
>Let her have fun for a month
>She's still into it
>Call one of our friend's friend
>It's a mean-looking Hellhound
>She opens a gate to hell
>Convince my daughter to go inside of it
>The Hellhound follows her for safety measures
>Hours later
>Daughter comes back and burns all her goth stuff

Gotta be strict with them kids

>> No.14317319
File: 161 KB, 957x1000, 1405877463845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Jackalope Girls exist? Or were they just a hoax like the Loch Ness Monster Girl?

>> No.14317320

Because they're super fucking cringe worthy.
They make you imagine an extremely fat neckbeard who hasn't left his room in years, yelling at the computer screen and spraying food chunks all over it.

>> No.14317323

I want to spank a Minotaur's big muscular ass after she got her horns stuck in a wall after she tried to charge at me.

>> No.14317327

I want to show my March Hare family, in laws included, Watership Down.

>> No.14317330

She's the kind of girl who would wrap you up in her wings if any girl so much as looked at you.
She'd use her magic to make sure you can fuck her for hours on end, and cling you close while riding you.

>> No.14317331

They're both pretty bad
Opposite sides of the same coin

>> No.14317332

Someone's upset.

>> No.14317333

I imagine sex with a lilim would be glorious, imagine her using magic to make love to you in the 11 spacial dimensions simultaneously.

>> No.14317334

Nothing wrong with a bit of black clothing and hair dye. It's only when she starts with the candles, emo poetry, and keeping way too many blades around that you should be concerned.

Unless your daughter's a Lich. In that case, she's just starting to get serious about her rituals.

>> No.14317335

I'd say you're pretty unlikable yourself, what with your anger issues.

>> No.14317338
File: 1.89 MB, 850x6200, 1234578694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize she'll get free eventually, and she won't forget how you went to town on her gigantic, but firm, Minotaur rump.

>> No.14317339

Foreplay alone probably takes several hours.

>> No.14317340

That sounds like the best way to lose your mind

Kudos to anyone that can stay sane after a night with a Lilim

>> No.14317346

They probably give the best post-sex cuddles though.

>> No.14317347

Is it you?

>> No.14317348

It may just be to get some boy's attention.

Or she has feelings for a boy and the goth stuff is just her way of suppressing them because she's scared.

>> No.14317349

Yeah probably, but I'd be long gone.

>> No.14317351

I suppose I am upset a little. It's like one of the guys in my pen and paper group has been letting his obnoxiously emo junior high age brother tag along for the past few months.

>> No.14317352

Candles are nice and create a lovely ambiance. Blades can have a variety of unique and admirable traits about them; they can be a real work of art.
Emo poetry though? Yeah, that's a problem.

>> No.14317354

>Do Jackalope Girls exist?
Mamonomana could probably make them exist.
Otherwise they're just Wererabbits wearing fake antlers.

>> No.14317355

A reward fit for the bravest of heroes

>> No.14317359

It sounds like the real problem is you.

>> No.14317361

Sounds like projection to me.

>> No.14317362

Of course they do. I'll sell you one for about $3.50

>> No.14317365

Yes, that's the stuff, along with tender slow sex while looking in each others' eyes.

>> No.14317366

Would an MG even love a fat neckbeard?

>> No.14317373

Of course not anon, they're just human woman with extra bits slapped on.

>> No.14317375

Well, if he doesn't alp/still hasn't killed anyone, probably.

>> No.14317376

devil bugs
kikis, the poor things

>> No.14317377

I don't know, even Monsters must have standards.

>> No.14317378


Well /mgg/?

>> No.14317379

"that guy" is always kinda edgy, right?

>> No.14317380

>kikis, the poor things

Nah their profile specifies "working men". No NEETS for them.

>> No.14317383

What kind of monstergirl is Poplar from Working?

>> No.14317384

They can turn them into a Brad Pitt/whatever hot boy girls get wet for now if they want, so yes.

>> No.14317386

Unless he's an utter lardass hiki with only weeb interests, I'm sure there's something that can be seen as attractive to a girl.

>> No.14317387

Oh, really? I should probably read it.
Thread gave me the impression they liked fixing neets.

>> No.14317388

Plenty of MGs would go for fat neckbeards
You have Devil Bug, Beelzebulb, Akaname and even Giant Slug!

More seriously, it depends on people's headcannon, but I don't believe an MG would stray away from a man no matter the reason, except the most extreme cases

>> No.14317392

Which is why they wouldn't even think about them.

Monster girls would only go after the same men human girls go after.

>> No.14317394
File: 263 KB, 1200x1200, 1438537666267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A man?
>And I don't have to pay a dowry?
>And I don't have to share him?
>He's all mine?
>So what if he's a fixer-upper.
>I'll fuck him into shape soon enough.
>Those harem bitches are going to be soooooooo jealous.

>> No.14317395


>> No.14317397

It's how he expresses his impotent rage at people not liking what he likes/liking what he doesn't.

>> No.14317398
File: 316 KB, 443x646, 1419305593275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14317399

Not if you read the whole profile, they still can't help themselves if they find someone helpless and do their best to turn him around.

>> No.14317400

>Plenty of MGs would go for fat neckbeards
No they wouldn't.

>> No.14317401
File: 680 KB, 620x877, VEsF8ot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm just reminded of the conversation a few threads back about quantum physics and particle vibrations across up to a dozen spatial dimensions.

After doing some reading into it, you start to realise that Lovecraft was just chipping at the tip of the iceburg. Beings from deep space that defy Euclidean geometry?
Try perceiving every individual particle in the universe as a series of localised vibrations across a range of associated particle "fields" that span all of creation.

It's pretty neat. Fun to learn, too.

>> No.14317403

Your image makes me question the intent of your otherwise straightforward post

>> No.14317405

Shhh, don't ruin it for them.

>> No.14317408

Good points.
I don't know. I mean they'd probably need to have a nice personality.
Shut up Rin.

>> No.14317409

We know, just ignore it. He's trying hard today.

>> No.14317411

Going by his filename, I don't think that's the same Tewiposter we all know and love(loathe).

>> No.14317412

Somebody has to say the truth anon, not a single monster girl would go after anyone here.

They'd go after the normal and well adjusted men of society.

>> No.14317413

Individually yes, they must have some standards, but generally it's just "no love for evil people or married in some cases", all others are okay.

>> No.14317414

It makes universes that don't operate on the same principles pretty much impossible to interact with though. So it's kind of a moot point.

>> No.14317416

>they'd probably need to have a nice personality
That's gotta be the biggest issue, since momonomana makes the body not matter.
All the actual neckbeards I've met have been cunts.

>> No.14317418

>You will never eat a Raging Mushroom and furiously discharge your jizzooka at the nearest MG passerby

>> No.14317422

Sounds fantastic. I want to put my penis in it.

>> No.14317426

Are you meaning to tell me that if they'd shave, shower and lift a little every now and then, things wouldn't be so bad for them?

Hubris anon, absolute hubris!

>> No.14317429

Understandable. Still, it's a wonder to comprehend.

>> No.14317431

Muhmanobama alters the mind too bro. In KC land the basic rule for a monster husbanding a man is that he doesn't run away screaming from her, or at least that she can catch him when he does.

>> No.14317434

>Dumb Wurm hears a lecture about quantum physics
>Gets curious about all the big words she can't understand
>Starts reading on her own
>Turns out to be an idiot-savant at the stuff
>Completely re-writes the known laws of physics with her breakthroughs
>All of her methods and dissertations have to be dictated, though, because her writing is in crayon and utterly illegible

>> No.14317435

I think if you're an absolute cunt MGs won't touch you.

>> No.14317439

Nah, they should just kill themselves.

Even if they tried to fix themselves they still wouldn't be loved by anything.

>> No.14317444

More edge than a kejourou's razor hair. I'm impressed.

>> No.14317450

I have to admit, your solution is way faster than mine.

>> No.14317453

>You are not like other carbon based lifeforms, Anon
>You freely choose to shamble around in that disgusting meat sack of an existence instead of transcending into true enlightenment
>But I can feel the ripples across time and space leading me to you
>Perhaps this is destiny, kismet?

>> No.14317454

Just report the faggot, he is doing the same shit again. Probably samefagging too.

>> No.14317459
File: 226 KB, 500x500, 1393046604555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More edge than a golem made of bismuth

>> No.14317464

I want to feed an Alice a raging mushroom

>> No.14317465

More edge than the edge of the universe

>> No.14317466

The mental gymnastics you people go through is amazing.

>> No.14317467

Yeah, let's go with this. If nothing else it should be entertaining.

>> No.14317468

Fuck you edgier than bismuth is my schtick.

>> No.14317474

>dindu nuffin

>> No.14317475

You really like that phrase, shitposter anon.

>> No.14317478

>he said something I don't like? Probably saltguy who's also sammefagging
>Also bait, I guess
You know how this dance goes.

>> No.14317480

I want to make a Hellhound my bitch.

>> No.14317489

Well, do it then.

>> No.14317491

>lel u r all neckbeards nobody would luv u
I don't know if bait, projection or just plain pathetic.

>> No.14317493

When it comes to bullying far far past the line is it too sneak sticky bubblegum into a kejourou's comb?

>> No.14317494
File: 3.76 MB, 5176x3519, Wismut_Kristall_und_1cm3_Wuerfel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always found it ironic that the edgiest of all metals also comes in a natural rainbow flavor

>> No.14317497

Too bad, you will be her bitch.

>> No.14317498

Sure, anon.

>> No.14317500

Or maybe it's neither of those and you should chill out.

>> No.14317501

It's a very stale bait, Anon.
Don't give it a pity nibble.

>> No.14317503

She's female and a canine, all you need to do is to waifu her and your done.

>> No.14317504

But she's not real, and I can do whatever I want with her because she's just masturbation fuel.

>> No.14317506

That's a rather rusty hook you're using.

>> No.14317509

But Anon, she's a switch

Any replies must rhyme.

>> No.14317513

You are too much of a weak little boy to do something like that, anon.

>> No.14317514

It's not normally so colorful. The spectrum depends on the conditions under which it was grown. I've never managed to get anything but blue and purple when growing them myself.

>> No.14317516

Just treat each other with love, and your relationship will take off without a hitch.

>> No.14317517


you could do worse but she wouldn't appreciate that regardless.

>> No.14317518

If she were real, you would be her bitch.
I'm just messing with the faggot.

>> No.14317519


>> No.14317520

I can do whatever I want anon. MGE allows you to have whatever you want however you want.

So if I want a submissive Hellhound, Ogre, Oni, Minotuar, etc I can have one without having to do anything.

No I wouldn't.

>> No.14317521

>Anon goes up to a Hellhound
>"I'm gonna make you my bitch!"
>Her eye flames burst with joy
>She jumps at him and hugs him while giving him plenty of kisses
>After a minute of snuggling she drags him to the nearest Ero Church
>They get married and live happily ever after

>> No.14317523

Somebody call the minotaurs, real salt is back.

>> No.14317525

So you're just shitposting to start an argument? Good to know.

>> No.14317526

Go away commercial anon.

>> No.14317527

Eh, maybe he is banned like the other day.

>> No.14317528

You guys can't go an hour with your boogeyman, can you?

>> No.14317529

He's not the one that started though.

>> No.14317531


>> No.14317532
File: 205 KB, 554x452, 1432567797478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironic shitposting is just shitposting.

>> No.14317533
File: 1.19 MB, 900x1200, c5a5e3a55d65d532c592ca1935b9cf37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here Anon, take this!

>> No.14317534


>> No.14317535

Yeah he is, all that one anon did was state what he wanted to do with a Hellhound.

>> No.14317537

No, now is shitposting time.

>> No.14317539

Just accept that you wouldn't be able to do jack shit against a monstergirl. They will give you headpats.

>> No.14317540


>> No.14317542

And he totally didn't want shitposting to happen. when we were in the middle of shitposting. Yes, ok.

>> No.14317543

This is bait, don't fall for it.

>> No.14317545

I want to be held and loved by a sandworm. I'd do anything for that feeling.

>> No.14317546

No thanks, I can do whatever I want with a monster girl and there is nothing you can do to stop me from thinking that.

>> No.14317547

The way their hips connect to their torsos seems a little off. The distinct lines make them look like doll joints.

Either way, I would give one of my limbs if it meant being sandwiched between them on a regular basis.

>> No.14317548

You're a little paranoid anon, I think you should calm down and stop acting like a faggot.

All he did was talk about what he wanted to do with a monster girl.

>> No.14317549

I want that but with a dragon.

>> No.14317550

>T-they're touching e-each other, noooo stop it

O I am laffin

>> No.14317553
File: 1.22 MB, 1234x1791, 0e9490b4bf7eceb986fd0d39cffd1201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I have this.

>> No.14317554

What yuri?

I'm not sure if you're being dumb on purpose.

>> No.14317555


sandworms are pretty cute.

>> No.14317556

Anon pls, those are just silly fantasies.

>> No.14317557

Nice shitpost Saltfag.

>> No.14317558

My tall, strong wolfgirls could beat your fat, lazy catgirl.

>> No.14317559

Same to you qt

>> No.14317562

That is homosexual anon, don't do that.

>> No.14317573

Can't stop me ;)

>> No.14317575


>> No.14317578

How is it autism to enjoy what you like?

>> No.14317579


>> No.14317582

>enticing the viewer
Don't be like that, shit like this is why we can't have mff threesome anymore.

>> No.14317583

But we can still have that.

>> No.14317584

MFF is yuri bait. Go away.

>> No.14317586
File: 73 KB, 550x328, 1445714734762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14317587

Stuck guarding Hades, she's got a thousand year itch
Sweet juices shine, on skin as black as pitch
Trickling, dripping, drooling, down thighs that do bewitch
Follow with our tongue, cross valleys flowing rich
Into lips' trembling gloom
and womb we much enrich

>> No.14317588

Next level vagina bones.

>> No.14317590

Just ignore faggots like >>14317584

>> No.14317591

I've never seen so much falseflagging. There's like double and even triple falseflagging going on right now. It's like I took a trip to Falseflags Over Texas.

>> No.14317593

I'm sure you know what I meant.

>you know what I don't care anymore.jpg
It's only yuri when the 'but they should love each other' fags show up

>> No.14317594

Oh, shut up, you won't pull me into your autistic ramblings.

>> No.14317596


>> No.14317597

Keep shitposting pal, it amuses me.

>> No.14317598

>but they should love each other' fags
Which is all of the time now, so thanks to them MFF is lumped in with yuri shit.

>> No.14317599

>'but they should love each other'

Well they should like each other. I don't want to be caught in some weird rivalry shit when I'm trying to have a good time.

>> No.14317600

Yes, I don't care.

>> No.14317604

I want to eat that burger.

>> No.14317608


>> No.14317609


>> No.14317610


>> No.14317611

I am sure that at this point no one gives a shit and that's why they keep replying. Have we gone zen? We accept that shitposting is eternal and we just weather the salt.
>If you know you are being trolled and reply, are you really being trolled?

>> No.14317612

I don't even know who to report any more. This thread is going down in flames, Im going inna woods

>> No.14317613

You are weak. Weak like a little girl.

>> No.14317618

Yeti is enjoying that inferno burger way too much

>> No.14317619

Sure anon, whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.14317620

>It's like I took a trip to Falseflags Over Texas.
I chuckled.

>> No.14317622

So, where is the kiki janitor with that broom?

>> No.14317626

If the "Nuh uh, you can't have X" faggots could fuck off, that would improve the thread.

>> No.14317628

Oh, you are not mad anymore? Now we can start with the thread again.

>> No.14317629

It's like two guys who push that. So long as remember yiri is shit, we'll be fine. MFF shouldn't suffer because o some lilifags. I mean, I'm a haremfag, if my girls are ever touching each other it would be to entertain me. But that's stupid.

>> No.14317630
File: 764 KB, 992x800, 1441499754713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if implementing posting IDs would help.

>> No.14317631

But you can't have that.

>> No.14317632

I want to help a loli grizzly bulk for winter.

>> No.14317633

Probably but it won't happen so no need to think about it

>> No.14317634

Anon it's not going to happen. MFF can no longer be posted anymore without yurifags shitting up the place. Same with harems and the like.

I blame /a/ and /u/

>> No.14317635

Sandworms definitely have their charm

Stay nice and comfy inside of her while she travels across deserts
She assumes a more humanoid form to accompany me in visiting towns
Alternate between sleeping inside of her and on a bed with her human form
Use magic to have television, internet and many other things inside her
Watch a romantic movie on our way to a new country
Having a child together and homeschooling her
Seeing her grow up to be as large as her mother

I don't know why I find the idea of living inside a Sandworm so attractive

>> No.14317636

It's a double edged sword anon, sure it bothers one when it something one likes that gets shitposted because of it's possible relation to something else, but it's those same rage filled people who keep the really shitty stuff out with their salt.
I accept it.jpg

>> No.14317637

Just for these threads? Overall, there isn't that much people in /jp/.

>> No.14317638
File: 110 KB, 1275x1558, 1445392374053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steaming Wendigo
She's her own fire alarm

>> No.14317639

Holy shit I want to do lewd things with that Fox.

>> No.14317642

>you can't have that
Fuck you shitposter.

>> No.14317644

I suppose that's also true.

Man, fuck your street sign capthca google.

>> No.14317647

Unf why is she so perfect. I want to be spoiled rotten by that fox.

>> No.14317649

I wish the artist didn't sameface so much

>> No.14317650

i want to make her my Familiar

>> No.14317651

It's board wide, isn't it? It's not like something we can implement ourselves, and us asking would just piss off the rest of /jp/. Understandably too, since we're transplants.

>> No.14317652

>I blame /a/
Nah I'm from /a/ and I dislike yuri, fuck off.

>> No.14317654

Ask hiro to make it site wide, tell him it will earn him more advertiser shekels or something

>> No.14317660

I'm wating for the day I see hiro posting in this board, he needs to come here at some point. Then you could ask him.

>> No.14317662

>Be yurifag
>Like and have plans for both yuri and MF and MFF stuff
You're silly.

>> No.14317663

It got quiet all the sudden, did they get bored?
Is it safe to come out?

>> No.14317665
File: 128 KB, 1024x819, 1446679426504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We moved towards the city, steadfast in our holy cause and beheld such a fortress
>And on every hand there was a great plane of woe
>Bitter tombs were scattered all over, made to glow hotter than iron need be for any craft
>And such dire laments that issued forth from within
>Coming from only those who are truly wretched, and forever lost!

>> No.14317669


>> No.14317671

Well, why don't you stay here with us.
I'm always with you anon.

>> No.14317672

Oi metalhead, hows about you speak like wot a normal person talks, eh? None of that fairy poetry of yours!

>> No.14317676

Like, always always?
Shit, this is going to get awkward.

>> No.14317678

Fix your tenses tinman.

>> No.14317680
File: 994 KB, 160x240, kiki's removal service.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Shoggoths have been successfully removed, it is safe

>> No.14317682

>Allowing yurifags

>> No.14317687

It's the same ban-evading faggot who shows up at around this time every day. He plays both sides of the argument (yuri in this instance), gets banned, then strawmans to say it's (dis)allowed. You want to know why certain people are locked behind a range ban? This is why.

