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File: 60 KB, 950x824, 5951ecde1c9f29c5d2149e4d377afd1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14308758 No.14308758 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>14300669

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EN: http://en.kancollewiki.net/wiki/Kancolle_Wiki
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

Recent Updates:

KanColle STAFF Twitter:

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air Superiority Calculator: http://aircalc.net

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs:

Equipment upgrade values:

Voices, Sprites, Furniture Preview: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN): https://github.com/KCV-Localisation/KanColleViewer/releases
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/FreyYa/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (yuyuvn successor): https://github.com/gakada/KanColleViewer/releases

PS Vita Game was delayed to 18 February 2016: http://kancolle-vita.com
Dengeki Online article about the KanColle Kai trailer: http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/000/964/964096

-New monthly rewarding a Skilled Crew Member to be added sometime this week.
-Fall event will start on November 18th and will last for 2 weeks. It will be a medium scale event.
-Zuikaku kai 2 is now available for remodel, requiring 1 catapult and a blueprint.
-New UI updates allowing you to save templates of your fleets and equipment swapping.
-Libeccio and Roma received new Halloween sprites.
-Libeccio temporarily drops from 4-5 on various nodes.
-New quest chain rewarding a third catapult and the Iwamoto fighter plane squadron.
-New training cruiser to be a reward during the Fall event.
-Fishing mini event has ended and yukata sprites removed.
-KanColle Arcade has been delayed to Spring.
-KanColle will add Android support in Winter.

>> No.14308765

Don't make me sad, OP.

>> No.14308776

She's doing fine.

>> No.14308805

You cannot save the fate of the fairies.

>> No.14308813

What if I never sortie carriers? Surely >>14308805
he fairies can live?

>> No.14308825

It's impossible, they are kill.

>> No.14308853
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>dying fairies

why are you doing this to me OP

>> No.14308896
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There is surprisingly not enough dying fairy art. They are always shown doing fairy things.

>> No.14308924
File: 255 KB, 661x862, 1444820373027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plane fairies are invincible, and will just float back to base if the planes are downed

Plane experience was explained to be the fairy's attachment to their planes

>> No.14308928

Lol what rank are you at?

If I remember, he was mentioned a month ago during the event or something. It's archived somewhere and you'd probably find it if you google his name.

>> No.14308938
File: 531 KB, 589x728, 1444833632491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also would like to add that I'm an accomplished faerie researcher, with experience in 2 complete viewings of jintai and a wealth of niconico studies

>> No.14308953
File: 157 KB, 642x370, KanColle-151103-18431766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at 500, but he should at least mask his gaijin ass and change the message. It's embarrassing.

>> No.14308969


Alright faggots, start looking up battles.

>> No.14308984
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>> No.14309003

You said that last event and every event before that.

>> No.14309012

To be fair it really was likely for her to show up in Summer considering the area we were fighting in was within 5-5 most of the event.

>> No.14309022
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No, you'll be stuck in that map of yours forever

>> No.14309036
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It's going to happen and you can't stop it.

>> No.14309039
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She was enjoying the show from the sidelines. Why join in when Evilzuki was worse?

>> No.14309046

Could this be it?

>> No.14309055


>NZ actually participates in a battle
>allies lose

fucking kiwis

>> No.14309057

Maybe, I was also thinking this one

>> No.14309079

SS Hime is becoming more believable every day.

>> No.14309089

New Zealand is scared of anything with the word 'nuclear' associated with it. Do you really expect them to win a conflict?

>> No.14309098

High chance it's this. The twitter account changed their avatar to Jintsuu.

>> No.14309103
File: 333 KB, 600x800, CS0D7L8VAAA-JFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter picture changed to best CL, this is the battle

>> No.14309110

>1 light cruiser
>5 destroyers
Easy easy

>> No.14309113

>night battle maps make a return
>light fleet focus
I'm going to puke blood.

>> No.14309116
File: 207 KB, 1000x1250, 44220703_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Twitter picture changed to best CL

What are you talking about? Their twitter pic isn't Sendai.

>> No.14309121

>Part of Tokyo Express
Get those drums ready.

>> No.14309129

Devs stated there will be combined fleet.

>> No.14309133
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Please send help.

>> No.14309139
File: 497 KB, 627x562, So.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you need help for Yo?

>> No.14309142

So we're getting Abyss Jintsuu, assuming this is the battle?

>> No.14309149

>Jintsuu at level 21

Alright then

>> No.14309151
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>Bob drawing an abyssal

>> No.14309178
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Does he have the will to corrupt her himself? Will she be fuckable?

>> No.14309208

Kancolle Autumn Event will start on the 18th of November this month. This operation is not a large scale operation like Summer Event but this Autumn Event's main operation is using combat ships to the southern islands for a "Transport Operation", and also the naval battle that occurs because of this.

>> No.14309220
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Hate me for being vanilla gaijin.

>> No.14309251
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>> No.14309267

T-that's lewd, anon.

>> No.14309317

Link the thread next time.

>> No.14309409
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>> No.14309436

I try to be around to make the new thread, I wasn't on time this time.

>> No.14309559

>Abyss Jintsuu
My dick will not be able to handle this.

>> No.14309596

Goddamn it I just k2'd two DDS, I don't want to fucking go back to 4-3 to level more light ships already.

>> No.14309610

She will just end up as an amputee. Poor girl.

>> No.14309623

Good. She can't escape my dick once she's disabled.

>> No.14309627

Then just have them leech in a 3-2A party. Or have them lead various expeditions.

>> No.14309647

You should see 584 and 212

>> No.14309654

In the 4koma? Where?

>> No.14309687

Yes, 4koma.

>> No.14309695
File: 63 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151103-23365563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You girls, are a disgrace.
This fucking quest is imposible.

>> No.14309704
File: 737 KB, 900x1200, 51247012_p10_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first CL class to complete k2
first CL class to complete Abyssal transformation

>> No.14309708

You know who to blame

>> No.14309709

Isn't she so perfect?

>> No.14309717

>first CL class to complete Abyssal transformation

Say what?

>mfw Abyssal Jintsuu is worse than Antizuki

>> No.14309721
File: 274 KB, 424x616, 601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But Naka-chang has been an abyssal for a while.

>> No.14309724
File: 565 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150904-22422864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think someone recommended to take 2 CA instead of BB. I did. It gives better routing but no BB. You just need durable and strong CAs, even though Furutaka looks durable and strong.

>> No.14309761

The first whole class to complete transformation

>> No.14309767
File: 184 KB, 388x1089, plane leveling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14309790

Which formation would you recommend?
I'm using two lines in the boss node.

>> No.14309813

Double line. I only went with line ahead by accident because I forgot about the sub.

>> No.14309815

Don't fall for nip's propaganda. They pretend Kaiten and Kamikaze don't exist

>> No.14309817

The same goes for sinking ships, right? So when my girls die they just swim back to base and get some vacation time until I find them new armor, then have to spend time getting used to it again.

>> No.14309826 [DELETED] 


kamikaze as fake as nanking stupid white pig

>> No.14309835

KTKM clearly knows Kaiten exists and doesn't want it equipped on her, neither do the devs want to add it and I remember an anon saying the devs said will never add the suicide units.

New girls are different since it only works if no dupes are allowed in the story. It's impossible to have that gameplay mechanic in stories unless it's some sort of comedy where logic doesn't apply. Even the 4koma starts off as Fubuki arriving to the naval base.

>> No.14309838

>first CL class to complete Abyssal transformation
There's no Sendai abyssal.

>> No.14309840

No, when they sink they sink for real.

>> No.14309847
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Would you want to be a fairy?

You don't have to fly a plane if you're scared, there's always construction or spinning a compass.

>> No.14309851
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>> No.14309856

>Using AACI in easy maps

>> No.14309860

Am I supposed to be impressed?

>> No.14309861
File: 815 KB, 707x1000, b6ecbd6a94370edb53f43656be372f3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marry her.

>> No.14310028

At what point does the game stop feeling fun and start feeling like a chore/job?

>> No.14310031

So what country do you guys think the new foreign ship(s) are going to be from?

>> No.14310032

What does the dialogue say?

>> No.14310033

Pretty much when you get Akashi.

>> No.14310047

"Um... my book... ya gonna buy... would you like to buy a copy?"

>> No.14310051

Why would she sell a porn book of herself?

>> No.14310052

Good question, but you will find the answer soon, so no need to spoil it to you.

>> No.14310072

Because she's a slut and I love her

>> No.14310080

If it isn't going to be an allied ship, then I hope it's Scharnhorst.

>> No.14310118

She's a pretty good model for porn, Akigumo agrees.

>> No.14310288

>I had to clear my cache earlier because of some connection issues. Is there an easy way to get the game to download all the data again?
Browse the kantaidex.

>> No.14310302

Fubuki did nothing wrong.

>> No.14310339

Personally, I would like Murrican chic. But let's think about this.
USN: Busy fighting abyssal in the other half of Pacific and Atlantic.
RN: Too busy with Atlantic and Mediterranean.

So... Chink or Slav girl maybe?

>> No.14310347

>RN: Too busy with Atlantic and Mediterranean.
Not really, unlike MURRIKA which has the other half of the Pacific and part of the Atlantic coasts to guard, the RN has help from the Kriegsmarine, Regia Marina, and the Marine Nationale to deal with their side of the Atlantic and Mediterranean. Hell, the Regia Marina and Marine Nationale probably take care of the Mediterranean by themselves, leaving the north Atlantic and North Sea to RN and Kriegsmarine to deal with.

>> No.14310350

>CL Hime
Oh nice.

>small c

Some RN girls, I presume.

>> No.14310361

Im on the same boat as the anon who wanted drills ojou-sama from x country.

>> No.14310370

Assuming the strongest Abyss come from the depths of the Marianas Trench, it would be pretty difficult for American shipgirls to go to Japan, assuming Pear Harbor has been corrupted, which is highly likely. They are not just going to let the Americans pass that easily and the USA is too far away to lend support. The Japanese shipgirls would have to go to them personally or meet up somewhere to take back control of Pearl Harbor and establish a safe link.

>> No.14310383

>meet up somewhere to take back control of Pearl Harbor and establish a safe link.
This is seriously the most realistic way of getting the USN introduced into kancolle. A bilateral operation carried out by both navies to kick out the abyss from Hawaii and set up a base there again so that the USN can do sorties rather than the west coast of the Americas. Gotta save those aussies.

>> No.14310391


>the next summer event is retaking pearl harbor
>9 (nine) maps
>abyssal Arizona guarded by angry not-Kaga and the new not-Akagi as the final boss

oh god I can see it now

>> No.14310401

>14 inch guns
At least she won't hit very hard. Unless she somehow gets her hands on Nuclear Nagato's 20inch guns.

>> No.14310408
File: 4 KB, 225x225, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2013+2 and somefags still think they will add alliance boats

>> No.14310409


Antizuki had 4 inch guns, look how that turned out.

>> No.14310412

And to think people want USN girls just for banter instead of working together to right the wrongs. I can see how Tanaka is going with this.

>> No.14310417

Roma and Littorio post Luftwaffe bombings say hi.