>> No.14317690
File: 599 KB, 908x1302, 89687c6a01e1e81d8c3c35c24d1a2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But her hands are small and dainty.

>> No.14317691






>> No.14317692

>It's all one guy!
baka desu senpai

>> No.14317693

It's not awkward, it's friendship.
Eh, we can always ask him nicely to leave if he gets too annoying.

>> No.14317695

She's cute. Would headpat.

>> No.14317697

...Do I get angel pussy out of this?

>> No.14317698

You can never be sure with Shoggoths that accordion might be a part of her

I say all that we all get naked with the Kikis and go in an empty room, that's the only way to be certain the Shoggoths have been removed

>> No.14317702

Wait, are we fighting about yuri?

>> No.14317703

>the kikis are a shog in disguise

>> No.14317704
File: 137 KB, 679x959, 1444964672546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. I've been wearing my wife as clothes the entire time, filling her with my seed even as I go about my day. Not giving that up, even for a Kiki

>> No.14317708

Which color do you want?

>> No.14317710

How disgusting
I like you

>> No.14317711
File: 66 KB, 518x649, 1442031731253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, we're fighting about skub.

>still being anti-skub

I seriously hope you guys are better than that.

>> No.14317713 [DELETED] 

It can, we just rage on them like always if they show.

Come on anon, you really don't want to come home to a warm meal lovingly prepared by your holst and seasoned with the best spices grown in her gardenby your troll waifu? Gettting straddled by that big, flowery booty as you prepare to eat, only for the holst to go mino and knock her to the ground, reminding her that their husband comes first. Grabbing her by the hair and apologizing as she unzips your pants and makes the troll violently throat you while she licks your neck and tells you how good you taste? To have her wrestle the troll with her mouth, fighting for your semen, saliva made thicker by your seed connecting them as they break off, holding hands walking to the bedroom as they beckon to you? Drowning in their perfume as they graze you, removing your clothes piece by piece, liberating your raging manhood and quelling it between both their dripping sexes, making it slick as they lift and lower their hipd, making it slick with their juices until you shoot off again all over their bellies, picking the pungent ropes of seed between their fingers and feeding each other as they both grip your shaft. Then they lay down and each kiss and lick a side of it, kissing it like a newborn, the troll getting revenge for earlier and making the holst work for your milk, trapping her arms and legs and opening her up for you to do as you please, and as you pound her, your partner in crime works her asshole with her fingers, assaulting her with more pleasure than she can handle. Troll squeezing her breasts with her tail in a pseudo shibari while you suck on them and not one to fall behind, the holst uses her own tail to violate the troll as well until you're all a sweat and sex stench covered mess?

Maybe I'm wrong and it's best keep on as we are, but not wanting that? That's gay to me.

>> No.14317722

Yurifag leave and never come back.

>> No.14317731

That holst must have a pretty powerful tail if she can violate a troll like that. Just imagine the muscle density. And even with the limp tuft of fur on the end, too. That's a feat.

>> No.14317732
File: 290 KB, 1141x2797, trying to yuri a lich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a yurifag though.

>> No.14317734
File: 260 KB, 900x1212, paladin storm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We marched 'er toward the city, steadfast in holy cause
>And lo, o'er horizon, faithful eyes lay upon such a fortress as n'er beheld by mortal men
>Everywhere, tombs were scatted upon the doleful plains that spilled upon its base, red and hot as unquenched steel
>Unceasingly did woeful laments cry forth from their hearths
>Voices of the wretched and forever lost


>> No.14317737
File: 470 KB, 200x200, Brad craving joy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want no part in this nonsense, but I can't let that slide. That was terrible and I would rather you not do it again.

>> No.14317738

More waifu.

>> No.14317740

Cow tails are really strong.

>> No.14317741

Well, yeah that's kinda hot. Just a bit.

>> No.14317742

Sure you aren't, Faggot.

>> No.14317746

Can't let what slide? What's wrong with it?

>> No.14317750

>Wearing your waifu as clothes and having sex with her all day long
>You can't keep yourself from having a wide smile during a bad work conversation
>Everyone applauds your optimism and positive energy
>One guys asks you what's your secret to being so happy all the time
>You answer that it's because you have the best of wives
>Feel a shock of pleasure run through your clothes
>Your shift ends and you beat your record
>Came 67 times and as usual no one noticed
>Kiss your shirt and thank your waifu for the great day
>Go home to have some more fun

>> No.14317752

Can't reason with the stupid.

>> No.14317753

More please. I need this.

>> No.14317754
File: 243 KB, 718x972, 1378528680208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What MG kids would be the least hassle?

>> No.14317755

I've never been near a cow's rear end for long enough to find out how powerful the tails are, so that's where the surprise comes from.

Why are gazers such lewd self-voyeurs? Are they narcissistic?

>> No.14317760

Define hassle.

I'm too drunk for this.

>> No.14317761

aye, i would miss those huge and fluffy paws. maybe I could find a Witch she should be able to help her get her fluffy paw hands

>> No.14317762

>/mgt/ has now accepted yuri cancer.
Fucking amazing.

>> No.14317763
File: 413 KB, 567x787, ImSorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bad work conversation
I messed that up it should have been
>a bad day of work

Have this picture as an apology

>> No.14317765

They're not voyeurs.
They're just cute.

>> No.14317767


>> No.14317769

There's a lot of muscle on the tail base but the joints have almost no travel so it couldn't do anything he posted. Haven't you ever made oxtail stew?

>> No.14317771

Ok, but you need to write more later tonight.

>> No.14317772

We haven't, stop false flagging.

>> No.14317780

It's s holst's tail, not a real cow. Stop thinking so hard about porn.

>> No.14317781

Rebellious, hard to manage, mischievous

>> No.14317782

Pretty sure when almost every reply to yuri garbage like >>14317713 is positive I'm pretty sure that means this thread now allows this crap.

>> No.14317783

You should stop Bollocks. You always do stupid shit like pick fights and write about monsterboys when you're drunk. This is no exception. Step away from the keyboard before you do something you'll regret.

>> No.14317784

Disgusting. Good thing we are /mgg/.

>> No.14317788

We're not Metal Gear General anon.

>> No.14317789

THis is not a joke god fucking damn it

>> No.14317791

I was quoting the mediocre but not really remember-able God of War knockoff for the game

>> No.14317794

Wait, what?
Oh boy, calm down take deep breaths.

>> No.14317795

I wasn't the one that said real cows could do that when he asked, buddy. Go be stupid somewhere else.

>> No.14317800

/mgg/ is Metal Gear General over on /vg/.
We're called /mgt/ or Monster Girl Thread to avoid confusion.

>> No.14317801

Try again. Or don't.

>> No.14317802

Or, you know, a few people in the thread don't have to throw a shit fit like you every time it pops up and can enjoy it? And only one of those replies was for more. Every other one was neutral, a tangent, or people saying stop (one of which was probably you).

>> No.14317803


Yeah, by you maybe. This place has always been /mgg/.

>> No.14317804


Go and stay there.

>> No.14317805

You are the one that started to talk about cow tail joints. Eat a dick.

>> No.14317807
File: 141 KB, 500x500, 32523623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14317808

Seriously, how the hell can someone hate threesomes?

>> No.14317809
File: 243 KB, 650x800, 1395688045112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey kid, you like grape soda?..."

>> No.14317810

Not really. Either one is used here, and /mgg/ is older. It's like saying mg means only master grade or /hpg/ is hyperpulse generator.

>> No.14317812

Yuri and yuri undertones in threesomes are shit.

>> No.14317814

Kind of, but I like slimes better.

>> No.14317815

It's easy to hate the devil's triangle, or when the guy is a third wheel.

>> No.14317816

Fuck off

>> No.14317817

>you're here forever

>> No.14317818


i like strawberry soda more

>> No.14317819

How long have you been here anon? We were /mgt/ when I joined.
/mgg/ was a term created by shitposters to try to get us banned back in the /a/ days.

>> No.14317820

Because the only thing allowed here is fat NEETs bending a single impossible woman to their will with their cock. Anything else is heresy and you should feel ashamed for liking.

>> No.14317825

Jubjubs aren't too bright.

>> No.14317827

That depends. Are you offering?

>> No.14317828

Since when is being drunk analogous to being me? Jesus Christ Anon, I don't drink as often as you seem to think I do.

>> No.14317829

Fuck off yurifag.

>> No.14317830

Wrong. It was /mgg/ first and then we started using /mgt/ to try and dodge the great "every general is getting kicked" exodus.

>> No.14317831
File: 758 KB, 800x875, 1446427414954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probably the nicest pair of tits I've ever seen latenight draw.

>> No.14317832

Y-Yes ma'am.

>> No.14317834

Huh. I must have missed that.

>> No.14317836

Now we are fighting about yuri. How about we stop?

>> No.14317839

Not until Yurifags stop ruining MFF

>> No.14317841

We create the perfect storm of Karma Sutra teachings and hand holding techniques for turning your partner into a sopping mess while drinking shitty beers.

>> No.14317844
File: 248 KB, 897x690, tumblr_nvj243yOi81r8ououo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute that this is your only response. I don't post yuri or MFF stuff. I just find it funny that that retards like you get this ass-blasted at the thought of a second woman being involved in any situation.

>> No.14317845

god I love threesomes

>> No.14317848

Lots of writers are known for being drunk. You're known for writing stuff that kicks off huge shitstorms when you are drunk. Which is thankfully not that often.

>> No.14317850

Nothing wrong with a second woman being involved. It is wrong when she starts acting like a dyke with the other woman.

>> No.14317855

There's a difference between a threesome and when the guys looks like a third wheel

>> No.14317860

>Trying so hard to associate yuri with MFF
>Please pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

>> No.14317867

But I want my waifus to cumswap my semen.

>> No.14317870

Describe a situation where the guy is the third wheel, I actually curious as to what you mean by this.

>> No.14317872

I'd argue the first point you're making because writing hasn't happened in any for serious capacity for quite some time now but will own up to the stupid shit like Cat-trap, Nurgle and the [REDACTED], That one Alping yaoi shit that was totally not fueled by imaging Khal Drogo going ham on Viserys in a wig and whatever else this one did.

On another note, this whole shitstorm is stupid(er) than the idea of waifu'ing a non-Mad Hatter Matango.

>> No.14317873

Wasn't this written in response to that one cute little pic from /monster/? Kind of an asinine prompt, but a fairly cute story nonetheless. Loses points for ripping off the Manticore-Ghost-Ward shtick from PRW's Hellhound story though.

>> No.14317875

That's okay though.

>> No.14317877

Nyaanon's Doublemaus

Actually Bob does that with threesomes a lot, probably because he tries to push that stupid "everyone loves each other and is sexually attracted to each other equally" fantasy.

>> No.14317879

I want to pat a valiant kobold knight on the head and tell her she's a good girl

>> No.14317880

>response to
>ripping off manticore ghost ward
I have no idea what that is.

>> No.14317882

>On another note, this whole shitstorm is stupid(er) than the idea of waifu'ing a non-Mad Hatter Matango.

It is, in part because waifuing a matango isn't a stupid idea at all.

>> No.14317884


Would slimes smell/taste like certain fruits/flowers on their own or would they need to eat a particular thing first?

>> No.14317886
File: 318 KB, 500x597, Fun guy and his ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is, in part because waifuing a matango isn't a stupid idea at all.

Get back on your bike and keep riding mister, if you know what's good for you.

>> No.14317890

I'm not afraid of heights, it's the ground I'm suspicious of.

>> No.14317893

>I have no idea what that is.
Basically the exact same thing in an older story.
Manticore assaults a boy whom a Hellhound likes. Hellhound rips off her tailpussy, then tears her soul from her body and seals it in this little bat-plushy.

>> No.14317900

I am now imagining a slime preparing for a date by engulfing a bunch of flowers to smell good.

>> No.14317903

Matangos are cute and squishy and lovely. They just need to be managed and kept isolated from populations.

That's hardcore. I mean I've come up with some fairly hardcore stuff for the hellhound, but that is Hardcore.

>> No.14317919

Well that was dumb and completely unnecessary. Time for better things.

>> No.14317920

You forgot to mention that the boy was blind, and was also raped by multiple Manticores, which Eris dealt with.

>> No.14317922

What kind of music would your waifu listen to? Would you two be compatible?

>> No.14317924

>Matango isn't a bad waifu

If I wanted a stationary cum pump I'd go for a Gargoyle in the daytime.

>> No.14317931

Why not a nice alraune?

>> No.14317935

Would you fuck your sister is she was a MG?

>> No.14317937

I think it was just the 1 manticore, plus assorted goons. It's been a while.

>> No.14317939

Would you rather be assimilated by a Matango or Alra Parasol?

>> No.14317940

I don't fucking understand this threads obsession with incest.

>> No.14317943

If I have to be assimilated by something it's going to be sandworm

>> No.14317945

I wish my brother was a girl, fuck.
Well, we are from /a/.

>> No.14317946

Ambivalent. Would smash the fuck out of a CC Apple Tree Dryad though.

>> No.14317949

They both sound pretty good.

>> No.14317950

That's not how you spell Borg.

>> No.14317951


>> No.14317952

Well, we're from /a/ originally and on /jp/ now, so it makes sense. Are you not aware of Japan's obsession with incest?

>> No.14317955

I'd fuck my mother if she was a MG.

>> No.14317957

I remember I watched a Japanese porno where a guy knocked his sister out in a hallway dragged her into the kitchen and raped her.

>> No.14317959

>I wish my brother was a girl, fuck.
I don't, my brother is a cool dude, I like him the way he is.
I just wish my sister wasn't shit.

>> No.14317960
File: 432 KB, 744x866, 1441044756346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14317962
File: 409 KB, 1000x1017, 1446173288902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Wendigo is betting honked alright.

>> No.14317963

What's there to understand? It's hot as fuck you damn asexual pig.

>> No.14317965
File: 272 KB, 661x610, 1446598247040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14317966

If she was turned, I would strive to put at least the earth's diameter between us. She's a disrespectful bitch as she is, and her becoming a monster would not change my image of her.

She basically ruined the Sabbath for me, and no door-to-door witch is going to change that.

>> No.14317967

>What kind of music would your waifu listen to?
Classical music.

>Would you two be compatible?
Two hours ago I was listening to Boccherini, so yes.

>inb4 fedora

>> No.14317968

I'm not ready to be a father.

>> No.14317970

[x] Taken home

>> No.14317972

I am well aware of it and I still don't understand it. Shit's fucking gross.

>> No.14317973

It's only fedora if you pretend Classical music is the only thing worth listening to.

>> No.14317974

Aww, why is she sad? Come here you little cutie, I'll...
That's an adult! She just looks like that to make it easier to fly! Don't let her trick you!

Nah, Imma take her home anyways.

>> No.14317975

>mfw my sister would totally become a hellhound
Time for filicide.

>> No.14317976
File: 358 KB, 2070x1604, 1441045761437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you have to do is let them in.

>> No.14317978

Give her to me so you can alp safely.

>> No.14317979

That's nice, Anon. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.14317985

>All you have to do is let them in.
But I don't want to make them miserable. I'd be a terrible father and an even worse husband.

>> No.14317989

Is this an advanced Sabbath technique?

>> No.14317990

I would fuck her if she were a 2D human girl, she doesn't even need to be a monstergirl.

>> No.14317991
File: 32 KB, 356x376, 1435973062820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I realize my sister would most likely be a orc do to how stupid she is and the way her body looks

>> No.14317995

>only child
Feels pretty good most of the time, but it's still a pretty lonely life.

>> No.14317998

Morbidly depressed individuals do not make good parents, or good people for that matter.

>> No.14317999

No. Cut off your balls and eat them

>> No.14318005

Would you bang her?

>> No.14318011

I'm not into orcs

>> No.14318012

Becareful there, you will be banned again.

>> No.14318014
File: 1.83 MB, 450x253, 1443727139787.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all you have to do is let them in


>> No.14318017

Shittily meme'd.

>> No.14318018

Are you going to do this again? Seriously?
Wait, are we talking about the green orcs or MGE orcs?

>> No.14318020

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.14318022
File: 485 KB, 1285x1322, fdc4d8eaf0142009c0fc896254e6a4d3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let her in, she's fluffy and it's cold out!

>> No.14318026

Getting sick of this boogeyman crap. The fuck am I doing 'again?'

>> No.14318027

You seem upset.

>> No.14318028

MGE orcs

>> No.14318029

>Boy was blind
Didn't seem particularly relevant.
>Was raped
Suppose that's a valid difference, but I was mostly focusing just on the talisman/ward/souljar bit.
>Multiple manticores
See >>14317937

>> No.14318032

Might be a little too lewd there friend

>> No.14318034

Blush marks aren't lewd, they're cute!

>> No.14318036

Just ignore him, he loves his boogeyman...a lot.

>> No.14318038

Would you a Babadook girl?

I would

>> No.14318043

Alright, but a dorm for one person is going to be pretty cramped. Hope she doesn't mind.

>> No.14318044


>> No.14318045

I was talking about her lewd moth nipples. They're even inverted, those are the lewdest kind!

>> No.14318052

Dipping your daughter in honey and licking her clean. Every crease and crevice.

>> No.14318054

I want to walk right up to the meanest, toughest looking Ogre and kiss her right on the mouth while grabbing a handful of that firm Ogre butt!

>> No.14318056


>> No.14318058
File: 312 KB, 646x800, 1446588158856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am unable to determine the logistics involved in carrying out such an action.

>> No.14318060

What's a Babadook supposed to be?

>> No.14318061

I had an idea for her once, but that's a far off dream.

Think Boogiemom, but wearing that trench coat like a hipster and going out of her way to scare you before she snuggles you

>> No.14318062

>he deleted it

>> No.14318063

Where slimes are involved I suggest that chocolate that hardens.

Gay and shit parent.

>> No.14318065

The only woman my tongue is touching is my daughteru's mother.
And you're just going to have to deal with that you disgusting daughteru fucker.

>> No.14318067

I can dig it but it might get old.

>> No.14318068

Not entirely sure if my heart could take it.

>> No.14318069


>> No.14318071

You don't have a wife or daughter. Deal with that.

>> No.14318076

Why my daughter. Why not my wife.

>> No.14318077


>> No.14318079
File: 73 KB, 300x300, 1399259263146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14318080

No. They're on different groups.

>> No.14318081

He deleted his post or the janitor is watching.

>> No.14318083

getting the honey out of her fluffy wings we will need take a long hot soak in the tub, together.

>> No.14318085

I don't think you understand the concept of "Waifu" and "Daughteru".
And I'm 21, it's way too early.

>> No.14318086
File: 730 KB, 744x1052, Automated Shitposting Prevention System.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A benevolent wizard in another world has decided to, out of the goodness of his heart, conjure up your waifu.
He will open a portal and transport her straight to your bedroom, and that'll be that.
However, before he does, he will compile an archive. Every post you've ever made in these threads will be gathered and displayed for your waifu to read through in their entirety.

Given what best you can remember of every notable post you've made in the past, how do you expect your waifu to react? What will be the first thing she says to you in response to everything she's read?

>> No.14318091


And then sex would happen.

>> No.14318092

>"What the fuck is a "Kamen Rider"?"
>That or "I hope you're prepared to please all of us."
I have too many waifus, and it's gonna ruin my laifu.

>> No.14318093

At least it's better than Elder Thing-chan. Which is a whole different can of worms not worth opening simply because of how over-designed she was.

>> No.14318099


>God tier
Daughterus, Mothers
>Great tier
Sisters, Aunts
>Good tier
Nieces, cousins
>eh tier
vanilla relationships

>> No.14318104

Nothing good I imagine.

>> No.14318105

>Vanilla relationships
>Including childhood friends
>"eh tier"
I will fucking fight you.

>> No.14318106

>"Aww...you're pretty sweet..."
>"What is with your obsession with correcting people for what you perceive as errors?"
>Why'd you write these couple of shitty NTR Greentexts?

>> No.14318107

She would love how I'm a warrior of justice.

>> No.14318110

I hope she likes lewd greentexts, fetishes and mausposting.

>> No.14318111
File: 779 KB, 664x909, 1431586978294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'Oh my!'
'So much milk... Is this really what you think about?'
>'Not that I'm objecting or anything. It's just a lot.'
>'So, what do you say we make those fantasies a reality, hmm?'
>'But only if you stop talking about those mean dragons so much!'
What can I say, I like dragon writing. But I always come back to the cow.

>> No.14318114

You're a faggot.

>> No.14318118

She takes notice to my love for lactation and Undead girls I guess.

>> No.14318119

She would have plenty of fun shitposting with me, being a cheshire and all that.

>> No.14318120

You will lose.

>> No.14318122

'You are a loathsome, offensive piece of human offal.'

'But I wouldn't have you any other way.'

>> No.14318123

Can I touch your cow, Anon?

Just once?

>> No.14318125

She goes Baba DOOK DOOK DOOK while you fuck her!

>> No.14318128

I think they would immediately ignore me and go after another person.

Thank god, relationships are garbage.

>> No.14318129

I'm a big guy.

>> No.14318130
File: 680 KB, 1275x1800, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume that she'd also retain the sharp teeth and claws. And would potentially be tall, pale, and busty like pic-related.

>> No.14318131
File: 436 KB, 660x886, 1429473666734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coveting another man's cow
Have you no shame, anon?

Though I'm sure she has a sister that wouldn't object.

>> No.14318134

She would probably ask why I shitpost and try to correct people I never see, then freeze up as she sees my posts agreeing with maussniffer.

>> No.14318135

I have guns and no regard for human life.

>> No.14318139

Something a little bit more pretentious than that. But Spooky Tall Babadook is fine too.

>> No.14318140

>thin ass legs

>> No.14318143

>Tall as fuck
>Stacked as fuck

I am doomed.

>> No.14318147

Good, please die.

>> No.14318153

What's wrong with you now?

>> No.14318154

>missing the chance for the joke this badly

>> No.14318156

They're step-sisters. Her mom was a bit leaner of a breed.

>> No.14318158
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>> No.14318161

Hm, what did I miss? How does it goes?

>> No.14318171

>maids are olev
>kikis are olev

I should be fine.

>> No.14318176
File: 1.06 MB, 2100x1500, Punished Anubis - A Disorganised Taskmaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight, thread. Don't let life get you down.
Get a healthy amount of sleep, and always drink a glass of water when you wake up in the mornings.

>> No.14318187

That Anubis looks like she could use a hug.

>> No.14318188

Stay up for 20 and sleep for 20.

>> No.14318198
File: 387 KB, 900x900, Sadnubis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even anubi can fall on hard times.

But that's inefficient! You're not making full use of your REM sleep periods to actually rest and refresh yourself.

>> No.14318206
File: 215 KB, 1036x835, 1446781116241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no clumsy big-hipped Zombie waifu

>> No.14318208

I want to give her hugs and head-pats!

>> No.14318213

Well I guess the entire month of July was wasted then. Not like summer months matter anyway.

Winter and Fall are the best. BEST.

>> No.14318214

Squiggly is a slut.

>> No.14318217

I prefer the Chun-Li version

>> No.14318218

Make sure to nuzzle her, hug and rub her tummy from behind too.

>> No.14318221

I shall! Very happily so! And I'll be sure to brush her tail too.

>> No.14318230

The shows of affection are helping, but the anubis is still sad. Isn't there anything else you can do to really snap her out of her depression?

>> No.14318240

Paw massages? Belly rubs? Kissing her !.!? Rubbing her ears? Taking care of some of her work while she relaxes? I'd do anything to help bring back her smile, and let her keep it.

>> No.14318249

>aww you shoulda finished that jinko security guard story..

>> No.14318254

It makes her feel loved, but it's still superficial. Whenever you walk in on her, you just find her sitting around glumly, wondering about her purpose in life.
How do you fix her broken spirit?

>> No.14318255
File: 581 KB, 1092x652, 1446632077513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will science ever be able to explain heart pupils?

>> No.14318263

It's just the power of love, that's all.

>> No.14318275

I want one or twenty of these bats.

>> No.14318276

Garbage doujin.

>> No.14318279


>> No.14318280

Hmm...well, maybe it'd help if I brought her an issue that I can't handle myself? Something that I know that she, and she alone could do, and do well? A problem that she's the only one I could properly trust to properly fix.

>> No.14318287

>Have you no shame, anon?
I'm here talking about fictional waifus with animal parts. Of course not.

>> No.14318289

That could work. But what problem could you have that, out of all the people on the planet, only she can solve?

>> No.14318294
File: 183 KB, 1500x642, hobo_with_a_shotgun_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because hobos are too perfect
Hobos are love
Hobos are life

>> No.14318300

Wow guys, this thread is shit, how did that happen?

>> No.14318303

Intense shitposting as usual.

>> No.14318308

Someone said the y-word

>> No.14318309

Very persistent shitposters. Don't pay it any mind.

>> No.14318311

That barely had any effect, honestly.
Most of the shitposting has been about other stuff.

>> No.14318312

Ain't nothin wrong with a yottabyte.

>> No.14318314

I blame saltman.
>inb4 b-but muh boggeyman
I don't really give a shit.

>> No.14318315
File: 35 KB, 353x550, Resident-evil-outbreak-file-2-20050204042452135_640w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mamonomango enhanced "green" Zombiegirls when? I want muh Wights with magical plant powers.

>> No.14318316
File: 339 KB, 609x728, yuki snow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14318318

I'd find one. And if all else failed...I'd create a situation utterly disastrous, which I knew her specific skills and capabilities would be needed to solve.

>> No.14318319

Go away commercial anon.

>> No.14318323

There's always shit in these threads.

I want to make a shit slime from all the shit.

>> No.14318324
File: 178 KB, 1311x1585, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually made this a few days ago but never posted it, it just gives you an idea of which post you should ignore and report. There is more, but i'ts pretty stupid.

>> No.14318325

>Wights with plant powers
Isn't that just an undead elf?

>> No.14318328


>> No.14318329
File: 117 KB, 700x754, unipad_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your mousepads here!

>> No.14318331

Since we no longer care about being stupid, I'd say it's appropriate.

>> No.14318333

You actually took time out of your day and made this? Alright.

>> No.14318334

Alternatively, you could go the cheesy route and tell her there's a position in your heart only she can fill.
But yours works too. You could put yourself in a faked disaster, which actually becomes a real disaster and has to actually be solved by her before shit hits the turbine.

>> No.14318335

I don't like big cushions on my mousepad. Got any sabbath or oomukades?

>> No.14318338

I want a Jubjub one.

>> No.14318339

He really likes to play the "dindu nuffin" card.

>> No.14318342
File: 622 KB, 700x1125, 1441087084674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they're pretty cute.

>> No.14318343

There was an episode of Gilligan's Island about this exact thing. Probably lots of other shows too, but I remember this one.

>> No.14318345

Faked? Oh no, it'd have to be real from the onset. Even as foolish as it might be, I trust her absolutely to see things through.

The cheesy line can come after.

>> No.14318347

What happens if you shave her ice though?

>> No.14318348
File: 374 KB, 597x800, 1413554797648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to get one of this image.

>> No.14318351

Yeah, it took me 15 minutes doing it but it was so much i just got bored eventually.

>> No.14318352

>gives you an idea of which post you should ignore and report
Actually, it does not. Most of these look like normal posts everyone here has made at least once.

>> No.14318353

Man, I thought I wasted my time too much.

>> No.14318354

I would prefer the bullied Hathor picture

>> No.14318356

Time to reevaluate your life.

>> No.14318357

What? No they don't. That image is 100% pure shitpost except the two posts of people calling him out.

>> No.14318359

That's a marriage proposal

>> No.14318361

Make sure you're only looking at the posts with the red trashbins on them. Those are him, and they're all shitposts, except 1 or two where he's pretending to be somebody else.

>> No.14318362
File: 338 KB, 715x1000, 1432480437276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not bad, but I like the one where she's all happy and perky & pushing them up together.

>> No.14318363

Are you really implying that we've never seen posts like that before the rise of Salt-man? Because if you do, I don't know what else to tell you.

>> No.14318364

Why would anyone bully Hathor? She seems like such a sweet lady.

>> No.14318365

I'm telling you it's all shitposting.

>> No.14318369

She's getting bullied in that one too, you can tell by the little emote lines next to her.

>> No.14318371

A lot of it is, I'm not contesting that. But to say it'll help you to pick him out from the crowd is a stretch.

>> No.14318372

I was talking about my image up here >>14318348

>> No.14318378

Ah, I meant the other version of >>14318362

>> No.14318388

His posts are pretty characteristic.
He hates Hellhounds, he likes the word fuckboy, he likes saying 'x is for faggots', and he's always inappropriately aggressive and hostile.

Being aware of that and disregarding any posts that display these things would be generally beneficial.
Except the Hellhound thing, that depends on how it's worded. More people than him could dislike them.

>> No.14318389
File: 271 KB, 1000x1000, 1401433887332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only bully her to tease her, not hurt her. Her pouty face when you mess with her is cute. Plus, then you get to make it up to her with cuddles.

>> No.14318391

You say that, but I don't see the boogeyman going away anytime soon.

>> No.14318392

Exactly. She's just asking for it with that bright personality and lewd body.

>> No.14318398

Because people get mad about it, which makes the people who use the name feel like they're succeeding in getting back at the shitposter.

You should never get shitposters cute little names, it just encourages them, but getting mad when people do just encourages them to keep using it.
It's like double-reverse something or other, I don't even know. You get the idea.

>> No.14318401
File: 503 KB, 708x1000, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this lovely creature is getting an anime.
Why don't we have more monstergirls that fit this archetype?

>> No.14318404

Sounds about right...I think.

>> No.14318408
File: 534 KB, 800x1177, 1432842214750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean chubby? Cuz there's plenty of art of chubby monsters.

>> No.14318413
File: 147 KB, 600x800, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean the pure slut archetype
And gyaruko isn't really chubby

>> No.14318414
File: 243 KB, 450x600, Crispy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually been toying with the idea of writing a gyaru p'orc.

>> No.14318416

>gyaru turboslut the show
Into the trash

>> No.14318421

>Into the trash
Alongside an entire box worth of used fap tissues.

>> No.14318426
File: 341 KB, 850x832, 1443496443273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess it's just that image for m. Also,
>pure slut
I don't follow.

>> No.14318438
File: 290 KB, 1000x1000, 1443976128241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cuddle with a ushi so much.

What weapon would you like to see your MG waifu using?

I want her dual wielding a pair of curved-hilt lightsabers.

>> No.14318452

You can probably guess from the images.
Basically, it's a pure girl pretending to be a slut.
You know, like Deruella

>> No.14318453
File: 660 KB, 703x1200, 1433721249089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her old sword from her Order days.

>> No.14318461
File: 281 KB, 1000x1000, 1433761490619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh. Rachnee might be a good fit. Lewd and provocative as hell in public, but is very sweet if you get her to open up.

>> No.14318463
File: 63 KB, 540x720, 1395594690428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine her having a massive mace or morning star. Just like, stupidly big for how small her frame is, but she hefts it around like it's nothing because of that hidden minotaur strength. But she's also apologetic about having to smash people.

>> No.14318468
File: 132 KB, 1200x900, u01_b01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spell tome, I guess.

>> No.14318498

I want an oppai loli white dragon who tries to act tough but is silenced by headpats.

>> No.14318499

There's a pretty good chance, depending on she turns into.

>> No.14318505

She's got a boyfriend and I've got no desire to be with her.

>> No.14318520

Neither of them.

>> No.14318532

No, but if I had a MG as a sister I'd probably be raped due to the frequency in which I fap

>> No.14318539

I want to play a children's card game with a Pharaoh. Would you?

>> No.14318540

Can I do it while riding a motorcycle?

>> No.14318543

You can try.

>> No.14318544

Try? Bitch, I'm so Metal I don't need to try, I'll just do it!

>> No.14318546
File: 272 KB, 800x950, Fda1f1cf54a8f5b562a5e0435d47e98d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first of your many kikimora daughterus brings her husband home
>You're anxious to see what he'll be like, you first daughter choosing a husband is a bit of a hurdle for you as a dad, she was just a baby so recently (at least it seemed like it)
>The man and your daughter arrive at your home
>She greets you, your wife, and her countless isters
>You shake the guys hands, firm grip, clean cut, seems good enough
>Your wife and daughters prepare dinner as you and the man sit by the fire and attempt to make small talk
>Dinner is perfect (as always) and the atmosphere is warm as you all sit at your family's massive dinner table
>As your daughters clear the table away, you lead the man off
>You take him into your massive, ornate study
>High vaulted ceilings, tall book cases carved of Carpathian elm, and a large desk of the same wood
>Oh yeah, you're rich as fuck. (based kiki wife's support)
>You go over to your bar and pour two glasses of your finest cognac
>You hand him the glass "Think you're good enough to marry my daughter, huh?"
>The man gives you a resolute nod
>"I guess it doesn't matter what you or I think, they can just tell weather a man is good or not. I'd be foolish to think my judgement is better than her's in this regard, I know she picked well."
>You take a sip of the cognac and then light a fine cigar, offering one to the man too
>You take a long drag "Listen, kid, you've hit easy street, okay?"
>He nods again
>"Just listen to what she has to say and don't disappoint her. It's literally that simple."
>Another nod
>"They do the rest, really. They like it too, just let her handle it."
>"A kikimora is literally the perfect wife, you can't ask for more. They're perfect."
>"Don't you dare hurt her though or subvert her expectations, I can have things done to you, but I'd rather not have to do that, understand?"
>You take a puff on the cigar, exhaling smoke out your nose "Kikis are love, kikis are life. Get rich pop out some daughters and make sure some other guys can get in on this too."
>Silence permeates the room as you both revel in your drink and tobacco
>The man breaks the silence "But how about those downy, soft feather pubes, right?!"
>You smirk, contented
>You toast with the young lad "How about those fucking feather pubes? GOD DAMN."

>> No.14318547

Sure anon, sure.

>> No.14318558
File: 1.26 MB, 750x1000, 1431018901135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh-oh! That clumsy Elf tripped and fell! Go help her up already!

>> No.14318561


>> No.14318562

This is the fifth times she's tripped though!
I swear, these elves must not be eating right.

>> No.14318563

Oops, I fell too so now I'm on top of her and also my pants are gone?

>> No.14318564

fucking chocolate elves, when will they learn?

>> No.14318579
File: 1.01 MB, 1000x1201, cf85ab1208fe624579e36cac5746095a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She could at least close her legs. It's unbecoming of a lady.

>> No.14318588

Instructions unclear. Penis got stuck in vagina.

>> No.14318589
File: 308 KB, 800x600, 1446019467827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14318592

I want to pamper her and feed her till she's a nice, soft breeding machine.

>> No.14318595
File: 735 KB, 800x1576, 1436723391435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no need to rape a brown elf. They're not exactly against inter-species romance. It's those snobby high elves you gotta break down.

>> No.14318604

I want to buy that elf and give her a nice home.

She looks cute.

>> No.14318605
File: 167 KB, 826x1169, nightgown elf- sfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How soft are we talking here?

>> No.14318608

If she wants to fuck she can wait until we reach a town or something.

>> No.14318610

The softest, the kind that has hips worthy of a broodmother and a rear that the hem of her nightie can barely cover.
Breasts as soft as marshmallows that mold beneath your hands and easily the size of her head.
Maybe a bit of pudge about the middle but it would quickly become unimportant due to the constant pregnancies I'll make sure she has.

>> No.14318612

you want to live in a nice stone house with her and your daughters, by a nice creek and a sunny field? You want to take them into town to buy groceries and perhaps gifts because your daughters have been doing so well in school? do you want to see the warm sunlight play against their silver eyelashes and brilliant white teeth? do you want them to say something like "thank you, papa!" as they hug you and your wife laughs contentedly? do you then want to go home an enjoy your wife's take on a traditional eleven stew now using human ingredients (reflecting the half-elf nature of your family)? Do you want to read them a story next to a roaring fire? After all of that do you want to tuck each of them into bed and then cuddle into your own bed with you wife?

>> No.14318613

>Not wanting to fuck a brown elf bareback in the woods

>> No.14318614

Yes I do.

>> No.14318616

It's dirty in the woods, that and it can be petty uncomfortable.

>> No.14318623

Elf taking your order up at Burger Queen acting like you're the reason her grandmother got raped 200 years ago.

She's right you time traveling fuck. Stop bullying your granddaughter.

>> No.14318626
File: 928 KB, 1000x1719, c9bf066f9ef62f5779a6564a6bb8ec61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is about the softest version of Brown elf I can find. This good enough?

>> No.14318627

What? I'm no time traveler.

>> No.14318629

A good start.
We can always soften her up as the brood grows.

>> No.14318630

Know what else is dirty in the woods? Elves. Particularly after a good hike. Something about it just gets them going. And if you're uncomfortable it's just because you didn't take her first offer. The longer you wait to accept the less inviting the locations she'll choose because she's getting desperate.

Not yet, maybe.

>> No.14318631

That's exactly the kind of thing a time traveling rapist would say.

>> No.14318632

Elm? Really?

>> No.14318636

No really, I'm not a time traveler! I'm smart enough to do something as complex as that!

>> No.14318637

What is my grand daughter doing working at burger queen? Shamefur dispray.

>> No.14318638

Well that elf is just going to have to wait a little bit longer until I get to town.

>> No.14318639

This is a story in the making, let's see where it goes.
>Wake up Anon!

>> No.14318640

But she wants you to go to town on her! In the woods! Now!

>> No.14318644

>I'm smart enough to do something as complex as that!

Maybe that's why you're there harassing her. Or maybe you planted her there an an extremely elaborate attempt at getting free food.

>> No.14318645

She can wait!

>> No.14318646

Good night Anons.
Take care and don't burn down the thread.
Instead, take some time to consider how you should act around foriegn dignitaries.