>> No.14310421

I'd rather have 8 maps, each map with a Dyson on it representing the BBs.

>> No.14310427


>Tan Yang
>USS Prinz Eugen

They already exist

>> No.14310429
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>Italy in charge of being good for anything besides vacations

>> No.14310441

The only flaw with the 4koma is that Yuu is not Ro.

>> No.14310442

Yuu in the 4koma is a mix of Ro and Yuu.

>> No.14310445

During the war, those were still Axis boats.

>> No.14310448

How is that a flaw you dumb stdfag.

>> No.14310457

They probably have a good handle on the situation in the Atlantic & Mediterranean, considering how two European navies can afford to loan ships to Japan.

>> No.14310490

Poor Fusou.

>> No.14310509

The girl calls herself Veriny. Allied ship, No?

>> No.14310519


The USSR was never part of the allies, they were co-belligerents against the same enemy.

>> No.14310536

There is no Roma post Luftwaffe.
And to a certain degree, no Littorio.

>> No.14310556

Bacause USSR didn't nuke japan. unlike those filthy berger and bong

>> No.14310558
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They'll never forget. Never forgive.

>> No.14310574
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>USSR didn't nuke japan
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_invasion_of_Manchuria scared the shit out of japs more than nukes ever did.

>> No.14310590

That was just the soviets still being butthurt about Tsushima despite that being the Empire.

>> No.14310595

Why do many people say the Fusou sisters are ugly? When I saw them I was blown away by their beauty.

>> No.14310601
File: 181 KB, 960x551, fusou_kai_san.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a mystery to all of us.

>> No.14310603

Japs surrendered the moment it was clear they were going to get liberated by slavshits nevertheless.

>> No.14310605

They look good in their normal and Kai forms.

>> No.14310607

They look even more beautiful and graceful in k2.

>> No.14310613

Japs could have won the war if they didn't attack Pearl Harbor.

>> No.14310619

> Japs could have won the war if they didn't attack Pearl Harbor.
It was can jap bombs melt steel battleships tier.

>> No.14310626

But then they wouldn't have lost.

>> No.14310638

Their clothes are the best in the game. I don't really like their appearance though.

>> No.14310646

>Their clothes are the best in the game.
That's some funny way to spell Konishi Kagerou uniform.

>> No.14310657

You mean Konishi ABKM spats and jackets right?

>> No.14310658
File: 470 KB, 1024x1280, 5272966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the ones with spats.

>> No.14310663

What's the point of not listing the firepower enemy ships have with guns on the wikia? Shouldn't they at least put their actual firepower in parentheses? It takes far too much work to have to open the gun page and then add it up when you just want a quick look to not do anything with.

>> No.14310664

Yura/Abukuma uniform>ugly shit ABKM has.

>> No.14310668

>ugly shit
That's the best uniform, nigger

>> No.14310674

How can it best when it's inferior to her original sprite?

>> No.14310676
File: 312 KB, 970x1134, 1441836158502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diferent people different tastes. Personally I think Fusou is the definition of a stunning beauty and one of the best wife candidates together with Chitose and Ryuuhou.

>> No.14310680

But that looks like bland shit, the old art doesn't do it justice either.

>> No.14310681

Anybody else having a problem where their fleet names are constantly changed to Fleet No.4?

>> No.14310685

No. I have a problem where my fleet names are constantly changed to "Kill yourself". The solution to your problem can probably help mine too.

>> No.14310689

No, I don't know how that even happens.

>> No.14310691

Simplicity has a charm of its own. All those bells and whistles were unnecessary.

>> No.14310704

I have no idea. I'm using Zharay's KCV fork if that tells you anything.

>> No.14310727

Holy fucking shit

>> No.14310729

Crap, meant Gakada.

>> No.14310770
File: 303 KB, 600x778, The Victorious CL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>original sprite
Original sprite is shit. Kai Ni is 200% better.

>> No.14310901
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>> No.14310904


Is the arcade game ever actually going to come out?

>> No.14310917
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>> No.14310951

Arcade game's already out, do you mean the Vita?

>> No.14311023
File: 388 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151104-18382999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, 6 luck

>> No.14311026


“KanColle Arcade delayed until spring 2016”, says KanColle_STAFF.

>> No.14311117


>> No.14311228

Glorious Royal Navy of course.

>> No.14311233

USSR subs.

>> No.14311244

Where can I see the rarity of ships on the wiki?

>> No.14311255

Rarity is super subjective but if you want backgrounds, http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Ship

>> No.14311418

The vita game is going to be delayed again because of this event, won't it?

>> No.14311422

I love >small c guy
There, I said it. I await his posts, often excited in anticipation every time someone writes "Kancolle".
Because it's said that opposites attract each other, I've begun using
As my main password. Thank you for entering my life.

>> No.14311428


>> No.14311432


>> No.14311471
File: 802 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151104-16264347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I buy for my office next?

>> No.14311475

I just stole your account and you money.

>> No.14311476

A better hoe.

>> No.14311482

You already got the best furniture except for window. Now it's just about getting more variety, flavors of the season and ship models.

>> No.14311484

Iona model ship.

>> No.14311486

I'd say "better carpet", but unfortunately there are none.

>> No.14311487

That looks pretty nice except the window.

>> No.14311570

Which fairy do you identify as, /jp/?

>> No.14311578


>> No.14311579

Is there such a thing is a canon admiral? Are there any information on him?

>> No.14311581


>> No.14311582

It's you

>> No.14311585

It's me.

>> No.14311587

No me

>> No.14311588

No it's them.

>> No.14311592

It ain't me.

>> No.14311600

Vietnamese ships?

>> No.14311646
File: 648 KB, 849x1200, 63f84df544daa66c9b6f59df8e77de0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's not this guy, it might as well be a T head TTK.

>> No.14311647

What's the correct placement of the 4BBs for 4-5 again?

>> No.14311655


>> No.14311658

You should know that if you got past World 2.

>> No.14311678

Jintsuu 98
Yukikaze 99
Satsuki 89
Mikazuki 82
Hamakaze 79

Sure is easy event, I even got all the historical branching boats.

>> No.14311692

Post fleet.

>> No.14311704
File: 115 KB, 797x368, chokers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bunch of chokers

>> No.14311708

Do they all have sanshiki, or do any of them have flares or searchlight?

>> No.14311712

All 4 have sanshiki, double guns and a Yamato plane except Yamashiro who has Zuiun 12 instead.

The CVs have 1 Reppuu, 1 Reppuu 601, a 601 Suisei and a Saiun/Recon plane.

>> No.14311713
File: 505 KB, 717x431, CVs Stronk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go middle 3BB3CV instead

>> No.14311719

In that case either Musashi flag or 4th slot, and Roma goes into the other. 2nd and 3rd are Fusou/Kirishima, in either order.

>> No.14311721
File: 298 KB, 577x472, 75147290c5f3469750df8d594b83ce6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't beat it with megane power
What the fuck is going on?

>> No.14311726

12k fuel and 30 buckets wasted. If this keeps up much longer I won't finish the event.

>> No.14311729

>using the 4-5 meme fleet
Why do people keep listening?

>> No.14311731
File: 312 KB, 800x1920, 4-5 final kill november.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what you get for using heavy fleet.

5 runs, 5 kills, 3 buckets per sortie.

>> No.14311733

Can I have some of your luck?

>> No.14311734


Nigga are you fucking serious?



And what would you use?

>> No.14311735
File: 177 KB, 500x419, 1431074379556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can ships gets pregnant?

>> No.14311737

I've never once managed a kill with such a weak fleet. Only ever reached the boss like twice.

>> No.14311739

A variation of >>14311731

Exact same results for me this month too, 5 runs 5 kills and under 20 buckets total.

>> No.14311743

What you should do is git gud scrub

>> No.14311744
File: 33 KB, 433x215, failure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was browsing /艦これ/ yesterday and stumbled upon a 妊娠ス, I decided to check it and then a guy posted this in the middle of the thread.

Do you have any idea of how fucking mad I was?

>> No.14311749

Just use your CAs. It never took me more than 12 runs with 3-4 CA(V)s. Usually it's 7-9 runs.

Did you use AP Shell on BB and 4-5 torpedo bombers on CVs? Theoretically BB should be on top for first node but Fusou is high level already.

>> No.14311750
File: 720 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151101-00381113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't use meme fleet, you're only asking for trouble.

>> No.14311751

Does 4-5 really need 2 recon planes' worth of LOS?

>> No.14311753


I don't know who you are, but I will find you and I will buy you a beer.

and possibly marry you because megane power

>> No.14311754

Only Midway event required Recon for LoS.

>> No.14311757

I always put sanshiki on them. And on my CA(V)s as well. I tried 2 BB 3 CA(V) 1 CV and 1 BB 3 CA(V) 2 CV, and both failed.

You mean I should be putting AP shell on my BBs instead?

>> No.14311761

>CA(V)s can one-hit Darwin with a sanshiki DA
>They still use 5BB and get fucked by the shit route


>> No.14311763

Do you hate double attack that much?

>> No.14311767
File: 66 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151104-00000309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you hate resources or something?

>> No.14311769

I thought it'd only take a single run. Two days later...

>> No.14311771

Was talking about having both Saiun and a contact plane when you can put another bomber in instead.

>> No.14311778

Is it really worth it when the biggest available slot is 6?

>> No.14311779

>both failed
I bet you were using potatos or monkeys or both.

>> No.14311780
File: 588 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151104-02245443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. With Sanshiki battleships suck, mere 50% double attack rate. If you give them AP Shell, it jumps to ~70% chance of special attack. It helps vs Ta/Ne on the way and on boss node because they have higher chance of killing Ru Kai, Ne-elite or transport in one shot.
If you put battleship as flagship she'll be guaranteed to start the second shelling on first node and third node, meaning you have to survive one Ta attack at most. With carriers killing two enemies on average, the chance of targeting Ta at the start of battle is decent too so you want to make sure it dies when targeted - single attack might fail to disable Ta.
The only time I caught chuuha on the way this month was during final kill, when Nu hit Ashigara for 30+ in air strike (how the fuck).

As for damage vs boss with AP Shell, see pic related. A shame that Prinz, Kaga and Shoukaku didn't crit, it would have been a day time clear.

>> No.14311785

Because every single fucking time the CA(V)s always get crit to taiha even before I can reach the preboss.

>> No.14311788

Take the middle route family. That battle against Naka is a pisstake due to AA formation.

>> No.14311789

Ta-chan needs a crit or green T to taiha a full HP CA. It happens but shouldn't be super common.

>> No.14311799

Well I have no fucking idea how it happens so often either.

I've even eaten a crit to red on the sub node before.

>> No.14311803
File: 548 KB, 800x480, 4-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works fine for me, I don't care, use whatever you want.

>> No.14311805
File: 66 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151103-07561704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 2CV composition has a super high success rate and is the superior composition during the initial form. I only use the 1CV comp for final form to bring sanshiki users.

>> No.14311810

I'll try it this month and report back.

I get this feeling that this one Ta attack I'm going to let through will fuck me over again, though.

>> No.14311821

It doesn't matter which comp I use, both comps always fuck me over.