You wouldn't want to laugh at a mighty kobold warlord in her fullplate would you? Giving her headpats and calling her cute as she fumes.

That would be like meeting an emissary from the dreaded shadow lands and asking the wight knight what it was like when she was a zombie.

>> No.14318647
File: 248 KB, 640x480, X marks the spot, Double D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making your elf wait for the dick
You some kind of retarded, anon?

>> No.14318648

What? I'm serious anon, there no way I am smart enough to understand and build a time machine.

>> No.14318651

But anon, then she'll be even more eager for it!

>> No.14318652

I'm not fucking her in the woods for any reason when there is a perfectly good town not far.

>> No.14318655

You just haven't been made mad enough yet. Humans can achieve anything with enough anger funneled into their ambitions.

Outsourcing the labor is also a viable option. I'm sure some lich somewhere has been wronged by an elf and is willing to help you rape the past with magical portals and shit. Sure would be awkward if It was your resulting bastard offspring who wronged her in the first place though.

>> No.14318659

Welcome to the MGC massage parlor! Is this your first time here? Great, you're going to love it! The atmosphere's great and the girls are all friendly. Keep in mind that we don't do happy endings, but with that said, here are our services:

[ ]Slime Cube: you'll be up to your neck in a warm gooey slime girl, massaging your body with waves of warmth and pressure. Guaranteed to ease fatigue and improve blood flow!

[ ]Royal Paw Rub: it's the back massage fit for a pharaoh! Our resident anubis' squishy paw pads will melt your stress away and send tingles all over. We guarantee it's the best back massage this side of the Nile! Please don't tell her I made those jokes though, cute as she may be when she's mad I prefer her wagging.

[ ]Hot Sake Sports Massage: our trained red oni knows just the trick to rub and stretch away all of those kinks you've built up from athletics and heavy lifting. As a bonus benefit the sake rub is also great for skin, and if the masseus likes you it's possible she'll give you a shot or two as well. Must be over 21 to participate.

[ ]Back Ball: got a stiff spine? This is the service for you! Wrapped in the coils of one of our lamias you'll be rubbed and squeezed until your back feels like it did when you were a kid! Please don't motorboat the masseuse.

[ ]Cryorub: it's you and a yeti or yuki onna in a walk-in freezer. A great way to escape the summer heat or reduce inflamation anywhere on the body. Icecube massage available for an additional charge.

[ ]Musical Massage: a gandharva serenades you ear to ear while stroking you with her wings. Lighter on the massage portion than most of our packages, but extremely soothing. Lullaby service with in-room naptime available.

[ ]Mystery Service: what's that? you'd rather have me? I'm the matron, I don't normally do this sort of thing anymore, but since you look so eager I suppose I could dust off some of my old tricks...

[ ]Three Alps and a Bottle of Baby Oil: all I know is what it's called but I'm told it's not illegal. We promise not to judge you.

Well? What'll it be, Anon? The girls are waiting. [Mystery Service option to be revealed in fifteen minutes.]

>> No.14318660

But I wouldn't know how to talk to a Lich, they're seem really weird and a bit creepy.

You have it all wrong anon, there is absolutely no way I am her grandfather.

>> No.14318662


>> No.14318665

>[X]Royal Paw Rub
Seriously, cannot check that one enough.
Are there any policies against customers asking masseuses out on dates, or them accepting?

>> No.14318666

[x] Slime Cube

>> No.14318667

[x]Royal Paw Rub
Not even anubisfucker.

>> No.14318668

No yet, That Elf has it all wrong. She must be confusing me with someone else because there is no way I could have gone back in time and raped her grandmother.

>> No.14318670

That anubis sounds tempting, but I think I'll take the lovely matron tonight.

>> No.14318673

[x]Hot Sake Sports Massage

>> No.14318675

Black ball.

>> No.14318679

Back ball. My spine is killing me.

>> No.14318680

Paying customer coming through. Give me the oiled up alps.

>> No.14318684

>Are there any policies against customers asking masseuses out on dates, or them accepting?
Of course, can't have all of the girls getting married off right off the bat, can we? Of course, you are welcome to select the same masseuse every time you come if she's available. Otherwise fraternizing is, uh, frowned upon.

>Black ball
The apophis option? Adventurous today, are we?

>> No.14318687

Yes. Gave me the snake.

>> No.14318688

I'll, uhh, take the, the umm. The last one. The one with the, you know. Mountain range.

>> No.14318692

>Of course
Oh well, was worth a shot. Still, a nice massage is always good. Can meet an Anubis to go out with another way I suppose.

>> No.14318694

Ah yes
The Himalayas

>> No.14318696

You say 'frowned upon', but all I'm hearing is 'It's not against the rules.'

>> No.14318697

No, I don't mean the Yeti option, I mean the, umm. The European option.

>> No.14318699

Wait, we can choose what kind of Lamia we get for this one?
In that case, yeah make mine an Apophis too.

>> No.14318704
File: 86 KB, 1920x350, MG Space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no MGs in space.

>> No.14318706

Ah yes
Mount Everest

>> No.14318707

>mystery service
I'm gonna marry that GILF matron and fill her up enough that she'll be able to have children again!

>> No.14318708
File: 25 KB, 1052x239, Cozy in Space with Anubis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about it.

>> No.14318709
File: 91 KB, 416x356, Froppy defiled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's part of the Himalayas you dumb-dumb!

>> No.14318710

Mystery box

>> No.14318711

>[x]Back Ball
Please fix my shitty posture, Lamia-chan.

>> No.14318712

I'm sorry, I get my mountains confused
But I still do not know what you mean

>> No.14318714

Y-you know. That place where the real life Bane crashed a plane with no survivors.

>> No.14318715

but I'm not in the bathroom anon

>> No.14318716
File: 231 KB, 627x502, 1563789564564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reptilian Alliance.
>Zero-G Slimes

>> No.14318719

Ah yes, I see now

>> No.14318720

You know, the mountains in Switzerland where Hitler loved to have his vacations at.

>> No.14318722

Yes, well, professionalism, responsibility, safe working environments, spike pits, etc. You know how these things go.

Those are a rather rare breed, there's only the one on staff. Would you prefer to wait, or perhaps give this midnight black medusa a try? You have my leave to tease her a little if you'd like.

H-how rude! I'll have you know I'm only 24.8 years old and single!

Mystery Service soon!

>> No.14318723

Gotta have the Oni sake rub, hopefully I can have some to drink too.

>> No.14318724


>> No.14318725

Maybe you're right, she does kinda just treat everyone like shit. Damn moody elves.

>> No.14318727

is it rude that I want to start a family? is it rude that all I can think about is giving her a massage using my semen?
or do I just have warped preferences?

>> No.14318729

Oh my, how depraved of you Anon.

>> No.14318730

Oh, well then. Why didn't you just say so!
No one he's going to judge you

>> No.14318731
File: 144 KB, 960x720, 1445884135225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You rest easy, feeling her soft breathing against you chest
>"Remember when we met?"
>"How could I forget?"
>"Our clan had never seen humans before, you humans came to colonize the highlands.."
>She nuzzles against your chest "We didn't hear each other and we started fighting over practically nothing."
>"I was so scared when you captured me, I was just an apothecary, I had no clue about fighting. I thought I was dead."
>You grip her hand "It didn't help that each of our side's got freaked out and made things worse than they had any need to be. Remember "Elves practice black magicks" and "Humans seek to destroy the forest?"
>She laughs softly "Of course. I was frightened when you came to me for the first time., you only wanted to give me some food but I thought you were going to kill me."
>"You started crying like a little girl."
>"And you bullied me, you teased me!"
>"You got so mad you refused to eat and started throwing insults around."
>"But you pouted and refused to speak to me! You're the little girl!"
>"What if you never asked about that alchemical text I was reading? We might not have ever talked to one another."
>"We had so much in common, we loved so many of the same things..."
>you rub her head
>"I still blush thinking about it, taking me to the meeting spot, hand in hand, brokering a truce between our leaders."
>She rubs your chest in return
>"We may have been the first but now elven-human relationships are common. Elves and humans live side by side, it's hard to believe this all started with bloodshed."
>She exhales deeply "I love you."
>You pull her head against your chest "I love you too."

>> No.14318733

You do realize I'm taking all this out on them, right?

>> No.14318734

It's not weird, but it's been made clear that this is a more professional establishment.

Don't worry anon, you'll find a nice girl to settle down with elsewhere. We both will.

>> No.14318735

Time to reveal the mystery option!

[X]Kikimora back Wash: so it's not really a massage as such, I promise you'll love it! Head to foot and under your nails I'll wash you so well it'd make your mother jealous. Comes with a free kiki-heated holstaur milk soak at the end for soft, cuddleable skin!

Sorry this took so long to put together, I seem to have had my things packed away a bit TOO well. This swimsuit isn't too small now, is it?

>> No.14318737

Not my problem. I'm not an Alp

>> No.14318740

oh you're getting all the babies I don't care about the rules this GILF is getting filled to the brim with my love!

>> No.14318741

Well I am and that's horrible!
Wait, no. No I'm not. I'm just interested in them. Alp-curious. Yes.

>> No.14318743

Alp-curious, huh? Ah yea, we've all been through that stage in life
-Is what I would say if we were all Alps like you

>> No.14318744

Fuck off.

>> No.14318745

Alps would probably like the rough treatment.

>> No.14318746

All I'll say is that it hugs you in all the right places. Now let's go get this back rub going.

>> No.14318748

Spotted the tsundere.

>> No.14318749


I feel the need.
The need to breed

>> No.14318752

Whatever you do, don't be too hard on them. The spots on the base of their tails? The tops of their heads? Behind their ears? Don't touch them. They hate that. Absolutely loathe. It's abhorrent.

>> No.14318753

mmmmmm, that's nice.

>> No.14318756

now I want to see a CC kikimora in a too tight one piece swimsuit

>> No.14318759

Fuck you kindly anon-kun, I just fapped. I'll be in my bunk.

>> No.14318761

I want a CC Kikimora in a too tight latex leotard!

>> No.14318763

Just imagine the skindentation!

>> No.14318764

>One-piece swimsuit
That's no good for a back rub. You need a bikini... Purely for work purposes, I mean. It allows for... Better movement! Aaand, the skin-to-skin contact is more pleasurable.

>> No.14318765


>> No.14318768

A kiki massage owner'ss worst day ever:
>Shoggoth in the slime cube
>Swimsuit too tight
>Oni is drunk(er than usual)
>That faceless guy is back again and your bouncer is ineffectual (read above)
>Lamias are preoccupied with a mating ball
>alps have kyaa'd themselves hoarse
>some chucklefuck left a FUCKING ROOMBA in the motherFUCKING lobby!
>It's only ten AM

Truly. The kyaaing disturbs the other customers as well. Please refrain from making the alps kyaa.

>> No.14318769

>tfw I can't go back and edit my old stories without fapping
This is difficult.

>> No.14318770
File: 76 KB, 715x1000, 1456809534324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you bugger a Bugbear Girl?

>> No.14318771

You just ventured into my mind and picked the word that would double my erection

>> No.14318772

I want a CC Kikimora in tight clothing in general
>she's too embarrassed to really bend over while cleaning
>but you've been so clumsy today knocking everything over
>every time she tries to kneel down you order her to "bend over and clean it properly"
>she gets too embarrassed and won't look at you
>especially after her leggings ripped and proved your theory that she doesn't wear any panties
and that's how she became a mother

>> No.14318773

Yes, this is good.

>> No.14318774

Do the goblins and even the hobgoblins look to us with admiration and a little bit of envy?

>> No.14318776

Oh dear, this might be dangerous, I'm afraid I'm prone to slipping and landing dick-first in women.

Oh well, I'm sure it'll be fine.

>> No.14318777

Perhaps, but they would be more interested in finding Human caravans to ambush, or small unguarded villages and towns.

>> No.14318780

That's practically selfcest you depraved individual

>> No.14318782

I just wanted to take some of the stress out of her day. She gets so wound up with running the place, I figured not having to worry about cleaning would ease the stress a bit.

>> No.14318784

Sorry anon, being a filthy, dirty pervert is not news to me.

>> No.14318785

You want me to sodomize her?
I mean, it's not really my thing, but if she's into it I guess I don't mind.

>> No.14318786

Aww, this doesn't fit my headcanon of bugbears being higher up in the clan ranks than goblins and even hobgoblins at all.

>> No.14318788

I kind of envy you. Reading anything I've ever written just makes me want to purge it from existence.

>> No.14318791

I get that too sometimes with the oldest stuff, but it still turns me on. It's a weird feeling.

>> No.14318792

I have a terrible time going back to anything I ever do because everything I do I hate

>> No.14318793

Bugbears would bully all the smaller Goblinoids into doing what they want, the strongest lead, etc.

>> No.14318795

What is a Bugbear?

>> No.14318797

Basically an Oni with the mental capacity and temprament of a Hobgoblin.

>> No.14318802

She sounds fun. I'mma make her wear a bondage harness!

>> No.14318804

A gay man with aids.

>> No.14318808

A great, big fluffy Orc.

>> No.14318812
File: 388 KB, 572x800, Eureka in a sweater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are living, humanoid pieces of space coral who can grow wings Monster Girls?

>> No.14318815

I'd say yes.

>> No.14318816

No, fuck off.

>> No.14318820

A little bit of Column A, a little bit of column B?

>> No.14318821

I would like to rape Druella.

I request the aid of the others in this thread to achieve my goal.


>> No.14318824

You want us to help you with your suicide?
Pass. I've got better things to do than die

>> No.14318830

Hush anon, I'm trying to nap.

>> No.14318837

Well I know we're going to need at least one catapult capable of launching fully grown men several hundred feet.

>> No.14318844

Just do it alone.

>> No.14318857

Please Anons, I need your aid. My boss gave me a very sternly worded order to rape Druella-sa-...Druella by next Friday and I have no idea how to do so. I was told I could find an excellent strategist here.

Interesting. I think I can see where you are going with this. I will acquire one immediately.

>> No.14318859

Are you an alp? Only alps are this desperate.

>> No.14318860
File: 2.67 MB, 823x1200, Deruella_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there's worse ways to commit suicide, I guess.

arch up to her castle with a megaphone and loudly proclaim your love for human girls. Make sure to emphasize that not even the sluttiest of succubi could sway you. Her ego will pretty much force her to try and prove you wrong.

I've gotten you in the door. You're on your own from there.

>> No.14318864

>an excellent strategist
Ah, you seek Master Dozing Dragon. She is dozing, unfortunately, and not available.

>> No.14318868

Just walk up to her, slap that dumb Lilim in the face, shove her to the ground and rape her.

That simple, no need to even bring another person.

>> No.14318869

>walk into Druella's castle
>appeal to her with gifts like gold, lingerie, and a ring
>when she's too overcome with her gifts eat a raging mushroom
>actually eat about 5 of those bastards
>you're gonna need it
>proceed to rape her so hard her opinions of humans change drastically
I mean that's how I would like to be ra- I mean beat Druella

>> No.14318873

what about Wimp Lo? surely he can help

>> No.14318875

Did this show ever get any good, watched the first few episodes but I couldn't do it.

>> No.14318881

It's easy as that, Just eat a Raging Mushroom and you could make any monster girl your bitch.

Git gud my ass, all you have to do is eat a fucking mushroom and you're good.

>> No.14318883
File: 125 KB, 600x450, 1392018963163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never heard of that one.

>> No.14318886

>An Alp trying to confront Druella
>Trying to overcome her fear and awe while saying how she's going to rape her
>Druella interrupts her speech by adding some lewd details on how best to rape her
>Meanwhile, gears are turning in her head on how to best turn this faggot into a mindless nymph that can only think of dicks and violating men

I didn't need this at 3 AM in the morning.

>> No.14318891

I'd say so; it's my second favorite anime of all-time personally. It started out kinda "Eh" admittedly, but I'd say it did get much better as it went on.

Sadly its sequel didn't really live up to it.

>> No.14318892

it's okay anon he can't really help, he was purposefully trained wrong as a joke

>> No.14318900
File: 480 KB, 720x960, 1420141841624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then how about master Jizza Yu?

>> No.14318902

I'm not allowed back to her dojo, I kind of took her name too literal. If you know what I mean.

>> No.14318905

Would is wok on a lilim though? They're supposed to be all powerful, reality changing beings, I'm not sure if one of your little mushrooms could win this one.

>> No.14318907

But that's a test of your determination! Come back even after being banned, and she will know you mean it!

>> No.14318908

The dick is stronger than all.

>> No.14318909

Wow, I need sleep.

>> No.14318914

no you don't stay awake until you hear that nightmare in your closet get pouty because you refuse to go to sleep

>> No.14318948

I'm gonna have to explain a lot after that shit with the zamboni.

>> No.14318983
File: 386 KB, 1000x1500, 1409492394538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there are some very serious misconceptions about Wurms, and I would like to clarify once and for all that they are, in fact, not stupid. As a matter of fact, Wurms have understood the wisdom of simplicity, and know that the way to obtaining happiness is through very straightforward means. Like sex and ice cream and puppies.

>> No.14318989

Wurms are ghetto Lamias.

>> No.14318991

I don't get it.

>> No.14318994

>I don't get it.
The mating call of the wurm.

>> No.14319007

I thought the Wurm mating call went something like Hi, I'm Daisy!

>> No.14319022

It varies from region to region. For instance, Canadian wurms say "Jam it in buddeh!"

>> No.14319026
File: 94 KB, 550x550, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a hated character in my family. Mario Kart, Mario Party, whatever, she always fucks someone over as an AI.

>> No.14319029

>Mario Party
Why subject you family to this? Do you want to actively hate each other?

>> No.14319036
File: 130 KB, 832x700, 1411354819828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any adventure here?

>> No.14319047

It's mostly slice of life and smut.

>> No.14319051

What if it's slice-of-life ABOUT smutty adventurers?

>> No.14319055

Sounds good to me.

>> No.14319056

Yeah, but they mostly involve stealing undergarments.

>> No.14319058

Sounds somewhat fresh and rather entertaining, when can I expect it?

>> No.14319060

What? I'm not writing it, I'm looking for it.

>> No.14319061

>Pantyquest is kill
Thanks for reminding me anon.
Echidna panties the hardest to get, because after all that shit you want to plow the serpent.

>> No.14319088

We only play on occasion.
And on teams, so less fighting slightly.

>> No.14319099
File: 743 KB, 1073x1600, 06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that new yuki-onna doujin

>> No.14319118

After 6 overly long pages of character profile I'm finally ready to write the story outline but I have a major issue

How am I supposed to decide which girl wins in the end?
Do I go with the obvious choice for the MC? Do I choose my favorite? Do I finish with a vague ending and let the reader decide? Do I write as much as I can without thinking about it? Do I do some kind of strawpoll down the line when all the characters are established? Do I make multiple endings? Something else?

This has been blocking me for 2 days now, I'd love some guidance please

For context: there is 3 very different girls, one has a clear affinity for the MC, one has all her chances but is much more distant, and there is the last one who can hardly be seen as a romantic interest by the MC

>> No.14319125

>Do I make multiple endings?

It's up to you, but any option that isn't this one will likely result in people getting mad at some point.

>> No.14319126

What story is this anyway?

>> No.14319145
File: 206 KB, 600x835, 11125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saved for future faps, Yuki-Onnas are great.

>> No.14319146

A quiet journey about a MC searching for something intangible, it will have some adventure elements but nothing like fighting or any serious danger

If I somehow get people that engaged in the story I will definitely take the time to write different endings

>> No.14319159

Hand Paw Pads on Doggy Waifus
Yay or Nay?

>> No.14319161

No idea who you are, but personally, I prefer to go with the obvious choice. If one girl has a clear affinity, why wouldn't you pair them up in the end?

>> No.14319165
File: 486 KB, 800x1000, Anubis Foot-Paw Massage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And yes, I know these are foot paw pads. But really, if she has 'em on the feet...

>> No.14319173
File: 250 KB, 650x488, 1444598221126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuki-onnas make perfect housewives

>> No.14319180


>holding hands with your kobold waifu and using your thumb to rub her paw pad

>> No.14319187

It's true that outside of personal preference I don't have a solid reason to go with any other outcome

Thanks for the insight, I will go with that

>> No.14319208

You say this, but monstergirls aren't exactly vanilla.

>> No.14319226

Oh man, I can't decide between the Slime Cube and the Back Ball. Both sound incredibly inviting.

>> No.14319242
File: 3.04 MB, 1200x1723, loli fox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discuss fluffy tail

>> No.14319283

I want to go through the Ishimura with a team of monstergirls.

>> No.14319286

Gay, heretical and an insult to those we lost.

>> No.14319290
File: 99 KB, 413x550, Werebat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bats are super cute

>> No.14319291

I want FTL with monstergirls.
Eh, fuck it. I'll just play FTL and make an all female crew them pretend they're elves and succubi.

>> No.14319293

Nice, healing stories like this are the best.

>> No.14319296

The most generic thing I've read in a while.

>> No.14319309

>That mantis home system event with the legendary pirate
>all I can imagine is a MGE Mantis coldly challenging me over comms with a slightly smug smile on her face
I always try to have level two teleports and medbays if I'm in that area, because that Mantis is an amazing crewmember if you can save them.

>> No.14319312 [SPOILER] 
File: 79 KB, 497x1024, 1446816135344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about some Yeti anon?

>> No.14319315

Including some coherent dialogue and a rudiment of plot instantly makes it a breath of fresh air after eternal smut crap.

>> No.14319316

Do you think the arrival of monster girls would cause a gender role reversal?

MGs are the ones actively seeking a partner
They are the ones who demand sex
They have the upper hand when it comes to strength
They protect their man
They can provide for the family on their own

I prefer the idea that their arrival breaks any concepts of relationships we currently have, each species or even each individual dictating their own

>> No.14319319

Cryorub but with the Anubis

>> No.14319330

I believe so, yeah. But also, it would encourage human woman to actually improve themselves to get a partner.

>> No.14319331
File: 367 KB, 372x440, chrislaugh.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coherent dialogue
That's like listening to the crazy bus theme and saying "at least I can hear it."

>> No.14319383

No because these aren't your Chinese cartoons.
>provide for the family on their own
Maybe in the case of dragons, tanukis and kikis, the rest are dubious.

>> No.14319387

Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.14319398
File: 2.57 MB, 828x1200, Dark_priest_sasha_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eternal smut crap

>> No.14319421

I don't think we were reading the same greentext but whatever.

>> No.14319431

Not this kind, just pointing at all the going-nowhere fuck greentexts circulating the threads.

>that pic
Obligatory purge tier/muh innocent children/before is better/fucking traitors whine.

>> No.14319434

If Tomasu yeti is giving me the cold massage, I'm demanding a Yuki onna or a refund

>> No.14319436

>Anon is tired of all the sex and simply wants a romantic relationship
>After refusing the advances of many monster girls he receives a special invitation
>It says he is invited to a special gathering where he and many others will find platonic love
>The event takes place in a humble church
>About 2 dozens other men are with him waiting for things to start
>A Dark Priest makes her entrance
>Dark Valkyries block every escape routes
>The Dark Priest goes on about how everyone inside these walls is a filthy heretic and has to go through purgatory
>She declares that the sentence for their crime is 12 years of constant intercourse
>Dark Angels appears out of nowhere and grab Anon and the others
>They are all teleported to Pandemonium where time doesn't flow
>Left without a way to measure time, they have endless sex until they all become fervent followers of the Fallen God
>None of them ever comes back to earth

>> No.14319440
File: 166 KB, 479x1200, Yeti2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Yeti's are warm anon.

>> No.14319441

Such a lovely place.

>> No.14319448

You can only be so much of a fag before you get yours.

>> No.14319449

I want to fondle a dark priest's feathers, I just have to know what's under there.

>> No.14319451

Hopefully yes.

>> No.14319533

She may be warm but she needs a haircut, a dental plan, and some time in a tanning bed

>> No.14319547

Kiki maid harem.
The lewd loli that handles maintenance
The chubby cook with the biggest assets.
The tan, parrot feathered harpy in charge of guarding.
The lewd, CC head maid
And the muscled, brusque security guard

>> No.14319568
File: 360 KB, 1146x850, 3e792121164b3e6e34bb0cf7629e4455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kiki maid harem
>only having one for security

>> No.14319574

Is this the guy who goes around hating yuri and going autistic about Anubis and being a toy for a wolf?

I think this is the cutest form of shitposting, desu.

>> No.14319576

He starts unnecessary arguments and plays both sides of them mostly, just report because he can't evade his 3 day bana

>> No.14319588

>guy who goes around hating yuri
That describes half the anons in the thread. Why would you even include that?

>> No.14319591

Because he's the one who starts it all.

Though he doesn't really cover all the dramatopics.

>> No.14319602

Not really, man. That stuff happens all on its own without him and has for years. You'd have a much stronger case if you were talking about a dumbass picking fights with femdom all the time.

>> No.14319603

This is a small harem of maids.
Sure, each can be skilled in defense but only one can get the job

>> No.14319609

You mean him?

Literally everything is him. So, not at all.

>> No.14319641
File: 94 KB, 850x567, 1422491518638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these squishy brown goddesses.

>> No.14319646 [SPOILER] 
File: 223 KB, 500x803, 1446826635819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haircut sure but those other things seem kind of silly.

Especially the tanning bed.

>> No.14319662

Remember to properly feed your elves.
Big and squishy is the way to go.

>> No.14319669
File: 226 KB, 600x484, da3f55eed9868f85bdbb138ddb4d31d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah man.

>> No.14319684

Who is this artist? The style resembles majoccoid.

>> No.14319697


>> No.14319717

I can never look at kobolds/dog girls the same way again. Not after learning so much about dog body language and mentality. I used to think dogs were cute, but now all they do is make me sad.

>> No.14319720

That's why you should go with cats.
Fine feline QTs are the best.

>> No.14319724

How so?

>> No.14319727
File: 77 KB, 800x496, 1446600129954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.
Thankfully Kobolds aren't actual dogs either.

>> No.14319746

Dogs live lives full of fear, anxiety and nervousness.

Basically, all of their body language is for the purpose of communicating how scared they are, and when you can see the signs, you realize that they constantly are trying to tell everything around them how afraid they are.

I mean, they're even upset about their own excitement. At around adolescence, most dogs will experience something called hyperarousal or whatever, which is where they get so excited that it makes them nervous.

>> No.14319757

they tend to have more humanity than Br's, one of the dogs rescued a premature newborn and gave the baby to some nearby couple in some brazillian slum.

>> No.14319761

Well, look on the bright side; at least they never have to know the pain of being human.

>> No.14319762

Well, I've learned this before from watching Cesar if I recall correctly.

I, for example, have suffered from ADHD and I've been like that for a long time, so I don't think we're very different, psychologically.

>> No.14319763

But that's total adorable, a lot of anons find scared girls cute. Actually, a lot of people in general do.

>> No.14319778

I want Deruella to help improve my marriage for the benefit of my waifu over finding her own husband!

>> No.14319790

I want Deruella to find me and my effeminate childhood guy friend and GET STUCK BETWEEN US IN A WOBBLY H.

>> No.14319798

I wonder if Deruella ever NTRs the wife in those situations.

>> No.14319810

If she did that her mother would beat her up.

>> No.14319812

I think this is bullshit.

>> No.14319827

I like the way you think, anon.

>> No.14319831

Why are monsters so scary when they hunt for husbands?

>> No.14319835

>Druella attempts to NTR a girl
>Mother literally teleports from boning her husband just so she can bend Druella over her knee and spank her in front of the couple.

Would be funny

>> No.14319841
File: 104 KB, 697x800, evil devil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck her in all four holes

>> No.14319842

As someone afraid of dogs: Good. I've had enough of the fuckers running at me snarling when I'm on walks, knowing they're frightened too makes me feel a bit better about this.

>> No.14319847

Because they act more animalistic/savage

>> No.14319853

They don't have proper courting rituals.

>> No.14319860

I never understood why captured guys just accept it in the setting. Why not stab them when they're sleeping, or at the very least get away? At some point they'll be defenseless, they can't always be super powerful and alert.

>> No.14319864

>god damn monster this is some nasty ass rape i hate u so much but the monstapussy game ridiculous

>> No.14319868

Did you forget how great the sex is always described to be? The monster girl courting strategy is basically the same as hentai rapists; there's no consequences if you do it super good, and monster girls are better equipped for that kind of thing than any human in those settings.

>> No.14319873

Seriously though, not everyone would want some demon woman forcing themselves into their lives. I know its an alien concept to most of the thread, but some people like being alone.

>> No.14319877
File: 396 KB, 605x1000, 1442893880450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some people like being alone.
They have ways to fix that. Some more direct than others.

>> No.14319883


It would be pretty hard to be alone for too long in a setting with MGs in it. Even if you got away from one that raped/tried to rape you, there would be some other MG trying to get to you wherever else you went.

>> No.14319890

The whole hentai logic is ridiculous though. No matter how good an orgasm is an actual person will still resent and hate a kidnapper. I can just see a monstergirl invasion happening only for them to be utterly destroyed by their own "husbands"
>he killed kathy in her sleep?
>but why?
>all she did was take him from everything he loved and assumed that frantic sex would be a good compensation!
I generally headcanon that monstergirls aren't this stupid anyway, but I digress.

>> No.14319893

Interesting idea, isn't it? I wanted to write a story like this, but then I realized I can't write.

>> No.14319894

Just stay in one of the countries controlled by the Order.

>> No.14319902

A monstergirl kidnapped you! What do?

>> No.14319905

It depends on the species.

>> No.14319906

Honestly, Deruella would probably never do that, but she probably would partake of the goods alongside the wife. I mean, it only makes sense right? She's not a virgin, so she's definitely having sex, and her faction is described as being weirdly devoted to her and the aggressive interest in the pursuit of a global demon realm where every monster girl is given to sex with there husbands before anything else, which is contrary to the behavior in achieving the goal itself.

Monster girls like sex with intimacy, and it wouldn't be absurd to say that Deruella's faction is probably held strong by group sex between various MGs, their husbands, and Deruella with some other single MGs that follow her logic. She surely wouldn't have any 'Cumpumps' or 'fucktoys', she'd be preoccupied having fun with the couples she sets up, which explains everything nicely about her actions and motivations.

>> No.14319907


>> No.14319910

Those won't be around for long.

>> No.14319912

Escape in the night. I enjoy our games of cat and mouse.

>> No.14319913
File: 176 KB, 750x698, uni2_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grab her boobs!

>> No.14319914


There are those MGs who are tolerated who live there. Not to mention MGs who are disguised as humans.

>> No.14319915

Well, she fucked the MC in Fallen Brides. But it was hardly NTR since harem was okay with it and even encouraged her to do it

>> No.14319916

Oppai Loli makes me mad.
It makes me mad because it is the only kind I like.

>> No.14319919

A few points.

A: It's made obvious that not every monster is a virgin in KC land and that many times the man runs away or pulls the old "going out to get cigarettes/pizza/beer" on her.

B: If they somehow decide you're the one though, you're fucked because mamano mana warps your brain into craving them more than anything.

>> No.14319930

Does Deruella have some weird fetish for being a third wheel in this interpretation of her? Would she like to be the second wife of her husband?

>> No.14319931
File: 106 KB, 638x670, 1437420976925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave myself at her mercy.

>> No.14319935

A kobold is not going to rape you.

>> No.14319936

It's not hentai logic. It's mindbreaking magic

>> No.14319937

Yeah, it's pretty stupid and contrived, I agree.

>> No.14319939

>Being this much of a beta.

>> No.14319940

The idea of any Lilim bring second wife to anyone but another Lilim seems ridiculous to me, almost as much as the idea of having multiple Lilim wives.

>> No.14319941

That sounds like something a kobold would say.

>> No.14319942


>> No.14319943


And then you'd become paranoid. Those married MGs? They'll probably trick you and lock you in a room with one of their friends who isn't married yet. Humans? Probably disguised as monsters waiting to ensure anyone foolhardy enough to drop their guard.

>> No.14319947

As stupid and terrible as this probably sounds, I'd read a story where an MC is fucked by multiple Lilim.

>> No.14319950

>mamano mana warps your brain into craving them more than anything
>KC:"N-no, but love though..."
That will never stop being funny.

>> No.14319951


That's what they want you to think.

>> No.14319952

>that many times the man runs away or pulls the old "going out to get cigarettes/pizza/beer" on her.
Nah, I'm pretty sure the girl is the one who chooses the guy. Many profiles say "if MG really likes the guy she will take him as husbando" etc etc
If MG chose a guy as her husbando he can't run away since they have mana detector. They would literally get you from underground/death

>> No.14319954
File: 147 KB, 940x606, BloodborneOldHunters-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be a beast hunter

>> No.14319958

I like this conversation.

>> No.14319959

Hobo Mitsurugi and Vampire Hunter too olD?

>> No.14319960

No but seriously.

>> No.14319961

They'll fuck pretty much whoever they can get their claws on, the choosing and deciding they like part is afterward for most of them.

>> No.14319963

It's okay. The oppai sabbath is hard at work to ensure all prospective big brothers have a chance at their very own oppai loli!

>> No.14319965


You can't fool me, kobold.

>> No.14319971
File: 97 KB, 1789x407, this was before napalm was invented, of course.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got any good stories about a husbando on the run?

>> No.14319974

praise oppai sabbath.
membership has it rewards.

>> No.14319975

Most likely during sex/orgasm when they taste guy's sperm/mana

>> No.14319980

I want the oppaiest member they have

>> No.14319986

all i can think of now is a genderflipped The Fugitive.
"The 6 armed woman killed my husband!"
"I don't care."
MG takes the plunge off the dam.

>> No.14319990

that would probably be a Holst

>> No.14319994
File: 149 KB, 600x592, 1414619163254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, I will go naked into a pack of kobols and show you how safe it is.

>> No.14319995

If she is carrying me I search for ticklish spots

>> No.14319997

There was a story about guy running from lizardgirl to the Order castle. When he defeated her he also accidentally poked her eye out so she was full Snake mode sneaking in order territory

>> No.14319998
File: 378 KB, 716x1000, 2f94e2991b8f9c22a66e6b98556848a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be careful, anon. Oppai is not meant to be taken lightly.

>> No.14320000

you're crazy they'll rape you into the ground

>> No.14320003

Then anon came back with a harem of Kobolds.

>> No.14320007

Wow, that's ugly as fuck.

>> No.14320008
File: 68 KB, 638x630, 1439689465069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never play strip poker with a hellhound, dragon and anubis.
>you will never explain to them that the first one to be fully naked get impregnated.
>you will never then lose yourself, and get raped for the rest of the night.
>you will never find out they all got pregnant from that night.

>> No.14320010
File: 128 KB, 800x602, All dat plumage gawd dayum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bird Pussy Kingdom would like to thank all anons who currently reside with their borders.

Except that one MG racist anon, shame on you.

Spider Pussy Kingdom is evil.

>> No.14320011

frfr really improved.

>> No.14320012

No they won't. Kobolds are sweet nice girls and would never do such a thing.

No because they won't try to do anything and I won't either.

>> No.14320014

>Except that one MG racist anon, shame on you
You'll never stop me.

>> No.14320016

What if you work together to make pretty dresses out of silk and feathers?

>> No.14320017

Can I just live in a kingdom not based on vaginas?

>> No.14320018

But the bird pussy kingdom is just like the Ewok village in RotJ
>and I'm terrified of heights

>> No.14320020
File: 800 KB, 1400x1150, 1436198900153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I love the Bird Pussy Kingdom

>> No.14320023

Human kingdoms are still the best, as always.

>> No.14320024

There's the minotaur cock kindgom but that place smells weird.

>> No.14320025

I guess you're right.
Nothing based around gentiles.

>> No.14320026

anon they are monster in the end your going to get raped whether you want to believe it or not

>> No.14320028

Thank you BPK. I can't get enough of my waifu's feathered pubes.

>> No.14320030

Man I want to see the guy who talks all the kingdoms into sending their highest (and single) leaders to broker a truce between the lands, but it just comes out that he raped them all and plans on taking responsibility. You know for peace.

>> No.14320033

Be prepared they will force you to do terrible things, head pats, chin scratching, belly rubs, hand holding!

>> No.14320034
File: 186 KB, 1024x724, r'lyeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's the kingdom of R'lyeh but people tend to not come back from there.

>> No.14320036


>> No.14320037

Now I want to see that scene where star lord trains the raptors in Jurassic World with a bunch of kobolds. And the guy is also naked.

>> No.14320038

I am ready.

More than ready even.

>> No.14320039

>Head pats
Thats okay so long as they wash their hair
>Chin scratching
Fine so long as they don't drool on me
>Belly rubs
Okay so long as they don't fight over it
>Hand Holding
Over the fucking line

>> No.14320040 [SPOILER] 
File: 546 KB, 737x594, 1446835270824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14320043

Dammit, I'll just live in the country.

>> No.14320044

I wonder if harpies are afraid of KFC

>> No.14320046

>Not drooling
>Any canine girl

>> No.14320049
File: 185 KB, 533x748, Luka's Wife and Daughter version .5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Well...maybe Cockatrice but it's not like anyone could catch her or avoid stone rape beams of rape.

>> No.14320052
File: 313 KB, 500x625, 5745745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next you will tell me that those nice mermaids who invited me to swim with them next week want to rape me as well.

Sorry but I don't believe you.

>> No.14320054

No, it's fine.
Make sure to wear a smaller swimsuit. You need to be slim to keep up with them!

>> No.14320055

Would a vapoureon girl count as a slimegirl as well as a nereid?

>> No.14320061

Even worse, they want the same things as the kobolds. >>14320033

>> No.14320063
File: 223 KB, 539x490, 1429978465781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me anon do you like caves

>> No.14320065

Dense anon strikes again.

>> No.14320066

>Tummy rubs
But Mermaids are all oily, rubbing their tummies would be gross!