>> No.14311825

Post your comp then, you're probably using something shitty.

>> No.14311835

Is this gut feeling or do you actually keep a tally?

>> No.14311837

I feel that the evasion stat really does matter here. Using slower ships feels like a handicap with Ru kai and Awakened Wanko.

>> No.14311855

This is how NTR feels? ;_;

>> No.14311857

This one is probably the closest to the one you're using.

I might be able to improve on the plane setup with the cranes. I'm not too hopeful though.

Nah, I lost count after the 20th failure with 3 CA(V)s.

I think I can do away with the BBV this time. I'll have to see.

>> No.14311873
File: 64 KB, 1499x535, p0oRznR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's your Saiun?

>> No.14311874

I don't get it. Why aren't you using Murata on Kaga 46slot?
Actually the better question is, why are you using her when Zuizui is available?

>> No.14311882

Are others countries fighting the abyssals too?

>> No.14311889

It only works if they had a WW2 navy.

>> No.14311892

Where's your Tomonaga?

>> No.14311896

Forgot about it. Thing is, two Reppuu are enough and not bringing Saiun is stupid..

>> No.14311899

>not Iwamoto T53

>> No.14311903

Fuck your 80hr expedition.

>> No.14311906

I did that shit last month already for my 2nd catapult, you don't have to do it again after that.

>> No.14311915

Is it for contact?

>I don't get it. Why aren't you using Murata on Kaga 46slot?
I figured that doing that was only for event setup. Well I can try it.

>Actually the better question is, why are you using her when Zuizui is available?
My cranes are level 90+ but I only got around to remodelling Shoukaku Kai 2 last week. Haven't gotten around to Zuikaku yet.

I'll have them ready by the time I next attempt 4-5. As well as the new planes.

>> No.14311916
File: 275 KB, 700x800, 346e3d6baca4cd5ce170c94a39516092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a rough and tough defender, she'd never do that unlike other girls who are not to be named.

>> No.14311930

For preventing red T. It's a bother on 4-5.

>> No.14311944

If you like T-Rex.

>> No.14311945

Is it a bother along the way as well? My problem with 3 CA(V) setup is that they always get crit to red before the preboss.

Is Ta able to crit them to red in red T?

>> No.14311952

Don't bother.
10% chance of saiun working isn't worth sacrificing a slot for a bomber. Just stack more bombers.

>> No.14311957
File: 660 KB, 698x840, everything will be fire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This conflicting information.

>> No.14311963

You need Saiun. It will bite you in the ass if you get red T at the boss. It is non-negotiable.

>> No.14311966
File: 10 KB, 242x252, oh shit nigger what are you doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, if I can even fucking reach there in the first place.

>> No.14311972

You need the evasion placebo if they will not hit the right targets. What are even their levels?

>> No.14311979

All my CA(V)s are level 80+ since I've been keeping their levels close together. They're the ones that always get crit to red. Do I need them to be level 99 or something?

>> No.14311982

It's more about disabling Ta which isn't likely with red T and you get scratched a lot in red T meaning there's higher rate of chuuha/taiha on later nodes. Red T on boss also means that Ru Kai is almost untouchable.

Saiun also provides contact bonus. And no, bomber isn't worth more.

Saiun has no negative effect on the route, so what was the point of your post? Why did you make it?

>> No.14311990

>It's more about disabling Ta which isn't likely with red T and you get scratched a lot in red T meaning there's higher rate of chuuha/taiha on later nodes.
At least I can actually survive the Ta node with red T, you know. Anything else and I go straight home.

>Red T on boss also means that Ru Kai is almost untouchable.
As before, boss node isn't my main concern right now.

>Saiun has no negative effect on the route, so what was the point of your post? Why did you make it?
Red T would reduce chances of Ta hitting my ships to red even with a crit, wouldn't it? A Saiun would remove chances of red T.

>> No.14311991

Almost all CAs evasion can reach 80. That's a lot since a level 80 CA might have 60 or 70 evasion. All my CAs are level 97.

>> No.14311996

>jap player
>90% boss 94% B+ rank
>70% boss 70% B+ rank
using literally same setup of ro, shioi, hachi (SSV), 3SS, observed over months
this ``luck'' is quite bullshit

>> No.14311997

Well shit, time to spend more time at 3-3.

Do I bring Tone-class CAV or some hard-hitting CA (bobships or Choukai) to 4-5?

>> No.14311998

Surviving Ta is a norm regardless of engagement. Post your fleet.

Red T increases amount of scratch you get. As for Ta's crit, it depends on targeted ship and formation.

>> No.14312001
File: 1015 KB, 2480x3507, 3347a267662ab13c010ea61693d544ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still relevant?

>> No.14312003

It's usually Fusou-class flagship + 3 CA(V) + Taihou + Kaga when I use 2 CV setup. CA(V) are usually Tone-class CAV and either a bobship or Choukai.

And I take it I shouldn't be using line ahead on that node?

>> No.14312009

She never was.

>> No.14312011

I hope Fusou holds an AP Shell.
You should always use Line Ahead unless you want to kill a flagship sub.
I meant Ta's formation. On first node it's LA or DL and on third it's DL or Diamond.

>> No.14312015

The best ship everyone forgot about.

>> No.14312016

PvP only.

>> No.14312019

The worst event reward that no one ever uses.

>> No.14312030

If she gave the exp bonus without being the flagship I'd actually use her.

>> No.14312032

Not like it matters much since the Fusou-class rarely aims Ta in the first shelling phase either. All Ta needs is one hit on my CV.

Didn't really keep track on Ta's formation on the 3rd node, I rarely ever got there to begin with. On the first node it's the same regardless of double line or line ahead, at least it seems that way.

>> No.14312034

useless piece of shit
wud scrap

>> No.14312035


>> No.14312043

Rate my 4-5 plane setup lads


>> No.14312046

Can't see shit senpai

>> No.14312053

Keylogger. Lost my cat.

>> No.14312062
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>> No.14312065

She should aim at her ~25% of the time and Ta shouldn't taiha your ships consistently. She only reaches 130 damage in doukousen line ahead. Hankousen or double line bring it down to 104. Hankousen DL is just 83 damage - and Saiun tranforms red T into hankousen. Ta scoring a crit in positive engagement should trigger sinking protection on the other hand, resulting in chuuha. Good CA(V)s have 77-82 armor and 56+ HP so they should be just shouha or chuuha more often then not.

I guess it comes down to levels and your ships not avoiding enough.

>> No.14312071

useless piece of shit
wud scrap

>> No.14312072

>no Kaga
6/10 because you managed with two Reppuu.

>> No.14312073

I'm guessing Ta gets good rolls against armour when not critting and poor rolls against armour when critting, and either way it'll put my girls into taiha.
>level 80+ isn't enough for CAV for 4-5
Well fuck me.

>> No.14312076

That would actually be Akitsushima.

>> No.14312078

I can't say much about it, when I cleared 4-5 for the first time my fleet was already 93+.

>> No.14312079

>AV expeditions
>Event routing

>> No.14312080

Katori had Winter E5 routing and was actually the best option for that, with better stats than Akashi.

>> No.14312082
File: 570 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151010-15182356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they are. I clear 4-5 every month with CA(V)s under lv90. This was from last month, and all of my ships are in their lv80s.

>> No.14312086

Just use Chitose-class or Mizuho for that.

So it's just me after all.

Well I'll come back with an improved plane setup. If it still fails I'll just stick to bruteforcing with 5 BB 1 CV or something.

>> No.14312091

She's the worst option for the first two.

>> No.14312095

You ruined an otherwise full page of holo cards along with the hope for I-400 and your sister will likely take the 162nd spot to be just as random, so yes.

>> No.14312098
File: 1.23 MB, 1753x2665, Konishi 4-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just bad luck on your part.

>> No.14312099
File: 592 KB, 799x479, hagurowins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haguro saves the day again. Behold her glorious victory in night battle.

>> No.14312100

>69 evasion at level 99
Yeah, you're right.

>> No.14312106

>>no Kaga
Just for you lad


>> No.14312107

>photoblog with shit font

>> No.14312116

>Shoukaku always taiha

>> No.14312119
File: 2.79 MB, 900x1080, a269be9cdaf4ad7a15c03629d0a9a6ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking nice, prime waifu material.

>> No.14312131

Carriers tanking the hits at the boss is good.

>> No.14312136


>> No.14312174

Abyssals are obviously american boats with all their eq in inches instead of using the metric system like every other piece of eq

>> No.14312180

Say hello to chi-class.

>> No.14312187

Except for all the ones that are clearly Abyssal versions of Japanese ship girls. And the CLTs which never existed in the USN. And that Tanaka himself said USN ship girls would be added someday, meaning they aren't Abyssal ships. We've fought a lot of American stand-ins necessary to recreate historical battles, but that doesn't mean they're exclusively American or that Americans are exclusively Abyssal.

>> No.14312191

>still no Chi kai
I want to see the immense asshurt.

>> No.14312197

But the pattern or theme so far is axis vs allies. Like you said it might change in the future though

>> No.14312200


>> No.14312205

I'll actually be real salty when if/when they finally dump the Allies vs Axis theme. I didn't come here to lead an international fleet.

Then again I was salty about both foreign ships and marriage so it's probably because I'm an unpleasable faggot.

>> No.14312214

>I was salty about both foreign ships and marriage
What the actual fuck m8?

>> No.14312215

>or that Americans are exclusively Abyssal.
Most node names explicitly reference PacCom. Some maps even had full ABDA abbreviation thrown in, in latin letters no less. It's really fucking stupid to think that Abyss are not Allied forces.

>> No.14312219

>Except for all the ones that are clearly Abyssal versions of Japanese ship girls.
>And the CLTs which never existed in the USN
It's fiction like all the events. And the game need challenge enemy
Artist doesn't have new idea and reuse available arts and it's never confirmed. Unlike the "ADBA" fleet and maps with US base boss

>> No.14312220

Cash grab, arbitrarily extended grind, polygamy, wish-fulfillment crap.

>foreign ships
Their presence is the death knell for any Shinto-based mythological theory that you might have been able to ascribe to a ship girl.

>> No.14312225

>It's fiction like all the events. And the game need challenge enemy
So they are not American.

>> No.14312228

not him, but you didn't disprove anything. It's not because most (not all) current (not all, time-wise) abyssals have very clear allied reference they are/will be all yankees.

>> No.14312230

Sure if you consider the new Shoukaku and Zuikaku to not be Japanese

>> No.14312234

Why shinto stuff couldn't work anymore ? Theologies are supposed to be "universal". Go ask any pope-like figure if they think god only exists for believers.

>> No.14312235

Don't forget most the map's branch rule had history reference of battle with burger.

>> No.14312236

HMNZS Leander incoming

>> No.14312238

If Abyssals explicitly called themselves https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American-British-Dutch-Australian_Command they are, in fact, Allies.

>> No.14312241

What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.14312242

>Theologies are supposed to be "universal".
Most monotheistic religions are, but Shinto is pretty damn parochial as far as religions go.

>> No.14312245

>being this deep in denial
In a fiction where glorious nippon win over whitu piggu. Are you satisfied ?

>> No.14312248

Yeah, just like this game, right?

>> No.14312249

The what if remodels. They are obviously not following history strictly. Fiction is added to further gameplay

>> No.14312258

A remodel doesn't change their nationality, Abyss have no nationality at all. That's why it's a mixed bag, they are basically zombies.

>> No.14312265

>Abyss have no nationality at all
So why are they calling themselves Allies than?

>> No.14312266

Likewise Americans can have CLT in their fleet. Chi class use American equipment after all.

>> No.14312277

Well, the IJN never used their CLTs in real combat, right?

>> No.14312279

>Abyss have no nationality at all.
Still pull out bullshit from your ass. I need office proof. Because Allies have all proof like >>14312238

>> No.14312287

ABDA retains plausible deniability. A lot of this game is about plausible deniability, really.

>> No.14312290

I can put 120mm's on my DDs and that would make them Italian.

>> No.14312292

In the UN forces, French call themselves French, and Itialian call themselves Italians. On the whole, the "UN" doesn't have a nationality. Happy ?

Overall, I just don't get you guys. There's elements pointing to US Abyss, while there's others pointing to not-US Abyss. Why do you want it to be either of those? Can't it be neither, for fuck sake? It's not even important.

>> No.14312293

Your English is too broken, but I assume you meant official proof. There is none, but Evilzuki mad Naka would be using Japanese guns if they had a nationality.

>> No.14312312

>Overall, I just don't get you guys.
I don't get it either. Abyss openly calls itself "Allied forces" so it's really stupid to say that they are not, in fact, Allied forces.

>> No.14312326

Nobody is saying that they don't represent Allied forces. This argument was about people saying Allied ship girls will never be added to the game. Every time I've seen this stupid argument the goalposts have been moved to this exact position. While there are Allied Abyssals, there have also clearly been Axis Abyssals. They aren't exclusive to any one nationality.

>> No.14312336

Sorry for not being EOP and stop called them Evilzuki or mad Naka, they have official name

>> No.14312339

No they don't. Most of abyssal fleets have generic names and there's always instances where Japanese abyssals are present.

>> No.14312341

>They aren't exclusive to any one nationality
>where Japanese abyssals are present.

>> No.14312344

Guys guys


>> No.14312345

Where? Or is it just the old "Evilzuki" and "mad Nake"?

>> No.14312347

I guess it just show the poor intelligence of posters of this thread. This hate for nuanced positions and open possibility while they carve for things being 100% one thing or another, or exclusiveness and clear cut fact is strongly correlated with both poor knowledge and intelligence.

>> No.14312352

Aviation Cruiser
Akatsuki 5-1

>> No.14312353

They're just trolling for replies in a slow thread.

>> No.14312354

is cute

>> No.14312355

Do the DDs and CLs look like they belong to either country to you? Only the bosses represent areas because they are more fully evolved.

>> No.14312356

Isn't that a bannable offence?

Anyway, which radar do I waste screws on? Which one goes with Maya best?

>> No.14312358

>They're not unintelligent, they're just trolling
I think those two things are correlated as well tho

>> No.14312359


>> No.14312366

First, Allied forces were confirmed for being Abyss. Second, how many Allied ships switched sides and joined Axis side?
> Most of abyssal fleets have generic names
TF16 was referenced last even for fucks sake.

>> No.14312369

FuMO is stronk enough.

>> No.14312370


T32 to T32 Kai, maybe? You might also want a max T13 Kai for DD AACI. Not sure how useful max T22 Kai 4 will be since chances are good that it'll be superceded by T33 Kai in the future or something.

FuMO goes best with Maya, unless you want to max a T21 Kai.

>> No.14312374


>> No.14312375
File: 105 KB, 800x480, RIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP, sweet prince.

>> No.14312387

>there have also clearly been Axis Abyssals.
I need official proof, not assuming bullshit

>> No.14312391

Get in here for future advise

>> No.14312393
File: 332 KB, 480x480, 1428893959217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way I'm going to their forum.

>> No.14312395

>Resources: 806 buckets, 114k fuel, 102k ammo, 150k steel, 60k bauxite.
>Aiming for a medium/hard mode mix.



I'd be aiming for hard for all modes even if I had half of those resources. And even if summer 2015 was the upcoming event.

There's absolutely no excuse for going hard for all stages for autumn.

>> No.14312399

If you're so adamant about official stuff, abyssals calling themselves whatever isn't quite as official as it can gets. Tanaka (and devs in general) is the most official you can get, and they denied it. Allied kanmusu were also officially, in this sense, promised.

>> No.14312403

for not going hard*

>> No.14312406
File: 321 KB, 459x368, KanColle-151104-13395575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go big or go home.

>> No.14312414

>use Maya at all
No. Other cute ships are fine with everything

>> No.14312417

No DA? Also, type 14 isn't upgradable?

>> No.14312418

Is there any point to improve that so much and not give her a proper gun? AA doesn't improve AACI, right?

>> No.14312419

>anaka (and devs in general) is the most official you can get, and they denied it

>> No.14312423

How about abyssal represents themself as allied fleet and use allied tactics because allied win last time?

>> No.14312425
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>> No.14312426

AA cut-in you nonce.

2 secondary guns = DA.

As far as I know it improves AACI proc chance.

>> No.14312432

Ok guys

I've got it

The abyss is aliens


>> No.14312435

I can't. You are correct.

>> No.14312441
File: 17 KB, 342x120, useless shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it was.

>> No.14312444

>useless in day and night battle
>AA cut-in you nonce.
Other cute ship still did fine with AACI

>> No.14312449

I thought AACI chance was a constant linked with the API call number. Also, why use so many screws on a maxed T21 kai when they could have been spent on much better things?

>> No.14312452

As long as she has the chance to disable CV Hime, it's all good for me.

>> No.14312455

>Alien from the abyssal
Pacific Rim?

>> No.14312456

Maya's AA cut-in is the strongest m8.

>I thought AACI chance was a constant linked with the API call number.
Apparently things have changed since then. The listed mechanics always keep changing anyway.

>Also, why use so many screws on a maxed T21 kai when they could have been spent on much better things?
No idea, maybe he's just that rich. But I can understand why.

>> No.14312457

>disable CV Hime
like 1/100 run

>> No.14312463

All it takes is good screw management. Plus, getting the Type 21s to build or farm off of girls was enough of a limiting factor to sustain a healthy number of screws.

>> No.14312473

I'm not asking "how did you not run out", but "why did you spend this amount when you could have maxed more useful equips, and in larger amount, than this particular one".

>> No.14312475

>not going back to Isuzu farming for nostalgia's sake

>> No.14312479

I did twice at E-6, she took out a pocket Takoyaki in night battle and missed. The Abyss are cheating I tell you.

>> No.14312481

What can I do to make Maya fall for me?

>> No.14312495

Treat her to parfait and give her plushies.

>> No.14312498
File: 34 KB, 640x480, [HnG-Otoko] Sakigake!! Otokojuku 27 v2 (DVD) [793B0CE1].mkv_snapshot_15.34_[2014.11.18_06.01.44].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become bancho.

>> No.14312499

Get fit.

>> No.14312518

Give her dick, faggot

>> No.14312530

So if she had a dick and he is a faggot it will all play out well?

>> No.14312534

I have the bare minimum of upgraded equipment for everybody. The FuMO wasn't going to cut it when something superior exists. Plus, I only need 1 of the air radar, so it wasn't a big deal.

>> No.14312540

Fat faceless man, please. Maya is a gentle girl.

>> No.14312548

>something superior
But the FuMO has better stats than a type 21 kai even when it's fully upgraded.

>> No.14312559

Girls like it rough and violent, virgin boy

>> No.14312560

Only relevant stat here is AA, and a +9 or max T21 kai has better AA than a FuMO.

>> No.14312562
File: 132 KB, 519x723, 1446621817515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life is a lie

>> No.14312564

The AA matters more to me. Everything else is irrelevant. Though this only works in combined fleet because Maya is a sitting duck and is essentially a bigger Akizuki.

>> No.14312574

I've been level HQ 99 for like two months, this is ridiculous.

>> No.14312577

>violating a Maya
baka desu senpai

>> No.14312578

Enjoy it.

>> No.14312588

You'd figure Abyss would come from Hell.

>> No.14312593

I'm very tired of your shit, Akigumo. Stop not existing, you bitch.

>> No.14312601

Give her cute things. She may act like a tomboy, but she secretly likes cute things.

>> No.14312610
File: 169 KB, 575x446, 1446441279720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like my tiny torpedo?


>> No.14312627

Have a sparring match and beat her

>> No.14312633

Do your quests instead of living in 3-2-A.

>> No.14312668

Just give her a ring - works fine in my case.

>> No.14312774

Man, Bw1 is such a bullshit quest. I have no idea how much progress I've made and it just takes too long to complete.

>> No.14312778

just do 25-30 5-4s

>> No.14312790

Keep it activated at all times and do some meaningful things (i.e. not x-y-A farming). It should be finished quickly.

Sparkling ships to try harder maps like 4-5, 6-3 or anything you might still need to do is a way to do it too.

>> No.14312799
File: 583 KB, 799x479, miss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14312807


>> No.14312816

does it bother you that much :^)

>> No.14312857

I don't think it bothers him that much. Cropping shit from scratch instead of using a good preset must be quite tedious, though.

>> No.14312880

I wish T13K ate itself for upgrades. Too jew to scrap them yet having 11 serves no real purpose.

>> No.14312884
File: 86 KB, 800x480, 2015-10-30 14-43-56 62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than using the native function in kc3

>> No.14312894
File: 308 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151104-23042702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use KCV.

>> No.14312914

3 or 4 SS for Orel?

I save 4 fuel and 6 ammo each run with 3 subs compared to 4, but I can sink more enemies with 4, meaning I take less damage, get my quests done faster, get a better score and thus save time on fatigue, repairs and shuffling subs around.

>> No.14312924

2 subs for maximum efficiency. B-rank everything and spend the very minimum.

>> No.14312933

3 kai'd subs for Orel.

>> No.14312943


>> No.14312955

4DD 2-2.

>> No.14312973
File: 261 KB, 633x297, KanColle-151104-17232349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on here?

>> No.14312982

>get a better score

>> No.14312991

Armoured CV + 1SS 2-2

>> No.14312992

>feeding EXP to overleveled ships

>> No.14313002

7:30am JST

>> No.14313240

I want to have hot steamy sex with Amatsukaze!

>> No.14313246

I want her to drop

>> No.14313277
File: 260 KB, 800x800, 73716a47d8402479cd7bd9af0925ba4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 months later and still no sign of her existence. Who is your most elusive drop, TTK?

>> No.14313283

I'll never have Yamato.

>> No.14313293

Hatsukaze. I firmly believe that getting her is impossible.

>> No.14313296

Her or Taigei. Definitely Taigei. Asagumo is up there too, and I can't get Taihou for the life of me.

>> No.14313299


>> No.14313302

All the drops from last event, I gave up on the memedal for nothing in the end. I least I got Asashimo the day they introduced 4-5.