>> No.14320067

>Hey anon we found these cool underground caverns, want to check them out?

>> No.14320068 [SPOILER] 
File: 202 KB, 816x706, 1446835837359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can i have your stuff if you don't come back

>> No.14320069
File: 401 KB, 1280x600, Alraune_book_profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, monsters are always innocent.
Like the one Alraune I am seeing tommorow.
She said she would make me a nice salad.

>> No.14320070

It could be worse, shark girls are sluts for nose rubs.

>> No.14320071

I remember stranger danger from school.

It's taught doubly hard in Monster Girl land.

>> No.14320072

>its beta to distrust a predator with sharp teeth that everyone else blindly adores
May people seem to have no control over their dogs because they assume people will like a barking dog leaping at them. But then many people are idiots.

>> No.14320073
File: 88 KB, 299x323, 1414268548630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i think i'm going to get a bronze bust of Miia

It looks like it's going to cost over 1000 if i want something life sized

you guys wouldn't happen to know anyone that could do well with the anime style would you?

>> No.14320074

Snakepit, is that you?
How far are you gonna go man?

>> No.14320075

Are you getting a life sized Miia Bust or a like size statue of Miia's Bust?

>> No.14320076
File: 434 KB, 853x662, Luka's Wife and Daughter version 1.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good man.

>> No.14320077

I wonder if that would eventually break a monstergirl. After all, you can't lie to yourself forever when your "adoring husband" makes his fifth attempt at suicide to escape you.

>> No.14320078

Till i die

Well, both now

>> No.14320079

Are you the same Miiafag from the waifu threads?

>> No.14320084
File: 147 KB, 850x965, 1435438784040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to play strip poker against a yeti and lose, only for her to innocently ask if I'm cold without my clothes on and give me a hug.

>> No.14320086

That depends on where these threads are

I don't go to /a/ besides occasionally popping by the mon musu thread to see if Leon posted anything there

i'm on other sites though

>> No.14320087

When are you going to pay a development team to create a virtual Miia waifu experience for you?

>> No.14320088
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>> No.14320091

>Thinking you'll get real bronze for 1K
You'll get some cheap polystone with a coldcast film. And that says nothing about the actual sculpt quality.

Smartest thing to do would be to try to find a weeb in your local college art department and get them to do it as a labor of love. After all, once the master is made, they can make many copies.

>> No.14320096

Oh, well thank you anon, i know literally nothing about sculpting and do not want to be swindled

>> No.14320099

If I get taken by monster girls I'm going down kicking and screaming.

I don't care if I don't even get to resist that long, I going for that punch to the face. those girls will work to get me!

>> No.14320102
File: 329 KB, 800x1159, The warp overtook his dik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good amount of them enjoy struggle anon.

>> No.14320106

the more you struggle the hard they're going to rape you anon don't fight it

>> No.14320108

>not becoming super strong to protect yourself
I have no pity for the likes of you.

>> No.14320112

>You transfer into MGC High
>You're a depressed slacker with crappy grades, but you're actually really smart
>One day a kikimora girl suddenly stops you in the hall and begins talking to you in an authoritative way
>You find out later she's the president of the student council
>As you're leaving school one day, she stops you and makes her intentions clear
>She tells you that she's chosen you as her master and that from here on out she'll serve as your personal servant

What do you do?

>> No.14320119

Tell her to mind her own fucking business.

>> No.14320122

>not just bringing a gun
I know its lazy, but most of them will die from multiple gunshot wounds. Let's see their 'love' protect them from that.

>> No.14320126

Bend her over a desk somewhere.
If its my actual high school self then I spill my spaghetti.

>> No.14320127

>being /k/ instead of /tg/
I mean, that's up to you, I guess...

>> No.14320128

I'm not some high society douche so I immediately decline and go about my way.

>> No.14320131

I was home schooled

>> No.14320132

>going for that punch to the face
use the dropkick of shame, it works everytime

>> No.14320133
File: 139 KB, 1300x866, What the fuck is this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not just becoming a monster-girl hunter and selling their horns, fangs, scales, fur, and claws on the black market.

>> No.14320135

Like I said, its lazy, but even as a guy in a nation that doesn't allow guns I know how powerful they are. There's a reason why we don't use swords anymore.

>> No.14320136
File: 987 KB, 229x176, 1379088655842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scare all the nice girls away
>now the only monsters that go after you are the wurms, the ushi-onis and other such invincible rape trains
Real smooth thinking, faggot.

>> No.14320137

>Selling ground up succubus parts to barren monsters

Traditional Demon Realm Medicine is a good business.

>> No.14320140

How was that, I am genuinly curious.
Like when did the learning start and end?

>> No.14320141

>being so weak that material wealth still has meaning to you
Step it up senpai.

>> No.14320145

If Yeti loses one hand she has to take off her scarf, she has nowhere to go from there!

>> No.14320146
File: 521 KB, 1280x1546, Lightning bolts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not using material wealth to buy expensive reagents to become a god

>> No.14320148

Without guns, sword fighting would be fancier and we would have actually tried to create more fighting styles that can kill with one punch.

>> No.14320149

Fuck. Well, that's worst case scenario shit anyway. I doubt rumours will spread if there are no witnesses.
I think a monstergirl invasion would reveal me to be a horrible person, and I feel kind of sad about this

>> No.14320152

>needing equipment
Sure, it's a bonus, but if you need it that badly, you still have a long way to go.

>> No.14320156

Screw it, if monstergirl become a thing I'd take up the One Punch Man training regime and hope I can surpass human limitations too.

>> No.14320157
File: 129 KB, 500x500, 22967590_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bronze bust of Miia

>> No.14320158

Spells need reagents mane.
Human's cant just use magic like some monster. You gotta work for that shit.

By killing monsters and so forth.

>> No.14320160

Nah man. We'd just have autoloading crossbows or air rifles. The concept is just too good to no be pursued by all the various militaries.

>> No.14320161

>A monstergirl will never try her hardest to bring back my smile.
Fuck, man.

>> No.14320162

What? No, who told you that nonsense?

>> No.14320168

>become wizard
>never have to lift
Screw you /fit/, ain't nobody got time for that shit.

>> No.14320171

Are you telling us that you believe we would have kenshiro about if t wasn't for firearms?

>> No.14320173

>She prepares you lunch everyday in the home economics room
>She forces you to join extracurricular clubs to enrich yourself
>She forces you into student government so that you can get leadership experience
>She monitors you during PE and prepares supplements and routines to ensure your optimal fitness
>She helps you study and keeps you focused on your school work
>She cleans up and helps around your house
>You take her out for cute deitous on the weekend

>Rumors spread and the other girls begin to ask why a highly intelligent, popular, and diligent girl like her would bother to go out with a seeming loser like you
>"I guess I see something in him you don't."

>"I'll be with you for the rest of high school, college, and then every year after that."

>> No.14320175

What is his regime? Never read it

>> No.14320179

A monster invasion would quickly drive me to suicide.
There's no way I could stand the Dark Priests soapboxing on every corner, and I would never feel safe walking to class.
Between the threats of being jumped and kidnapped, and being called a faggot for not wanting to fuck them 24/7, effectively wasting tuition, I'd lose my goddamned mind.

>> No.14320184
File: 451 KB, 726x597, Also, No air conditioning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14320185

I don't remember the exact numbers, but aside from the running, it's below athlete level.

>> No.14320189

>not just earning a degree in rape
>with your professor being that CC dark elf that just moved in next door

>> No.14320190
File: 401 KB, 1349x856, necro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking book.
See, says it right here.

>> No.14320193

Don't worry. You'll alp soon enough.

>> No.14320198

Actively strive to get better

>> No.14320199

Then pick up another school of magic. Only plebs need shit for casting.

>> No.14320201
File: 36 KB, 421x248, 1443864918543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if monstergirl become a thing
Good thing you don't need to worry about that
It will never be real

It's not that much actually

>> No.14320203

The other magics don't let me summon the things that say nice things to me in my dreams though.

>> No.14320206

I just want to live my life with a kikimora. and then even in death after we die accidentally and are brought back to life by that nice lich down the street

>> No.14320218

Who cares about gay shit like that? Don't you wanna blow things up?

>> No.14320219

And no AC/Heating. To train the mind.

>> No.14320226

No, I just really want to bring back the things who talk to me in my sleep.
They said they've been in the ocean for a few years.

>> No.14320228

Does he run 10 km in circles in one room or something?

>> No.14320230

>Anon arrives in monstergirl land
>Almost instantly, girls try to court him in various ways
>Some smile and try to get to know him
>Others will jump on him to try and rape
>All of them end up running away, crying, usually in various states of injury
>That cute fennec foxgirl had a bite taken out of an ear
>The infamously predatory manticore of the town had her tail tied in a knot
>A couple of ghouls ate the barrel of a gun, and had to go to the local lich to fix the holes in the back of their heads
>The birdbrained harpy was lured into a trap involving a half open door, a bucket of glue, and a bag full of breadcrumbs
>Eventually, all the monstergirls get together
>They decide the only way to get Anon to accept monsterpussy, is to go full deplorable
>The local lich casts a spell on an alice, enhancing the strength of her magical aura and hiding her demonic features
>Alice is then blindfolded and left on the road Anon takes on his daily commute
>Some time later, Anon happens upon a girl crying in an allyway, saying she got lost and doesn't know where she is
>Taking pity on the girl, and wanting to protect her from assault by any unscrupulous monsters, Anon offers to help her home
>From around the corner, several monstergirls snigger as their plan is executed all according to keikaku

Life, uh, finds a way.

>> No.14320231

They should probably stay there. As for me, I'm too busy exploring the cosmos...with my explosions.

>> No.14320235

>Stay there
Whenever I bring that up they yell at me and I find another corpse in my shed.

>> No.14320238

No, that would be silly. Oh, and make sure to get three meals a day. A banana for breakfast is fine sometimes.

>> No.14320239

>neverending corpse shed
You could probably rent that to a necromancer.

>> No.14320245

>forcing me to do anything
Yeah, good luck with that. My laziness is legendary and I don't take kindly to bossy women.

>> No.14320246

Then I could probably not have to kill monsters for money to buy reagents.
Buying human sacrifices will be much easier now.

>> No.14320249

I started in middle school
got fed up with it when i was 17 and got my GED

it varies in quality depending on how dedicated your parents are and mine where always at work so i was basically self educated

>> No.14320250

>You'll never summon a cute harem of Shoggoths to keep you company.
Damn it.

>> No.14320252

I hate bullies!

>> No.14320255

>drive me to suicide.
Have fun with your wisp waifu.

>> No.14320257

How would a Kiki react to a man who just doesn't care? Like he knows those things will make him better and he still just doesn't care and refuses to do anything she tries to force him to do?

>> No.14320258

I can't summon them yet.
I am at deep ones right now.

>> No.14320262
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I empathise, unless the bully is a monstergirl.

>> No.14320263

What is that thing which the mitten abyssal dropped, anyway?

>> No.14320266

I didn't compile this, I'm just passing it on for all the Elin lovers.

>> No.14320267

So is that a Suck-your-butt or a girl who they plan to turn into a monster?

>> No.14320268
File: 547 KB, 512x384, 150799d78a7a8fdadfff1c9d72ba1b2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A hishimochi or something.

>> No.14320270

>All that Elinbutt
I know where you got this from
I know exactly where you got this from

>> No.14320271

>2124 images

Holy shit, that's impressive. Too bad it's ingame screenshots. Those don't look the best.

>> No.14320276

A suck-your-butt who doesn't know she's being used to lure in Anon.

>> No.14320279

>37 pages of Elin butt

>> No.14320282
File: 671 KB, 1012x717, 98ad283e41db686bb49ab9ca17c3b805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please do not bully boats

>> No.14320286

I still want to stick it in her butt.

>> No.14320288

You're a beta for being afraid of the animal species closest to us humans just because a few lazy assholes can't be good to their dogs.

>> No.14320294

Jeez, is that one with the diamond dongles putting out a cigarette on the boatgirl?

>> No.14320297

>fapping to MMO fapbaits
>tfw I fapped to linage 2 dark elves ass bend over animation many years ago

>> No.14320298
File: 73 KB, 700x852, 83b758bf5abd2596ab7cf035b6dc009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoppou is an adorable little vessel.

>> No.14320309

Crud I must have taken a wrong turn trying to find the MG thread.

>> No.14320323

Eh? What did you do?

>> No.14320329

You going to start crying over people talking about abyssals again? Because even though they're not MGE they're still monster girls.

>> No.14320332

He arrived when people were posting boats

>> No.14320334
File: 869 KB, 800x600, Bird Pussy Kingdom 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's closer than you think.

>> No.14320335

You going to start talking about undead shipsluts again? Because even though they're monster girls they still have their own threads.

>> No.14320342

Best mgq

>> No.14320350
File: 2.72 MB, 2894x4093, df5d18215ec6128cfeb3935db9ce5952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ related
>undead girls
Nah get fucked, they belong here. Post something interesting from material you like if you want a different conversation.

>> No.14320352
File: 1.25 MB, 1300x919, 5b2480b6ccbce5d96e9e4cbbd81c3df3 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a delinquent, she'll fuck you up.
I mean just look at those obscene gestures.

>> No.14320356


>> No.14320358

He's right though. Boatsluts have always gone to boatslut general. It's just the guy forcing abyssals the last couple of weeks who's being a dick about it.

>> No.14320364

I don't really care.

I was replying to anon being a dick and posting bait with bait.

>> No.14320366

What I meant was that abyssals are more /jp/ related than 90% of the other stuff we post so they can stay.
>It's one guy
We've always talked about them from time to time, everything was okay till that grumpy asshole came along and complained.

>> No.14320371

"Everything was okay till that grumpy asshole came along and complained." is pretty much a summary of a good chunk of this thread's history.

>> No.14320372

I like skinny elves.

>> No.14320374
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>> No.14320375

You and I are enemies now.

>> No.14320376

>We've always talked about them from time to time, everything was okay till that grumpy asshole came along and complained.

The oni looking thing would get posted occasionally. And more often than not, it was some random anon going "are boatsults mg's" and then two or three people going "Kind of, but they got their own thread. Doesn't belong here." You didn't have full on shipposting. Same thing if you're talking about predators or xenomorphs or something. They've been talked about occasionally, but "no aliens" is a pretty consistent rule.

So it's not like the guy is wrong.

>> No.14320384
File: 460 KB, 707x896, bca5ba981d5a924c0304ee6fc182137f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are spidergirls so great?

>> No.14320389
File: 1.12 MB, 1000x1200, 53374000_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If everyone went to Cyclops church and listened to their teachings we wouldn't have so much conflict.

>> No.14320396
File: 77 KB, 252x340, Despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon.

Thanks a lot...

>> No.14320397
File: 531 KB, 650x1103, fair lady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fair lady
>Looking at you
>she is blind as shit mane

>> No.14320400

How ironic that he's complaining about grumpy assholic people when he's being one to some anon that was just posting an observation...

>> No.14320401

Oh god I just watched that.

>> No.14320402

I think it's less about numbers and more of sticking through goals that you set.

>> No.14320405
File: 355 KB, 2095x3019, 12453235456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moths a best. Yandere timelord moth a bestest.

>> No.14320409

>tfw I'm still probably somewhere in top 100 in Servants of Chaos
I probably need to get back to DS and get to top 10

>> No.14320413

I don't know man

Last time I went there they gave me an hour long sermon about bullying, it made me want to bully Monoeyes harder than usual

>> No.14320417

>a few

>> No.14320423

Not him but I was as well for most of grade school and high school. It gave me a lot more free time than public school did, since those are mostly daycares disguised as schools and when they do teach you their methods are really inefficient for most subjects.

I don't remember the grade school stuff well, but 2 years of homeschooling for high school was enough for me to get a GED and do well enough on the ACT to get into a decent 4 year college. Made me lazy as fuck though.

>> No.14320426
File: 1.02 MB, 1000x1200, 53374000_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You went to the one in town didn't you?

That's no good, you've got to go to the one on the outskirts, they teach understanding and friendship using the their bodies.

>> No.14320429

There's a doujin for that.
By fucking Hirame of all people, too.

>> No.14320432

I used to masturbate to the pictures of them in the game booklet, but when I first learned how to stroke my salami.

>> No.14320441
File: 70 KB, 256x192, franziska-tisk(a).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Writefag here with a fun little murder mystery idea and a dilemma. which monstergirl would make for the best prosecuting attorney? I could go with a dark elf version of Franziska von Karma, but other opinions are welcome.

>> No.14320442

I want to replace a monoeye's eyedrops with lemon juice.

>> No.14320443

maybe a crow tengu

>> No.14320445

Kobold or Yeti

>> No.14320446

Mad Hatter. Every defense she gives is the Chewbacca defense.

>> No.14320448

>Franziska von Karma
>not a yuki onna
man that's ice cold

>> No.14320449

It would be difficult to make your case with the Dark Elf prosecutor cracking her whip at you and licking her lips.

>> No.14320453

>Chewbacca defense
>mfw I still use this when I'm arguing with my family

>> No.14320456
File: 58 KB, 450x273, 1443064828283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Lich who shows no emotion in her accusations and finds law just as fascinating as magic.

>> No.14320463

>tfw you're not sure if that jury made entirely of Skeletons was properly selected.

>> No.14320465


We're waist deep in Gazers at this point. Not that I'm complaining.

>> No.14320466
File: 6 KB, 200x200, 1 chance left.gif-c200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spider Girl
>Intimidates Witnesses into giving testimonies she likes
>Flirts a bit with the judge to fluster him
>Always looks at the defense like she wants to eat them
>Freaks out and throws webs when she looses her cool

>> No.14320468

Not him, but fear of dogs is more common than you'd think.
No idea why dog owners get so judgmental over it though.

>> No.14320469

appreciated, but that'd be a defense attorney. Unless its in her strategy to confuse the enemy?

Maybe a bit more on the case idea would help. It's gonna be a sealed room incident with a nightmare stalker as the main suspest, and a were-sheep dakimura service girl as the main witness. I'm looking for a no nonsense tolerating individual with a fetish for justice and a distinct love for watching her opponent and rival in court squirm.

>> No.14320474

>Were the jury all skeletons before the recess?
>No but they all have their ID's so we're good.
I used to be afraid of dogs because one attacked me as a kid.
Then I got 2 dogs and now I love the fuckers. You just have to be able to spot their intentions. A mean dog is something to be afraid of, but most dogs only want a pet.

>> No.14320478
File: 346 KB, 1009x1017, 121436785435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a Lizard Girl intern working under me, who's eager to prove herself in 'battle'.

>> No.14320480


>> No.14320481

I'm an another anon who's nervous around dogs, I do pet them and play fetch with my neighbour's one when it runs up to me with a stick or a ball though so I've learned so suppress it over the years and go against my instinct which is telling me to get the hell out of there.

I'm also scared of spiders so it's weird that my two favourite monster girls are Ushi-Oni and Hellhound.

>> No.14320486

>I used to be afraid of dogs because one attacked me as a kid.
>Then I got 2 dogs and now I love the fuckers
You have some balls, but I genuinely can't trust them which is funny because my waifu is a werewolf

>> No.14320487


>> No.14320492
File: 529 KB, 1000x1287, 1406740084454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14320493
File: 197 KB, 440x963, 1404094177462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want that fat ghost butt.

>> No.14320497


>> No.14320500

Pretty cute.

>> No.14320508

>It's not that much actually

>> No.14320509

You were attacked by a dog, were scared of them, then got two?

>> No.14320511

Curses, ctrl f'd for the link and not the pomf one.

>> No.14320512

I'd say Anubis, but we've already decided they're best as judges.

>> No.14320515

The alternative is just being a homosexual forever.

>> No.14320517
File: 1.82 MB, 299x348, gettin comfy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Attacked by a dog at maybe 6
>Grew up
>My friend is a dog breeder
>Asked me if I wanted a puppy from a new lab litter
>Decided to see it
>Holy shit the pupper is cute
>Raise it to full size
>Get a second puppy
>Now have 2 fully sized labradors
Thats how it went down.

>> No.14320519
File: 780 KB, 1280x1268, 1420353107356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to flirt with the Anubis Judge during court recess, making her blush while I tell her about the things I can do to paws.

>> No.14320520
File: 282 KB, 657x1024, 7468644ddb09cbc0f6e1c3be91af8e42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And for some reason I forgot to quote. That's two failures in a row, I must be brain dead.

>> No.14320522

Again, why are dog owners so judgmental towards people who don't like them?

>> No.14320524

>No idea why dog owners get so judgmental over it though.
Because Dogs are some of the most loyal things on the planet
hell Dogs right now are more loyal than human women.

>> No.14320526

I understand. Some people got hurt by them or just hate the mess they make.
You just can't hate a good dog's mannerisms though. Good dogs are so nice.

>> No.14320543

There's also some breeds that are loyal to their owners but hate anyone else.
Although Chow Chows look like hilarious fluffballs.

>> No.14320546
File: 428 KB, 507x714, Pegasus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you date an exchange student from Horse Pussy Kingdom even though you live in Bird Pussy Kingdom?

>> No.14320558

>Some people got hurt by them or just hate the mess they make.
Essentially this. I go for a lot of walks in the countryside and you meet a lot of dog walkers as an unfortunate result. It seems a lot of them never clean up after their dogs and every now and then you get some massive fucker running at you with no idea what its intentions are. It really doesn't help with the fear and mistrust.

>> No.14320561
File: 374 KB, 1483x1000, Fetch me more sake boy, and an extra fine brush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would, but I am but a humble tailbrusher from the Fox Pussy kingdom.

>> No.14320563

Why are you pushing this so much?

>> No.14320565

How does one become a tailbrusher?

>> No.14320568

>Living in either of those kingdoms.
I'd certainly date her, though.

>> No.14320577

Dogs basically have the personality of a really dumb monstergirl. You know, without all the lewd stuff. What I'm saying is they're perfect companions.

I don't mind people that are afraid of them though, I'm scared as fuck of spiders even though I could kill em with a flick. Fear doesn't need logic.

>> No.14320578

Apprentice under a professional and practice on 1-2 tailed kitsune for 5-8 years.
Then you can move up to 5-8 kitsune
If you become a world renowned tail-brusher, you get to brush a 9 tailed kitsune.

>> No.14320580

I'll send in my application right away.

>> No.14320583

You become a servant to a wealthy Fox lady/noble.

>> No.14320586

How do I do that?

>> No.14320587

She can go pick you up, Bird Pussy Kingdom is pretty close to the border of Fox Pussy Kingdom.

>> No.14320591

This will never stop being cute

And I can't stop imagining 2 American tap-dancer ghosts spit-roasting a Japanese loli ghost. Please help

>> No.14320596

We created dogs, and thanks to dogs we've come as far as we have.
It's weird and abnormal to not like dogs.

>> No.14320598

Moses suposess that you want me to cum down your throatses!

>> No.14320604

>It's weird and abnormal to not like dogs.
unless you're black, black people will never fuck with me when I'm walking my 110 lb yellow lab

>> No.14320605

You show up in the Fox Kingdom without a penny to your name, but with an old brush and dexterous hands.

Then you work your way up from doing tail brushings in an alley in the poor parts of town on mono-tails, to the nine-tailed Empress herself.

>> No.14320611

My god I'll do it. I'll work like a dog if I have to, even if it's just to touch those nine beautiful tails for just a moment.

>> No.14320612

Labs are pretty based dogs, so that isn't surprising.

My uncle had the best lab ever. It used to give me and my sister rides around the yard when we were little.
He had to put it down when it killed a neighbor's Cocker Spaniel that was running at my sister. The dumb fucks let the thing off the leash and it tries to attack a little girl and it's somehow my uncle's fault it got its throat torn out.

>> No.14320620

Great, now we're both terrible people.

My dick tho

>> No.14320625
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Cthulhu-sama when Harblador

>> No.14320639
File: 157 KB, 640x360, 1367781240467.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather have something Cthugha related since we lost the voice of the Nyaruko version.

>> No.14320641
File: 363 KB, 1000x1500, Dark Elf Is preparing to attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont trust elves, I trust Dark Elves

>> No.14320646

But they're the same thing.

>> No.14320647

Pour a pargon out for Cthuga.

>> No.14320649

I dunno man, I wouldn't trust Dark Elves either. They seem pretty mean.

>> No.14320651
File: 122 KB, 567x1000, Dark Elf shows off her Knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are not, one of them has delicious brown skin

>> No.14320660

I want her to leglock me with those thighs.
I mean holy shit, look at those things.

>> No.14320663

They're still bad people. Bad people that I would fuck silly.

>> No.14320664

>It's weird and abnormal to not like dogs.
In your opinion.

>> No.14320666

I would take her on the cutest dates.

>> No.14320672

That's because one is man's best friend and the other is man's worst enemy.

>> No.14320676


>A ghost girl will never do this for you when she notices that you're have a bad day.

>> No.14320683
File: 121 KB, 817x978, nyarlathotep_by_adrianriom-d8jkhti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that the only anime about lovecraft was a moeshit annoyed me.

>> No.14320696

But they are dangerous and untrustworthy!

>> No.14320704

Those things on her breasts aren't even held down. You could walk her next to a fan to expose her.

>> No.14320710

Elves lactate adhesive.

>> No.14320713
File: 288 KB, 480x270, 0f2e060defe18a010dcefe37e47bfc04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't melt a Yuki-Onna's womb with your semen, would you?

>> No.14320714
File: 40 KB, 450x319, 1439581918715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cthugha is literally just an Ignis. No YOU.

>> No.14320719

What do you mean by "melt" anon?

>> No.14320724

Imagine being that guy whose cum/mana has an odd taste
It would be like the first time someone tried root beer or moxie
>cum inside MG mouth after blowjob
>you feel that great relief and are ready for the next round
>"Huff...huff... Goddamn you're good at that"
>you see the expression on the MG's face
>it's a combination of confusion and disgust
>she manages to choke down the semen, but she is visibly upset
>"Um...wow. That wasn't what I expected. You smelled so good... I just don't understand... "
>she gets up and puts on her clothes
>"Yeah, this isn't going to work out. Sorry for the kidnapping. Have a nice life"

>> No.14320725


No of course not. I especially wouldn't do that in-front of a fire place either.

>> No.14320728

Snekpit, where do you get the money for these expenditures? Are you a nigerian prince?

>> No.14320730

After reading that Yuuki Onna doujin

>> No.14320731

He lives in some magical land where he can get away with this on a minimum wage.

>> No.14320735

Imagine the opposite
>Finish up
>About to attempt leaving
>She pulls you back
>"Yeah, this is your home now"

>> No.14320738

It was a fun reference comedy for touku fans and people who've watched anime for a fair bit of time.
Plus like all good monster girl stories the main character got raped. at the end of the novels.
>Chuuni Ignis who insists that she's Cthugha
>No one believes her and tells her to stop joking
>She's telling the truth

>> No.14320745

Good man. Very good man.

>> No.14320747
File: 796 KB, 3300x4200, 1439268031122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW no coyote kitsune or rattle snake lamia to go on adventures with all over the american southwest
>you will never visit the alamao
>you will never visit Mesa Verde
>you will never explore Zion in Utah
>you will never go to Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico


>> No.14320746

Boy that's a good way to emotionally destroy a man.

>> No.14320753

"𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞? 𝐖𝐡𝐲'𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫? 𝐈𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫?"

>> No.14320754
File: 9 KB, 691x597, 1373672913580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writing story late at night
>get to the sex scene, bang out a good portion of it
>wrap up for the night to turn in
>can't sleep, too horny from writing porn
>end up fapping from my own shitty work
Any other writers ever run into the issue of getting too hard while writing?

>> No.14320761


>Guy gets depressed that no MG wants him
>Not even a Will-o-wisp wants him.

>> No.14320762


>> No.14320766

Man New Vegas was fun.

What are the chances of 4 being good?
That shouldn't be so funny.

>> No.14320771

Not a writefag but I've got boners from my own in thread green texts before and managed to fap to my own imagination.

>> No.14320773

You know the thread will like it if you end up fapping to your own stuff. At least that's how it seems to work.

>> No.14320774

Just a little bit.

>> No.14320778

Never. I'm terrible at sex scenes. I've been trying to get better for over 5 years with no luck. I doubt anyone's even gotten a semi reading my smut.

>> No.14320779

Well that's debatable depending on the writer, I'm pretty sure voldermort got a boner writing his futa shit.

>> No.14320780

I don't usually get aroused to the point where I must fap while writing, but if I can read the scene over and get a boner from it, I know I'm doing something right.
When reading back over a completed story, it's harder for me to get aroused over my older stuff, but I've found my newer stuff turns me on much more. Hopefully that means I'm improving or developing in some way.

>> No.14320785

>Implying that root beer is an acquired taste
What even...?

>> No.14320790

Funny thing, that series was my intro to monster girls.

>> No.14320793

Imagine a monstergirl doing something sexy, or doing something you fantasize about. Now write it down, not skipping on any details. There you go, done.
Bonus points if its something that monster specializes in, like the texture and temperature of a slime, or the taste of a holst's milk straight from her tits.

>> No.14320794

You bet I'd fuck a Mizore Yuki-Onna.

>> No.14320795
File: 686 KB, 1195x1600, Some Distubred cover art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, a second anon to join the first one who is eternally ignored, even by the devil.

>> No.14320803

>What are the chances of 4 being good?

None, I honestly think it's going to be Bethesda's worst game yet. I'm not saying that from a asshole /v/ cynic position, but a relistic one. All the leaks have been awful.

>terrible animations and AI
>all RPG elements dumbed down to bear minimum
>gunplay improved but still shit
>dialog extremely dumbed down, skill checks are gone too
>map is tiny
>11 quests, 14 side-quests
>voiced protagonist
>likely to have paid mods due to it having it's own modding platform, separate from steam
>ass-awful story
>no factions

>> No.14320806 [SPOILER] 
File: 90 KB, 343x600, 1446849597665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She tells her friends and gets them all to blow you so they can try it too
>you become a local hit
>umarried MGs will pay you good money to blow you for a shot of your jizz
>one night a pack of ghouls blows in from the South...

>> No.14320807

Well at least they can be friends.

>> No.14320812

Well, sure - the are limits to this. If you get a boner writing about how diaper Anubis shat herself as Anon was changing her then I think its likely the thread won't be as enthusiastic.
Most vanilla fetishes are generally liked around here though, and by now we all know anon's tolerances for things.

>> No.14320813

But thousands of names!

>> No.14320815

Do Ghoul Girls play rough?

>> No.14320818

I've found I can't read my older stuff because I can't stop cringing. Boners are the last thing I'm getting over it.

>> No.14320819
File: 1.68 MB, 400x225, NO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paladins use magic to make themselves undesirable taste-wise to MG
>After decades of this it becomes an aquired taste
>High class MG treat it like wine and hunt paladins above everything else

>> No.14320820

Jesus. Save us Obsidian!

>> No.14320822

That's not a very compelling story idea, Anon. Cthugha doesn't really have anything going for It.

>> No.14320823
File: 1.50 MB, 888x1774, 1446802577413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which skeleton would you bone?

>> No.14320824
File: 144 KB, 1024x1280, 1440516932103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we'll see, we'll see.

>> No.14320825

If it's that easy, then I might just have a problem with getting turned on by written smut. Puts me in a pretty difficult position! I mostly read for the emotional/lovey-dovey stuff anyways.

>> No.14320827

>root beer or moxie
Wait, what?
Moxie I totally understand, but rootbeer?

>> No.14320829

Bethesda bought the rights to Fallout.

They won't be able to make any more games anon.

>> No.14320831


>A yuki-onna rubbing her belly after sex, thoroughly enjoying how warm your semen is.

>> No.14320832

>Sexualizing Papyrus and Sans
Papyrus is too pure and Sans is too chill for this.

>> No.14320835

I'm expecting it to be shit too. The main problem isn't Fallout 4 being shite, it's what it means for the next Elder Scrolls
>we'll probably have a voiced character in a tiny map with all the RPG elements removed so its a shit first person Dark Souls now.
At least we can go back to modded Morrowind and Oblivion I guess.

>> No.14320836


>> No.14320837
File: 55 KB, 578x152, Anime?.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would make Papyrus so much fucking spaghetti I swear to jesus.

>> No.14320838

Dammit anon just let me believe!

...I need a Yeti Hug.

>> No.14320839

Undertale is shit.

>> No.14320841

You can bet. They'll bob up and down on your dick so fast the best headbanging metalheads would look like they were slowly nodding. They'll suck so hard you'd think your dick was a straw and they're after a particularly thick milkshake.

>> No.14320843

Those clever bastards, using such a round-about and indirect method to get all the best waifus for themselves.

Good thing I'm one of them, or I'd be really upset about this.

>> No.14320844


>> No.14320846

I do not feel comfortable about the sexualisation of these characters. And the fact that it's been carried out so well.

>> No.14320853

Stop reminding me I have to play this. And I have a shitty broken keyboard.

>> No.14320854

Just using root beer and moxie as examples
Funny thing is I don't like root beer, I've had moxie and actually enjoyed it, and my favourite soda is Dr pepper

I know, I'm a degenerate

>> No.14320855

Emotional discomfort and arousal are an exquisite combination, Anon.

>> No.14320860

I think you might have some wires crossed somewhere.

>> No.14320861

>Modded Oblivion
I used to browse the generals on /vg/. Some of the stories were frankly terrifying.
>One guy made it that guards got boners from seeing his nude character, and it made them die so there would be a load of dead people with massive erections wherever he went

>> No.14320863

Probably not anymore, last I checked the top 10 have several thousand humanity given.

>> No.14320865
File: 789 KB, 1357x900, bones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14320866
File: 170 KB, 480x640, Ice cavern vagina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wouldn't?

Best part of a shit show/manga.

>> No.14320869

You're late.

>> No.14320871

A basic logitech keyboard costs like 10 dollars stop being so poor.

I will literally give you a keyboard if you can make it to Guilford, CT.

>> No.14320872

Oh you're not even wrong. Best girl by a god damn mile.

So pissed that faggot of a protagonist went with that shitty vampire.

>> No.14320874

You can play it on a controller, but I don't think the game alters the prompts to account for different buttons. So "Z" "X" and "C" will not change to reflect that you're actually using "A" "B" and "X", or whatever. It could get confusing.

>> No.14320875

I want to wander the streets of MGC late at night while acting cute and innocent in hopes of attracting an Arachne.

>> No.14320879


Be sure to tell her that you're afraid of spiders.

>> No.14320880

Do monsters eat other monsters?

>> No.14320883

I'm getting a new computer at christmas.
I don't have a compatible controller.

>> No.14320884

Should I tell her that I'm afraid of women, too?

>> No.14320886

I'm kind of uncomfortable that you live so close to me.

>> No.14320888

I guess technically Demon Realm beasts would count as monsters.

>> No.14320892

No, just that you are attempting to remain chaste.

>> No.14320893


I don't think she'd blame you if you told her that you're afraid of human women.

>> No.14320894
File: 2.47 MB, 275x400, 1444391929887.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather a spider.


>> No.14320898

I donated around 400 of them, and this was around February, maybe March, so there's still quite a chance, I would say

>> No.14320899

>MFW all my ideas for stories sound like shit in my head

>> No.14320901

It's fine, I'm a harmless pervert.

>> No.14320902

>the cum is purple
I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that this was Dangan Ronpa.

>> No.14320904
File: 447 KB, 1050x1050, 1417283716846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are found quickly by the Mofu Delivery Service and a Yeti is dispatched to your location, she begins hugging you tight and rubbing your back as she holds you close and whispers Fallout? What are you, casual? She then hands you a USB stick with Dorf Fortress and tells you the session is over

>> No.14320905
File: 94 KB, 700x520, WjMSeV5FE6cq9zKxsBFkVg_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm just sitting here, waiting, and hoping someone will write a JubJub story. Someday someone will. Someday...

>> No.14320906

That's an impressive level of shitty.
Usually bad ideas sound ok until you write them out.

>> No.14320907

>I think you might have some wires crossed somewhere

I know. Why do you think I'm in the MG thread instead of being a well adjusted person doing normal person things?

>> No.14320910

Technically they are the "New Monsters" to replace the "Old Monsters" that are now "Monster Girls". But then if you treat a Demon Realm Beast well, like a pet, then it becomes a "True Monster" and thus is transformed into a "Monster Girl". This is how the furries result.

>> No.14320912

Once upon a time, there was a jubjub.
She had big boobs.
Then she found a dude.
Then they fukt.
the end

>> No.14320913

I have some I think the thread would like, but I can't make them work no matter how many drafts I do.

>> No.14320914

I knew I should have gone with the 1000 year old soft Kitsune. She still considers Betamax to be sorcery.

>> No.14320916

And that I don't like bondage. That'll be sure to get me taken home by her!

>> No.14320917

>Dorf Fortress
Pretty shit taste desu senpai

>> No.14320919


Are you going to pastebin that stuff?

>> No.14320920
File: 353 KB, 750x1000, b1c1694ea0d1cd16dfe6f54795c2703f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just goes to show that vampires ruin everything they sink their rotting fangs into.

>> No.14320921

>tfw no monokuma bear girl

>> No.14320922

I am not surprised this exists.
>Also the ending theme is this mashup https://soundcloud.com/wendyfag/through-the-core-and-ruins?in=renim_g/sets/undertale-mashup-colllab

>> No.14320925

Would watch the movie version

>> No.14320926


>> No.14320927
File: 113 KB, 1200x684, Stump of Death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Experts Stumped

Oh you sly dog you...

>> No.14320929

Which girl would Junko be?

>> No.14320931
File: 42 KB, 369x477, plants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ate a fuckton of edamame. Post plantgirls.

>> No.14320933

Can I write a sequel anon?

>> No.14320935
File: 784 KB, 657x890, 2866883eafd8587f1a4bb0a89ec59714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14320937


>> No.14320938

>mfw I actually tried to write that out with a happy ending.
>mfw I scrapped it halfway through.
>mfw I left her sitting there, just like the man in the story.