>> No.14313309

Asagumo I guess. She's the last one who dropped for me during Spring and she was the last one I was missing at the time. New summer drops were all gotten during the event. Outside of that, I'm only missing Taihou.

>> No.14313319


But that's ok, because she doesn't exist. She's just a ghost story.

>> No.14313333

Taihou, 4 Akitsu Maru and countless CV(L) so far.

>> No.14313337

Funny, she was my first ever trophy DD.

>> No.14313339

I will never get Taihou or I-401.

>> No.14313341

Will Sakawa drop this event?

I just want to get a girl who unconditionally loves me even though I'm a fucking loser.

>> No.14313344

I had a chance of getting the yankee after getting Umikaze, but I got scared of passing through those night battle again. Oh the regret.

>> No.14313349

I got her in 1 or 2 runs. That is after I cleared the last event. I didn't get to farm for Akitsumaru or Roma because of the last map.

>> No.14313350

Same, I was hoping she'd finally show up while waiting for Umikaze but no. Maybe on the 3rd event I'll finally get her.

>> No.14313356
File: 754 KB, 2149x3035, 4408737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14313358

Yeah I don't have World 6 unlocked.

>> No.14313366

Bismarck. And Yahagi.

Get to work.

>> No.14313379


>> No.14313385

>got urakaze from an event e1 when i first started
>scrap her

>> No.14313387

What is farming 6-2 like? From what I can tell it'll be difficult. I finished 6-1 weeks ago but haven't sortied to 6-2 yet, and I'm wondering about my event farming priority.

>> No.14313388
File: 955 KB, 850x1200, 48840506_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14313398

She's super common anon, you'll be fine.

>> No.14313399

Uwahh 6-1 monthly is a pain in the ass

>> No.14313401

>doing the worst monthly
>literally no screws

>> No.14313403

That's why you're not supposed to do it.

>> No.14313412
File: 209 KB, 599x618, CNgR-p7UcAABoGV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14313445
File: 878 KB, 744x1036, 48765513_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lewding the pyon
Such people shouldnt be allowed to breath.

>> No.14313448

What you posted is from the same artist.

>> No.14313453
File: 309 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151104-17401101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always nice seeing different max leveled shipfus.

>> No.14313454

This one is Hirose Meguca tough.

>> No.14313479


>> No.14313490

You're fucked. This event might require Asashimo.

>> No.14313500
File: 1.80 MB, 4099x5924, 4c714e463d59db6dd4c1313a2ea530fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never ever.

>> No.14313507

Yeah, just like they require you to bring Kikuzuki, amirite?

>> No.14313512

All the kusos farming for her like mad for E fucking 1 really tickled my e-peen.

>> No.14313516

There will always be alternative routing options for a ship that hard to obtain.

>> No.14313525

Alright time to see how many mansluts are here
post ur number of ringed girls

>> No.14313531

2 with plans for 4 more.

>> No.14313533


I don't ring any girl because they are all equal in my eyes. You wouldn't want to work for a boss who plays favorites.

>> No.14313534

5, I don't see it increasing any time soon.

>> No.14313537

That's gay.

>> No.14313540
File: 1.91 MB, 1110x1553, 45847402_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14313543


>> No.14313547

How do you keep up the semen supply?

>> No.14313549
File: 31 KB, 300x300, pGNC1-18610761t300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14313552

I've never had those but I've always imagined they taste awful

>> No.14313557

Oh man, it finally got translated after some months, best dragon.

>> No.14313558

Event will decide if another one joins. There are already two at 99 and few other candidates.

>> No.14313561


>> No.14313562

1. Buying that extra ring was a waste of points. I don't want to use it for someone else but I feel like I have to.

>> No.14313568
File: 209 KB, 607x800, uryu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also disgusting harem shitter, but If fluffy dragon is one of them then its fine.

>> No.14313570

Use it on another copy of your 1st one.

>> No.14313572

You can be one of those people that marry the same girl multiple times.

>> No.14313573

Jesus. Are you ranking?

>> No.14313577

12 enough for a combined fleet.

>> No.14313578
File: 318 KB, 953x886, 45739330_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cloudy funbags to remain relevant

Oh no no, this one tastes amazing, next to syntha-6 chocolate milkshake. They really do taste like milkshakes, especially when mixed with milk

Avoid dymatize if it's taste you're concerned about. They're excellent stuff in price-to-protein, but most flavors taste like absolute chalk dust

>> No.14313579

Noone would marry 36 subs, anon.

>> No.14313580
File: 42 KB, 448x67, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't even touched this. It's complicated.
I had a dream in which Atago rejected me.
Nagato has been with me for 2 years and helped me get throught a lot (She's my ID 64 even).
Bismarck was my first LSC on my first try with her recipe and I like her a lot.
I'll stay as the dense MC.

>> No.14313583

Marry Atago, Nagato and Bismarck then. Problem solved.

>> No.14313584

Nice,didn't think about that.

>> No.14313589

I meant going north.

>> No.14313595

Disgusting duplicates.

>> No.14313596

In this order. I was practicing monogamy for the longest time about 1.5years until recently.

>> No.14313604

Poor Taihou, monogamy dropped for Abu.

>> No.14313605

5, too bad the carriers are all shit. I could really need 2 for 5-4.

>> No.14313613

Marry Kaga and her lover of choice. Or Unryuus if you want them just for 5-4.

>> No.14313617

Can't, no job no money. You have no idea of how many rare ships I have scrapped due to lack of slots.


I live in a third world shithole, even if I worked I would earn 20$ at best, monthly.
And don't make me get started on how many loops and black market deals I would have to go throught just to get the currency traded into USD.

I had rather stay NEET, yeah.

>> No.14313624

>$20 at best, monthly

I don't think any country on earth have people whose yearly income is $240

>> No.14313632

I don't like Unryuu class enough to marry them, none of the carriers seem appealing. They are so boring besides Chitose, I like her voice.

>> No.14313636

How do you even get internet Africa bro?

>> No.14313638

It is alright, 3 girls is still halal

>> No.14313645

I'm sure you'll say 6 is still halal when you ring 6 girls.

>> No.14313650

Now you know.

>> No.14313651

Are we talking to Mohammed?

>> No.14313661
File: 387 KB, 516x900, CSAdDHnUkAAT_At.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so declaring holy war on you for that

>> No.14313663

why are you posting a blank picture?

>> No.14313689
File: 77 KB, 707x1000, 49743135_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will fix you

>> No.14313696
File: 58 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151104-20564020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange but I'll take it.

>> No.14313697

i still see nothing

>> No.14313713

Ro a super cute.

>> No.14313802
File: 223 KB, 500x625, 53326056_p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe next event.

>> No.14313807

If I had to pick one ship and one ship only to be my daughteru I would pick chompy

>> No.14313813
File: 388 KB, 800x697, 1445914233901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14313817

But why does she have a tie instead of a bow? This bothers me more than it should.

>> No.14313825

Maybe some obscure detail about the ship no one knows about except Japanese enthusiasts?

>> No.14313904


>> No.14313910

You're gonna be really lonely if everyone leaves anon.

>> No.14313914

I agree. Everyone should leave so I can love chompy by myself in peace

>> No.14313924

I'am already lonely NEET.

>> No.14313944
File: 318 KB, 480x480, deepmeantsuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fall event based around Kolombangara islands
predictions anyone?

>> No.14313973

I want Abyssal Jintsuu to rape me.

>> No.14313977

2 light fleet
2 CF
1 wild card

Everyone got this event in the bag already.

>> No.14313990

Not corrupted enough. More like american Jintsuu.

>> No.14313996

I don't have Mikazuki or Hamakaze, have no intention of using Yukikaze, don't really care about Jintsuu.
Hopefully the branching will be on third map so I can use Satsuki.

>> No.14313998
File: 69 KB, 443x132, KanColle-151105-11221664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14314005

Kitakami and Ooi

>> No.14314012

Waiting forever to ring Enterprise first.

>> No.14314022
File: 1.55 MB, 512x288, 1415356038342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14314031
File: 112 KB, 599x830, 1446222318612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never ever.

>> No.14314033

>Waiting forever for an ugly ship

>> No.14314054

Yeah. Many ships in my fleet start to reach 99 but I can't move on. I don't know even know why.

>> No.14314065

Whitu piggu's boat isn't allow

>> No.14314077
File: 29 KB, 240x148, Screenshot_27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fucking retard.

>> No.14314079

11, at least 5 more planned.

>> No.14314084
File: 246 KB, 1446x962, 8e4d6e1163748509870f2a5aa2d798f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shigure a cute

>> No.14314094
File: 601 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151105-04445867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the idiot who said to use 6DD?

>> No.14314098

I didn't listen to him when he suggested that, why did you?

>> No.14314100

Why would anyone say that? And why would anyone listen to him?

>> No.14314107
File: 119 KB, 458x441, Laughingkuso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fall for cherry pick image

>> No.14314111

All my important ships are well above lv90 so I wanted to train up DDs. Sometimes I just wonder if there's a point in bringing Hotels to lv99.

>> No.14314128

buying extra slots is so dam expensive

>> No.14314129

Well I get what are you trying to say, but 6 destroyers was too much, you need to balance it out somehow, add some cruisers or something, if you are in doubt to what to do, remember the main mechanic of the game and who made it.

>> No.14314135

The last map will force us to use a light fleet and it's going to be horrible, AA Hime and 2 Oni BB escorting her.

>> No.14314138

Why not? They all got their exp.

>> No.14314153

Sounds like 6-3 on steroids.

>> No.14314163

You dumb.
You know damm well you need to sink 4boats to get A rank.
You aren't going to make it against a double attacking fleet filled with BB and cruisers.
At least bring 1token reppuu mule(Soryuu farm is a good choice here), 1BB and 4feeders. With this, your flagship should take out 2boats during the shelling phase and you pray you can sink 2more during yasen.

>> No.14314219
File: 383 KB, 900x1357, shigure 53330892_p7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cutest

>> No.14314307

Should I hurry up and rush 4-5?

>> No.14314320

You should have 20+ medals after all remodels, no need to even do 4-5.

>> No.14314327

Why do you need our validation to do your own thing, you indecisive faggot.

>> No.14314339

You have 13 days

>> No.14314372

I cleared it as soon as possible so I could sit back and just send expeditions the whole day and the minimum Orel for the dailies.

>> No.14314421

Not him, and I do have that amount, but recently I thought that 4-5 and even maybe 5-5 couldn't hurt to do if you got the resources to spare, for the medals can be traded for screws. Just doing 1-5 to 3-5 don't give me enough medals to feel safe about using some for stuff other than blueprints, especially when I want dupes BP K2.

>> No.14314424

Upgrades are placebo, no need to waste resources on screws.

>> No.14314431

While we're on BPs, should I k2 Tone if I already did for Chikuma? Does one need both of them?

>> No.14314436

Eventually yes, but it depends on who else you can give this BP to.

Of course, and event is months away and 50k will be enough and wwwwwwwwww, right?

>> No.14314442

Resources are a placebo.

>> No.14314455

I've so far BPed Unryuu, Chikuma and Choukai and am sitting pretty at 15 medals.

>> No.14314467

And who isn't K2ed yet but could be in time for the event? If possible, cranes, Abukuma and maybe a Fushit could be nice choices.

>> No.14314490

What would Houshou kai2 be like? Her combat stats will be crap no matter what so she might have some secondary purpose.

>> No.14314498

She will level planes' ranks five times faster and get a fourth slot.

>> No.14314513
File: 1.77 MB, 1425x2015, 41866901_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right I forgot, abkm too.

Probably will use the next on Yamashiri and maybe one of the spaghettis or Katsuragi.

I used to speculate she would be used for plane upgrading but I guess that's moot now.

I don't care if her stats are crap, a slight art update would be dandy.

>> No.14314530
File: 222 KB, 800x1632, Fast_Suck_oversupplying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if she remodelled into a resupply ship as a kuso alternative to speedsuck?

>> No.14314553
File: 634 KB, 815x581, 1234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14314567

>stockpiling this early

>> No.14314573

2, Bismarck and Yamato

>> No.14314599

That same bar just popped for me as well.

>> No.14314610

Friends system is finally here.

>> No.14314616

Same thing is happening to me, I thought it's a bug from KCV.

>> No.14314630

It just popped up for me from direct DMM page, although I don't know how to make it pop up again

>> No.14314642

I don't get it, this didn't happen to me.

>> No.14314659
File: 137 KB, 795x479, umm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else get this bar to pop up?

>> No.14314673

Learn to read and/or scroll up.

>> No.14314679
File: 326 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151105-00104562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother.

>> No.14314681

They're different bars.

>> No.14314691
File: 292 KB, 650x330, duh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11k sorties
>834 pvp matchs

>> No.14314726
File: 21 KB, 344x63, ratio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats wrong with that? Isn't it normal to have around 15:1 sortie/pvp ratio?

>> No.14314737
File: 20 KB, 358x193, stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using bloatware

You guys spamming 1-1?

>> No.14314749

>perpetuating horseshit
Fox News just called. They want you to take O'Reilley's job.

>> No.14314750

maybe they actually play the game

>> No.14314767

It happened again. What the hell I started the game today and my first and second fleet were renamed 第4艦隊 for no fucking reason. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.14314768
File: 24 KB, 361x188, I don't slaveshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys spamming 1-1?
A bit

>> No.14314775

With that ratio, 10 pvp battles equates to 150 nodes a day

50 sorties a day just isn't doable for people like me anymore, I guess

>> No.14314777

Wo is trying to sabotage you.

>> No.14314780

Use a better tool.

>> No.14314791
File: 39 KB, 600x600, ishygddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need a tool to playing webgame
What are you? a six years old baby?

>> No.14314792
File: 1.35 MB, 600x1691, failure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Shitty Game.

>> No.14314793

I only play for memedals. Ranking is for people with autism.

>> No.14314799

Yeah, it's called RNG. There was no need to make that image.

>> No.14314806

Be happy your poltergeist doesn't start sinking your girls.

>> No.14314808

It will fit the bullshit rng collage beautifully.

>> No.14314815

The ones that get the boss to single digit HP are hilarious.

>> No.14314820 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1638x2103, 1446706560482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making the images helps to relieve the frustration of your failures.

>> No.14314822
File: 590 KB, 800x480, Cleared it the next attempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this one?

>> No.14314829


>> No.14314834
File: 67 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151031-12004485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

git gud

>> No.14314837

What the fuck are you trying to accomplish memester? I see you shitting on KCV all day for no fucking reason. Nobody is impressed that you play it on the webpage. It's stupid and retarded in fact. Enjoy missing all your expeditions and never knowing when your morale is up.

>> No.14314843

RNG fucked me in the ass as well this month on 4-5. It's funny how RNG works.

>> No.14314849
File: 493 KB, 1600x960, 4-5 it easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using not1 but actually 5cum guzzling battleshits
You only have yourself to blame.

>> No.14314854

Did you even sparkle?

>> No.14314855

It's definitely not that someone has my account. First fleet got renamed again while I had the game open.

>> No.14314859

Yes. Sparkling is a lie.

>> No.14314861

This was the very first time I actually sparkled my entire fleet outside of PvP.

>> No.14314863

Are you using API?

>> No.14314864

The devs are already warning us on twitter to have a lot of DDs ready.

>> No.14314872

Nope. KCV gakada fork. Logged in directly.

>> No.14314874

Serves you right.

>> No.14314878

>have two digit IQ
Use your brain, retarded

>> No.14314880

Are you using fleet templates? The name gets saved and applied to any fleet you load it into.

>> No.14314886

3-5 is making me sparkle my fleet but even 85 morale ships are eating taiha.

>> No.14314888

Indeed. I got Yamato, Musashi, Taihou, and Bismarck almost exactly one LSC after the other. This is divine intervention.

>> No.14314892

FUCK that's exactly it! Holy fuck thank you.

>> No.14314893

Jintsuu, Satsuki and Yukikaze are all 90+.
Hamakaze and Mikazuki are both 80+.
I am ready to steamroll this event. Already got 2 T4 sonar ready just in case of SS Hime.

>> No.14314894

How will you feel when the new foreign ship will be revealed to be Vittorio Veneto?
>new German ships never

>> No.14314896

Do you think 11 leveled DD's will be enough?

>> No.14314902
File: 168 KB, 666x468, dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.14314907

Tanaka promised two foreign nations this year. Are you calling Tanaka a liar?

>> No.14314908

I have 13 and I'm planning on a full Hard clear.

>> No.14314909


>> No.14314912

You have none of DD required for historical branching except for Yukikaze.

>> No.14314913

>only 5 DDs above level 50
am I fucked?

>> No.14314915


>> No.14314918

The people who neglected to level DDs are finally going to suffer. What a time to be alive.

>> No.14314919

Anyone who has been using the same girls for expeditions should have plenty of spare DDs unless all your expedition mules are mutsukis.

>> No.14314921

I have 17 DDs above 70, am I fucked?

>> No.14314925

Don't we say this about 3-2?

>> No.14314928
File: 50 KB, 1097x453, sandstorm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucked over for not having enough DDs now.


Excluding Mutsukis, I have about 12-16 DDs that could make it. I think.

>> No.14314934

Wait are we going to need to have many CL too? Because I only have 6 that are leveled and one of them is Yuubari.

>> No.14314938

1 for combined fleet, Jintsuu, and maybe 2-3 more.

>> No.14314941
File: 333 KB, 500x602, I'm cum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have 40+ slut DDs above 80+ just from expedition

>> No.14314944

Relax guys. You know how easy it is to train CL/DD? I got one to 80 in a day. Cost is negligible too.

>> No.14314946

At least Satsuki and Mikazuki can be used for historical routing I guess. The only other DDs in-game that participated are Yukikaze and Hamakaze right?

>> No.14314965


Sure, she would be a drop-only in the last map.

>> No.14314972
File: 724 KB, 890x460, 1446386523231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry too much about it

The title of the operation itself is usually some middle of the pack map in the event

Final map is always some combination of old hag BBs and pre-boss old hag CVs

>> No.14314974
File: 124 KB, 698x384, Akashi red text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone care to help a kuso out with this error?

>> No.14314980

Marry Akashi. That unlocks the upgrade.

>> No.14314981

Scrap your Type 94 max to upgrade it.

>> No.14314984

Unlock it you little shit.

>> No.14314986

Unlock the equipment.
You don't have the equipment to consume.
Kill yourself.
Unlock the consumable equipment

One of those should to do the trick

>> No.14314992

Don't forget learn runes.

>> No.14315031

4-5 is literally a meme

>> No.14315034

So Zuikaku kai ni A is actually called Zuikaku kai ni Hard?
Is this what the wikiatards who keep calling 甲 "hard" actually think?

>> No.14315039

Sort of ironic how labeling things as memes is literally a meme. And when I say literally, I actually mean it, unlike your idiotic post.

Obligatory baka senpai. Really like the filters. Wish ayy lmao would be filtered too.

>> No.14315044

They're not wrong you imbecile. Kanji have hundreds of meanings so it can be Kai Ni Hard depending on how you read it

>> No.14315046

It's called the A Class medal, but they associate it with the difficulty for some reason.

>> No.14315052

ayy lamo

>> No.14315058

They should know what it stands for since we've had Type A Kohyoteki for a while.
But they don't.
Or they just don't care.

>> No.14315065

I leveled up my CVB by bullying chompy a lot. It took so long, it sure was 甲

>> No.14315073

It's probably because you put too many Repu and not enough Ryusei

>> No.14315076

inb4 amerifats

>> No.14315080
File: 391 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151105-02031773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I've seen a married Hatsukaze before. I always believed people forgot about her.

>> No.14315093

Nice surprise boxes.

>> No.14315096


I can never forget about her, she's my only missing Kagerou.

>> No.14315105

It's completely not and never has been, how does anyone get this wrong? The locations and events are from the Pacific Front, sure, but the abyssal are just that.

>> No.14315115

Stay mad alliesfag. Long live Axis.

>> No.14315124

I don't care if we don't get Allied ships, but that's not the point I was making. I just mean the Abyssal ships have shown no allegiances to anyone but themselves, and the recurring themes in their designs have nothing to do with the Allies. That's before mentioning that several of the Abyssal are based on or totally are IJN ships.

The shipgirls clearly have a non-political enemy, like in Strike Witches.

>> No.14315144

Stay. Mad. Alliesfag.

>> No.14315152
File: 487 KB, 600x849, 51262523_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did somebody say Allies ship? Because there's already one in-game.

>> No.14315160

Do you guys really need to taint everything with the stench of burgers?

>> No.14315164

You okay bud? You're starting to stammer uncontrollably.

>> No.14315166

I'll taint you with the stench of my cock prettyboi

>> No.14315173
File: 237 KB, 971x1283, 77a107115bd9fd5df5c5ce83ab2cd04e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more spaghetti instead.

>> No.14315194

Fuck amerifats ruined everything

>> No.14315195

Just like Nagato is an allied ship, amirite?

>> No.14315210
File: 40 KB, 550x375, 1403808811263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>a ship built by an allied nation that served during the war isn't an allied ship

>> No.14315221

Prinz was commissioned into the USN, too.

>> No.14315231

Enterprise when?
What better way to illustrate Japan stronk by having the most iconic USA ship to serve and suck the nips TTK dick?

>> No.14315241


>> No.14315250
File: 37 KB, 198x223, 1390507659921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a colleague who has ~300k resources yet too scared to do all-hard.
He also doesn't want to do Bisko LSC or even min LSC. The paranoia is astounding.

>> No.14315255

Jesus Christ where do all these scaredy cats come from. With that wikiafag's resources I could clear summer 2015 on hard like twice over, never mind 300k.

>> No.14315256

Whats the point of having all those resources if you're not going to do anything with them.

>> No.14315259

All-甲, you mean.

>> No.14315265

whats the point of getting memedals if they serve no purpose? the same could be said about a lot of things

>> No.14315266

Yeah, this. Not like Summer cost me 200k or anything. Definitely not.