I must now commit sudoku.

>> No.14320940
File: 227 KB, 340x248, 1444373162992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, that's the song from THAT flash. You sick spider fuckers.
Rude, I'd be more sick not to want to fuck Muffet.

>> No.14320943

Lilim I guess, I can't think of anything else that fits her.
Junko best girl regardless

>> No.14320946
File: 286 KB, 1920x1280, 1402861068875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14320947

Anon that's a weird way to spell Chiaki/Toko.

>> No.14320951

Does it have to be human?

Does it have to be mine?

>> No.14320952

Imagine being kidnapped by a Lilim with Junko's looks and made to be her slave.
She'd get off on your despair until you snap and rape her.
Then she'd get off on the sex and her own despair. All according to plan.

>> No.14320956


Also I think this should be the end of these shenanigans...

>> No.14320959
File: 1.36 MB, 1000x1414, buki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Junko may be best girl, but Ibuki best character design.

>> No.14320965

>Junko best girl regardless
I'm more partial to Celes, she'd make a great Vampire.

Ibuki's pretty nice too, she's the kind of girl that's fun to hang around with.

>> No.14320966

Ibuki best girl, Junko isn't even best from the first game.

>> No.14320969

Damn right anon, vampires ruin everything good.

>> No.14320971

Crazy women are my fetish. I can understand Chiaki though. Why do people like Toko? I genuinely don't get it.

Junko comes up with the silliest plans

>> No.14320972

>two maintenance men working in an underground complex
>complaints about faulty wiring, they were sent down to investigate.
>both communicating by radio as they fiddle with the fuses, checking lights and stuff
>suddenly one of the guys's radio cuts out in mid sentence
>confused, other guy goes to check up on him and make sure he's okay
>shining his flashlight into the room where he was stationed, he notices something weird on the floor
>it's a pair of space-jam patterned boxer shorts
>bemused, the man picks them up; they're fucking soaked
>while he's wtfing, the man feels a drop on his head
>looks up
>comes face to face with a grinning, heart-pupil'd bird woman dripping with saliva and love nectar
>cue screaming; cue warm, fluffy, titty-filled sex
Idea that's been simmering in the back of my mind for the past month.

>> No.14320974

To be fair, they were being set up as the endgame pretty much from chapter 1.
And Inner Moka is pretty olev.

>> No.14320980

She doesn't fix the failed abortion known as Outer Moka.

>> No.14320982

Where did the other guy go thou?

>> No.14320983

>Why do people like Toko? I genuinely don't get it.

I'm just weird like that.

>> No.14320986

Don't worry about it.

>> No.14320987

Her ultimate despair would to be forced to be a housewife and abandon her plans forever.
So she'd pretty much be soaking wet 24/7 from all the despair.

You mean her mom?

>> No.14320988

>>it's a pair of space-jam patterned boxer shorts
I want to come ON AND SLAM with a jubjub.

>> No.14320990

The guy being fucked will find out soon enough.

>> No.14320992

Why would you not like her?

>> No.14320997

>You mean her mom?
Wait what? I only read like four chapters or so.

>> No.14320998


Eaten sexually alive.

>> No.14321001

It's a spoiler from way, way later on in the manga.
Apparently the "Outer Moka" personality was created off her own mother. Or some shit. So yeah.

>> No.14321010

Yeah, Outer Moka is actually an illusion copy of Inner Moka's dead ass mother who got eaten by an eldritch Vampire.
At the end of the series, she's gone forever, and Inner Moka has 24/7 control of her body.
Rosario+Vampire got weird at the end. It's like the guy writing it decided he was tired of harem comedy and wanted to write battle shonen.

>> No.14321011
File: 222 KB, 958x1356, Spider Pussy Kingdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monster Girl Horror Games
>All have good endings / game overs

Honestly I'd play them, sure you won't have the horrible disfigurement aspect of horror but that's not to say you wouldn't be spooked by a Spider skittering around casting shadows and spooking you into run segments.

>Spider Pussy: Pelviceration universally praised as being scary
>Especially the end boss Ushi-Oni

>> No.14321012

Ibuki's and Celes' designs were half the reason I got interested in the series


I mean I've warmed up to her a little since I just finished AE, and she doesn't stutter every second word anymore, but she still acts like an asshole with a severe persecution complex.
I laughed my ass off when I found out the hostage Junko took as a motive for Toko was a Stinkbug

>> No.14321014

Taken by the slime girl the harpy always hangs out with

>> No.14321021

Is there any way to disable that essay prompt shit?

>> No.14321024

>Spoiler 3
So like Negima, except not deliberately planned from its inception?

>> No.14321025

AE did improve her.

Her talking shit about LNs/Manga was one of the best parts of the game for me.

>> No.14321026

>but she still acts like an asshole with a severe persecution complex
An asshole with a persecucution complex voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro

>> No.14321032

I played the dub

>> No.14321033

It only pops up if you hit any key except space, space makes you blow your load.

>> No.14321036

Kinda, yeah.
The end boss was a significantly less cool version of Alucard from Hellsing.
Fittingly, his name was Alucard.
Wasn't even trying to be subtle about it with the whole "Eldritch Vampire" thing.

>> No.14321038


>> No.14321039
File: 280 KB, 750x940, sheteststhestrengthofthesecurityshehiresherself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now now anon, that depends on how "devoted" the Kiki is. However I don't think we want to find that out now do we? Best go work on that project like she told you to.

I wish there was an image where a Kiki with a rather scary/yan/crazy look tells her Master she is dissapointed in him.

>> No.14321042

DR has some great character designs. Kazuichi, Leon, and Gundam's designs are good, too. And as much as I really *really* hate her, Saionji is admittedly a cute.
Ibuki is my favorite design out of all of them, though. Pink and blue are a great color scheme, I love hair stripes, and her piercings are adorable.
I still need to finish the second game, but life is busy.

>> No.14321047

Remember the stand user with the hair stand that kidnapped Koichi in Part 4 of JoJo? That's what I imagine a Yandere Kiki is like.
Do it anon and watch everything you love die.

>> No.14321049

All Eldritch Vampires are secondary to THE Alucard.

They also lack qt3.14 Vampire Daughterus with cool French Mercenary Familiars/Boyfriends.

>> No.14321050

I'm still somewhat ashamed that I have fantasies about the giant Junko A.I.
Just being trapped in virtual reality with her for all eternity, being used as a toy.
It's pretty much a Succuvirus fantasy, just with a 50ft. tall stacked despair freak.

>> No.14321056

Just checked, and I'm actually only 122th with 243 humanities. Shit, I need to catch up

>> No.14321057 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14321063

I will be eventually, though it's not the type of story that the thread will approve of.

>> No.14321071

Yuri? Futa? Monsterboy?

>> No.14321073

Probably egg fetus girl.

>> No.14321078
File: 83 KB, 700x463, AtrFMFx-P3zqsyeMWN8ODQ_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will you protect yourself, /mgt/?

>> No.14321080

That's not too bad. You can get swole just by kissing her.

>> No.14321081

That's weird anon, does having such a weird fantasy cause you despair?

>> No.14321082

Oh man that is complete trash. But I'm not surprised that a shitty series has even worse twists.

>> No.14321084
File: 121 KB, 666x568, 1439771838874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if I want to be a victim

>> No.14321087

Stay inside and lock all my doors.

>> No.14321088

Despair at knowing she'll never squeeze my dick between those titanic breasts.
It's virtual reality, the impossible becomes possible.

>> No.14321089

Be as warm as possible so they don't have a reason to hug me.

>> No.14321091

It's a dumb Yeti, they're harmless.

>> No.14321092

I'll keep my Wendigo waifu with me at all times.

>> No.14321093

The joke's on her! I live in Florida! It's so hot here that her fur will make her uncomfortable, and I can invite her back to my house for a nice, big, dripping wet glass of lemonade!

>> No.14321100

It's something about it just not matching up with feasibility and such. Like what the hell are the chances of something like a Frosthound leaving Cocytus.

>> No.14321101

The simplest of solutions, you must fight fire with fire, counter hugging.

>> No.14321113

>Serial Hugger Yeti stalks you while out with your wendigo waifu
>She waits for the perfect moment to strike, when you and the wendigo are facing each other
>The yeti charges in behind the wendigo
>Your waifu is pressed into you as the yeti engulfs you both in a powerful hug
>You can't break away from her big, fuzzy paws
>The wendigo is panicking, looking up at you and asking what's happening while being sandwiched between you and the yeti
>Yeti just smiles and talks about how she loves to bring people closer through hugs, too

No escape.

No escape

>> No.14321115

Someone needs to stop this monster! Super Wurm where are you?

>> No.14321116

I'm alright with this.

>> No.14321118

Which girls are the rednecks of the MGE universe?

>> No.14321122

What can be done to stop this evil?

>> No.14321139


Cousin fuckers too.

>> No.14321144

Mizore is my waifu, and the reason I think Yuki-Onna are olev.

>> No.14321146


>> No.14321147

None of those, no.

Not that either.

>> No.14321159
File: 348 KB, 816x1300, 64205d2ffb45c5d14d5db4d94f355bf0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your Dark Elf cousin will never force you to impregnate her

>> No.14321160
File: 85 KB, 700x463, pQJ4F_WE98ex8q5jRym6Ug_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SuperWurm just destroys everything and never catches any criminals though

Sorry, I'll stop with these now

>> No.14321172

Good, the only one who is getting forced to do anything is her.

>> No.14321178

>That one doujin where the teacher has to give tummy rubs to his students in heat
I enjoyed that.

>> No.14321182

I wonder how long the world population of humans can last in MGland considering they can't have sons, and what the proportionate numbers between men and women would be after a few generations assuming we aren't totally wiped out.

>> No.14321183

You've peaked my interest.

>> No.14321188

Enough for all of us to have wives and harems and for there to still be girls left over.

>> No.14321189

Monstergirls take longer to have kids while it's rather fastidious for many humans.

>> No.14321190

They'd probably allow some human communities to help keep the population up.

>> No.14321192


>> No.14321194


>> No.14321197

where were you when bob was kill?

>> No.14321199

I couldn't help it, okay? She has some very convincing arguments. Besides, it's not like her sister-mom would object.

>> No.14321203

Cheers m8

>> No.14321211


>> No.14321214

We have had this discussion many times. Also lurk more and read the wiki.

>> No.14321218

Incentive programs and limited childbirths. Allow breeding as normal, but give incentives for bearing human children. Rescind the bonuses when the human population is too high, and put restrictions on monster offspring when the human population gets too low.

That's how they do it in china IIRC.

>> No.14321222

Yeah, but by and large, the human communities don't want to live like that.

It's why the corrupt influence is so effective; it's a much more satisfying, more appealing lifestyle. They give into it even if you don't rape them into it, they naturally want to live like that. All it takes is a single fruit or flower or something and suddenly everyone's banging each other and there are no more humans left!

>> No.14321238

It's not a question of whether its a good or a bad thing or thinking about the general situation and how to handle it though like we usually talk about, I'm asking purely about the numbers; how many humans are there? How many men, as relative to how many monster girls? How long can it possibly last?

>> No.14321255
File: 359 KB, 1024x680, This is daughter. She will be astropresident one day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never have a fluffy spider daughteru

>> No.14321265

I prefer the "fuck off to space and let the degenerates make their Lewdstar" method.

>> No.14321269

Monsters in KC land are currently less than 9.1% of the global population and breed far more slowly than humans. The amount of men lost to monsters is less than the amount of men who wouldn't ever get married and have children anyway. And this is after over a thousand years of the current demon lord making it at least fifty generations since she took the throne.

The problem currently isn't outbreeding. It's the mamano mana, corrupting everything it touches and spreading ceaselessly like zerg creep. Outbreeding won't become a serious issue until more physical territory is taken over and turned into demon realms. But since you can never purify land taken over by mamano mana, it's still a one way street to human extinction. Which is the purpose of her whole plan really. Humans go extinct just like regular monsters went extinct and incubi and monstergirls take their place as the new people of the world.

>> No.14321273

see >>14321188

>> No.14321290


>> No.14321297

This. If they want the planet, they can keep it.

I can't shake the feeling that someone's going to come up with a reason for monsters to follow the non-degenerates off of the planet, though.

>> No.14321299

>Monster girls are ten times stronger, smart, faster, and more deadly than humans
>Humanity is locked behind a barrier meant to stop monsters, until one day, you trip past it and are unable to return
>After a run in with the first perverted monster girl you meet, and nearly dying in a battle to the death where you were vastly outpowered, you discover the secret to fighting off monster girls
>Fucking them and impregnating them, sex is a powerful weapon that weakens their resolve and satiates their inner beast
>The only way mankind can compete against them is with the power of the D
>You must fuck and impregnate every monster girl you come across until you make it back home alive

Would you play it?

>> No.14321308

No, fuck off.

>> No.14321314

As long as the girls were good, yes. Yes I would play Monstergirl Seducer the game.

>> No.14321315

Sounds like a good H-VN.
I'd go for it if I played VNs.
And there were lamias in it.

>> No.14321317

>currently less than 9.1% of the global population
Wow, KC land sounds a whole lot more interesting as a setting all of a sudden now that it clearly isn't as buried in Monster Girls as the thread typically describes it.

>> No.14321319

>Tyrone Simulator:All Outta Welfare Edition

No thanks

>> No.14321324

As long as there's a harem ending and the art is good I'd play it

>> No.14321325

You almost make it sound like in the beginning, becoming an early proponent for monster girls might be tricky.

>> No.14321330

Monster girls on the streets saying "WHO GON' FEED MUH KEEDS?"

That's when our taxes go up.

>> No.14321334

Is the big spider eating the little one, here?

>> No.14321339

>Wendigo lets out a loud awawa in surprise
>Yeti pulls anon and Wendigo closer
>Muffled awawawas and neither can escape
>Anon's shirt covered in sweat and tears from scared Wendigo after the hug

>> No.14321344

Who will this serial hugger hug next?

>> No.14321349


>> No.14321350

The cactus alraune who avoids all social contact.

>> No.14321352

Or the poison oak alraune

>> No.14321354

Dear god...

>> No.14321365

>Arrive at home, groceries in hand.
>Walk into kitchen and put them on the kitchen counter.
>Hold on.
>You don't remember leaving that window open...
>Before you can react a fluffy Yeti tackles you to the ground.
>She pins you against the ground, holding your arms down.
>She has heart pupils in her eyes.
>Instinctively you thrash around, trying to fight off your attacker.
>"Haa... Haa... Don't struggle, just let it happen!~"
>You try to scream and break free, but her grip is too strong.
>She wraps her arms around you in a swift, forceful movement.
>She holds you tight for a moment, before getting up and leaving you panting on the floor.
>Later you're curled up in the shower, in the fetal position.
>You realize you're cuddle virginity was just taken, you're no longer pure.
>You can't stop yourself from sobbing.

>> No.14321378

Who cans stop this friend.

>> No.14321381

No, fuck your power of the D.

>> No.14321383

HA! My waifu cant read.

>> No.14321385

Why are you such a whiny little bitch?

>> No.14321389
File: 349 KB, 796x1200, eae12d027d26b3c08897b5ac9ff2ec8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more monster girls in casual clothes

>> No.14321391

Must be an Alp who doesn't want to admit she drools between the legs just at the thought of the power.

>> No.14321394

Because if I have to defeat them I want to fight them properly, not to do the same than every hentai VN.

>> No.14321396

Then don't act like a little bitch whenever someone wants to do the opposite.

Fucking faggot.

>> No.14321417

Wait a minute, something's up here.

>> No.14321422

Clothes in general make everything more attractive to me for some reason. I think I might have a clothes fetish.

>> No.14321423
File: 351 KB, 850x680, sample_66a70b6c630bf66c85c99bfce98fa888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's just how things work.
For example, would you rather have Miia be naked or dressed like this?

>> No.14321435

Somethin's fucky...

>> No.14321441

I meant fiend!

>> No.14321442
File: 56 KB, 1324x214, clothed sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clothed sex a best.

>> No.14321456

Sure you did anon, sure you did.
You're coming down to the station to answer some questions.

>> No.14321457

>Intercrural sex with an anubis, switching between rubbing your dick along the fur on her shins, the soft silk of her billowy chaps, and the delicious, bronzed skin of her inner thigh
>Your dragon childhood friend taking you behind the school one red-skied evening, lifting up her skirt and showing off the panties she wore for you
>Having your own private ball with a vampire in the dancing hall of her castle, dancing with you in a suit of ceremonial armor, and her in the most beautiful red ballgown you've ever seen
>Letting the mood change from romantic to lustful as you take her standing, right there on the ballroom floor, lifting up her leg and her dress to engage in your intimate dance
>A curvy, big-breasted kitsune giving you paizuri through the ribbed sweater being soaked through with her milk and your pre

>> No.14321463

>>Your dragon childhood friend taking you behind the school one red-skied evening, lifting up her skirt and showing off the panties she wore for you
Lord have mercy.

>> No.14321469

Oh please do not use mofu-interrogation techniques on me officer!

>> No.14321472
File: 707 KB, 1200x900, 1445904898558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you might have a point with regard to the general populace, I think there's a distinction to be made here; the image you posted is still of a mostly unclothed girl, and I usually have a preference for greater coverage in general.

Pic somewhat related.

>> No.14321476
File: 752 KB, 1000x1420, 9fef745bbd97068d1ae9076c178f8e11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I there a specific name for these types of pants? Holy shit I fucking love them.

>> No.14321478

Sir, I'm a human man.
I was just gonna use good old fashioned police brutality. Maybe a Good Cop/Bad Cop routine.

>> No.14321479


>> No.14321480
File: 293 KB, 1300x1576, 231a6dcf0b7b5eee03c903235e7f0aeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Kitsune sweater one is the most appealing since she uses her own milk as lube.

>> No.14321483

>Not waterboarding him
What kind of interrogator are you?

>> No.14321485

Cities with cloakers have a 0% rape rate. TMYK.

>> No.14321490

Milk's not very thick. I don't think it would make for very good lube.

>> No.14321500

Why so needlessly furious?
Oh...It's salt-kun again, never mind.

>> No.14321501

Huh. I mean, that looks cool and all, but as a fetish, I'll admit, that's kind of strange. Not as much as tile patterns, but almost.

>> No.14321505

Somewhere multiple different Holsts are crying.

>> No.14321507

The kind who doesn't break out the big guns immediately.

>Monstergirl corners a man in an alley
>She's got his pants and is about to rape him.
>Suddenly she hears the noise so many criminals fear.
>She turns around and is met with a Cloaker's boot
>"Alright, the safe word is "police brutality!""

>> No.14321530

Post all the Wocks you have, it's an emergency.

>> No.14321569
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>> No.14321600 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14321612
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Fuckin' niiice.

>> No.14321620

Cute. Would want to be lovingly teased by.

>> No.14321660
File: 345 KB, 495x600, 1439159716959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight, everyone. Sweet dreams of your favorite girl.

>> No.14321661

There aren't enough "ara ara" monstergirl stories.