>> No.14315269

What's the point of playing with Shipgirls if I can't even marry them in real life.

>> No.14315270
File: 19 KB, 800x343, 1446716455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If using KCV: add


to User Style Sheet.

>> No.14315271

Nice false analogy.
Nice crossie.

>> No.14315277

They're proof of your status as a superior admiral.

>> No.14315281

I am new to the game, why is Nagato such a popular ship?

Looking at her stats she is pretty mediocre if not straight up bad.

Yet I constantly see her in PvP when I fight those lv80+ fleets and she has a truckload of fanart.

>> No.14315283


She was the strongest ship in the game in the beginning you know.

>> No.14315287

mediocre compared to what? where do those retards come from

>> No.14315307

>whats the point of getting memedals if they serve no purpose?
>serve no purpose
You can't buy /jp/ street cred. 3 A Class medals is the proof of being a tru /jp/ member.

>> No.14315343
File: 306 KB, 666x320, Screenshot_28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kai Ni Kou

>> No.14315348

The idiot is in front of your monitor because I said 6DD against CARRIERS. Serves you right, double attack easily fucks up light fleets.

Also, git gud.

>> No.14315362
File: 590 KB, 1024x1365, day_kamo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose he's too scared to get into a situation where he would only have soft cap resources to clear the last map, which is theoretically impossible. Any advice on how to utilize his resources better had fallen on deaf ears.

Meanwhile in another end, I also have a colleague who had just blow his stockpiled resources for 4x Taihou LSC. The problem is, he only has 1-2 hours of playtime per day and already has trouble stockpiling. I hope he'd be able to clear the upcoming event.

K2A is better.

>> No.14315384

Where do you work where you have not one, but two colleagues who play an untranslated Japanese browser game?

Tell your friend that forgoing natural regen is a massive loss of free resources. 1440 of each rsc per day for doing nothing at all.

>> No.14315385

Anyone who says they don't have enough time for stockpiling is full of shit.
It's so simple to install Teamviewer, and just resend all fleets every 3 hours on your phone (21,37,38)

>> No.14315393

is there a notification plugin that works on Windows 10 yet? current one gives me a notification in the tray but no overlay and no sound

>> No.14315411


Not everyone can have this magical thing called mobile data.

>> No.14315417

2hours is more than enough for doing 10pvp matches and then resending ex37 and ex38 every 3 hours. As long as you have access to a computer while at work you can easily end up having 300k stockpiled for every event

>> No.14315428

About to remodel my Bismarck into Drei, what to expect?

>> No.14315429


>> No.14315437
File: 578 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151105-21574775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14315441


Don't celebrate too early kid.

>> No.14315447


Yeah she's super cute.
The drei art looks good.

>> No.14315451

It's not even her final form.

>> No.14315455

It was a day clear in hankousen. RNG has been a real bitch this month.

>> No.14315471

Grabacr07 4.1.5 is out

>> No.14315538

You have to manually activate it in the windows settings I think.

>> No.14315571

Does the rank you win a battle with have an effect on the dropchance of ships? So is winning with an S rank more likely to drop a ship than winning with an A rank?

>> No.14315573

Yes. S rank also increases chance for rare drop or is the only way to get a rare drop.

>> No.14315592

Pretty sure quest A57 doesn't need A50. I did A50 and B51 without having choukai kai ni for A57.

>> No.14315618


Does the dropchance also increase when you have few ships? When I started the game every node I cleared dropped a ship, now that I am hovering between 90-100 all of the time there seem to be a lot less drops.

>> No.14315621

4.1.5 does not fix this (however it provides an easy way to edit custom CSS, which helps).

>> No.14315623

I don't think so. It's probably because you aren't visiting boss nodes as much - those are the only ones with guaranteed drop at S rank.

>> No.14315634

Every adult can.

>> No.14315681

Why are all the ships complaining about the admiral touching their equipment when you set them as a secretary?

Is he molesting his ships that much?

>> No.14315700

Oh anon.

>> No.14315706

>Being a delusional yurifag
kill yourself.

>> No.14315712


>> No.14315714
File: 13 KB, 728x448, 7e0de733e4a1ada0eb0fcc7b8be41fc3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you use gakada fork
open KanColleViewer.exe.config
enter this code

>> No.14315729

What does it do?

>> No.14315737

I think he meant the guy doesn't even realise he is the one doing the touching.
And then he was the demons

>> No.14315758
File: 3 KB, 493x157, badtime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I was determined.

>> No.14315774


I happen to be one of those adults and I think it's a pain in the ass to whip your goddamn thumb a million times to reach one end of the window.

I spent 3gb once using teamviewer

>> No.14315811
File: 641 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151105-15363647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh. First try. At least I got Mutsu.

>> No.14315834

I finished a simple damage calculator, since one anon (>>14308283) from previous thread was interested in it, I'm sharing source code and executable file. Features:
- shelling and torpedo damage in day battle (excluding bombing and artillery spotting),
- night battle damage calculation,
- ASW calculations (excluding aircraft proficiency since I can't find reliable info).

It was just an exercise since I'm an amateur, but maybe someone would like to use it. It's probably still bugged so feel free to point out anything I've fucked up. I tried to make it as idiot-friendly as possible. I do not plan to develop it further, but if I improve it, I can share results again.

Download link (folder should contain 2 files - .pl and .exe):

>> No.14315848

Trying it now, seems nice and easy but a bit long to fill. I think you could add an option when you define the equipments in each slot to be "same as previous slot", that might save some time.

>> No.14315852

Yeah, maybe I'll add it sometime.

>> No.14315858

I always wondered, I know the current damage formula assume the RNG part to be "Enemy armor x (random number between 2/3 and 4/3". But do we know what distribution this roll follows ? Normal, equiprobabilistic, .. ?

>> No.14315876

From experience I would assume it's linear. Maybe slightly skewed toward middle values.

>> No.14315897
File: 731 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151105-16355843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. 2-2.
Maybe I'll keep her this time, after all she's speculated to provide better routing.

>> No.14315906

>The locations and events are from the Pacific Front,

Ecactly. The theme is axis vs allies during the pacific war. Abyssals has played the role of the allied forces so far in this game. Obviously there is no current allegiances though, I don't know why you would even bring that up. But then again you also seem convinced that they are in fact IJN ships.

>> No.14315919

Abyssals are obviously burgers but there are also spirits of IJN ships and things that never existed among them. I don't know what's so hard to understand about it.

>> No.14315930

>after all she's speculated to provide better routing
You know what's worse than statsfags? People who use ships and then dump them after the event. It was disgusting when people were rushing to get Kikuzuki and sending her to fight at level 1.

>> No.14315932
File: 7 KB, 202x151, 1388875976034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. not-Mizuho and Antiducky are clearly Allied, anon. Why would anyone think otherwise?

>> No.14315938

I had Kikuzuki and didn't even use her, it's fucking E-1.

>> No.14315943
File: 193 KB, 850x680, kikuzuki summer vacation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun times.

>> No.14315947

Please don't post this weird indo TTK monstrosity.

>> No.14315950
File: 80 KB, 342x118, kikuzuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14315952

What exactly is the purpose of depth charge?

Are they not just worse SONAR?

>> No.14315965

For the sonar + depth charge combo.

>> No.14315966

What am I supposed to do if I don't like her that much? Maybe she'll perform well and earn my respect? She definitely has a chance because I like her two sisters a lot.

>> No.14315970

With no upgrades:
3 SONAR = 12*3 = 36
2 SONAR + 1 DC = (12*2+8)*1.15 = 36.8

>> No.14315984

With no upgrades:
3 SONAR = 14*3 = 42
2 SONAR + 1 DC = (14*2+8)*1.15 = 41.4

>> No.14315989

Where did you get those 14 ASW sonars?

>> No.14315993

From Russia with love.

>> No.14315999

Thanks Bep

>> No.14316000

>have 14 ASW sonars
>don't have 10 ASW depth charges

>> No.14316008

>exp slut
Same thing

>> No.14316009

more like 3*10 = 30, (2*10+8)*1.15 = 32.2

>> No.14316010

You should have at least one T4 from the fish event.

>> No.14316021

>unironically using the term "expedition slut"
>treating expedition girls like subhumans
>not treating expedition girls like valuable, hardworking and dedicated part of your fleet

Scum detected.

>> No.14316023

you should have 3

>> No.14316026

I'm trying to be considerate of new TTK.
While we're at that, do you think it's worth it to get another T4 or should I continue getting my three Bisko guns and three OTO to +9?

>> No.14316030

Yeah, only subs deserve to be treated like subhumans. They're just boats.

>> No.14316034

ASW is such a finely tuned mechanic that it needs to be statwhored. Just throw ASW equipment at your ships and see what sticks. Hint: it all does.

>> No.14316037

>Three bisko guns
How? Was it possible to have an odd number of them?

>> No.14316040

They are trashy ships, too shit to fight real battles, only good for carrying drums around. Expeditions are in themselves a valuable contribution but the ships that make them up are not worthy of respect, they are just completely replaceable ships, none of which will ever do anything to distinguish themselves among the rest, or anything special that makes her unique. Anyone that can survive 1-1 with the help of disposable drops and meets the bare minimum level requirements can do it.

>> No.14316041

The first three forms of Bisko have a normal 38cm each and Drei has two 38cmKai

>> No.14316045
File: 598 KB, 804x1975, Camicia Nera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you've never even tried to sortie them. Mutsukies are strong enough to kill anything destroyer is required to fight.

>> No.14316049

oh yeah, I only considered kai versions. It's true you can upgrade 38cm to 38cm Kai, but the cost is a bit... high.

>> No.14316061

When my Bisko wasn't Drei yet I upgraded her normal gun for dailies and once it was +8 after two weeks I decided to turn it into third Kai. Should be useful with its accuracy.

>> No.14316079

>expeditions are important
>ships well-suited for expeditions aren't worth respect

I'm being baited, huh?

>> No.14316097

Cleaning the streets is important yet garbage collector isn't exactly a respectable job.

>> No.14316109

I respect garbage collectors, both as people and though their jobs. If you can't do that, the problem is you pal.

>> No.14316125
File: 258 KB, 810x980, Arditi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's your own fault for assigning very capable individual to cleaning the streets. Genius sweeping the streets is still genius no matter how you twist it and deserves respect.

>> No.14316128

I respect all garbage collectors except the ones that do my street at 9am when the roads are packed with people going to school or work.

And the ones where I used to live who only collected once every two weeks. Thanks for the rats guys.

>> No.14316134

So if you spend your days playing a browser game about managing trash collectors, who's really the loser here? Anon, you really need to think about your analogies.

>> No.14316149

I'm not that anon, but your words had an impact on me just now. Just how much time am I wasting on this virtual pointless task simulator thing?

>> No.14316157

Well personally, I do my Kancolle leveling while watching anime or in between tasks at work. If you like the game I'd advise you to try to use efficient methods because you'll get disillusioned pretty quickly off of just aimlessly grinding Kancolle all day. It is a product of our tech-savvy, multitask culture, so you have to treat it as such.

>> No.14316160

What this anon said, and events are fun. It's a good enough reason to play, in my opinion. If you do make kancolle the center of your activity, I can see how it would become boring quickly.

>> No.14316164

You really have no place here if you're worried about about wasting time doing pointless things.

>> No.14316189

So what do I do if my kusobono doesn't really hate me and does useful things during quest sortie, being lvl8? I've thoroughly ignored her and never had her on my fleet before need arose, and then this happens. I'm confused.

>> No.14316192


>> No.14316203


>> No.14316258
File: 619 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151105-19270808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't expect that.
Air strike missed, Mizuho MVP for killing Bisko.

>> No.14316364

If a one-time sortie quest has a weekly/monthly as a prerequisite, does it disappear upon the new week/month?
Will I have to unlock it again?

>> No.14316372


>> No.14316391

Do people bother sparkling for 37/38? The extra gain probably works out in the end but god it's annoying having to reapply it every few days.

>> No.14316402

2 o 3 boats

>> No.14316406
File: 7 KB, 181x63, unb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14316438

Everything, even 2 and 6 if I feel like it.

>> No.14316439
File: 46 KB, 599x668, f118b48e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's LSC no jikan

>> No.14316446
File: 397 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151105-13204863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14316478

It's the cat

>> No.14316496

Are there shipgirls you refuse to fap to? I just can't do it for Jintsuu.

>> No.14316506

Abyssal John F. Kennedy

>> No.14316518

You should sparkle for all expeditions longer than 1:29
With TE is super simple because you only have to sparkle four ships and expeditions are three hours long. Sparkling ex5 is three time more work.

>> No.14316569

Is Bismarck bad for 4-5? Bongo is better?

>> No.14316581


>> No.14316594

No, but Kirishima and the Italians are.

>> No.14316623

For this map Bismarck specialty (boosted night power) isn't needed, but she's still better than Kongo, stat wise - although more expensive.

For this map stick to the fundamental of a BB, high FP, armor and HP will do the trick. Most BB have higher stats that Kongous (save for mic-check) and are also more expensive. You have what you pay for. If you have trouble with the lesser BB, go up in tier.

>> No.14316676

How are they bad? I've cleared it with them ever since the map opened up.

>> No.14316688

I was responding to the 2nd question.

>> No.14316776

Is it bad to equip 41cm guns on Bongos because of the accuracy penalty?

>> No.14316786

Doesn't really matter outside combined missfest events.

>> No.14316791

There's no real missfest with kidou butai.

>> No.14316794

Depends on several factors, it isn't a matter of simple yes/no.

>> No.14316796

Yeah but damage calculation is the same so most of the time you don't need firepower.

>> No.14316840

Even with a married Kirishima, it still feels she misses even with upgraded 41cms.

>> No.14316859
File: 569 KB, 800x480, 1429895168249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sparkling isn't placebo. Now I can focus on stockpiling.

>> No.14316862

Based Kaga saving your resources.

>> No.14316867

No shit, you got the easy composition that barely fights back.

>> No.14316873

There really isn't much difference between Fortress and transport.

>> No.14316875

I don't think the transport being replaced with a lower hp meatball would change anything.

>> No.14316919

You can get AS+ on the double transport composition with only one CV, but only AS on double fortress.

>> No.14316946

Yeah but AS+ doesn't affect the enemy much, just denies possibility of contact.

>> No.14316956

You forgot higher chance of successful artillery spotting.

>> No.14316967

It doesn't affect firepower of Ru Kai or Wanko though. They can fight back.

>> No.14317004

What level should a statfag stop at for Abukuma? 115? 120? Or higher?

>> No.14317013

Get 50-60 luck and that's it

>> No.14317018

Won't she get rekt a lot if she's only 90-something?

>> No.14317020


>> No.14317027

You're a statsfag and don't even level to max?

>> No.14317028

Just marry for the hp and that's it

Evasion doesn't increase that much past a certain point

>> No.14317055
File: 1.38 MB, 800x959, and now stockpilecolle can begin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bongous stronk.

>> No.14317067

Good job Yamato. Truly an inspiration.

>> No.14317069

>the city of hotel

>> No.14317075

Been seeing a lot of Kazagumos in m pvp list recently and it's fucking pissing me of. Stupid drop bullshit.

>> No.14317078

Had it been anyone else, she'd have fucked my sparkles up, Yamato is my designated crit magnet.

>> No.14317080

Git gud scrub.

Just kidding I don't have her either.

>> No.14317101

You'll have a chance to get her soon, anon. Unless the devs "forget" (read: deliberately decide not to) to add her to drop tables like they did with Asashimo during the spring event.

Well, fuck you too, Asashimo. It's not like I wasted 700 buckets to get you and ultimately failed. 4-5 is a pain so farming there is out of question.

>> No.14317107

next thread >>14317106

>> No.14317109

Getting ship to ~120 takes little to no effort once you marry her. I never understood those people with ships in 101-110 range, it doesn't make sense.

>> No.14317117

Yuugumo class are the ultimate trophy ships that are somewhat pretty good.

>> No.14317122

Do you think next Yuugumo will have 51 firepower and one after her 51 firepower and 81 torpedo just to shame Ushio further?

>> No.14317138

At least Ushio has luck.

>> No.14317154

I don't really understand why trophy Kagerous have 1 less firepower.

>> No.14317158
File: 502 KB, 650x900, d1a4a82e6f83c2dc9f6d7df475ba18f5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That poor titty monster being beat by flatguumo.

>> No.14317247

They were newer, so that means they were better someway.

>> No.14317382

I heard that expedition 5 is better than 21, but why? Is it because it comes back faster and more chances to gain resources over time?

>> No.14317421

It simply gives more resources per hour.

>> No.14317432

For more detail, check out this site and play around with it, it's quite intuitive:

>> No.14317440


>> No.14317470

Can you get 100% great success with just 5 sparkled with ex5?

>> No.14317476

You can't get 100% great success on non-drum expeditions ever.

>> No.14317482

Even 6 sparkled ships wont give you 100%

>> No.14317483

No, I failed it before and it was annoying. I even failed with all 6 sparkled before.

>> No.14317486

Nope, you need six for 100% rate. If you're thinking about sparkling Akitsu Maru, I like two OTO and engine. CLs are cheap, Maruyu can be done in PvP.

>> No.14317515

Will hiryuu ever love me as much as tamon maru

>> No.14317565

Are Abyssal Floating Fortresses supposed to represent the B-29?

>> No.14317571
File: 134 KB, 798x478, just one more time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so the real fun begins

Since 5BB 1CV went so terribly last month that it drove me to shitpost, should I just try final kill with the same fleet as pre-final? With different plane set-up of course.

>> No.14317577

5BB1CV is the best, but you HAVE to sparkle. It isn't optional.

>> No.14317580

I never sparkle and clear it fine.

>> No.14317585

Sure. Just change one Reppuu to torpedo bomber and you're set. no difference en route, boss fight is pretty much about Ru Kai not fucking you up. If you deal with her, easy S rank. If not, try again.

>> No.14317589

Go for it. It's the best comp since aircraft proficiency was added. Worked for me last month and this month.

>> No.14317617

>is pretty much about Ru Kai not fucking you up
I don't know, Wanko fucks me up pretty damn bad. In fact I don't think I've ever seen her miss me.

>> No.14317653

Wanko is just something you deal with, you (most likely) won't kill her in day anyway. Ru Kai is a bitch because Sanshiki doesn't work on her and she has good evasion.

>> No.14317670

I've been waiting for something like this, looks really useful.

>> No.14317712

New thread >>14317664 with 12 days left for the event.

>> No.14317797

Just cosplay as him or beat her up.

>> No.14317865

Pretty much depending on levels. 130+ fleet has no problem getting 5/5 or 5/6.

>> No.14317899

This might be related in the future, but has anyone bought points from DMM using their credit card lately? (like the past week).

I know dmm.co.jp is the adult version of dmm.com but it seems like I no longer able purchase their digital magazine anymore, and when I used VPN, they rejected my CC.

I haven't tried buying points from either site with my CC though.

>> No.14317909

I bought slots last week, worked okay.

>> No.14317913

I bought some DMM funbucks with my card just a few hours ago, no problem.

>> No.14317928

If it doesn't work, use its R18 site or Rakuten.

>> No.14317936

Maybe your card's locked? I get mine locked sometimes after buying stuff from overseas.

>> No.14317948

I see, thanks. I guess I'll try buying points to buy the magazine.

See, ignoring the fact that my OCD wants me to have all the magazines on 1 site. I can't even get it from R18 cause the magazine I buy, Comic Magnum (DMM's digital magazine), is 4 volumes behind on R18.

I'm not sure, I got to see but I have been buying from them every month. Oddly enough, when I tried "replacing/updating" my CC info on the site using VPN, it doesn't allow me to but when I do it using the English version of DMM, it lets me. (This was on the .co.jp version by the way)

>> No.14317983

>Hyper Abukuma

>> No.14317984

>07-Oct-2015 05-Oct-2015 DMM TOKYO JP ¥500.00
Did it last month on my AMEX with no issues. They even force me to reregister my card after 1year of inactivity.

>> No.14317988

Ooi is Hyper. Abukuma is Mega.

>> No.14318019

Poor Kiso, she doesn't even get a nickname.

>> No.14318033

You just change one letter and it reflects her usual performance.

Fuck this gay earth, with this voice and design she should be the strongest ship in the game

>> No.14318035


>> No.14318040
File: 765 KB, 823x1162, c5a1adf59dcd5da0dcc051bea222a390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's Tenryuu tier for being a chuuni.

>> No.14318042

Where is the time when everyone called her Captain Kiso?

>> No.14318070

Yes, captain kuso, minamitsu ripoff etc

>> No.14318112

Pls no bully the CLT. Tanaka already bullies them enough by locking them out of event last maps.

>> No.14318115

Ok, so an update.

I decided to buy points with my CC from dmm.co.jp, it still works and I can still buy the magazine with the newly purchased points. It seems like they blocked foreign CC for purchasing certain items (I guess ones they want you to buy from R18 instead?)

On another note, this could affect the future of buying points with CC however, as DMM might see this as a loophole and block purchasing points with CC unless this only applies to their .co.jp site and not the .com

>> No.14318117

Captain Harlock is better.

>> No.14318124

What again is the 5-1 DD levelling method?

>> No.14318170

That place is shit to level DDs. I prefer one by one on 4-3 or 5-4.

>> No.14318292

How long does it take to level a DD from around 30 to 70 usually?

>> No.14318304
File: 134 KB, 800x479, ill take it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, this month the final kill only took one run. All in all 6 runs to clear the map. I did the chipping runs with 3 CA 1 BB 2 CV.

I'm almost disappointed that I didn't get to make a huge shitpost collage again

>> No.14318310

Probably 2 days on 5-4.

>> No.14318321

I don't know any useful measurements, but I can tell you that if you no life it you can do it in a day in 4-3. I did that with Ayanami.

When I take my time with it, it generally takes me 3 days at 4-3. First day I get her to 40-45. Second day she gets to 60. Last day she gets to 70.

>> No.14318349

So with resource consumption in mind, I guess I could level maybe three more DDs. Any suggestions?
